#it’s not a deal breaker some do it soooo well
shallowrambles · 1 month
anon, the short answer is…not really. my block style is mostly merciful, i think. i’m also gifted with the ability to forget the faces and usernames of even users i DO like, so i rarely remember who i blocked after a certain point.
one thing i do despise when ppl reblog you en masse with walls of text, cluttering your feed, then delete their responses before you can reply, or act as if as if passive aggressiveness can be erased by signing everything with “<3.” i favor directness, and that is…the opposite.
but in that case too i see the person is usually troubled…and usually literally also torturing themselves w my blog and i feel like i’m doing them a huge favor by blocking. they get to save their energy!
#asks#sam fans and benny fans seem the most…troubled#sam fans do tend to be direct tho i’ll give them that#cas fans strike hard and fast#then leave you alone and do their own thing which seems…healthy#dean fans have the most gorgeous of the rose colored glasses#esp when it comes to hunting#gabriel fans and jack fans are my faves#chuck fans tend to be hall of fame for me#personally#dean fans are sometimes chill but like w sam fans if they have a chronic illness aesthetic i get wary#deans illnesses and emotions can get romanticized#and sometimes it rubs me wrong#it’s not a deal breaker some do it soooo well#dean doesn’t get a pass on his behavior just because his emotions and lack of self worth are tragi-beautiful#but that’s most my issue with illness aesthetics in general#i think the worst of the sam fans fall into the same trap#i also vibe hard w rowena and crowley fans#dean’s behaviors are always understandable but not always good#this is why many dean fans cannot engage w later seasons and jack it ruins the idea of perfect dean#or they have to twist it in being wholly jacks fault which isn’t so good either#same way benny fans cannot reckon with his cutthroat dismissive interactions w andrea nor the reality of his dangerous addiction#no one is right or perfect in this story#sam is the funnest to pick on tho#that’s what makes it good#hands down#but anyway all of the above is why ppl cannot seem to engage w imperfect mary either#she’s a fuckup! she have an outsized rxn to hunting feeling inescapable and tried to solve the world instead it was awesome imho
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creedslove · 10 months
Bringing Pedro boys to meet your family for the first time. My heart is just melting thinking about those confirmed men being nervous and whispering to you in searching for some comfort and reassurance.
Featuring: Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Agent Whiskey, Javi Gutierrez, Dave York x f!reader
A/N: this is soooo cute I love it 💓❤️
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Javier Peña: Javi would be nervous and praying that no one from your family has heard about his reputation or something like that. Of course once he's there, he's not gonna show it, throwing charming smiles here and there, he is able to make your mom giggle and even if he claims he is not good with kids, for some reason your little cousins are obsessed with him
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Joel Miller: he's every girl's dream husband and every mother-in-law's dream son-in-law and yet he still manages to feel anxious? As if your family was crazy and wouldn't like him. Truth is: he is afraid of not being good enough, so he's worried you'd find someone better or your family thinking you could do better, but of course that would never happen because you love Joel more than anything in the world and your family knows that, and above all, they recognize how hard-working he is and how lucky you are for getting a man like himself. Also, he's very skilled at making barbecue and he also offers himself to help repairing a few things here and there. Oh, and the little kids from your family can see right through his grumpy face and beg him to bring Sarah over next time so they can play
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Agent Whiskey: Jack used to be loved by his first wife's family, so meeting the parents, relatives etc wasn't much a big deal as he felt comfortable and at home with them, so he was very relaxed to meet your family too; he knows some people might like you and some might not and it's okay, no problems at all. When he gets there: driving the Bronco, cowboy boots, hats and aviators, everyone finds him kinda funny, but he is able to win them over as soon as he opens his mouth. He charms the ladies - in a respectful way, of course - impresses the gentleman with his polite and smart conversations and of course entertains the kids with his lasso tricks, he also brings your mom a bunch of fresh, sweet fruits he picked up from his own ranch and a bottle of the Statesman's finest for your dad
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Javi Gutierrez: Javi G doesn't go to meet your family, he flies your family to meet him. He doesn't want to be pretentious he just wants to be nice and give your family some spoiling, because he knows they deserve it as much as you do. He would prepare the best accommodations for them, the best menus his employees could ever prepare and also yeah, he would rent an actual movie theater so you all could watch your favorite movies together
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Dave York: sure, your boyfriend is an assassin and that might be a deal breaker for some people, so that's why you decide your family doesn't actually have to know that, instead, you just tell them your good, handsome government agent boyfriend is coming over on the weekend to meet them. Dave can be nervous, but he is definitely not showing it to you or anyone. He knows how to keep his shit together, so he will put on some good clothes, get his face smooth and well-shaven, and display one if his big and beautiful smiles and face the challenge. Your family likes Dave, he's very clever and nice and they are happy you found each other
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 6 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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findroleplay · 8 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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anotherrpfinder · 9 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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yetanotherrpfinder · 6 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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darkrpfinder · 6 months
Hi all! Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe. I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12?? Soooo for a hot minute lol. I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply. However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*. Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol.
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+. I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return. One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content. Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me. This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : )
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people. The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well. Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life! The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way? Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing. I don’t do that. There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have? Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol. Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots. I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best. These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad. Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer. I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : )
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox!
OKAY! I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned. If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha. Hope to hear from y’all!
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roleplay-today · 9 months
Hi all!  Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe.  I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12??  Soooo for a hot minute lol.  I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply.  However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*.  Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.  
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol. 
  The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+.  I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.  
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return.  One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content.  Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me.  This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : ) 
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people.  The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well.  Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life!  The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way?  Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing.  I don’t do that.  There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
  I think those are all of the rules I have?  Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol.  Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots.  I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best.  These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
  Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : ) 
  This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
  OKAY!  I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned.  If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
  Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all!
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janiedean · 4 years
hey, can you talk about this: why is it that even after jaime saves brienne from rape & jumps into a bearpit for her, brienne still expects the worst from him and thinks he wants her to kill sansa? can b ever fully trust and love jaime? will brienne ever accept that jaime loves her and is capable of good or will she always expect evil from him/ be insecure + expect him to pull a ronnet? i think this will cause problems for them if they ever get together. do you think it would be a deal-breaker?
tldr: no because the moment you read her affc povs you see she’s way past her initial distrust and actually that scene is... the turning point? like you don’t know that because you don’t have her pov, but anyway I think I’ll just break it down and be done with it since I had wanted to for a while - regardless, premise: you can see exactly how far she goes with trusting him/changing her mind about him by seeing her dialogue choices in asos before, as in, she calls him ser for the first time after he saves her from being raped and when they’re in the bath she snaps at him the moment he goads her about renly and she’s naked in front of a man and she feels most likely guilty for the loss of his hand, and the moment he faints she catches him and she volunteers to dress him/clean him up after, like... you don’t do that if you don’t want to and if you don’t care about the person some regardless. ANYWAY SO let me just find the whole scene.
SOOOO, counting that he’s doing this just after he basically broke up with cersei...
The wench looked as ugly and awkward as ever, he decided when Tyrell left them. Someone had dressed her in woman’s clothes again, but this dress fit much better than that hideous pink rag the goat had made her wear. “Blue is a good color on you, my lady,” Jaime observed. “It goes well with your eyes.” She does have astonishing eyes.
Brienne glanced down at herself, flustered. “Septa Donyse padded out the bodice, to give it that shape. She said you sent her to me.” She lingered by the door, as if she meant to flee at any second. “You look . . .”
“Different?” He managed a half-smile. “More meat on the ribs and fewer lice in my hair, that’s all. The stump’s the same. Close the door and come here.” She did as he bid her. “The white cloak . . .”
“. . . is new, but I’m sure I’ll soil it soon enough.”
“That wasn’t . . . I was about to say that it becomes you.”
right, so, when this entire scene starts you have the worst flirting that ever existed but like basically that’s pretty much what it is - they haven’t seen each other in a while right, and first he goes like UH UGLY AND AWKWARD, then in the span of three lines he decides that the dress looks nice on her and it fits her, and when he opens his mouth he calls her my lady and compliments her on her appearance and her eyes and then thinks SHE HAS ASTONISHING EYES which like... jaime you were thinking she was ugly three lines ago where is the truth, the truth is that he’s hella attracted to her, he’s not admitting it to himself but he can’t help saying it and so hey hello brienne, you just showed up in my room where I summoned you after having you freed and I’m telling you you’re hot!! when you never heard it before from a guy ever!!!
brienne at that point is FLUSTERED and feels like pointing out the bodice is padded as if he hasn’t seen her naked, and she’s obviously afraid af because she’s standing near the door, and then she goes like ‘you look...’ while most likely STARING at him like OH MY GOD HAVEN’T SEEN HIM IN WEEKS LOOK AT HIM jesus, and then he starts going off with the self-deprecating humor telling her to get over here, she does, she starts again with the white cloak, he goes all defensive self-deprecating again (I’ll soil it soon enough, presuming that she still thinks that of him)... and then she goes like I was about to say it becomes you, which means I’m telling you A WHITE CLOAK FITS YOU AND IS BECOMING ON YOU, which given the significancy of the white cloak/kg/the fact that he confessed her he believed in his vow/knighthood when he was fifteen in the bath... she’s telling him being honorable becomes him, which sorry but does not to me qualify as ‘expecting the worse of him’. now:
She came closer, hesitant. “Jaime, did you mean what you told Ser Loras? About . . . about King Renly, and the shadow?”
Jaime shrugged. “I would have killed Renly myself if we’d met in battle, what do I care who cut his throat?”
“You said I had honor . . .”
“I’m the bloody Kingslayer, remember? When I say you have honor, that’s like a whore vouchsafing your maidenhood.” He leaned back and looked up at her. 
problem is: he is on the self-deprecative spiral wanting to distance himself, which I have a feeling is because he’s a) upset because of cersei from before b) not exactly processing his feelings re being into her, so everything she is saying he’s shutting her down, which makes her hesitant - first he shrugs away having gotten her out of prison and talking for her to loras when if you read that part you know he cares about getting her out, she’s all like oh YOU SAID I HAD HONOR!!! **, and he immediately shuts that down too with the it’s worth nothing if I do, so basically she’s there all ‘!!! ** !!!’ and he’s back to shutting her out, which... considering how brienne is would make her lose a lot of courage here, right? right. also: SHE CALLED HIM JAIME in the beginning, which means... she feels like they’re on a familiar enough level that she can use his name without the ser before and she’s not calling him kingslayer. like. she’s absolutely expecting the best here.
“Steelshanks is on his way back north, to deliver Arya Stark to Roose Bolton.”
“You gave her to him?” she cried, dismayed. “You swore an oath to Lady Catelyn . . .”
“With a sword at my throat, but never mind. Lady Catelyn’s dead. I could not give her back her daughters even if I had them. And the girl my father sent with Steelshanks was not Arya Stark.”
“Not Arya Stark?”
“You heard me. My lord father found some skinny northern girl more or less the same age with more or less the same coloring. He dressed her up in white and grey, gave her a silver wolf to pin her cloak, and sent her off to wed Bolton’s bastard.” He lifted his stump to point at her. “I wanted to tell you that before you went galloping off to rescue her and got yourself killed for no good purpose. You’re not half bad with a sword, but you’re not good enough to take on two hundred men by yourself.”
now, for the chapter where grrm knows that words mean things: the definition of dismayed is : experiencing or showing feelings of alarmed concern or dismay : upset, worried, or agitated because of some unwelcome situation or occurrence, which means that the moment jaime goes like ‘oh and I gave arya to roose bolton’ she is UPSET at hearing that... because she didn’t expect that? she changed her mind, she thinks he’s honorable, he saved her from being raped, he’s complimenting her, she’s trying to compliment him, she thinks they have an understanding, he told her all of that...... and now he’s telling her he gave arya back to the boltons? when she thought he cared about their oath and he freed her? like what the fuck jaime? obviouly she’s upset, but because she already expected better and he’s a disaster emotionally stunted person who just moved on from 17yo of emotional maturity and he can’t have that conversation without going in self-defense. he points out he can’t do that but anyway then tells her it’s not arya.. because he didn’t want brienne to go after her ie he cared about her well-being and now he throws in a compliment too (you’re not half bad with a sword) and she’s most likely like wtf, also he gestures at her with the stump which cersei refused to interact with before and brienne doesn’t even flinch at that, but never mind let’s go on.
Brienne shook her head. “When Lord Bolton learns that your father paid him with false coin . . .”
“Oh, he knows. Lannisters lie, remember? It makes no matter, this girl serves his purpose just as well. Who is going to say that she isn’t Arya Stark? Everyone the girl was close to is dead except for her sister, who has disappeared.”
“Why would you tell me all this, if it’s true? You are betraying your father’s secrets.”
The Hand’s secrets, he thought. I no longer have a father. “I pay my debts like every good little lion. I did promise Lady Stark her daughters . . . and one of them is still alive. My brother may know where she is, but if so he isn’t saying. Cersei is convinced that Sansa helped him murder Joffrey.”
“The wench’s mouth got stubborn. “I will not believe that gentle girl a poisoner. Lady Catelyn said that she had a loving heart. It was your brother. There was a trial, Ser Loras said.”
as stated: she shakes her head, which is a thing you do... when you’ve just been given conflicting information, which he just did because he just told her HEY MY FATHER JUST BASICALLY LIED TO HIS ALLY, but poor girl is not a political shrewd mind because a moment later he explains her that they both knew and so on, and at that point brienne is understandably like WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU TELLING ME THIS IT’S TREASON, which it technically is.... and then he remembers tywin disowned him and they argued so ‘I no longer have a father’, but he doesn’t tell brienne that, goes back to self-defensive, goes like ‘well I’m a good lion and I pay my debts’ and then only mentions what his brother and sister think, counting that brienne doesn’t know tyrion and know what he does about cersei... that might make her think that he’s taking their side, and now she is getting defensive pointing out it couldn’t be sansa and so on, but like... he basically has given her conflicted reactions, now she’s back on the defensive... as she generally is unless it’s with someone she trusts.
“Two trials, actually. Words and swords both failed him. A bloody mess. Did you watch from your window?”
“My cell faces the sea. I heard the shouting, though.”
“Prince Oberyn of Dorne is dead, Ser Gregor Clegane lies dying, and Tyrion stands condemned before the eyes of gods and men. They’re keeping him in a black cell till they kill him.”
Brienne looked at him. “You do not believe he did it.”
Jaime gave her a hard smile. “See, wench? We know each other too well. Tyrion’s wanted to be me since he took his first step, but he’d never follow me in kingslaying. Sansa Stark killed Joffrey. My brother’s kept silent to protect her. He gets these fits of gallantry from time to time. The last one cost him a nose. This time it will mean his head.”
now they discuss the trials blah blah blah, and brienne figures out he doesn’t believe tyrion did it just from the tone/the way he says it - because the facts are kind of straight, so it must be the tone of voice, and then what does he says as he gives her a *hard smile*? that they know each other too well. and then he goes and says a bunch of stuff that’s not true (sansa killed joffrey, tyrion kept silent), goading her again...
“No,” Brienne said. “It was not my lady’s daughter. It could not have been her.”
“There’s the stubborn stupid wench that I remember.”
“She reddened. “My name is . . .”
“Brienne of Tarth.” Jaime sighed. “I have a gift for you.” He reached down under the Lord Commander’s chair and brought it out, wrapped in folds of crimson velvet.
Brienne approached as if the bundle was like to bite her, reached out a huge freckled hand, and flipped back a fold of cloth. Rubies glimmered in the light. She picked the treasure up gingerly, curled her fingers around the leather grip, and slowly slid the sword free of its scabbard. Blood and black the ripples shone. A finger of reflected light ran red along the edge. “Is this Valyrian steel? I have never seen such colors.”
“Nor I. There was a time that I would have given my right hand to wield a sword like that. Now it appears I have, so the blade is wasted on me. Take it.” Before she could think to refuse, he went on. “A sword so fine must bear a name. It would please me if you would call this one Oathkeeper. One more thing. The blade comes with a price.”
... at which brienne absolutely falls for it and protests but then he goes like ‘oh there you are’, so he was most likely either testing her or pushing her to say it again/assure himself of what he was doing, but for her... it’d be even more confusing. she blushes when he calls her wench, and then when he says he has a gift she’s scared af until she sees what it is, and when she asks what it is first he does the self-deprecation thing again, then says he wants it named oathkeeper, so far so good... and then says it comes with a price, which makes it sound like she has to do something in return to have it, and how would that sound to her after this entire conversation when he hasn’t told her that he’s cut off ties with anyone but tyrion and he’s been basically hostile/sarcastic/has rebuked all her compliments?
Her face darkened. “I told you, I will never serve . . .”
“. . . such foul creatures as us. Yes, I recall. Hear me out, Brienne. Both of us swore oaths concerning Sansa Stark. Cersei means to see that the girl is found and killed, wherever she has gone to ground . . .”
Brienne’s homely face twisted in fury. “If you believe that I would harm my lady’s daughter for a sword, you—”
“Just listen,” he snapped, angered by her assumption. “I want you to find Sansa first, and get her somewhere safe. How else are the two of us going to make good our stupid vows to your precious dead Lady Catelyn?”
The wench blinked. “I . . . I thought . . .”
now here’s the point but like... she assumes he wanted her to do what cersei wanted when he hasn’t given her any other hint he might want to do otherwise throughout the exchange and basically never told her anything straight and she had come in all excited and wanting to compliment him and presuming the best, and then he gets angry because she assumed wrong... but what was she going to assume? then again: asos!jaime handles a lot of his interactions like an angry teenager because again he started moving on from it during this book and he has no idea of how to deal with her or that that kinda attitude would confuse the shit out of her and make her assume wrong things when she wasn’t assuming them to begin with, and when she immediately realizes he just wanted to keep the oath she goes back to OH, like... she was presuming they’d withhold it from the beginning when she mentioned it along with arya, so it’s her now knowing she was right and go like OH FUCK I FUCKED UP, but like... jaime baby ily but just tell her from the get go right? nah, I guess. buuut let’s go on.
“I know what you thought.” Suddenly Jaime was sick of the sight of her. She bleats like a bloody sheep. “When Ned Stark died, his greatsword was given to the King’s Justice,” he told her. “But my father felt that such a fine blade was wasted on a mere headsman. He gave Ser Ilyn a new sword, and had Ice melted down and reforged. There was enough metal for two new blades. You’re holding one. So you’ll be defending Ned Stark’s daughter with Ned Stark’s own steel, if that makes any difference to you.”
“Ser, I . . . I owe you an apolo . . .”
He cut her off. “Take the bloody sword and go, before I change my mind. There’s a bay mare in the stables, as homely as you are but somewhat better trained. Chase after Steelshanks, search for Sansa, or ride home to your isle of sapphires, it’s naught to me. I don’t want to look at you anymore.”
“Jaime . . .”
“Kingslayer,” he reminded her. “Best use that sword to clean the wax out of your ears, wench. We’re done.”
Stubbornly, she persisted. “Joffrey was your . . .”
now not that I don’t think that jaime wasn’t pushing her also in... outright denial of not wanting her to go, but: now he’s angry at her (when he technically got her angry when he could have not) and wants her to go and he’s telling her again in the sarcasticselfdefense tone and she immediately - immediately - tries to apologize, he shuts her off, doesn’t tell her that the mare is not homely at all, and tells her it’s naught to him when it’s all to him since she knows what his honor means to him, she goes from ‘ser’ (honorific) to ‘jaime’ (personal) and he goes back to ‘nah I’m the kingslayer see that’s all I’ll ever be leave’, except that... she doesn’t leave and she persists, stubbornly, because she actually wants to know, and presses asking about joffrey since she knows he was his father and is most likely still WTFFFFF HE’S BETRAYING HIS FAMILY...
“My king. Leave it at that.”
“You say Sansa killed him. Why protect her?”
Because Joff was no more to me than a squirt of seed in Cersei’s cunt. And because he deserved to die. “I have made kings and unmade them. Sansa Stark is my last chance for honor.” Jaime smiled thinly. “Besides, kingslayers should band together. Are you ever going to go?”
Her big hand wrapped tight around Oathkeeper. “I will. And I will find the girl and keep her safe. For her lady mother’s sake. And for yours.” She bowed stiffly, whirled, and went.
she expects him to say his son? he say ‘his king’ and LEAVE IT AT THAT, giving the idea he doesn’t care, and at that point she goes like okay so why would you protect the person you said killed him, fair question right, which I think on her side was... wanting to see what he’d reply because she’s realizing he won’t answer straight right, and exactly he thinks ‘joffrey deserved it and was nothing to me’ but doesn’t tell her that, he tells her that he made kings and unmade them, fair, and then that sansa is his last chance at honor, and smiles thinly (not hard like before), which suggests he’s visually being sincere, and it’s an answer brienne would get... and then he reminds her that he’s called a kingslayer and she is called one and neither of them actually were in the wrong but they both have bad fame for it and they should band together and pledge their oath, and... brienne gets it because she stops asking questions, takes the sword and goes, but instead of falling for his bait or be angry about being called a kingslayer, she says she’ll fulfill their oath and find sansa for catelyn’s sake and for his sake too, pointing out she’s swearing a vow to him too before she leaves after bowing, which basically seals it...
which means that she walked in with a good impression of him, he challenged it, then she realized it wasn’t wrong and he just was shit as communicating and she’s not... expecting the worse anymore? anytime she thinks of him in affc is as the honorable man who saved her and she swore a vow to and she wishes would be with her on her quest, not as someone she doesn’t trust. so, to go with your questions:
1) brienne still expects the worst from him and thinks he wants her to kill sansa?
as stated from the above: she doesn’t :)
2) can b ever fully trust and love jaime?
she was about to die for him at the end of affc, I think she already does X°D
3) will brienne ever accept that jaime loves her and is capable of good or will she always expect evil from him/ be insecure + expect him to pull a ronnet?
she’s already... not? I mean, accepting he loves her might be a problem because she doesn’t conceive he would as it is and it’d take a while for her to not be insecure, but that he’s capable of good she already does, and she’s way past expecting him to pull a ronnet XD she doesn’t even compare them once like... I don’t see how this would be a thing X°DD
4) i think this will cause problems for them if they ever get together. do you think it would be a deal-breaker?
I don’t because like... okay her being insecure might eventually but honestly she wanted to die for him anon and she was convinced of his good intentions the moment she walked into the room and then he threw her in for a loop and she came out of that even more convinced soooooo no I really don’t think it would XD
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bittybattybunny · 3 years
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Soooo since I hadn’t gotten many suggestions for Eclipse I wound up thinking “let’s turn her into a frog” cuz a friend sent me a frog video and I felt like it.
Also played with lineart a bit. I changed the tool I used for it to play around some since my headache meds kicked in finally.
fic time! (btw fic takes place in May!)
She put her little hands on her cheeks with a whine. She hopped around the pool and peeked to look again and it was still true. She opened her mouth and looked at the odd blue color and sighed heavily.
“Great. I’m a frog,” she mumbled and sat there, staring at her reflection. “Good job Eclipse. You’ve been a professional treasure hunter for most your life. But these past few months have triggered more curses than you care to count. Why did this one even affect me? It’s water-based.” she lamented and hopped through the old shrine. She sighed as she moved and thought about what could have done it. She paused and looked back. She jumped over rubble and found her discarded clothing. 
With a lot of effort, the frog managed to move the garments and bags and pushed her nose against the shiny ball of metal.
“You.” she hissed, “you must have done this!!” she pouted. 
Of all days to be hunting alone too. She sighed. At least Snatcher had Hattie. It’d be no big deal if she never came home. She could hope the curse would wear off but as a small hand-sized frog she was more in danger of birds and predators.
She sniffled and sighed. She rested her head down tiredly as she made a nest in her clothing and pulled it over her.
“She’s not answering her phone.” Snatcher chewed his lip. He looked at Hattie who held an equal worry, “I-I’m sure she’s fine but.” he frowned and called his brother.
“Is Eclipse with you?” Snatcher tapped his foot on the kitchen tile, “I can’t get her to answer her phone. She said she’d only be gone a few days and normally she calls to wish Hattie a good night.”
“I haven’t seen or heard from her since last moon.” Marcus admitted, “Hold on I can check threads see if it says anything.” the ghost shifted to levitate his phone with a few threads as his eyes turned black and he looked. He frowned and took the phone, “I can’t tell from my location. Sorry. Worth a shot if she was near me I’d see.”
“Thanks…” Snatcher hung up and chewed his lip until it bled. He looked at Hattie and sighed. He picked her up and grabbed his bag as he left the house.
“Where are we going?”
“I’m dropping you with your grandfather’s then I’m going to ask Kaya if she’s seen Eclipse.”
“Okay…” Hattie frowned, “mom’s okay… right?”
“Yes she has to be okay.” he smiled gently as he knocked on the door.
“Soooo you haven’t heard from her and she’s not answering her phone.” the demoness asked as she worked on some papers. She leaned on her hand with a large double mouthed yawn. She rubbed her eye, “Marcus can’t find her so you’re asking me.”
“I-I don’t know how to contact her if she doesn’t answer her phone! You’re a demigod can’t you---” he begged.
She sighed, “I’m a demi-god sure but I’m not omnipotent you know. I just know about curses and monsters.” she stood up and cracked her back. She looked at her shelf as she frowned in thought. Her fingers tracing the spines.
“Hey you have a big crush on her right?” she asked rather bluntly. She watched his face flush and snickered, “Okay that actually can help.”
“Can it?” he frowned and got up, looking at the books.
“Mmhm.” she pulled a dusty rose-colored book down and set it on her desk. She began to flip through the pages until she found the one she wanted, “I’m going to basically teleport you to where ever she is. I’m going to use the fact you’re infatuated with her as the locator.”
He gulped, “D-Does that really work?”
“Yeah, it’d be better if the feeling is mutual but I kinda think it’s not a problem.” the teenager snickered as she looked at the page. She moved away from the desk and pushed the chair out of the way. She pricked her left thumb on her fangs and began to scrawl symbols in black blood on the floor. She huffed and double checked the book. She moved out of the way.
“Come stand here.” she ordered.
He grabbed his bag with a pale expression, “W-what do I do if she’s hurt?”
“Call me. I can easily jump to your shadow as long as I know in advance. Ready?” she asked as a circle of runes glowed around her hand.
He nodded and gripped his bag’s strap tightly, “A-as I can be.” he shut his eyes as the spell trigger and he was hurtled rapidly through the temple into a wall with a crash.
The frog jumped from the water in shock as she heard the noise. She looked around and gasped seeing him. Her heart raced, “S-Snatcher!” she panicked and jumped over to the man as he rubbed his bleeding and broken nose. Her eyes wide as she put little froggy hands on his thigh as he sat there.
He paused and looked around. He heard her. I definitely heard her.
“Eclipse?” he asked as he looked before realizing the frog. He blinked and reached a hand. She timidly hopped on and looked at the palm of his hand instead of his face. He stared and frowned, “Eclipse?”
She looked up and he couldn’t mistake those dual-toned eyes. He gave a sigh of relief. She croaked a little.
“Thank god you’re okay.” he brought her to his face and rested his forehead against her.
“H-How did you get here?!” she asked worried, “S-Snatcher why---”
“I was worried about you.” he admitted softly. He smiled as he moved her away from his face so he could look at her as he talked. He used his free hand to stroke the top of her head gently, “So you’re a little frog. So much for curse resistant.”
She huffed, “I-It had to be part of a fairy curse is all. I-I hoped it would just wear off and I could go home but…” she looked at her hands sadly.
He frowned, “how can I help?” he frowned in thought. His face turned red. He gulped, “S-Should we try our classic curse breaker?”
She felt her heart pounding, “N-No you don’t have to! I-It’s fine you don’t want to kiss a frog a-and I-I’ll be naked!”
He sighed and smiled at her, “I’ll kiss a frog. I mean you’ve kissed a curse high merman, a leviathan, even letting yourself get cursed in your willingness to help me.” he set her down and started to remove his overshirt. She watched and gasped when he dropped it on her. She wiggled in the fabric as he moved to lift her, her head in the neck hole.
She blinked as he chuckled and winked.
“I know not the best solution, but you wouldn’t be naked right? My shirt should be long enough to maintain your dignity.” he offered, his voice never ceasing to raise from the calming tone he used.
She frowned and nodded, “O-Okay…” 
He lifted her gently and placed a small kiss on the front of her mouth. He heard a small popping and felt the cold frog flesh grow warmer and softer. He smiled as she sheepishly pulled away, her silver hair falling as she sat in front of him in his shirt. Her face was bright red as she couldn’t meet his eyes. He smirked and leaned over, kissing her cheek gently making her squeak.
She covered her mouth with her hand as she looked at the floor, “T-thank you for c-coming to help me…” she paused, “W-wait you never explained! H-how did you get here?!” She panicked and leaned over, hands to either side of his lap.
His heart moved faster as she got closer, his shirt doing its best to cover her. He looked away ashamed. He didn’t want to admit how.
“K-Kaya used a spell to teleport me.” It wasn’t a lie. But he elected to not mention she used his crush to locate the werewolf.
She blinked and sighed, sitting down in relief, “Oh. I thought you did something stupid to get here.” she laughed and he tried to calm down with a big cheesy grin. 
“Well, I’m still shocked you could locate me to teleport! How’d you get the destination?” she stood up. He tried to not look up from where he sat. He watched her move to find her clothing and she began to put it back on, carefully so she’d not expose herself to him.
“O-oh um.. Just. things. N-nothing to worry about.” He mumbled, “S-She just used a um.. Special connection of sorts… to locate you.”
“Connection? Threads? Cuz we’re friends and co-parents?” she asked as her face turned pink.
“S-Sure.” he chuckled as she pulled his shirt off and he sighed inwardly as he’d been rather pleased about it. She smoothed her hair and grabbed her bag. She looked to find a broken piece of rubble and used it to push the golden orb as she scowled.
“Is that?” he asked walking over as she pushed it to sink into the pond.
She glared as it slowly faded into the water. “Mmhm.” she sighed, “Stupid thing.” she huffed.
He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her side and pulled her close. She felt her face heat up as he nuzzled her.
“H-Hey now.” she mumbled as he grinned. He stuck his tongue out.
“I missed you.” he pressed his cheek to hers.
She frowned and smiled gently. She leaned against him as he chuckled, “I missed you too. Thank you for coming to get me…”
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theblogtini · 3 years
Okay, this might be a wildly unpopular opinion and I’m not sure if I express myself correctly, BUT I’m not so sure that Netflix producing The Crown should be a deal breaker for Harry. I’m on the fence about it because he does makes money off of Netflix who gets a lot of money from The Crown… he shouldn’t have done the deal in the first place, but I don’t expect him to speak out about it anyway, even if he wasn’t paid by Netflix if you know what I mean? They just grin and bear it even though they might be hurt or angry. William for example have never addressed what he thinks about The Crown, does that mean he supports it? No, I don’t think so. He’ll probably say that he doesn’t watch it when asked though. He only spoke out about the Panorama interview when it was finally decided that it would be independently reviewed and again after the report was done. No matter his feelings before he didn’t speak out about it. I feel the same about productions involving the royal family. I don’t like it when it’s too close in time like The Crown is now starting to be, or something completely made up like Spencer, but I think it’s a deeper problem with producers, writers etc who doesn’t think about the people still alive and instead treat people like Diana like historical figures.
ON THE OTHER HAND, Harry have been quite vocal the last few years about his mother’s treatment by the media, so I don’t know. I understand why some might be expecting him to say something and calling him out when he doesn’t. As I said I’m on the fence. I don’t expect William, Harry or Charles to speak out - maybe Earl Spencer or one of Diana’s friends, but not her sons (unless there is something wildly inappropriate but maybe not even then). Just as I don’t think the royal family should boycott any media just because they report something unfavorably about them, like William never working with the bbc again is impossible. Now, if Harry starts promoting The Crown because he works for Netflix, that’s a whole different thing. But silence in these cases doesn’t mean support, it means they adhere to the ‘never complain, never explain’-route, especially the ‘never complain’-part. As sad as that is, maybe filmmakers need to get a reality check when it comes to this subject.
(I hope you get my conflicted feelings about this, I’m not so sure how to explain it and English isn’t my first language)
Your English is great & you explained yourself very well. And also, people who speak English as a 2nd or 3rd or 4th etc language … can you PLEASE stop apologizing? Your amazing!! Most Americans barely speak English properly, and you’re out there speaking (& writing!) MULTIPLE languages. You’re doing awesome. 💕💕💕
Now. Back to business lol.
I agree with you on both counts. I think in broad terms - for me - it wouldn’t be an issue for Harry to work with Netflix. However he has been so so so so soooo vocal about Diana’s treatment in the media - and Meghan’s, for that matter - that it seems hypocritical to partner with anyone who isn’t signing their praises.
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 6 months
A lil search :)
Hi all!  Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe.  I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12??  Soooo for a hot minute lol.  I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply.  However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*.  Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.  
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol. 
The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+.  I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.  
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return.  One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content.  Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me.  This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : ) 
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people.  The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well.  Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life!  The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way?  Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing.  I don’t do that.  There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
I think those are all of the rules I have?  Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol.  Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots.  I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best.  
One of the original ideas I’m hung up on rn is a MxF plot based on Hades and Persephone.  Whether it be the actual story or we change it up completely and just keep the generic ‘man lures woman into his world’ idea, there’s endless possibilities! 
These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
*Draco Malfoy* x Artemis Cresswell (OC) - Harry Potter
Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : ) 
This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
OKAY!  I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned.  If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all! 
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findyourrp · 9 months
Hi all!  Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe.  I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12??  Soooo for a hot minute lol.  I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply.  However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*.  Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.  
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol. 
  The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+.  I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.  
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return.  One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content.  Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me.  This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : ) 
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people.  The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well.  Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life!  The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way?  Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing.  I don’t do that.  There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
  I think those are all of the rules I have?  Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol.  Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots.  I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best.  These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Male!OC* x F!OC - Percy Jackson
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
  Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : ) 
  This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
  OKAY!  I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned.  If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
  Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all!
(uhhhhhh idk how to include an emoji on desktop, but I swear I read the rules lol)
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findroleplay · 9 months
Hi all!  Looking for some fandom plots atm cause I’m missing my angsty babies hehe.  I’m 25 and go by Tulsa and have been writing since I was probably 11 or 12??  Soooo for a hot minute lol.  I’d definitely consider myself literate-adv. Lit as I’m able to pump out 3+ paras depending on the scene/reply.  However, I will say, my favorite types of roleplays are around 2-3 shorter paras and rapid fire *chef’s kiss*.  Non-rapid fire isn’t a deal breaker though, I know not everyone has time or attention haha.  
I’m just going to quickly jot down some loose ‘rules’ for lack of a better word, but I promise I’m really not too crazy strict lol. 
  The one rule I am STRICT on is that all of my partners need to be 18+.  I prefer 20+, but I’m not gonna knock you if you’re 18 or 19, I know it’s hard to find partners.  
I talked a little bit about literacy already, but just to specify I write in third person past tense and will always reply with at least a paragraph and I’d like the same in return.  One-liners just make it hard to immerse yourself. I won’t roleplay with anyone who writes in the first person though, it lowkey makes me uncomfy…
I’m a sucker for some good smut scenes, especially when they include angst or come from something angsty or toxic (pls), so I’d prefer partners who are comfortable writing nsfw content.  Of course we’ll discuss specific personal triggers together too, as for kinks though my characters have different ones based on THEM, not me.  This has confused people in the past so just let me know if I need to explain any further : ) 
As far as doubling goes, I’ve heard it described in different ways by different people.  The first way is just playing side characters to help world build and give the plot more substance/drama, that I absolutely do and would want my partner to do as well.  Obviously our ship will be the main focus, but other characters bring the world to life!  The second form of doubling I’ve come across is almost in a transactional sort of way?  Kind of a ‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’ type of thing.  I don’t do that.  There are a few canons I can and enjoy playing in these fandoms that we can discuss me playing for you if you have a pairing you want to do, but I just don’t like when people EXPECT me to double for ‘fairness’ sakes, it’s a big pet peeve of mine….
  I think those are all of the rules I have?  Well, at least that I’m remembering right now lol.  Onto what I’m looking for I suppose: I’m looking for partners who are open to playing M characters in MxF plots.  I have ~some~ original ideas, but I tend to like fandom plots best.  These are some of the pairings I’m currently craving, the role with the asterisks (*) around them would be who you’d play. The next role would be who I’d play, with their standing as a chara in parenthesis and then the fandom after the dash!
*Derek Hale* x Paige Krasikeva (Canon-Divergent) - Teen Wolf
*Kol Mikaelson* x Averie Forbes (OC) - Vampire Diaries
*Inuyasha* x Kagome Higurashi (Canon) - Inuyasha
*Loki Laufeyson* x Eira Jarrledottir (OC) - MCU/Thor Movies
*Tomoe* x Nanami Momozono (Canon) - Kamisama Kiss
*Billy Hargrove* x Kat Wheeler (OC) - Stranger Things
*Finnick Odair* x Annie Cresta (Canon) - The Hunger Games
*Spencer Reid* x Olivia Chandler (OC) - Criminal Minds
*Stiles Stilinski* x Lydia Martin (Canon) - Teen Wolf
  Those are what I have right now, at least for this ad.  Please keep in mind, all of my original characters have bios/backstories that are at least a page long if not longer.  I know some folks have their opinions on ocs, but even just taking a look and deciding no is cool with me : ) 
  This ad is turning out really lengthy, but just one more lil section before I wrap it all up lol: the following is what I’d be looking for out of a potential partner.
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or get off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
  OKAY!  I think I’m finally done rambling lmao, sorry about how long it turned.  If you’re at all interested please interact or simply add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
  Also, please introduce yourself and what fandom and/or pairing caught your eye instead of just a simple ‘hi’ message, it makes things much easier and less awkward haha.  Hope to hear from y’all!
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diaryofanormalkid · 3 years
Ya girl FINALLY got her g2 license!
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I literally have been waiting/preparing so long for this! Bc I was supposed to do it like 2 different times last year but just ended up having to changes dates bc of covid restrictions/lockdown and locations.
The first time, it had to do with an issue of location I believe or something? It was my driving instructors fault bc they told us we should be booking in one location instead of the first choice.
The real fault was them making us fend for ourselves [my siblings and I] when booking our road tests. So we only had two more chances at changing our road tests dates before we have to wait 6 months, right?
That’s like a rule for some reason, not really sure why when there could be multiple reasons somebody has to change road tests dates. But anyways, so we had two chances left!
So that first road test ended up getting changed from November 12th, 2020 all the way to December 29th, 2020. So I was extremely upset at my driving instructors bc I didn’t want my lessons to go in vain.
I ended up having to space out my driving lessons so that I would have some practice in between taking my lessons and actually doing the test. But... THEN THE FRICKING SECOND LOCKDOWN HAPPENED.
In Ontario, literally the lockdown happened 3 [THREE, YES I AM YELLING THE NUMBER] days before my road test date. So it was December 26th when they shut down EVERYTHING.
And I was so pissed because that meant all road tests were going to get cancelled and we would have to reschedule yet again. Soooo at this point I was a little panicked bc it would be my 3rd and last time.
Remember how I said there is only 3 chances to reschedule a road test and then you have to wait another 6 months before you can reschedule again? Well it wasn’t looking too promising for me.
Because not only did I have to wait and keep checking until the site spit up available dates to book the road (there was none because all road tests were cancelled), this was going to be the deal breaker!
So I finally after months of checking and waiting got to pick a date for July 16th, 2021, which is today (duh)! And I said this is like make or break bc if I don’t pass I have to wait 6 MONTHS AGAIN!
I put a lot of pressure on myself to really do my best to prepare mentally and physically for this road test because I definitely did not want to redo it again! So I was genuinely just so nervous up until this point!
And another factor, I was paranoid that this staging system for the lockdown wouldn’t lift to stage 2-3 in time for my last two driving lessons, because I still had two remaining to kind of refresh my memory.
So it ended up working out perfectly so that I could arrange two driving lessons within two weeks of my road test so I could practice in time! It worked out amazingly.
My shifts and schedule ended up lining up perfectly so that I could not only do those last two driving lessons, but practice many times with my mom and brother! They were such a big help!
I can’t thank them enough bc they really dedicated so much time to making sure I did things correctly and to the standards of how the driving instructors would evaluate.
My mom took me extra early today to the road test location. I actually ended up driving like 80% of the way, which btw is a super far location because I think we got there after and hour and a half?
It was a good drive, I was comfortable. My concerns when we got there (because we got there 2 hours early) mostly was to get familiar with the roads and speed limits quickly and practice parking!
So my parallel parking and reverse parking were my biggest trouble spots. I ended up going over those a lot right before the test. It was super tedious and frustrating because it was hit or miss mostly.
But I ended off on a good note and decided to end it around 10:50-ish so I could get checked in early since my road test was at 11:30. I chose a parking space and was waiting for a looooong time.
The whole time, I’m sweating and nervous with sweaty palms and I started needing to use the washroom and it was just a mess of a time waiting so long for them. I believe I finally started at 12:30-ish?
So when I started, she seemed pretty decent for an instructor and I tried my best not to look nervous but I had to use the bathroom sooo bad I just kept thinking I hope finishes quickly.
It was seriously the shortest test ever though, and I literally don’t think I messed up anything majorly at alll. I felt confident, and by the end of it she told me to finish off with reverse parking.
I was super glad I had practiced all that reverse parking earlier, however it all came down to if I was in the lines or not. So I took my time looking back and in my mirrors and ended off getting inside!
It was funny bc I was inside and not too close to either side, but I was crooked, and I told myself I don’t even want to correct it bc I don’t think I can get myself any straighter than this since I’m already in.
So I called it a day there and just said, I’m in so she can’t tell me I didn’t get inside properly. I was proud of myself bc I did my reverse parking on the first try and without having to correct myself!
At the end of it, she was very brief and short with me but she said I could go back inside to hand in my ticket number and license so that I could collect my license, and that’s how I knew I passed.
It was underwhelming to say the least because she didn’t really make it clear that I passed. She just walked off after. But I was so relieved, it’s like I could feel allll the anxiety release from me immediately!
My mom was so happy for me and immediately praised Jesus! As for myself, I just knew when I got home I had to thank God and then possibly cry bc this is a biiiig milestone for myself specifically!
I was super relieved just because I wouldn’t have to come back! I underwent far too much stress this first time and didn’t want to do it again, so I am just grateful to God!
I also couldn’t be happier that the day that I got my g2 was the day the lockdown was lifted from stage 2 to stage 3! So more places are opening and it was just a perfect time ‼️
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