#it's EXACTLY 15 kilometers away from my home by car! i checked!!!!!! you are so unserious i swear to god
nitw · 8 months
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why do you gotta tell me the same thing THRICE if it's still not out for delivery!!
#leo.txt#it's EXACTLY 15 kilometers away from my home by car! i checked!!!!!! you are so unserious i swear to god#fedex denmark do you not deliver on thursdays or fridays??? hm???? im pretty sure you do??????????????#like come on im this close to just walking out to your storage facility and pick it up by myself! and i'm a lazy asshole with adhd!!!!#denmark is so teeny tiny you could just like THROW THE THING and ill catch it with my mouth like a dog with a frisbee ITS NOT THAT HARD#this package is essential to my life! not really! but you ARE actively killing and murdering me and kicking me in the nuts by withholding i#and yknow what????? you guys don't even deliver it to my house half the time anyway!!! you just get confused because theres 2 doors#and youre like 'lol whatever not my problem' and send it to the kiosk instead!#BUT you never even send it to the NEAREST KIOSK THAT'S LIKE 2 SECONDS AWAY#you ALWAYS send it to the one that's WAYYYYY FURTHER AWAY FOR SOME REASON#what did the other poor storeowner do to you??? why do you hate and mistreat both of us so? isn't life hard enough as it is?#we literally PRINTED OUT A SIGN and TAPED IT TO THE GLASS OF /BOTH FRONT DOORS/#with INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAILMEN#telling you that if the package is too big to fit in the mailbox to the rightmost entrance#then just CALL THE DOORPHONE and you'll immediately be let inside#so you can leave it in the entrance!!!!#WE MADE YOU A SIGN! IT'S FOR YOU!!!! THAT WAS SO NICE OF US#and yet you still just leave us in the dust (THE DUST???) (the DUST.......)#and whenever one of my packages gets sent to the kiosk anyway IT OFTEN TAKES SEVERAL DAYS FOR MY LETTER OF NOTICE TO ARRIVE#/AS A PHYSICAL PAPER LETTER. IN THE MAIL. BY YOU/#LITERALLY 1984#SEND POST
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Flatbush & Atlantic: part ix
part i part ii part iii part iv part v part vi part vii part viii
And here we’ve got part ix! This will be the second-to-last part of the series, I’ve got some thoughts also running around for a possible epilogue if that’s something anyone would be interested in reading. As always, there’s literally nothing writers love more than hearing from you all, so don’t be afraid to come and tell me what you think - my inbox is open, comment on the post, reblog with your thoughts!
part ix
April 27 (tues)
Mat’s mind was racing. If he was honest, he hadn’t been able to concentrate worth a damn since Cass had dropped the news about her job offer. Hong Kong? He knew she was brilliant, knew that her skills could and should take her anywhere in the world she wanted to go; the thought that she might leave New York, leave him, was still terrifying. Becoming more worried by the minute, he pulled out his phone, dialing the first person he could think of that might be able to help. 
Tito answered on the first ring. “Hello?”
“Hey, Tito. What’s up?” Mat asked nervously. 
“What’s wrong, Mat?” He immediately asked. Mat cursed under his breath; even over the phone, Beau was always able to read him like a book. 
Mat grimaced. “That obvious, huh?”
“Mat, we see each other pretty much every day. Not to be a jerk or something, but you don’t really call me unless something’s wrong. What is it? Did you and Cass have a fight?” Mat could imagine him crossing his arms on the other end. 
“Not exactly,” he said, scratching his head as he wandered aimlessly around the park. “She got this job offer, and it sounds like a really exciting opportunity, but…” He trailed off. 
“It’s all the way in Asia. It’s in Hong Kong.” 
Tito sucked in a breath. “Oh, wow. That’s a big one. Big move. Has she said if she’s going to take it?”
“Not really, she hasn’t decided.” Mat shook his head, not realizing Tito wouldn’t be able to see. “We talked through it a little, they’re offering a really good starting salary and she likes the company values, but it’s such a huge jump that she’s not ready to make the call yet.” 
“Did you talk about what it would mean for you as a couple?”
“A little, though not as much as we probably should have,” Mat admitted. “Neither of us would want to break it off just because it would be long distance, but logistically it would just be a nightmare. It’s something like a 15 hour flight from New York, so it’s not like either of us would ever be able to make that more than once or twice a year. Did you know that it’s a twelve hour time difference from here?”
“No,” Tito said, “and it’s obviously not like I know exactly what you’re going through. Paige is a kindergarten teacher, so it’s not exactly like her job would suddenly pick up and move to another country. But it’s obviously a different story with me.”
As distracted as he was, Mat felt compelled to respond. “You know they’re going to resign you, right? It would be a terrible move for them if they didn’t.”
“Yeah, I mean that’s what I’ve figured,” Beau responded. “And my agent told me to expect negotiations to start in the next month or so, but still. I could be sent to Winnipeg or Phoenix or Vancouver pretty much without notice, and I wouldn’t want to ask her to just pick up her whole life and follow me. So, I get the feeling.” He paused for a moment. “How do you feel about it?”
“Mixed feelings,” Mat answered honestly. “I’d never want to hold her back from anything, that’s not the kind of person I am and it’d be a dick move regardless. She’s her own person and deserves to be able to make her own decisions. And I would never want her to grow to resent me if she decided to stay for my sake. That would almost be worse. I just..I really love her, Tito, and I would hate for us to never be able to see eachother because of her job. Or worse, for this to mean the end of us because the distance was too hard to deal with.”
It took Tito a minute to respond. “I know you love her, Mat. It’s pretty obvious. You look at her like she hung the moon. But if they all say that things will work out if you love each other and talk it through, then what are you so worried about?”
Mat took a deep breath before answering, trying to gather his thoughts as best he could. When he spoke, his voice wavered. “Because I’ve never been this gone for a girl, Tito. What Cass and I have...I don’t even know how to describe it. I’d stop the Earth turning if it made her happy. It’s just...she’s it for me. I’m done looking. And the idea that I could be 13,000 kilometers away from her isn’t even something I had considered. I wouldn’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do.”
“Wow. That’s...that’s big, Mat. You serious?”
“As a heart attack,” he replied. 
“When do they need to hear back by?” Tito asked.
Mat looked down at his watch, checking the time. “Not for a few weeks. She’s got some time to decide, which is almost worst.”
Tito hummed sympathetically. “Just talk it through. I can’t pretend like I know what’s going to happen, but I have faith in you. It’s going to work out.”
“I hope so.”
 May 13 (thurs)
 It was nine days before Cass graduated, and if she was being honest, her time may have objectively been better spent studying for her finals, the first of which was Monday. But this was Mat, and this was the Stanley Cup Playoffs, and she supposed that her studies could wait for a night while she spent her evening at Barclays. It was Game 5 of the Eastern Conference final, and there was no way she was going to miss her team’s chance at the Wales trophy. The tone in the arena was tense from the moment she stepped in; ever the optimist, Cass liked the Islanders’ chances, but the fact remained that they were down 3-1 in the series after a 4-0 rout by the Lightning in Game 4. The series had started off with forward momentum after winning the first game at home, but the three-game losing streak had done little for the fans’ hopes and even less for the team’s morale. 
The only bright spot, if she could call it that, was Mat’s return to the ice. He knew as well as anything that the recovery time was for his own good, but he wasn’t made to be cooped up in his apartment for nearly two weeks straight, save only doctor’s appointments and short trips to the complex gym. Per his usual dramatic fashion, Mat had been cleared in time for Game 7 of the second round, returning to raucous cheers and scoring two goals in the eventual 4-2 win over the Capitals. She had caught up enough on her work to be able to make the game, and it was one of the great joys of her life to be up in a box surrounded by her friends when the love of her life scored the goal that sent the Islanders to the conference finals for the first time in nearly thirty years. 
That kind of a dramatic win had made the losing streak that much harder. Game sevens are always exciting, especially with someone coming back off of injured reserve. While the win hadn’t made the team cocky by any means, the confidence had carried over into something more closely resembling complacency. They won Game 7, they won the first of the next series, so some of the team — mostly the younger players who hadn’t yet cut their teeth in the league — had made the mistake of assuming that the rest of the round would be smooth sailing. They should have known better, Cass thought ruefully as the Lightning scored two minutes before the first intermission to even the score at 1-1. Why couldn’t this be the round before, filled with confidence and coordination and laser-focused passing on every line? Why couldn’t it have been the celebration after? 
May 3 (tues)
 Winning a game sometimes called for going out. Winning a series almost definitely called for going out. And winning a series in Game 7 that sent your team to the conference finals for the first time in recent memory called for going out, and going out hard. As much as Cass would have loved to get as hammered as the rest of the group, especially considering the stress she was under with finals and graduation and her job offer piling up, they didn’t want a repeat of the afterparty from the All-Star Game, and Cass still had school the next day. So, she had committed to limiting herself to three drinks. “I want to be tipsy, not shitfaced,” she had explained to Paige on the drive over. Tito had driven his car over, Paige volunteering to DD so the boys could let loose and everyone could let off some much-needed steam. 
Someone had already opened up a tab for everyone by the time their car had gotten there, and it wasn’t ten minutes before they had claimed a few couches in the corner and Cass had a caipirinha in her hand. She was a little worried that Mat’s tolerance had tanked in the past few weeks; he hadn’t really drank since before the concussion and it was their first time at a bar in a few weeks regardless. Mat noticed her nervous glances out of the corner of his eye. “I’m fine,” he reassured her. “I specifically asked the doctors if I was good to drink at my last appointment and they said I was in the clear.”
Cass giggled, sipping her drink. “You asked your doctors if you could drink alcohol?”
“What can I say?” Mat shrugged. “I wanted to go out and get lit with friends, can you blame me?”
Cass’ giggles had evolved into full-on belly laughs. “Lit? What are you, sixteen?”
Mat’s cheeks reddened in what was probably a combination of alcohol and embarrassment. “My cousin said it once.”
Cass headed back over to the bar a few minutes later for another drink, leaving the boys to talk amongst themselves with the occasional interruption from an excited fan. On a high from the win, the team were more than happy to take photos and have quick chats with anyone who stopped them, and thankfully weren’t mobbed by the crowd inside the bar. For the most part, Cass and her relationship with Mat had been able to fly under the radar — well, as much as she could being Mat Barzal’s other half. Her Instagram hadn’t been private since college, and while a fair few fans and fanpages followed her, it had all remained mercifully low-key. Waiting at the bar, she resigned herself to scroll through Twitter for a few minutes, knowing it would be a little while before the bartender got to her. 
“Are you Cassidy Shaw?” Cass’ head turned slowly towards her right, where a short blonde girl looked at her with a shocked expression. 
“Cabrera Shaw, but yes?” She answered slowly. 
“Sorry!” The girl apologized, “I didn’t mean to be weird or anything. I follow you on Instagram, it’s just so weird to finally see you in person.” Cass gave a nervous laugh. She had fans? On Instagram? Who were excited if they met her in real life? 
“One Southside and whatever your favorite IPA on tap is, please,” Cass said to the bartender who had just leaned over the counter to get her order. “Thank you? You’re welcome?” Cass smiled awkwardly.
“I just wanted to say that I think it’s super cool how you’re not a typical WAG or anything. My name’s Sierra, I’m a junior at St. John’s. I’m applying for law school next year. It’s just, like, awesome to see a woman being successful in her own right apart from her partner, especially when they’re in such a visible position and it’s not what’s expected of them. I’m sorry — I’m rambling, aren’t I?” 
Cass laughed, a genuine one this time. “No, you’re totally good. Don’t worry. That’s really sweet of you to say, thanks a lot!” She sipped the Southside the bartender had just handed her, sliding Mat’s beer over. “Yeah, I have so much respect for the other women who choose to do more philanthropic work or be stay-at-home moms, but that’s not what I feel pulled to. Right now, at least.” 
“Right, totally,” Julia said, grabbing what looked like a rum and coke from the other bartender. “Anyways, I should let you get back to the celebration. Tell the team congratulations, it was a great game to watch!” 
Cass picked up the other glass, nodding. “I will. Thank you for your kind words, that was sweet of you to say.”
“Anytime!” Julia chirped happily. 
Cass walked carefully back over to the group, keeping an eye on the drinks. She handed Mat’s beer to him. He looked up curiously, taking a sip. “Something hold you up at the bar?”
She shook her head, then nodded, then shook it again. “Kind of? I think I just had my first fan encounter.”
He laughed, leaning over to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Comes with the territory, babe.”
The game was scoreless through the second period, which didn’t help the tension in the stadium or Cass’ blood pressure. She and Paige had decided to get actual seats for the game, which Mat and Tito were more than happy to arrange. The Islanders were doing well through the first half of the third period, other than a little bit of messy passing the lines were good. But good wasn’t good enough sometimes, good wasn’t close enough to score and give them the lead. Cass’ heart sank as soon as one of the defensemen, she wasn’t sure who, made a turnover in the neutral zone to give the Lightning the puck. Kucherov picked it off, skating past the defenders and around the goal while the rest of the line nearly tripped over themselves trying to skate back in time. 
She was on the edge of her seat as he wrapped around the goal, silently praying that Varlamov would somehow be able to get a piece of the puck with his blocker or that it would have one of those one-in-a-million deflections off of the post. You could hear a pin drop in the stadium as everyone waited for the shot; tall of the sudden, time seemed to move like molasses. And then the puck went in, the red light went on, and the scattered sections of blue-and-white clad Lightning fans threw their arms up in celebration. 
Cass allowed herself exactly ten seconds to hold her head in her hands. There was still seven minutes, thirty nine seconds left. There was still time. Then there was five minutes, forty-two seconds left, and Maroon got two minutes for tripping, and that was their chance. That was supposed to be their chance. But then the penalty came and went, and it was three minutes left. Two minutes left. They pulled Varlamov at one minutes fifty-eight seconds left, and then it was the last shift. Forty-nine seconds left, and it was time for a Hail Mary. Out of habit, Cass’s lips began moving in the prayer. Hail Mary, full of grace...It was a holdover from her lacrosse days, when they were down in the last quarter with seemingly no hope in sight. It didn’t always work, but it sometimes did. It didn’t work that night. It didn’t work because the clock ticked down to zero, the score was still 2-1, and the Islanders had lost. They were out of the playoffs. Fans began shuffling out of the rink, shoulders slumped and heads down, as Cass bit her lip and tried not to cry. The team had worked so hard for this. God, they had worked so hard. And if she was taking it this badly, if it was affecting her this much, then she couldn’t even begin to imagine what it was like for the guys on the team. 
Paige turned to her after a few minutes, when there were only a handful of people still left in their seats and the Zambonis had come out to resurface the ice one last time. “We should probably get down there, do you think?” She asked softly. Cass nodded. She was referring to the tunnel, outside the locker room where everyone usually got to greet their partners with kisses and hugs and words of congratulations, but where the mood would be profoundly different on that night. Cass grabbed her bag and straightened out her jersey, squeezing Paige’s hand. Neither of them really knew what the environment was going to be like after such a devastating knockout; Paige had started dating Anthony the summer before, and Cass obviously had even less experience. They had dealt with losses, they had dealt with disappointments and losing streaks and points droughts, but this was something new entirely.
They rode the elevator in silence before walking down the corridors to the room, where the rest of the WAGs and other family had congregated. Kerry rubbed her shoulder sympathetically as Lauren walked over. “We in the Islanders family have a lot of experience with getting knocked out of the playoffs,” she said with a weak smile, trying to crack a joke, “so here is how it usually goes. The guys should be coming out in a few, it takes longer than usual because the media typically has some end-of-the-season wrapup questions and Trotz and Anders will probably make speeches or say something. Some others might too.” The two women nodded. “Don’t treat it like just another loss, but it’s also no good to hover too much. It’s obviously a real disappointment, so it usually takes a week or so before most of them bounce back to being their normal selves. They know what coping mechanisms work best for them. Most will hit the gym more, read or cook if they’re into that, something to get their mind off of it. Obviously they’re still players and still want to know how they can get better, so they might want to go over tapes of the games and make notes of where they went wrong. That’s fine, but don’t let them beat themselves up about it too much. This was a hard series, and Mat especially,” she gestured towards Cass, “tends to be more than a little bit of a perfectionist.”
“I’ve noticed,” Cass said. 
“One last thing,” she continued. “Let them process, let them cope, but a loss not an excuse for them to treat you any worse, any less kindly. Be understanding, of course. But don’t take any crap from them, regardless of the circumstance.”
“Thank you,” Paige said gratefully. Cass echoed her sentiment. The next ten minutes were filled with checking emails and making half-hearted conversation before the team started to trail out of the room. Embracing their partners and families, most couples exchanged no more than a few words before turning down the hall that led to the players’ parking lot. Paige left with a squeeze to her shoulder and a promise to get coffee the next week before grabbing Tito’s hand and guiding him towards the cars. 
Unsurprisingly, Mat followed right behind. He hadn’t combed his hair after his shower, the top button of his dress shirt was undone and only haphazardly tucked into his pants. Mat had been on the shift when Kucherov scored, and if there was anything she knew about her boyfriend, it was that he’d take it personally. He dropped his bag on the ground as she embraced him, and the thud against the concrete floor felt as if it could echo all the way across the Long Island Sound. 
“I’m so proud of you, Mat. So, so proud. I know this didn’t end how you wanted it to, but you worked so fucking hard to get here, and that’s what I see. That’s all I see,” she whispered. 
Mat wasn’t crying, but his breathing was labored nonetheless. “I just feel...I feel like I let everyone down. I wasn’t supposed to be that far up on the ice, and if I hadn’t, maybe I would have gotten back in time to steal the puck, or check him or something, or…” He trailed off. 
Cass sighed. “I know, chou, I know how you feel. But just try to remember that this is a team sport. You win with the boys, you lose with the boys. Do you get mad at Tito when he makes a bad play? Or Jordan, or Anders?” Mat shook his head. “It’s the same way with you. They don’t stop being proud of you or think you’re any less of an incredible player because you made a bad decision. Bad decisions get made all the time, and it doesn’t have to reflect on the person who made them. It’s a hard game, love, but you did your best and that’s all anyone ever has a right to ask of you.” 
Mat’s thumb rubbed against the small of her back. “I know I’ll be fine, eventually. I mean, we’ve all dealt with this before. It just seems different this time, because we were so close to actually making the finals. It seems kind of silly to say since I know I’m only 23 and I know I’ve got so much time left to play, but,” he took a shaky breath, “I look at all the veterans, all the amazing players whose entire careers have gone by without ever having gotten the Cup. Lundqvist and Thornton and Marleau and all of these legends. And it sounds kind of selfish and naive, but I don’t want to be one of them.” 
They stood like that for a few more minutes, just holding each other, before either spoke again. “Do you want me to stay with you tonight?” Cass murmured to Mat as she carded her hands through his hair. She felt a tiny, almost imperceptible nod against her shoulder. Her bag had her laptop, books, and chargers. She had a whole drawer in Mat’s room by then, a combination of stray shirts that were his-turned-hers, a few pairs of leggings — they took up an entire drawer of their own back at her apartment — and balled-up socks from her one unsuccessful attempt at doing the laundry in his building. She had a spare box of tampons in his bathroom, her floral shampoo next to his 2-in-1 Old Spice. No matter how hard she pushed, Mat remained oblivious to the benefits of having separate shampoo and conditioner. 
He pulled away, reaching into his pocket and handing over his keys. “Do you mind driving?”
She shook her head. “Not at all. Whatever you need.”
The ride back home was about forty minutes, and it was almost halfway through before either of them spoke, the lull of the 80s rock channel filling in the silence. “Where’s your head at, Mat?” She asked carefully. 
He was looking out the window, distracted. “Hm?”
She repeated the question and he tensed slightly, leaning back into the passenger seat. “Just feeling kind of...confused about the whole thing. Seems like I’m being pulled in a thousand different directions one day, but then all of the sudden something like this happens and I’ve got nothing. It’s overwhelming. I know I have a life outside of hockey, I know it’s not all of who I am, but sometimes it seems hard to believe that when it seems like that’s all I’m recognized for.” Keeping one hand on the wheel, Cass reached over to cover his hand with her own. His fingers held onto hers like a lifeline. 
“You’re right, you know?” She said as they passed into the Queens-Midtown tunnel. 
“Being so much more than people perceive you to be. I get that, it’s like that for me too sometimes. And Mat, you are so much more than ‘just a hockey player.’ You’re a good son and an amazing brother to Liana, and an awesome friend to Tito and the guys on the team and everyone back home. And,” she added, cracking a smile, “you’re a pretty good boyfriend too.”
The corner of his mouth twitched. “Just pretty good?”
“I didn’t want to fluff your ego too much,” Cass said. “But seriously, Mat. You’re incredible entirely on your own merit. You care so deeply for the people in your life and you love so hard, and it’s an honor and a privilege to be able to witness that firsthand.” 
Mat bent down to the center console, brushing a kiss over her hand. “How do you do it?”
Now it was her turn to question. “Do what?”
“Always know the right thing to say.”
“I don’t,” Cass admitted. “And sometimes I get it wrong. But I know I love you, and I don’t want to see you hurting if there’s anything I can do about it.” The car exited the tunnel into the dotted lights of a Manhattan evening. 
“Well,” he cleared his throat, “if there was an Oscar for pep talks, I’d have to give it to you, hands down. No offense to any of the guys on the team.”
She laughed, stopping at the light. Right on red wasn’t legal in New York City, a rule she found out the hard way two months after moving. “I’m glad it helps.”
“It does,” Mat said softly. “It means the world to me that you care enough to do it. You mean the world to me.”
Her cheeks heated. “You sure know how to flatter a girl, eh, Barzal?”
“I meant every word.”
May 20 (thurs)
 She was done. After three years, six semesters, dozens of classes, and hundreds of hours studying, Cass had just finished her last final of law school. Her classmates stumbled out of the lecture hall, not entirely believing that all of their tears and heartache and hard work had come to a head in such an anticlimactic fashion. Turning on her heel, she walked south. It was just before seven, and her friends had a group reservation at some ridiculously extravagant French wine bar. It was Les’ idea, who had a penchant for all things expensive and who had made the reservation months prior because “you never know, John Mayer could book the whole place up and as much as I love dollar slices, we don’t want that to be our only option for what’s supposed to be a very prestigious celebratory dinner.” Les, Fiona, and Samaira were coming, along with Daniel, another editor on the law review, and Robin, one of Cass’ friends from first-year criminal law and the president of the Women’s Law Association. She had initially been wary about inviting Mat; it wasn’t that she didn’t think he’d get along with her law school friends, but she didn’t want him to feel out of the loop. After Les had announced that he was bringing his boyfriend, Xavier, Cass had extended the invite to Mat as well. 
It was only a ten minute walk, and the hostess directed Cass to their table, where she realized that she was the last one to arrive. “Don’t worry,” Robin said, “we’ve just been interrogating your man.” 
Cass scooted in next to Mat, kissing him quickly before rolling her eyes. “I hope you haven’t been too hard on him.”
Mat smiled. “Nah, they’ve been good. But being questioned by six lawyers who all seem very adamant that I don’t deserve you —”
“You don’t,” Samaira cut in, though it was clear she was joking. 
“Was more than a little intimidating,” Mat finished, handing Cass the menu. 
“Order whatever you want, I’m paying,” Daniel said as he flicked through the wine menu. “Well, technically, my parents are.” Daniel came from money; his mom was a partner at a firm in Chicago and his dad was a law professor at the University of Chicago. “If they’re going to insist on sending me to law school and sheltering me my whole life, the least I could do is take advantage of their generosity,” Daniel said, plunking his credit card onto the table. Fifteen minutes later, the group was sharing plates of escargots, crab tartine, and roasted cauliflower; twenty minutes after that, entrées were served. Mat had recognized the waitress’ accent and was chatting to her in French in between plates. Cass sipped on her wine, a pinot noir, and took a moment to look around the room, a moment to relax. Two more days, and she graduated. Everything that she had worked so hard for was finally coming to fruition. She still had to pass the bar in July, sure, but for one night — for a few days, really — she was going to let herself finally rest in the ability of her accomplishments. 
Dessert was maple bourbon crème brûlée with Sauternes, and Mat may have had a little too much fun breaking the caramelized sugar. Cass was full of good food and conversation; after everyone was done it was after nine. Les, Daniel, and Xavier had decided to get drinks, but Robin had barely slept at all that week, Samaira was going to watch a movie at her boyfriend’s, and Cass and Mat had to wake up early to get her grandparents from the airport. Mat took her hand as they walked towards the subway station. He had parked a few blocks away and offered to drive Cass back to her apartment, but she didn’t want him to go out of his way and all things considered, taking the subway at night had become something of a routine for her. 
They walked down Manhattan Avenue, resting in the kind of comfortable silence that only came with being with someone who really gets you. Cass had decided not to take the Hong Kong job the week prior. It was just too much distance from her family and Mat, and while the job seemed interesting enough, it wasn’t the kind of position she thought she could really be happy in long-term. “Have you figured out what you’re doing yet?” Mat asked as they turned the corner. “I’d say you should just move in with me and become a full-time housewife, but something’s telling me that’s not exactly the kind of opportunity you’re searching for.”
 Cass laughed, bumping him with her shoulder. “Tempting offer, the housewife thing, but I think I’m going to have to pass. Plus that would necessitate you wifing me up.” 
Mat kissed her head. “All in due time, pretty girl.” “But anyways, about the job search.” Cass said, a smile playing on her lips. “I was going to wait until graduation to surprise you, but since you asked…” She paused for dramatic effect. “Chris offered me a job. Permanently.” 
Mat stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. “Chris? Like Islanders Chris? Lawyer Chris?” 
She giggled. “Yes. Islanders lawyer Chris. You’re looking at the new Associate Counsel for the New York Islanders, Mat.” Mat damn near hollered in celebration, picking Cass up and spinning her around before pulling her into what was very possibly one of the best kisses of her life. Cass barely took notice of the tourists watching them from the side or her own public display of affection. It was New York City. They had seen weirder. 
It felt like a weight had been lifted off of Mat’s chest. He was being honest when he said that he wouldn’t have done anything to get Cass to stay, it just wasn’t his place. But he also would have been lying if he had said it would be anything but heartbreaking to see her leave. It was like he told Tito. Not even giving the future a chance to work itself out would be worse than a breakup. And with any luck, they’d never have one of those either. They rounded the last corner, steps down to the subway in sight, when Mat remembered what he had wanted to ask her but had been interrupted by her news. Her incredible, perfect news. “What would you think about spending some time in Canada this summer?”
Cass, seemingly oblivious, answered, “Oh? Like as a vacation?”
He shook his head. “No, like in Coquitlam with my family.”
“You want me to spend the summer with you and your family?” Cass asked, eyes wide.
“Yeah, only if you want to, of course. And I’m not sure when the job with the team starts, or…” He looked down.
Cass smiled. “I’d love to, but are you sure it isn’t too much? I don’t want to feel like I’m intruding on family time, I know you don’t get a lot of time with them since you’re here most of the year. I don’t want you to feel like you’re obligated to bring me around just because we’re together.”
They stopped by a lamp. Cass leaned up against the post. “Cass. My parents have made it very clear to me that you’re family, and that they’ll have my head if I’m ever dumb enough to let you go.” She snickered. “Just so we’re clear, I don’t intend on ever letting that happen. My family loves you, my sister thinks you’re way cooler than me.” 
“She’s got good taste,” Cass said, tilting her head.  
Mat laughed. “She does. She told me you guys were texting the other day about the guy she’s interested in, giving her advice. Sure, it was my idea to invite you, but they were so on board from the moment I mentioned it. Plus, my friends back home are getting annoyed with me because they haven’t met you yet with how often I talk about you.” 
She bit her lip. “How long were you thinking of staying?”
Mat shrugged. “Leave in a couple weeks, I usually stay two months or so, so until sometime in August?”
“I’d have to fly back to take the bar in July, and I’d still need some time to study while we’re over, but my contract doesn’t start until the end of August, so…”
“You’ll come?” Mat smiled hopefully.
She nodded. “I’ll come. I’ve never been to Canada before, did you know that?”
He shook his head, leaning in and brushing a kiss on her hairline. “You’re going to love it.”
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jaeknightorbats · 4 years
Tunnel Caprica [M]
Pairings: Baekhyun x Sehun (SeBaek) 
Ratings: NC-17
Genre/AUs: Smut, dark romance, slice of life
Description: It was a normal day for convenience store worker Byun Baekhyun when Sehun—a wealthy looking man—entered the store, only getting overdosed by drugs afterwards.  It was the encounter that would change Baekhyun’s life. It was the encounter that introduced him to a world that should never exist in this already problematic world. 
Warnings: Graphic sexual content, substance use, drug overdose, alcohol, and strong language
Chapters: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (NEW!)
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Synopsis: Tunnel Caprica connects two cities under the huge and long mountain ranges of the country Ioca [a-yo-ka], making it one of the longest tunnels in the world with a distance of nearly 40 kilometers. However, people choose to drive the 3-hour long pass than driving through the tunnel, because driving through the tunnel can be claustrophobic—an hour drive with nothing but repeating images of the never ending tunnel. But through the tunnel also hides the entrance to another world that Baekhyun is yet to find out.
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Part 1
Word count: 3.9k
Just a single response—a single response that could make everything better.
Or could make matters worse.
It had not been long since his girlfriend replied—five hours outmost. But five hours felt like a day to him. Getting used to quick replies, it’s making him crazy as to why he wasn’t getting any response even after sending her messages and giving her calls.
She’s mad.
He couldn’t help but think, and it’s making him weak. He doesn’t like anyone getting mad at him, especially if it was her.
He stopped typing. He shouldn’t bother her, she’s at work. He shouldn’t annoy her. She must be annoyed. He wasn’t at work—it was his rest day, leaving him alone with his thoughts and his phone. Nothing worse than that—overthinking.
He dug his face on to his phone, praying to the gods to make a miracle for him.
He waited, and he waited. Still got no response.
Maybe staring at the screen would make a difference. He stared at every icon he could see, scrolled from side to side.
Why am I lying to myself?
Nearly 30, he was, but he could be still naïve at times. He was a high school dropout with divorced parents.
What divorce? They have no money for such things, his parents only lived separately, and things were too confusing for him. He ran away from his home at the age of 17, and started to find ways he could live on his own. Things never worked out for him, still broke at the age of twenty-nine. He’s renting a small, cheap apartment, and he had a third-hand car that needed constant maintenance. He worked at a convenience store near where he was staying, only a 15 to 20-minute walk.
Byun Baekhyun considered himself as a good-for-nothing, and was only working to survive. The only thing that was making him somewhat happy was his girlfriend’s affection. Now, the person giving what he wanted was mad at him.
He took a deep, hopeless breath as he dropped his head down to his table from where he was sitting. At the brink of losing hope, his heart jumped when his forehead felt the vibration of the table coming from his phone.
He didn’t check from who it was, and immediately clicked the notification and read the message.
Disappointed, he was, when the text message was from his carrier, reminding him that his phone bill’s due was approaching.
This girl, now this. His grip to his phone loosen, feeling weak—he could hear his heart beating. He felt like he was losing his mind.
A picture of his wallet flashed through his head, remembering exactly how much money he still had before his next pay. $43.05.
His phone bill usually cost $45.
He didn’t want to double check his wallet, it was too heartbreaking for him. He recently spent most of his money buying his girlfriend a nice dinner and a new phone—a phone she didn’t like that’s why they’re in a fight. She wanted an iPhone. He couldn’t afford such phone. He himself was sticking to his 3-year-old phone. As long as he could send his girlfriend a message, he was fine with any phone.
He pressed his eyes closed, thinking what should he do to pay his dues and to make his girl happy. His feet couldn’t stop tapping—he couldn’t think of a solution.
“Money can’t buy happiness?” he muttered to himself. “Bullshit.”
He stood up from his chair, threw his phone to the sofa just to release some stress—even a tiny bit. He needed a break.
He started walking circles in his small place, thinking of different things how to earn enough money to, at least, pay the bills.
Baekhyun never turned his head so fast when he saw his phone screen flashed from his peripheral view, hearing the vibration from the sofa. His feet dragged him fast towards the sofa and his hand grabbed the phone.
Disappointed again, it was from his friend, Park Chanyeol.
Im coming 2 ur place.
Baekhyun felt so pissed. He was hoping it was from someone better—his girlfriend. “I don’t need you to come,” he muttered to his phone.
Subsequently, a rapid knuckle impatiently knocked on Baekhyun’s door. It paused for a quick while, then started knocking again.
Baekhyun already knew who it was. He stomped his way to the door to stop the noise.
The grin on Chanyeol’s face faded, cocking his brow after he saw Baekhyun. “What’s with the face?” He made his way into Baekhyun’s place without permission and went straight to Baekhyun’s living room.
Baekhyun followed Chanyeol with a glare as he closed the door. “What are you doing here?”
What a stupid question—Baekhyun realized immediately. Chanyeol only visited Baekhyun for one thing, and one thing only—sniff drugs.
“I’m telling you, bro. You should break up with Yuri. She’s just using you,” Chanyeol said as he was pulling out his cheap snuff set from his jacket, placing it on the glass coffee table afterwards.
Chanyeol already knew what was bothering his friend, especially when Baekhyun made a face like what he was wearing. Nothing else bothered Baekhyun but women. Sometimes, Chanyeol knew Baekhyun doesn’t know how to straighten his priorities just for the sake of a woman.
But Baekhyun doesn’t like anyone minding his own business, so Chanyeol only watched him be stupid.
Baekhyun ignored him, and changed the topic. “Hey, when are you going to take home your shot. It’s taking a lot of space on my fridge.” He only had a mini fridge, it could only fit a few drinks and few foods.
“For as long as I don’t need it,” Chanyeol blatantly replied. “I don’t want my mom seeing that, she’ll start asking questions.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You already said that.”
Chanyeol still lived with his parents since he spent a lot of his money on the things he liked to snort.
Baekhyun pulled a chair on the dining table, and watched his friend do his thing.
Chanyeol carefully released a portion of his powered drug from a tiny airless balloon on Baekhyun’s table. Chanyeol pulled his wallet out and took a card to collect the scattered powder on the table and made a thin line with it. He licked the remaining powder that was on his card. Then, took his already-rolled-up bill from his kit. His nose made a loud noise as he snorted the powder. He twitched both sides of his nose and sniffed again, just to make sure his brain received that well. His eyes slightly became watery from the mild burning sensation that went through his nose. He cleaned the white dust excess on the table with his finger and brushed his gums with it—every bit counted.
Chanyeol sighed, satisfied, as he rested his head on the sofa.
“What was that?” Baekhyun asked.
Baekhyun was still a traditional man. Drugs never interest Baekhyun. He’s tried a pot, but it was never for him. He’s seen people around him done it, and he didn’t like what it did to them. Besides, these substances cost too much.
“By the way,” Chanyeol lifted his head up and pointed at Baekhyun, “I told boss you’re gonna take my shift tonight.”
Chanyeol also worked at the same convenience store, that’s where they met each other.
Baekhyun reacted, “What?”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I didn’t tell you. I have some business tonight.” Chanyeol winked mischievously—obviously planning something sketchy.
Baekhyun thought he’d have his rest day for himself.
Then, Baekhyun remembered his bills and his girlfriend.
Maybe he needed that shift.
“Breaking news: Kang Sunmi filed a divorce. The fifteen year old allegedly—“
Snapping fingers diverted Baekhyun’s attention from the television back to his manager who was in front of him. The manager pointed his pen to Baekhyun and said, “That news will stay for a while, customers don’t.”
Baekhyun nodded lazily.
It was past 3AM. He was on his second cup of coffee but he still felt drowsy, his eyes wanted to close itself. He’s not used to night shifts unlike Chanyeol, who could do any shift at any time of the day. Baekhyun still had an 11AM shift after his shift at 4AM. He’ll have less time for sleep, but a little more money for him. He needed every cent.
Less than an hour left.
There weren't many people at the store, so he was pissed off at his boss for being such an uptight motherfucker.
He couldn’t wait for his shift to end, he missed his bed. But he missed his girlfriend, Yuri, a lot more. She was still ignoring Baekhyun’s call and messages, making him miserable. He didn’t know how to make her notice him again.
I’ll pay her a visit after my shift. I’ll be there before breakfast, before she leaves for work. She’ll be surprised, see my effort and sincerity, he thought.
The idea washed away his sleepiness in a snap. He got excited to see Yuri’s face again. Baekhyun hoped she would forgive him and give him a kiss or hug.
His brain cells started to work actively, thinking of what things he should say.
How should I apologize?
Thinking of what he should do.
Should I text her first or knock straight away at her door?
Should I buy her a chocolate?
No, maybe hotcakes. She loves hotcakes.
He was alone with his thoughts, distracted by the challenges of love.
The bell on the top of the door rang when somebody pushed it open.
It woke Baekhyun up from his thoughts, his instinct greeted the customer who got in. “Good evening.” He, then, realized it was already early in the morning. He corrected himself, “Morning, sir.”
They were trained to greet anyone who came in the store.
Baekhyun watched the tall man take big steps as the man walked in, not even turning his head to Baekhyun’s direction. The tall man vanished from Baekhyun’s sight as he passed by the tall shelves.
Baekhyun had seen different types of people enter the store when he took night shifts on some occasions. There were people in pajamas buying food for breakfast, or maybe for their late night snack. Guards, drivers, and night shift employees buying coffee. Normal looking families who were on a trip buying snacks. Bunch of drunk teenagers wearing cropped tops and/or bomber jackets who came from a party buying cigarettes, or water for their friend who kept throwing up. People of any age wearing tacky clothes who were obviously on drugs—he could tell it from their teeth—buying lighters. Some people looked dangerous, he dared not to judge the things they buy, but they were usually alcohol and cigarettes. And, some men buy condoms.
But Baekhyun had never seen a person walk wearing sunglasses. Who wears sunglasses late at night?
What was also striking was the man was wearing an obviously expensive black coat. It was beautiful how vivid the color was; it was the blackest of the black he had ever seen. If the man came from a party, it must be a fancy one, might be a ball, or a fancy wedding of a multi-millionaire. Baekhyun thought the man was lost. The man should have asked his butler or driver to buy things for him.
A pair of heels started to echo his ears—it got louder as it got closer.
Of course, he has matching Italian shoes.
Even the most decent shoes don’t make a sharp sound like that.
Baekhyun turned his head to the man’s direction as the man got closer to the counter.
The man stopped in front of Baekhyun, still holding on to his items. He slightly lifted his head and scanned his eyes around the top shelves that were behind Baekhyun.
Baekhyun noticed the man was wearing a high-end brand of sunglasses. The way the light reflected on the black frame and on the black lenses, it was something else. His skin glowed as the light met his face, showing his healthy and almost poreless skin.
“Do you have anything besides Jack Daniels?” the man started to speak.
Baekhyun turned around and scanned the shelves himself. He knew the man was looking for something hard. “We have Johnnie Walker. Red, black, and double black.”
He rarely drank such expensive alcohol, but he enjoyed the scotch he recommended when he tasted it.
The man scoffed. “I’d take the bourbon.”
Baekhyun nodded and stretched his arm to reach the box of Jack Daniels.
The man placed his item on the counter. Baekhyun scanned the box, and the cotton balls that the man placed.
“Is that all?”
The man looked down at the front of the counter, turned his head from left to right, searching for something. He finally reached for something that caught his interest. He lightly threw the item on the counter
“That’d be all,” he said as he revealed a part of his side body under his coat, reaching his back pocket for his wallet.
“$27.14,” said Baekhyun after scanning the box of condoms—the ultra-thin one.
The man took another item in front of the counter the moment it caught his attention.
Baekhyun scanned a small bottle of lubricant. “$38.54”
The man initially took a hundred-dollar bill out from his wallet but he put it back. He extended his arm, slightly revealing a shiny silver watch under his sleeve, and gave three 20s instead.
The man looked at Baekhyun and said, “Keep the change.”
Baekhyun's eyes slightly widened, his lips curved upward. He couldn’t be happier, he needed every cent of money he could get.
It must be his lucky day.
“Thank you, sir!”
The man cocked both of his brows as a response while he put the smaller items inside his coat and carried the bourbon by the hand. Then, Baekhyun watched the man leave the store.
Baekhyun couldn’t stop grinning as he put the change on his wallet after he cashed in the payment.
“That was a nice watch,” he muttered to himself. It was like love at first sight when he saw the man’s watch. It was still at the back of his head.
Baekhyun looked at the store’s watch.
Ten minutes left before 4:00.
He started to fix his things at the staff room. Removed his tacky uniform under his white shirt, and wore a cozy jacket. He bid his goodbyes to his co-worker and manager and left the store at 4:05AM.
Cold wind blew on his face, making him shiver. He dug both of his hands on the pocket of his jacket, and started to walk across the almost empty parking lot.
He couldn’t spot a single person around. Few vehicles, yes. It was still early. The area of the city he’s in wasn’t exactly the busiest.
Baekhyun put a smile on his face. “I’m gonna buy hotcakes. I’m gonna see Yuri.” He felt excited. He tried to paint the look on Yuri’s face when she saw him at the front of her doors.
“We’re gonna have breakf—“
A long honk of a car distracted Baekhyun from walking. He turned his head where he heard the noise, but he couldn’t see anything—it was too dark, and the parking lot was too huge.
He turned around, checking if other people were around. But he was alone.
It was still honking, it wouldn’t stop. There was panic in Baekhyun’s eyes, his heart started to pound hard, he was nervous. Other parked cars seemed peaceful. His eyes searched everywhere, but he seriously couldn’t see anything. He started to walk hesitantly where the loud beep was coming from, he was unsure.
Baekhyun’s ears rang and felt deaf after the vehicle stopped honking. But he was still worried. His feet wouldn’t move, his mind went blank, his ears still ringing.
Then, a tiny, orange light suddenly emerged from his sight from where he was walking to. The light was from inside a car. He could see tiny silhouettes in it.
He started to walk forward, but still hesitant. He turned his head from left to right to check if there were other people besides him. He was still alone.
The light got closer and closer as he walked nearer.
A loud screech of a woman alarmed Baekhyun, putting him to a stop.
Baekhyun ran as fast as he could to the light, to the woman’s voice who cried for help. He saw the woman looking in his direction. Baekhyun was having a hard time to breathe because of the cold wind blowing against him, but he ran faster after he saw an unconscious man next to the woman.
Baekhyun panted heavily when he finally reached the vehicle. Him and the woman looked at one another with panic in their eyes.
“HELP!” The woman cried while she was shaking the man on his shoulders.
Baekhyun shifted his look to the man—it was the man who tipped him earlier. He was unconscious.
Baekhyun opened the door. “What happened?!”
The woman was in a state of panic, she didn’t know what to say. She was only worried for the man.
“Have you called 911?”
The woman blinked. “Are you fucking crazy?!”
Baekhyun looked around the vehicle. He saw a spoon, an elastic band, a syringe, a dust of power, and cotton balls. Baekhyun suddenly noticed the man had his sleeve rolled up.
“He fucking OD’ed?!” He concluded after he saw the things around them. The man got overdosed by some drug.
The woman didn’t know what to say. Her eyes were shaking—she was unsure if she should trust the man.
“You must call 911, or he’ll die!” exclaimed Baekhyun.
“No, no, no. Please don’t call them!” the woman begged.
Baekhyun knew if they called 911, they'd go to jail after he regained his consciousness because they were doing illegal drugs.
“Fuck,” Baekhyun cursed, he knew the woman won’t change her mind—he had met a lot of people on drugs, so, he somewhat understood. He removed his jacket, dropped both his bag and jacket on the concrete.
He stepped up to their high SUV and searched for the recliner lever of the man’s seat. But he couldn’t find it. “Where’s it?! How do you recline this fucking seat?!” Baekhyun yelled at the woman.
The woman jumped in panic, “Fuck.” She pulled something behind the seat of the man she was with to recline the seat.
Baekhyun lent his face to the man’s face to feel and listen if he was breathing. He wasn’t. “Fuck.”
“Don’t fucking die on me, Sehun,” the woman begged, pulling her hair. Her eyes began to tear up.
Baekhyun held the man’s face upward. He’s going to perform CPR.
He had his face close to the man, then the woman spoke. “What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Do you want him to fucking die?!”
Baekhyun exhaled all the air from his lungs and passed it to the man. He pumped his chest with both of his hands intertwined.
No response.
Baekhyun performed another around. He gave air, pumped the man’s chest.
Still, no response.
Baekhyun performed another, and another, and another round.
“Fucking shit. Don’t die on us, man.” He kept pumping his chest, sweat was breaking on his forehead despite the chilly climate.
The man wasn’t breathing.
Then, Baekhyun remembered his friend, Chanyeol. He remembered that he had Chanyeol’s adrenaline shot in his fridge.
Baekhyun carried the man on his shoulders and transferred him to the back of the car.
“What are you doing?!” The woman freaked out, confused. She followed them behind the car.
“Keep giving him CPR. I have something in my place that might help.”
Baekhyun went in front of the car, fixed the seat, and started driving. He drove as fast as he could to his place, he had the hazard lights on, he didn’t stop at any red light, he kept honking the car on every car that was on his way. Every second counted. The man could die at any moment.
They reached his place in 3 minutes.
Baekhyun carried the man on his shoulders and ran as fast as he could to his door steps.
Baekhyun’s eyes widened. His keys were in his bag.
He left his bag in the parking lot.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This isn’t happening,” he muttered to himself.
“What? What’s happening?!” The woman freaked out while she held the man’s face behind Baekhyun’s back, trying to wake the unconscious man.
“Fuck,” Baekhyun panicked. He didn’t want to let the woman know. She’d make him freak out more if she knew.
Baekhyun searched his pockets. He was starting to feel the weight of the man on his shoulders. Baekhyun gulped. Then, he felt the bulk in one of his pockets. It was his wallet. He remembered he had a spare key in his wallet.
He immediately took his wallet and searched for the key inside his wallet.
It was the biggest relief of his life when he felt the cold brass meet his finger. It was his key.
He opened the door, then carefully placed the man in his living room.
“Keep giving him CPR,” he ordered the woman as he ran as fast as he could to his mini fridge, and took a package on the top shelf.
He ran back to the man. His hands were shaking. He had read the instruction of how to use the shot countless times when he had nothing to do with his time and when he attempted to throw it away because it took a lot of space. Chanyeol had also told him how to use the shot once or twice just in case Chanyeol got overdosed himself. But Baekhyun still read it, just in case he read it wrong before.
But he was shaking, his head couldn’t think straight. There was an unconscious man in front of him.
“Fuck this shit.”
He’ll have to trust his memory.
He opened the package, and there was a tiny bottle that came with a huge syringe in it.
“Rip his shirt open,” Baekhyun commanded the woman as he tried to inject the 6-inch needle to the bottle with his shaky hands.
Baekhyun breathed heavily. He held his hand high over his head with the syringe, focused on the man’s chest. He had to inject the shot hard enough to get through his ribcage to his heart—to make his heart pump again with the adrenaline shot.
Baekhyun’s breath got heavier and heavier by the second.
Just a single response.
Baekhyun held his breath and stabbed the man with the needle.
A single response that could make everything better.
The man arose from his position, making a loud noise as he inhaled every air his lungs could get as he came back to life.
In a shaky voice, breathing rapidly, the man cursed, “Fuck.”
Or could make matters worse.
To be continued...
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J/N: Send notes, reblog. Follow me on twitter @/jaeandbats for updates
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Tunnel Caprica: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 (NEW!)
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Sorry I called
// Requested: No.
Warnings: 1 swear, mention of blood, fluff, breakups
Gwilym Lee x Reader
wc: 2.3K+
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Messy. That's the only word that you could describe your break up with Gwil. It was mutual. That didn't make it any easier. You hadn't fallen out of love, that wasn't the issue. The issue was that you were both busy and rarely had time for each other. Usual coffee shop dates had turned into sitting across from each other in silence as you worked on your separate projects.
Gwil wanting to expand his acting career took on TV shows and small gigs to get more experience. Being the talented man he was, he received most of the roles he auditioned for. He was overworked and went days without communication. 
Although it's unfair to pin on all of the blame on him. You were also as unreachable at times. Being sucked into your studies at first, then constantly working overtime once you got a job in your field. 
Both of you woke up at different times. Came home at different times. Ate at different times. Went to bed at different times. 
Eventually, you both noticed a pattern and carved out some time to talk about it. In the end, a crying Gwil and a crying you came to the decision to break up the 2-year relationship you had.
That was a year ago. Well, 1 year, 11 months, 6 days and some odd number of minutes and seconds ago.
You had tried to move on and date other men. It never really lasted, 1 month at the most. 
Gwil had been better off, not romantically but platonically. He had made some amazing new friendships and his career had taken off in a way that he could never have anticipated. 
His Saturday night was in celebration of those new friends. Ben had just received notice that he was going to be in a new film, that was supposed to be the blockbuster of the summer. With that news, Gwil took it upon himself to throw a little get together with friends in celebration. Originally it had been planned to be a night out on the town, but the weather had disagreed. It was currently pouring rain. Thunder and lightning cycled by quite often. Yet the celebration was still on, just a change to the venue.  The new venue was Gwil's quaint apartment. 
Your night, however, wasn't so quaint. The rain didn't stop you from going downtown, you had a date. And one you were actually excited for. However, your date's car broke down and couldn't make it. 
I'm really sorry Y/N! I won't be able to make it... Rain Check? xx - Tom
You laughed at the ironic ending, however, you weren't a monster and couldn't be mad. 
Maybe Sunshine Check? 
No worries, rather you be safe - Y/N
With a reply sent you grabbed your purse and headed out the door of the bar you were supposed to meet at. 
Sprinting to your parked car as the rain-soaked your hair and knit jumper.  Your heels giving you zero traction. Thank god not many people were out, you had been able to find a parking spot nearby. You slammed the driver's side door shut as soon as possible. With an exhale and a laugh you pulled out and started driving. The rain obscuring your vision every few seconds before the windshield wipers wiped them away aggressively. Your drive home was slow and left you reminiscing. You found yourself wondering about Gwilym. You hated it but everything reminded you of him. Especially rain. Even on your busiest days, rain meant movie and pizza night. Always. 
God how you wished his arm was wrapped around your shoulders. A blanket was thrown over your laps. It was bliss. You wished it rained every day. Hard too, so that traffic was too dangerous and work was called off. Just so you could have an excuse to cuddle up with your ex. Yet it hadn't happened yet, and it wasn't going too. Normally you would watch a movie by yourself and maybe get a little drunk. You had even called Gwilym once or twice, the alcohol giving you the confidence to try one more time. 
Before you could cringe at the thought of those awkward conversations, the bright, blinding beams of headlights stared you down. Instinctively you swerved over, nearly missing the troubled driver. Hitting the breaks you tried to slow down enough to regain control. It was too late. The side of your car hit the barrier on the shoulder of the road. The airbag deployed, sending your head back as the seatbelt locked against your sternum. 
Your heavy breaths and groans of discomfort filled the air. 
"Fuck," you breathed out. 
Still dazed at what was happening you reached for your phone and looked around, slowly assessing the damage. You were relatively fine. A bruise forming and framing the cut that the steering wheel gave you, on the initial impact. That was it, besides the inevitable soreness from going from 40 miles per hour to zero. Your car, however, was another story. The front bumper was missing and the engine smoking. Upon realization that there was smoke coming from your car, you grabbed your phone and jumped out. 
"Bloody hell," you groaned as the ice cold rain hit your skin.
Grabbing your phone you hesitated. You were just off of the exit that would lead you to Gwils house in under 15 minutes. You could call him and see if he could pick you up. But you haven't spoken while sober since the breakup. Or you could call the police and a tow truck. That would be the rational decision. But they were probably busy with more serious crashes. Or you could call your roommate and tear her away from her own date. 
Looking down at your phone you realized you had 20% battery left. You probably had enough for one phone call. So that's what you did. Your mind dialed 999 for police but your fingers dialed the familiar number under Gwilym's contact.
"Pick up, pick up, please pick up," you muttered as you heard the tone before the voice message again.
One more time wouldn't hurt, would it?  You didn't think, you just kept pressing redial. 
On the other end of the phone, Gwil sat laughing at some dumb remark Joe had just made. 
The first time you rang he didn't look at his phone and ignored it. 
The second time you rang, he picked up his phone and saw it was you. He ignored it. 
The third and fourth time you rang he hit the red button that ended the call before the third ring. 
The fifth time you rang, Ben stepped in. 
"Is everything alright mate? You can take the call if you need," He said quirking a brow at him. 
"It's nothing," Gwil answered, sounding unsure. 
He didn't want to pick up in case you were drunk and were in a reflecting mood, He couldn't take hearing you cry out his name in pain again. 
"Answer it," Lucy said in a very motherly tone. 
"Yeah, I probably should. I'll make it quick." He said standing up from the dinner table.
He walked into the kitchen and picked up. 
"Oh thank god," You spoke into the responder, the sound of rain hitting the metal of your car in the background. 
"Y/N." He said bluntly. 
"You're drunk okay? Hang up and save the apology. You need to move on, It's been almost 2 years," Gwil said harshly into the phone a little louder than he should have.
He had a group of very nosy friends, who were most certainly listening to every word. 
"For starters, I'm actually not drunk." You spat angrily, annoyed that he had that impression of you now. 
"And I was in a car accident a few kilometers off of the exit on 4th. My car is wrecked and undrivable. It'll take hours for the police to come, and I don't want to stand in this miserable rain any longer than I have too. I thought you would be at least civil and maybe pick me up so I can call a taxi from someplace other than the side of the bloody highway." You ranted, wishing you would have called your roommate instead. 
"You know what, sorry I called," You said spat even more annoyed. 
"Are you okay? Y/N?" He asked gently, melting back into the loving man you knew. 
"I-" You started but your phone conveniently decided to die.  
"Y/N?" Gwil called into the phone, now becoming panicked. 
"Y/N? Are you okay?" He called one more time, and upon receiving no answer he pulled on his shoes and grabbed a raincoat. 
The rest of the cast exchanged worried glances.
"Is everything alright?" Ben asked for the group. 
"Yeah should be, I'll be back in 20. Make yourself at home," He called halfway through the door. 
By the time that Gwil had made it to your location, you had resorted to sitting in the grass. You were soaked to the bone, but it didn't bother you at that point. You were just contemplating what to do if Gwil didn't show up within the next ten minutes and how stupid you were to call him. 
Thankfully the headlights of his car slowed down and pulled in front of your car. A flashlight found your figure and illuminated the worry knotted in Gwil's face. 
"Y/N?" He asked timidly watching you shakily stand up. 
"You came...." You muttered.
His heart broke at your tone. It broke his heart to see you with blood beginning to scab on your forehead It broke his heart to see you standing, distraught in the thunderstorm that controlled the sky. 
"Of course I did, no way I would leave you out here in the rain," He said stepping closer. 
The two of you stood awkwardly, not exactly knowing what to say or what to do. 
The loud boom and clap of thunder made you jump and look up at Gwil. He stepped one foot closer and pulled you towards him gently. 
"Come on, let's get you out of this rain," He smiled and lead you to his car. 
You simply nodded and got into the passenger's seat. You looked straight ahead out of the window, shuddering every now and then. The car ride was silent, except for the roar of thunder and the sound of rain violently hitting the glass. By the time you made it back to his apartment, you were full on shivering, no doubt that you would be sick tomorrow. 
"Let me just call a cab and I'll get out of your hair, I promise-" You said walking into his apartment, interrupted by 4 slightly familiar faces looking at you. 
"You could have said you had company over, I would have called someone else," You said becoming agitated. 
"Nonsense," Gwil answered hanging up his raincoat. 
"Gwil." You said looking at him with raised eyebrows. 
"Uh, anyway... Guys, this is Y/N... my ex" He started, his breath hitching at the last part. 
"Hi," You waved slightly, not really knowing what to do, besides stand awkwardly in the entry hall. 
The group, led by Lucy, introduced themselves and asked what happened. 
You sheepishly explained while Gwilym went to go get you dry clothes. 
When he returned, you went to the bathroom and changed while he faced his friends with a million questions. 
"Is she the ex you told us about?" 
"Why'd you break up?" 
"She's cute, and seems very nice," 
"Are you over her?" 
"Why did she call you?" 
"Is this why you've passed on all the girls that I've tried to set you up with?" 
Gwil tried to hush them down, not wanting you to hear their questions and his answers. Even though you both knew that neither one of you was over the other. 
"Um, can I borrow your phone? I'll call a cab and leave you guys alone?" You said quietly, trying not to intrude. 
"Yeah sure," Gwil answered handing you his phone.
"The password is the same," He added, his cheeks turning pink again. 
You laughed and stepped aside to call. However, as soon as the taxi company picked up the power cut out and a long tone replaces the British accent on the other side of the line. 
"Shit," Joe exclaimed bumping into Ben as the lights cut out. 
"I swear it wasn't me this time," You called to Gwil. 
"Yeah sure Y/N," He retorted back with a small laugh. 
"This time?" Ben asked sparking the lighter he kept in his back pocket. 
Once you found some candles you all sat down on the couch, a glass of wine in your hand thanks to Lucy. You began telling them the story of when you and Gwil were both engrossed in work and you plugged in the coffee machine, causing the circuit to blow. Gwil's place didn't have power for 3 days. Next, to you, Gwil added details that you purposely left out with a smirk and a gaze full of admiration. 
The stories continued all night long until the candles burned down to their bases and you ended up curled up in Gwil's embrace. Everyone fell asleep on the floor or the couch and armchair.
The rain still hadn't stopped by morning, but the power had returned. Lucy woke first and quietly woke the rest and shuffled them out of the apartment, careful not to wake the two of you. 
Lucy could tell there was a lot of unfinished business that needed to be addressed, she also knew that both of you were still hopelessly in love with each other. She left a note on the coffee table in front of the two of you. 
'Talk it out. You two are still in love, give it another shot. We're all in support. xoxo Luce & the boys" 
And that is what you did. 
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financiallymint · 6 years
Students: I Challenge You to Earn an Extra $1000/Year
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Very excited to be sharing this guest post by Tom from This Online World on side hustles and earning extra income. A fellow student all the way in Canada who’s passionate about online marketing, passive income and even crypto! He has a great hustle mindset and his website has a lot of good info on money hacking and earning a bit more $$ – you gotta check him out.
The article is written in dollar signs $$, but simply change the currency and it works just as well. What’s important is the idea!
Starting your own side hustle is one of the coolest ways to increase your income: it’s basically growing your own little money baby.
However, when it comes to the actual work, it can be difficult to know when or how to start. From finding extra time to securing side hustle opportunities, getting the ball rolling on your extra income generation journey requires time and some thought.
For students, it can be especially difficult to find the time or correct side hustle opportunity. Assignments and exams can occupy most of your day, and the nature of student life often equates to a less than stable financial situation.
I am currently in my last year college, and I’ve certainly had my share of cheap beer, instant Ramen, and a lonely bank balance.
However, whether you are in school or employed, wealthy or just making ends meet, skilled in a craft or a complete novice, it is possible to start a successful side hustle that makes you an extra $1,000 a year.
Don’t believe me?
Well, here’s the mindset I want you to approach this side hustle challenge with:
You have 12 months in a year to make an extra $1,000.
That means you only have to make about $85/month of additional income with your side hustles.
When you think about making an extra $1,000 a year as only having to earn an extra $85 a month, it doesn’t seem so daunting.
Personally, I take 1-2 days out of every month to dedicate towards my various side hustles.
It doesn’t matter if you take on a variety of side hustles or stick to a single job. As long as you take an active approach to making more money and stick to a plan, you can succeed.
Let’s take a look at 12 possible side hustle ideas that you can do once a month to make an extra $1,000 a year.
Idea 1: Content Writing Gigs
I’m a staunch supporter of working online to earn extra money, and content writing is always my first recommendation (especially for students).
Content writing can expand your skill set and open the doors for future employment or freelance opportunities (looks great on a CV!). Additionally, content writing jobs are often remote and have incredibly flexible working hours.
I’ve written content throughout my college years, and there are a number of ways to approach securing a content writing side hustle:
Look on job posting websites for companies that are seeking freelance writers (Indeed.com, LinkedIn, Monster.ca are some great ones).
Post your own advertisement on your local job boards or online marketplaces. Offer your content writing services to local businesses in your area!
Create gigs on online websites like Fiverr. There are many freelance writers who use Fiverr to generate income, and most price their content at $5-$10 for every 500 words of content.
Most content writing jobs won’t require you to be an English major or have an extensive portfolio. As long as you are a decent writer, you should be able to find work that pays between $10-$15/hour without a problem!
Idea 2: Get Busy with TaskRabbit
Let’s face it: no one really enjoys chores. However, every job someone doesn’t feel like doing is another side hustle opportunity that can make you some quick side income!
TaskRabbit was started to provide a secure task-based marketplace. By becoming a Tasker on TaskRabbit, you can set your own hours and choose to complete various tasks people are requesting for payment.
Common tasks on TaskRabbit include:
Moving and packing services.
Furniture assembly.
Home improvement.
General handyman services.
The work you complete on TaskRabbit won’t be glamorous, but it typically pays well (and you are able to set your pay range). Chances are, you could spend a few hours helping someone move or do some yard work and easily walk away with $100+.
Idea 3: Food Delivery
Whether you work for Just Eat, Skip the Dishes, Grub Hub, Uber Eats, Deliveroo or some other delivery service, making money by delivering food is a simple but effective method for making some extra cash.
If your car isn’t too old, simply register to be a part-time delivery driver for a popular delivery service in your town.
You can set your own hours, and it will only take you a few deliveries to make your monthly target of $85. Depending on your town, people might tip slightly more or less, but a single night of work should help you reach that $1,000 a year goal.
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Idea 4: Help your Landlord
3 college buddies and I moved into the most grungy, decrepit old student house around town when we started school.
However, part of me is really glad we did. Besides the fact that student living can be hilariously awful, I was also able to find some odd jobs and make a few extra hundred dollars simply by asking my landlord if he needed help.
Hiring professional painters, repairmen, garbage removers, or cleaning services is expensive.Hiring desperate students is not.
Trust me when I say landlords always have projects on the go. Whether you are currently renting or not, finding occasional work for fixer-upper projects is not difficult. Reach out to landlords or look online, and spend a day painting, tearing up carpet, fixing holes in the wall, or cleaning a place.
You can earn an easy $100-$150 for a day of work, and you’ll probably walk away with a newfound appreciation for your own home.
Idea 5: Busk
If you play an instrument or can sing fairly well, busking might be the right side hustle for you!
My housemate and I spent several weekends playing guitar on the street corner of our local downtown scene. We’re ok players, so busking provides us with a great way to bond, practice our songs, and also earn a simple $20-$30/each for a few hours of enjoyable music.
You don’t have to be an incredible musician to busk. However, you will need the ability to get over stage fright. Personally, I prefer busking with my friend since I don’t really want to go alone. But I still find busking to be an enjoyable way to make extra money for something that I would do for free anyway.
Just make sure your town or city doesn’t require a permit to busk (or obtain a permit if you need to).
Idea 6: Tutor
Have you ever looked back at high school/elementary homework and realized just how easy it is (shout out to our developed, adult brains).
Well, if your town or city has a few high schools nearby, chances are you can find some part time work tutoring students in math, science, or languages. In my school, tutors were regularly paid $15-$25/hour by parents, especially in more advanced subjects like calculus or chemistry.
If you have a knack for school and enjoy helping others, tutoring might be the right side hustle for you! Plus, most tutoring sessions only last 1-3 hours, so you can make some quick and easy side income without spending too much time!
Idea 7: Babysit
If you like babies and kids, babysitting is an excellent way to make extra money every month. Half the time the kid will be sleeping, so you’re pretty much getting paid to do nothing. Sounds like a dream!
Popular websites like SitterCity have made working as a babysitter (in the U.S.) incredibly easy. However, if you aren’t a U.S. resident, you can always post your own advertisements on local job boards or just ask around town.
Many of my college friends have been babysitters throughout their life, and it’s a great way to make additional income. Even if you only work for 1 family, you can probably make $85 a month from babysitting once or twice (depending on the length of the job).
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Idea 8: Drive with Uber or Lyft
This is a similarly straightforward idea to delivering food (except you’re delivering people). If you have a car that meets Uber or Lyft’s requirements, you can just drive one day of every month and make extra money.
Uber or Lyft might not be a great long term solution due to variability in available rides and the hidden cost of every kilometer you drive (repairs, oil changes, wear and tear), but it isn’t a bad side hustle to do once in a while.
Ideally schedule your driving session around a busy time where you can benefit from surcharges!
Idea 9: AirBnB
I have two friends who have been dating for a couple of years and live in an apartment together. Their place has 2 bedrooms, so once in a while they rent out one of the rooms on AirBnB for the weekend to make some extra cash.
They don’t particularly enjoy having company over, so they usually schedule their AirBnB weekends around times they won’t be home often or there’s an event in town that their visitor will most likely be attending. In any case, it’s an incredibly straightforward way to make $200+ for a weekend of hosting.
If you live in a major city, using AirBnB to make some extra money every month should be even easier. All you need is a decent space, price level, and advertisement on AirBnB.
Idea 10: Reddit ForHire
Reddit is an incredible community, and also presents budding entrepreneurs and side-hustlers with money making opportunities.
r/forhire is one of my favorite subreddits, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a job marketplace. Users can either post ‘hiring’ or ‘for hire’ posts that outline specific work and skills that are being sought after or offered.
Some of the most popular jobs on Reddit For Hire are:
Graphic design.
Content writing.
Video editing.
Tutoring (especially in languages).
Advertising/marketing consulting.
If you have experience in any of these field or have another service to offer, definitely check out Reddit!
Idea 11: Dog Walking
It’s funny how many people buy an adorable companion only to realize they don’t ever want to actually walk it.
Dog walking, like babysitting, is a great way to make extra income just by taking care of a living thing. If you are good with dogs and enjoy the outdoors, consider walking dogs once or twice a month!
Popular dog walking apps include:
Swifto (New York City only).
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coolest side hustle IMO
Idea 12: Slogan Slinger
While this isn’t a concrete side hustle, I couldn’t resist including something fun in this list.
Slogan Slingers is a website where companies request ideas for their next great slogan and have users deliver them the answer to earn money. For example, a plumbing company might post a contest for $250 that explains what kind of slogan they’re looking for, and users can submit up to 3 entries to try to win.
If you win, you get the money. If you lose, nothing happens! The website isn’t incredibly popular, but there is usually a new contest available every other day. 1,000-2,000 people usually enter a contest, but if you have a knack for marketing, it could be a fun website to visit.
I’ve only been slogan slinging for 1 month and haven’t won anything yet, but I plan to keep at it!
Okay, What’s an Extra $1,000?
You might be wondering what’s the point of working side jobs to earn an extra $1,000 a year, but you’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish with an extra $1,000 in your bank account.
Thinking of investing, but never had enough saved up to take the first steps? Use your thousand dollars.
Want to help ease the sting of utility bills and rent? Use your extra thousand dollars.
Or, want to start your own business but need a bit of extra cash to start out? Well, you now have an extra thousand dollars.
I hope you have found this side hustle challenge to be inspiring and provide some effective job opportunities to get started! As long as you take active, baby steps towards generating additional income, you can easily reach a goal of an additional $1,000/ear or surpass it completely.
Best of luck in your side hustle journey!
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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toraberaa · 6 years
“Out of this world!”  those were the words that I uttered after witnessing the impeccable beauty of Mt. Ijen.
Mt. Ijen is not just an ordinary mountain. It is a volcano. And not just an ordinary volcano but an active one. It is a stratovolcano which sits 2,799 meters above sea level (9,183 ft). A hazardous volcano that emits toxic fumes and a home for highly acidic lake.
Literally, it was a “hell” and figuratively speaking as well. My hike was hellish. There were too many struggles I faced. I know that without these hardships, the story that I would tell will be definitely lame. Kidding! Nevertheless, I overcame it and I was rewarded with a beautiful sight. I saw a “heaven”. It was a bizarre feeling. I’ve never seen so sublime in my life. It’s a mixture of apocalypse and nirvana. A violent act of nature. Many of the locals said this phrase “Eye on Heaven, Foot in Hell”.  It’s amazing how these two places coincide. How God beautifully designed it.
With that said, I entitled this as “Where Heaven and Hell meets”
Day Minus Zero
It was August 6, 2018 when I left Bali. A day after magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit it. I thought on myself that it was far from the epicenter thus, it was much safer to go on high areas. I was worried that there would be a tsunami at that time. Nah. Who was I kidding? I just surfed earlier on that morning and the real reason was, I scheduled to go on that day based on my plan. The D-day.
It was hot and sunny in Bali and for few hours and kilometers away, I was welcomed by drizzle at Banyuwangi. (I will edit this post later to provide info on how to go to Banyuwangi from Bali)
Loooong and winding road
Approximately 5 hours of bus ride, I arrived at Ketapang port at 8:30 PM. There were only few people around and it feels like it’s already late at night. It was difficult to hail a taxi or even an ojek (motorcycle taxi). No one shows available too in Grab. I went to convenience store and asked around. Some can’t understand English. Somehow I could tell that they understood what I’m trying to convey and they were willing to help. They referred me to a cab who knows a little bit of English and said repeatedly “House stay?” I said “Yes. Mango home stay” and hopped in. I hoped we were at the same page after I confirmed. I checked on my GPS and it was a relief that he knows where we were heading.
I arrived at Mango Tree House Home Stay and I paid him 40.000 IDR.
The Mango Tree House Home stay
“Philippines?” Mr. Arif, the owner of the house, greeted me. I acknowledged him with a nod. He said he was waiting for me. As we entered the house, he asked me again “Tea or coffee?” “Coffee will do.” I replied.
While he was heating the pot, he showed me my room. It doesn’t have an air condition but it have an electric fan. It’s okay since it was cold. The room have also a single pillow and a bed. That’s it! You get what you pay for. (By the way, the room was only 65.000 IDR) The room was just good enough for an overnight. After all, I just came here for Mt. Ijen.
House Special!
Mr. Arif served the coffee and we just had a conversation. We talked about my experience in Indonesia, difference of our countries (because Indonesia and Philippines were kinda the same) and other stuff. He had a good sense of humor and very entertaining. A moment later, another guests arrived. Mr. Arif introduced the new guests to me. They were a German couple who came from Probolinggo, just after the Mt. Bromo tour. He said I would be joining them for the Mt. Ijen tour tonight as well as the two Italians who arrived earlier than us. And guess what, they were also a couple. (Not jealous. lol!) Mr. Arif told us that he was still waiting for the French guy to arrive. I was hoping. Not that I wanted to be a fifth wheel but it must be a minimum of 6 persons to avail the package to Mt. Ijen.
As the night getting late, Mr. Arif suggested to take quick dinner near the home stay. The German couple decided to take a rest while I took a quick dinner at warungs (a small family owned business restaurant).
Solved! My dinner for 15.000 IDR only
The tour will start by 12 AM. It was 10 PM already. I went back to the home stay and took a quick nap.
I woke up exactly 11 PM. I packed up for the things I needed — headlights, gloves, jacket, camera and etc. Checked! I went to the living room and I didn’t saw yet the Italians and Germans at the living room. Maybe I was too early? I guessed I was really excited for this tour (which was true). I wished I stayed a little longer in bed.
I saw new faces in the living room. The French guy was already there, along with two lovely gals who were also French. He said that he was too tired and he would not go for Mt. Ijen tonight while the two gals were scheduled tomorrow.
We had a little chit-chat. Yes, only a little. They were talking in their native language. Since I can’t understand them, my mind wandered and I imagined The Little Prince. (LOL!) The younger lady (too bad, I couldn’t remember her name) was so considerate as she kept me entertained. She even asked the others to speak in English so I could also join their conversation.
Few minutes passed, they showed up. So it would be just a group of five — 1 Filipino, 2 Germans, and 2 Italians. Good thing that Mr. Arif was really kind. He didn’t want to disappoint us. Instead we avail the package tour from the agencies, he would be the one who will drive us to Mt. Ijen.
The Road to Mt. Ijen
From the start, it was already a challenge, the weather condition was not that good. It’s drizzling. We were starting to doubt if we could see the blue fire tonight. Blue fire is one of unnatural phenomenon that is happening in Banyuwangi. I believed this was also the reason why travelers would go here. Mr. Arif said that “We can’t tell. It’s nature.” He seems to have a good point. After all, nature is really unpredictable. But he also made our hopes high and said “But you will go above the clouds, so it will not be raining.”
“Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.” – Zig Ziglar
Around 12:30 AM, we leave at the home stay and drove towards Mt. Ijen. It would be a long drive for about an hour. I sat at the front seat while the others continue to rest at the back seats. I can’t catch some nap even I wanted to. Plus, I sat next to Mr. Arif. I should keep him a company and needed him to stay awake. With this, I just witnessed how difficult the roads to Mt. Ijen.
Excessive moisture in the window.
It had a zigzag road. For a few moments, the roads turned to a jungle with no lights on the road — trusting only the headlights that the car provides. The road also became muddy due to the weather condition. As we went higher, the fogs appeared. Mr. Arif wiped the windshield every time as the window had moist. I’m very glad that Mr. Arif was a skillful driver and knew the road.
The Base Camp
We reached the Base Camp at 1:36 AM. Mr. Arif handed us gas masks. After that, Mr. Arif called me and told me the best tip ever. “This is the only tip I can give to you. At the counter, say “Satu” (it means one) and just give 10.000″.  We both knew that I looked like an Indonesian. The price difference from foreigner to locals was 90.000 IDR. Good guy Mr. Arif!
Mr. Arif guided the others and I headed to the ticket office alone. I needed to be alone to pull this trick. When I got there, I followed his advice. I confidently said “Satu!” as if I spoke a magical phrase “Open sesame!” in One Thousand and One Nights. However, the ticket officer said something I didn’t know. I repeated “Satu!” but the stare of the officer didn’t quite look good. (Uh-oh! Busted!) Our plan didn’t worked out. The ticket officer went outside and that moment I thought I would be penalized or could be worse. But he just pointed me where I should buy. He meant “Where the foreigners should buy”. Whew! I think this was not the first time it happened to them. Some also tried this scheme perhaps. But what embarrassed me more was when he spoke to me and I tried to push a little harder saying random Indonesian words that I learned. I believed in his mind you would read “Nice try!”. (LOL!)
I went back to our group and paid the foreign price. “What happened?” the group questioned. I reported and I said “I think he was asking for smaller bill. I saw the ticket it was only 5.000 IDR. Maybe it’s something with my accent too.” Mr. Arif said that someone might already overheard us and tipped the officer. “Too bad.” Mr. Arif responded with a chuckle and patted my back. “It’s okay!” I replied. Well, it’s actually fine. No regrets. Although the price difference were very significant, to be honest, spending 100.000 IDR was already cheap for the exchange for what we would discover later. (I’m telling you now that it was very worthy after I finished the hike.)
Jump Off
We started at 1:58 am. This was where the real struggle began. First, it was cold. Maybe because we were already in high altitude and rain also contributed. They said that the temperature sometimes drop from 15°C to 10°C. Second, it was dark. Pitch dark. It was nice that I bought a headlamp since it was not included in the trip. Third, we have no tour guide either. Even though if we avail the package, the tour guide was excluded. Mr. Arif told us that it wasn’t required and we don’t need to. “Mt. Ijen trail had only one trail — where you enter is where you exit. Just follow the crowd and you will not get lost.” He was right. There were many people who were also hiking. These people were not only tourist. Some were just local people — guides and miners. Yes, the sulfur miners. And so on and so on.
The gates were already open.
Our group, the Mango Tree House party (I made that up inside of my head), agreed that we could walk together instead doing by yourselves. While walking, I introduced myself and started a conversation. The name of German couple were Patrick and his girlfriend (Sorry! I forgot the name!) And the name of Italian couple were Andrea and her boyfriend. (Yes…I also forgot the name.) The Italian couple didn’t talk too much. It was Patrick’s girlfriend who talked to me a lot. That was why it was a shame to forget her name. (If you ever found my blog and read this. Let me know so I can apologize.).
Along the way, we saw some locals who had a push cart. This is what they called “Human Taxi”. Some says it costs around 400.000 IDR in exchange that they would take you to the top.
The Struggle is Real
Few minutes later, I felt that I’m having difficulty to walk. Besides that it was still raining and that makes the terrain slippery. But because I surfed before I went here, it’s now paying toll on me. I felt the pain in my upper body and I got blisters on my toes. Although minimal, I felt the irritating pain every time I took a step. I was thinking why I did that knowing that I would hike later. Nevertheless, the show must go on. And by speaking, while hiking, I still managed to document or video myself.
We saw a shed. I took some minutes to rest, while others went to toilet. Some also put layers on their body. This was supposed to be our last stop, and we should moved all the way from the top..well..uhmm let me repeat that. This was supposed to be “their” last stop. Because for me, it’s not. As we back on track again, I felt now the fatigue and every steps were now heavy. My heart was pounding like a jack hammer. I was leading before on our group (excited too much) and now I was lagging behind. Their stamina was fascinating. I knew I haven’t had a good rest just like them. That’s what I told to myself just to fool my mind.
“You are in the cottage”
We arrived at the “cafeteria”. I stopped again and took a rest for a while. It was my life saver! I was a fool that I forgot to brought water. If there’s no store available, I might desperately beg someone to give me some water. After I bought a bottled water, I gulped it immediately. As I checked my group, they were nowhere in my sight. I lost them and I think they didn’t notice me. That’s why I said that was our  their last stop because I realized they didn’t took a break here.
I proceeded even without them and just a few moments later, the nature called me. I wanted pee. I don’t know if there would be another stop after the cafeteria. I don’t want even to go back there. I went astray and I did the “tabi-tabi po” style (common Filipino culture) and asked Mt. Ijen for forgiveness. Thank goodness it was pitch dark.
To the Summit
We needed to be on top quickly. It’s because blue fire only show itself in darkness. This was also the reason why we needed to hike at midnight. It would not be longer visible once the sun had risen.
I moved quickly as I needed to catch up with Mango Tree House party. I hoped that at some point I would see them. And just when I thought. They were there, waiting and searching for me. I heard from afar “It is him?” as I went closer to them. I saw their faces with a sign of relief. All of them were worried about me. They asked if I’m okay. I answered them that I’m fine and I apologized to them. I suggested that they could continue without me. I don’t want to become a burden or the reason why they will not see the blue fire. Still, Patrick’s girlfriend insisted “No, you can tell us if you want to have a break. We will wait for you. Okay?” Isn’t she sweet? (It was really a shame that I forgot her name. I wish one day, I will remember it.)
When we got back on track again, she noticed that I’m running out of breath and curiously asked me “Do you smoke?” I honestly replied “No, I’m just fat.” and she laughed.
I stopped recording and documentation for a while to save some energy.
MDPL means meter dari permukaan laut which literally translated as meters above sea level (MASL)
We were already walking for about 2 hours from the start. They said that 3 hours was the average time to reach the top. I felt we were already near. I saw already the caldera and the trail changed to flat terrain. At 3:26 AM, we finally made it to the top.
To the Dragon’s Nest
Actually, to went down close to the crater was prohibited. Only the workers (sulfur miners) were allowed. Not to mention that it was dangerous, but it was also slippery at that time. However, many of the visitors ignored this warning and continue their way to the crater. It was at your own risk. We talked to each other if we wanted to continue. It was early to go back and we decided to continue our way.
The trail going down was very narrow. At least one person could fit in. There were no hand rails. One wrong step and you would fall. Take note that the terrain here was rocky. To jump or skip would make stones or rocks fall.
We, the uninvited guests, were attacked by the vile stench of Mt. Ijen halfway down the steep trail. It was an acrid and sour smell. From here, we wore our gas mask. This made hard for me to breathe.
This was the time, Patrick and his girlfriend turned around and decided to go back.  I was behind them and I could tell that they were having a difficulty going down. They said it was very dangerous and they don’t wanted to risk it.  I didn’t persist. They wished me good luck and I replied them to take care. (Later, when we were on our way to house stay. Patrick was vomiting along the way and got sick. It was a good call for them to turned back.) 
As for the Italian couple, who were just right behind me. I saw that they hired a guide who gave them a helping hand when descending. They were now in good hands and we parted away from each other as I had to do breaks. So from here, I did it on my own.
The Devil’s Gold and the Ijen Warriors
I saw sulfur miners as I moved closer to the crater. According to some, these sulfur miners carries a load for about 30-50 kg (60-110 lbs) for each basket. If you ever saw them along the way, please stop for a while and give way. I also noticed that some of them didn’t have proper equipment, they didn’t wear gloves and gas masks. Despite the dangers and the risks they could encounter, as I heard, most of them went twice on a single day to doubled their sulfur mine. And you may probably wouldn’t believe that the cost of their tough grind is only 800 IDR per kilo.
These sulfur miners were the real mutants. Where did they get their superpowers? This probably one of the toughest job in the world! With their amazing feat, they have earned respect and fascination on the tourist. Some of them tried to carry the loads or took some photographs with them and leave a small tip. Some gave things like cigarettes which they said to be their favorite, which was kinda ironic. While some of the sulfur miners created souvenirs for extra income. These were shaped sulfur which comes in different shapes and size with a cost of 10.000-50.000 IDR. I bought a teddy bear shaped sulfur for 20.000 IDR for keepsake and to helped them. Please don’t haggle anymore.
The yellow ore is the sulfur. This is already extracted from the volcano.
Behind me is what they called “Devil’s Gold” where the sulfur miners risked their lives for these.
The Heart of Mt. Ijen
I arrived at the crater at 4:15 AM. They were already a lot of people waiting for the blue fire. As I stood on the ground and took a rest, I saw people who were still going down. I was fascinated to saw the alternating lights, blinking and flickering. Looked back how far that I got just to arrived here.
What I saw afterwards was more fascinating than this. As I extended my sight upwards, I saw the illumination of the moon and the brilliant stars. I saw the Milky Way and a glimpse of the universe. What a lovely sight to see. I stared for a while and made me forget the exhaustion even just for a second.
I was worried if the blue fire would appear tonight. So I looked around for the other spot. And I finally saw the blue fire.I said “This is it?”  A stranger replied “Yeah, it’s the blue fire”. Deep inside I know it’s the “blue fire”. A fire that was blue. But it’s not what I pictured based on what I Googled and it was just a small one. It looks like the one you could see when you light up a denatured alcohol or a flame in your stove. At that time, my headlamp was still on. But even after I turned it off, I appreciated it somehow.
The Eccentric Blue Fire
11 minutes passed and the blue fire finally appeared. The one that I was expecting. We were all in awe. All of us in crowd said “Wow!” in chorus. I moved closer to the blue fire. We all know that the blue flame was the hottest and the most intense part of a fire. They said that it could be at 600°C yet I can’t feel hot nearby the blue fire. I haven’t thought of this at that time. I was overjoyed I guess. But I admitted that I was reckless at that time.
I stopped recording and just watched the marvels of the world.
There are only two places in the world that the blue fire can be observe — Iceland and Indonesia.
While Indonesia is just close to Philippines, it has also a larger blue fire area compared to Iceland.
It looks like a lava, that’s why most of the people mistakenly called it as “blue lava”. The flames were so pure and so mystical. It was like a heart of Mt. Ijen, burning so brightly indicating its life force. Once the flames go out, it would lose its appeal. Eventually, that happened.
The Blue Acid Lake
After some time, they extinguished the fire and we were now enveloped in toxic fumes. This was the time our gas masks became really useful. These smokes were very nasty. Even with our gas masks on, I could still inhale the smoke that I needed to stop my breathing for a while. It was also irritating to the eyes. It singed that made our eyes teared.
As the show already finished, like what I said earlier, some people started to climb back. Even we were engulfed by smoke, I chose to stay for several reasons. They were still people going down. With the trail so steep and it’s still dark, I was worried about the traffic and there might be falling rocks or debris. I might also lose my balance and fall. If I stay, it would be a perfect time to recover and saved some strength. To add, it’s too early to went back. I wanted to see the blue acid lake. I have checked where the blue acid lake located. It was still dark at that time and I’m unable to appreciate its true beauty.
I looked for a spot and hid behind a big rock. At least, it would protect me from toxic smoke. In order to survive until sunrise, I needed to stay low, curl down, closed my eyes, and stopped my breath.
Around 5:43 AM, as dawn washed the darkness from the sky, the blue acid lake was revealed to be an enchanted beauty. I have seen similar turquoise blue water in Kawasan Falls at Cebu, Philippines and Kuang Si Falls at Luang Prabang, Laos but this was an exception. It was not the type of waters you want to dive into.
It was deceptively beautiful!
Mt. Ijen is also known for the World’s Most Highly Acidic Lake. (Hitting two birds in one stone) According to research, it has a pH lower than the battery acid or almost zero.
I wished I could stay longer to admire the acidic lake. However, I already ran out of luck and the toxic smoke was slowly engulfing us. I couldn’t take it anymore and my body was now reacting to it. Short-term exposure to highly concentrated levels of toxic smoke could be deadly. It could lead to breathing difficulties, may burn the lungs, corrode the skin and can even melt your teeth. Yikes! It’s time to go back.
After Dark
It was 6:37 AM when I reached Mt. Ijen’s peak again. This time, I was greeted of an awe-inspiring sight. The sun light slowly gleaming the caldera. The sky was deep blue and the cloud was the same height as where I stood as if my hands could reach it. The cold wind blew so strong you could hear its whistle. The field became lunar-liked as if I was transported or stepped on another planet. While revisiting the sight of blue acid lake and smoke came from the sulfur, it somehow reminded me of the movie “The Planet of the Apes”. So calm yet, destructive. I also like the blending of colors — bright yellow and turquoise blue.
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I never had this scene in my entire travel. This was what the philosophers called “the sublime”.
Totally out of this world!
Below was a short impromptu documentary that I made. Enjoy! 🙂
Sometimes, the most phenomenal things in life require a little danger, and climbing Mt. Ijen certainly is one of them.
Mt. Ijen – Where Heaven and Hell Meets "Out of this world!"  those were the words that I uttered after witnessing the impeccable beauty of Mt.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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The Sandy Blight Track is a perfect trip for your 4WD as it is not only a great drive but it is filled with history, adventure and beauty for the whole family. Running north-east to the south-west on the edge of the Gibson Desert and crossing the Western Australia -Northern Territory border due west of Alice Springs the 350 km long. The track runs between the Gary Junction Road, that joins Alice Springs to Port Hedland on the WA coast, and the Great Central Road that runs across the centre of Australia and was part of the Gunbarrel Highway.
The first hour, after leaving Kintore in the NT on the Gary Junction Road, the track looks better over your shoulder. That’s not because it’s so terrible that one wants to go home, but because it presents a different historical aspect.
The track was created by Len Beadell in 1960 to give his Gunbarrel Road Construction Party a north-south access road after the Maralinga Tests. Today, it joins Docker River to Kintore; the Great Central Highway in the south to the north on the Gary Junction Road. The Sandy Blight Track was well travelled in those days but has now been overtaken by the airlines and the Stuart Highway.
The story of the naming of the Sandy Blight Junction Track goes that Len contracted the eye disease ‘Sandy Blight’ just short of Kintore. He couldn’t see to navigate so he told his bulldozer driver to head for the distinctive Mt Leisler. The ‘dozer driver took him at his word and the result is the 50 km of dead-straight road. It makes a good story.
Len made frequent use of roadside markers to record distances and note latitude and longitude for those who would nowadays have maps. It makes one think. He was actually putting the maps together- working on an almost blank sheet of paper. The only people who had been out there, apart from the very few local Aboriginal people, were the explorers and the odd pastoralist. A huge, lonely unmapped place.
While you’re looking for the markers, keep a lookout also for a large, white painted rock. It wasn’t placed there by nature. Len and his ‘dozer driver brought it down from up north and dropped it there as a joke on his crew and, later, geologists.
Despite the inevitable corrugations, the road up to here is great with a solid underfoot. Abreast the Davenport Hills, it deteriorates until it would have trouble justifying being called a track. One wash-away after another. This makes driving interesting…
And look out for the local wildlife. Camels are rampant in this area. They’re never alone but commonly roam in herds of a dozen or more. Expensive to hit, too… They usually stick to open country so, having come across several groups that actually forced us to stop, we were looking forward to the dune section.
Another feature on this section is the wrecked bus. This is almost the only wreck on this road unlike the Great Central Highway, where it is said there is a burnt out car for every kilometer. That says something for the solitude of the Track. What the bus was doing and how it got there, no-one has been able to tell me.
The sand dunes start soon after this. 50 km of driving down the slacks between the dunes until the track goes over a low bit of a dune or around the end. Then back the other way. How Len found his way through the dunes is a testament to his tenacity as well as his ability. The map says the average height of the dunes is 12m. Too high for short cuts. Did I say we were looking forward to the sand dunes? That thought didn’t last long.
At last, we were through the worst of the dunes and, as the sun was sinking, we found a spot to make camp in a small grove of desert oaks. Tent up, fire started, dinner prepared and with a drink in hand looking at a fiery sunset. It doesn’t get much better. Mind you, the thought of rain from those clouds and being stranded hereabouts had us checking the whisky supplies.
Next morning had us up with the larks looking forward to bacon and eggs cooked over a camp fire. Thinking of larks, we remarked at this point on the lack of wildlife. Plenty of camels and the odd emu but little else. The recent rain had brought green to the desert, as can be seen from some of the photos, but very little wildlife. This was September 2009 and the drought was breaking. We were prepared for moderately warm weather but wore shorts on one day only. Otherwise long trousers and long sleeves. Maybe the fauna knew it was just a little early.
Packed up and ready to go at 0800hrs. A quick check of the vehicle and … flat tyre! Found we had been staked the previous day and we knew exactly where. Rounding the end of one of the sand dunes we had skidded off a very wet track straight into the scrub. We didn’t notice anything at the time but an inch off the broken branch was still there and looking at us. Out with the tubeless tyre repair kit and half an hour later we were on our way. As a matter of interest, that tyre is still going strong with its plug still in place. It’s no longer a ‘bush’ tyre but it’s still on my vehicle, left rear, complete with plug.
First stop this day was on top of the Sir Frederick Range in WA, after a 1st gear, low range climb. 2200 ft and no trees to hide the fantastic view. We had to have a brew and add our names to the book in the tin in the cairn.
This range is quite curious. It rises smoothly but steeply from the plain. I have not asked my vehicle to climb any track as steep. It is made up of what looks like river stones with relatively little dirt binding the stones together. The stones are about the size of a football- not large; nothing a man could not easily lift. But they were all rounded like stones, washed by water over centuries. One might think that wind and sand might have worn the stones down over the aeons, but I doubt the wearing would have been so even. If anyone has an answer to this, I would love to hear about it.
Down onto the plain again and back into the sand dunes. Not so fearsome this time, only 10 m average height we were running with them. Len described his frustration when surveying this section when trying to find his way around Lake Hopkins. On a map, the lake looks like a mass of mercury blobs but with tributaries and joining necks of land everywhere. I would not like to attempt this trip without a map, GPS and a track to follow. Again, hats off to Len Beadell.
Then, at last, one emerges from the gradually decreasing sand dunes and low trees onto the plain. The track up till now has been wheel ruts through the sand. Now there is a junction, with another road, going east to the Aboriginal settlement of Tjukurla. The road is suddenly wider and more compacted, and we can pick up speed. We’re running down the slack in between the sand dunes that are wider apart here. The road has also changed direction, from tending southerly and across the dunes to easterly and running with them.
Off to the right we’re now looking at the craggy, shattered rocks of the Walter James Range, quite different to the Sir Frederick Range. This range rises abruptly from the plain and is made of great slabs of shattered volcanic rock. The road goes round the eastern end of the range and heads more southerly as we go.
Finally, we reach the gap between the Anne Range and the Bloods Range and look for the Malagura Waterhole of Lasseter’s Reef fame, as well as the explorer Ernest Giles’ lifesaver. This is a beautiful spot in a very tough country. Unfortunately the day was overcast and chilly. I wish we’d seen it in sunlight. For the first time on this trip, we saw birdlife around this spot. Although we had seen plenty of evidence of running or flood water further up the track, this was the first water we had actually seen.
From here it’s a hop, skip, etc (15 km) to the Great Central Highway; another dirt road. The Malagura Waterhole is a beautiful end to the track. However, reality sticks its rude nose into the day’s proceedings. We were unable to top up with fuel at Kintore and, although we had enough to reach Alice Springs, my principal is to keep the tanks safely full if reasonably possible. Besides we wanted to see Giles weather station and Len’s old grader that made the road we’d just driven down. So into Warburton for fuel and then next door to Giles. This remote weather post is, to my thinking, the real end of the track. After all, Len set out from here and it was his rear support base to which he returned for fuel, water and supplies while building the Sandy Blight Track.
The Sandy Blight Track is a trip I would recommend. Not too difficult, but 4 wheel drive only. I know that people tow trailers on the track, but the way parts of it are deteriorating that wont be for long. Visually, it is full of contrast: the flat open plain to the interminable sand dunes to the gentle rounded heights of the Sir Frederick Range; the jagged Walter James Range; the dry open plain to the relief of the Malagura Rockhole.
And the history of the area. Before starting out I knew a little of the story of Ernest Giles’ expeditions through the area and the tragedy surrounding the naming of the Gibson Desert. I had travelled some of Len Beadell’s roads and everyone knows something of the legend of Lasseter’s gold reef. Since then I have read Len Beadell’s story of the construction of the Sandy Blight Track, Beating about the bush. It is so full of information I had missed that I am determined to travel that road again.
Two words on safety. We were a single vehicle expedition. On the 350 km length of the Sandy Blight Track we saw no one else. Perhaps a dangerous situation, but we had vehicle based UHF radio and a hand-held unit in case one of us had to leave the vehicle. This happened once and the hand-held was useful. It told me when to put the billy on because my companion was almost back from a walk and needed a cup of tea. Seriously, he wanted to climb Haast’s Bluff and, as I was unable to, the UHF radios were invaluable for safety. We also had a satellite phone, and I am coming to regard these as essential equipment for outback travel. EPIRB’s are also a life saver but simply say “trouble”. Sat phones can tell people what the trouble, is which can be a life saver in itself.
The second word. The explorer William Henry Tietkens wrote in his journal, after he climbed Mt Liesler in 1889, “…this desolate and waterless region…”. The explorer Ernst Giles named the Gibson Desert after a member of his 1873-4 expedition, Alfred Gibson, who was lost in the desert without water and not seen again (even by local Aboriginal people). In 1960, Len Beadell commented in his book that he was probably the second white man to climb Mt Liesler. Today the region is still “desolate and waterless”. It is not to be entered without caution.
Happy exploring.
The post The Sandy Blight Track: A 4WDriver’s Dream! appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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How To Be Ready When The Technician Comes To Repair Your Air Conditioning
With good climate finally right here in central NY, you might want to take advantage of our many close by local and state parks to hike with your dog. Initial, you have to generate there though!
3 Ways To Make Your House More Power Effective
Two-seat cars have experienced to show a pace of much more than 128 km / h, and 18 seconds to speed up from to 100 km for each hour and be in a position to journey with out refueling much more than one hundred sixty km. Vehicles with four seats had to speed up to 100 km / h for 15 seconds to more than two hundred kilometers and are equipped with , heating, and radio.
The ceiling, cooking region, window panes, washrooms all should be in a good situation. Be particular that the home smells good; control cigarette or pet stink. Give it a clean appear perhaps a new coating of paint and flooring. Lastly, make sure that front door is alluring. What is the initial notion a potential house proprietor get as quickly as they observe the house air conditioning cycle ? Take care that the garden is preserved clean. Fix up the mailbox and fix a new gate if the one you have appears unattractive. A new coating of outer paint might offer the house a brand new, impressive appear that can attraction to potential property owners.
Common Issues And Air Conditioning Restore
In my home I will usually use basic appliances or configure my plumbing so that commercial air conditioning installation electrical is not required for them to function. Throughout the energy outage this was justified. When I installed new loos in my home I did not location them exactly where they needed a pump, I utilized the basic gas water heater. These options proved to be advantageous to my family.
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newstfionline · 7 years
The Crackdown, and the Loyalist
By Patrick Kingsley, NY Times, March 20, 2017
In one section of Istanbul, an imprisoned journalist’s family tries to cope after Turkey’s crackdown. In another, a neighborhood leader is proud to have taken a bullet for his government during the coup attempt. This is the second part in the State of Emergency series, in which our correspondent takes us behind the scenes of today’s Turkey, a nation in crisis.
After the Raid, a Family Reorients Around Prison. Just after noon, we set off for Turkey’s notorious Silivri prison to visit Nazire Gursel’s husband. She rides in a friend’s car today, but sometimes she takes a shuttle provided by the newspaper her husband works for, Cumhuriyet. So many journalists working for the paper have been arrested that it has hired a special bus service for their relatives.
Her husband, Kadri Gursel, a prominent columnist, is one of at least 81 journalists now imprisoned in Turkey, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists. Most of them were arrested after a failed coup attempt last July, accused of links either to the Islamist Gulenist movement or to a secular Kurdish militant group.
Mr. Gursel is paradoxically accused of both--an absurd charge, she says. He was a longtime critic of Gulenists. But still the police staged a follow-up raid on the family’s home, seizing his computer, and he was sent to prison in October.
Now, Ms. Gursel is doing what she can to try to help her husband and see him regularly, while trying to keep life as normal as possible for their son, Erdem.
Once, she had hoped Mr. Gursel would be free in time for Erdem’s birthday, in mid-February. But their son turned 11 without his father.
In the meantime, there is another in a long line of trips to prison to make.
Their lives have increasingly become circumscribed by prison regulations. Trying to make her husband more comfortable, she brought him a coat. only to have it rejected because its color was too close to the blue that some of the security forces wear. Another one, with a hood, was also rejected. So she went shopping yet again, this time to an upscale mall in Istanbul. This shopkeeper knew exactly what to give her--she was the latest in a long line of prisoner’s relatives to ask.
“In what normal country does that happen?” Ms. Gursel asks, before we pull into a roadside canteen for lunch. “Where the shopkeepers in a mall in the middle of Istanbul, far from prison, know the specifications of a prison coat?”
Around 90 kilometers west of Istanbul, we are finally near Silivri prison. Previously lighthearted, Ms. Gursel’s mood now darkens. “I feel very nervous,” she says. “As I get closer to Silivri, this unlawfulness that we’re in becomes more concrete.”
Shortly after 3 p.m., we catch sight of the site itself, a sprawling series of compounds.
We pass through one checkpoint and park just before a second. Only Ms. Gursel can proceed any farther. “I feel like I’m in the Second World War,” she says, before heading inside. “My son watched a couple of movies about the Nazis, and when he came here, he asked: ‘Is this place like a Nazi camp?’ “
While Ms. Gursel speaks to her husband through a window inside, I mill around the parking lot with the relatives of prisoners. It seems like a cross section of Turkish society. There are expensive Jeeps and cheap hatchbacks. Niqab-wearers walk past people with dyed-blonde hair. But no matter who they are, most carry flimsy black sacks--bags for the inmates’ laundry.
Shortly after 4 p.m., Ms. Gursel emerges with her own.
Taking a Bullet for Loyalty. Can Cumurcu stands up a lot. It is partly because of his job: He is the muhtar, or elected headman, of a small neighborhood on the Asian side of Istanbul, and his role involves dealing with the administrative concerns of local residents.
When I visited his office for an hour recently, he rose every few minutes to greet the latest local to pop by for a signature or permission slip. One wanted to know where he could buy a boiler.
“Just hang on!” Mr. Cumurcu said to me after another interruption, a telephone earbud dangling from his ear. “One more phone call!”
But there is another reason Mr. Cumurcu stands. During last summer’s coup attempt, the muhtar, a loyalist to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, led the resistance against rebel soldiers in his neighborhood. As the troops tried to storm the area, a bullet tore through his upper-right thigh.
The wound has not properly healed. “I have to stand to avoid the pain,” he said.
Mr. Cumurcu took me on a tour of the area, Cengelkoy, and when he wasn’t embracing or chatting with residents, he showed me how events unfolded that night.
We passed the spot where a group of breathless locals first told him that troops were on the move, shortly after 10 p.m. on July 15. He said that around an hour after that, a pro-coup army colonel approached him with a rifle and told him to go indoors. “Are you high?” Mr. Cumurcu recounted saying. “What have you drunk?”
The colonel was chased away. In his absence, Mr. Cumurcu organized a series of barricades, on this spot outside the local police station.
I asked if during those moments, Mr. Cumurcu had considered prioritizing his personal safety over his political loyalty. But the way he tells it, he did not think twice. He prayed. He prayed again. He spoke to his family as if this were the last time he would see them. And after calling the presidency to check whether Mr. Erdogan was still alive, he prepared for a long night.
Shortly after midnight, the soldiers returned. “Soldiers of Turkey!” Mr. Cumurcu remembered shouting. “Do not fire on your own people!” Moments later, the bullet hit him.
Seventeen other residents died there that night, including his nephew. But Mr. Cumurcu survived to become a hero--a defender of democracy.
As we strolled, I wondered if Mr. Cumurcu had any qualms about what his heroism later led to: the erosion of wider democratic values and the arrest of thousands of dissidents in a postcoup crackdown--including dozens of journalists like Mr. Gursel.
But when I raise this, Mr. Cumurcu claims that none of the latter are actually journalists. All of them, he argues, have in some way tried to undermine the state, which is not the role of the media. “In Britain,” he asks, referring to my home country, “are you not first for the state, and then communist or right wing after that?”
It is a question that hints at a particular conception of the individual’s role in a society, and one that helps explain why a man like Mr. Cumurcu might prioritize political loyalty over personal safety on a night like the coup.
Mr. Erdogan, Mr. Cumurcu said, has not just improved infrastructure and services since his party came to power in 2002. He has also brought dignity to pious Turks who felt ostracized by previous governments that, among other measures, upheld a ban on the Muslim veil in public institutions.
Mr. Erdogan, the head man said, “helped a group of oppressed people to rise.”
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financiallymint · 6 years
Students: I Challenge You to Earn an Extra $1000/Year
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Very excited to be sharing this guest post by Tom from This Online World on side hustles and earning extra income. A fellow student all the way in Canada who’s passionate about online marketing, passive income and even crypto! He has a great hustle mindset and his website has a lot of good info on money hacking and earning a bit more $$ – you gotta check him out.
The article is written in dollar signs $$, but simply change the currency and it works just as well. What’s important is the idea!
Starting your own side hustle is one of the coolest ways to increase your income: it’s basically growing your own little money baby.
However, when it comes to the actual work, it can be difficult to know when or how to start. From finding extra time to securing side hustle opportunities, getting the ball rolling on your extra income generation journey requires time and some thought.
For students, it can be especially difficult to find the time or correct side hustle opportunity. Assignments and exams can occupy most of your day, and the nature of student life often equates to a less than stable financial situation.
I am currently in my last year college, and I’ve certainly had my share of cheap beer, instant Ramen, and a lonely bank balance.
However, whether you are in school or employed, wealthy or just making ends meet, skilled in a craft or a complete novice, it is possible to start a successful side hustle that makes you an extra $1,000 a year.
Don’t believe me?
Well, here’s the mindset I want you to approach this side hustle challenge with:
You have 12 months in a year to make an extra $1,000.
That means you only have to make about $85/month of additional income with your side hustles.
When you think about making an extra $1,000 a year as only having to earn an extra $85 a month, it doesn’t seem so daunting.
Personally, I take 1-2 days out of every month to dedicate towards my various side hustles.
It doesn’t matter if you take on a variety of side hustles or stick to a single job. As long as you take an active approach to making more money and stick to a plan, you can succeed.
Let’s take a look at 12 possible side hustle ideas that you can do once a month to make an extra $1,000 a year.
Idea 1: Content Writing Gigs
I’m a staunch supporter of working online to earn extra money, and content writing is always my first recommendation (especially for students).
Content writing can expand your skill set and open the doors for future employment or freelance opportunities (looks great on a CV!). Additionally, content writing jobs are often remote and have incredibly flexible working hours.
I’ve written content throughout my college years, and there are a number of ways to approach securing a content writing side hustle:
Look on job posting websites for companies that are seeking freelance writers (Indeed.com, LinkedIn, Monster.ca are some great ones).
Post your own advertisement on your local job boards or online marketplaces. Offer your content writing services to local businesses in your area!
Create gigs on online websites like Fiverr. There are many freelance writers who use Fiverr to generate income, and most price their content at $5-$10 for every 500 words of content.
Most content writing jobs won’t require you to be an English major or have an extensive portfolio. As long as you are a decent writer, you should be able to find work that pays between $10-$15/hour without a problem!
Idea 2: Get Busy with TaskRabbit
Let’s face it: no one really enjoys chores. However, every job someone doesn’t feel like doing is another side hustle opportunity that can make you some quick side income!
TaskRabbit was started to provide a secure task-based marketplace. By becoming a Tasker on TaskRabbit, you can set your own hours and choose to complete various tasks people are requesting for payment.
Common tasks on TaskRabbit include:
Moving and packing services.
Furniture assembly.
Home improvement.
General handyman services.
The work you complete on TaskRabbit won’t be glamorous, but it typically pays well (and you are able to set your pay range). Chances are, you could spend a few hours helping someone move or do some yard work and easily walk away with $100+.
Idea 3: Food Delivery
Whether you work for Just Eat, Skip the Dishes, Grub Hub, Uber Eats, Deliveroo or some other delivery service, making money by delivering food is a simple but effective method for making some extra cash.
If your car isn’t too old, simply register to be a part-time delivery driver for a popular delivery service in your town.
You can set your own hours, and it will only take you a few deliveries to make your monthly target of $85. Depending on your town, people might tip slightly more or less, but a single night of work should help you reach that $1,000 a year goal.
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Idea 4: Help your Landlord
3 college buddies and I moved into the most grungy, decrepit old student house around town when we started school.
However, part of me is really glad we did. Besides the fact that student living can be hilariously awful, I was also able to find some odd jobs and make a few extra hundred dollars simply by asking my landlord if he needed help.
Hiring professional painters, repairmen, garbage removers, or cleaning services is expensive.Hiring desperate students is not.
Trust me when I say landlords always have projects on the go. Whether you are currently renting or not, finding occasional work for fixer-upper projects is not difficult. Reach out to landlords or look online, and spend a day painting, tearing up carpet, fixing holes in the wall, or cleaning a place.
You can earn an easy $100-$150 for a day of work, and you’ll probably walk away with a newfound appreciation for your own home.
Idea 5: Busk
If you play an instrument or can sing fairly well, busking might be the right side hustle for you!
My housemate and I spent several weekends playing guitar on the street corner of our local downtown scene. We’re ok players, so busking provides us with a great way to bond, practice our songs, and also earn a simple $20-$30/each for a few hours of enjoyable music.
You don’t have to be an incredible musician to busk. However, you will need the ability to get over stage fright. Personally, I prefer busking with my friend since I don’t really want to go alone. But I still find busking to be an enjoyable way to make extra money for something that I would do for free anyway.
Just make sure your town or city doesn’t require a permit to busk (or obtain a permit if you need to).
Idea 6: Tutor
Have you ever looked back at high school/elementary homework and realized just how easy it is (shout out to our developed, adult brains).
Well, if your town or city has a few high schools nearby, chances are you can find some part time work tutoring students in math, science, or languages. In my school, tutors were regularly paid $15-$25/hour by parents, especially in more advanced subjects like calculus or chemistry.
If you have a knack for school and enjoy helping others, tutoring might be the right side hustle for you! Plus, most tutoring sessions only last 1-3 hours, so you can make some quick and easy side income without spending too much time!
Idea 7: Babysit
If you like babies and kids, babysitting is an excellent way to make extra money every month. Half the time the kid will be sleeping, so you’re pretty much getting paid to do nothing. Sounds like a dream!
Popular websites like SitterCity have made working as a babysitter (in the U.S.) incredibly easy. However, if you aren’t a U.S. resident, you can always post your own advertisements on local job boards or just ask around town.
Many of my college friends have been babysitters throughout their life, and it’s a great way to make additional income. Even if you only work for 1 family, you can probably make $85 a month from babysitting once or twice (depending on the length of the job).
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Idea 8: Drive with Uber or Lyft
This is a similarly straightforward idea to delivering food (except you’re delivering people). If you have a car that meets Uber or Lyft’s requirements, you can just drive one day of every month and make extra money.
Uber or Lyft might not be a great long term solution due to variability in available rides and the hidden cost of every kilometer you drive (repairs, oil changes, wear and tear), but it isn’t a bad side hustle to do once in a while.
Ideally schedule your driving session around a busy time where you can benefit from surcharges!
Idea 9: AirBnB
I have two friends who have been dating for a couple of years and live in an apartment together. Their place has 2 bedrooms, so once in a while they rent out one of the rooms on AirBnB for the weekend to make some extra cash.
They don’t particularly enjoy having company over, so they usually schedule their AirBnB weekends around times they won’t be home often or there’s an event in town that their visitor will most likely be attending. In any case, it’s an incredibly straightforward way to make $200+ for a weekend of hosting.
If you live in a major city, using AirBnB to make some extra money every month should be even easier. All you need is a decent space, price level, and advertisement on AirBnB.
Idea 10: Reddit ForHire
Reddit is an incredible community, and also presents budding entrepreneurs and side-hustlers with money making opportunities.
r/forhire is one of my favorite subreddits, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a job marketplace. Users can either post ‘hiring’ or ‘for hire’ posts that outline specific work and skills that are being sought after or offered.
Some of the most popular jobs on Reddit For Hire are:
Graphic design.
Content writing.
Video editing.
Tutoring (especially in languages).
Advertising/marketing consulting.
If you have experience in any of these field or have another service to offer, definitely check out Reddit!
Idea 11: Dog Walking
It’s funny how many people buy an adorable companion only to realize they don’t ever want to actually walk it.
Dog walking, like babysitting, is a great way to make extra income just by taking care of a living thing. If you are good with dogs and enjoy the outdoors, consider walking dogs once or twice a month!
Popular dog walking apps include:
Swifto (New York City only).
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Idea 12: Slogan Slinger
While this isn’t a concrete side hustle, I couldn’t resist including something fun in this list.
Slogan Slingers is a website where companies request ideas for their next great slogan and have users deliver them the answer to earn money. For example, a plumbing company might post a contest for $250 that explains what kind of slogan they’re looking for, and users can submit up to 3 entries to try to win.
If you win, you get the money. If you lose, nothing happens! The website isn’t incredibly popular, but there is usually a new contest available every other day. 1,000-2,000 people usually enter a contest, but if you have a knack for marketing, it could be a fun website to visit.
I’ve only been slogan slinging for 1 month and haven’t won anything yet, but I plan to keep at it!
Okay, What’s an Extra $1,000?
You might be wondering what’s the point of working side jobs to earn an extra $1,000 a year, but you’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish with an extra $1,000 in your bank account.
Thinking of investing, but never had enough saved up to take the first steps? Use your thousand dollars.
Want to help ease the sting of utility bills and rent? Use your extra thousand dollars.
Or, want to start your own business but need a bit of extra cash to start out? Well, you now have an extra thousand dollars.
I hope you have found this side hustle challenge to be inspiring and provide some effective job opportunities to get started! As long as you take active, baby steps towards generating additional income, you can easily reach a goal of an additional $1,000/ear or surpass it completely.
Best of luck in your side hustle journey!
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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financiallymint · 6 years
Students: I Challenge You to Earn an Extra $1000/Year
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Very excited to be sharing this guest post by Tom from This Online World on side hustles and earning extra income. A fellow student all the way in Canada who’s passionate about online marketing, passive income and even crypto! He has a great hustle mindset and his website has a lot of good info on money hacking and earning a bit more $$ – you gotta check him out.
The article is written in dollar signs $$, but simply change the currency and it works just as well. What’s important is the idea!
Starting your own side hustle is one of the coolest ways to increase your income: it’s basically growing your own little money baby.
However, when it comes to the actual work, it can be difficult to know when or how to start. From finding extra time to securing side hustle opportunities, getting the ball rolling on your extra income generation journey requires time and some thought.
For students, it can be especially difficult to find the time or correct side hustle opportunity. Assignments and exams can occupy most of your day, and the nature of student life often equates to a less than stable financial situation.
I am currently in my last year college, and I’ve certainly had my share of cheap beer, instant Ramen, and a lonely bank balance.
However, whether you are in school or employed, wealthy or just making ends meet, skilled in a craft or a complete novice, it is possible to start a successful side hustle that makes you an extra $1,000 a year.
Don’t believe me?
Well, here’s the mindset I want you to approach this side hustle challenge with:
You have 12 months in a year to make an extra $1,000.
That means you only have to make about $85/month of additional income with your side hustles.
When you think about making an extra $1,000 a year as only having to earn an extra $85 a month, it doesn’t seem so daunting.
Personally, I take 1-2 days out of every month to dedicate towards my various side hustles.
It doesn’t matter if you take on a variety of side hustles or stick to a single job. As long as you take an active approach to making more money and stick to a plan, you can succeed.
Let’s take a look at 12 possible side hustle ideas that you can do once a month to make an extra $1,000 a year.
Idea 1: Content Writing Gigs
I’m a staunch supporter of working online to earn extra money, and content writing is always my first recommendation (especially for students).
Content writing can expand your skill set and open the doors for future employment or freelance opportunities (looks great on a CV!). Additionally, content writing jobs are often remote and have incredibly flexible working hours.
I’ve written content throughout my college years, and there are a number of ways to approach securing a content writing side hustle:
Look on job posting websites for companies that are seeking freelance writers (Indeed.com, LinkedIn, Monster.ca are some great ones).
Post your own advertisement on your local job boards or online marketplaces. Offer your content writing services to local businesses in your area!
Create gigs on online websites like Fiverr. There are many freelance writers who use Fiverr to generate income, and most price their content at $5-$10 for every 500 words of content.
Most content writing jobs won’t require you to be an English major or have an extensive portfolio. As long as you are a decent writer, you should be able to find work that pays between $10-$15/hour without a problem!
Idea 2: Get Busy with TaskRabbit
Let’s face it: no one really enjoys chores. However, every job someone doesn’t feel like doing is another side hustle opportunity that can make you some quick side income!
TaskRabbit was started to provide a secure task-based marketplace. By becoming a Tasker on TaskRabbit, you can set your own hours and choose to complete various tasks people are requesting for payment.
Common tasks on TaskRabbit include:
Moving and packing services.
Furniture assembly.
Home improvement.
General handyman services.
The work you complete on TaskRabbit won’t be glamorous, but it typically pays well (and you are able to set your pay range). Chances are, you could spend a few hours helping someone move or do some yard work and easily walk away with $100+.
Idea 3: Food Delivery
Whether you work for Just Eat, Skip the Dishes, Grub Hub, Uber Eats, Deliveroo or some other delivery service, making money by delivering food is a simple but effective method for making some extra cash.
If your car isn’t too old, simply register to be a part-time delivery driver for a popular delivery service in your town.
You can set your own hours, and it will only take you a few deliveries to make your monthly target of $85. Depending on your town, people might tip slightly more or less, but a single night of work should help you reach that $1,000 a year goal.
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Idea 4: Help your Landlord
3 college buddies and I moved into the most grungy, decrepit old student house around town when we started school.
However, part of me is really glad we did. Besides the fact that student living can be hilariously awful, I was also able to find some odd jobs and make a few extra hundred dollars simply by asking my landlord if he needed help.
Hiring professional painters, repairmen, garbage removers, or cleaning services is expensive.Hiring desperate students is not.
Trust me when I say landlords always have projects on the go. Whether you are currently renting or not, finding occasional work for fixer-upper projects is not difficult. Reach out to landlords or look online, and spend a day painting, tearing up carpet, fixing holes in the wall, or cleaning a place.
You can earn an easy $100-$150 for a day of work, and you’ll probably walk away with a newfound appreciation for your own home.
Idea 5: Busk
If you play an instrument or can sing fairly well, busking might be the right side hustle for you!
My housemate and I spent several weekends playing guitar on the street corner of our local downtown scene. We’re ok players, so busking provides us with a great way to bond, practice our songs, and also earn a simple $20-$30/each for a few hours of enjoyable music.
You don’t have to be an incredible musician to busk. However, you will need the ability to get over stage fright. Personally, I prefer busking with my friend since I don’t really want to go alone. But I still find busking to be an enjoyable way to make extra money for something that I would do for free anyway.
Just make sure your town or city doesn’t require a permit to busk (or obtain a permit if you need to).
Idea 6: Tutor
Have you ever looked back at high school/elementary homework and realized just how easy it is (shout out to our developed, adult brains).
Well, if your town or city has a few high schools nearby, chances are you can find some part time work tutoring students in math, science, or languages. In my school, tutors were regularly paid $15-$25/hour by parents, especially in more advanced subjects like calculus or chemistry.
If you have a knack for school and enjoy helping others, tutoring might be the right side hustle for you! Plus, most tutoring sessions only last 1-3 hours, so you can make some quick and easy side income without spending too much time!
Idea 7: Babysit
If you like babies and kids, babysitting is an excellent way to make extra money every month. Half the time the kid will be sleeping, so you’re pretty much getting paid to do nothing. Sounds like a dream!
Popular websites like SitterCity have made working as a babysitter (in the U.S.) incredibly easy. However, if you aren’t a U.S. resident, you can always post your own advertisements on local job boards or just ask around town.
Many of my college friends have been babysitters throughout their life, and it’s a great way to make additional income. Even if you only work for 1 family, you can probably make $85 a month from babysitting once or twice (depending on the length of the job).
Idea 8: Drive with Uber or Lyft
This is a similarly straightforward idea to delivering food (except you’re delivering people). If you have a car that meets Uber or Lyft’s requirements, you can just drive one day of every month and make extra money.
Uber or Lyft might not be a great long term solution due to variability in available rides and the hidden cost of every kilometer you drive (repairs, oil changes, wear and tear), but it isn’t a bad side hustle to do once in a while.
Ideally schedule your driving session around a busy time where you can benefit from surcharges!
Idea 9: AirBnB
I have two friends who have been dating for a couple of years and live in an apartment together. Their place has 2 bedrooms, so once in a while they rent out one of the rooms on AirBnB for the weekend to make some extra cash.
They don’t particularly enjoy having company over, so they usually schedule their AirBnB weekends around times they won’t be home often or there’s an event in town that their visitor will most likely be attending. In any case, it’s an incredibly straightforward way to make $200+ for a weekend of hosting.
If you live in a major city, using AirBnB to make some extra money every month should be even easier. All you need is a decent space, price level, and advertisement on AirBnB.
Idea 10: Reddit ForHire
Reddit is an incredible community, and also presents budding entrepreneurs and side-hustlers with money making opportunities.
r/forhire is one of my favorite subreddits, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a job marketplace. Users can either post ‘hiring’ or ‘for hire’ posts that outline specific work and skills that are being sought after or offered.
Some of the most popular jobs on Reddit For Hire are:
Graphic design.
Content writing.
Video editing.
Tutoring (especially in languages).
Advertising/marketing consulting.
If you have experience in any of these field or have another service to offer, definitely check out Reddit!
Idea 11: Dog Walking
It’s funny how many people buy an adorable companion only to realize they don’t ever want to actually walk it.
Dog walking, like babysitting, is a great way to make extra income just by taking care of a living thing. If you are good with dogs and enjoy the outdoors, consider walking dogs once or twice a month!
Popular dog walking apps include:
Swifto (New York City only).
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Idea 12: Slogan Slinger
While this isn’t a concrete side hustle, I couldn’t resist including something fun in this list.
Slogan Slingers is a website where companies request ideas for their next great slogan and have users deliver them the answer to earn money. For example, a plumbing company might post a contest for $250 that explains what kind of slogan they’re looking for, and users can submit up to 3 entries to try to win.
If you win, you get the money. If you lose, nothing happens! The website isn’t incredibly popular, but there is usually a new contest available every other day. 1,000-2,000 people usually enter a contest, but if you have a knack for marketing, it could be a fun website to visit.
I’ve only been slogan slinging for 1 month and haven’t won anything yet, but I plan to keep at it!
Okay, What’s an Extra $1,000?
You might be wondering what’s the point of working side jobs to earn an extra $1,000 a year, but you’d be surprised at how much you can accomplish with an extra $1,000 in your bank account.
Thinking of investing, but never had enough saved up to take the first steps? Use your thousand dollars.
Want to help ease the sting of utility bills and rent? Use your extra thousand dollars.
Or, want to start your own business but need a bit of extra cash to start out? Well, you now have an extra thousand dollars.
I hope you have found this side hustle challenge to be inspiring and provide some effective job opportunities to get started! As long as you take active, baby steps towards generating additional income, you can easily reach a goal of an additional $1,000/ear or surpass it completely.
Best of luck in your side hustle journey!
Read more like this over at Financially Mint
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