#it's just. two rough flashback scenes happening to fall in the same session
yardsards · 7 months
you know your next dnd session is gonna be Interesting when you find yourself thinking "y'know, i should really make this torture scene less graphic" about two different scenes while writing the dm notes
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mellz117 · 5 years
Hi! I’m Mellz and I’m starting up Kingdom Hearts 2 on the PlayStation 2! 
Just below are links to the first parts of my previous Kingdom Hearts plays.
[ KH1 ] _ [ Re:CoM Sora ] _ [ KH Re:CoM Riku ]
It’s been a hot minute, like 3,155,763 smoldering hot minutes, which would be 6 years including leap years. Yeah it was 01/27/2014 last I touched this game, exactly 6 years ago to this day (01/27/2020) as of me starting up again. This was an accident.
Guide thingy: Things like long gaps between commentary and days will be separated by a line of dots like that ->  ……
Text relating to an image posted will have a blockquote either above and/or below the image
Dialogue exchanges will also be separated by a blockquote
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Ok I'm playing on standard difficulty, if I'm having a hard time, then I just suck. If you’re reading this and haven’t experienced KH2 for yourself, why are you here? Go away, there’s spoilers for things that aren’t revealed until later.
I always liked this fancy CGI opening. There’s a lot of things I missed last I saw it.
IT’S HIM. Look how cute he is! 
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So we start off with a recap of Kingdom Hearts via a dream it seems and our protagonist, my precious boy Roxas, wakes up his own home all alone because apparently DiZ didn't create a digital family for him. But KH is notorious for forgetting parents, so maybe they did. I’m not Cinema Sins so I wont ping this game for not giving Roxas fake parents lmao
In the next scene Roxas is more interested in his own hands than he is in his friends' conversation. 
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blurry ring textures, blurry checker pattern. Not everything holds up well on a flat screen TV
He hasn't been paying attention so he's just as confused as the player is at this point when he finally takes his attention off his hands.
This dialogue is so early 2000's. KH1 and CoM avoided this but with the urban setting of Twilight Town it's DEFINITELY noticeable and outdated. So rumors have spread about Roxas, Hayner, Pence, and Olette that photographs are being stolen, and THEY'RE the theives. Who is the operator of the rumor mill? Seifer and his posse. Also the actual WORD is gone too, they try to say “photo” but it just DOESN’T EXIST. This is where the game gets a bit odd.
TUTORIALS GALORE. I JUST WANT TO PAUSE AND CHANGE THE CAMERA CONTROLS STOP TELLING ME ABOUT MY NEXT OBJECTIVE but no no it’s telling me how to lock on, control my camera, context sensitive buttons, etc 
This girl’s dress looks like shes wearing a bra over it 
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I like how the animal AI hasn't changed at all in this entire series. And by like I mean hate, KH3 doesn't change that. Sven is as boring as this cat we have to look at.
The gang heads to the sandlot where Seifer, Fuujn, Raijin, and Vivi like to hang out I guess? Vivi is a little, solid black, wizard dwarf amongst all these regular humans and no one bats an eye. This shit is normal. Seifer with his stupid Seto Kaiba jacket, shows up to further accuse Roxas and his friends of stealing photos, one specifically of Roxas flat on his face and Seifer standing triumphantly over him (which we’re actually shown later). "That was undeniable proof that we totally owned you lamers" he says in regards to it and challenges Roxas to a rematch.
A+ dialogue
Seifer. My dude, ya dumb-dumb. If you think for one second that I'm gonna let my boy lose to you, you are sorely mistaken. 
“If you get on your knees and beg, maybe I’ll let it slide.” Seifer says and Roxas plays it slick, taking a knee and looking through a convenient selection of foam weapons. Battle ensues.
So of course I win because Seifer is a pleb, and Pence takes a commemorative ______ of Roxas's sound victory, but oh no! Something stole the camera right out of Pence's hands! Roxas gives chase, because apparently he's the only one who cares enough to do so, and confronts the actual thief, a Dusk type Nobody. Roxas is taking this creature encounter rather calmly. Like mild confusion at most.
I hate these things, they're creepy. When you do a reversal on them they like, plant their hands on the ground behind them and their legs wrap around their arms while they spaz out. Ughghdhahh
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Of course Roxas's foam bat doesnt cause any damage to the Dusk, and suddenly a familiar giant key digitally manifests in his hands. DiZ is installing mods I see. I have a Keyblade mod in Skyrim, so we have something in common.
After we defeat the thief the next scene shows the gang at the usual spot with the recovered photos. Ok ok so was "photo" the only word deleted from the vocabulary or were any other alternative words taken away too? Like, if they could have said "picture" this whole time, they would have had much less stupid sounding dialogue exchanges. Whatever lmao.
“Tell us about the picture thief.”
“Not much to say. The pictures were just lying there.”
You liar. Tell them about how you fought a wormy, white boy.
Pence notices all the pics are of Roxas and speculates the picture thief wanted to take the REAL Roxas and Hayner is like
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The best friendships are ones where you can take jabs at each other and know there’s no malice intended.
 In the scene thereafter, the kids go their separate ways, the evening(?) sun assaults Roxas's eyes, and whenever he closes them he gets another vision? Idk what time of day it is it always looks the same.
God ok as someone who hadn’t played CoM before playing KH2 for the first time, I must have been SUPER lost regarding who DiZ and Namine were and why Sora is in the pod. More recaps of KH1: I don’t know why they found it necessary to redub over the old voices with the new actors in these flashbacks.
Moving on. Roxas learns what the Keyblade is through his dreams. On his way to meet up with his friends, he tries summoning the Keyblade with a stick, when that doesn’t work he carelessly throws it aside and it hits this cloak clad man behind him. This dude is either completely unfazed by that is or so offended he can’t even say anything and walks away before he goes all Karen on Roxas’s ass.
We’re back at the usual spot and summer vacation is nearing it’s end. Hayner wants to go to the beach before school is back in session! You poor fuckers...
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Same, dude. I’m waiting on my tax returns, looking forward to that.
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Pretzels at the beach? Salty and not refreshing. I got you fam, I’ll make enough money for a watermelon. Roxas is so poor omg... How much is 150 Munny in American currency?
Just BEAT the cargo with a foam bat. What’s IN the bag? Is it trash? Clothes? Is it potentially breakable? Next. Time to beat some bees!
So Poster Duty was my go-to job in this game in the past because you could get 100 Munny if you did well. But now that I’m older I realized how annoying it is. I had an efficient route planned out, hit as many of the 3 poster placements in that route, and be over and done with that in about 1:10....
But then Roxas goes aND DOES THIS!
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HE DOES THIS CONSISTENTLY!! I do have a live reaction to this but it’s too big for tumblr. I’ll have it up on youtube one of these days
Eventually I stopped sticking posters to walls and became a mailman until the game made me stop.
Black-clad man is back with his own stick! Oof, Roxas eats the pavement and is manhandled by cloaky boy. WAS THIS ROUGH TREATMENT REALLY THAT NECESSARY? You might wanna treat Sora's Nobody with a little more respect. AND YOU STOLE HIS HARD-EARNED MONEY! YOU BASTARD!
The gang is on the clock tower, very dangerously high up. Wtf what if someone falls?! Roxas feels so guilty about what happened and Hayner gets over this little fiasco pretty quickly and the next day he already has another fun plan.
On his way to the station, Roxas crosses paths with Pence and Olette, the latter two freeze and Roxas meets Namine. Is her interest in Roxas linked to her desire to be Sora’s friend? A strange girl tells Roxas she wanted to meet him “at least once” and he doesn’t know what to do lol. Namine doesn’t stay long, leaving Roxas with his confusion. What is going through his head? A girl he doesn’t know seems to know him well enough to want to see him. Pence and Olette unfreeze after Namine is out of the shot. Pence and Olette have such a cute relationship, I’d love for them to be siblings. Pence goes shopping with her even if he might not want to. I can relate, I hate clothes shopping.
These Dusks don’t seem like too much of a threat tbh, they just kinda swagger slowly towards Roxas and grab his hand. Roxas hardly struggles to escape to the sandlot.
Chicken wuss
WE FINALLY GET SOMEWEHERE, we end up on the stained glass pillars in the Station of Serenity (?). Time to grind for like 5 minutes because this giant noodle boy already killed me once.
This thing really unsettles me. All the creature Nobodies do! They’re all twitchy and stretchy. DISGUSTING
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Upon defeat, this big noodle boy falls on top of Roxas and Namine saves him from being enveloped by darkness.
Namine really seems to like to silence him. First she shoves her hand in his face but that was too forward. This time she daintily places a finger over her lips and says her part. Black-cloak guy shows up, rough handles Namine a little bit but not as roughly as he did Roxas. AND SHOVES ROXAS INTO A PORTAL
SEIFER IS AN OPPORTUNISTIC SHITLET POSING IN FRONT OF HIS UNCONSIOUS BODY. Bitch you didn’t earn that. Hayner, Pence, and Olette see Roxas with Seifer’s gang, Hayner feels betrayed thinking Roxas ghosted him in favor of Seifer. He stays pretty salty about it for a good while
IM NOT WORKING ON THIS LIKE I SHOULD. ITS ALMOST A MONTH SINCE STARTING. In my next post we'll be "Struggling" to progress. Eh? Eh? Get it? Like the tournament?
I'm not funny.
Here’s the next part: [ _2_ ]
Below is a compilation of my live reactions and comments throughout this point of the game.
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emma-nation · 5 years
Without You - Bloodbound AU (Chapter 9) *For You Sequel*
Summary: Gaius is back. While coming up with a plan to take him down, the gang must deal with some new life-changing events.
Genre: Angst/Adventure/Romance
Rating: T - Warning for violence and language
Tag List: @begging-for-kamilah, @lulu-the-cat, @ilovekamilahsayeed, @zoe6111, @kennaxval (If you want to be tagged in future chapters/fics of this pairing let me know!)
- English is my second language, please forgive me for any mistakes.
- Hope you enjoy it, your reviews and likes are always appreciated.
- Things have went as planned again this week, so here’s another regular update for ya :)
- Slight MxF Smut Scene Warning in the Flashback session! If you’re not interested, you can just skip this part without affecting the understanding of the chapter.
- FxF Smut Alert!
About thirty minutes earlier they were driving back home, in complete silence. A lot of thoughts and feelings consuming his mind. Never, in his 2064 years of life, he had seen a Vampire survive a Feral bite. It was an extremely painful death. Back on his days as a Vampire Hunter, he even extracted Feral's blood and injected it on Vampires, infecting them and watching as they went through the gruesome transformation, before killing them. It was one of his favorite torture methods.
When they entered his apartment, Priya gently grabbed his arm.
"It was nothing," she assured. "The bite was superficial, I'm not feeling a thing."
Lysimachus turned around to look into her dark brown eyes, for the first time since he spotted the wound on her shoulder. She was stunning, truly stunning. He still remembered seeing her on TV or magazines, prior their meeting. Or how Zoe would always grumble about never being able to afford a Lacroix outfit. He never cared. The Fashion world wasn't his thing. While he appreciated being well-dressed, the brands of his clothes never mattered, as long as they made him look sharp.
Until somebody, sold him the information Priya Lacroix was part of the infamous Council of New York. The one group who could lead him to Gaius. For months he studied the Fashion Designer, following her steps on social media, until her VIP party in Amsterdam.
----- Flashback (slight smut, feel free to skip it) -----
"Show me what you got," she ordered him to remove every piece of clothing he was wearing. He learned she was so selective with potential houseboys as she was selective with her models.
Following her command, Lysimachus was completely naked in front of her. She walked around him, examining his body features.
"Hmmm, not very tall... Only 5'8". But..." she dragged her nails on his toned abdomen. "You've got a nice pack here."
Then she went behind him, grabbing his buttocks.
"And here too."
Finally, she stopped in front of him, looking down at his crotch. She grinned.
"Interesting... I'd like to see it on full-mode, if you don't mind."
"Being around you, it won't be a problem."
After showing her what she wanted to see, he had passed on another step of her test. But as he was informed, there was still a lot he’d have to prove to earn her approval.
"Please yourself," she demanded.
"As you wish."
She watched him with arms crossed, head cocked to the side. The manner he pleased himself and the amount of time he was taking to finish made a hint of satisfaction appear in her face.
"Make me," he teased, knowing her tastes.
She slapped him hard on the face and grabbed his hair violently, making him face her.
"One final step, and you're mine."
With one move, she completely teared off her clothes.
"You better give me the good stuff... or..."
She approached, whispering in his ear.
"I'll kill you."
After extensive hours of rough, wild sex, he managed to impress her. No mortal could ever give her that experience. She had found someone of her level, of her tastes... she only didn't know he was a Vampire yet. Or a Vampire Hunter. But she was very close from finding out... Lysimachus smirked, as his eyes turned red and he exposed his fangs, ready to drink Priya's blood completely.
----- Flashback Ending -----
That was 8 months before. In that period a lot had changed, especially recently, after knowing who she truly was. In front of him he could no longer see a wicked Vampire, but a broken girl. Who had been abused and humiliated, trying to heal her wounds through revenge. Giving men and women the same treatment she received. Deep down, she desired to be respected. And loved too.
He forced a smile, knowing what she was saying wasn't true. The bite went deep down her flesh. At this point the infection must be going through her veins, and soon, it'd reach her brain.
"I mean it, Hunter. I just need to feed and this thing will be healed," she insisted, reaching her purse. "I'm gonna find someone on Bleeder and..."
That was the last thing she said before collapsing. On the floor, her body started twitching on a strange manner. Her veins becoming more visible and her skin more pale.
"Priya!" He shouted, kneeling beside her and holding her in his arms. It was happening. She was becoming a Feral. "S-Stay with me. Talk to me... You need to stay conscious..."
He took her to his bed, placing her comfortably on his pillows.
"T-Tell me something about you... like, uhhh... when is your birthday?"
Through the excruciating pain she was feeling, she still managed to give him a small laugh.
"Why does it matter, Hunter?"
"Because... we'll throw you the hell of a party."
"November 6th," she answered. "But... it's 8 months from now... I-I won't make it."
"Of course you will!" Lysimachus held her face with one hand, while the other grabbed her cold, shaking hand. "I-I... I know a lot about magic and there's a cure for this. I'm gonna call my witch friend and soon you will be... snatching wigs again."
Priya fought a smile.
After feeding her a blood bag he had stocked on a freezer, he gave her a strong shot of painkillers and tranquilizers. Before falling asleep, Priya noticed a stake attached to his belt.
"Just do it, Hunter. Please let me die decently, gorgeous as I am. I don't wanna turn into a disgusting Feral."
"Hey," Lysimachus stroked her soft hair, before lying next to her, "that one was for the Vampires attacking your club, not for you. Why don't you rest now? I called my friend and she's on her way. We'll save you, I promise."
It was a lie, he knew, but she needed to feel secure, while he was willing to try everything, until the last moment. Killing Priya was not an option. Not right now.
With barely no more strength or control left, she squeezed his hand.
"I... trust... you..."
Kamilah had been locked in her home office for a while. She had a need of being alone. The first, but not her main concern, was Amy coming home late night, and drunk, after a night of fun with Lily and Jax. That wouldn’t have been a problem under another circumstances, but at that moment she needed to stay out of sight. Gaius had thralls observing each one of the clans and with that, he could easily figure out she was back from London.
Her main concern was Lysimachus. After driving straight to Priya’s club and not finding them, she headed back to her penthouse, where she started receiving multiple phone calls and texts from her brother. He was desperate for her help. Something had went terribly wrong.
Answer me, please. I can’t lose two people I care about in the same night.
While she didn’t care for Priya’s life, she felt extremely guilty. Accidentally, she had told Gaius’ about her relationship with Lysimachus. Her brother had fallen in love, and being alive for over two millennia is more than enough to figure out that love is a weakness, that makes you vulnerable and fragile.
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.
“May I come in?” Amy asked. “Please.”
Kamilah sighed and unlocked the door. Her fiancée came in, wearing a casual outfit after a cold shower, that helped to return to a more sober state of mind.
“I’m so sorry, Kamilah. I was bored and... I messed up, didn’t I?”
She took a deep breath, taking a moment to answer.
“Not as much as I did.”
“Why? You scolded me so much that I hadn’t even time to ask. How did the meeting go? Did Gaius do anything to you?”
“To me, no. But...”
She lowered her eyes, avoiding Amy’s gaze while she told her everything. Gaius’ plans for The Council members, Lysimachus reaction upon the attack to The Crimson Veil, her anger and finally, the possibly tragic outcome.
“Oh,” Amy looked somehow shocked. “Have you checked on them yet?”
“No,” Kamilah told. “How am I supposed to tell my brother I was responsible for whatever happened to Priya? She’s a heartless monster, Amy. But he cares about her, for some reason.”
“We should drop by his apartment. That’s the right thing to do.”
Kamilah agreed with a firm nod. Amy’s strength and confidence during moments of crisis impressed her sometimes. How could a mortal be so young and yet so decided and wise?
Minutes later she was sitting at her brother’s office, while he desperately put off books and papers from shelves and drawers, looking for anything that could prevent Priya from turning Feral.
“Brother,” she gulped. “I know you’ve spent a long time around witches but... I’ve never seen a Vampire that healed from a Feral bite.”
“We couldn’t go out in sunlight too, remember? Now we can. Because of Priya.”
Frustrated, he threw a chair against the wall, smashing it into a thousand pieces.
“There’s got to be something...”
“Even if it does, at this point her entire body is infected! She’s a risk to all of us!”
“What do you suggest then, Kamilah?” Lysimachus slammed his fist on the table. “That I enter that bedroom and stake her while she’s asleep? Wasn’t it the same that they did to your lover back in Italy? How did that feel, huh? How do you think she felt, when you weren’t able to protect her?”
The words hit her straight in the heart. She hadn’t though about that event for a while, but it was definitely a scar she carried. She never had time to protect her, to tell how much she loved her, or even say goodbye. While she opened her mouth to say something the bell rang and Lysimachus returned, accompanied by the young witch that provided them the rings.
Kamilah left them alone in the office, joining Amy at the living room. The girl held her hand in a comforting manner.
“It’s not your fault,” she said. “He’d have done it sooner or later.”
“I know. Gaius isn’t the kind that quits and my brother isn’t either. Lysimachus always thought he could save the entire world and that’s what got him in prison.”
Suddenly Kamilah noticed the looks of Lysimachus and the witch were at their direction. She furrowed her brows as she detected the last few words of their conversation.
“...maybe her blood could help.”
Lysimachus approached, dragging Amy by the arm.
“Amy, I need a favor,” he pulled a dagger from his pocket. “I need you to feed Priya some blood.”
“No,” Kamilah protested. “You’re not dragging my fiancée into this! She’s not even herself anymore. She could lose control and kill Amy.”
“Come on, Kamilah. It’s her only chance! Being The First Vampire’s descendant, Amy’s blood has powerful properties. She could save Priya.”
Kamilah pulled Amy back to her direction by the other arm.
“Guys,” Amy tried to settle things between them. “Why don’t we sit down and discuss our options?”
“Discuss our options?!” Kamilah shouted. “You’re not risking your life for a mistake I did.”
“Excuse me?!” Lysimachus questioned. “It seems like you have something to share, sister.”
“It’s my fault. I accidentally told Gaius’ about you and Priya. He was furious when you prevented the explosion and used it to get a revenge on you.”
Her twin brother was completely mute for a second. Then he looked at her in a way she had never seen before... there was fire in his eyes.
“Y-You... betrayed me.”
“I had no intentions, brother. I’m so sorry, he wanted information about you and this was the less important thing I could think of.”
“Less important?” Lysimachus let a sarcastic laugh. “Less important for who?! You know what? Do you know why we’re in this mess in first place? Because I gave up on the ritual. I gave up on the ritual because in order to kill Gaius we must kill Amy too. I protected your lover Kamilah, meanwhile you sacrificed mine for your selfish purposes!”
He punched the wall, opening a large hole on it before heading to the bedroom.
Kamilah sat down again, processing the words she had just heard.
At the balcony, Amy breath in some fresh air, still undecided about what to do. She had no problem offering a small amount of blood to feed Priya, as Lysimachus wanted, but would that be enough? Kamilah also had a point, she was about to turn Feral. She could easily lose control and kill her.
And there was the ritual. To destroy Gaius, she’d have to sacrifice her own life.
“It seems like you’re carrying a lot on your shoulders,” the young witch appeared right beside her.
“Oh, trust me. Only a year ago I was only a small-town girl, who wanted to come to New York, get a decent job and enjoy life. Now, I'm engaged to one of the most powerful CEOs of the country, who's a Vampire and the fate of their race, and also the human race, depends on me."
"No evil doppelgänger yet?"
"To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if she just appeared at my door."
Amy laughed at their joke, breaking a little the tension of the moment. The witch girl was about her age, they could've been hanging out, going to a club or to a theater together, but they were both dealing with the supernatural.
"So what's your story?" Amy asked.
"As exciting as yours," the witch answered. "Grew up in an orphanage, got separated from my brother, messed with some dark forces to find him... Anyways, I decided to settle down at New York just doing the witch stuff, you know?"
Amy smiled again. Even with such a tragic past, that girl was able to keep a good humor.
"So, you know about the ritual. The one to destroy Gaius."
"Sorry, I tried my best to protect you when I discovered. This is what I promised my ancestors. But your friends are good at finding out stuff."
"Do I really have to..."
She nodded in response.
"Amy, do you want to hear an advice? Get debriefed, go away. Runaway from this world while you still can. If the information about your origins fall in the wrong hands, they'll start a war for your blood."
"I can't, I love Kamilah. More than I ever loved anyone in my life."
"But someday, you'll die. Kamilah won't. And she'll possibly find another Amy to love. Think about it."
Amy fell silent again, thinking about her words. She though about her family, her hometown, her old life and then... Kamilah. She was everything she ever wished for. The danger, the adventure, the passion she always looked for, she found in the female vampire.
"She's getting worse," Lysimachus scream echoed through the apartment. "Will you all just going to let her die?"
"I'll do it," Amy announced. "I'll feed her some of my blood."
"Have you lost all sense?" Kamilah followed her to the bedroom. "She's going to..."
When she opened the door, Priya was tied to the bed. Her eyes were blood-red and she was hissing loud. The only few words she was able to pronounce were senseless.
"She's losing her conscience," Kamilah told.
"Not if I can stop it," Lysimachus argued.
Amy grabbed his dagger, opening a gash on her palm and dripping some blood inside a glass. She handed it to Lysimachus who forced Priya to drink it. Surprisingly, the Fashion Designer eyes returned to their normal color and she calmed down.
"Hello friend with benefits," Lysimachus caressed her hair.
"Only... the... b... ben... benefits," Priya joked, making him smile.
"Feeling any better?"
She shook her head in denial, for his disappointment.
"S-Slipping... again... want... want to... kill... you."
Frustrated, the former Vampire Hunter punched the wall again.
"Just... do it."
Amy shared a look with Kamilah. Her fiancée had been completely closed down since learning about the ritual.
The young witch also watched the scene, with a puzzled look.
"She doesn't have a Brand, does she?" She asked.
"No," Lysimachus told. "She doesn't even know who's her Maker."
"The Brand is meant to keep the conscience tethered to the body. Maybe if we gave her one, infused by the blood of an older vampire..."
"I'll do it," Kamilah agreed. "It's my fault she's dying so..." she pulled her amulet and a lighter from her jacket.
"Noooo," Priya weakly whined. "Not... Kamilah's... tramp stamp..."
"Shut up! I'm trying to save your life."
"Wait," the female witch ordered. "I have a better idea. Seal the Brand with Amy's blood. Nothing is more powerful than The First Vampire's blood."
Kamilah was browsing on her computer when Amy entered her dark office. After Branding Priya, she had gone home. The life of the Fashion Designer wasn't her priority right now, Amy's life was.
If Lysimachus was telling the truth about the ritual, she needed to act immediately. No one would sacrifice her wife-to-be, even for such a big purpose like destroying Gaius.
"How's Priya?" She asked, trying to show some sympathy.
"She has stopped losing her conscience, but the bite isn't healing. It has started to spread," Amy told. "I'm not sure if she's gonna make it. I wish I could do something more."
"Well, don't even say it in front of my brother. If he hears that, he may want to..." she stopped. "Nevermind."
Amy approached, sitting on her lap. She studied her computer screen, curious.
"Uhhh... Is that where you're planning to spend our honeymoon?"
"It's a house I own in Sweden. I've got it in a big deal I closed a few years ago. I was thinking it's a perfect place to start a new life, don't you think?"
"Do you mean... move to Sweden?"
"It's a small town. No one will ever find us. I have contacts, they'll give us new IDs and..."
"It's about the ritual, isn't it?"
Amy stared inside her eyes, Kamilah could see she was so lost and scared as she was.
"We're not doing it," she pressed her forehead on Amy's. "Never."
"But..." Amy placed a hand on the back of her neck, "it'd set you free."
"I'll never be free without you."
Kamilah pressed her lips on Amy's, kissing her slowly, while her fingers gently stoked the girl’s side.
"This is why we have to runaway. If the rest of The Council finds out... they'll come for you.
"I have another idea in mind."
Amy kissed her again, fiercely, firmly. With a force she hadn't felt ever before. She finished it by nibbling on her lower lip.
"Turn me," she whispered in Kamilah's ear. "Turn me right now. I'll become useless to the ritual and... I'll be yours forever."
"It's not that simple. Gaius would still come after you. And there's a lot you need to consider. What about your family? You won't be able to be so close to them anymore."
"I don't care..." Amy brushed her lips on hers again. "You're my family now."
"And you won't be able to have children."
"I can adopt."
"You..." Amy silenced her with her index finger.
"No more excuses, Kamilah. I give up on anything to spend the eternity with you."
"Eternity is a long time, are you aware of this?"
"Yeah..." Amy pretended to be pensive for a second. "But I think I can tolerate your temper and your cynicism for the eternity."
"In this case, I better work harder. Tolerating your insatiable hunger and your habit of losing stuff for the eternity may be expensive."
Amy laughed before pulling her for another kiss.
"I love when you try to be funny."
"Well, you started it."
The girls hand went under her shirt, feeling every inch of her stomach and chest.
"I was so afraid I wouldn't see you again," she spoke smoothly as her hands went down to Kamilah's pants, unbuttoning them.
"I feared Gaius had killed or even hypnotized you for real," Amy's mouth went down to her jawline and neck, while her hands traveled inside Kamilah's underwear. "Seriously, I even..."
"Amy," Kamilah interrupted her, rolling her eyes. "Can you not say his name while... doing this?"
"Of course," Amy apologized. "I'm sorry."
Kamilah closed her eyes, enjoying Amy's strokes on her most sensitive spot. She moved her hips, following the girl’s movements.
When she arched her back, finally reaching climax, she whispered in Amy's ear.
"This weekend... at the Hamptons' house. I'll prepare everything and... I'm Turning you."
Lying on the bed with Kamilah, Amy grinned ear to ear. Being Turned and running away with her fiancée solved all their problems. Being biologically dead, she'd no longer be The One. Her blood would lose all its power. And also... she'd never have to leave Kamilah.
"Tell me about that Bachelorette Party," Kamilah broke the silence. "I'm not very fond of this idea."
"Oh, no big deal. Lily took me to this Strip club, full of hot guys and girls. Even Jax gave us a private little show inside the limo."
As Kamilah widened her eyes in shock then furrowed her brows, as if she was ready to explode.
"I'm joking," Amy quickly announced. "Only a few drinks among friends in a cool supernatural bar."
"Which one?" Kamilah wanted to know. "I know every supernatural bar in New York and none of them is safe for you."
"It's a new one. Founded by one of the Shadow Den members."
Kamilah didn't answer, but by her face, she still didn't approve the idea.
“Right,” Amy changed the subject, “now, what about that meeting? You still haven’t told me everything. There's something else in your mind."
Kamilah let out a deep sigh, that suggested something else was disturbing her.
"Hearing his revenge plans, the things he's planning for The Council members... makes me wonder what he's planning for me."
"Didn't you earn his trust again?"
"I know him, Amy. He would never forgive me for what I did. He's saving the worst for me, and he must be planning to use you or my brother for that."
Amy was pensive for a moment, then she grabbed a notebook and a pen from the nightstand drawer.
"What are you doing? Kamilah looked at her intrigued.
"Our own plan," Amy started explaining. "We have a head-start, you know what he's planning."
"A conflict between me and my brother was exactly what he needed. I’ve just made things easier for him, now I’m not in good terms with Lysimachus. God knows what stupidity he’ll be doing after Priya dies. "
"Okay..." Amy wrote Lysimachus name and pulled some arrows. "We need to ensue his protection."
Kamilah smiled and took off the pen from her hands.
"Let me take care of it, would you? You stay put, while I handle the tough part."
Amy pulled her by the shirt collar for a kiss.
"But I had a good idea... We can get some explosives, blow up that club and send Gaius, Jameson and the whole gang to space."
"You've been watching too much news on TV, little firefly," Kamilah playfully bit her earlobe, then pressed soft kisses on her neck. "Don't worry, I've got everything planned."
Kamilah grabbed her notebook and started writing her own notes. She had the prettiest handwriting Amy had ever seen in her life. She read the first word: 'Turning'. She smiled.
The female vampire proceeded with the next step of her planning sheet.
"Training," Amy read. "And then... Elope?"
"And the last..." Kamilah added, "Sweden."
Amy took the notes and started to adding some details.
"Right, Ms. Sayeed, CEO of Ahmanet Financial. What will be doing to this little company of yours?"
"I'll sell it," Kamilah was decided. "I can start something new. Something related to botany, perhaps."
"Will we have pets in our new home?" Amy asked.
"Cats. Many of them."
"Uhhh... children?"
"It's too soon to decide it, don't you think?"
"Hell yeah," Amy tossed the notepad aside. "We have a lot to enjoy before that."
Kamilah smiled before involving her in a warm, passionate kiss. Meanwhile, all Amy could think was about how excited she was for the weekend, when she'd become a Vampire.
"It has stopped spreading," he announced, examining Priya's wound. "It seems like Amy's blood has truly worked."
Lying on his chest, the Fashion Designer gave him a weak smile. Though she was no longer losing conscience or that the wound had stopped spreading, she wasn't looking any better. She was severely weak and pale, her skin was cold as ice. Lysimachus wore his leather jacket around her body and covered her with a heavy blanket.
"Hunter, stop fooling yourself," she mumbled. "It's not working. I'm dying... I... I wonder what the tabloids will invent. They'll say I died from an overdose probably."
"I-I won't let them... I'll say you contracted a severe and deadly infection, and that you fought like a trooper until the end."
At this point, he was holding himself to not cry. He hadn't cried for centuries. Not even when Zoe died. Although she was his best and closest friend, he knew about that risk. She was a mortal Vampire Hunter. Her life was always in danger. And he didn't watch her die. He didn't have to say goodbye. One move and Adrian broke her neck, far from his sight. Because he was busy, chasing Priya.
"Hey," he called, trying to keep her awake. "Last year, in your club, why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?"
"You're a bastard, like me, Hunter. I knew that at some point you could be useful."
"Fair enough."
"What about you?" Priya asked back. "That night in Amsterdam, why didn't you kill me?"
Lysimachus sighed.
"I knew that at some point you could be useful. And because I thought you were pretty."
"Oh, so you had mercy on pretty female Vampires?
"You were one of the rare exceptions."
She let out a small, weak laugh.
After a long moment of silence, Lysimachus felt her hand touching his under the covers.
"Hunter?" She called. "I'm afraid. Though it's something I'd never admit, but I am."
"Y-You don't have to be," he wanted to tell her that soon she'd be cured, but at this point, both of them knew it was useless to sugarcoat reality.
"What do you think that happens to Vampires after their death? Especially the baddies."
"I've never thought of this before."
"My people believe in reincarnation. This is what I'm afraid of, I don't wanna be born a dalit again."
"If you do," he kissed her forehead, "I'll find you and I'll rescue you."
"How are you going to find me, stupid?"
"Simple, I'll look for the girl who can make awesome clothes and snatch wigs."
Seeing Priya genuinely smile again made a single tear fall down from his eyes. He noticed her eyes were teary too.
"We never finished that conversation."
"We don't have to."
"Okay... at least I figured out what was missing."
He held her even tighter, appreciating his final moments with her. Thinking about the life he was willing to show her. A life she never knew... A knock on the door brought him back to reality.
"Lysimachus," his witch friend shouted, "I know why she hasn't been fully cured yet! There's one more thing."
"What is it?"
"I was speaking to Jax and he told me that feeding from someone that the Vampire has an emotional connection may help delaying the transformation."
"Goodbye, cruel world," Priya mocked from the bed.
After the witch left, Lysimachus sat by her side.
"No one?" He sighed. "Not even... Sergio?"
"Sergio, Hunter?!" Priya rolled her eyes. "Are you joking or you're really this dumb?"
"I know," he ran a hand through his dark hair. "I'm only trying to think of a manner to save you. I meant it when I said I care about you."
Priya studied his face for a second, before inhaling deeply.
"If you ever tell this anyone, I'll kill you."
She sank her fangs into his neck, drawing a large amount of blood, for long minutes.
Lysimachus wasn't sure of how much of that was real, but his only choice was to wait and pray that Priya's body would fight off the infection by itself.
Next: Kamilah takes Amy to the Hamptons to Turn her, but will things go as expected? Stay tuned!
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hellosimplylizzie · 6 years
Imagine being Antonio’s partner and going to him for advice on how to manage the stressors of the job. ➷
{Warning * Suicide} Requested by @hellosimplybubzie
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Katrina, aka Kat or Intelligence Detective Avery, walked over to her desk, with two travel cups of coffee, one in each hand. She leaned over his desk, admiring the plaque resting on it that spelled out ”Det. Antonio Dawson”, before looking up and meeting his smile and grateful expression, with one of her own.
”Thanks. Have I ever had a chance to tell you how amazing you are?” He smirked, the look on his face giving away that he had already gathered the answer to his own question. Given he had asked her the same thing multiple times before.
”Almost every day!” Kat smiled back, speaking with a hint of sarcastic enthusiasm in her voice.
Every day started out vaguely similar. Kat would walk in the station and sit at her desk for an hour or two while examining her case files and waiting for her partner. After most everyone had arrived and were settled in, she'd get up to grab some coffee for her and Antonio, who would either be; sitting at his desk, leaning against hers talking to Halstead, or walking in a few minutes late after accidentally sleeping in or due to being held up by an early morning boxing session. Today, he was on time, sitting at his desk and going over their case files, like a good detective.
He smirked as he watched Kat continue to her desk and plop down in her chair. Without paying any attention to the steam rising from his coffee cup, he brought it up to his lips and sipped it, instantly feeling the hot contents burn his mouth and sting at his tongue. ”Shit-” He dropped the cup to his desk, quickly, and waved air at his tongue with his hands, as it throbbed. ”Dammit.”
Kat stared at him, smirking.
“No warning?“ He struggled speaking the words through the pain.
“Shit- it’s hot! Be careful.” Kat replied cheekily, grinning.
Antonio rolled his eyes, giving his tongue a minute to recover and air off before sticking it back in his mouth. “Wait... Avery-“ He held up loose papers he had pulled out of the file and examined them closely. “Look at this.”
Kat got up and leaned beside him, eyeing the papers laid out on his desk and what he felt the need to point out. “Our suspect rides the subway to get to work around 10 am- right?“ he points out a few of the suspects misdemeanors that occurred at the station, that were logged in around that same time. “-we should go see if he’s there today...” He suggested, furrowing his eyebrows up at her.
“Genius.” Kat glanced down at her watch and noticed they had an entire hour to kill before it hit 10am. “Stop for a quick bite on the way?” She winked, grabbing his jacket from the chair he was sitting on and tossed it to him as he stood.
“I’ll buy, this time,” He chuckled, grabbing the keys from his pocket and following Kat out.
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“Is that him?” Kat eyed the suspect from the car, while munching on her food, who was suspiciously leaning against the railing of the street level subway entrance. 
“Yeah... He’s in possession.” Antonio said quickly, after noticing another guy approach the suspect and trade off what looked to be drugs. He jumped out the car, shutting the door behind him and walking over to the suspect quickly. “HEY! Yeah, you. Let’s talk for a minute-“
Kat finished her food and jumped out the car soon after Antonio and followed him over to the subway enterance, cautiously.
Right as Antonio asked the suspect for a minute to chat, he took off, heading down the stairs of the subway. He appeared to be frightened and all over the place mentally, as he looked around quickly, running for his life. “It’s my time!” He yelled back at the detectives and roughly pushed any pedestrians that stood in his way, to the side.
“WAIT-!” Kat groaned and then followed, chasing after Antonio and the assailant. “-Bloody hell!” Kat took a minute to rest as she watched the assailant jump the turnstiles and run straight for the subway, Antonio still pursuing him, closer this time. “-How?” She stared at the turnstiles in front of her, admiring the height that both the assailant and Antonio were able to jump. She was impressed, and eager to try it herself, but after contemplation, she thought it better if she didn’t. Suddenly the ground began to rumble beneath her, as the sound of a train approached. She quickly slid in between the turnstiles, the tiny poles shifting slowly with her.  She shook her head at the lack of excitement from it. Just as she skipped forward to start running again, she looked up to see Antonio about 3 yards away, close to tackling the guy but he couldn’t. He had to pull back when he noticed the assailant getting too close to the tracks. Within moments, she witnessed one of the most disturbing things she’d witness on the job. The assailant- jumped to the tracks. He had the choice of prison, or death, and he chose the latter.
Antonio jolted to a halt seconds before the man went over, in shock at what was about to happen right before his very eyes.
“NO!-“ Was all Kat was capable of stuttering out, her voice trembling as her breathing staggered.
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It felt like years passed, by the time the train completely passed by. Moments later, Antonio shook himself out of his shocked state and called through his radio for back up. After doing so, he turned to look at Kat who was standing behind him, in shock, with her feet seemingly glued to the ground beneath her.
“Kat!” He yelled concerned, approaching her. “You, alright?” He asked, soon realizing it was a stupid question but not really knowing a proper one to ask.
“Relatively speaking-...” She scoffed and nodded, her hands trembled, and tears formed in her eyes but she wouldn’t let them fall. She continued to stare at where the train had been a few moments earlier, almost as if she were lost in time. “I think- I think I’m gonna be sick.” She added soon after, abruptly feeling her stomach turning.  She turned away from Antonio, just in case, but nothing came up.
“Just- don’t look.” Antonio sighed, embracing Kat close and turning them around to face the opposite direction of the train. Police officers arrived shortly after and began shutting down the train station for further investigation and clean up.
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The next morning was rough. With the lack of sleep and the scene replaying itself over and over again in her head, there was no way Kat could focus. 
“Hey, Beautiful.” Antonio smiled softly, as Kat approached him. Kat expected that phrase to come out with more of a tone of teasing, but he sounded genuine. Like- he actually meant it. Despite her tired ensemble.
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“Hey, man.” She replied, her voice drained. She struggled with staying in reality, flashbacks of seeing Antonio and yesterday’s assailant running towards the oncoming train, threatening entrance in her mind. The feelings coming over her all over again. “Can I talk to you real quick?” She pointed with her thumb to an empty interrogation room behind her.
“Sure- What’s up?” He asked, staring into her eyes concerned, not even waiting for them to make it to the room before asking. He followed as she lead the way, patiently waiting for her response.
“I’m struggling, Toni.” Kat confessed, right after closing the door behind them. “How do you do it? How do you block it out?” Kat’s eyes teared up.
“Kat- What? Is this about what happened yesterday?” He furrowed his brows, examining her body language. She was nearly shaking, her eyes on the verge of tears again and judging by the bags under her eyes, she didn’t have much luck sleeping last night either, he assumed. She struggled to respond with words but she didn’t have to. He reached out his arms and welcomed her into them, embracing her, comforting her as she let herself sob into the crook of his neck. 
“I keep seeing him, Toni. I keep wondering if we could’ve prevented him from jumping-”
“Shhh-” Antonio cooed, holding her close. “Kat, you can’t do this to yourself... He was dead, regardless if he jumped or not. His life was already over.”
“He chose to jump, Kat. You didn’t push him... I know it’s hard, especially since this is your first run in with a situation like this but, believe me it won’t be your last... But- people like you, Kat. People like us, we’re strong enough to handle them.” He pulled back, winking at her then kissing her forehead. “Just know you don’t have to handle it all by yourself. There’s counselors meant for this, and you’ve got me...” He smiled softly.
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“Thank you, Toni.” The edges of her mouth, crept upwards. Something about coming clean to him and him saying that she didn’t have to go through this alone, helped amensly.
“How about you come over tonight? I’ll make us some dinner. We can watch a movie and you can sleepover. I wanna make sure you get some sleep tonight.” He smiled, his hand caressing her cheek, sliding his thumb beneath the dark circles of her eyes. He slipped his hand down, dropping it to her arm and down to her hand, before entwining his with hers. “What do you say?
“I would love to.” She smiled before wrapping her arms around his torso once more. 
“We’ll get through this.” Toni reassured her, through the hug. 
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