#it's been a while i knooowwwww
taegularities · 2 years
Um excuse me, is unhindered a flashback/past interaction?
I’m assuming it is, because right now we’re heartbroken, and I just wanna know why you would do that to me? Remind me of good fun smutty times while we’re HEARTBROKEN RID?!?! Why?!?!
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yes, it's a flashback !! 😭 i've added it to the a/n since but i realised vv late that it might be confusing for readers kfsdjhkjf
i knooowwwww, no i wanted to give you guys something sweet after all the suffering 😭 like, with cmi and c&f there's just been so much angst.. i need to put a healthy fluff smut combo between all the heartbreak occasionally </3
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hatosaur · 2 years
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commission for @joshua-flipping-washington - an illustration of one of the scenes from a fic of his!
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puppyluver256 · 2 years
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[Image Description: An androgynous person with somewhat dark skin, short two-toned violet hair, hazel eyes, and a small mole under the eye visible to us. They are wearing a maroon turtlenecked tunic shirt, a blue sweater with turquoise accents, blue pants, and violet slip-on shoes with lavender accents. They are looking to the side in pensive thought, a hand holding a blue pen held up to their chin. Beside them is the Pokemon Claydol. It is a large dark brown mud sculpture with rounded arms and stubby legs, white and yellow designs on its front, and white ridges over a bunch of red "eyes" circling its "head", each "eye" separated with a yellow bump resembling a nose or beak. The background behind them is Verdanturf Town from the Pokemon games that take place in Hoenn (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sappire), specifically the area in front of the Contest Hall and entrance to Rusturf Tunnel. End ID.]
"'The Trainer approaches their next challenge...Pokeball tightly gripped in one hand, they stand on the battlefield, feeling a confident smirk cross their own face...' Yes, that could work. It does seem a bit generic at first, but one could argue that almost every battle starts in much the same way. Ah, pardon, I still have yet to introduce myself. I am Lian, a writer in both profession and passion. Unfortunately while my passion remains, my ability to conceptualize ideas is less than spectacular at the moment. Battles are my main source of inspiration, so perhaps in this battle, we can serve to inspire one another!"
More Battle Peak representatives! Hoenn's representative is Lian, a writer with a serious creative block. They're hoping that their time at the Battle Peak can help to reinvigorate their main source of inspiration, which is watching Pokemon in battle and participating in battle with their own Pokemon. And yes, I know there is a canon Lian in the Pokemon universe already I have played Legends Arceus I knooowwwww, but 1) when I started developing my Lian, either Warden Lian hadn't been announced or I just forgot about him, depending on how early in the background that I started making the Battle Peak challengers, and 2) I don't subscribe to the "One Steve Limit"/"One Mario Limit" principle with my OCs as it is, hehe. Also, this is Pokemon. HOW many Nurse Joys and Officer Jennys do we have again? And if we're sticking strictly to the games, let's not forget all those Youngster Joeys! ;P
Given that Battle Peak is a Battle Tower-esque setup, Lian's team is slightly randomized depending on what battle conditions you have set. They will select either three (for single battles) or four (for double battles) from their "full" team of six. They will always include Claydol on their team, and the rest of their team can include Milotic, Metagross, Absol, Altaria, or Swalot.
💖🐶 Check out my pinned post for ways to support my artwork, among other things! 🐶💖
~If you like, please reblog to show your friends! Likes are appreciated, but reblogs let more people see my content! If you have something to say, feel free to give feedback in tags/comments/replies as well!~
Claydol and other Pokemon concepts © Nintendo/GameFreak Lian Wen, the Cantessy Region, and artwork © PuppyLuver Studios
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graysongraysoff · 7 years
1, 2, 3 for Reclaimer Down, 6, 11, 13, 15?
this got lengthy so have a cut
1. What is your favorite fic you have under your belt?
you KNOOOWWWWW it is leave what’s heavy
2. What is your favorite snippet of dialogue?
i answered this already but let’s see if i can find a runner-up…….
here’s one!
“Do you want to steal a car?”
It was impossible to tell how serious Ronan was, but Noah knew that he wouldn’t have brought it up if he weren’t at least considering it.
“Did all your impulse control leave town with Gansey?” Noah asked, shooting Ronan a slanted grin, which Ronan returned.
“No better time to do it,” Ronan continued.  “Dark out.  Raining.  Impulse control all the way out in D.C.”
“What’ll we do with it once we steal it?” Noah asked.
“We’ll drive it, dumbass,” Ronan almost laughed.  
“Well, yes,” Noah agreed.  “But drive it where?  And then what?”
Ronan waved him off.
“We’ll figure it out on the way,” he said, already shrugging into his jacket.  “C’mon, let’s hop in Mr. Olsen’s ‘vette.”
3. What inspired Reclaimer Down?
that’s…….. a good question, and one i probably would have had a better answer to about half a year ago, lol.  it’s a weird one for me, to be sure (or, at least, the first half of it is).  my happy ending fics are few and far between; i usually take sads and make them sadder (hence, the second half).
actually, lemme start with the second half, because that’s easy: i was in the middle of writing a fic about magnus dying, and i realized that in light of such an event taako might not be so good out there, and also that his boyfriend literally being death further ickens up the situation. i love angst more than life and so i obviously had to go there.
but the first half, the actual beginning of the fic………. idk. i’d be lying if i didn’t say that it was probably at least partially wish fulfillment. i listened to travis mcelroy’s voice break over my nickname, dude, i was having a Situation for sure. but i think too that i had just come to love magnus so incredibly much, and while mostly my love for a character manifests itself in my wringing all of the angst i can from them, with magnus i just ache for him to be happy.
6. What’s the detail you wait on bated breath for readers to notice?
it’s definitely that death foreshadowing i love so much!
11. What’s a fanfic idea you haven’t done yet?
i desperately want to write about tres horny boys bumping into good ol governor kalen i have it outlined and everything i just need to DO IT
13. Do you have a favorite character to write for?
i love writing my quippy boys, my dick graysons and my cuthbert allgoods and my mercutios. i often feel like i’m not funny enough to do them justice, but i think the simple fact that i’ve been writing them for most of my life has resulted in a level of competence and confidence in spite of that unfunny feeling. they’re my comfort zone characters, and the easiest people for me to ease back into when i have writer’s block. 
and i really do love writing ronan, who is similar to my quippy boys but just different enough that he’s a challenge for me. he is also so, so, so fucking difficult to get just right and i haven’t felt up to the writing standard he demands in a very long time, but i think that difficulty only makes getting him right feel even better.
15. Give us a snippet from one of your WIPs!
here’s something from a fic i’ve been working on for centuries about midnighter and apollo, a superhero power couple based on batman and superman, ask me about them any time i love them to absolute pieces:
“Exactly how dependent on sunlight did Bendix make you?” [Midnighter] asked.  “You need it for your powers.  Your strength, your flight – things like that.  But do you need it for anything else?”
Apollo spat toothpaste into the basin.
“Well, the stuff we all need it for.  Vitamin D and shit,” he said.
“Apollo,” Midnighter said, and something of his apprehension must have made it into his voice, because Apollo turned to face him, brow furrowing.  Midnighter was silent for a moment before speaking again, voice low.
“None of the rest of us is falling asleep for ten hours after being awake for four.”
Apollo sighed.
“The short answer is, I don’t know,” he said.  “I only know what I gain from the sun; I haven’t really had much opportunity before now to find out what I lose in its absence.”
Midnighter nodded, throat tight.
“It’ll be alright,” Apollo continued, crossing the room to pull Midnighter against him.  He was cool to the touch where once he’d radiated warmth.  “Between Angie and Shen and Jeroen?  Someone will figure this out.”
Midnighter pressed his face into Apollo’s shoulder and hoped that he was right.
fanfic day meme
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melaninja-mo · 5 years
Only Clichés: Short stories you can predict 😂
A series of short stories that are just a bunch of clichés of that genre or subject.
Story One: A Predictable Romance
A man, who looked exactly how you’d imagine a man who recently got out of a bad relationship and is bumming it out on his friends couch wakes up and of course, clicks the remote and grabs the rest of a beer he was drinking the night before.
It was February 13th of course and the Newscaster was explaining that there may be rain with a chance of love. He scoffs and shakes his head at the tv and gets up to go to the bathroom.
Meanwhile, a few miles away, a hardworking woman is working hard at work.
“Ma’am, those people from the Benson deal are on the phone.” A secretary intern says and she pours coffee into the woman’s cup.
“I’ll call them back.” She replies and the secretary leaves the office. Right as she is about to lower head and take a deep breathe, her desk buzzer goes off.
“You have a visitor.” She sighs and responds,
“Let them in.” A girl, dressed causally is holding a teddy bear and flowers and giggles her way into the office. It is her best friend with a Valentine’s Day gift. They proceed to hug and then make their way to two arm chairs offset by the window.
“Oh my gosh, I haven’t seen you in so long, have you been?” Her friend says eagerly.
“Oh you know, the usual, the life of a woman CEO. What about you?”
“Great! Matthew’s mom is keeping the kids, so I thought it be nice to come visit you for the weekend!” The friend looks at the woman’s hand. “You’re still not dating are you, Rebecca?”
Rebecca rolls her eyes. “How could I possibly date and run a business at the same time. Love & money don’t mix. You know the story.” She gets up and walks over to the window, looking out a city skyline view.
“Oh come on, that’s so boring! There’s a man that’s just waiting to sweep you off your feet. You’ve just gotta put yourself out there.” She pauses then continues. “And you have to forget about Chris, it’s been months. It’s over. He was a piece of shit and didn’t deserve you.”
Rebecca looks over her shoulder. “This is not about Chris... I just... want to focus on my business.”
The friend stands up and looks Rebecca into the eyes and grabs her hands while saying, “I knooowwwww, you want to be boring, but I’m in town and I’ve planned a day! Take the day off.”
Taking her hands back, Rebecca says, “I can’t just leave,”
Her friend takes her by the arm and pulls her, doing a slight run, and says, “Yes you can you’re the boss!” Rebecca grabs her purse and her phone before getting pulled away.
“Hey, Daniel, do you have any plans tonight?” A guy says behind an open refrigerator door.
“Uhhh, no, why?”
“My brother and his wife are in town, and they invited me and Sarah out for some V-day outings. His wife is bringing her friend, uhhh, Rachel, no, Relissa, crap, something with an R. I saw a pic of her, she’s a catch. Told them you would totally hook up with her.”
Daniel raises an eyebrow. “Let me see the picture.” His friend, holding two beers, closes the fridge with his foot and walks over to the couch and sits down. He shows them a group picture that was taken about 2 years ago.
“She’s single?”
“I guess so, she runs like a business or something.” He begins to drink the beer.
“Dude, a business?! I can’t go out with a woman who owns a business. I work a dead end job, I haven’t showered in days, and I just left a chick who thought she was too good for me.” Daniel said standing up.
“Dude, relax. And you should probably go shower. Take your mind off of that. You never know, she could be “The One”,” Daniel slaps the back of his head while heading towards the bathroom.
Part Two coming soon 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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