#it's also supposed to be sort of a showcase for cool in game locations!
neriyon · 11 months
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Not all who wander are lost - South Shroud
South Shroud Landing │ Upper Paths │ Buscarron's Druthers │ Urth's Gift
"During my travels, I met a man who mentioned visiting the Black Shroud as a young lad. He talked about the forest with both reverence and fear in his voice. Of lush trees that seemed to drown out the sun itself. Of bubbling streams that hosted beastkin larger than fully grown hyur. Of roots so big and old they were tearing apart ancient fortresses.
It got me thinking.
Of the trees that gave shade during warm summer days. Of beasts that my sisters hunted for food. Of stories of past civilizations told by elders. Curious how things I'd grown to find pleasant during my childhood seemed to scare this traveller, who'd only heard the deafening silence of the cold nights and missed the warm laughter of a family around the campfire."
Bonus! Alternative pic of Urth's Gift since I really liked the colors on it
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emritcheson · 5 years
I Played Grim Fandango For the First Time
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So being a fan of contemporary adventure games, I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how their favorite game of all time is Grim Fandango.  But I’d never actually played it myself...until now.  And I’m here to give you a brutally honest review since I did not play this game as a child and have no preexisting attachment or nostalgia for it.
The game was originally released in 1998 by LucasArts, but the version I’m discussing is the remastered version released in 2015, which as I understand uses a new point-and-click interface, as well as higher quality graphics and sound.
And if it wasn’t obvious: SPOILERS AHEAD.
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Let’s start with the plot.  This game takes place in the Eighth Underworld, also known as the Land of the Dead.  Our protagonist is Manny Calavera, who works as a travel agent to pay off some sort of debt he owes to the universe (for what reason, he doesn’t know).  When we first meet him, though, he’s in the midst of a bad streak, while his rival Domino consistently books his clients on the Number Nine, the highly coveted railway train that takes passengers to the Land of Eternal Rest in four minutes rather than the standard four years.  When Manny manages to steal a lead from Domino - an impossibly good woman named Meche - he starts to unravel a conspiracy surrounding his company and spends the next four years doing everything in his power to help Meche get the afterlife she deserves.
Now, I say all of that as one regular schmuck to another, and it sounds wacky and ridiculous and hard to follow, and I didn’t even go into every little detail.  But it’s actually really cool and I have to commend the writing and worldbuilding of this game.  They found that sweet spot of letting the world unfurl naturally - never going too hard on the info-dump - and letting the player trust in the rules that are established.  Definitely the strongest element in this game.  It helps that I’m already a sucker for that trope of explaining natural phenomena with a corporate business-esque structure.  I blame Pajama Sam 2 for that.
Speaking of which, did I mention that Pamela Segall is in this game?  And one of her characters, she performs in a perfect Pajama Sam voice, which is life altering when one of the very first lines that character utters is, “I’ll bite you, I swear to God.”
Similar to the writing, I adore the art direction and overall atmosphere this game presents.  It’s jazzy film noir meets Mexican culture in all the best ways.  Almost everyone is portrayed as a skeleton with cartoonish proportions, and their facial features are reminiscent of sugar skull decorations.  In fact, a significant portion of the characters are indeed Hispanic and the dialogue is rife with Spanish phrases and slang.  Not to mention the fact that whenever we check in on Manny during his four year journey, it’s always on Dia De Los Muertos, which is a holiday observed by the entire Land of the Dead and not just the Mexican community.  It’s a wonderful normalization of Mexican culture, rather than exotifying it.
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I can’t go any further without mentioning the characters.  Namely, my favorite: Glottis, a literal speed demon who serves as Manny’s chauffer, mechanic, and friend.  He’s a big orange goofball who is, as the kids say, “extra.”  I love him so much.  And I was pleasantly surprised at the emphasis on their relationship and how much Manny genuinely cares for Glottis (and vice versa).  In the third chapter, Domino makes a remark on how demons are created to serve, and to be friends with them is unnatural.  But Manny and Glottis adore each other pretty much from the get-go, and Manny can hardly function sometimes when the plot separates them.  I’ve seen way too many comic side characters whose relationship with the protagonist is played down for laughs.  It’s refreshing when that character is, you know, allowed to be friends with their friend.
Other greatest hit characters include Lupe the Coat Check Girl Who Definitely Needed a Bigger Part, Eva, and Chepito.
Manny is also a great main character.  He’s charming, opinionated without hating everything and everyone around him, and wants to do the right thing at the end of the day.  I definitely understand the draw of this character now.
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When it comes to what I didn’t like about this game, a lot of it can be boiled down to things that weren’t communicated well to the player.  For example, I didn’t know Manny had a run option for the first chapter and a half so I just had to suffer through him walking across giant, atmospheric maps at a snail’s pace.  There were also several individual locations I didn’t realize I could get to because the travel hotspots didn’t look like hotspots to me.  I’m not ashamed to say I glanced at a walkthrough more than once just to see if there was anything I missed.  There’s also a couple of just plain moon logic puzzles thrown in there and I did not appreciate them.  (I’m looking at you, signpost and anchor puzzles.)
The comedic bits were a hit or miss.  There were lines I could feel the writers trying to be just a little too quotable, if that makes sense?  But other lines got genuine, laugh-out-loud reactions from me, so I guess your mileage may vary.
I have bones to pick with the story as well (hehe, bones).  For starters, Manny and Meche’s romance happens very quickly for the amount of time they’ve actually interacted with each other by the point they start getting serious.  Don’t get me wrong, I think they’re great together, but it just happens too easily, you know?  Just because the whole game is inspired by film noir doesn’t mean the romance has to be, “Oh, we had a ten minute conversation, suddenly we’re madly in love with each other.”
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Another bone: Lola’s whole story irks me so bad.  Her death in Year 2 is supposed to be this big emotional turning point, but the player barely knows her by the time we lose her.  And what’s more, Manny’s relationship with her up to that point is very ambiguous, so we’re not even sure how he is supposed to respond.  If there absolutely had to be a death at this point in the story to showcase the threat level of Manny’s enemies, I think they could have chosen a more impactful victim.
And finally, I don’t think the ending was as strong as it could have been.  Let’s be perfectly clear, Manny and Glottis saying their farewells got me a little misty, but the pacing on everything else just seemed a bit rushed.  Like, “Okay!  You killed the bad guy!  Everyone’s problems are solved now!  The end!  Go home!”  Manny is even granted a Number Nine ticket for defeating Hector, but it’s extremely glossed over.  Like, that’s a big deal!  It would have been a great character moment for Manny if we actually saw him receiving the ticket and reflecting on his transition from only wanting to escape to selflessly helping others on their journey and not caring about his own fate.
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Honestly, with all the hype and nostalgia surrounding this game, I was a little scared that its legacy would be bigger than the actual product - like Firefly, for example.  But Grim Fandango holds up.  Even with all my nitpicks about emotional impact and bad puzzle design, I’ve developed a fondness for this game and understand why seemingly every other human who’s played it has as well.  It’s a game with a great atmosphere, memorable characters, and an intriguing story that says a lot about the human condition.  It deserves to be the classic it is.
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ayearofpike · 6 years
Thirst No. 4: The Shadow of Death
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Simon Pulse, 2011 492 pages, 28 chapters + epilogue ISBN 978-1-4424-1319-1 LOC: PZ7.P626 Th 2011 OCLC: 731720997 Released August 9, 2011 (per B&N)
The immortal Sita has died. Only not — her soul still lives, in the body of her descendant. How did this happen? In seeking the answer, Sita will learn the secret to defeating the ancient race that imperils humanity. The search won’t be easy, though. Sita must traverse time and space, heaven and hell, the physical and the spiritual, and what the hell is even going on my head hurts.
Honestly, I’m not sure what Pike is going for in this book. Is it trying to be smarter than other authors of the era and genre by bending the rules of continuity? Is it striving for a narrative that is just beyond his reach? Is it just pounding out Another Damn Sita Book against deadline to get that green? It could be any of those. At least it ties up the story of the Telar and the IIC relatively well, although there’s still enough loose ends to keep our vampire going if necessary (and of course it is; Thirst 5 is still on the horizon).
One thing Pike has totally bought into is the arbitrary capitalization of the names of things to make them Important Artifacts. You remember this: probably the impetus was Suzanne Collins, naming specific elements of the Hunger Games to showcase why they were relevant and how the country had accepted them as elements of the competition. But then every single friggin’ YA book about a post-apocalyptic dystopia started adopting the shit. At least Collins tried to come up with catchy names for her Artifacts. The other authors just come up with a word to call something and throw an initial cap on it, and Pike leaps happily aboard the Proper Name Train. And every time you think he’s drilled down to the smallest level of a Category, he names a smaller subgroup that needs its own Capital. Eventually it makes me want to put the Book down and kick the Ass.
Is it obvious I’m teaching again? Not just because I’m going all loco on repetitive cliches, but also because it’s taken me like three weeks to write this. 
Let’s just bore down into the summary. We start with Sita in her descendant Teri’s body, awakening to that fact at her own funeral. Apparently she had a couple of days that are just blank or at best hazy, but then Miracle Baby Teen took Teri’s hands and looked into her eyes, and crystallized Sita’s presence. Nobody is sure what this means, exactly, but Sita is feeling blood hunger for the first time in years. The new body doesn’t have the five thousand years of experience and transfusions from multiple vampires and gods and saviors to abate it, after all. So when she gets back to her hotel, she orders room service — only they don’t offer blood. But the delivery boy has some, and dude does she drink it ALL. So then there’s some wacky hijinks as she has to clumsily get the body out of the hotel and dispose of it.
She’s not ready to reveal herself to Immortal Boyfriend yet, though. He was against her turning Teri into a vampire in the first place, remember, and in her weak state she figures he’d kill her. So she carefully and strategically reveals some info like Sita told Teri as they try to figure out what to do about the bigger threats of the virus wielded by the immortals and the crippling mental focus of the monster corporation. The Telar-ites want to focus on mass producing the cure to the virus and getting it distributed, but Sita thinks the only way they can do that is to involve IIC. Someone’s research has turned up that all of the main members were students of the same parapsychology professor at Berkeley(?), and so Sita, Seymour, Miracle Teen’s mom, and the young Indian girl who has been sucked into this life all drive out to meet him.
But before they go, Sita/Teri has to clean up her mess. Apparently she’s not as stealthy as she used to be either, because some dumbass kid saw her taking the room service cart with a body stuffed under it down to the garage, and his mom reported this Olympic champion to the police. So she has to try to wipe out any trace of suspicion from the cops’ minds, as well as finding a safe source of blood to feed on. Turns out one of them has a wife who is a doctor, and after an overreaching act of hypnotism, Sita gets into the hospital blood bank and takes all of it, then goes back home with the doctor and wipes out her memory as well as her husband’s. So it’s cool that she still has her vampire hypnosis, but it’s super clumsy, just like everything else in this new body. And what happened to Teri? Miracle Teen seems to think she’s dead, but that can’t be right. But why not? And if not, how come Sita is so in control?
The professor is quite a font of information, and he sure is scared of the IIC boss. He suggests they go talk to her ex from school, who was one of the major catalysts in the discovery of group-focused mind control via ESP. This dude and his girlfriend are still living in Santa Cruz, and they aren’t at all surprised to find four random diverse strangers at their door. Sita is confused, though, that the math doesn’t add up in regard to how old these people are. According to the research, their studies happened in the ’60s, but there’s no way this dude can be older than 40 when he ought to be knocking on 70. It gets late quickly, and so the couple offers our ramshackle group a couple of rooms for the night. Sita takes the opportunity to decode some more of Original Vampire’s book, and learn more about the deep and true love between him and the Telar he married. She also calls Teri’s parents to check in, and learns that the cops are still looking for her in connection with the missing room service dude, so that sucks.
In the morning, the CEO’s ex tells them more about his research and how IIC stole it to find exactly the right sociopaths to use in its mind-control device. Basically it was an astrological predictor, so that you could tell with a high degree of accuracy what someone would be like and how their extrasensory facility would manifest based on where and when they were born. Sita realizes, all of a sudden, that the creepy kid she ran into at the CEO’s house is actually conceived with this ex, because of his own predilection for ESP and his familiarity with the needs of the astrological predictor. He talks about having been targeted by the device himself, and his girlfriend says that she managed to shake him free by pushing him down the well on the property. They’ve mentioned this well before, and how it provides such amazing water, so now Sita is curious.
She ends up climbing down the bucket rope in the middle of the night, into a vast cavern with a faint glow at one end. Following the light leads her to: her own body. Sita’s body, that is, the one that was supposed to have been buried in Denver. Sitting by it is the astrological researcher’s girlfriend, who Sita immediately realizes is more than she’s revealed herself to be. Yep: it’s Original Vampire’s wife, Immortal Boyfriend’s mom, and one of the oldest and most ancient Telar still in existence. But it’s not like that. She took the body to protect what it holds, not just to keep it from these creepy evils that are trying to get more power but also because — check this shit out — it’s healing.
Sita can get back into her body, Ancient Telar says. All she has to do is let Teri finish dying.
Obviously when he finds out, Immortal Boyfriend is pissed. He is totally ready to murder Sita, without actually ritualizing it so she returns to her body. And Sita knows she deserves it, sort of. She’s as much to blame as anyone for the mess they’re all in, and she loved Teri as much as any of them, maybe even more. So she’s not going to fight back if Immortal Boyfriend exacts his rage. But he can’t do it, and he does realize that having a full-strength Sita will help their cause. So they all end up back down in the cave, where they reconnect the appropriate bodies by ripping Teri’s femoral artery and allowing Sita’s corpse to drink the blood. The transfer happens fast, and lucky for Immortal Boyfriend Teri has just enough consciousness to say goodbye.
I have to step out of summary for a minute to flat-out state how GROSSLY DISSATISFYING this is. Like, for seven books now we’ve known Sita as this inhuman giant, capable of defeating everyone and anything. Now she’s in a newer body, with a younger brain and less experienced reflexes even if it has all her consciousness, and she’s supposed to start figuring out how to overcome that. To just un-write the whole thing and stick her back in her old body not even half a book later strikes me as Pike didn’t want to commit to a decision he’d already made, rather than any kind of grand plan that this was always gonna happen. And yeah, I get it, Sita’s body has all kinds of implications, but why did it have to come back almost immediately? I’d go so far as to say that this makes Teri Raine practically irrelevant to the grander scheme of the story. And it sticks the whole personality quirk we’ve just learned about Sita — where she has followed and cared about her line of descendency, one that never actually seemed believable having read the first six — even deeper into the grave.
So now the gang is all together and ready to carry out their plan. Sita waltzes into the IIC office, releasing the deadly virus as she does so, and makes her demand: use the mind control group to destroy all of the high-ranking Telar or die painfully and frightened today. This is where the Arbitrary Capitalization makes its most insidious entrance. The top Telar, the Source, can meld to form the Link, which makes them unbeatable. But IIC can focus its Array through the Cradle, powered by a smaller group known as the Lens, and at least find where they are. So once she learns a Location, Sita can use her Knowledge to open up a Can of Whoop-Ass. But to join the Lens, she’s required to offer up a sacrifice, and she figures the best candidate is the mole who keeps feeding up information on where the group is, and not least the DNA of Immortal Boyfriend so he could get possessed. Who is it? Probably the math teacher who conveniently keeps not being with the group every time they get attacked. Only as the Lens forces her to climb to the top of Truman College’s bell tower and hurl herself off it, Sita sees inside her mind and knows she was innocent the whole time. 
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As it happens, she feels claws on her shoulders. Ancient Telar warned her that this would probably happen: in order to tap into the powers of the extrasensory, one has to connect to a Familiar. Sita can see the ones clinging to the kids in the room, but is not permitted to look back at her own, which makes her suspect that it’s probably the most powerful demon of all — a demon that was never actually a demon, but an angel that refused to accept its grace in being less than God and ended up falling into the deepest of despair. Yeah, that one.
She calls back to base and lets her crew know what’s going on, then tries to use her newly replenished powers to fix the police detective whose brain she screwed. Only he starts feeling scared and disturbed, and she realizes that this Familiar that is now attached to her is having a negative effect on her powers. IIC Boss comes in and they talk about the computer game that everyone’s playing, the one about being saved and moving to higher planes of heavenly ability, which is (not coincidentally) being constantly written and updated by the kids in the Lens when they’re not out brain-murdering. 
Have I talked about this game before? It feels like I did, but maybe I’m thinking of Alosha. Miracle Teen loves it, and he said his presence in game was literally just to make himself known. But there are obvious creepy levels behind it, and IIC Boss reveals that there is no possible way to delete or destroy the code because of how it’s been embedded into the Internet. What’s it for? We don’t know yet! We do know that there’s significant backmasking and subliminal messages which echo the invocations the Lens uses to get into its power state. So maybe this game somehow charges telepathic batteries? I’m pretty sure this is the last time Pike mentions it in this book.
But now they’re getting ready to attack the major players in the Telar, so they have to work fast and without many breaks. They get two by melting them with too much chlorine in a hot tub, and then there are four in an LA hotel that they attack by forcing one of the guards to disrupt them and break their Link. But before they can kill all the Telar, one invokes a name that throws the psychic connection into the garbage. Sita knows where they are, though, and attacks in person. We get some more Matrix shit as she leaps from a helicopter and uses stairs like trampolines, and she ends up leaving the last Telar alive with a command that he use his high-ranking government contacts to launch a missile strike on a location that she will psychically contact him with in a few hours. That is, once she figures out where the rest of the Source is hiding.
The rest of Team Vampire shows up (well, not Miracle Teen, who is smart enough to keep the hell away from the demon-summoning corporation that would love all of his power) to help Sita fight the final battle. Seymour and Immortal Boyfriend are going to vaccinate the IIC against the virus, which is dormant but not totally gone as Sita’s bargaining chip. Only not the kids in the Cradle and the Lens: Sita has arranged for them to get a full dose of the virus instead, so the company can’t wield its devilish mind-control device with impunity once its primary antagonists are all dead. Yeah, we’re murdering children now. Sweet. Oh, and also, Ancient Telar is also the mother of the leader of the Source, and Sita has learned that you can control someone who is related to the person with the blood (or DNA, or whatever the fuck marker it is they’re actually using) and so attacking the dude might kill her too. It’s a risk Ancient Telar is willing to take.
She joins the Lens, and her sacrifice is the creepy teenager who leads it. Like, she literally breaks his arm and allows his brain to murder himself. Shit, if Sita knew she could do that! They find the Source and realize it’s impenetrable; their shield is too strong and all the kids will break before they can get through. (Like, I’ll murder kids, but not before I’m done using them to murder immortals.) Ancient Telar tells Sita there is a way — she just has to remember what happened after she died. Like it’s that easy.
But she does. Suddenly, we’re back on the mountain, where Sita has just been lasered in the heart. She finds a cave and follows it down forever, until she sees others and decides she needs to follow them. The path leads to a giant river teeming with inhumanity, all sorts of dead people who are trying to answer a question about their lives in order to take a boat across. Only thing is, if you answer it wrong you’re forced to forget it. We get to remember them, though, because this is a book and not some crazy spiritual encounter. 
Sita answers the first question wrong (”what is the most useless human emotion?”), and then finds a beautiful and familiar-looking young woman who tells her not to despair, because she has plenty of time to think about the answer. She’s already gotten her question right, and is waiting for Sita so they can ride together with another woman. After a second missed question (”what quality is both great and dangerous in humans?”), she meets the other woman, who also looks familiar. Weird! She tells Sita that all of the questions may be different, but the answers are all important, and they should come back to us when we need them. So I guess we can yell at the book like it’s Dora the Explorer later on. The third question is “what is the greatest mystery in the universe?” Sita knows this one: it’s that God and his names are all the same, so by invoking the name you are bringing God to you. It does take her a second, because she has to argue with the boat driver over misleading info he’s given her, but in the end she gets to cross the river with her new friends.
On the other side is a mountain full of caves. They each have to go through their own cave, and Sita ends up at an abyss, where she can see the tunnel on the other side but doesn’t know how to get there. A woman with some grotesque facial scars shows up and walks across the space, offering to help Sita do it, for a kiss. She knows about Sita’s final sin, showing a blood-stained syringe like she’s predicting kid-virus-murder, and with a kiss they will bond and the woman will protect her when it comes to final judgment. After all, she did miss the second question. And suddenly it comes flooding back to Sita, with a realization of what the correct answer is: faith. She doesn’t need to get across, necessarily; she just has to take a leap of faith.
She passes out for a minute after jumping, then comes to in a pathway with the syringe on the ground next to her. She makes her way to the obvious judgment house and sees how it works. You state your name and age, put your hands over a scale, and one of them makes diamonds and the other black pearls. Whichever side is heavier determines where you go in the afterlife, and the younger you are the less the scale expects, I guess. The young woman that Sita rode in the boat with offers to go first, and OH HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK IT’S TERI. Because this is happening in the past, remember, Sita doesn’t think Teri is dead, but the other woman says time doesn’t matter here, you can encounter people who are dead from all periods, including apparently the future. But Teri was good, duh, and she goes up. And now we learn just how old Sita is exactly: 5152 years old. Naturally someone with this long of a life and this complicated of a history produces enough gems to bury the scale entirely. Her hands drop with the exhaustion of producing so much junk, and ultimately the dark side of the scale prevails. The devil himself shows up to make a deal with Sita, though: if she destroys the light bearer, he’ll go easy on her.
And now Sita is back in her living  body, still channeling into the room that observes the Source, with a bitter realization of what she has to do. Ancient Telar has described their initial Link, the one that granted her people immortality, as one that filled them with light. So she needs to kill this lady in order to make the current Source vulnerable. Which, duh, Ancient Telar knew it the whole time, and is ready to make peace with her twelve thousand years. Her soul’s absence weakens the Link, and Sita makes herself visible through multiple ancient magics to let them know of their fate. Of course they try to reason and bargain with Sita, but as she’s already been tortured nearly to death by the leader she doesn’t think it’s necessary to make a deal, and sticks around long enough to make sure they’re all still present when the last dude she left alive sends in the missile strike.
So now obviously the kids are sick and dying and Team Vampire has to get out of this building. They’re stopped by the CEO and her husband, who insist that they heal all the kids, only Sita refuses and the CEO knows why: this Cradle business has gotten out of their control and the only way out is to let it die. When her husband argues in favor of the kids, she shoots him in the fucking head and then asks Sita for one kid: her daughter. They get in the van, Seymour screaming and protesting the whole time, and they’re only maybe a mile away when the shit blows up. See, while Sita was planning for her child murder to be slow and painful, Immortal Boyfriend laced the whole place with powerful explosives so that they’d just die instantly. 
Almost immediately, they get pulled over. Why? There’s no connection between this van and the building they just left, or any of their identities. But CEO confirms that the Internet program just kicked on, which means maybe there’s one person still connected to the Cradle who could make it go. Who the hell could it be? For now, Sita hypnotizes the cops away from the van and they figure out how to make it to a middle-of-nowhere hellhole hotel, where she shares a room with the young Indian girl who had been a part of the Array but has had some unusual powers against it, who had also been scarred in the face before Sita found her, who somehow had the original copy of Original Vampire’s book even though Sita KNOWS she made a copy of it to send back with her. Weird!
And suddenly Sita realizes who is the mole, the rat, the link, the answer to all of the problems. And the young Indian girl slowly drops her facade and reveals that yes, she’s been the human connection for the devil the whole time, and that she was dark and evil even before her arranged fiance threw acid in her face. And just as suddenly, Sita is talking with the devil himself, in a luxury hotel room overlooking ... I dunno, Hell City? He’s kind of pissed that she wiped out the Cradle, and counts himself lucky that the Internet program was able to be started up. Still, he offers her another deal so that his connection to the human realm won’t be lost. Sita wants the answer to the ferryman’s first question in return, but he won’t give it up. But she’s figured something else out: the light bearer is actually this first fallen angel, Lucifer. And now she’s back in the nasty hotel room, where she doesn’t hesitate to rip of the Indian girl’s head and throw it out the window.
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And suddenly AGAIN, Sita is back in front of the scale, where she knows the answer to the riddle and realizes just what is holding her down: guilt. It’s her guilt that has caused her hand to rest on the dark side of the scale and pull it down. She releases it and immediately the light side takes over. She is led to a long tunnel, which leads to an intoxicating blue light, and a man with a long braid and a flute. Finally, Krishna has come for Sita. Only he didn’t have to, because he’s always been there for her, and will be even if she chooses to go back to her body.
And that’s the end of Thirst No. 4! It seems like this would have been a satisfying enough ending for this whole series, right? We got some closure, we know that the monsters have been dealt with, we are ready to be done. But we can’t, because we know there’s still a fifth book coming. In fact, I’m pretty sure that I’ve never read that one, after two attempts by Pike to end this series. Maybe it won’t suck? Let’s find out.
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Triple Feature #1: Free Field Recording Samples!
Hello again! A little later than I'd anticipated, but I've been otherwise indisposed till this point in time.  One of the reasons being the main topic of this blog post. The other being life in general.
In any case, I endeavour to have at least one large scale blog post a week on a particular subject matter. Whether that be something educational, informative perhaps even academic in nature or even if it is just a little bit about what I'm doing this week.
As part of those weekly updates I will include a free content drop too. Whether that is a useful, free, plugin I've found in my web travels, like last weeks blog post, or a sample I've personally recorded in my real life travels like today. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I went for a little walk, after university, with my Laptop, USB Audio interface and Rhode NT1-A microphone set up. I've created a custom power profile in windows which keeps the laptop that I use running whilst the lid is down. This means I can set up Ableton to record, put the laptop safely back in it's bag and leave it running as I walk. It's not a method I'd want to use out in the rain though. At least not with the level of waterproofing on my equipment anyway. Ideally I'd also want some sort of handheld gyroscopic tripod, similar to those used for cameras, in order to hold my microphone but at it is I've just been holding it in hand. During the walk I picked up a few key sounds from the area for use in my upcoming sample pack and also as part of my ongoing work on a horror game that I'm in the process of creating. I mentioned it briefly once before, but currently it is a 2 person project in it's infant stages. Just me and a friend with an idea, some passion and a little bit of grit.
The game will be set in a steampunk version of modern England. Though it will be similar to the England of our world it will be set in an alternate timeline/universe where things have played out very differently over the last century. I also have a large selection of field recordings from a university trip to Berlin last year in the summer. We traveled to an "abandoned" cold war listening post, amongst other places, and used our equipment to gather samples from the eerie concrete spaces. A huge element of the the game involves traversing eerie concrete spaces, derelict bunkers, collapsed tunnels and stinking sewers. If things don't sound the part they won't BE the part. So I've made sure to not only reference locations and sounds in those locations but I'll also be including as many real life recordings as possible.
My next large scale step in this project will be to research local structures of an eerie derelict nature that I can sample from both visually and audibly. I will also take samples from the waterfront area, the barbican and the local subways that have not yet been removed. There are also several high rise apartment buildings nearby, similarly clad to those at Grenfell, that I wish to explore the acoustics of. The stairway alone is an infinite source of reverberation. one can only imagine the length of the reverb trails you could record from inside of there. They are about to undergo decladding. Or recladding... As we speak. Over the course of the next few weeks the buildings, that I will refer to as, the "Grenfell class" apartment buildings will be made safe again. Currently they have somebody on duty in the building 24/7 since Grenfell and have had a fire engine parked nearby on/off for several months. Despite several fires having occurred, in at least one of the 3 buildings since, the worst has not happened and local residents will soon be breathing a sigh of relief. The reason I mention this is because ideally I'd want to get those spatial recordings before the recladding effort can change any of the existing acoustics. Assuming that could and or would end up happening. There have already been several structural changes that have altered the acoustics up to this point. I'm mostly writing this particular blog post to rope myself into having to follow through with all this sooner rather than later. So I thank you for having made it this far through!
You eager readers deserve some kind of reward for your patience I suppose.
Stay tuned next week for something REALLY COOL! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm just kidding. You aren't going to remember this page next week lol. So here is the link NOW: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11v4ClmCgx5EhWuiksVxDfkh2ASq0NoDY?usp=sharing No self promotion here. I'm not showcasing any tracks or trying to sell you anything. Just dropping a bit of free content for you producers out there to use in your own projects - as you see fit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For those of you whom aren't producers and are just music/audio lovers reading this for the heck of it here is a link to check out a demo track  off my upcoming EP:
I hope you enjoyed reading this! And using the content too of course! Stay tuned for more!
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phonghoinghi · 4 years
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Because Michael as well as the larger Angela from Atlanta browse a store in his local Nigeria, the girl hesitates when ever requested about trying on the conventional attire. “It appears disturbing to her resulting from she’s excess fat, ” Michael tells the shopkeeper. The reality, at least on these apps, seems to lie someplace within the muddy center. During my very own experience trying out ColombianCupid and JamaicanDating for several weeks, I found that, yes, they kind of are present to attach a consumer with a foreign babe right from a attractive but relatively economically starving nation. Becoming from Ohio, the place many people are from everywhere but now there, I wish to suppose that I’m open to a transitive life-style. With my 12-ish years as a sexually lively homosexual man, I've slept with many, if certainly not fairly all of the, kinds of men, overseas and in any other case. I would never taken into consideration attempting until now somebody who also lived overseas.
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morshtalon · 5 years
Phantasy Star
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Back in the late 1980′s, the market for console jRPGs in America was all but nonexistent. Though Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy, Fire Emblem, and a slew of other franchises were beginning to flourish in the East, it wouldn’t be until 89 that Dragon Quest I was released internationally, followed shortly after by Final Fantasy in 1990.
While nowadays we tend to internalize these NES games as being the true pioneers of the jRPG, this wouldn’t be the reality of a gamer in the west at the time, because - to my surprise when I finally got around to playing it this month - Sega’s Phantasy Star, as you can see from the title screen picture, had them all beat in the international market by at least one year. Even Phantasy Star II, on the Genesis, was released before Final Fantasy I in the US, which is really surprising, but that’s beside the point.
With that said, If I were around at ‘88 and didn’t know any better, I’d likely use Phantasy Star as a yardstick to measure future RPGs against, technology and quality-wise. So, let’s do that now, in 2019 where it’s almost completely irrelevant because I’m sure standard reviews of a classic like this are already a dime a dozen everywhere you look!
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As soon as you start the game, you can already bear witness to some quite impressive graphical capabilities, showcased in a Ninja Gaiden-esque opening that starts by panning by outer space until it gets to the outer atmosphere of Palma, the first planet. Through Phantasy Star alone, I can deduce that the Master System was at least reasonably more powerful than the NES, as you can plainly see more liberties being taken with the artwork (more complex shading, less restrictive palettes, etc.). I imagine it might have come as a disappointment to some players when, years later, Final Fantasy would have a simplistic text crawl against a blue background leading straight into gameplay. I can’t really blame it for being developed for a system that was less graphically powerful, though, but I can say that Phantasy Star is, at times, delightful to behold.
I say at times because, to me, the art direction doesn’t always work. As the opening ends, you find yourself in Camineet, the first town, and... I don’t know, it doesn’t look - or play - too great. The houses are tiny and they look like weird domes straight out of a 50′s movie about the future (which is, perhaps, part of the charm, but it’s not too interesting to look at anyhow), the trees are tiny, the townspeople are just event-triggering tiles with superfluous graphics, so they just stand there completely frozen until you walk into the relevant tile (plus, since most regular houses are also just event triggers to give you some information, there is absolutely zero difference between talking to a person on the street and walking into a house), and you can’t walk on the grass for some reason. In comparison, though Dragon Quest doesn’t even feature house exteriors until later in the series, both it and Final Fantasy have much more immersive and future-proof town design. People walk around, you can walk anywhere that seems sensible for someone to walk in, and in the case of Final Fantasy, the buildings actually look pretty good, with mostly correct proportions that give off a better sense of scale. Not to mention, due to the strangely streamlined design of PS, most of the time you need to go into buildings and such to find relevant story events, so the overall feel of walking around a city is strangely plastic and artificial. It weirds me out.
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Once you leave town, things start to look up. The Master System allows for a more diverse palette, and PS takes enough advantage of it to make the standard old school RPG overworld spiel look lush and vibrant. There are beaches with an animated water line, great care was taken to not make the tiles look like a bunch of squares, there are all sorts of rocks and small details, and overall, the overworld feels more natural than in FF and DQ, where there was a strange cartooniness to them, like you were walking through a bunch of icons (particularly so in DQ’s case).
The actual design of the overworld is about what you’d expect from a game in the ‘80s. It’s a breed of design that resonates with me somewhat. Going to each new place implies walking around little obstacles that feel less like a Skyrim-type open-world experience and more something akin to Dark Souls, where each thing is like a mini-level. Sometimes, you have to walk through the coastline, sometimes you need to delve into a narrow valley corridor, surrounded by mountains on each side, sometimes you need to go into underground passageways to emerge on the other side of a river, and so on. Enough care was put into each of the game’s three world maps to make traversing through them feel satisfying, though the first one is, in my opinion, by far the best one.
If I do have one criticism, though, is that, if you actually look at t picture of the full maps, they’re really tiny. I’m not sure if the actual tile count is smaller than the one in DQ1, but it feels much smaller. This isn’t really a problem per se, as there are, as I said, three world maps, but it can sometimes give the design tunnel vision and a strange form of linearity. Most of the game revolves around going places and finding items to use in other places that give you more items to use in even more places, so on and so forth. Usually what happens in these RPGs is that when you get something new, like a key or a vehicle, a whole new world of possibilities opens up to you, as you’re able to use them in all sorts of crazy ways to access tons of new locations. Not so much in Phantasy Star, as the diminutiveness of the maps makes it so that even a new vehicle will give you about one or two new places to explore at best, and they’re just kind of another piece of the comparatively linear item chain you need until you get to the end. That’s not to say the game is entirely linear, but the reductive, segmented nature of exploration, while satisfactory at times, renders some of its ideas somewhat token. Sure, I’m not gonna be impressed by the functionalities of a key, but a hovercraft? Damn, that’s cool, man! Yet, all you do is use it in specific points to go places you know well beforehand you should enter, then move on without a second thought.
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Once you get to the overworld, naturally, fights start to happen. Once again, showcasing the Master System’s graphical superiority, they look great. It really can’t be understated how good the fights look. Like early Megami Tensei games, there’s only ever one group of enemies in each battle, but they look awesome and, most importantly, they animate! Sometimes, the enemies even have two animations for different abilities they might possess. Also, there are slash animations for the party’s attacks, which sometimes change, but that’s not as impressive because Final Fantasy has the characters wielding different little weapons too. Furthermore, when you’re not in a dungeon, there are some great looking backgrounds that change depending on which tile you’re standing on when the battle is triggered.
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Due to the generous nature of the game’s visual presentation, text in battles is reduced to a minimum, showing up only when deemed necessary, such as to indicate a status effect or when a character dodges an attack (though, arguably, that one doesn’t need text either). This helps the pace of the fights significantly and, even though there’s no auto-battle option, it still feels about as brisk, which is great. Unfortunately, that’s bogged down by the fact that instead of just giving you money no strings attached, each and every opponent drops a treasure chest at the end of the fight, which you can choose to open or leave be. Sometimes, the chests are trapped, too, so it’s not entirely superfluous, but it’s really annoying.
Also, unfortunately, the actual gameplay involved in fights isn’t great. The overwhelming majority can be won by spamming attack, and the scarcity of MP means that you’ll just be attacking most of the time anyway, even if you can go faster with magic. In long treks through dungeons, you’ll most likely be running from all but the simplest of battles. There’s actually a spell that makes it more likely for you to run away, but that costs MP and you have to go through more menus than just running normally, so I found myself just hitting run and hoping for the best, even though that meant I walked back a step... Oh, right.
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All dungeons are first-person crawls in this game. They all look the same, too, this brick wall thing you see there, with the only change being in the color. They’re even like that if you’re in a natural cave, which makes no sense whatsoever. There is one series of dungeons late in the game (really just part of one big dungeon) that makes the floor and ceiling black, but it’s not even the final one (that one’s yellow). I don’t know why I’m talking so much about this, it’s just kind of odd. There are no maps whatsoever, so make sure you bring a sheet of graph paper or, if you’re stubborn and impatient like me, just stumble around enough that you happen to find where you’re supposed to go by pure luck. They’re not as complex as you would expect from something like this, and you can save anywhere you want, even in dungeons, so it’s not too bad, in my opinion. I just wish they’d have some different architecture once in a while, but I understand how difficult and painstaking that is on a 2D engine.
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The plot is a straightforward revenge one that doesn’t change much and serves mostly as a farfetched objective excuse to string setpieces together, as you would expect. Of course, its claim to fame is that it has a female protagonist, and that it does. Given it’s a really old game, there’s not a lot of characterization to go by, but for what it’s worth, Alis doesn’t display any traits considered stereotypically feminine - perhaps as the very consequence of the system’s limitations - which I think we can all agree is very mature on the developers’ part. Instead, she’s revenge-driven and headstrong, but valiant and compassionate, like a typical hero. A somewhat clichéd personality type now, but hey, again, given the context, that’s pretty amazing. I mean, look at what they turned Samus Aran into just recently.
Anyhow, I would say the story is not as interesting as the one in Final Fantasy, but it’s comparable to the ones in early Dragon Quest, so take that for what it’s worth. However, the simplicity of this game’s battles take away from the tension which Dragon Quest endgames’ teeth-clenching difficulty elevates quite a bit on a visceral level, so I would still say it loses to DQ as well. Heck, I could even argue that this raw feeling transmitted to the player through gameplay is even more important than any emotion that stays within the confines of the game’s universe, so perhaps it loses in the most important way.
Oh, also, it’s in space. Most of it, aside from the few towns that have that zeerust 50s future feeling, doesn’t really need it to be set in space, but there are enough thematic choices to justify it, and I think it’d be a mess to organize the world map if it was all in just one planet, so it’s somewhat justified, at least. And hey, it opens the way for future franchise titles to expand upon the space aspect of it, so it was a smart choice, in my opinion. I almost wonder if they did it because of the first few Ultima games or something.
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Overall, Phantasy Star is a straightforward RPG with beautiful presentation and enough freshness of ideas to make it well deserving of its status as a classic. I found the experience to be, frankly, less gripping and immersive than Final Fantasy I or early Dragon Quest, especially III, due to its artificial towns, downsized maps, uninvolving battles and a soundtrack that feels a bit all over the place and unfocused, but it has enough things going for it to make it a no-brainer recommendation to people who like games of that era. And I do, so, yeah, I enjoyed it. I’m growing a bit distant from grading games numerically because there’s so much context and stuff going on that sometimes it might make number choices incongruent with past grades I’ve given to games, but... Eh, sure, 6.4. Go play it if you like.
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With each other, our organizations intend to make the optimal model for making use of crypto to accelerate engagement between Creators and their users in a high-touch virtual landscape with an current economic framework. As we discover new strategies to drive mass adoption of cryptocurrency, there is the prospective for a deeper integration of Kin that will unlock opportunities to devote the token inside of IMVU (not just the marketplace), and Kin could come to be a medium of exchange amongst Creators and their customers.
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The creators earn developer tokens, these tokens are employed for various items, mostly covering the price of submitting a solution to the IMVU Shop, think it or not the creators of imvu items pay a rather hefty charge when submitting items for you to attempt on, hold this in thoughts next time you're randomly belittling a item, simply because the scaler is slightly off-placing towards your wants, and desires. This charge is just about totally dependent on the orgin of the item, in some cases the products are derived from other items, which means share a comparable appearance from an current item but modified to match the new creators desires.
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I never believe it's crazy for somebody to say one is improved than the other, if that is indeed how they feel. It really is just their opinion and we do not have to agree with it. For me IMVU is not a location I delight in as substantially. I find sl to be far superior, in numerous techniques. I normally have, and I've noticed and been in both when neither of them looked as if they had a leg to stand on or would final. Even if I was only interested in a 3d chat room, IMVU would not be my 1st, second, or even third decision-for a few distinct causes. But that is just me, my opinion and what works for me and my requires. Other folks, will not feel the similar. My not liking some spot or system doesn't make it poor. Just tends to make it not ideal for me.
Get credits to invest in all types of weapons and upgrade your game. The best circuit to get rapid revenue: Even though every single Require for Speed Payback player can have their favorite circuit to get quickly dollars. The game imvu mod apk is extremely popular and has 57,000 distinctive stories for the players to play. It's a battle royale game of shooting your opponent to survive. The initial thing we must do is go to the garage.
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mistedfence · 5 years
shlooting and rpgs, Celestialvania
so, looter shooters (shlooters) and rpg leveling were recent thoughts of mine for this little celestialvania game i had, which drew influence from bl2, pokemon, and hld for gameplay base, but with a more jojo-stand esque usage of teams/abilities. 
i’ve started to realize that pokemon combines the two: what pops up in rng encounters is what you can level and customize via moveset. bl2 takes the (more or less) opposite approach, the rng loot that you can find have static stats and passives; what you level is yourself as a character. generally, through the game, you level your character just based on what seems appealing, in terms of overarching gameplay style or just down one of the three trees for that sick capstone, and if you happen to loot some good rarity gun that fits your skill tree at the moment, then awesome. it’s really only lategame, where you’re starting to get the legendaries and legit loot, that you might consider respeccing your build around specific guns, shields, class mods, grenades, etc. Ok wow, I need to punctuate because holy shit. 
So I guess what I need to figure out going onwards is why exactly BL2′s system is so good. I think part of the reason is the need to constantly find new equipment as you rapidly outgrow it in harsher levels/environments, and there’s that sentimental point of finally replacing a reliable gear that carried you through a significant point of the game. I guess that’s really Pokemon’s strength, then, in that you’re supposed to become attached to specific Pokemon and never outgrow them, only deepen your bond as you level them to the last of the game’s content. We’re gonna ignore PVP connotations for now, because I don’t think a game with network connectivity or PvP is anywhere near what I’m able to do for game-making right now. So, loot shooting is kind of a different “badge” of devotion, of showcasing a rare as fuck loot that you can only get by farming untold hours, defeating shit hard bosses, or farming shit hard bosses. 
There’s also a reverse timeline of where the rng comes in. BL2′s is at the “end”, where either you get the drop or you don’t, and getting it marks the end of your struggle and the beginning of funtimes. Pokemon’s rng is at the very beginning, and is a lot less black and white with all the varieties of stats and their combinations affecting viability. Pokemon therefore has the problem where rng actually kinda fucks with the sentimentality they have going if you become the kind of person that catches tons of a Pokemon until you find one with the stats/nature you want. The most common solution to mitigating the bad feeling of having a bunch of captured nobodies seems to be sacrificing them towards your main a la Gachas (Love Live, Granblue Fantasy, Puzzles and Dragons), but that still just feels horrid (lol Pokemon Go).
So lets talk a short bit about my game idea, tentative name Celestialvania. (I came up with the idea after seeing a gorgeous two story wooden house at twilight (the dark, late, basically night, good kind) when out on a walk. It was actually hella close to my house, but I never noticed because it was so concealed by shrubbery and tall trees. Wanna say it had a Victorian style, but I’m pretty sure that’s wrong as shit, but idk what else to call it. Tall and woody with tall and thin 2nd story windows (really all i could see of the house) and a tall pointed roof.) Cosmic horror/occult naturey vibe. Context is a spaceship of sorts sailing to a distant location, but old and traveling enough to the point where it’s basically just a piece of Earth, suburban and foresty and all, with an artificial sky. Come some shenanigans, night permanently falls with the failure of the sky, and its up to you as some plucky racially and genderly ambiguous teen to band with your hot and queer and plucky and cheer squad to do shit, whether its meeting up in the Asian restaurant one’s parents own that’s conveniently the only store in the entire downtown that still has power, beaning monsters in the local forest, fighting a great beast / really tall trench-coated occult looking humanoid mf at the highschool football stadium, or realizing that the old local church is actually a really large elevator to the 2nd world under your own, where “stars” are just laid out in a flat grid and named as cartesian coordinates and they’re much more urban and casually high tech than you are. Also a sea that’s the cooling vat for the main power, but contamination of the sea with creatures that feed off this thermal and otheryadda power has lead to darkness and some shit developing in said darkness. Anyway the point is I thought of some damage types for rock paper scissors pokemony style, with planetary (default physical), gravitas, constellation, nebulous, solar, and nautical. The point is I want you to be able to assemble a “team”, like in Pokemon, but the combat is more like Hyper Light Drifter or dare I say it Dark Souls. While you still have an “active” team member like in Pokemon, the rest of the team still gives passives and gameplay affects to yourself. Hence “Jojo stands”.
The main issue I had earlier that I’m hoping to figure out, typing all this out now, is how to flesh out a design of capturing members for said team, as they’d be cosmic entities of varying creature-ness and cosmic type. Like as in, what would be the factors that’d be rng-ey. BL2 is rng in two factors, more or less: passive and stats. Rarity classifications/colors are basically just a tier system for this rng gear. BL2 stats are Damage, Accuracy, Fire Rate, Reload Speed, and Magazine Size. Oh I guess a 3rd factor is weapon brand, because each has special factors there too, from Torgue’s rocket ammo on assault rifles and shotguns to Jakobs lack of full automatic but fire rate limited only by manual trigger pull speed. I started thinking up type interactions, but that’s honestly probably another post because this one is getting long. Still wondering though if this answer will just come to me as I flesh out the interactions of the types more and more. It all feels like it can’t exist or begin development without other pieces already in place, but it feels like those pieces are relying on every other too.
But then I did raise a good point. Stats. What sort of stats does my game want? Shit, what stats does Hyper Light Drifter even have? Time to do some research. That’ll hopefully help a bit with my question of hitboxes. Dark Souls is sick because of how good the hitboxes are with swing timing and range in a 3D atmosphere. So many times, sick victories against enemies are pulled off by swinging and landing your hit while they’re also in the middle of a heavy ass swing. I’m not sure how to equate that in a top down pixel-ey game. I thought about “hard-coding” damage timing with animations of attacks, as well as actually just using 3D models but just stuck to a top-down view a bit like how 2D fighters like Dragonball Z Fighters and Guilty Gear Xrd do 3D. It might definitely be out of my scope for now though. Actually fuck that it very well might not be. Downloading a trial/buying permanent license of Gamemaker in a week, after apprenticeship deadline for Disney. Man, I gotta be working on my portfolio. Like, immediate one. I want to make this game work. I guess this is one new use for this blog, but random smarmy writings are always welcome. I just hope they come from a better place now, though we’ll really have to see if I can even reach my previous spot of self-authenticity to work on improving it while in a living environment with my parents. Feels like an excuse typing that out. Need to sleep and wake early and start fuckin animatinnng groaaar.
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beatsfortheillperth · 7 years
Words with Somanyfeels
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Mixes and blends offer their listeners the opportunity to take in various tracks that develop a mood that their curators can express and alter depending on their current feel and drive. They allow with each play, a platform for many artists to be appreciated and understood through. Something we here at beatsfortheill admire about the rise in technological communication of today’s day and age, and there is one DJ that comes to mind whom is already using this musical tool to his advantage. An artist we had the privilege of sharing words with recently here at beatsfortheill and that creative is Las Vegas-based blend master Somanyfeels aka Julian Guerra.
With his ability to tailor mixes that induce ambient feels and take one’s soul on a journey through the ever altering musical landscapes. Somanyfeels lives up to his name developing mixtures that entice and allure the senses, leaving listeners feeling content and entertained where ever the day or night may take them.
Smooth transitions and mind-stilling tracks are what can be expected with this game-changing curator, a man on a mission and a soul on the pursuit for feels that move. 
We here at beatsfortheill can only look forward to Somanyfeels future endeavours. So with that in mind enjoy the uplifting words of the curator himself.
Inspire, Love, Relate and dabble in Somanyfeels expressions via the new mix he curated for us here at beatsfortheill, you won’t be disappointed.
Favourite Food: If pizza and tacos could somehow morph into one, it’d be that!
Favourite Beverage: Coffee and tea are my life
Last track you listened to: Waterfall By Laxe Luther
A childhood memory in regards to music: I remember eating Swedish Fish as a young kid in the public pool in Reading, PA. The speakers were bumping Smash Mouth and I was groovin’. Been a long road since then haha.
A track to chill to: bbygurl By Oneonthebeat
A track to bounce to: To the moon By Lil Purpp
Look back to your 14-year-old self, what music were you listening to back then: Uhmmm, honestly I was into the heavy metal scene. At the time, my favourite band was Disturbed and I also loved Metallica. I was trying to learn guitar so these bands inspired me to enrol in classes and practice guitar tabs. these were songs you could find on my myspace account, along with those falling skull thingies.
Views on Mainstream Media: GET OUT OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA BUBBLE. It is these sorts of people that love to have things explained to them. Go out and find those definitions for yourself. There’s always more happening then what major media outlets make it out to be. I am a firm believer in this because that’s all my parents do. Watch CNN and FOX and melt in front of it. They don’t really know how things work outside of what people tell them on the TV.
What does Somanyfeels mean: I really like making people feel good about life and so that’s how the name came to be. Honestly, it was supposed to be the name for my personal music blog. But once I talked about it, people would say it matched my openness and positivity.
Favourite Location: Brew Tea Bar in Las Vegas (they have the best boba tea hands down!)
Favourite Album: YUNG by Linafornia
Thanks man, so let’s start off with how you got into creating mixes in the first place. When did you start blending tracks into your own musical journeys and what sparked your interest?
No thank you, Sophie I am honoured! I got really into it after making a lot of private playlists for myself and parties I would go to. But after a while, I wanted to have a more hands-on approach on how to present these playlists for friends and so I started this series called Sensory Compilations- A bunch of laid-back beats in one mix. Actually, I modelled it around artists from this LA label called Soulection. Joe Kay is a HUGE inspiration to me. The general idea stuck and since then I’ve taken them down as I’ve started my newest ambient series. Always looking to change things up. My goal one day is to be a central source for ambient music through the tracks I find. Artists exclusives with visual artist involvement with each project. That kinda stuff.
What inspires you as a curator of sounds when it comes to day to day living and music mixing? Do you feel your day to day goals help inspire more creativity when it comes to putting together a mix?
I think that the ability to piece together treasures from artists who you love into one whole is inspirational. And I also think that being in a city where a lot of this music is overlooked and commercialism is highly accepted, it takes every inch of effort from local creatives to impact the way people live and hopefully encourage individuals to live more artful lives. If I can get one person to say wow that really changed my vibe up, that’s a blessing. Not all will like it which I understand, but just that one is ok with me.
I live my days essentially on the wind. Whatever happens, happens. Sounds a little on the edge right? Meh, in a sense it is but there are good things that come from it too. It’s good to have goals and dreams, but being conscious of how things are moving can be really stressful for me sometimes. With music, I live each song for a moment and like that could change to something completely different and you grow with that. I think constant change is what keeps my creativity and adaptability alive!
Have to mention your mix series Hunt//Gather a beautiful collection of ambient goodies that offer the ears a peaceful playground of beats, much love. Can you share what Hunt//Gather represents to you and what led to its creation? Also, what can one expect when the push play on a Hunt//Gather mix?
It is intended to put the listener out of their element and into something wild and untamed. At some point, if not during the whole mix, I would hope for you to feel as though you were away from society and in some unsettled landscape. Can you find your way back? Do you even want to leave? I want people to feel like they don’t have to rely on anything else but their own ability to do and feel what they want.
I started this series after hiking in Zion National Park. Something about that place man…
When you play one of these, just expect it to be a journey!
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HUNT / / GATHER 01 TO 05 / / Somanyfeels Ambient Mix Series 
How do you feel your upbringing has affected the path you took within music? Were you always into music and learning the way songs can blend together? Also, can you share a few classic tracks you loved growing up?
Honestly, my upbringing didn’t really involve too much musical inspiration. I feel like I was a late bloomer. My past was all about meeting new people, seeing cool places and eating new foods. Bless the culinary arts! I was only really exposed to it once I started in the music industry. I was working for an event promoter here in Vegas and seeing DJ’s and producers move a crowd with such ease made me want to buy a cheap controller and start.
Oh! Almost forgot, here are a few songs from growing up!
Stand Up ft. Shawnna by Ludacris
Welcome Home by Cohered & Cambria
Sunshine by Atmosphere
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You are also a part of a collective known as The Rabbit Hole out of Las Vegas USA, a group of creatives making music that really showcases diverse hip-hop and electronic beats, much respect. Can you share what The Rabbit Hole represents to you and what goals do you collectively share? Also, what do you enjoy most about building a community within music?
The Rabbit Hole saved my inspiration. I was stuck in a sense. I don’t really know what I would be doing if I didn’t meet this family of cool cats. Each friend within the group, in their own way, has taught me more than I knew about myself. My ear and style have evolved massively. I have a way to offer up an idea and have people work with me on that idea. I also have people to relate to if I have questions about how to do something involving mixes, graphics, marketing and so on.
I love seeing people walk into the monthly events that we have and just instantly start connecting with other showgoers. Networking yea sure that’s one thing, but I think people meet new friends in this setting. It makes me so happy!!! The way I see it, typical Vegas life is all about work, maybe going to catch a happy hour somewhere, and if you’re really trying to have a night out, hit the strip. IT’S SO BORING!! Can you do more? I think myself and my collective realize that there is so much more that the desert has to offer. We have a voice and we want to use it to build an authentic culture out here. Step by step, slowly but surely!
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Las Vegas Collective - The Rabbit Hole
What do you feel makes a mix impactful to listeners and how do you try to set the mood when it comes to putting a mix together. Do you have to be in a certain mood before you hit record?
Wow, this is an awesome question! A mix should tell a story. There are countless ways to mix sounds. I don’t play a mix and say, wow they should have done it this way. No!, I try to focus on how I think the person felt while in their zone.
Transitions come with time, so I highly encourage anyone who enjoys digging for music to just start. Learn as you go. Get a simple program and get to work experimenting. It feels amazing to tell a story! Let alone tell it in your own way.
Here at beatsfortheill, we have a deep love for genuine spiritual expression and art. Can you share some of your favourite spiritual beings, ideas, and concepts? Also, artists that you feel our readers would benefit from checking out?
I love Matsuo Basho, a Japanese poet who’s Haiku’s really bring you into a peaceful state of being.
Oh and please read a book called Intimacy by Osho. It teaches you how to trust and love yourself. I read it a little while back and it has changed my perception of my life immensely!
As far as art goes, I really enjoy work by this artist called Beeple.
He is a huge reason why I am on Tumblr all the time.
Can you share the highlights of your journey through music so far and also what should we keep an eye out for in the future from Somanyfeels?
The strange thing about music is that it does not always stay on one specific path. There is so much happening around you as you find your style, your stamina, and your inspiration that there can be one idea one day, and the next day it could change entirely.
For me, I try to keep an open mind, help myself to become better, and help others along the way with the experiences that I have gained.
The future for me looks to be something along the lines of music and photography. I LOVE radio and mixing but lately, my heart has been leaning more towards capturing moments in different ways.
I would love to put out a mix of all exclusives from my favourite artists along with a visual package. That’s my goal for the end of the year.
I would also love to interview some really cool beat makers on my radio show (aired on 91.5 KUNV HD2 and traklife.com).
Keep on the lookout for another Hunt//Gather series in late August!
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Photo by Julian Guerra aka Somanyfeels Photography
Musical Recommendations?
I Think I’ll suggest some cool indie labels for you guys to dig through on Bandcamp & Soundcloud :)
The Rabbit Hole
Saikei Collective
BLVNT Records
Oneiric Tapes
Dome Of Doom
Treehouse Collective
Any Last Words?
Keep the art alive! Also thank you so much, Sophie, for having me. Peace and Love!
Support Somanyfeels Here
Soundcloud- https://soundcloud.com/somanyfeelsmusic
Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/somanyfeelsmusic/
Instagram-  _somanyfeels_
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Austria, In All Her Glory
 Vienna pt. 1:  Hello, Nikki
   Well, getting into Vienna was easy enough.  It's a bit of a stretch (four hours), but that gave me plenty of time to really get over that headache I had.  Arrived and left the airport into downtown, busy, business hub Vienna.  The scenery at first was absolutely not idfferent from any large American city.  So I guess the conclusion there is that they could do work on first impressions.  The train station wasn't why I was there though, so I found myself a map, and started walking to the hostel I was staying at.  Reviews were all over the board, I had no idea what to look for in location, but the price was good.  Very good.  Turns out I got extremely lucky on that front.  After about a half-hour of walking I found the place, a big wooden door in an ancient building, which led into a beautiful, quaint little hostel/bnb thing.  
 They really did very well with it, if any of you should ever end up in Vienna I would highly recommend the Hotel Pension-Museum.  Right in the middle of the Museumsquariat, for all of you that enjoy seeing old things and exploring old places.  
 So, got settled in, got in contact with a close friend of mine that happened to be visiting Vienna at the same time, and then started wandering around.  Wandering around is quickly becoming a custom of mine in new cities.  Before I do anything else, I'll just get myself nice and lost.  There's no better way to get to know your way around a place than by doing this.  By the time my friend was ready, I had to take an uber to find him, and we immediately left (with his older sister as our guide) heading into a gorgeous, vibrantly colorful central park to find a little biergarten.  She (friend's sister) said this was the best place to get all the authentic Austrian cuisine.
 Found a table under a tree, got a beer, and ordered the classic Wiener Schnitzel.  There are some of my readers that may not know, Vienna is Wien in German, so Wiener is literally " Vienna resident, or Viennese(?).  Think about that next time you call someone a wiener.  The schnitzel was stupid good, by the way, and immediately put me into a near food-coma state that I've been finding myself in altogether too frequently this trip.  But, beer always helps with that, or so I tell myself.  So we had another round and went on our merry way.
 Vienna pt. II: The Night Life    Next stop was one of the hippest spots for youth and students to go to in Vienna.  Located in another one of the old town parks with a sprawling, lounge-like patio.  Despite the fact that it was a weekday, there was a DJ and the place was jam packed.  We managed to find ourselves a nice couch on the patio and ordered cocktails, while watching the intensely serious DJ do his thing.  I suppose I didn't know what to expect of the nightlife in Vienna, but I also don't think that was what I would have imagined.  I guess I expected more lasers and fog machines, that sort of thing, but it really was a classy, maybe even borderline upper scale lounge and cocktail bar.  
 Something to be noted about craft-cocktails in Vienna; they seem to always be very, very sweet.  Would recommend letting the ice melt a while before consumption.
 After that we went to another lounge, this time on a roof, where I got to take a bunch of pictures of Vienna at night.  Oh and learned another interesting fact; in alt-stadt (old town) no buildings are allowed to be taller than the churches.  Of which there are three major ones, which are all stunningly beautiful.  An opulent testament to the wealth and power of one of the worst organizations that has happened to this planet.  Very pretty though, and very old.  That's the end of that first day and night in Vienna.
Vienna pt III: The Next Day
 The next day I met up with my friend and his girlfriend and went to breakfast at what was apparently one of the oldest cafes and also the general meeting place for Vienna's wealthy, political, and business population.  I was promptly informed that I had to get a Melange.  A Melange, as I learned is a Viennese specialty, and maybe you coffee nerds can tell me the difference, but I thought it tasted like coffee with milk in it.  I guess there's a bunch of milk foam on the surface.  But coffee is always good, so no complaints.  I'm regretting now that I didn't spend more time at Landtmann's to explore their pastries, because the selection was fabulous.  Glass racks inside the cafe showcasing dozens of slices of different kinds of cakes, tarts, pies, and other such delicious treats.
 After a hearty breakfast of fresh-baked rolls, meats, cheeses, jellies/jams, and an apfel strudel, we decided to part ways.  I wanted to see museums and churches and all the cool stuff.  They wanted to go shopping.  I didn't get to do as many museums/palace visits as I wanted because I immediately got completely lost and ended up in this insane little bazaar/market area.  Imagine, if you will, a perfectly stereotypical European folksmarket.  That, except that without fail it was authentic and not intended for tourists.  All these wonderful smells and sights and the crazy jabber of that singular Viennese dialect made for a fantastic afternoon, even if I didn't see as much of what I had planned on seeing.  After more meandering, I eventually found my way back to a familiar part, and got in touch with that pal o' mine.  The idea was that we would go the Hotel Sacher and get ourselves a Melange and a couple slices of Sacher torte, which is world-renowned for it's excellence. I have to say, cake doesn't get much better than that.  Rich dark chocolate, layered with raspberry and coated in a heavy chocolate/marzipan glaze of sorts.  That slice went very quickly, and buying another was a bit too expensive for my taste.  So we made dinner plans (spoilers, they got cancelled) and then went back to our own adventures.  I went back to the room to change and shower for this metal bar I had heard tell of.
 Vienna pt IV: Amananth's Place
   It was everything promised.  Dark, brooding atmosphere, good beers, and metalheads.  I spent the rest of my evening there, talking about metal and shows and video games.  Because not all nerds are metalheads, but all metalheads are nerds.  Yeah this is a short section, but there's not too much to tell.  I'll post the picture (ha, if I ever post any of the few hundred pictures I have) that defined that visit.
Salzburg pt I:  Underwhelmed  The next stop was Salzburg.  A place I had heard a great deal about, but didn't originally plan on visiting.  Friendo and his girlfriendo were taking the same train for part of the way, so got to spend a little more time with them before they got off.  Upon getting into Salzburg, my first thought was " this is it? " after all that beautiful countryside with the picturesque little homes and farms.  The sweeping, cold mountain ranges, and dense forests... I guess I expected a bit more of an old-world city at first.  This is also why you never go off of first impressions.
 Salzburg is named such because it straddles a river that used to be a major highway for salt barges, built because of the salt mines nearby and also because the mountains offer a commanding view of the surrounding countryside.  The city's officials and royalty became extraordinarily rich by taxing these salt barges, and naturally the city developed more and more, a castle was built... well less of a castle and more of a fortress.  So, after having learned these facts, I found the Salzburg I was looking for.  It's all right against the river (the name is escaping me at the moment) and also built right up against this fortress-mountain.  I mean sheer cliff walls overlooking a cobblestone paved neighborhood with winding, dark alleyways and all sorts of mazelike offshoots filled with the most bizarre beergardens and cafes.  I could have (and did) spent hours just wandering these streets.  At night they were even better.  Dusky old alleyways and imposing cathedrals, with old Austrians hanging outside of the entryways to their favorite pubs.
 Really a fun place.  Sadly it is rather commercialized, and during the daytime the tourists were almost unbearable.  Also I understand full well that I'm a tourist, but I don't like the crowds very much and don't like listening to Americans while I'm trying to enjoy an Augustiner-Brau and a plate loaded with roast chicken and potatoes.  It loses some of the charm, you know?  My original plan was to spend a day in Salzburg and then make my out to one of the surrounding towns, maybe see some of the countryside there... but public transportation for that sort of thing was lacking and I couldn't justify 200 euros for a day trip just to see a lake.  That's okay though, I'll get my fill of countryside, I'm not worried about that.
 Salzburg pt. II:  The Metal
   An ongoing theme for me has been finding metal bars in every city I visit.  Salzburg was no exception, and I can happily say that Heavy Rotation is thus far a favorite.  For you Colorado readers, they played Proponent for Sentience by Allegeaon.  For you non-Colorado metalheads, Allegeaon is a Denver based band that plays a ruthless brand of ear melting prog-death metal, and you should listen to them.  Also shame on you for not knowing them already.
 Anwyays, on my way to said metal bar, I got totally lost again and ended up taking this absurdly steep, ancient looking stairway up the side of a mountain (shortcuts).  That led to a phenomenal view of the entire city, and a little Fransiscan monastary.  I figured after that climb, I should have a beer, and where better to get beer than at a monastary on top of a mountain.  Turns out that not only were they not the sort of monks that brew beer, but also not the sort of monks that appreciate people taking videos of them singing hymns.  I got kicked out, and made my way back down the mountain, found my bar, and also found that beer I wanted.
 The bar itself was dark, smoky, and filled with raucous metalheads.  Met some great people, drank some great beers, and was introduced to a local liqueuer called Zirben, which was too delicious to be real.  That stuff is dangerous, watch out for it.  Decided  to walk back to my Airbnb from there, which was... different.  That's a story that isn't for this blog though, and is rather sad.
 Salzburg pt. III:  The Airbnb    I don't know much about Airbnb, I've stayed at a grand total of two so far.  This one is my favorite so far, but to be fair, the other one I stayed at was that crazy Czech place that felt like a Soviet remnant.  The host was an amicable Salzburg native named Mike, and if you should ever visit, you should stay with him.  He is extraordinarily knowledgeable about the city, the sights, and has an exquisite taste in restaurants.  His personality is something extraordinary too.  I only booked one night, but after the first night he offered me a second night at a heavily discounted rate, stating that I should really have the opportunity to see more.  So I took him up on that and stayed two nights in that pretty little city.  
 This part is a little out of context, and not following the timeline very well, as the previous events happened over the course of two days.  Anyways, this part is just a little bump and thank you to Mike for his wonderful hospitality and comfortable little home, I would recommend him to anyone visiting.
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
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New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/this-weeks-highs-and-lows-in-computer-gaming/
This week's highs and lows in Computer gaming
Bayonetta was given a marvel release on Pc this week and not only is the port pleasant great (it’s Durante permitted!), it’s one of the excellent games I’ve performed this yr. Phil included all of it in his evaluation, but I’ll recap right here: The fight gadget is expressive and animated fantastically, the story is a dopey melodramatic comedy that relentlessly pokes amusing at video game tropes, and for the whole thing of its playtime, Bayonetta miraculously keeps to escalate. It’s tough to agree with this game released in 2009. And what’s up, it’s simplest $20, which is about one-third of what I’d gladly pay for it these days.
Tom Senior: Headstart
The begin of the 12 months was once a real drought. Some video games may slip from their planned Autumn launch date and fall into the wastelands of February. This year is specific. Take a look at out our video games of 2017 spherical up and you see exceptional Jap hack ‘n minimize RPG Nier: Automata; the first-rate adventure sport we’ve performed in a while, Thimbleweed Park; and some engrossing space 4X in Stellaris. Plus, even though it took its sweet time, Bayonetta is finally out on Pc.
I am hoping this early rush of best is a sign of things to come back. Because of the major meetings—E3, Gamescom—maintain to seem less worthwhile to publishers, we might see the enterprise’s traditional cycles—pre-E3 tease, E3 announce, fingers-on Sept, release Oct—begin to fragment. Outside of Computer land, the Legend of Zelda, Character five, Night and Horizon Zero Sunrise have proven that—gasp—human beings like buying and gambling cool games all 12 months round. here’s hoping for extra splendid video games in early 2018.
I am pretty happy that we show up to live within the size that gets a couple of Rick and Morty video games within the identical month. Properly, one turned into a Grand Theft Car five mod, but the idea of mad scientist Rick invading Los Santos seems extra than suitable, given the amount of destruction and careless mayhem Rick brings to Earth in the course of the display. I mainly just like the component in this video showcasing the mod in which GTA’s strippers are model-swapped for Rick. It is nearly canon.
Virtual Rick-quality, then again, looks like a fair greater ridiculous Process Simulator paired with a few original voice work from Justin Roiland and with any luck A few others, which is greater than sufficient to get me to strap on a VR headset again.
Chris Livingston: area Evaders
Missile Cards is a unmarried-player turn-based card sport, in that you need to guard your space base against falling threats like comets and bombs (as in Missile Command). Playing cards cycle through an airlock, one by one, and you positioned them into play as protection (missiles, weapons, lasers, and diverse strength-ups) while threats inch closer and toward your susceptible base. I have been playing it here and there: a hand most effective takes a couple of minutes, so It is super to squeeze in at some stage in a wreck or a short meal. Its unfashionable look and soundtrack give it a pleasant feel, and its low device requirements make it ideal for a pc as Well. It’s difficult—I experience like I rarely virtually win a spherical—however fun, and It’s just a few bucks on Steam. Take a look at it out.
This week was Eastern Pc Gaming Week right here on Laptop Gamer, and our very personal Wes Fenlon prepares an absolute whirlwind of cool capabilities. Durante did a fantastic port analysis of Bayonetta, I got an excuse to put in writing extra about Valkyria Chronicles, and Chris played a peculiar jigsaw puzzle sport with animated women. but my favorite piece became a look at the Laptop’s recent upward thrust in Japan, which was eye-establishing to mention the least. It is easy to write off the reasons for Japan’s disinterest inside the Laptop, but Wes had a few surprising insights (like having to pay for Steam video games at a 7-11) that I absolutely by no means might have taken into consideration. I fantastically recommend you examine what he has to say.
Tuan Nguyen: Subspace: Continuum
Sometimes returned inside the yr 2002 even as visiting a chum’s house, I used to be shown a game known as Subspace. It turned into this lovable top-down space shooter recreation in which you helmed a tiny little ship and went on a rampage on what appeared like an endless map. Lots of humans had been gambling it, and I found it to be an exceptional mix between Asteroids and AOL Immediately Messenger—you could recall it one of the earliest MMOs.
I’d forgotten approximately the sport after that, but during the years stored thinking back to the laugh I had at the same time as playing it. Regrettably, I forgot what that game became referred to as. I saved asking my Computer gaming buddies in the event that they’ve ever played this ‘extraordinary space shooter game that became top down and had walls in space.’ No person became capable of identify what I used to be regarding, till these days. Seemingly, it’s referred to as Subspace: Continuum now and is available on Steam. What a first-rate throwback to my teens.
Desirable and Bad in Gaming Gaming is one in every of the biggest hobbies or even careers inside the global. people play video games for a laugh or mastering whilst others document movies about the video games. In this newsletter, I’m able to recognition more on gaming itself and no longer so much the facet of how to make gaming motion pictures. Game enthusiasts are available all different a long time, genders, religions, locations and shapes. The backgrounds of individuals who are Game enthusiasts make gaming that much more a laugh.
Backgrounds of Game enthusiasts can play a component in the form of games that humans play. There are all styles of combos for one-of-a-kind categories relating to the sort of games and sort of Gamers. You really want to look at the game’s internet site to get all of the pertinent data previous to shopping for.
There are numerous online platforms wherein you could purchase video games from including Steam or Humble Bundle. Those web sites will give you the description, videos via the employer, photos, consumer and non-consumer tags, critiques, website, enterprise and their social account(s). Be aware the sport’s website might not show you the whole thing you need to realize. As a minimum, a gaming company will display a quick income pitch description, a small amount of photographs (5 at pleasant), one or two videos by means of them and their social accounts. The maximum they may provide is an informative description, their social debts, consumer opinions and motion pictures with the aid of them.
Allow’s dive properly into what is perceived as negative about gaming. The general public of the bad things approximately games come from the actual-lifestyles people on Those games, the kind of video games and the varieties of games for the wrong character. A recreation can be poorly made but It’s no longer always the case in which the game itself is Horrific. It may be wherein it become the wrong kind of recreation for the incorrect character. That is wherein the types are available in. Maybe a sport has a bit of violence. That doesn’t make it Bad; it simply makes it the wrong sort of sport for a seven 12 months antique. Or Maybe you obtain a puzzle game for a person who loves motion kind games. So the movement loving character may not experience it, however, That does not make the puzzle sport Horrific!
The forms of games are endless from nudity, pills, and alcohol, horror, playing with cash and greater. Those different sorts are incorrect for adolescents Game enthusiasts in addition to incorrect for those who don’t like seeing such things.
Gaming has True and Horrific facets much like everything else. The key is how Good and Awful are Those facets. As an example, a few video games have a Horrific side with gamers that like to combat a lot. This is common in video games. Apprehend for a whole lot of Game enthusiasts this isn’t a big deal; but, for youngsters who are new to the sport or even gaming in wellknown, this could be frustrating. There are times when you need to avoid the Awful aspects altogether. There are instances when the best outweighs the Awful. If this takes place and there aren’t any issues with the game itself; then the Horrific side is just that one little fly in your room which isn’t any huge deal. Caution: If the Bad outweighs the coolest, I would strongly suggest keeping off that recreation.
Some other component that human beings will nag a sports developer or creator approximately is representation. Ought to I say, a loss of representation which isn’t always confined to race, body kind and message in the sport. If you are able to personalize your individual, then of the path you may no longer have a problem with representation. There may be a trouble in some video games where they don’t constitute robust and clever ladies, minority women and adult males, big, small, tall, and short women and adult males. Observe how I failed to placed “adult males” after a woman for sturdy? It’s due to the fact males in video games are continually represented as robust and smart.
In games that display a male robust and smart, he will primarily probable be white, tall, skinny, film famous person searching and buff. you will hardly ever see him be a minority, quick, overweight, now not buff, nerdy searching, at the same time as nonetheless being strong and clever. You notice this even much less for females. some women in video games also are white, tall, skinny and sturdy whilst displaying skin like no day after today. You best see Those women in MMO games (Massively Multiplayer online Position gambling recreation) though. RPG video games are supposed for delusion worlds where you broadly speaking fight humans and monsters. Of direction the women’ stats will be sturdy but they won’t appearance robust.
In maximum video games, after they upload a man or woman for you to play they always add a white male first, then a white lady, then a black male, and then a black woman. They don’t even truely upload people who are mixes of races or in among. In terms of the black characters they simplest add one colour of “black” or “African-American” and no longer every black person on this planet is that coloration.
In video games, The general public of the characters is usually thin and tall. You do not absolutely see characters which can be short and thin, tall and overweight, short and chubby, and so forth. There are a variety of folks that aren’t thin and who are not tall.
Then finally, There is the mental message that is going with the gender, race, and frame type. What do I imply by means of the mental message? a few games send an oblique message approximately that man or woman being strong and smart or something else. whilst for different games it could be a intellectual message either on motive or not. As an example, in the sport you play and also you see a minority woman who is brief, overweight, nerdy looking and her traits are to be a goof ball, naive, and dumb. It is able to ship a mental message to you that humans that look like her are similar to her. They are not smart, they are not skinny, and are not tall. They did poorly in college, and so forth. and so on. So that you begin thinking The ones things based on not only seeing this in that recreation over and over again, but whilst it happens in other video games too.
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