#it's a good takedown
This is called the corduroy pattern
Parallel lines. Stereoscopic views with a snake running through the lines. Waking up from it's slumber flickering it's tongue for prey
Selling supplements at the price of 1 for the 2
Number check birthday gram 12 soft capitality
Street Fighter imports banality of babality
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alicentes · 1 year
If season 5 (perhaps the final season?) of You isn’t these people teaming up to take down joe then what’s the point
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lonesomedotmp3 · 4 months
I'm only ten minutes in but this girl is my hero
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unspuncreature · 3 months
It's not a trans thing. Cock and balls will be removed because it goes against TOS. People will report it.
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transannabeth · 2 months
mmmmm i know i just opened it but bigcartel is raising their prices so i don’t know if i can afford to keep my store there open after the end of this month….
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sysig · 11 months
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Fight me (Patreon)
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paradoxius · 21 days
There needs to be a term for the kind of strawman-adjacent argument where, sure, there actually is a guy who believes that but I think he's a dumbass.
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henrysfedora · 1 year
we were robbed of a scene where sam's sitting there all hurt (once again) while tommy and paulie stand in front of him with their fists up and ready to beat the living shit outta some no good thugs to protect him
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John Wick 3 worth watching for the incredible dog training/stunt work imo. really, really impressive shit. and apparently no animal injuries on set? even more impressive.
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thepoisonroom · 1 year
petition for all the trans the last of us likers to read manhunt by gretchen felker-martin
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snapbackslide · 1 year
we were wild and fluorescent, come home to my heart
Happy Pi Day, happy Tyson Tuesday, and more importantly, happy birthday Tyson ❤️
1 year, 2 numbers, 3 teams. A trade, a heartbreak, a waiver pickup. 25 years old. It can only go up from here. Wishing nothing but the best for my favourite human 💌
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himbofication · 5 months
atomic heart is very good btw and i have much to say about it. but i will hold my tongue (mostly) until i have 100%'d the game cuz my brain told me to.
but what i will immediately say is that the story is pretty decent -- though not great -- and the gameplay is really good though lacking in good tutorialization or teaching moments in gameplay
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aaaand it begins
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sexygaywizard · 2 years
Just saw you got terrible Harry Potter anons. Sending you a bowl of your favorite cereal through the Internet!
Honestly unbothered about it they were really funny, they think that calling me a muggle is an own
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sheepalmighty · 2 years
It turns out I have a bunch of stuff to say on the whole Pixy being called Cinderella by Bristow (Wizard 1) thing. Even though it's been pointed out now and then, and I think its inclusion is something the player would intuitively get and understand in the context of the story and characters, I'd still like to put my reading on this line out there. I’m also hoping this post with help iron out the details for myself.
Firstly, I just want to say I think Wizard 1 respects Pixy and sees him as an important ally and does not need to manipulate him (like it seems his grandiose speech to his group has him otherwise portrayed) - this latter point I'll elaborate on later. I get this take from their conversation in the operation after Excalibur wherein he acknowledges that Pixy's prediction on how the conflict will pan out is accurate. He then prompts Pixy to ditch his 'dead end job' but Pixy declines. It's this conversation that Wizard 1 is calling back to when he calls Pixy Cinderella.
Here he's implying that the clock's struck midnight and the magic has faded. The magic in this case being the illusion that Pixy and his allies are essentially heroes. As such, the illusion is not only that Pixy is playing as someone he is not, which is obvious enough from him always having had ties to AWWNB, it also encompasses Cipher. The prince who had enchanted him is actually the same as everyone else - another soldier led into fighting a pointlessly bloody war. Or perhaps, in firing that missile, he also finally sees Cipher as the Demon Lord, the biggest threat in this conflict, in that moment (I'm also partial to him testing his own resolve). From all of this it can also be said that Wizard 1 is ultimately condemning all of the allies' actions throughout their involvement.
The illusion’s path can be traced back to its origins by looking at Pixy's disposition from around the liberation of Directus until the assault on Excalibur. During the liberation and after hearing the cheering from the civilians his overall tone changes from that of a pragmatic and jaded merc to a 'not bad for a bunch of misfits' positivity after Excalibur. This is the mindset Pixy is in when he tells Wizard 1 that he doesn't want to quit just yet.
During the "pulling" of Excalibur Pixy says to Cipher that Cipher's 'got everyone believing in miracles', but he may have also been swept up in this belief too. This is reminiscent of the previous couple entries that emphasised the lone fighter / squadron inspiring others to believe they can turn the tides of battle, maybe even inspiring the player in the same fashion as those entries (5 is more complicated but the heroism is almost always present). But, in this game, that notion is soon subverted in the double gut punch of The Inferno and The Stage of Apocalypse, and so are any of Pixy's hopes in any other solution and any belief (like Cipher possibly gave him) in being a positive force in this campaign. It hammers in what Pixy already knew but got carried away from.
And so, when Wizard 1 conversed with Pixy the first time he shows that he can't see any good in this conflict (a 'dead end job') but doesn't push back on Pixy declining. Perhaps retrospectively he puts himself in the role of fairy godmother by letting Pixy continue to believe in a positive outcome for this war, to wear the clothes of a hero for a while longer. He makes this decision apparent to us through the Cinderella-fairy godmother back and forth between them the next time they meet. It's coming from the place of a comrade reminding their ally of the ideology they banded together for though, just with some snark.
Finally, with the imagery of a clock striking midnight the concept of the eleventh hour, the time just before the point of no return, is evoked. After Hoffnung has been abandoned and the apocalypse happens it has hit midnight, the magic spell is lifted, and nothing can be changed. The path is set and Pixy has found his reason to fight. So, the way I see it, with a single line the Cinderella association pulls a lot of purposefully written theming, characterisation, and commentary together in an effective manner. It helps carry weighty implications in an already overwhelming and powerful moment of the game and, as has been hopefully shown above, provides some extra understanding of the commentary being made by this game through some introspection of prior events by the player.
A couple asides: Bristow's into literature so that provides a little more context to the whole Cinderella usage, though it's only in auxiliary text I think. If looking at it from a writer’s perspective maybe one reason Cinderella was chosen was for the imagery of Pixy running away after he sheds any pretense of being just another passive soldier. And, related to Pixy's Morgan le Fay parallel, Bristow's callsign may be Lucan (servant to King Arthur) but, after an admittedly short read on Arthurian legends, he can also be seen as Merlin who respected Morgan le Fay and taught her magic, and later conspired against Arthur with her.
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unendingphantasm · 11 months
spotify wants me to use magic shuffle so bad
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