#it's kind of like that one ask about my fankids and school shootings
nitewrighter · 1 year
Sombra text: For the record, I refuse to get into any small submarines. Mauga text: Wouldn't it be a big submarine for you? Reaper text: Wouldn't it be a regular submarine for you? Widow text: Wouldn't it be a normal sized submarine for you? Sombra text: You all can got to hell!
Hey I think this is as topical as the next guy but I'm not South Park. Like, yeah I think it's absolutely wild to be ridiculously rich and die from catastrophic implosion at the bottom of the ocean because you're bolted into in a metal tube (THAT HASN'T BEEN ASSESSED BY ANY GOVERNING PARTIES TO MEET ANY INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS OF SEAWORTHINESS) that's controlled by a third-party knockoff xbox controller, but you're not going to see me make Overwatch characters talk about it.
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peachships · 3 years
I don't know who most of your f/os are (and im really sorry about that) but those fankid asks are just too cute so please do 🙂 📖 🤬 ✏ & 🤝 with whoever you want!
I'm gonna answer these for mine and Mac's son, Andrew "Andy" Owen MacCready! He's about 10 years old
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🙂 - What was their first word? How old where they when they said it? How surprised were you and their other parent(s) if they have any?
"Baby"! He picked up on Mac and I calling each other that, and we'd talk to Andrew and call him "baby" and "baby boy"
We were at our home, the refurbished Red Rocket, sitting at the table eating lunch and he just pointed at Mac and said "baby!"
We were absolutely flabbergasted and just looked at each other like :O and encouraged Andrew to say it again which was a mistake because for the next week he just kept yelling "baby" at everything
📖 - Do they like to have stories red to them at bedtime? How about at any other time? What's their favorite story?
Before he learned to read on his own, he LOVED having Grognak and The Unstoppables read to him. So many times I'd peek around the door to see Mac wildly reenacting what's going on in the comics and Andrew is absolutely enthralled.
He loves when I manage to go to the old Boston Library and bring back books that are still legible because he's a bit of a bookworm. He picked up on reading very easily and Duncan is a great big brother who helps him.
The Unstoppables' "Visit the Ux-Ron Galaxy!" is Andrew's favourite
🤬 - Have you ever gotten into any arguments? If so, what was the worst one? How did you guys make up?
Oh we've definitely gotten into arguments since he's a lot like me, and he's 11 years younger than his brother so they have typical sibling arguments.
I think the worst one was him stealing my modified shotgun and going down to Concord because he wanted to "prove I'm as tough as daddy" at 8 years old. In Mac's defense, he never thought his stories of Little Lamplight would make Andy do this. Oh when I found out he was gone, I grabbed Dogmeat and we tracked him down. Fortunately there weren't any raiders or anything, just some bloatflies which he did a surprisingly good job killing.
To say I yelled is an understatement, I cried as I told him I was terrified and how he could've gotten hurt while he was saying that if dad could do it so could he. He was definitely grounded but we talked about it and agreed that he can learn to shoot and defend himself if he doesn't run off again. Now he's a damn good shot with a pistol and learning with a sniper rifle
✏ - What is their favorite subject in school? There least favorite subject?
Spelling and History for sure. Curie offered to teach him along with the other children settlers at Sanctuary so he went to school there. He's bad at math (sorry kiddo) but Andy brings home amazing spelling and history grades!
🤝 - Do they have any friends, real or imaginary? Do they make friends easily or are they shy?
Andy has his brother Duncan and his cousin Ella and the other kids of Sanctuary. He's shy and kind of a wallflower in gatherings but he's such a sweet kid and makes friends easily if you take the time to talk to him <3
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