#it's even more funnyer when i relize that it's all just in dick's head he imagined it
brucewaynesasshair · 2 years
i was rewatching titans(2018) and then in 2x07 dick started hallucinating bruce
i forgot how funny those scenes were so i took the time to write down some(a lot) funny stuff 'bruce' said
i put my comments in blue i thunk it's easier to read it that way
they say the suit makes the man. in your case, i guess it would be a...memorial urn. a whole life reduced to a decorative can of ash.
when you walk away from a job, you really walk away. let things go, *looks at the ground*, let, ooh, people... go. *still looking at the ground(he's talking bout jason🤚😭)*
you were gonna trade your life for jason's. noble. and fuckin' stupid. *lmao bruce🤚😭* you thought deathstroke wanted you? guess what, precious? he wants everybody but you.
genius. a nice, quiet place where they can finis him off.
*pretends to be on a call with dick* hello? hey, dick. oh, sure, i can look the kid up. hey, i just relized what your special skill is, the thing that makes you the natural leader in this group. you're the only one with my phone number.
*casually walks in* more people should drop their problem children off buildings. it clarifies the mind and body. *great advice bruce really good one😂*
that should do it. "sorry." always makes things right *he ain't wrong tho*
*bends down beside jason* ah...rest will fix him. then a team of shrinks *it was 1 shrink but it still didn't work but okay u couldn't know that bruce LMAO*, maybe some meds. uppers, downers, in-betweens. kid'll be right as rain. *spoiler he wasn't*
the master of unterstatment. *after dick said "no jason it's not ur fault for going out there alone"*
well done. you can check that off the list *'the list' there is a list🤚😭(ik it isn't..i hope.)*
houdini is flattering. houdini was not suicidal. *i'm sorry but i almost peed my self at this, GOLD!* there's no egg fried rice? *no bruce. there isn't😂*
now is working for me. *LMAO*
*the 1 n' only* NO SHIT! *from hank and bruce*
bastard's clever, too. no wonder dawn made the trade. *bruce pls🤚😭* i always imagined it was a lateral move, but now i see it's an upgrade. *an 'uPgRaDe'*
military speak for when you're bald-faced lying. you take note, kids. *takes out pen and paper*
everything else has gone so well. *oh yes it has gone perfect. couldn't be better😂*
*dick left but he's still here LMAO* it's nothing to worry about kids. just a mild psychic split. anybody need anything? milk? eggs? body bags? *bruce is going shopping🤚😭*
hide your little "boo-boo". it's too bad alfred isn't here to fix it. *immitates alfred* "oh...oh,somebody has a nasty splinter i'm sorry, master grayson, but that's going to have to come out. let me get the tweezers.
he speaks. *aperently he does😂*
five years. why does nobody remember that? *he was so upset about that part poor bruce😂*
now you're cooking, baby!
*just the whole dance scene*
and i'm the one with anger issues? *bruce is very offended by this😂*
let me guess. we have a date. *u better buy some flowers then mby slade loves tulips😂😂*
psst. yoo-hoo. there's somebody missing.
oh, cry me a fucking river. *upset hand gestures*
oh, it was very moving. *starts clapping* *we LOVE sarcasm LMAO*
okay that's it
sorry but hallucination bruce was my fav part of s2
also i'm pretty sure this is everything funny hallucination bruce said but if i misses something feel free to comment it🤗
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