#it’s really fun would recommend even if you’re not super into Garfield
ifwebefriends · 4 months
TW: drug paraphernalia
Got bored so here’s a shitpost @garfrenchfries
Song: The Ballad of Lyman by Jordan Keyes and Evan Diem
[Video ID. A fan edit for the garfrenchfries tumblr fancomic to the song “The Ballad of Lyman” by Jordan Keyes (featuring Evan Diem). The lyrics start “you may know Garfield and Odie and Jon and Nermal and Pookie and Liz and Arlene,” and each character as shown in the fan comic are shown when their name is sung, aside from Pookie where [IMAGE NOT FOUND] is shown. The lyrics continue “but you may not know Lyman was there now he’s gone,” as a picture of Lyman from the fan comic is shown and then his face is edited onto someone’s body doing the peace hand sign before the image fades to black. The lyrics continue “last seen in the paper in 2013” as a cartoonish newspaper is shown with fancomic Lyman’s face on it then it zooms out to reveal the year 2013 written on the paper. The lyrics continue “he was Jon’s roommate for the first few years,” as images from the fancomic are shown of Jon and Lyman’s college days where they kissed and hung out together. The lyrics continue “and also the one to whom Odie belonged,” more pictures from the fancomic are shown of Lyman introducing Odie to Jon. The lyrics continue a little but the screen only says “that’s all I got sorry go follow @garfrenchfries on tumblr” End ID]
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euaxel · 4 years
heyyy, eonia. i’m reid, i’m twenty-three, still can’t read, and all i know about pjo is that it fucking rocks and the protag has the same learning disabilities that i do! also, i picked hypnos for this punk mainly to be mean to him and because in the hades game hypnos bullies me every time i die and i’m kiiiinda into it. hmu on discord one on one for the best plotting experience, but i’ll be around plenty to bug y’all in the gc too. you can read about bastard boy number one right here and under the cut we’ll get down to business. 
⟨ ELLIOT FLETCHER. TRANS MALE. HE/HIM. ⟩ though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, AXEL EVERETT is actually a descendent of H Y P N O S. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-TWO year old VIDEO GAME DEVELOPMENT & COMBAT TACTICS MAJOR from BROOKLYN, USA has taken after their godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite WITTY & SELF-DEPRICATING.
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be advised, axel’s a pretty heavy character.  i’m gonna keep it brief for the bio & need-to-knows, tag around the parts with bold applicable triggers so you can skip around as needed, and tag this post accordingly, but just let me know if i miss anything and i’ll fix it & be safe reading. godspeed and i apologize in advance for bringing you all my personal punching bag as my first muse. 
the main triggers that are gonna come up are: parental abuse, alcoholism * major, mentions of bullying, drowning * major, religious trauma, and drug abuse with some harder drugs ( particularly, weed, pills and cocaine / nothing with needles. )
general stats. 
— full name ,  axel harley everett.  — nicknames/alias ,  axe, ax, wolverine jr, tyler durden jr, trouble, Who? - every professor he’s ever had. — house,  hypnos and mad about it.  — age, 22, as of today. also mad about it.  ��� gender,  trans male.    — pronouns,  he/him.  — sexual orientation, bisexual with a somewhat heavy masc lean.  — d.o.b, january 1st, 1999. ( generally unknown to anyone but maybe siblings, he will probably lie and say Nobody Knows... I Just Am unless he really fucks with you. ) — hometown,
— height,  5′0ft even. furious about it. — eyes,  brown. — hair, brown.  — face claim, elliot fletcher.
— zodiac,  capricorn. — alignment,  chaotic good. — character inspo,  lip gallagher, steve rogers ( young ), ellie from tlou1, logan howlett, stiles stilinski ( if anyone says shit i will scream ), probably someone from euphoria but i’m too scared to watch that, peter parker ( andrew garfield ), shinsou hitoshi, finn mertens, marceline the vampire queen, dipper pines, this is all over the place but it’s there.  — most played spotify songs, passion for publication by anarbor, sober haha jk unless by hospital bracelet, nobody by mitski, class of 2013 by mitski, king princess’ cover of monster from adventure time, way too much phoebe bridgers, in love or whatever by future teens, and the entire front bottoms discography but especially in sickness & in flames with the hard way & bus beat well at the top of his loop.  — aesthetics,   bloody knuckles, left open and tipped over prescription bottles, walking on the carpet with socks to get that tingly feeling, skateboarding inside, dozing off at the bar, tangled legs in messy sheets, ten pillows on a twin sized mattress, laying down in the shower, brian sella’s cracky singing voice. 
— axel was born and raised in brooklyn, new york, and he was claimed at thirteen, on his thirteenth birthday, by hypnos. — the day he was claimed, axel ceased contact with his human mother and his step-dad, and he attended a camp for half-bloods that wasn’t far from home. he spent his adolescence there year round for safety from monsters at home and abroad, then moved on to eonia.  — ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw begin ) i don’t want to be too graphic here so i’m going to plainly say that axel’s mother was a very, very bad person, and the man she married was absent at his best, physically abusive at worst. axel’s powers (  hypnokinesis, namely )  were potent and difficult to control at a young age, and as a deeply religious catholic woman, this scared his mother and influenced most of the animosity in their relationship. she was convinced that the defensive visions he created and his ability to put her to sleep ( an attempt to help her, on his end; insomnia plagued her and later, it would him, too ) were of demonic origin, and tried to drown him more than once; cleansing, she claimed. the worst instance was the day he was claimed, actually — new years day, 2012; his life was saved by hypnos, and that was the last he saw of her.   ( parental abuse tw, drowning tw end. )  —  that said, he’s a little ( very ) hydrophobic. poseidon kids do NOT fucking interact ( i’m kidding. kind of. he Will avoid a little though ) —  anyway! moving on. all of this aside, axel did his best to put his past behind him, and he was actually super stoked to learn that his powers came from somewhere good and that there was places out there for kids like him; to learn he wasn’t any kind of monster. ( still working on believing that, though.. marcelines monster.mp3 right here )  — he’s less stoked when he starts having trouble falling asleep, and really, it feels like a more cruel twist than any other fate has thrown at him ( his upbringing was chock full of mean twists, so that’s saying something ); and really, it’s more like insomnia just full on kicks in, but he can put other people to sleep. great, right? whatever, though — combat classes are kickass and he’s surrounded by babes that think he’s hilarious so things could be totally, way worse.  — ( bullying tw (brief) ) for the most part, axel was pretty well liked among his peers. he was bullied as a young kid (pre-claim), but he bit back and he bit back hard, and sure, some of that followed him into his teen years but he’s more confident by then; less fun to poke at, and absolutely unhinged when provoked, so people learn better of it. the only real lasting effect was one instant that hit him a little too deep in the inferiority, when he was seventeen — he fell in love with a girl, told her that, and found himself at the end of a very mean spirited prank. he shook it off like he did anything else, or at least — he told himself he did, even if the hurt hit him somewhere a little too deep rooted ( ie. being god’s most unlovable son would naturally land him here, right? ) love’s kinda stupid anyways, so what the hell, right?  (bullying tw end.)
— ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw begin ) this is already obscenely long so i’m just going to keep it to the point here and say he began drinking when he was sneaking booze in to camp at fifteen, and it just never stopped there. he’s also a massive stoner, which is all well, harmless and good for the most part; he’s always grinning, half-lidded, and has a room full of smoke at any given time. it’s the pills that do him in, and he did them at first just so he could get some shut eye, and... well. after that, because he’s dependent on them. but he keeps this part under wraps for the most part; it doesn’t have to be anyone’s problem but his, and it’s not a problem until it is one. partying’s fun, so is coke; so is taking a few too many xan’s, mdma.   ( alcoholism tw, drug use tw end )
— i swear he is not as doom and gloom as he sounds from the bio, and yeah, writing that made me so sad i feel like we absolutely must hone in on the fun and cute things about him!?!  — he loves dnd. he can talk about it for HOURS and if you let him, he absolutely will. — adventure time makes him cry. he’s a baby don’t let him fool you.  — very into cryptids, aliens, horror stories, conspiracy theories, in love with ryan from watcher, wanna be shane medej.  — he loves to draw! the one thing he loves about his power is what it’s done for his imagination, and sure, he mostly draws horror things, but it’s why he went into video game development. he wants to be a concept artist.  — his double major is in combat tactics because he loves fighting. he thinks it’s so fun. he’s a little nuts, actually — i mean, get hit in the face and come up grinning. all he’s ever wanted is to run a fight club and be the shortest, baddest little bitch on the planet.  — he tends to nod off in weird places because he doesn’t sleep enough at night, which is sad, but; he can seriously fall asleep anywhere. standing up, in a tree, you name it.  — he’s a hobby musician! he loves singing and playing guitar.  — he’s a huge flirt.  — loves to scare people. he’s harmless, though. like, honestly. he might make you think you’re seeing a walking toadstool but he’ll probably apologize later.  — he’s very much a singing in the shower type?  — clothes thief. friends and significant others beware.  — actually, just kind of a thief? but of weird, little things. like, just the left shoe. puts them in a little corner in his room that he has set up like an exhibit. “things you thought you lost lol” is written on the whiteboard on the wall above it. he likes collecting rocks too. he’s a little freak!!  — he’s better at the memory retrieval part of his power than the rest. naturally, as this mostly applies for other people. 
WANTED CONNECTIONS. im literally so tired of hearing myself talk... 
friends/squad. self explanatory!!!  he’s friendly, a class clown, and a loyal friend through and through; he’s also adaptable, and his demeanor is very relaxed and inviting. he’s probably gonna have 2-3 people that he’s really close with, and he’d do quite literally anything for them. seriously, don’t tempt him.  a best friend.  so this is kind of vague but. i’d really love for him to have one person that is just a tier above the rest? they’d know things about him that are like pulling teeth to find out ( aka, anything deeper than his most recommended podcasts and loudmouth opinions on non important things ), someone who will call him on his shit, and maybe take care of his stupid little self when he gets too fucked up, because they’d be someone he trusts enough to let them.   enemies?    he probably gets along with most people until given a reason not to? but he is a loud mouth and if one of his friends gets into drama, he will stick his nose where it doesn’t belong and he will throw hands, so it could happen.
harmless rivalries. maybe even steamy ones. he’s a little shit and he likes banter so, so, so much? if given the opportunity and if someone rubs him a certain type of way, he’s so not above being a menace, although never super maliciously. just, you know, annoying the shit out of them on purpose, for fun. he’s also not above blowing a few kisses their way.
current hookups. self explanatory too. he’s a little harlot. HFBHVFNJ. it’s gonna be kinda hard to go beyond sex with him because he’s very deep in his own insecurity but he does catch feelings, he’s just mad about it when he does. i’m mostly gonna go off chem for that though! an ex. could be on friendly terms? but, it should be noted that he could’ve ghosted someone too; or pulled from the relationship when things got serious and he couldn’t choke out that ‘i love you’, even if he felt it. worse, if he did choke it out, but they didn’t feel the same way.  siblings. hypnos kids he is gonna be so protective of all of u... family is hard for axel, i’m ngl, but he really wants one is the tragedy of it all, i guess? so he just really wants to be a good brother. he thinks hypnos is kind of a dick for making him but he tries not to fault him for his existence. fuck u dad i dont wanna be alive feels a little unfair. HDBHFDSJ. anyways he’s a good brother even if he is absolutely so reckless and terrifying in regards to himself but his siblings. his siblings he will do anything for. ALSO!!! FOUND FAMILY!!!! it would be kinda nice if he bonded with someone a little older maybe, could be outside of the hypnos house even, someone he’s kind of a bratty-little-brother type with.... or bratty older brother that takes your things and makes you laugh, y’know. 
PERSONALITY.  just tacking this part of the app on at the end too to highlight parts that i think are important for understanding who he is, and just so it’s all in one place!
toothy grins, half-lidded eyes, and keepin’ them laughing is what it’s all about, baby. axel walks with more confidence in his posture than he’s earned ( or claimed, for that matter ), and it’s the backbone of what gets him by. he’s a glowing example of the fake it ‘til you make it mentality, and he knows what he wants, usually how to get it, and doesn’t mind letting you know that. there’s an ever present mischievous glint in his eyes that says more about what to expect from him than he does, and that’s still not much? he likes to have fun, and there isn’t a whole lot of regard for righteousness or responsibility on his end, but hey! it’s usually only ever at his own expense, so what’s the damage? he’s an absolute clown and he knows it.
axel loves people. he does — you might not guess that with how elusive he is, but it’s true. there’s nothing he likes more than a good conversation with someone interesting, or maybe not even then; if there’s a sparkle in you, he’ll see it. ( might even draw it, not that you’d ever know. ) he’s warm, loyal, compassionate, relaxed, and understanding; and none of that is at the cost of being passive, or lacking passion. 
as long as the vibes are right, he’s happy to just be; though, he’s known to have a fuse for certain provocations, and will jump readily at chance to fight in someone else’s honor. also, it’s not unlike him to spar for the sake of sparring; but that’s all in good fun, no worries.
there’s no way to sugarcoat it — axel has an inferiority complex. where that stems from is something he’s more self-aware of than he’s willing to admit, but he doesn’t have the patience or the will to dissect it; much less do anything about it, and he’s as bull-headed as they come — especially regarding anything related to the psyche. how much this impacts his demeanor and relationships with others varies on the situation, but one constant is that he’s going to retreat before things get bad; even if ‘things are getting bad’ exists only as his own paranoia-born hypothetical.
things can’t go bad if you don’t let them, and he’s content to keep it that way; even if it means being stuck in the stasis of missed opportunities. it’s when he’s retreating into himself that he can get irritable, anxious, jumpy; secretive, defensive, even. he’s personable until he isn’t, essentially.
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megwritesfanfiction · 7 years
The Lies We Told (Beast Boy/Raven , Chapter 1/??)
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans. This is a work of fiction that I am not making a profit off of.
Author’s Note: If you are seeing this then it means I have successfully queued something and I wasn’t distracted by something shiny! Go me! 
Past Chapters: Prologue
Chapter One:  “Keep Breathing”
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks.” She murmured sourly, bringing her mug to her lips.
“I’m serious.” Jinx continued, taking the seat across from her. “I mean it, you really look-“
“Please stop flattering me.” Rachel spoke dryly, taking a sip of tea. “I don’t think my ego can take your compliments.”
“Sorry.” The pink haired woman apologized, shrugging out of her coat. “Just worried about you.”
“Next time try ‘How are you?’ rather than your colorful greeting.”
“Okay.” Jinx nodded. “So,” she started picking up the cafe menu. She casually looked over the selections, lips tight. “How are you?”
“Cute, Jinx. Real fucking cute.”
“Man, you are in full bitch mode today, aren’t you?”
Rachel narrowed her eyes, sitting her mug on the table.
“Really bitchy.”
“This is why I don’t tell you anything willingly.”
“Fine.” Jinx huffed, placing the menu down. She quickly placed her order, folded her hands, and rested them against the table. “You, now, have my full attention.”
Rachel slumped in the chair, using a hand to push her long violet bangs back. “I’m just having an off day.”
“That would explain the grungy get up.”
The violet haired woman looked down at her dark sherry oversized sweater, black knitted scarf, leggings and boots. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
“Grungy.” The pink sorceress nodded with a wrinkle of her nose.
“Anyway,” She decided to move the conversation away from her attire.
“It’s just one of those days?” Jinx questioned.
“It’s more than that.”
“I don’t know.” Rachel huffed, rubbing her forehead. “I didn’t even want to get out of bed this morning.”
“I wouldn’t either.” A devilish grin curled on her lips. “You have Garth in your bed.”
“Whatever.” She sighed. “You, of all people, know that we don’t live together, and I can count the number of sleepovers we’ve had.”
“I don’t understand why you guys don’t have one electric bill, one water bill, share conversation at the breakfast table, and fight over who gets last night’s takeout like any other normal domesticated couple.”
Rachel rolled her eyes. “We aren’t any other normal domesticated couple.”
“After seven years?”
“Casual dating.”
“No one,” Jinx cackled, piece of pastry in hand and pointing it at her friend. “No one “casually dates” for seven years.”
“We are.”
“Oh bullshit!” The pink haired sorceress declared. “I’d bet my life that he has a ring.”
“Shut up.”
“He’s in love with you.”
“We aren’t discussing this.”
“You need to get over your commitment issues.”
“We aren’t discussing this.” Rachel frowned. “And I don’t have commitment issues.”
“Your commitment issues, your emotional retardation-” Jinx counted off on her fingers.
“Ouch.” Rachel spoke blandly as she took another sip of tea.
“You’ve got a stellar work life and hot boyfriend, who worships the ground you walk on, but you’re sitting here with your resting bitch face and no reason to be sad?”
“See, this, this moment right here, is why I don’t talk to you.”
“Oh come on, I was just trying to help.”
“I’m sure.” Rachel knew there was no point in continuing this conversation. Even when she tried to explain Jinx never understood. “How’s Wally?”
“He’s good.” Jinx answered. “He’s meeting up with the boys tonight, like they don’t see each other enough at work.”
“Let them have their fun.” Rachel smirked. “Are we all still doing Christmas Eve at Richard and Kori’s?”
“Tradition.” Jinx smiled, raising her iced coffee cup. “Speaking of Kori.” Her eyes moved to the pretty orange skinned woman walking over to them.
“Friends! I am sorry that I am late.” Kori spoke taking a seat next to Rachel. She quickly ordered an orange juice and a bowl of oatmeal with fruit. “Richard still insists that I do not drive.”
‘With good reason.’ Rachel thought, bringing the mug up to her lips to hide her amusement.
The pink haired sorceress didn’t bother to hide her laughter.
“I hope I did not keep you waiting long.” Kori exhaled, shrugging out of her pink coat and plucking her gloves off.
“Rae and I were just catching up.” Jinx shrugged. “What’s new?”
Kori smiled. “I am doing well. My English class is most exciting. We are reading books by the Shakespeare.”
“Let me guess,” Rachel smirked knowingly as another cup of tea was placed in front of her. “Romeo and Juliet?”
“Yes, how did you know?” The orange skinned woman smiled brightly.
“Call it a hunch.” She shrugged. What other William Shakespeare story would have Kori so excited?  
“How are you and Rich?” Jinx asked.
“Marriage is most wonderful.” Kori grinned nodding happily as she took a bite of oatmeal. “I highly recommend it.”
“Kori,” Raven shook her head, resting her chin in her hand. “You can’t recommend marriage like its cake.”
“Don’t pay her any attention.” Jinx chimed in, working on her second pastry. “She’s just bitter.”
“Why would Rachel be bitter?” Kori asked confused as the waitress placed a glass of orange juice in front of her. “She and Garth are close to being a married couple.”
The violet haired woman stared her eyes wide with disbelief.
“What?” Kori shrugged. “You hall have been doing the dating and relationship for about seven years, so it only seems natural for you all to take the plunge into matrimony quite soon.”
Jinx’s head snapped to her pale friend with a satisfied smile. “Told you.”
“I’m not talking about this.” Rachel spoke stiffly. “And if marriage is so wonderful, why don’t you and Wally get married?”
“Because we heathens like living in complete and total sin until we’re like thirty.” Jinx grinned. “I refuse to be domesticated in my twenties.”
“Marriage doesn’t equal domestication.”
“I like being able to kick Wally out of the apartment when he pisses me off.” The pink haired woman shrugged. “I’m not ready to-“
“Be an adult and talk things out in a civilized manner?”
“Precisely.” Jinx nodded. “You and Garth, on the other hand-“
“I’m not discussing this.”
“Are totally there. You guys are ready to take the next step.”  
“Still not discussing this, Jinx.”
Kori’s head tilted confused at the two women’s exchange.
“Rachel is in a mood.”
“Oh, got it.” Kori responded, understanding instantly. She had lived with the purple haired woman for years. Kori knew when to stop pushing. She gingerly sipped her orange juice. “Oh! It’s Terra.” She announced, waving a hand in the air to signal the blonde to their table. “Terra.” She called.
The blonde approached the table. Smiling wide, she took the seat next to Jin. “Sorry, I’m late.”
“It’s okay.” Jinx assured. “I’m only on my second pastry.”
“Also on my last nerve, but whose counting.” Rachel snapped calmly with a deceptive smile.
“So, Terra,” Kori grinned hoping to break the tension. “What things are new?”
“Garfield proposed!” The blonde squealed, showing the ring on her left hand.
Kori screamed with delight, pulling her hand closer to see the ring.
Rachel froze, setting her mug down. “He did?” She asked forcing a painful smile to her face.
Jinx leaned across the table letting out a whistle. “Boy did he ever.”
“I know.” Terra gushed. “It’s exactly what I wanted.”
“Remind me to take Wally ring shopping before he proposes.” Jinx laughed, Kori and Terra joining her.
“This is most exciting!” Kori exclaimed, clapping her hands together. “Have you set a date?”
“They just got engaged.”
“This coming summer.” Terra beamed. “I’ve always wanted a summer wedding.” She wistfully spoke, leaning against the table.
“That’s like seven months way. Is that even enough time?”
“Well,” Terra grinned, eyeing the women at the table. “I am sure my super squad of bridesmaids will help me.”
“Excuse me.” Rachel spoke, quickly exiting from the table and walking toward the restroom. Her hand moved to cover mouth as she felt her panic rise as her feet picked up speed. She entered the small bathroom, locking herself inside.
Closing her eyes, she learned against the door as she inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. Her face burned with embarrassment as she felt her eyes begin to water.
Pulling her emotions back, she reached into her pocket to retrieve her cell phone. Her fingers quickly dialed a familiar number.
“Rae?” The voice on the other end greeted.
“Hey Garth.” She forced a smile into her voice.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Her eyes squeezed shut as she swallowed a lump. “You busy?”
“For you, I always have time. What’s up?” His voice was warm.
“Nothing. I was gonna stop by.”
“I thought you had lunch with the girls together.”
“I’d rather come spend some time with you.” The words left a bitter taste on her tongue.
“Well, I’ll leave the door unlocked.”
“I love you.”
She hated it when he said that. “You too.” She spoke emptily, hanging up the phone. She leaned, hands pressed on the sink taking a few slow deep breaths. “Okay.” She nodded, opening her eyes. “Okay.” She affirmed, straightening her sweater. She wiped her eyes and with another deep breath she exited the bathroom, face neutral. She stepped back at the table. “I gotta go.” She spoke quickly, avoiding their eyes and the shine of Terra’s engagement ring. She slipped on her coat.
“What? No!” Jinx pouted. “We were just starting to talk about wedding plans.”
“Garth called.” A lie.
“I thought we were having girl time sans penis.”
“It’s not like that.” Rachel insisted. “He just wants to talk for a bit.”
“Come on Rach, blow him off.” Terra pleaded. “I was hoping we could go down to the bridal shop after lunch and look at some of the bridesmaid dresses.”
“I wish I could, but I promised him I would come over.”
“Trying to make this a double wedding?” Jinx grinned with her eyebrows raised.
“Really? You are getting engaged as well?” Kori beamed.
“What?” Raven asked confused. “No. Jinx is just being a bitch. Garth just wants to talk to me about some stuff.”
“Like his penis.”
Rachel rolled her eyes, ignoring the pink haired woman. “If we’re done soon I’ll text and meet you guys at the bridal shop.” Another lie.
“Cool!” Terra smiled. “Bye Rach!”
“See you Rachel!”
“Later witch!”
Rachel nodded, laying a few crumpled bills on the table with a shaking hand. “See you guys.” She waved, hastily exiting the café.
Tightening her scarf, she made her way to the metro. After couple stops uptown and a ten walk, she would reach her destination.
Her boots clacked against old tile of the stairs as she descended down to her train. She dug out her cell phone as she approached the platform.
“Ello! I’m not available at the moment, but if you leave me your name and number I’ll call you back when I can. Cheers!”
“So, I am about to do something really stupid, and” Rachel spoke, nodding her head slowly. “I need you to talk some sense into me. Call me back.” She sighed, ending the call as her train approached.
Today she was grateful for the midday calm before the evening rush hour of commuters making their way home. She find a seat alone and sulk without having to feign pleasantries with strangers.
She could be selfish.
She could sit and focus on not feeling jealous.
Or the aching feeling in her chest.
Moments like this made her miss her father’s influence. She all most missed the days she was stoic and compartmentalized.
Emotions were painful.
As she approached her stop, she stood and exited the train. Rachel ascended back into the light of the outside world. Eyes cast to the sidewalk, as the winter wind whipped across her face. She felt foolish for giving into her emotions, but the empath couldn’t handle the bride to be’s happiness.
She couldn’t be a supportive friend today.
She’d try again tomorrow .
After walking the four blocks and up three flights of stairs, the door was in sight.
She ran to the heavy wood door, opening it and entering quickly.
“Yea.” She called back, resting against the door. She peeled off her coat leaving it in a puddle on the floor.
Garth entered the foyer. “You alright?” He walking toward her.
Panting lightly, she licked her lips. Rachel leaned up roughly pressing her lips against his. Grabbing his shoulders she switched their positions, slamming him against the door.
“What are you doing?” He whispered against her lips.
Her fingers quickly unbuttoned his shirt, pushing it to the floor. “Stop talking.” She demanded, trailing kisses down his jaw. She stepped back for a moment, pulling her sweater off. Leaning in, she captured his lips harshly, fingers reaching for his belt buckle.
“Wait, wait,” He jumped, lacing his fingers in her hair and tenderly pulling her back a bit.
“Do you wanna talk or do you wanna take off your pants?” She asked, moving away from him. She kicked off her boots and slide her leggings down her legs, throwing them behind her. She pulled off her hair and fluffed out her. Lips swollen, she stood in front of him in a deep blue bra and soft black panties.
“Can we slow down?” He asked, stepping toward her. His fingers danced against her skin.
Rachel kissed him, nipping her teeth on his bottom lip. “I need you.”
Garth groaned.
She wrapped her legs around his waist.
“Hold on.” He whispered. He tucked his arms around her waist, carrying her across the apartment and into the bedroom. He gently deposited her on the bed.
Rachel moaned, licking her lips as lust drowned out her envy. She closed her eyes, feeling the weight of his body come down on her.
To Be Continued…
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devon-kelley · 7 years
Charlie Hunnam Starved Himself on 400 Calories a Day For His Latest Role
Gym rats and couch potatoes can agree on one thing: when it comes to losing weight, it’s no walk in the park. Hollywood actors regularly endure this daunting task when they’re forced to shrink their already perfectly fit bodies down to nothingness for roles, then snap back to their healthy forms as quickly as is humanly possible.
Charlie Hunnam is the latest victim of forced weight loss for his role in Lost City of Z, which opens Friday. Hunnam’s character is an early 20th century British explorer who makes three treks through the Amazon in search of an ancient indigenous city, and he and his costars Robert Pattinson and Edward Ashley were each required to lose about 35 pounds to demonstrate the hardship of their characters.
“We were starving, and it was incredibly humid and hot, so we didn’t have to imagine too much of the hardship those guys were enduring,” Hunnam told Yahoo Movies, saying he consumed between 400 and 500 calories a day. “On the last film that I did (a remake of the 1973 prison escape drama Papillon), I just had to lose a lot of weight again, and that was by myself,” Hunnam said. “I really missed the camaraderie of losing it with the guys.
“There was a sense that we were in it together. But then also on the underside of it, a little bit of competition… [We’d] be very suspicious of each other. When Robert would be going off and walking away, I’d have a tendency to be watching him wherever he went just to see if he was like, going off into the jungle to smuggle a quick banana or something. So we kept each other honest.”
Click through to see the extreme measures that 18 stars were willing to take for the right role.
Read more from Yahoo Beauty + Style:
Charlie Hunnam's 'Lost City of Z' Diet: 400 Calories a Day
Empire Star Gabourey Sidibe Opens Up About Her Weight Loss and Body-Image Issues
The Surprisingly Body-Positive Reason That Mama June Went From a Size 18 to Size 4
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Charlie Hunnam
Hunnam lost some 35 pounds for his role in Lost City of Z, in which he plays an early 20th century British Explorer trekking thrice through the Amazon in search of an ancient city.  “We were starving, and it was incredibly humid and hot, so we didn’t have to imagine too much of the hardship those guys were enduring,” Hunnam told Yahoo Movies, saying he consumed between 400 and 500 calories a day. He found it easier to lose weight for this film than his last, Papillon, because he did it alongside costars Robert Pattinson and Edward Ashley. “There was a sense that we were in it together. But then also on the underside of it, a little bit of competition… So we kept each other honest.”
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Adam Driver
Driver said that his extreme weight loss was helpful to his “process” as an actor while playing a 17th century Jesuit Priest alongside Andrew Garfield in Martin Scorsese’s Silence. "You’re so hungry and so tired at some points that there’s nothing you can do — you’re not adding anything on top of what you’re doing. You only have enough energy to convey what you’re doing, so it’s great," Driver told Interview Magazine. "I can't control what's happening in scenes, but I could control when I ate food. And that visual part of the storytelling, I don't think I've ever taken it to the extreme before." (Photos: Paramount Pictures/Getty Images)
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Liam Hemsworth
“I didn’t eat for weeks,” the 26-year-old told E! News of his latest role in The Dressmaker. “I could actually hear his stomach growling,” his co-star, Kate Winslet, added. Hemsworth admitted that getting used to a new body isn’t easy. “I did some pushups in my trailer,” he said. “Anytime you’re going to come out and take your top off, it’s good to do a couple of pushups… It’s very difficult to come out and just take your clothes off.” (Photos: Everett/Universal Pictures)
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Matt Damon in Courage Under Fire
in a Reddit ask me anything, Matt Damon laid out the exceptional difficulty of extreme weight loss and yoyo dieting (that pretty much comes with the territory of winning an Oscar). “I think the most challenging role that I've ever had was when I did Courage Under Fire and I had to lose all the weight that I lost on my own, that was the most physically challenging [thing] I've ever had to do in my life,” Damon wrote. “I weigh probably 190 pounds right now, and I weighed 139 in that movie, and that is not a natural weight for me and not a happy weight for me even when I was 25. So, you know, to do that I had to run about 13 miles a day, which wasn't even the hard part. The hard part was the diet. All I ate was chicken breast. It's not like I had a chef or anything, I just made it up and did what I thought I had to do. I just made it up and that was incredibly challenging.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Beyonce in Dreamgirls
To prep for her role as Deena in Dreamgirls, Beyoncé lost 20 pounds on her own accord. "I figured in the '60s Twiggy was the hot model, and Diana [Ross] and Cher and all the legends were thinner than I am," she told Oprah. "So I decided I wanted to lose weight and make a physical transformation. And it was difficult because I love food. I love to eat. I did a fast—a master cleanser for 14 days. Everybody was eating Krispy Kremes around me. I was grouchy, but I did it and I lost the weight." (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Emily Blunt in The Devil Wears Prada
Emily Blunt shed a few pounds for her role in The Devil Wears Prada, but she doesn’t want young girls to think they should look like she did in the film. “I am from a family of thin children, so I have always been OK with that. I’ve only lost weight for The Devil Wears Prada and that was because my character was supposed to be on the edge of anorexia,” she told Parade. “But I think the pressure is so huge on young girls right now to lose weight and it needs to diminish. It is becoming worrying how many super thin girls we see walking around, and they are so obviously ill. It is kind of accepted and it is glamorized more than it should be.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Chris Hemsworth in Lost at Sea
"Just tried a new diet/training program called 'Lost At Sea.' Wouldn't recommend it,” Hemsworth tweeted. He detailed his staggering weight loss in an interview with Men’s Health. “We couldn't go away for a month and get skinny, we had to do it while we were shooting,' he says. 'At one point, a day's rations were a boiled egg, a couple of crackers and a celery stick.” Hemsworth happily got back to his brolic Thor figure after filming was over. “To get back to looking like Thor is simple: I get in the gym and work out,” he says. “I enjoy it. It keeps me fit and healthy. I've got to eat more calories – certain types and all clean – and it can get boring eating chicken breast and rice and so on. But at least you're fed properly.” (Photos: Instagram/Getty)
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Amanda Seyfried in Chloe
Seyfried slimmed down for her role as an expensive call girl. "I'm on a raw-food diet," she told Esquire. "It's intense. And sort of awful. Yesterday for lunch? Spinach. Just spinach. Spinach and some seeds." But to her, Hollywood’s pressure to be thin is nothing more than doing her job. “I looked way better when I was 15," Seyfried told Ellen DeGeneres. "I had huge breasts, and then I came to Hollywood and I was like 'I got to lose weight. I got to look thin and fit,' and I lost them a little bit. They were quite uncomfortable, but they look beautiful. I was feminine. I had some nice curves and I think that we should really appreciate that as opposed to trying to get rid of everything." (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Christian Bale in The Machinist
Christian Bale famously dropped more than 60 pounds for his role in The Machinist, weighing in at a staggering 122 lbs at 6 feet tall. “The writer is only about five-foot-six, and he put his own weights in,” Bale’s co-star Michael Ironside told Huffington Post of the mixup in the weight Bale was expected to meet. “And then Chris did the film and Chris said, ‘No, don’t change the weights. I want to see if I make them.’ ... So those weights he writes on the bathroom wall in the film are his actual weights in the film.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables
To portray a dying prostitute in Les Mis, Anne Hathaway had to shed the muscle she put on for her role as Catwoman and drop 25 pounds in merely a month. “I lost the first 10 (pounds) in three weeks through a detox and then I lost the subsequent 15 in 14 days by doing food deprivation and exercise, which I don’t recommend,” she told SF Gate. “I know when I was a teenage girl … I would try crazy things and I do not recommend anyone do this at all. I was under the supervision of a nutritionist and I had a doctor monitoring me, but it’s not fun. You can be too thin.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Tom Hanks in Castaway
Hanks shed 50 pounds to portray a character stuck on a deserted island, and he looked to his character’s surroundings for a painfully realistic weight loss. ”You know coconuts? Think you can eat a lot of coconuts? Well, let me tell you, it’s a natural laxative,” he told Entertainment Weekly. “So just put two and two together there. Take a coconut, drink all the milk out of it, and then eat all the insides, and you tell me how you feel after an hour and a half…” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Mila Kunis in Black Swan
"I had to look skinny in order to look like a ballerina," she said on a SiriusXM interview with Howard Stern. "You fake it. So, the best way to fake it is to unfortunately look like it." Kunis weighed in at 95lbs during the film and trained in ballet for three months to fake it as best she could. "I never watched what I ate [before]. It was one of those things, for the first time in my life, I got a food delivery service," she said. "And I'll tell you this, I'm not promoting this at all, but I used to be a smoker, and so I smoked a lot of cigarettes and I ate a limited amount of calories. 1,200 calories and I smoked. I don't advocate this at all. It was awful.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Natalie Portman in Black Swan
Natalie Portman lost 20 pounds over six months on a 1,200 calorie vegan diet for her role as Nina. "At a certain point I looked at [Natalie's] back and she was so skinny and so cut — I was like, 'Natalie, start eating,' I made sure she had a bunch of food in her trailer,” director Darren Aronofsky told Popsugar. (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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50 Cent in Things Fall Apart
To play his best friend who died of cancer, 50 Cent dropped from 214 pounds to 160 in nine weeks following a liquid diet and running on a treadmill three hours a day. It was an emotional process for him, and not an entirely unfamiliar one. When he was shot in the jaw in 2000, he could only drink liquids and his weight plummeted to 157. “This time it was a lot tougher for me,” he told AP. “I had to discipline myself not ... to actually have myself be in the physical state to convey the energy I felt. It’s a passion project for me.” (Photos: Instagram/Getty)
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Rooney Mara in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
To play the “pale, anorexic” Lisbeth Salander, Mara kickboxed with a trainer. She didn’t discuss her diet, but an interview with Vogue made it seem like eating, or lack thereof, played a significant role in preparing for the film. “’You can eat.’ I look up to see her reaction. Mara rolls her eyes, and Fincher laughs. ‘You can have lettuce and a grape. A raisin if you must.’ She orders a piece of fish and barely touches it…  I ask if she had to get unhealthily skinny for the role. She says, ‘Umm . . . not really.’ ‘It hasn’t been too hard for her,’ Fincher quickly adds.” (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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Jared Leto in The Dallas Buyers Club
To play a trans AIDS sufferer, Leto lost 38 pounds. “I got down to 116 or something. I just basically didn't eat. I ate very little,” he told E Online. “I had done similar things with weight, but this was different, I think the role demanded that commitment... It was about how does that effect how I walk, how I talked, who I am, how I feel. You know, you feel very fragile and delicate and unsafe.” The role took a major toll on his health. “Your organs [and] muscles shrink, your organs shrink [and] my stomach has shrunk as well. I'm doing cardio but I'll tell you what, the more I've learned is - and I think it comes with age too - is it's 90 percent diet. It's a matter of how much I eat or how little I eat.” (Photos: Splash/Getty)
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Matthew McConnaughey in The Dallas Buyer’s Club
McConnaughey’s character was also a victim of AIDS, and he lost 50lbs for the role. He consulted the shapeshifting master, Tom Hanks, as well as a nutritionist before embarking on his weight loss. Starting at 185lbs, he thought he would stop at 145, but he didn’t feel it was enough. "I was going around and people were going, 'Hey, are you feeling all right?" McConaughey told People of reaching his initial goal. "But then I hit 135 lbs. I ran in to somebody and they didn't just ask if I was all right, they said, 'My God, we need to get you some help.' And I thought, 'There we go. That's the perfect spot.' " He ate good foods, but not much of them and found himself “uncontainable with energy,” needing to sleep three hours less each night. “I found through this journey that the human body is much more resilient than we give it credit for.” (Photos: Splash/Getty)
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Jennifer Hudson in Winnie Mandela
Jennifer Hudson starred as Winnie Mandela and went from a size 16 to a 6 for the role. "Whatever it takes to morph into a character I'll do it,” she told People. “I’m in the best shape of my life!” Hudson enlisted the help of celebrity trainer Harley Pasternak, and got her start on Weight Watchers. (Photos: Everett/Getty)
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chrismaverickdotcom · 7 years
Just add popcorn (a Spiderman: Homecoming Review -- No Spoilers)
I’ve been trying to think more and more about my ratings system for my last couple movie reviews. There’s a couple reasons for this. First of all, as my friend Mike pointed out, ratings systems aren’t really that useful. They’re kind of stupid really. They don’t convey any real information. And really with me (or any other movie critic ever) they’re not actually all that consistent. I try to be. People like numbers and if I’m going to do them I want them to be useful. But honestly, I’m just not going to go back over every review I’ve ever written every time I make a new one to make sure that a 3.25 star movie is really better than the one I gave 3.0 to and worse than the movie I gave 3.5 to. It’s just sort of something that I do with my gut.
But I was also thinking about something I said last month when I was discussing what my ratings numbers mean. Specifically, I was thinking about my definition of a 3 star movie: “Thumbs up! This is a good movie. If you’re into the genre this movie is in but don’t see them all, then see this one.” as opposed to movies in the 4 star range which I can recommend to everyone and movies in the 2 star range where I feel like if you’re a fan of the genre, you can still skip them.
Spider-man: Homecoming was a clinic in how to make a three star popcorn movie. One of the biggest problems with tentpole blockbuster movies, particularly from franchises, is that they often become movies by committee. Lots of producers pushing ideas on the story in order to move the franchise along, often at the sacrifice of the writer and director’s vision. Make sure you link into the ongoing continuity of the past films so that everyone feels like they have to watch all of them. Try to set up future sequels. Address the concerns of fans on the internet that have been complaining about geek things. Try to distract those same geeks from noticing new things to complain about by filling their insatiable need for easter eggs. Make sure that you toss in some new characters and costumes for existing characters because goddammit we need to sell some fucking toys. Tell a story if you have time. This had some of that. In fact it had a lot of that. It had SO MUCH of this. In fact, two of the official movie posters — both of which have had no shortage of people making fun of them on the internet — are good examples of what this movie is. Basically there is just a lot of stuff slapped onto the screen.
But if this film proved anything, it’s that you can have all of that and still make a perfectly acceptable, and in fact enjoyable popcorn movie. It’s hard to call it a “good” movie, but it sure as hell was entertaining.
One of the things that made it work was that the plot WASN’T too complex. It was simple and clear. A nice three act structure without too many twists and turns. Even when there were nods to previous and future movies they were brief and didn’t call too much attention to themselves. One of my problems with other superhero shared universe movies is that often subplots are built in films and demand a lot of screen time for no payoff at all. This means that if you don’t already know the source material and haven’t seen the other films you have no idea what’s going on. How many fans saw Batman v. Superman and still don’t know what the fuck a “parademon” is and why that scene was there (or why they should care)? If you’re not a comic fan and you saw that movie you probably don’t even know what scene I am referring to anymore. Because it was confusing and made no sense in the context of an already confusing movie. This film avoids that. There are nods to the events of Avengers, Captain America and Iron-Man movies, but they are nods. Robert Downey Jr.‘s Tony Stark is excellent in this film because you get enough of him  feel like a supporting character who you are aware has his own life going on beyond this movie (and we see hints of progression in his subplots from other films) but without really detracting from the protagonist character. Unlike Captain America: Civil War (which I liked a lot), Stark does not steal this movie. It’s about Peter.
And that’s the second thing this does very well. The story isn’t only simple… it’s small. They worked really hard to make this a movie about Peter Parker, a high school student who happens to be Spider-man. The film also sets itself apart from previous films (the Maguire and Garfield movies) by making him into a very different Spider-man — frankly, a crappy Spider-man. This isn’t a movie about saving the world. it’s a movie about learning to be a hero. I’m not going to give any spoilers here, but this works. It feels like a film about growing up… it has a a Breakfast Club, American Pie, or Superbad vibe to it. Only with powers. Peter spends a LOT of time out of costume in this movie and his normal everyday teenager problems (school, girls, family) feel as big if not bigger than dealing with super villains
This simplicity and smallness means the movie won’t lend itself as much to repeat viewings. It will start to feel old and obvious. It just doesn’t have the weight and pathos to it that say Maguire’s (first two) Spider-man movies had. It doesn’t feel monumental. But that’s sort of ok. It’s a good status quo movie.
That said, what you get is very well done. The actors are mostly pretty good at what they’re asked to work with. For the principles actors, Tom Holland (Peter/Spider-man), Downey (Tony/Iron-man), Michael Keaton (Adrian Toomes/Vulture), Jacob Batalon (Ned Leeds) and Jon Favreau (Happy Hogan), this works out pretty well, For other actors, specifically Marisa Tormei, Zendaya, Laura Harrier and Tony Revolori, this kind of falls apart a little bit. Zendaya and Revolori in particular feel more like set dressing than characters. The movie doesn’t really NEED them but they do help liven the world. And this would be fine, except there are SO many of of them. When you pack that many characters into a film, it starts to become clear that some of them just don’t need to be there at all.
The same thing happens with the continuity and easter eggs. Some of them were used very well to build the story of the film. Others were just there to complete the shared universe building. For the most part this was fine. Unlike many movies like this, it didn’t get in the way. Characters had names that were meaningful from the comics (Mac Gargan, Herman Schultz, Aaron Davis) but they weren’t so pervasive that if you didn’t know who these people were it interrupted your understanding of the film (again, not the same as BvS). But there were so many of them that if you DO get the references you might find yourself growing past the point of “ok, there’s another one.” Similarly, there are a lot of passive references to other movies (8 years ago, during the the Avengers movie…. 2 months ago during Captain America: Civil War…). Again these are done organically and non-obtrusively. The bigger problem here is that they lay into them enough that if you do pay attention to these things, they don’t really match up and you start to realize the continuity is wrong. There are a few ways in which it doesn’t match up. There are also plot holes in this movie in and of itself that don’t make a ton of sense if you think about them for two minutes but are just contrivances in order to make the story keep moving along.
But none of these problems are egregious. They don’t stick out and smack you over the head enough to make you stop enjoying the movie. It won’t be winning any awards. It won’t be revolutionizing superhero film making. But it doesn’t have to. It has very much hit into the “here is the genre of the superhero film and this is one of them” (in fact, there are some points where the movie directly lampshades this and calls attention to the tropes it is following). And as an entry in that genre it is enjoyable. If we’re going to move to a point where we are making regular serialized shared universe films, then this is what you want. Not every episode of even the greatest television show is going to be amazing and not every episode of a movie franchise has to be. But for 15 bucks of entertainment for a night, the least they can do is send you home happy.
And they did.
★★★☆☆ (3 out of 5 stars)
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Just add popcorn (a Spiderman: Homecoming Review — No Spoilers) was originally published on ChrisMaverick dotcom
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