lovelouisemoriarty · 3 years
Quarantine at the Poet’s Garden Wilcannia.
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lovelouisemoriarty · 3 years
Quarantine at the Poet’s Garden Wilcannia.
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lovelouisemoriarty · 3 years
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Prayer flags wave drawing us closer to our vibrational essence 
We are not wounded just exploring round the edges of something that we will soon discard 
knowing that the way of being that holds a different vantage point is close 
Not knowing how to  magically move beyond the sheath
We start to doubt 
Our vision of utopia only contained by our current state of being 
We are so much more 
No ability to experience  how truly amazing we are destined to be 
We make our selves busy connecting desperately to everything that has the essence of the future in it and then wonder why we can only see the pupae 
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lovelouisemoriarty · 4 years
Hope you can adjust the sound and be delighted by the joy people get when they are in the Poet’s Garden 
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lovelouisemoriarty · 4 years
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If you don’t know where I’ve been hiding, The secret is out I have been planting a garden. Woofer’s welcome.
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lovelouisemoriarty · 4 years
I hope this brings you some inspiration and some flow
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lovelouisemoriarty · 4 years
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Writing letters has always been the inspiration for all my writing. We used to all experience the joy of receiving a letter from that someone special or at least a card. There was a certain reliability in the post man. I try and keep up the practice of letter writing and I’m blessed to have several wonderful friends who can craft a letter over several pages and still find time to source an interesting or beautiful stamp. These can find their way into my handmade paper. I have a long term friend, (a fellow subversive artistic activist), who can write a letter in an email. I remember when emails first came out I would be shocked that in this minimalised world, she would reflect the natural world around her, her emotional landscape and all the gossip of a day in my hometown. Such moments imprinted in history, shared through her curation, through the viewpoint of one living it.
Today I am down in the cellar in Wilcannia, out of the unexpected wind, which is relentless on our first cool day for weeks. The heat is building upstairs. Willing myself to write, I begin with a letter to Pam. Another gardener and observer of nature, her perspective unique in all the world, her handmade naturally died wool jumpers, nurturing. Her rust dyed creations embedded with symbols of the natural world, magical and alchemic. 
All these people imprinting on the world with their own creations. Not just consuming. Beautifying, sharing energetics of hope and healing, through simply being. 
I visited an Aunt in the nursing home, cousin to my father, body in decline but brain ‘sharp as a tack’. She is 93, adept with her iPad, turning emails into letters full of information and stories, memories of the history of our family I could never have know without her. 
Taking the time to communicate in this world, in whatever form, is part of the key to the transition we must make at this time. Out of competitiveness and comparison. Out of consumption and consumerism. Into sharing and relating, receiving and understanding. 
May you share something unexpected with a friend today. Choose an unexpected question and be surprised by your relations and how what they relate can open you up. Receiving the unpredictable and gifting understanding, can be a catalyst for your creativity. If this inspires you to make something, write something or contact a friend, let me know how it goes and what it inspires in you and #Make Creativity Viral! 
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lovelouisemoriarty · 4 years
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Amazing photography by Derek Repchuk during Meredith Elton’s extraordinary ceremony Inherit the Wind. Seeing love and blessings to all the powerful people who participated. 
These truly are exciting and scary times. Will we? won't we? Our actions seem so consequential. Yet the less we do the better. Seems that the more these disasters..... ?  happen the more chance we have of disrupting business as usual. The more likely we are to experience the joy of having less. Making clearer more decisions based on what is important. The less resources we are able to extract for our own use. The more likely other species are to have a breather from our unending demand and destruction. Earth knows what it is doing? Life is designed to regenerate. Seeds to sit dormant till the rain comes. Weed species cover the environment to hold the soil together and lock in the nitrogen. After fire trees sprout back to green. The one thing you can rely on is after a drought comes a flood. 
This year I am going to be more gentle on myself and the earth. 
I am going to grow more things, create more beauty, show more kindness. 
This time I am going to forgive myself quicker, love more deeply, play more freely. 
Write more of my own truth. 
This time we are going to turn this ship around and find a way to create Heaven on Earth without us at the head of the table. By letting things be, meditating more deeply. Watching nature more carefully and reverently.
If we cannot let our righteousness go that may mean heaven on earth doesn't have humans on it. While the earth decides I am going to dedicate myself to being the joy and seeing the wonder. Listening more deeply without having to do or say anything. 
  I hope dream and continue to find ways to have faith that us humans are part of the dreaming, part of the vision of beauty, part of the seeders of diversity.  As we begin to change our minds so that we can be part of the creation, weaving life and opportunity out of devastation and despair. 
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lovelouisemoriarty · 4 years
Listen/purchase: by JG & Moriarty
Hope you are all having a great adventure if not of the body of the spirit!
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
Music of Bob sima at Green Marquee Ecovillage Currumbin
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
My trip to Adelaide and Perth this year
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
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To Whom it May Concern,
Dear diversity of this world,
I have been thinking more about what are the needle movers to get us as a global culture onto the caretaker track, the wise Elder track, the track where we feel hope for future generations to enjoy the life that we valued and mostly took for granted. 
I hear a lot of people reminiscing about the days when they had more freedoms but this is not necessarily a conversation about more freedom but about our interconnectedness and responsibility to the community, the group the tribe, the environment. Some things we may have to consider, responsibility takes are hard work, perseverance, commitment and devotion.  We don’t always get it right first time, but in doing our best, recognising that seed of excellence and joy in us and taking steps towards it we know we are on the right track. 
So I talk of joy and excellence and then often I am enraged, frustrated and depressed. Regularly by the ignorance that humankind is perpetrating and enabling. The dumbing down of this global culture is all the more confusing when you consider our lineage of advanced civilisations, ancient tribes and the ingenious survivors of all races, creeds and religions. What has made us believe we are capable and deserving of so little.
I think about evolution and utopia a lot. Wondering in this environment of corporate power, (where corporations have the rights of people but none of the morals), What would a mindset shift look like, that will bring us back to a dreaming of mutual interspecies benefits?  How can you give people freedom and autonomy and still create unity and harmony.? Yet also enable the infrastructures that allow us to seamlessly zip around and explore this gorgeous and enchanting planet?   I more and more am settling down to answer some of my own questions. Not just through my hands up in frustration with the whole thing and leave it to someone smarter and more equipped than me. 
I have been thinking lot  and being determined to make changes in my closest relationships. Especially the one with myself around valuing myself enough to get my deepest needs met. Since my mum died I have discovered how much she was a buffer between me and my father; an emotional interpreter and shield of sorts. I felt angry, hemmed in and controlled by men and the world they had created. My father seemed dissatisfied with my way of being in the world and not being able to obediently fit into it and control myself, as he had had to do to survive. My emotional outbursts triggered his own suppressed emotions and voila, often we both voted for agree to disagree and get out of each others way. The frustration that we couldn't just let each other be and love was the seed of much angst in my adult relationships and to this day what we still navigate. 
The competition and sense that we were so very different in how we operated built a wall. More and more I have empathy for men for they have been molded by a society that needs them to be impervious to the fact that they are disposable, in war, in work and in old age.  Sometimes it is hard for woman to see this when they feel so obviously undervalued and disposable in relationships. But something about this disposable culture has meant that no one feels any security that by the time they reach old age, or well before, they wont be passed over for the next model. 
So this competition and comparison between man and woman, mother and father, daughter and son, is insidious in all of our interactions. Our desire to protect each other from the idiosyncrasies of it in the workforce, the community and our own families is rife. The worry that if we don’t educate our daughters, sons to be alert and wear their armour towards it or play into to it they will not win the game. 
Yet the premise for this game of comparison, competition, survival of the most defended against the other is based on misinterpretations. 
Darwin has been mis quoted, in The Descent of Man, he used competition only twice.  Love  he used 95 times and Selfishness 12 times. Moral Sensitivity 92 times and mutuality and mutual aid 24 times. Just like our sensationalised TV, they and we take the most extreme episodes of human behaviour and repeat them over and over until it seems normal and all we can expect. 
Yet when you cross town, go to work or visit your family, your experience is vastly different to what you have been bombarded with in the media on this 24/7 cycle, (especially now we are plugged into our devices constantly). 
So I think to myself these memes we have been bombarded with about men, woman, girls and boys; How do we disassociate ourselves from them and come into communication with each other in the moment with no other agenda but to be present? Communion with the others actions and abilities, wishes and dreams, experience and understandings. How do we allow ourselves to drop our defences and join in our vision for a future that holds all the blessings and honouring of what we value of the past? How do we trust and move forward together with commitment, love, mutual aid and moral sensitivity? Also with a tinge of selfishness to get our needs met in a refreshing clear and concise way, so that we can be in good shape to be present for the other. 
Illuminate all the strategies and game playing of competition and conflict and not hold it against each other. Always setting traps and enticing the enemy into the position we want. Recognising that this was the way of a culture that is dying and as we all know it is time for change. The weather is telling us and in our heart of hearts we know we must let go of the things that aren't working. So to walk into relationship from a clean slate but be able to discus the downfalls without taking it personally. 
This ability to come together and work tirelessly with responsibility to our own needs, the needs of the interspecies community and the global systems that work. This ability to trust in each other, turn off our devices, listen deeply and observe the true nature of things can only benefit our ability and synergy to truly confront the very real fears we have created.
What is your passion?   If you don’t know what guides your joy, you must know what makes you saddest, wildest most frustrated. That is a key to the area where you are called to be of most service. Those negative emotions you will find are not about your frustration with what is out there but it is really about not being in action with people you trust on the adventure of making the change you want to see. 
The main symptoms of this culture of competition are 
environmental devastation, consequences of war, the gap between rich and poor,(people and nations) and over population. 
Many of the things we get upset about are consequences of these things. How can you bring back your power and check your stereotypes at the door? Let go of your beliefs based on history and your own story and remember that these memes. These long proven stereotypes are not necessarily true just what we have come to believe and are continuously seeking evidence for. 
What do you need in your life? What would be more powerful stereotype to look for evidence of?
I have noticed in this day and  age. Young people have become so fluid in their gender and sexuality. This is wonderful. You cannot any longer be certain of anything. You must enter a relationship with curiosity and wonder that this human planet is full of humans so diverse. You can ask yourself how can I be in communion with this being and be an allie to them in our joint focus to make this a better world. 
When one country state of the union address is holding the worlds media hostage. It is time we all took our own control over our own airwaves. Do not let the agenda be dictated by ignorant stereotypes of people. Whether rich or poor, male or female. Trust your intuition and instincts your emotional core. Go deeper with people and be surprised and amazed at what you find. We are all so vulnerable and alike when it comes down to it. Take each moment to find your sensitivity to what you need from the ‘others’ and they need from you. 
It might be as simple as some understanding that we are all in this together and we all need some reassurance, then its time to have fun and do what you love to do.
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
Love letter to the world
Dear World , Therapeutic,  Artists Journal,   Hope it helps! 
I am an empath and I am quite sane. Extreme emotions are totally available to all of us. They are tools. Even the most quiet introverted character has a whirlpool of clashing seasons in their landscape. Sometimes it is their very fear of these emotions that keeps them completely quiet for they fear unleashing their dragon. In many ancient culture dragons are symbols of power and protection they stand watch over what is important.
I  have a very strong sense of what is important and what is not in life. I have not lived the path of suburbia that led my family to all still live in the same location doing similar jobs to what they set out to do. Raising families and acquiring homes and all the accessories necessary. (Let me just say I am grateful they did. For when we gather as a family we are blessed to be cared for and have all we need to celebrate how lucky we are to have people who care and unconditionally love us in our lives.)
I have tumbled and adventured from job to job and relationship to relationship. I have lived within many subcultures and explored many groups looking to establish community.  I have succeeded. It doesn't look like the community of old with its certainty and consistency in one place. I love that our family had extended family. Auntys and Uncles that we could trust and share with, know we could count on them for an adventure and that they would be there at the important occasions in our lives marked as rights of passage. But I wanted more. I always want more. I want others to feel that. 
I want no one to be left out of the extended kinship. As an empath I have a huge capacity for feeling. I watch the news and I feel. I cannot do anything to be of service in many of the situations that I see, but I still feel deeply the cacophony of emotions of all the people or animals involved in the drama. I feel the depth of energy and vibration that the earth puts off when it is mined or when a tree is cut or when an animal is harmed. As I grew up I have been trained to know that I must shut down some of these access’s. It is okay to know a person is sad and try and cheer them up but not let them have space to cry. It is okay to feel someone is agitated and angry, it is okay to placate and distract them but it is not okay to let them get to the heart of what they think they are angry about so they can go deeper and feel what their real need is.
There is a lot of lies and confusion. Some of it seems harmless and entertaining but mostly it is debilitating to our sense of our power as humans on this small green blue planet for a short time. 
Most of it is devastating for the next generations ability to have access to and enjoy what we have been lucky enough to enjoy. 
I am an empath and I am sane. 
I wanted to start with that because…..
For too long emotions have been deemed the domain of the clearly insane. 
That voices in your head need to be silenced on one hand, unless they report what the bible reports and then because they are inline with the controlling religious propaganda of the time they are prophecy. 
Okay I didn't really think I was going to get straight into this ground in my second letter but heh,
My mum was a devoted Christian, she went to church every Sunday had blind faith that it was all true. It served her well. She was a woman of service, someone who you could rely on to put whatever she was doing aside to do you a favour or listen. She never tried to convert anyone or convince anyone that she was right. With a calm quiet certainty she went about her day being a good samaratin, being the fabric of community and holding a family together.  For me she personified Love. Yet part of her wished for understanding, wished to guide others, wanted to share her wisdom of what worked for her.  I believe part of her died unhappy, unsatisfied and with her needs in this life largely unmet. The church didn't really meet her needs for care and understanding, just company. At the end it was just the simple kindness of individuals who valued understanding and empathy that allowed her to know she was heard and seen and through the good deeds of her family have someone with her every minute till the moment of death. She had pain and fear and great loss around not having some of the things that were most important to her not heard. 
Was that because we didn't listen. Was that because we didn't try to be with her. I think it was because she was bound and controlled by a culture that still sees womens role as service and providing something attractive to look at and a pleasurable experience. If you have emotions you are still made out to be the crazy fool with no wisdom or strength. You are dismissed overlooked, or worse locked up or shut down with drugs or rejected and dismissed from service in relationship. 
Relationship is so important to woman. We have for so long know our worth in relationship. Been able only to function in this culture in relationship.
The few stories of woman who walk the heroes journey in history are often then walking through the terrible shame of being labelled a nutter and then into the arms of a man who can soften the blow of this cruel world by softening the edges of her feelings of alienation by making her happy and thereby stopping the crazy !?!?!?!? behaviour, Never again need she be upset or angry because her knight has appeared. 
Sorry guys looking for a dedicated, unconditionally loving woman. It doesn't change anything that much. Emotion is how many of us empaths process our needs and desires, our wants and passions. Our driving motivational spiritual force. These letters are all just ramblings, unravelling things that I have been thinking over time. Wanting to distill the essence of my wisdom that I have learnt through years of throwing myself into extreme situations and relationships that explore what is possible in the way of intimacy, passion, musing and devotion. Devotion is not necessarily what we think. It is not entrapment. It is not holding the person hostage to what you like and want the world to look like. 
It is being able to be with and have the emotions or lack of emotions of the other without loosing the passion for intimacy with that person. It is an unquenchable curiosity for how that person is going. Why that person acts the way they act. 
When I go to put hashtags on these letters it will never be one subject neatly orchestrated to sell a particular product at the end. It is near impossible to put me in a box or find the niche market that I represent. My boundaries are too fluid and I play in too many areas to be able to find a way to stream line a funnel for my own benefit. Although of course like everyone else I am working on financial freedom, More than that of course I am trying to find the freedom to pursue my utopia. In that utopia Rivers have Rights and environments remaining in their balance for future generations of animals, children, microorganisms snd birds, reptiles and insects is the highest order of spiritual veneration. Each soul has enough resources to be able to fulfil their basic needs, some kind of basic universal income if that is still necessary. But even this preparing it knowing we want to phase it out. Creating homes like Buckminster Fuller that are sustainable and practical creating less work rather than more. Planting seeds and trees and vines that mean fruit is our environment and create our shelter. Where gardening is a joy and we work with nature to fulfil the delivery of the needs of all people. Letting fresh clean water flow in the streets. Using our waste to feed worms or make gas to cook on. All the ways that people have lived in harmony on this planet are available to us and our new greatest power of having our communication interconnected and our ability to use the creative commons to build on our wisdom and ability to provide what is needed to satisfy and slowly bring down this unsustainable population.
So long I have been thinking about a utopia that suits all people. That would let my dad live in peace alongside me. That would mean people who only feel safe in their ivory towers guarded off from the world can know their children have a future where they are loved and respected by one and all just because they are. Where those who scramble and feel they have to defend and fight for resources every day start to see that the world cares and that they are worthy of human rights whether they are part of the consumer juggernaut or not. 
The church of this pagan religion that is flexible enough to include anyone talking about the constant deep seated belief of their religion in any flavour they chose is the heart of your current emotions. The communion between souls of the expression of their own innate creativity in communion wiht nature. No need for fancy gadgets or props, talismans or fetishes. Just you and your God personified in its creation, other people, plants and environments, animals and oceans, moons and stars. Using all that is right before us in the mystery of seeds sprouting, tides pulling and children being birthed or mysteriously dying right before our shocked and astounded eyes. Experiencing the depth of our longing for love and wonder. Experiencing the profound fulfilling gratitude for love and inspiration. Dropping deep deep into our rage and sadness at loss and grief. Then leaping into action to be of service to life and community and beauty. 
Yesterday I did just post unedited today I will re read once this after noon before I post. 
It is unedited in that I dont refine the flow. Just the general grammar and sentence structure so it is readable out side my head. 
I love my wild mind and I want to keep sharing where I jump and what I end up committing to and creating with you. 
I said I wouldn't sell anything at the end but ………. 
I leap from project to project but always there are threads that I come back to and over time they have become more into solid form. I want to keep that trajectory moving. 
So there are two ways you can enjoy being an intimate part of this journey if you want to know the path I am travelling and be mused by my musings. 
Keep track of me on Patreon. I am about to revamp it and keep in more constant communication through it. I believe it is essential for artists to have freedom to work on what moves their spirit. They are the muses of our culture and if they are constrained by grants and sales we are missing drawing from the wealth of creativity that this beautiful array of diverse beings are pulling down from beyond this material galaxy.   So if you are of the means please place regularly some resources in the Headless Buddhas cup as she jumps from one thing to the next in search of enlightenment and utopian visions to guide humanity in line with the Earths heart beat. 
I also am a romantic at heart and the most powerful relationships for me are ones that are connected to the earth and country and are also searching for ways to strengthen community and evoke love.   In my last relationship we created music together and luckily we recorded it. I have not been putting it out there because I have not wanted to rock the boat of both of our recovery from our different addictions within our love dependency. But today I want to honour and celebrate what we managed to create with our shared vision for coming together in joy and harmony with the place.    So I offer you J & G and Moriarty’s album Songwriters. You can get it on Bandcamp by donation or listen, enjoy then please share. If you have the capacity to broadcast it get it out there. 
Thanks to my current muse for being the catalyst for this communication and thanks to John and all the other loves who have given me ramblings and deep conversations into all the areas I touch on. May everything we offer up to you as empaths and changelings nourish your own creative musings for a better world for the next generation. 
Someone told me today some Maori communities have business? plans for the next 500 years. Now that is vision! For seven generations in a real concrete form. How bout you? Are you planning for your kins future?  
On a quick re read, Maybe all this utopia I am looking for is already here, Maybe I just can’t see it maybe I have to put on different glasses or something.   Oh well off into the world for a day of putting on different glasses. Thanks for being my morning pages muse
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
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Love Unedited
Dear World, I am writing to you from Australia. We are so blessed here. Gorgeous landscape, unique animals, wise indigenous heritage, courageous survivor spirt in all. The indigenous survivors of the terrible onslaught of a very different culture, those who come from another land in chains, those who chose this land as home as a better place for their families, as utopian dreamers. Although a magnificent beauty in some place this land can be very harsh and one must be resilient in many ways. So for that I am grateful that we are all survivors here and able to find even better ways to live together with shared respect for this great continent.
One thing it is easy to learn here you need a community to survive. You cannot do it all alone. You cannot just fortify yourself and get out your shotguns when any one else comes near looking for resources because they may be the very person you need to survive the next day. This was always apparent to indigenous mobs. Their main technology was sharing. Even on a river where more than one tribe bordered the river, fish traps were allowed for everyone. You left enough fish even for your traditional enemies. You did not impose on their right to live how they wished to live. You did not break their laws or you knew there would be consequences.
Today is a funny day for Australians. We have been calling it Australia Day, the day when Cook put up the flag for Queen and country and began the battle for possession of what was widely believed as terra nulliuss. For a few decades the mainstream white culture has come together beyond their own differences and had a game of cricket with family and friends to celebrate their community on this day. It wasn't about the nation or a political ideology, it was about being with people you loved and shared with and cared for and celebrating the opportunities we have because we live in relative freedom because of the resources of this beautiful land.
For indigenous Australians it has been a different story. To try and celebrate all that is good and the diversity of our multiple thriving cultures on this day is an affront to our shared history of colonisation, dispossession and attempted genocide. Indigenous Australians and their friends and family cannot celebrate it in its current form, it would be an insult for all their ancestors who fought in the frontier wars that have never been acknowledged, for all the women and children in their families who have been controlled, incarcerated and slaughtered while going about their own lives in their own way. Their culture is a generous culture, they had minimum impact on the land and had complex laws to live in interconnected balance with the environment and other species.
Things have become very complicated now for all of us with so many agendas playing out. One thing I do know, No human wants to live their life as a victim. Whether white or black, rich or poor, at some point once the wolf is no longer knocking at your door and survival is no longer your main concern, your self worth is not blown around in the wind, you find away to love yourself warts and all: We all begin to stand in our power and demand equity and to be seen as a survivor. Not blaming others for our own unwillingness to live by values and have the courage to do what it takes to live the life we actually want. Not backing down from the confrontations that are needed to gain understanding and the changes that will bring fairness. We decide that we will clean up our own backyard, address the ways that aren't working for the greater good of the whole and we learn to be of powerful service to our community. It is also the time we realise that this global community is interdependent on each other and what is playing out at the macro, in our global and community politics, is also playing out in our families and most intimate connections.
We realise that we must act within our own sphere of influence. ‘Over time this sphere of influence grows and the culture at large is determined. What will you do today to stand strong and powerful with respect and dignity for the culture you believe in? Can you connect with another person and make the case for coming together with you sharing your resources, caring for each others needs and understanding and sharing your perspective? Can you do that with anyone who comes in your path. Better still can you just be with them with understanding, share your resources, care for them?
Can you be an inspiration to bring us all together in respect for the human rights of each individual and also each species and environment? Very soon, when we look back on our squabbles about who has what resources we will not even recognise the arguments. Because we will be living in a paradigm where all life has as much rights as we believe we have as individuals right now. We will live in a dreamtime where humanity and other species understand just how much we need the water flowing, the earth being replenished by growing things and we need each others respect for our lineage and journey's. Only then will we begin to honour and restore the diversity of life that is needed for a healthy place.
From "The Poet" Louise Moriarty going from the abundance of the city where all the resources have been taken to back to the drained and devastated drought stricken interior that has been boiling at over 42 to 47 degrees since before xmas. The kangaroos are dying and the fish boiling, people are distressed and scared and trying to hold onto hope. Have an interest in other peoples worlds sometimes your neighbours is very different to yours.
Love to you all PS If you need a poem please contact me it is my favourite gift to uplift with emotional sincerity and all the idiosyncrasies of a human living with passion and devotion to the heart of the planet.
Happy travels to you all #Make creativity viral
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
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Embrace the disruptions
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lovelouisemoriarty · 5 years
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