#it's just ... they go out of their way to portray meg as a brute and starscream as abused
cosmicswritings · 10 months
#also this is me just wanting a happy sparkling megastar au where starscream carries because#there are absolutely no happy megastar aus where starscream is a carrier it's always the other way around -ESPECIALLY tfp#like carrier starscream is usually seen as a punishment or to make him seem weak...same with submissive/bottom starscream tbh#kajdfl;ajf #like i hate how a lot of carrier starscream megastar is like this bad - traumatic thing for starscream whereas when it's the other way#around it's a good thing - same with making him sub and people don't realize the weird message that conveys
bro you LITERALLY put one of my biggest issues with megastar into words. I didn't know what the issue was and why I got weirded out by a lot of content but this is it. Especially 'when it's the other way around it's a good thing' part. People either make sub starscream the worst thing possible or talk about it like it's the worst thing to ever happen to his character and then flip things around with him and make him dom/sire and then suddenly he's not weak anymore. I wish people would put in more effort into making carrier/sub Starscream a good thing rather than making it this shameful, taboo thing that he's ashamed of. I really don't mind how people ship Starscream but like you I've noticed a ton of weird vibes. People can do what they want but you honestly just explained my issue with a lot of it.
putting this all under a cut --
In a funny way you put MY words words into words . THANK YOU.
this isn't the case for everyone, but it's something i've seen a lot. i've seen people who will write fics with starscream carrying with megatron and it's the worst experience for him, but then the other way it's like supposed to be good or even to show that starscream is powerful, or isn't weak or whatever.
It's so hard to find fics, or aus, etc. that have starscream carrying that don't push this idea that it's something truamtic and it's even worse to find people who don't see it that way but in conjunction see carrier megatron as the only 'acceptable' and non traumatic/abusive forms of sparklings and mechpreg in megastar. I don't think people know how weird it is to act as if starscream carrying (or lbr even subbing) by default is a bad thing and that it is the worst thing in the world so the fix if is to flip things around.
and then it's also unfair to megatron to portray him like only one way as a sire. like i hate that so many people portray him as a brutish, harmful and abusive person when he's a sire, when in reality i just find him being a very soft, nervous and caring sire...like do y'all hate him that much?? Do you hate him that much that you just rely on those unfair tropes for him, same with starscream.
but then when it's the otherway around suddenly it's all good. all the abuse, hatred, etc., is all gone??
#like on one hand yeay - carrier starscream#but the few i see of carrier starscream in megastar it is just god awful and terrible for him and it's unfair to megatron too#and it's like 'carrier starscream is weak and it's inhernetly bad so we're gonna make it like that - but then we're gonna switch things aro#*around so now - mech preg megastar is acceptable as long as it's this way#idk - how else to explain it#cleary this doesn't apply to everyone#some people are normal abt carrier starscream#and they are normal about sire starscream#but i can't count the amount of times i've read someone's conent esp jettwin content with like#carrier starscream in a megastar sense and it's god awful#it's just ... they go out of their way to portray meg as a brute and starscream as abused#but then flip it around#where megatron is carrying#and it's like....everything is good - it's all fixed#no abuse and or anything#and that makes me sad#sometimes i think people unknowingly deal with a lot of interanlized homophobia and misogyny when it comes to starscream#esp when portraying him in certain ways or pushing ideas that#portraying him in certain ways is inherently harmful or makes him weak#and that's another reaosn why i do hate#a lot of these tropes#like imentioned above people are so fucking unfair to megatron#and make him seem like a brute and like he can't make a good sire#when starscream is involved#and that's just weird#my take away is - i think if u take a character like starscream - and act as if him being submissve or in tf case even a carrier- is#inhernetly a bad or harmful thing to him by default#and that it makes him weak and shit#then that's not really good#i also don't mind carrier megatron
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Sonichu 8 Page 58
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COUNT GRADUON: And with that, which was your first word, I dub thee, Silvana Rosechu. But my care for you, and your training has a small price. To better you, I am going to grant you with the power to transform, like a Ditto. My price is that you will have to relinquish your ability to give birth, and you will be upgraded to have both parts. So with the biological upgrade complete, your years of training can begin.
Title: Silvana Rosechu
Caption: -Age 19 -Psychic Type -Ability: Oblivious
Narration: And so, from after birth, Silvana mentally and physically became a strong warrior under the wicked guidance from Count Graduon on the Earth’s moon. Without maternal guidance, and low social interactions, Silvana never learned to truly love, yet she (or he) learned to flirt without emotions. I can only take pity on this unlucky soul.
Graduon’s master plan includes giving Silvana shapeshifting powers. I suppose this isn’t a bad idea to round out his team’s powers, since his main modus operandi with working with Mary Lee is to attack Chris head on with brute force and numbers, adding a character that could work well as an intelligence agent could do Graduon well, although we don’t exactly know when Graduon and Mary Lee began to work with one another. Graduon implies that these transformation abilities are unique to Silvana among EHPs.
Graduon compares these abilities to that of a Ditto’s, a normally Normal-Type purple blob that can transform into whatever Pokemon it faces in combat. A Ditto’s other noteworthy characteristic is its ability to breed with any Pokemon that can breed, and it’s the only way to obtain eggs in game of a genderless but breedable Pokemon like a Metagross or a Rotom or  when the player only has a male of the species they are trying to breed. Despite the Ditto’s notoriety of being the best breeder in the game, Graduon tells Silvana that the transformation powers he gives her will cause her to become sterile.
Also for no particular reason, Graduon makes the formerly purely female Silvana a hermaphrodite; I believe the panel on the left shows Graduon outfitting Silvana with male genitalia (ew.) What exactly this gains either of them is completely unknown. You’d think that when she transformed into someone who isn’t a hermaphrodite, like Bubbles for instance, her genitalia would transform into whatever the subject’s genitalia was (in this case she would only have Bubbles’s female genitalia while transformed as her). I suppose Graduon was just preparing her for transforming into multiple different bodies, men’s and women’s, but that still doesn’t make any sense. By that logic, she would have trouble transforming between species as well. Later she transforms into Meg Griffin and has no difficulties living without a tail, for instance. Now, out of universe, Silvana was retconned into being a hermaphrodite to symbolize Chris’s troll sweethearts, who were mostly men pretending to be a woman, so Silvana became a woman who secretly had male genitals. But to Graduon, her transformation to a hermaphrodite made no sense.
Silvana here is described as a pure Psychic-Type. Silvana and Simonla are the two hedgehogs Chris has somewhat bounced around on regarding their typing. Here she is portrayed as a Psychic who uses her powers to manipulate people’s minds. Later in Sonichu 9 she uses Shadow Ball, a Ghost-Type attack, but in Pokemon you aren’t necessarily limited to attacks of your type. She also says that she can’t make a spark later, which would seem to roll with what’s presented here that she’s not an Electric-Type (despite being an Electric Hedgehog Pokemon) but again you can still be an Electric-Type without knowing any Electric-Type moves. Later revisions would throw around the idea of her being a Dark-Type (which would make sense, since while she has similar abilities to Magi-Chan (and many Dark-Types can still learn some Psychic-Type moves) but she’s got more of an evil tinge to her and Dark-Types are strong against Psychic-Types), though throughout the comic proper Chris seems to stick with pure Psychic-Type.
Silvana’s ability is “Oblivious”, which in the Pokemon games makes you immune to the “infatuation” status, which is when a Pokemon of the opposite gender hits you with certain moves or has a certain ability, you fall in love with them and you can’t attack every other turn. In Chris’s reimagination of the concept outside of the context of turn-based combat, he means it to mean that she cannot fall in love.
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