#it's Aquaman 2 nobody was on their a-game here
maxwell-grant · 9 months
Was kinda interesting watching Aquaman 2 do that thing Hollywood movies do where a villain barks orders in an non-English language to signal to the American audience that they're foreign and scary, except this time the actress doing it was speaking portuguese so I actually understood everything she was saying and it was just weird and abrupt. I guess they just told her to translate and say the lines in her own language but didn't direct her how to adapt the dialogue accordingly, so she ends up just telling the henchmen to pick up a guy in a very stilted formal factual manner while everything's exploding around them, that was kinda funny.
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Game Night: Mega Man Legend of Network
Since I already did the full preamble explaining the situation in my Phantom of Network post, I’ll cut to the chase here.  Mega Man fans have preserved, translated, and touched up two old mobile phone games thought to be lost media; today I’m looking at the second of the two, Legend of Network.  A lot of this builds on what I said regarding the first game, so you might consider reading that first (but it’s not like it really matters).
(Warning: there’s a lot of flashing in this one too.)
Spoiler-free tl;dr: While it takes place after BN5, LoN focuses more on being a sequel to PoN, and I’d say it does an excellent job of it.  If you liked PoN, you’ll like LoN.  There really aren’t many mechanical shake-ups, but the biggest one proved much more fun than I expected, and I think I enjoyed this story a little more.  Once again, I recommend it for any Battle Network fan!  It’s the real last BN game (as of yet), and you don’t want to miss it!
As with its predecessor, Legend of Network faithfully recreates the GBA games’ combat, uses a more traditional perspective for comps, and opts for a visual novel approach for the Real World.  While PoN leaned more towards the gameplay of BN1-3 (Vol 1), LoN leans a bit more towards BN4-6 (Vol 2)…sort of.  Many of the chips from the previous game have been replaced with chips from later games in the series, and the ADD button has been removed from the Custom Screen, but there’s no Emotion Window or anything like that.  The most noticeable adherence to Vol 2’s approach is the transformation system.  The Skill Editor from PoN is back, the only change being that the Skills no longer have Elements assigned to them—you begin every battle as Normal MegaMan no matter what your loadout looks like.  Instead…you get Trans Arm.
Historically I’ve been harsh on Trans Arm for boiling down to “discount Soul Unison”, which isn’t entirely untrue.  But I should’ve considered the hardware limitations, and, perhaps more importantly, now that I’ve used Trans Arm I’ve actually had a lot of fun with it.  In place of the ADD button, there’s an ARM button, and when you press it you can then select an eligible chip to sacrifice in order to activate Trans Arm.  It’s the reverse of Soul Unison (chip first, then button), and most interestingly, Regular Chips can still be selected!  You can guarantee a specific Trans Arm turn 1 every time!  Design-wise, yeah, the forms are a little lackluster as they only change MegaMan’s palette and right arm, but eh, it is what it is.  Each form has several passive abilities and a new Charge Shot that scales with MegaMan’s attack stat, and lasts for a maximum of 3 turns (unless you use Skills to extend that time); each Arm can only be used once per battle, too, as is the case with all Vol 2 transformations.  You unlock more Arms as you progress for a maximum of 6, always after beating a chapter boss when the Trans Arm analyzes their data.  What I like about this is that, unlike Soul Unison and the Cross System, MegaMan doesn’t have to befriend the Navi to get a form based on them—this is something that needed addressed if we were going to continue getting forms for enemies from past games.  Sure, some of them coming around make more sense than others, and most of the Navis the Trans Arm scans are already MegaMan’s friends, but FlameMan also gets one and nobody wants to be told that he’s “reformed”.  I guess that’s another potential criticism: the Arms are all very familiar in one way or another.  AquaMan and TomahawkMan are both here, making them the only characters represented by 3 different forms (Soul Unison, Cross System, Trans Arm)…well, 4 for TomahawkMan if you count Chaos Unison separately.  There’s also SearchMan and ProtoMan, whose Soul Unisons were in both BN4 and 5.  ThunderMan, despite already having a Soul Unison, does feel like a bit of a dark horse since he was absent in BN5.  And FlameMan, while a new Navi to get a form, naturally has some similarities to Fire Soul and Heat Cross—though it does have attributes that make it stand out.  So, pros and cons to Trans Arm…though it does have one other big advantage over Soul Unison and the Cross System: it’s actually explained in-story! :O
The premise of LoN is that Navis are being brainwashed by a mysterious anthro horse Navi calling himself Reverse. (Shoutout to the patch’s writer for working so many horse puns into his dialogue.) Early in the game he absconds with ProtoMan, so as backup, Lan is assisted by a Netopian girl named Sherrice and her rootin-tootin cowboy Navi RideMan.  It’s actually Sherrice who invented/installs the Trans Arm!  She starts out frosty but warms up as the story goes on, a serviceable arc that functions as the core of LoN’s story.  On a broader level, we learn about an ancient, super-advanced civilization named Atlampia (from Atlantis obviously, and…I think Olympia, given the references it has to Greek mythology) that has some connection to Reverse, who we continue to hunt as he continues to brainwash Navis.  They each recover after a quick battle, though.  The reasoning for a breakthrough in figuring out what exactly is going on is actually pretty neat, I think: one of the brainwashed Navis is TomahawkMan, and after examining him, they’re able to gather more complete data than with the other Navis due to his resistance to negative status effects.  TomahawkMan’s Status Guard is a plot point.  I dunno why but I love that.  Anyway, the brainwashing seems to be done by some sort of Trojan leaving Backdoors in Navi’s hearts.  I enjoy the way this draws on real computery stuff, and that it inspired the Greek mythological theming we see in the game.  After some episodic encounters, briefly seeing Shuichi again so we can NetBattle HatMan (he’s kinda the mascot of this duology in a way), and recovering ProtoMan, Lan and Sherrice visit the Atlampia Ruins, and we get a big plot twist.
It turns out that Sherrice and RideMan were working with the villains all along!  Gasp!  …I already knew about this, actually, but that did let me really appreciate the small bits of foreshadowing throughout.  I thought it was well-handled. (She refers to herself as another Trojan, I can’t decide if I like that or if it’s a touch heavy-handed.) We get a lot of information at once, so let’s see if I can organize it: Reverse is actually an alter within RideMan, created when he was infused with a fragment of power from the weapon that destroyed Atlampia, one Trojan Horse.  Sherrice is actually from Atlampia, but she was put into cryosleep and eventually awoke in this era, her only company being an Atlampian scientist who has now cast off his old name to be known only as Nobody. (Yes, it is kinda edgy, but it’s actually another Greek mythology reference!  You remember Odysseus introducing himself as “Nobody” to the cyclops, right?) Devastated by the loss of her home and family, Sherrice went numb and just followed along with Nobody’s plan to reconstruct the Trojan Horse and destroy the Net, but naturally, her time with Lan has led her to a change of heart.  There’s another chapter here for pacing reasons (a CacheData version of FlameMan is sent to attack SciLab, it’s a neat way to justify him being there and tie into the previous game, oh and there’s also a SERENADE CAMEO!!!), but then we head back to the ruins, beat Reverse out of RideMan, and destroy the Trojan Horse!  I won’t get into all the details of the ending, but I do want to give some final thoughts on Sherrice and Nobody.  Sherrice, I like.  Stoic girl who’s secretly an otaku for period pieces, built a cowboy Navi just because she likes Westerns (RideMan finds this out on-screen, it’s kinda funny), solid character arc.  They note that she will have to pay for her crimes, which is…an interesting topic regarding BN villains, but she’ll definitely have a future after that, so that’s nice.  As for Nobody…I’m not entirely sure how I feel about him—or, maybe it’s that I’m not sure about how he’s handled.  See, Nobody makes brief dialogue-only appearances throughout the game, only physically appearing at the end, which is all well and good, but…okay, let me back up a moment.  Throughout the game, Lan and MegaMan have been getting mysterious, prophetic emails from someone calling themself “L.o.n.” (like the title!).  When the Trojan Horse was destroyed, it created some kind of distortion that sent Nobody back in time to just after the Atlampian empire collapsed.  Huh.  The game seems to realize this is a little silly, first having Lan’s dad joke about it before revealing that’s what actually happened.  Seeing that some of the Atlampians survived and lived on gave Nobody a change of heart, so he arranged for those emails to be sent out thousands of years later under the alias of L.o.n., or Legacy of Nobody.  Adding this whole other dimension to the character is where things get complicated.  The delayed emails are certainly an interesting plot point.  Nobody returning home (more or less) and that satisfying him is…nice, I suppose?  I think I’m not quite as invested in him as the game wanted me to be, though that might just be a Me problem.  Eh, I don’t dislike him as a villain—shockingly, Wily wasn’t involved at all this time!
One thing I do have to talk about, though, is how familiar so much of this story felt.  An ancient super-advanced civilization…destroyed by its own weapon…the last survivor(s) want(s) revenge…that weapon is revived to destroy the modern world…there’s an attack on a museum exhibit that functions as exposition…the characters have a conversation about OOPArts…and Sherrice’s design…hang on!  This is just Star Force 2!! :O Except, you know, better!  Wow.  But, in all seriousness, this was the tail end of the Great Mega Man Crunch Era.  LoN released Oct 06, SF1 released Dec 06, SF2 released Nov 07…yeah, can’t exactly blame them for repurposing some ideas to stay sane.  Yikes.
Anyway, the post-game is a bit interesting—there isn’t really a story, but it does offer some worldbuilding/lore.  At the end of the credits, Nobody warns that the original Trojan Horse still exists, sealed deep in the net, and asks you to find it and delete it.  Load your game back up, and a new jack-in point appears at the Atlampia Ruins that takes you to a CacheData recreation of the Atlampia Net.  There are security cubes asking you to reach certain milestones of Standard and Mega Chip completion, and once you get past them you can reach the back of the area to find a Navi standing next to one last cube, sealed by the Atlampia Key stolen by the Trojan Horse.  So, it’s not there…maybe that Navi knows something?  Yes they do, in fact: apparently the Original Trojan is sealed by 12 pieces of StarData (named after Zodiac signs, HMM), which you need to go out and find.  This feels…kinda weird to drop on us right at the end here?  Granted some of the stars come in groups, and the Navi gives you hints to where they all are (thank God).  Whatever the case, you need to round them all up and head to the Undernet.  You can get to Undernet 5 during the story, but the path to Undernet 6 is blocked by a strange security cube.  Come back after beating the game, a Navi there will tell you that you need the Dark Key to open it, and that the guy who sealed it should be “down here somewhere”.  Helpful.  Turns out it really is a guy just standing around in one of the Undernet areas, which feels like an odd way to do it, but okay.  With the Dark Key you can get into Undernet 6, then to Undernet 7 where you encounter Bass and the cube sealed by StarData.  Getting past that takes you to the Ancient Undernet, where you need to pass cubes that require you to complete the Standard and Mega Chip Libraries. (Plus an optional cube for completing all BBS Requests, to put 4 of the 6 completion icons to use.) At the end of Ancient Undernet, you finally find the Original Trojan, beat it for a Giga Chip, and then can re-fight it for a second Giga Chip and as many times as you want for fun I guess.  So, now that you have the Atlampia Key, you unlock…a single square platform where Bass shows up for a rematch.  A little anticlimactic given its placement at the end of the secret area, but whatever.  Bass can also be refought, going from SP to TA (Trans Arm, maybe?  It’s unclear.) to XX (not purple, sadly, but no Black Barrier either, and he has one of Trojan Horse’s attacks to imply he’s absorbed some of its power).  Overall it’s a somewhat chaotic scavenger hunt, but some of the StarData clues were fun to figure out.  I dunno, just a very interesting spin on the BN postgame structure.
As of right now, I’ve beaten the game, completed the BBS, and gotten all Standard, Mega, and Giga Chips.  The only thing left is to complete the PA Memo, for which I just need to do one last PA, for which I only need one chip in a particular, hard-to-get code dropped by Dominerds.  Those fucking Dominerds.  Bane of my existence, as usual.  I maxed my Regular MB, though, and there’s only one last HP Memory I need for a huge amount of Bug Frags.  I kinda want to get these last two things to feel like I really 100% completed the game, but we’ll see if the frustration wins out. (I said it before, but really: Buster MAX is your friend.) But even with annoyances like those fucking Dominerds, Legend of Network is a fun time, and a fitting end to the Battle Network series.  It was so cool to play more Battle Network games for the first time, especially games that we weren’t sure anyone was going to be able to play again.  It’s also really interesting to see where this fits in the history of mobile games, too, though I’d need to do more research to form any real conclusions of that sort.  Apparently the team behind the translation patch is now working on a patch for BN6 to recreate LoN PvP, which sounds neat (if maybe not up my alley).  We also know that the Battler’s Tower expansion (or whatever it is) for Phantom of Network has been preserved, and I hope to see a translation of that at some point.  There’s still so much of this series to experience…hm, maybe I should make an effort to fill in some of those gaps…
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boltsfan18 · 3 years
As much as it hurts me to say... I don't think we will ever see Henry as Superman again. Here's my reasoning:
1. WB desperately wants to move on from the Synderverse. It's proven by what they have said and how they treated the Snyder cut. (But what about Wonder Woman and Aquaman? They are/did get sequels!) I'm glad you asked. The first Wonder Woman movie was the first DCEU film to do well critically and at the box office so why not build on it. ( Unfortunately, WW84 was a dud) . Aquaman made a billion dollars at the box office. Of course you make a sequel. I love Henry as Superman but let's be real here. MOS did not do well critically or at the box office. Superman movies should make a billion or close to. BvS definitely should have made a billion dollars. It didn't and it was pretty much panned by critics.
2. It's been 8 years since MOS and nobody at WB is talking about a MOS 2. Only Henry did but even he has gone quiet about it.
I think at this point both parties just have to move on. WB/DC announced the JJ Abrams Superman project. Pretty much game over at that point. I never believed the rumors saying that Henry was difficult because everything his co-workers have said about him disputes that but maybe he wants more money than what he is worth...
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animusrox · 6 years
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1.   Avengers: Infinity War 2.   Mandy 3.   Blindspotting 4.   Mission: Impossible – Fallout 5.   Black Panther 6.   Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 7.   First Reformed 8.   Bodied 9.   Burning 10.  Suspiria
[Grade A]
11.   Upgrade 12.   Apostle 13.   Leave No Trace 14.   Roma 15.   Eighth Grade 16.   A Prayer Before Dawn 17.   22 July 18.   Support the Girls 19.   Lean on Pete 20.   Monsters and Men 21.   Revenge 22.   Minding the Gap 23.   Free Solo 24.   Shoplifters 25.   The Old Man & the Gun 26.   Bad Times at the El Royale 27.   Cold War 28.   The Ritual 29.   Game Night 30.   A Quiet Place 31.   The Wife 32.   The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 33.   Thoroughbreds 34.   We the Animals 35.   Vice 36.   Mid90s 37.   Verónica 38.   A Private War 39.   Overlord 40.   Searching 41.   Bumblebee 42.   The Death of Stalin 43.   Cam 44.   Private Life 45.   Tully 46.   Unsane 47.   The Hate U Give 48.   A Simple Favor 49.   The Night Comes For Us 50.   Teen Titans Go! To the Movies 51.   If Beale Street Could Talk 52.   First Man 53.   The Long Dumb Road 54.   The Rider 55.   Halloween 56.   Papillon 57.   Batman Ninja 58.   Chappaquiddick 59.   Maze Runner: The Death Cure 60.   Kin 61.   Green Book
Click Keep Reading For My Full List
[Grade B]
62.   Galveston 63.   Can You Ever Forgive Me? 64.   Ravenous 65.   They Shall Not Grow Old 66.   Deadpool 2 67.   Kodachrome 68.   The House That Jack Built 69.   Won’t You Be My Neighbor? 70.   Boy Erased 71.   Creed II 72.   Best Friends Vol. 1 & 2 73.   The Favourite 74.   Sicario: Day of the Soldado 75.   Ready Player One 76.   Destroyer 77.   Unfriended: Dark Web 78.   BlacKkKlansman 79.   Ant-Man and the Wasp 80.   Wildlife 81.   At Eternity’s Gate 82.   The Sisters Brothers 83.   Crazy Rich Asians 84.   A Star Is Born 85.   Incredibles 2 86.   Solo: A Star Wars Story 87.   Operation Finale 88.   Mom and Dad 89.   Hotel Artemis 90.   The Miseducation of Cameron Post 91.   Christopher Robin 92.   Summer of ‘84 93.   Blockers 94.   Instant Family 95.   Anna and the Apocalypse 96.   Welcome to Marwen 97.   White Boy Rick 98.   Don’t Worry, He Won’t Get Far on Foot 99.   The Oath 100.   Isle of Dogs 101.   Colette 102.   Smallfoot 103.   The Possession of Hannah Grace 104.   Batman: Gotham by Gaslight 105.   Mayhem 106.   You Were Never Really Here 107.   Equalizer 2 108.   Hell Fest 109.   Hold the Dark 110.   Sorry to Bother You 111.   Never Goin’ Back
[Grade C]
112.   Welcome the Stranger 113.   Beirut 114.   7 Days in Entebbe 115.   Down a Dark Hall 116.   The Predator 117.   Slender Man 118.   The House with a Clock in Its Walls 119.   On the Basis of Sex 120.   Widows 121.   Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 122.   Uncle Drew 123.   The Front Runner 124.   Mortal Engines 125.   Hereditary 126.   Den of Thieves 127.   Rampage 128.   Early Man 129.   Terminal 130.   The Kindergarten Teacher 131.   Superfly 132.   Mary Queen of Scots 133.   12 Strong 134.   Annihilation 135.   Alpha 136.   How to Talk to Girls at Parties 137.   Aquaman 138.   The First Purge 139.   Beautiful Boy 140.   The Happytime Murders 141.   The Girl in the Spider’s Web 142.   Life Itself 143.   Stephanie 144.   Peter Rabbit
[Grade F]
145.   Bohemian Rhapsody 146.   Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween 147.   Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle 148.   The Death of Superman 149.   Slice 150.   The Cloverfield Paradox 151.   Every Day 152.   The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 153.   Death Wish 154.   Adrift 155.   Ralph Breaks the Internet 156.   Skyscraper 157.   Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation 158.   Assassination Nation 159.   Tag 160.   Tau 161.   Hunter Killer 162.   All About Nina 163.   Bird Box 164.   Pacific Rim Uprising 165.   Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay 166.   Action Point 167.   The Meg 168.   Gringo 169.   Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 170.   The Darkest Minds 171.   The Spy Who Dumped Me 172.   The Nun 173.   Fahrenheit 451 174.   Mile 22 175.   Winchester 176.   The Mule 177.   Tomb Raider 178.   Robin Hood 179.   Red Sparrow 180.   Overboard 181.   Ocean’s 8 182.   Venom 183.   The Grinch 184.   The Strangers: Prey At Night 185.   Breaking In 186.   Peppermint 187.   Traffik 188.   Life of the Party 189.   Proud Mary 190.   I Feel Pretty
Bottom 10
191.   Johnny English Strikes Again 192.   Holmes and Watson 193.   Night School 194.   The Hurricane Heist 195.   Truth or Dare 196.   Nobody’s Fool 197.   The 15:17 to Paris 198.   Gotti 199.   Tyler Perry’s Acrimony 200.   A Wrinkle in Time
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alexandrematiasreal · 5 years
The Filmography 2018 - List Trailers Edition
The Filmography 2018
001- 00:00:00.00 - Ready Player One 002- 00:00:03.07 - Overlord 003- 00:00:05.01 - Avengers: Infinity War 004- 00:00:09.01 - 7 Days in Entebbe 005- 00:00:10.00 - Three Identical Strangers 006- 00:00:11.14 - The Titan 007- 00:00:12.12 - 7 Days in Entebbe 008- 00:00:13.06 - Welcome to Marwen 009- 00:00:15.17 - Sicario: Day of The Soldado 010- 00:00:20.16 - Green Book 011- 00:00:22.00 - Avengers: Infinity War 012- 00:00:25.00 - Future World 013- 00:00:27.22 - Pacific Rim Uprising 014- 00:00:29.02 - The Predator [Black Panther audio] 015- 00:00:33.03 - Terminal 016- 00:00:34.18 - The Escape of Prisoner 614 017- 00:00:35.19 - Widows 018- 00:00:37.00 - Den of Thieves 019- 00:00:38.06 - Game Night 020- 00:00:39.09 - Green Book 021- 00:00:40.21 - Black Water 022- 00:00:42.12 - Overlord [Black Panther audio] 023- 00:00:43.17 - Tomb Raider [Black Panther audio] 024- 00:00:45.08 - Solo: A Star Wars Story [Teen Titans GO! To The Movies audio] 025- 00:00:46.12 - Teen Titans GO! To The Movies 026- 00:00:49.04 - The First Purge 027- 00:00:51.05 - Ready Player One 028- 00:00:53.05 - Sicario: Day of the Soldado 029- 00:00:55.14 - Deadpool 2 030- 00:00:57.05 - Night School 031- 00:00:59.10 - Ant-Man and The Wasp 032- 00:01:02.22 - The Escape of Prisoner 614 033- 00:01:04.12 - Terminal 034- 00:01:06.00 - The Ballad of Lefty Brown 035- 00:01:07.08 - American Animals 036- 00:01:08.06 - Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again 037- 00:01:10.22 - Assassination Nation 038- 00:01:12.03 - Teen Titans GO! To The Movies 039- 00:01:14.01 - Deadpool 2 040- 00:01:14.20 - The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 041- 00:01:15.11 - Damsel 042- 00:01:16.23 - Destination Wedding 043- 00:01:18.19 - Dog Days 044- 00:01:20.07 - Don´t Worry, He Won't Get Far On Foot 045- 00:01:22.21 - Down A Dark Hall 046- 00:01:24.05 - Escape Plan 2 047- 00:01:27.00 - State Like Sleep 048- 00:01:28.15 - A Wrinkle in Time 049- 00:01:31.23 - Mary Poppins Returns 050- 00:01:33.09 - The Happytime Murders 051- 00:01:34.14 - Backstabbing For Beginners 052- 00:01:37.17 - White Boy Rick 053- 00:01:38.20 - Blindspotting 054- 00:01:47.16 - Boundaries 055- 00:01:48.11 - City of Lies 056- 00:01:49.23 - KIN 057- 00:01:51.02 - Fifty Shades Freed 058- 00:01:53.04 - Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 059- 00:01:54.22 - The Favourite 060- 00:01:55.23 - Backtrace 061- 00:01:56.21 - Patient Zero 062- 00:01:57.21 - Ant-Man and The Wasp 063- 00:01:59.03 - Teen Titans GO! To The Movies 064- 00:02:00.04 - Let the Corpses 065- 00:02:02.16 - London Fields 066- 00:02:03.22 - Ant-Man and The Wasp 067- 00:02:05.07 - Avengers: Infinity War 068- 00:02:06.08 - The Predator 069- 00:02:07.15 - Black Panther 070- 00:02:09.01 - The Predator 071- 00:02:10.13 - Avengers: Infinity War 072- 00:02:11.16 - Deadpool 2 073- 00:02:13.04 - Mission Impossible: Fallout 074- 00:02:14,17 - A Wrinkle in Time 075- 00:02:15.19 - Spider-Man Int The Spider-Verse 076- 00:02:17.13 - Avengers: Infinity War 077- 00:02:19.05 - Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation 078- 00:02:20.12 - Big Brother 079- 00:02:21.15 - Incredibles 2 080- 00:02:22.15 - Ralph Breaks the Internet 081- 00:02:24.11 - Incredibles 2 082- 00:02:25.20 - Ready Player One 083- 00:02:27.16 - Skyscraper 084- 00:02:30.12 - The Equalizer 2 085- 00:02:31.11 - The Debt Collector 086- 00:02:33.16 - The Equalizer 2 087- 00:02:38.20 - Bleeding Steel 088- 00:02:40.00 - Avengers: Infinity War 089- 00:02:41.11 - Deadpool 2 090- 00:02:46.02 - Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 091- 00:02:47.09 - Avengers: Infinity War 092- 00:02:50.10 - The Miseducation of Cameron Post 093- 00:02:52.12 - Avengers: Infinity War 094- 00:02:55.07 - Ocean´s 8 095- 00:02:56.15 - Deadpool 2 096- 00:02:57.18 - Thoroughbreds 097- 00:03:01.04 - Mission Impossible: Fallout 098- 00:03:02.18 - Bumblebee 099- 00:03:05.07 - Ocean´s 8 100- 00:03:07.04 - Vice 101- 00:03:11.10 - Black Panther 102- 00:03:15.14 - Siberia 103- 00:03:22.08 - The House That Jack Built 104- 00:03:24.03 - Second Act 105- 00:03:25.09 - Unstoppable 106- 00:03:26.03 - A Private War 107- 00:03:27.08 - El Angel 108- 00:03:28.04 - The Girl in The Spider´s Web 109- 00:03:29.08 - Robin Hood 110- 00:03:31.08 - Mandy 111- 00:03:32.23 - The Predator 112- 00:03:34.14 - Venom 113- 00:03:35.23 - Superfly 114- 00:03:37.02 - Taco Shop 115- 00:03:38.18 - Suspiria 116- 00:03:39.17 - Spinning Man 117- 00:03:41.00 - Supercon 118- 00:03:43.01 - Halloween 119- 00:03:44.18 - Hotel Artemis 120- 00:03:46.01 - The Front Runner 121- 00:03:48.06 - Aquaman 122- 00:03:49.20 - ROMA 123- 00:03:51.07 - Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 124- 00:03:52.15 - Peppermint 125- 00:03:54.00 - Braven 126- 00:03:55.09 - The Ballad of Buster Scruggs 127- 00:03:56.09 - White Boy Rick 128- 00:03:58.06 - Solo: A Star Wars Story 129- 00:04:00.18 - Mortal Engines 130- 00:04:03.08 - Bumblebee 131- 00:04:04.09 - Maze Runner: The Death Cure 132- 00:04:06.07 - The Darknest Minds 133- 00:04:07.16 - The Commuter 134- 00:04:09.12 - The 15:17 To Paris 135- 00:04:10.23 - Mission Impossible: Fallout 136- 00:04:12.18 - Peter Rabbit 137- 00:04:14.11 - TAG 138- 00:04:15.13 - Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle 139- 00:04:17.18 - Avengers: Infinity War 140- 00:04:20.20 - Rampage 141- 00:04:24.01 - The Rider 142- 00:04:25.07 - Avengers: Infinity War 143- 00:04:26.14 - Aquaman 144- 00:04:28.09 - The Meg 145- 00:04:29.14 - Black Panther 146- 00:04:31.12 - Avengers: Infinity War 147- 00:04:34.01 - Pacific Rim: Uprising 148- 00:04:36.06 - A Quiet Place 149- 00:04:39.02 - Avengers: Infinity War 150- 00:04:42.22 - Venom 151- 00:04:44.09 - Ready Player One 152- 00:04:46.06 - Ocean´s 8 153- 00:04:47.07 - Pacific Rim: Uprising 154- 00:04:48.20 - Ant-Man and The Wasp 155- 00:04:50.01 - Pacific Rim: Uprising 156- 00:04:51.08 - Game Night 157- 00:04:52.06 - Mile 22 158- 00:04:53.10 - BlackKlansman 159- 00:04:54.05 - Solo: A Star Wars Story 160- 00:04:55.11 - O Doutrinador 161- 00:04:56.13 - Papillon 162- 00:04:58.12 - Revenge 163- 00:04:59.19 - Robin Hood 164- 00:05:01.20 - Solo: A Star Wars Story 165- 00:05:03.22 - The Girl in The Spider´s Web 166- 00:05:05.17 - Deadpool 2 167- 00:05:07.22 - The Spy Who Dumped Me 168- 00:05:08.14 - The Girl in The Spider´s Web 169- 00:05:09.14 - Aquaman 170- 00:05:10.04 - Pacific Rim: Uprising 171- 00:05:12.02 - Mortal Engines 172- 00:05:13.10 - Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 173- 00:05:14.16 - Deadpool 2 174- 00:05:15.12 - Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 175- 00:05:16.19 - Aquaman 176- 00:05:19.00 - Golden Job 177- 00:05:19.21 - Rampant 178- 00:05:21.09 - Occupation 179- 00:05:22.06 - Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 180- 00:05:23.08 - The Great Battle 181- 00:05:24.15 - Tomb Raider 182- 00:05:25.12 - Incredibles 2 183- 00:05:27.04 - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 184- 00:05:29.22 - Hunter Killer 185- 00:05:31.23 - Green Book 186- 00:05:32.21 - Upgrade 187- 00:05:35.19 - Venom 188- 00:05:37.19 - The Sisters Brothers 189- 00:05:40.22 - The Spy Who Dumped Me 190- 00:05:42.18 - 5th Passenger [First Man audio] 191- 00:05:44.12 - Don´t Go 192- 00:05:47.02 - Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald 193- 00:05:48.08 - First Man 194- 00:05:52.09 - The Quake 195- 00:05:54.10 - Back Roads 196- 00:05:55.14 - Annihilation 197- 00:05:57.04 - Alpha 198- 00:05:58.12 - 12 Strong 199- 00:06:00.11 - Capernaum 200- 00:06:02.01 - Can You Ever Forgive Me? 201- 00:06:02.19 - American Chaos 202- 00:06:04.18 - The Forgiven 203- 00:06:05.17 - On the Basis of Sex 204- 00:06:06.14 - Searching 205- 00:06:08.03 - The Teen Titans Go! To the Movie 206- 00:06:09.14 - First Reformed 207- 00:06:10.21 - Lean on Pete 208- 00:06:12.10 - Border 209- 00:06:14.00 - The Favourite 210- 00:06:15.06 - Beirut 211- 00:06:16.01 - Tomb Raider 212- 00:06:17.00 - 7 Days in Entebbe 213- 00:06:17.19 - Boy Erased 214- 00:06:19.05 - 7 Splinters in Time 215- 00:06:21.12 - Tully 216- 00:06:22.22 - Ben is Back 217- 00:06:24.04 - Crazy Rich Asians 218- 00:06:26.02 - Monsters and Men 219- 00:06:28.17 - Operation Finale 220- 00:06:30.14 - Nobody´s Fool 221- 00:06:32.05 - Instant Family 222- 00:06:33.11 - Jonathan 223- 00:06:35.14 - Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 224- 00:06:38.02 - Red Sparrow [The Hate U Give audio] 225- 00:06:39.19 - Maze Runner: The Death Cure 226- 00:06:40.18 - The Wife 227- 00:06:41.13 - Vox Lux 228- 00:06:42.21 - Acrimony 229- 00:06:44.11 - The Hate U Give 230- 00:06:45.16 - MID 90s 231- 00:06:47.03 - Unsane 232- 00:06:49.01 - Suspiria 233- 00:06:50.18 - Christopher Robin 234- 00:06:52.01 - The Rake 235- 00:06:53.12 - The Little Stranger 236- 00:06:56.01 - Legalize Já - O Filme 237- 00:06:57.03 - The Meg [The Rider audio] 238- 00:06:59.02 - Along With the Gods 239- 00:06:59.22 - Dark Crimes 240- 00:07:01.18 - Hereditary 241- 00:07:03.12 - The Grinch 242- 00:07:06.14 - The Vanishing of Sidney Hall 243- 00:07:07.17 - Overlord 244- 00:07:09.10 - A Quiet Place 245- 00:07:13.06 - Venom 246- 00:07:14.16 - The Nun 247- 00:07:16.15 - The Hause with a Clock in Its Walls 248- 00:07:18.00 - The Mule 249- 00:07:19.02 - The Darknest Minds 250- 00:07:20.12 - Unbroken: Path to Redemption 251- 00:07:22.20 - Climax 252- 00:07:24.11 - Bad Samaritan 253- 00:07:25.11 - The Children Act 254- 00:07:27.06 - Stan & Ollie 255- 00:07:29.08 - Dark River 256- 00:07:30.20 - Destroyer 257- 00:07:32.05 - The Yellow Birds 258- 00:07:34.11 - The Padre 259- 00:07:37.04 - Widows 260 -00:07:39.07 - Beautiful Boy 261- 00:07:41.05 - A Simple Favor 262- 00:07:42.05 - Operation Finale 263- 00:07:43.14 - The Possession of Hannah Grace 264- 00:07:45.02 - A Private War 265- 00:07:47.10 - Adrift 266- 00:07:48.21 - AS Boas Maneiras 267- 00:07:50.01 - Pass Over 268- 00:07:51.01 - Slender Man 269- 00:07:52.11 - Distorted 270- 00:07:53.05 - Bad Times at the El Royale 271- 00:07:54.05 - Goosebumps 2 272- 00:07:56.04 - Truth or Dare 273- 00:07:57.14 - As Boas Maneiras 274- 00:07:58.22 - Fahrenheit 451 275- 00:08:00.16 - Insidious: The Last Key 276- 00:08:02.13 - The Strangers: Prey at Night 277- 00:08:04.15 - Hell Fest 278- 00:08:06.10 - Goosebumps 2 279- 00:08:07.20 - Halloween 280- 00:08:09.21 - Marrowbone 281- 00:08:10.23 - Reprisal 282- 00:08:12.07 - Welcome Home 283- 00:08:14.23 - Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle 284- 00:08:16.12 - Alpha 285- 00:08:17.19 - The Commuter 286- 00:08:19.03 - The Grinch 287- 00:08:20.19 - Bohemian Rhapsody 288- 00:08:23.11 - A Wrinkle in Time 289- 00:08:25.14 - Leave No Trace 290- 00:08:28.17 - Black Panther 291- 00:08:30.06 - The Little Mermaid 292- 00:08:32.13 - Never Goin´Back [Nostalgia audio] 293- 00:08:34.19 - Nostalgia 294- 00:08:36.03 - The Old Man & The Gun 295- 00:08:38.13 - Puzzle 296- 00:08:39.12 - A Star is Born 297- 00:08:41.15 - Bad Reputation 298- 00:08:43.04 - Traffik 299- 00:08:44.03 - Yardie 300- 00:08:45.01 - Hotel Artemis 301- 00:08:47.07 - Bad Times at the El Royale 302- 00:08:50.14 - Bohemian Rhapsody 303- 00:08:52.23 - Blockers 304- 00:08:54.03 - Bumblebee 305- 00:08:55.16 - Book Club 306- 00:08:56.23 - Bohemian Rhapsody 307- 00:08:58.20 - Thoroughbreds 308- 00:09:00.06 - Head Full of Honey 309- 00:09:01.13 - The Seagull 310- 00:09:03.15 - Action Point 311- 00:09:06.00 - On Chesil Beach 312- 00:09:07.06 - Skate Kitchen 313- 00:09:08.15 - McQueen 314- 00:09:09.20 - The Flip Side 315- 00:09:11.13 - Life Itself 316- 00:09:13.15 - Life of the Party 317- 00:09:15.02 - Little Italy 318- 00:09:16.13 - Yardie 319- 00:09:17.16 - Tully 320- 00:09:18.18 - Please Stand By 321- 00:09:20.02 - Yardie 322- 00:09:21.03 - The 15:17 To Paris 323- 00:09:22.13 - Mission Impossible: Fallout 324- 00:09:23.16 - Paddington 2 325- 00:09:25.07 - Welcome to Marwen 326- 00:09:28.07 - Won´t You Be My Neighbor 327- 00:09:29.10 - Peter Rabbit 328- 00:09:30.09 - Rampage 329- 00:09:32.18 - The First Purge 330- 00:09:33.22 - Time Freak 331- 00:09:35.13 - Red Sparrow 332- 00:09:36.11 - Smallfoot 333- 00:09:39.13 - Super Troopers 2 334- 00:09:41.21 - The Darknest Minds 335- 00:09:43.11 - The Hausewith a Clock i Its Walls 336- 00:09:45.09 - Bumblebee 337- 00:09:46.17 - Crazy Rich Asians 338- 00:09:47.20 - Destined To Ride 339- 00:09:49.00 - Five Feet Apart 340- 00:09:50.01 - Forever My Girl 341- 00:09:51.19 - Isle of Dogs 342- 00:09:53.09 - Incredibles 2 343- 00:09:55.18 - Isle of Dogs 344- 00:09:57.08 - Gringo 345- 00:09:59.01 - Hot Summer Nights 346- 00:10:00.18 - In Darkness 347- 00:10:02.18 - How To Talk To Girls At Parties 348- 00:10:04.05 - Love, Simon 349- 00:10:05.07 - 55 Steps 350- 00:10:06.18 - Nico1988 [Ralph Breaks the Internet audio] 351- 00:10:08.01 - Newness 352- 00:10:09.07 - Ready Player One 353- 00:10:10.14 - Show Dogs 354- 00:10:13.14 - Support The Girls 355- 00:10:14.22 - Burning 356- 00:10:16.16 - Bodied 357- 00:10:17.19 - Cold War 358- 00:10:19.02 - Every Act Of Life 359- 00:10:20.02 - ROMA 360- 00:10:20.23 - Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse 361- 00:10:22.08 - Stan & Ollie 362- 00:10:24.02 - The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 363- 00:10:26.08 - The Death of Stan 364- 00:10:27.02 - AXL 365- 00:10:28.13 - BlackKlansman 366- 00:10:29.12 - Blaze 367- 00:10:30.16 - Don´t Worry, He Won´t Get Far On Foot 368- 00:10:31.16 - Early Man 369- 00:10:33.09 - Finding Your Feet 370- 00:10:34.16 - Eighth Grade 371- 00:10:36.01 - Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse 372- 00:10:37.09 - Gauguin Voyage to Tahiti 373- 00:10:38.10 - Generation Wealth 374- 00:10:40.02 - I Feel Pretty 375- 00:10:41.15 - The Nutcracker and the Four Realms 376- 00:10:43.00 - Crash Pad 377- 00:10:44.13 - On the Basis of Sex 378- 00:10:45.12 - The Happy Prince 379- 00:10:46.07 - Status Update 380- 00:10:48.05 - Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again 381- 00:10:50.04 - An Ordinary Man 382- 00:10:51.13 - Maria By Callas 383- 00:10:52.21 - Pandas 384- 00:10:54.13 - Midnight Sun 385- 00:10:55.15 - Mary Poppins Returns 386- 00:10:57.16 - Uncle Drew 387- 00:10:59.23 - Wildlife 388- 00:11:01.01 - Under the Silver Lake 389- 00:11:02.16 - Unfriended 390- 00:11:04.00 - The Last Movie Star 391- 00:11:05.19 - The Old Man & The Gun 392- 00:11:07.09 - The Favourite 393- 00:11:08.11 - Searching 394- 00:11:09.08 - Fifty Shades Freed 395- 00:11:11.18 - UFO 396- 00:11:12.21 - Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation 397- 00:11:14.07 - Vox Lux 398- 00:11:15.21 - Climax 399- 00:11:18.04 - Christopher Robin 400- 00:11:21.12 - Aquaman [Puzzle audio] 401- 00:11:23.06 - The Front Runner 402- 00:11:24.00 - Aquaman 403- 00:11:25.07 - They Shall Not Grow Old 404- 00:11:27.11 - The Healer 405- 00:11:28.17 - TAG 406- 00:11:31.08 - First Man 407- 00:11:33.03 - A Star is Born
2 notes · View notes
bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
First Tuesday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Influence
- The half part of Justice League who is in space. 
- The victims of the battle were Thanagarians against the parademons. No idea for the first but the last one sounds like the ennemis in the JL films, both animated and real. 
- Apokoliptans kakash are parademons. Kakash is an insult. I took it :) 
- Lieutenant Thal is Hawkwoman and Captain Hol is Hawkman. 
- Apokolips stole Nth metal, a rare material from Thanagan. What does Darkseid whant to do with it? 
- “Earthlings biosigns” the metaslaves :( Now Aliens see Earth as a threat... 
- Commander Talak is pretty deft or blind, or stubborn for not understanding it or he took a bribe for Apokolips? 
- “We should send our Hawk fleet to put Earth on quarantaine.” As it happened in the first JL series? Will Earth have to fight Hawk and Darkseid at the same time? 
- Guy gives me life xD He’s like an adult Bart! He found a new lead to save the metateens! 
- (So much information in 3min!)
- Tara, Violet and Forager are cute with their burrito. 
-Don’t talk about Wally! :’( “Today’s the day” ok, now I’m crying... Aquaman cheer me up! 
- I’m sure James Gordon still worked with Batman secretly, right? 
- Of course, Granny accused Dakar Marlowe of this debacle... who’s dead and can’t tell the truth. “New and improved technology” the same problem but more difficult to shut down... Great. And they will still give found the MHYC. 
- Garfield just did like his brother-in-law and lost his shirt :D “I know what you are, Gretchen.” That was a stupid move, Gar...
- Mogo, the sentient Green Lantern planet, exists in YJ verse. 
- Did Guy just sing about his ass? Kakash!
- Now they’re on the Team I want them to interact with the others. OMG Violet is NB!! Brion is a supportive boyfriend as always! They’re so cute when they’re embarassed! And Tara is smiling at them! 
- “I’m really thrilled you discovered who you are inside” Believe me, M’gann went there before, with her color skin insecurities.
- The Hall of Justice is still in ruins? :( The UN has a satellite near the Watchtower? It’s to spy on them? “Who watches the Watchmen?” Seriously? 
- Now, Lena Luthor, Lex’s sister, runs LexCorp. Is she secretly working with him? LexCorp is also giving fonds to the MHYC? That can’t be good news...
- Gretchen is torturing poor Barda :( Is she controled too? Or just brainwashed? So Granny works directly for Darkseid, is she part of the Light to spy on Earthlings? 
- Desaad, we saw him in season 1 and at the end of season 2. 
- “It wasn’t torture, it was discipline.” Sure, all abusers say that...
- Did Victor sense Violet’s text because he’s connected to her as Father and Motherbox or just connected to technology in general? Victor seems so embarassed :( 
- Helga feeling useless just to lay her hands on Victor? Nobody sees that? 
- Tara is working with Slade as she’s recording Dr Jace’s words. Is she against her and not the Team for once? 
- Heil? Now Darkseid is the new Hitler. Or it’s Granny? 
- Barda is brainwashed. 
- Still no sound in space, the battle is pretty cool :) 
- So clever to punch the wall at the same time than the missile to cover. 
- Section 16. 
- “Sommon the Furies!” Will we see Scandal’s girlfriend? 
“Stay whelmed.” Did Superman picked that directly from Dick or from Conner? 
- Missing 8 from Markovia. Aren’t they 6 now or were they other teens? Who is the blue skin boy and why does this girl have a drawing on her forehead? Magical tatoo like Atlanteans? 
- All the stolen materials served to build this machine. What does it do? 
- Whoa, the Furies can go hand to hand with the big hitter of the JL! 
- Granny is definitely a sadistic... she attackes her own team slaves. Not surprising. 
- What is it doing? They look like they disapear like Wally. Will it the one who’ll bring him back? 
- Being saved by their “ennemies” maybe will turn the Furies into good. 
- Of course, Superman, the only man, is the one who succeeded to go out... Even Superman can’t breathe in outter space?
- Garfield is not happy with Granny... 
- Wolf and Bioship again!
—————————— Leverage
- Four 16 in 30 sec, a record! 
- It’s the alien animal from season 2! 
- The producer knows Granny can “ruin” a person. So she’s not as sweet as she want us to believe even in her civies...
- Auntie Mouse, this nickname is so cute! Lian is so cute!
- “They always said recon only. It never turned out that way.” I’m pretty sure the first team told him their mission as bedtime stories xD 
- Markovia should be in East Europe if it was under Sovietic Union’s influence during the cold war. Maybe Vlatava is also in Central Europe or in East Europe. 
- ED! I love his teasing and sarcasm xD 
- Is the blonde girl the same they save in the gladiatory in episode 13? 
- Did he just say crash? He must hang out with the Team pretty often and took from Virgil who took it from Bart xD 
What did he call Nathaniel Newt? Wait, did he mean Neut like Neutron? Why would Nath even wants to be called that? Did he know what he did in Bart’s timeline by the way? 
- Inhibitor collars? Are they produced by Granny?
- Polar suits like in the trailer! 
- So the green aura can also make illusions and make you invisible? 
- Lieutenant Dimitri Plushkin and Colonel Olga Ilyich as Red soldiers/Red Brigade. Area 52. Is that an easter egg for Area 51? Did the Russians took inspiration from Blue’s armor? 
- Why the JL is presented as American while it has Aliens as members, Atlanteans and Amazones? --’ It should be presented as an international alliance to protect the Earth and protect humankind, not just the USA... (thank you for the imperialism...)
- Here are Captain Boomerang, Monsieur Mallah and Black Manta. 
- “Did anyone tell them?” xD 
- The Russian armor look like the ones from a video game, what’s its name again? Blue VS Red? 
- “What the what now?” xD 
- Artemis just burned BM with words! 
- Siblings teamwork! 
- The Red transformation was really painful to watch, even with just sounds... Not a magical girl transformation you want to watch every episode... 
- “Little Sheila” is that an Australian expression? The only Sheila I know in the show is Tye’s mom but I doubt CB knows her.
- This face it’s was Vertigo’s minion. And Violet is gory again è.é Why is she pink instead of violet? It’s to protect her as she’s healing? What does the pink color do by the way? 
- “Halo, Boom Tube” uuuuh was not your goal to not look like bad guys in flee? But to make a diplomatic conversation with the Russians? 
- Did CB just made a Looser sign? “They should not be underestimated”. BM learnt his lesson in S2E19 :) So the bad guys and... I assume is Amanda Waller know the JL has a young covert cop unite, crash... 
- The US government doesn’t like a competitor as they wanted to eliminate the Rocket Red Brigade and steal their tech for their own. Cold War is back again! 
- So she makes them obey with chocks and a promised blown head just like in the film right? She’s quite the same sadistic woman than Granny but it’s ok because she works with the “good guys” understaood (US) governement... She’s even ready to sacrifice US teenagers (well except for Brion and Tara, but you got my point.) Do you realise US governement is worst than the Russian one? Yes, the Red armor seems painful but at least they’re volunteers soldiers and not formal criminals used and tortured like in Guantanamo :( I mean Waller’s ways are the exact ones than Granny’s except Waller isn’t hypocrite about it. 
- Ed is so great as a peer counselor, big bro Ed time! She’s the French speaker Black girl we saw in episode 13 right?
- The team is between two fires... 
- Brion plays the mole game xD 
- Artemis is hurt! But why the laser never made wounds while Halo was gory again with a boomerang?
- Here’s Windfall! She sounds like a character in She-Ra right? 
- Livewire is the protective butch girlfriend, isn’t she? 
- Wendy is panicking because she realises she hurt someone? And she aspiring the air because she’s hyperventilating or something? “I’m a monster, a monster” Shh, baby girl it’s alright :( 
- Big Bro Ed is hurt too :( (emotionnaly I mean) So heartbreaking :(
- They made Belle Reve like the Alcatraz in San Francisco right? 
- Kaldur, the only Atlantean who can burn you with words! 
- Why does Kaldur ask about Terra specifically? Does he know something? Or it’s because she’s new? 
- Here’s Amanda Waller... Is Kaldur more worried about his father’s escape or his father being tortured? Does he know that by the way? or understood it with “very persuasive sticks and “extremely expendable”? Do you remember when we thought hopefully bad guys escaped from the Stagg op and will safely stay in Belle Reve while they were in the same condition and working for Waller? Do you imagine Livewire and Mist nearly suffer that too? :( 
- Suicide Squad and Force X, they said it! 
- “We all have secrets to keep.” Does he talk about the big secret with Batman and the others? *Artemis nods* You know he can’t see you? 
- Dr Jace finally has her lab in Dakota city with... Hardwire? (I love his eyes!) All characters from Static Shock’s show/creator come from Dakota? Vic, how could you accept to be the rat lab from a stranger, possibly evil, and not from your father? :( 
- Oh no, Wendy now wears a collar :( And Ed looks so sad about himself :(
- Dr Jace isn’t here only for testing Vic, but Violet too :( Wait... What does that look mean???
- Brion is such a caring and lovely boyfriend :3 
- We still don’t know what CB meant by “proposition”... Did he want to make her turn into a bad guy or something? 
- So it wasn’t a coincidence, but she opened it because of a bribe. What did they promise to her? offer to her? did she know it was for an assassination? Now Violet has a secret from her boyfriend about her past. She is Artemis’ mentee after all...
- Brucely! Where is your plushie? :( 
—————————— Illusion of Control
- Aaaw! Bart hugs everyone like in season 2! :3 Ed is there and WAIT! Was that a kiss? *check again* I don’t know what this is supposed to be but it’s something right? And Ed is smiling at him!!
- Supermartian house! Forager moves his horns, so cute! Those scenes remind me of season 1! But Vic is still depressed and lonely :( 
- Artemis, Will, what are those looks? Paula, stop making assumptions... 
- Brion and Tara are there two! 
- Dr Jace is not happy with what she found... Nothing good, guys! 
- Ed’s smile again! I love it!
- OMG Jaime is so bad drawn this season... What happened to him? 
- Gardita? Dudes, YJ fans can find better ship names that this, forget Gardita... 
- “What didn’t you tell they’re coming?” Maybe because Jaime wanted to make a surprise for you maybe? 
- “It’s so nice to see you again.” So crash Perdita often hangs out with the Team :) “I’m a big fan!” She’s so cute! :D
- “I feel like a fifth, sith, seventh wheel.” Poor Virgil :( Wait, that means there are 3 couples here, who are the third one... OMG is Bart and Ed? Ok, make sense after the “kiss” scene. Unexpected, but let’s see their dynamic! :D
- “Where’s the rest of the Team? Like, you know, Cassie?” Virgil misses his BF :)
- Lian is so cute! Did I already hear this mix of songs? In Misplaced, season 1! Why season 3 has so many season 1 vibes? Especially when Wally is still missing :( 
- Violet doesn’t feel good. Probably because of Gabrielle’s action? 
- I love Artemis’ Markovian accent! xD
- “Tara had been through a lot / She doesn’t talk much”. Silent could be a consequence of trauma :( Or is it because she doesn’t want to risk to blow her cover or to get attached to them?
- “It’s so nice that you two include me” Helga, stop, you make things suspicious.
- Aw, Ed has heart eyes while looking at Bart :3 “My friend” Wait, what? Are they still pining for each other? And the rest of the team know and wait for these two to make a move? Because Jaime and Traci seem to know Virgil was talking about them.
- “Watch me terrorise the other drivers.” Ed, the other drivers are mostly your students, don’t terrify them too much xD
- Bart’s smile is so cute! And it’s a genuine one! 
- “You’ll pay for that, peasants!” I love Perdita! So great she can still have fun like a normal teenager!
- “Got to get a girlfriend” *next scene about lonely Victor* Is that a foreshadowing or...? Was I right when I said Vic can be gay in YJ?
- “Forager must help uncrush Victor Stone!” Forager is still cute. Why all the team are so cute? :D
- I love when Ed’s face soften when Perdita says they’re friends :) In Spanish! :D I’m sure Perdita could speak few foreign languages plus English and Spanish :)
- Wendy still wearing an inhibitor collar :( Aw, Perdita is so sweet with her, like they are two normal teen at high school :)
- Of course Bart did eat all the food in ten meters... And I love Ed’s amused face and Bart’s shock when he realises he did eat all the cotton candy xD (I just remember the scene in Teen Titans with Robin and Starfire and cotton candy ^^)
- Livewire brings cotton candy to Mist! :D 
- Ed’s feel down despite all the work he does here. Do you want to create a club with Kaldur? Of course Bart supports him :)
- And Traci nudges Jaime again :( Now I understand why the nudge hurted him in Far Away episode: he has bruises here... Is that the only thing we’re going to see them do as a couple? :( 
- Wait, did Bart say “Maybe I did eat too much cotton candy” or “Baby I did eat too much cotton candy?” Because it’s a lot different!
- Everyone is sick. Uh... Poison? Oh that’s Vertigo’s minion agin. There’s he is. No, Perdita is in danger! But she still has the nerve to punch him! Karabast! :o
- Arg, that should hurt to trip at superspeed :( And hurt to run at superspeed in jeans and not in a frictionless suit :( Of course Ed teleports next to him to see how Bart is :D
- Does Blue has canines that big all the time or it’s an effect on the suit?
- Lonely Vic again :( 
- “I don’t have a Hive, Fred.” Don’t worry, Vic, you’re not the only freak here. Heck you’re talking to an alien! 
- Butterfly Vic :) That would be another common point with Blue! (Yeah, I want them to interact at some point) 
- Vic is still worried for Fred but don’t want to show it :)
- Scarab is back! I missed his snarky and sarcasm comments! And Blue is still tired by his suggestions! xD “Scarab wanted to blow it up, didn’t he?” Traci should see those interactions so often xD But it’s great she accepts Scarab :) Blue’s smile after she succeeded! And it’s me or Scarab sounds jealous? “Dude, you’re the king of overkill” xD
- “It’s good. Could use a little salt” My mom could say something like this xD
- “I’m so thankful to have been included.” Helga, you’re a terrible actress... Am I the only one seeing this? Or all the characters are blind? (Except Jeff, he’s a lost case, he’s in love... Actually why he’s in there with his lover?) Or I’m just overanalysing and YJ is leading me in a wrong path?  
- The way Jace insists on the hero part feels like she’s doing this on purpose... 
-Why Tara and Brion feel so bad? It’s not their fault! Or did they tell something to Jace thinking it was an innocent comment? 
- Well, Jace didn’t apologise for the argument she created so maybe she did this on purpose. Or am I overreading this?
- Please don’t mention Wally again :( So basically Paula is afraid Artemis got killed in a mission (like she was for fake and like Wally?) and try to scare her with a wheelchair? “What will it take to covince you?” Yes, she’s totally scared and don’t know what to say anymore as a wheelchair (or any big wound) and Wally’s death don’t seem enough. “You don’t have to fight crime to help people.” This point is good, look at Ed :)
- “You and Will” Uh... no Paula, you got too far and that’s not your busines here... “Your sister isn’t coming back and Lian needs a mother.” Have to disagree... You should be worried for your daughter because it doesn’t seem by free will and Lian already has two female figures. So don’t force your second daughter in a relationship just for pratical things... Thank you no thank you.
- Ed and Bart are the two pathfinders/advance men (not sure of the accurate term) of the Team! :D 
- I’m impressed Scarab uses metric and Jaime still understands it. They use metric in Mexico, right? That could explain why he’s at ease with both systems (unlike me xD).
- The Team is so clever! Virgil makes connexion that Vertigo doesn’t have those powers; Traci makes the link that what they see is at cause and Gar finds a solution :)
- “What are you made of?” “Sugar and spices and everything nice.” He’s a fan of cartoons for this second reference right? And that reminds me of the scene between Bart and the Terror Twins at Mount Justice. Bart, sweetie, stop punching people stronger than you :(
- I thought the guy was powerless (I mean litterarly), how could he resist a bear’s strenght? 
- Uh, that wasn’t Vertigo’s voice. “Be careful my love.” So Vertigo (or whoever this is) is with their minion? Like a boss and his secretary?
- Perdita going straight for the nuts xD Vertigo killed her father? That’s why she was queen at ten :( She should talk with Brion and Tara, they also know an uncle who killed their parents for the throne...
- It was Psimon, make so much sense! I knew I know this voice! Meaning the other is... Devastation! We know theiy’re together since episode 13.
- “He... She was Devastation!” Jaime would never misgender someone! :)
- I love when the girl saves herself but the boyfriend is still worried for her :) 
- “Are you... Come on!” We feel you, Virgil!
- The Team is still so clever to connect the clues. Of course Big Brother Ed is worried for Wend and the others ^^ (He didn’t name any other kids. Is it because he “failed” her and not the others?)
- Bart and Ed finish each other sentence! :D 
- Bart is so clever he put fire againt ice xD
- No the boom tube, the boys will be kidnap... Oh come on! I theorise for months about this scene! “Don’t want to know where that would lead us;” Bart, I tried to figure it out for months, be kind. 
- “There’s just no pleasing you...” Jaime, be gentle, Scarab is learning, you see?
- After their fight in season 2, it’s good to see Ed openly worries for his father :)
- Gar is so pissed about the covert part since 2 episodes.
- Poor Violet, it’s not her fault :( But Jace is more and more suspicious. Wanting to keep secrets like this... Did she speak German with “Hallo”? “It’s been a long time.” Who is she calling? Jeff? Someone we don’t know?
- It’s Mal and Karen! :D 
- Vic rejoins them and Forager is happy! Vic is smiling! 
- “I’m more a lemonperson myself.” Bart, what are you saying? xD Don’t change! And that goofy smile xD  
- Ed’s soft smile! :D (while looking at him?)
- Virgil, you’re good, you don’t need a girlfriend for that D: But he’s so awkward at flirting it’s so sweet! 
- Did the “hot” comment was necessary? è.é
- Gar is up for something... Going solo behind the Team’s back?
- Forager is eating with/in the bioship:3 Wait did he fart and burp inside of her too?!
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lokilickedme · 6 years
Okay so I promised a bunch of pics from ScotFest 2018, and I’ve been stuck posting from my phone for the last two days so - sorry for the delay, but here we go with the good stuff.  It’s long, but stay with me, you’re gonna enjoy this mad trip.
First, let me say this.
FUUUUUCCCCCCCKK.  I knew I was gonna be having McClary flashbacks the whole time but it started out ridiculous and just got worse as the day went on.
The moment we pulled up the first thing that stepped into view was a dude in an anarchy tee shirt with a kilt and Docs and long black hair strutting down the sidewalk.  If Chem!Tom was Scottish...oh wait a sec, didn’t he say at some point that he was a bit, on his mother’s side?  Works for me.  So anyway, we arrive at ScotFest and walk the long way to the shuttle bus pick-up with a bunch of kilted guys and an elderly couple dressed in ancient clan clothing (they looked awesome).  And before we even get off the bus at the festival grounds, we’re blasted with bagpipe music as a full regalia marching pipe band parades past the entrance.  Something smells REALLY.GOOD. and off to the left of the entrance is a field where two Mol-pups are chasing sheep around while their shepherd whistles commands loud enough to split your head open.  Yep, McClary flashbacks, right off the bat.  And big Scottish athletes are throwing things that don’t look like they were meant to be thrown, though the biggest and most impressive athletes on the field are the females who are using pitchforks to hurl big bags of sand backwards over their shoulders over a bar that’s about 20 feet above their heads.  Big is looking at me like “What the hell, mom??” so I tell him the ancient Scots were farmers and they made games and competitions out of their farm chores.  He’s like “No, I mean why are you breathing so hard?”
No comment.  Did I mention that the females were really impressive?  Good start to the day.
So we move on past the games into the main festival area and everywhere are man-knees.  I’ve never really paid much attention to man-knees before, but to be honest they’re kinda...hot.  I don’t even know why.  And there were so many of them...hundreds and hundreds of man-knees on open display, it’s almost like I shouldn’t be looking but they’re RIGHT THERE all over the damn place and I feel like a pervert scamming peeks.  And calves.  Man calves.  Not normally a fan, but there were some good ones on display.
The first thing we did was hit the tribal music tent and it was over for me before it even got good and started...because on the stage inside the tribal music tent was THIS Scottish god:
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Don’t worry, the picture quality will get better.  So we settle in to enjoy the music and this guy is eating up the stage and spanking the shit out of that drum, and then he starts blowing on a flippin’ didgeridoo (yeah, a nine foot long Australian horn, don’t ask me why but omg that man’s lung power was making the ground rumble under our feet and all I could think was how that skill might carry over, if you know what I mean).
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Suddenly I’m really interested in nine foot horns.
A really cool thing about hitting the afternoon shows was the fact that you could go right up to the side of the stage and nobody cared.  So I did.
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Physically painful, let me tell ya.  I could just almost look up his skirt.
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That horn is vibrating the ground where I’m standing and I’m actually relieved when he switches back to the drum because all that vibration has shifted my panties about two inches to the left and it’s getting uncomfortable.  The drum isn’t much better though, and neither is the view from where I’m standing - he’s a big stout bull and I’m three feet away from him while he beats that drum to a whimpering death.  I could reach out and tickle his bare knee if I felt like getting divorced.
So I go back and sit with my guys again and he starts doing this:
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KNEES.  I mentioned man-knees before, didn’t I?  Well here, have a pair.  I’ll post a video later of what he did to this poor little drum, and to his own thick neck - because I can’t even describe it, and you know words are my thing.  He played his freaking adam’s apple or something, I don’t even know.
There were actually two other musicians on the stage with him, but I sort of forgot they were there.
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There were also lots of adorable father/son kilted combos present - and yep, a bagpiper rounds out the onstage trio.  But again...man knees.  The ones on the left specifically.
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So the show ends after a lot of insane drumming, war cries, didgeridoo blowing, bagpiping, and a really nasty little ditty about a girl who’s been touched so much she’s smooth as a stairway bannister (followed by an anthem to an unhealthy relationship that proclaimed “I’d rather be drunk a thousand years than be sober one minute with you”).  Nice, guys.
As soon as their set is over we leave the tent to go wander around, but most everyone else stays because it is as hot as the freaking surface of the sun on this day and the tent is like an oasis on Mars - which means when the band comes out to let the next band hit the stage, we’re pretty much alone outside with the bull and his two stagemates (sorry backup drummer and bagpiper, you guys were awesome and I loved you but didgeridoo guy vibrated my panties two inches to the left, you know how it is).
Anyway, we’re outside at the merch tent and Husband is buying something and I look up and nearly slam bodily into this:
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Drummer/didgeridoo guy.  I vaguely recall yelling to Husband during the deafening noise of the show that he looked like Aquaman, and when I end up face to face with him it’s confirmed.  I think it’s the cranky eyebrow.
I also get to ogle the piper’s bagpipes up close and personal, which was hard to do as didgeridoo guy - whose name is CJ - is standing right behind me while I ooh and ahh over this weird thing, and he’s laughing at me for reasons unknown:
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Maybe it was the stupid comment I made about squeezing the bag?
And then the three of them pose for a pic:
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Goobers.  At this point Little walks up to them and they all sort of huddle around him and start laughing (Little has light-blindness and has to wear special shades outside so he was half blind and I think he rammed right into the guy with the hat), so I hand my phone to Husband and go to get him.  When I get close, didgeridoo guy puts an arm the size of a tree trunk around me and hugs me up next to him while the other two are tickling Little.  Husband starts snapping pics with my phone, but no, I’m not sharing them because 1) my face, 2) Little’s face, 3) shellshock at being touched by this stud ox without having initiated it myself, and 4) the look on my face clearly says MY PANTIES ARE CROOKED AND HIS SWEAT IS SOAKING THROUGH MY SHIRT AND PHEROMONES PEOPLE OMG PHEROMONES I’M IN PAIN HELP I MAY BE PREGNANT
Yeah, he was drenched in sweat from jumping all over that damn stage schlepping a drum that probably weighed more than me.  My hand was on his back and it came away soaked.  You can consider that a euphemism if you want, it works both ways.
Also - red boots.  Urgh.  And then he goes like this:
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Boy was solid as a whiskey barrel, let me tell you.  We came back later to listen to another band and he was out there again, and the girls from the face painting tent had lured him over and braided his hair.  He looked flippin cute.  And by cute I mean Jesus Wept.
So before this turns into an exclusive didgeridoo guy fest (too late, yeah I know) let’s move along to this fine specimen that I found at the blacksmith tent:
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Ladies and gentlemen, meet King McClary’s work kilt.
Dude was nice from the front too:
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Definitely an Auchinleck, for those of you familiar with The McClary Chronicles.  Check out the tattoo.  And he was making maille battle armor, which I got to touch.  It didn’t shift my panties quite as hard as the drums did, but there was definitely a quiver.
This guy was at the tent next door to the armor tent, making I dunno, bong pipes or something and he was hilarious:
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And then there was this guy, listening to ballads in the historical folk music tent and looking all angsty and authentic, like his love just died of a fever and his crop failed so he joined a ships’ crew to find his fortune in a faraway land but the damn boat sank fifteen feet from shore and now he’s just fucking stuck in Scotland and contemplating becoming a villain:
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And he was glaring at my child, I don’t know why.  Prissy prick.  I was hoping to see his dick but he was so anal he tucked his kilt under his ass from the front.  Definitely a villain.
After a couple of teary ballads about wailing winds and failed crops or whatever, I dunno, I wasn’t listening because I was too involved in trying to see Prissy Prick’s ballsack, we wander over to the Highland Dance competition and walk in on this:
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We’re in there for all of about twelve seconds before Big starts giggling, then Little starts giggling, then I start giggling.  We promptly leave the Highland Dance competition tent, because these girls really worked hard and I don’t want to get arrested for being a dick.
We go watch the Mol-pups chase the sheep around, because nobody cares if you disrupt the proceedings in the middle of a field full of sheep.
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And then we watch some more of the Highland Games, in which guys threw stuff while making the best faces I’ve seen since that time Husband wanted to try setting the mirror next to the bed:
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Yeah, we giggled.
After that we went back to listen to some more music, because damn.  Scottish rock is da bomb.  Heard a punk band that Husband immediately fell in love with, so I guess we’re evensies on the lusting after Scottish musicians thing now:
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Dude on the bagpipes grinned like that through the whole set, I think he was puffing something out of one of those tubes.
And then we walked out into the big freaking middle of about four billion of these:
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Noisy effers.  And they don’t stop for anybody - we literally had to jump out of the way because when they paused in front of us, they went into this formation thing and backed up right into where we were standing.  Had to grab Little and yank him up off the ground before he was trampled by some dude wearing a dress and giving an octopus a blow job.
Turned to look at a woman sitting next to us a little later and watched her pull a dagger out of her sock and shine it on her kilt like she was getting ready to go assassinate someone in the crowd.  We left soon after, so I didn’t get to see it go down.  I hope it wasn’t the didgeridoo player, he was cute AF.
All in all it was an 11/12 day, marred only by the outrageous heat and the fact that I’ve been off my supplements and medications for a week in prep for surgery on Tuesday, so I was exhausted and my blood’s gone back to being water again.  We didn’t stay as long as we would have otherwise, but we had fun and experienced a lot of weirdness - I ate haggis on accident, Husband sat down with a plate and I thought it was meatloaf (it was good and I didn’t die, so bonus) - and I got to spend the day surrounded by all the clans that tried to assassinate Thomas The Fucking Marauder.
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We’ll be going again next year.  Husband is a descendant of one of the border clans, so he’s heavy into this...and of course you all know what my connection is to it :)
Let me leave you with a picture of a guy about to bullrush a scarecrow.  I don’t know why, I didn’t ask.  Scotland’s weird, ya’ll.
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Secret-Diary’s Annual Awards Show, 2018
Here we are. Xmas is over for another year and the last dregs of 2018 are circling the plug-hole of time like inedible week-old gravy. Soon, the drain-unblocker that is New Year will be emptied on top of it, disposing of it forever… and nobody will be very sorry. It’s always possible that, in the last four days of the year, something incredible will happen. Maybe Will Self will invent time travel and go back to the early 1600s to become Shakespeare. Maybe Theresa May’s face will swing outward like a poorly-secured cupboard door and reveal an electric aquarium where a panel of Sea Monkeys control all her movements and decisions. Barring both of those two events, however, I think its safe to say that 2018 was a complete write-off.
Mainly, this year has felt like an unnecessary and unwanted continuation of 2017. 2017: Part Two, if you like. Brexit continued to drag on like a wounded moose looking for a place to die. The idiotic decision to cast Whittaker as Doctor Who, made in 2017, was enacted here in 2018, causing waves of uncontainable ennui to sweep a nation. The Space Elevator still remains resolutely unbuilt and Elon Musk (mankind’s Token Sensible Person) doesn’t seem overly inclined to do anything about that just yet. In short, we’re standing at the far edge of a year that has been, by and large, a complete and total waste of everyone’s time… especially mine. I’d normally leave my End Of Year Awards for New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, but fuck it. Almost everything else this year has been  vaguely disappointing, so let’s stick to the theme. We’ll ejaculate these awards out early and get it over with. You all know how this works by now: I make up some tenuously-related categories and proclaim a cultural event or piece of media the winner according to the dictates of my own diseased logic and the voices in my head. Let’s just crack on.
THE AWARD FOR BEST DVD OR BLU-RAY RELEASE Normally, I try to make the category names funny, but the best DVD/Blu-Ray released in 2018 was the remastered Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Boxset. Somebody cleaned up a six-episode sci-fi show from the 1980s and stuck a bunch of special features on it and it was instantly better than anything actually produced in the present day. That’s funny enough in itself, assuming you find cultural atrophy funny.
THE INSTANTLY-REGRETTED WANK AWARD FOR BEST MOVIE STARRING A SEXY FISH MAN … Goes to The Shape of Water, which may actually have come out last year. I also really enjoyed Aquaman, too, but I can’t pretend it was a superior piece of film-making. You know what, though? The fact that there are two movies about sexy fish men having non-conformist adventures says something important. It says “OUR CG ANIMATORS HAVE FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO WATER, SO LET THE GOOD TIMES FUCKING ROLL!”
THE BERNIE MADOFF AWARD FOR MOST SUSPICIOUS DISCREPANCY … Goes to Doctor Who’s score on Rotten Tomatoes. Yeah, you knew you weren’t getting through this drivel without having to listen to my opinions on Doctor Who again, so let’s just get it out the way early. Critics gave the most recent series of Whittaker-flavoured Who a 94% rating. Fans gave it 31%. So people who can’t risk saying something culturally unacceptable because they could be fired loved it, while people who cared enough to review it unpaid and had no consequences to fear fucking loathed it. Let’s try not to blame Whittaker, for this though. It’s actually Chibnall’s fault, with his determination to minimise the sci-fi elements in the world’s most beloved sci-fi show. And the BBC’s fault for hiring Chibnall. And all our faults for not dragging every single BBC exec into the streets and whipping them to death years ago. Jodie Whittaker casting was a point-scoring ploy on behalf of a cynical organisation desperately trying and failing to be progressive, but never forget that it’s just the tip of an iceberg made of frozen penguin shit.
THE SPECIAL AWARD FOR RUINING AN ENTIRE NATION … Goes to Donald Trump, who is a fucking arsehole of truly unprecedented proportions. At the time of writing, he’s currently throwing a massive temper tantrum and has shut down entire branches of government just because the real politicians won’t give him the money he needs to build his preposterous, unworkable and illegal border-wall. Thanks to this one pathetic tool’s incalculably large ego, America is currently in a state of abject chaos.
THE AWARD FOR MOST NEEDLESSLY HARROWING TV SHOW Did you see The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix? If not, congratulations: you might need slightly fewer anti-depressants than people who did. A spooky romp through the lives of people who used to live in a haunted house turns into an uninterrupted misery binge when it starts digging into their feelings. One of them is a drug addict, one of them is depressed in a dangerous and unstable way, one of them has issues with intimacy, one of them is a writer reliving his own miserable past for a living and one of them is a straight-up, 24 carat arsehole. Oh, and they all sort-of hate their beleaguered father for not saving their mother (who was mad as a tin of pigeons) from Death By Ghost. Thanks, Netflix. 2018 wasn’t a deep enough well of despair already.
THE AWARD FOR MOST UNDERAPPRECIATED HUMAN BEING … Goes to Jeremy Corbyn, who spent his Xmas dispensing broth and socialist good-vibes in a soup-kitchen. He’s constantly attacked and ridiculed in the media… possibly because the British media isn’t used to dealing with high-ranking politicians who aren’t psychopaths. Also, he once accidentally high-fived Dianne Abbott's tit, thereby gifting the world the most entertaining five seconds of television in history.
THE NAKED BRIAN COX AWARD FOR MOST BEAUTIFUL THING EVER … Goes to Sapphire and Steel, a TV from the 70s that I recently rediscovered. Trying to explain it in normal English will undoubtedly make me sound like a man whose brain is slowly eating itself, because it defies all ordinary conceptions. Nevertheless, I’ll try. It’s about two elements from the period table who are also people from a higher dimension who handle anomalies in space-time using methods that make perfect sense but aren’t necessarily clear to the audience. This prevents entities that often manifest as patches of light or shadow from breaking into time from outside and stealing people or feeding off the resentment of the dead. Make sense? Well, it will when you watch it, and you absolutely should watch it.
THE NAKED STEVE BUSCEMI AWARD FOR MOST EYE-GOUGINGLY HORRIBLE THING EVER This is actually a tie between that time Theresa May attempted to dance and… pretty much the entire year itself. If 2017 was like watching a man fall off a cliff, 2018 has been like watching him hit every outcropping of rock as he plunged downwards towards a merciless ocean.
THE AWARD FOR MOST SLATHERING BETRAYAL OF A FAN-BASE … Goes to Fallout 76, which, by all accounts, turned the bleak, lonely world of Fallout into a perfunctory MMO with all the beloved series’ characteristic and recognisable features sucked out or watered down. A great game series screwed over in the name of chasing casual gamers. Oh, when will the industry learn. Never. The answer is never.
THE SHATNER AWARD MOST DRAMATIC OVERREACTION TO AN UNDERWHELMING SITUATION … Goes to the UK tabloid ‘news’ papers, who went into swivel-eyed paroxysms of outrage and confusion when a handful of drones brought air traffic to a halt at Gatwick Airport almost a week before Xmas. They squealed angrily about how ‘possible terrorism’ and how Xmas had been ruined for thousands of people (despite the fact that they were perfectly entitled to just get on other flights a day or two later). It later turned out that there hadn’t necessarily been any drones, and that air traffic had been brought to a standstill because the police got confused and mistakenly thought that there were.
And that’s more or less it. Lots of other things happened in 2018, but I never made any concerted effort to remember them, beyond noting that they were all pretty bloody stupid. Roll on 2019. I have no reason to believe it will be any better than 2018, globally speaking, but maybe I’ll finally buy a copy of Red Dead Redemption 2 and stop caring.
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survivoraqualand · 4 years
EPISODE 4: Bring On The Chaos
Oh boy, this was a big one.
Immediately after Sea Council, the castaways were given their next reward challenge - a mythological Wikipedia race which Rose and Linden would eventually win - along with a TEAM SWAP ANNOUNCEMENT! Everyone was added to a joint chat, at which point they could speak with anyone in the game until the teams were divided via a schoolyard pick, with the team captains chosen by MJ because he intercepted a signal from the watchtower shortly beforehand. The choices were made very quickly, and our new teams were [MJ, Logan, Jenna, Marg, Rose, Alyx and Zoe] on New Proteus versus [Jessica, Katie, Linden, Rhea, Jessie, Linus, and Allyn] on New Ceto, picked in that order.
A few hours into getting settled onto these new teams, Logan decided to mosey down to Submere 3 and let out Proteus’ monster. He was warned that this would be made public to the team yet still proceeded anyway... and was rewarded with a hidden immunity idol but punished by sending his team automatically to Sea Council. He was told this decision would be posted after the immunity challenge.
Meanwhile on Ceto, Katie made the same choice just a few hours later - which meant she also got an idol, and also sent Ceto to Sea Council, thus triggering a Double Sea Council round where only one was originally planned. 
To make this all the more delicious, this round’s immunity was a temptations challenge, in which each player had to decide whether to follow the instructions of Persnickety Pete to give up powers in the game in order to win points and keep their team safe. (Contrary to Katie’s speculations within her alliance chat, this was in fact the original planned challenge for this round, not specially chosen because of the monsters.) With about half of each team having been informed about the automatic Council, most players did not give much up, although Rose went almost all in on Proteus and Linden went rather OTT on Ceto firmly believing that everyone else was going to take all the temptations alongside her.
After the reveal of the monsters’ double release, almost everyone in the game was exiled from the team chats and unable to communicate with each other for 5 hours, as for some reason this was the one temptation everyone wanted. After the time-out was up, however, plans began quickly coming together on both sides to shift votes onto the outliers, which meant Alyx/Rose on Proteus and Linus/Jessie on Ceto. For the latter, there didn’t seem to be much to do besides campaign against one another at the mercy of the majority vote; however, on Proteus, Alyx had a couple tricks up his sleeve. Thanks to a newly forged alliance with Logan & Marg as well as his discovery of a Sapphire Idol in suite 2D at the Hotel, the idoled-up threesome were able to concoct a plan to make sure the majority votes were split between Alyx and Rose, so that those two would be saved by the Sapphire Idol and could decide who went home with a minority vote.
Due to their poorer performance in the immunity challenge, Proteus went to Sea Council first, where Rose had an extra vote cast against her from Persnickety Pete, six out of seven players had their vote publicly revealed (good thing Marg kept theirs secret!), and Alyx went through with his plan to play his Sapphire Idol, sending Zoe home in a 4-3-1 turned 1-0-0 vote.
At Ceto’s Sea Council, things were a bit less spicy, but not by much. The votes ended up being incredibly close, with Jessie being sent to walk the plank in a 3-2-2 vote. 
Uhhhh it's super awkward when you definitely probably know who voted for you at Seat Council. Guess I know where I'll be voting next time maybe?
[HOST NOTE: It was Pat. The person who got voted out. There was one vote for Linden and the rest were for Pat.]
I love my new team! I'm ready to have more active teammates who will be more involved in things. I hope we can get along well and not have too many issues with old alliances and the sort. Or maybe we can and make it more dramatic!? Who knows!
my life is in katies hands
also i have an idol lol but i seem to be like way worse at searching than like other people so like how many people have an idol?? whats the tea
I'll do a quick written confessional rn. At surface level I'm happy with the swap. But I think I'd feel safer if I was with Katie. I'm soooo glad I'm with Logan, but I'm worried we're gonna be targeted. I know MJ could easily flip the team on us for being close. And Zoe would most likely follow. But Hopefully that won't happen. I would love to stick with MJ. I'm not sure where Logan stands with everything, so right now my closes people would be Katie, MJ, and probably Allyn. Logan is working with Marg and I don't mind trying to work with them, so I'm trying to talk to them a bit. Zoe still isn't super responsive so not sure where we stand, but as long as MJ doesn't decide to go against me and Logan it should be okay. I hope Katie is okay on the other team. I'm assuming Jess will work with her. Anyway, gonna see what Logan has found in the hotel later and prob share with MJ so he knows I'm not just gonna ditch him for Logan.
Yay: Jess is here! Cries in the club: Jenna is gone.
i really am just having so much fun in my first ever org. my heart is full trying something new <3 lot's has changed since my last confessional. a swap happened!!! i am now on Proteus with MJ, Logan, Jenna, Rose, Alyx, and Zoe. i was a little nervous going into the swap just because i don't know anyone, but i'm actually feeling ok! both Alyx AND Logan found idols in the past 24 hours which is WILD. i feel great knowing that all three of us have something and i feel a sense of security knowing where stuff is. i'm not sure how many advantages Ari put into the game, but i feel like there shouldn't be many more idols than that?? 3 feels like a lot. ANYWAYS, literally all three of us from Ceto have idols, so i'm feeling ok right now! Alyx and Logan both only told me about their idols too, so i feel like i'm in a good spot between the two of them. i made an alliance chat for the three of us and i am trying to bring the two of them together. hopefully it works and we can figure something out whenever we go to sea council next!! i'm also trying to branch out and meet everyone from the original Proteus team. i really am loving meeting everyone and getting to know each other! i have talked to Jenna the most out of the people new to me. she's really easy to talk to, and i would love to work with her! i hope we can make it happen. i think it would be fun, and i'm here for fun!!! my biggest fear in this game is being delusional or not really understanding what is going on. i think i have some agency in the game and don't just follow people who have played in orgs a bunch??? i want to have a mind of my own and play to win. i think i'm doing that? i hope i'm doing that? i'm really just trying to focus on social bonds so that people want to work with me. gosh i just reread everything and i sound so optimistic. i'm ending this confessional before something bad happens. bye!
I know we have already lost this challenge because Katie let the monster out. Tempted to take an auto self vote so I can avoid the drama..... but I know people would find this SUSPICIOUS!
I really hope I can convince everyone to go along with the wild plan to take all the options. Allyn, Katie, and I have all said yes for sure in one on one chats! Linus and Jessica are both maybes and Jessie is also hesitant. Rhea is very busy with her mouth but I really think we should go for it!!! I just have to get everyone to trust one another for a brief moment.
The number of times I have googled "aquaman" while trying to visit this blog is astounding. Anyways... I love Linden that is it that is all that is the confessional. I saw this challenge (and the option to self vote??? Amazing) and I didn't take it because I was like oh no, Jessie and Linden need me and I can't risk them going home. I come back and Linden has said don't worry, I took every single thing because I think it's funny. I could never achieve this level of being iconic. 
I think what actually happened is Katie told everyone on her side we automatically are losing so none of them are going to take anything. That's fine by me honestly! If Linden is self-voting, I think I will make this go to rocks. But not just any rocks..... I think I'm gonna try and do this: - me, Jessie, Linus: vote Katie - Katie, Allyn, Rhea: vote me - Linden: is not voting at all Then if it ties, Katie and I are safe from rocks and everyone else does it. This seems really fun so I hope it works. However, I think Linus might mess up a plan like this so who knows what will happen. 
i can't believe both monsters got out and i hope it was NOT intentional bc if it *was* logan has a LOT to answer for! this was very unexpected and i'm definitely a little worried about whether i gave too much up in this challenge. our team only got 18 points, which means that some of us did NOT make the sacrifices we all agreed upon
Episode Title: She Did The Monster Mash 
I released the monster and I would do it again and again and again!!!!!! I found out Rhea has the missing mask and can mutiny after sea council... I had a plan to take said mask and jump to the other team to then release their monster, but no such luck because LOGAN LET IT GO!!!!!!!! 
I am also the holder of all pearl information and am excited to watch who unleashes the curse first-- its between Jess or Jenna... I don't really do reward challenges unless I get to draw a picture so I know I wont have enough hotel trips to figure out the curse myself so now I watch and wait. Someone has the f5 item from the vending machine and I am being CONSTANTLY LIED TO about who has it... thats my next goal 
I tried to tell my old team members not to give anything up but nobody listened and now I'm the only person not exiled and alone in the team chat. It's amazing~
That's right. I was shook. I was also almost picked last which I don't know how to feel about. At least I ended up on the team I wanted to be on. Jessica, Linden and me are hoping we can snatch up Linus because apparently he was in the minority on the other team and Linus passed my vibe check so I am fine with that. Us Canadians must stick together ? Yeah that sounds good I kind of  like the sound of that lol. 
Anyways I did not take all the punishments for this round and no regrets because both teams lost. Katie let pancakes free of course Pancakes was going to cause some trouble. So we go to council tomorrow most people have punishments so I should be okay this round. The public vote? Not as scary as not getting a vote or getting an extra vote to your name. I can do damage control if need to. I just got to believe in myself. 
*insert some quote about hope and despair from danganronpa* 
I will also be staying up so I can start strategizing when we all get added back to the chat after this lovely chat exile break. Anyways at this point I will probably be voting Rhea due to lack of bonding but who knows what plans later tonight or tomorrow will bring? I sure don't know. But I am ready. Bring on the chaos <3
So I actually meant to talk about something else in this confessional but I'm dumb and forgot about it so I'll type it out. Playing with Logan reminded me to chill out a little more and have more fun and not take everything too seriously. I remember this book I was reading where this team did something that would make them lose for sure but then they would learn from it, and if you're not willing to take risks and go outside of your comfort zone and fail then you're never going to grow as a person. You're not gonna win all the time because if you do you never actually learn all that you can and so I wanna have fun and cause chaos and not be afraid to lose because I'm growing and that's good! Life is a lot more fun if you're not focused on being the best and just having a good time with good people and taking steps in the right direction. Eventually you become the best anyway, so I'm really glad Logan helped put that in perspective. I'm still gonna try! But I wanna take more risks, like releasing that curse! Maybe the game will be harder but I'll be having fun on the way.
Team switch is actually going okay! I am still with Rhea and Linus who are my number 1 and 2, and Katie is being trustworthy at the moment so that is good.  I am also with Jessica, who I've been friends with for 6 years and I definitely want to align with her eventually (she's a beast in person and in Survivor), it's just I don't know why she doesn't want Jessie out.  I'm hoping telling her to go for Linus won't hurt us in the long run, because she is definitely a person I want to work with.  Katie is controlling and mean (sorry, just what I have witnessed) and she's good for our votes at the moment, but I definitely want her out soon.  She completely ignored my all my ideas and input on the rule making challenge, and it was just not very fun to work with her.  (Jenna has confirmed, wanted to make sure I wasn't crazy)  Linden is so sweet and I love her, (we are Bellingham buddies and I wish she still lived here) I just don't think the numbers are there for her to stay too much longer :( Pretty sure we're all good for Jessie to go tonight!
nice meeting you all <3 lots of love, no hard feelings.
I had a lot of fun this season and I’m glad I played ! Good luck to everyone left :)
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askjonfreeman · 7 years
jumping back into this business of posting reviews.  I'm gonna focus more on single page bits. TL;DR = It's a pretty good movie.  Find the rung on the ladder that's labeled "good movie" and place this one on the rung just below it. While you won't mind actually seeing it, it's not exactly one to whole-heartedly recommend to people (hence the super weak 91mil domestic opener on a film with a 300-ish mil budget) How does it compare to BvS? - BvS is a total train wreck you can't look away from. - JL is a car crash that you can walk away from and still laugh about. ... micro spoilers ahead.  be ye warned ... OVERVIEW Snyder started off with a 3 hour brood-fest marathon, then was forced to reshoot a lot of the film for overall course direction.  Then after he left for family reasons, Joss Weedon came on to finish it out.  Surprisingly, even with all this, it doesn't really feel like a schizophrenic mess.  Though if you watch it with a savvy eye you can spot which parts were done during which phase of production.  (and mind you, this is downhill slope Joss ... so expect the same "missing something" you experienced in Ultron) Also also, they trimmed it down to 2 hours 1 min.  Basically cutting out a ton of fluff to get to the better parts faster (and I'm guessing a lot of the slower parts).  This, coupled with the nack of banter Joss has, made it a pretty enjoyable experience ... just not a great one ... or a good one.  But it is pretty enjoyable. THE GOOD Actors did their part and they did it well. - Batfleck is still the best balanced bruce/batman, which is a shame since he's not going to be doing it any more due to the hollywood sex-land scandal thing going on.  Oh well. - The flash is one of the best parts, surprisingly - Wondie's still good (even with her habit of weird faces) - Aquaman ... my brothers and I think that Snyder wanted him to be OH SO COOL SO BADASS (which nobody buys) ... so Joss provided chinks in the armor to make him more human.  So he's surprisingly cool - Cyborg is the weakest link, but you can't blame the actor.  There's subtle nuances about how he acts and thinks inhuman in a convincing way. cinematography - This is snyder's strong point.  Most of it carried though, but a lot of it got cut or reshot - But this got hampered by things below.  so it's not as pretty as Snyder's other films. It's enjoyable - I didn't actively wish for the film to be over. THE BAD ... again, remember, it's enjoyable despite all this.  THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING. action choreography - Imagine a 6 year old with toys going "and then he goes BWVOOOM and he flies over here" - That's a lot of what you get here.  Broken physics, no consequences, tons of wtf, and a lot of repetition - saw it with extended family, my mom fell asleep in the final battle because it was repeating itself a bit snyder-isms - pretty pictures without meaning - a lot of it got cut, but there's still a good number in montages remaining - also, threaten the children.  that's another snyderism - no Frank Miller whores, though art direction - is bad.  Best summation is the badguy, Steppenwolf (who's a Jack Kirby minion of darksied) here's a couple of his Jack Kirby iterations (being a little unfamiliar, I'm not sure it's the same guy, or if he plays counselor and general at different times) www.cosmicteams.com/newgods/im… cdn2us.denofgeek.com/sites/den… and here's his more current iteration cdn2us.denofgeek.com/sites/den… - ... this is what we get in film ... i0.wp.com/www.heyuguys.com/ima… a 9 foot tall rubber cg giant wearing reject bayformers crumpled tinfoil.  ZERO COLORS. - ... for reference on how to do Kirby right ... www.cinematographe.it/wp-conte… - this really gets bad when I have to second guess if it's a parademon or cyborg, since they're both 99% silver the CGI - even ragnarok had moments of bad CG.  it happens when the budget gets stretched ... but this film had very few points of GOOD CG.  (not sure if it's art direction or what) - and a lot of this is due to bad art design, but it's a bleed over - half the action sequences are just vague green screen flailing against the Superstasche - so, backstory time in case you didn't hear ... Henry Cavill got called in for reshoots along with everyone else - Unfortunately, he had already started filming Mission Impossible and was unable to shave his mustache due to contract - LOOK AT ITS MAJESTY cdn.flickeringmyth.com/wp-cont… - so WB had to remove it digitally - It looks bad - in theatres (again, saw it with extended fam) the film opens with a celphone recording of Supes (flashback).  My mom immediately leans over "Is that the same actor?  I think it's the same actor? I can't tell.  He looks different.  Whaaaaaaaaaaa?" - There's a solid reason: lips used by most people to lipread (even on a subconscious level).  So if that's off it triggers uncanny valley. Is there a silver lining? - This is where I get into business, and this is the highly abridged version. - Recipe for good business: master your craft, treat customers fairly, do marketing right, remember the customers are paying you (free exchange of currency thanks to capitalism)     - the recipe ISN'T figure out how to get more money.  Do that and you'll end up like EA Games. - Disney/Marvel is clearly on this path.  The evidence is in their films which are genuinely getting better over time (Ragnarok is honestly one of the best films out there). - the DCEU was born out of a need to make another superman film in order to keep the rights (ya have to do some spelunking to 2010-2013, but that's the truth), which led to the rushed Justice League film - in other words = WB was focusing on retaining and earning money. ... WHY I BRING THAT UP ... Justice League had the weakest opening weekend out of any DCEU film.  And given the negative word of mouth, it's not going to pull a wonder woman and stick around (especially with Ragnarok STILL in theatres and Star Wars just around the corner). Even with extra investments and heavy changes, JL didn't match their goal of more money. ... As such, I don't know how WB will respond to this. Hopefully they'll keep on this new trajectory, 'cause it is better.  But with money hungry execs you never know.
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mymoviedump · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Top 100 Films of 2018:
Black Panther
Avengers: Infinity War
Incredibles 2
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Deadpool 2
Dr. Seuss' The Grinch (2018)
Mission: Impossible - Fallout
Ant-Man and the Wasp
Bohemian Rhapsody
A Star is Born (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Venom (2018)
Ralph Breaks the Internet
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse
A Quiet Place
Crazy Rich Asians
Mary Poppins Returns
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation
Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Halloween (2018)
The Meg
Ocean's 8
Ready Player One
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
The Nun
Creed II
Peter Rabbit
The Mule
The Equalizer 2
Rampage (2018)
A Wrinkle in Time
Fifty Shades Freed
Disney's Christopher Robin
Green Book
I Can Only Imagine
Night School (2018)
The First Purge
Game Night
Book Club
The House With A Clock In Its Walls
Insidious: The Last Key
Instant Family
Pacific Rim Uprising
Tomb Raider
Maze Runner: The Death Cure
The Nutcracker and the Four Realms
A Simple Favor
Life of the Party
The Predator (2018)
Overboard (2018)
Sicario: Day of the Soldado
I Feel Pretty
Red Sparrow
Breaking In (2018)
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween
12 Strong
Den of Thieves
First Man
Tyler Perry's Acrimony
Sherlock Gnomes
Uncle Drew
Truth or Dare
Paddington 2
Love, Simon
Second Act
The Commuter
The 15:17 to Paris
Mile 22
The Favourite
Death Wish (2018)
The Spy Who Dumped Me
Isle Of Dogs
Nobody's Fool
Robin Hood (2018)
Super Troopers 2
Holmes and Watson
Slender Man
Teen Titans Go! To The Movies
The Hate U Give
On the Basis of Sex
Strangers: Prey at Night
White Boy Rick
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
0 notes
dezbee2008 · 8 years
My Pokemon Moon Adventures Part 27: Y’all Are Stupid (January 15, 2017)
Actual quote from the game, courtesy of Guzma
After finishing the final trial, we leave through the back for the Altar of the Moone, where Lillie, Hapu, and Mudsdale were waiting for us. Hapu mentioned that the trial at Vast Poni Canyon was the first one to be held in the region. After climbing a bunch of stairs, Lillie and I waited until the game automatically goes into night mode so that we can summon Lunala under the moon. She played the sun flute and I played the moon flute. Out of nowhere, Nebby (a Cosmoem) flew out of the bag (for the final time) and evolved again, this time into Lunala. Nebby (now a Lunala) transported us into the Ultra Space to confront Lusamine, but before we could do that, we see ya boi Guzma. He felt obviously defeated, explaining that catching the beasts was harder than he had imagined and that Lusamine is just fucked up. And that we’re all stupid.
Congratulations, Guzma, you played yourself.
It’s time once again for the thrilling conclusion of Dezbee’s Poorly Translated Theater, starring me, Lillie, Lusamine, and ya boi Guzma
Guzma: Alright, look. I’m bad. I’m supposed to be bad. The game’s storyline told me to be bad. Ain’t nobody told me that I gotta compete with Lusamine over badness. It’s obvious she got it down pat dry, but I’m sorry, Lillie, your mom is beyond crazy.
Lillie: Crazy or not, she’s going to see me again whether she likes it or not, whether she had sex with Nihilego or not...
Guzma: Crap, I don’t even want to talk about that.
Nihilego and Lusamine entered
Lusamine: Guzma, I finally did it. Gosh, it never felt so damn good. (sees me and Lillie) The fuck you doing here? Do you want to have sex with Nihilego too?
Lillie: Eww, mom. I’m 11. You don’t want me to contact the local news station because you want me to get freaky with a creature, do you?
Lusamine: Bitch, get the fuck outta here. You ain’t not putting me on no blast. This world is mine to play with, while you got yours.
Lillie: I see how it is. You’re giving in to Gamefreak’s demands of being a complete bitch so that you can suck Nihilego’s dick while his other one is penetrating your wormhole
Me: Jesus Christ, people, we have kids reading this shit.
Lusamine: Oh, Lillie, you ain’t not about to come into my paradise and run my business. I intend on staying here for life. I mean, you my daughter and all, but I got no room for your bitch ass.
Lillie: BULLSHIT! You ain’t not hot either, so what’s your point?
Lusamine: You calling me ugly?
Lillie: I ain’t calling you beautiful. Gladion and I ain’t no toys from a McDonalds Happy Meal. Pokemon like Nihilego aren’t objects either. I’m here to attempt to steal Nihilego away from you like I did with Cosmog, which by the way didn’t die, thank you very much. We niggas out here breathing and living. That’s why Dad left you for Poke Pelago because you a crazy ass hoe.
Lusamine: A ho? (omg, my daughter called me a hoe) But Dezyree? She has many more mons in her PCs
Me: Hey, don’t bring me into this, you know who’s taking care of those.
Lusamine: Oh. Okay, Lillie, you’re just as dangerous without having any sex. Dezyree, I will have to battle you just to defend Nihilego.
Me: That’s your mistake, lady. Be prepared to die again.
But Lusamine fused with Nihilego, plus all of her mons have aura surrounding them. This time it was Krystal vs Clefable, Sabrina vs Lilligant, Victoria vs Milotic, Free Hugs vs Mismagius, and Jason vs Bewear as Poli, I, Lillie, and Guzma ate popcorn
With all set and done, we busted the fusion and Lusamine falls down. Lillie ran to her and Lusamine became a loving mother again. We left the space to see Hapu and Mudsdale. Guzma placed Lusamine on Mudsdale and they left. Lillie and I stayed back to talk to Nebby again. Lillie knows what Nebby wants, but since she can’t provide it, I will be the one to step in.
Nebby, get in the ball, take 1: Quick Ball (fail)
Nebby, get in the ball, take 2: Ultra Ball (success). I named her Nebula, because Nebby is short for Nebula...
Finally Nanu came about and took us to the bottom on Mount Lanakila, where our main adventures end. With that, I will go ahead and take a few days off to train my mons (though at this point, they look ready but they all received new moves since the last training session so that they’ll be in tip top shape for Gladion, Hau, and the Elite 4 + Championship Battles
wild female Wingull
wild male Kadabra
RuPaul (male Bruxish)
Frank (male Abra)
Mineral (Carbink)
Samantha (female Trumbeak)
Lynda (female Pichu)
Aquaman (male Wishiwashi)
Byamba (male Munchlax)
Tom (male Gastrodon
Picasso (male Smeargle)
Seth (male Goldeen)
Sandra (female Sandygast)
Tiana (female Tentacool)
Comet (Minior) *gave us a bean
Hank Hill (male Caterpie)
Tyler (male Tauros)
Willow (female Wailmer)
Finn (female Finneon)
Ivan (male Rockruff)
Whitney (female Miltank)
Paris (female Paras)
Katherine (female Torkoal)
Maxwell (male Growlithe)
Po (male Pancham)
Pipsqueak (female Alola Grimer)
Margaret (female Misdreavus)
Ruth (female Trubbish)
Brock (male Bonsly)
Maurice (male Magby)
Shelly (male Shellder)
Heather (female Murkrow)
Xmas Tree (female Phantump)
Adam (male Eevee)
Japanese Raticate (male)
Vulpix (female)
Edwin (male Sylveon)
Misty (female Psyduck)
David (male Slowpoke)
Gary (male Magikarp)
Steven (male Spearow)
Maggie (female Makuhita)
Gwendolyn (female Granbull)
Houdini (male Drowzee)
Wilhelm (male Wingull)
Kevin (male Klefki)
Jordan (male Poliwag)
NEW CAPTURES: Lunala (Nebula) *she ain’t leaving the bag now xD
Krystal, female Mudsdale, level 56, High Horsepower, Earthquake, Heavy Slam, Rock Tomb
Jason, male Primarina, level 57, HP Grass, Sparkling Aria, Psychic, Moonblast
Free Hugs, male Bewear, level 56, Brick Break, Hammer Arm, Brutal Swing, Aerial Ace
Poli, female Oricorio (Pa’u), level 56, Aerial Ace, Revelation Dance, HP Grass, Air Cutter
Victoria, female Vikavolt, level 57, Thunderbolt, X-Scissor, Discharge, Flash Cannon
Sabrina, female Salazzle, level 56, Flamethrower, Leech Life, Dragon Pulse, Sludge Wave
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every. single. question.
lets get personal.1: IDKY, Good Grief, Glory, Ruby, Heavydirtysoul, FeelGoodInc2: You3: Abundance of Your house; and You give thanks and you give them to drink in the river of your delight.4: You5: lol6: With7: Spit bubbles8: Girls just wanna have fun. Boys are dumb9: Yes 10: No clue11: Corners12: Prolly a lego13: Christian14: Prolly on my phone15: Behind16: |-/17: I'm fine18 No19: Shadadedadum20: Doubt, Loyalty21: Ruby22: Yes23: Poetry24: Baseball cards, Star Wars minfigs.25: Video26: Sorta27: That alarm bell in You and Me. Your laugh28: Siobhan29: no, no30: the wall31: nothing32: Home33: East34: Ruby35: Love God, Love People36: What makes you satisfied37: Jedi don't believe in luck38: Hot39: 12:44 am40: Yes, No41: Desiring God42: No43: Bubbles, Senpai 44: Star Wars: Episode II45: Prolly a bike handle through my face46: prolly47: Yes48: Straight49: That I was gay XD50: Sometimes51: No52: Aquaman53: Save54: Food for my Lovely Date55: love56: Hell yeah57: 258: No59: Campomarino, Italy60: No61: No62: Unicorn63: My smile64: You65: Ruby, Sister, Brother66: Italian67: Talking to you68: I can't make that joke on here.69 Mmm70: Yes71: Save Doggo72: Yes, Live life, prolly73: Trust is love.74: Never Gonna Give You Up75: 482076: Trust77: Listen78: Yes79: You80: 1281: And the Moon82: Love83: You84: It's all good85: Demon Days, Gorillaz86: Orange87: Boba Fett88: Depends on my mood89: Is this black magic?90: Prolly get rich off mummies91: I die because I ate vegetables92: You93: I wouldn't94: Nope95: Home96: No97 Yes98: Yes99: Jesus loves you and he's Never Gonna Give You Up100 questions because I'm bored.1: Yes2: Kinda3: Kitteb4: You5: I was6: Love/Hate relationship7: No8: and the moon9: Wat10: No11: Nope12: Prolly a Unicorn13: No14: Emotional15: Art16: Si17: My whole life18: Yes19: Hell no20: Today21: Yes22: Yes23: One24: If you can't blow them away with your brilliance baffle them with your bullshit25: You26: Not yet27: Orange28: Too long29: Nobody30: No31: All the time32: Lots33: Maybe34: Yes35: Rip me36: Yes37 Yes38: Senpai40: Yep41: On my stomach thanks Anderson42: A raging 7th grade karate grill43: Now44: Mom45 Technically46: Yes47: No48: I will49: Yes50: Tumblr, Reddit, Twitch51: Yes52: lol53: depends lol54: Water55: amazing tbh56: Social media57: Yee58: Hell yes59: Green60: too long61: Yes62: Tomorrow63: Sleeping64: Sleeping65: I didnt66: You67: Yes68: I love you69: My over dramatic life70: 071: 1072: Default73: 1874: Mum75: Cause I got bitch slapped like a bitch by a....76: No77: not a lot78: Yeah79: Yes 80: not yet81: One82: Prolly83: hopefully84: No85: Yes86: Dab on the haters87: You actually88: Prolly89: You90: Many times91: No92: Yes93: Prolly not94: No95: nope96: no97: Yes98: Yes99: Maybe100: no clue100 this or that1. Coffee
2. Color
3. Painting
4. Dress
5. Movie
6. Coke
7. Italian
8. Owl
9. Vanilla
10. Intro
11. Kisses
12. Ew
13. Summer
14. Fall
15. Rural
16. Pc
17. Pale
18. Pie
19. Ice cream
20. Ketchup
21. Sweet pickles
22. Comedy
23. sandals
24. Silver
25. Rock
26. Singing
27. chess
28. video games
29. Wine
30. Freckles
31. Honey mustard
32. Body weight exercises
33. Baseball
34. Crossword puzzles
35. Facial hair
36. cubed ice
37. snowboarding
38. Smile
39. Bracelet
40. Fruit 
41. Sausage
42. Scrambled
43. Dark chocolate
44. Tattoos
45. Antique
46. Dress up
47. Aliens
48. dogs
49. Pancakes
50. Wat
51. Sci-Fi
52. Letters
53. Lord of the Rings
54. No idea
55. Money
56. doing laundry
57. Snakes
58. apple juice
59. Sunrise
60. Over-achiever
61. Pen
62. jelly
63. Grammys
64. Abstract
65. Multiple choice questions
66. Adventurous
67. Saver
68. Glasses
69. Desktop
70. Classic
71. Personal fitness trainer
72. Internet
73. Call
74. Curly hair
75. Shower in the morning 
76. Spicy
77. Marvel
78. Paying a mortgage
79. Sky dive
80. Oreos
81. Pudding
82. Truth
83. Roller coaster
84. Leather
85. Stripes
86. Bagels
87. White
88. Beads
89. Hardwood
90. Bright colors
91. Be older than you are
92. Raisins
93. Picnic
94. Black leather
95. Long hair
96. “Ready, aim, fire”
97. Fiction
98. Non-smoking
99. Think before you talk
100. Answering questionsGET IN MY BUSINESS PLEASE:ShadadedadumNone yetToday from tirednessNone|-/Selfishness, lack of compassion, double standards.Top 5 GF restaurants. You^5Shhhhhh secretsHonesty, compassion, loyalty18YouSupport my familyNoneTakenBaby DriverI'm an ex professional card playerCorners, violenceJames6'6Yes12StraightNoN/ASiobhanYouCotton Candy Pop RockMyselfI love you so muchNoYesNoYesYesYesYesNoProllyYesYesYesNoNoYesYesProllyYesNoNoYesProllyYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesCLUB IS LITYesYesYesNoProllyYesYesNot that I know ofNoYesNoYesYesYesYesYesNoNoYesYesYesProllyNoYesNoYesYesYesYesYesKind of lolYesYesYesNoYesYesYesDon't think that's possible
0 notes
actionfigureinsider · 4 years
Concord, CA – Factory Entertainment, Inc revealed 3 of its 2020 Convention Exclusives during the first episode of, “Consolation-Con: A San Diego Comic-Con Virtual Booth Experience” which is available to watch now by clicking here.
The just announced Convention Exclusives are available to order now only at FactoryEnt.com and all are strictly limited edition collectibles. Below are the first set of Convention Exclusives.
Convention Exclusive #1
Nobody will be able to pass this motivational statue! Celebrate Consolation-Con (a San Diego Comic-Con 2020 virtual booth experience) with Factory Entertainment’s convention exclusive Monty Python Black Knight Motivational Statue!
This highly detailed, hand painted and very, very silly bronze style statue is the perfect tool to inspire anyone and everyone to move for no man!
Each 8″ tall collectible resin statue features a series of stickers containing motivational quotes in English and Latin that can be applied to the base.
Convention Exclusive #2
This shark, swallow you whole.”– Quint
It won’t cost you $10,000 to bring home this shark! Celebrate Consolation-Con (a San Diego Comic-Con 2020 virtual booth experience) with Factory Entertainment’s convention exclusive JAWS 12” long collectible plush! Featuring Bruce in a huggable, squeezable form and 3 attachable barrels!
How can you not hum, “Dun Dun ….Dun Dun ….Dun Dun…”
Convention Exclusive #3
One wants your blood for Universal Healthcare, while the other hungers for brains for his Filet-O-Flesh sandwich. 2020 has already been a monstrous year, and love them or hate them (or both), these Presidential Horrors are sure to make things even more interesting!
Celebrate Consolation-Con (a San Diego Comic-Con 2020 virtual booth experience) and the coming election with Factory Entertainment’s set of bipartisan stylized enamel pins featuring a vampire Joe Biden, “Bitin’ Biden” and a zombie Donald Trump, “The Walking Don.”
More About Consolation-Con: A San Diego Comic-Con Virtual Booth Experience
Starting on July 6 and running through July 17, Factory Entertainment will host “Consolation-Con,” its tongue-in-cheek name for a series of six streaming video presentations, premiering at 11:00 AM, Pacific Daylight time, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at FactoryEnt.com and @FactoryEnt on Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.Here’s what collectors and fans can expect:
2020 Convention Exclusives
Each video will unveil several of the 16 officially-licensed, limited edition Convention Exclusive products originally created by Factory Entertainment for SDCC 2020.   These collectibles feature top pop culture brands such as Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Star Trek, JAWS and Monty Python, among others. Immediately upon announcement, the exclusives will be available to order online at Factory Entertainment’s website, http://www.factoryent.com.
Sneak Previews
In addition to revealing its Convention Exclusives, Factory Entertainment will use Consolation-Con to provide a sneak preview of some of its most exciting collectible offerings coming in late 2020 and 2021, including a number of breathtaking limited edition prop replicas, a category of collectibles in which Factory Entertainment is recognized as a market leader.  Fans will not want to miss these special previews, as most of the items have never previously been announced or have only been seen by the trade at New York Toy Fair.
Licensing Announcements and Giveaways
Throughout the course of Consolation-Con Factory Entertainment will also be announcing exciting new licensing partnerships and special Consolation-Con giveaways in conjunction with various social media partners.
About Factory Entertainment
Factory Entertainment, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and distributor of high-quality licensed toys, collectibles and home goods featuring a wide variety of entertainment properties, including James Bond, Star Trek, Harry Potter, DC Comics, Game Of Thrones, The Beatles, Monty Python, Men in Black, Universal Monsters, Jurassic World, Back to the Future, Jaws, The Wizard Of Oz and many others. For all the latest product information, please visit www.factoryent.com.
Factory Entertainment Reveals First Set Of #SDCC Exclusives Concord, CA - Factory Entertainment, Inc revealed 3 of its 2020 Convention Exclusives during the first episode of, "Consolation-Con: A San Diego Comic-Con Virtual Booth Experience" which is available to watch now by…
0 notes
chicagoindiecritics · 5 years
New from Kevin Wozniak on Kevflix: Decade Rewind: The Best Movies of 2018
As the 2010’s have officially come to an end, I will be looking back at each cinematic year to give a personal decade retrospective of the best movies and performances of each year.  I will break down my Top 10 movies of each year, along with my favorite performances from that year.  I will also be listing my favorite’s from each genre, like Best Animated Movie and Best Action Movie, as well as best of the technical aspects, like Best Cinematography and Best Screenplay.  This will all culminate into my picks for the best movies and performances of the decade.
*Rankings of movies and performances are numbered from 1-5, with 1 being the best movie/performance.
*Gifs for each category are not specifically of the “winners” of each category, just one of the nominees.
        THE YEAR: 2018
Following a stellar year like 2017 was a tough task for 2018.  Though the year itself wasn’t as good overall, the back-half of 2018 was really special, though the first-half was a bit of a letdown.  Big Hollywood films took a hit in 2018 in terms of quality, but it was indies and foreign films that crushed it, along with some surprisingly great animated films.  I loved the diversity in films that came out in 2018 and
2018 was also a big year for myself and Kevflix.  I joined my first critics groups in 2018, the Internet Film Critics Society and the Chicago Indie Critics, a true honor that I am still humbled by to this day.  This would allow me more access to more screenings, attend more film festivals, and cover more movies that I usually wouldn’t.  I saw 204 films in 2018, a career high and a mark that I still can’t believe that I hit.
Here are my picks for the best movies and performances of 2018.
A STAR IS BORN (Bradley Cooper)
FIRST MAN (Damien Chazelle)
SHOPLIFTERS (Hirokazu Koreeda)
WIDOWS (Steve McQueen)
GAME NIGHT (John Francis Daily & Jonathon Goldstein)
Spike Lee, BlackKklansman
Ari Aster, Hereditary
Bradley Cooper, A Star is Born
Damien Chazelle, First Man
Barry Jenkins, If Beale Street Could Talk
Bradley Cooper, A Star is Born
Ethan Hawke, First Reformed 
Tom Cruise, Mission: Impossible – Fallout
John David Washington, BlackKklansman
Logan Marshall-Green, Upgrade
Toni Collette, Hereditary
Lady Gaga, A Star is Born
Elsie Fischer, Eighth Grade
Melissa McCarthy, Can You Ever Forgive Me?
Amandla Stenberg, The Hate U Give 
Michael B. Jordan, Black Panther
Adam Driver, BlackKklansman
Sam Elliot, A Star is Born
Russell Hornsby, The Hate U Give
Ike Barinholtz, Blockers
Regina King, If Beale Street Could Talk
Elizabeth Debecki, Widows
Blake Lively, A Simple Favor
Danai Gurira, Black Panther
Sakura Andô, Shoplifters 
        OTHER BESTS OF 2018
Runner Up – Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Runner Up – Upgrade
Runner Up – Blockers
Runner Up – A Quiet Place
Runner Up – Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
Runner Up – In Search of Greatness
Runner Up – Bodied
Runner Up – Cold War/Roma
Runner Up – Widows
Runner Up – Aquaman
Runner Up – Incredibles 2
Runner Up – First Reformed
Runner Up – Black Panther
        Stay tuned for 2019!
    Check out the best of 2010 right HERE.
Check out the best of 2011 right HERE.
Check out the best of 2012 right HERE.
Check out the best of 2013 right HERE.
Check out the best of 2014 right HERE.
Check out the best of 2015 right HERE.
Check out the best of 2016 right HERE.
Check out the best of 2017 right HERE.
        Follow Kevflix on Twitter and Instagram, @kevflix, and on Facebook by searching Kevflix.
      The post Decade Rewind: The Best Movies of 2018 appeared first on Kevflix.
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Team Titans #19
Team Titans is an anagram of Steam Taint.
I never learned the proper use of prepositions, or what they even are, because it's the most unlistenable to Schoolhouse Rock song. Hmm, that was more of a tweet than the opening line to (of?) a review of (for?) a comic book from (in?) 1994. But then again, it's also a good example of how my reviews work. A thought strikes me based on something I just read or wrote, I have six thoughts more as the pinball in my brain bounces off of several bumpers, until I finally get control of the ball by resting it on an upraised flipper. Then I aim the ball and shoot it up the "Schoolhouse Rock Song" ramp and score the jackpot. I'm left feeling satisfied while everybody who just walked in and missed all the bumper action that lit up the jackpot are left thinking, "What the fuck is this asshole talking about?" From now on, I'm only going to speak in pinball analogies. Or is the lesson actually, "Write more of your process, dumbie!"? Schoolhouse Rock also never did a song about punctuation inside and outside quotation marks so I'm never going to be any good that that shit either. Avengers: Endgame has a good example of how I just write stuff that makes me happy without explaining why I'm writing that stuff. Without actually spoiling anything, there's a scene where some Avengers go to pick up Thor at his house in New Asgard. Taika Waititi's alien character lives with him and he's playing Fortnite. He begins to complain that some guy named SlutBanger called him a dick or something. At that moment, being a huge fan of Liz Lemon's terrible ex-boyfriend Dennis Duffy whose Xbox username is SlutBanger on 30 Rock, I now can't not think of 30 Rock as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So instead of going on Twitter and explaining my theory on how 30 Rock has been incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and providing the SlutBanger evidence, I simply began tweeting things based on the assumption that everybody now understands it to be true. I could probably benefit from making my process more transparent.
War Devil's secret identity is Ward Evil.
Getting around to the comic book, a Team Titans team called Spectrum have arrived from the future to return the central-to-the-plot Team Titans back to 2001. I hate them immediately. One of them is all, "You deserve answers! But let's start with introductions!" Then instead of introducing herself as a person would when they say something like, "Let's start with introductions," she tells Terra that she's Terra, and Prester Jon that he's Prester Jon. And then when Terry is all, "Wait a second! That's not how introductions are done! What's your name?", she's all, "I don't have a name — I'm a color!" Well how about I just call refer to you as Fuck Off, You Stupid Puke Green Piece of Shit? Not that Terry Long would ever say anything like that! He's a wuss! Remember an issue or two ago when he was crushed by a grandfather clock? Hilarious! Later, one of the Spectrum refers to one of the other Spectrum as "Green." So I think they indeed have names! Jerks.
I don't want to embarrass anybody who worked on this comic book but one of the creative team might be an idiot.
Spectrum have been traveling through time collecting all of the members of the Team Titans (that's like thousands and thousands of characters!). Now, to prove that they're not lying about working for the mysterious leader, they need to bring all of the Team Titans together. Hopefully these characters will be more creative than what the writers of Bloodlines came up with. Let's see, there's Carpet Boy, Lapidus, Wonder Boy, The Enforcer, Murder Master, and Hero X. So, um, nope. No more creative. All of the Titans from throughout time head off to battle Lazarium, Lord Chaos's spy who has become the DC Universe's version of Rupert Murdoch. He's kidnapped Killowat to steal some of his power so that he can time travel back to 2001 and take over Lord Chaos's throne. This whole Lazarium plot exemplifies why I can rarely identify with the bad guy (unless it's Lobo because I was also super cool and had long hair and looked hot in jeans and wanted to kill my entire species. Representation matters!). Lazarium's ambition has garnered him a life full of money and power. He could just build an evil lair and retire to play video games when he's not getting adult massages from in-house professionals. Instead, he's created this life so that he can accomplish some other stupid fucking thing that doesn't seem any better than the life he currently has. Why would he want to take over Lord Chaos's role in a future where everybody rebels against Lord Chaos? Who are these people who need to constantly introduce more drama into their lives? You're living the life, Lazarium! Take it fucking down a notch now and enjoy it! Lazarium explains his plans like a good villain while Battalion, Redwing, Donna, and a comatose Nightrider have been detained by the government. It's a good thing Prestor Jon and his nearly infinite new powers is coming to rescue them. Prestor Jon has spent every panel since he returned exclaiming how he needs to find his sister, Redwing. He loves her so much and he wants to make sure she's safe and he'd do anything for her and he'll destroy anybody who gets in his way! It's all been so touching and he's been so passionate and it's all been one big fucking batch of twaddle.
"Ew! Your ears and fingernails got pointy! Gross! Get away from me!"
Prestor Jon has an elastic body that's actually disgusting and he's over here judging Redwing's cute new affectations? Hell, even if he wasn't elastic, he'd be a hypocrite for finding Carrie gross now. He does realize he's a ginger in his new body, right?! I should apologize to people with red hair and fair complexions but right now I'm drunk with the power of judging people on superficial differences! Is this what it feels like to be an incel online?! "Oh, nobody will fuck me, hunh?! Well, I wouldn't fuck you! Even if I had the choice! Which I don't! It's right their in my embraced nomenclature: involuntary celibate! But that's beside the point! People who are good looking enough to get fucked are shallow garbage monsters! What must it feel like to be just the other side of totally disgusting?! If only I were marginally less repugnant than I am! But it's impossible! In this society, there's no way a 1 or a 2 can pretty themselves up to a slightly fuckable 3! And don't encourage me to fuck other 1s and 2s! Gross!" Hmm. Maybe I need to apologize to both incels and gingers now. Although my mocking incel rant was just encouragement! Don't accept being unfuckable! Do something about it! And that something isn't read a book about how you need to trick women into sleeping with you! That something is doing the best you can at cleaning up, dressing, acting like a civilized person, and just enjoying things you enjoy around other people. You also have to, in some way, prove that you're a responsible person who has something to offer. I once flirted with a woman all weekend at a party in some remote location without anything more than friendly banter. Then on the way home, the car I was driving home (a friend's girlfriend's car because she probably knew it was a deathtrap!) got a flat and we wound up stranded on 580 all night (because she had a spare in the car but no jack). In the morning, I got out of the car with the tire and flagged down a helpful man. His jack was the kind you slide under and the car was a low Camaro that it wouldn't fit under. The guy explained he had to get to work but since he was the only person to stop, I was all, "Please! We'll get this!" I then got my other friend there to lift one side of the front of the car as I lifted the other and we were able to get the jack under. I then preceded to change the tire in a few minutes and we were on our way. My friend said X (the woman I'd been flirting with!) didn't take her eyes off me the rest of the drive home. I dropped her off first and she practically forced her phone number on me. That's what impresses people you might want to impress: doing things that aren't meant to impress them. You just have to prove you're a capable human being who can get shit done when that shit needs getting done. She probably thought, "Look at the way he took control of the situation! Look at how he lifted up that car's front end and changed the tire so smoothly and quickly! I bet he fucks!" I mean, she was wrong. I was terrible at fucking then! Really, really terrible! But that's a story I don't want to talk about! Even though it's a really short story. Team Titans #19 Rating:: C-. It got boring again! The final page of this comic book has a TV Guide mock-up for DC Comics if they were shows. Here are the actors the editors at DC thought should be playing their characters in 1994: Aquaman: Keifer Sutherland Atom: Michael Madsen Blue Beetle: Jason Patric Nightshade: Madeline Stowe Batman: Brad Pitt or Cary Elwes or Peter Horton Joker: Aidan Quinn Lobo: Bill Paxton Guy Gardner: Christian Slater Ice: Meg Ryan Hal Jordan: Dennis Quaid Sinestro: Raul Julia Kilowog: John Goodman Ganthet: Paul Williams Kyle Rayner: Andrew Shue
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