#it's a very silly au
kenziedrawz · 7 months
hello pjsk followers, can i interest you in a new au( one inspired by starkid btw)? we have;
captilalism (caused by Tsukasa Tenma)
cults (caused by Tsukasa Tenma, and others)
the most adorable plush toy you've ever seen, don't you want to buy it? Spend your life savings on it, give it your soul. (Made by Tsukasa Tenma)
in case you need a bit more convincing, the characters are all aged up into their twenties, and a few years ago some people( ichika, Minori, Kohane, Tsukasa + Mafuyu) disappeared. They actually got trapped in their respective SEKAI's and got turned into eldritch horrors.
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beybuniki · 23 days
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kofi request: expanding the lore for the quirkless!deku au in which he enrolls in UA's support department, is best friends with Mei, and befriends a less explosive Bakugo on their commute to school :D
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verflares · 25 days
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(draconifies your zelink) oh whoops lol
+ an extra pic of em hanging out together :]
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mossy-box · 8 months
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Couldn’t stop thinking about this, so here’s a lil rushed thing for @somerandomdudelmao ‘s au.
They’ve finally met so he can ask questions..teehee…
Referring to this post <3
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thebxghag · 5 months
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There's a little au that lives in my brain where Ursa took the kids after Azulon's death and fled to Ba Sing Se where Ozai couldn't reach her. She was surprised and terrified to find that Iroh was still there, blending into the crowd too. Except it turns out he didn't want to go back either.
So they all went and lived together in his tea shop and nothing overly dramatic happened -- until it did. :DD
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 3 months
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Fazbear Entertainment did not program him to deal with that
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thirstywaffles · 3 months
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Bingqiu singer au where sqq is secretly lbh's super fan
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stolenviolet · 1 month
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More accidental baby AU.
(Plot Twist! The baby is actually Death taking a mortal form to foil Voldemort’s plans of immortality *gasp*)
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imclou · 2 months
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@head-in-the-icloud's Dawn and Dusk doodles from last week's magma. Drawing them is so satisfying istg, my hand cramped really bad but i held on til the end for that sweet sweet dopamine
|| Ref Sheet ||
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Also this little ref sheet i made back in December.
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
Indie horror filmmaker Eddie Munson, high off his first big (underground but notable) success, knows the movers and shakers of the film world have their eyes on him. 
They're just waiting to see if he was a one hit wonder before they open all the doors he's been trying to kick down. 
His next upcoming film is his chance, his shot at finally making it. Of being like Rob Zombie and the other creators he looks up to that masterfully blended metal and horror. 
This is his golden ticket. 
The project starts off smooth. His last success has greased the wheels, and things fall into place faster than ever before. 
He's got the best idea for this insane haunted house story, a true "mazes in mazes" type of deal with a queer twist. A real look at how a place can haunt a person just as easily as a ghost can.
 Everything's going swimmingly--until one of his leads drops out the day they're due to start shooting.
No call no show's, and later, Eddie will find out the guy got a last second call back to be a contestant on one of those Love Island bullshit romance gigs (and laugh his ass off when the main love interest takes one look at Billy Hargrove and goes on a five minute rant about ugly mullets on national television) but right now? 
He's fucked. 
He's called in every favor he has for this film. Maxed out every credit card he owns, tapped every contact, got on his hands and knees and begged his rising star journalist best bud to help him market it. (Which Nancy agreed too, for way less cash than she should have.) 
 Eddie can't get anyone on the phone, much less find a replacement actor and the amazing place they rented, that is so dark and wonderfully eerie, is booked out the rest of the year as an AirBnB. 
If he doesn't film now, he loses it all.
Cue the other lead, unknown theater actor Steve Harrington, watching his hair pulling, tire kicking, 'cursing and hopping while holding a toe' mental breakdown and asks why Eddie himself doesn't act in it. 
"Just go full Kevin Smith man. Act and direct." He says, with an easy grin. 
Jeff, Eddie's tried and true videographer, trades glances with Gareth and Grant (Eddie's long used special effects and makeup team, who double for about twelve other jobs because they're also his best friends and they're all in this together, make or break.)
"We don't really have a lot of other options." Gareth hedges. "You're already using me and Grant as background characters." 
Eddie, hands fluttering around his face as though trying to wave away this entire situation, squeezes his eyes shut and lets out a pained hiss. 
"Fine, fine!" He announces with the air of a man running towards a fire. "Fuck it, this is our one shot and so help me I will be shooting it!" 
Steve politely hides a laugh with a cough. 
"Chuckle all you want big boy, I'm going to tragically romance you so hard people will forget both of our characters actually live." Eddie snarls.
Steve, the handsome bastard, just winks.  "Looking forward to it." 
Eddie blushes, but hides it with a surge of frantic energy, conveyed by lots of yelling and moving and getting the ball rolling. 
Two days later, Steve would give the performance of a lifetime down on his knees, covered in a literal pound of fake gore, booty shorts and nothing else as he sobbed about how a lover could become a home. His hands clawed at Eddie's jeans before resting a tear stained face on a slim leg as he bent his body towards Eddie like it hurt to be away from him. 
Eddie would later receive equal praise in his own acting during the scene, with the world and every reporter in it asking how he conveyed an otherworldly panic so beautifully throughout Steve's performance. What was he thinking, to evoke those expressions on his face? 
The way his own pale hand, unmarred by blood and acting as a metaphor for the plot, would come to stroke Steve's cheeks.
Eventually he'd come up with a smooth polished answer that cheekily pleased his audience, but nothing would ever come close to the truth. 
("Eddie I've known you since grade school." Jeff said that night, a scant few hours after they'd wrapped. "You can act man, but not like that." 
Eddie made a wild "shut up" gesture, looking frantically over his shoulder before admitting; "You saw how close his face was to the prince of darkness!? I was seconds away from popping a boner next to his lips, in front of the 4K camera!” 
Eddie bounced into Jeff’s face so he could hiss: “He fucking had his chin on my thigh, Jeff, and I am only a man. A mere mortal!" 
"So we're gonna unpack all of that later." Jeff said finally, when he'd managed to get his mouth working and Eddie back out of his personal space. "But dude, we've talked about you calling your dick the prince of darkness." 
Eddie flipped him off.) 
One year later and critics named Corroded the best horror film of the year, praising the camera work, practical effects, and how there wasn't a soul alive who was surprised to hear Eddie and Steve were dating after their explosive on screen chemistry.
No one ever quite understood the prince of darkness jokes or why Steve mentioning it made Eddie blush, but that was a secret to find out later. 
Today on WIP’s I have no intention of writing, indie horror movie AU!
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linked-maze · 7 months
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The lineup of different Wilds from people's AUs!! @limited-hero @minas-linkverse @bonus-links @hazethestrange @ryssbelle @heroesspirit myself!! @linkeduniverse
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skimmeh · 6 months
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Here Tumblr, have this purely self-indulgent doodle of the sillies (spto intro playing in my head with them)
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wildflowercryptid · 9 months
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i'm about to pass out at my desk, but have this stupid ass doodle i did before i go sleep.
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kaysdenofchaos · 5 months
All of Us Are Dead AU: Leo
God I fucking love zombie movies
Synopsis: based off the live action adaptation of All of Us Are Dead, the boys enjoy high school days before being thrust into a zombie apocalypse caused by none other than Baron Draxum. Shenanigans ensue, trauma runs rampant, and no one makes it out alive- not truly.
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Leo lived a life of vigilante delinquency. Motivated by his strong sense of justice (and butting in), he’s known for picking fights and causing what many call trouble. That isn’t to say he wasn’t popular- he had plenty of admirers. He simply knew a thing or two when it comes to street fights; he never knew he’d end up having to use his fists to kill, much less on his brothers.
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itty-bitty-sunshine · 28 days
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Funny how things sometimes need only a spark to spiral further than you ever thought it would
Did you know that song was written in 1892
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skrzydlate · 2 months
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the brains in my worms
@uhrimaus small town problems au.............Delicacy
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