#but that’s most my issue with illness aesthetics in general
shallowrambles · 23 days
anon, the short answer is…not really. my block style is mostly merciful, i think. i’m also gifted with the ability to forget the faces and usernames of even users i DO like, so i rarely remember who i blocked after a certain point.
one thing i do despise when ppl reblog you en masse with walls of text, cluttering your feed, then delete their responses before you can reply, or act as if as if passive aggressiveness can be erased by signing everything with “<3.” i favor directness, and that is…the opposite.
but in that case too i see the person is usually troubled…and usually literally also torturing themselves w my blog and i feel like i’m doing them a huge favor by blocking. they get to save their energy!
#asks#sam fans and benny fans seem the most…troubled#sam fans do tend to be direct tho i’ll give them that#cas fans strike hard and fast#then leave you alone and do their own thing which seems…healthy#dean fans have the most gorgeous of the rose colored glasses#esp when it comes to hunting#gabriel fans and jack fans are my faves#chuck fans tend to be hall of fame for me#personally#dean fans are sometimes chill but like w sam fans if they have a chronic illness aesthetic i get wary#deans illnesses and emotions can get romanticized#and sometimes it rubs me wrong#it’s not a deal breaker some do it soooo well#dean doesn’t get a pass on his behavior just because his emotions and lack of self worth are tragi-beautiful#but that’s most my issue with illness aesthetics in general#i think the worst of the sam fans fall into the same trap#i also vibe hard w rowena and crowley fans#dean’s behaviors are always understandable but not always good#this is why many dean fans cannot engage w later seasons and jack it ruins the idea of perfect dean#or they have to twist it in being wholly jacks fault which isn’t so good either#same way benny fans cannot reckon with his cutthroat dismissive interactions w andrea nor the reality of his dangerous addiction#no one is right or perfect in this story#sam is the funnest to pick on tho#that’s what makes it good#hands down#but anyway all of the above is why ppl cannot seem to engage w imperfect mary either#she’s a fuckup! she have an outsized rxn to hunting feeling inescapable and tried to solve the world instead it was awesome imho
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jewishbarbies · 1 month
Look I’ve not seen many antis who like Britney Spears, so I’m going to leave this message here because you’re like the OG anti blog. So I apologise if you’re not a fan.
Taylors themes in this album were being “tortured” and mental health. She has lyrics implying her love life is torture and that loving these men has made her manic and that she grew up in an asylum. And now apparently her music video is in a mental hospital. Britney Spears has literally been tortured. She’s literally had her mental health used against her. She’s been forced into treatment clinics. And Taylor Swift uses it as an AESTHETIC. REALLY?! I am all for accepting other people have their own struggles and to never compare apples and oranges but it’s so classless. She sends her own ex bf of 6 years to the wolves blaming his mental health and goes onto to say oh woe is me my mental health struggles are so hard. What is it?! Is it hard to struggle with mental health issues or is it a joke to you Taylor, an aesthetic?! It’s actually infuriated me because Taylor gets to put this hat on as an act (I do believe she has mental health problems and needs therapy but that’s another conversation) but Britney doesn’t. This is her life and she is mocked and ridiculed for it. I’ve seen Swifties literally call Britney crazy and say she doesn’t deserve to see her kids and she needs the conservatorship. They mock Joe and tell him to kill himself. And they’re what going to support Taylor’s mental health struggles now? No you don’t get it both ways. You don’t get to berate other people and then say the way Taylor’s been treated isn’t fair. And Taylor doesn’t get to use mental illness as an aesthetic and walk away from it when this no longer serves her narrative. It’s infuriating and insulting. I can’t wait to see her downfall.
I couldn’t have said it better myself honestly. watching swifties evicerate britney at every possibility and generally acting like ableist freaks, just to turn around and act like taylor fucking swift is the most tortured person on the planet is so incredibly infuriating. britney hasn’t had comments turned on for months. at some point, it’s all going to catch up with her and taylor won’t be able to throw anyone else under the bus to save herself, and only then will she ever face any real accountability.
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k1rameki · 8 months
THE TIME HAS COME EVERYONE. ITS TIME TO TALK ABOUT MY EXTENSIVE LIST OF TABI HEADCANONS (hcs are under the cut plus this also counts as a little debrief of his human design bc jesus christ i put so much effort into making this man's design it went through a LOT of trial and error before settling on what i got now considering ive gradually made him less and less "human")
also quick thing b4 i proceed – please please PLEASE ask before making things w my tabi design bc ive seen a rlly cool papercraft made w/o my knowledge and that was kinda sucky so ya thats around it (other than the basics of no nsfw and such)
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first and foremost — hes half japanese because i remember his aside counterpart being japanese iirc and i thought that was really cool and wanted to implement that into my own little hc (also he speaks like a dozen languages bc of another thing i'll go into detail with in a bit
so many different facial features, scarring (theres a very elaborate reason for this tbh), moles, freckles, etc all bc why not?? (freckles is primarily bc of my bestie crow and now im obsessed)
lashes bc why not, give every man a pair of lashes i think theyre pretty
PIERCINGS. so many piercings. this is primarily because i am a very firm believer that tabi gets piercings done because he wants to feel human again so he finds comfort in decorating himself as much as possible for that reason and also the aesthetic
broken horn bc of the mod events, damage beyond repair and whatnot
HE HAS LONG HAIR BC I SAID SO ‼️‼️ i figured considering he's been invisible for so long he never really knew what to do when it came to cutting his hair, so eventually it grew out to around his waist, and he kept that hairstyle ever since (he prefers wearing his hair in a ponytail or smth bc sensory issues when it comes to hair touching his skin)
a lot of tater's hcs infected my brain hehehehehe especially the tail and his hands still being what they were when they were cursed (also. paw beans. /vpos)
HES TRANS ‼️‼️ hes also very dumb and has very little regard for his health and forgets to take his binder off a lot (trust me he gets scolded a lot for that)
hes autistic and has adhd — the autism hc i lowkey stole from crow but the adhd hc ive had for a long long while now — one of his lifelong special interests is performing arts and musicals
chronic insomniac — sleep? never heard of her
plays like 5 different instruments but primarily specialises in piano and guitar
safe food is anything sweet or chocolatey — he has a massive sweet tooth and is obsessed w cookies and pastries in particular which ayana baked for him a lot (ill prolly make a whole other post for her in the near future but guys. pastry chef aya. hear me out)
an absolute boss at board games, especially monopoly, and he constantly loves screwing everyone over
extremely hyperfixated on pokemon and owns a bajillion folders filled with cards worth a buttload of money, and a dozen plushies + figurines (projecting bc pokemon is one of my hyperfixes dont judge me) his fav gen is absolutely johto
his eyesight is pretty bad but like. not bad enough for him to be needing glasses (unlike a certain someone cough cough agoti)
speaking of said certain someone, he and agoti do each other's hair a lot simply because its really fun and provides some stimulation, and also because it helps tabi practice with self care and such
VERY SENSITIVE TO SOUND AND TEXTURES, often times he will probably start crying if something sounds or feels wrong
sometimes he forgets certain words in english and has to resort to using what theyre called in russian
has the goofiest sounding laugh ever and i will die on this hill. when you get tabi cackling he will start rolling on the floor and making the most UNGODLY sounds
can speak like 6 languages fluently and a dozen others in simple conversation (NERD ALERT)
he sucks so hard at writing essays but is (for some reason) really good at maths
despite being the more serious one among his group of friends, tabis a dumbass and does a lot more stupid things than one would expect
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vampirepunks · 11 months
Secret Invasion and AI Art: The Big Picture
The thing that really makes my head spin about the Secret Invasion intro being AI art... the director wanted it to look fucked up and is clearly ill-informed about the technology in question. I have to admit, it's refreshing not to see the studio saying "It looks normal and fine to us!" There's also some bitter irony in using AI to replace the work of human artists in the development of a show about shapeshifting aliens literally replacing humans in society.
Like many people, Selim says he doesn’t “really understand” how the artificial intelligence works, but was fascinated with the ways in which the AI could translate the sense of foreboding he wanted for the series. “We would talk to them about ideas and themes and words, and then the computer would go off and do something. And then we could change it a little bit by using words, and it would change.”
Now, I'm not making ANY excuses. Quite the opposite, in fact. My aim is pointing out that putting focus on "it doesn't even look good" detracts from the larger controversy. It was intended to look uncanny, so that's not an effective argument. Don't lose sight of the forest through the trees. There's a much bigger fight on our hands. (Yep, you guessed it, it's capitalism.)
Thanks to end-stage capitalism, we have a labor market in which outsourced work is being outsourced even further because of the insane production time crunches forced by media corporations. Marvel hires Method Studios for VFX, who then contract an undisclosed AI generator that's most likely trained on copyrighted art without the artists' permission. Once again, the problem stems from corporate titans of industry commodifying creativity to the point that almost all modern media (video games, films, streaming TV shows, etc) is attempting to generate maximum profit with minimal time + expense. Disney has been the face of this dilemma for years, with a reputation for overworking and underpaying creative teams in order to release multiple shows and films to maintain a constant flow of content. It's worth noting that Method Studios made a statement claiming no artist jobs were affected as a result of this practice, which is great if true, but means they know it's ethically questionable and chose to do it anyway.
Could they have directed human artists to create an eerie, surrealist, "Skrull cubism"-style intro? Absolutely. The reason they didn't is because it would have cost them more time and money. The problem is systemic. Capitalism has reduced the worth of the arts to their base trade value. The powers that be have created a society that prioritizes convenience over quality and values financial gain more than ethical acceptability.
We should criticize the show for this, but solely attacking the base aesthetic value undermines the extremely concerning precedent this sets for the entertainment industry at large. If you really oppose this practice, cancel your Disney+ membership. They don't care if you watch the show or not, so long as you stay subscribed. Boycotting Secret Invasion alone will achieve nothing and will not hurt their bottom line. USA citizens, consider going one step further by contacting your representatives to demand stronger governance of AI technology. Congress is aware of the issue and we need to push them to act soon. We have got to get organized about this, folks.
The arts are so much more than just content, so don't get swept up in "us vs. the world" attitudes--going online to talk about how bad it looks accomplishes nothing more than venting your frustration. There's a time and place for that but don't use it as a replacement for real, meaningful action. Nitpicky criticisms and refusal to watch the show only scratches the surface.
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n0phis · 1 year
5 (im gonna send u a few for the ask game)
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5. estimate how much art you post online vs. keep to yourself
honestly theres only 1-2 things a month that don’t at least get posted in the server! i don’t tend to draw for myself. most wips aren’t posted to my socials necessarily, but i still send them to friends and in the wips channel of my discord lol
7. a medium of art you don’t work in, but appreciate
all of them tbh, but particularly normal traditional drawing! i have textural issues that make drawing on paper really uncomfortable, but a nice pencil sketch always looks gorgeous and i miss being able to do it. music making, pottery, sewing and carving are others that i can think of off the top of my head that i wouldn’t do myself but love watching!
11. do you listen to anything while drawing? if so, what?
lonngggg youtube videos that don’t require much attention! i can 100% follow a described narrative and can usually focus better when drawing, but a sorry boys video would obviously require my full attention. vods are kinda in between. i tend to gravitate to interesting, niche video essays most of the time though! nuclear reactors, plane crashes, chemical tier lists and jacob geller stuff generally, but a good commentary essay or dissection of old internet dramas or communities can never go wrong.
21. art styles nothing like your own, but that you like anyways.
i love disney style furries, and most more cartoony or exaggerated warrior cat style artworks! i try to go more of a lineart-heavy, detailed and slightly more realistic style for my own work (though my fanart tends to be more bright and happy than i intend) but i can still appreciate the nostalgia and appeal in cartoony or aesthetic cat designs, or zootopia critters.
24. do your references include stock images?
uhhh whenever i use references i tend to just google body part/animal/expression, stare at it for a bit, and then work from memory back on my canvas. i guess that’s mostly stock images?
30. what piece of yours do you think is underrated?
bold of you to assume i remember my works. but i think an old cranboo piece i did! love it a lot. enderwalk (ill attach it here) i need to paint more again LMFAO
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melatonin-melanin · 6 months
welcome to melatonin-melanin!
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☆ greetings! this is a blog i made on a whim to talk about a variety of things regarding the alternative fashion world (particularly japanese fashion), how people of color are seen in it, and how this view affects them. i'll most likely discuss many topics through the lens of intersectionality, a theory explaining that the multiple facets of one's identity inherently determines their life experiences. these facets include (but are not limited to) race, gender, class, and disability. most of my posts will focus on the particular intersection of racial identity, skin color, and mental illness, and how they come together in alt spaces to influence the experience of alternative people of color. there may be more correlation than you think! my goal is to create a space for people to vocalize their own struggles related to race and mental health, as well as for people to feel more comfortable discussing these issues openly and to learn from others' perspectives. i feel that there is a particular lack of openness in the j-fashion and menhera communities when it comes to discussing race-specific issues, intentional or not. i believe we can change that with some time, patience, and will to improve!
admin info, dni, and tagging system below the cut. ☆
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★ admin info: you can call me mela or tonin! i identify as a part of the menhera subculture. i use she/they/it, and i adore j-fashion and its history. my favorite aesthetics and styles include yumekawaii, yamikawaii, and girly! i'm also very invested in ethnic studies and race theory, which present themselves in a lot of aspects of my life. these are what i'll be using as the basis for many of my posts!
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★ please do not interact under any circumstances if you:
are racist, homophobic, transphobic, or ableist in any way
are a TERF or SWERF
are a nsfw/kink blog
are pro-ed, pro-sh, or generally anti-recovery
believe jirai kei/landmine-type refers to girly fashion, and/or that you can "reclaim" the term
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★ tagging system: along with some general tags, i'll be using personalized tags for this blog to hopefully make searching for specific kinds of posts easier! the list is as follows:
#rise and shine - the main category for my general posts discussing fashion, culture, race and/or mental health
#sunny day - any cute coords, accessories, hairstyles, and diy tips and tricks i come across
#cloudy noon - any interesting articles i've found that are related to the contents of the blog
#starry night - posts directly speaking out against, and bringing awareness to racism, ableism, and current events in the world
#sweet dreams - reassurances, affirmations, and comfort for those who need it
#tonin talks - answers for any asks i may receive. im open to asks about many things ranging from silly to serious, so go right ahead!
#misc - anything that happens to not fall into any of these categories
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thanks for stopping by, and i hope you learn something new while you're here!!
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squadrah · 1 year
Any way we could get a comprehensive list of all the conditions, allergies etc. that you HC Melone with? Your characterization of Mel is my absolute favorite!!
First, thank you for the kind words, I'm very happy you like my characterization so much! <3
Your ask made me realize that I actually had something from my CuriousCat, so I will put that whole thing here! I also found some other drafts of mine that hinted at Melone stuff, so I will look those over and add anything that isn't here (and after that I will hopefully also finish up and queue those drafts just to stay on topic!)
From My CuriousCat
"What are all your medical HCs for Melone?"
The first time I discussed Melone's potential health issues was when I listed some conditions for him in my La Squadra headcanon/drawing meme, the full version of which is here. For this post I'll include my original portrait of Melone separately since it demonstrates some of what I'll be talking about:
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(For the meme, I listed the following conditions: comorbidities, amblyopia, allergies.)
Originally I didn't think a lot about medical conditions, but after listening to some friends talk about potential clues to Melone having poor health (his mask hinting at eye problems, the fact that his Stand works remotely so he doesn't have to engage his targets directly, and even things like his stiff gait in the now-defunct JoJo's Pitter Patter Pop mobile game), I decided that this reading of Melone made sense, and started thinking more about it. That said, since I'm not chronically ill and have little experience with chronic illness in my everyday life, I can only talk in vague terms.
As mentioned above, I had amblyopia listed in the drawing meme, meaning one "lazy" eye that Melone might also be mostly blind in. I've seen others say that his covered eye could be an implant, which is also interesting! In the end I went with amblyopia for the aesthetic.
By comorbidities, I was thinking an autoimmune disorder and some comorbid conditions exacerbating it and causing symptoms like joint pain, chronic pain, or insomnia. My portrait shows Melone with vitiligo both as an aesthetic choice (adding even more visual interest, which makes his portrait one of my all-time favorites I've done) and as a way of reflecting this condition, and an added motive was that I just feel like these little things make a difference and might make people with vitiligo feel more seen. Basically Melone is usually in mild to moderate pain, and on his bad days, it gets progressively worse, so he takes a lot of medication and indulges in hot baths. I would also add in retrospect that I could see him having occasional seizures, which tend to land him in the ER from time to time - along with stuff like minor accidents, having alcohol too soon after taking medication, or allergy flare-ups.
Speaking of allergies, my headcanon came from talking to a friend and joking about Melone figuring out through trial and error what he can and cannot have. Lactose intolerance is definitely among those in my land, so Melone has to take his lactaid if he wants a milkshake. Other allergies that I can remember later thinking about were to gluten, possibly sea food, and maybe even stuff like latex.
I didn't go into more detail in the original draft because it sometimes makes me feel sad to think about these things (and as I am editing this, the sentiment holds true), but because of Melone's general design and Stand design, these do make sense to me and honestly, it also helps to flesh out other aspects of his character. Thinking about potential medical conditions for him led to my absolute favorite headcanon for Melone, which is him taking ER selfies of himself and with friends, so for every trip to the emergency room, he has a few photos of himself flashing a victory sign while hooked on an IV, etc. It's funny and eccentric but also heartwarming and heartbreaking in a way: he is just making the most out of his condition and he has friends to help him and make the journey feel less harrowing.
I hope this answers your question, and thank you again for your kind words! It always makes me so happy when people enjoy my version of the characters! <3
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anon to avoid harassment: i had a parrot that was neglected when i was younger, primarily because i got the bird as a gift when i was a young teen, and teenagers are not qualified to look after an animal that essentially has the same attention needs as a human toddler.
i think the reason parrots are often a neglected animal is similar: a lot of these birds have attention requirements that are downplayed or not mentioned at all by breeders or stores, and these needs are kind of unrealistic for anyone with a full time job or school to meet while living alone.
over a decade later, i have kind of adopted the opinion that in about 90% of cases, owning a parrot is not good for the animal. obviously exceptions exist, but it reminds me a lot of how recently the reptile hobby has normalized captive lifespans of 10 years in animals that easily live 20-50 in well-qualified zoos and sanctuaries.
i am glad your birds are cared for, i just wish this wasnt a minority case.
Oh yeah for sure. I posted that as a light hearted nudge at just how fucking loud they could be (which is one of the many reasons they are horrible pets) and how its ironic that they are one of the most commonly neglected and abused pets (no statistic but based on my experience) DESPITE also being one of the hardest to actually ignore unless MAYBE we are talking about budgies MAYBE.
Parrots are often neglected cause they are wild animals that are completely normalized to be living in homes. They are absolutely not pets and should never be adopted as though they are pets.
All animals and all pets have a difficulty and a lot of needs that are often neglected and under-estimated and under-spoken which is just a chronic condition of humans with pets - but most don't understand that parrots - even the smallest ones - live 15~ years and the bigger ones can live as long as a human. On top of that, they have extremely (with variation between species, but generally) high social needs as they are all prey-animals and flock-animals as well as high enrichment needs as they are all foragers and in the wild find their foods, homes, and care for themselves by tearing apart wood, plants, fruits and vegetables, so they will destroy your everything.
Then on top of that, parrots are extremely pretty and are extremely smart and extremely cute so they are a really cool and awesome thing to have in your house on a surface level, but they will shit on everything you own, they can't be kept in a cage (contrary to almost every depiction) and they will throw bird seed and feathers everywhere constantly + allergies from dander, so they are horrible decorative (BAD EVEN IN CONCEPT) pets despite that they are usually sought after for being aesthetic
But theyre so smart and wouldnt it be cool to have a pet that can talk to you yet actually most of them are extremely behavioral, a LARGE majority never learn to speak and often in my experience its usually only a result of adapting to having to use humans for enrichment (both entertainment and social needs) which in my opinion would better be done with a bird which would then deter the motivation to teach them to speak (not a bad thing if they do, nor is it a red flag since they do bond and substitute with humans well and filling the need with another parrot is not always viable). If they aren't tame when you get them they can literally bite off your finger depending on the species and send you to the hospital in need of stitches if they go for your face. If they don't want to go to the cage and you don't want to youll be chasing that bitch around for at least half an hour (if you are lucky) and you better hope they dont get hurt while you do that. I could go on about behavioral issues and how god damn horrible and grating pets they can be if they are untame and how much patience and understanding of parrot needs, body language, and behavior is
Then there are all the injuries and illnesses they can get along with all the household items that are toxic and poisonous (note, remember, these birds can not be kept in a cage and they have two wings that can take them to places you couldn't think of). The general vet bills, the on the spot crisises that can happen such as broken blood feathers that if you aren't prepared to handle can get injured and result in a dead bird pretty fast.
Like its all cute and fun and games seeing a cockatoo screaming and throwing a tantrum online, but when its your daily for 70+ years and that's just how it communicates, its a whole different story. Which speaking of which, if you are getting a big parrot at an age where you can probably provide it's needs and afford it, you probably are going to die before the bird IF you care for it right so good luck planning for it to have a good home AFTER you die.
I could literally write a doctoral thesis on why parrots are horrible pets and why I would very much directly like to murder breeders who do it for hobby and why trying to find Popsicle a friend was PISSING me off because I REFUSE to buy from a breeder and lovebirds are so frequently targets of breeders as they are prolific and have a quick turn about.
(Also I've read up on them before I took popsicle in and honestly, out of all the 'small birds' lovebirds are by far the hardest to both tame and care for which makes this even more depressing)
We were raised with birds since we were a kid (finches and parakeets) and a lot of unfortunate situations that I won't go into because there is trauma there - but we ended up with 0 birds at a point of time and one of the few genuinely good things my oldest sister did for me was get me a cockatiel and while we were like 10 at the time, she made us write a 4 page research paper on them before she'd support me in making our parents let me have one. She basically raised me more than I raised her if you ask me and from there we ended up rescuing a few more since my mom was wanting birds again (all of which are still with us, save for one born-disabled male that lived 14 years happily despite being disabled, he died peacefully by euthanasia) and all
But like... my birds aren't pets and they are never treated like them, largely because my brain doesn't comprehend birds as anything other than 'kin' in a way beyond the usual "my pets are my family". It's hard to explain because its not a verbal feeling / experience, but my brain can not look at a bird and not feel "same species" as I've tried to logic it into trying to see a bird as a bird. It doesn't work. *shrugs*
But I'm far aware of the plight of them, as with the lovebird saga, Popsicle came from a neglectful home. Pocky came from a neglectful home. Avery came from a home that probably wouldn't have been neglectful but a dangerous, underprepared and unsuitable home (shes special needs, so much so that my mom who rescued her gave up on her after two years and thus I took her rehabilitation personally). Lucy is the result of my mom's (problematic) belief that all of the birds should get the opportunity to breed once and so he's a baby I've raised from a chick and is the son of my "mom" (first cockatiel and emotional support animal). In my mom's flock though, we have a "bird we are fostering for a college student who will surely come pick her up after 12 years", a bird that the owners thought they could raise on a boat (cant), a bird that was extremely clingy and the owner couldn't handle, and a bird that was bonded to the disabled one (I bought that one from a breeder - derogatory - solely because he was being kept UNDER the table in a dark corner so people wouldn't look at him and it broke my heart cause he looked half dead)
Largely if you have a parrot and are struggling to manage it entirely with a fulltime job, a good way to add "buffer" is to give them at least one bird of their own species to have in a big cage with plenty of enrichment.
Over here I have a fiance and am neighbors with my mom who has her "retirement flock" (they're all old birds save for one XD) and so it helps a lot there, but our birds get let out in the morning while I get ready for work, then get let out the moment I'm home and I regularly spend at least an hour or two with all four of them. Plus I pretty frequently take them along with me to shower, on walks in a carrying back pack, and honestly even let them sometimes visit the "retirement flock" just to make sure they are getting a lot of different experiences cause they deserve it.
Lucy is partially leash trained (partially in the sense that he was good for short walks to the mailbox and back but we haven't done it in a while due to new area and having lost the leash) but we had him doing that before too since he's physically and mentally able to.
I forgot where I was going with this XD But yeah you are 100% right in that.
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ianthesotherarm · 3 months
eek tagged by @barkingfortheocean thank you! i have not had the pleasure of doing one of these for a while so here goes nothing!
1. nickname -- oh man i haven't really got one! usually i just go by steph -- my gf uses steffi and thats caught on with like 2 other people too?
2. height - 5'1 (and 5'1 and a half if i'm trying to be real precise and underplay how short i am!!!!)
3. last google search - hotels in utica! my pals and i got tickets for women's world championships today and so we are trying to sort out the logistics of the stay (luckily ottawa is v close which helps) 🫡
4. song stuck in my head - nobody speak by dj shadow and run the jewels lmao -- work is really slow this week and im mostly trying to overcorrect with like, overly hype songs to get going with the day.
5. number of followers -- under 10! (said with the lightest of lmao's) ive been a sleeper blog until getting real into pwhl/woho
6. amount of sleep -- usually 7-8 hours! i slept around midnight, wake up around 8!
7. dream job -- something like my current one but a bit more... focused and busier, honestly? i like urban planning tons, and because it's a pretty generalized position (that tends to get me roped into broader housing stuff too), i get to pitch in on a lot of issues. but id love a position to hone in on the bits i like the most!!
8. wearing - black cord pants, black levis shirt -- v basic day at home so i am Dressed Down
9. movie/book that summarizes you -- i am struggling with thinking of a movie/book that summarizes me well???? ever since i saw possession (1981) i havent stopped thinking abt it tho so ill jot that down
10. aesthetic -- paddington bear core?
11. favourite authors - love me a short story so alice munro + ray bradbury. also a freak for some horror so ill always go to bat for shirley jackson
12. favourite song -- currently, wake me up by foals!
13. random fact: i have a murderer's thumb on my right hand 👍 and i can never win a thumb war bc of it 👍
genuinely i think everyone i follow has been tagged 😭 but anyone who sees this should do it! trying to get to know all the lovely woho/pwhl folks 🫡
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marastriker · 1 year
One Small and Tiny Detail I Would Change About all the StEx Update Costumes If I Was In Charge Of The Costume Department:
Rusty: he should always have curly hair, let's not have the wig look too flat. It took me a moment to really come up with something for him cause I honestly believe the Rusty costume is the BEST it's ever been now.
Pearl: more volume and length in her wig!
Greaseball: Most would expect me to say add some padding! He's gotta have muscle! But honestly I would redesign the makeup. It's quite boring honestly, and it needs to have some pizzazz to it like back in the Broadway days.
Dinah: give 👏 her 👏 a 👏 collar 👏 I really don't like bare necks
Momma: listen I don't know why they exaggerate the padding on her....cough, backside like that but it looks kinda weird. Get rid of that, it's a strange way to show that she's an old woman
Elektra: the corset piece around his torso beneath the chest piece NEEDS to be more form fitting. Right now it's like an ill fitting crop top
Caboose: WHY....why is he the only one without something at his ankles. Why. It looks weird and out of place. Give him black spats with silver buttons to match his headscarf. Peak design would be reached.
Carrie: I will admit the 4 suitcases on the headpiece is a little too much. I think 2 would suffice, that way you can see her hair and diamond hairpiece more clearly and it's less crowded.
Brandi-Belle: she needs to be less...yellowish orangish? And have more of a dark reddish brown palette. Mahogany comes to mind when I think of her, kind of that dim and romantic feel that a lounge would have.
Rockies: I mean the obvious thing is to cast more POC, but that's not related to the costumes themselves so - I think if you're going to make the artistic decision to have them look a little older and perhaps with some graffiti on them, then it shouldn't be so uniform between them? Either make the worn-downness unique, or actually commit to making them uniform. And let Rocky 3 have green lipstick!!!!! If 1 can have blue to match and 2 can have yellow to match, why doesn't 3 match?! Let her look like freight!
Dustin: Also the obvious thing to do is to cast more actors of size, but again. That isn't related to the costume. The update already toned down his makeup so it isn't so nightmare inducing clown aesthetic anymore which I genuinely appreciate because it doesn't match his character at all....otherwise I can't think of anything that would massively improve the look.
Flat Top: okay someone fix his hair situation. I get you're trying to keep that "flat top" hairstyle but it looks like something that belongs on a muppet. Brick can still be a hat, that's fine, idc
Nationals costume gripe in general: they have asymmetrical gear and it bothers my poor little brain
Coco: it's so obvious the fabric around her neck is the exact same fabric used for Elektra's costume. Could you be any lazier...please give that part of her costume a unique design.
Ruhrgold: I got nothing, he looks like a good stable man.
Brexit: I understand what you're trying to do with the tie.....I get it. But you know that party is racist right? Right? Regular funky dad tie pls.
Espresso: he should have a different hat. Fight me. Otherwise his costume looks great!
Manga: I have no issues with the Manga costume, gonna be real. He looks wonderful!
Turnov: I think the black base is a little out of place?
Killerwatt: I feel like there should be SOMETHING that indicates he's actually a train. I don't know what it is, but something. Maybe wheels on his gloves, like all the others?
Volta: you have two options. One - give him a B L A C K codpiece because the silver one looks weird. Option two: get rid of the codpiece all together! Krupp or Purse didn't need one! Why does male!Volta/Zero?
Wrench: they already fixed my only gripe which was the crane helmet fitting on the head so that you can see the ears of the person alright. Otherwise I really don't have any issues with this costume, it looks fantastic
Joule: as much as I appreciate Joule sometimes having butch hair, I think her wig needs SOMETHING funky. Cause Joule is funky and would do crazy stuff. A mullet or rattail braids? She would.
Trax: I think the codpieces on them are so out of place cause I don't even know if they're trains? They shouldn't have elaborate costumes with all the stunts they're doing obviously but idk what I would do to fix that
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aeternalight · 9 months
please interact if you're a 20 something (or 18 or 19) and believe in reincarnation who loves cute girls and ghost guys, and uhm , aesthetic stuff.
Like, cybercore, yamikawaii, tenshi kawaii, hyperpop, edm, menhera, etc. But you're also definitely irreversibly affected by your supernatural experiences, so you dove into witchcraft to possibly connect to anyone with a similar experience.
I am friendly to:
Otherkin. I call it by a different name.
Systems or trauma survivors. I am one myself. Unpalatable symptoms or thoughts? I completely understand, shadow work is not for the faint of heart.
Yanderes or mentally ill aesthetic girlies. Its completely valid to have abandonment issues, yanderes are so vampirecore. Please give me your pinterest.
Pro kink/kinksters. Like obv, don't interact if you only post porn on your main blog, no one wants to see that. But if in your spare time, or with your partner, do kink, come be my friend. We need more people like you in this world.
Diviners. please please interact if you do astrology, tarot, or another type of divination, that is my hyperfixation, pleaseee interact with me.
Have past lives in which you weren't human or know of your past lives in general. I want to know if you knew me. I'd like to be your friend even if we didn't.
Are an artist/lover of aesthetics. I love all kinds of aesthetics, I'd love to meet more people who are visually inclined. Show me your moodboards, show me your doodles. I'd like to see what kind of things you have come up with.
Connect to the fey/faerie/sidhe. I am not one of those people who sees the fey as tiny little fairies, although I do not mind fairies. Just interact in general if you have a connection, whether or not that you can explain, to the fey. Or if you believe you've had a past life as one. I'd like to know you.
You experience premonitions or tend to write prophetic prose. This one is a little hard to explain, but if you're out there, having written or experienced something predetermined by a piece of cryptic text, hit me up.
I doubt I'll find much or any person like this, given this day and age. But I'm still holding out hope. You don't have to be everything on that list, but you have to be okay with most of it. If we are to be friends, or to connect spiritually, you should know that I am not a fan of gatekeeping, fakeclaiming, lateral aggression, or cringe culture. If you do not simply understand due to a human lens on life, let me take that off for you, as those who connect to me are not even close to normal members of society. My space is for the strange, unusual, or those who don't care and simply want to have fun. Neutral spirits, not unequivocally pure or lawfully aligned. I'd like to go on adventures, as long as none of you are judgmental.
So come with me, as long as you feel drawn or heard. I may be the person for you.
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not-eating-till-i-pass · 10 months
Romanticized mental illness and addiction
(this is me coping with severe, chronic, treatment resistant mental illness. Not me promoting or actually romanticsing anything. Romanticsing things for myself makes life more bearable rn. Please dont take any of these as reasons you should 🌟ve yourself, most aren't realistic and im clincally delusional /gen),
Mild f@tph0bic rhetoric directed at myself only
kind of venty, ED fantasy
My Design
[Inspired by "I go hungry" by mothermother]
In my design
I'll be the small, easily passing emo boy that looks good in all clothes and aesthetic in large band t-shirts and dark makeup and skinny jeans
In my design
I'll never have to worry about binding again, I'll be so small and boney these fat lumps on my chest will shrink and shrink and shrink until their gone. I'll always pass, my bones will jut out and look so masculine and boyish, from my bones to my jaw to my hips
In my design
I'll be the boy who you see live off black coffee and ultra monster and hot chips, I'll look more beautiful with my nicotine and sunken eyes instead of just sad. I'll be the pretty boy you see alone at the park or corner of the cemetery with a cigarette and far off stare and not the sad fat addict
In my design
I will be dark, scary looking but sweet. I'll uplift others bodies, never let anyone know my diet ""advice"" "what do you mean? I just look like this normally, every size is gorg you don't need to look like me!" I'll never let anyone go through the pain did. I'll make sure people who look like I do now feel beautiful and never shamed by my new size
In my design
I'll meditate, every day. On top of being my dark brooding self, with how little time i spend eating, ill have more time to improve my witchcraft. Become good enough to help my friends with spells, protect my house and mind so I can stop feeling as awful, recconnect with mother earth and my ancestors. Without food as a distraction i can be more spiritual and better at it
In my design
I'll read more, clean more, be a more productive person and really focus in on my self care and care for others.
In my design
My friends and family will always come first, I'll be a good selfless person, a perfect person. I'll ask how everyone's doing and if there's any problems I can help solve, I'll be attentive to everyone's needs and wants, I'll listen intently every time they speak and respond with love, I'll bake sweets for everyone every chance I get, send them to my friends far away in little perfectly wrapped care packages, save some for mt family, only have 1 for myself.
In my design
I'll be creative and smart again, throw myself into art and writing and books and documentaries again.
In my design. I'll be perfect. I'll be small to look dark and pretty in emo clothes and take up less space. Take up less resources like food that my family needs more then me. I'll pass I'll be boney and masculine. My issues and problems will all become aesthetic quirks because of skinny and pretty privilege. I'll look dark and scary and sick. I'll be kind, and compassionate and never let my ED warp my views of other beautiful people. I'll be a more skilled witch and pagan. I'll be a more productive person in general. I'll be the perfect brother, son, boyfriend, friend. I'll make sure everyone eats before me, never let my hanger show, I'll be sweet and good and selfless. I'll have more time for my old hobbies and art
I will be perfect.
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m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
ngl i feel like we gotta stop associating all fandoms and subcultures w the romanticization of eds when it doesn’t inherently have anything to do w it, it’s pro anas interjecting in non ed communities then playing pikachu face when ppl are upset w that. #alanachampion #lilyrosedepp #lanadelrey are not ed tags, but so many pro ed blogs use them for that! bc then we start hurting ppl by assuming their interests = pro ed even if they may be in recovery and their interests have nothing to do w the promotion of ed’s, but rather self expression.
already ppl associate skins uk and girl interrupted as undercover ed tags bc one character who’s not even the center of the plot has an ed. i think bc i have a lana del rey related username, pro ed accounts often flock to my acc bc they assume music taste = pro eating disorder acc bc they only associate lana w that period of her life she expressed being depressed which relates to their ed struggles, and not the periods she healed from her depression despite still struggling w it and hell even a song alluding to the media body shaming her for her weight and her accepting herself as she is.
literally the whole “coquette = pro ana” thing is reminiscent of “all emos romanticize depresssion” when it’s ppl who are sick using their mental illness as an excuse to latch onto creative subcultures having nothing to do w promoting self harm??? if u agree w the phrase “eds aren’t an aesthetic” then u should kinda realize that besides aesthetics discreetly saying they promote eds, no awsthetic subculture is inherently pro ed.
bc i literally had never heard of this community before and then i realized “oh shit, the ppl here having their entire community butchered when it’s actually so diverse and celebrating of all types of beauty is fucked.” bc the black/wlw coquette folks are some of the sweetest ppl i’ve ever met and yet some of the most excluded. there’s also the issue of poc being excluded from every subculture and aesthetic in general but i digress and that’s semi related to this attitude.
like it feels so wrong to me??? esp bc it’s mostly young ppl expressing themselves trying to be creative and happy and then there’s pro-ed ppl telling them “ok u have to look xyz way to be valid in xyz subculture i clearly haven’t read up on considering i’m butchering it like that” and other ppl going “yeah this entire subculture is exactly what the pro anas who are latching onto every and any aesthetic even celebs related to their curated mental illness romanticization aesthetic say it is.” hell even stuff like “luxury fashion aesthetics” and nepo babies are rife w pro ed shit bc ppl associate rich = thin = access to finer access to exclusive items.
like idk u don’t have to personally like certain subcultures/online communities but associating it all w pro ana and white supremacy instead of calling out racists and pro ed folks interjecting into any sort of community known for its diversity and inclusion and inclusivity of poc and fat ppl where often otherwise excluded excludes them from the few places they feel comfortable and welcome ig???? like i feel personally that saying “xyz space is only for xyz exclusive group that hates poc and fat ppl” also excludes them??? that’s all
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badgeworn-arc · 2 years
i  don’t   normally   make   posts   like   this   but  i  need  to   make   a  post  in  regards  to  my  activity  possibly  dipping.   tw:   chronic  illness    &    just   health   issues   in  general.
i  think  i   have   mentioned   before  that  i  have  a  sick  parent.    he   has   been   in   and   out   of   the   hospital   a   lot   over   the   years   but   even   more  so   since   october   of   last   year.     he   is   currently   in   there  again  right  now.     we’ve  known  for  a  while  that  he   is  very  sick    and   he  is   ,   in   fact   ,    very   sick   .         i   received   a   call   from   my   mom   not   too  long   ago   with   less  than  great   news.   things   are   beginning  to  get  better   but   things   are   also   still   going  downhill.      i  will  still  be  here  as  often  as   muse   &   life   allow   and   if   that   makes   me   seem   shitty,   fine.    but   needing   a   place   where   i  can   come    &   not  think  about  the  dumpster   fire  that  is  my   life    for   a  while  is   a   needed   distraction.  
i  also  work   8-9  hour  shifts  most  days  of  the  week  that  leaves  me  with  nothing  but  time  to   sit   here   most   days.     i   just  wanted  to  give  an  update  in  case  my  activity  suddenly  drops    .  
today  i   was   planning   on   mostly   focusing   on   an   aesthetics   overhaul   anyway  so   i   am   available  on  d.isco  ,  w.ire  ,  or  twit  if   you  need  me. 
love you, all.   xo
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I don't know if bluebell is still doing those, but i wanted to try (pls ignore my question if she doesn't do tarot anymore).
I was wondering what i should do to make my doctor believe what i tell her, since she never takes me seriously.
(i'm not a very confident person so it might be because of that 😅)
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Hello, yes Blue still does readings they just take a moment right now
Yes, blue I’m sick but on the mend hopefully …
This question is one I’ve had to ask and figure out myself as a ND and chronically ill person. The solution is not a one size fits all for sure (I had to be persistent and see various specialists to figure out my shit) I hope this hel-
Ok blue let’s get on with it then
We will be using the following: a set of runes made by myself, the wizards tarot by wizard of barge, and the moonology Oracle by Yasmin Boyland+ Nyx Rowan.
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Not the most aesthetic breakdown but here is a guide of the runes blue pulled for you
Woah blue that’s intense. If seeking out another doctor is not an option, tell her the issues you’re having so that it is noted in your files and that you don’t appreciate her brushing off your concerns/ condition. This can’t be a sudden switch for everyone, a potential solution is to bring someone with you to advocate for you.
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Ten of pentacles: indicates matters of health
Culmination of hard work
Ten of wands : overburdened- too much responsibility
Six of cups : lost in the past/ nostalgia loosing sight of the present
Temperance: adapting/ patience
These cards are not super clear in all honesty because I know so little about the situation so feel free to dig into the meanings of these cards and runes to understand your reading more.
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New moon in Gemini - communication is key
Perhaps you’ve been persistent and your communication about your concerns are going to culminate into her finally listening??
I Hope this was helpful or cathartic for you at all thank you for your ask💕
Don’t take this as serious life or medical advice. I am not a professional at any capacity, this is for entertainment only
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Hey do you guys ever have trouble getting dressed? We get into arguments almost every single day when we're trying to get dressed because there's no outfit that everyone feels comfortable in. Between sensory issues and gender dysphoria and just different alters having different styles it's super difficult and often ends in tears.
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We literally have a thing called "Clothing Warfare" in this system. Its a whole thing, we have literally had to in-cooperate it and general principles of respect for one another and boundaries about how we handle clothing because big yes.
Its less because gender dysphoria as much (though we do have that issue with our more fem parts, though the more fem parts tend to be far more internal so its not a regular large issue) but just because we all have very different comfort zones and rules
For example, I have a VERY low heat tolerance and am very prone to sensory issues with clothes, so unless I'm in a good mood, I cant really stand long sleeves, jeans, anything wet, and certain textures (though usually most of the system cant handle the same ones so its not as bad of a thing). Plus I am very comfort driven and personally have the least "style" in the system so I really like to wear good texture / airy tank tops and quick dry shorts almost problematically cause Ill do that in (Californian) winter and rain.
Lucille on the other hand, he HATES having his shoulders exposed and if he can, he prefers to have long sleeves and at least his knees covered. He's just a Pretentious Guy like that.
XIV has a lot more flexibility with things but he is HEAVILY aesthetic driven and has an issue with colors that function in an OCD manner where wearing much of any not-accent colors (or even ANY colors if its not gold, red, or sometimes purple) quickly makes his tolerance for stress and annoyances very low since the color is apparently all he can think about.
And then we have the more effeminate parts that always have complaints (valid). Beyond us three there isn't that HUGE of conflicts, so for them we have a principle of 'if you are out / doing something you are free to dress how you like' but the three of us are around A LOT and a lot of what we like / need conflict with eachother and usually when one of us gets dressed at least one other will have to Deal With It later in the day.
So we simply ask eachother to be considerate for the others. If there is reason to suspect Lucille might be out and I have to wear a tank top, bring one of his jackets. If Lucille or I are out, just don't wear a color and if you have to wear a color, try to wear something that can be removed so that if XIV ends up out, he doesn't go full ASPD anger mode because he is stressed by the fact hes wearing it.
Usually for me though, I just have to Suck It Up and Cry About It which I'm kinda ok with cause when I get home I always shed my clothes for my loose PJs anyways and its alright once in a while to tolerate discomfort to look Really Nice and make the others in our brain happy.
As for clothing warfare, its the term we use for when we wear clothes EXTREMELY adversive to another part to make sure they STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE FRONT THIS IS MY TERRITORY.
So- actually this came up the other day and like texts to our fiance / friends cause it was kinda memeable and we were like really co-blurred-front
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