#it's just spacerocks
Injecting space rocks directly into my veins just to feel something.
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Spacemen 3 - Starship (11 min MC5 cover)
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ntls-24722 · 6 months
if comet is working on something (building/maintaining a lake, tailoring very large clothes) fritz is usually the first to stop and watch Comet as he's doing it and then slowly but surely the Spacerocks and the planetarium attendant all line up beside Fritz, all watching Comet
it freaks him the hell out because he thinks they're either pervs or judging him, but in all honesty they're just fascinated by how he moves and does things, it's like a documentary
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wltcher · 11 months
tag game - current
thanks for tagging me @wearileigh <3
current time:
~11:30 pm
current activity:
just finished tasks now im chillin :^)
currently thinking about:
wondering if it's too late at night to do another thing i wanted to do and the answer is probably yeah
current favorite song:
idk i currently have scavenger by youth fountain stuck in my head tho
currently reading:
currently watching:
technically started season 3 of netflix the witcher bt ive been watching movies more than shows
current favorite character:
vi from arcane
current WIPS:
not sure what counts but i have a running document of wip poems etc. and i've ostensibly resumed work on a cosplay i shelved a while ago :^)
@bunana-pancakes @bayek-of-siwa @likehellohello @toomanystoryideas @stone-butch-breakcore @spacerock @potatochipflavor @stressfulsloth @devouringheart
if you wanna do it, no pressure
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Hello! I was reading some fanfic by spacerocks/Maddy and saw a Nocte oc, realized that’s probably your Nocte oc, and then decided I wanted to know more about Nocte! So, what’s kinda the summary/overview of Nocte as a person/character and his character arc?
hi! yeah that's my Nocte :) my main man my best friend my scrungliest oc :) in a nutshell?
so. there are a lot of little details that loop around to be relevant in his story but I haven't written it yet,,, just trust me. this is also Long because he's my oldest and most developed oc 🙃
Nocte is. a clone. he was training on Kamino to be the designated medic for an ARF squad, but because of shifting circumstances (someone got decommed) he went to the Coruscant Guard instead. his test scores and whatnot qualified him to act as ranking officer, at least temporarily, but he ended up staying there as CMO for the duration of the war
he's particularly tight with Fox and Hound, keeps in touch with Wolffe when he can. I'd say he's a little stiff with new people, kinda gruff, but if he's going to warm up then he does it quickly. family is Top Priority. he does not trust the Senate as an institution or Senators as individuals, and if he's being honest, he doesn't quite get what all the fuss is about with the Jedi. this is funny because @/babygirl-leon-kennedy's Senator OC Saleese is one of his best friends (if not #1 all time bestie, their bond transcends star wars) and @/kit-fisto-obsessive's Jedi OC Dara is like. love of his life in the polycule AU
he's great with kids and terrible with animals. his concerns are very zoomed in, if that makes sense, as far as the war effort goes. he wants his siblings and loved ones to make it out alive and safe and with a future that doesn't involve enslavement :) the rest is fluff. his political opinions are understandably Not Nuanced
he is. a contradiction. he's a little standoffish but openly and easily affectionate with those he trusts. he's defensive and protective, almost to a fault, but rarely for his own sake. he tries to keep himself emotionally distant from the Jedi and the Senate, but forges deep bonds with people almost despite himself. he's run down and exhausted and a long shot from optimistic, but he always makes an effort to be kind and will 100% feign faith in the cause if that's what someone needs from him
in his like,, main story arc, he makes it to the end of the war. he goes through the chip taking over, gets absorbed into the Imperial Army, and ultimately dies there. something something futility and loss of self. I've also bounced around the idea of his chip decaying and him using that opportunity to get [redacted sibling] out of the Empire, but not making it out himself. there's an obligatory AU where he survives and gets away but it's not fleshed out or anything
a role as caretaker is right at the core of his character. a tendency for self-sacrifice is in there too, but with a healthy knowledge that he can't help anyone if he's dead
uhhhh here's some art and an old refsheet!
by @/calamity-aims
by @/mandoposting
by @/ninjigma
by @/puirelle
some AU doodles by me
codverse by me
and my ao3 collection of oc fics I've written! he's in several of them but PLEASE mind the ratings + tags + warnings on them as quite a few are NSFW and deal with sensitive subjects
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spacerockwriting · 7 months
Weekly tag wednesday!
Thank you Sky @skylerwinchester @dynamic-power @energievie @stocious
which character from any media would you like to have as a father?
I don't know??? Ya spacerock's got daddy issues.
if money, laws, time, and effort were no object, what animal would you want to have?
Giraffes! They're so derp I love them.
what is your Chinese takeout order?
Idk, i don't eat much chinese food. Like, hardly ever. I mostly just eat the fortune cookies they have there.
what's your favourite emoji? Uhh, I'm loving all the ones from the gallafic club.
would you rather have a library, greenhouse, or home theater in your house?
Home theater. Film major here. Love that idea. Also, we just ironically got a green house yesterday for my dads tree obsession.
what childhood tv show do you think of the most fondly?
Hmmm. Rugrats maybe? Had a shit ton of rugrats dolls and a rugrats birthday party. Rugrats or Blues Clues probably.
what was your tumblr like when you first joined?
I've been a tumblerina for a while now. Since 11? Then in college I moved to an RP blog, with my main, and a LarryStylinson blog. Had that until mid2013 when Lance and I went to a different South Park RP, along with my main &Larry. Once we broke into Indie RP I created a few more South Park RP blogs, then once Lance passed I slowly stopped using the RP account we associated with each other. Made my HP RP in 2014 after SP shit was getting too cliquey, then just kind of sidebloged all my blogs from there for being lazy. Reattempts at SP RP had attempts, but nothing beats 2013 so -shrug- Nothing will ever beat 2012-13 where the community was there, Gallaclub is the only thing coming close <3
what clothing style do you love but don't feel compelled to replicate yourself? Super dressy maybe? I do my best to wear whatever the fuck I want but I'm just, suits and shit aren't gonna be a thing I think. Except like, my wedding if that were to happen.
if you were plopped into a fictional world, which one would you know the layout of the best?
Maybe South Park? Hogwarts, too, but lbr fuck JK.
what is your favourite piece of art?
Like ART ART? I like Van Gouh's starry night. My mom went to the interactive exhibit and I love that. (She's also got some starry night socks and stuff. Plus she had a shirt with a van on it that said van go.) I also like Andy Warhol's stuff? Also love seeing greek statues but forever anxious I'm gonna be a clumsy spacerock and knock them over.
do you have a water bottle? what does it look like?
I've got a cup i bring to work that's Disney 100 and it changes color from blue to purple in the cold. It usually has mountain dew in it. Also I have a REAL waterbottle and its got Shibas on it and counts the level of water to 2 liters. But I hoard cups, always getting souvieneer cups bc im that person.
what fanfic trope is a quiet fave?
Found family is a quiet fav, and sometimes fluff. But mostly I want angst, I want plot.
do you carry a daily bag? what does it look like? what's the weirdest thing in it?
So I carry a bag for work, which has headphones, wallet, work badge, phone, some tangles, squishy giraffe, pens, 2 books: one notebook thing and Heartstopper Volume 4 is in it, and random junk that really needs to be removed lol. Outside of work I just wallet phone the end.
if you had to ship Mickey with another Gallagher, who would it be?
Hmmm maybe Lip? Or Carl would be funny too, but the Lip and Mickey enemes would be funny.
what is a fanfic trope you didn't expect to like and then very much did?
Hmmm. I dunno. AU's maybe?
Do you think s11 Mickey can still carry s11 Ian?
Yeah, if he tries to|has too. But it's very awkward and Ian gets a kick out of him trying.
who got custody of the killing bat when they sold the house?
The OG? Probably Carl. But they all get a killing bat as a housewarming gift for the nostalia. Every house gets a Gallagher killing bat, even Fiona's house in Florida.
I'm a day late so tagging everyone else.
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turtle-trash · 10 months
RAAAHHGGGGGGGGGGGG ok so im having AiColo thoughts and I need to throw them out into the world (under cut bc. This is a little cringe and I have some self restraint to not unleash this upon y’all without it under one)
To preface this w some context: I think Ecolo is autistic, and as a form of projection, I think they tend to mess w people because it keeps them from thinking about things too much (if they do they tend to spiral a bit). So I think sometimes they have off days where they just, go somewhere where no one will find them and just lay down; and no one knows ab this bc they 1) don’t talk ab it and 2) can travel through space-time so no one notices
Sososososo after they get w ai they have one of these off days and instead of holing up in some random spacerock they go to the ss Tetra, specifically ais room. And when Ai sees this he basically goes "???? What do I do I’m usually the guy curled up in a ball" bc Ecolo is just. On his bed mostly covered by blankets. He prlly asks Ecolo how he can help but they’re non-verbal like this. So. Yknow
He decides to just. Join them on the bed and lay down w them (and perhaps hold them) and then Ecolo just clings to him n snuggles up n they stay like that n gRAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGHHGHGHH
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(Also once ecolos back to how they usually are they’d prlly say something like "if you tell anyone of this I will personally reassemble your atoms to make something horrible <3" [they wouldnt] and Ai would go "ok <3" [he wasn’t planning to anyways and at this point gets that they wouldn’t do that to him])
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soylentchiba · 2 years
Black Cloud Cassettes!
After a bit of a saga with Sendle, I finally thankfully have the cassettes for Black Cloud in my sweaty ham hands. With Art by The Less Dead, drumming contribution by The Drumslayer Keith McCoy, and some lyrical/vocal/6-stringed yums from Ayx The Robot, Black Cloud is ready to be received into your loving arms. This album was absolutely a creative step in the direction that I've always felt that I needed to go towards, but never had the balls or maybe even capability to do so. If you are familiar with my old music, then yes its very different. I've never liked sticking to one specific genre (which makes it very hard to sell my music) but I guess this album could be best described as: Dark synth music with a progressive flair leaning towards spacerock. If only distrokid et al had that sentence down as a genre selection instead of forcing me to pick Big House as a secondary Electronic Subcategory even though I don't know what that is, I'm just trying to will a Big House into my future. https://soylentchiba.bandcamp.com/album/black-cloud
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parkerleavemealone · 1 month
Camp Spacerock!!🌌
Hello, my name is Parker and I'm the creator of the new show called Camp Spacerock!
Camp Spacerock is about this 16 year old nervous wreck of a boy named Cassie. He had just gotten a job as a camp counselor for a camp called Spacerock, he's in charge of cabin earth. Cassie has to learn how to become less fearful of the world while dealing with his campers but he's not alone as he has his other counselors to help him! There's also a camp off against the rival camp across the lake to win theme park tickets
This is still a brand new project I have been working on, I am looking for animators and writings to help but for now all I ask is you guys push this. We have a discord server that's open to anyone who'd love to learn more! We'll also take questions and such.
If you'd like to be apart of this please feel free to leave a comment or just push this out! Thank you so much for reading and I hope we can make this something bigger
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debsmooth · 2 years
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My youngest asked me to put on #nuclearwar by #sunraandhisarkestra last night. This is a quality little weirdo I’ve built. I think she just likes the sweary bits. “Whatchew gonna do? Without yo ass?” #sunra #spacerock #creativeswearing (at Lochend, City of Edinburgh) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClyQk2RIp8r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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duquettejohnston · 2 years
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Just out here walking on this space rock wanting to come play some shows for you. Follow the link in my bio if you are down to host a show. Art galleries, boutiques, back yards, record shops. Sign up and let’s connect and share some music together. There is nothing greater that connection through live music. It changed my life as a kid and I’ve been better ever since. Love you beautiful freaks. . #music #livemusic #spacerock #songwriter #musician #indiemusic #tour #love #community #family (at Club Duquette) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgUCe4GOdIZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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storfulsten · 5 years
fun fact
out of the last 10 tumblrs followed, 7 are spinel imagine ones haha I don’t have a problem no sir
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rainyday-deer · 6 years
oh god ew why is art from like 2015 being reblogged no stop that
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wltcher · 8 months
halloween this or that
thanks for tagging me @wearileigh 🦇🎃💜
tea or hot chocolate | cozy books or Halloween movies | plaid or corduroy | foggy mornings or twinkly nights | orange or black | pumpkin or apple pie | wool or velvet | picking fruit or carving pumpkins | libraries or coffee shops | cinnamon or peanut butter | spooky or cozy Halloween | candles or fairy lights
tagging: @demolitionwizards666 @stressfulsloth @666ghxstcat @potatochipflavor @saintofbloodbanks @spacerock
no pressure. if anyone else wants to do it just say i tagged you fr 😌
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halfpricedfics · 2 years
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Warning: NSFW, A/B/O, pining idiots, fem reader, mentions of pregnancy
The way the meteor shower sparkled in the pollen that fell around him, the sharp gasp of his inhale when he caught sight of the aurora dancing above you, the stunned silence that echoed in the biting cold, the aching need in your chest that threatened to swallow you whole, it was all so overwhelming. Tears threatened to spill over as you watched him unclip the satchel slung across his chest with practiced ease and drop gracelessly into a snowdrift. He looked over at you with his crooked, roguish grin and patted the snow under the crook of his arm in a gesture of welcome.
The easy camaraderie he held with you was a poison blade between your ribs. Every honey- sweet compliment that dripped from his gorgeous lips, every casual passing of his hand across your shoulders or down your arm, every act of vulnerability so at odds with everything you’d ever known about alpha’s… it was so hard to breathe. You had it bad and he knew, right? It’s not like you’d made any real valiant effort to hide it.
You hesitated a beat too long and it caused a furrow in his brow that you resisted the urge to smooth away with a press of your lips as you acquiesced. His arm gathered you into his side and you visibly winced at the smell of him, not that he appeared to notice. Your suppressors did a miracle job of keeping your heats at bay, making life outside the safety net of civil society far less perilous, but even modern medicine has its limits. The two of you were biologically compatible and being so close to him had your nerve endings singing. Even without the complication of your schoolgirl crush, the proximity was intoxicating. You couldn’t help but pause to admire the way the aurora and flashes of spacerocks burning through the atmosphere backlit his profile in a stunning silhouette. He was a living work of art. The wild cast of his hair, the elegant curve of his nose, proud cheekbones and a gorgeous jawline accented by rosebud lips that begged for a kiss even as they rambled into madness.
He was rambling now, actually, exalting you with trivia about the lunar cycles of this planet and the rarity of such a cosmic event at this point in its cycle. His husky voice held a tension beneath that you couldn’t translate. As much as Ezra talked, he still managed to remain such an enigma at times. Simultaneously so vulnerable and yet so guarded, like a semi- domesticated feral cat. Whatever he said must have been laced with innuendo because he grinned down at you with boyish mischief that made you want to tug on his blonde patch and poke his dimple. Instead you just beamed up at him conspiratorially and tried not to react when he pulled you even closer into his side. Even through your thick coats you could feel his warmth, ever a living furnace. The two of you laid like that for a long time, just listening to him regale you with fanciful half truths, before the two of you agreed that it was best to set up camp before you managed to fall asleep in the snow and catch your death.
You helped Ezra erect his tent first, a feat he still struggled with in the absence of his other arm. Once he seemed set for the night, you set about constructing your own. In theory, the lining of the tent was filled with a bio agent that used exothermic bacteria to insulate the occupants. Unfortunately, you had somehow managed to puncture the lining of your tent. Without that layer of protection, the tent was essentially useless in protecting you from the elements. Your Omega instincts briefly had you considering asking the Alpha for help, but you quickly dismissed the notion. The deafening silence of the snowy terrain carried his pillow- soft snores to you and you were loathe to disturb his well- earned rest. Besides, earning respect in an Alpha- dominated field as an Omega had cost you nearly everything along the way. You weren’t about to let childish notions of romance and poorly suppressed hormones destroy everything you’d worked so hard for. Instead, you decided to layer all of your clothes and suck it up for the night. Despite the cold, you managed to fall asleep and dreamed about kissing the crinkles around Ezra’s eyes that made your heart ache every time he laughed.
It must have been several hours later when Ezra’s voice shattered your dreamscape and doused you in the bitter proverbial cold of waking reality. He was kneeling over you, panic carved into the noble sculpt of his features. You blinked blearily up at him before realizing that your tent was now billowing in tatters, the hole in the lining having grown exponentially in the biting winds, and you no longer felt cold. In fact, you were uncomfortably hot. You mumbled something to that effect and watched the panic light his face again. You couldn’t quite piece your thoughts together over why he was so upset, but you were overcome with the need to soothe his worry.
In a series of movements that you would not have expected from someone still adjusting to life minus a limb, he hauled you up and nearly dragged you the distance between your tents before depositing you carefully inside his much warmer insulated canvas shelter. You stared dumbly at him as he zipped the two of you inside and started stripping down. Some faraway part of you screamed to look away, preserve his honor and your dignity, but the sudden onslaught of his unfiltered scent washed over you and you barely bit back a moan. Once he was down to his boxer briefs he stumbled over himself to start peeling away your layers. Your foggy brain was now in full tornado- siren mode. He was saying something but all you could manage was to stare up at him in shock and confusion as he made incredibly quick work of all of your layers.
You were sure that he could probably smell your brain engine overheating as he zipped his sleeping bag around you and snaked his limbs around yours like he was trying to absorb you into his being. Everything was so overwhelming and you realized you were shaking against him uncontrollably.
“S-s-s-s-s-sorry, Ez. I c-c-c-cant s-s-t-t-t-top.” Ezra squeezed you tighter and pressed his lips to your temple.
“Shhhh, little supernova,I’ve got you. We’ll have you back to your resplendent self in no time, just keep your hold on consciousness. Don’t you dare depart from me, you stubborn woman.” The humor in his words did little to hide the fear in his voice. He hissed slightly when you wrapped yourself more tightly around him and he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck to hide it. The proximity of his mouth to your scent gland made you gasp and you felt your face warm painfully in response.
After several minutes exhaustion crept back into the marrow of your bones and you were quickly losing your fight against the sleep that was creeping in from the edges. Ezra noticed immediately and pinched your side harshly to keep you awake. You yelped in surprise as he rubbed his hand over the spot in apology
“Stay with me, please.” His voice was fragile and it sent a pang of guilt straight to your heart.
“I’m here, Ezra.” You whispered into his skin. He seemed dissatisfied with your reassurance, though, and proceeded to play a game of twenty questions to keep you engaged until you were warm enough to quell his fears of hypothermic coma. His questions ranged from your favorite prospecting location to childhood comfort foods. By the time your internal temperature had risen to safe levels, both of you were far beyond exhaustion, but he refused himself sleep in favor of watching you.
“I’ll find repose when I’m satisfied you are out of the woods, so to speak. Sleep, little flame, I will join you in slumber soon.” You didn’t have the strength left to put up a fight, settling for reaching up to place your hand on his cheek before dreams overtook you once more. Ezra fought his own eyelids for a while after, counting your breaths and keeping you pressed as tightly to him as possible. He was still shaken to his core at the fright of finding you, the clandestine goddess of his every redeeming quality, nearly frozen amongst the tatters of your ruined shelter. He had very nearly lost you as he slept completely unaware just a few meters away.
He covered the hand that still rested against his cheek with his own and wished bitterly that he could wrap you up safely in his arms the way another alpha could, the way you, above all other omega’s, deserved. Gingerly, for fear of waking you, he pressed his chapped lips into your palm as if he could pour every devotion trapped behind the impenetrable barrier of his self loathing into your flesh with a kiss. Your breathing hitched slightly at the tickle of his mustache and he held his breath until he was sure you had not awoken. Once he was satisfied that you were safe and comfortable, he tucked you up under his chin and drifted back to sleep.
Ezra woke to an empty tent and immediately began to panic. Outside the canvas flap he found a set of small, lightly covered footprints in the shallow snow that had fallen in the night. Quickly grabbing a heavy coat for himself, not bothering to fight over buttoning it single handedly, and a coat for you he set off to follow you. Several meters into the treeline he lost your prints to a blanket of pine needles and swallowed thickly around the scream that was threatening to rip its way out of his throat. He was teetering on the edge of losing his composure when a lilting giggle broke through the haze of terror. A frigid breeze carried another wave of laughter and with it your scent. He turned and walked into the breeze, keeping track of his path inwards lest he become as lost as you must be in a surely delirious state.
He climbed over a wall of shrubbery and stumbled into a clearing to find you knelt next to a frosty stream watching a small furry animal play in the snow. Your laughter carried over the snow back to him and he allowed himself a deep breath of relief. Your cheeks had a healthy color and you were bundled appropriately in layers of thick clothing. Kevva knows why you were out here, but you were safe and with you his heart.
The small animal you were watching spotted him first and scurried off into the brush to hide. You turned to face him, eyes bright and smile wide, and he felt his heart clench. You said something that didn’t quite register for a moment, when it did he felt his eyebrows knit in stunned confusion. You rolled your eyes.
“I ~said~ you are going to turn into a popsicle dressed like that out here!”
Ezra looked down at his disheveled appearance and back up at you in astonishment.
“You almost died and you’re making jokes?!
You laughed.
Ezra felt a blooming warmth in his gut. He reached down, gathered a handful of snow, and strode over to you.
“You are an incredible creature.” He dumped the snow over your head, causing you to gasp. “Yeah, that. Is that ringing any bells?”
“Pretty foolish for a one- armed man to start a snowball fight, don’t you think?”
“Pretty foolish for a woman with inadequate footing on an unstable terrain to challenge someone with no concern for their own well being in a physical altercation, don’t you think?”
You looked at him suspiciously and then down at your legs just in time to see him throw himself on the ground to sweep your legs out from under you. You landed squarely on top of him with a shriek and flailed trying to roll yourself off of him before realizing he had you trapped against his chest with his arm. 
Eventually you slumped against him in defeat.
“Fine, you win.” You wilted dramatically and he laughed into your hair.
“Hey.” You craned your neck to look at him, his face serious and his eyes soft. 
“You struck terror deep into my heart of hearts last night, little one. I truly believed you might have left me for the company of the star sprites.”
You were mesmerized by the sincerity in his voice. No mischief sparkled in his eyes, this wasn’t a game.
“I’m sorry I scared you, Ez. Truly.”
“What precipitated discovering you shivering in the snowfall?”
“My tent was damaged but I didn’t want to bother you. I didn’t think it would get that bad. Figured I could repair it in the morning.”
Ezra loosened his hold so you could turn to face him. He seemed to be searching your face for something.
“It wouldn’t have been a bother, starlight. I would not have survived the agony of finding you frozen not but a few paces from where I ignorantly slumbered.”
Your heart was racing in your chest. Ezra and his beautiful words, the way they danced in the air between you as he whispered what you dared not believe. That this incredible man, this alpha tried and true in the battle for life on the Green, would value your life above that of the treasure he left unguarded to come find you… it was inconceivable.
“I’m okay, Ez, thanks to you. You saved me. I’m okay.”
The air between you was thick and the world around you seemed to have faded into obscurity as the two you laid there in silence. The wind changed and Ezra, still not properly buttoned into his jacket and not wearing enough layers, shivered violently.
“We should head back to camp.” You tore your eyes from him, suddenly ashamed. Of your foolishness the night before, for making him worry this morning, for making him track you down in the woods like a wounded animal, for feeling this way towards your business partner, for everything.
Ezra grunted in agreement, uncharacteristically quiet for a man as loquacious as himself. You crawled into a crouch and offered your hand out, which he ruefully took. You hoisted him up without complaint and helped him button his jacket, something that seemed to only further sour his mood. The two of your trudged back to the campsite in silence with you following Ezra who seemed to have a map in his head of the way out of the treeline.
You looked over the tattered remains of your shelter while Ezra ducked into his own to check on your spoils. Once he was reassured of their safety, he joined you.
“Not much left to salvage. I’ll have to burn credits on a new one when we get back to the PUG.” It was an expenditure you had not planned to make and one that would be costly. At this rate there was no doubt in your mind that Ezra would be filing for a new partner before assignments were redistributed. Dropping credits on a new bio shelter immediately after cash out was not going to look favorable in the line up to other potential partners.
Ezra was watching you silently, trying as he ever was to gauge your inner thoughts by the emotions that flitted so swiftly across your angelic features. He worried he’d crossed a line with you in the woods, and the self loathing of almost not having been there in time the night before as well as the knowledge that you had not felt safe coming to him when you so clearly needed help were eating at him. He knew you were upset, but words eluded him when it came to comforting you. The star cycles on this planet were shorter at this point in the rotation. The two of you needed to come up with an answer to the shelter problem before the star fell from sight and took the livable warmt with it.
“You can take shelter with me until then, little spark. I won’t have you perishing in the frost. It’s not a bother.”
You looked up at him, cheeks chapped from the wind and snowflakes in your eyelashes.
“Are you sure, Ez? I’m sure we can send out an emergency signal to the PUG. I don’t want to invade your space again. I am so sorry about last night, I was foolish and I should have known better and I put the entire operation at risk.”
You were rambling now. Guilt and shame and all of the emotions you had been pushing down this entire dig with supressors that were now…. Oh shit.
“An E alert to the PUG will have vultures descending on us in hours. Neither of us is in any fit state for a skirmish. Your presence in my tent is- what are you doing?”
You were on your hands and knees in the snow, bottom displayed to him in a way that had him stirring slightly in his pants. Your hands dug through the powder into the ice, frantically searching for something. You stopped, took a beat to compose yourself, and looked up at him with the gravity of a terminal diagnosis.
“We have another problem.”
You tried not to panic as you watched Ezra process what you had told him with a slack jaw. An Omega already on hour 16 without suppressants, an unbound Alpha, one tent, and a deathly inhospitable terrain. Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke. The poetry that often spilled like life’s blood from his pouty lips frozen in the icy grip of fate’s poor humor.
“We will craft a solution, little flame. You are safe with me, I swear to you. I would rather part from my remaining arm, hell with the rest of my limbs, too, than put you in harm’s way”
Ezra offered you his hand and pulled you to your feet before brushing some snow out of your hair, another of his casual acts of affection that tore you apart inside
“Ezra, I’m scared. I don’t want to put you through this. I want to call for the PUG. Please, I don’t want to-”
Ezra’s hand was still cradling the side of your head where he had tucked a strand behind your ear. Concern shone brightly in his dark eyes and drew from you the confession you’d tried to swallow.
“I don’t want to lose your trust… or your respect. I- “ You took a deep breath. “I know, morning star.” Your eyes shot back up to his. There was sadness now, something you desperately wanted to soothe away.
“Of course I know. Suppressants might stop a rut but they don’t render a man blind. Or stupid.”
You flushed deeply at his words, shame once again bubbling to the surface and threatening to spill over your eyelids. He hushed you gently.
“I dared not utter any acknowledgement for fear of scaring you away. You are resilient, but a creature as beautiful as you only survives in this field if they are incredibly smart, which you are. We may have conquered our more primitive urges through chemical but they still influence our… desires. I did not want to create such conflict within you by challenging your reason with your baser needs. I am not a suitable mate and… in crystal truth I did not care to risk the blessing of our proximity with gluttony.”
Your breathing was coming in ragged bursts as scorching hot tears blazed down your face to chill in the icy winds.
“Do not tease me, Ezra.” You barely gritted it out without sobbing.
“I would never conceive of such cruelty, not for you. I have done horrible, vicious things to survive, but I would surrender myself to a thousand tortuous deaths before I brought such tears to these eyes. Please believe my words to be true, my flame. My heart beats in tandem with yours. You make me feel alive. For the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe. Part of me died on the Green that.I thought was lost forever, long before the separation of my arm. Meeting you, the holy privilege of being in your service, it has revived that which had been mummified in the sunken hollow of my heart.”
The tears had started flowing in earnest now and his thumb brushed gently against your cheek to catch them. Your hands came up to rest on his chest and then, when he did not move in discomfort, you slowly slid them up to cradle the back of his neck. Ezra leaned down to rest his forehead against yours and then closed his eyes like he hadn’t had a moment’s rest in years. You stroked your thumb up and down his hairlineon the back of his neck in a motion that mirrored his on your cheeks moments ago and he shivered- whether from your touch or the cold you could not say.
“We should take shelter, Ez, before the weather gets mean.” Ezra squeezed your hip before turning to duck into the tent. You took a moment to ground yourself, already feeling the heady rush of hormones and the rising body temperature they bring.
Inside the tent, Ezra was prepping his bedroll for sleep and layering every item of clothing he had.
“Ez… what are you doing?”
“I won’t have you both in pain and afraid of being taken advantage of. I will sit watch outside the tent while you toil through the first wave. A fresh heat off suppressors can be intense, I need you to feel safe.”
You were stunned. An act of generosity like offering to share his tent and supplies was already monumental for a prospector, even one as kindhearted as Ezra claimed he truly wasn’t. To offer those things without trade for your comfort was beyond what you could have ever asked for, and all in the name of making sure you were safe. All for love.
You strode over to him and gently took the large sweater out of his hand and tossed it aside before taking his hand in both of yours.
“Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.With the pain. I feel safer with you, Ez. Always.”
Ezra looked to the top of the tent as if it held the answer to life’s dearest mysteries and swallowed thickly before dropping his head to his chest. Stepped towards you, into your personal space, and placed a chaste kiss to your heated forehead.
”‘l’ll stay for as long as you need. As long as you want.”
The winds picked up to a shrill scream outside the tent which helped cover the muffled sounds of your cries into the breadth of Ezra’s chest as the first wave of unsuppressed heat washed over you. It had started with a dull ache to your lower abdomen that bloomed into an inferno of bottomless need. Every nerve ending felt raw and exposed. The ache in your abdomen had spread out into your genitals and up under your rib cage where your heart beat wildly. Ezra did his best to comfort you, his large hand rubbing uselessly up and down your sweat- drenched back.The smell of him did very little to quench the fires inside. Another intense wave of agony gripped you and caused you to cry out his name. He pulled you into him through instinct , your mouth now dangerously close to his scent gland.You nuzzled against it slightly as you tried to breath through the mild convulsions your body endured at the crest of every wave.Ezra tried to hide his gasp at the combination of your heady scent and the feeling of you so close to marking him as he had imagined shamefully so many times before. His resolve was wavering as every new wave of hormones tested the strength of his own blockers.
“Kevva help me, tell me what to do.” It was barely a whisper into your hair, but the sound of his voice strained with desire drew a pitiful whimper from you that sent daggers into Ezra’s heart. He shushed you gently and squeezed you a little tighter in an effort to soothe you.
“Ezra…” Ezra took a breathe to steady himself before looking down into your eyes shining with fevered heat and the vulnerability of hope.
“Tell me how to be of service to you,, my love. Anything, simply name it.”
“Ez, I didn’t want it to be this way. I- I- I-” You hissed and gasped through another wave. “I’m so sorry Ezra.” He stroked his hand down the back of your head.
“You have nothing to apologize for, little one, not one thing.”
“Ez, please-” Another small noise gripped his heart like a vice.
“Anything, anything.”
“Ez please fuck me. I need you, please.” Ezra was stunned into silence. “I love you, I trust you. I’ve wan- wanted this for so long, thought about it more than is even sane and healthy. I never wanted it to be like this, but I don’t know if I- if I can take any more. I’m so sorry, Ezra.”
Ezra felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as you begged him for what he’d felt so retched and vile for squeezing himself to muffled release by fantasizing about for months. But this was wrong, he couldn’t do this with you, to you, in such a state of vulnerability.
“I won’t take advantage of you like this, Please don’t ask this of me, my flame.:”
“Ezra look at me.” Ezra looked lost and a little scared but he held your gaze. While you spoke. “It isn’t taking advantage, baby. You are helping me, taking care of me. My alpha.” You reached up to cup his cheek and he audibly moaned, both at the touch and the claim over him.
“Ezra. I want this. I am of sound mind, or as sound mind as one could be surrounded by the smell and touch and sound of the person they love and desire more than anything in any known galaxy. My body has hungered for you- ah- for so long as my heart found its rhythm with yours. Even through suppressants I knew I was hopelessly yours. Ezra, I need you. Please, alpha. My alpha. My Ezra.” You reached up and brought his forehead down to yours as another wave tore through you. Your shuddered breath as you swallowed back a painde whimper was the final nail in his coffin. Kevva save his filthy soul, he was giving in.
“Okay, little one, you’ve conquered my acquiescence. I just ask of you, beg of you, that you not resent me later for what I will have done to temper your discomfort. You have my heart and, while the conditions are less than suitable, “
The first kiss was like tectonic plates fitting back into place. Somewhere out in the great unknown stars aligned and the very universe breathed a sigh of relief. His lips were out of practice and unsure, moving against yours with only the faintest tremble as his body fought against his own suppressors. He wanted to take his time and savor you, learn you, worship you, but your own needs were like a lightning storm beneath your fevered flesh. You nipped at his lip and whined into his mouth when he deepened the kiss in response. He tasted like the bubblegum toothpaste that his adopted “niece” had sent him as a joke. His endearingly patchy facial hair scratched pleasantly against your face and, under more favorable conditions, you might have stopped to explore that sensation. The inferno ravaging your nervous system was unrelenting and you tugged him closer against you as it burned in another white- hot flash.
Ezra seemed to get the message, having pulled back to look down at you in concern. A part of you that desperately wished you could be lavishing him in every bit of honeyed affection that you knew he’d gone so long without wanted to kiss away that distress. Instead, you settled for placing a feather light kiss to his inner wrist where his arm was holding himself up in an impressive display of muscle control right next to your head. He dipped back down to plant a scorching kiss that left you breathless before moving down your neck a ways and sucking harshly against your scent gland. You cried out in a mix of pleasure and need, gripping his hair and thrusting your hips up to meet him. He moaned in response and met your thrust with a grind down of his own. You felt him against you then for the first time and nearly jumped out of your skin. He shushed you quietly before kissing back up the column of your throat to bite at your chin and then kiss you so deeply that you honest- to- Kevva forgot how to breathe. Your hands seemed to move of their own accord across his body; down his back, threading through his unwashed curls, palming at his backside, feeling the chorded muscles in his arm where he held himself above you. All the while he was grinding down on you until you hooked one of your legs around his waist to seek the friction your body called to his for.
This seemed to finally light a fire under his cute little ass. Suddenly he was leaning back away from you, tugging your tanktop down to release your breasts. He latched onto one nipple and pulled harshly at the other with his fingers. Your resulting cry of pleasure was met with a growl that seemed to come from deep within his chest. You pushed him back just long enough to strip yourself of your tanktop and begin working your soaked panties down your legs. Ezra started to resume his work against your breasts when instead he snatched your panties out of your hand and stared agape at the massive dark spot staining the crotch. You laid back and spread your legs for him, one hand trailing down to dip into your dripping folds, maintaining eye contact all the while. Tossing the cloth over his shoulder, Ezra made to dive into you but you stopped him with pointed toes to his bare chest. You could feel his heart pounding under the skin. He looked up at you in bewildered confusion, something that would have been incredibly kissable without the agony of fresh heat.
“Baby I need you inside me. I need to come on your cock, please. Alpha I need your knot.”
Ezra swallowed thickly and fumbled frantically with his pants. You sat up and batted his hand out of the way to do it yourself. He placed his large, rough hand between your breasts and gently pushed you back down so he could crawl over you, kicking his pants and boxer briefs down in the process. You reached for him and the look on your face as you did, so soft and sweet even in the throes of pain and passion, and he felt himself falling harder and deeper for you then he knew was possible. He needed this, needed to make it better. Needed to make you feel good. Needed to claim you. Needed to knot you.
“I need your assurance that you’re truly ready, my flame. I would never forgive myself if I hurt you.” His forehead was pressed to yours again, breath coming in hot bursts against your lips as he struggled to contain himself.
“Ez, I need you. Don’t- please.” He kissed you then and used the distraction of his mouth on yours to begin pushing into you. He wasn’t extraordinarily long, but goddamn he was thick. The incredible stretch of him inside you as he inched his way through the scorching wet of your aching pussy. You cried out as he bottomed out in you and he shushed you gently in response.
“Shhh, I’ve got you. I’m going to take care of you, little star. Such a sweet omega, my omega.” He was propped on his forearm next to your head, watching down at you while you adjusted to the welcome intrusion of him. He pulled out slightly, jaw set in a hard line of concentration as he focused entirely on not hurting you. The friction was almost unbearable and you cried out in relief as it sated the agonizing need that had been washing over you for hours.
“Oh Ezra!” The snap of his hips back into you was pure ecstasy and you were quickly losing any sense of composure as every nerve ending lit up like fireworks. Your head was thrown back in pleasure already, and that just wouldn’t do. He nudged at your jaw with his nose and you met his gaze before tasting his lips again. This kiss was slower, less frantic, and you took the opportunity to pull him fully down onto you with only a moment’s hesitation from Ezra. It started with grinding into you, both of you whining and moaning into one another’s mouths. Your legs came up without you meaning them to and wrapped around his waist. Grinding became slow, hard thrusts between whispered praises, pleas, and declarations of love. Slow, hard thrusts became more frenzied as both of you neared your release. His arm wound under you to hold you in place as he started slamming as hard and fast into you as he could without breaking your hold around him. You almost didn’t recognize the noises being pulled from you as your own voice and you weren’t in your own mind enough to care. You felt the winding within you threatening to break and tried to warn him.
“Ez! Ez! Ez!”
“I’ve got you. Come for me, pretty girl. Let it go!” Ezra’s voice was strained with the effort of keeping his thrusts measured and his aim sure so he could bring you the release that would stave off the worst of your heat. You could feel the rippling of his muscles under his skin as he worked over and within you. The little grunts and groans from his lips so close to your ear, the sounds of his praise and encouragement. It was all too much. You came with a deafening cry, your body bowing beneath him so hard that he nearly lost his hold on you. He managed to keep his grip and worked you through it, all the while your release pulled him deeper within you as your body instinctually prepared to take his knot.
“I- I’m”
“Oh alpha, please. I need it. I need your knot. Ezra, please.” Your words were barely intelligible in the haze of your orgasm but they were enough to bring him over the edge. You could feel his knot swelling at your entrance. His hips stuttered against you and from his lips poured a litany of whines and moans and mumbled praise that pushed you over the edge of another, less intense orgasm. The waves of your second orgasm helped draw his knot in and he spilled himself into you with a shout. His face buried into your neck on instinct but he stopped there. You stifled your disappointment on not being marked and reached up to stroke the hair on the back of his head with one hand while the other held him tightly to you. You kissed up and down the side of his neck, paying a little extra attention to his own scent gland and feeling him shudder above you. The two of you stayed that way for a long time in comfortable silence, so long that you had started to wonder if he had fallen asleep still knotted within you when he spoke soft and low next to your ear.
“Are you okay, little one?” You smiled against the warm skin of his shoulder and kissed him softly there before answering.
“I’m more than okay, Ezra.” When he didn’t immediately respond, your anxiety started to climb in a series of escalating ‘what- if’s’. He seemed to smell your discomfort and moved to sooth you.
“Hey now, what malfeasance stirs my love from her ecstasy?” His lips tickled against your cheek as he craned his neck back up to see you. You flushed in embarrassment.
“It’s okay if you didn’t mean it, Ez. I know the hormones can be a lot and I owe you big time for helping me and-” Ezra cut you off with a kiss that seemed determined to wipe any such thought from your mind.
“Hush now, little omega. Of course I meant it, every word. And you were beyond incredible, exceeding my every fantasy. The very idea of you being indebted to me for fulfilling a desire that I, too, have sheltered for far too long is ludicrous. I love you. Please, I am begging you to hear me. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.” Every confession was punctuated with another kiss to your forehead, cheek, chin, temple, until you gave in and palmed his cheek so that you could reach his lips.
“I love you, too, Ez.” The two of you fell back into easy silence for a while until the seeds of doubt sprouted again in your mind. You were toying lightly with the striking blonde birthmark along his hairline when you must have made a face.
“Tell me.” The request was soft and less a question than a gentle command. You screwed up your face a moment before sighing deeply.
“You didn’t mark me…” You felt pathetic and foolish the moment you said it. Ezra brought his hand to your cheek and looked into your eyes before explaining.
“It’s no secret at this juncture that the conditions under which we coupled for the first time were less than ideal. Truthfully I have fallen far short of what you deserve and what I should have provided you as your alpha. My omega,” That last part was spoken so quietly, like he had said it to himself before remembering himself and continuing. “The gruelling throes of an unplanned fresh heat were not how I desired to knot you for the first time and I am only so fortunate that you are newly off your suppressants so that breeding you would not be under such unfortunate circumstances as a shared bedroll on icy ground. That is to say, my heart, that I want to save such acts of commitment to scenarios in which I can worship you the way you deserve and lavish you in the sort of luxuries that an omega of your unsurpassable beauty and strength deserves. It was all I could do to contain myself and keep from claiming you for all to see, all I could do to refrain from asking you for the very same.”
Your eyes pricked with tears at the sentiment and you blinked them away. You wanted to hide from him until you got your emotions under control, but trying to escape his knowing gaze while still knotted would be excruciating for both of you. Your face was hot and you were filled to the brim with a hurricane of emotion.
“Ez, I would have been more than happy to have you just like this. I don’t need all of those material things. It’s you, Ezra, only you.” It was his turn to swallow back tears.
“I could never have presumed to even dream of such proclamations leaving your sweet lips, my star. You are my everything. My redemption, my faith, my hope.” You held him close to you for several minutes after that, just feeling his warmth and enjoying being able to touch him with the affection that had been tormenting you for months in the frustration of denial. When Ezra did pick his head back up there was a familiar determined set to his jaw. “If you desire it so, I will claim you right here, right now. I would not deny you anything you asked me for in earnest, but I would very much like to… I…” You had never seen Ezra at a loss for words before and it endeared you to him so fiercely.
“Ez, baby,” His eyes darted back up to yours guardedly. “I am yours and I am patient. We have all the time in all the worlds.” You trailed your fingertips across his scent gland and smiled when his breath caught slightly. “If candles and fluffy pillows and music are what you want, I am more than happy to oblige. I’ll give you anything you want. After everything you’ve been through… you’ve fought so hard and so long.”
“Are you positive you don’t mind accommodating my desires for…. My vow to you is unbreakable regardless of where it is made. You deserve better than to be claimed in the fog of your heat on the floor of my tent like an animal.”
“Ezra. This is already more than I dared to dream of. You are more than I dared dream of.” You kissed him then, silencing any other doubts he might have about the sincerity of your agreement to his request. The two of you laid together like that for some time, still fully entangled and lavishing one another with kisses and explorative touches and whispered praise while the storm raged on outside the tent and buffeted its thin walls around you. You traced his scars with admiration and reverence, something that seemed to make him quite a bit more emotional than he was ready to show you. You would give him time, but you longed to hear every story behind them. The scars around his stump were still quite dark, having not yet had time to fade. Your touches there were feather light and made with great caution to avoid making him uncomfortable. You knew what it meant for him to allow himself to be this vulnerable with you, Every scar was an almost- ending and this one in particular held a lot of shame. You knew he had lost it on the Green and somehow in the process of escaping with his life he had become somewhat responsible for the life of the young girl he occasionally corresponded with. As much as he ran his pretty mouth, there was still so much you didn’t know about his journey to you.
“You’re so perfect, Ez, so beautiful.” You cupped his jaw with the hand that wasn’t still cradling his arm. His lower lip trembled slightly but he muffled its betrayal by slotting it against your own in a kiss that stole your breath away. He didn’t trust himself to speak without his voice wavering, so he elected to show you instead. To thank you for trusting him, for loving him, for letting him love you. He cradled you with his hand and caged you in with his body like he was afraid that holding too tightly might hurt you, might scare you away. The smell of him all around you as another wave of heat washed over you made you cry out into his mouth and his hips ground his knot deeper into you in response, earning a wanton moan from both of you. The pain was less intense this time and Ezra set a more leisurely pace. Still knotted to you, he couldn’t move much without injuring you both but he could grind and rut against you. His hand tangled itself into your hair and he gripped at it to turn your head so that he could lavish attention down your neck to your scent gland. You finished faster this time, still sensitive from your last orgasm, and the wet heat of you again took him over the edge right after.
“Are you comfortable, my omega?’ His voice was hoarse from shouting his release just moments before. You looked up at him, fucked out and cockdrunk on him, and nodded with a dazed smile. He chuckled softly and stroked his fingers down your cheek. “You should rest while you can, little one. The sun will usher in a new beginning. The worst is behind us.” He kissed your hair, your nose, your lips, before settling himself atop you the best he could without crushing you or yanking the knot in such a way that might cause you more pain. You reached up to kiss the dimple that popped as he watched you fight sleep and then cuddled into his chest and had the best night’s sleep of your life. Just as Ezra had promised, morning’s light filtered through the leaves in the trees around you and made sparkling opalescent illusions in the snow below. You woke first, noticing first the empty ache between your legs where his knot had released and he had slipped out of you in the night. He had you in a vice grip pressed to his chest like he was afraid you might slip away from him in the night. He was sleeping so peacefully, the muscles in his face more relaxed than you had ever seen him. He looked about ten years younger without the worries of the world weighing so heavily on his features. He was objectively gorgeous and you simply could not resist reaching up to press kisses to the long stretch of his neck, the bare patches in his beard, the soft flesh of his cheeks, the ghosts of wrinkles around his eyes, the skin below his birthmark, down his nose, and to his lips which were now puckered comically in waiting. You giggled lightly and blew a raspberry against them, causing his eyes to shoot open and a raucous laugh to burst from his chest. He rolled the two of you so that he was back on top and proceeded to smother you in obnoxiously loud kisses until you cried mercy so that you didn’t pee the bedroll. The moment he released you from his iron grip you scrabbled out the front of the tent and sprinted for the treeline, completely oblivious to his hungry gaze on your bare backside as you scampered off for privacy. He unzipped the window flaps in your absence and started organizing supplies to make the two of you a ration breakfast- all the while daydreaming about being able to cook you a proper breakfast after ravaging you in a proper bed.
You crept quietly back into the tent when his back was turned and sheepishly pulled on his shirt from the night before. It smelled like him in a way that made your heart ache as much as your still- swollen sex. He turned to you with a crooked grin and you suppressed the urge to kiss that dimple you loved so dearly, electing instead to tug playfully at the blonde patch. The love in his eyes as he stared up at you and the way they glittered in the almost magical ambient light brought tears to your own. He reached up and wiped them away and rested his palm on your cheek.
The two of you ate in comfortable silence, just enjoying the proximity and domesticity. Once everything was properly disposed of, Ezra reclined back onto your bedroll and pulled you back into his chest with a sigh.
“Y’know, we could probably make the sling if we cut across that clearing you found yesterday and be back on the PUG before this planet’s next rotation.” You smiled up at him and felt warmth spread through your bones at the admiration and mischief married in his eyes. The two of you packed and and started on your way rather quickly, fingers interwoven and eyes trained on the wood ahead. There was a new kind of tension in the air between you as you traveled quickly towards the promise of the beginning of the rest of your lives bound together in blood and spirit. No matter what waited for you on the other side, you knew that you would never have to face anything alone ever again, and that was enough. Ezra was enough.
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gamethesoldier · 3 years
Ok so here’s my deltarune oc in her light and dark world form (for the au)
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So ima need help with this one tbh (Also I think the name SpaceRock is good for the au)
i think the light world version of your oc look adorable! however the dark world design is kinda,,, too much of galaxy theme? so here's what i thought she would look like within the dark world- most of her clothing from the light world will still be the same but i made some changes to make the character a little more ..unique? im not saying the previous design that you made for her dark world form is bad- but too much of the galaxy theme on her would like,, erase her unique part? (im not good at explaining stuff please forgive me for that,,) we also did read about her attacks involving about star/cosmic/galaxy like,so we kinda give her a star looking necklace And for what the necklace do it can shapeshift into her favourite intrument- or perharps a weapon? i think it would just look cool if the necklace she's wearing turn into her weapon during fight overall if you intended to keep the same design i wont mind at all!(you can just keep it like a fanart or an alternate clothing option if you would like-) this include if you want to change the colors for the character because i have too much fun with this and it might not be what you like,,
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( My post Become Error Of No Reason. )
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