#it'd be really interesting to see what the world of shinobi is like on the other side of things
oh-no-its-bird · 1 month
Ok so I love demon slayer, I love naruto, I love crossovers and I do think that the most interesting crossover you could get between the two is by including Kagaya Ubuyashiki as a major player
In Narutoland, leaders are leaders due to strength. The Kage's are the strongest around, and it makes sense bc in a warrior society ofc you want your leaders to be strong.
Kagaya is very much not that, and I wanna play with it. There's just something so fascinating ab the leader of so many scarily strong people being a soft spoken and kind man who physically could not fight if he wanted to, but is still willing to embrace The Horrors when need be. Really big contrast to Naruto, I like it
Anyways umm
Fic where after Kagaya Ubuyashiki blows up his fucking house w the wife and kids, he and maybe also the wife and kids end up zapped to Naruto.
Immediatley like, there is no Muzan here. There are no demons. Kagaya's curse to bear is over, the weight lifted from his shoulders. He has done all that he can do. He gets to retire now.
So just Kagaya trying to settle in to retirement in another world, struggling w the fact that he's like. Penniless now. Sickly young master lost all his fucking wealth and buisness investments, not much he can do there.
But no matter what he does he's too fucking charismatic and eye catching to not gain some kind of notoriety. I think it'd be funny if he's legit trying to live his best life but people keep swearing allegiance to him. He's just wandering around trying to find a way to make money and not die and accidentally picking up Deidara before Akatsuki can.
He like compliments his art by acknowledging that there is beauty in everything, even destruction. And Deidara is eyeing him like ",,,maybe this old man is ok,, I guess,,, oh no wait he's a CIVILIAN?? And also fucking useless at everything???? Man I guess I HAVE to stick around and protect him. Wow what a bummer. I guess I have no choice... and also if he pats me on the head and calls me a good boy and feeds into my many ignored complexes then that's also whatever......"
Kagaya actually just keeps running into Akatsuki members and getting varying levels of "this guy is alright I guess (if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in the room then myself)"
He's collecting a little army of shinobi with daddy issues (every shinobi ever let's be real) by pure accident
Dw Kagaya, you don't need to worry about those medical bills bc u are now the sugar baby of multiple criminal organizations! (Don't think about it too hard)
Obito gets the worst of it, he sees Kagaya and gets flashbacks to his ailing grandmother and suddenly can't unsee it. Kagaya seems to see through his Tobi act seamlessly, and still reaches out to touch his scarred face without a single twitch of his smile and says he can feel a good man in that heart of his. Obito explodes immediatley and has to retreat for 7-10 buisness days to deal with the sudden onslaught of Feelings(tm)
Akatsuki slowly becomes good bc Kagaya learns of some of their plans and gives Obito a dissaproving frown and the psychic damage is so strong that Obito immediatley goes "ok I guess we don't HAVE to kill the children." And he just frowns harder and Obito twitches and goes ",,, or the adults. I guess. If u really think so."
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crusty-chronicles · 6 months
I'd love to see Jin with a human girlfriend. I'd love to see him introduce her to Yusuke, Chuu and the others for the first time. She's more of a bookworm type of girl and if you could have her wear glasses that would be amazing! Please and thank you!
Jin With A Human Bookworm S/O
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I think just in general he'd be a 10/10 partner
Human or demon, he's absolutely smitten.
That being said, he's a lot more softer with a human S/O
He doesn't want to accidentally hurt you with his strength or worse. Humans are fragile, after all.
He's very hesitant to pick you up and carry you in the air.
Genuinely scared he might drop you.
“One slip up and you go ‘splat!’ I don't wanna be cleanin’ you off the ground. It'd take too long.” He explained. The last part earning a small glare from you. Which he corrected immediately.
“I mean, I'd be devastated at the loss of ya. Now don't go and hit the back of me head! I mean it!”
Your first meeting with the wind demon was…an experience.
The duties of a spirit world Shinobi were extensive. Sometimes extending to the world of the living. Which was where Jin found himself now.
He took care of what he needed to, but that didn't mean he had to go back right away.
It was rare being allowed here without constant supervision.
He couldn't help but take the opportunity to sightsee when he could. Occasionally watching the Living World's inhabitants. Who didn't know just how good they had it.
To bask freely in the sun. The light.
Originally he'd wanted some quiet in a clearing. A place to enjoy the serenity. But he'd caught something from the corner of his eye.
A lone human sitting under a tree.
It was odd by his standards for one to be this far away from the others.
So he decided to watch you for a little while. Hovering a small distance above you with interest.
He noticed you were actually reading. How strange. And when you struggled to turn the page, he sent a small gust of wind to help you. Thinking nothing of it.
Apparently he'd been a little too close.
The sudden wind making you jump and search for the direction it came from.
To your surprise, there was a man above you. Staring at you with equal bewilderment.
“Uh, sir? You're flying.” There was truly nothing else you could think to say. Too shocked to come up with anything else because ‘how the hell was this dude flying?????’
He didn't seem to expect you to address him.
“Huh!?! You can really see me? Quite a bit of awareness goin’ on, dont'cha?” A higher spiritual awareness than most humans.
“A bit of a what?”
All he offered in return was a laugh at your confused expression. Joining you on the ground shortly after and proceeding to dodge your questions about his powers. His work was secretive, you know.
A very baffling first meeting that turned into two. Then three. Then once a month. Then once a week.
It didn't help that spot in the forest was your favorite for reading. Or that he showed up at the exact same time every meeting.
You didn't know a lot about him, except that he wasn't really human. If the ears and horns didn't give it away.
He did talk a lot, just not about himself. He'd ramble about duties and how ‘they were such a bore’. Or fighting other demons and how ‘none of them really compared to Urameshi.’
It was odd. But the way he phrased things made you laugh most of the time. Occasionally you'd gather bits and pieces from the redhead's life. People he knew or things he liked.
You never understood why he kept coming back after the first time. You figured it was because he was bored and wanted to kill time
Which in a sense was true.
But honestly, he liked the attention you gave him.
The way you stared at him with curiosity and interest.
How you always laughed at his jokes.
How you'd put down whatever you were reading to listen to him talk your ear off.
Maybe he liked stopping by a little more than he should've.
And maybe he liked your reactions when he subtly messed with you.
Your frustrated huff when he sent a little gust to trip you up or mess with your hair.
Maybe his face went a little red at the sound of your laughter.
So what? It was all in good fun.
You were good fun.
“Back again flyboy? That's the third time this week,” you greeted.
His visits had become a lot more frequent. Sometimes you wondered how he always knew where to find you, even if you switched spots.
You couldn't say you minded much. He was great company. Still choosing to hover over you while he talked.
“These things really help you see? Whaddya do if they break?” He asked, stealing the glasses from your face.
The times he was on the ground, he liked to ask you questions about yourself.
“Well then I'd be blind. Things would be kinda fuzzy and unfocused.” You tried to swipe them back to no avail.
“So you'd be stumblin’ around like a newborn? You humans really are fragile.”
“Well we can't all be born like you, Mr. 20/20 vision.”
Instead of handing them back, he haphazardly placed them back on your face. They were a little askew, but besides that he did okay.
Today though, he offered a little more of an explanation about why he kept showing up.
“If they do ever break, I'll just carry ya around everywhere so you don't go and hurt yourself.” And maybe his concern had been endearing.
“It's quiet here. Sometimes my ears feel like they're falling off with all the noise out there. ‘Specially with all the orders Risho keeps yapping out.”
He quickly slapped a hand to his mouth.
“Oh! Said too much.”
“Don't you always?” You teased.
“Maybe I do, but you like the sound of my voice.”
The silence after was peaceful. He was quieter than usual. It gave you the opportunity to ask what you'd been wanting to for a while.
“You know, if you're gonna keep stopping by, I'd at least like to know your name.”
He lit up at your words.
“Jin the Windmaster.”
“Windmaster? That certainly explains a lot.”
And that was how the mysterious flying stranger had become your friend. Then over time - your lover.
Jin is the type to rest his head in your lap while you read.
Wanting to both relax and be close to you at the same time.
If you choose to read to him, he tries not to fall asleep. Key word: tries
But it's inevitable he does. Your lap is just so comfortable.
You let him read to you once.
Never again.
It was a combination of him reading too fast or jumbling up words to the point of being unintelligible. You couldn't understand him for the life of you.
Jin is a very touchy partner. Wanting to have at least one point of contact with you at all times.
Whether it be resting his head on your shoulder or clinging to you from behind, he's always touching you in some way.
He likes to skirt his responsibilities by hanging out with you. Even if he gets in trouble for it.
Consequences be damned, he wants to see his girl!
The first person to find out you were dating was Yusuke.
Why you may ask?
“Urameshi, your mate’s human, right?”
Because he was the one Jin went to for advice 'courting humans.'
“Uh yeah.”
“How'd ya do it?”
Safe to say it was a lengthy conversation. But hey, it worked didn't it?
Yusuke is incredibly supportive about it. 10/10 friend.
And when Jin introduced you to him, he was a little surprised to see the wind demon fell for someone reserved. Someone with a more calm demeanor.
But it works for a reason. You're probably the only one able to reel Jin in when he's over excited.
You 🤝 Keiko - having routy boyfriends who love to fight.
Jin would never risk bringing you to the demon world. He wouldn't be able to handle it if something happened to you.
For that reason, you wouldn't have met his other friends until they visited.
Like Yusuke, Chu and Toya are supportive. Whatever makes their friend happy.
But Chu’s a little more outspoken. Lecturing you like an old man when his daughter dates.
“This guy's one of my best friends. You betta not break ‘is heart!” He warned you, slurring his words together in a way that made you concerned.
“Are you drunk!?!”
“That's besides the point!”
Overall, a relationship with Jin is sweet. A little hectic at times, but he does his best to make sure the messier part of his life is far away from you.
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madarasgirl · 11 months
hypothetical dad! madara w/ a little daughter is so funny to me cause i can so see him watching a little konoha kid giving his daughter like a flower they plucked and immediately falling to his knees: crying sobbing throwing up the whole performance. takes him 2 weeks to recover, god forbid it’s like hashirama’s kid or a senju in general
Madara with a little girl would certainly be precious, but hmm... no I don't see him falling to his knees and making a spectacle of himself because a boy gave her a flower.
From what we see of him, Madara is an emotional man, but he tends to bottle up his strongest feelings until they boil over. He is prone to emotional outbursts, but whenever he is that open, they tend to be negative displays of emotion. Anger, hatred, vengeance, disdain, and whatnot. It was rare for him to burst out in laughter, and it was only with Hashirama from what we were shown. I'm guessing he did outwardly show if he was happy with his family too, before he lost everyone.
He came from a time where crying/sobbing wasn't really an appropriate response to any hardship a shinobi was facing, no matter what he was feeling. It was weak, and weakness was punished with death in his era. That's why I don't think he'd ever rail to the heavens in joy from a boy courting his daughter, nevermind whether he approved of the suitor to begin with (keep in mind he's probably extremely protective of her and in his mind, no one is good enough)... it'd just be so out of character for him.
Instead, assuming Madara was okay with whoever gifted his daughter with flowers (and is perhaps romantically interested in her while she returns the sentiment), I think he would just be internally elated at the prospects of her finding her own happiness. It would be a quiet, simmering contentment and pride he feels and the faintest hint of a smile is all he'd show the world before he walks away to let the budding couple be.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Yo, what is UP, everybody!? And Happy New Year! The latest DGP season, Divergence, is about to air! What manner of wicked trickery have Ace, Keiwa, and Neon gotten themselves wrapped up in this time? Who are our new friends Lopo and... Nadge-Sparrow?
Comin' at you live from... somewhere, it's Spoilers, I guess...
-Ah, yeah, I have been enjoying this drama, haha
-...pretty sure there was an entire movie that's not gonna be subbed for a while, but such is life.
-Ultimate Superstar Geats, Ukiyo Ace!
-Celebrity Heiress Heroine Na-Go, Neon Kurama!
-Prodigy Quiz Show King Nadge-Sparrow, Daichi Isuzu!
-Fastest Woman in the World Lopo, Sae Ganaha!
-And Keiwa, I guess
-Holy shit, not a single clap hjklhl
-Ahhhhh, Ace's got a past with these guys.
-Poor Keiwa-kun.
-It's okay Keiwa-kun! You've got me lighting up for you!
-Oooooh, don't think I didn't notice the changes in the op. "Who is the back stabber" indeed.
-Oh shit, starting out super strong, huh?
-Jamato Time.
-Ooooooh, Neon got comebacks!
-Gotta say new guys, I really like them suits.
-Ah, looks like Lopo's pretty tricky?
-Nadgey too!
-"Good job, everybody! You're all gonna live here instead!"
-"Oh Christ, we have three weirdos in charge of this game in a row."
-Oh my god
-Fresh veges?
-Oh! We're literally in survivor mode now!
-There's sussies among us!
-I can't believe this is the timeline I currently live in.
-I wonder how the Tsuki-Sennin of the Geiz Revive timeline would be reacting to his time with Shinobi?
-Oh god fucking dammit, they said among us in the subtitles.
-Distrust and backstabbing! Thrills! Chills! Kills!
-I missed you!
-He's literally a zombie now!
-"Ooooooooooh, Keiwa's in love with a girl~!"
-Thank you Sara, very cool.
-No internet. No TV.
-Until Takahashi says otherwise, I'm sticking with my headcanon that they're being broadcast to various Sentai and PreCure worlds. Mainly because Godatz absolutely would put betting pools on these people's lives.
-Nooooo Keiwa-kuuuun!
-"Where the hell did this tent come from!?"
-Ah, Quiz Guy won't let Keiwa in either.
-"Ace is the impostor and a stream sniping little bitch."
-Oh shit, the execcutive dude.
-Jean! Ace's sponsor!
-Ohhhhhhhh, he knows a lot.
-Old Maid! A favorite of mine.
-Nadgey has done thirty thousand equations in his head.
-"I want all of humanity's knowledge."
-Asking for the Gaia Library, huh?
-"Who's that guy though...?"
-"Just the next Game Master of this show."
-Playing the nepotism card!
-...hate that he's actually right on two counts though.
-There's a sussy baka amidst we.
-Who're we vote kicking?
-Oooooh, Keiwaaaa!
-"Oh let the boy do what he wants. He'll learn."
-So uh... what did you guys do to Mitsume?
-Jamato Municipal High School!
-Let's get sent to the principal's office~!
-Damn, Lopo's awesome.
-I can't believe Toei discovered that women are cool.
-Neeeeeeeerd! Studyin!
-...I can't imagine how horrifying it'd be to be ground up into burger meat and have the creature you spawn traipse around in cosplay and die.
-"Beat up a nerd for free stuff!"
-Oooooooh, there it is! The movie buckle.
-Gigant Blaster!
-That's a huge bitch!
-Of course! Make one! It's that easy!
-Mr. Principal!
-Lobo with the defenestration!
-Even the delinquents respect Principal Soylent!
-Gigant Hammer!
-Holy shit, Ace.
-Gigant Sword!
-Literally God.
-Mission Complete! Yeah!
-No, Keiwaaaaaaa!
-It deliberately smacks him.
-Good job, gamers. Nobody's going home today!
-Oooooh, everybody hates Keiwa except me.
-I don't really see why people'd like Nadge so much. I mean, he isn't super interesting, and if there's one thing I know about people who'd spend all day watching people fight and possibly die in a reality show, it's that they really like to fixate on women.
-"Get up, nerd. You need to be reminded."
-Seikai no da.
-Jesus Christ, this garden gives me nasty feelings.
-Oooooooh., that's a big scary bitch.
-"You're up~!"
-Oh god, the sounds
-Ohhhhhhh shiiiiiiiiit!
-It's the fireman!
-Goutokuji! Kinjo-san!
-If you commit a murder and get away with it, you graduate, gotcha.
-"I'm NOT the sussy baka, I'm NOT!"
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woodblxssomcrowned · 12 days
Ik u said that Kaname wouldn't have children even though she wants one, what if, hypothetically, she had one? How would that go?
If she were to let herself be a mother, what kind of mother would she be? Would she discourage them from becoming shinobi? Would she discourage her father from interacting with her potential-child after seeing Danma's situation with Tsunade and Hashirama?
Sry it's very long, but I had a question and was hoping it'd be okay to receive an answer?
If not then it's alr ^>^ I love ur headcanons and art, so no worries if it's not smth you'd like to elaborate on :)) have a nice day or night, wherever u live :^
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I'll do my best to answer your very good question! If Kaname could get past the mortifying anxiety about a hypothetical future with a hypothetical biological child of her own, perhaps thanks to unwavering support by partner and family who knows she wants a child but is also very afraid, gets through the pregnancy and gives birth, she would adore her child. She would go above and beyond to ensure they always felt loved and supported, to do everything she could to make sure they achieved their goals. Regardless if that was to pursue a career as shinobi, or something else entirely. Worst case scenario and they ended up being like her (which the reason why she doesn't want biological children), and they were also refused a spot in the academy (although it's my HC that Hiruzen finalized Tobirama's plans to change those criteria's in the entrance exams) and they still wanted to get in, she would encourage them to try again, and again. If becoming a shinobi is something they want and are willing to work for against adversity, then she will have their back through it no matter how many times the world tries to tell them 'no'. If becoming a baker is something they want and are willing to work for, then she'll have their back through that too. She will be the support and motivator that she found her own father to not have been to her when she truly needed it. As for the father, it depends a lot on who said father is. I have no doubt that Kaname wouldn't be opposed to not having the father in the picture at all if she really wanted to have a biological child of her own but he had no interest in it, although that would mean she'd have to rely much more on emotional support from family. There would be an ultimatum and she'd be stone cold about it. She'd want him to have a fully present and active part in the child's life and upbringing and actually being a father, or not be there at all. Like, at all. She has no desire to watch her child go longing for the attention of a father that breezes through every so often when he feels like it or has the time. Either he stays, or he stays away.
She will love that child enough to make up for it, she'll be sure of it.
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i-left-my-room-tidy · 2 years
small DR idea for any naruto shifters out there: try shifting as a civilian.
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dynjay · 2 years
eyyo, we're finally in the final battle of Shippuden!!
I know I expected it, but I am still highly disappointment with the development of Sakura :(((
He didn't even die a remarkable death either; it was from a a super insignificant attack meant to kill off largely minor background characters oh my god I am so sorry for all of you Neji fans out there
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mixelation · 3 years
RE: your "personal stakes" Isekai post, how are you writing Tori's motivation in Plasticity? Is it survival (I feel like that's definitely what it started as but she's made some Moves that aren't totally in pursuit of that goal haha)? Or curiosity in how the fuck the world works (prompting her to Science)? What do you feel prompts her to interact (like bar-hopping) with the Akatsuki members (curiosity, again, or basic human need for interaction)?
the post in question
tbh when i wrote that post i was thinking more about isekai characters who decide they need to "save" their new world or otherwise "fix it," which is.... not really the type of character tori is LMAO. for me, personally, the "save the world" types of characters need some sort of additional personal investment/goal in whatever huge, sweeping problem in order for the story to be compelling. I think you could also manage this through sheer character work of "I always fight for what is right, and in this case that is X" but lbr, that's a LOT of careful work you'd have to establish quickly and without being obnoxious or preachy.
tori's initial motivations are 100% survival. she transmigrates directly into a complete lack of personal agency and also terrifying circumstances, and she spends most of the first chapters reacting rather than acting. most of what she does that's not 100% motivated by her own survival is more about maintaining a sense of control over herself and her environment (although what Tori thinks she's doing is generally "just seeing if it'd work" or "hey I wonder what happens if I do X"). that's why she does petty acts of manipulation & theft, why she pushes the boundaries of what her captors will let her get away with instead of just playing it safe, why she cultivates a sense of ownership over the experiments she's been assigned to do, and why she's interested in developing her own personal projects alongside her job.
tori is not doing a lot of long-term planning rn or thinking about other people because she's not confident she's even going to live to the end of the week. i am getting into a part of the story where she's starting to feel reasonably safe in her own circumstances, so she might start changing how she thinks about her adopted world. like, she does have opinions on greater societal issues of the world and would probably rather avoid the whole shinobi war thing, but also she's working for the bad guys (who she's invested in getting along with for her own sanity/people tend to bond with coworkers/roommates even if they suck) and her work with them is the situation she has the most control over.
...also, yes, the reason she goes barhopping with them is just like. The basic need to interact and socialize with others. Part of the whole point of the chapters in oto were to build up her sense of isolation/loneliness so that when sasori is like, "what if poison for fun?" she's like, "well..... maybe" because she does crave human interaction and acceptance from her peers. and then also toughen her up so she doesn't just die immediately and give her competitive skills she can use is this high-stakes environment
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