#it’s okay tho they know i’m goofin
seokjinsonlyone · 9 months
Hi there!!! May I know your take on this? Which member do you think would be most likely to like having their s/o in the studio with them when working? This just randomly came to mind one day when I realised I could lowkey spend the whole day watching them work 🫢 So there's that..✌️
bc if you think about it we really be watching the tannies do nothing and be absolutely enthralled like in the soop love that and half the time they just be napping soskskks we literally did watch jk sleep on live for like 20 minutes before a staff finally cut the cameras 💀 but there really is something extra fascinating about watching them work like just that one lil 30 minute part of the recording the in the soop theme song i’ve watched that section by itself probably like 8 times and then there’s that one idk if it’s a bangtan bomb or an episode but the clip of rap line like editing ddaeng boooiiiii butters my biscuits like nothing else anyway now that i’ve rambled on for far too long this what i think
tae’s giving the one that would like it the most but like you not just gonna be sitting there you’re gonna end up working too 💀 like he’s bouncing ideas off of you asking you if what he recorded sounds good if you were listening to a song would you like this part if it was like this or like that like you’d be inclined to ask for composition credits messing around wit tae in the studio
yoongi wouldn’t mind at all seeing as half the time he’s in the studio he’s not even working just waiting for inspiration to strike and what are you if not his greatest muse so ofc you’re always welcome your presence is comforting to him and honestly some of y’all best times is cuddled up on that couch his head resting on your shoulder while you just talk and joke around about nothing and everything
joonie likes it too like he just likes being around you all the time you’re very grounding and comforting to him i think he can actually work perfectly around you so if you told him you wanted to tagalong it would be no problem like he’d be at his desk looking at his monitor tip typing away he checks on you periodically makes sure you’re okay gets you both water orders food in and you sit next to each other practically conjoined at the hip when you eat and then he leaves you wit a little kith and goes to work some more maybe shows you what he’s doing and how if you pop over his shoulder for some attention and when he’s done for the day he takes your small hand into his big one and y’all go home together and talk and kiss and cuddle some more 🥰
jk is obviously okay with you being in the studio like he let us in on his birthday that one year idk if it was 2021 or 2022 time is a social construct and my life is turning into one gigantic blur but whenever he made the my you song you know what i’m talking about anyway he’s fine with you being there bc he spends 75% of his time new boot goofin impersonating people doing riffs and runs just trying things out when he gets serious tho he still doesn’t mind you in there but you gotta be on your best behavior his focus don’t last long and if you compliment him his ears will turn red
i think jimin would let you but only on his terms like he don’t wanna show you anything too raw only wants you to see his best or as close to best as it can get before he sends his work off to others for the final touches like he’d let you listen to stuff that’s basically finished or if he had more administrative tasks to care for then probably but he’d be rushing through it bc he doesn’t want to bore you so watching him record and make melodies and all that it’s probably a no for the most part :3
seokjin probably likes to have a separation between his work and private life like y’all can’t be together too too much or you probably gonna get on each other nerves distance makes the heart grow fonder and so on and so forth also i think he does music with a certain level of vulnerability and he needs to process that alone before inviting anyone else in of course you’re one of the first ones he shows no doubt no doubt but i feel like you won’t be much privy to the inner machinations of his process like he’ll show you what he does but not when he doing it 💀
i’m sorry but hobi is giving hard no like when he works he works like he is stressing antagonizing pushing himself to his limits and his boundaries he’s on a self imposed deadline that he will make and cannot tolerate any distractions whatsoever like it’s all good when he’s off work and he’s happy to destress after work with you but you is not getting in that studio when hobi is making magic you’ll just have to watch the documentary like everyone else <\3
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jokingmaiden · 2 years
“i’m gonna fight god” “i’ll kill god” “god is dead. we killed them” “god abandoned us” “i’ll beat god’s ass”
FOOLS. i will kiss god on the mouth and make their knees so weak they kneel before me. my seduction will be the saving grace of humanity
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