#it's just not important to touch on it always since johanna is kind of removed from the main plot
cannotflyarc · 8 months
thinking about the narrative and how no matter what, they are all doomed. not matter what world, everyone is doomed. in every single world, benjamin is cursed to pursue his own selfish desire for vengeance over his family and how he always succeeds eventually but always looses lucy all over again. how there is practically nothing to save them. they tell this story again and again in different universes, yet it always ends the same way.
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lunaschild2016 · 6 years
Bad Girls World: Chapter 3
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Rated T (Language, some sexual content, violence)
Inspired and titled after the song Bad Girls World by Halestorm
Her life could have turned out differently. There was a time when she felt like she could have read how it would go, word for word, from a playbook that other girls just like her had lived a million times over. One event set about a change that erased the pages and freed her to write her own story. Eric/Tris, No Divergent Hunts, AU
(This will be a slow burn or build up to the Eris)
@kenzieam  @pathybo  @jaihardy @every-jai @ericdauntless @beautifulramblingbrains @bookgirlthings @jojuarez26 @oddsnendsfanfics @offroadinjandals @singingpeople @iammarylastar @irasancti @captstefanbrandt @clublulu333 @fuckthatfeeling @tigpooh67 @ex-bookjunky  @jughead-wuz-here wuz-here @badassbaker @beanzjellly @beltz2016 @meganbee15 @affabletimelady @scorpio2009 @gylisaa @geekybeyondallreason @violetsonthelam @kyloswarstars @emmysrandomthoughts @kgurew @beltzboys2015-blog @slytherin-princess-25273 @whatwouldbuffydo666 @jaiboomer11 @holamor @wealwayskeepfighting @original46
**I promise I have put the read more option in but it has been glitching. If I have forgotten someone or you want to be removed please message me!**
Chapter 3
The woman wearing all black circles me appraisingly and slowly. My mother is to the side and sits patiently while I get poked and prodded. The woman named Hana moves and pinches my arms or legs in places. I keep silent and try not to squirm while she does this. Not exactly uncomfortable with her touch but more with the fact that I am wearing what will be my training clothes. A sports bra and leggings with a tight tank top that I am allowed to wear over it, but not when I am doing what Hana called sparring.
It is two months since my parents talked to me and my brother. It apparently took time to arrange certain things for me to learn to fight but there have been many other things going on until then.
Home life has been radically changed for me.
First, it was determined that for the remainder of the school year I would be kept home and schooled there. Because I couldn’t be left to myself for all those hours, that meant I went along with my mom to the Volunteer Center. I already spent a good amount of time there with her anyways when I wasn’t in school so that didn’t bother me. It was actually kind of nice. There was an office there that had a computer set up for the center to run properly. I did some lessons on that while also being put to work in doing whatever was needed, since I was already there.
When she wasn’t in the Volunteer Center, my mother had other responsibilities that required her to go to other factions. I got to go with her on these occasions. I knew that Dauntless took the train to travel over the city but I didn’t realize other factions did as well. I found out that there were some places that couldn’t be reached by bus, and for those, we ended up taking the train. I got a crash course on train jumping and I realized that all those Dauntless I have watched over the years make it look easy.
Once I got the hang of it though, I never wanted to take the lumbering bus again!
Amity was exactly like I pictured it from the descriptions in faction history and by the look and behavior of the dependents I have seen at school. Although I liked when we would make trips to Amity, I was also very glad when we could leave. The constant cheerfulness became creepy to me after a time.
It probably didn’t help that once I got to experience the horror that is peace serum.
My mother had been with Johana and few other Amity elders discussing the harvest and how many volunteers from the factionless and Abnegation would be needed this year. I had been free to explore and a girl that I came to be friendly with offered to keep me company. She took me to the stables to see the horses and a few foals, then we had gone to one of the greenhouses where fragrant flowers are grown that are then later sold at the open markets in the city. When it came time for lunch we made our way to the dome where communal meals are served to all those that were in the area and wanted to eat.
Not one person told me that the yummy bread I was shoving into my mouth would make me a giddy and goofy mess. To them, it had been completely normal and they saw nothing wrong with my radical change in behavior afterward. In that state, I saw nothing wrong with my mother's total amusement and laughter as I skipped my way beside her to the train or how I went around petting and stroking anything soft. It wasn’t until I woke up the next morning with a massive headache and feeling sick to my stomach that I understood something was wrong. She had explained to me about peace serum being in the bread and apologized for not warning me. She had assumed that one of the adults would realize by my clothing and age I needed to be steered away from the bread.
Ever since then I keep well away from any bread in Amity and stick to the fruit, which I have discovered I love.
Food is another big change for me in our house. With the physical activity increase, it was determined we could no longer deprive ourselves of basic and important nutrients. While what we are eating could never be considered decadent, there have been a few things that make their way into our diet more regularly. Before our diet was a fairly set thing day in and day out with no variation. We were allowed to have frozen peas, carrots or broccoli but fresh fruits or veggies weren’t as common. Protein was chicken or fish and both of those are always frozen as well. Breakfast was generally eggs or oatmeal.
Now we still have those but there are more fresh items being added. There is also the addition of protein powders or things like chia seeds. My mother has also spoken with Johanna about getting drops that have vitamins and nutrients for us to take. I have already started to feel like I am getting stronger with these changes.
I have needed that strength and know I will need more as time passes. Even though it took a little while to arrange for my formal fight training, my mother started what she called physical fitness conditioning immediately. She has taught me different exercises I can do in the privacy of our home that help with that. Because I cannot go to the school gym to use the equipment there, she has developed creative ways to use things in our house in place of that equipment.
Our stairs are used for me to run up and down. Milk jugs have been filled with sand and I use those as weights. A length of rope we had laying around is used for what she called jump rope. I also do various stretches and cardio activities on a daily basis. Caleb takes part in much of that but he is on a different schedule than I am so it is only one of us doing a set of exercises at one time while the other person does a different set.
The first thing mom taught me, was how to help me manage my emotions and anger. She taught me breathing techniques and something called meditation. I now have to do this nightly before I go to bed to help me.
One of the conditions to allow me to return to school at the start of the new year is that I have also had to attend a counselor. My father was able to get permission for the counselor to be one from Amity instead of the Erudite one that the school wanted to have me go to.
I have to go once a week to the Hub and meet with them. They basically coach me on the same thing my mother is already teaching me and have me talk about my feelings for thirty minutes.
Today, we are meeting with the woman who was like a sister to my mother in Dauntless. We are at the Volunteer Center in one of the empty rooms used for storing items or that can be set up as a shelter in the winter months. This will be where my training will take place from now on. It is not out of the ordinary for Dauntless to be around the center for various reasons so it was easier to arrange it for here.
“You have gotten her off to a good start, Nat.” Finally, she speaks and gives a nod of approval. “I am sure you know she needs more muscle tone but I agree to the things you have laid out in the plan.” She addressed mom while not looking at her then switched gears and started speaking to me directly for the first time since she arrived.
“Keep up the conditioning exercises at home and you can do more here as well when you meet with who I have in mind to take over. We will add to those as we start you out on getting the basics for fighting down. The fighting portion of training probably won’t happen until school lets out. We are going to be limited to meeting here once or twice a week so it might take a bit until you are to the level needed.”
“Who do you have in mind for the training and sparring partner?” My mother asks where she is still sitting.
Hana looks at her after giving me a smile and a nod, telling me it is okay to relax. It is the first smile she has given me since entering and it is like she becomes a totally different person.
“I would have Amar, but he is taking over planning and scheduling for training for all the departments to try and unify them. If I asked, he would try to fit it in regardless of how overworked he already is.”
My mother nods and frowns. “He definitely would. I know if you told him who it is for he would move heaven and earth to try and make time but we can’t add to what I am sure is a lot on his plate.”
“Agreed. I knew we would want someone that could keep quiet and not raise suspicions though. So, I have been talking to Tori about helping out.”
My mom looked surprised. “Tori?”
At a motion from my mom, I went behind the makeshift changing screen to get back in my normal clothes but I listened in as Hana answered.
“Yeah, after thinking about it, she is perfect. First, there is what happened with George. She has always felt she had a debt for the help you guys offered in that situation. I know we could trust her to keep this quiet and she would want to help. Her being a tattoo artist gives her flexibility in the schedule that we will need. Also, if Tori is seen with Bea for any reason it wouldn’t raise questions like being with a male would. We could always say she is escorting her for an errand that needed to be run for the volunteer center. The last reason is that Tori was a transfer. Not only that but a female transfer. She is going to know from experience what it took for her to get through initiation and whatever difficulties she had during it. It isn’t just the physical we need to prepare her for but just, the entire way of life.”
“That makes sense. I am sure Tori will do just fine.” I hear my mom agree just as I am coming around the corner. “Who were you thinking for when she needs to spar?”
Hana smiles at me as I come into view with the training clothes and hand those over to be put away safely. “My boys have a friend that I think would be perfect. Maricela's second oldest, Lynn. I can trust her to keep quiet and she takes training seriously.”
“You have kids?” I ask in a burst of excitement. Not only would I know someone in Dauntless if I met them, but my mother looked at Hana as a sister, so that would make them cousins of a sort.
My mom and Hana laugh lightly. “I do. I can guess what you are thinking, and while I would love nothing better than to introduce you to them, we can’t yet. Zeke, I am sure I could threaten into keeping quiet but Uriah, as much as I love him, would never be able to keep this a secret. He would be just as excited as I can see you are to get know his cousins. We will arrange for you to meet but it will have to wait until closer to your choosing age.”
I swallowed my disappointment and nodded with understanding. Then I remember that I will at least get to know someone my age from Dauntless and the excitement is back. “So when will I meet Lynn?”
“I won’t let her know until school lets out and by then we should have you ready to start sparring.”
That was four months away but it might as well be years for me right now.
Hana left shortly after that, she and my mom talked more about what could help both Caleb and me. Caleb opted to read the books on self-defense first before he started to practice, so Hana got him those to start on. She added to our protein powder but this one was in a strawberry flavor. She said it was a favorite of hers but to let her know if we wanted to try another flavor I would need to have at least one shake every day to help build and keep my muscle tone.
“Time to go get your schoolwork done, Beatrice.” My mom said with a smile as we headed back towards the main part of the center.
I grimaced and tried not to sulk.
On the way to the office, we passed a boy a bit older than me with his head down and shuffling as he walked.
“Oh, Tobias. I forgot you would be coming in today.” My mom called out the boys name, causing him to stop.
I studied him as they talked. I hadn’t recognized him but I do recognize the name. Tobias Eaton, Marcus Eaton’s son. Since the death of his mother several years ago he had become a mystery. He was rarely seen and when he was, he barely interacted with anyone.
He looked up and met my eyes for a second and I realized I was staring at him. I blushed at being caught and looked away.
“Beatrice, this is Tobias Eaton. You two will be working together frequently. He is joining the volunteer center as of today.” My mom gives formal introductions as he and I shuffle awkwardly.
“Are you in trouble too?” I blurt out the question and then redden as I realize I spoke that out loud.
My mother gives a cough that sounds like a masked laugh and clears her throat.
“No, that is just you Beatrice.” She holds me with a stern gaze before it softens and she looks back to Tobias.
I look at him and see he is studying me with his head tilted and his brown eyes filled with curiosity. That goes away with a frown that makes his forehead wrinkle when he finds me looking back at him.
“I should get to work.” He mutters and then shuffles off after a nod from my mother.
I watch him going with a sense of deep curiosity. Tobias Eaton had been the subject of much gossip among the adults after the death of his mom years ago. I was pretty young when Evelyn Eaton died in childbirth and I don’t even remember what she looked like. From what I remember during that time, there was a surprise she was pregnant but I also remember that it was said she was pretty shy and reclusive.
It seemed like her son took after her. So much so, that despite Tobias’ father working closely with my own, I haven’t seen him until just today. He is a mystery with the way he seems to try and curl in on himself.
There had been something in his eyes I couldn’t determine but what I did see had me resolving to get to know the boy with such deep sadness buried inside.
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