#idk - how else to explain it
sluttyimpala · 2 months
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moderation - florence + the machine
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dear-ao3 · 27 days
Heyy totally weird question and having never experienced a long term relationship before this is really coming just from a place of curiosity, I'm deeply sorry if I'm stepping over a line. Did your ex boyfriend change as a person as time went by, because I remember loving your posts about him, and everything seemed wonderful and adorable about your dynamic, thinking that even if these complete strangers to me break up one day it will be full of mutual respect and understanding. Can a person really change up like that? Like were there ever any signs that he is a douchebag capable of breaking things of over a text and anything else that he's done or was he never actually like that and a "change" happend over night?
I am not at all probing into your life, please don't think that, nor am I asking for some kind of explanation no, just curious about someone turn up to be a complete douchebag at the end
i mean yea there were signs, generally when youre dating someone in the beginning things seem fine and dandy and then it all falls apart later. most of the problems stemmed from the fact that he broke a lot of bad habits and then gained them back. we were also pretty young and in that weird limbo stage of life where youre figuring out what the fuck you want to do and when youre in that area of life (college) things can change very quickly and you can very quickly realize that you are not as perfect for someone as you once thought.
actually though we were decently mature towards the end of it and knew it was falling apart and were like okay when the time comes we will be respectful and this will be mutual and likely we will remain friends (cause we did get along pretty well, there were just a lot of logistics that were not working) and then he decided to dump me over text (which he didnt really realize he was doing? he thought it was a break he was proposing but he worded it so badly that i was like um no this is a breakup. goodbye. then he tried to be like oh no no no we are still good for eachother! so even though he definitely started it i finished it) and all respect was lost
tho despite all that crap i dont regret it, there was a lot of fun, learned a lot about myself and most importantly learned what it does feel like to be in love. its not my fault it didnt work out, there was a lot of stuff that i was aware of at the beginning that would make it challenging and i knew it wasnt going to last forever, but while it was good it was definitely good.
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Eddie Diaz has been radiating such a giddy energy around Buck these past two episodes. The way he smiles and looks at him and giggles and plans shenanigans and goes out with him and hangs out at his place…
I’m not even talking from a shipper googles perspective tbh. There’s just such a delighted energy about Eddie lately, like every time he looks at him he’s reminded that his best friend is here!!! He is alive!!! They get to spend more time together!! To be silly!!! To laugh and scheme and act a little dumb like Eddie only does with him!!!
He looks like his whole chest is going to burst with sheer delight that Buck is still here and alive.
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 4 months
Honestly Will Graham isn't straight or gay or bi to me. He's just some fucked up guy and the only person he could ever have an equally fucked up relationship with is Hannibal. He's whatever sexuality that is
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thatbennybee · 12 days
Is your love for Branch bigger than Poppy
I love Poppy but she's no match for Branch sorry Poptart (I will still kiss and marry her)
Idk how to explain my close attachment and love for him but... Ok idk if you guys know that one lesbian who is the ultimate Randy Marsh lover but that is who I strive to be one day if that makes sense
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washmchineheart · 2 months
modern nesta has a black cat who hates everyone but her
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sad-emo-dip-dye · 2 months
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It’s just so much funnier to imagine Fukuzawa with two insane and powerful war criminals throwing themselves at his feet but he’s all “I got kids to raise. And tea to drink. I don’t have time for all that.”
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flojouno · 2 months
idk bout yall but jimmy solidarity is the white boy of white boys
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thatgirlmj · 5 months
Any other Logan girlie just have a good feeling about this race??
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bomberqueen17 · 8 months
On the way home from work I was thinking about Rochr and Iorveth in your fic and remembered a question I had for you: there is this scene in which Roche gives an overtired and insomniac Iorveth a blowjob in a secluded room, there are knives involved, I think Breniriel is guarding the door? Anyway, Iorveth finally falls asleep and it is implied that Iorveth has been adapting poorly to feeling save and thus somehow feelt safe enough with Roche to fall asleep but not his friends /family?? I don't think they were even talking at this point in your fic, what did I miss?
Have a nice evening /day!
Well, so like, that's the premise of the fic. I'm not saying this to be an ass, this is a genuine response, because it is sort of an honor to have someone thinking about your work beyond even the time it takes to read it, but: That is the premise of the fic.
And either it works for you, or it doesn't. That's just... how fiction works. Do i think that in real life two traumatized people would actually hit it off just like that? Do I think it would work? Do I think it would be healthy? Do I think it would lead to long-term happiness for either or both of them?
I won't answer that, I will just leave that to sit for a moment. My answer is immaterial anyway, because the author's intent is only marginally relevant in some circumstances.
This is fantasy, critically, more broadly than fiction (is it a broader category? I think so). Like... one of them is an elf, and has a shapeshifting dragon as his leige and protector. Some other fantasy elements are even less realistic, but the idea is that they're plausible, for the purposes of fiction.
So this is kind of how fiction works, and fantasy in general. Do you accept the premise of this story? Do you find it plausible, for the purposes of this fictional exercise, that, to bring it specifically back to this story, two characters who have long been enemies, would find something in common like this? Two people who have been on opposite sides but were in the same conflict, who went through many of the same things, who, crucially, commanded others during this awful cataclysm of violence, who had to warp their own moral centers not only to survive but also to potentially damn others by their tragic, inevitable actions. Who have in the past bitterly fought, physically injured one another, murdered one another's comrades, and worse... but in this new peacetime, find, strangely, unexpectedly, compellingly (precedentedly, in reality!) that their former foe is the only one who truly understands what they've been through. And they can trust this former foe the way they can't trust others, because this foe gets it, because this foe knows what's at stake, fully understands what happened, has the same sense of both the fragility of society and the preciousness of its little contracts. Iorveth knows Roche would stab him in the face, not the back, and that is a kind of trust. The whole underpinning of this ship is that in the video game there's a scene where one can best the other, and in each decision tree the loser says unhinged shit about how if they have to die they're perversely glad that at least it was the other who is doing it. Because that other understands what it's worth, and is a worthy foe.
That's it, that's the ship manifesto, LOL.
So-- that's the exercise of the story, trying to draw the reader along to find this as plausible-- I did not say realistic! Plausible-- as possible. The art lies in underpinning it with realistic detail here and there-- including that after many wars in real life history, the veterans of the conflict have found more in common with their opposing veterans than with the civilians of the side they fought for-- and so on and so forth. To make it vivid, to make it relatable, to make the fantasy compelling.
And if the premise doesn't work, then the story doesn't work. That's fine, not all art is for everyone. But that's how it is. Either you accept the premise, and it works, or you don't, and you go find something else that works better for you. This is no judgement on anybody, you or me or anyone, that's just how fantasy works. A reader brings as much to it as the author, and takes as much away, and while there's an element of skill on the part of the author, a large part of it is just going to be the reader's response. Things will or won't work for you and there's nothing wrong with that, it's just another of the ways fantasy works.
(I don't know if you've missed anything, I haven't reread that scene in quite some time because I'm still working on sequels and that takes up a lot of my energy and time; same reason I rarely respond to comments, I just don't have time to both do that and make new works. I do think the blowjob with knives is a separate scene from the passing out with knives but I don't recall exactly either. It's kind of a long story. If you think you missed something, try rereading it? But if that doesn't compel you, then it's really no skin off my nose if you don't! It's fine! I'm not offended, I just don't know how else to answer that question. I don't remember the scene that well. I wrote it like a year ago or more. But I'm well aware the premise of it doesn't work for everyone, which is why there are so many people writing so many different stories.)
LOL I have more to say on this topic because I got a faintly ridiculous comment on a story recently on kind of a loosely related concept, but this is getting long and I should address it separately. Suffice to say, you got a long reply here because I have been spending some time thinking about fiction, what it is and isn't, and how it works.
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moony-ghoul · 1 year
rain: greek beauty
swiss: roman beauty
dew: slavic beauty
mount: eldritch beauty
phantom: astrological beauty
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buckys-estrella · 8 months
bob floyd is soooo 80s love ballads coded
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loverrboybuckley · 4 months
This episode feels like a clip show
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i-28-29 · 2 months
Why did Miquella lowkey twinkify Radahn using Moghs body
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im-tempted · 3 months
Valid tags you just made but what in the world is a police horse
Ok so ig this isn't as common as I thought
In Toronto Canada we have a kind of cop called a mounted cop
They don't have a car they have a horse instead of cop partner... horse
There's something around 25-30 horses employed rn??? I think???
They have like trading cards and lanes on some streets
They're like a normal cop
But... horse
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bubblepopspit · 3 months
This is what Angeal smells like. You can't convince me otherwise. 😌
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