#it's an alt prehistory with sapient dinosaurs
probablyevilrpgideas · 11 months
World that is full of steamy jungles and grassy plains, the major races are mostly saurians, with one or two small mammalian ones. Very ancient aesthetic, but otherwise a pretty typical D&D setting, just with a focus on non-metal materials for equipment.
The party is contacted by a druid who has foreseen a great calamity that covers the sky and will kill all but a dubiously fortunate few who will envy the dead.
Through the course of the quest, the party learns that it's a plot by a warlock who wants to overthrow the existing order and reshape the world such that their kind--one of the small mammalian races--rules the world.
Then they learn that the form of this plot is a mighty meteorite from the sky, seeped in fell energies that will destroy civilization's works and degenerate the people to mere beasts.
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