#it’s weird bc they were the third rookie group I got into when I got into kpop in the summer of 2018
bomnun · 2 years
the news abt the girls in the park’s company no longer being operating made me go back and relisten to their discography again and it’s coming back to me how much I used to like them :( (I still like them lmao but as they hadn’t been active in over 18 months they weren’t at the forefront of my mind that often) all of them are so fun and their discography is definitely in the top 5 kpop discographies that tickle my brain the most. they had/have such good chemistry and energy, and omg seoryoung… still love how extra she is on every track and her gorgeous voice. I went on a bazooka and puzzle moon stage rewatch and ahhh they’re so fun… why did we have to (half) lose them so early
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this might be a weird question, but can you tell me more about dimensions entertainment and the state of the company? since its modeled after bap/ts ent's situation, would you consider it to be more failing than bouncing back, or would you compare it more to SM, where theyre known for mistreatment/lawsuits but a lot of people still love their groups. Or in the middle since both of those companies are sort of on the complete opposite spectrum of the situation?
It’s not weird at all! I’m always excited to get to answer world-building questions! I wouldn’t say there was any intention to model the company itself after TS Entertainment, only that that part of BAP’s history was incorporated into Alien and, by extension, it had to apply to the company. When creating the companies, Dimensions’ “trope” for their company image was meant to be the one of the three with the most creative/artistic image. Though Dimensions isn’t based on YG either and there are aspects of how YG markets itself that I would apply to each of our three companies, you can think of YG’s image of selling itself as more a company of “artists” and actively pushing producer-dols as a key group component ⁠— mainly for male groups, which also applies to Dimensions ⁠— in comparison to SM and JYP who historically, if they have pushed an “artist” image, tended to push it more for one idol out of a group instead of marketing the full group or the full company that way.
Because of that, it is a a little more complicated than either end of the spectrum. Dimensions, in the lead-up to the lawsuit, would not have been considered to be on the same level as BC and Gold Star. They were a small company with struggling finances at that point and Alien was doing way better than expected from a company on the brink of bankruptcy and Dimensions desperately needed all the money they could milk from them, hence the overworking, poor work conditions, and underpayment that led to the lawsuit. Their lawsuit got them more media attention than they’d ever really had as a company before, so it’s hard to compare how they were viewed before the lawsuit vs. after since it was only a handful of fans of Gal.actic, Alien, and Dimensions Soloist 1 that cared about them circa 2013, whereas now, in 2020, they’re the company with the third highest market capitalization in the idol industry.
Dimensions is noted as the company with the least “company fans” because of having major issues with each of their groups that make fans very unhappy with the company. Gal.actic has issues with being mistreated and purposefully being pushed into controversy for sales, Alien has their past lawsuit against the company, MARS has issues with being pretty clearly debuted as a cover-up for Alien’s lawsuit, 7ROPHY’s fans aren’t happy with the many concept changes they’ve had in the past or the seeming struggle for creative freedom with some releases being largely self-produced and the next release having that freedom stripped away (while Dimensions’ boy groups have more consistent input in their releases), Unity fans have criticized the company for focusing too much on Western promotions and not taking advantage of the potential they had as rookies (along with recent discontent regarding CHAMPION’s debut), and for Lucid, some fans feel the group suffers as a result of Dimensions’ dedication to the “art” of their concept while also giving the members none of that creative freedom the company boasts so proudly. There are fans that will still readily defend the company on the basis of perceived freedom of self-expression and having more “artistic” artists than the other major labels, though, and I’d imagine that even a good number of fans who recognize the company’s many public faults may brag about that fact.
I wouldn’t compare them to SM either, since Dimensions is not at that level of power or influence in the industry and their groups as a whole do rely the mostly on fan power (while they tend to push their soloists for a more middle ground between fandom and general public interest) to the point where some of their artists aren’t really big enough names for the public to actively have an massively positive or negative opinion.
In short, Dimensions would have the least fans willing to defend them as a good company, but they also aren’t on the level of TS Entertainment where fans almost unanimously would prefer their idols to leave the company. Alien’s fans would be the fandom with the largest subset of the fandom feeling strongly that way, but even then, for the most part, the public perception is that Dimensions has improved their treatment of artists to the point where another lawsuit would still be a huge surprise to most people. The lawsuit is a major stain on the company’s history, but as Dimensions has progressively pushed the “artist” image since the lawsuit happened, it has allowed the company to link perceived creative input to a perception of actual care for their idols’ personal self-expression over money, when that isn’t the case behind the scenes because they are still a company before anything else.
The general public tends to brand Dimensions as the least financially successful of the big companies before they brand them as the terrible, neglectful company. They have the worst public image of the three companies, as you can see on the company pages, but they are also the only company marked as having their reputation on a general upwards trend.
I hope that helps, but if you have further questions or something wasn’t clear enough, I’d be happy to answer anything else you may be wondering about!
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