#it's been so hard not to quote it constantly since buffer
jaynaneeya · 5 years
Every second of this is solid gold. Fart jokes aren’t for everyone (I’m not particularly fond of them myself), and I know some people strongly disliked the fake feud (I loved it, but I guess people thought it was real?), but the setup, the audience engagement, and the ultimate payoff made this whole overall thing a fun, well-executed, unique experience that made me proud to be a fan of such creative teams. Bravo, well done, you all are geniuses!
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abangtech · 4 years
Twitter is not breaking new ground with its remote work policy
I’m the president of Articulate, a highly profitable SaaS company that’s been fully remote since its founding in 2002, has more than 250 employees, and will reach $100 million in recurring revenue this year. So when I heard that Twitter is breaking new ground by letting its employees work remotely, as this article by Margaret O’Mara in The New York Times suggests, I felt the need to set the record straight.
For more than 18 years, our team has proven that building a happy, healthy, connected remote workforce is not only possible — it’s not even that hard. It just takes intentionality.
And we aren’t the only long-time fully remote company around; there are a number of us, including Automattic, Buffer, Edgar, GitLab, InVision, and Zapier.
O’Mara’s article quotes Satya Nadella, chief executive of Microsoft, pondering how companies will address connection, teamwork, burnout, and overall employee mental health in remote environments. The assumption is that these are inherent challenges with remote work. They aren’t. They are human challenges, and remote work actually gives workers a leg up on addressing them.
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They gain back, on average, 225 hours a year by not commuting. That’s a lot of time people can spend instead doing activities that enrich their lives and improve their mental health, such as meditating, exercising, or spending time with family and friends. They’re also avoiding one of the least pleasant, most stress-inducing things we do: commuting. The average person spends 54 minutes a day fighting traffic to get to the office.
Furthermore, remote workers have control over their work environment, deciding how warm, how light, how quiet, how neat, and how beautiful they want it. If you’ve ever shared cubicle space with a messy coworker or an open office with a loud talker, it won’t surprise you that research shows that typical work environments negatively impact well-being.
And about burnout. It has nothing to do with the office and everything to do with company culture and management practices. Leaders at any company, remote or not, must insist that employees take the time they need to recharge. And they must have paid vacation policies (we offer unlimited vacation) that make that possible.
Now let’s talk about fostering connection, teamwork, and community in a fully remote environment. News flash: Forced proximity in an office does not translate into connection. People don’t have to play ping-pong, stroll in a greenhouse, or lounge in a huddle room to feel connected to their coworkers — or feel a common purpose.
What people do need to connect is focused time collaborating, communicating, and sharing their personal narratives. The first step is setting the expectation that people must regularly collaborate and constantly communicate with one another. Those are non-negotiable table stakes for all our employees.
The second step is setting up channels and workflows for that collaboration and communication to happen. Before Slack, we connected using Skype, baking regular calls and instant messages into our workflows. Now, we collaborate on video calls where we share our screens, break out into separate “rooms,” and talk face-to-virtual-face. And we communicate continuously in channels on Slack (think of these as virtual hallways). In the last 30 days alone, we’ve sent each other more than 245,000 messages.
Finally, people need ways to connect around shared interests, experiences, and wins. Our Articulate and Rise teams have 523 public channels in Slack. If you’re interested in something –from music and animals to cooking and astrology — there’s probably a channel where people are talking about it. We have employee resource groups where people with shared experiences connect and support each other. We regularly celebrate new hires, promotions, and sales wins in company-wide Slack channels. And we do regular brown bags, company-wide town hall meetings, and parties via Zoom.
While much of our community building happens virtually, we also have an annual company-wide retreat where the only goal is person-to-person connection in real life. In non-COVID-19 times, people also go to conferences together, staff industry booths together, and organize cowork weeks to connect in person. We create space for authentic connection, and most folks show up as their whole selves. So, when we see each other, it’s always a special treat, but only because we’ve already built so much connection virtually.
If you’re a human-centered organization concerned with the well-being of employees, building a fully remote workplace with happy, healthy employees is nbd.
Lucy Suros is president of e-learning software company Articulate.
The post Twitter is not breaking new ground with its remote work policy appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/twitter-is-not-breaking-new-ground-with-its-remote-work-policy/
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wyrmguardsecrets · 7 years
To people complaining about Blood Elf RP.
**MOD NOTE: Placing this under a cut because jesus christ dude this shit was fucking long**
Dear players who continually complain about Blood Elves,
I came to Wyrmrest Accord from a dead server, completely alone, no contacts, no friends. I was elated to find a Silvermoon that actually had people in it, I moved my priest over before my main and sat on the edge of the fountain in Silvermoon while alt tabbed finishing my last night of raiding with a guild before transferring my main.
I tabbed back in to jump and noticed there were people roleplaying at me. My first roleplay experience on Wyrmrest Accord. It was a pair of Orcs who had come to Silvermoon specifically to antagonize and hate on Blood Elves. So here my dude was, sitting there minding his own business, gazing at the fountain, and being the recipient of hostility. What made so little sense about it was that they were antagonizing my character because there are too many Blood Elves in Silvermoon. I think my character gave them a look as if they were wearing their pants on their head because that’s like going to France and complaining that too many people are speaking French.
Over the years I’ve witnessed a non-stop bombardment, mostly from Orcs, Trolls, and Undead, but from everyone to a lesser extent, hating me despite not even knowing me simply because when I made a Blood Elf Paladin in Burning Crusade I found I like playing Blood Elves. I like their animations, I like their jokes, I like their voice actor who was also responsible for playing many characters I enjoyed on television when growing up. I liked their background story, being a zombie apocalypse survivor for whom the ends justify the means is really cool. What kind of pain, what kind of suffering must this character have gone through? How has he coped? How does he think, how does his experiences shape him? Who has he lost? How has he survived? That’s some nifty lore.
But this hate has come from all sides and is constant. I see it on Forums, Tumblr, Facebook when I bothered, Discord, OOC in chat channels, IC by people who have decided to come to Silvermoon just to pick on the elves. It’s everywhere and it’s inescapable. I watch as almost daily RPer bashes people for playing elves. Every. Day.
I’ve begun to just see images of indignant children shouting in shrill voices, “STOP LIKING WHAT I DON’T LIKE” and “STOP NOT LIKING WHAT I LIKE” when I read complaints about Blood Elves. And no, it doesn’t matter how you frame it, it’s still complaining.
You can try to frame it as a “diversity” issue but when push comes to shove you aren’t paying for anyone else’s subscription so you don’t really have a say in what they play. You could go to Blizzard and demand that they put a limit on the number of one class you can play but I can tell you right now that they will never enact such a limit. In reality we will probably see further relaxation on race/class choices as time goes on. When Blood Elves can be shamans and druids my Horde roster will consist entirely of Blood Elves.
And before you start questioning why I play Horde if I just want to be pretty, I’m going to point out that I’ve been playing Horde for a long time, probably longer than you, since November of 2003. I remember what it was like before Blood Elves, I remember the massive faction imbalance that Blood Elves helped solve. I remember how much harder it was to do things like Blackwing Lair with Shamans instead of Paladins, how we were stuck with Resto Shamans having to heal while not having the best class set allocations while having priests dispel on Baron Geddon while Alliance had their Paladins cleanse and their priests heal. I remember having to learn to stance dance to get out of fears while tanking Magmadar while Alliance had fear ward. Blood Elves and Paladins coming to the Horde was the absolute best game balancing step Blizzard has EVER taken.
I remember after Majordomo, we’d all kill our characters and corpse run back to the raid to go kill Ragnaros. Everyone would get naked and hop on domo’s hotplate. Everyone but me. I couldn’t stand the look of my main naked, so I ate a repair bill so I didn’t have to look at the shriveled hunched body of a male troll as I ran naked across the Searing Gorge. The shape of the male troll reminded me of haunting photos I had seen of emaciated people (“Muselmänner”, living corpses) rescued from Auschwitz. Even though trolls are buff, their mass compred to their length and their posture was just too uncomfortabe. Have you ever stopped to think that maybe non-blood Elves aren’t everyone’s RP style, and sometimes for very good reasons?
I’ve seen a lot of complaints about Blood Elves that are homophobia driven. The males are too gay. Why yes, their voice actor is an openly gay voice acting legend, problem? Blizard actually made them ‘buffer’ than elves should be because of homophobia. To this day I think that having mildly pretty men by contrast to other men in the game triggers homophobia. Perhaps Blood Elves weren’t made for the straight male eye, perhaps they were made for the female eye. They were made for the queer eye. They were made because the Horde races lacked mass appeal, and their designs made it very hard for the average player to empathize or immerse themselves into these characters.
Do you have any idea how uncomfortable it is being made to think that everyone who doesn’t play a Blood Elf hates you just because you happen to play one? Can you imagine being the recipient of hate being your very first experience on this server? Oh I know you’re going to say, “It’s just IC” except for, it isn’t really. This hatred is a constant bombardment across mediums, this is self-insertion of the author’s opinion into characters in a way that makes no sense. Stop it.
Now here’s my point: You blame Blood Elf roleplayers for there not being enough of other things, you blame Blood Elves for the dearth of good guilds or communities that center around other Horde races. What race people choose to RP on WOW is not zero sum.
If this site had the ability to do pull quotes (where you take a sentence, separate it out with horizontal rules and make the text very big) I’d totally pull quote that. But I can’t so I’m going to repeat it a few times for emphasis.
What race people choose to RP on WOW is not zero sum.
What race people choose to RP on WOW is not zero sum.
What race people choose to RP on WOW is not zero sum.
What race people choose to RP on WOW is not zero sum.
The popularity of Blood Elves is not taking away from the creation of other guilds, groups, and communities. The popularity of Blood Elves is not taking players away from other guilds, groups, and communities.
Blood Elves are not the problem. Would you like to know what the problem is? Take those crooked little fingers you’re pointing and rotate them 180 degrees on the horizontal axis. Where are those fingers pointing? Why they’re pointing at you. YOU are the problem.
There. I said it. You are the problem. Every single person who is blaming people who RP Blood Elves for their problems, every person passive-aggressively screaming “STOP LIKING WHAT I DON’T LIKE,” every person denigrating people who RP Blood Elves as shallow, uncreative, unskilled, bland, superficial, in it for the ERP, boring, or whatever. You are the problem.
One more time. You are the problem. Yes you. If you yourself haven’t engaged in this behavior, then the behavior of others around you. When was the last time you told your Belf bashing friends to shut the fuck up? I bet you don’t like blanket statements being made about you but you sit by quietly while your friends do the same damn thing.
Players of non Blood Elves are to blame for the dearth of non Blood Elf RP, not Blood Elf Roleplayers. All y'all’s actions, your behavior, and your choices are the poison that has stunted your community growth.
When you people sit there and denigtate people who RP Blood Elves, you need to understand that other people are doing it too, and that if we’re listening we find a symphony of hate from theother side. I know why you do it, you’re hoping to discourage, to pressure, to force, to make Blood Elf RPers feel bad so they will decide to stop liking what you don’t like and start liking what you like so you can have more RP partners.
Except it doesn’t actually work that way. What you’re actually doing is painting yourselves as hostile and it makes people who main Blood Elves. It makes us think that if we decide to make an alt and go play with you, that you’re going to be hostile to us the moment you find out we main a Belf. This deters us from wanting to play with you. Why would we subject ourselves to such hostility?
I had a male orc prot warrior that I played as an argent aligned male orc prot paladin, a character with all of the ferocity and strength of an orc combined with a stalwart defender who may or may not actually be able to use the light. It was a fun character. I deleted it because I realized that I could never RP it among other orcs because I main a belf. I made a pair of male blood elf hunters intended to be dark ranger bards. 80s metal wailing manshees in undead elf bodies with red eyes, big hair, and sun lutes. But I realized that while the idea is cool and fun that undead RPers would likely hate my characters for having belf models let alone being male instead of female, even though manshees were added in Legion. I repurposed the characters into something else. While these things are weird and quirky, they’re examples of some of the ideas, possibly fun ideas, that non-Belf RPers lose out on when they constantly bombard other creative people with endless hostility.
The only non-Belf groups that I’ve ever seen try to reach out and engage others has been a group of really nice Tauren. If I was going to RP something other than a Bloof, I’d probably RP a Tauren because I’ve seen that there’s at least some circles of Tauren who likely won’t shit at me for maining a Belf. They’re doing it right. Learn from them.
No one will listen to the Blood Elf RPers’ critiques of what you all need to do and change. Change must come from the inside.
If you want to see things get better you need to start being excellent to each other, you need to be the change you want to see, and you need to quit yer bitchin’. Then you need to tell the people who are being passive aggressive, or outright aggressive, to people playing Blood Elves just because they’re playing Blood Elves, to have a nice glass of shut the fuck up.
Change comes from making a stand. Let me tell you that when these people start getting bombarded by a couple dozen scoldings from their peers for being a jackass they’re going to learn that it’s uncool and stop being a jackass. Then the community healing process can start. 
When hating on players for playing Blood Elves becomes uncool, then players who have decided that all y'all are hostile may consider trying to interact with you, put alts in communities, and help you grow and nurture your own communities.
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sujaykworld · 5 years
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16 Top Tips from Blogging Experts for Beginners https://ift.tt/2oCF3RZ
16 Top Tips from Blogging Experts for Beginners
I’ve heard blogging referred to a couple of times recently as a mixture between an art and a science. If this is true (and I think it is), there’s no ‘right way’ to approach blogging if you want to be successful. There are plenty of people who’ve done a great job of it though, and I thought it would be useful to learn from them.
These 16 bloggers shared one important tip each for blogging beginners. No doubt, even if you’re not a beginner these tips will probably prove to be useful.
1.       Get ideas from your audience
Create blog posts that answer the most interesting questions from people you engage with on social media.
This can be a great way to gather ideas of what topics people would most like to read about, which will help your blog grow! One of the best ways I’ve seen this in action is through blog comments or Tweets. In one example, here on FastCompany a lot of people requested a post that features more women entrepreneurs:
Now, a few weeks later adding such an article where just women contributed and built great businesses was a big hit:
2.       Understand your audience
Understand your audience better than they understand themselves. It takes a lot of upfront research, and often means being a member of the very tribe you’re trying to lead – but it pays off.
Understanding your audience better means you’ll have a better idea of what blog content will resonate with them, which is a good start when you get to writing blog posts.
A great technique for doing this is to simply ask your readers first on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn with an engaging quote. If people respond well to it, than this is probably a great topic to write about. An example for this comes from Andrew Chen who famously “tests” his blogpost ideas on Twitter first.
And so does Joel here at Buffer. Take this example from a recent Twitter post of his, where he simply tweeted one quote to see how well people liked a topic before he blogged about it:
3.       Write for yourself first
Write for yourself first & foremost. Ignore the fact that anyone else will read what you write; just focus on your thoughts, ideas, opinions and figure out how to put those into words. Write it and they will come.
Adii’s experience in writing for himself firstly has made a difference to his blog in ways he didn’t expect:
Yes, since I’ve been writing for myself, I’ve found that I write more and I publish more often. I think though that the main reason for that is that I don’t decide whether to publishing something based on the traction / reception that the post will receive within my audience; instead if I want to publish something, I do so. For myself.
4.       Build your email list
Start building your email list from day one. Even if you don’t plan on selling anything, having an email list allows you to promote your new content to your audience directly without worrying about search rankings, Facebook EdgeRank, or other online roadblocks in communications.
When you’re asking readers to sign up for your email list, you might want to try experimenting with different language. Willy Franzen found that his subscription rate jumped 254% higher when he changed his call-to-action from “subscribe by email” to “get jobs by email”:
Using this phrase more clearly tells Willy’s readers what they’re signing up for, which clearly worked well!
5.       Love your existing readers
Love the readers you already have. A lot of bloggers get quite obsessed with finding new readers – to the point that they ignore the ones they already have. Yes – do try to find new readers but spend time each day showing your current readers that you value them too and you’ll find that they will help you grow your blog.
Focusing on your readers is a great way to get to know them better (see tip #2). I love the way Daniel Burstein describes blog readers’ expectations of you as a blogger:
A blog is really two things. One, simply a piece of technology, a platform. But, two, it is a promise in the minds of most readers, who expect that the blog should have actual content with some elements of value that is hyper-targeted to their needs. Much like with a newspaper. Readers don’t just look at a newspaper as newsprint that is delivered on their driveway every morning. They look at it as valuable information about their city, where they live, and the things that they do.
6.       Focus on building an amazing call-to-action
I screwed up for years. I’d blog and blog. Some of my posts were doing very well on places like Hacker News, but I had such hard time getting return visitors. And very few people bothered to follow me on Twitter.
Don’t rely on people to do the work to find your Twitter account. Don’t rely on them to do the work to find your details in a sidebar. People are blind to sidebars. Thanks banner ads!
Finish your blog post with some kind of call to action to signup for an email list or follow you on Twitter. When I started doing this, I immediately increased my Twitter followers by 335% in the first 7 days.
Nate Kontny, founder of Draft
Nate uses a simple call-to-action on his blog now, that looks like this:This particular technique we’ve also tested here on the Buffer blog and found it to work amazingly well to bring attention to other blog posts we’ve written, like this:or to Buffer product features, like this:
7.       Give stuff away
Give away free content that adds value to people’s lives “until it hurts” and they will love you and become loyal fans.
Jeff Bullas, blogger and author of Blogging the Smart Way
A great example of this is the research done by Incentivibe, who found that adding a giveaway contest pop-up to the bottom-right of their website led to 125% more email subscribers.
8.       Be consistent
Consistency is one of the most important things that bloggers tend to forget. It’s much easier to lose your traffic than it is to build it up, so make sure you consistently blog.
A study by Hubspot showed that consistent blogging actually leads to higher subscriber growth rates:
Over a two-month span, businesses that published blog entries on a regular basis (more than once a week) added subscribers over twice as fast as those companies that added content once a month.
9.       Give away your knowledge
Don’t be afraid to showcase what you know. Too many bloggers hold back the good stuff out of fear of giving away the “secret sauce.” There is no secret sauce in a world where everyone has high speed Internet access at all times. Today, you want to give away information snacks to sell knowledge meals.
Jay’s advice is to share the knowledge you have, rather than keeping it tucked away for a rainy day. Chris Guillebeau follows this advice by offering two free, downloadable PDFs to his readers. Chris also does what Jay calls giving away “information snacks to sell knowledge meals.” On both of the free PDF download pages, Chris markets his book on the right-hand side.
10.   Be true to your voice
Stay true to yourself and your voice. People don’t care to follow sites so much as they care to follow people.
Another blogger who advocates the importance of the writer’s voice is Jeff Goins. He says that your voice is the most important, yet over-looked part of blogging:
Writing isn’t about picking the right topic; it’s about finding the right voice. What matters, what readers really resonate with, isn’t so much what you say, but how.
11.   Give it time – This is why
Plan to invest in blogging for a long time before you see a return. The web is a big, noisy place and unless you’re willing to invest more over a greater period of time than others, you’ll find success nearly impossible. If you’re seeking short-term ROI, or a quick path to recognition, blogging is the wrong path. But if you can stick it out for years without results and constantly learn, iterate, and improve, you can achieve something remarkable.
Rand shared these great images with us from his wife’s travel blog, Everywhereist, which shows just how long it can take to see a return on your efforts:
12.   Give your email list priority
If you’re blogging to create a business, a movement, or to support a cause, then you need to build an email list. It’s not an option. I don’t even consider my blog to be my community, my email list is my community. Caring about these people, writing for them, and delivering value to them should be your number one goal.
When the New York Public Library focused on growing email subscription rates, this simple home page design with information about what readers could expect to receive boosted numbers by 52.8% over a more complicated version with less information about the actual newsletter:
13.   Write catchy headlines
No matter how great your content is, it won’t matter unless you have an amazing headline. People have a split second to decide if they should click on your post, and your headline will make them decide. The headline is also essential in making it easy and desirable for people to share your post. Keep your headlines SPUB: simple, powerful, useful and bold.
Something we do at Buffer is to test several different headlines for each of our blog posts to determine which ones works best. Here’s an example of what that might look like:You can read more about this particular approach in more depth here: A scientific guide to writing great headlines on Twitter, Facebook and your Blog
14.   Be Yourself
There isn’t one specific set of rules to be successful in blogging. When I started blogging, I had the opportunity to learn from experienced and successful bloggers in the industry. One of the best lessons I’ve learned from them is to simply be me. I didn’t have to be too “professional” or use “big words” to impress others. I had to simply be me.
By being me, I enjoyed writing and the process more. It had me writing more than I usually would too. If you look at the the most successful writers like Seth Godin and Chris Brogan you’ll notice that they are different and unique in their own ways.
Aaron Lee, social media manager, entrepreneur and blogger
Moz CEO Rand Fishkin agrees that telling your company’s story is important, as opposed to following a formula for successful blogging:
Emotion and storytelling have been part of how we communicate with each other and inspire action for thousands of years.
15.   Keep it short
Biggest lesson I learned in my past year of blogging. Keep it in the 1–2 minutes read-time length.
Working out the best length for your blog posts can be tricky. You generally need about 300 words minimum to get indexed by search engines, but otherwise the length of your post is up to what you think feels best.
Derek Sivers noticed recently that his shorter posts were much better received by readers and seemed to be shared more, unlike his longer posts:
16.   Make it worth referencing – here is how:
One thing I always try to keep in mind before publishing a post is would anyone want to “cite” this for any reason? Just like interesting research is great because it leaves you with a fascinating finding or an idea, I like for my posts to be the same. That doesn’t mean relying on research, but simply making sure each post has an original lesson or actionable item, making it “citable” on the web.
When writing a post, I get into a mindset to answer just this 1 question with a Yes: “Would anyone email this article to a friend?”
It’s an extremely simple proposition. Yet, it has changed my writing completely. If I put myself into a reader’s head going through a post and seeing whether someone will say “Oh, this is interesting, John will really like this”, then I go ahead and publish it. It’s almost like an invisible threshold to pass. I need to improve the post until this level is reached. I will iterate, find more research, get more examples, until I can truly imagine this happening.
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lovelouisemoriarty · 6 years
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To Whom it May Concern,
Dear diversity of this world,
I have been thinking more about what are the needle movers to get us as a global culture onto the caretaker track, the wise Elder track, the track where we feel hope for future generations to enjoy the life that we valued and mostly took for granted. 
I hear a lot of people reminiscing about the days when they had more freedoms but this is not necessarily a conversation about more freedom but about our interconnectedness and responsibility to the community, the group the tribe, the environment. Some things we may have to consider, responsibility takes are hard work, perseverance, commitment and devotion.  We don’t always get it right first time, but in doing our best, recognising that seed of excellence and joy in us and taking steps towards it we know we are on the right track. 
So I talk of joy and excellence and then often I am enraged, frustrated and depressed. Regularly by the ignorance that humankind is perpetrating and enabling. The dumbing down of this global culture is all the more confusing when you consider our lineage of advanced civilisations, ancient tribes and the ingenious survivors of all races, creeds and religions. What has made us believe we are capable and deserving of so little.
I think about evolution and utopia a lot. Wondering in this environment of corporate power, (where corporations have the rights of people but none of the morals), What would a mindset shift look like, that will bring us back to a dreaming of mutual interspecies benefits?  How can you give people freedom and autonomy and still create unity and harmony.? Yet also enable the infrastructures that allow us to seamlessly zip around and explore this gorgeous and enchanting planet?   I more and more am settling down to answer some of my own questions. Not just through my hands up in frustration with the whole thing and leave it to someone smarter and more equipped than me. 
I have been thinking lot  and being determined to make changes in my closest relationships. Especially the one with myself around valuing myself enough to get my deepest needs met. Since my mum died I have discovered how much she was a buffer between me and my father; an emotional interpreter and shield of sorts. I felt angry, hemmed in and controlled by men and the world they had created. My father seemed dissatisfied with my way of being in the world and not being able to obediently fit into it and control myself, as he had had to do to survive. My emotional outbursts triggered his own suppressed emotions and voila, often we both voted for agree to disagree and get out of each others way. The frustration that we couldn't just let each other be and love was the seed of much angst in my adult relationships and to this day what we still navigate. 
The competition and sense that we were so very different in how we operated built a wall. More and more I have empathy for men for they have been molded by a society that needs them to be impervious to the fact that they are disposable, in war, in work and in old age.  Sometimes it is hard for woman to see this when they feel so obviously undervalued and disposable in relationships. But something about this disposable culture has meant that no one feels any security that by the time they reach old age, or well before, they wont be passed over for the next model. 
So this competition and comparison between man and woman, mother and father, daughter and son, is insidious in all of our interactions. Our desire to protect each other from the idiosyncrasies of it in the workforce, the community and our own families is rife. The worry that if we don’t educate our daughters, sons to be alert and wear their armour towards it or play into to it they will not win the game. 
Yet the premise for this game of comparison, competition, survival of the most defended against the other is based on misinterpretations. 
Darwin has been mis quoted, in The Descent of Man, he used competition only twice.  Love  he used 95 times and Selfishness 12 times. Moral Sensitivity 92 times and mutuality and mutual aid 24 times. Just like our sensationalised TV, they and we take the most extreme episodes of human behaviour and repeat them over and over until it seems normal and all we can expect. 
Yet when you cross town, go to work or visit your family, your experience is vastly different to what you have been bombarded with in the media on this 24/7 cycle, (especially now we are plugged into our devices constantly). 
So I think to myself these memes we have been bombarded with about men, woman, girls and boys; How do we disassociate ourselves from them and come into communication with each other in the moment with no other agenda but to be present? Communion with the others actions and abilities, wishes and dreams, experience and understandings. How do we allow ourselves to drop our defences and join in our vision for a future that holds all the blessings and honouring of what we value of the past? How do we trust and move forward together with commitment, love, mutual aid and moral sensitivity? Also with a tinge of selfishness to get our needs met in a refreshing clear and concise way, so that we can be in good shape to be present for the other. 
Illuminate all the strategies and game playing of competition and conflict and not hold it against each other. Always setting traps and enticing the enemy into the position we want. Recognising that this was the way of a culture that is dying and as we all know it is time for change. The weather is telling us and in our heart of hearts we know we must let go of the things that aren't working. So to walk into relationship from a clean slate but be able to discus the downfalls without taking it personally. 
This ability to come together and work tirelessly with responsibility to our own needs, the needs of the interspecies community and the global systems that work. This ability to trust in each other, turn off our devices, listen deeply and observe the true nature of things can only benefit our ability and synergy to truly confront the very real fears we have created.
What is your passion?   If you don’t know what guides your joy, you must know what makes you saddest, wildest most frustrated. That is a key to the area where you are called to be of most service. Those negative emotions you will find are not about your frustration with what is out there but it is really about not being in action with people you trust on the adventure of making the change you want to see. 
The main symptoms of this culture of competition are 
environmental devastation, consequences of war, the gap between rich and poor,(people and nations) and over population. 
Many of the things we get upset about are consequences of these things. How can you bring back your power and check your stereotypes at the door? Let go of your beliefs based on history and your own story and remember that these memes. These long proven stereotypes are not necessarily true just what we have come to believe and are continuously seeking evidence for. 
What do you need in your life? What would be more powerful stereotype to look for evidence of?
I have noticed in this day and  age. Young people have become so fluid in their gender and sexuality. This is wonderful. You cannot any longer be certain of anything. You must enter a relationship with curiosity and wonder that this human planet is full of humans so diverse. You can ask yourself how can I be in communion with this being and be an allie to them in our joint focus to make this a better world. 
When one country state of the union address is holding the worlds media hostage. It is time we all took our own control over our own airwaves. Do not let the agenda be dictated by ignorant stereotypes of people. Whether rich or poor, male or female. Trust your intuition and instincts your emotional core. Go deeper with people and be surprised and amazed at what you find. We are all so vulnerable and alike when it comes down to it. Take each moment to find your sensitivity to what you need from the ‘others’ and they need from you. 
It might be as simple as some understanding that we are all in this together and we all need some reassurance, then its time to have fun and do what you love to do.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Twitter is not breaking new ground with its remote work policy
I’m the president of Articulate, a highly profitable SaaS company that’s been fully remote since its founding in 2002, has more than 250 employees, and will reach $100 million in recurring revenue this year. So when I heard that Twitter is breaking new ground by letting its employees work remotely, as this article by Margaret O’Mara in The New York Times suggests, I felt the need to set the record straight.
For more than 18 years, our team has proven that building a happy, healthy, connected remote workforce is not only possible — it’s not even that hard. It just takes intentionality.
And we aren’t the only long-time fully remote company around; there are a number of us, including Automattic, Buffer, Edgar, GitLab, InVision, and Zapier.
O’Mara’s article quotes Satya Nadella, chief executive of Microsoft, pondering how companies will address connection, teamwork, burnout, and overall employee mental health in remote environments. The assumption is that these are inherent challenges with remote work. They aren’t. They are human challenges, and remote work actually gives workers a leg up on addressing them.
VB Transform 2020 Online – July 15-17. Join leading AI executives: Register for the free livestream.
They gain back, on average, 225 hours a year by not commuting. That’s a lot of time people can spend instead doing activities that enrich their lives and improve their mental health, such as meditating, exercising, or spending time with family and friends. They’re also avoiding one of the least pleasant, most stress-inducing things we do: commuting. The average person spends 54 minutes a day fighting traffic to get to the office.
Furthermore, remote workers have control over their work environment, deciding how warm, how light, how quiet, how neat, and how beautiful they want it. If you’ve ever shared cubicle space with a messy coworker or an open office with a loud talker, it won’t surprise you that research shows that typical work environments negatively impact well-being.
And about burnout. It has nothing to do with the office and everything to do with company culture and management practices. Leaders at any company, remote or not, must insist that employees take the time they need to recharge. And they must have paid vacation policies (we offer unlimited vacation) that make that possible.
Now let’s talk about fostering connection, teamwork, and community in a fully remote environment. News flash: Forced proximity in an office does not translate into connection. People don’t have to play ping-pong, stroll in a greenhouse, or lounge in a huddle room to feel connected to their coworkers — or feel a common purpose.
What people do need to connect is focused time collaborating, communicating, and sharing their personal narratives. The first step is setting the expectation that people must regularly collaborate and constantly communicate with one another. Those are non-negotiable table stakes for all our employees.
The second step is setting up channels and workflows for that collaboration and communication to happen. Before Slack, we connected using Skype, baking regular calls and instant messages into our workflows. Now, we collaborate on video calls where we share our screens, break out into separate “rooms,” and talk face-to-virtual-face. And we communicate continuously in channels on Slack (think of these as virtual hallways). In the last 30 days alone, we’ve sent each other more than 245,000 messages.
Finally, people need ways to connect around shared interests, experiences, and wins. Our Articulate and Rise teams have 523 public channels in Slack. If you’re interested in something –from music and animals to cooking and astrology — there’s probably a channel where people are talking about it. We have employee resource groups where people with shared experiences connect and support each other. We regularly celebrate new hires, promotions, and sales wins in company-wide Slack channels. And we do regular brown bags, company-wide town hall meetings, and parties via Zoom.
While much of our community building happens virtually, we also have an annual company-wide retreat where the only goal is person-to-person connection in real life. In non-COVID-19 times, people also go to conferences together, staff industry booths together, and organize cowork weeks to connect in person. We create space for authentic connection, and most folks show up as their whole selves. So, when we see each other, it’s always a special treat, but only because we’ve already built so much connection virtually.
If you’re a human-centered organization concerned with the well-being of employees, building a fully remote workplace with happy, healthy employees is nbd.
Lucy Suros is president of e-learning software company Articulate.
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You require to create some major changes if you do not find a tough girl which is actually material with her life specifically as this is. Dr.Zabaza is actually the terrific man that was able to restore my fanatic within 48hours and also since all of them my fanatic has been actually addressing me with a great deal love and i have actually never ever been actually so delighted as i am actually today. Yet, if you prefer to make fashion jewelry, or even to create, discovering methods making funds along with your enthusiasm may be a little bit more difficult. Involvement on this site through a celebration carries out not signify recommendation from other gathering's content, items, or solutions. When I had every thing that I presumed was actually important in life, it was actually an actual struggle for me to comprehend why I wasn't delighted. I inform you ... whenever you make an effort to boost the premium your creature and also life, whether that is tidying up our home, helping your parents, handling an unwell buddy, falling short on assessments and also making an effort once again, life offers you equal points for that. I loathed being an unfilled vessel, and also as I began going out with, I anticipated that unique somebody ahead along, load me up, and make me delighted. When the Big Ben strikes 12 in the midnight, individuals party along with family and friends in the houses or even out on the streets. Once they create good friends along with on their own and have the capacity to be who they are, that is challenging to think lonely once again. Our experts only published a link to that to our new facebook web page named Make a well-balanced and happy life". Thus, below are some suggestions for each lady on the market reading my short article, that will definitely make your hubby crave for you! 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Two Swiss economic experts that examined the impact of commuting on joy located that such elements might certainly not offset the misery developed by a lengthy commute. Due to the fact that serotonin plays a role in understanding, experts assumed that visibility to Mycobacterium would certainly produce their mice smarter. The only factor that ought to get on your thoughts is actually the guarantee that you will definitely be actually investing some of the greatest seconds of your lifestyle here, which are going to make you return for additional. Certainly not receiving just what they wish, certainly not obtaining all those traits that they assume will certainly make all of them delighted, they end up being resentful, nasty, indicate and they are actually trying to find techniques to forecast all those bad sensations on those around all of them. Learning how you can keep a girl satisfied is going to demand producing an initiative to present an interest in your gal's power base. 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Split up quotes exist to approve as well as come to phrases with your split up, support develop as well as handle your sensations, help point you in the right path on where to go hence as well as to assist you start thinking as well as staying beneficial. Find, those could be hilarious but doing those points create me satisfied ... so choose't delay on damaging notions. Candy sushi makes terrific self-made gifts for grandparents, educators and also even more, and will certainly make those you appreciate feeling special. You see, our company presume that something or even someone could create us happy, but that is wrong. Our team spend our young people longing for aging so we can do the things that our company presume create adults happy, then when our experts are actually more mature our team dream of our youth and how our company squandered it by not appreciating our wellness and independence from duties. Be actually reasonable and tender; just don't slobber around him in your attempt to make him delighted. You're the factor I have not dropped my thoughts now, you produce me satisfied and you were CONSTANTLY certainly there for me by far. Males are extremely persistent and have big prides, so this is actually hard for them to make it possible for anyone to earn them do one thing. Marketing is essential, but the absolute most significant is actually the jobs you perform, since there is consistently a person in the reader which is preparing a party in the future and also need to have an excellent entertainer.
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