#it's giving nyktos
katrinegrey · 1 year
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BRB while I explain to my therapist that my type is fictional people serving love through adorkably awkward acts of service.
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runningwiththeoceans · 8 months
give me Nyktos or give me deäth
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incorrectfbaaquotes · 9 months
Nyktos: I think Sera is in trouble. Rhain: Alright. Struggling to give a fuck, if I’m honest.
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playcaroplay · 8 months
I just finished A Fire in the Flesh and have spoily thoughts
I really wanted to like this book. I want to like this series so badly, but the last four books in this universe have felt so rushed and poorly edited. It has felt like Sera’s story exists solely to retcon plot points to buttress Poppy’s plot inconsistencies. And Sera’s mirror image personality is explained away because of Sotorias soul, and family lineage. They’re the same personality type with different hair.
1) Dialogue - I find the same dialogue being recycled has fallen flat for me. Sera and Poppy’s “tempers” and “stubbornness” feel like an easy way to introduce conflict or tension but it doesn’t often advance the plot or character arc. There are so many stagnant beats where Sera/Poppy and any character have this type of conversation:
Character A: slightly controversial but logical opinion
Sera: NO that is Wrong.
Character A: Rationalizes point
Sera: Do you want me to stab you?
Character A: oh shit
Sera: I’m known for my temper
Character A: I’m impressed/insulted.
(And if it’s Nyktos then you follow up with)
Nyktos: Your anger makes me horny
Sera: Ew, but also same.
Nektas: you two are so funny with your arguing/mean girls mom beat - you guys ok? Want condoms?
Sera: *walks away feeling empowered because she spoke her mind*
I would hope an editor would catch on to these repetitive beats and try to either pare them back or vary them enough that there’s purpose behind it.
2) Secondary characters are just there to watch the scene. You’ll notice in many instances, Sera and Ash have a blow up, and the side characters are there purely to comment on what’s happening and narrate Sera’s character arc. If you took them all away the scene would remain the same.
Ex. Sera fighting Ash in the courtyard in book 2. The secondary characters provide nothing but audience commentary.
Or in FTIF when Rhain is speaking to Sera about her deal and freeing him, and then Ash wanders up and they have another “you don’t know the meaning of the word argue” argument and the side characters literally step away from them and they repeat the age old conversation beat I listed above.
What’s the point in introducing a huge cast of secondary characters if their only purpose is to bear witness alongside the reader. Instead you could have them take an active role in the plot, and have impactful relationships, opinions and action that drive the plot home. They’re just padding.
This entire series could take place in Ash’s bed and you wouldn’t notice the difference.
3) Weak conflict- Using Kolis as the example. We understand from book 2 that he’s a monster. But the stakes are significantly lowered when his and Sera’s opinions stay the same the whole way through FITF.
Consider what the story would have been like if he and Sera found moments of genuine empathy and understanding. What if they shared moments of humour or appreciation for each other? Think of how conflicted Sera would be about destroying him.
Is his kindness just manipulation? Or is there a deeper reason behind his actions that she doesn’t know yet? The fact that Sera is always aware of his tactics makes it hard to invest in her goal of becoming his weakness.
I care less about Kolis seducing Sera or vice versa because I know it won’t actually happen. We already know Sera is devoted to Ash and she’s revolted by Kolis. So her conflict about “becoming nothing” and fulfilling her duty is a nonissue.
4) Show, don’t tell. Seras discoveries while in captivity are quite passive. Either Kolis or Callum just straight up tell her the secrets. She’s in a cage so she has to rely on characters telling her what’s happened. It feels like the plot of the book happened outside the room, and we are just getting reports about it.
Consider Sera manipulating Kolis into giving her time out of the cage where she has opportunity to wheel and deal with other gods and discover secrets in more active ways. (Ex hunting down a revenant and having them talk through their transformation. Or talking to an Ascended about their blood lust and their fight for humanity.)
Even in the final chapters. Ash confesses to Sera that he had visions of her and removed his Kardia after he met her. He tells her that removing the Kardia was irrelevant in the end. Yet again another plot point that’s rendered useless and discussed in a passive manner. Such a let down after all that conflict in book 2. It almost felt like these scenes were drafts of the dream walking beats and JLA added in at the end because she liked them.
Consider those revelations happening at the lake as she’s trying to say goodbye to Ash. The anguish and betrayal she would feel about his decisions, but still clinging to their last moments together.
All in all, I feel like JLA was done dirty in the sense that pumping out these books every year hasn’t given her the time to dig into her own universe.
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 1 month
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I finished this yesterday aaaand
still can't get Thorne out of my head. I love Casteel, I love daddy Nyktos, but Prince Thorne? He put them all in his pocket
Body like carved from marble?
Big and hard 🍆?
“You’re not going to be able to take all of me like this. Not yet.
But na'laa?
You’re going to want to.”
Fucks like rabbit even whole day?
And all the 'You should've known better than to run. I will always catch you'?
Uhm, give me a break 🥵🥵
Where are all the fanfiction about him anyway? 👀
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goddess-aelin · 2 years
Ok here we go: THEORY TIME!
There are so many thoughts swirling around about ALITF so I'm going to try to get these out as coherently as possible.
I honestly have no clue what is going to happen in the next book. Obviously we know that Nyktos and Sera survive, have twins, etc. But we don't know the manner of how Sera survives, especially when it seems pretty hopeless right about now. So most of these focus on how Sera can survive.
There were a lot of things that stood out to me throughout the book, mostly about prophecies and literally in the first 20 pages.
"You haven't heard why he cannot save you as he is now."
This is Holland talking to Sera and Nyktos when they are discussing that she can only be saved by the blood of someone who loves her, right before we find out that Nyktos can't love.
I thought this was a really weird choice of words the first time I read it and I think it's a really weird choice now, too. Why would JLA put that in there like that if it didn't have some significance. She absolutely could've stopped the sentence with "you haven't heard why he cannot save you." Period. End. Done.
As he is now implies that a change can be made in some way.
-Change could be like him changing into his wolf form. Can he maybe love in this form? Could he save her if he takes her blood in this form and gives his own back?
-Or could he change in some other way? His heart can change? Could he get his kardia back via Maia or via growth? Throughout the book, it was talked about the Primals "falling." Aka falling in love. Before this, they didn't love either. So would it be possible for Nyktos to gain back his kardia or find some other way to love? I say yes. I think this is the most likely theory that I have. I truly think in the end, he's going to be able to love in some way. (TBH, I think he already does love her but just doesn't understand how and what he feels. You don't do the stuff he does for just anyone. And I think him wanting to love is indicative of that.)
-It also said somewhere in the book that even the fates can't tell what happens with love. So the fact that they don't know for sure that he will never be able to love her solidifies my point.
2. "It allows them to love another not of their blood, irrevocably, selflessly." This was Penellaphe talking about what a Kardia is. My initial thought with this too was so he can love someone of his blood? Hmm...
-If Sera would have his blood, could he love her then? Thereby saving her with the blood of someone who loves her?
-Could he love his sons if she was already pregnant and therefore be able to save them? I know mortals can't carry primal babies but it's been said time and time again that Sera isn't exactly fully mortal and can do things that a normal mortal can't. I think this is a stretch but it's a fun theory. And a really, really sad one.
3. I think they're heartmates.
Obviously this probably isn't a super uncommon theory BUT I do think this will factor into saving her.
-Maybe not being able to love will be negated if they're acknowledged heartmates.
- I'm not convinced that Nyktos is actually present in his wolf form at the end of the ALITF. We know from FBAA that heartmates can enter each other's dreams. Sera isn't exactly in the best state with blood loss and such at this moment so could she be hallucinating him? The thing that makes me think this is that I don't think she's ever seen or discussed Nyktos having a wolf form. So how would she immediately know that's him? Especially when she was super out of it and didn't even see Attes arrive. And also, no one else senses his presence? There's only one way and that's because she just knows. She can feel him in her heart.
4. This last part brings me to the last part of the prophecy which talks about a wolf in moonlight. Perhaps a key to saving her? She didn't acknowledge that Nyktos could be that wolf in the moonlight prior "seeing" him in the woods while Kolis was feeding on her so...I just really don't think he's actually there. I think we're going to get some angst for a while, a'la the poppycas separation.
5. The Prophecy itself isn't directly linked to Sera/Nyktos but rather to the series as a whole.
I mean, I'm sure someone has pointed this out before and maybe it's been confirmed. But "A first daughter, with a blood full of fire, fated for the once-promised king. And the second daughter with blood full of ash and ice, the other half of the future king. Together they will remake the realms as they usher in the end."
I'm not great with reading prophecies lol but I feel like the first daughter (Milicent) fated for the once-promised king (Malik, obviously he's not promised the throne anymore) and the second daughter (Poppy) who is the other half (literal heartmate) of the future king (Casteel, who is the king.) Just too much of a coincidence. Kolis explained this away as him and Eythos and Nyktos vs Sera and Mycella. But I just don't see it. I think he's stretching. And though Sera and Nyktos will be involved of course as the grandparents of Poppy, I think the prophecy is ultimately about Poppy.
Ok y'all. That's all I got for now. Lmao. It was a lot so thanks if you took the time to read it and of course, come into my messages and scream with me about this.
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I've said this before but I feel so bad for Nyktos when he learns that Sera's plan was to exploit his love to kill him
Like the poor dude, his parents suffered awful fates because of love, so he spends his entire life trying to avoid it, and then he finally starts getting close to Sera, and then finds out the entire time her plan was to do what he feared most
Like I know he was a bit of an asshole to Sera after that but like I'm sooooo glad JLA is giving him realistic hurt feelings and not just making him forgive her right away. I want to see him hurting and I want to see Sera hurting because she hurt Ash and I want to see how they're going to fix it
I love love love the love interests who are as complex as the main characters I love Nyktos
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hawkefaery · 1 year
Characters meetings in Blood and Ash that I'm most exciting for:
Malec and Eloana plus Valyn
I want go see the world burn honestly. I said this already but I want Eloana and Malec to have this resentful attitude where they trow beef at everything the other says. And plus Valyn because I know my man will have eloana's back against everything. Besides, I can see Malec don’t liking Valyn not because he wants Eloana back or something but I believe Malec gives vibes of being that type of man that believes his dick changes a woman’s life forever so the fact that she remarried, moved on, had a life and named someone else king??? I think he would be like “this fucking idiot who he think he is, i am a god i am so much better than he him” bla bla bla and then Valyn, as I said he is always there for eloana plus he said he believed that Malec did not deserve her love so I don’t think Valyn likes Malec either, he probably recents him for what he did to his beloved wife (honestly same valyn)
I hope we get at least a snake peak of Sera and Isbeth
this is an obvios one, I just want to see isbeth literally suffering and sera having fun
Malik and his parents
this one is going to hurt me like a bitch. It already did when Valyn seemed about to cry when he saw Malik again and Malik couldn’t even look at his father. Malik recents his parents for hiding the truth from him so there is so much tension in here. I want the pain that come with this reunion but I hope that at the end everything is happy again
Millicent and Ires
I want ires to see his daughter again and not just poppy
Jadis and Nektas
an obvious one
Ires and Malec
There is a lot to unpack between this two. I highly doubt they will be just ok with one another after everything that happened around them. I think this could be a tensed moment for resentment, blame and idk I just feel that it can’t be all perfect and harmonic between these two after every thing that happened
Malec and his parents
If a remember correctly, Nyktos and Sera knew where Malec was entombed and they actually had guards guarding the entrance yet they did not take him of his entombment do I wonder if Malec knows that or if he will find out at some point, I think this will be tense too, and again I don’t think they can just pretend nothing happened
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cap-mack-23 · 1 year
Theories on how Sera will survive the Ascension: (SPOILERS for ALITF)
ASH will Ascend Sera:
1. Ash has "fallen" for Sera in the same vein as the Ancients "fell" and developed kardia/emotion in the first place. This is evident in Nektas's language "he is how you wish him to be." It's clear he is unable to recognize what love feels/tastes like and is unable to place the emotion at the coronation once Sera realized she was in love with him. He feels peace with Sera according to Nektas, we know peace is a defining feature of true love in the JLA-verse because Aios (goddess of love, etc in Poppycas time) describes it as such when Sera asks her before the coronation. He is willing to choose Sera's safety over that of his people/the shadowlands/the world - he admitted he wasnt protecting the embers, he was protecting Sera. This emotional reaction is not the logical/able to put aside caring for the greater good he described in SITE as the advantage of not loving one person above all others.
-there's also the language I've seen pointed out that without a kardia you cannot love someone "not of your own blood" and how Sera has consumed Nyktos's blood so its a loophole
2. Ash will have his kardia restored by Maia or Aios (since Sera Ascended her at the end of ALITF) and will make it to Sera before Kolis drains her of blood and starts the Ascension
-I havent thought this one out as much because it seems more direct narratively, but the “narratively direct” route just doesn’t seem like JLA’s style so this one is much less likely to me
KOLIS will Ascend Sera:
1. This was my immediate assumption at the end of ALITF because Kolis had already begun the process of draining Sera for the embers when he realized she had Sotoria's soul within her. We know that Kolis loves Sotoria (in a twisted, possessive way) and he is currently the Primal of Life, so he could meet the "blood of the Primal that one of the embers of life belonged to" criteria even though he stole his embers from Eythos. Holland states "she will die without the love of the one who Ascends her." We know that only one of the embers in Sera technically belongs to Ash so the other ember (I believe it belonged to Eythos, right?) is the one that would likely respond to Kolis since he stole his brothers birthright and we know he drained Eythos's life force as well (there's also the loophole of blood meaning family, Kolis being Nyktos's uncle and blood relative). 

Narratively, Kolis saving Sera and Ascending her into the Primal of Life makes sense because of the narrative trend of Kolis/Nyktos being swapped in Sera's understanding (her destiny was to kill Kolis, not to kill Nyktos; Kolis caused the Rot, not Nyktos; she tries to run off to seduce Kolis and continue her plan that was originally meant for Nyktos, etc). This also provides reason and closure for Sotoria's soul and possibly explains why Nyktos states he believes Sera is right and she has two souls, hers AND Sotoria's, instead of being another reincarnation of Sotoria alone (I imagine Sotoria's soul/life force would be removed from Sera's body/drained in place of Sera's).

Also Kolis bringing about his own reckoning because of his obsession with Sotoria, giving her/Sera the power to end him and fulfill the prophecy makes for great storytelling
-my main hangup about this is that its not a great message about love because clearly Kolis is toxic and I would hate for it to be confirmed he does truly love Sotoria, but with the narrative trend of unhealthy/ obsessive love (Isbeth to Malec, Eythos/Mycella/Kolis, Nyktos's whole reason for removing his kardia being the fall of the Ancients due to love) and Sera's philosophy on goodness/trying to be good I feel like its a real possibility
also thoughts on how the requirement to Ascend a mortal into a primal impacts the original Ascension between Poppy/Casteel? Was Poppy's Ascension into the True Primal of Life and Death/Blood and Bone also reliant on Cas's true love and will for her to live?
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nova-opteryx · 9 months
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Honestly can't remember if I shared these yet! A drawing if ky'ra and nyktos stretching and them some beads I designed for them to give to a oc that belongs to a friend!
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katrinegrey · 8 months
A Fire in the Flesh final thoughts
Major Spoilers (and rambling) ahead y'all. You've been warned.
[This was typed on mobile. I apologize in advance for the terrible formatting and spelling in addition to my post-book excited nonsensical ramblings.]
Excuse me while I scream and cry and bemoan the next 6 months we'll have to wait to see Sera and Nyktos and everyone again even though we literally just got the new book yesterday.
I'm so happy with where this book cutoff too. Like, there's still plenty that has to happen but there's no awful cliffhanger. The first like two thirds were a little bit of a struggle, not gonna lie, but in true JLA fashion that last third was *chef's kiss*.
I thought Nyktos was going to be my favorite character to come out of this book, as he had with the previous two, but he wasn't. It's fully Sera and by an absolute fucking mile. She's perfect.
The parallels in this book between Flesh and Fire and the Blood and Ash series were exactly what I've been hoping for. All the little pieces are starting to come together in a big way with the plot (pretty poppy, sotoria's whole storyline, why Kolis was never killed outright, etc.) but also all of the tiny little tidbits thrown in. Sera slamming her hands over her face, the cavern, how she keeps talking about how she would want to treat her kids...it was all so beautiful.
Getting to know some of the other characters better was great too. That was one of my biggest complaints, how so many of the side characters weren't fleshed out as far as they feel like they could have been. That changed quite a bit with Attes and Rhain, but even the villainous characters like Callum, Kyn, Veses, and Calliphe. The depth they're given without giving a pass to the awful things they've committed was masterfully executed.
I will say, on a very personal and petty side note, there was a severe lack of young draken in this one, and I will pout until May about the lack of Jadis and Reaver. However, that part where Sera is mostly unaware in her dreamlike state, while but she feels Jadis on her legs was just too cute for words.
Speaking of words, my GODS did Nyktos have some. I was a little worried with as little page time that boy had in the first two thirds that they weren't going to be able to flesh him out enough to satisfy, but ho mama was so wrong. Chapter 39 to finish was perfection of every kind. Heartbreaking and hot and sweet.
And if anyone has a petition going for an ASOAAB type book of Sera in stasis from Nyktos' perspective, I will totally sign it.
Seeing Sera go full Primal in the next book will be so worth the wait. I desperately need to see her talk to Ezra again too.
Rating: 5 stars
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Rhain: Whose turn is it to give the pep-talk?
Nyktos *sighing*: Sera’s.
Sera: Fuck shit up out there, but don’t die!
Bele: Inspirational.
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luxmaeastra · 2 years
Lumas snarled yet Mania kept him pinned her teeth bared.
"Why are you here?! Why are you friendly with my Galina?!"
Lumas closed his eyes leaning into the bonds he'd made over his long life. The thread shimmered, alive and waiting. Epithumia looked up at him from her bed. Her body glowing as she watches him approach from her balcony.
"Would you be my consort Lumas?"
Lumas remembered how soft her skin had felt under his fingers. He remembered her coy smile as she looked to him.
"That is Silba allowed such a thing?"
"She will, she and I are honored to serve you Epithumia. Are you sure you want someone like me?"
"A war hero? A loyalist till the end? What else could I want?"
He felt the magic flow through his veins, the runes flaring over his skin. He threw Mania off and stood dusting him off. Mantus stared at him looking to Mania as she stood and stared at him.
"Where - where is my sister?"
"Give me what I want Mania."
Mania stared at him, he held her gaze. He was so close - so close he could almost feel her pulse.
Mania's face crumpled and she slowly sank to her knees. Lumas followed knelting by her holding his hand up. She sniffed and slowly pulled the emerald from her pocket. He gripped her hand pulling her to her feet. He held the key out to her.
"She's in a villa, happy as can be."
Lumas swept past her to Mantus and met his gaze.
"Prepare the vat."
"Lumas -"
"Do it."
Mantus jaw tightened and he moved to Mania. He guided them all down the hallway to a small room with a raised stone tub. It was in the middle of the room, ley lines focused on it making it a nexus point. Fresh blood was being filled in the tub. The slaves mute and broken already.
Lumas didn't care swiping some of the blood to sample. He held a finger out to Silba grinning as she sucked of his finger. Viren swallowed his revulsion and looked to his father.
"What is happening?"
Nyktos swallowed and felt Ilyios appear a second before he materialized. Neither answered Viren. Though his mother was here now as was his aunt. What was happening?!
Lumas stepped forward as held the green jewel.
"Do you remember how things were like before all of this Saetan?"
Saetan gave a sad smile and squeezed Cassandra's hand.
"Yes. Are you sure Lumas? This -"
"Yes. Yes I am sure."
"She may not be the same -"
"Are any of us?"
Lumas cradled the gem looking to Saetan.
"What is the story you will spin Saetan?"
"The truth."
"No, no you will tell her something better. He left, he died to be with her - he's locked away in some forgotten prison. You will not her the truth."
Saetan's face softened and he nodded.
"As you wish Lumas."
Viren looked to the gem, he could see it was cracked with dark veins. Since when did Saetan give into anything Lumas said.
Viren stiffened feeling a wave of power pull Sarai and he and their siblings back.
"I wouldn't do that, a Reborn Asteri will be ravenous and prey on any weak ones they see. You know in my day they'd lock young and disobedience Asteri in with the Reborn ones. Solved two problems at once."
Nkytos stared gripping Viren's sleeve.
"Father what are you -"
Vanth grinned at his sons pulling them both into quick hugs and winnowing to where Lumas stood.
"You actually did it. I never doubted you Lumas."
"No you called me insane."
"Because you were."
Vanth squeezed Lumas shoulder as he dropped the gem in the blood.
The blood had drained from the pool, the room had gone dark, no light entered it. Viren watched in awe his grip tightening on Sarai as the light began to trickle back into the room. The light was going from the tub and back to through the ley lines.
"A give and take of power, of magic Viren. Everything must have balance."
He swallowed and resisted the urge to look at his mother. She'd changed too much to be that person anymore - even if Keir desperately and secretly wished she would.
The figure rose from the tub, the light would have blinded a witch, it would have incinerated everything it touched. It dimmed slowly, seeping back into the Asteri who sat in the tub.
Viren couldn't see her but he could see the tangle blond hair. The slight tremors of her body.
She reached for Lumas hand gripping it tightly.
"Papa? Uncle Saetan? Auntie Cassandra? I - where - where is he? Where is Bacchus?"
It had been one of the reasons why he had ensured Galina was safely tucked away, even as friendly as his father was with her, he knew better than to trust a snake. Elier stood behind his sister and brother-in-law, his eyes watched as the older members of the room teamed among themselves. Even Morven was standing nearby, the look of displeasure of being summoned was as clear as his displeasure for him.
She was shaking, even if his sister was standing strong beside her mate, he could see the subtle signs. What emotions were going through her in that moment? What thoughts? Even though Galina was his Queen and she would always be his number one, his sister would always be his second after her and his children. He always wanted to make sure she was safe, make sure she was happy and protected.
As everything continued to shift and change, she shifted closer to Viren when she felt his grip tighten. Her eyes never left the vat, the figure that sat there. She had heard of her siblings before her, she had heard whispers and had seen paintings in passing. She had been one of the few she had been compared to again and again.
Saetan moved forwards, holding out a robe for her. His eyes connected with Lumas, he wasn't going to take the reigns on this one. Yes, he had agreed on the story they would tell, but at the same time, she needed her father before anyone else.
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squirrelinameatsuit · 2 years
“Sirens” in Ancient Greek
“αἱ Σειρήνες”
ἐλθέ πρός μου καὶ μεῖνον ὠ μἐλι
τό σῶμα παρά μόι κατακλίνου
τὰς φροντίδας ἀποδιώξομεν 
κάθευδε εἰρηνικῶς
ψήθητι τὴν ξανθην θριχά
δώσω τὴν οὐ τλητήν χαρμονήν
τὴν τοῦ θηρός λύσσαν
τὴν τῆς λυπῆ ἡδονήν
ἅψασθον τὰ πυρσά χειλεά
δώσω τὴν ἀκρατή γ`ἰσχύν
μίας νυκτός παν ἀρξεις
οὐδεμίαν μαχήν οὐκ οἰσῃ
ἐκπόθητι τἠν φιαλήν εὑρήσεις
ὄτι ἡ ψυχή ἐλεύθερη
ὑπό τοῦ λωτοῦ λυθησῃ
ὑπέρ κακοῦ πέτεσθου
“hai Seirēnes”
elthe pros mou kai meinon ō meli
to sōma para moi kataklinou
tas phrontidas apodiōxomen
katheude eirēnikōs
psēthēti tēn xanthēn thrikha
dōsō tēn ou tlētēn kharmonēn
tēn tou thēros lyssan
tēn tēs lȳpē hēdonēn
hapsasthon ta pyrsa kheilea
dōsō tēn akrātē g’iskhȳn
mias nyktos pan arxeis
oudemian makhēn ouk oisē
ekpothēti tēn phialēn heurēseis
oti hē psȳkhē eleutherē
hypo tou lōtou lȳthēsē
hyper kakou petesthou
Back translation:
“The Sirens”
Come to me and stay, oh honey
Lay down your body alongside me
We will chase away the worries
Sleep peacefully
Stroke my golden hair
I will give so great a joy
The frenzy of a beast
The pleasure of pain
Touch my flame-colored lips
I will give you a strong power
You will rule all for one night
No battle will you not win
Drink from my cup to discover
That the soul is free
You will be released by the lotus
Fly above wickedness
Translator’s notes:
Line 7: That’s the same “lyssa” referenced in “Actaea and Lyssa.” I'm most familiar with the dialect of Attic Greek, which substitutes “tt” for “ss,” but I wrote everything in the album with the latter (lasser) so “lyssa” would appear the same as in the song.
Questions and suggestions welcome.
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goddess-aelin · 2 years
This is going to be such a long post but I feel like I need to get my thoughts out after the angsty ending from A Light in the Flame.
Overall Thoughts:
Umm I thought it was amazing. I know a lot of people were saying it was repetitive and I definitely get that but at the same time, I would literally read 600 pages of Nyktos and Sera eating breakfast so.... Anyway though, I loved the character journeys. I think good characters are what makes a good book and even if the rest is confusing and angsty, it's those character-driven moments that redeem it.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. This prequel series is so much better than FBAA. Not hating on FBAA but I just feel like Nyktos/Sera is so much more well-developed than any relationship in the main series. I love every single side character (yes, even you, Rhain, when you're being rude).
I was hooked from the beginning. How can you not be when it starts with the whole prophecy thing and continues from there with almost constant action. The first half was definitely repetitive, I can totally see that. But I also think that repetitive-ness helped to get the point across that Nyktos cares about Sera. Not the embers, but Sera. Even before they had any convo about forgiving her, I think his actions were speaking louder than words. Though it was a constant battle of "Sera, no." *Sera does the thing.* "How dare you not value your life. *Fucks* Ya know, the usual. Lol. Some of my new fave sera/ash scenes came from this book.
- I adored when he set up a bath for her and everything- it was such a sweet gesture.
-When he took her to the pool and literally just played and had fun, especially because he knew she missed her lake.
- The "I want to be your consort, Nyktos." and Nektas just laughing and knowing.
-The way they both are always stunned by each other. Like they do such sweet things and they are always, ALWAYS, surprised.
-The entire scene of Rhain asking her if she was in love with him and her not being able to answer because she had no idea what it felt like either.
-Her whole breakdown in the carriage because "Oh my gods, I might be in love with him!" Loved every minute of it.
- And then of course, him trying to get her to breathe and calm down when she was about to freak out over this.
-The sweet but angsty talk about Veses that they needed to have tbh.
**Nyktos is literally the ultimate book BF, I said what I said. It's honestly refreshing to see this 200+ y/o male character that has like no sexual experience whatsoever yet it doesn't demean him or negate him as weak. Love that for him.
Non romantic scenes that melted/broke my heart:
-Sera holding Jadis when she fell asleep and Jadis feeling comfortable enough to switch into human form.
-Reaver then getting the blanket for Jadis and just being a weird little kid. I love it.
-Jadis giving a kiss on the forehead to Sera before going to Kolis. Sera's gonna be such a good mom even if one of her children is a giant piece of shit.
-Ector trying to calm Sera down in the carriage and just talking to her.
- The friendships with Aios and Bele and pretty much everyone just finally forgiving Sera.
-Ugh going back to see Ezra! I needed more sister love tho tbh. They didn't even hug!
Now for the painful parts:
-Aios dying. Like wow. This 100% is number one. I was devastated when Sera saw Ector's decapitated head. But then she saw Aios' red hair and I literally almost threw my damn book. I'm so happy she's ok in the end but RIP Ector.
-When Sera saw Nyktos with Veses. I know we got an explanation for it in the end but I was incredibly stressed and about to unstan Nyktos. I hate cheating (even if that's not what it was) as a trope and tbh I hate miscommunication as a trope. So this entire part of the book was just devastating to me.
-Sera's reaction to the above. She was in love with him already, she just didn't know it. I felt her reaction so viscerally, though. I suppose that's a testament to JLA's writing in this book.
-Sera constantly being told that she's going to die and there's nothing that can be done. Just when they think there might be another way, nope it's just death again. I love that Nyktos is fighting so hard for her and I have some theories that I'll make another post for, but I do find it very ironic. The entire situation was Sera was meant to make Nyktos fall in love and then kill him. Oops except he can't love. And now instead, she's the one who fell in love and now he has to kill her to literally save the world. What a 180. A fabulously done 180 but a shocking one, nonetheless.
Another post will be coming about theories!
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thechaotic-simp · 11 months
“What happened?” She said searching his dark eyes for the answer before his mouth could give her one. “I’m okay. Found our loophole” He said smile not quite meeting his eyes as he accepted her embrace.
“And Nyktos?” She asked voice hushed
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