#it’s quite fun to participate in fandom events haha never really done it before until i joined the rumbelle fandom
personinthepalace · 1 year
For Your Consideration - @the-chipped-cup-awards
I’m not sure if I’m doing this correctly or even if I should do this in the first place haha, but I started watching ouat and fell in love with Rumbelle early last year (just a few days after the Skin Deep anniversary actually). I mainly spent the rest of 2022 reblogging a lot of wonderful rumbelle stuff, but I did make a few video edits, and I’m quite proud of them.
So if you would consider voting Rumbelle Wedding or Rumbelle and Whouffaldi Parallels for Best Video then I would really appreciate it - thanks :)
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daredevilexchange · 4 years
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What's your fannish ID? Notawriterjustalurker (yeah, I know. It's ironic right? I basically did start off as a lurker and then I decided to have a go at writing and I kept the name almost out of stubbornness 😂) 
What types of fanworks do you create?  I create art work and fanfic. Art is my bread and butter. I've been creating things visually since (and I hate to use this phrase) before I could walk. I recently integrated back into the Daredevil fandom and started creating artworks which everyone has been super supportive of. It's been a lot of fun, and something good to get my head into while I've been stuck at home. I wrote my first ever fanfic about a year and a half ago for Karedevil. I won't speak for my writing abilities because I've been winging that whole thing from the beginning but I will say that I enjoy writing for the same reasons I enjoy drawing — it's an escape and it's rewarding to create something that people might get some enjoyment from at the end.
What are your favourite types of fanworks, when you're not creating?  I love anything that's been lovingly created by others for the fandom but I definitely have a soft spot for fanfic because I still have so much to learn about my own writing and I love how much reading other people's work can inspire my own.
What do you like in particular about this fandom?  I love the Karedevil squad!! For a relatively small fandom they have some serious talent and the content produced is of astonishing quality (I'm not blowing my own trumpet here I swear) haha. I've written for Jess/Matt too. I'd really like to write more for those two! Tropes I enjoy. It's difficult, because for me, what I consume is a lot to do with the mood I'm in at the time, I'm really open to anything.
Do you like participating in fan events? Yes! But I've only done so recently. So far it's been fun. I wouldn't want to commit to too many though. I have what you could call "typical artist/creator high self-expectation syndrome" (I just made that up) add a splash of procrastination to that and creating for others can become somewhat stressful, even when I know it doesn't need to be 😂
What about your creating process?  I'm not your typical artistic night owl type. My internal voice likes to chatter so a lot of my ideas get scribbled down in my phone at any and all hours of the day. I'd actually say I write similarly to how I draw. My initial "sketch" is absolutely hellish. Just a montage of keyboard smashing that you couldn't pay me to show anyone. I think that stems from my love of flow — when I draw I have to have flow for me get it feeling/looking organic and natural, so when I get stuck on a word I just leave it and come back to it later, I chip away at the lines until it becomes acceptable enough to put out into the world, then I do, and I never look at it again 😂 (okay, I do sometimes, but only for growth purposes) I absolutely love music. I listen to a lot of heavy metal and rock and I get a lot of inspiration from the lyrics in that genre. Sometimes I like to write with headphones on, sometimes not, but when I'm arting it's a dead certainty I'll be listening to something.
Do you interact a lot with other fans? I think I interact quite a lot within the Karedevil fandom. They're all very supportive and they seem to humour me when I word vomit ideas into random tumblr texts posts at 7.am in the morning. Which is nice 😂
Do you have other fandoms you'd like to talk about?  I'm kind of all or nothing when it comes to fandom so I'm not really active in any others right now but I did use to be in the Sherlock fandom (although not really as a content creator).  In general, if you give me an angsty, emotionally complicated protagonist, wrap em up in a hard shelled exterior of 'I don't have any feelings, I'm practically a sociopath' you can be sure as hell I'll be all over it. Haha.
Is there any particular piece you'd like to showcase for this post?  https://notawriterjustalurker.tumblr.com/post/616553539925311488/some-renaissance-vibes-today-brought-to-you-by it was the first one I did that got traction, it sort of encouraged me to do more 😂
Where can your fanworks be found?  AO3 Notawriterjustalurker + Tumblr URL @notawriterjustalurker
Thank you, @notawriterjustalurker !
banner by @context-is-for-kingpins​ !
[ID on a white background, four black triangles that look like spotlights from above. Each illuminates one of the Defenders silhouetted in white: Jessica, Luke, Danny, Matt. A hand on the left is holding a pen writing the words Content Creator Spotlight. There is a little Punisher skull on the pen. End ID]
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sledgefuweek · 4 years
the rule about not reblogging if submissions are late seems extremely unnecessary and really unfair on us who don't make the deadlines but who have worked really hard filling these prompts? it absolutely does not encourage further participation. this along with the only using one particular time zone instead of letting people just upload in their own time zones just adds complications and anxiety to what is supposed to be fun and without pressure, wtf?
tldr, i spent two months using all my free time to write and putting off my own personal projects to write within the prompts and now you're saying my work doesnt count if it isnt finished by a certain date? I am seriously not impressed by this.
(since you’ve messaged me one on one about this, i feel like i don’t completely need to post this but i will for posterity and for other people who may be wondering. i haven’t edited my original message at all despite our conversation in my DMs)
hi!! thank you for sending us a message, and i’m sorry that some of the ways in which we chose to do this year’s ship week were frustrating -- this is how we’ve done things for the past couple years, and it’s worked so far, but sledgefu week continues to grow and it’s only the two of us, there’s really no way for us to know how to adjust for next year’s ship week until the current one is over! so thank you for your feedback. there’s always tweaks that need to be made for sure, and if it happens again next year the time zone thing is definitely something to look at. however, we did have a twenty-four hour window for everybody to submit stuff, which felt completely fair but maybe we need to have a better look at that for next year. it’s just lea and i running this week, and we’re both in a similar time zone so it’s really difficult to try and plan around every zone there is. that’s no excuse, just trying to be open about it!
in terms of the late submissions thing: i can completely see where you’re coming from. as i mentioned, sledgefu week grows each year and the guidelines we use have to change with it, so i see no harm in reblogging later submissions. i’m sorry that you’ve felt frustrated and that the way we’re doing things is unfair, i’d just really like to say that this is a small ship week for a small fandom, (or at least, it used to be very small, haha! this has been a really big sledgefu week this year) and we’re all still just muddling through trying to work out what’s best. we don’t do things to be cruel or unfair, there just have to be some rules to make it a special yearly event and to make it different to fanart or fic that’s posted for the rest of the year. part of the challenge and the fun of a ship week event is to see what you can do by the deadline! we never intended to make it feel like a stressful experience, it’s just simply the nature of a ship week. it also feels a little unfair to those who worked (just as you have! i know it’s not always feasible, of course, especially with everything going on in the world at the moment) to make the deadline if we’re reblogging things very very far down the line. we all worked hard, we all put off personal projects and used all our free time to write. there was a clear deadline from the very beginning, and one that even got pushed back by a month because lea and i were very aware of the pressures of both lockdown/quarantine and the protests that were happening at the time. i hope you can see where i’m coming from with this, just as i can see where you’re coming from too. 
thinking that an extra week for late submissions would be enough was my mistake, i didn’t think to take into account where others might be in their timeline -- i answered that ask last night before bed, and didn’t think it over, and i’m sorry for that! would the rest of august be a better stretch of time? 
again, we’re sorry that this may have been a frustrating experience for you, i know ship weeks are all about the time crunch, which can be quite stressful.
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resbang-bookclub · 5 years
In our first AMA of the season, @trueeasiann answered questions about her Resbang, Fake News! Read all the insider info below!
Q: First of all, because I’m always curious about what inspired stuff, what gave you the idea to write this resbang and put it in an office setting?
Whinnie: Hmm that's a good question lmao. I know there are quite a few soma office AUs out there but they seemed very 'corporate' and I wanted to explore an office environment that's a little more different? Also, I’m very biased but I work in tech LMAO... and I wanted to share some of the fun(ny) experiences I’ve had with my coworkers!
Q: By any chance... was a real experience playing ping pong with a coworker? I was very amused at Patty whooping Blackstar ahaha
Whinnie: Lmao yes I love working in tech! I've had the honour of getting the chance to work in both a smaller startup environment and a larger corporation, and the startup experience is just so much better because it's more flexible, less redundant, and I find you have more freedom to get things done. The dialogue during the ping pong isn't exact but yes, my friends at work do play a lot of ping pong and there is a lot of smack talking and I have one friend who randomly yells out from time to time while playing (or talking in general lmao) and he really reminds me of Blackstar HAHA.
Q: Did you have a favorite scene or scenes to write?
Whinnie: I really enjoyed writing the ramen scene, where Soul and Maka first get to really know each other outside of work. The dialogue came really easy to me for that, but I also enjoyed writing the coffee shop conversation between Black Star and Maka. Re-reading that scene now gives me a laugh at all the ridiculous stuff I made BS say lmao.
Q: I really enjoyed the sorta sibling vibes that Maka and Star convos had. He is always so extra.
Whinnie: I know it's kind of an overdone trope, to make Maka and BlackStar childhood friends or friends that know each other from way back (in this case, from college), but I feel like that's the only reason Maka puts up with him HAHA.
Q: You mentioned in your footnote at the end that this was your first fandom event. did the event schedule affect your usual writing habits at all, or your process for how you put it all together?
Whinnie: Well, before this, I hadn't written for like 4 or 5 years LOL. So I didn't really have any writing habits that were affected? But this was my first time writing on a deadline, and my first time writing a full multi-chapter story (as I like to stick to one-shots) so this was the first time where I started way "ahead" of time (I say ahead in quotations because my time of perception is really off lmao and I always end up starting stuff late anyway) this was also the first time where I was writing while juggling other things. I had my full-time job and also some other extracurriculars that I had to maintain. It's not as easy as writing in high school where you can just write all day LOL and not worry about putting dinner on the table or waking yourself on time the next morning for work. So I would do like work until 6 pm, come back and eat dinner, maybe catch up on some other things like messages, and then write until 3 or 4 or 5 in the morning lol because that was the only free time I had.
Question: When I read that footnote about writing in a car during your friend's wedding to make a deadline, I was floored!
Whinnie: LMFAOOOO yeah that was a wild time. so the wedding was actually one of my old coworker's and I got a ride with my other coworker and his GF. And when we arrived I was like "Ummmm I'm still not done so I'm gonna have to ask you something weird. Can you just lock me in the car and I'll come in like 10 mins?" LOOOL… But also part of it was my fault with, again, not budgeting enough time for myself. Like, I didn't start regularly working on my resbang until December. So for that whole month leading up to my posting date, I just didn't have a social life LMAO. And I also ended up taking the day before my posting date and my posting date itself off work because I knew I would stay up all night finishing it LOOOL. I also hope I never have to do that again LOOOL. It was really rough And I have a really bad habit from high school of staying up late and not getting enough sleep and so I kind of reverted back to that schedule… even now that resbang is done.
Q: Yeah, this sounds like it was a good learning experience at least! About your limits, how quickly you work, etc… And oh no, sounds like the habit tracker Soul and Maka did might be something to use!
Whinnie: YES, absolutely haha. I saw that while I was browsing Reddit and thought it was really cool, and I thought that if people are going to read my fic, I might as well offer them something useful as well haha.
Q: Did you know where you wanted the fic to go or did you kind of let it all happen as it went?
Whinnie: Hmmmm, well obviously Soul and Maka getting together was the end goal and I knew that I wanted to write it from Maka's POV (since I find that a lot of fics are written from Soul's or a mix of both), and that I wanted it to be relatable. So I thought it was plausible that both of them would bond over their shared imposter syndrome. And I did have an outline but it was very high level and vague, so I ended up adding more stuff. I also didn't want there to be any awkward jumps, like "wow one second she hated his guts and now she likes him?" so the granola bar scene, that wasn't what I originally intended on adding but it made more sense to have it before the ramen scene. I did want to add more to the ending like a scene of Soul and Maka just living life together after confessing to each other. But alas I didn't have enough time.
Q: I also really liked how you wrote Maka as bi! there seems to be a large chunk of fandom that writes her as Ace, so it was neat to see her thru another LGBTQ lens. did you always want to write her as bi, or did that come along after you'd started?
Whinnie: Thank you! Yes, I did notice that as well, and I can definitely see her as Ace and not interested in anything sexual at all -- or heck, even Demi (which I did write her as in my other recent fic.) But I was surprised that no one has written her as bi, or even in any serious yuri relationships let alone in a relationship with Tsugumi (especially since Tsugumi seems to really like and look up to Maka LOL) so I thought that would be interesting to explore. Especially since I also identify as bi.
Q: Do you have any other Soul Eater writing in the works?
Whinnie: Well I have some vague ideas, but not right now -- after resbang came the "resbangover" (resbang hangover) LMAO and I wanted to delve back into some of my other hobbies like music, so I've been taking a break from writing fic. But who knows, maybe I will write again soon... I do want to participate in Soul/Maka week!
Q: Congrats on completing your first resbang!
Whinnie: Thanks to everyone who's read the fic and left sweet words of encouragement!
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