#hallucination bruce is my fav
casscainmainly · 3 months
My Top 10 Batgirl (2000) Moments
This is my list of top 10 Batgirl (2000) moments!! There were so many to choose from, but these are my personal favs :)). Counting down from 10 to my absolute favourite.
10. Volving
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An absolute classic. Perfectly encapsulates what Cass does throughout the entire run, and more writers should play with Cass' use of language like this!
9. Beat Up Every Mob In Gotham
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Perfect encapsulation of the early Barbara-Cass dynamic, and one of the funniest moments in the series. Just love the expressions and the way this shows so much of Cass' character.
8. Choosing to Write
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The entirety of issue #2 builds up to this heart-wrenching moment. After delivering a dead man's final message to his wife, Cass sees the wife's reaction to the written message and decides to learn to write. A foundational moment for her character, and a nice motherly Babs scene too.
7. Alpha Redemption
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Capping off issues 35 + 36, Batgirl unmasks herself to convince Alpha (an amnesiac villain) that he doesn't have to be defined by his past. Brilliantly displays her core belief that people can change, and the fact that her belief pays off makes this moment extremely moving.
6. For God's Sake
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Possibly a controversial pick, but I really like this moment because it underscores some of the fundamental conflict between Babs and Cass. They love each other, but they don't always understand each other, particularly in regards to each other's disabilities. A painful moment that should have been explored more.
5. Fight For Your Life
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My favourite Stephanie and Cass moment in this run. You can feel Cass' grief throughout this hallucination, but there's also so much hope and love (for Stephanie and for herself). It's an amazing conclusion to Cass' initial suicidal tendencies: instead of desiring death, she now actively fights to live.
4. Darknight Detectives
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This interaction sums up a lot of Bruce and Cass' best moments. Cass' unwavering moral beliefs, Bruce's pride, their instinctive understanding of each other; they just get each other in a way few others do. I picked this one instead of the 'instinct/good answer' moment because it also marks Cass' development in her detective ability. From Moment 8 above to here, the confidence in her mental capacities has grown so much. She really volved!
3. Perfect For A Year
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I mean of course this had to be here. These lines literally take up 90% of my brain space, it's an incredibly tense moment that illustrates Cass' desire to be perfect, her need to be useful and good. This issue is also just awesome.
2. You're... Not
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Another absolute classic. Illustrates Cass' compassion and her belief that people aren't defined by their lineage, which is particularly personal to her, given her own dad. This struggle between good/bad, parent/child defines many of Cass' best stories.
1. Who Do You Think You Are? + Father's Day
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What else would number 1 be?? Issue 33 is my favourite in the entire run, and the entire thing is stacked with moments that could fill up this list. I just love 'who do you think you are' because it's all of Cass' rage spilling out, and yet she still loves David Cain in her own complicated way (and he reciprocates, too). Then we have the ending, which is the BEST Bruce and Cass moment ever. The sparse, meaningful dialogue, the expressions, the reveal of the TITLE: comic book writing at its finest.
Honorary mention to the Shiva/Cass fight, which just narrowly missed out.
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beah388love · 5 months
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Marvel Masterlist
🧡= Little!Reader Fics
💛= My Fav Fics
* = Smut/Nsfw
Bucky Barnes
< Emotional >
- summary: Your emotional because of your period and Bucky comforts you
< Night hallucinations > 💛
- Summary: Bucky’s little wakes up alone and has a night hallucination whilst buckys in a meeting
< Hide and seek >
- Summary: Bucky has a mission so Tony looks after you and he loses you…
< Silent Treatment >
- Summary: You give Bucky the Silent Treatment…
< So soft… >
- Summary: your thighs are buckys weakness
< No More Pain? >
- summary: you have healing powers…
< Insecurities >
- summary: you’re insecure and Bucky reminds you how beautiful you are.
< Beach day took a turn >
- summary: Beach day took a turn and you got hurt…
Steve Rogers
< Language! >
- summary: Sam and buck accidentally teach you some new words…
< Promise? >
- summary: Steve accidentally scares you
< Never scare me like that again >
- summary: Steve’s been accidentally ignoring you
Tony Stark
< Meanie >
- Summary: One of Tony’s men is mean to you
Thor Odinson
< Too quiet…? >
- summary: someone says you’re too quiet for Thor and too different to be together
< Concussion >
- summary:
Loki Laufeyson
< Bad Daddy… >
- Summary: you have a bad nightmare about loki…
< You get Lost… >
- summary: you get lost…
< Night Terrors >
- summary:
Peter Parker
< Arachnophobia >
- summary: you have arachnophobia…
Sam Wilson
Natasha Romanoff
Clint Barton
Bruce Banner
< Green Daddy? >
- summary: Bruce turns into hulk….
Peter Quill
< Teething >
- summary: you are teething…
< I don’t feel good… >
- summary: you get stung by an unknown plant
< Bird-Fairy! >
- summary: you make Sam fairy wings!
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ylfva-remade · 2 years
🐒 What’s your favorite line from your special interest if it’s a video game/movie/tv show/etc?
ohhhh god theres so many (80 years of comics + spinoffs will do that to a guy) but um here are some of my favs that i can think of off the top of my head:
"because he took me away from you" -jason abt the joker killing him and taking him away from bruce :(
"I AM A MODEL OF MENTAL STABILITY" -batman while being the exact opposite of that
-that whole scene where dick is talking to a hallucination of a robin and everyone assumes its his younger self as robin but at the end its revealed its actually his dead baby brother? yeah.
and this:
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ok this is my disclaimer for the house it rotting series/universe, no spoilers in text beyond what you will find in the summary for the first two fics, and spoilers are will be marked w an X and linked when the fic is published/the event happens
every one is. well not ooc, but while the main cannon divergence is at the end of utrh, this gotham is darker than main cannon, (mainly due to gotham being more sentient and meddleing than cannon) most people are 10-50% more unhinged, and it shows. im not directing any hate at any of the charecters, im just playing around w them, and turning up the insanity setting.
i like to call what im doing extrapolation, looking at things the charecters have done, then applying them, (bruce wanted to perform and autopsy on the resurected ollie- this is extrapolated to him gatting the training, then performing the autopsy on his son) and (X) (dick hallucinating jason- dick being haunted by the ghost of jason) (X)
the charterers that will be less "bad" are probably gonna be talia, jason, steph, dick, cass, in roughly that order. mainly cause jason spends most of the time as a corpse, and steph is semi possesed and then recovering from that, dick is mad with greif and unloading all his anger at bruce, and cass (X) also im not making talia bad. she gets done so dirty and i wont contribute.
basicaly everyone is madder, no one is sane, im not being mean to your fav on purpose, everyone is the worst version of themselves(that is not just wildly out of charecter/offensive), and no one is having a good time.
also this is just post utrh. plese remember that. i will use post to inform carecterisation but events that happened after will not be used against the charecters because they havent happened
also: titans tower incident never happened, and talia is pre morrison, other changes are steph is immedatly resurrected after war games, but the bats arnt made aware of that (X)
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brucewaynesasshair · 2 years
i was rewatching titans(2018) and then in 2x07 dick started hallucinating bruce
i forgot how funny those scenes were so i took the time to write down some(a lot) funny stuff 'bruce' said
i put my comments in blue i thunk it's easier to read it that way
they say the suit makes the man. in your case, i guess it would be a...memorial urn. a whole life reduced to a decorative can of ash.
when you walk away from a job, you really walk away. let things go, *looks at the ground*, let, ooh, people... go. *still looking at the ground(he's talking bout jason🤚😭)*
you were gonna trade your life for jason's. noble. and fuckin' stupid. *lmao bruce🤚😭* you thought deathstroke wanted you? guess what, precious? he wants everybody but you.
genius. a nice, quiet place where they can finis him off.
*pretends to be on a call with dick* hello? hey, dick. oh, sure, i can look the kid up. hey, i just relized what your special skill is, the thing that makes you the natural leader in this group. you're the only one with my phone number.
*casually walks in* more people should drop their problem children off buildings. it clarifies the mind and body. *great advice bruce really good one😂*
that should do it. "sorry." always makes things right *he ain't wrong tho*
*bends down beside jason* ah...rest will fix him. then a team of shrinks *it was 1 shrink but it still didn't work but okay u couldn't know that bruce LMAO*, maybe some meds. uppers, downers, in-betweens. kid'll be right as rain. *spoiler he wasn't*
the master of unterstatment. *after dick said "no jason it's not ur fault for going out there alone"*
well done. you can check that off the list *'the list' there is a list🤚😭(ik it isn't..i hope.)*
houdini is flattering. houdini was not suicidal. *i'm sorry but i almost peed my self at this, GOLD!* there's no egg fried rice? *no bruce. there isn't😂*
now is working for me. *LMAO*
*the 1 n' only* NO SHIT! *from hank and bruce*
bastard's clever, too. no wonder dawn made the trade. *bruce pls🤚😭* i always imagined it was a lateral move, but now i see it's an upgrade. *an 'uPgRaDe'*
military speak for when you're bald-faced lying. you take note, kids. *takes out pen and paper*
everything else has gone so well. *oh yes it has gone perfect. couldn't be better😂*
*dick left but he's still here LMAO* it's nothing to worry about kids. just a mild psychic split. anybody need anything? milk? eggs? body bags? *bruce is going shopping🤚😭*
hide your little "boo-boo". it's too bad alfred isn't here to fix it. *immitates alfred* "oh...oh,somebody has a nasty splinter i'm sorry, master grayson, but that's going to have to come out. let me get the tweezers.
he speaks. *aperently he does😂*
five years. why does nobody remember that? *he was so upset about that part poor bruce😂*
now you're cooking, baby!
*just the whole dance scene*
and i'm the one with anger issues? *bruce is very offended by this😂*
let me guess. we have a date. *u better buy some flowers then mby slade loves tulips😂😂*
psst. yoo-hoo. there's somebody missing.
oh, cry me a fucking river. *upset hand gestures*
oh, it was very moving. *starts clapping* *we LOVE sarcasm LMAO*
okay that's it
sorry but hallucination bruce was my fav part of s2
also i'm pretty sure this is everything funny hallucination bruce said but if i misses something feel free to comment it🤗
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poochios · 4 years
Hey! Could you do headcanons for the avengers (I dont care who) with a reader who is really quiet and shy/smart at first but the once you get to know them they are a complete dumbass? Like 3 am random conversations, random energy bursts, blurting out stupid stuff, just crazy and funny in general.
apologies for the late response! i haven’t written for marvel in so long, i was trying to remember how i used to :) i hope you enjoy these and sorry if these aren’t characters you were hoping for 
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Bruce Banner
When he first met you, he was attracted to your closed-off quiet personality, always wanting to get to know you so he could dissect you bit-by-bit. 
Taking that into consideration, he preferred to have you by his side, you were a nice change of pace from the green monster within him, and the annoying sound of Tony’s blabbering. 
If in any case you were to bump into him, you would only mumble a quiet hello, wave, and be off on your way. 
But when he sees the side of you that he thinks no one else has, he’s even more attracted to your person. 
In the midst of a “avengers night” where tony would gather everyone for a big sleepover, he, and everyone else in the room finally got to experience you for the very first time. 
“Haha suck it losers, shy guy totally just kicked your asses!” 
At your sudden burst, they turned quiet, blinking from one another, gaping like a fish out of water before your smile dropped and they decided to yell at each other. 
Peter Parker
Jokes are his love language, really no shame when he says his favorite cheesy lines. I mean, have you seen his corny shirts? 
He’s wanted to befriend you for a while, whenever he bumps into you at the compound he’s pouring out his heart on how cool he thinks your hero suit is, or how cool you are in general. 
He always thought you hated him. This is only because you’ve only ever responded to Sam or Bucky, sometimes even Happy. But never him. 
So when you two are sent on a mission, the cliche motel who only provided one bed, he’s stiff as a board and contemplating whether or not he should just make a hammock from his webs. 
“Peter, are you still awake?” He’d mumble a quiet yes even though he was sleeping before you shook him. He doesn’t even register or connect the voice to you, to be honest, he thinks he’s hallucinating. “Did you know that dragonflies have shovel shaped penises?” 
His eyes would be blown wide before he sits up quickly, turning his head at you before looking around the room. “They- they have what?” He heard you yeah but, he wants to hear your voice again. 
“Dragonflies have shovel shaped penises.” 
Scott Lang
Another connoisseur of jokes, no i do not know how to spell connoisseur, thank you autocorrect. 
Anyways, Scott was used to the semi-closed off work partner, he worked with hope after all. And even though he respected the boundaries you had, he really wanted to be your friend. 
Definitely the type of guy to cling to your shoulder, he’d turn tiny and sit on your shoulder, or if you had a tiny pocket on your shirt, he’d nestle himself in there.
He’d find you slumped against the couch at the compound, blowing air out of your mouth every ten seconds, a clear sign that you were bored. 
He’d summon a bunch of ants to the table, and make them steal a worm so he can pretend he’s on a mechanical bull. 
“Scott, that’s so cool! Do you think you can get a stag beetle? Or is that too much for the ants?” 
Doesn’t respond which makes you worry but, he jumps for joy when he sees you laugh at the ants carrying an overturned beetle.
I know she isn’t technically an avenger but she’s one of my favs!!
So you two would probably meet after the funeral, she would see you sitting alone, possibly near the dock, and try to befriend you. 
Doesn’t take offense when you don’t respond verbally, a funeral just happened after all, it’s normal. 
If you two were to ever cross paths again, it could be at the California branch of the technology lab, and she’d be surprised to see you there, nearly jamming the screen full of mathematical and scientific equations that even made her head hurt. 
Would attempt to befriend you even more and if she ever passed that line, she would bring you to Wakanda to see technological advancements there. 
In shock when you look down at the city in awe, jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store, though it does boost her ego when you start to question all the advancements she played a major role in.
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
The redhood nightwing fight scenes look like they're gonna be dope af like thats all I'm thinking about how awesome the fight scenes are (hopefully) gonna be (I'm already finding it difficult to see this jason as redhood cuz he's like literally a child but I dunno what age he redhooded in the comics so??)
I had no idea tim was even gonna be in it !?! Can I please get some kind of recognition from the batboys that they actually view each other as brothers and family! 😢
Someone needs to kill the joker It'd be kinda interesting if old bruce killed joker and it'd be nice if that was the last thing he did as batman buuuttt then again it'd be a nice touch if dick killed joker for jason, it would personally be disappointing if joker was just let live not gonna lie i really want bruce to kill him and that be the reason he gives up being batman because he failed to protect jason and then he broke his no killing thing so he just hangs up the cape
we are getting FEAR TOXIN yassssss cue awesome nightmare ish fearscapes (no idea if that's an actual word but that's what I call when you get to see everyone's fear hallucination)
Kory I love you, I do ship dickkory however I feel like she's too good for dick and should marry me instead lol I wanna see how donna is still alive? and I know there's people who are like ughh hank dawn go away already but I really freakin like hank and dawn as characters even though their suits are ridiculous did they break up last season I can't remember? Hank needs a break poor man someone give him a blanket and a hug and let him sit the fuck down everybody leave hank alone
That line where babs is like don't try be your father and dick is like excuse me what you saying there Commissioner Gordon, that will never not be funny 😅😅😅
I ain't in love with this show it has so much potential it could be so lit but I do like it anndd they got suits now whoop!
Wait is this my previous Titans anon? (The one where we ranted about Jason, or the one thinking they hadn’t seen S2 but went to watch it and realized they had? Or are you the same person? xD )And if so are you the same one who asked for the comic and fic recs? Just wondering in terms of if I’m talking to one person or not hahaha
But ahh I got so excited when I saw I got an ask about this 😍
Omg the nightwing red hood fight already got me so stressed lol. It looks great but ahh angst! But I think Jason is like 19ish in most versions when he comes back? Though tbh I forgot what age Jason is in this , I’ll have to see when i rewatch it soon. Curran, the actor, is actually 23, he just looks super young/short. He got pretty buff though. But yeah, that is an unfortunate thing wi the them rushing it already but also, I’d rather have it like this than if they were gonna spread it out through the seasons then it gets cancelled or something (poor Gotham s5, RIP). I think he was the PERFECT robin jason Todd though. Like I love his acting and portrayal of Jason(“Titans are back bitches!” classic Jason), he just is young looking and short. Gosh I still wanna know if they are going with the Lazarus pit for Jason or not! But like that also begs the question of whether they are doing a time skip cause normally Jason is dead for like 2-3ish years, but it doesn’t look like it from the trailer.
And yes, I’ve been looking forwards to Tim!!! While the trailer didn’t show it, the actor was on set a lot over these last couple of months (I’ve been keeping up with their instagrams xD) and seemed super close with the cast! I can’t believe the first look we got if Tim was him nearly crying, though that look already won me over, I love him and he is my son now. But RIGHT! That’s all I want, is the bat bros platonic love, gosh dang it😭 that’s all we want DC😭
BRO! OLD MAN BRUCE KILLING JOKER WOULD BE FREAKING PERFECT. Dang it! Now I’m gonna be so disappointed if that doesn’t happen 🤣gosh it would be perfect, and normally I would be like it’s Bruce, they would never do that, BUT, this show does that kind of “edgy” stuff anyway so if it’s ever gonna happen(without the Batman who Laughs plot line happening(which would make a perfect dc animated movie btw)), it would happen in this show, especially with what was shown in the trailer with him giving Batman up. Man, now my hopes are up for that xD though I wouldn’t mind if Dick killed him. I would be shocked though if they had the balls to actually kill off joker though, dc seems to refuse to do that :/
Omg I squealed at the scarecrow part omg. Dr freaking Crane is a big reason I spiraled down this entire fandom tbh. Like literally a year ago I got obsessed with him for some reason and that led into the Bat hole where I am currently WAY deeper than I ever would have thought 😂 and while I’m not hyper fixated on him anymore, I still love him so much and is my 2nd fav rogue, and it mainly started with Jonathan 🥺 we barely even see his face and I am already in love with the casting, the voice is perfect. And I LOVE when villains have to help the heroes, that is like one of my fav tropes ever omg, I was really hoping they were gonna do that to him. I hope he is in it for more than one episode tho. And oh lordy, like those poor Titans need even more trauma in their lives and now fear gas is in the equation. Oh no, I bet poor Gar is gonna get hit cause they just love to torture that poor boy. And tbh I hope the fearscapes(perfect word for it) will be better than most of the Gotham ones, those seemed a tad cheesy tbh
Lmao about you and kory😂 she is too good for him, but also, this Dick needs someone who can kick his ass and get his head out of his martyr butt 😂 tho tbh, I’m still not fully sold on Dickkory, Like I don’t hate it but I don’t LOVE it in many versions, like they can be cute but no strong feelings, the Original Teen Titans cartoon is like the only exception, I def ship those 2
Omg I low key forgot Donna “died”😂🤦🏻‍♀️ I feel like I knew it wouldn’t last so it didn’t have a big impact on me lol. Like I had/have a feel raven is gonna bring her back. I wanna know what happened to Rose/Joey! Like are they not gonna be in it at all? Especially with Jason going off the deep end?!
Lmao, hawk and dove’s suits😂 I think they did break up, I’ve only seen the series once through tbh, planning to rewatch before S3 tho(and try to force my mom to watch it tho she is convinced everything DC is too dark for her lmao), yeah, I don’t mind them, like I don’t want the focus on them but like they deserve to be happy/need a break, omg yes! That boy needs to be wrapped in a blanket and given a break, that grumpy boy is TIRED. Let him rest!
Lmao! That babs line is so great😂
I’m just so excited for all this live action Batfam content, considering the live action movies NEVER give us Batfam 😭(we aren’t talking about the 80’s/90’s live action robin lmao)
Also so sorry this was so long 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️
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casscainmainly · 2 months
You know, I was never a big fan of the post-Puckett Batgirl issues, but your analysis actually managed to breathe new life into them, great work!!
Wow, thank you so much! I definitely think Puckett has the least weak spots overall, and my ultimate fav issues will always come from early Batgirl (2000). Yet Horrocks and Gabrych both flesh out Cass in interesting directions, and I don't think her character would be the same without them.
Horrocks, for instance, gives us a lot of the gender exploration, as well as the fight with Babs, some nice Steph-Cass moments, the great Bruce fight, etc. Those are some defining moments for Cass and great examples of her growth.
Then Gabrych utilises Cass' voice the best out of any writer (in my opinion), really demonstrating how much she's learned since she had no internal monologue. We also get Tim interactions, a confirmation that Cass wants to be Batman, Brenda, learning Shiva's her mom, Steph death hallucinations, etc.
They both have contributed key pieces to our understanding of Cass today, and without editorial mandates their runs probably wouldn't have had so many flaws (like the very last issue, War Games, etc.). I think they deserve a lot of appreciation!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 years
Not the Only Tool in the Shed
by kris932
The dude with laser beams eyes, giant 'S’ painted across his very broad chest, picture perfect smile, and a cape that flutters when he flies is a completely new hallucination for Tony, and that’s counting those years in his early 20's he tried hard drugs and was perpetually drunk before Rhodey hauled his ass off to a discreet rehab center. He thinks the news says something about the guy redirecting an alien spaceship that had gotten lost in Earth’s airspace. No loss of life or damage done to property.
So, clearly a hallucination. The Avengers could barely leave the house without blowing shit up.
Ah well. Could be worse. He could be hallucinating everyone’s brutal deaths again. That’s always fun.
Words: 2779, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Batman and Robin (Comics), Batman: Under the Red Hood (2010), Iron Man (Movies), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Batman, Superman, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Christine Everhart, Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Author is salty against Steve Rogers, Team Iron Man, not team Cap friendly, justice league - Freeform, Avengers - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Renegotiated Sokovia Accords, Crossover, Comics/Movie Crossover, DC Comics References, Marvel Universe, Hurt Tony Stark, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Jason Todd is my fav
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/27755938
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