#it's cool how the pink outlines and the black border give it a finished feel if you will
askwitchsheart · 2 years
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hey Noel, Claire, since it's getting a bit chilly now, i thought you'd like some warm jumpers! i dont draw faces traditionally a right lot, but i think you two turned out okay
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oh wow! those are so good!
agreed, very cute too
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they look so snug and comfy, i almost want to get one for myself
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eh heh, thank you for taking the time to draw these for us
it turned out more than alright
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yes, thank you!!
12 notes · View notes
hymn2000 · 5 years
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Alternate Ending to Avengers Endgame - for snarkofstark - C4
Alternate ending to Endgame, aka The Film That Should Not Be Named. This was done mostly to the headcanons @snarkofstark sent me about what happens (should have happened) at the end of Endgame. I have put my own twists on it, as per the first chapters disclaimer.
Previous chapters: 1 2 3
You can also find me on AO3
@snarkofstark I’m so sorry for the delay in updating! Hope you enjoy the chapter regardless (also I completely forgot about your nanotech support headcanon until after I’d written most of this, so what Tony makes is a little different. Hope that’s ok!)
Warnings/themes: alternate ending, illness, injury, PTSD (mentioned), family, recovery, hospital stuff, general mental health stuff
Chapter 4 - Maybe You’ll Get A Replacement
Peter swallowed. Tony probably hadn’t meant it, but it sounded like he was placing the responsibility of this aid on his shoulders. 
“Hey, lend me your hand” Tony said. “No, the right one”
Peter held his arm out, and let Tony take hold of it. He watched him take out a black marker and start drawing an outline on him. 
“I think your idea is better” Tony said, sketching in supports. “It’ll be better than clunking around in an Iron Man gauntlet. Maybe not as cool, but more practical. It’ll be easier to fix and modify if it’s just this, too. Kinda like a skeleton, right? Or a spiders web”
Peter didn’t say anything. He looked at the blueprint taking shape on his arm. It looked pretty cool, and the idea was sound - but he did wonder if it would actually work. He’d seen Tony get cross about his bad arm a lot while he was in hospital, and Peter didn’t know enough about the medical side of his condition to know whether he’d ever recover properly. But what he did know, was that if this product - this prosthesis, as it were - failed, well, Peter didn’t want to be on the receiving end of Tony’s anger again. 
The sound of the door opening made Peter jump. Pepper took one look at the ink on his skin, and folded her arms over her chest.
“What are you doing?”
“Planning” Tony said. “We’ve found a better design for my thing”
“Peter, why don’t you go and have a bath and try to wash all that ink off?”
Peter knew it wasn’t really a suggestion, and he got up obediently.
“Wait, wait” Tony said, grabbing Peter’s arm. “I need to take pictures first, and then I can make a 3D simulation of it. We’ll start 3D printing it later, or at least a prototype, ok?”
Peter nodded, and let Tony take photos of his arm from all angles. 
“Thanks, kiddo. You’d better run now”
Peter did, leaving Tony and Pepper together. Tony shrugged at Pepper.
“What’s that face for?”
“You remember that conversation we had about doing your physio?”
“I do do my physio” Tony said. “But my way is better and quicker”
“Oh really?”
“Don’t tell me you’ve stopped believing in me after all these years”
Pepper sighed, going over and winding her arms round him, resting her chin on his shoulder. 
“I want you to get better. I want you to be happy, but I also think maybe you putting all your efforts into ‘fixing’ your arm isn’t the best use of your time” she said. “I love you, Tony, but I can’t let you, let this, consume you. Can’t you step back, focus on the family, and on the kid while he’s here?”
“I love you too, Pep... But I want to be able to lift my little girl up in both arms, and I want to be able to work again, properly” he said. “I can’t fix the scars, but I can sort my arm out. I just need some time to get it right”
“You always have to be so stubborn, don’t you?” she sighed. “I’m not going to be able to change your mind about this, am I?”
“I’m not putting myself above you and Morgan. You’re my priority, but this little replacement thing, this prosthetic - if you will - it’s good for all of us, right?”
“I know why you’re doing this” she said. “But do you really think getting the kid involved in making this thing is a good idea?”
“Peter’s a smart kid. He’ll be able to help do the fiddly bits and stuff that my hand can’t manage right now. He likes this kinda stuff; it’ll be fine. We’ll get this done, and then we can get on with domestic bliss, just us, here”
“That isn’t really what I meant” Pepper said. Tony didn’t respond. “Take a break. Go and get something to eat”
“I’m not hungry”
“I didn’t ask”
Tony laughed slightly. “Alright, alright. Where’s Morgan?”
“Eating. She’s the only sensible person in this household” 
“God knows where she gets it from” Tony said, knowing full well. He stood up. “Fine, I’ll take a break, if it’ll make you feel better”
“Good. Now go and eat”
Morgan looked up when her father came into the kitchen.
“Are you in trouble?”
“You betcha, kiddo” Tony said, sticking a slice of bread into the toaster. 
“Where’s Peter? Is he in trouble too?”
“Nearly” Tony said. “Don’t worry about him; he’s just having a bath. Hey, do you want a biscuit?”
“I’ve already had one”
“Well, have another” Tony said, finding the packet and giving her one. “Just don’t tell mum, or we’ll both be in trouble”
Morgan giggled, and put a finger to her lips, silently promising to stay quiet.
“That’s my girl” Tony smiled fondly. “So, is your school back in session now you’ve had lunch?”
Morgan shook her head. “No more school. I’m gonna play something else”
“Oh yeah, what are you gonna play?”
“I don’t know yet. Bikes, probably”
She sounded so serious that Tony couldn’t help but laugh.
“Sorry, sorry!” he said, throwing his hands up in defence at the little glare she fixed him with. “Bikes. Very good idea”
“Can you make it light up?”
“Your bike? Sure, I can give it a go, modify the wheel spikes a bit, add a bit of flare, maybe make it so you can see a picture when the wheels are spinning. You’ll help design it, right?”
“Yep! Set it on fire!”
“Woah, woah, that’s a bit far” Tony chuckled. “We’re not turning it into a weapon. A light up bike is good enough for now. I’ve got a whole bunch of stuff knocking about that could work. We’ll work on it some time”
“I’ll hold you to that” 
Tony laughed, and gave her a little hug. She was a funny kid.
For a while, Tony managed to forget about the modification for his arm. He spent the afternoon with Morgan, planning the lighting work for her bike, and then messing about outside. The weather was mild, so there was no stopping them. Peter joined them later on. He was more active than Tony, and closer to Morgan’s speed. It was good having both kids together. Peter still happily did whatever Morgan asked, smiling and singing silly old childrens songs to make her laugh. In the middle of one of their games, Tony stopped and thought to himself just how good it was to be out of hospital, to have all this space to himself and the people he loved. Sure, things weren’t perfect, but they were getting pretty damn close.
After Morgan had gone to bed, Tony wheeled her bike into his work space, and sat down to start making the lighting modifications for the wheels. They’d brainstormed lots of ideas, but Morgan had eventually decided on a simple daisy-type flower, yellow in the middle, with pink petals, and a green border. A very cute, little-girly idea, and one Tony was sure would be simple to execute. 
Peter had asked for a slab of strong wood, and he sat at the other end of the workbench, working away.
“What’cha working on there, kiddo?” Tony asked. “Didn’t know you were into woodwork”
“Well, we do a little bit at school, but that’s it, really” he shook his head slightly. “Have you got some heavy duty rope knocking about?”
“Uhh, I think there’s some out in the shed. Should be, anyway” Tony said.
They both worked quietly for a while, the sounds of their work tools being their soundtrack. Peter finished sizing his creation. He sanded the edges, and bore a good sized hole on the short sides of the rectangular block of wood. He filed the inside of the holes, and carved grooves around the edges of the block, making a dented outline on the top surface. 
“What are you making?” Tony asked.
“Hm? Oh. Um... Well, I told Morgan I’d make her a swing”
Tony looked up. “Oh?”
“Yeah. We were talking a bit when we were messing about on the trees. They’d be perfect for it, yknow. I thought I could knock one together pretty easily, just wood, and then rope to tie it to the tree” Peter said. “Uhhh, I don’t suppose you’ve got a book on knots anywhere? I wanna make sure I use the safest one”
“Not as far as I know. You might just have to google it” Tony said. “That girl! She’s got you wrapped round her little finger already!”
“That’s what Pepper said” Peter smiled. “She’s sweet. I like her...”
Peter shrugged. “I’m still getting my head around the fact that you’ve got a daughter, yknow. The whole, being gone for five years without realising it, it’s a funny one”
“Yeah, I can imagine. Still, we’re all here. We can get back to normal - or, whatever ‘normal’ is!” 
Peter glanced up at him. “Have you got a burny tool?”
“What, a soldering iron?”
“No, like, one of those burny tools you can use to write things with. I don’t know what they’re called”
“Ooh. It’s pyrography, isn’t it? I think they’re literally just called pyrography wood burning tools” Tony said. “I’ve got one somewhere, I’m sure of it”
He stopped what he was doing and started rummaging through his work bench drawers. Peter waited patiently. Tony found the old tool buried at the bottom. He turned it over in his hands before handing it to the boy.
“I’d maybe practice on some old wood first. Don’t burn yourself”
“I won’t. Thanks, Mr Stark”
Peter spent a while practising. Tony watched him, and he got up when he put the tool to the swing seat. He kept a safe distance, but kept a close eye on what he was doing. Peter’s writing was a little shaky, and darker in some places where he’d pressed harder, and lighter in others where he hadn’t pressed quite so hard, but that didn’t matter. For Morgan, from your friend Peter, it read, and he’d burnt a lopsided little heart into the wood after his name. He put the wood burner down, and Tony reached out and ruffled his hair, much to Peter’s surprise.
“She’ll love it” Tony smiled. 
Peter smiled a little nervously. “You really think she’ll like it? I know it’s a bit amateur, and not really like the kind of swing you can buy”
“It doesn’t matter: it looks good. No one else will have one like that. We can put it up tonight, and it’ll be a surprise for her in the morning”
Tony squeezed his shoulder. “Let’s find some rope and look up some knots, kiddo”
Putting the swing up took longer than expected, but after a lot of redoing of knots and readjusting of ropes, they got it hanging evenly on the strongest tree, close to the den. 
“There! Done!” Peter said, feeling quite proud of himself.
“You should test it”
“Uh... ok” Peter sat on the swing. It didn’t fall down, which was a good sign.
“Have a swing, then”
Peter shifted awkwardly. “I feel silly”
“Get up a minute”
Peter did. Tony sat on the swing, and pulled Peter onto his lap. 
“Hey! Wait, I don’t want to hurt you!” Peter said, feeling his face flushing.
“You’re not that heavy, kid, don’t worry” Tony said, putting an arm round his waist to keep him there. “Hey, if this thing can hold us two, it can definitely hold Morgan”
“Yeah, I guess so” Peter said.
Peter didn’t dare move. He was actually sat on Tony Stark’s lap. Wow. He felt a little awkward, but, truth be told, he quite liked it. Tony always felt like a safe person to be with, and this was another one of those nice, safe, moments.
“Still, better to test it properly” Tony said, kicking off to put the swing into motion. 
It held up well, which they both suspected it would. It was strong and secure. It felt like any other swing now. Tony gradually brought the swing back to a standstill. 
“I think it’ll be fine” he said, slowly releasing Peter.
Peter got up, and Tony did too. They both looked at the swing. Tony gave Peter a playful punch on the shoulder.
“Good work, kid. Now all I need to do is finish the bike lights, and she’ll be well away”
Peter nodded. “Yeah, cool. Can I help?”
“Sure. You can do all the fiddly boring bits for me”
Tony put an arm round Peter’s shoulders, and lead him back to the house.
Pepper watched Morgan riding her bike around with flowers lighting up on the wheels, and turned to Tony.
“You spoil her, you know”
“Well, what can I say? I’ve always been good with the ladies” 
“You’re an idiot” Pepper said, kissing him gently. “It does look good, I’ll give you that”
“She likes it. That’s all that matters”
“How long did it take?”
“A few hours” Tony shrugged. “Peter did the fiddly bits for me, otherwise it would’ve been longer”
Tony sat on the new swing, Morgan on his lap, kicking against the floor to keep the swing going.
“You can go pretty high on these things once you know how” Tony said. 
“What if I go too high and go right over the branch?”
“I don’t think there’s too much risk of that” Tony said, resting his head against hers. “You don’t have to go high if it scares you. You can swing just how you like”
“It’s a good swing” Morgan said.
“Yeah, Peter’s done well”
“I like the heart he drew. And the little message”
“Cute, right?”
“He’s my friend” Morgan said, putting her hands over her fathers. “But you’re my friend more”
Tony paused, and kissed her on the temple. “You’re my friend too”
Morgan craned her head to look at him. “Best friends?”
Tony smiled. “The best friends ever”
Peter felt like Tony’s plans for the arm support had been put on the back burner, so it was a bit of a surprise when Tony laid the blueprints out in front of him at the work bench that evening. 
“So, this is where we got to the other night. And this is where I got to while you were with Pepper” he produced the 3D printed skeleton of the support they’d designed. “I’ve been tweaking it, but it’s still fitted to you, not me. Here”
Peter took it, looking it over. it was a lot lighter than it looked. It looked a little funny, but it looked smooth, sleek, almost like a finished product. As he looked closer, he could see evidence of the electrics and adjustments Tony had made. 
“Stick it on. You’ll be able to tell me what it’s like. Morgan put it on but it was too big for her, of course. She said it looked cool anyway, so that’s high praise” he said. “Go on, put it on. Tell me how it feels”
“Is it switched on?”
“Just squeeze that bit at the back of the wrist. I’ll make it an auto thing later, but this is just the prototype, so it’s just a button” 
Peter squeezed it, feeling the button click, and then slipped it onto his hand. It felt a lot better than the gauntlet. It was light, and more comfortable. The bit near the inner elbow cut in a bit, but it didn’t seem like anything that couldn’t be easily fixed.
“Well, move your hand about a bit, then” Tony said, getting a little impatient.
Peter did as he was asked, moving his wrists, moving his thumb and each finger individually, clenching and unclenching his fists, pinching his fingers together and crossing them. The resistance on the gauntlet version had been very obvious and distracting, but it was so much better on this. He could feel the support, feel the aid in moving and stabilising his fingers, especially when using pincer grip, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It did judder a little bit in places, probably due to it being a rush job, but it felt good. Promising. 
Peter relayed all of this feedback to Tony, and Tony’s lips twitched, and he soon smiled.
“We’re on the right track, kiddo” he said. “We’ll tune it up, and then we’ll practice with strength and stuff before we make one for me, ok?”
“Well, ok, but... I don’t think we can test strength with me”
“Right, why not?”
“Well, uh... With all due respect, Mr Stark, I’m not the one who can’t heavy lift with one hand”
Tony was quiet for a moment. “Ok, good point. Well, we can fine tune all the rest of it on you, and then we’ll work on the strength when we’ve made one to fit me”
Peter nodded. “Sorry”
“Don’t be: you’re not wrong. Anyway, just show me where it needs adjusting by the elbow. We can sort that first, and then we’ll start on the inner mechanisms. I might need to use your hands for some of it”
“Ok. So, just this bit here? And maybe take some of the like, lines? Lines, yeah, from over the elbow bone, and like, just have it as a loop over the outlines, maybe with a band round that bit of the upper arm, if you need extra support to keep it on. Does that make sense?”
“Yeah, I get you. What do you think for the colour, anyway? Should we try to make a clear or flesh tone one?”
Peter thought for a moment. “Flesh tone would look weird, and I don’t think you could make a clear one: it’d just show all the inner workings. I think the black looks fine. I mean, as long as it works, that’s the main bit, right? I don’t think it matters if it’s noticeable. Lots of mobility aids are...”
“Yeah, ok, we’ll stick with the black. So, sounds like it’s working already, so that’s a good sign. I think we can get this prototype done tonight, and we’ll start on mine tomorrow. How’s that sound?”
“Ambitious” Peter said. “But considering you managed to get all of this done in like, three hours, I think it’s doable, especially with two of us” 
“Good answer. Right, just a second” he went out to the kitchen, returning hardly a minute later and handing a litre bottle of pop to Peter, and keeping another for himself. “Ok, stick the stereo on, and let’s get to work”
‘Ambitious but doable’ ended up being the correct assumption. It was hard going, and sometimes Peter found it hard explaining the issues to be fixed properly, but the music in the background helped then along in calm workmanship, and eventually, the prototype was finished. They both looked at the plastic mesh, Peter flexing his arm and testing it again. 
“You know, once you’re used to it, it looks kinda cool” he said. “Shall I try the weights again?”
“Sure” Tony said.
Peter spent a little while messing with the dumbbells. Even though he didn’t have the weakness that Tony had, they’d worked out that there was a definite difference between lifting heavy objects with and without the support of the prototype, and they thought it was a fairly good basis for working out strength. 
“I think that’s enough testing” Tony said.
Peter put the dumbbells down. “Well, you were right in saying it could be finished tonight”
“Yeah, I was, wasn’t I?” he put an arm round the boys shoulders, and couldn’t help but laugh happily. “We’ve done it, kiddo! We’re another step - no, another leap - closer to fixing my bad arm! I’ll be back to my old self before you know it”
Peter still agreed with Pepper; that maybe this support wasn’t the best way to go, and that maybe Tony should just focus on his physio and on his family, but he couldn’t very well tell him that, and he certainly couldn’t shoot him down in his moment of triumph. So, he just grinned at him.
“It’s a pretty cool thing! I’m kinda, well, I’m pretty happy with how it’s turned out”
“You should be proud, kiddo. Couldn’t’ve done it without you” Tony gave him a quick squeeze. “Ok, it’s late, and I’ve got a feeling my lovely wife might like some company. Let’s call it a night in here”
“Ok, yeah, it’s getting pretty late” Peter said, slipping the prototype off his arm and putting it back into it’s lockable box. “I don’t think I could work much more tonight”
“It’s been a long one. Why don’t you head on up to bed? Can’t have you burning out” Tony said. 
“That does sound pretty tempting. Thanks, Mr Stark”
“Still always so formal” Tony said, shaking his head fondly. “Go on, then. Goodnight, kiddo” 
“Goodnight. See you in the morning”
Tony was in good spirits all day, arguably the best he’d been in since getting out of hospital. They all had a good day, and that evening, after Morgan had gone to bed, Peter had finished talking to May on the phone, and Pepper had settled in front of the telly with a glass of wine, Tony grabbed the boy and took him back to the workbench. 
“Right, let’s resize this digital blueprint and get my support done, ok?”
“Ok. Did you make notes of all the fixings and stuff?”
“Yeah, I uploaded everything onto this file, and scribbled a bunch of notes after you’d gone to bed last night. Barely took a minute. Right”
Peter watched Tony playing with the projected blueprint, sizing it to his own arm and adjusting it where necessary. It didn’t take him too long to perfect the sizing, and send it to the 3D printer.
“Ok” Tony said, sitting back while it was printing, and grabbing a notebook. “We’ve worked out all the mechanisms, all the fixings, so we know exactly what we’re doing. Here, take this list, get out everything we need”
“Sure thing, Mr Stark” 
Peter obediently took the list, reading it over.
“Um, Mr Stark?”
“Can we put some music on? It’s easier to concentrate with background music”
Tony smiled. “Sure thing, kiddo. I’ve got something you’ll like”
Peter looked at him. They never really talked about music. The only thing Peter could remember telling him in the last few weeks was that he’d recently gotten into Elton John. Tony pressed play on his music - and it was obvious he’d remembered what Peter had said.
Hey kids, shake it loose together The spotlight's hitting something That's been known to change the weather, We'll kill the fatted calf tonight So stick around, You're gonna hear electric music Solid walls of sound
Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet Oooh but they're so spaced out, B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets, Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful Oh Bennie she's really keen
She's got electric boots, a mohair suit You know I read it in a magazine, B-B-B-Bennie and the Jets
Peter felt good. Tony was happy - or at least if not truly happy, then at least contented, and hopeful. Peter went and made them both a mug of coffee while the 3D printer was still working away, but they barely had a few mouthfuls before both mugs were left to go cold. 
Tony was right: they knew what they were doing now. The guesswork was gone out of it. Peter wore the prototype, just because it felt like the right thing to do. They worked together on each part of the plastic webbing, installing everything exactly as it had been on the prototype. It was incredibly complex doing all the electrics from scratch, and Peter was glad he didn’t have to do it alone, as it felt like it was way above his skill level. Tony saw his hesitation, and kept encouraging him, demonstrating some of it, talking him through everything and congratulating every completed section. 
Even with Tony’s instruction and Peter’s dexterity, it took a good hour and three-quarters to finish, but at least it was done. Peter pieced together the sections of the support, and then stayed with it in his hands, touching the inner supports and the smooth plastic. He looked up at Tony, and carefully held it out to him.
“It’ll work” Peter said, seeing his hesitation. “Mine works, and it’s just the prototype. This one will be fine too. And if it’s not, you can always blame me”
Tony laughed slightly. “You’re a funny kid, you know”
“Yeah, you say that a lot”
Tony smiled at him, took the support from him, and slipped it onto his arm. He adjusted it a little, making it sit properly. He clenched and unclenched his fist. It didn’t feel any different. It was still an effort, and it still felt juddery and funny. He frowned, and Peter carefully reached across, squeezing the button at the wrist of the support to turn it on. 
“I’ll get that sensor put in some time” Tony said, choosing to laugh at himself for forgetting something so simple. “Ok, moment of truth”
He took a deep breath, and clenched his fist again. He paused, unclenched his fist, spread his fingers, crossed them over each other, tapped his finger tips against his thumb. It felt a bit weird - but effortless. He straightened his arm, and bent it again. It was... fine. It wasn’t a huge effort. He could feel the supports of the aid working, and he was grateful that he could. It definitely worked. He just had a couple more things to test.
“Hey, Pete?” he said. “Do me a favour: go and get a plate and a bag of Skittles out of the cupboard in the kitchen”
“Morgan won’t be happy” 
“We’ll get her more. This is important”
“Ok” Peter went and got the Skittles and plate, and went back to Tony.
“Good. Right, I need to test something”
“Pincer grip?” Peter guessed, opening the Skittles and pouring them onto the plate.
“Exactly. It’s been very hit and miss since that whole infinity gauntlet business” Tony said. “And much more miss than hit. You’ve probably noticed”
“Yeah...” Peter watched him for a little while. “How does it feel?”
“It’s funny, because as much as I hate the whole thing, I must’ve gotten used to having a knackered arm” he said. “This feels weird, but it feels like - well, I think it’ll take some getting used to... Pass me one of those dumbbells”
Peter wasn’t so sure. Still, he did as he was asked, carefully choosing one of the lighter ones. Tony shook his head.
“No, give me one of the heavier ones”
“Are you sure that-”
“Do as you’re told”
He sounded so much like a dad that Peter was visibly taken aback. He picked up one of the heavier dumbbells, and put it in Tony’s right hand.
“You can let go now, kiddo. I’ve got this”
Peter bit his lower lip, and let go. Tony held the dumbbell for a while, turning his wrist, and then doing a slow bicep curl. He held the weight by his shoulder for a moment, and then lowered it. He managed a few quicker, controlled curls with ease, and he started laughing.
“It works! Oh god, it actually works! We’ve done it!” he grinned at Peter. “It works!”
Peter didn’t know what to say, so he stayed quiet. Tony put the weight down on the workbench, and stood up.
“It works!” he repeated, throwing his arms round Peter. “I knew we could do it! I said you’d help fix me, and you have! We’ve done it!”
Peter hugged him back, suddenly hit with the realisation. “So it feels ok?”
“It feels great!” Tony held him at arms length. “This is- oh my god, I don’t even know what to say! It’s always felt like such a hopeless concept, but now here we are, and it works, and I can pick up Skittles without having to concentrate for all I’m worth, and I can lift weights without my arm giving out! Oh god, this is just- I need to tell Pepper! Pepper!!!”
He let go of Peter, rushing off to find Pepper, and knocking over a mug of cold coffee as he did so. Peter stood there for a moment, not sure what to do, but opting for cleaning up instead of following Tony. He didn’t want to get in the way.
When Peter went through to the living room, Tony was still rambling excitedly to Pepper, demonstrating his new artificial strength and dexterity for her. He was trembling, his eyes watering with the adrenaline and happiness and pure relief of this triumph. Pepper had turned the telly off, giving him her undivided attention, sharing in his glory, asking him questions and trying not to let her own relief get out of hand. Maybe her relief was for a different reason, but it was there nevertheless - and seeing her husband smiling like he was had turned into such a rare occurrence, and it was simply beautiful to see.
Tony grinned at Peter as he cautiously approached.
“This is your work as well as mine, kiddo! You should be proud. I’m proud, I’m proud of us, I’m proud of you! Come here, I bet I can pick you up now!”
“Umm, we haven’t really modified the strength for you properly yet” Peter said, stepping closer. “Shouldn’t we stick with weights for a while?”
“When did this kid get so serious?” Tony said, smiling at Pepper. “Let’s give it a go. Humour me, right?”
“I’m still not sure” Peter said, but Tony’s smile was infectious, and he couldn’t help smiling too.
“Right, good. So, your legs are obviously gonna be the lighter bit, so I want them over my left arm, so stand this way, and-”
“Mr Stark, w-”
“Shush, ok, let’s do this”
“Tony” Pepper said, smiling at him. “Don’t overdo it”
“It’s be out of character if I didn’t” Tony said, and before anyone could protest further, he scooped Peter off the ground, bridal-style.
For half a second there, it was fine. But then Tony’s bad arm gave out, and as he was still holding onto the boy, he fell with him. Pepper winced as they crashed onto the living room floor, landing in a heap. Peter shook his head, as though shaking the shock of the situation off.
“Mr Stark, are you ok?!”
“I’m fine, kiddo” Tony said, pushing himself up and sitting back on his heels. He grinned at Peter, and at Pepper. “I’m good. Ok, so we need to sort out and work on the strength, but we’re getting there!”
“I told you not to overdo it” Pepper said, and she knelt in front of him on the floor and kissed him hard.
Peter made a point of turning his head away while they kissed. It was a proper kiss, too: a proper film-star, madly-in-love, kiss. They held onto each other, and Pepper could feel the strength in Tony’s right hand. His aid - support, prosthetic, whatever it was - it worked. Maybe it wasn’t perfect yet, but it worked. Tony needed that: not just for his arm, but for his peace of mind. It was another step closer to recovery. It wasn’t conventional, but that didn’t matter.
“We’ve got an audience, remember” Pepper said, after slowly breaking the kiss.
“You make it easy to forget” Tony smiled, his eyes glowing with love as he looked at her. 
Pepper smiled and shook her head, looking at Peter.
“You ok there?”
Peter nodded. “I’m fine”
“Hey, what’s up?” Tony said, noticing how he was cradling his arm.
“Hm? Oh... Uh, you kinda landed on my wrist. It’s fine though!” he quickly added.
“Let me see” Tony carefully took hold of him, and Peter sucked his breath. “Sorry, kiddo”
“It’s nothing, honestly”
“Wiggle your fingers for me... Now move your wrist, like, in a circle” Tony told him. “Ok, well, it might hurt, but it’s not broken”
“Yeah, I said it was fine” Peter said, trying to smile reassuringly. “I’m fine”
“We should still get you some ice” Pepper said, giving his shoulder a squeeze.
“Pep’s right, kiddo. Come on, kitchen. Don’t worry; I won’t try to carry you this time”
Peter couldn’t help laughing, and Pepper did too. He was still the same old Tony, no matter what.
Tony made them all a drink and they spent a good while sat at the kitchen table. Peter didn’t seem phased by the ice pack around his wrist, and continued to smile.
“So, have you got a name for it?” Pepper asked. “This whole mixing between aid, support, thing, or whatever, is getting a bit confusing even for me”
“You know, I was so busy making it, I didn’t even think about names” Tony said. “Any ideas, kid?”
“Umm... I’ll have to have a think” Peter said. “It does need a name though, I agree with that. I keep getting mixed up with what to call it as well”
Tony laughed slightly. “Right, let’s have a think. See if we can find something that means something”
They were all quiet for a few moments, sipping their drinks and thinking.
“A.S?” Pepper suggested, not sounding overly convinced with the idea.
“Simple enough” Tony said. “Could work. Kid, what have you got?”
“I’ll be honest, the only thing coming to mind is ‘handy gadget’, and I don’t think that’s so great”
Tony and Pepper laughed at him, shaking their heads.
“I think it needs a name with meaning, even if it’s not necessarily descriptive like A.S would be” Tony said. 
“Newbie?” Peter said awkwardly. “Signifying a new start?”
“It’s a decent idea: I can see where you’re coming from. I think you should have a say, anyway: you came up with the webbing design, and we built it together. We got to this point together...”
They all went quiet again. They’d left the music playing in the other room, and part of a song drifted through the door. 
And if there comes a time, Guns and gates no longer hold you in, And if you're free to make a choice, Just look towards the west and find a friend
Tony and Peter looked at each other, and as their eyes met, they both knew exactly what the other was thinking. Pepper looked at them.
“What?” she said.
“We know what to call the arm support thing” Tony said. 
“Oh. What?”
Peter and Tony smiled at each other.
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jeremystrele · 4 years
51 Arty Bedroom Designs With Images And Tips To Help You Decorate Yours
Arty and amazing, each one of these 51 bedroom designs is unique in creative approach. Whether it be a huge piece of modern art, a bespoke mural, or a curious and captivating headboard feature wall, these spaces are one for the art lovers and free thinkers. We also explore the use of colour, in clashing palettes, melting metallics, natural neutrals, muted hues and jewel tones, so there is assuredly something here to satisfy all discerning tastes. Take a wander through our inspirational curation to discover triumphs of creativity that’ll have you grabbing for the paintbrushes, and transforming a bedroom into your own work of art.
Visualizer: Hilight. design   Art meets fashion in this modern bedroom with a glass dressing room. “My House Is My Dress” pronounces a huge piece of art behind the bed, which comes alive with jewel colours and a floral theme. The glazed closet displays racks of designer garments–pieces of artwork in themselves.
Visualizer: N Team   Bursting with botanicals. Neutral toned artwork dominates this dark room, and the botanical element is brought forth with indoor plants dotted around the space.
Visualizer: iMax Studio   Exaggerate lofty room proportions with towering murals. This palm themed painting leads the eye all the way up to scrolled chapiters, classical coving, and a beautiful chandelier.
Visualizer: Anna Fedyukina   Nature can be a convincing canvas. The picture frame behind this headboard is a picture window, with a peaceful view of lush garden. A lawn-green rug brings the garden palette right underfoot.
Visualizer: Office 4   Another take on nature’s artistry, this whitewashed rocky bedroom wall features climbing plants all the way over the bed.
Visualizer: Andrey Kazakov   A framed vertical garden offers a more controlled approach to indoor greenery. Black wall panels create a deliciously dark contrast with the freshness of the green foliage.
If you prefer to confine plants to pots and paper, then the botanical theme can be stretched with a solid green painted accent wall.
Visualizer: Masquespacio Design   Surfs up! Catch cool bedroom vibes with bright clashing colours, dazzling geometric pattern and a couple of surfboards mounted up as totally radical works of art.
Visualizer: Masquespacio Design   Extreme sports not your thing? Switch the surfboards with a grid for hanging interchangeable prints.
Visualizer: Viktoriya Petrukhina   An all encompassing red bedroom scheme is always a statement, but you can take the rich aesthetic to new levels by adding in hand painted art with a golden theme.
Visualizer: Maurício Coelho   Throw everything at it. We can’t decide which is the hero piece in this room. Is it the bespoke split headboard, the sculptural chair, the shape theme that links them both, or the suited goat triptych?
Designer: Studioe   Visualizer: Ján Mrázko   This polyptych is created by applying designer wallpaper to panels of varying widths. What makes this particularly effective is the L-shaped arrangement around the bed, which stages the area almost as a room within a room.
Visualizer: Alesya Kasianenko   Romantic meets futuristic in this light reflective boudoir. A Star Wars bedside lamp looks just as at home in the delicate decor as does the flowering plants.
Visualizer: Anna Abaieva   Make a splash with contrasting colour. Teal and red make a dreamy dark scheme, and a drop of yellow is just enough to lift the combo and draw out small gold fixtures in the room.
Visualizer: Denis Syrov   This time teal decor comes coupled up with vibrant violet accent pillows, art, and a colour coordinated lighting track that gives the raised floor a floating effect.
Visualizer: Qusay Abubaker   Beautiful borders. Carved panelling over the headboard, decorative mirrors at the bedsides and traditional ceiling roses make luxurious deep profiled additions to even the plainest of spaces.
Visualizer: ON Design   Speaking of deep and detailed decoration, how about this superb ornamental plasterwork. This traditional aesthetic takes on a whole new life when teamed with modern bedroom pendant lights and a contemporary platform bed.
Visualizer: Aryo Widodo   Gothic art takes a black bedroom to even darker depths.
Visualizer: Nada Fadly   Plotting out pattern. A circular motif repeats across a colourful headboard wall in this design, and the pattern inspires the choice of orb pendant lights and round bedside tables.
Visualizer: Ideograf PL   Similarly, rounded swing arm wall lamps and an elliptical headboard silhouette are inspired by the curvaceous pattern in this vibrant room design.
Visualizer: District Idea   Round wall art sets the curvaceous shape theme in this earthy modern scheme. White panels freshen up the brown base tones.
Designer: Sergey Makhno Architects   Find spiritual abundance in a Japanese Koi fish themed bedroom. Feng shui says that having the spirit of the koi near you will attract good fortune, so in this sense it’s totally lucky to sleep with the fishes.
Visualizer: Viktoria Shvachka   Sure, there’s an eye-catching wall of pattern in this room, but we’ve simply got to celebrate that spectacular bedroom pendant light. Note how the outline of the light balances out the circular motif in the wall pattern opposite.
Visualizer: Diego Narvaez Daza   Mountains and mist; is there any mural so equally inspiring yet peaceful? The elegant bedroom pendant light seems to cradle a setting sun. A natural timber bedside table and rattan laundry basket bring added warmth to the cool colour palette.
Visualizer: Riyas Mohammed   A cubist headboard design spirals out of hand in this completely individual bedroom design. Angular blue bedsides match quirky planters at the foot of the bed. See more inspirational examples of cubism in interior design.
Source: Bravacasa   Embrace classic cubism. Pull all three primary colours into a Mondrian inspired design.
Designer: Lisa Perry   Beats of colour paint an uplifting rhythm to wake to.
Visualizer: Anjey Babych   A minimalist colour hit. Elongated wall lights evenly highlight the colour block mural.
Visualizer: Andrew Taran   Dripping with gold, this running paint effect brings the ceiling deep into the decor scheme like never before. Soft moss green paintwork and accent furniture make the perfect accompaniment.
Visualizer: KUOO Architects   Another golden design, this metallic paint effect is employed to highlight an artistic corner of deconstructed wall panelling. Low hanging golden pendant lights and lustrous side tables expand the concept.
Visualizer: Roman Lysenko   Restful and refined. This calm neutral bedroom scheme is polished up with a framed abstract print. Orb bedroom pendant lights draw shape inspiration from the composition.
Visualizer: Andrew Athanasius   Dreams come in waves, pink ones in this bedroom. Blue borders contrast deeply with the pastel pink bedroom decor, whilst copper accents meld with the warmth of the hue.
Visualizer: Maria N   Light up your love of art with recessed LED ribbons. This green bedroom accent wall features a shallow niche for the artwork that is just deep enough to conceal some subtle illumination.
Visualizer: Anastasia Kruseva   Alternatively, make the light ribbon part of the art, and extend the beautiful lighting scheme with a modern chandelier.
Visualizer: Kateryna Senko   Make the room art centric by choosing neutral tones and natural materials. A whale triptych and a portrait on canvas vie for attention in this nature kissed minimalist bedroom with monochrome accessories.
Designer: Lera Brumina   Muted and suited to their sophisticated surroundings, this gallery of works inspires a quiet colour scheme that translates into decorative vases in the bedroom workspace.
Visualizer: Rafael Ismaylov   Like red lipstick and rouge, this red end of bed bench and artwork finish off a chic ensemble.
Visualizer: Studio Open   Be playful in pictures. The subject of this artwork seems to be covering her eyes from the view of an exhibitionist glass bathroom/dressing room!
Photographer: Sergey Krasyuk   Let your favourite piece set the scheme. This snow white scheme is pricked with blood red accessories that complement the homeowners treasured art. A black framed headboard cleverly magnifies the piece.
Visualizer: Leyla Salayeva   Size up. Whether it’s the stunning tribal art or the luxurious bookmatched marble wall that catches your eye here, the scale is impressive.
Visualizer: Stanisław Shapoval   Loud and unapologetic; pop art is one for colour enthusiasts and lovers of all things upbeat.
Visualizer: Sara Elsakka Sara Elsakka   Looking for a pop of colour that’s not so “in your face”? Take your decor scheme over the top with a colour block ceiling or a painted 4 poster bed. Wall art displays beautifully within the bright elevated bedframe.
Visualizer: Penint Studio   Nomads and travellers at heart will gravitate toward souvenirs or items that conjure images of adventure.
Designer: Sergey Makhno Architects   This nomadic style bedroom features rugged rustic elements and a unique hand carved art wall. More images here.
Visualizer: Stephen Tsymbaliuk   Rugged rock makes an amazing spectacle to fuel the fantasies of adventurous types and home birds alike. An undulating rockface wall conjures the feeling of sleeping on a mountainside from the comfort of your very own comfy bed.
Designer: Svoya Studio   Laying on a bed of nails won’t give you the best night’s sleep, so upend those boards and make some nail art instead!
Visualizer: Alex Koretsky   The industrial bedroom aesthetic makes a moody backdrop for dramatic wall art.
Visualizer: 3DMstudio   Paint with light. The silver plates of this headboard float on a fiery glow, like cracked earth over magma.
Architect: Andyrahman Architect   If you thought that bricks and mortar were just for building the shells of homes then look again. This exposed brick wall bedroom feature has a fascinating extruded effect, like a glorious three-dimensional mosaic.
Visualizer: Konstantin Kupreev   This piece of craftsmanship employs modern panelling to build geometric pattern.
Visualizer: 梦太初   Roll and repeat. A single elliptical panel design is repeatedly turned 90 degrees along a headboard wall to fashion a mesmerising piece of decor.
Recommended Reading:  Large Wall Art For Living Rooms: Ideas & Inspiration
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Art Lover's Red Blue and Green Home Decor Scheme
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drewebowden66 · 4 years
51 Arty Bedroom Designs With Images And Tips To Help You Decorate Yours
Arty and amazing, each one of these 51 bedroom designs is unique in creative approach. Whether it be a huge piece of modern art, a bespoke mural, or a curious and captivating headboard feature wall, these spaces are one for the art lovers and free thinkers. We also explore the use of colour, in clashing palettes, melting metallics, natural neutrals, muted hues and jewel tones, so there is assuredly something here to satisfy all discerning tastes. Take a wander through our inspirational curation to discover triumphs of creativity that’ll have you grabbing for the paintbrushes, and transforming a bedroom into your own work of art.
Visualizer: Hilight. design   Art meets fashion in this modern bedroom with a glass dressing room. “My House Is My Dress” pronounces a huge piece of art behind the bed, which comes alive with jewel colours and a floral theme. The glazed closet displays racks of designer garments–pieces of artwork in themselves.
Visualizer: N Team   Bursting with botanicals. Neutral toned artwork dominates this dark room, and the botanical element is brought forth with indoor plants dotted around the space.
Visualizer: iMax Studio   Exaggerate lofty room proportions with towering murals. This palm themed painting leads the eye all the way up to scrolled chapiters, classical coving, and a beautiful chandelier.
Visualizer: Anna Fedyukina   Nature can be a convincing canvas. The picture frame behind this headboard is a picture window, with a peaceful view of lush garden. A lawn-green rug brings the garden palette right underfoot.
Visualizer: Office 4   Another take on nature’s artistry, this whitewashed rocky bedroom wall features climbing plants all the way over the bed.
Visualizer: Andrey Kazakov   A framed vertical garden offers a more controlled approach to indoor greenery. Black wall panels create a deliciously dark contrast with the freshness of the green foliage.
If you prefer to confine plants to pots and paper, then the botanical theme can be stretched with a solid green painted accent wall.
Visualizer: Masquespacio Design   Surfs up! Catch cool bedroom vibes with bright clashing colours, dazzling geometric pattern and a couple of surfboards mounted up as totally radical works of art.
Visualizer: Masquespacio Design   Extreme sports not your thing? Switch the surfboards with a grid for hanging interchangeable prints.
Visualizer: Viktoriya Petrukhina   An all encompassing red bedroom scheme is always a statement, but you can take the rich aesthetic to new levels by adding in hand painted art with a golden theme.
Visualizer: Maurício Coelho   Throw everything at it. We can’t decide which is the hero piece in this room. Is it the bespoke split headboard, the sculptural chair, the shape theme that links them both, or the suited goat triptych?
Designer: Studioe   Visualizer: Ján Mrázko   This polyptych is created by applying designer wallpaper to panels of varying widths. What makes this particularly effective is the L-shaped arrangement around the bed, which stages the area almost as a room within a room.
Visualizer: Alesya Kasianenko   Romantic meets futuristic in this light reflective boudoir. A Star Wars bedside lamp looks just as at home in the delicate decor as does the flowering plants.
Visualizer: Anna Abaieva   Make a splash with contrasting colour. Teal and red make a dreamy dark scheme, and a drop of yellow is just enough to lift the combo and draw out small gold fixtures in the room.
Visualizer: Denis Syrov   This time teal decor comes coupled up with vibrant violet accent pillows, art, and a colour coordinated lighting track that gives the raised floor a floating effect.
Visualizer: Qusay Abubaker   Beautiful borders. Carved panelling over the headboard, decorative mirrors at the bedsides and traditional ceiling roses make luxurious deep profiled additions to even the plainest of spaces.
Visualizer: ON Design   Speaking of deep and detailed decoration, how about this superb ornamental plasterwork. This traditional aesthetic takes on a whole new life when teamed with modern bedroom pendant lights and a contemporary platform bed.
Visualizer: Aryo Widodo   Gothic art takes a black bedroom to even darker depths.
Visualizer: Nada Fadly   Plotting out pattern. A circular motif repeats across a colourful headboard wall in this design, and the pattern inspires the choice of orb pendant lights and round bedside tables.
Visualizer: Ideograf PL   Similarly, rounded swing arm wall lamps and an elliptical headboard silhouette are inspired by the curvaceous pattern in this vibrant room design.
Visualizer: District Idea   Round wall art sets the curvaceous shape theme in this earthy modern scheme. White panels freshen up the brown base tones.
Designer: Sergey Makhno Architects   Find spiritual abundance in a Japanese Koi fish themed bedroom. Feng shui says that having the spirit of the koi near you will attract good fortune, so in this sense it’s totally lucky to sleep with the fishes.
Visualizer: Viktoria Shvachka   Sure, there’s an eye-catching wall of pattern in this room, but we’ve simply got to celebrate that spectacular bedroom pendant light. Note how the outline of the light balances out the circular motif in the wall pattern opposite.
Visualizer: Diego Narvaez Daza   Mountains and mist; is there any mural so equally inspiring yet peaceful? The elegant bedroom pendant light seems to cradle a setting sun. A natural timber bedside table and rattan laundry basket bring added warmth to the cool colour palette.
Visualizer: Riyas Mohammed   A cubist headboard design spirals out of hand in this completely individual bedroom design. Angular blue bedsides match quirky planters at the foot of the bed. See more inspirational examples of cubism in interior design.
Source: Bravacasa   Embrace classic cubism. Pull all three primary colours into a Mondrian inspired design.
Designer: Lisa Perry   Beats of colour paint an uplifting rhythm to wake to.
Visualizer: Anjey Babych   A minimalist colour hit. Elongated wall lights evenly highlight the colour block mural.
Visualizer: Andrew Taran   Dripping with gold, this running paint effect brings the ceiling deep into the decor scheme like never before. Soft moss green paintwork and accent furniture make the perfect accompaniment.
Visualizer: KUOO Architects   Another golden design, this metallic paint effect is employed to highlight an artistic corner of deconstructed wall panelling. Low hanging golden pendant lights and lustrous side tables expand the concept.
Visualizer: Roman Lysenko   Restful and refined. This calm neutral bedroom scheme is polished up with a framed abstract print. Orb bedroom pendant lights draw shape inspiration from the composition.
Visualizer: Andrew Athanasius   Dreams come in waves, pink ones in this bedroom. Blue borders contrast deeply with the pastel pink bedroom decor, whilst copper accents meld with the warmth of the hue.
Visualizer: Maria N   Light up your love of art with recessed LED ribbons. This green bedroom accent wall features a shallow niche for the artwork that is just deep enough to conceal some subtle illumination.
Visualizer: Anastasia Kruseva   Alternatively, make the light ribbon part of the art, and extend the beautiful lighting scheme with a modern chandelier.
Visualizer: Kateryna Senko   Make the room art centric by choosing neutral tones and natural materials. A whale triptych and a portrait on canvas vie for attention in this nature kissed minimalist bedroom with monochrome accessories.
Designer: Lera Brumina   Muted and suited to their sophisticated surroundings, this gallery of works inspires a quiet colour scheme that translates into decorative vases in the bedroom workspace.
Visualizer: Rafael Ismaylov   Like red lipstick and rouge, this red end of bed bench and artwork finish off a chic ensemble.
Visualizer: Studio Open   Be playful in pictures. The subject of this artwork seems to be covering her eyes from the view of an exhibitionist glass bathroom/dressing room!
Photographer: Sergey Krasyuk   Let your favourite piece set the scheme. This snow white scheme is pricked with blood red accessories that complement the homeowners treasured art. A black framed headboard cleverly magnifies the piece.
Visualizer: Leyla Salayeva   Size up. Whether it’s the stunning tribal art or the luxurious bookmatched marble wall that catches your eye here, the scale is impressive.
Visualizer: Stanisław Shapoval   Loud and unapologetic; pop art is one for colour enthusiasts and lovers of all things upbeat.
Visualizer: Sara Elsakka Sara Elsakka   Looking for a pop of colour that’s not so “in your face”? Take your decor scheme over the top with a colour block ceiling or a painted 4 poster bed. Wall art displays beautifully within the bright elevated bedframe.
Visualizer: Penint Studio   Nomads and travellers at heart will gravitate toward souvenirs or items that conjure images of adventure.
Designer: Sergey Makhno Architects   This nomadic style bedroom features rugged rustic elements and a unique hand carved art wall. More images here.
Visualizer: Stephen Tsymbaliuk   Rugged rock makes an amazing spectacle to fuel the fantasies of adventurous types and home birds alike. An undulating rockface wall conjures the feeling of sleeping on a mountainside from the comfort of your very own comfy bed.
Designer: Svoya Studio   Laying on a bed of nails won’t give you the best night’s sleep, so upend those boards and make some nail art instead!
Visualizer: Alex Koretsky   The industrial bedroom aesthetic makes a moody backdrop for dramatic wall art.
Visualizer: 3DMstudio   Paint with light. The silver plates of this headboard float on a fiery glow, like cracked earth over magma.
Architect: Andyrahman Architect   If you thought that bricks and mortar were just for building the shells of homes then look again. This exposed brick wall bedroom feature has a fascinating extruded effect, like a glorious three-dimensional mosaic.
Visualizer: Konstantin Kupreev   This piece of craftsmanship employs modern panelling to build geometric pattern.
Visualizer: 梦太初   Roll and repeat. A single elliptical panel design is repeatedly turned 90 degrees along a headboard wall to fashion a mesmerising piece of decor.
Recommended Reading:  Large Wall Art For Living Rooms: Ideas & Inspiration
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Art Lover's Red Blue and Green Home Decor Scheme
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