#it's also really clear she's trying to ditch LO entirely and just make 'herself' the brand
genericpuff · 11 months
the cherry on top-
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There is so much I want to say about this still but there's still stuff being analyzed and picked apart in the ULO community that I want to get as much of a full picture as I can before making a massive compiled theory post, so I'm kinda just posting my thoughts in very scattered parts for now. Obviously this is still all speculation that should be taken with mountains of salt but the evidence towards this being a load of baloney is damning as all hell.
And btw, I do think it's massively fucked up that Rachel is pulling this "Rachel Smythe Presents" shit that's literally word-for-word the same thing as Rick Riordan Presents, but she claims she's "never read PJO" and that LO isn't ripping it off.
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The fucking audacity. With this in addition to the Lynn Buckham "study" (i.e. ripoff) it really begs the question of how much she's been ripping off and passing off as her own since the very beginning.
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fandom-imagines · 3 years
New Start
Fandom: Stardew Valley
Pairing: Shane X Reader; slight Sebastian X Reader
Words: 5.1k (I love him)
Warnings: None other than non-proofread writing I don't think, let me know if there are any that need tagging ^^
Note: There could be a part two if anyone would like x)
“Pelican Town,” the name fell involuntarily from Y/N’s lips as she hopped from the bus that had dropped her at her new home. “Guess we’re here, Luna.”
The midnight black cat rubbed itself against her owners’ leg, hopping onto the ground beside the suitcase that had landed mere moments before. A purr escaped the felines’ lips at the feeling off Y/N’s fingers gently caressing her fur, back arching in pleasure.
The cold air blew through the girl’s body as she stepped from the bus with once final ‘thank you’ aimed towards the driver. A shiver ran through her, arms wrapping around themselves to keep a grip on the little warmth she had left. Luna, who was now pressed tightly against Y/N’s leg, seemed to feel the same as her.
“Come here,” she smiled, kneeling with an open arm to allow the cat to hop into, soon surrounded with the warmth of the jacket Y/N had luckily worn for her journey. “Good girl.”
The sound of a young girl’s laughter sounded throughout the street, blending into her eyes along with the roaring engine of the, now departing, bus. A small grin crawled onto the Y/H/C-haired womans lips as she spotted a young, dark-haired girl holding hands with a man who seemed just as happy as she sounded.
“Shane, who’s that?” The young girls’ eyes were now fixated on the newest arrival to Pelican Town, legs shuffling themselves to move behind Shane’s body.
“Not sure, Jas.” The man’s own attention was now on Y/N, unsure as to what to say to her, if anything.
“She has a kitty!” Jas, or at least who Y/N assumed to be Jas, pointed towards Luna whose head had popped out from the jacket once the chatter had begun.
“She’s called Luna,” Y/N smiled brightly as she, once again, pet Luna. “You can pet her if you’d like!”
Jas seemed to ponder this for a moment, small fingers playing with the strands of her hair, “can I, Shane?”
“Sure, Jas. Just stay close, okay?”
The kitty owner smiled at their interaction, kneeling down to the ground so that the girl could have easier access to the kitten when she came over.
“Wow, she’s soft. Shane, feel!” Whilst her words were mostly directed towards the taller man, Y/N still felt slightly flattered at the compliment.
Shane, who was sporting his usual blue jacket, kneeled beside Jas, cautiously petting the cat with such care that it seemed like he feared he would break her.
The three of them remained on the ground for a few moments, Jas still as excited as before at the kitten, until an elderly man’s voice caught their attention.
“You must be Y/N,” he grinned. “I’m Lewis, mayor of this town. I see you’ve met Shane and Jas already.”
“I have, it’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Y/N returned his friendly smile, shaking his outstretched hand with pleasure.
“Likewise. I suppose I should get you to your new house, hey?” Lewis chuckled, brown cap falling down his head slightly as he did so.
“I’d appreciate that,”
“Come on, Jas. We should let Lewis show this girl to her new house.” Shane gave Jas a small, almost unnoticeable, smile as they climbed back onto their feet. “Thank you,”
“They were nice,” Y/N commented as the two people from before left.
“They are. That’s Jas and Shane,” Lewis began speaking whilst leading Y/N towards her new home. “Jas is his goddaughter, very shy but talks a lot once she’s out of her shell. And Shane, well there’s more to him than meets the eye, but I’m sure you’ll figure that one out.”
The two of them walked in a comfortable chatter, occasionally being stopped by the townsfolk to either greet the new villager, or to say hi to Lewis who then introduced Y/N to them anyway. Everyone she had spoken to had seemed extremely kind, not having a single rude thing to say to either of them, some aweing at Luna who was now hidden inside the jacket, fast asleep from the long journey.
“Here we are!”
The house in front of her was small, but it was cute and big enough for herself and Luna. She knew that it only had a single bedroom, something that was to be expected considering her situation. The place seemed as though it had been deep cleaned recently, which was likely.
“It’s pretty, I like it.”
Lewis let out a soft hum, handing her the keys to her new place, “I’m glad! I’ll leave you to get settled in! You should try and meet some people tomorrow, everyone here is friendly; I’m sure you’ll get along well with them all.”
“Thank you, Lewis,”
The house was cosier than she had expected.
The fireplace was already lit, filling the entire place with warmth during the cold weather. In front of the fireplace stood a couch, placed just on top of a blush rug which Luna gladly hopped onto, curling up into a ball, enjoying the fires heat.
“Get some sleep, Luna.”
The kitchen was neatly laid out. Everything was pressed together whilst still maintaining the comfortable feeling of the house. It was clear that this place was cheap. She couldn’t complain, it was perfect for her; away from her old life, tiny yet comfortable, everything about this place screamed ‘perfect’.
The bedroom was larger than expected, a double bed seated in the middle of the room with a cabinet placed at the end of the frame. Other than that, the place was ready for her to make it her own.
Ditching her suitcase on top of the duvet, Y/N grabbed her shower supplies along with some night clothes and headed towards her new bathroom.
“Here’s to a new life,”
Early the following morning Y/N rose to the sounds of birds chirping.
Luna was laid asleep beside her, snuggling into the duvet alongside her owner who was doing the exact same. The unexpected noise didn’t startle her, it simply confused her. Having forgot where she was, Y/N was incredibly confused as to why birds were singing in a dull city.
“Wait,” her voice croaked. “We’re in Pelican Town.”
The sound of her owners’ voice seemed to wake Luna from her own slumber, tongue sticking out to lick the human before cuddling into her warmth, the duvet seemingly not as comfortable as her favourite person.
A silent giggle left Y/N’s lips at the kitten’s actions, hands raising from the cover to stroke the dark fur which Luna seemed to enjoy judging by the soft exhale that she let out, something that simply made Y/N continue her actions.
“Morning you little rascal,”
The two lay in bed for a few more moments, the clock soon hitting 7:00 which was when Y/N decided she should, most likely, get ready for the day having planned to go around town and meet some of the others that live here.
As though she sensed the sudden idea to get out of bed, Luna snuggled further into Y/N as silent plea not to leave just yet; to stay and enjoy the warmth and comfort of the creaky oak bed.
“I know you want me to stay, but I need to meet people,” a soft sigh escaped her lips as she spoke. “I promise I’ll bring back some treats, okay?”
The mention of treats alongside a promise seemed to be all the motivation that Luna needed to get up. Her small frame raised itself up from the warm sheets, dropping herself onto the floor with a soft thud, something that earned a giggle from the human.
“Come on, let me get ready then you can have some treats.”
“Be good for me, okay Luna?” Were her final words as Y/N left her new home, locking the door behind her.
The ground was layered with autumn-coloured leaves, the sound of them crunching beneath people’s feet being oddly satisfying to those hearing it. The wind blew threw Y/N’s Y/H/C locks, tossing them into her face which caused an annoyed from to coat her lips as she tugged the strands away, back to their original place.
In the distance, a large building could be seen with a sign that simply read ‘Pierres’ above it. Deciding to head there first in search of treats, Y/N took off with a newfound spring in her step. It wasn’t everyday you get to have a new start in a new town now, is it? A chance to be who she wants to be, without anyone saying otherwise; it was perfect.
“Welcome, you must be new here!” A polite man with glasses greeted from behind the counter. “I’m Pierre, owner of the shop. This is my daughter, Abigail,”
“Please feel free to have a look for anything you need.” Pierre finished once Abigail had also greeted the newcomer, pointing around at various displays and their signs.
“Thank you,” Y/N gave them both a polite smile, immediately heading towards the pet aisle.
“What’re you looking for?” A soft voice startled her, pulling her away from her search for treats. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I’m Abigail,” The purple-haired girl, now known as Abigail, introduced herself.
“I’m Y/N. I’m just looking for treats for my cat, Luna, I promised I’d bring her some back.” A blush crawled onto her cheeks, embarrassed at admitting how she talks to her cat as though she was a human, despite knowing many do it.
“I’m sure she’s sweet. The treats are just down here!” Abigail said with a smile, the two of them walking down towards the end of the aisle, determined to find Luna some treats. “I always wanted a cat, my dad would never let us though. Shame really.”
“Cats are great, they can be a pain sometimes though,”
“I’m sure they can.”
It wasn’t long until they finally found what they were searching for, Y/N quickly choosing a pack of treats she was sure Luna would like judging by the flavour; all the items in the store being homemade meant she couldn’t get anything that she would usually buy, not that she was complaining,
“If you ever want to come hang out, I’m usually around here somewhere,” with one final smile, Abigail was heading back to her previous place when Y/N had first entered the store.
After paying for her items, Y/N left with one final waves to Abigail.
One long walk later, Y/N somehow found herself seated inside the local saloon with her new friend Abigail who had looked for her, inviting her for a drink with herself and a few other of her friends which they were currently waiting for.
“So, Y/N/N,” the use of the nickname made the named blush. “What made you move to a town like this?”
The question made her freeze, drink still raised slightly to her lips; she was certain that the shock was evident on her face.
Having not had time to come up with a perfectly constructed lie, Y/N simply said the first thing to come to mind, “new start I guess.”
“Makes sense. A nice quiet place where nobody knows you, I wish I were able to do that,”
An internal sigh of relief formed inside Y/N’s mind, relieved to have gotten away with such a short and simple answer; it was something she wasn’t used to. In fact, being able to get away with anything was a miracle in itself.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to someday,”
“I have some good friend, but sometimes I want something new, you know?”
Y/N gave a simple nod, completely understanding what she meant.
The saloons comforting warmth floated throughout the room, the background noise being ignored as the two continued to chatter about anything and everything, Y/N blissfully unaware of the gaze of another drinker fixated on her and her friends.
A banging head was what Y/N awoke to the following morning, only made worse by the ringing of her alarm clock which she switched off, a disgruntled groan leaving her lips and she did so. The noise simply made the pain in her head worse, a sigh sounding from her once she realised this. The sun shining through the open window also added to the pain.
Luna meowed from beside her, placing her paw on her owner’s face in an attempt of waking her.
“Sorry,” she apologised to the cat. “Want feeding?”
Feet padding across the cold wooden floor, Y/N headed towards the kitchen, both to take some painkillers and to feed Luna.
A smile crawled across her face as Luna sat at her feet, desperate for her food. Chuckling once Luna darted for the food, Y/N decided to finally get some painkillers to ease the banging pain in her head.
The wooden cabinet stood high in the air, too high for the girl to reach.
“Are you kidding me?” She sighed, attempting to jump to the height of the shelf. “I just want some painkillers,”
It took a few minutes for her to finally give up, a sound of defeat echoing throughout the room. Unfortunately, there was only one chair currently and it was plastic, no way anybody could stand on it without it breaking in two. So there was only one option: give up and suffer, at least until she was able to get some.
“Maybe Pierre’s sells some,”
It was a simple decision, her only idea as a matter of fact, and so she decided to head to Pierre’s and hopefully she’d bump into Abigail.
The autumn air was chilly yet still retained some type of warmth within. The leaves were, once again, coating the ground with their coloured patterns, blowing away on an adventure throughout the town. Despite the temperature being colder than she would have perhaps liked, Y/N pressed on, desperately praying that the fresh air would provide, at least some, relief to her head.
“Morning, Y/N,” Abigail smiled upon seeing her enter, evidently not as hung over as she was or maybe she just had painkillers, who knows?
“You look hung over,”
“I am,”
The two continued to talk whilst searching for something to ease the pain.
“I hate to say this, but I think you’ll have to try Joja Mart,” Abigail sighed. “It’s up the road, just past the blacksmiths, you can’t miss it.”
“Oh, thank you.” Y/N gave one last smile as she left, ready to continue her search for what she needed.
Joja Mart was just what she was expecting, bold and flashy; everything she hated. Perhaps the hate stemmed from working for companies similar to this, or maybe she had always hated bold and flashy things, perhaps a mixture of the two. Either way, she had no choice but to go inside and find her painkillers.
The inside of the building was just as bad. Spotless and bright with posters plastered all over the walls advertising their own business, despite the customers having been inside their shop already. It was strange to say the least.
Y/N wandered the aisles of the store, searching high and low for any sign of painkillers; sadly, there were none. At least, not until she reached a shelf in the middle of the store that seemed to hold painkillers. Unfortunately for her, somebody was blocking the shelf.
“Excuse me,” her voice was meek. “Could I get some painkillers please?” Despite her pain, Y/N still mustered up a smile for the man, hoping to ease the clear annoyance on his face.
Wordlessly, the worker grabbed a box for her and gave her it before turning his attention back to stacking the shelves.
“Thank you,”
Swallowing the pills with a sip of water, Y/N was looking forward to feeling better again.
It was always fun drinking with friends, but the aftermath was not so fun. Despite all this, it was still worth it, at least in her opinion. Spending time with Abigail, Sebastian and the others of their crew was enjoyable, and it was fun to finally be able to let go and be who she wanted to be, who she is, with other people around her. She had thoroughly enjoyed doing so.
It was nearing late afternoon, the sky darkening and the moon replacing the sun that once sat high in the sky. The masses of people around Pelican Town had faded, leaving only a few lone wanderers to explore the territory; quiet and beautiful.
Deciding to remain outside instead of heading home, Y/N wandered to a place she had found yesterday with her friends.
The bridge was long, holding itself above the water with various wooden pillars below the surface. The water itself was a calming blue, moving steadily down the river, moonlight reflecting from the waves.
A content smile crawled onto Y/N’s lips as she took a seat at the end of the bridge, placing her shoes that she had removed whilst walking here on the ground beside her whilst dipping her, now bare, feet into the warmth of the water.
Time passed, the only reason she knew this was having watched sky darken further until it was a deep shade of blue, bordering on black.
“Hey!” A woman’s voice sounded behind her. “You look like you could use a drink, I’m Pam, and this is Shane.”
Looking behind her revealed both a man and a woman.
The woman was shorter than the man, whom she recognised from when she arrived at the bus stop, with short curly hair and a slightly distorted facial expression which Y/N assumed was caused by alcohol.
Shane looked the same as he was her first day there, blue jacket and green t-shirt keeping him warm and the tiniest bit of stubble covering his chin. He seemed slightly unhappy to be here, even more so when Pam flopped down beside Y/N, dragging Shane with her as she offered them both a drink.
“No thank you,” she politely declined the drink that was held out to her.
“More for me then, kid,” Pam’s voice was slurred, the stench of alcohol leaving her open mouth as she spoke. “What brings you here anyway? I know you’re new around here,”
The same question Abigail asked yesterday, why did everyone seem so intrigued by her sudden appearance? Then again, it’s not like you get many new faces in this town from what she had both seen and heard.
Shane’s attention seemed to be caught by this question, ears wide open to hear her answer but gaze fixated on the bottle of beer in his hand.
“Uhm- “hesitation was evident in her tone, something that only piqued the man’s interest. “I needed a new start.” It wasn’t entirely a lie; a new start was desperately needed for her. “Personal stuff I suppose,” she giggled nervously, running her hand through the warm water.
“Sounds about right, hey Shane?”
Shane wordlessly nodded, raising his beer to his lips to take a sip.
The three of them sat in a comfortable silence, the occasional sound if wind blowing through and the clanking of beer hitting wood being the only sounds that could be heard between them. None of them knew how much time had passed, only that it was nearing midnight.
“I should probably get home; my cat will be hungry.” Y/N sighed, lifting her feet from the water and putting her shoes back on.
“Be a darling Shane and walk her home,” Pam smiled at him, chuckling as Shane rolled his eyes in annoyance yet no remarks left his lips, simply standing up alongside Y/N.
“Come on,” Shane muttered, walking down the bridge with Y/N following quickly behind.
The short walk back home was quiet, Shane ignoring her attempts at making conversation, disregarding them along with a rude comment. It’s not that he wanted to be rude to her, she seemed lovely, but he had to.
His behaviour was confusing to say the least, leaving Y/N worried that she had done something wrong. This thought was clearly written on her face, almost making Shane apologise to her, feeling bad for making her doubt herself but alas he didn’t.
“Uhm- thanks Shane,” despite his rude behaviour towards her, she still offered him a smile. “I appreciate it.” And with that, she headed inside her house.
“Yeah, no problem,” Shane whispered once the door had shut behind her.
A few weeks had passed, and Y/N was getting along with most of Pelican Towns residents, especially Abigail and Sebastian who she would definitely say are her best friends with Penny being a close second.
Much to her disappointment, Shane was still quite rude towards her which sucked considering that she found him pretty cute.
“He’s like that with everyone he doesn’t know,” Abigail told her. “Don’t take it personally.”
“I guess,”
Despite all this, she was starting to feel safe and at home here in this small town. It was a small step towards her desired future, but it was one that she was proud of. Baby steps.
It was a quiet Saturday morning, Y/N on a usual morning walk to pick up some food for both herself and Luna. This was a routine for her, one she was used to by now. Less than a month ago she had found herself stuck doing everything for her mother, and now everything she did was for herself and her cat, just the way she liked it.
“Morning, Shane,” Y/N gave the dark-haired man a soft smile, watching as he directed his gaze towards the ground.
“Will you just leave me alone,” he snapped, not enjoying the way her smile dropped slightly before swiftly changing back into a bigger one.
Shane watched with slight guilt as the girl walked away from him, desperately trying not to let his words get to her.
He knew she was nice. She had helped Jas and Marnie quite a bit in her first few weeks here, but he couldn’t let her get close to him. He didn’t want to ruin her innocence and kindness with his harsh and troubled personality, no matter how much he wanted to talk to her.
He couldn’t apologise.
More time passed and Shane found himself missing his, albeit small, interactions with Y/N. Instead of wishing him a good morning, she simply ignored him, staying true to her agreement of leaving him alone.
He would watch out for her of course, silently praying that she would say something, anything, to him so that he could politely reply to her. Nothing was said, not to him at least.
The small smiles and touches she shared with Sebastian at the Saloon irked him for some unknown reason. Shane hated the way Sebastian’s hand brushed hers as he handed her the drink that he had just bought her. The mere sight of Y/N and Sebastian together was enough to ruin Shane’s mood for the rest of the day, especially when they were alone together. It was clear Sebastian liked her as more than a friend, but the question was, why did Shane care so much?
The dark nights sky hung high above Y/N, the moon shining brightly alongside it to provide at least some light to anyone who may be out this late. It was a relatively clear night, not many stars littering the sky.
She had skipped meeting up with Abigail and Sebastian to instead sit alone, dipping her feet into the water much like she had done a few weeks before.
She was too deep in her thoughts, that she missed the sound of somebody walking down to sit beside her. It wasn’t until they were sat next to her, that she realised.
“Y/N,” they said.
“I thought you didn’t want me to talk to you, Shane.”
Her words made Shane wince. Despite the words seeming harsh, there was no harshness in her voice.
He hesitated for a moment, before doing what needs to be done.
“I’m sorry,” he sighed. “I shouldn’t have said that to you, you were only being kind. There was no reason for me to be so rude, so I apologise.” His own words made him feel uncomfortable, not used to apologising like this.
“It’s okay, I get it. You’re scared of getting close to people, so you push them away,”
Shanes eyes widened at how accurate her deduction on him was; he didn’t know what to say in response.
“You don’t have to say anything, Shane. It’s fine, I forgive you.”
Sincerity laced her tone, words being completely truthful. He didn’t know what to do, so instead he watched her. Her gaze was fixated on the night sky, feet gliding through the clear blue water. She looked truly beautiful.
That’s when it clicked inside his head: he likes her.
“I should get going, it’s late.”
Shane watched as she lifted herself up onto her feet, picking up her shoes soon after.
“Wait,” he called when she began to leave. “Let me walk you home?”
And that was how their friendship began.
The pair would greet each other each morning, meeting up in the morning to walk together, Shane going to work and Y/N going for her daily walk. In fact, that’s where they were now.
“It’s a bit chilly, isn’t it?” Y/N giggled, wrapping her arms around her bare arms in a vain attempt to avoid the cold winter air.
Shane glanced at her cold frame, shaking his head slightly. “Should’ve worn some clothes then, shouldn’t you?” His words were clearly a joke whilst he laughed, slipping off the blue jacket covering his own arms, gently placing it around her.
The jacket itself was too big for her. The sleeves fell below her hands and the body buried her body; it was comfy.
“T-thanks,” Y/N smiled, praying that the cold weather had made her cheeks red, hiding the blush that had just formed.
“Don’t mention it,” Shane was praying the exact same thing. “Why aren’t you wearing a jacket anyway?”
“I uhm-“unsure as to what to say, Y/N glanced down at the ground, silence filling the air whilst she fiddled with the sleeves on Shane’s jacket.
“Hey, what’s up?” Shane halted his movement, noticing that Y/N had done the exact same.
Nervously, he walked towards her until he was stood in front of her. She remained still. Shaking his head slightly, Shane raised his hand to her chin, tilting her head to face him. “What is it?”
“I’m not supposed to wear them in winter,” her words were rushed as she immediately tried to turn away from his concerned gaze, but to no avail.
“M-my mum told me not to,”
Shane’s eyes widened at her words, finger unconsciously running across her red cheeks. He had no idea what to say to her, no idea how to comfort her; it was clear that she was getting upset. So he did the only thing he could think of and enveloped her in a tight hug, resting his chin on top of her head, enjoying the way her arms wrapped around his body whilst her head rested against his chest. His hand moved from her back to her hair, wordlessly stroking to hopefully provide some comfort.
Neither of them knew how long they stayed there, both just enjoying the others touch.
“You should get to work,” Y/N said, pulling away from his embrace. “You’re probably already late.”
“Being late is worth it as long as you’re okay,”
“Hey, Y/N/N!” Sebastian yelled as he saw Y/N outside Pierre’s, looking at the calendar.
“Hey, Seb,” she smiled sweetly towards the man who gladly returned it. “How’s it going?”
“It’s going,” he chuckled. “Hey I’ve been meaning to ask you something!” Despite his attempts at seemingly calm, it was clear that he was nervous.
“Oh? What’s up?”
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go on a date? … With me…”
Surprise covered Y/N’s face, unsure as to how to react.
Sure, he was nice, but she didn’t like him, not like that.
“I, uh-“her sentence was cut short by another man behind her, someone who had clearly heard the question.
“Let’s go, Y/N,”
Y/N felt Shane’s hand grasp her arm, the gentleness of the grip contrasting the dark look on his face.
And with that, the pair left a confused Sebastian behind.
“Shane, are you okay?” Y/N asked once the two were alone. “You’re kind of scaring me,” her hand reached out to Shane, resting itself on his arm.
“Do you like him?” His voice was merely a whisper, gazing at the ground as though he was too afraid to look at her.
“Well yeah, he’s my friend so of course I like him,”
“No, do you like him?”
“Shane? No, I don’t. I like y-“ Y/N’s eyes widened at her words, realising that she had almost confessed to her crush without thinking. “No, I don’t like Sebastian.”
Shane’s eyes glanced towards her, noticing her blushing cheeks.
She was still wearing his jacket; he could feel the sleeve on his bare arm as he melted into her touch. She looked adorable.
“Good,” Shane sighed, stepping closer to Y/N who was simply confused. “Because then we might have a problem,” his hand rested itself on her blushing cheek which darkened further at the contact.
“What do you mean?” It was her time to avoid looking at him, hoping that the blush wouldn’t get any worse. “I mean, it’s not like we’re anything, so why would we have a problem?”
“Because I like you,”
Y/N’s eyes widened at his confession, gaze darting up to the taller man. “You what?”
“I like you, okay? I have for a while now. If you don’t feel the same, just say and I won’t bother you again.”
Y/N stared wordlessly, unsure of what to say to him.
“Got it, I’ll leave you alone,” Shane’s hand dropped from her cheek to his side, slowly walking away.
“Shane,” she called out to him, only to be ignored. “Shane!” This time she ran towards him, taking hold of his hand to spin him around, lifting herself up to his height to connect their lips.
Her spare hand reached up to his neck, pulling him down to her. The faint taste of beer could be tasted on his chapped lips. Shane’s own hand moved to her cheek, melting into the kiss.
“I like you too,” she whispered against his lips once they pulled away.
Shane simply kissed her again.
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dreamsofthescreen · 3 years
Stanley Donen’s Marvel At Love - Two For The Road Review & Analysis
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Albert Finney & Audrey Hepburn in ‘Two For The Road’
As far as romance goes, in the era of classics, we are given a idealised and soft edged view on a what love is or could be. Stanley Donen’s ‘Two For The Road’ appeals in it’s quirky and realistically sharp depiction of a marriage, as the beloved Audrey Hepburn and renowned film star Albert Finney ‘make something wonderful out of being alive’, as the trailer depicts. Driving cross country through France, we follow the unravelling of a decade long relationship, having us along for the ride & analysing the highs and lows of love. The simplicity of a love story with no certain grandeur is the greatest excitement, as room for interest is in the writing and expression of the story itself. A catalogue of successful retro arthouse, colour-blocked aesthetic films, Donen’s 1967 love story combined with Frederic Raphael’s blunt writing style delivers a versatile and greatly entertaining tale of love lost and found.
Joanna (Audrey Hepburn) and Mark (Albert Finney) have been married for a decade, and are now establishing their rocky connections. Travelling from London to the South Of France on a work trip related to Mark’s architectural career, they unpack the highs and lows of their relationship, reestablishing where they’re at now, and ultimately going back to how much they do need each other. Finney and Hepburn hitchhike, drive and fly around France, as we follow the couple in all their quirks, romantic moments and complications. The entire film is like a diary of their relationship, based on their travels in France throughout the years. Frederic Raphael’s award winning writing captures the moments that come with being in love, like striking grief and pure elation, set on the backdrop of the stunning French countryside. Their adventures have them repeatedly joking about Mark’s tendency to misplace his passport, finding themselves abandoned in the rain & having to sleep in a concrete cylinder on a moving truck, as well as Mark falling clumsily into a pool when trying to chase after Joanna.
Flashing back between Joanna and Mark’s early days of marriage, to their downfall that had them engaging in extramarital affairs, the grandeur and pathos of love that is portrayed was not usual for films at this time. Made in 1967, honest emotion like this was only starting to break out in cinema, as the Production Code (dictated what could be shown or said in film), was changing. For audiences, we are given insight into the pure joy and heartache in a couple that, despite their changing dynamics and hostility to one another, do still truly belong to each other. By combining a comedy with romance, drama and even some philosophical commentary, some may argue that this, along with the constant jump-cuts, is too much at once for a film. Yet I believe that it creates powerful interest, taking audiences on a journey that is tastefully stylish and does not overwhelm us too much.
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Stanley Donen is not shy of success, having directed ‘Singin In The Rain’, ‘Charade’ and ‘Funny Face’, making ‘Two For The Road’ a rather less heard of film of his. His films were technicolored with soul and charm, almost seeming to follow a New Wave style. Once films started using colour, especially in the 1960s, it became one of the main assets, bringing great life and joy to a movie, Two For The Road doing just this. Though an American director, his works are never seeped in Hollywood-fakery or predictable cliche’s, as they seem to follow a more natural style, this honesty being so important to the depiction of a marriage like Joanna & Mark’s. The Los Angeles Times wrote on his directing style, stating that he ‘brought wit, style, heartache and joy to the movies’ and too asked, ‘What does pure joy look like on screen? Stanley Donen gave us no shortage of possible answers’. With the beautifully sweeping and romantic soundtrack by Henry Mancini and Donen utilising jump cuts between different time periods, ‘Two For The Road’ really does follow the art-nouveau, French New Wave style of cinema. This has Donen stray away from the typical process of an American director, ultimately saving the film from becoming a corny, glamourised love story. The pain, happiness and change is what makes this story so widely romantic, as it follows something so uniquely realistic. 
This, along with Frederic Raphael’s lyrically raw and amusing writing creates an honest interpretation of a relationship that we can either relate to or know about, given the tenderness and change of a love barely standing. But Donen and Raphael don’t just have audiences follow Mark and Joanna. We are given an analytical look at their time together, delving into how they fall in love, what changes after getting married and having a child, time changing their dynamic. We see how a marriage turns sour, it’s charm wearing away as Finney and Hepburn are left with a child, and a love gone cold. The opening scene has Hepburn and Finney stylishly pulling up in their car, passing a wedding, Hepburn stating “They don’t look very happy”, to which Finney replies, “Why should they? They just got married”.
Of all of Audrey Hepburn’s doe-eyed, elegance-seeped roles that she is so well known and loved for, Stanley Donen shows her in a beautiful new light, her performance soaring. It can be argued that ‘Two For The Road’ is one of her strongest roles. As an avid Hepburn fan myself, it is the freedom that she is given within the character that adds edge and interest, as opposed to the doll-faced, girly performances of hers that are beautiful, but can be shallow. This was a real change for her, as she drops the classic black Givenchy dress for a colourful, more casual wardrobe. This only made me fall in love with her more, as she is involved in a comedic and rich performance, creating such layers to her, as well as really exuding her acting talents as she steps out of her comfort zone. This is also a more realistic Hepburn, as the role is even closer to herself as a person, as during filming she was going through the beginning of a divorce. You’d hope that this is what Donen had been meaning to succeed, by showing such a beloved icon in one of his films. Albert Finney was a match made in heaven for Hepburn in this film, as their chemistry is electric, making something so basic seem so wonderful or painful. As the trailer itself states, we watch ‘Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney make something wonderful out of being alive’.
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The way of taking what can be seen as a basic story and turning it into something so spectacularly beautiful and interesting is one of the most powerful aspects of film. This is what Two For The Road so greatly achieves, as from afar, Joanna and Mark’s relationship is seemingly regular, with no great glory or achievement involved. Yet it is the way in which the story of this marriage is executed that gives it all the glory. All shot on location, the trip we take with the couple may seem like a simple journey, yet the storytelling and execution of emotion through the writing and stylistic choices is something so outstanding. This road-trip certainly can be seen as a symbol of Mark and Joanna, the cars they drive being symbols of the adventure that is marriage. All features of the film are utilised to create a powerful story, the differing environments being a significant aspect, as they tie into the theme of change. The costuming too plays an important part in the emotive experience of audiences, as Joanna and Mark’s wardrobe moves from colourfully casual and free to professional and tight-fitting, representing how they’ve settled, after having married and had children. 
Henry Mancini’s score is something that is so tear-jerking, moving audiences through the motions. Gleefully slow moving strings accompany the scene where Joanna professes her love for Mark early on, ditching her ride and humorously imitating a traffic signal, surprising Mark. He questions, “what happened to your slick friend in the Alfa Romeo?”, to which Joanna responds, “I told him I was in love with you, so he put me down”. These exuberantly happy moments are paramount in the story, as the simplicity and beauty of travel, food, romance and new meetings create interest. You can really say that not much happens throughout, but it is the collective moments that make it all the while. Moments like Hepburn’s bright red top on the background of a French food market on the day she met Mark and getting to know him, as they too discuss their values, ideas and past. Travel is such a wonderful pastime, bringing heart, experience and memories of a lifetime, as well as closeness and complications. This makes their journey such an interesting and beautiful facet, as it is a remarkable setting for stress and joy throughout. Moments like this they share, in an amusing scene where they drive in ‘the old MG’. Joanna wears a bright pink ensemble and announces her pregnancy, as her and Mark toast with a cup of coffee in the car, just before it sets fire & they spontaneously find a hotel to stay in after being isolated from their accident.
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The contrast between the beginning of and later on in Mark & Joanna’s relationship is a clear indicator of their fading infatuation, though love is still there. Though always in France, always travelling together in a car, and staying in the same hotels over their decade spanning relationship, audiences can clearly see the difference in their attitude towards each other. Where there was enthusiastic adoration in their first stay at the luxurious hotel in France, years down the line, Mark draws up architectural plans, as Joanna utters ‘aren’t you coming to bed at all?’. What was once a fun-loving beach holiday, where Mark fought with and then proposed to Joanna, is now a dismal seaside lounge chair for them to sit in, as they vacation there years later, with almost nothing to say to one another. The bitterness that marriage can bring is noted very well in the monologues that Mark and Joanna deliver to each other. With Mark asking about their relationship, stating “is it worth it?”, Joanna responding with, “Yes it is worth it sometimes, only not now”, this being a strong summary of a long-lasting marriage. As arguments test their devotion to one another, the ending scene shows Joanna and Mark driving home from a party, discussing their place in their marriage. As Mark taunts Joanna with questions about what she might be doing having not been with him, he goes onto ask “What can’t I accept?”, to which Joanna replies, “That we’re a fixture, that we’re married. You go on about my leaving you, when I’m always still there. You sure you don’t want me to leave you?” Mark replies with, “Positive.”
Ranked at no. 57 on the American Film Institute’s 100 Years…100 Passions list, Donen’s ‘Two For The Road’ can be seen as one of the greatest and certainly strongest love stories in cinema that there is. A romantic marvel it is, due to all it’s ever-changing realism and depiction of what could be true love. Strangely very modern for it’s time and still very contemporary today, Donen’s work so artistically mixes comedy with romance and drama. Expertly executing these genres all at once, a message is sent to audiences on the beauty of love, even amongst all it’s painful change. 
Stars Out Of Five: 4.5/5
visit at: dreamsofthescreen.com
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
Hell of a Show
On wattpad : longerr_hours
“So let me get this straight-”
“Gay,” Lauren cuts in with a sly smile that Camila is quick to glare away.
“As I was saying,” Camila says in her confused tone from earlier, her face still scrunched as it had been since Lauren began explaining what she wanted to do. “You want me to pretend to date you?” she asks voice raising at the end of her question and eyebrows furrowing even further than Lauren thought possible.
“Well yes,” Lauren replies in a small voice, smirk growing back she continues playfully, “Weren’t you listening babe?”
Camila tries to ignore the pet name since Lauren has let it slip before but with the older girl’s recent idea Camila can’t help but blush slightly at the endearment. She hides the blush from Lauren though by shooting her a glare to be quiet again. “You want me to pretend to date you, solely to piss off your ex boyfriend - who by the way I never liked- for an undetermined amount of time to everyone we know?”
“Well… yeah basically that…” Lauren replies, rubbing at the back of her neck anxiously and trying to read her best friends tone. “I mean if you’re wondering what’s in it for you, I could pay you or something,” Lauren starts, ploping herself back onto her friend’s bed before shooting upright again with a smirk, “Oh! I could pay you in orgasms since I’ll be preventing you from dating anyone else, yeah?” and the cheeky grin on her face lets Camila know that although Lauren is just teasing she’s also 100% down to follow through with her offer.
“What’s in it for me… you mean besides getting to see Brad’s ego deflate and getting to hold the prettiest girl in school’s hand?” Camila questions with a quirked eyebrow after a few moments of silence that Lauren had been stressing her idea and her nerve to bring it up. “Lo you don’t need to pay me in anything, I’m shocked I didn’t think of it sooner,” she continues and Lauren lets out a laugh at her friends wording, while Camila laughs back at the fact that Lauren had been nervous at all. Camila had always hated Brad so why did Lauren think she’d ever give up an opportunity to embarrass the boy?
“So that’s a yes then?” Lauren asks raising her own eyebrows in question once they’ve both stopped laughing, watching Camila curiously as the girl moves from where she was standing to lie herself down next to Lauren, taking her time turning to face her before replying with a smirk on her face.
“We’ll have to put on one hell of a show Lo, but yeah, it’s a yes.”
It wasn’t anything Lauren had really planned. She just really hated her ex boyfriend. She hated his stupid accent and his stupid lack of lips and his stupid grabby hands and she hated that she had dated him at all in the first place. Camila always hated him and with everyone else Lauren had trusted Camila’s judgement entirely and not given them a chance. But Lauren had given him a chance, a longish chance (only two months but hey that’s longer than Luis’s two weeks). She doesn’t know why she dated him but she did and she didn’t let his annoying qualities get in her head because she didn’t want to hate him for some reason.
Ultimately they broke up because she found out he had hooked up with some girl Becky at a party that weekend. They fought about it because Lauren isn’t the type to just break things off when someone pulls such a dick move. He’d always been upset that Lauren wouldn’t put out. Honestly that’s the main reason Lauren’s confused that she stayed with him for so long. She was a virgin and wanted her first time to be special for fuck’s sake. But for some reason dumb Brad always asked and pestered whenever she so much as reciprocated a peck, claiming sex isn’t a big deal at all and he knows what he’s doing with a grin and holy shit how did Lauren date him at all?
The fight though, was probably one of the most intense Lauren had been in. She’d had her number of confrontations, ranging from Austin Mahone who tried to grab Camila’s ass in gym and ended up with a black eye and a head full of Lauren’s best insults, to Taylor Swift when she tried to blame Lauren for talking shit about Keana when no way in hell would Lauren gossip about one of her best friends, specially with someone as snakey as Taylor.
But usually whoever Lauren was fighting with would coward out. Lauren was good at building arguments because she argued over things she was passionate about. Usually she had an opening, a sinker a closing and a pile of insults ready for before she even opened her mouth and usually the other person was so nervous they’d lose right away. Brad on the other hand seemed content to spit out bullshit for as long as he could to keep his game up. Some of his buddies had been standing at a bench near the two and Lauren figured he thought he was winning, or at least insulting her enough to seem less like the dumped and more like the dumper.
But the more he spoke the more mad Lauren became. He started out with defense, claiming “she meant nothing” and “she just had good hair that’s all” and nonsense that Lauren knew not to believe for a second, because really what does it matter if it meant nothing? He cheated and cheating is disgusting. His other arguments became about men having needs and how Lauren wouldn’t fill them and how the fuck had she dated such a misogynist?
He noticed that she wasn’t going to falter though and that’s when he switched his mode to offense. That was what spiked this “let’s fake date Camila” idea. You see, the reason Lauren hadn’t attended the party was because she was with Camila. According to Brad she was always with Camila or talking about Camila and damn it they had had this argument often enough. Camila was her best friend, Lauren made it clear from the beginning that the smaller girl was her number one, ride or die, ultimate favorite person in the world but Brad refused to accept that. He had friday as date night but Camila had saturdays and every other day and okay maybe some relationships are clingy but Lauren and Brad had just hit two months whereas her and Camila were at seventeen years for crying out loud, did the boy expect her to just ditch Camila?
His strategy became based on that. Claiming she must have been fucking the girl, making disgustingly perverted comments about the two girls, saying Lauren can’t be mad about him cheating because she’s obviously doing her best friend and it may have earned him some chuckles from his eavesdropping friends but it only fueled Lauren’s anger about a thousand times more. He taunted her saying that he wouldn’t count it as cheating since “lesbians are hot to watch but nothing to stress over” and that the least she could have done is invited him. She takes that hard too since she’s been out as bisexual for a few years now to everyone at school and he still has no respect for the LGBT community.
So that’s where she’d thought of getting back at his tiny brain and huge ego by pretending to date not only a girl but a girl who she’s “clearly been doing” for years. Guys like Brad couldn’t handle being left for a girl, but being left publically for a girl? That was sure to hit him square in the face as hard as a sledgehammer or something equally as forceful.
Camila had been her best friend since forever ago and she knew that the younger girl disliked Brad even more than she did in the moment. Camila had always pointed out Brad’s downfalls and Lauren had ignored them, even if they were things that Camila only pointed out because Lauren hated them. Camila had known about his idiocies for a while and had bit her tongue to keep from completely flipping out on Lauren knew there was more too the story than that and could see the anger in Camila’s eyes when anything concerning Brad came up.
She thought about it on her way to Camila’s house right after she had confronted Brad. Camila had been with her all weekend, meaning Sunday morning when the girls woke up tangled together in Lauren’s sheets Camila was there to see Lauren receive texts from multiple people saying that the douche bag had cheated. She was ready and willing to hold her friend if she needed to cry but was shocked when Lauren didn’t shed a tear but roll her eyes and toss her phone to the side, explaining to Camila that that wasn’t going to last before cuddling into her chest for another ten minutes.
Camila hadn’t asked if she was okay until later that day when Lauren had informed Camila she needed to be home the following hour. She didn’t want to put a damper on Lauren’s surprisingly good mood but she didn’t want her best friend leaving her side until she knew for a fact that Lauren was actually okay. Lauren had explained what she couldn’t to herself. That Brad was a decent date sometimes but that in the end of the day her feelings for Brad were about as strong as a mosquito or something tiny and lacking strength. Camila was happy to hear she was okay but still threatened to punch him out if he tried to pull shit or hurt her best friend. After laughing about how Camila could never punch anyone out Lauren assured her that she would talk to and break up with Brad after school the next day and report back. Camila had wanted to go with her for support but something in Lauren knew that would stir up more trouble, and she didn’t want Camila to be later picking up Sofi so she declined the offer but promised to go right to her house afterwards.
She didn’t really think out a plan on fake dating her friend but when she made it up to Camila’s room and met concerned brown eyes waiting for explanations Lauren just spit it out and hey, two minds are better than one so she figured Camila can help her with the details.
So Lauren was confident that the girl would go with it. Pay back was going to be a bitch to this boy.
“Okay so we need some guidelines and shit, so we’re both on the same page and all that yeah?” Camila asks as she props up against Lauren’s bed’s headboard and turns to face her best friend who’s sat at her desk across the room. “Like how exactly does this whole fake dating thing work?”
They hadn’t talked about it because they’re both busy and honestly it hadn’t been the top thing on their mind. Both girls were in high classes and with it being their junior year of high school they had standardized tests and college applications to worry about for the first time. While Lauren was dating Brad she reserved Fridays for him so his annoying ass wouldn’t whine about constantly being ditched but Camila still got most of the weekend. Now with no Brad though, the girls could have their whole weekend together and after only a few spare moments all week that they weren’t studying together or reading text books Camila decided it was time for them to get a plan with what this pretend game will entail.
“Hmm,” Lauren huffs as she spins her chair around lazily smiling back at her friend as she leans back further in her chair thinking, “I haven’t ever done this before so I’m not sure,” she explains honestly, making Camila laugh lightly and herself grin in turn.
“Well first things first are we keeping up the charade for family? I mean Chris is on the volleyball team and as much as I love your family, he’s kind of a gossip is he not?” Camila teases and Lauren smirks before nodding in agreement of her younger brother’s description. “So we’ll obviously not like come out to our parents as a couple but maybe siblings should know?” she offers questioningly.
Both girls had come out to their families already so that wouldn’t be an issue. The teasing they would have to go through would be an issue not to mention their parents probably assuming they were having sex and not letting them be in rooms alone together. Lauren came out as bisexual to everyone in her freshman year. Camila on the other hand came out as gay to Lauren at the same time but stayed in the closet to most people other than her family since then. She wasn’t exactly hiding away but she didn’t think it was anyone else’s business other than wo she wanted to know. She wouldn’t deny being gay if asked but she didn’t see the need to post it anywhere, she only had a few friends other than Lauren and they all knew, so why should she have to answer to strangers on her sexuality?
“That sounds good yeah, or maybe just let the siblings figure it out via rumors and shit?” Lauren suggests and Camila nods her head in agreement. “Where do you stand on like PDA and stuff?” Lauren asks after getting Camila’s nod of approval to continue.
“Well… I mean I don’t have any passes, whatever you think is appropriate whenever it is I guess,” Camila answers with a shrug, trying not to let herself blush at the thought of holding hands with Lauren or being more so than she already is flirty with Lauren, or kissing Lauren or - wait a minute.
“Okay so like hugs, kisses, hand holding, the basics really, I’ll try to let you know before but if either of us sees Brad or his possy we should do something, just nothing too obvious I guess because then it’ll just seem forced and-” Lauren rambles on, listing off her ideas but Camila interrupts with an insecurity before Lauren can finish.
“Lo wait I’ve never… I mean obviously I know I kissed Michael in like seventh grade during spin the bottle but I don’t really count that as a first kiss,” she voices nervously, not exactly knowing what she wants to say but wanting Lauren to acknowledge that in a way.
“Oh… I knew that I just… do you not want your first kiss to be with me?” Lauren asks, looking forward and more intently into Camila’s eyes from across the room as she anxiously waits an answer, not wanting to pressure Camila into anything but feeling slightly put down by her best friend not wanting to share that with her.
“No!” Camila says almost too quickly once she realizes Lauren is offended and blushes at Lauren’s quirked eyebrow. “No that’s not what I - fuck what I meant was that I suck at kissing and I wanted to warn you because I know you overthink everything and I didn’t want you to think the first time we have to kiss is bad because I’m awkward about it or something, does that make sense? I wanted you to know it’s not you just my lack of abilities,” Camila explains as best she can nervously. “Plus it might seem I don’t know, unnatural at first? Maybe I should look up youtube tutorials or something,” Camila trails off, not knowing what to continue with.
“Hey now you don’t have to feel insecure Camz I bet you’re a natural,” Lauren smiles and moves onto the bed now that she’s done with her english studying and can relax with her best friend. She shifts so she’s sitting next to Camila and rests a hand reassuringly on her knee. “But you might have a point,” she points out, using her thumb to draw shapes on Camila’s knee and lower thigh bare from her lack sleep shorts, the girl preferring just boy shorts and tee shirts when her and Lauren hangout because they don’t have any insecurities around each other with things like that.
“What point? That youtube videos could help? I can look those up if you want?” Camila asks nervously.
“No, no I meant it seeming unnatural. Not that you’ll be bad, just that if we really are dating we should probably be comfortable kissing each other you know?” Lauren elaborates, sending Camila a reassuring smile and small squeeze to the war skin under her palm.
“Oh why Ms. Jauregui are you suggesting what I think you are?” Camila asks in a faux scandalized voice, smiling harder than she already was when she meets a smirking and enthusiastically nodding Lauren. “Why if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to have your way with me,” she continues, faking a gasp and falling into giggles when Lauren nods even faster and her smirk turns into an adorable smile.
“Come on Camz it’ll be like practice okay? Better than a youtube tutorial a hands on demonstration!” she explains and smiles harder at the end and Camila falls into giggles and moves closer to her best friend to lean into her as she laughs.
“Okay kay just umm… tell me how to do anything better yeah? And don’t laugh if I don’t know what I’m doing at all,” she says and Lauren nods overly enthusiastically again at that and Camila lets out another laugh into Lauren’s shoulder before leaning away to raise her head up connecting their foreheads hesitantly.
“Tell me if you want me to stop at all okay?” Lauren husks softly and Camila nods after a moment of being intensely focused on the breath she can feel against her lips now.
The first touch of lips against lips is a short press. Gentle, soft, gone in a heartbeat and Camila barely knows it happened until she feels Lauren pull away. She’s about to open her eyes, that closed at some point between Lauren’s words and Lauren’s lips but she feels Lauren’s mouth against her’s again and decides to get lost in the feeling instead. It seems hesitant at first based on how gentle it is, soft, simple, lingering but not deep yet. It seems like learning how to not only kiss but how to feel anything at all. It changes when Camila feels Lauren’s mouth part slightly though. She isn’t pushing or prodding but she’s guiding.
Gently, Lauren takes Camila’s lower lip between her own and sucks the plump lip softly into her mouth, letting her tongue glide along it before gently prying open Camila’s lips open with the tip of her tongue. She doesn’t go in right away but waits for Camila to meet her halfway because consent to all of this is important. Camila understands this right away though because she understands Lauren and it only takes her a second to meet Lauren’s eager tongue and brush her own against it, smiling into the kiss when Lauren’s hands shift to wrap around her hips tightly, pulling Camila more firmly into the kiss as her tongue dips to explore more thoroughly, briefly tangling with Camila’s before running along the curves and grooves of the younger girl’s mouth. Camila allows herself to be pulled and reaches to tangle one hand in Lauren’s hair, cupping her face with the other hand to pull her equally into the kiss.
They kiss for what feels like forever to both girls but is probably only three ish minutes and up until then the only sound in the room had been the deep breath panted out in the seconds they would part for air and the soft sucking of their mouths against each other, but Lauren can’t hold in a small moan when Camila’s hand in her hair unexpectedly tugs. Lauren uses that to break for a deeper breath, gasping in shock when Camila takes their parting as a chance to pepper Lauren’s cheeks and jawline with kisses. It’s not sexy really. It is because it’s Camila so it’s hard for Lauren to not think she’s sexy but it’s more adorable and oh so Camila to be peppering kisses while Lauren catches her breath that Lauren can’t not smile.
“Hmm, Camz c'mere,” she says with a lazy smile still in place, using her hands to guide Camila’s hips and pull her so she’s straddling Lauren’s hips on the bed. Camila smiles back and leans in to peck her on the lips gently but both girls are smiling so much the kiss breaks right away. “You’re pretty good at that for someone who hasn’t ever been kissed properly.”
“Mm, well thank you but I like to think I’m a fast learner, and with such a good teacher it’d be hard for me to not be a quick talent,” Camila teases and Lauren laughs a short loud laugh but lets her hands stroke up and down Camila’s back softly before falling back to her hips, thumbs pushing up the t shirt she’s wearing and stroking against the bare hip bones.
“Well how about a little more practice yeah? Can’t hurt to get some more in before performance day,” Lauren smirks and Camila grins down at her before using the hand in her hair to tug her back up into a kiss.
This kiss gets, to say the very least, heated. Maybe it’s that Camila is straddling Lauren but both girls assume that it’s just the new, clear playful tension the girls have because now that they’re both sure that the other is okay with this they’re not holding back. Camila is the one to slip in tongue almost immediately, swiping along Lauren’s lower lip but Lauren is quick to open her mouth up to Camila’s exploring and kiss back. Lauren’s hands on Camila’s hips may or may not shift down to rest on her ass after pulling her closer but Camila just moans quietly into her mouth so Lauren doesn’t bother to move them, just pushes more into the kiss.
At this point the girls have shifted more so that Lauren is more lying back against the pillows with Camila on top of her entirely and it’s not the most platonic position, and it’s not exactly the way they were planning for anyone to find out they were dating. Honestly the girls were just comfortable enough that kissing each other like this didn’t have too mean too much of anything. Luckily it’s Chris who walks in on them and not someone else.
“Hey guys mom wants to know if you’re - Oh fucking Christ Laur!” Chris shouts from the door, covering his eyes with one hand and pulling the door shut behind him but staying in the room.
Lauren and Camila rip their mouths apart and blush deeper than either thought possible. Lauren is quick to pull a blanket up to cover Camila’s backside which is only covered in panties which, once again not helping them, and Camila tries to roll onto the bed beside Lauren but is held in place so chooses instead to bury her face into Lauren’s neck to hide her flushed face.
“Jesus Chris can you learn how to knock!” Lauren exclaims from the bed, leaning her head back against the pillows in annoyance but then leaning forward to press a short kiss to the top of Camila’s head to try to calm the other girl who’s silently freaking out. “What do you need?” she snaps as she notices the boy is just standing there with a red face and his eyes averted.
“Oh umm… mom wanted me to offer you guys some of the desert pudding thing she made…” he trails and runs a hand through his hair nervously before smirking, “But hey I mean, I guess you’ve already had dessert Or are having it now? I’ll let her know you’ll be down in a minute and Laur? You might wanna lock the door next time,” he teases, growing more confident as he speaks before turning and heading out, pulling the door shut behind him.
Neither girl says anything, Camila’s still hiding in Lauren’s neck and Lauren is gently rubbing up and down her back but it’s not long before Camila is shaking with giggles and Lauren is trying hard not to collapse into them too.
“Lo?” she says after a minute, finally lifting her head and Lauren miles fondly at the tears in the other girl’s eye from laughing so hard.
“Yeah camz?” Lauren answers as she moves her hands to tracing the back of Camila’s thighs gently in what she hopes is comforting.
“I was just thinking that we don’t have to worry about Chris finding out now huh?” Camila says and falls into another fit of giggles and this time Lauren doesn’t even bother trying not to laugh along.
It wasn’t a big deal though because friends kiss all the time, right?
“Okay so you’re sure you’re okay with this?” Lauren asks as Camila pulls her car into the school student parking lot. “And if you get uncomfortable you’ll tell me so we can stop no matter what?”
“Yes and yes,” Camila replies in an impatient but not mad voice. Since their make out session last friday night the two girls had decided to turn on their coupleness at school the following monday. Lauren had been careful to double check, then to triple check, then to check maybe another ten times that Camila was completely comfortable with it and at first Camila found it adorable, still does, but Lauren really needs to stop her constant over analysis of everything. “Lo, you really need to stop worrying so much babe, I told you I’m fine with it and I am. Just stop stressing so much, we need to look natural remember?”
“Right okay, yeah you’re right I just… I don’t know I’m nervous,” Lauren replies, running a hand through her hair before turning to face Camila who’s watching her from the driver’s side. “Plus like, we never told Dinah. Mani and Ally will freak but Dinah… her reaction is going to be terrifying.”
“Fuck I didn’t let myself think of that completely,” Camila confesses with wide eyes. “I mean we planned everything out though right? So we can avoid having to explain ourselves for a few I guess but like we don’t have to stress over it okay?” she continues, giving Lauren a reassuring smile.
“Yeah, yeah you’re right I’m just worried I’m not going to be as good an actress as you,” Lauren says after taking a deep breath in and out. She continues to rub her palms on her jeans and brush her hair out of her face before turning to face Camila again. “Ready to go?”
“I am ready,” Camila says, smiling fondly at her nervous best friend. “And by the way, I’m sure you won’t need to try to hard to act in love with me okay?” she teases and Lauren finally cracks a genuine smile at Camila’s teasing and Camila smiles herself, happy that she was able to put a grin on the older girl’s face. “Now c'mon, we gotta get you to homeroom babygirl,” she says and Lauren feels herself flush at the pet name but Camila’s still giggling so she tries to not think of it much, just shoves Camila’s arm and swings her door open and stepping out. It’s go time.
Camila is quick to meet her on her side of the car to intertwine their fingers and tug Lauren towards the school entrance. Camila for her part doesn’t seem to be forcing anything or nervous at all. In fact, once she has Lauren’s hand in her own she acts like she would on any other day going to school. She rambles about some history test and how she forgot to study and hopefully it’s open book and Lauren is relieved that Camila is such a natural because her friend’s calm manner is making her feel more secure in herself.
“And so maybe at lunch I can just cram for the quiz but I don’t know if that’s going to even be possible with Dinah questioning us and I have a headache just thinking about it so maybe I should just pretend it’s not today and face that bridge when I get there,” Camila concludes as they approach Lauren’s locker. Camila opens it for her, having known the combination for years and Lauren leans herself against the locker watching her friend.
“You have precalc first right? Then accounting so I’ll meet you here again before period 3?” Camila questions the quiet girl as she pulls the book out of the locker and passes them over to Lauren who puts them into her bag before passing Camila her lunch to put into the locker.
“Yeah you got it, period 3 is good,” Lauren replies with a small smile at Camila knowing everything about her schedule. She has for all of their lives but something about knowing Camila’s her girlfriend and acting like this makes her happy. Fake girlfriend that is.
“Okay, well I’m on my way to Bio then, try not to miss me too much,” Camila nods and before Lauren can react the younger girl is leaning in to place a soft peck on her lips and turning to make her way back down to the science wing. “Have a good morning babe,” she calls over her shoulder with a grin in her voice and Lauren smiles brightly before turning to go to her own class.
They’re both aware of the various eyes on them. They had been aware of them since walking into the building hand in hand but kissing sealed the deal and it was only a matter of hours before the rumor mill worked it magic and the whole school knew about them.
It didn’t bother them at all if both girls really thought about it. Lauren made her way with a blush on her face and a small smile because although she was somewhat embarrassed when it came to PDA with anyone, she liked Camila, Camila was her best friend and people thinking they were together just made her smile for some reason.
This had happened before. When Lauren came out everyone had thought the two girls were in a relationship with each other. They were always really close and honestly it didn’t bother them much because they were completely comfortable with each other and other people thinking they were a couple didn’t affect them. They only bothered to stop the rumors when Lauren started talking to some girl from the grade above them because they didn’t want to create unnecessary drama.
She’s kind of nervous to see how Brad reacts to it all because Lauren is the type to avoid drama when she can and snap when she can’t, but she doesn’t want him going after Camila at all and she feels like that’s exactly what’s going to happen once he gets wind of the situation.
Classes go by in a blur though, only a few people ask her if she’s dating Camila and she smiles each time, only replying that yes she is and not giving any elaborations because she doesn’t need to tell strangers shit.
“Hey Lo,” Camila smiles at her from where she’s waiting leaning against Lauren’s locker when Lauren finally makes her way back there. “How was class babe?” she smiles and Lauren shoots her one back, leaning in to press a kiss to Camila’s cheek before reaching for her locker.
“It was good,” Lauren says simply as Camila grabs at her free hand, struggling against a giggling Lauren for a moment before interlocking their fingers. “Anyone ask about our relationship status? I had a few people asking for details but it’s our business, you know?” Lauren questions, knowing that the people next to them are listening into the conversation and using that to her advantage.
Luckily Camila seems to notice them too because she continues on the way Lauren hoped she would play along. “Oh yeah I had a few people ask, a few annoying boys make gross comments,” Camila answers, stroking her thumb along Lauren’s hand gently while speaking. “Like I get that it’s new info but seriously our relationship and everything in it is our business,” Camila finishes, not having to pretend to be annoyed because she really is. In her Bio class three senior boys had asked if it was true and then tried to get facts on their sex life and even if it wasn’t completely inappropriate timing, she didn’t even know them. Who did they think they were asking her such private details?
“Fuck them babe,” Lauren replies, noticing in Camila’s face that she’s more frustrated than she’s letting on. “We can talk about it later okay and I can smack them out for you, okay? But right now we gotta get to physics before the bell,” she reassures and Camila nods, leaning her head on Lauren’s shoulder as the girl finishes up in her locker.
“Okay you’re right we do have to move,” Camila sighs, annoyed with the people eyeing them in the hall but knowing that there’s rarely any new gossip in school and this is interesting. “Need me to carry anything?” she offers with a kiss to Lauren’s bare shoulder and the other girl shivers slightly at the feeling but plays it down as a shrug which Camila notices but doesn’t point out.
“No umm, I got everything…” Lauren trails off, checking her bag one more time before shutting her locker and turning to face Camila. “Do we need to go to yours?” she asks and Camila shakes her head and latches her hand more tightly onto Lauren’s as they start towards the classroom down the hall.
Class together is weirder than class alone mainly because it’s class so they can’t exactly act like a couple but other students are watching them expectantly. Lauren manages a few brushes of her hand against Camila’s and they walk out of the class hand in hand.
“Camren!” they here from across the cafeteria and Lauren temporarily freezes up at the voice because having to face her friends isn’t exactly a fun idea for her right now, she really just wanted to eat and talk to Camila.
“Dinah…” Camila sighs out, squeezing Lauren’s hand to comfort her before pulling her over to the table that their three friends are waiting at with expectant looks on their faces. She knows that Lauren is stressing and knows that means she’s the main one responsible for making this believable. She pulls Lauren over to the table though, ignoring the eyes on them from around the cafeteria. Luckily Brad isn’t in this lunch with them so they don’t have to worry about confronting him just yet.
“So when were you gays planning on telling us you’re together,” Dinah doesn’t waste a minute in asking before she ambushes them with the question.
“Well DJ it just happened this weekend so we didn’t really tell anybody, we weren’t going to come out today exactly but we just decided to go for it,” Camila explains as her and Lauren take their seats across from her and Normani and Ally who both have looks of confusion on their faces, most likely letting Dinah take the lead in questioning.
“Oh okay so you didn’t think telling your three best friends was a big deal?” Dinah yells at them, her voice naturally getting loud but Camila glares her down to a more civil voice so people don’t hear that their friends didn’t know and get suspicious.
“Dinah we’re telling you now calm down, we just didn’t get a chance to this weekend, plus we had to talk it all through ourselves, I mean transitioning from besties to girlfriends is confusing,” Camila explains hoping Dinah won’t actually be mad at them.
“Dinah let them talk before you get mad,” Ally interrupts elbowing Dinah’s side gently to get her attention.
“Fine I get that I just…” Dinah trails on and Normani gently rubs at her arm to try to calm her down and make her sit back down instead of being so propped up and mad. “Okay fine so tell us everything to make up for it.”
Camila gulps, knowing where to go with this but also feeling awkward saying this to her friends. “Well you guys know how Brad slept with Becky and all last week,” Camila starts and the other three girls all nod telling her to continue, “well Lauren and I got to talking on Friday about it, you know I wanted to make sure she was okay…” she trails on, looking to Lauren for approval who gives her a reassuring nod , blushing and looking down suddenly finding her salad extremely interesting. “And she was upset because she almost slept with him and you guys know how she’s always wanted her first time to be special and well one thing led to another and we kind of umm… well we kinda made sure it was?” Camila finishes, blushing at telling her friends that and holding tighter onto Lauren’s hand for reassurance.
Normani is the first to pick on the implication and she chokes on the water she was taking a sip from, spitting it onto her table and coughing for air and stealing Dinah’s attention who still looks confused but pats Normani’s back with her eyebrows furrowed.
Ally catches on almost as soon as Normani and covers her mouth as her jaw drops slightly and then breaks into a laugh at Normani’s reaction, making the two girls a little less stressed that Ally doesn’t seem to care too much.
Dinah, obviously being Dinah, is the last to catch on. Scratch that, Dinah doesn’t catch on. He eyebrows stay bunched in confusion and her mouth moves a little bit as her head works to fit the pieces together but she just isn’t picking up on it. “I’m sorry if I don’t know what that means but I don’t, spit it out Walz c'mon use your words,” she complains looking between Ally and Mani who are both biting their lips in an attempt to not giggle but not exactly succeeding. “What you two know something I don’t?” she questions, now turning her glare onto the other two girls who decide to just let their laughs out instead of holding them. Camila is relieved when Lauren starts laughing too because based on how tightly she’s holding onto Camila’s hand, the younger girl had been nervous that she was completely freaking out.
“Okay I see how it is, y'all are using some code talk or something? Well sorry if I can’t read between lines but that doesn’t mean I have to be left out of every single thing that-” Dinah starts again with an annoyed tone but Normani tugs her arm and leans in to whisper into Dinah’s ear. Dinah’s face turns more confused at first but that confusion is immediately wiped away with a smirk. “Well ya could’ve just said you two did the nasty damn, I would’ve never pestered you for details about that,” she says with a smug tone to follow her smug face and Camila blushes deep red while Lauren buries her face into Camila’s shoulder.
“Anyways,” Dinah starts, after laughing at the two blushing girls now, “who topped?” she asks with a grin making Normani laugh louder than before and Ally scold her before giggling slightly too, and Camila supposes they’ll have to get used to this.
“Hey Cabello!” Camila hears from across the empty hallway as she pulling her last books out of her bag to put into her locker for the weekend.
It’s the end of the first week Camila and Lauren came out at school. Luckily up until now other than Dinah’s teasing all the couple had had to deal with was some obnoxious boys making gross gestures and disgusting comments, but they managed to avoid running into Brad. He’d seen them and they’d seen him. But up until right now Camila was wondering how they;d managed to avoid confrontation with the boy, but looks like her luck has run out.
She thinks he must be confronting her about what happened earlier that day. Like she said, they’d seen each other, but today in the hall was the first time Lauren had time to react when Camila mouthed Brad to her. Lauren had wasted no time pulling Camila into her and the younger girl only took a second to pin Lauren against her locker and slip her tongue into her mouth. Lauren was never big on PDA, which is probably what made Brad so mad because Lauren wouldn’t even let hi peck her in public, but there she was playing tonsil tennis with her new girlfriend only about a week after they’d broken up. Lauren hadn’t even looked at the boy and Camila had only saw him for second but when they broke their lips apart because Dinah popped out of nowhere with wolf calls, the boy was gone from where he had been watching them.
Sure enough when Camila turns towards the loud voice that called to her she sees the boy she knew it was making his way angrily towards her. She knows what people like him are like so luckily she pulls her hand out of the way before he slams her locker shut.
“So I here you’ve got your eyes on my girl now, is that right little dyke?” he taunts with a grimace on his face as he shoves at Camila shoulder to angle her against the locker. She isn’t intimidated to be honest, just annoyed. He’s all talk so she knows he won’t hit her or anything, and she’s been waiting to give him a piece of her mind since he cheated on the most amazing girl in the world.
“Your girl? Bradley I don’t know if you have short term memory loss or something but she dumped your sorry ass when you decided to let her slip through your pathetically small and sweaty fingers,” Camila replies, shooting a glare at the boy then a mocking smile.
“Oh fuck you Cabello you’ve had your eyes on her since forever ago,” Brad whines not able to come up with any argument on him and Lauren’s break up. “We both know it’s only a matter of time before she gets over this experimenting she’s doing or whatever the fuck and comes back to me,” he mutters and Camila feels herself getting sick thinking about the fact that she let her friend date such a disgusting boy.
“Oh get over yourself, in case you don’t know what bisexual means since you obviously have the IQ of a chimpanzee, it means people with Lauren’s sexuality can fall in love with boys or girls,” Camila says glaring at the boy who’s now pinning her arm to the locker and pouting like a five year old. “I’m shocked she ever went for someone like you but hey, she got over it pretty fast huh?” she continues, smirking at him when his face turns more red with anger than it had been.
“Fuck you Camilla, she’s using you to get over me and she’ll be back before you have time to get to second base,” he snarls and she wants to gag not only at the spit he sends into her face while trying to talk but because of how easily he can talk about Lauren like she’s a piece of meat.
“Not that it’s any of your business Bradley but me and Lauren’s relationship is about more than sex, not that we don’t have plenty of it,” Camila taunts and can see his anger increasing, “I don’t know what you thought you would gain by coming at me right now, but Lauren’s not into you and I’m not going to waste a second more arguing with you when I could be with my girlfriend,” Camila continues, going to grab her bag that fell at her feet when he first shoved her and pulling back up, ready to push off the lockers.
“Not so fast Cabello I’m not done talking to you,” Brad snaps again and this time grabs both of her shoulders and shoves her with more force against the locker, making Camila whimper softly in pain when he back slams against the hard metal. It hurts, and maybe she was wrong about him not hitting her and she’s kind of scared, but only kind of because the one ironic though in her head is that it’s better when Lauren is the one slamming her against the locker.
“Hey!” Camila notices yet another voice and lets out a sigh of relief when she recognizes Shawn’s voice. “Brad dude get the fuck off of her,” he yells and Camila feels Bradley getting pulled away from her and doesn’t hear what Shawn whispers to him but is grateful for her best guy friend when she sees Brad gulp and turn in the other way without another glance towards Camila. ’
“You okay Mila?” Shawn asks, gripping her shoulders lightly to get her out of her trance and she sends him a reassuring smile once she snaps out of it and pulls him into a quick hug. He’s gay too. Not out yet because people are dicks as displayed by Bradley not ten seconds ago, but he did tell Camila when she told him back in their sophomore year. They’d gotten closer since then and other than Lauren and the three other girls he was her best friend in the school and she appreciated him looking out for her.
“Yeah I’m good he’s just… he’s such a little bitch god,” she lets out, running a hand through her messed up hair from being shoved around. “I should go though, Lauren was waiting in my car so I don’t want her…” Camila gestures and Shawn nods with a big smile on his face.
“Mila, I know you’re with Lauren now but umm… Be careful okay? You’ve liked her for while and I know that she must really care about you back but you don’t want to make any choices that’ll get you hurt in the end,” Shawn says hesitantly and Camila frowns because she doesn’t know how he did it but Shawn seems to have figured out that there’s more to the story than her and Lauren being in love.
“Shawn I don’t…” Camila trails on, not wanting to confirm his suspicions but also not wanting to lie to him. She told him everything, more than anyone other than Lauren. She’d only told him and Dinah about her small crush on her best friend, but he had figured it out on his own to be honest. He could read Camila like the back of a book and she loved him so it was pointless to try to deny it. “You can’t tell anyone okay? Maybe we can hangout monday and I’ll explain it all?” she suggests and his somber look turns to a grin again and he nods in approval of the plan.
“That’s all I ask,” he says holding his hands up in joking defense. “Now go get your lady, god knows that girl waits for nobody other than you, I don’t know how you do it Mila,” he smirks and Camila laughs at his teasing tone and gives him one last smile before turning towards the exit, eager to tell Lauren about how Brad had cornered her.
Apparently whatever Shawn had said to Brad that day in the hall worked because the annoying football played left the girls alone for a while. Sure he’d glare at them in the hall whenever he saw them together, and he’d purposely bump into Camila’s shoulder whenever she was alone, and his buddies would make comments and be obnoxious still, but that wasn’t a big deal to Camila, as long as they were treating Lauren with respect.
It’d been almost a month now, and the winter semi formal was coming up which of course the girls were planning to go to together. They hadn’t talked about it really, which is why Camila thought she’d do some of her own improvisation when it came to the tickets. $20 per ticket was expensive but it’s worth it to take Lauren out and treat her right even if it is for show, so she buys the tickets and buys the dress she knows Lauren was planning to.
She decided that she didn’t need to stage it at school though. Normani and Lauren were hanging out one monday after school so Camila made her way over with the dress, the ticket, and a box of vanilla cupcakes that had “be my plus one?” written out on the frosting. She thought it was cute, simple but cute and something she’d want to have done for her if she was to be asked. She had told Dinah not to let Lauren buy the dress herself, which proved easy by just saying that she was going to buy it herself.
Camila knocked on the door and was greeted by Chris who saw her and smirked, still the only one in the family to know about them and being the only one to know why she was at Lauren’s house. She had needed to make sure Lauren and Mani would be there but also that Lauren’s parents wouldn’t so they wouldn’t have to explain themselves just yet. So with a nod and a grin Chris goes to get Lauren and Camila waits down by er car.
“Camz? What’re you doing here babe, I’m with Mani today remember?” Lauren asks in her adorable confused voice as she steps out onto the small front lawn with Normani behind her curiously.
She’s always thrilled to see Camila sure, but they’d fallen into routine since they started “dating”. On most days they would go to one of their houses and study together, but Monday’s were the days to catch up with everyone else since they were with each other 24/7.
“Oh yeah, I know Lo, I just wanted to ask you something,” Camila explains, leaning against the car and reaching in to grab the box of cupcakes.
“What’re the-” Lauren starts but shuts up when Camila opens the box and holds them out for her to read, then holds up the tickets in her other hand with a nervous smile on her lips. “Camz…” she starts with a flushed face and a huge smile plastered on top.
“So will you go with me baby?” Camila says although based on Lauren’s face asking is unnecessary.
Lauren doesn’t answer her, just slips between the box and tickets and wraps her arms around Camila’s neck pulling her into a tight hug. “Camz! You didn’t have to do this, you could’ve literally asked me whenever in any way of course it’s a yes,” Lauren exclaims with a huge smile still on, moving her hands to Camila’s cheeks to pull her girlfriend into a sweet, chaste yet passionate kiss, both girls smiling too hard into it to deepen it.
“Aww,” they vaguely hear Normani sigh out in the background, Chris chuckling with his arms crossed and smile on his face at the girl’s interaction. He’s relieved that Lauren finally pulled her head out of her ass and got with the younger girl, they’d obviously had a thing for each other for far too long now and he was a minute away from doing something himself before he had walked in on them.
Normani continues to coo as Lauren pulls away from the kiss and Camila moves to place the cupcakes back in the car so she can wrap one hand around Lauren’s waist and pull her closer. She’s been waiting for them to get together too, knowing that Lauren had feelings for Camila since forever ago and happy that they finally seem to be getting what they both so obviously wanted. But damn talk about plot twist with Camila being the top. Normani didn’t want to believe it at first because Lauren is so Lauren, but watching Camila in a snapback and purple varsity sweater treating Lauren like a princess, Normani found herself finally getting on board fully with boyfriend Camila.
“There’s more,” Camila smiles, leaning in to peck Lauren one more time as the older girl furrows her bros and leans over Camila’s shoulder to try to see. “I know you wanted this and don’t worry, Dinah returned it so… You can look even more like a princess than you always do,” Camila explains as she pulls out the light blue dress Lauren had chosen from a week prior and Lauren and Normani both coo at that and the prior pulls Camila into another kiss and then a tighter hug.
After a few moments of Lauren looking at the dress and stealing kisses from her amazing more than perfect best friend and having Normani take pictures, Camila is helping Lauren carry everything inside.
“Camz, you didn’t have to do all that you know? We could’ve just went halfsies,” Lauren says once everything is inside and the two others in the house have left them to go eat cupcakes.
“I know, I know, but you went through shit with Brad, you deserve good thing Lo so I’m gonna give you some,” Camila tells her as she wraps her arms around Lauren’s waist and leans back into the door pulling Lauren to lean against her.
Lauren doesn’t think twice before reaching to tangle a hand in Camila hair and pull her into a gentle kiss. And Camila doesn’t think twice before reciprocating. They have simple lips against lips for a moment until Lauren tugs gently at Camila’s hair and slips her tongue against Camila’s lips, turning it into a lazy tangling of tongues as the girls adjust so one of Camila’s legs is pressing between Lauren’s, her hand gripping Lauren’s waist and Lauren guiding the kiss with her hands in Camila’s hair under her snapback.
“Damn guys get a room,” Normani laughs as she enters the room chewing her cupcake, Chris following behind with two cupcakes.
“Nah Mani they’re worse in a room, plus they don’t lock the door,” Chris teases and Normani laughs even harder when she notices how flushed her two friends have gotten since they jumped apart from each other.
“Look guys I can go if you wanna get a room before Laur’s parents get home,” Normani suggests with a wink that makes the two girls flush even further as Chris continues to laugh next to her.
“No! No I umm - I should go I have to get back to babysit Sofi yeah, I’ll um… Lo I’ll call you later okay baby?” Camila stutters out, finally facing Lauren and trying not to think about how they just kissed without an audience for no reason without a second to overthink it.
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll answer, tell her I say hey?” Lauren asks and Camila nods, leans in to press a quick kiss to Lauren’s cheek because even though she feels kind of awkward she doesn’t want to not kiss Lauren’s cheek because she loves any contact with her.
“Lauren! Camila’s here you guys don’t want to be late hurry up!” Clara yells up the stairs when she opens the door to greet her daughter’s girlfriend. They had to tell their parents in order to go to the dance as each other’s dates. Despite being out to their parents they were slightly nervous, but Brad was going to the dance stag and had been claiming he was going to get with Lauren so they had to go as a couple.
They had been awkward for only a second when Camila called Lauren the night that she had asked her to be her date officially, but had quickly agreed unspokenly to ignore any awkward tensions because of what had happened earlier. That following Friday Camila had went to Lauren’s for their weekly sleepover and they’d told Lauren’s family together, hands locked and Chris struggling not to smirk the whole time. It went easy, except Mike made too many jokes about keeping the door unlocked later on when they went to bed which made both girls blush deeply.
Telling Camila’s family was the same thing the next day and they reacted with a laugh and an I told you so from Sofi. Sinu told Camila privately later on that the door had to stay open making her turn red yet again, but luckily Lauren was spared the embarrassment.
“Camz?” Camila is broken out of her thoughts when she hears Lauren’s voice from the staircase.
Now Camila doesn’t really like cheesy romance. (That’s a lie, the notebook is her favorite movie). But Lauren’s at the bottom of a staircase and she’s looking back at Camila like she’s the most beautiful thing in the world and Camila is sure that the look is reflected back on her own face. The dress Camila had bought Lauren was a baby blue lace pattern that hugged Lauren’s perfect curves in all the right places. He hair was down in waves and her makeup was subtle and gorgeous and Camila was sure her jaw was on the ground.
Lauren was similarly starstruck by her best friend. Camila was in a white, neck high dress that flowed at the right spots and clung at the right curves. Camila’s hair was straightened and she looked like an actual princess. Lauren wanted to kiss her. So she did, taking the few steps to close the gap and wrapping a hand around Camila’s waist to pull her in for a chaste kiss. Lauren was using her mom’s presence as an excuse, but she knows that she’s caving with the kisses since they kissed last week for no reason.
“You look beautiful,” Camila breathes out once the chaste iss is broken, girls still pressed closely together and Lauren smiles at her and places a soft kiss on her cheek.
“You aren’t too bad yourself babe,” Lauren winks and Camila grins at her and is going to go for another kiss before Clara interrupts them for pictures.
Pictures go by quickly with the other girls and their dates coming too to take group pictures. Camila is thrilled when Clara gets snappy and makes them take more coupley pictures with kisses and such because she’s always wanted to be the one Lauren is forced to do cute things with on these dances. Usually Camila would be with Shawn, since they were both closeted and Lauren would be all over her current fling. Being Lauren’s current felt better than Camila could have imagined even if it wasn’t real.
The dance is hot, and loud, and the gym smells like sweat and alcohol because clearly the drinks have already been spiked. Other than how stereotypical American high school it is, it goes great for the first half. Great as in the group dances together to the fun songs, they get pizza and manage to find sodas that haven’t been spiked, it’s just a fun time with not too much to worry about.
Things get better before they get worse for the girls, only for a split second though. Grind on me had come on the DJ station, and even though the song was more outdated now, most couples took it upon themselves to follow what was instructed. The teachers and security that were supposed to be worried about students were usually dealing with some alcohol issue by this point in the night and sure enough there weren’t any chaperones making move to prevent the inappropriate song. Now Camila and Lauren any other year would have went along with it, even if they had actual dates they would have grinded on each other playfully and giggling and not at all sexual but friendly. But now there’s that tension.
Camila doesn’t think anything of Lauren’s wink as the raven haired girl spins, but actually she does think something of it and she’s about to ask Lauren what she’s up to when Lauren grabs Camila’s hands and pulls them to wrap around her waist as she pulls Camila’s body flat against hers from behind. Now the other times they had grinded on each other hadn’t been this close but Lauren pushes her ass back and reaches one hand up to tangle in Camila’s hair and Camila can’t question it.
Camila wraps her arms tighter around her girl and pulls her into her own body as she rolls her hips forward meeting Lauren’s hips and squeezing the hand Lauren left intertwined with her own. They move against each other as if they do this all the time, hips matching hips, hands intertwined but the free hands roaming. Camila’s free hand dares to move lower and strokes right under Lauren’s hip bone over her dress, whereas Lauren’s makes a move, pushing Camila’s hair to the side so she can turn her head and bury her face into Camila’s neck, breathing in the scent of Camila’s perfume and sweat and deciding she wants more.
The first kiss against camila’s neck is gentle, soft and lingering and Camila inhales sharply but she doesn’t push Lauren away so the older girl takes that as a good sign. So Lauren does it again, presses a short kiss there and waiting, and then does it again. She does it again until she’s pressing harder kisses, letting her tongue lick along the side and going back down with sucks. She focuses her attention on one spot when three things happen.
The first, and most obvious is that a deep hickey forms on Camila’s skin, smaller ones had been specking once Lauren started sucking but the hollow of her collarbone is taken into Lauren’s lips and it sure to be purple tomorrow.
The second thing is that Camila’s hand has drifted up Lauren’s side. It was kind of a subconscious thing, more like a comforting, reassuring thing in which Camila was carefully rubbing up and down Camila’s side. But when her hand meets boob her mind blanks and she doesn’t know how to stop herself so she doesn’t and she gives the mound a soft squeeze resulting in a light whimper from Lauren’s lips.
Now the third thing, that’s what nobody expected. Not Lauren, not Camila, not Dinah who had been watching with a smirk ready to call the girls out for excessive PDA, not even Shawn who had been watching from the other side, not knowing what was going on but knowing he had to keep an eye on them after Brad’s threats. The third thing is Brad coming in from the side and yanking Camila away from Lauren and pushing the girl into a wall ten feet away.
It hurts. Not just the bruise forming on her neck, which is sore since Lauren’s teeth had been tightening on the skin when she was ripped away. Brad basically carrying her this far kind of knocked the wind out of her, so there’s that. Also her shoulder blades hurt from being slammed into the wall. Also her arms hurt from being gripped so tightly, when he first pushed her and right now, while he holds her pinned against the wall and glares while spitting out whatever bullshit he can. Also her head. It may or may not have slammed into the wall harder than her back with the whiplash and she barely knows what Brad is saying, just that it’s pising her off, so without much hesitation or trouble since he’s pathetically weak, Camila pulls her arm out and punches him as hard as she can in the face.
That snapped her out of it kind of because now her hand hurts too. “Camila,” she hears and shawn is there before anyone else, pulling Brad up from where he had stumbled clutching his nose and pushing him back up against the wall the way Brad had Camila.
“Camz, baby fuck look at me,” and that one is Lauren’s voice she knows for a fact and she feels her favorite arms around her waist keeping her upright once Brad isn’t holding her in place anymore. “Camz? Are you okay baby what hurts talk to me,” Lauren keeps talking nervously, pulling a hand up to wipe Camila’s hair back behind her ear and to rub some of the sweat from her forehead.
“My head,” Camila says as she looks into Lauren’s eyes, panicking because that’s all she can look at but then remembering Lauren’s eyes have that effect on her all the time.
“She hit her head,” Lauren tells someone and Camila is pretty sure it’s a teacher, someone holding Shawn off of Brad as what looks like a security guard in her dazed state grabs Brad.
Camila lets Lauren hold her up, leaning her face into the bare skin of Lauren’s shoulder and breathing in her best friend’s scent to calm herself down. Lauren’s arms wrap around her, holding her up and Camila knows Lauren is talking to people but she can’t make herself listen in, more focused on the feeling of Lauren and how much her head hurts.
The last thing Camila remembers hearing is Dinah’s voice, loud as always and more angry than usual. ��I swear to god if this douchebag ruins Camren, Camila’s liked you since like eighth grade and he’s trying to take this away from her. Lo take care of her tonight please.” And camila doesn’t even have the concentration to think about how fucked she is.
“Honey you’re Camila’s…?”
“Girlfriend,” Lauren answers the nurse as she helps Camila get sat on the hospital bed. She doesn’t consider being honest even though this nurse doesn’t for any reason need to think that they’re more than friends.
“Oh perfect, you need to help her get changed into this,” the nurse replies, tossing one of the hospital gowns at Lauren who has just gotten Camila laid down. “Call me when you’re done I’ll be right back with some pain meds for her.”
Once they got the story straight with the security guard and Brad taken away, Lauren took her car up to the hospital with a shaky Camila next to her. She had told Camila to keep squeezing her hand so she could focus on the road and know the girl was okay, and had Dinah call their parents to inform them of what happened. It wasn’t too serious. No blood, no throwing up, but it was obvious Camila had a concussion or something and Lauren didn’t want to take any chances.
Lauren tried not to think of what Dinah said before she had left but it was on replay in her head. Camila had feelings for her this whole time? She tried to make sense of it, find the truth in what Dinah was saying and once Lauren took even a second to look back it was so obvious. Of course Lauren had been head over heels for Camila since seventh grade so she won, but it was insane to think she had had an actual shot with Camila and never saw it. Usually Lauren was good at telling when people had crushes on her, but she supposes that since Camila just always had a crush on her she thought that was just how Camila was.
“Camz? Sit up for me baby we gotta get you changed,” Lauren says gently taking Camila’s arms into her hands and guiding the girl up.
“Lo I can move myself I’m not that bad,” Camila giggles as she sits up straighter, stumbling a little bit to contradict herself. Lauren just chuckles and helps Camila stand. She’s a bit hesitant but Camila’s her best friend, they’ve seen each other with lack of clothing plenty of times before. Without trying to let her hesitation show Lauren reached for the hem of camila’s dress and slowly pulled it up until it cleared Camila’s raised arms. Lauren tried not to stare at her best friend but found if difficult, especially after their intense moment on the dance floor.
“Camz…” Lauren lets out a breath as she takes in the body before her. She’s always known Camila was beautiful inside and out. She had fallen for her personality but her perfect body was a perk. She can’t help herself now as her eyes trace up and down the soft looking skin, the gentle curves, the perfect - but a cleared throat makes Lauren snap back to reality and she flushes red when she looks up and sees Camila’s eyes trained on her in confusion. “Sorry I umm…” Lauren starts but Camila doesn’t look upset and Lauren doesn’t know how to explain herself so she stops trying to.
It takes a moment for Camila to speak but she does. “I heard what Dinah said to you…” she starts, keeping eye contact with Lauren but growing more nervous by the second despite her confident demeanor. “I didn’t really plan on telling you that… ever really I just didn’t know how you’d react I guess? But now there’s this tension,” Camila explains, voice clear and growing more sure of herself with every word. “And the tension doesn’t seem to be going away and I can’t help but feel like maybe you feel the same way? So yes I’m admitting to maybe liking you for a while but I just feel like the risk could be worth the-”
“I’m in love with you,” Lauren states, cutting Camila mid sentence without a care in the world admitting the one thing she never thought she’d tell Camila, especially not after fake dating her for over a month in a hospital room because Lauren’s ex got mad.
“You’re in love with me?” Camila asks, jaw agape and voice quiet in realization.
“Yup. I have been for a while, but that’s okay because I hear you might love me back?” Lauren gets out and she’s freaking out because this could have consequences she isn’t ready to face but honestly she doesn’t care because Dinah told her Camila liked her and she doesn’t want Camila to stress at all so she’s willing to out her own feelings.
“Oh,” Camila gasps out, and she seems like someone who got the wind knocked out of them, lost their breath in the fall and is slowly but surely recovering. Lauren thinks maybe she doesn’t seem like one. “I umm, yeah. I’m in love with you too,” Camila finally manages to stutter out and Lauren laughs because holy fuck Camila just said she’s in love with her and it’s not in front of anyone, it’s not all for show.
“Yeah?” Lauren smiles back and Camila is grinning too now and she may be naked and concussed but Lauren is smiling and Lauren is in love with her so she leans in for the kill and for what feels like the billionth time she’s smiling too hard to deepen the kiss, they both are, but she doesn’t mind because there will be plenty more kisses to come.
I needed to write this because the world needs more Camren fake dating and I’m happy I did, please leave any feedback,vote, comment, whatever you please!
Check out my other works and if you’re reading falling over I’ll try to update that tomorrow, I’ve been busy on this so I got sidetracked but I’m not forgetting it!
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inloveandwords · 5 years
This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story).
It works like this
Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 (or 10 (or even more!) if you’re feeling adventurous) books
Read the synopsis of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
The Kiss of Deception (The Remnant Chronicles #1) by Mary E. Pearson
In a society steeped in tradition, Princess Lia’s life follows a preordained course. As First Daughter, she is expected to have the revered gift of sight—but she doesn’t—and she knows her parents are perpetrating a sham when they arrange her marriage to secure an alliance with a neighboring kingdom—to a prince she has never met.
On the morning of her wedding, Lia flees to a distant village. She settles into a new life, hopeful when two mysterious and handsome strangers arrive—and unaware that one is the jilted prince and the other an assassin sent to kill her. Deception abounds, and Lia finds herself on the brink of unlocking perilous secrets—even as she finds herself falling in love.
The Kiss of Deception is the first audiobook in Mary E. Pearson’s Remnant Chronicles
Date added to TBR:Jul 31, 2016 Keep or Ditch?Keep Comments: I actually have the boxed set of this entire series. I love the covers and those are honestly what drew me to them. I definitely want to keep this one.
Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas
It’s Spring Break of senior year. Anna, her boyfriend Tate, her best friend Elise, and a few other close friends are off on a debaucherous trip to Aruba that promises to be the time of their lives. But when Elise is found brutally murdered, Anna finds herself trapped in a country not her own, fighting against vile and contemptuous accusations.
As Anna sets out to find her friend’s killer, she discovers hard truths about her friendships, the slippery nature of truth, and the ache of young love.
As she awaits the judge’s decree, it becomes clear that everyone around her thinks she is not just guilty, but dangerous. When the truth comes out, it is more shocking than one could ever imagine…
Date added to TBR:Jul 31, 2016 Keep or Ditch?Keep Comments:I actually really want to read more psychological thrillers and this one sounds pretty awesome. It also is very highly rated on Goodreads.
Confess by Colleen Hoover
Auburn Reed is determined to rebuild her shattered life and she has no room for mistakes. But when she walks into a Dallas art studio in search of a job, she doesn’t expect to become deeply attracted to the studio’s enigmatic artist, Owen Gentry.
For once, Auburn takes a chance and puts her heart in control, only to discover that Owen is hiding a huge secret. The magnitude of his past threatens to destroy everything Auburn loves most, and the only way to get her life back on track is to cut Owen out of it—but can she do it?
Date added to TBR: Jul 31, 2016 Keep or Ditch?Keep Comments:I honestly don’t even need to read the synopsis, I plan to read everything Colleen Hoover writes.
Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty
Six responsible adults. Three cute kids. One small dog. It’s just a normal weekend. What could possibly go wrong?
Sam and Clementine have a wonderful, albeit, busy life: they have two little girls, Sam has just started a new dream job, and Clementine, a cellist, is busy preparing for the audition of a lifetime. If there’s anything they can count on, it’s each other.
Clementine and Erika are each other’s oldest friends. A single look between them can convey an entire conversation. But theirs is a complicated relationship, so when Erika mentions a last minute invitation to a barbecue with her neighbors, Tiffany and Vid, Clementine and Sam don’t hesitate. Having Tiffany and Vid’s larger than life personalities there will be a welcome respite.
Two months later, it won’t stop raining, and Clementine and Sam can’t stop asking themselves the question: What if we hadn’t gone?
In Truly Madly Guilty, Liane Moriarty takes on the foundations of our lives: marriage, sex, parenthood, and friendship. She shows how guilt can expose the fault lines in the most seemingly strong relationships, how what we don’t say can be more powerful than what we do, and how sometimes it is the most innocent of moments that can do the greatest harm.
Date added to TBR: Jul 31, 2016 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: This is a whole lot of meh for me. I’m deeply uninterested in this type of story these days.
The Princess Saves Herself in This One (Women Are Some Kind of Magic #1) by Amanda Lovelace
“Ah, life- the thing that happens to us while we’re off somewhere else blowing on dandelions & wishing ourselves into the pages of our favorite fairy tales.”
A poetry collection divided into four different parts: the princess, the damsel, the queen, & you. the princess, the damsel, & the queen piece together the life of the author in three stages, while you serves as a note to the reader & all of humankind. Explores life & all of its love, loss, grief, healing, empowerment, & inspirations.
Date added to TBR: Dec 06, 2016 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This book is currently on my bookshelf and I still definitely want to read it!
Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur
Milk and honey’ is a collection of poetry and prose about survival. About the experience of violence, abuse, love, loss, and femininity. It is split into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. ‘milk and honey’ takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look
Date added to TBR: Dec 06, 2016 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: My niece has been trying to get me to read this forever.
Lady Midnight (The Dark Artifices #1) by Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters of Los Angeles star in the first novel in Cassandra Clare’s newest series, The Dark Artifices, a sequel to the internationally bestselling Mortal Instruments series. Lady Midnight is a Shadowhunters novel.
It’s been five years since the events of City of Heavenly Fire that brought the Shadowhunters to the brink of oblivion. Emma Carstairs is no longer a child in mourning, but a young woman bent on discovering what killed her parents and avenging her losses.
Together with her parabatai Julian Blackthorn, Emma must learn to trust her head and her heart as she investigates a demonic plot that stretches across Los Angeles, from the Sunset Strip to the enchanted sea that pounds the beaches of Santa Monica. If only her heart didn’t lead her in treacherous directions…
Making things even more complicated, Julian’s brother Mark—who was captured by the faeries five years ago—has been returned as a bargaining chip. The faeries are desperate to find out who is murdering their kind—and they need the Shadowhunters’ help to do it. But time works differently in faerie, so Mark has barely aged and doesn’t recognize his family. Can he ever truly return to them? Will the faeries really allow it?
Glitz, glamours, and Shadowhunters abound in this heartrending opening to Cassandra Clare’s Dark Artifices series.
Date added to TBR: Dec 06, 2016 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: I’ve been trying to get on this series bandwagon for a long time. I’ve not given up yet!
Heartless by Marissa Meyer
Long before she was the terror of Wonderland—the infamous Queen of Hearts—she was just a girl who wanted to fall in love.
Catherine may be one of the most desired girls in Wonderland, and a favorite of the unmarried King of Hearts, but her interests lie elsewhere. A talented baker, all she wants is to open a shop with her best friend. But according to her mother, such a goal is unthinkable for the young woman who could be the next queen.
Then Cath meets Jest, the handsome and mysterious court joker. For the first time, she feels the pull of true attraction. At the risk of offending the king and infuriating her parents, she and Jest enter into an intense, secret courtship. Cath is determined to define her own destiny and fall in love on her terms. But in a land thriving with magic, madness, and monsters, fate has other plans.
In her first stand-alone teen novel, the New York Times-bestselling author dazzles us with a prequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.
Date added to TBR: Dec 06, 2016 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This book is gorgeous and sounds interesting.
The Winner’s Curse (The Winner’s Trilogy #1) by Marie Rutkoski
Winning what you want may cost you everything you love…
As a general’s daughter in a vast empire that revels in war and enslaves those it conquers, seventeen-year-old Kestrel has two choices: she can join the military or get married. But Kestrel has other intentions.
One day, she is startled to find a kindred spirit in a young slave up for auction. Arin’s eyes seem to defy everything and everyone. Following her instinct, Kestrel buys him—with unexpected consequences. It’s not long before she has to hide her growing love for Arin.
But he, too, has a secret, and Kestrel quickly learns that the price she paid for a fellow human is much higher than she ever could have imagined.
Set in a richly imagined new world, The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkoski is a story of deadly games where everything is at stake, and the gamble is whether you will keep your head or lose your heart.
Date added to TBR: Dec 06, 2016 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: I have this entire series on my bookshelf and although it has gotten mixed reviews, I still would like to give it a try.
The Falconer (The Falconer #1) by Elizabeth May
One girl’s nightmare is this girl’s faery tale
She’s a stunner. Edinburgh, 1844. Eighteen-year-old Lady Aileana Kameron, the only daughter of the Marquess of Douglas, has everything a girl could dream of: brains, charm, wealth, a title—and drop-dead beauty.
She’s a liar. But Aileana only looks the part of an aristocratic young lady. she’s leading a double life: She has a rare ability to sense the sìthíchean—the faery race obsessed with slaughtering humans—and, with the aid of a mysterious mentor, has spent the year since her mother died learning how to kill them.
She’s a murderer. Now Aileana is dedicated to slaying the fae before they take innocent lives. With her knack for inventing ingenious tools and weapons—from flying machines to detonators to lightning pistols—ruthless Aileana has one goal: Destroy the faery who destroyed her mother.
She’s a Falconer. The last in a line of female warriors born with a gift for hunting and killing the fae, Aileana is the sole hope of preventing a powerful faery population from massacring all of humanity. Suddenly, her quest is a lot more complicated. She still longs to avenge her mother’s murder—but she’ll have to save the world first.
The first volume of a trilogy from an exciting new voice in young adult fantasy, this electrifying thriller combines romance and action, steampunk technology and Scottish lore in a deliciously addictive read.
Date added to TBR: Dec 06, 2016 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I just don’t ever see myself reading this one. The reviews aren’t great and for me to read this type of book, I think it would need to be super hyped.
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Starting Total TBR Count: 1994 Previous Total TBR Count: 1988 Updated Total TBR Count: 2041 Total Ditched Today: 2 Total Kept Today: 8
Bye-Bye Books: Decluttering my TBR September 2019 This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story…
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