#it’s petrifiying how wrong it went
alohaasaloevera · 9 months
I know I didn’t want to talk about this anymore but people kept liking the rough draft of this so HERE IS THE ART I MADE OF LANCE. Spefically the one that made him look like Barry B. Benson and Dantes (the deranged streamer), but we don’t talk about that (I’d love if you did).
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Soulmate AU 30 W/ Seven
30. Every so often you will get flashes of what your soulmate is seeing at the time, however your soulmate does not know when it happens.
Ever since you were a little kid you knew one fact: that your soulmate lived a very scary life, and the world was a unfair place where people who very were undeserving of pain experienced it firsthand. It was hard for your parents to sit down and explain to you this fact, and although you were worried and scared for your soulmate, there was nothing that you could do without the adequate information to locate them. It's because of the experiences you went through per your Soulmate that you grew up to become somebody that radiates positivity, rather than negativity.
You wanted to be an escape for your Soulmate. If on the off chance that they popped into your head, and saw the world through your eyes, you wanted it to be happy. It might have been the only source of happiness in their live. They deserved the chance to see something amazing for themselves, and even if it was something little, you wanted to help. You just wanted for them to be happy and safe where ever they were in the world.
In spite of the pain, and in spite of the fate of your Soulmate, you were optimistic and hopeful. Hopeful for the future and hopeful for the chance to find them and tell them that you were there for them no matter how down on themselves they must have felt about the world. Unfortunately, there was no mirrors around whenever you popped into their head, so the only things that you knew about them came from the world around them.
All you knew about them from the vivid visions was that they lived in a crampt room, it was very dirty, and that they had a sibling close in their age who looked sickly. Sometimes there would be petrifiying images of broken bottles in hands,faint shouting and crying, and the silhouette of a person stalking behind them with malicious intent. It would be enough to trigger sobs from your chest at the distressing imagery, things that your parents could do nothing for but hold you tight and just try coaxing you down.
The one shred of hope you have in your soul comes from feeling the sun on their face, the glimmer of happiness in their sibling's eyes, and that one summer day where it felt like maybe your Soulmate was finally on the brink of their happiness.
How wrong you were to believe that.
The times when you weren't thinking about them, you were out living your own life and trying to survive your own trials and battles. As you get older, the moments that you receive from your Soulmate are ever perplexing and confusing. Moments where they were staring at books for hours on end. Moments where they were staring at bright computer screens for hours on end. Moments were they were training for something. Moments where the darkness and terror that had once inhabited their childhood sprouted up all over again. Whatever they were doing out there, it didn't feel like they were enjoying themselves by the way you viewed it.
Sometimes when it came to you, you stood in the middle of the street and stared in front of yourself as the rapid fire flashes breathed to life the same scenery over and over as of late. They worked in the dark, secluded, always working on their computers and crunching numbers and code with a sense of purpose. There were so many terrifying things happening to your Soulmate all at once, and as much as it made you sick to your stomach to see them crouched down and fighting for their lives doing God knows what in the world, you kept smiling and fighting to be the shining light of joy.
Nobody who ever looked at you would realize that you had seen things that would have destroyed anyone who witnessed them. They would never know that behind your bright eyes, you had seen a world of sorrow, and that world threatened to destroy you often almost as you feared how close it was coming to destroy your Soulmate. If they could keep fighting to survive their pain... then so could you.
Secondhand was nothing compared to firsthand, you would always remind yourself.
It was one of those very days when you were lost in your Soulmate's world that your phone buzzed with messages from an unknown sender who claimed to be a student studying abroad, asking you to do them a favor by doing a something small for them.
Your choices are motivated by your heart and never your head. Which is why you found yourself drawn to a strange apartment, a new job title at your helm, and a group of new friends to speak with. One of them in particular caught your attention without even batting an eye. Seven was supposedly a hacker workaholic who was always working on his computers for his agency or the RFA. It might have been that that drew you to speak to him, but it was his humor and genuine laughter that made your heart flutter.
It isn't until Unknown arrives and the bomb is threatening to explode that it hits you that Seven is indeed and truly your Soulmate. All of the clues just click into place in a fraction of a second, and as you shut your eyes, expecting to be dragged away by by the person that brought you to this place, the flashes of somebody racing up the stairwell and bounding down the hallway- the hallway to this very room- that it truly resonates that you both were Soulmates. This person that you've fallen for is truly the one you've been thinking of your entire life. Tears threaten to spill from your eyes as you stare at Seven, all you can say in the brink of the madness is:
"I knew it was you."
And you don't know it, but at that very moment, Seven was thinking about all of the times that he had seen you throughout his life. There were vivid moments that stuck out in his mind where you went out of your way to be the good in the world. He had often caught sight of your hastily scrawled bright drawings as a child, where you helplessly thought that maybe you could reach him and make his day a lot better by doing that. Times where you did for others, times where you helped without being asked, times where your smile made somebody's day. Those times where you cried and thought of him and his brother wanting so badly to help but being unable. You would never know it, but you're the very reason that Seven was able to survive as long as he did on his own. Seeing you try so hard to be good made him want to be worthy of someone like you. He wanted to be able to someday be able to make you as comforted and happy as you did for him throughout your lives.
Seeing you now for the first time in his life in clarity, he wanted to beg for your forgiveness for making you see such horid things when you never deserved to go through such a thing. All he wants is to hold you in his arms and tell you that he's here for you now. That it will be okay. But in the midst of the blaring alarms and threat and safety of his own brother and you hanging in the balance the only thing that he could bring himself to say was:
"I'm sorry."
💜 Mod Kait 💜
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