#it's corny and weird and flowery and fun
secondbeatsongs · 10 months
you know a book is romance-focused when there are multiple full scenes of people doing home repair and gazing softly at each other, but then when a main character interviews a literal convicted murderer, it happens offscreen
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harryseyebrows · 5 years
Fine Line - Track-by-track rating
I’m in the mood to start shit. So here it is. My comprehensive album rating list. Rating subcategories should be self-explanatory, but I’m judging based on lyrics, how listen-able the song is overall, how interesting it is in terms of JUST sound, and crafting/production/my perceived idea of how well done the entire song is in terms of all the elements combined. Think about the effort that Liam put into his album vs. the effort Harry put into SOTT. What was written and created with intent and what was created maybe more for the sake of creating. Then, I did ACTUAL MATH and came up with an overall score out of ten. Read with caution and yell at me if you feel the need.
Lyrics - 7/10 
“I know that you’re scared because I’m so open” is fantastic and it’s great to see him literally being more open with his songwriting, but he loses some points for the general repetitive nature and more common turns of phrase.  
General listen-ability - 10/10
It’s an easy song to listen to, whether you’re putting it on for background noise, listening while driving, or listening specifically with the intent of paying attention and enjoying.
Sonic intrigue - 8/10 
The slower beginning and then the slam into the guitars and drums is great. It flows nicely and has a good pace/rhythm.
Crafting - 9/10
Overall: 34/40 = 8.5/10
Watermelon Sugar: 
Lyrics - 6/10 
Nothing particularly thrilling. It’s a generally fun song with some lyrics that are suggestive but not overtly so. Good to know that he’s enthusiastic about oral, but again, it’s not his finest lyrical work. 
General listen-ability - 8/10
Another more easy listening track. Good for any time. A fun, sexy little bop.
Sonic intrigue - 7/10
The horns and bass line save this song from otherwise being a bit lackluster in terms of production, and make it interesting in a subtle, understated way that’s very enjoyable.
Crafting - 8/10
Overall: 29/40 = 7.3/10 
Adore You:
Lyrics - 7/10
Kinda cliche and corny; “I get so lost inside your eyes”. Otherwise, very fun and leans heavily into a more pop lens. Makes up for it with “You don’t have to say you love me / You don’t have to say nothing / You don’t have to say you’re mine” and the “Oh honey”s.
General listen-ability - 10/10
I want to listen to this song all day every day. There has to be something in the soundwaves that’s brainwashing me. Can’t stop won’t stop.
Sonic intrigue - 9/10
At first glance (listen) it’s a very basic sort of pop song. But the more you listen, you realize that it’s rooted in a more funk-style guitar lick and utilizes synths in a way that doesn’t come off as too manufactured or ‘fake’. It’s layered; you find more and more complexity with each spin.
Crafting - 9/10
Overall: 35/40 = 8.8/10
Lights Up:
Lyrics - 8/10
The lyrical structure, if you look at it on paper, could easily be read as some type of poetry. The song opens with a question: ‘What do you mean?’ and then proceeds to offer fragments of sentences that aren’t necessarily connected, but somehow offer a cohesive picture — a message that’s still a little unclear but offers multiple interpretations in meaning. 
General listen-ability - 9/10 
It’s fun and boppy but also surprisingly mellow. For me personally, the tempo and bass mean that it can be hit or miss in terms of how/when I want to listen to it, but for the most part, I don’t skip it. This might also have to do with it being the first song we heard from him since HS1, and I might have overkilled it a bit.
Sonic intrigue - 8/10 
It’s hard to not compare this song to his work on HS1, for the reasons above. HS1 was definitely more rock-oriented; more bare bones production and an ode to the more classic methods of music making ie singer, guitar, bass, and drums. Whereas with this song, it was essentially a complete 180 in style and production, with a little flair of R&B style music while maintaining his classic air of whimsy in both the lyrics and his less-frequently-used breathy head voice. Sometimes I still find it hard to believe that it’s a Harry Styles song.
Crafting - 8/10 
Overall: 33/40 = 8.3/10 
Lyrics - 8/10
One of Harry’s many talents is his ability to project tone with the combination of how he sings/emotes with his voice with the lyrics he’s singing. This song is no exception. It’s a sadder, more melancholic song, where he’s expressing some less-than-pleasant feelings, and you’re not only getting that from the words he’s singing, but HOW he’s singing it. It allows the listening to feel and empathize. It’s something he’s very masterful at. (See: the opposite would be something like Adore You, which under the guise of a more upbeat song, the lyrics are actually kind of sad and grovel-y)
General listen-ability - 7/10 
I respect his artistic vision and the choice to include the voice note but as part of a general playlist, it can come off a little odd and out of place. Otherwise it’s very palatable. It just makes me sad, so I don’t often intentionally put it on to listen.
Sonic intrigue - 7/10 
I liken this to a FTDT style song. Very raw. More singer-songwriter than pop. Some very lovely guitar playing and it’s nice hearing him sing in a register that’s been essentially neglected up until this album. But for the most part, I don’t think it’s his most interesting work. Very typical singer-songwriter guitar type song. 
Crafting - 8/10 
Overall: 30/40 = 7.5/10 
Lyrics - 7/10 
I enjoy and appreciate his honesty, and perhaps there’s something to be said about the lack of flowery turns of phrase, but I just don’t feel like this is his most clever work. Again, great to see him being so honest, but it sounds like the extended version of If I Could Fly. 
General listen-ability - 6/10 
I can’t allow this to randomly come on shuffle without putting myself at risk of a depressive spiral. That’s where he loses points. 
Sonic intrigue - 7/10 
Every album has one, and this is it. The Basic Song. So widely palatable that it’s...boring. Shoot me, I know.
Crafting - 8/10 
Overall: 28/40 = 7/10
To Be So Lonely: 
Lyrics - 9/10 
Currently, with just HS1 and Fine Line under his belt, THIS song is his lyrical Magnum Opus. It’s honest. It showcases an intriguing narrative. It’s clever. It’s fun. It’s a little sad. This is Harry and his amalgamation of musical influences mixed up in a bowl, poured into a pan, and baked into a perfect cake with frosting flowers. 
General listen-ability - 8/10 
This is another one of those songs that you can have on in the background and it fits into whatever you’re doing, or you put it on specifically to scream ‘arrogant son of a bitch’ back at him. It’s versatile.
Sonic intrigue - 10/10 
The production on this song is clean but also a little rough around the edges, and I think it was done intentionally. You can hear the buzz of guitar and bass strings. There are peaks and troughs of volume. It has a sneaky little swinging beat that makes it impossible to not bop your head along with it. Again, it’s INTERESTING.
Crafting - 10/10 
Overall: 37/40 = 9.3/10 
Lyrics - 8/10 
I’m afraid to say anything negative about this song because I don’t want to be executed, but here goes. I think it offers a fun, interesting narrative on the first few listens. It’s a story; a little fantastical and sultry. But for me, it feels a bit like Woman 2.0
General listen-ability - 7/10
I have to be in the right mood to put it on specifically, so otherwise, it’s one that I won’t necessarily skip, but I prefer to have it on when I want to listen to slower music. Also kudos to Mitchell but the guitar wank at the end is just a little on the long side. 
Sonic intrigue - 8/10 
This is definitely a stylistic callback to the overall sound of HS1, and for that reason, I think it offers a nice bit of continuity. 
Crafting - 8/10 
Overall: 31/40 = 7.8/10 
Sunflower Vol. 6:
Lyrics - 9/10 
The story! The atmosphere! The pure, unbridled joy it offers! KISS IN THE KITCHEN LIKE IT’S A DANCEFLOOR!!!! I’m offended at how cute this song is. More men need to write songs like this.
General listen-ability - 9/10
This song instantly puts me in a happier mood. I don’t feel like a car ride is complete without listening to it at least once. It’s textural. I love it.
Sonic intrigue - 9/10 
The backwards audio in the beginning. The weird bass. The vocal layering. The nonsense ad libs at the end!!!! FUN!!!!
Crafting - 10/10
Overall: 37/40 = 9.3/10 
Canyon Moon: 
Lyrics - 8/10 
This song is deceptive — underneath the cheery, more jovial sound, it actually has some more echo-y melancholy notes — the ‘So hard to leave it / that’s what I always do’ and ‘I’m going home’s. It’s about reminiscing but still moving forward. Reflecting!! 
General listen-ability - 9/10 
Could easily fit in on a romcom soundtrack, and I mean that in the best way. 
Sonic intrigue - 7/10 
If I didn’t know that he specifically sought out Joni Mitchell’s dulcimers for this, it would feel just like any other upbeat guitar song, but I DO know his process behind it, so his score gets bumped a bit.
Crafting - 9/10
Overall: 33/40 = 8.3/10
Treat People With Kindness: 
Lyrics - 7/10 
Ohhh Harry Styles. He just wants people to be nice to each other! And maybe be a utopian society cult leader. It’s okay. We love him anyway. This song is full of idealisms; perhaps it’s a toe-dip into social commentary. Perhaps it’s a reflection of his own life, on dealing with friendships and loss and the overall nature of being a person. Who knows! It’s a batshit extravaganza in the best way.
General listen-ability - 8/10 
If you can listen to this song without wanting to dance...you have a problem. 
Sonic intrigue - 9/10 
This song is all over the place but in a very thoughtful, cohesive way. It would not be the same if he sang the chorus; half of what makes it so charming is that he doesn’t, and instead, he sounds like some sort of unhinged ring-leader at the end, demanding ‘one more time’ and screaming. UNHINGED BUT MAKE IT JOYFUL.
Crafting - 9/10
Overall: 33/40 = 8.3/10
Fine Line: 
Lyrics - 9/10 
This song doesn’t have many lines, but the ones that do exist, are all purposeful and pack an incredible punch. It would be a disservice to him to try and pick a ‘best’ one, but ‘Put a price on emotion / I’m looking for something to buy’ and ‘my hand’s at risk / I’ll fold’ are up there as two of my favorite things he’s ever written. The repetitiveness of ‘we’ll be a fine line’ can be a little grating, but I find that to be entirely dependent on my mood, and not any fault of his own. 
General listen-ability - 8/10 
I put this on when I want to disassociate. Not ideal for when I’m driving down the highway, but what can you do.
Sonic intrigue - 10/10
One of the most, if not THE most, beautiful pieces of music he’s ever put out. Nothing more or less can be said. 
Crafting - 10/10 
Overall: 37/40 = 9.3/10 
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mindfulscribbles · 8 years
The most exciting story you’ll read today
A girl runs out into the middle of street, face frozen with terror and fright. She looked down the street, knowing what she'd see what she didn't want to see. The raging storm forging on down the street. Her street. A monsoon. It was strange though; it looked like a mix of fog and mist. Not exactly a monsoon. And it didn't look like impending doom, unless a horde of zombies came lurching out from the fog that actually looked like it's from a fog machine. (*cue the dancers from a corny music video*.) But dream-state me, I ran for my life. I turned, my sneakers pounding the pavement - thud-thud, thud-thud. Alas, a car, a car! And other people! I skidded to a stop, breathless and wheezing. Dream me is quite unfit, like real me. So this is a dream I had last night. Compelling right? Makes you want to read to the end. But anyways, it's actually one of rare times I remember *most* of the details in my dream, probably because I was rudely awakened by my alarm (gotta teach that thing manners) in the middle of my adventures. So I thought I'd write about it for fun :) There were two people standing by the car - one of them I remember their identity; the other, I believe I know you IRL but cannot remember who you are. I'm sorry. To protect and not embarrass the identified one, I will give you the name, Pete. Unknown driver pressed on the gas with Pete and me in the car. We're off! But then, I remembered what I left behind. "Smokey!!!" I cried out. It was too late. It was much too late and we all knew it. Smokey, my pet rabbit from more than 15 years ago, is probably long dead now IRL, will probably be dying soon in the fog and mist IDL (in dream life). Upon reflection, my rationale for dreaming about Smokey is I was looking at BC SPCA Instagram posts last night and there were bunnies up for adoption. I seriously considered it for a bit, but logically convinced myself that it would not be fair to the bunny as I am out of my home for 12 hours a day at least 4 days a week. We continued to drive. I may have cried tears, but let's not get into those details. Well, I didn't have much time to cry anyways because somehow, I thought occurred in all our minds. I have to pee. This has happened in dreams before where somehow, a thought materializes in the cast in the dream's minds, somehow all at the same time. The thought about needing to pee flitted through all our heads, like we all have some sort of telepathic power. "Let's stop at the McDonald's" - Unknown driver said and make a sharp turn into the parking lot. My first rationale thought came about right now (kudos to me for my rationality in this dream world). The storm is just behind us and we're stopping at McDs? But unassertive dream me and a full bladder refrained me from speaking up. We got out of the car readily, pulled a heavy metal door open and walked-in. I can't for the sake of me remember what the place looked like, but I remember a prompt and well-dressed woman came up to me and inquired to me what I wanted. "Uh - washroom" eloquent dream me said. She escorted me through a set of metal doors (why all these metal doors? Can these withstand the monsoon? Is that why we're here? Can they keep out hordes of zombies too?) The washroom was spacious and....strange. The toilets were raised onto a platform, almost like a throne and had heated seat functions. There were multiple toilets in the spacious room, apparently separated only by flowery curtains (eek). The lady asked if I would her to clean the toilet before I used it (whoa...possibly the best yet ill-suited service expectation from a McD’s employee?). "Uh - no". She smiled and left, pulling a curtain in front of another toilet (vacant toilet thankfully). My conclusion upon reflection is that we were in some kind of makeshift McDonald's hospital or hide-out shelter. Perhaps we just thought it was a McDonald's but it was actually some kind of hide-out shelter. As I was ascending the toilet-throne, I heard from the room across the hall past the curtains "I'll be right with you to bring your meds". Somehow I knew that it was a nurse speaking to her patient. The next event I remember was walking into a cafeteria-like room in this ?McDonald's/hospital/hide-out. I sat down at a table and stared over at the cafeteria line where all the hot foods were. Yes, dream me had the appropriate priorities.
Plop. A man sat down in front of me. I only remember he had curly brown hair just past his ears and he was wearing a dark trench coat. I cannot remember what we said to each other, but I remember that he was laughing at what I said. And I'm pretty sure was NOT laughing at me, but that I was telling some jokes and he found them actually funny (just for that, I'd befriend him any day IRL). I wish I could remember what I said, or what jokes I made so I can try them of IRL and see if people would laugh. But I can't *sigh*. I guess I'll have to be original and not plagiarism dream me. He suddenly stood up. Maybe he had that weird thought about need to pee flit through his head as well. "I gotta go, but hey... " He pulled out his phone, a slick square one (square phone?! Why?! Dream technology, you suck) with a slightly cracked screen. My dream self considered for a moment. What was his intention? My stubby dream fingers typed in my actual number with great difficulty and with multiple attempts (what happened to me? In this random monsoon-fog-natural-disaster, did my fingers swell up?). As I passed the phone back to him, I said "I hope we can be friends." (What?! Upon reflection, I feel that was quite passive aggressive, slightly cryptic and just plain weird). The guy sitting at the table with us - wait, when the hell did he get there? - snickered. A musical interlude began suddenly, growing louder by the minute. Was this an intermission where all the actors in my dream can take a break? Nah, it was my lovely alarm and my eyes slowly opened to reality.
And, that’s it. Aren't you glad you read all the way to the end??? 
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