#it's a hilarious commentary on the new anime's pacing that i had to cut out a bunch of frames from the Lt fight and speed it up
recurring-polynya · 1 year
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i would simply not attack this man, no matter how advantageous my position appeared to be
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kurainohikaru · 6 years
I made a few friends Cussing out Cinder/ Rwby Volume 6 Episode 1: Argus Limited
So at the premiere tonight they began it with showing a recap of the last 2 episodes of Volume 5, the first scene being a closeup of Cinder’s face. Now I’m not normally that rude guy at a theater but as soon as she showed up on screen I just shouted: “Get off the screen, you stupid bitch!”  Now this is in no disrespect to Jessica Nigri or CRWBY (maybe a bit of salt to M&K for waiting this long to give the backstory of her if we are ever even gonna get it but I digress.) I covered my mouth in shame but to my surprise, most everyone laughed (the theatre wasn’t even close to full so it wasn’t that many people)., so I continued to add my colorful commentary throughout, shouting, “BYE FELICIA!” in the silent moment where she is falling to her “death” frozen and there’s no audio, got a good few laughs outta that. 
Beware Spoilers below!
So after the Adam Trailer and Director’s commentary we finally got into the meat and potatoes, Rwby Volume 6 episode 1: Argus Limited.
 I wasn’t one of the people who avoided spoilers and so I was aware of the scenes shown at NYCC and I gotta say... I have NO IDEA why the kiss ignited the ship wars like it did. You couldn’t even see the kiss! It was from a zoomed out shot and Blake’s body blocked the cheek she kissed. Granted I love both ships (though still holding out for dem Seamonkeys, I know it won’t happen let a boy dream!), so I loved it anyway. Also, the entire theatre SCREAMED when Neptune showed up, if only for a brief moment.
What I CAN say about the Blake and Sun moment is that in that one conversation we had more development for Sun since his iteration into the series! Not only did he lament for how long he’s left his team and recognized how he’s kinda been a shitty leader lately, but he also realized that he would always be there for Blake, but she doesn’t need him right now and she’s where she needs to be. And that was both incredibly mature and wise of him to say. #ProudofmySun I have no doubt they and CFVY will be returning in the Vacuo Arc, if not sooner.
There was also a great conversation prior to this between Blake an Ilia, and a heartfelt teary hug from Ilia wishing Blake didn’t have to go. Honestly, that made me more shook up than Sun’s departure, I felt bad for her. Hopefully, we haven’t seen the last of her though.
I really enjoyed the overall episode’s blending of the serious and comedic. I think they’ve finally achieved that perfect balance they were looking for and I hope it persists, instead of bleeding into morosely overserious or completely out of place comedic.
There was an awkward bees moment where Blake tries to help Yang reach for her bag only for Yang to say she doesn’t have to do that, citing that it will be a bit awkward at first but she is genuinely glad to have her teammate back. I hope this isn’t the end of their drama because there definitely NEEDS to be a long tearful discussion about the repercussions of the fallout of Volume 3.
There is a brief bout atop the train with new Grimm(which I will get back to) before RWBY and JNR decide they need to separate to protect the people from attacking Grimm. Why you ask? Well because Ozpin decides to casually let everyone know, and I point out that even Qrow was surprised, that the Relic attracts Grimm. 
It seems the poster will indeed reflect the emotions of the girl’s this volume as this raises Ire with both Yang and Weiss, Yang asking why would he keep this from them? Before he can respond though, Ruby cuts her off and says it doesn’t matter, to which Yang and Weiss have the biggest “Are you fucking kidding me?” looks. I’ll be honest I didn’t see Blake’s reaction just because of how strong Yang and Weiss’s were, which makes sense given their disillusionment from Raven. Also, Ruby’s scythe surrounding Oscar/Oz on the poster symbolizing her protecting him seems like it will be something that plays out.
Jaune and Ruby share a moment, Jaune making Ruby promise she’ll meet them in Argus before going through with their plan of Jaune amplifying Ren’s aura to mask the entire front of the train while RWBY, Qrow, and Oz/Oscar stay in the back trains. 
Jaune’s semblance mastery is kinda insane already that and he has a shit ton of Aura since Ren was able to do that no problem and Jaune also healed an insignificant character’s severely bruised arm that got pinched between the tunnel and the wall after the tunnel ceased the first bout. Not to mention, we have even more proof of his large Aura capacity as that was at least a good few dozens of people in the train cars. This is going to prove to make some interesting combos later given we saw how fast Weiss could summon in Volume 5 after being affected by it #JauneistooOPPlzNerf
So as to the question I bet you’re all wondering...
How’s the action?
Now I don’t claim to be any animation guru and can’t point out finer details here but the action seemed more well-paced and much cleaner than anything in Volume 5. 
Some Highlights are as follows:
Ruby actually fighting decently and not just a bunch of motion blur scythe swinging.
Ruby saving Weiss with her semblance atop the train when the tunnel forces them to retreat.
Weiss Ice skating/leaping off her glyphs atop the train. Personally, I thought this was one of the best flair decisions combat wise.
Fun Yang and Blake 1v1 moments.
Amazing cinematic 1v1 of Qrow vs what I assume was the Sphinx Grimm all the others were much smaller and what I assume are Baby Manticore Grimm as concept art one was HUGE.
Amazing team RWBY moment (without ship names sadly) where they need to restrict the Sphinx’s movement to help Qrow. Yang puts herself on the opposite side of the team where Qrow is and draws it’s attention while Blake throws her ribbon of Gambol Shroud over the top of the Grimm’s torso. As it falls downward, Yang shotgun blasts Gambol shroud several times, the ribbon rewrapping around the Grimm several times before she jams it into the ground, holding it as Blake pulls on her end, effectively restricting it. Weiss then comes up and glyphs each of the wings of the Grimm freezing and then subsequently shattering them.
The moment culminates with a split screen showing both Ruby’s and Qrow’s faces, before each of them sniper/shotgun momentum themselves forward, each in scythe form. Qrow and then Ruby is shown to spin in a 360 spiral similar to what we’ve seen Ruby do before, executing the Grimm as it releases a final fireball. I thought this was beautiful to look at and a Nice touch illustrating Ruby was clearly trained by Qrow as mentioned in the very first episode of the show.
The fight ends as the train gets derailed (I can’t remember why but the fireball either blocked or derailed the track somehow I was too busy processing the above badass moment). Weiss quickly thinks to soften the blow gravity glyphing everyone atop the train as they crash.
Everyone is fine post-crash but I DID notice that the relic previously attached to Oscar’s hip is now missing. Which I will assume will lead into the next episode where we see Ruby find it in the shot from the trailer, as another point in the trailer shows it on her hip. 
The Episode ends with the strange old woman (Who I keep calling Katara thanks to a tumblr post on here lol) saying that was close. My money is more on her being a silver-eyed warrior than a maiden but only time will tell!
All in all, I loved this first episode, it felt very refreshing and fun to watch and I hope this momentum continues through the rest of the volume!
The night ended with the few people tracking me down after the movie, saying I was hilarious and inviting me out for some food, drinks, and theory-filled good company! Can’t wait to see what comes next!
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Weekly Blog Post #1 -Goodbye 2018 and Welcome 2019
Dear Future me,
I’m a bit late starting this (which I have no excuse for), but the gist is that I’ve decided that from now on I’m going to make a blog post every week as a way to document and look back on all the good and possibly not good things happening in my life. There's no formula here, it’s mainly be just a free for all to talk about my week and the things I enjoy.
That being said, This first entry will be a bit different and quite a bit longer than normal, as I reflect back on the recently ended 2018. This year stretched on unusually long as Trumps Politics became a raging dumpster fire threatening a country wide collapse on a weekly basis, and authoritarian began spreading further throughout the rest of the World. For me personally, I
-wrote a 26 page thesis that I will never look at again
-graduated from UC with a Neuroscience degree
-served a term as a research assistant taking care of mice
-worked at then quit my job at Staples
-Got a job at the IRS
-Got suspended from my job at the IRS due to a government shutdown that is still in effect
-started dating for the first time (though no girlfriend as of yet)
-grew even closer to my friends as we typically hung out at least twice a week
-entered a DnD campaign
-Got suspended from playing said DnD campaign
-Discovered I like Sushi
-Went to my first concert since middle school (Panic! at the Disco and Hayley Kiyoko)
-Stayed at a cabin with my friends where we played strip jenga and got lost hiking in the woods for 8 miles in a thunderstorm
-Got a mysterious disease that lasted 2 weeks from said hike
-Grew my hair out then cut 10 inches off and donated it
-My best friend got engaged, My sister went to Sweden, and my brother moved to Toledo
-Watching my puppy Cocoa grow up (though we technically got her late 2017)
And probably a lot more that I can’t remember at the moment. As per usual I spent a lot of 2018 consuming media like the nerd that I am, so I’m going to spend the rest of this far too long entry ranking my favorite things I saw/read in 2018. These will be ranked by pure enjoyment, not overall quality, and aren't meant to be an objective best of list. I just want to talk about things I like. So:
Top 5 Movies
Honorable mention- Hereditary, a fantastic and deeply unsettling film that was one of the most emotionally charged viewing experiences I’ve ever had. It would be high on the list if I had actually watched in 2018, but I only just now watched it and had made the list before hand. Still, one of the best horror movies I’ve ever seen.
5-Venom-Movie was a fucking mess but it was pretty fun. I love the concept of the Symbiotes.
4-A Quiet Place-A movie with almost no sound/verbal dialogue and a great sense of suspense
3-Black Panther-Amazing sense of Style, Amazing Villain, A great Cultural achievement  
2-Deadpool 2- Fantastic sense of humor, inventive fights, first big screen lgbt+ superheroes
1-Into the Spiderverse-Best animation I've seen in maybe a decade, Everything about this movie is surprisingly amazing, from the soundtrack to the character designs to the emotional resonance. This Movie can’t come out on DVD fast enough.
Top 5 Cartoons
Honorable Mention -Voltron-Disappointing Finale but 7th season had an amazing Keith/Shiro fight scene and Lotor, arguably one of the best characters in the series.
5-Rick and Morty-Not my favorite season but still smart, rewatchable, and unique episodes.
4-She Ra- Great characters and designs with the Catra/Adora conflict elevating the Series.
3-Bobs Burgers- Consistently good, funny, and relatable, My whole family enjoys it.
2-Steven Universe- Finally getting answers to alien plot, excellent art, plenty of lgbt goodness
1-Hilda-An incredibly inventive new series with a truly unique and empathetic fantasy world, adorable art, a wonderful mother-daughter relationship and some of my new favorite creature designs. The atmosphere this series creates is one I want to live in forever.
Top 5 TV Shows
Honorable Mention- Killing Eve, Like Hereditary I did not watch this until 2019, but I adored Villanelle’s strange psychopathy and the very lesbian tension between her and Eve.
Honorable Mention-The Haunting of the Hill House-Great character building episodes, neat effects, and a great building tension, an underwhelming finale brings it down a bit.
5-Stranger Things-Inferior to the 1st season but still great characters and interesting plot
4-Game of Thrones-Lots of plot contrivances but every episode was still massively entertaining.
3-Good Place-Genuinely great twist with creative ideas and a solid critique of moral philosophy
2-Dirk Gently-Batshit insane, quirky, hilarious, with absolutely amazing characters and writing.
1-Brooklyn 99-One of the best shows on TV, every episode is hilarious and heartfelt, I love every cast member. Ontop of having an amazing sense of humor, B99 is one of the most progressive shows on television, and continually address relevant issues in a tactful and good natured way.
Top 5 Anime
Honorable Mention-Zombieland Saga- a fun show with a creative spin on the idol genre, the heartfelt relations between the characters were a highlight, as was the presence of a trans idol.
5-Aggretsuko-Incredibly relatable with adorable and lovable characters.
4-Mo Dao Zu Shi-Unique setting with a great protagonist and a slow build gay romance
3-Devilman Crybaby-An unforgettable and highly enthralling experience, plus I’m gay for Miko
2-Megalo Box-Probably Deserves to be #1  for its fantastic sense of style, tension, amazingly choreographed fights, lovable protagonist and ‘Antagonist’, and incredible pacing.
1-Reincarnated Slime-This anime is just the ultimate escapist fantasy. Every week I look forward to watching the stupidly op and likable protagonist make friends with everyone he meets, build a peaceful city from scratch, overpower everyone with neat abilities, try his best to avoid conflicts, and comment on how hot everyone around him is. It's the equivalent of playing an RPG and doing every side quest you can to make everyone happy, I love it. It's just very Chill and pretty.
Top 5 Comics
Honorable Mention-Space Battle Lunchtime-Cute lgbt+ characters and fun concept, but short for now
5-Moonstruck-My ideal fantasy world with fun and vibrant fantasy designs and a highly diverse cast of lgbt+ characters, but only just beginning with a lot of room for further character development. 
4-Trust-fantastic art and an intriguing setting with a mysterious but interesting plot
3-MotorCity-Stylish protagonist with an adorable girlfriend and an interesting supernatural twist.
2-Saga-Creative and exciting space opera that introduces lots of likable characters and then kills them.
1-The Adventure Zone-My favorite Fantasy Story of all time getting translated into a visual medium. While the first Volume was not quite as good as the Podcast (Though I don’t believe that’s possible anyway), it still had much of the great humor and characters with some lovely art and a condensed story.
Top 5 Web Series
Honorable Mention- Game Grumps-Not sure if I want to count Lets Plays but this channel brings me so much joy. House Party, Doodle Doods, and the 10 Minute Power Hours were highlights.
5-Monster Pop-Great colorful character designs and complex character conflicts with ample lgbt+ content
4-Buzzfeed Unsolved-very interesting and weird events with hilarious commentary, the hosts have a great chemistry and play well off each other.
3-Their Story-My favorite lesbians, stylish, cute, and fun, wish it updated more often.
2-19 Days-Amazing slow build romances with incredibly fun characters and interactions, Grade A Homoerotic tension. 
1-Ava's Demon-Some of my favorite art and character designs in any Media, The plot is amazing and fairly unpredictable, I feel incredibly excited every time I see it has updated.
Well that’s all for now. Next time will be my favorite ships of 2018, as their were some interesting couples this year.
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Sakura Wars Gets More Goods, Collabs, Comments From Kohei Tanaka
July 7, 2020 3:34 PM EST
Everything from the latest Sakura Wars stream including a Chain Chronicle collab, new Nendoroids, more goods, and comments from composer Kohei Tanaka.
Sega held the 14th Sakura Taisen Imperial Communication Department’s Broadcast stream on June 19, focusing on Sakura Wars The Animation. We’ve summarized every past Sakura Taisen stream on DualShockers, though on a more timely manner. So while it’s been a few days now since the stream aired, here’s our full summary, as usual.
The stream featured as usual: MC Mami Yamashita (who thankfully recovered from Covid-19), Seijuro Kamiyama’s seiyuu Youhei Azakami, and Producer Tetsu Katano. Present as guests were Kenji Akabane, who is the seiyuu of Kaminski in Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation (Sakura Wars The Animation), and Sakura Taisen series composer Kohei Tanaka. The stream focused on Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation whose final episode aired the same day.
After the introductions, everyone present on the stream started chatting about the anime, and introducing its characters. Most notably Kaminski Valery, captain of the Moscow Combat Troupe appearing in the anime’s story, sequel to the game. The first hilarious moment on stream was how Kenji Akabane was supposed to launch the video introducing his character, but got preemptively cut since he took so long. You can catch that moment at the 14:00 time stamp below:
Following that, everyone on stream commented various excerpt from each Sakura Wars The Animation episodes. I’ve personally only skimmed through this part to avoid spoilers, as time didn’t permit me to watch the whole anime yet.  However, you should definitely check it out if you’re a fan with a grasp of Japanese. This sequence starts at the 23:00 mark and lasts around 20 minutes:
One particular anecdote Kohei Tanaka mentioned is how the cat often seen in the anime, is voiced by Ryoko Shiraishi, who also voices Komachi.
Following that, Kenji Akabane spoke about his history with the Sakura Taisen franchise. He first got into the series with Sakura Wars The Movie, released on December 22, 2001. Akabane explained he really loves Hidenori Matsubara’s designs in the Sakura anime adaptations and how they adapt perfectly the original design by Kousuke Fujishima. As a reminder, nowadays whenever new Sakura Wars artwork is released, it’s always Hidenori Matsubara drawing it, and I don’t think Kousuke Fujishima has drawn Sakura Taisen artwork for years now, which is a shame. Kenji Akabane greatly praised the movie and how it’s still incredibly great looking even now. He was also really into collecting stickers back then and particularly liked the ones included in some of the OST CDs releases.
Kohei Tanaka too spoke about Sakura Wars The Movie. He explained that back during the movie’s production, when he recorded the BGMs with an orchestra, they had an audience as well. It was a pretty emotional moment as some of the fans watching the stream mentioned in the comments they were there. Back then, they recorded the audience for cheers and applause used in the movie as well.
Following that, the discussion subject moved back to Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation. Kenji Akabane was really hyped to be in the anime because he met Sumire’s seiyuu Michie Tomizawa during the recording. There’s also a scene early on in the anime where Kaminski meets Sumire and praises her, and he was ultra hyped about voicing that one scene. As for Akabane’s initial impressions of Kaminski, he only saw his actual design just before recording, and didn’t see it at the audition, so he was surprised how much of a pretty boy he is. He asked a lot about his personality and goals to the anime staff before recording to be sure to get in the role and voice him accordingly.
At that point on Kohei Tanaka started focusing on the ending theme song, Sakura Yumemishi. It’s sung by the girls of the Imperial Combat Revue’s new Flower Division: Sakura Amamiya, Hatsuho, Azami, Anastasia, Claris, along with Shangai’s Huang Yui, London’s Lancelot, and Berlin’s Elise.
With Sakura Yumemishi, Kohei Tanaka wanted to make something symbolizing the nobleness and frantic feelings of the women fighting in the series. That’s why Ayane Sakura, singing as Sakura Amamiya, has particularly high notes in the song, to show that franticness. Kohei Tanaka really praised her singing and said she pretty much fused with Sakura Amamiya. He praised all the other seiyuu as well, and said they did a wonderful job. He also jokingly apologized for making so many hard to sing pieces Kenji Akabane added he’d definitely refuse he was asked to sing one of the songs because it’d be way too difficult. Kohei Tanaka mentioned it was particularly difficult for Hibiku Yamamura, because she had to stay in Azami’s voice and yet sing very high tones.
Following that, Kohei Tanaka explained the lyrics of Sakura Yumemishi. Nearly every single song in Sakura Wars has lyrics written by original author Hiroi Oji. However, he couldn’t do the lyrics of Sakura Yumemishi, so Shouko Fujibayashi handled it instead. In the Shin Sakura Taisen game, Shouko Fujibayashi also wrote the lyrics for the character songs of Lancelot (Knights of the Round), Elise (Schwarzer Stern), Itsuki (Ruriruran Ginza Roman) and the charasong shared by Sumire, Kaoru, and Komachi (A Star Is Born).
Kohei Tanaka explained he loves working with Hiroi Oji and wants to keep working with him for years to come, but having someone else do the lyrics is also a good change of pace, which can bring a new angle to Sakura Taisen music.
Shouko Fujibayashi wrote many songs for Nana Mizuki, Hiroshi Kitadani, and many other legendary singers in Japan. She also regularly works with Kohei Tanaka as she writes the lyrics of most of the songs he does for One Piece. She writes lyrics for pretty much every single popular kids franchise, Precure, Kamen Rider, One Piece, you name it.
As that segment of the stream ended, we got the see a clean, non-credit version of Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation‘s ending sequence, with Sakura Yumemishi playing. As far as I know it’s the only way to see this version for now. It’s at the 53:38 mark:
Mami Yamashita, Yohei Azakami and Kenji Akabane  all really like the ED animation, especially the Kamiyama shot and how cool he looks.
An OST CD for Sakura Wars PS4 launched June 24. This is the OST CD containing the game’s instrumentals BGMs only. The vocal songs were in the OST CD included in the Japanese Limited Edition, and were also released on a separate CD, seen on the right.
Kohei Tanaka said he’s never tired of making Sakura Taisen songs and wants to keep doing it forever. He said that when he recorded the BGMs for Sakura Wars PS4 with an orchestra, at the same time he also recorded the BGMs in the One Piece: Stampede movie, so it was really exhausting. But he’s glad he did it.
Kohei Tanaka also quickly mentioned the BGM used in the final battle of Sakura Wars PS4. He explained how the game’s saddest BGM uses the same base as the final battle’s BGM, to represent the sadness and pain of battle.
The Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation OST CD for ending theme Sakura Yumemishi is out since May 27. Kohei Tanaka said there will probably be another CD later on with the rest of the anime’s BGMs.
Volume 1 and 2 of the DVD and Bluray disc release of the anime are out. Cover illustrations are by character designer Masashi Kudo. One of the coolest things about these are the audio commentaries by the seiyuu. Yohei Azakami mentioned he’s in the audio commentary in Volume 3, and it was the first time he ever recorded one. Kenji Akabane is on Volume 4’s audio commentary. Volume 3 launches on July 15. Volume 4 on August 19.
Starting the 1:08:40 mark of the stream, we had the usual goods and new collabs segment, with Mami Yamashita and Yohei Azakami wearing glasses and acting all serious. This is one of the meta jokes of these streams as they always do that for this segment.
First off, we learned the Shin Sakura Taisen The Comic manga will end with volume 3, launching on July 17, 2020.
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玄庵葬徹を倒した華撃団! 華麗なるフィナーレをご覧ください! そしてまた、新たな幕が開くその時までーー…
コミックス2巻デジタル版はこちら→https://t.co/JpNtOL8Uxy pic.twitter.com/7gzwcxvOXn
— 野口こゆり公式【新サクラ大戦 the Comic】 (@kenkouki_) June 24, 2020
The final chapter of the manga was pre-published online in Tonari no Young Jump on June 25, 2020. It has a pretty cool shot of Sakura Amamiya.
The new Sakura Wars goods on sale in Japan since June 17.
As a reminder, each character has been getting goods for their birthdays. Each month, one character gets goods dedicated to them. Special messages from the other characters, wishing them happy birthday, are also published online on the Sakura Taisen Twitter account. The first wave of birthday goods was for Sakura Amamiya in March 2020.
List of Shin Sakura Taisen main characters birthdays, blood type and astrological sign (These were revealed during the 11th stream on January 2020):
Seijuro Kamiyama August 11, Leo, AB.
Sakura Amamiya: March 19, Pisces, A.
Hatsuho Shinonome: September 9, Virgo, B.
Azami Mochizuki: May 15, Taurus, O.
Anastasia Palma: October 6, Libra, B.
Claris: February 1, Aquarius, AB.
The next one in line is Seijuro Kamiyama, they’re selling a t-shirt based on his parka from the DLC costumes. Along with a bunch of other goods. The last one to get birthday goods should be Claris, in January-February 2021.
Sakura Amamiya Nendoroid from Good Smile. They hinted they might make more for the other characters if this one sells well.
The next HG 1/24 scale plamo scheduled to release is Anastasia’s Mugen, scheduled to launch October 2020. Seijuro and Sakura Amamiya’s Mugen plamo released on June 20. Azami’s Mugen plamo launches in July.
Yurakucho Marui shopping mall in Tokyo is also doing a Shin Sakura Taisen collab from June 19 to July 12, selling exclusive goods. Kohei Tanaka made a song for the shop too. Details are on the shop’s site. There’s also a collab café with Princess Café at Yurakucho Marui, and Shibuya Marui. Fans can get exclusive goods there too.
Shin Sakura Taisen collab event in Ekimemo!, the mobile game with train stations turned into cute girls by Mobile Factory.
Collab event with free to play mecha Sega game Border Break.
Collab event between Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation and Chain Chronicle 3, gacha game by Sega.
【コラボ】「#アニメ新サクラ大戦」×「チェインクロニクル3(#チェンクロ )」コラボが開催中
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花組キャラクターたちが、SSRキャラクターとしてチェインクロニクルに登場!コラボ専用のオリジナルストーリーにも注目です!#新サクラ大戦 pic.twitter.com/1UYkfQH4nu
— サクラ大戦公式@SEGA (@Sakura_Taisen) June 19, 2020
It’s particularly funny because Sakura Amamiya and the “Heroine” of Chain Chronicle 3, Feena, are both voiced by Ayane Sakura. She voiced a commercial for the collab.
Following that, the stream moved on to its ending corner.
Seeing Shin Sakura Taisen The Animation is over, future Sakura Taisen streams will stop focusing on it. Kenji Akabane said Sakura Ayane didn’t appear yet on the streams, and how she was super jealous of him when she heard he would appear at some point when they recorded the anime volume 4’s audio commentary together.
Kenji Akabane said he was pretty happy to appear on stream, and hopes there’s a “Shin Sakura Taisen The Movie” happening one day. He jokingly said he’ll do anything to make it happen.
As the stream ended, unlike with most streams until now, they didn’t announce a date for the next stream. Though they stressed out there will be more streams coming. As we covered in a separate article, they also teased a Shin Sakura Taisen sequel could be coming. Shin Sakura Taisen The Stage, the stage play, was re-announced as well.
【6月19日(金)生放送終了】 皆様、ご視聴ありがとうございました!
TVアニメ『新サクラ大戦 The Animation』 本日最終回放送です!お見逃しなく!#新サクラ大戦 #アニメ新サクラ大戦 pic.twitter.com/xmli41IknA
— サクラ大戦公式@SEGA (@Sakura_Taisen) June 19, 2020
帝劇宣伝部通信をご覧くださった皆様、ありがとうございました!#アニメ新サクラ大戦 最終話直前ということで大いに語らせていただきました!僕らリアタイは厳しそうですが、皆様は是非、さくらたちの勇姿を見届けてください!神山隊長!間に合えー!!!#新サクラ大戦 pic.twitter.com/ADGyHDhm67
— 阿座上洋平 (@azakami_youhei) June 19, 2020
The usual end of stream photos with everyone present. Every Japanese stream has similar social distancing setups like these nowadays. Usually they sit much closer.
Be sure to check out our review of Sakura Wars, and why did the game was titled “Sakura Wars” in the west. You can also check out our summaries of all the previous streams so far. DualShockers also recently had the opportunity to interview the Sakura Wars development team, and the full interview is coming later this week.
Sakura Wars is currently a PS4 exclusive and can be bought on Amazon.
This post contains affiliate links where DualShockers gets a small commission on sales. Any and all support helps keep DualShockers as a standalone, independent platform for less-mainstream opinions and news coverage.
July 7, 2020 3:34 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/07/sakura-wars-gets-more-goods-collabs-comments-from-kohei-tanaka/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sakura-wars-gets-more-goods-collabs-comments-from-kohei-tanaka
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icharchivist · 7 years
Okay I understand what you said about death note, but don't you think you're going a bit overboard with the roasting? It's bad for people who know the original masterpiece, yeah, but it does stand alone as a movie. If I watched it with my non-anime-watcher brother, he might go, "Oh, that was interesting." And maybe finally give the original a shot. It did its job getting people familiar and interested in dn, but of course it couldn't be as good, its an entire sieris shortened to one movie
Well I did say when I started it that I wouldn’t have much pity toward the movie either. 
And I’m sorry, but we’re talking about a story that was extremely Japanese, and which not only was stripped of its Japanese intend, but also showed off Asians being killed by Light, and especially a bullshit explaination on them picking the name Kira because “in Japanese it means Killer so they’ll think we’re japanese” and them letting messages in Japanese on the crimescenes to pretend Kira is Japanese.
This is not the kind of things to overlook. Whitewashing isn’t something to overlook, and the movie dealt with it in such a poor way, in an actual offensive way, when you adapt something, you at least try to respect it.
And it’s not an entiere series shortened into one movie. They planned sequels. The movie ends on a stupid cliffhanger. And it follows absolutly no plot from the original. Why do you try to use the L. and Kira’s showdown, and clearly call your characters those ways, while you don’t respect the story at all?
Oh and fyi, for as...... much as they are (i’m not found of them), there are Japanese movies adapted from Death Note. The First movie is all about the mindgames between Light and L, and it ends on L. meeting Light. They changed a lot of things, but they kept the focus where it should be: on L and Light’s mindgames and manipulations. It teased for a sequel while actually leaving you with quite a story that was closer to the original. Of course you can’t adapt 12 volumes into one movie. But, especially when you expect sequels, you can try to cut the story correctly.
Listen, when you adapt something, you’re supposed to at least have read the thing. As bad as the Last Airbender Movie was, at least it did show you a Kid who ran away from his duty because he was scared of wars, two others kids finding him and trying to help him learn the elements, and Zuko the antagonist is still someone extremely wounded in hs honor after his father’s abuse.
And let’s be real, The Last Airbender is one of the worst adaptation of all time, it’s boring, and it’s whitewashing, but at least it kept the characters basic traits and journey. Why would you adapt something and keep the name if you’re not going to at least follow the story?
Like i repeated, it wouldn’t have been as bad if say, they did a whole new story where Ryuk just happens to drop the Death Note in America with enteirely new characters. No L. No Kira, an actualy story. Like the Chapter 0 of Death Note, or why not even explore the BB Murder Case since it’s a novel happening in America?
You can take the idea of the Death Note, but not if you take the characters name and the basics of their showdwn while absolutly nothing about it will be respected.(especially since the movie totally overlooked the mindgames between L and Light because Light did a really obvious mistake.)
And how the fuck does it stands alone when it removed the lore? No really?? 
Okay so, where the hell Ryuk’s come from? Why did the notebook say “Do not trust Ryuk”? What did Ryuk do in the movie that wasn’t trust worthy aside from not letting Light know Mia was doing bullshit? What was the point about this plotline?What was Mia’s deal? We just had to accept that a cheerleader would get into murders right away?Besides have you seen how those two bounded without even blinking at the idea of murders? Especially since Light is supposedly a victim we’re supposed to feel bad for in the movie?
Why do we have to accept that? Why do we have to accept the lowest of effort, of writting a basic Teenage Horror Screenplay, while the actual story was supposed to be One of The Kind? 
Seriously though, Awkward Teen with a Crush on Cheerleader Who Gets The Girl After Getting Mysterious Powers is a cliché. Turning Ryuk, a sympathetic figure in the manga, a passive observator, into a sort of creature always pushing you to do bad is cliché. Hell, they removed entierely the relationship between Light and Ryuk while it was the focus of the original.
Not to mention it was a story about a greater scale. The original manga was a commentary on how Law Enforcement works in Japan, and how a priviliged, popular, “will go far” kid like Light, who had access to the information, would believe he would have some reasons to clean it up.But instead, it became a teenage drama. Light was always pushed by other people in the movie to make murders, and he often want to get out of it. Even the God persona is something coming out of their ego, while in the manga it’s something that just happens. Here, it’s kids who want the attention, and get backlash for doing so. An underdog, who just want to keep his life going in school, who plays God just because he was pushed by his girlfriend and because he is a poor kid who’s traumatized.
We went also from a story which was a commentary on Japanese Law Efforcement, to a story who was so oblivious to the Law Efforcement Commentary, that they showed a white cop choke the black lead before letting him go, and you’re supposed to cheer for the cop. 
Is it worth showing someone who don’t want to watch anime for them to get interested?? No. 
It’s a watered down stupid teen flick which plays on Edgy Fuel. It’s a project that was born and kept going with racist intends. It’s a story you may watch, think “bleh” and leave. Not get interested in more. And if you do, jfc. I’m sorry but I hate the idea some people might come into the manga expecting say, Ryuk to be like this movie bullshit, or Light, or L, or anyone. 
And okay, as a standalone movie?
The movie is poorly paced. The exposition scenes are hilariously bad. The characters motivation are inexistant, explained by a sexy montage of them having sex while killing people (of color), showing how immature the whole subject was treated. The montage itself was incredibily bad, the whole idea of seeing the ascension of Light’s godlike persona was totally overlooked for his stupid romance. It gives tragic backstories to the two main leads to explain somehow why they’re like that.
 The whole fun of this story, which was to see how L and Light was trapping each other, was ruined by the fact the plot runs on stupid and Light doesn’t make any decision. It’s Mia doing them. L. discover Light is Kira halfway throught he movie because Light fucked up. The manipulations of say, getting rid of the FIB agent, was completely overlooked in a cheap twist. Because that wasn’t important. 
The whole plot requires you to just accept they are whatever genuis and overlook the batlant mistakes they make to make the plot running. And, because it didn’t make it through, spelling out the message of “chosing the lesser of two evils”, removing the reader’s freewill to chose who to side with. 
It was not fun. It was not exciting. It was seeing Edgy to be Edgy.
And I’m sorry this is insulting? Death Note was a serie that run for 3 years. For 3 years, the authors went out of their way to make an unique story, with unique characters, with a complex view on mankind. They put 3 years to elaborate the themes, to develop the characters, to tie up the looses ends. And Hollywood saw from it just an opportunity of a quick cash, to be Edgy by taking the name and concept, and make the usual soup they do with teenage horror movies. 
Death Note wasn’t the franchise to do it. We can’t blindly accept adaptation because “it stands as a stand alone movie”. It’s completely disregarding the fact it was someone else’s work that you decided to strip from everything that made it so unique to start with. 
Even more when it’s America disregarding a culture and somehow managing to be offensive toward it, making them the victims of a story they were the main characters of to start with.
So I completely disagree with your point of view on it. I’m sorry if i’m harsh, it’s not against you nonny, much more against the movie.
If an adaptation isn’t capable of getting the basic understanding of the story right, they have no right to claim themselves as such. I’m not asking an adaptation to the comma, i’m asking to an adaptation which would respect its root.
Which isnt what this movie gave. 
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Boku no Hero Academia 22 - 23 | Grimoire of Zero 8 | Royal Tutor 9 | Kado 8 | Tsukigakirei 8
Boku no Hero Academia 22
I never saw that “meteor shower” coming! BnHA keeps the surprises coming, eh?
Hey, he used Uraraka’s name! He’s serious now!!!
I gotta admit Denki and the other hero trying to defend Uraraka only because she’s a girl is an outdated idea (but the patriarchy demands I only get irked about this a bit), but defending Uraraka because she’s almost out of commission is something I can understand.
Oh, the tough realities of herohood…the suckiness of failure…I gotta touch on this more in Half-Paid Heroes. Better pay attention!
It’s kinda clear Shouto vs Izuku is gonna get cut off by the time limit, but it’s interesting to note that there are 2 rivals close to Midoriya. Normally a shonen hero only has one fixed one.
Boku no Hero Academia 23
I’ve seen people comment a tonne on episode 22, so episode 23 should garner a lot of attention too as the highlight of this season.
I always thought by saying Shouto could be a hero, it implied his mother could no longer be one. Why? Possible trigger warning for this, but I think it’s “enduring Endeavour’s abuse”.
The bandage on Uraraka’s face reminds me that BnHA is good at consistency.
Poodle girl, who tried to defend Uraraka last ep, is still in the crowd. Another good touch of consistency.
This is rare – Bakugo’s introspective and showing off why he’s top of the class simultaneously.
Looking at this from a strategy point of view, Deku still has his legs, potentially his head if he wants to risk it, (uninjured) parts of his arms maybe, or overexerting his arms again. If he gets very creative, maybe his torso. It still looks like Todoroki’s going to win nonetheless, even though he seems to be showing some signs of fatigue too.
I thought he’d overexert his arms again, but I guess I never thought of the more logical path, which would be “overexert the fingers again first”, huh?
That threw me for a bit. 1) Todoroki never says “now I’m angry”. He’s the cool guy, to make a lame pun. 2) That’s a cliched line only bad guys say. Then again, it could be a “you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back” moment.
Ice is powerful. So powerful, there aren’t many ice Pokémon, and I originally planned to have an ice-skater be the 6th ranger in Half-Paid Heroes, only to find that since I kept restructuring the lineup, the skater became too OP. (Also, because Half-Paid Heroes used to be a strictly girl-turns-into-magical-boy affair, the 6th ranger - Yuki - was a great big hinge on what came afterwards, so I’ve struggled with the storyline now that I’ve given it a more workplace SoL baseline.)
I always thought ice was also a salve to some extent, but with more destructive power comes a lessened ability to heal.
Todoroki looks like Bakugo now. Guess it can’t be helped, seeing as “explosions” are associated with “fire”.
“Such a doting father.” – I laiughed, because we just found out that’s blasphemy. It’s ironic, to use the proper term.
Block rubble is a sure sign that this is a sakuga fest. Wowee, last time I saw block rubble was ConRevo (as far as I can remember)! Thank you, BONES!
Hmph. Fanservice. If you like Shouto’s fanservice here, you’ll definitely like Free!, but I’m neutral on it. 15 year olds shouldn’t be so muscular…sure, it’s part of a hero’s job to be muscular if they’re physically fit, but fanservice of 15 year olds ain’t my thing, y’know?
Grimoire of Zero 8
I’m of the idea that Albus is a dude for commentary purposes, but I’ve seen lots of comments across the ‘net saying Albus is a girl. It seems this episode will get rid of whatever misconceptions I have about Albus’s gender once and for all.
When the wolf says she is closest to Him, who’s “she” exactly? Sorena? Sorena’s granddaughter?
The wolf is behind the main trio at the end of the OP…!
I get the feeling this stitch-up scene is just for some manservice on the wolf’s part…but at least it holds some revelations for those that don’t want manservice of the muscle kind. (In terms of bishonen, I don’t dig Dragon Ball or Free!-style muscles anyway. *shrugs*)
That is one young grandmother…but dangit, why was the wolf hot as a man???!!! (It’s distracting, and I already have too many husbandos…but he’s only hot when he has his clothes on.)
Wuh…? Just when I decide he’s worth staying for, I find out his name…and it’s Holdem? Like, Texas Holdem?
Sometimes belief is all one needs to fight for a cause, Holdem my previously-handsome man.
Grimoire of Zero is lucky its CGI is only noticeable when the show is paused…
“Who knew he was Sorena’s granddaughter…”
From the pronouns used in the subs, it seems that even the subbers believed Albus was a dude and stuck to their guns even after the explicit revelation.
Royal Tutor 9
Fancy gakurans…if you already have a gakuran lying around, it’s pretty easy to cosplay the princes, I guess.
Why are those guards so excited?
This thing just went all ACCA-shaped. That’s not a bad thing, I’m just saying guns are normally used at the climax of shows like this, like in ACCA.
I think the “I am a grown man” jokes are getting a lil’ old at the business end, but that’s because when I see drama I expect consistent drama.
The camera scene was so ludicrous that I ended up laughing anyway…
As an action writer, that butt-kicking Heine did was perfect (albeit a tad slow). Then again, this show’s specialty is a SoL-style pace and I wouldn’t change that about it.
That trick Ludwig did was basically what Alciel did in Hataraku Maou-sama!, but because it was compressed into a shorter amount of time, it had little to no payoff.
“The stupid-seeming fellow is right.” – I never thought Maximilian seemed stupid…
I noted Fuchs said, “Take me away,” which is a very interesting point.
Well, now we really can’t neglect Heine’s past. Get hyped, Royal Tutor fans!
Kado 8
Shunina’s reading something called Ningen Manzai. According to this website, Ningen Manzai is about a god from space who comes to earth and becomes human…then something about angels and another god. Even if you don’t learn the entire synopsis of Ningen Manzai, the book is very relevant, ain’t it? Also, Shunina’s using his seahorse bookmark from last ep, which is cute.
The discussion on Sansa reminds me of the Porygon incident…
“Hail to Humanity”? So that would mean…the title is actually Ningen Banzai…
It’s Kado Skype, powered by Wam. That…that’s great! We can finally see Wam being put to use around here.
As someone who’s studied IT, I understand Gonno’s words on networks well.
Google Satellite. Yep, it exists.
Kado is unintentionally hilarious sometimes, like the “Dad! Dad!” bit there. The chestnut bit I found vaguely disturbing but that was because Shindo looked like he was gasping for air. For the “Dad! Dad!” bit in particular though, Kado’s gone all Summer Wars and that’s why it’s funny.
These jellyfish are really lifelike…but you get a sad feeling from this “date” scene. As if suddenly the staff finally give us a look into why Saraka is correct…you feel like this is all just an “all according to zaShunina keikaku” thing, and suddenly you see the tower known as humanity was knocked down as soon as Kado came.
So Saraka’s saying…the tale of Kado (the show) is a tragedy? Well, that’s a new take on this whole scenario…hey, wait. So Ward and Gonno (to a lesser extent) are the evil ones here?
Grumpy Gonno…haha.  
Does SETTEN need to learn how to “not be evil”, as per its inspiration’s philosophy? Hmm.
It’s Shunina, on a TV show, like a celebrity. The world is evolving in ways I thought were unimaginable.
Is it possible to watch Sansa because of peer pressure, because Shunina could be seen as a “cool” guy? I wonder…
LOL, so you’re going to get him to talk with drinks? I can’t imagine a drunk Shunina…but I can understand that with drinking culture, it’s probably the right way to go to get closer to someone. (Even if that “someone” is an anisotropic being.) Shunina may not understand “food” after all.
As much as I love the alien dork, he’s getting more and more sinister as the show goes on. From what I’ve read on Kado all over the ‘net, people have distrusted him since episode 1, but hey. That’s what we’re here for.
Shinawa was absent yet again, thank goodness.
The round object in the preview (it looks like a white sphere surrounded by blue chunks) is probably a Nanomishein, knowing this show.
Tsukigakirei 8
Welp, we’re finally back to Dazai after referencing Souseki.
Huh? That part with the dancing guy with the mask has gone from live action to animated…so it seems like the staff of Tsukigakirei give an effort now.
The OP seems to evolve more as time goes by, which is interesting. A few eps ago, the sheet only said “title” but the title of this work that’s evolving is called 13.70. However, it seems to be by Azumi Osamu, and not Kotarou. (Or maybe that’s just a penname of Kotarou’s, based on his love for Dazai?) 13.70 is 75 mai (sheets) long.
Love is hard to describe, and I guess when you love someone it’s hard to put into words because of that.
Is the video going slower or did the animation budget get cut in half?
I’d assume “hayashi” refers to the rice.
So it’s not my imagination…the budget got skimped on! You can tell because they did the same almost still scene thing twice this ep.
Noting how dark the potato is, I’d say it’s sweet potato (purple).
Ahahaha! So that’s where the potato mascot come from. They’re sweet potatoes then…now I get it! (It’s just that when you say “potato” on its lonesome I think of the one you make ordinary chips out of.)
Now that we know Kotarou’s birthday, I know she’s going to buy him a present. That’s what anyone would do…and of course, I was right.
That shot of windchimes from the OP. I like it, but I know it’s recycled from there.
Well, for all the budget skimping they’ve done, they’ve churned out some really good festival shots. They’re so lifelike.
I didn’t think geta were annoying enough to give you blisters. Guess I was wrong.
You’re so stealthy, Akane (sarcastic).
Finally, here are the development we’ve been waiting for. Unfortunately, they’re paired with some really bad off model shots. Fortunately, they bother to give us the first kiss.
The fortune tags both say “I wish to be together forever.” (<-paused specifically to translate before subs came up)…CR tells me I was pretty bang on with my translation.
This ep’s ED convo is just a lovey-dovey couple fighting and saying “I love you more. No, I love you more” sort of thing, so don’t bother.
I got bored of these a few eps back, but since I have time right now, I went, “Why not?”.
Well, as much as I dislike the humour in these, I have to admit the moral in the Aira one was pretty good.
Well, finally Sakura gets some happiness. Good on her.
I don’t think I’ve seen a girl being called ippiki before. Ippiki is normally used with small animals, like dogs or cats.
The Roman and Ryouko (Sensei) ones are the worst of these, I just can’t ship them because the age gap is about 10 years. That’s a little too big for comfort, y’know?
That “Kotarou’s Parents” one actually made me laugh. It’s also a good insight into characters that don’t get developed much in the series. If I were an author (which I am, I just haven’t got any properly published books out there yet – the closest book I do have out there has no words…*hides in corner of shame*), I would have bonus content more along these lines.
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