#it's basically the same thing as the ask but with some minor revisions (and a cute header pic!) :D
britishchick09 · 1 year
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on my blog, you'll often see me posting about 'the rewrite'... but what is it exactly? find out below! ;)
the rewrite (or 'poto rewritten') is my version of 'phantom of the opera'! i came up with it in september 2021 as a way to have more eristine moments and a happy ending for erik, but it's blossomed into so much more! from weird coincidences to references galore, writing the rewrite has been a wild time! :D
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(get an equally wild peek at 'the opera ghost' here and buy it here!)
(and be sure to get the first short stories collection here!)
first off, let's say hello to the characters:
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christine is shy and steadfast with a heart full of kindness, erik is an awkward yet witty stringbean with a love for music and raoul is a caring, optimistic lad with an affinity for the sea!
there are a ton of other poto characters in here like meg (she's in the group photo at the beginning of the post!), madame giry, nadir, ayesha, carlotta, piangi, sorelli and cecile (two ballerinas from the book) oroyeso (a mini series guy), carlous fonta (truly the most underrated poto character ever!), caesar the horse, madame valerius and of course good ol' daddy daae :)
the story mostly takes place in palais garnier (the lake isn't as magical as other adaptations make it but it's still pretty neat), but it goes far beyond the opera house! from bois de boulonge (book reference!) to the mazarine library and even the village of giverny, it explores the world of paris like never before! (and there's an eiffel tower cameo of course)
as you can already tell, there are quite a few references to other adaptations. the rewrite is a blend of various ones! poto soup if you will ;)
phans will certainly enjoy the rewrite since there are a ton of references to so many adaptations! from big bois like the book, musical, 1925 movie and susan kay's phantom to smaller ones like the mini series, the 1943/62 movies, love never dies and freddy phantom to tiny tales like ghost on the roof, angel's mask, phantom heart, and journey of the mask
some references are obvious like song lines from the musical (christine wanting to see the beauty underneath or whispering to her papa's grave, 'i wish you were somehow here again'), erik calling himself 'poor, unhappy erik' & raoul being on the naval borda ship like in the book, eristine having a picnic like in the mini series, erik having opera props on the wall like in ghost on the roof and masks from other adaptations being shown during the masquerade
others are super subtle like raoulstine reuniting on april 14th (the only thing i could pull from that lost 1916 movie das phantom der oper), walter plinge being a pseudonym from maskerade and cecile thinking the opera ghost is a canary (as 'the canary trainer'!)
and of course it wouldn't be a poto story without references to the creator, gaston leroux! manager armand is a fan of le gaulois (the paper that poto was originally published in), christina nilsson is name inspiration for christine (just like irl!), the maiden name of christine's mom is leroux (but they're not related probably) and-
...well let's just say there are a few neat cameos in store ;)
(see all of them here... but beware of spoilers!)
as you can see, the rewrite is a love letter to poto! and there are plenty of original ideas like the story taking place in 1888. want to see christine room with meg, explore paris with raoul or do adorable things with erik besides singing? the rewrite's got it all and more! ;D (it's a very eristine heavy story but there are plenty of raoulstine moments... and who she ends up with is another reason why i started the rewrite)
but the rewrite isn't just one story... just like with my original stories, i've planned out short stories and mysteries that take place after the main story ends. this is just the beginning! ;)
and what an amazing beginning it is ♥
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presidenthades · 10 months
I am doing very minor revisions of Daemon’s Handbook (mostly formatting and continuity errors), and I wanted to do some behind-the-scenes commentary before too much time passes and I forget my original thoughts. Here’s Chapter 2!
(Note that these commentaries aren’t canon to the verse until/unless the author writes them into the series. I might change my mind on a few points later, but these are the thoughts I had while writing.)
Those gold dancing slippers with pink roses and sunbursts? Aegon 100% bought those for Jace (in Sunfyre’s colors of course), and that’s why she freaks out about them in Chapter 3.
Helaena has FRIENDS in this verse! Because she gets to grow up with three kinswoman close in age to her! Yay! I imagine her spending a lot of time with Jace, Luce, and Joff while they’re all living at the Red Keep.
That black and green three-pointed star is supposed to be some kind of reference to the three main couples of this series. Please don’t ask for details because I don’t have any 🙈
Rhaena and Baela’s crushes on Helaena and Jace, respectively, have begun sprouting in this chapter. They are very embarrassed by their dad acting like a weirdo in front of their crushes.
Daemon has a mental diatribe about Aegon’s dissolute ways, but in actuality Daemon would probably enjoy hanging out with someone who can keep up with him in Flea Bottom. Alas.
Neither book nor show canon says anything about Aegon or Aemond squiring, but I think healthy young princes would be expected to squire, like Daeron. I’m thinking Aegon strongly disliked the idea of having to squire (which involves a lot of acts of service) so maybe he a) threw a fit or b) used some weaponized incompetence until people gave up. 😆 But show!Aemond would like the idea of becoming a chivalrous knight, and Criston seems like a good option to squire for, considering Criston’s proximity to Alicent.
In this verse, Rhaenyra chooses to move her family to Dragonstone for different reasons than canon (where she felt pushed out by the Hightowers). Here, she’s mostly concerned about Jace and Aegon. I’ll delve into more detailed commentary later for Chapter 6, but basically, the kids have hit puberty and Jace and Aegon have already been caught sneaking around to kiss and hold hands. You can’t really keep them apart if they’re living in the same castle, so Rhaenyra’s solution is to relocate her daughters. Rhaenyra still plans to commute to court as needed (like in Chapter 4), but it’s not the most politically expedient move even if she’s decided it’s best for personal reasons.
We get our first glimpse of what the Jace/Aegon relationship is like. Jace spends a good amount of time trying to make Aegon act nicer (especially toward Aemond; no Pink Dread in this verse). She tends to use the carrot instead of the stick, which is Aegon’s preferred learning method, so Jace is more successful than Alicent who does it the other way.
Daemon doesn’t believe in anything he can’t see with his own eyes so he’s not superstitious, BUT Joff makes him question a lot of things. 😆 He figures out real fast that regardless of whether she’s actually witchy, it’s best to stay on her good side. (Otto also knows something is up with that girl lol)
I’m definitely exploring Joff’s dynamic with Laenor in a future installment in this verse. For now, let’s just say it was complicated. As precocious as Joff is, she’s only 6 and she doesn’t actually know everything.
“Window closes, heart opens, door opens, heart closes.” Helaena’s prophecy is about Aemond’s eye and the Luce/Aemond relationship, though I originally planned for it to play out differently (more to come in Chapter 4 commentary). As the fic currently stands, the prophecy breaks down like this: window closes = Aemond loses his eye. Heart opens = Luce opening up to Aemond again. Door opens = the rookery door when Daemon messes with the letters. Heart closes = Luce and Aemond’s three year estrangement.
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yellowmonday · 1 month
ok i have to make a disclaimer here too since someone just accused me of running scams + called me pathetic and then blocked me before i could explain anything lmao.
to clarify: yes i’m currently actively boosting multiple crowdfunds for 3 separate people (mutuals and friends who need financial assistance for various reasons), through my main blog yellowmonday and my fandom sideblog thylaseraph (wrongfully terminated and still unrestored rip.) i am fundraising through dming blogs, because that’s the easiest and most effective way to reach out. these are all verifiable requests, they are legitimate, these are all unrelated people who i have chosen to support because i care about them.
if this makes you uncomfortable and you choose to ignore/block me that is fine, especially if you’re a minor or can’t interact for some other reason. PLEASE do not report me i just got my account recovered !! above everything else please be kind.
long post so more details below the cut
my method of crowdfunding: i am on a few other social media sites but tumblr is the easiest to crowdfund on, but censorship and sitewide prejudice against crowdfunders still present barriers. my goal is to get as many people to reblog these aid requests as possible. to do that, i take screenshots of post notes with usernames — i use posts that have over 1k notes so i can reach a lot of different people.
based off the screenshots i direct message people, i type out each individual username, i can share the post with only 4 blogs at a time. many people have dms turned on private. for every dozen usernames in a screenshot, i can successfully message probably half of them. i usually don’t know any of these blogs, i don’t look at their bios, i often don’t know if i’ve messaged them before unless i recognize the username.
it is an imperfect method and i inevitably dm people who get upset which i am sorry for, i always apologize when somebody says they don’t want to be dmed and won’t share. i apologize and try to be polite because i understand the reasonable suspicion, and i don’t want anybody to feel financially obligated especially because so many people are struggling rn, and also because it would be fucking awful if my friends got accused of or reported for being scammers just because of me trying to help! many people do end up reblogging, some people respond to my message with confirmation or words of support, which is always appreciated.
about my scripts: the messages i send are scripted and copy and pasted, saying what the reason for the request is, and i am basically asking for whatever they can contribute even if it’s just a reblog and it’s fine if they can’t etc. it may also include things like, sorry for bothering you, sorry if i have previously dmed you/if you have previously reblogged, thank you, have a nice day etc etc.
i have revised the message a few times and i rewrote it for each person i am crowdfunding on behalf of to give more personal details. i copy and paste that and i think i can mass dm about 50 blogs per day. i talk about my script a little more here (deleted post rip.) in a post trying to gather support for my spn mutual’s ongoing crowdfund — i encourage other people to do the same script + mass dming to gain visibility.
this method of individual outreach has been effective which is why i’m doing it! i share crowdfunds as often as i can on all of my social media platforms, but directly reaching out to people results in more traction and emphasizes the importance of small affordable donations from multiple people. and i think that someone vouching for somebody else’s crowdfund also establishes more trust and credibility in other people’s eyes, which imo is incredibly unfair especially considering how isolated, unsupported, and mistrusted many crowdfunders are.
Black and brown people who crowdfund or rely on other people’s funds for survival are intensely scrutinized, disbelieved, criticized, harassed, ignored, and otherwise marginalized. crowdfunds are generally prioritized based on how relatable, aesthetically pleasing, or friendly they present themselves to be; and how “achievable” or “feel-good” they are, and how well-known, connected, or put-together the crowdfunder makes a huge difference in whether their goal gets met. it turns into a desirability game so the most vulnerable and marginalized people are often abandoned.
i have seen chronically ill people die with unmet medical funding goals. the necessary social capital to meet a lifesaving goal is so inaccessible, and the project of crowdfunding is so impossible. from what i know, over my few years of observing and supporting crowdfunds, and attempts at crowdfunding for myself and my ex-partner in desperate times over the past year, the single most critical factor in meeting a goal (which again is so. so uncommon) is the active participation, interaction, and endorsement of other people. including privileged and moneyed people, but mostly just lots of caring people being vocal. community literally saves lives even online. even a comment on a post or a decision to sponsor one person’s crowdfund can make a huge difference, i strongly encourage people to do this more often and just become more active and VISIBLY supporting crowdfunds.
many people crowdfund this way (through mass/individual outreach) for themselves or others, i don’t think it’s as common on tumblr and it might be harder to distinguish authentic dms from bots and scams on tumblr but. it is still a method that people regularly use to survive. and it takes up a lot of time and is not always fruitful and sometimes you get shitty responses but personally id rather have that be aimed at me than the people who are pleading for support for themselves.
its hard enough to make a post baring the most personal, intimate, painful details of your life, and have it not even generate $20; so how hard is sending that to people and be explicitly ignored or called a liar? i am glad to do this for my friends because it SUCKS!!! i have been directly asked by at least one person to do this for them, and for the others i just started doing it because they had not been getting the visibility they need. it’s not so fucking easy to get visibility on posts without directly begging for it, and many of the people who are crowdfunding do not have the time/energy/resources to do that. it is work, it is draining, when you have to do it for yourself.
i do this as often as i can, like i said there’s a daily limit of blogs i can dm before tumblr restricts me, and some days i do not have the energy which is something i feel bad about. i have had my own requests for affording things like masks for work, or groceries and rent before i moved back with my parents, but i have not dmed people for my own crowdfunds because i am somewhat secure rn. im in debt lmao and im working and contributing literally my entire disposable income to sustaining other people as much as possible. and that’s a privilege because i don’t have to worry about where im getting my own meals as i do this.
i have been fortunate enough to meet my small goals or have large goals partially met by mutuals or friends of friends which i am so grateful for, and which is painful to know knowing that daily my own friends are struggling with much less support or bigger, ongoing goals. i know it is a hundred times worse for people who are crowdfunding this way for themselves every day even if they do not have the energy, because they need to, to survive. that’s why i do this when i can, i have the time to help people in this way, in addition to directly donating if i can afford it, and because i have been in that position, and because people i care about are in that position, and because strangers who are in that position also deserve every ounce of support anybody else can spare.
i believe in the practice of mutual aid and since i do not have the ability to directly donate or get involved with irl organization myself at this time, crowdfunding for other people online is what I can do right now. i think society is fucked up idk what else to say! i don’t just mean the social inequity that causes people to become financially unstable and alienated in these ways, but also the attitude of mistrust and anger toward everybody asking for help that develops because of it. anyways.
if anybody has any questions about legitimacy, of me or the requests im boosting, i am fully willing to answer. some tips i would give if you’re trying to discern between a scam and an authentic crowdfund (these are not always definitive but may be helpful):
blog history and activity to see how old the blog is, if they have mutuals, if they post updates, if they blog about other things or talk about their life. sometimes real people create blogs on tumblr just to crowdfund so you can’t always tell based off this, it MIGHT be a sign of a repeat scammer.
having a conversation with the person. do they seem like a real person whose story checks out? if you’re going to report someone for scamming you should at least talk to them first. otherwise you could be endangering their platform and cutting them off from support. tumblr is known for doing this to marginalized people.
checking out the links they provide — if it’s multiple and usernames/face id is consistent across platforms, if they sell goods or services which could verify them as a real person, selfies and photos etc. most scammers are not putting that much effort in, they’re usually ripping off somebody else’s story and photos. use reverse image search. if you’re not sure, it is your right to ignore but please be aware of how many sincere people get harassed for this, like please don’t be cruel or endanger somebody’s income.
and it’s fine that people ignore me or block me, please do so if you feel uncomfortable with a stranger reaching out like this, but above all else i don’t want to get any of my friends in trouble or make people doubt the validity of their crowdfunds, i just want people to know these campaigns can be verified if you take a few minutes. like im truly sorry to bother people because i know scams go around all the time but if you care that much it is not generally extremely difficult to find out if something is a scam or if it is genuine. and in the worst case scenario if you’re unable to decide for certain, you can. just ignore. and block.
ok thanx bye
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educationtech · 1 year
JEE Main Preparation 2023: Study Plan, Time Table, Best Books
Cracking IIT JEE:
Best engineering Collages of Jaipur Rajasthan has many students who dream big and have much more hard work behind their brains than those who have low aims.
1. Don’t Ignore your Board Exams:
Mainly, students ignore the board exam when prepared IIT, which is wrong If your aim is become to an IIT student, then master on board exams.
2. Choose Professional IIT Coaching Institute:
Some Important things:- rumors, and miracle stories about who cracked the JEE entrance exams without going to any classes this is fake.
This case is most of all students. Specifically, understand the way of learning and decide which coaching classes or guidance are required.
Best coaching institutes for IIT JEE, which provide JEE physics videos, Video Lectures on JEE Physics for the cracking of JEE Exams
3. Start from the Basics:
Firstly, you never try to jump directly on advance study without your basics because you are trying the wrong path also revise the basics and practice them well to create a better understanding of them. Then after trying to advance my study
4. Avoid Long Study Sessions:
Some long study sessions are likely to increase stress, which leads you towards minor mistakes in the examination.
Avoid studying for a long night and the whole night specifically before the examination and Divide your study plan into small units to increase your potential of understanding all topics you read.
5. Do Regularly Study and Practice:
Top Engineering Collages in Jaipur Rajasthan says the first step of becoming an IITian is achieving a depth of knowledge of the subject and then comes the understanding of its application and Hard practice is to understand the utility of the logic that you have studied and It increases your accuracy and speed which are the key points to achieving the success of IIT JEE
6. Obtain Deep Knowledge of Topics:
Students need to hard work by day and also hard work by night to gain a deep knowledge of every topic The question asked in IIT require deeper knowledge of all three subjects and Call to mind in IIT strengthening the basics is the key to success
7. Time Management:
Top Engineering Colleges in Jaipur Rajasthan says required all the students of IIT to know their potential time to learn They should enumerate the required time by learning and solving puzzles and also they should increase their speed with the required accuracy
8. Don’t Omit Practices:
Are you getting a bit overconfident and not practicing regularly? This may become the main reason for the failure.
9. Solve Previous IIT JEE Papers:
Solve previous IIT test papers and you always remember some key points of preparing for the exams for these papers also Solve them severely to acquaint yourself with the patterns of JEE exams
DO’s To Succeed In IIT-JEE
• Self Study 4 hours a day from day one which should be increased gradually.
• Stick to NCERT textbooks, solve them completely and then go to one more reference book or study material which is much better than jumping to the ‘n’ number of sources and solving them partially, also devote 1 day only to revision in a week.
1. Avoid irregularity in your study pattern.
2. For new problems in the same chapter, Do not jump from one to another book
4. Don’t miss out on lectures even when you know the chapter, as while listening to it again you will revise it and will learn something new.
5. Study for the entire night as you will feel sleepy during the day.
Btech Collages of Engineering in Jaipur Rajasthan says for Cracking the IIT-JEE, Consistency in preparation is important with keep your basics concepts clear also Read and solve NCERT first before referring to any other recommended study material or book You don’t have to master the complete syllabus but it’s necessary to read and clearly understand every chapter with that and Students should have maintained their stamina with minimum 5 hours of non-stop study is must also Ability and focus to gain maximum marks in the exam rather than solving the toughest problem on the paper.
0 notes
aryacollegejp · 1 year
Preparation for JEE Main 2023
Tips to prepare for JEE Main 2023?
Cracking IIT JEE: 
Best engineering Collages of Jaipur Rajasthan has many students who dream big and have much more hard work behind their brains than those who have low aims.
1. Don’t Ignore your Board Exams: 
Mainly, students ignore the board exam when prepared IIT, which is wrong If your aim is become to an IIT student, then master on board exams.
2. Choose Professional IIT Coaching Institute: 
Some Important things:- rumors, and miracle stories about who cracked the JEE entrance exams without going to any classes this is fake. 
This case is most of all students. Specifically, understand the way of learning and decide which coaching classes or guidance are required.
Best coaching institutes for IIT JEE, which provide JEE physics videos, Video Lectures on JEE Physics for the cracking of JEE Exams
3. Start from the Basics: 
Firstly, you never try to jump directly on advance study without your basics because you are trying the wrong path also revise the basics and practice them well to create a better understanding of them. Then after trying to advance my study
4. Avoid Long Study Sessions: 
Some long study sessions are likely to increase stress, which leads you towards minor mistakes in the examination. 
Avoid studying for a long night and the whole night specifically before the examination and Divide your study plan into small units to increase your potential of understanding all topics you read.
5. Do Regularly Study and Practice: 
Top Engineering Collages in Jaipur Rajasthan says the first step of becoming an IITian is achieving a depth of knowledge of the subject and then comes the understanding of its application and Hard practice is to understand the utility of the logic that you have studied and It increases your accuracy and speed which are the key points to achieving the success of IIT JEE
6. Obtain Deep Knowledge of Topics: 
Students need to hard work by day and also hard work by night to gain a deep knowledge of every topic The question asked in IIT require deeper knowledge of all three subjects and Call to mind in IIT strengthening the basics is the key to success
7. Time Management: 
Top Engineering Colleges in Jaipur Rajasthan says required all the students of IIT to know their potential time to learn They should enumerate the required time by learning and solving puzzles and also they should increase their speed with the required accuracy
8. Don’t Omit Practices: 
Are you getting a bit overconfident and not practicing regularly? This may become the main reason for the failure. 
9. Solve Previous IIT JEE Papers: 
Solve previous IIT test papers and you always remember some key points of preparing for the exams for these papers also Solve them severely to acquaint yourself with the patterns of JEE exams
DO’s To Succeed In IIT-JEE 
• Self Study 4 hours a day from day one which should be increased gradually.
• Stick to NCERT textbooks, solve them completely and then go to one more reference book or study material which is much better than jumping to the ‘n’ number of sources and solving them partially, also devote 1 day only to revision in a week. 
1. Avoid irregularity in your study pattern. 
2. For new problems in the same chapter, Do not jump from one to another book
4. Don’t miss out on lectures even when you know the chapter, as while listening to it again you will revise it and will learn something new. 
5. Study for the entire night as you will feel sleepy during the day. 
Btech Collages of Engineering in Jaipur Rajasthan says for Cracking the IIT-JEE, Consistency in preparation is important with keep your basics concepts clear also Read and solve NCERT first before referring to any other recommended study material or book You don’t have to master the complete syllabus but it’s necessary to read and clearly understand every chapter with that and Students should have maintained their stamina with minimum 5 hours of non-stop study is must also Ability and focus to gain maximum marks in the exam rather than solving the toughest problem on the paper.
0 notes
cafeinthemoon · 4 years
Madara with s/o who’s secretly developing a new (and dangerous) jutsu 🔥
And finally we have the third Grandpa with is s/o doing dangerous things under his nose haha As I said before, each Founder’s part ended up too long so I divided the request in three and I hope the anon who requested it don’t get mad at me because of this XD Anyway, if you want to read what I wrote for Hashirama and Tobirama, you can click on their names 😉
Now let’s go to see Madara’s reaction!
Fandom: Naruto | Madara Uchiha
Symbols: 💗 | ◻ | ▶▶
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As you can easily imagine, things are way different when it comes to Madara in such situation
Because unlike his partners who took some time to actually go after you and find out what you’ve been up to, he does it right at the first night
Okay, you use to went out every night for your personal training and that’s not strange at all, but that time he notices little differences in the process
An extra pack of ink tub and scrolls that you decide to put on your bag, a change of clothes (something you never carry with you in normal training sessions), extra medicine, these kind of things
Everything is pointing to two possibilities: whether you’re going to stay out for longer or you’re creating/perfecting a technique, and a complex one
Madara is not only an observant man: he’s curious, and unlike the Senjus the idea of invading your privacy is not enough to stop him from following you that night
It’s how he finds out you’ve been working to create a new jutsu
But you’ve created other jutsu before. Why would you have to hide the process of this one from him?
The only way to find out is to watch you perform it and understand of kind of jutsu you’re creating
At first, he’s content in doing it. He’s interested in your technique, as well as to see how far you can get with it
But at the end of the session, he notices you’re more tired than you usually get after training
The obvious explanation is in the jutsu: it is not finished yet, so the amount of chakra it demands is yet to be defined. But he’s confident that you’ll soon find a way to fix this
He’s careful enough to go back home before you so you don’t notice he was out
When you cross the door, he comes to help you since you’re exhausted. He does the basic stuff to take care of you: runs you a bath, washes your hair, change your clothes, bring you some food and take you to bed
He has done this before after you came back from difficult missions
He also avoids questioning you, so you never get suspicions
And things stay like this for the next days
However, Madara sees that your tiredness is increasing at each night, and contrary to what he thought, you don’t do anything to fix the problem of chakra control
Is it possible that you’re unaware of the problem? No, it can’t be. You’re smarter than this
And because he refuses to see that you are in fact unaware of it, he doesn’t interfere, and your bruises and waste of chakra get worse as time passes
(Still, the jutsu is progressing in its other aspects, so you’re hopeful about completing it in the next days)
One night, he finally acknowledges your failure and decided to intervene
And thank God he does that in time
Now the jutsu is almost complete, you are almost at the final stage of your work and making the final moves, but the possibility of this being your death is real and Madara can’t let this happen while he’s watching
When he leaves his spot and grabs you in his arms, stopping you from completing the hand seals, you are frightened
You weren’t expecting to have company, and once you look in his eyes you understand everything
He has been watching you all this time, and maybe in the previous nights, ready to take action in case things get out of control
But things are under control right now, so why did he do that?, you ask yourself right before passing out with exhaustion
When you wake up, you notice you are back in your room. Each part of your body hurts and the morning light enters through the window. You can’t even think clearly
Only then you realize that the amount of chakra consumed by your jutsu was something abnormal (and that you should have paid more attention to that)
After falling asleep and waking up again, you finally manage to remember what happened that night: you were about to do something really irresponsible, but lucky you, Madara was there and stopped you
You look around and spot him entering the door with some medicine
At the exact moment your looks meet, he leaves the medicine aside and approaches you
He sits by your side and puts his palm on your forehead
“Fortunately, y/n, the fever diminished during the night. It is probably the effect of the treatment I’ve been applying to your bruises”
You don’t reply. You just nod with the energy you got
“Some of them will heal soon. Others are more serious”
How serious?, you want to ask
“Serious enough to keep you on this bed for the next days and not even think of performing any jutsu during this period” he says as if he just read your thoughts
There are many things you want to say, you want to ask, but you sense this is not the time
You two just exchange a look that says everything: you will talk about what happened when you’re recovered
Madara is a practical and organized man when he needs to be
He chooses a good medical ninja to examine you as the first measure and makes sure their instructions are being followed
However he prefers to do everything by himself
Not that you find it bad, though: he knows you better than anyone, so he knows how to take care of you
If you need to leave the bed for a moment (because lying all the day can be tiring too), he takes you out of the room at the right time. If you just want to stay quiet and alone in bed, he leaves you there
He seems to sense any minor discomfort you have and act to diminish it: a massage to cease the tiredness in your muscles, a lotion to the bruises that are still burning, stuff like this
Finally you are fully capable of leaving the bed and the house without help
You’re not getting back to work yet, but now you’re able to have the conversation about the incident
You tell him everything from the start: how the idea of the jutsu came out, your reasons to take it ahead, your measures to protect yourself and why you didn’t give up despite the risk of the technique
You also explain that no, you never noticed the failure responsible for the unbalanced chakra consumption that almost killed you. You only noticed that when you were under the treatment, and were willing to tell this to him
Madara listens to you without interrupting. Indeed, he seems interested in everything you have to tell about this jutsu
At the end of your explanation, you understand why
He says he has been observing your progress with the jutsu since the first night, when he found out about your project, and that he quickly noticed the failure in it
However, he didn’t want to interfere and were hoping that you would fix the failure soon, which you didn’t. And that’s why he stopped you from finishing the technique
Here you see the difference etween being with Madara and being with anyone else: somehow you’re not surprised to know that you’ve been followed, nor angry that he waited to stop you in a crucial point. Instead, you’re willing to know what he has in mind. You never think of the present; it’s always about the future
“Y/n, at first I was just moved by curiosity about your secret project, but the more I learned from it, the more I wanted to know. Now that you revealed the ideology behind it, not only I find this jutsu of yours impressive, but I believe it would be a mistake not to finish it”
You hold your breath. But you almost died because of this jutsu ???
He smiles, guessing your thoughts
“I will help you to fix the failure. And then you will try the jutsu on me”
He states that though he can understand the theory behind the jutsu, there are some details he can only check if he experiences it on himself
You can’t help smiling
Yes, it’s a practical solution for a big problem, but it also points out Madara’s level of self confidence and enthusiasm. The proposal sounds like something only he would do, and this is so funny
Yet it’s your only chance to save your technique and make all your hard work pay off, so you accept it and immediately start to make plans
Of course it will take some days until you can go to the first session because you’re still weak
But once you get better, you will start to work
When the day finally comes, you are nervous, but determined
The first thing Madara asks you is to perform the technique and be prepared, because he will stop it at the moment when the failure shows
He wants to understand where exactly is the problem
You do this a few times until he finds it
You make a pause and he explains the situation. You say you noticed the nature of the failure too, but couldn’t find a counteraction for it
Well, Madara has an idea, and he tells it to you
It involves changing one or two hand seals and alter the way you manage your chakra at same moment
You try again following these instructions. It’s not that easy, but you do your best
And to your joy, it works
You try other times, and soon your body memorizes the procedure
You write down new notes on your scroll and revise them with Madara
At the end of the day, you are tired, but feeling rewarded. You also apologize for not asking for his help before, even though you already told him you wanted to prove your own value by doing everything by yourself
He says you don’t need to apologize now that the jutsu is finally completed, and makes you promise that you will always try your new techniques on him from now on
You laugh hard at this and do your promise
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dropofgoldensun · 3 years
omg hiiiii i am here from cat (@luvdsc) wondering if you could offer any advice about college apps 🙏 especially about the uc piqs? thank you so much i hope ur doing well!!!!!!!!
yes yes hello friend !! 💝 miss cat directed you to me because i did my college apps last year !!! (yikes one year passed already?? why does that feel ages ago 🤧)
first of all, congratulations on making the decision to apply to college !! i know it’s been hard for a lot of people our age to figure out the college situation recently, so i’m proud of you for choosing to take the extra step this summer to buckle up and write those essays 💞
i’ve compiled a few tips on answering the PIQs (i was actually in the middle of typing this up when i received your ask haha), but some of them can be applied to other essays, as well !! they’re all under the cut (because, unfortunately, being brief is not my forte) 😊
(and for reference, the prompts i chose were #2 (creativity), #6 (subject), #7 (community), and #8 (anything) !!)
tip #1: understand the prompt.
before you even begin writing, it’s important to understand what the question is really asking. for the UC PIQs, this will look different depending on which four prompts you decide to do.
in question one, for example, they want to know about your skills in leading others, but notice that they’re also curious about your resolution abilities and teamwork experience. or in question two, they don’t want to know that you paint and that you love painting—they could be asking how resourceful you are, how you think outside the box when you have an idea.
once you know the question you’re going to be answering, you can move on to brainstorming!
tip #2: write down three (3) key takeaways.
these are like the most basic, not-even-a-sentence answers you would give to each question. so for me, in response to question eight (“what do you believe makes you stand out as a strong candidate for the UCs?”), my answers were perseverance, courage, and character. i had a story about that, so i wrote about my experience with martial arts.
i recommend you do something similar. decide on three things that you want to communicate to your audience, and write them in the footnote of your document. your goal is to cover all three points so that, if anyone were to read your essay, they would walk away understanding those three things about you.
i found this strategy really helpful for keeping my essay streamlined while writing—if a sentence didn’t relate to any of those main points, i would cut it since those words would take up valuable space in the word count. stay focused on what needs to be in this essay, and if you have extra words left in the word count later, you can add those details back in.
and once you’re done with your essay, make sure to refer back to your takeaways and check that you covered all of them sufficiently!
tip #3: highlight your stories.
i sent cat an ask a couple days ago with a few pictures of my response to an end-of-year college counseling survey that referenced this tip (you can find it here). basically i said that, when choosing what topics to write about, pick things that interest you! if you get excited talking about it, your audience should get excited about reading it, because they’ll pick up on the passions you have and then everyone’s excited !!! :D
i’ll tell you a secret: everyone you meet, everyone you see, has countless unique experiences that few others may have. me? i spend hours making mashups out of kpop songs. i earned my black belt years after a traumatizing experience during training. i get russian harry potter and spanish dr. seuss books from the library. and i created a collaborative online google photos album for my classmates that now has thousands of entries. although these aren’t necessarily unique to only me, they’re still special enough to the point where, when you put them all together, you get a better image of the person i am, and what i value.
so find a story, a habit, a hobby that makes you different, because i believe that everyone has them. give them some food for thought, or that one-liner that sticks in their brain and won’t go away. and remember: these stories don’t all have to be extraordinary—they should be about people or moments of special value to you, because that’s what matters.
personal tip: when i was brainstorming ideas, i decided that the best way to get ideas out there was to go on a rant (because sometimes it helps to just have a conversation with yourself !!) and i recorded myself, so i could replay what i said !! this was so so crucial to me finding my own voice for writing essays. notice the way you word things when you talk—a good line or two may make it into the final draft :)
i found it helpful to read sample essays as well! they give a lot of great ideas on the kinds of topics people write about. (also, it’s kind of fun, because who doesn’t love a good story?)
but the people reading your essay won’t be there to just enjoy your story; what they really want you to do is to tell them what you learned from your experience. they want to know whether you’re teachable and willing to grow both as a student and as a young adult. so make sure to take note of the life lessons you learned, experience you gained, character you built, etc.
minor tip on ending your essay: if you’re telling a story that happened in the past, then close with what you learned and how you can apply that to your life moving forward. if you’re telling a story that has no definite end yet (like a passion or dream you have), you probably don’t have everything figured out (and you can say that in your essay!), so it might be better to close with your hopes for the future.
tip #4: ask your family for help.
peer-editing is one of the most effective ways to detect errors and inconsistencies in your writing, because, after staring at your essay for so long, you might gloss over glaring contradictions. for all of my essays, i printed them out and asked my parents to help me revise them. we’d meet every other night (or every night, depending on how much time was left) to review and discuss improvements.
i actually kept some of those printed drafts (only the first and the final ones for comparison), and let me tell you from experience—you’re probably going to have a lot of drafts (i think the most i did was seven? but you don’t need to go that far!). this part of the process does take some time, so remember to be patient and kind to yourself :) these essays won’t happen overnight!
enlisting the help of others also helps keep you accountable. one of the struggles many seniors face while writing essays is just... setting aside time to do them. and even though the constant reminders from your parents will definitely get repetitive and a bit stress-inducing, i can tell you from personal experience that i’m so glad they did; otherwise, i don’t think i’d have my essays done in time :’)
while writing college essays is challenging, your family will be there supporting you each step of the way. chances are that they’ll have their own pointers to pass on to you, since they probably remember doing this process themselves! and, out of everyone in your life, they probably remember the most about you (because you probably don’t remember much when you were four or five), so they might have a couple starter ideas for topics when brainstorming. you can rely on them for their advice and their experience.
tip #5: self-editing.
here’s the part that takes the longest time.
use action words. this is probably something you’ve heard all throughout elementary school where they didn’t like you to say “said” because it was “boring”… but honestly, the difference between “doing my own version” and “infusing it with my personality” could go a long way. also, use words that you would actually use in an essay—then it’ll have your own special flair, and not sound like it’s taken from some stuffy 80s textbook!
here are some of the words i used (once again, you shouldn’t use these words if they don’t sound like something you’d write/say): potential, overlay, wrestle, launch, analogous, weave, infuse, experiment, outlet, revel, fascinate, satisfaction, pursue, expand, distinction, capture, range, archive, engage, beyond, build, adversity, cultivate, preserve, commit, explore, convey, naturally
also, be on the lookout for repeated words. i once wrote an essay without noticing that i used “hope” three times in the same paragraph. don’t do that! use synonyms :) personally, i tended to run short on synonyms, so i always kept a tab or two open on my computer reserved for searching up new words.
side note: unfortunately, during my search for synonyms, i discovered that thesaurus.com just didn’t give me what i was looking for. i highly recommend using wordhippo instead; it has so many more options and they’re grouped by the different definitions of your word! i found the synonyms i needed really quickly and it was very satisfying!
avoid the passive voice! my teacher gave me this tip for theses or any other college-level writing. here’s an example of the passive voice: “there was a large part of me that wanted to turn back.” that’s twelve words taking up precious space in your word count! instead, say something like, “i considered turning back.” you’ve just freed up eight words :)
tip #6: final revisions.
this is the step where you fine-tune your essays. meet that word count.
read your writing out loud. does it sound like you? it should. every writer has a different voice, and you need to ensure that yours is pervasive throughout your essay. feel free to use contractions—not only do they reduce your word count (this was a good thing for me, since i had a problem with getting under 350 words), but they also give a more casual tone to your essay, as if you’re telling a story to someone in the room.
next, pretend to be an admissions officer and have someone else read your essay to you. do you get excited hearing about this student who shares your name? if you do, there’s a good chance the real admissions officers will love your essays, too. this also gives you a chance to review to your essay as a whole. pay attention to the overall flow. is there a clear beginning and end? do you resolve the issues and overcome the trials you brought up? listen to it as if it’s a story, and take this time to enjoy what you’ve written. you worked hard!
final thoughts / encouragements.
oh my goodness, did we make it to the end? honestly if you did, thank you so much 🥺
okay but despite my relatively optimistic tone throughout this post, i’m still going to be honest with you—the college essay writing process is difficult. it requires you to look inside yourself and analyze the “why” behind some of the things that you love, and that isn’t easy to do at all. it’s intellectually and emotionally challenging, because not only do you need to use so much energy writing, but you also have to dig deeper to understand yourself, and that’s not easy, either.
but i wanted to encourage you, too. no matter what you may think of yourself at 12am, 2am, 4am writing these essays, believe you have a personality that others love and will love when they meet you. you are an interesting person with unique experiences who deserves to share your thoughts with others. you have so many people behind you, supporting you during these next few months. and when you find that you can’t write any more, remember to take time to care for yourself. have a warm shower. go to bed early. i could go on and on about why sleep is good for your brain but i’ll spare you the details in this post 😉
one last thing: keep the bigger picture in focus. remember, by december or january, you will be finished with most of the application process. that’s no small accomplishment. you can do it. 💝
i really hope you found tips that you were looking for, and that they’re applicable to your own PIQs and other essays !! if you have any other questions, feel free to send in another ask (i promise my response won’t be this lengthy LOL) 💘💓
oh, and if you feel comfortable enough reaching out about anything in particular, i’m only a DM away 💕 i wish you the best of luck on writing your essays and i hope you enjoy your final year of high school !! 💗🌸💟💖
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joontier · 4 years
mile high memoirs | oneshot
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synopsis: you and the two other rappers of the global sensation BTS make a collaboration of sorts 
pairings: namgi (namjoon and yoongi) x reader
rating: R (18+)
genre: fluff, humor, smut | au: idol! au; established relationship! au
warnings: pwp basically hnngnhng; and yes sex on a private jet bc why tf not ; cunnilingus, oral sex (m and f receiving), cum swallowing, dom! Yoongi undertones, threesome, double penetration, anal sex, multiple orgasms; i have nothing else to say at this point except im dragging yall with me to thirst hours
word count: 5.9k
g/n: NAMGI NATION RISE!!!!!! anywho, this is a lovely gift for @mintseesaw​ for being an awesomesauce person in general and yes, we’re thirsting for the same men bUT SHE WONT SHARE HNGNNNG SO I’VE WRITTEN THIS INSTEAD (in the hopes that this might satiate my obviously unquenchable thirst for the hyung line!?/1!?!?) ALSO THIS IS HEAVILY UNEDITED KJFSKDJFSDJF please let me know what you think! x
between the lenses navi. |  navi. | m.list
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“_________! Please look this way!”
“How do you feel about New Day becoming the number one streamed song in more than forty countries after being released just last week?”
“Is it true that you’re in a relationship with BTS’ Suga? Or RM? Or are the three of you engaged in a polyamorous relationship?”
The last one catches you off guard and you look away from the cameras to hide the amusement on your face. The last thing you need is people speculating about your personal life once they see your reaction to their questions, so you continue on your way to immigration, face down and expressionless.
If you were being completely honest, there was always a crowd that came with you when you had schedules overseas, fans and paparazzi huddled together as they took pictures of you. But today was different, especially considering the fact that you were also at Gimpo, and not Incheon.
With Gimpo, a significantly less busier airport than Incheon, you had only anticipated a smaller crowd but you seemed to have forgotten that you were scheduled to fly with two of the rappers of BTS to Amsterdam today to film the music video for your collaboration, “New Day”.
Upon your arrival, a throng of security guards placed themselves as barricades to bar the large group of people from crowding the hallways. Your team successfully weaves your way through the massive crowd and arrives safely by the immigration.
You soon see your boyfriend lounging by the private boarding area, and Yoongi immediately stands to greet you. You place a quick peck on his lips when you meet. Namjoon stands to greet you as well and you turn to the younger man to give him a huge hug. “It’s been a while since I saw you Joonie!” The tall rapper gets shy at your nickname, dimples peeking as he looks down.
“It must have been wild out there,” Yoongi says, giving you a once over as he checks if you got hurt or injured on the way to the boarding area. You coo at your boyfriend, face crumpling at his concern even after years of being in a relationship. Nuzzling your head onto the crook of his neck, you inhale the wonderful scent of the perfume you’d gave him when you came back from your US tour.
“Yeah it was! Honestly whenever I leave Korea, the amount of people who’d send me off isn’t even half of the crowd out there – and that’s already in Incheon! Not Gimpo! I always seem to forget that you guys are worldwide superstars!” Yoongi just laughs at your observation, shaking his head at you as he offers his iced Americano. 
Unbeknownst to those outside your private lives, you had initially met Yoongi pre-debut. You used to attend the same school back in Daegu and fun fact: you were the same ex-girlfriend he’d composed a letter for during high school and sent the same to a radio station to have it aired.
You had both met at a tender age, and admittedly, there were a few petty reasons for your break-up, but one of them was because you both wanted to pursue a career in music, and with the kpop industry not exactly big on the idols dating, you had decided to remain friends, for the time being.
It was Yoongi who contacted you first when you debuted in late 2012, and as you caught on with your lives, sharing similar stories during your trainee days, he’d also asked you to anticipate their debut in a few months’ time as well.
True to his word, their group debuted the following year in June, and you had sent congratulatory flowers to BigHit, praising them for their powerful stages and a very promising career. You and Yoongi had kept in touch ever since. Nothing wrong about rekindling an old flame, right?
Funny enough, dating under the radar seemed to have fallen naturally for the two of you as you both prefer staying indoors and improvising dates rather than having to go out and risk getting caught by the media. Besides, it would have been easier just in case things got a little bit heated. Which happened most of the time. In your defense though, being able to meet at least once a week was already a blessing – so occurrences like that were bound to happen…
One day while you were trying to work out this melody for a song you composed, Yoongi sat next to you and pulled you on his lap as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “Why don’t I help you with that love?” He lets you rest your back on his chest as his fingers fluidly move against the piano keys. Genuinely satisfied with what he played for you, you placed a kiss on his cheek as a token of your gratitude. “Thanks, Suga PDnim.”
“Speaking of that… do you want to have a collab – you and me?” You look at him, expectantly, mouth slightly open at surprise of his proposal. Truthfully, you had thought about that even before you actually got back in to a relationship, but you could never really bring the subject up because he always seemed so busy and you didn’t want to burden him any further by asking for extra work.
And that’s what you told him, but your boyfriend only laughed at you, intertwining his hands with yours on the piano. “Baby, I would’ve dropped all the other collaborations if you had just said the word.”
You were beyond elated, and honored, and when Namjoon came in to check on Yoongi, the latter asked if he had any opinion on a collaboration between Yoongi and you. Your boyfriend even convinced the younger rapper to get involved in the track. With the blessing of Bang PDnim, you’re finally here, scheduled to travel overseas to film the music video for the track the three of you had worked on which went global in mere hours, thanks to the very talented men you got the chance to work with.
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You take out your camera from your bag to film a little, just in case you’ll get to release a ‘behind-the-scenes’ vlog for your collaboration. You make an attempt to film Yoongi who’s half-awake but all to no avail. Namjoon gladly offers some screen time for your video. The younger rapper laughs shyly when you squeal in excitement asking him for a few words about your collaboration. Namjoon does so like a professional: telling the camera where you’re headed off to today, thanking the fans for their never-ending support, and wishing them to anticipate the upcoming music video. 
It doesn’t take long before someone tells the lot that your plane is ready to board, so you wake a dazed Yoongi and bid goodbye to the rest of the staff who were taking a separate flight to your destination. 
Ever the hardworking idol, Yoongi decides to make some revisions on a song he’s working on while you take this time to finally finish a book Namjoon himself recommended a while back. You don’t notice the hours that have passed by when you check the window, and it’s already pitch-black outside, save the occasional gray because of the clouds.
Unbuckling your seatbelt, you head over to the lavatory to relieve your bladder. On your way back to your seat, you glance Namjoon’s way and see the flesh-colored screen your eyes getting glued to the screen watching two men pound a girl into the mattress. You get drawn back to reality because of some minor turbulence and you quickly avert your eyes from the screen.
“Babe, Joonie’s watching porn,” you whisper as you get to your seat, snuggling into your warm blanket. “And who told my girlfriend it was right to snoop into other people’s preferential pastimes?”  
You roll your eyes at him, “It’s not like I purposely watched what was on his screen! Just in case you needed the facts, he was seated with his back facing me, so it’s just natural that I’d get a glimpse of whatever ‘preferential pastime’ it is that you he was doing on his phone! It’s not my fault he didn’t dim the brightness if he truly wanted to watch it privately- “
“You didn’t need to go off, babe,” Yoongi laughs, placing a kiss on your head. “Should we head to bed now? I wanna sleep…and cuddle. Sleep, really, but since you’re here, I guess we could cuddle.”
“You make it sound like it’s a chore!”
Yoongi gives your indignance no attention, just tugging you up from your seat towards the bedroom. “Joon, we’re going to go to sleep now. You should go do the same soon.”
Namjoon’s lips part to reply, but Yoongi beats him to it. “And don’t even think about attempting to sleep in that seat. There are two beds back there for a reason. _______ and I will just share one. Feel free to take the other.” A small smile graces the younger man’s face in gratitude, nodding his head as he wishes you both a good night’s sleep.
Of course, life is bittersweet – so even with an insanely comfy bed and your boyfriend beside you to snuggle freely – a good night’s sleep is the last thing you get. Restlessly turning to lie on your back for what seems to be the hundredth time tonight, you heave a sigh as you stare at the jet’s ceiling. Must’ve been the iced Americano you shared with Yoongi before you boarded. Damn him and his triple-shot Americano.
Namjoon enters the room and notices your state of restlessness. “Can’t sleep?”
“Sort of.”
“There’s warm milk by the galley if you want some.”
“I’m too lazy to get up…”
Namjoon chortles, finding it’s moments like these that remind him of your likeness to Yoongi. “I can get you some if you want?” Namjoon offers, already turning to leave the room but you grab his arm, stopping him from doing so.
“No, please! You really don’t need to. I know I’ll be able to sleep in a few more minutes….”
“The average person falls asleep in twenty, and you and Yoongi hyung came here about an hour ago,” Namjoon points out. Giving him a blank stare, you reply, “Why don’t you head to bed and rest? We’ve still got a long day tomorrow.”
“Okay. Good night, noona.”
“Night Joonie.”
You have proven all of Google’s methods of falling asleep faster to be false. Warm milk, the 4-7-8 breathing method, relaxing music, even counting sheep in vain. You’d even tried working on your vlog to Amsterdam (that you probably aren’t even going to release), giving up when you couldn’t make out Yoongi’s slurred speech when you tried to interview him while he was napping (you don’t know why you even bothered at this point, but you probably thought it was funny earlier this afternoon).
Nada. Nothing was working, not when you’ve still got three shots of espresso coursing through your veins.
There was only one way left and you had a feeling that this was going to definitely knock you out. You need to get exhausted, and the only idea left is sitting cross-legged at the back of your head, blowing a huge bubble with her gum as she files her nails. She looks at you with taunting eyes. You glance over to Namjoon’s bed, analyzing his features to see if he had gone to sleep already or not. A light snore that escapes his lips assures you so.
Letting out another exhale, you turn to face Yoongi on your left, studying his features. Your boyfriend wakes when your lips graze his cheek as you place a light kiss on his milky skin. One eye pries open to peer at you. “Babe, what are you doing?” His groggy voice shouldn’t have appealed to you as strongly as it did now, but your desperation to get some sleep had seemed to travel south.
“Just kissing my beautiful boyfriend,” you shrug innocently, fighting the teasing lilt in your voice when you see the corner of his lips rise at your sudden compliment. “You don’t fool me, Miss _____, Billboard’s Top Female Solo Artist of the Year, MAMA’s Best Rap Performance, Golden Disc Awards’ Best…”
“Okay, okay, you got me.” You giggle as Yoongi pulls you closer to meet your lips in a chaste kiss. “What’s wrong princess?” You state the obvious, pointing to your eyes which now probably had bags under them. “Can’t sleep,” you pout, slipping your hand underneath his shirt to give him a back rub as you snuggle to his chest.
“And what do you suppose we are to do about it?” Yoongi asks, chest rumbling as he speaks. You take your bottom lip between your teeth as you look up at him expectantly, giving him a knowing look.
Yoongi looks at you incredulously, the lack of rest still visible in his features. You instantly look away, guilt spreading across your chest. You internally scold yourself as you had to wake up your boyfriend for selfish reasons. Your boyfriend senses your sudden hesitance and places a finger under your chin, ordering you to look at him. “Hey, hey, look at me darling. Right here, right now? I’m gonna be honest with you, I don’t have the energy to-“
“Doesn’t matter, I’ll do all the work.”
“And Namjoon, who’s just a mere meter away?” His pitch lowers, voice now barely above a whisper. You nod shyly and Yoongi’s eyes darken at your unspoken offer.
“You’re a naughty little slut, aren’t you?” Yoongi hisses, placing his hands on your waist and lifting you easily to have your sit on his thighs, just below his crotch. “Wanting to fuck on a plane, while another member is sleeping right beside us?”
Placing your hands on Yoongi’s chest for support, you move your hips forward, grinding your crotch against your boyfriend’s. Yoongi pulls you forward by your arms, just enough that your face is merely centimeters away from him. Wasting no time, he presses his lips against yours, darting his tongue out to deepen the kiss. He expresses his desire to help you with your dilemma by thrusting upwards gently to join your gyrating hips.
You peek sideways to check on Namjoon and breathe a sigh of relief when he finally turns to the other side, back facing the both of you. 
You hastily discard your top and your bra in desperation, hands roaming all over your torso and eventually letting them end at your chest, fondling with your breasts and tweaking your nipples between your fingers. Not satisfied with your own ministrations, you guide Yoongi’s hands to your breasts, letting him squeeze them as he pleases beneath his open palms.
“God, you’re so fucking hot,” Yoongi murmurs, bending his knees to push himself upwards to make himself more comfortable. Yoongi quickly attaches his moist lips to one of your breasts, sucking at the supple flesh. You grind heavier against him in response and Yoongi takes this as an opportunity to fist a handful of your hair and tug sharply, baring your neck to him. 
You barely manage to hold in your whimpers when he sucks on a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, definitely leaving a purplish mark there that you’ll eventually have to cover up with foundation. Nothing you’ve never done before. “Remember that short dress you wore on stage last week with that dangerous cleavage?” You nod shakily, remembering the way Yoongi tried hard to not stare at you too long as one of his fansites might catch onto something. 
“Guess what baby? It’s payback time.” 
“For what?” You flutter your eyes innocently at him and you suddenly feel the temperature rise a few degrees with Yoongi’s intense stare. 
“You knew exactly what you were doing that night, naughty little tease.” Okay, maybe you did, and maybe you bit your lip in front of the camera at the exact moment you knew he was looking. Needless to say, he avoided your eyes for the rest of the evening during that particular awards show. 
He thrusts up harshly, his clothed hard-on grinding deliciously against your likewise covered cunt. “Mhmm, Yoongs… I- I wanna…” You don’t find the need to say anything else, just one look at the bulge inside his sweatpants was enough for him to understand.
“Yes please.” Yoongi sighs in contentment, raising his hips to help you remove his clothes. You include his boxers as you take his sweatpants off, cock slapping against his stomach as it springs free from the confines of his underwear.
Giggling excitedly, you hide beneath the covers, fitting yourself snugly between Yoongi’s legs. You take your time as you stare at his dick, long and girthy and curved just the right amount – always a tight fit inside your walls. You couldn’t wait for later when he’ll let you impale yourself on his cock as you ride him – the vivid picture makes you even wetter.
Building up his anticipation, you start placing kisses from his happy trail down to his groin, kneading his balls gently while you’re at it. Finding it difficult to communicate his feelings is one trait of Yoongi that definitely has its pros and cons. For one, people actually think Yoongi doesn’t care for others but it’s actually the complete opposite, but along with this, he gives the most genuine reactions, one which you are thankful for, especially during times like these.
Yoongi’s pretty responsive, and vocal at times when he’s really in the mood, and when you tentatively flick your tongue against his frenulum, the instantaneous quiver of Yoongi’s body has you reveling, giving yourself an imaginary pat on the back.
Momentarily leaving his red, angry shaft, you gently take his balls in your mouth, sucking on it, and gently massaging it with your tongue. “Quit the teasing, _______.” Being the good, obedient girl that you are, you comply immediately, paying attention to his dick this time.
You see his abdominals contract when you finally take him in your mouth, veiny hands grabbing at your temple to fist a handful of your hair. Inch by inch, you let his cock sink into your mouth, swallowing when he reaches the back of your throat. Yoongi hisses at the sensation, cursing to a throw pillow he’d taken from the seats.
Not wanting to agonize him any longer, you get to a pleasurable pace, bobbing your head up and down his length. Yoongi’s chest starts heaving and his grip on your hair tightens – the tell-tale signs of his impending orgasm. “Shit, baby…” Your boyfriend warns you that he’s about to cum, and you pull back a little, just to feel him release ropes of his cum inside your mouth.
Yoongi beckons you closer, weakly pulling at your arms to have you lie on his chest. He’s still panting when you get closer, “You, darling, are perfection personified.”
Slapping his chest lightly in jest, you reply, “You’re only saying that because I just gave you the best blowjob of your life.” Yoongi pulls his head back, facial features exaggeratedly contorted to fake being offended. “Okay first of all, you always do. And second, do you want me to get sappy and make a list what makes you the perfect woman ever?” He asks, letting two of his fingers dance on the bare skin of your belly, eventually leading southwards, “Or…I could just show you how much you mean to me by doing something else? Something you and I will both enjoy, hmm?”
Expressing your approval with a hum, Yoongi wastes no time, meeting your lips in a feverish kiss. Gasping at the sensation of his wet lips trailing all the way from your cheek, down to your jaw then your collarbones and onto the valley of your breasts, you squirm impatiently underneath your boyfriend.
“Patience, darling,” Yoongi chuckles, sending you a flirty wink as he gets down on you, teasingly pulling at the waistband of your shorts before removing them. His gaze darkens when he notices your underwear choice – a lacy red thong just for him. You’ve meant to have him remove it from you once you reach the hotel in Amsterdam, but doing it in a jet seems just as hot.
When he gets the thong off of you, he quickly pockets it inside his discarded sweatpants by the end of the bed. Getting back to his task at hand, you’re unable to control the gasp that escapes your lips when Yoongi brazenly flattens his tongue on your bare core.
Keeping your folds open with two fingers, he curls his tongue around your clit, thighs subconsciously squeezing his head in between because of the stimulation. With one hand, he keeps your legs spread open for him. Alternating between your clit and your entrance, Yoongi makes sure not a single region of your core is left out.
Wanting to put your limits to the test, your boyfriend tentatively slides a finger against your folds, the coldness of your couple ring on his digit making you quiver to the bone. He slowly slides a finger in, prepping your hole for what’s to come. You plead for one more, fully aware that your greedy little pussy isn’t contented with one. Yoongi complies with your request at once, pumping his digits inside of you and occasionally curling them inside. That familiar coil inside you tightens with every second, and with one particular curl of his digit and his mouth on your clit, you reach your high.
Your body trembles with the intensity of your orgasm, and Yoongi won’t stop just yet, still licking long stripes on your cunt. Your boyfriend stops abruptly and rises, resting all his weight on his arms as he crawls forward and lowers himself to whisper something in your ear. “He’s awake. You want me to do something about it?” 
Legs closing subconsciously while in thought, Yoongi gives you a few choices to ponder on. “We could pretend he’s not awake and get done with this, or…” Yoongi looks at you, carefully studying your facial reaction, “we could have another collaboration of some sort…” 
“It’s really up to you baby, I’m honestly okay with both.” 
You raise your eyebrows at his statement, never really taking Yoongi as the type to explore your deepest sexual fantasies. But then again, Yoongi has always been one to support you in everything, even with your kinks. Maybe the idea didn't surprise you as much as it should have considering the level of trust that came with living with someone for almost ten years already. 
Yoongi gently falls to your side for a moment as he lets you decide. “You know, Namjoon used to have a crush on you,” your boyfriend informs, twirling a loose strand of your hair around his finger. Now that was a surprise. “He did?” 
“Mhmm. At one point, he even had you as his phone wallpaper when you released your second single.” 
“Oh really?” 
“Yeah, I really don’t mind if you wanted to indulge him, you know, as an early birthday present? We actually had this kind of conversation a few years back and honestly, we’re both willing to try a threesome… what better way to do it with a person you trust right?” 
The bluntness of his words catches you off guard - several trains of thoughts scattered throughout your brain. Namjoon had a crush on you? Birthday present? Threesome? How did you even get in this situation in the first place? Yoongi shifts a little as you continue contemplating, then you take notice of Yoongi’s bare lower half, cock still stiff and upright. Shit! 
“You’re still hard,” you comment lamely, staring at his dick. “I know, and I’d greatly appreciate it if you tell me your decision quickly…” 
You look at him again, checking if there is the slightest hint of uncertainty in his eyes. When you see none, you ask him again, “You’re really sure you’re okay with that?” 
“Of course, as long as you’re comfortable with the idea. Honestly, I’m willing to have it any way because we still have a very pressing problem,” Yoongi points to his crotch, “and honestly, I think Namjoon is too. There’s nothing more that can turn a man on other than a woman’s moans,” he shrugs. 
You want to laugh at Yoongi being totally nonchalant about this whole situation, but if you’d listen to your gut feeling, you’re sensing it’s Yoongi’s outstanding self-control that has him so calm and collected about this proposal. 
Once you tell your boyfriend of your approval, he calls Namjoon at once. When the younger man won’t budge, you look at Yoongi who just shakes his head at you with a playful smirk on his face. He points at you then back to Namjoon, gesturing you to do the talking. 
You gulp before saying a short plea to the heavens above. Surely, they’re bound to hear you better since you’re already in the sky right? “Joonie, darling, it’s okay to look. We don’t mind.” You cringe at the tone of your voice, surprised at how convincing you sounded while you were having an inner turmoil. 
When you see Namjoon’s head raise a little, you subconsciously bite your lip in anticipation. Wanting nothing more than to see what he has to say about this. Yoongi probably senses his hesitation so he starts to speak, “It’s okay, she’s covered with a blanket.”
“But you’re not!” Yoongi juts his head forward, a grim look on his face. “As if you haven’t seen me naked before!” 
“That’s different! T-This is a completely different situation.” 
“Listen to me you kinky ass motherfucker, I just know you’re hard. I am too, and you know damn well it’s painful and uncomfortable. So, unless you want me to fuck her while you’re watching or pretending to be asleep, I suggest you take your clothes off and come here.” 
“Are you both sure you’re okay with this?” 
“Didn’t you just hear our conversation a while ago? I mean your bed is just a meter away.” 
“I know, I heard,” Namjoon says, hands already at the hem of his hoodie, then instantaneously looks at the older one dead in the eye, “But, hyung, did you really have to call me out like that?! The whole crush thing and the wallpaper - jeez!” 
Namjoon takes his phone out of his hoodie first, placing it by the window, then removing the rest of the clothes he has on quickly under your heated gaze.
“Try having a conversation while you’re hard,” Yoongi mutters, rolling his eyes. Yoongi scoots closer to you when Namjoon moves forward, standing with only his boxers left on. Your mouth waters at the outline of his straining bulge while Yoongi clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
“Why don't you show your Joonie what that mouth can do?” 
The tall man makes a sound between a cough and a groan, and you lie on your stomach, crawling a little bit closer to come face to face with Namjoon’s crotch. You just know he’s longer than Yoongi judging from what you’re seeing, but Yoongi’s definitely girthier and fuck - the thought alone is enough for you to come undone, completely untouched. 
Namjoon shivers lightly when you trace a finger along the length of his boner, placing a light kiss atop his cloth boxers. Impatiently, you hook a finger on the waistband of his Versace boxers. Holy fuck - you send another prayer to their hard stans, wishing them an equally intense life inside the bedroom.
His cock springs free, and you scoot closer, wanting to have a better look at his pretty dick. You get into action quickly, hand wrapping around the base of his cock. You place a kiss on the leaking head, before licking a wet stripe along the length of his shaft. 
You get more confident when Namjoon inhales sharply at the simple action. A few more licks and you decide to finally take him in his mouth, gradually moving lower until you have at least a third of him in your mouth. Namjoon sighs, fingers carding through your hair as you pull your mouth off him with a pop. Once more, you sink down, shallow and easy as you tease the younger man. 
The grip on your hair eventually tightens, goading you on and encouraging you to go deeper. Namjoon becomes more vocal when you pick up the pace, and when you go down all the way to the hilt, you pause for a moment, then swallow. “Holy fuck!” Namjoon cries out, head lolling backwards in pleasure. “God, I wish I had a girlfriend too.” Yoongi chuckles from behind you and you almost forgot he was there too with Namjoon’s pretty length keeping you preoccupied. 
Yoongi praises you and calls you a good girl. Beaming at your boyfriend, he tells you to continue giving Namjoon the blow of his life. Under Yoongi’s compliments, you work harder, ignoring the slight burn in your jaw. Namjoon starts bucking his hips, desperately chasing his high in your mouth. As you feel that coil slowly forming in the pit of your stomach, you gather some of the blankets between your thighs, bunching them up against your cunt so you have something to shamelessly grind your folds with. 
Namjoon’s breathing gets strained, and you feel a tap on your leg, causing you to momentarily stop with Namjoon. Yoongi says nothing as he tells you to flip over. Settling your weight on your elbows, you watch Yoongi hand Namjoon a silver packet. “You really think you won’t get caught wetting the sheets babe? You’re not the only who gets to have fun here.” 
He peppers a few kisses on your things before placing a hand between, spreading your legs open. “What are you waiting for, princess? Wanna leave Namjoon hanging just like that?” Unsure of what he has in mind, Namjoon helps you guide his shaft back to your mouth. As Namjoon returns to a rhythmic pace inside your mouth, you feel Yoongi settling himself between your legs. Good lord, was this really about to happen? 
Your back arches when Yoongi starts with light vertical licks from the bottom to top. You feel his hand trail upwards, gently caressing your breasts. You’re mewling by the time Namjoon increases his pace, and Yoongi starts and toying with your clit mercilessly. 
The feeling gets too much when Yoongi sucks on your nether bud, then proceeds to tease your rim a little, using your essence to slowly ease a ringed finger inside your hole. Namjoon hisses with your every moan, the vibrations coming from your throat an added blessing to having fucked your mouth. 
From your view, you see Namjoon’s balls tighten and seconds later thick ropes of cum slide down your throat and you swallow before pulling back and licking your lips. Not wanting to be left out of the fun, Yoongi, once more, asserts his dominance, ordering you to get on your knees. 
You feel your heart hammering against your ribcage in exhilaration, secretly hoping that this will finally be the day your deepest fantasies will come to life. Yoongi scoots over a little to lie horizontally on the bed. He calls you over, index finger curved like a hook to beckon you to ride him.  
You move over to him in shaky legs, hooking a leg over his body to straddle his hips. “No, no, not facing me…” Yoongi waves his hand as he helps you up. “Facing him,” your boyfriend points to Namjoon whose mouth falls open in shock. Yoongi rips a packet open and rolls a condom onto his shaft.
“Hyung…” This was plain torture.
“I thought this was supposed to be an early birthday present for me?” Namjoon mumbles, scratching his neck with the small silver packaging between his fingers. “I know. But great things never came easy right?” Namjoon visibly deflates at the older rapper’s words. He had a point yes, but some points weren’t supposed to be applicable to all fields of life…
Not wanting to prolong your waiting any longer, you lower yourself onto Yoongi’s cock, inch by inch until he’s fully seated inside your warm, velvety walls. Your head falls back at the feeling of his cock inside you. Every time feels like the first.
Once you feel you’ve adjusted enough to Yoongi, you stabilize yourself on Yoongi’s thighs, sliding up until it’s only his head left inside before sliding back down. Your thighs get tired after a while, and Yoongi helps you by gripping your hips and thrusting upwards. As you move up and down and grind back and forth in circles, Yoongi calls Namjoon over just before you reach another climax.
“It’s about time you join the fun here, no? Joonie?” Yoongi playfully mocks the taller man, using your nickname for Namjoon to rile him up even further. You whine when Yoongi pulls out for a moment, closing your eyes as he places a quick kiss on your shoulder 
You hear the ripping of a packaging and as you open your eyes, you see Namjoon near you until his thighs are hitting the edge of the bed. You let out a wanton moan when you feel Yoongi prodding his cock against your other hole, shallowly dipping the head in then pulling out. He repeats the action until he deems you’re ready, the slowly lowers you down onto his length.
“Namjoon…” Yoongi says breathily, having difficulty with his self-control with your rim having a vice-like grip on his cock. The other man in front of you doesn’t need to be told twice, slapping his dick against your folds. The action sends lewd sounds resonating throughout the small room, which only sends a jolt of pleasure down your spine.
Namjoon rests one of his knees on the bed, lowering himself onto your cunt. “Noona, you’re so wet. Fuck… I could just…” Namjoon finally pushes himself inside, “easily slide right in…” he lets out a deep exhale once he’s balls deep inside you.
You’re not doing any better than any of the men, thinking you could just orgasm from the fullness alone. And much to your surprise, you do. And both men keep their hands on you as you tremble like a falling leaf in autumn. “Holy shit!” Namjoon explains, staring at you with his mouth open. Once you stop quivering, they both ask you if you were still okay, and you take a breather before answering them, “I’m good. Just… nothing great ever came easy, right?”
You can practically feel Yoongi smiling from behind you. “That’s my girl.”
“Can I?” Namjoon asks, looking down to where your bodies are connected. You nod once, and Namjoon and your boyfriend start thrusting into you alternately. It doesn’t take long before you reach your climax again, with a ton of help from Namjoon who toys with your clit while snapping his hips into you.
They reach their orgasms not long afterwards. You let them ride out their highs until their cocks gradually turn softer inside you. Feeling spent and immensely satiated, you fall over to Yoongi’s side, falling asleep in mere seconds.
The two rappers collapse onto the bed, but sit abruptly sit upright when they hear a very familiar voice coming from Namjoon’s phone. “Fucking hell! That was the hottest shit ever!” Hoseok exclaims from the screen.
“You called him?!” Yoongi asks, hitting Namjoon’s forearm. “No! I- I must’ve contacted him while I put my phone there…crap.” Namjoon looked completely bewildered.
“Hyung, can I come to Amsterdam too? Please?!”
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© hhyungz 2020
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pastaaa-bird · 3 years
Day 4:historical
Oh warning for very minor swearing(only happens three times) but other then that there is nothing inappropriate and also there is implied period typical homophobia in this
Summary: An 80s human AU where a stressed out Chiara (nyo Romano) is saved from going crazy by a hero(Amelia aka nyo America)
Basically this is just fluff, fluff and more fluff
Chiara Vargas was a second a way from flipping her desk and raging down the halls, or at least she would be if she had not possessed just enough self control to hold back on the urge.
“Fuck fuck fuck….” Chiara muttered, the sound coming out muffled from her face being squished against her desk in failure.
“OH, CHIARA” came a high pitch voice down stairs.
Reluctantly she lifted her head to the sound.
“WHAT?I'M BUSY”,she yelled back, mentally cursing her brother for disturbing her sulking.
After managing to hold back a bitter protest she stood up then stormed down stairs.
“This better be worth my time, Feli or l swear to Dio l’ll-",
Chiara came to a halt once she saw the girl beside Feliciano.
“Hey!” a cheerful voice as usual from the smiling blonde with pink sunglasses in her hair, dressed in her demine shorts,  red t-shirt and long white socks with a pair of roughed up old sneakers.
“Amelia- uh hi there" She replied while awkwardly fidgeted with the sleeves of her jacket, embarrassed at the realisation that she had heard her yelling.
“Nice to see you calm down, anyway l’ll you two ladies to it”, he winked at Chiara who rolled her eyes at the look, not sure whether to love or hate that it felt the exact same to when her grandfather would make comments about her bringing a boyfriend home.
He disappeared into the sitting room to join Valentino on the couch.
“I was wondering if you would want to hang out, we haven't done that for ages”,
“Oh right, ugh l don't think l can”,
“Sure you can! You're not busy are you?”,
“l am, study”,
Amelia raised an eyebrow at that.
“Study? Our exams aren't till two weeks" ,
“I know, l know but l'm sick of revising everything on the night before the exam, besides l need as much of time as possible to understand this crap",
“Ah fair enough- how about l help ya with it? math l'm guessing?”,
Sighing at the memory of her many failed attempts at completing and understanding equations and formulas she nodded.
“Yeah, but are you sure?”,
“Definitely!”, stated Amelia with both hands on her hips and standing tall to her eagerness for the task.
“Alright then...",
A while later Chiara found her self back at her desk with Amelia standing beside her reading over her practice questions, nervously waiting for the results.
It felt like an eternity before Amelia finally looked up and spoke.
“And…that's like sixty five percent right!”,
“Sixty five?! Where did l go wrong this time?!”,
They had been at this for quite some time now. Despite Chiara’s frustration she stayed relativity calm for the most part thanks to Amelia’s encouragement and little jokes that made her either outright laugh or complain due to what she claimed was annoyance even if though she did find it humorous.
“Symbols, you forgot them again, there's supposed to be a measurement symbol at the end of this to say whether it's centimetres squared or cubed or meters squared- eh you get the point...", she paused then continued.
Miss Kirkland is your math teacher, right? She's real strict when it comes to small stuff like that so she takes off a lot of marks”, explained Amelia while doodling with the pen in the corner of the practice sheet of paper Chiara had used.
Miss Kirkland, certified smartass- even if it is technically her job to be one. Now, Chiara didn’t exactly hate her but she was far from a favourite in terms of teachers she was forced to put up with.
She hated how Miss Kirkland loved to call on those who she knew where not paying attention, there was a sense of snobbishness when it came to the way Miss Kirkland would proudly correct the unsuspecting student with a smile that more closely resembled a smirk.
“l hate this, I'm so close to getting this right but l keep screwing it up”,
“Come on it's fine! You've made awesome progress since when we started! It's only been like what….an hour? Give yourself some credit",
“…l guess you're right. But I'm also stuck for other things- like history and geography suck",
“ Wanna head to the library? They got good resources for both”, questioned Amelia now looking up from her doodling.
“Nah, I've had enough school for today. Let's do something else, anything in mind?”,
“Ooh! A few things-“,
Understandably Chiara was not surprised when they had arrived at the arcade on their bikes.
“Is this becoming an addiction for you?”,
“Ha-ha very funny, you have your obsessions and l have mine”,
“You even call it obsession, keep all this up and l'll be hosting an intervention for you",
This time Amelia genuinely laughed in response, Chiara savoured every second of the sound.
They were stuck there for a while, when it came to Amelia's great interest and Chiara’s competitive attitude it was easy to guess that there would obviously be competitions to see who could score the highest.
To Chiara’s dislike Amelia ended up winning proportionally more then she did followed by listening to the victory taunts from Amelia.
And it seemed that as quickly as they arrived they where off again.
“No, no, no, nah, no, nope, no”,
“Oh come on! l thought you weren't a quitter”,
“I have my exceptions, this is one of them",
Roller skating, she wanted Chiara to roller skate. Clearly Amelia wasn't aware of the fact that Chiara would likely crawl into the ground out of embarrassment if she would likely- no when, when she would end up falling flat on the floor.
“l'll help ya along! You'll be fine", urged Amelia tilting her head to the side with pleading eyes.
Upon arrival to the centre she instantly felt her heart sink knowing what would be expected her. After much convincing from Amelia and equally as much rants about what could go wrong from Chiara- she ended up agreeing to at least attempting to skate.
Chiara felt her chest tighten and face heat up once she suddenly felt the hand of Amelia intertwine with her own, guiding her into the skating area after they got their roller blades.
It was fascinated to see how effortlessly Amelia could move, practically gliding with ease although at a much slower pace due to guiding Chiara along. For this moment anyway, Chiara forgot how to feel anxious.
The last destination for the day was the local diner.
“Two milkshakes please, a double chocolate for myself and a strawberry and banana mix for her”,
“Coming right up, dear", replied the waitress.
“Oh and don't worry l'm paying, l owe ya for last time with the ice-creams” reassured Amelia after she placed their order.
It was the small things that Chiara adored about Amelia the most, how she remembered her favourite foods was one of them. Along with her passing small notes with funny faces on them to her whenever they shared a class and she had noticed that Chiara was dying of boredom.
They sat on the high chairs in front of the counter top as they awaited her drinks, Amelia flapped her hands with giddy excitement once they were received, Chiara couldn't help smile at the sight.
She thought about sharing the milkshake together, putting the straw in her drink like those shitty romantic movies Amelia loves so much. It would be cute wouldn't it? Cuter to see Amelia's reaction to the gesture! She smiled to herself at the idea.
Then her face dropped.
No, no they couldn't, not here, although her smile was brought back again by looking towards her girlfriend who had all her attention on blowing bubbles into her drink.
“Should you really be playing with your food like that?”, she questioned placing the straw into her own drink.
“Might as well make the most of it when my folks aren't here to tell me off ", Amelia shrugged in response.
Chiara found her self agreeing with that mentality and joined in with the childish behaviour.
They cycled back to the house, it was getting dark already.
Amelia was invited in and the two walked past the living room seeing Feliciano and Valentino with their eyes still glued to their precious TV.
At peace now they were sat together on the back porch. There was a small garden behind the Vargas' house, it was closed off by the tall fence( put there mostly so the neighbour's cat couldn't hope over and ruin the vegetable patches or flowers).
The air was humid all day and was beginning to cool down with the sun getting lower and the clouds moving in.
For what could have been anywhere from a minute to a thousand years the two spoke about anything and everything, the topics seemed to flow so easily, naturally changing with ease.
Finally the two sat in comfortable silence, looking towards the sky who’s colours had turned into oranges, yellows and pinks.
This is what Chiara so deeply enjoyed, how they could just sit together and feel so secure.
Routinely this what would be done for one another if the other was upset and asked for so, this time was often spent with their hand held or being hugged by the other.
 There would be times where Chiara in particular would wish to be alone, in cases like this Amelia would go prepare or buy a snack for whenever Chiara is feeling okay again, it gave her something to look forward to when she needed to be alone with her own depressing thoughts.
Sometimes when Amelia would be upset she would just want to vent and vent with no words of “it will be okay" or “look on the bright side of things", Chiara was there to listen and agree with the difficulty of whatever situation she found herself in.
Chiara's head was rested on Amelia’s shoulder, her arm wrapped around her in response to it.
Now it was getting cold, thankfully she still wore her jacket…but maybe…
“Yeah?”,she quietly answered back to the nickname.
“It's getting a bit…chilly don't you think? Would you, would you like my jacket?”,
“Oh...Uh sure.If you wouldn't mind that is”, a blush covered Amelia’s cheeks, she was rarely flustered or at least visibly.
The jacket was a gift to Chiara for Christmas from one of her relatives, it was given oversized to her but she kept it since it seemed more comfortable like this. On Amelia the jacket finally looked normal, it fit her well and looked quiet lovely.
They went back to silence until Chiara broke it again.
“Thanks by the way. I really needed today- to get my mind off of all this stupid fucking stress l've been trapped in lately",
“Of course. We all need a break now and then",
“You could say that again…l love you" Chiara looked up, her chin now on Amelia's shoulder.
Amelia glanced down at her and grinned.
“The feeling is mutual, sweetheart"
The end
Okay now for me rambling
Uhhhhh l read through this and l don't think l made any mistakes? I'll edit this if there are and sorry if you saw any, idk l'm bad at checking for mistakes and l don't have someone to proof read for me
Oh and Valentino is human Seborga and alsooo not sure if l made it clear but Feliciano does know about their relationship and also Chiara is Bi and happy to feel valid in her relationship with Amelia as if it were the exact same as when she is with a guy and not something taboo in this time period
ALSO damn, sorry this isn't that particular to the 80s- l did leave out things l was originally going to add in though! Like l was going to have Felicianio and Valentino have a movie marton but according to Wikipedia they werent common around then and the ones that did happen were anime soooo y e p
Also thought about adding in a house cord phone but eh idk it felt nicer to have Amelia visit instead of having Chiara call her or if l tried writting it as Amelia calling and then showing up it just felt forced and weirdly put in any way l tried to write it in
AH l am so worried that this is boring or cringy, like l honestly can't tell if it is or is this fine-ehh l guess l've written worse um yeah if you've read this far thanks :)
(I'm editing this for mistakes and wtf 90 is so high why would she be shocked- damn l think l know why l originally wrote that, l was thinking Amelia said ONE of the questions is 90% right but before it l said she was correcting multiple questions so it reads as multiple questions being 90% right all together ANYWAY l corrected it so it's fine again okay bye -AND it turns out l missed some mistakes yet again-editing this for the 3rd time rip)
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star-anise · 4 years
An ask I got recently:
hi so i’m a transmed and i’m not sure if you’ll answer this because of that but i saw your post about transmedicalism and was wondering if you could expand on that? you seem like a genuinely kind and judgement-free person, thank you darling x
My response:
Heh, you call me “judgement-free” and ask for my opinion on a topic I’ve formed a lot of judgments about… I get it though, I’m not into attacking people for what they believe so much as providing FACTS. As a cis queer, my insight into transmedicalism isn’t really about the innate experience of trans-ness so much as using my education and professional experience to talk about social science research, diagnostic systems, and public health policy.
This ended up really long, so the tl;dr is, I think transmedicalism as I understand it:
Misunderstands why and how the DSM’s Gender Dysphoria diagnosis was written,
Treats the medical establishment with a level of trust and credibility it doesn’t deserve, at a time when LGBT+ people, especially trans people, need to be informed and vigilant critics of it, and
Approaches the problem of limited resources in an ass-backwards way that I think will end up hurting the trans community in the long run.
TW: Transphobia; homophobia; suicide; institutionalization; torture; electroshock therapy; child abuse; incidental mentions of pedophilia.
So first off I’m guessing you mean this post, about not trusting the medical establishment to tell you who you are? That’s what I’m trying to elaborate on here.
I have to admit, when you say “I’m a transmedicalist” that tells me very little about you, because on Tumblr the term seems to encompass a dizzying array of perspectives. Some transmedicalists believe in what seems to me the oldschool version of “The only TRUE trans people suffer agonizing dysphoria that can only be fixed with surgery and hormones, everyone else is an evil pretender stealing resources and can FUCK RIGHT OFF” and others are like, um… “I have total love and respect for nonbinary and nondysphoric trans people! I qualify for a DSM diagnosis of dysphoria but that doesn’t make me inherently better or more trans than anyone else.”
Which is very confusing to me because according to everything I’ve learned, the latter opinion is not transmedicalism. It’s just… a view of transness that acknowledges current diagnostic labels and scientific research. It’s what most people who support trans rights and do not identify as transmedicalists believe. But I kind of get the impression that Tumblr transmedicalism has expanded well past its original mandate, to the point that if a lot of “transmedicalists” saw the movement’s original positions they’d go “Whoa that’s way too strict and doesn’t help our community, I want nothing to do with it.”.
Okay so. Elaborating on the stuff I can comment on.
1. DSM what?
The American Psychiatric Association publishes a big thick book called The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, called the DSM for short. This is the “Bible of psychiatry”, North America’s definitive listing of mental disorders and conditions. It receives significant revision and updates roughly every 10-15 years; it was last updated in 2013, meaning it will likely get updated sometime between 2023 and 2028.
The DSM lists hundreds of “codes”, each of which indicates a specific kind of mental disorder. For example, 296.23 is “Major depressive disorder, Single episode, Severe,” and  300.02 is “Generalized anxiety disorder.” These codes have information on how common the condition is, how it’s diagnosed, and what kind of treatment is appropriate for it.
Diagnostic codes are the key to health professionals getting paid. If there isn’t a code for it, we can’t get paid for it, and therefore we have very few resources to treat it with. The people who actually pay for healthcare–usually insurance companies or government agencies–decide how much they will pay for each code item to be treated. They’ll pay for, say, three sessions of group therapy for mild depression (296.21), or they’ll pay for more expensive private therapy if it’s moderate (296.22); they’ll pay for the cheap kind of drug if you have severe depression (296.23), but to get the more expensive drug, you need to have depression with psychotic features (296.24).
Healthcare companies, especially in the USA where the system is very very broken and the DSM is written, are cheap bastards. If they can find an excuse not to fund some treatment, they’ll use it. “We think this person who lost their job and can’t get off the couch should pay this $1000 bill for therapy,” they’ll say. “After all, they were diagnosed as code 296.21, and then saw a private therapist for five sessions, when we only allow three sessions of group therapy, and you’re saying they haven’t had enough treatment yet?”
A lot of the advocacy work mental health professionals do is trying to get the big funding bodies to pay us adequately for the work we do. (This is a much easier process in countries with single-payer healthcare, where this negotiation only needs to be done with a single entity. In the USA, it needs to be done with every single health insurance company in existence, as well as the government, sometimes differently in every single state, and then again on a case-by-case basis as well.) Healthcare providers have to argue that three sessions of group therapy isn’t enough, that Medicaid needs to pay therapists more per hour than it costs those therapists to rent a room to practice in, or else therapists would lose money by seeing Medicaid clients. DSM codes exist a tiny bit to let us communicate with each other about the people we treat, and a huge amount to let us get paid. The fact that their existence lets people make sense of their own experiences and find a community with people who share common experiences and interests with them is a very minor side benefit the DSM’s authors really don’t keep in mind when they update and revise different diagnoses.
So when it comes to convincing insurance companies to pay for treatment, humanitarian reasons like “they’ll be very unhappy without it” tend not to work. The best argument we have for them paying for psychological treatment is that it’s economical: that if they don’t pay for it now, they’ll have to pay even more later. If they refuse to pay, let’s say, $2000 to treat mild depression when someone loses their job, and either refuse treatment or stick the person with the bill, then that person’s life might spiral out of control–they might, let’s say, run low on money, get evicted from their apartment, develop severe depression, attempt suicide, and end up in hospital needing to be medically resuscitated and then put in an inpatient psych ward for a month. The insurance company then faces the prospect of having to pay, let’s say, $100,000 for all that treatment. At which point somebody clever goes, “Huh, so it would have been cheaper to just… pay the original $2000 instead so they could bounce back, get a new job, and not need any of this treatment later.”
Trans healthcare can be kind of expensive, since it often involves counselling, years of hormone therapy, medical garments, and multiple surgeries. Health insurance companies hate paying for anything, and have traditionally wanted not to cover any of this. “This is ridiculous!” they said. “These are elective cosmetic treatments, it’s not like they’re dying of cancer, these people can pay the same rate for breast enhancements or testosterone injections as anyone else.”
So when the APA Task Force on Gender Identity Disorder (a task force comprised, as far as I can tell, entirely of cis people) sat down to plan for the 2013 update of the DSM, one of their biggest goals was: Treatment recommendations. Create a diagnosis which they could effectively use to advocate that insurance companies fund gender transition. Like when you go back and read the documents from their meetings in 2008 and 2011, their big thing is “create a diagnosis that can be used to form treatment recommendations.” So that’s what they did; in 2013 they made the GD diagnosis, and in 2014 the Affordable Care Act required insurers to provide treatment for it.
A lot of trans people weren’t happy with the DSM task force’s decisions, such as the choice to keep “Transvestic Fetishism,” which is basically the autogynephilia theory, and just rename it “Transvestic Disorder”. The creation of the Gender Dysphoria diagnosis, basically, was designed to force the preventive care argument. They didn’t think they could win on trans healthcare being a necessity because healthcare is a human right, so they went with: Trans people have a very high suicide rate, and one way to bring it down is to help them transition. One of the major predictors of suicidality is dysphoria. The more dysphoric someone is, the more likely they are to attempt suicide (source).  Therefore, health insurers should fund treatment for gender dysphoria because it was cheaper than paying for emergency room admissions and inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations.
I have spoken to trans scientists about what research exists, and my understanding is: The dysphoria/no dysphoria split is not actually validated in the science. That is, when you research trans people, there is not some huge gaping difference between the experiences, or brains, of people With Dysphoria, and people Without Dysphoria. Mostly, scientists haven’t even thought it was an important distinction to study. The diagnosis wasn’t reflecting a strong theme in the research about trans experiences; that research showed that trans people with all levels of dysphoria were helped with medical transition. The biggest difference is just that dysphoria is a stronger risk factor for suicide. Experiencing transphobia is another strong risk factor, but that’s harder to measure in a doctor’s office, so dysphoria it was.
(I’ve seen some transmedicalists claim that dysphoria’s major feature is incongruence, not distress. And I’ll just say, uh… in psychology, “dysphoria” is the opposite of of “euphoria”, literally means “excessive pain”, and is used in many disorders to describe a deep-seated sense of distress and wrongness. As a mental health professional, I just can’t imagine most of my colleagues agreeing that something can be called “dysphoria” if the person doesn’t feel real distress about it. If you want a diagnosis that doesn’t demand dysphoria, you’d need Gender Incongruence in the upcoming version of the ICD-11, which is the primary diagnostic system used in Europe, published by the World Health Organization.)
2. Doctors are not magic
Medicine is a science, and science is a system of knowledge based on having an idea, testing it against reality, and revising that knowledge in light of what you learned. We’re learning and growing all the time.
I don’t know if this sounds painfully obvious or totally groundbreaking, but: Basically all medical research is done by people who don’t have the condition they’re writing about. Psychology has a strong historical bias against believing the personal testimonies of people with conditions that have been deemed mental disorders, so researchers who have experienced the disorder they’re writing about have often had to hide that fact, like Kay Redfield Jamison hiding that she had bipolar disorder until she became a world-renowned expert on it, or Marsha Linehan hiding that she had borderline personality disorder until she pioneered the treatment that could effectively cure it. Often, having a condition was seen as proof you couldn’t actually have a truthful and objective experience of it.
So what I’m trying to say is: The “gender dysphoria” diagnosis was written and debated, so far as I can tell, by entirely cis committee members. The vast majority of psychological and psychiatric research about LGBT+ people is written by cisgender heterosexual scientists. Most clinical and scientific writing has been outsider scientists looking at people they have enormous power over and making decisions about their basic existence with very little accountability.
And to show you how far we’ve come, I want to show you part of the DSM as it was from 1952 to 1973. It shows you just why so many older LGBT+ people find it deeply ironic that now the DSM is being held up as definitive of trans experience:
302 Sexual Deviation This category is for individuals whose sexual interests are directed primarily toward objects other than people of the opposite sex, toward sexual acts not usually associated with coitus, or towards coitus performed under bizarre circumstances as in necrophilia, pedophilia, sexual sadism, and fetishism. Even though many find their practices distasteful, they remain unable to substitute normal sexual behavior for them. This diagnosis is not appropriate for individuals who perform deviant sexual acts because normal sexual objects are not available to them.
302.0 Homosexuality 302.1 Fetishism 302.2 Pedophilia 302.2 Transvestitism […]
Yes, really. That is how psychiatry viewed us. At a time when research from other fields, like psychology and sociology, were showing that this view was completely unsupported by evidence, psychiatry thought LGBT+ people were fundamentally disordered, criminal, and incapable of prosocial behaviour.
My favourite retelling of the decades of activism it took LGBT+ people and allies to get the DSM to change is from a friend who did her master’s thesis on the topic, because she leaves in the clown suits and gay bars, which really shows how scientific and dignified the process was. The long story short is:  It took over 20 years of lobbying by LGBT+ people who were sick and tired of being locked up in mental institutions and subjected to treatments like electroshock training, as well as by LGBT+ social scientists, clinicians, and psychiatrists, to get homosexuality declassified as a mental illness. And that was homosexuality; the push to change how trans people were listed in the DSM is very recent, as seen in the latest version listing “Transvestic Disorder”, a description very few trans people ever use for themselves.
Here are a few more examples of how people with a condition have had to take an active part in the science about them:
When HIV/AIDS appeared in the USA, the government didn’t care why drug addicts and gay people were dying mysteriously. Hospitals refused to treat people with this mysterious new disease. AIDS patients had to fight to get any funding put into what AIDS is, how it spreads, or how it could be treated; they also had to campaign to change the massive public prejudice against them, so they could be treated, housed, and allowed to live. Here’s an article on the activist tactics they used. If you want an intro to the fight (or at least, white peoples’ experience of it), you could look into the movies How to Survive a Plague, And the Band Played On, and The Normal Heart.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a little-understood disease that causes debilitating exhaustion. It’s found twice as often in women as men. Doctors understand very little about what it is or why it happens, and patients with CFS are often written off a lazy hypochondriacs who just don’t want to try hard. There are basically no known treatments. In 2011, a British study said that an effective treatment for CFS was “graded exercise”, a program where people did slowly increasing levels of physical activity. This flew in the face of what people with CFS knew to be true: That their disease caused them to get much worse after they exercised. That for them, being forced to do ever-increasing exercise was basically tantamount to torture, so it was very concerning that health authorities and insurance companies began requiring that they undergo graded exercise treatment (and parents with children with CFS had to put their children through this treatment, or lose custody for “medical neglect”). So they investigated the study, found that it was seriously flawed, got many health authorities to reverse their position on graded exercise, and have made strides into pointing researchers to looking into biological causes of their illness.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rare but debilitating disease that isn’t researched much, because it affects such a small portion of the population. The ALS community realized that if they wanted better treatment, they would need to raise the money for research themselves. In 2014 they organized a viral “ice bucket challenge” to get people to donate to their cause, and raised $115 million, enough to make significant advances in understanding ALS and getting closer to a cure.
A common treatment for Autism is Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), which is designed to encourage “desired” behaviours and discourage “undesired” ones. The problem is, the treatment targets behaviour an Autistic person’s parents and teachers consider desirable or undesirable, without consideration that some “undesired” behaviours (like stimming) are fundamental and necessary to the wellbeing of Autistic people. Furthermore, the treatment involves punishing Autistic children for failure to behave as expected–in traditional ABA, by witholding rewards or praise until they stop, or in more extreme cases, by subjecting them to literal electric shocks to punish them. (In that last case, they’ve been ordered to stop using the shock devices by August 31, 2020. That only took YEARS.) Autistic people have had to campaign loud and long to say that different treatment strategies should be researched and used, especially on Autistic children.
So I mean… I get that the medical model can provide an element of validation and social acceptance. It can feel really good to have people in white coats back you up and say you’re the real deal. But if you get in touch with most LGBT+ and transgender groups, they’d say that there’s still a lot of work to be done when it comes to researching trans issues and getting scientific and governmental authorities to recognize your rights to social acceptance and medical treatment.
Within a few years, the definition you’re resting on will turn to sand beneath your feet. The Great DSM Machine will begin whirring into life pretty soon and considering what revisions it has to make. You’ll have an opportunity to make your voice heard and to push for real change. So… do you want to be part of that process of pushing trans rights forward, or do you just want to feel loss because they’re changing your strict definition of who’s valid and who’s not?
3. Scarcity is not a law of physics
One of the major arguments I see transmedicalists push is that there’s only a limited number of surgeries or hormone prescriptions available, so it’s not okay for a non-dysphoric person to “steal” the resources that another trans person might need more. This makes sense in a limited kind of way; it’s a good way to operate if, say, you’re sharing a pizza for lunch and deciding whether to give the last slice to someone who’s hungry and hasn’t eaten, or someone who’s already full.
When you start to back up and look at really big and complex systems–basically anything as big, or bigger, than a school board or a hospital or a municipal government–it’s not a helpful lens anymore. Because the most important thing about social institutions is that they can change. We can make them change. And the most important factor in how much the world changes is how many people demand that it change.
I’ve talked about this before when it comes to homeless shelters, and how the absolute worst thing they can have are empty beds. I used to work in women’s shelters, which came about when second-wave feminists started seriously looking at the problem of domestic violence in the 1960s and 70s, It was an issue male-dominated governments and healthcare systems hadn’t taken seriously before, but feminists started heck and did research and staged demonstrations and basically demanded that organizations that worked for the “public benefit” reduce the number of women being killed by their husbands. Their research showed that the leading cause of death in those cases were when women tried to leave and their partners tried to kill them, so the most obvious solution was to give them someplace safe to go where their partners couldn’t find them. Therefore the solution became: Women’s shelters. When feminists committed to founding and running these shelters, local governments could be talked into giving them money to keep them running.
(Men’s rights activists, the misogynist kind, like to whine about “why aren’t there men’s shelters?” and the very simple answer is: Because you didn’t fight for them, you teatowels. Whether a movement gets resources and funding is hugely a reflection of how many people have said, “This needs resources and funding! Look, I’m writing a cheque! Everyone, throw money at this!” In other news, The BC Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse does great work. People should throw money at them.)
When the system in power knows there are resources it wants and doesn’t have, it finds a way to make them appear. For example, in Canada, the government knows that it doesn’t have enough trained professionals living in its far North, where the population is scarce and not very many people want to live. Doctors and teachers would prefer to live in the southern cities. But because it’s committed to Northern schools and hospitals, they create incentives. For example, the government offers to pay off the student loans of teachers or health professionals who agree to work for a few years in Northern communities.
Part of why trans healthcare resources are so scarce is that for a long time, trans people were considered too small a part of the population to care about. Like, “Trans people exist, but we won’t have to deal with them.” Older estimates said 0.4% of the population was trans, which meant a city of 100,000 people would have 400 trans people. A single family doctor can have 2000 or 3000 clients, so the city could have maybe 1 or 2 doctors who really “got” trans issues, and all the trans people would tell each other to only go see those doctors because all the rest were assholes. And the cracks in the system didn’t really seem serious. A couple hundred dissatisfied people not getting the healthcare they needed? Meh! Hospital administrators had more to worry about!
But the trans population is growing. A recent poll of Generation Z said 2.6% of middle schoolers in Minnesota were some kind of trans. which is 2,600 per 100,000. That’s enough to make hospitals think that maybe the next endocrinologist or OB/GYN they hire should have some training in treating trans people. That’s enough to make a health authority think that maybe the state should open up a new gender confirmation surgery clinic, since demand is rising so much.
Or well, I mean. Hospitals have a lot on their minds. This might not occur to them as their top priority. They’d probably think of it a lot sooner if a bunch of those trans people sent them letters or took out a billboard or showed up by the dozens at a public meeting to say, “Hello, there are a fuckload of us. Budget accordingly. We want to see your projected numbers for the next five years.”
When you’re doing that kind of work, suddenly it hurts your cause to limit your number of concerned parties. Sure, limited focus groups or steering committees can have limited membership, but when you put their ideas into action, to protest something or lobby for political change, you need numbers. If you want to show that you’re a big and important group that systems should definitely pay attention to, you don’t just need every trans or GNC or NB person who’s got free time to devote to your campaign, you also need every cis ally who can pad out numbers or lick envelopes or hand out water bottles or slip you insider information about the agenda at the next board meeting. You need bodies, time, and money, and you get them best by being inclusive about who’s in your party. Heck, if it would benefit your cause to team up with the local breast cancer group because trans women and cis women who have had mastectomies both have an interest in asking a hospital to have a doctor on staff who knows how to put a set of tits together, then there are strong reasons to do it.
Basically: All the time any marginalized group spends fighting over scraps is generally time we could spend demanding that the people handing out the food give us another plate. If you don’t think you’re getting enough, the best answer isn’t to knock it out of somebody’s hands, but to get together to say, “HEY! WE’RE NOT GETTING ENOUGH!”
That kind of work is complicated and difficult! It’s definitely much harder than yelling at someone on Tumblr for not being trans enough. But if you do any level of getting involved with activist groups that fight for real systemic change, whether that’s following your local Pride Centre on Twitter or throwing $5 at a trans advocacy group or writing your elected representative about the need for more trans health resources, you’re pushing forward lasting change that will help everyone.
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Me and a friend are working on this au they've drawn their version of him I gotta ask for permission to send it here
For those who don't want to read the doc-
Gordon had been tasked to experiment with a machine of some sorts, Benrey being Benrey went to go fuck it up. Because of this, now Gordon and Benrey have fused together into one person, which is bad because they are both people with VERY different ideals and personalities, which make compromising things very difficult. (Timmy's version of events was that Gman fused them because he got tired of them fighting all the time, so fusing them together would force them to try to get along.)
Since they are both fused into one, they both share Benrey's abilities.
Coomer, Bubby, and Tommy were worried; They didn't understand what happened, but everything happened so fast. Now their friends are fused together as a single being.
Since Benrey and Gordon are practically enemies, they fight a lot, mentally. The voice you hear when you think, they have it too, those are the only things that are separate within the fusion. Gordon and Benrey's inner voice thought things usually fight with each others whether it be the dumbest shit ever, or something worth arguing about. When they argue, this causes them to "space out" from convos they were in with other people, since they are too busy fighting mentally to pay attention to whatever it was they were doing before.
Them mentally fighting causes unconscious power use and sweet voice use(a lot of sweet voice). The more heated the argument, the more powers are used, and the intensity of the powers increases. For example, Benrey and Gordon are fighting. At first, there's little sweet voice coming out of them. However, the more they fight, the more sweet voice comes out. The more they fight, the more powers come out (such as shape shifting, no clipping, etc. they all start out minor, and escalate very fast).
Benrey won't tell Gordon how to use their powers because of two reasons. The first one is because he is an asshole (thinking Gordon not knowing how to use his abilities is funny), and the second one is him wanting to be the only one able to use said powers.
Frenrey lives with Coomer and Bubby; Tommy occasionally visits to see if Gordon has any questions, which Benrey tells him not to answer.
They aren't allowed in public alone because of how unstable they are.
Since they are separate people getting along is a very hard thing because they want to be their own person but they are trapped in one body
benrey knows how to control the powers but gordon makes it harder especially with how emotional gordon can get
Emotionally powered, powers are dangerous since that's basically making them a ticking time bomb Gordon tries to not get overly emotional or else he'd use their powers by accident and could cause a lot of damage
Sleeping is a difficult task cause Gordon is human so when Gordon sleeps benrey has just control of the body unless the bodies forced to shut down because of Gordon making benrey sleep too
It's hard to use the body with one person since it takes a pair to use it even using powers alone is dangerous
Trying to move the body with one person would cause limping or sluggish movements even be in a bit off balance powers would have a 50% chance of them doing something wrong (benrey doing something wrong actually)
Since they have different preferences they fight over stuff to buy or get which leads to coomer and bubby also tagging along to buy the stuff the other threw out of their shopping
Tommy visits occasionally for Gordon if he has any questions about them self but benrey never let's Tommy do it cause he wants to make things difficult
everyday, benrey goes to the mirror (or any reflective surface) and goes "ah, reflection of perfection", so as frenrey he keeps doing it and he's just like "ah, reflection of perfection- oh, and Feetman"
Which leads to Gordon wanting to break every reflective thing in the house
(This makes me cackle)
Bubby isn't allowed to watch over Frenrey because of his nature of liking chaos (especially if it involves arson). He usually doesn't snitch on them when it comes down to it, which leads to them all getting in trouble.
Darnold had tried to undo the fusion by making potions for them, however, his efforts were wasted after Gordon stopped trusting the potions.
Talking is also a problem since they both want in on conversations. Despite being one person, they still kept their separate voices instead of merging the voices to form one. Like for one instance, Benrey kept talking over Gordon while speaking with Forzen.
The only power Benrey's taught Gordon was how to suppress the sweet voice, other than that, Gordon really has no say over the powers (unless he gets emotional).
Despite the many faults of being fused with your alien arch nemesis, it brought some benefits to them. For example, pain isn't processed very well because of Benrey's weird alien body, so if something major were to happen to them, they wouldn't hurt as much had they both been normal humans.
However, the lack of pain doesn't equal lack of injury. So if the fusion broke their bones, they would be fucked like a normal human would.
One thing the Science Team worry about is Gordon getting over emotional cause of someone (usually Benrey) saying shit, causing them to accidentally use the powers again (shape shifting, no clipping, etc.).
Another problem with them being fused is the holes in their memories, their memories merge together after being fused, so somethings were forgotten or forced together to make some new memory (new memories confuse them both a lot of the time because they don't remember it ever happening).
If either party makes extra limbs/body parts, then said party who made those can control them easily. However, that doesn't mean that they have full control over the body part. Say Benrey grew an extra pair of arms, both Gordon and Benrey could control the pair, yet Benrey has the most ccntrol over the arms he made; same thing would happen vise versa.
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aitaikimochi · 4 years
Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ultimania Book Interview with Nomura, Kitase, and Nojima
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This is the full interview from the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Ultimania Book where Director Tetsuya Nomura, Producer Yoshinori Kitase, and Scenario Writer Kazushige Nojima discuss the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, talking about how the game’s development, ending secrets, and more! Enjoy~
PART 1: This is the fifth installment within the Compilation of FFVII.
—When did the FFVII Remake project start?
Kitase: Actually, this project has been in existence for a very long time.
Nomura: When we developed the Compilation of FFVII, the installments included Advent Children, Before Crisis, Crisis Core, and Dirge of Cerberus, so we knew that we wanted to make a fifth installment. However, we were a bit short on resources as I was the only one heading the project, and since we were busy with other things, the project was put on hold.
—If the project was put on hold, what made it come back officially?
Kitase: When the Final Fantasy series almost reached its 25th Anniversary, I thought about what we should do to commemorate that milestone. That’s when I thought that if we were to go through with the FFVII Remake project to coincide with the 25th Anniversary of the Final Fantasy series, we would have to start it as soon as possible. That’s what got the ball rolling. After that, we had a meeting with producer Shinji Hashimoto as well as Tetsuya Nomura to discuss the details of the remake. Hashimoto was also the one who said he wanted to correct some of the graphics from FFVII Advent Children, and that’s the stage where all three of us decided that we should officially start this project.
—Initially, the project was to be made using staff from external divisions, right?
Kitase: Of course the company’s staff were still involved in the development, but most of the team that had worked on Final Fantasy series were assigned to other projects, so we started the Remake project with other external division staff. However, because we wanted to upkeep the quality of the Final Fantasy series, we decided that we still needed members who had experience working on Final Fantasy. Because of this, we had to do a major shift of staff positions to accommodate for this project.
—Since the Remake will be comprised of multiple parts, when did you decide that the first part will take place up until the escape from Midgar?
Nomura: We made that decision at the start of the project. Midgar stands as a very recognizable symbol of the world of FFVII, and for the Remake Project, we wanted to expand on that. The first installment will establish the root of the battle system as well as the type of basic structure, data assets, etc. that we needed to prepare, so it would take some time to do so. On that note, we had to accommodate in terms of the scale. Since the game would cover up until the escape from Midgar, the contents we needed to develop, such as the world system, level designs, etc., would increase, so we had many reasons to make the decision that we made [to create the story into multiple parts]. When we announced that the project would take on multiple installments, there were many who were worried about how we would be able to make a whole game based solely on Midgar, but I didn’t think it would be a problem. I’ve repeatedly watched videos of gameplay, and in the original game, it takes about 7 hours to go through the Midgar section. In the Remake, the map would need to be in 3D, so there would be much more information to account for as well as time that it will take to go from one point to another, and all that adds up. Since we knew that we would have to add scenarios to the story too, I knew that the overall gameplay of the Remake would be well enough to cover a whole game.
Nojima: We also felt that stopping it at this point would also allow for an adequate amount of story scenarios to be put in as well.
Nomura: After you leave Midgar, you move to a world map, and I mentioned this earlier, but level designs would have to yet again change. If we were to do that, we would also have to split up other scenarios and even if we add new gameplay, it would have to end in an abrupt point of the story. That’s why we felt that if we had everything focused in Midgar, we wouldn’t have to split up any of the story elements that happen there. We had requests to add more content or to make only one installment for the whole remake, but if you take into consideration the quality put into this game, I’m sure players would understand why we made this decision.
Kitase: The Remake is not something that we can finish all at once, so when we decided that the first installment would take place in Midgar, the FFVII Remake Project became a reality.
PART 2: The title “Remake” has two meanings…?
—Nojima-san was added to the team when the project was still being handled by the external division staff, correct?
Nojima: That’s right. I was the one who initially wrote the main scenarios, and the external division staff was responsibile for writing the sub scenarios as well. However, when we transferred the project to internal staff, Toriyama-san (Co-Director) joined and looked over the scenarios we had written up until that point. He then gathered all the scenes we had and rewrote them, and after looking over it myself once more, we decided that the project would take on this shape.
Kitase: After Toriyama joined, we were able to formulate the scenarios and input them into areas within the game itself, and in order to keep the integrity of the story, we let him rewrite some of the story.
—Nojima-san, in what degree do you write the scenarios and how specific do you make them?
Nojima: I lose myself in my writing a lot. I’m always concerned about keeping characters in character, so I constantly make corrections. However, after I finish writing the scenarios, Toriyama-san and his scenario team add revisions, which is then handed off to the dubbing stage, which also makes adjustments to the dialogue. So by the time the scenario reaches completion, I’m not even sure what exactly remains from my initial draft.
Kitase: Of course, the main story’s developments are usually left as how Nojima-san wrote them. The changes that are made are usually minor details that are formulated into the story.
—The title for the remake is just “Remake,” which is a bit rare to put in a title. Is there any specific meaning to it?
Nomura: I am the one who decided on the title “Remake,” but there are two meanings to the title. The first being that we wanted to quell the doubt that arised when we first announced that we were doing a remake. When the first trailer was released, there were people who weren’t sure if this installment of FFVII was merely a remaster or an actual remake, which made them worry. When we revealed the trailer at E3 in 2015, the reactions were as I expected, with some even asking if this was going to be a movie. That’s why I decided to clearly express to those with doubt that this is a complete remake of the original with the title “Remake” as well. In regards to the other meaning to the word “Remake,” well, I can’t answer that right now. Ask me again in a couple of years (laughs).
—The title’s logo with the Meteor is now outlined with a type of metal finish. How did you come up with this design?
Nomura: We wanted to put the Meteor in the title logo when we showed the trailer at E3, but we had not decided on the logo yet at the time the trailer was made. I personally wanted to have the Meteor be in a metallic finish to go along with the mood of this project, so when I conveyed my idea to the trailer editors, they came up with a design for me. The logo wasn’t just for use in the trailer, but it would be used for the main title logo as well. Also, during the E3 trailer, the word “Final Fantasy” isn’t shown, only the Meteor as well as the word “REMAKE.” This was because I wanted to make the announcement of the FF7 Remake with only the Meteor symbol. When the original Final Fantasy 7 was released, the marketing producer at the time suggested that the package design only have the Meteor and said to me, “Even if we don’t write the title, people would know that this is Final Fantasy 7.” Back then, we decided against that, but I wanted to have that idea come to fruition this time around.
PART 3: Wanting to Delve Deep into the Characters from these Realistic Scenes
—What part of the Remake did you pay extra attention to?
Kitase: In the original game, many people were able to live comfortable lives thanks to the power of mako energy; however, the same could not be said for those living in the slums underneath the plate, which left a great impression. In fact, I don’t really remember seeing much about the lives of those living above the plate where mako energy powered the cities in the original game. We wanted to draw out those details, such as in the opening movie where you see people and children riding bicycles throughout the city. The scene then turns darker where you see the effects of a lifestyle reliant on mako, where the light and dark contrasts. We wanted to brush upon this by having the player visit Jessie’s home above the plate.
Nomura: I wanted to keep the elements of the original story. In terms of the battle system, things like the ATB gauge or materia, limit breaks, etc. made up an important part of the game, and I wanted to try to bring over that to the remake. However, we had to consider not only the old fans of the game but the new ones as well. For the veteran players who knew the ropes already as well as the new players who were just getting into it, we wanted to create a satisfying experience for both. Not only did we take the original game’s structured elements and modernized them, but it was important for us to make it so that old fans would also be able to come to terms with the changes as well. Since the original game was released more than 20 years ago, if we were to change the styles to reflect modern ones, I’m sure people would accept them. However, let’s say that we changed Cloud’s hairstyle to not be spiky anymore- that would be weird, right? It was difficult to find a good balance [between realism and the original].
Nojima: When writing the scenarios in the game, I had to pay great attention to the fact that the characters that appear are no longer shown in cute graphics from the original game, but actual people now. For example, in the original game, there weren’t many houses shown in the slums, but in this game, there are tons of houses that allows you to strongly feel the presence of people living within a city. I thought to create scenarios where people are living and breathing in this space. Whether it be the AVALANCHE members or other characters in the story, I always dug deep and thought “Why are they living like this here?” when creating the backgrounds.
—One case of that would be when it was shown that Jessie used to be an actress at the Gold Saucer, right?
Nojima: I wanted Jessie’s mannerisms to be like that of someone who has experience in theater, and I delved into creating episodes about her past leading up to her current family situation. There were many plans to create these types of sub-scenarios for the game when the project first started.
Kitase: When we were in the middle stages of development, we decided to put as many sub-scenarios into the main story to give breathers and pauses from the over-arching plot. We put several sub-scenarios about the Turks as well.
Nojima: That’s right, we had conversations such as “What are the Turks doing right now…?” or “What kind of character from the Compilation of FFVII would appear here?” and etc. Other scenarios we thought of was Tifa asking her landlord to help her figuring out which dress to wear in order to infiltrate Corneo’s Mansion, among other episodes.
Kitase: For example, after Cloud fell into the Sector 5 slums, what was Tifa doing? How did she get into that Chocobo Wagon that took her to Corneo? We had a few things planned during the first half of production, but due to time restrictions, we had to cut it out.
PART 4: Cloud Tries to Act Cool like an Adult but Fails
—As we played through the game, Aerith’s lines left an impression on us.
Nojima: Aerith is the utmost important person in the FFVII Remake, and I was very careful with her lines. Each and every part of her carries a great meaning throughout the story, and I used that premise to write her character.
—In particular, during the nighttime flower field scene in Chapter 14, Aerith tells Cloud “You can’t fall in love with me. Even if you do, it’s not real.” For those who are familiar with the original story, this line carries a lot of meaning.
Nojima: To be honest, some staff actually told me that this line made it seem like Aerith was looking down on Cloud, so it got rejected a few times. If you know Aerith’s fate, then this line would really pull at your heart strings, but if you did not know what happens to Aerith, then you might interpret the scene in a completely different way. I thought the gap between the two interpretations was very interesting. On another note, in Tifa’s scene in the flower field, I wanted Cloud to not look cool in this scene. Even though Cloud and Tifa are close in age, he has a 5 year blank slate, and he doesn’t have enough life experience to consider himself an adult. Even though most of the characters are around 20 years old, there’s one guy, Cloud, who has the mentality of a 16 year old, and that person tries to be like an adult. I really wanted to write that into the story. After the Sector 7 plate fell, Barret comforted Tifa with the temperament of an adult, and Cloud saw that and wanted to do the same for her [in the flower scene], but it didn’t go as planned. I wanted to try writing him as being awkward.
Nomura: On that same note, when recording Cloud’s voice, we had his voice actor perform his lines slightly differently depending on who he was talking to. For example, when Cloud speaks with Aerith, he stands up and tries to act cool, with Tifa he loosens up a bit, with Jessie he sounds confused. When Cloud speaks with Aerith, he’s too self-conscious and gives weird replies.
Nojima: Cloud isn’t able to keep the distance between Aerith and him, right? (laughs). He seems pretty impatient with Jessie, but she finds that amusing and pokes fun at him for it.
Nomura: However, when we did voice recording, initially Jessie came off as a bit too nosy, more than we expected, which might have given the impression that she was being rude. In order to avert that, we had her say lines jokingly each time she teased cloud, giving off a sense of charm and attractiveness, kind of like a “haha, just joking” type of attitude. We decided these things in the recording studio.
PART 5: The Remake’s Scenarios Provide a Vast Setting for Events to Follow
—The Remake’s story has many new episodes that I thought followed the flow of the original storyline, but then there’s suddenly a huge plot device that gets revealed, and that surprised me.
Nomura: Is that so? (laughs)
Nojima: I’m sure you were thinking, “What will happen next?”
—How did this development come to being?
Nomura: When I requested a scenario to Nojima, I first thought, “if I am to create the FFVII Remake, I would like to do it this way.” I then conveyed my ideas to him. During that phase, I planned to make this be more than just a mere “Remake.” For example, the battle system this time around is in real timee instead of using an ATB gauge, and with that, the story itself took a turn that isn’t just the basic FFVII, but something new. That’s the kind of story I wanted to create.
Nojima: As for me, I knew that even though at the very core, this story is about Cloud, the works from the “Compilation of FFVII” have greatly increased [over the years], and I wanted to make something that takes all of those works and combine it into one. Each person who played the original version also has their own vision of the world of FFVII, and I wanted to preserve that too. The results of those feelings are shown within the Remake’s story. These were all the ideas I had, so in the beginning I would initially show it to Nomura-san, and I tried my best to explain them clearly to make sure he didn’t reject them (laughs).
—In regards to the story’s important key points, there must be a flashback scene from here on out, right?
Nomura: At first, the direction we took was that we did not want to put any of these hints while still in Midgar.
Nojima: Right, we originally planned to have the storyline diverge only slightly.
Nomura: We thought to have only a subtle change where in the ending you see Biggs alive, which makes you think, “Wait, this is weird…” and gives a slight sense of unease. But then the staff thought, well if there’s room for more scenes, then let’s just add it (laughs). When we did that, there were scenes that we had to say, “No this won’t do,” and removed it from the story. We didn’t add too many new things, but we did leave a few scenes in.
Nojima: I myself added about two or three scenarios to that too….I’m not too sure what happened to those scenarios at the end. (laughs)
—The scenes where Sephiroth appear in have also be greatly added into the storyline.
Nojima: In the beginning we didn’t plan to have him appear so often, more as an overlooming presence instead. During the middle of production, we changed our minds and decided to have him appear more frequently, and suddenly he was in a ton of scenes.
Nomura: At that time, Hamaguchi-san (Co-Director) quietly pulled me aside and said, “I want the characters to fight Sephiroth in Midgar” and consulted me with this idea. In the original story, Sephiroth exists in a different space, and apparently he gathered materials to persuade me to have the battle play out in this way, but I just said, “Okay sure,” and greenlit the idea. (laughs)
PART 6: Doubts that Arise from Things Not Explained in the Game
—In the Remake’s story, there are a few doubts that are left that I would like to brush upon…
Everyone: …..
Nomura: The story will still continue, so I don’t think we can answer much.
—Then let’s talk about things you can answer starting with the Opening Scene in the alleyway, which was also portrayed in the original game. What was Aerith looking at when she was crouching down?
Nomura: I remember someone saying that she was trying to gather warmth from it…
Kitase: I don’t think so (laughs). If you’re in front of a bonfire, you would see the embers pop, but what you see is the flickers of light from mako.
—In the Remake’s version of this scene, after she looks at the light, it seems like she’s running from something. Why?
Nojima: She felt the presence of the Whispers and wanted to run away from them. Perhaps it’s because Aerith had several bad experiences with the Whispers up until then?
—Why is it that Aerith knows about things that happen in the future or of things she hadn’t heard of before?
Nomura: I wonder why……Please wait until the next installment for that answer.
—At the end of the Midgar Highway, before you pass through the wall, Aerith says, “This is the point of no return. Destiny’s Crossroads.” What was she referring to?
Nojima: If Cloud and the others pass through the Wall of Whispers, then they will be outside the boundaries of the Whispers, meaning they will be going into a place where there is no predestined fate. She meant that they will be at a crossroads where they might or might not be able to cross.
—After you defeat the last boss, Cloud and Sephiroth have a conversation with just the two of them. What was the meaning of that?
Nojima: Exactly what their conversation said. Actually, the lines that Sephiroth said in that scene were written during the beginning stages of production where we did not know the exact placement of when they will be delivered.
—In the ending of the Remake, Zack is alive, which leads to a contrasting development to the original story. What is the meaning of that scene?
Nomura: That’s the biggest highlight of the mysteries that have been been set up in this scene, isn’t it? (laughs)
Nojima: And you can also clearly see the dog Stamp too…
—Stamp looks different in this scene though.
Nojima: Oh, does he know…? (laughs)
—Did you have plans in the beginning for the mascot Stamp?
Nojima: Yes, when we decided on the Remake’s storyline, we said “Well then, let’s have this loyal dog Stamp be the mascot.” Stamp is a popular mascot that everyone in this world recognizes, and we decided to also use him as AVALANCHE’s secret way of conveying messages.
Nomura: By the way, the Stamp that you see drawn by AVALANCHE members is actually the design that I was in charge of. I usually don’t get involved in these designs, but I felt that this character would be very important, so I decided to draw him myself.
—During the ending, Aerith murmurs, “The sky, how I hate it.” [English localization “I miss it, the steel sky.”] Is there some deep meaning to this?
Nomura: For Aeritih, the sky symbolizes sadness. The people who were dear to her, such as Zack and her mother Ifalna, had all returned to the sky, and the sky that she sees above her in the slums was covered by Shinra too. The calamity that destroyed the Ancients, Jenova, also fell from the sky. All of these incidents remind Aerith of the sky, which is why she says she hates it.
—At the end of the game, the words “The Unknown Journey Will Continue” show up. What does it mean?
Nomura: Initially, there was another sentence we were going to put instead, but under various circumstances, we decided to change it [to what it is now]. Kitase told me there should be something that connects to what lies beyond the ending. I also wanted to put something there too, so we ended up using that sentence. I think some might think that the meaning of the sentence is unsettling, but we’ve already taken that into consideration.
PART 7: Original Elements Expected to Happen but Do Not Want to be Erased
—After this first installment, the number of expectations must be very high for the next installment, but how many installments do you think the entire project will be?
Kitase: We have a general idea of how the story will play out, but we haven’t decided exactly how many parts, nor can we confirm anything.
—There has been talk that the story will be in three parts…
Kitase: We have not said anything concrete about how many installments this will be, so people are probably just speculating with no proof.
—The fans would like to know when the next installment will be released.
Nomura: It depends on how many installments we decide to make. If we divide the story into large chunks, then it will take a much longer time to develop. However, if we divide the story into smaller parts, then it might be possible to release them in a shorter amount of time.
Kitase: On that note, if we are to maintain the same quality and volume as the first installment, then it is unrealistic to say that we can churn out the next one in just one year.
Nomura: Personally, I would like to release them as soon as possible so we can take a breather. I’m sure the fans would also want the next installment to come quickly too (laughs).
—If we follow this Remake’s story, then the next installment might have major changes compared to the original, right?
Kitase: I’ve talked about this extensively with Nomura, but I’m sure fans of the original are expecting to revisit familiar locations and scenes, so we have strong feelings to not stray away from that. From here on out, we’re not drastically changing the story and making it into something completely different than the original. Even though it’s a Remake, please assume that FF7 will still be FF7 as usual.
Nojima: For me, I create scenarios that follow the general flow of the original story but with the assumption that the way things are presented or how events occur might be slightly different. Personally, I would like to include towns and areas that originally appeared first in Crisis Core FF7.
—Lastly, do you have any messages to the fans who have played the FFVII Remake?
Nojima: I’m sure that they had a lot of fun playing it and might have doubts on what will happen from here on out, but please remember those doubts you had since you’ll probably find your answer in future installments.
Nomura: This was a very popular game in the past, and since we are remaking it, the amount of attention it had garnered even before it was released was high, and there are many who voiced their concerns about the game too. However, those concerns did not affect our staff as we put in our all to create this work, and we just hope that people will be interested in it. The base for the Remake has been successfully established with the first installment, so we hope to meet your expectations in the next installment too! However, personally, I think there might be some who think “Since this is the Remake, I don’t need to play the original game anymore and just play the Remake instead,” but I want to prevent people from doing that. The original and the Remake are two separate entities. So even if you play FFVII Remake, I would also like you to play the FFVII original game afterwards as well.
Kitase: In this first installment, I think we were able to figure out the exact direction and shape we would like to take with the FFVII Remake. Within the Remake, many hints were strewn along, and we would like fans to get excited and think about on what exactly will happen in the next installments. The theories posted on the internet do reach us, and I think that type of communication between the fans and us will help in creating a story together for all to enjoy.
(Square Enix Interview recorded on March 19th, 2020)
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antialiasis · 3 years
Worldbuilding June (Pokémon edition), Days 8-12
Whoops forgot to post these for a couple of days, too busy with a load of Things as always.
8. Who rules in your world?
TQftL never brings up government, but each region has its own human government, generally just standard representative democracies similar to what we have in the modern world. Ouen has an elected parliament and president. It's a fairly utopian world with little scarcity and politics play kind of a background role - they keep things running, they have some different parties, but there's low polarization and usually they work pretty smoothly together and have little conflict. The situation in other regions is similar - movement is very free and conflict between them is rare and minor in the grand scheme of things.
QftLverse Pokémon, once again, have their own societies and are not subject to human rule except in a limited way while they're with a trainer, as per the Agreement, an all-encompassing contract dictating how the relationship between humans and Pokémon should work. Different Pokémon species govern themselves differently, but their societies are generally based on smaller self-governing groups. The Scyther society has a single leader, who is meant to be the simply strongest in the swarm, and anyone can challenge them to a duel to the death to take their place at any time.
The Morphicverse is once again close to Earth, with different countries having different modes of government. The Poké-USA's politicical climate resembles the actual USA's political climate in ~2007, but if I ever wrote references to the current president I wouldn't make him an outright Bush expy or anything, beyond being from the conservative one of the two highly polarized parties.
9. What religions and myths/legends exist in your world?
The QftLverse's human society is basically post-religious. Legendary Pokémon are revered, but not worshipped - people don't pray to them, ascribe natural phenomena to them, expect them to watch over them personally, perform symbolic rituals associated with them, etc. That said, humans do have myths concerning them - not always accurate ones. The story describes the human myth behind one set of legendaries early on before the reality much later turns out to have been fairly different, for instance.
QftLverse Pokémon have their own myths, legends, religions and beliefs. The Scyther society explored in the spin-offs has a bit of a vague mythology going on explaining the sun, moon, stars and clouds, but it's not very important to them, more of a just-so story. Meanwhile, they live by a system of ethics known as the Code that they consider sacred and all-important, though it doesn't have a godly figure behind it as the source of it, only a philosophy. Other Pokémon might variously have straight-up religion (whether worshipping legendary Pokémon or something else), be entirely areligious, or something in between; most will have myths and legends in some form, though.
The Morphicverse has a form of Christianity, which is functionally a lot like ours; this also means they had a version of Judaism. Other specific religions don't come up, but they'd at the very least be as varied as real-world religions. Like in real life, there are many sects and variants, and as many individual interpretations of faiths as there are people. The villain cult in particular has fringe views that in no way resemble the mainstream. And like in real life, many people nominally believe but don't really practice their religion, and many are agnostic or atheist.
Legendary Pokémon in the Morphicverse are cryptids - there are myths and legends about them, and people think they're neat, write fiction and make movies about them all the time, but in the modern day, actually-for-real believing that they exist out there ranges from mildly eccentric to entirely unthinkable. Worship of legendary Pokémon exists, but in the way that modern neo-Paganism does. It's not remotely mainstream, generally seen as a weird hippie thing, and the notion of Arceus appearing in the flesh one day and declaring he created the universe is about as fantastical to most people as the notion of the Norse pantheon doing the same in our world.
10. What traditions are observed in your world?
QftLverse human traditions are mostly just secular holidays - commemorations of important days in the region's history, etc. It's tradition for most children to go out on a Pokémon journey the spring after they turn ten years old, and participate in a First-Timers' League in the autumn if they manage to stick it out for the whole journey and collect all the badges - there are kids who don't, but it's rare for them to not want to, and other kids may see them as no fun.
Every year in Green Town, there is a Pokémon Festival originally built around the legendary Pokémon Chaletwo's yearly brief visit to the outskirts of the city (which may or may not be ditched in the next revision); it hosts a number of Pokémon-themed events over several days. One of them is a starter Pokémon giveaway, where most kids go to get official starter Pokémon, who have specifically volunteered and been trained to work with beginning trainers - though many kids have had Pokémon as pets/partners since they were young and journey with them instead, or their parents otherwise get them a Pokémon who's up for a beginning trainer. (Many Pokémon kind of like the idea of journeying with a beginning trainer, in the way that many people like the idea of getting a kitten rather than an adult cat - just something special about having been with them from the start. Though getting a starter who's actually been trained to deal with kids is recommended over just finding any random enthusiastic Pokémon.)
Pokémon have all kinds of different traditions. The Scyther society as explored in the spin-offs has a number of traditions and rituals, including a sort of blood baptism of new hatchlings, the leader of the swarm teaching all the adolescent Scyther about the Code, and First Prey, where each of the adolescents is sent out to hunt prey on their own for the first time, with a male and female witness following, so they can prove their ability to kill and to feed themselves. Afterwards, they're expected to publicly offer a symbolic piece of the meat of their first prey to some members of the swarm, and doing so signals respect; you don't technically have to, but in practice everyone always offers it to the leader and not doing so would be taken as outright disrespect.
The Morphicverse is once again culturally similar to the real world and has mostly similar sorts of traditions. Pokémon training is less culturally ingrained there, but still a very common hobby for kids.
11. What are some ways people communicate with pokémon in your world, or pokémon with each other?
In the QftLverse, humans learn to understand Pokémon speech as a mandatory subject at school. Pokémon inherently understand human speech, but they speak anime-style, usually in syllables of their species' name (which is what the species are named after). They share one language, which is not based on exactly what the syllables are but the tone and the way they're combined, hence why it works regardless of the species.
In the current version of the fic, this is pure handwave worldbuilding: it's established that it happens at school at the beginning, and then we just move on to the story, where every human simply understands what Pokémon are saying at all times. In the next revision I'd give a bit more proper worldbuilding attention to it - let the language barrier be a little more present, humans vary in exactly how good they are at it (luckily it's already the main character's best subject at school), and otherwise treat it less like it's just an excuse to act like Pokémon speak English.
In the Morphicverse, Pokémon do communicate but they don't do complex communication - instead, it's closer to the sort of communication most animals do in the real world. They can express how they're feeling, draw attention to something interesting, sound the alarm about something scary, ask another Pokémon to follow, and can do this in a somewhat more efficient and intelligent way than most animals generally do. But one way or another, they don't communicate complicated abstract ideas, neither to humans nor to one another. Pokémon don't automatically understand human speech here, though they're very quick learners when it comes to commands, and they can pick up a fair amount just by being around humans, allowing them to get the gist of basic statements and requests without being explicitly taught them, though anything abstract would still be entirely lost on them. You could tell a Pokémon you've lived with for years "I lost my hat, can you help me find it" and they'll go look for your hat, but they'd be lost if you tried to ask them for anything much more complicated than that.
12. What is the gym circuit or adventuring organization like in your world?
In the QftLverse, gyms are meant to be taken on in a specific order and gym leaders are accordingly expected to keep their Pokémon below a certain level. To be officially sanctioned by the League, a gym needs to have a theme - usually a type, although Rick got away with a legendary theme because he gets away with everything because he is hypnotizing League officials with his Mewtwo super-clone I was twelve years old. Every year there's a First-Timers' League in the autumn in each region, where new trainers who have collected all eight badges of their region face off (except for the bit where I somehow made a guy who'd been training for years be part of it without thinking about it properly). There's also a global Old-Timers' League for more experienced trainers, which crowns a world champion; this doesn't involve badges and is just a tournament. Trainers are advised to stick to official routes, while Pokémon who want a trainer seek out the routes and others avoid them; going off-route has the potential to lead to run-ins with Pokémon who are more hostile to humans. It's not forbidden but it's drilled into kids' heads that you're not supposed to.
The Morphicverse's gym circuit is not too dissimilar to that, but gym leaders are expected to carry a variety of Pokémon teams to take on challengers of different skill levels, who can take on the gyms of their circuit in any order. Kid trainers are strictly meant to travel only along official routes, which are thoroughly monitored to be safe, and often take public trainer transportation; when they're eighteen they can get an adult trainer license with which they can take their Pokémon anywhere they like, at their own risk. Mostly kids do it as a hobby, and many young children dream of being professional trainers, but only a fraction are actually good enough to make money off it, so most either quit it after a few summers on realizing it's not for them (they might release their Pokémon or keep them as pets, depending on how high-maintenance they are), or continue to do it as a side hobby. There exist college-level training schools for those who really want to dedicate their lives to it, but by that point in time most people will have dropped their pro trainer dreams.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
The Leithian Reread - Canto VI (Beren in Nargothrond)
While The Leithian-related plot of this canto focuses on Beren in Nargothrond, almost the first half of it is a brief summary of the Silmarillion from Return of the Noldor through to the Dagor Bragollach. Which I love, since those events for the most part aren’t coverered in Tolkien’s other poetic works, and I prefer the poetry structure of the Leithian to Tolkien’s other (non-rhyming, more Rohirric-sounding) pieces of epic poetry.
This is a good place to note, for readers who are new to the poetic Leithian, that some names are different from the Silm (Tolkien started a revised version with Silm-consistent names, but he didn’t get very far with it). The Noldor are referred to as the Gnomes - a rough transliteration of their elvish name into a human language, drawing from the Greek for ‘knowledge’. Tolkien later rejected this on the basis that the word was already too associated with entirely different mental images, but given how transformative his use of ‘elves’ was (typical fantasy elves are now almost all inspired by his ideas of tall, beautiful, long-lived immortals), we might have completely different concepts of ‘gnome’ now if he’s gone ahead with it. 
The second big diiference is that Finrod is referred to exclusively as Felagund - his Dwarven honorific - whereas his father Finarfin is referred to as Finrod. Tolkien had a lot of difficulty with Finarfin’s name and it went through a pile of different iterations. There are also other minor differences, like Finwë being referred to as Finn.
Returning to the poem - it’s hard to pick a favourite part of the summary section; I love so much of it. This is the closest I’m ever going to get to the Noldolantë (Tolkien wrote a couple pages of another poem focusing on the Return of the Noldor, but I don’t like it as much).
The mists were mantled round the towers
of the Elves’ white city by the sea.
There countless torches fitfully
did start and twinkle, as the Gnomes
were gathered to their fading homes
and thronged the wide and winding stair
that led to the wide echoing square.
There Fëanor mourned his jewels divine,
the Silmarils he made. Like wine
his wild and potent words them fill;
a great host hearkens deathly still.
But all he said both wild and wise
half truth and half the fruit of lies
that Morgoth sowed in Valinor
in other songs and other lore
recorded is.
There’s such a wonderful sense of place and of mood in those lines; the Return of the Noldor has always been one of the most compelling parts of the Silmarillion for me. In the same way that Elves have a different sense of time than Men, Valar must have a different sense of it than Elves; they’re acting, but within their own sense of time, and for the Noldor, in the wake of the Darkening, the desire to do something rather than wait around for the Valar (who are looking more deeply fallible than they ever have before) to fix things must be extremely powerful. And Fëanor’s presence and words and fury, brought into that environment, is like fire to oil. To be active and purposeful in the face of disaster, rather than passive and directionless - that’s a powerful force. The poem also acknowledges that Fëanor’s not entirely wrong (“half truth and half the fruit of lies”), however deeply distorted his ideas about both the Valar and the Secondborn are. As I’ve said before, I think that Eru intended for the Elves to be in Middle-earth, not Valinor; the entire Leithian is centred around the value and importance of an elf-human relationship that continues to affect the history of Arda down through the Third Age (and, in its symbolic meaning, even further).
There’s also a line about the Oath: Who calls these names in witness may not break his oath, though earth and heaven shake. The texts on the Oath are somewhat contradictory on its breakability, though they are united on its importance and severity (it is decidedly not just words, or something that can be casually laid aside). The Silmarillion says “so sworn, good or evil, an oath may not be broken, and it shall pursue oathkeeper and oathbreaker to the world’s end”. But that contradicts itself - it it can’t be broken, then there can’t be oathbreakers. Maedhros and Maglor’s final conversation at the end of the Silm is more illuminating to me: it’s not a matter of the Oath being physically or psychologically impossible to break (if it was, how did they go the 400 years of the Siege of Angband without actively attacking Morgoth?), but of fearing the fate they have called down upon themselves (the Everlasting Darkness) if they do break it. (Plus a lot of sunk cost fallacy, by that point.) Which is considerably less sympathetic: murdering innocent people in order to avoid the consequences of your own bad decision is, ultimately, the choice that innocents should bear the cost of your own choices, which is ultimately a form of cowardice. (Not to mention the inherently contradictory nature of saying “I’m going to do evil so that I won’t be damned,” which Maglor eventually realizes.)
(More of my thoughts on the Oath here.)
This is also one of the few texts we have that actually states the Oath (or rather, part of it; the invocations are not included) rather that describing it. I think all the ones we have are in Tolkien’s poetry; there’s no prose version.
The Kinslaying is not mentioned in this Canto; that’s saved for the Duel of Felagund and Sauron in the next one. But this canto does include possibly the only poetic rendition we get of Fingon rescuing Maedhros from Thangorodrim:
Fingon daring alone went forth
and sought for Maidros where he hung;
in torment terrible he swung,
his wrist in band of forgéd steel,
from a sheer precipice where reel
the dizzy senses staring down
from Thangorodrim’s stony crown.
The song of Fingon Elves yet sing,
captain of armies, Gnomish king...
They sing how Maidros free he set,
and stayed the feud that slumbered yet
between the children proud of Finn.
After describing the Siege of Angband and the Long Peace, the narrative moves on to the Dagor Bragollach, and specifically Barahir’s rescue of Felagund. (And in this account, as in the Silm, Orodreth is Felagund’s brother, not his nephew.) From there, it returns to the main story and Beren’s arrival in Nargothrond. It could not be more different than his reception in Menegroth:
When the ring [of Barahir] was seen
they bowed before him, though his plight
was poor and beggarly...
Fair were the words of Narog’s king
to Beren, and his wandering
and all his feuds and bitter wars
recounted soon.
Regarding Felagund’s fulfillment of his Oath to Barahir, and the betrayal by Celegorm and Curufin, and the abandonment by the Elves of Nargothrond, I’ve already written a fair bit in my (much earlier) posts on Finrod & Nargothrond and Celegorm & Curufin. I’ll add a few additional points here.
First, I do not think it was irresponsible of Felagund to leave Nargothrond to go with Beren. If his presence as king of Nargothrond was important (and I think it was; basically all of Nargothrond’s decisions after he leaves are bad, and he’s been the peacemaker and diplomat between different elven and human groups throughout the Silmarillion up to this point) that is all the more reason why Nargothrond is indebted to Barahir and his descendents, since Felagund would already be dead if not for Barahir’s actions.
Secondly - and I’m getting this from Philosopher at Large’s Leithian Script, which emphasizes it very heavily - Felagund, as liege-lord to the Bëorings, has certain obligations to them even outside of his oath, including providing military assistance in times of need. Usual chains of communication have been cut since the Bragollach, so Felagund’s only just now finding out that the Bëorings have, aside from Beren, been basically exterminated; and that Barahir and later Beren spent years fighting a very long-odds guerrilla war without ever asking or recieving assistance, while Nargothrond was safe and largely inactive. This is going to strongly enhance Felagund’s (legitimate) sense of indebtedness to Barahir’s kin.
Thirdly, Celegorm is often treated as something of a meathead (because he acts like one; all his decisions are terrible in both moral and practical terms), but this sequence makes it clear that both he and Curufin inherited their father’s rhetorical abilities; his speech is specifically compared to Fëanor’s speech in Tirion (Many wild and potent words he spoke, and as before in Tûn awoke his father’s voice their hearts to fire, so now dark fear and brooding ire he cast on them...) But ironically, the direction of Curufin’s speech is opposite to Fëanor’s - while Fëanor’s was about rallying the Noldor to fight Morgoth, Curufin’s is about discouraging them from fighting Morgoth, by frightening them, and he does it so effectively that it’s unlikely Nargothrond would have showed up at the Nirnaeth Arnoediad even without the additional motivation of being furious at the brothers. And continuing on that theme, the brothers are setting themselves against the first real attempt anyone has ever made to regain the Silmarils from Morgoth. A mission that resulted in Beren and Lúthien having one Silmaril, and the Fëanorians having the other two, would obviously be better in terms of their goals than all three remaining in Morgoth’s posession, but they don’t appear to even consider it. This is part of a long thread throughout the Silmarillion - every action taken directly in service to the Oath aids Morgoth and harms the Eldar.
The people of Nargothrond, by the way, really do not come off well here - they’re rejecting their king for someone who has just threatened violence against them all (Celegorm’s speech is basically threatening them with another Kinslaying here and now).
And as a final point - what Celegorm and Curufin do here is one of the worst crimes imaginable within their society. The sacredness of the relationship between guests and hosts (and they are guests in Nargothrond, having fled there from the Bragollach) is a major theme in a lot of pre-modern societies. People familiar with A Song of Ice and Fire will remember its importance there; for a more historical source, Dante places ‘traitors to guests and hosts’ in the ninth circle of hell in the Divine Comedy and goes beyond that to state that people who betray their guests or hosts go directly to hell even before they die, while their body becomes inhabited by a demon for the rest of their life. From this betrayal, to the usurpation of Nargothrond, to the attempted rape of Lúthien, to the attempted murder of Lúthien, to Celegorm’s servants leaving Eluréd and Elurín - young children - to die of exposure, everything we see from the brothers from this point on is them committing crimes that are literally unthinkable to elves. Which is to say that the Eldar might have found Dante’s explanation pretty credible.
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chessiesystem · 4 years
I’ve got to ask, how the hell do I watch starlight express?? I need it in my life
Hi!! Well luckily there are a few bootlegs uploaded on YouTube (no proshot unfortunately). We don’t have a ton to chose from and some are of questionable quality, but I think we’re pretty lucky to have what we do. @stage-props made a playlist compiling them that you can find here.
I’m not sure how familiar you are with StEx currently so I’ll just give a rundown of what to expect from these bootlegs under a cut, because there are SEVERAL different productions of the show and going by my own experience and those of some of my friends they’re not something you want to go into blind or you’ll be a bit confused lol:
#1 on the playlist is the Las Vegas production. This production was a 90 minute version of the show so a LOT of things are cut or shortened. It’s pretty decent for a 90-minute production but personally not one I’d recommend starting off with if you don’t know anything about the show because then you’re missing a lot of content, you know?
#2: Tuachan is a non-replica production so the costumes and choreography are completely different from what’s normal for the show. Also I believe they’re on heelies instead of roller skates? So yeah, same songs and plot but it won’t look the way you expect.
#3: Broadway is fairly similar to the original production (a.k.a. what you hear on the Original London Cast Recording) but there are some key differences. Unfortunately the first 15 or so minutes of this one are missing but otherwise the quality is very good, especially for its age, and other than what you miss in those first 15 minutes you get the full scope of the story.
#4: The last show of the “New Starlight Express” production, which was the 2nd London production that underwent heavy revisions and changes to the show, including cutting the character C.B./Caboose. You can listen to the New StEx cast album here.
#5: This is of the Original London Production after they began making some revisions, so it’s not exactly what you hear on the Original London Cast Recording but it’s the closest we’ve got! It’s the only video bootleg that has the song “No Comeback”, and the duet version of “One Rock’n’Roll Too Many” between Greaseball and C.B. Good audio but unfortunately the video quality is very Not Good.
#6 and #7: This is a VERY good quality bootleg of the Bochum production show prior to its most recent revisions, so basically this represents the show as it was between 2013-2018. The caveat is that the recorder focuses solely on Dustin, a minor character, whenever he’s on stage, so it can be extremely frustrating to watch at times because we often miss the main action. Oh, also it’s in German.
#8: A video edit put together by a fan that takes different recordings and grafts them together into more or less the full show. It’s pretty cute!
Anyway. I talk too much! If you haven’t already I always recommend listening to the Original London Cast Album (here) before watching any bootlegs, so that you have an idea of what the story is and what’s supposed to be happening, but that’s of course not mandatory lol, experience this show however you want! The Original Lodon Cast Album slaps though, like what an amazing cast.
Okay I’m gonna shut up forreal now 😭😭😭. Have fun! If you have any questions feel free to hit me up.
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kckenobi · 3 years
ooh 1, 7, 12 and 22? Sending you much love and energy 💕🌺
Thanks Ann!! (Sorry I took a break from answering these—I took a nap lol)
1. Tell us about your WIP!
I have a lot of wips going that I really need to work on lol, but one I’ll talk about is this AU where Obi-Wan gets a new padawan around the same time Anakin gets Ahsoka, and it’s Greti from the clone wars gambit books by Karen Miller! It’s actually mostly finished, I just never wrote the last scene cause I suddenly got all self conscious about it and wondered if anyone would actually enjoy it lol, but I might finish it and post it anyway! Basically, Greti and Ahsoka are fast friends, they’re both headstrong and bold and give Anakin and Obi-Wan a run for their money. Obi-Wan thought he could handle anything after Anakin—but there are some things he didn’t account for. Like...how to braid hair lol.
7. Favorite/most inspirational book?
Ohhhh man my favorite ever fiction book is The Book Thief, and I’m sure you’re all tried of hearing about that by now lol. Some other awesome ones (so is not sounding like a broken record) are Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng, I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson, and All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doer.
12. Which story of yours do you like best? why?
I think it’s When the Music Stops! So thanks for giving me the idea to write it my friend 😂🥰 I feel like this fic just let me pull out all the stops—we have playful banter, angsty dialogue, a little minor whump—which are pretty much my favorite things in the world to write, and I could use nearly the whole cast of characters, instead of focusing on just 2-3 like I usually do. I also felt like I could really see how much I’ve grown this year when writing this fic—even comparing it to some stuff I wrote in April or so, I can see the difference and that was exciting :)
22. Tell us about the books on your “to write” list
I’m actually thinking of diving back into an original fiction project soon! I took a break from my novel to give myself fresh eyes when I revise, but I have this short story idea that explores some similar themes and I think that’ll be a fun way to get myself in the mindset to work on it again :)
from these writer asks
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