#it's kinda fun drawing on my mobile device
a-bit-too-short · 1 year
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@sariphantom 's Risetober prompt Day Four.
October 4th, 20XX
Leo found the perfect amulet for his costume. The issue is that it costs far too much.
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thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
Do you have any app or mobile game to suggest? QwQ I wanna try playing something new
OOF there's so many mobile games I'm listing so prepare yourself
BATTLE CATS is the shit. Tough levels at points but there is a semblance of progress to be had. They added a lot of events and extra shit so it might be overwhelming for new people. i have no idea tho I barely started playing it again.
I'm a lover of the solitare genres (klondike and spider) but ugh the ads. I really only like them for the virtual customization of the themes that desktop comps dont provide enough of and having something offline to play on the go. ive been getting better at the four suit spider games, tho- i can feel my brain learning. 😁
Bingo games are fun! I don't have any one in particular I like the best, tho. Been a while since I played them.
Tinker Island 1 has great progression and you have the opportunity to collect the paid currency constantly, building up your gem vault. I like the garden minigame more than the actual gameplay XD.
I like Marvel Puzzle Quest for the match-3 gameplay with the marvel aesthetic. I'd recc. to play this one casually because progression is nonexistent with AND without $.
On the topic of match games, Bejeweled is a classic. 😊 I loved the butterfly rescue one back in the day and poker version was fun too- the tension is just MWAH.
Grand Summoners is for some reason spending a lot of money in ads because I'm seeing it everywhere despite having it on the exact device I'm seeing the ads on??? I'm not saying it's a problem it's just odd, lol. Micromanaging gear and teams will implode your brain but there is some strategy to it, even if you try to auto everything. They have crossover events all the time, on top of progression being kinda slow but still possible, and I'm quite happy with unexpectedly pulling a Hatsune Miku and evolving her. 😊
I would recc. trying out Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links out for a test run to see if the grind is up your alley. Very generous with rarity tickets the last time I played it.
For another simple game, billiards are fun too, and easier to play digitally than in real life, lol. You will be playing against other humans all the time, tho.
Injustice 1 or 2 and Marvel Contest of Champions have their own pros and cons, but both are finger-input fighting/brawl games with IPs so it depends on asthetic and progression i guess? If I had to choose tho, I would say Injustice is more organized in its content than Champions if that makes any sense?
Best Fiends is a cute and neat lil' bubble draw and pop game that has some progression to it, but it's been a while since I played it. Surprising for me that I even like this one since the mascots are cartoony insects.
Color Puzzle is a gradient-building/color-matching puzzle game. I played it during my art class and it made me more aware of how colors react next to each other though it can hurt your eyes.
Visual novel story/chapter games are ones you need to curate yourself to figure out which one you'll want to sit through. Chapters has sexual/explicit stories but a beefy reward system compared to Choices from what I remember, plus community engagement/contests. This likely could have changed now- I haven't checked. Other apps have (slightly) animated characters/establishing shots and some are more customizable in the protagonist and reputation systems (romance or otherwise). They all blended together in my mind like a big soup of colors, but i will tell you that the paid currency choices are never worth it.
(Pixel) Color-by-number games are fun pastimes until they hurt your eyes and drain your device battery.
South Park Phone Destroyer was fun for a bit. Until it wasn't.
Dream Girlfriend is the best Ambition gacha/character simulation game they have, prove me wrong.
side note: have you ever played a mobile game that got deleted? one that was solely a play-to-win that was also fun in general and you were close to maxing out your characters? yeah, it's worse than the pain you feel when you discover your fave fic has been deleted from the internet😢
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mattdcblog · 3 years
hey! you mention liking quarterly (same btw). Do you have any particular favorites?
Ok before I get into this I wanna say something really fun: YOU got me into the quarterlies! A while back when you were taking questions about JLI you said some really good stuff (and true, too!) about #1 that made me want to read it again, but pay closer attention. So I did, and I loved it even more. I encourage anybody reading this to find your post about it because otherwise I'm just gonna be restating what you've already said, but a lot less eloquently, lol.
Under a readmore again for this one because as it seems I've got the gift of the gab lalala
I'm just gonna point out the little things I liked: the conglomerate jackets (weirdly draw a LOT of attention to boosters basically skin-tight BRIGHT YELLOW PANTS, but at least he's not alone on that front, as reverbs got the same situation but at least has a visible belt to balance it out.)
I'm a HUGE sucker for Bob Pinaha's letters, and I'm surprised they don't get talked about more. He does letters for a lot of the quarterly issues, and I really love how rounded and clear all of his writing is. It's a noticable difference from the regular JLI issues having the very thin letters of Bob Lappan, and I can instantly identify it as being his lettering. Side note: did not realize there were two bobs doing letters. Ain't that something!
And lastly (because all good things come in threes,) a lot of the dialogue in this issue is AMAZING. Page 21 and 22 where booster and beetle are arguing is, imo, the best example of this. You can read this dialogue aloud and get the sense that it's something people would actually say to each other (at least on TV hdmfndf what I'm trying to say is that it's dialogue with a purpose, and it's being propelled by these characters personalities.) It's everything to me, from beetle calling booster "a walking ad for the military industrial complex" (which you pointed out in your response,) to the second panel exchange on page 22. I've said it before but I kinda love when they fight lol, it's like catharsis for me.
But as for the OTHER quarterly issues...!
Kind of ashamed to admit I still have to sit down and really READ them. What I mean is that, for my initial read through of all the JLI stuff, I was skimming like crazy. I missed a LOT, and it was only when I went back and read panel by panel that i started to really Get It. it's kind of the same here, my apologies.
I do like the amount of screen time fire and ice get in the quarterlies though! That's really fun. The story about them in issue #5 is the highlight of that issue for me haha.
Issue #7 with Ted's class reunion is another solid story imo! Lots of very nice team dynamic going on during the fight, lots of spotlight on Ted that imo does a good job of showing off his skills and intelligence without making him seem above human (esp page 27.) I also love that he calls guy for help and even though he's gotta kinda egg him on to show up, guy still does what he asked. Also the image of him carrying the JLE in a bubble makes me laugh lol.
Also fun fact about the device Ted uses to tap into the phone line on page 14: that's a real thing! It looks more like this in real life:
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It's called a butt set (seriously!) And while it's for the most part used to test if a phone line is active (ie has a dial tone,) there IS a way to use it to listen in on other people's phone calls. Or, well. There was. Mobile phones kind of destroyed that application of it for home use. I think this is the one and only time the tools I use at work has ever had any significance on my comic interests lol
I still need to read the Dmitri story in the same issue, it looks sweet!
I really like the story "when titans date" in issue #10. I like the art (even if wally and booster look almost exactly the same apart from Wally's hair being like two shades darker.) It's kind of a silly story all around, but I like a LOT of the dialogue. The little stuff like Bea recognizing Ted in the first page and immediately waving to him...ok imo Bea is really well in this one, I like the way she's written a lot. This page especially is my favorite:
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Shout out to Ted's jacket too. A good leather jacket goes a long way. Meanwhile boosters kinda got that Charlie brown thing going on. ..anyway...
I love that the whole story is kinda cyclical too, like the set up with the car paying off (booster: "you were in the parking lot? Did you see the car? Is it okay?!?" Wally: "are you kidding? That car saved my life!")
It's silly for sure, but for me the writing and the art really sell it.
I stopped reading around issue #12 because if I remember right it started to get a bit more conglomerate focused (and the art wasn't really doing it any favors.) But I am definitely going to try to get all of the issues up to that point, and am definitely going to read them in full! Who knows, I may come back to this ask and have completely new opinions!
Thank you for the ask, and for being so knowledgeable on comics in general!
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arctic-the-archaic · 4 years
I, after searching for an inexplicably long time, have not been able to learn how to insert a ‘keep reading’ link. I apologize profusely, as I am on mobile. @loving-fox-hours
Day 4: Undercover Mission/ Scars
Commander Fox was in his element.
He was in a social setting. He was armed. He had a mission. He had objectives.
Fox wasn’t a super social man, but when men who had been assigned to the Guard were brought to Coruscant, they were given classes in social etiquette and the like to help them better deal with the Coruscanti Elite.
His eyes casually swung around the interior of the cantina he was in, looking for something specific. Come on, come on. You’re late.
His eyes swept over a Twi’Lek sitting alone in a booth, Gotcha.
He stood up casually, holding his glass in one hand and walking over to the booth. “This seat taken?”
That was the code-phrase agreed upon. It wasn’t exactly original, or foolproof, but with the aura of danger the lone Twi’Lek radiated, not even an inebriated Trandoshan would be dumb enough to sit with her.
The blue skinned Twi’Lek looked over her shoulder, smirking predatorily at Fox. “Yeah. By you.”
With that, Fox sat down opposite her and kicked his feet up on the table in his best imitation of a cocky Bounty Hunter. Glancing over to his left as he sipped his drink, which just so happened to be Andoan White (He blamed Thire for his sudden like of the drink), he saw an inactive holo-projector above the bar and looked at his reflection. His raven black hair that was originally styled in a crew-cut was now down to a bit under his ears, it was extremely similar if not outright identical to Boba Fett’s, if Fox remembered from the one time he’d met the little menace. His carefully trimmed beard was now a scruffy goatee, and his mustache was slightly less uniform. He had a scar going across his face from about an inch above his right eye, going diagonally downwards through his right eyebrow, over the bridge of his nose, and stopping a bit above his jawbone. He had another scar going from the bottom of the right side of his jawbone, up to about an inch under his eye. These weren’t fake, these he just had.
He was wearing a worn brown leather jacket with random patches and scrapes. Under the jacket was a blank grey long sleeve shirt that hid several more scars. On his left hand was another scar, going from the left side of his wrist up to his index finger. His lower half was covered by black cargo trousers, with a holster carrying a ‘stolen’ DC-17 attached to his utility belt. His brown combat boots were well worn and scuffed as they rested on the table. He set his drink down and looked at the Twi’Lek. “Jax Detson?”
Fox nodded. “Ryla Letook.” He spoke her name in a statement, not a question. The hell kinda name is Jax Detson anyway? Whichever sheb-head at Republic Intelligence came up with this, I’m gonna have a word with them.
The Twi’Lek smiled. “My my, you are a handsome one. I might give you a discount…”
Ugh, I don’t understand how Thire can deal with this osik. But I have to fekking play along.
Fox smirked. “You aren’t so bad yourself, now, do move a favor and show me the merchandise, yea?” Maker, I feel like I need to vomit after saying even just that. How can people be so crude?
The Twi’Lek grinned and stood up. “Right this way,” And then walked away and out the back door of the cantina, Fox following a few steps behind.
Outside in the dark alley, the woman stopped in front of a pair of speeders that had several crates on them. Fox stopped next to her, and then raised his hands to fix his coat collar….
That’s a lot of spice. How the hell did they get it past Customs?
…..and gently brushed the activation button on a recording device attached to the underside of his collar. “Kark that’s a lotta spice. How the hell did you get it past Customs?”
The Twi’Lek grinned. “Trade secret. Though, I could be… persuaded to tell you.” The look she shot him was utterly lecherous.
Oh for kriff’s sake. I can not believe I’m about to do this. But, we have to know how they got it in.
Fox put on his best suave smile, even though it utterly pained him to do so. “Well, I’ve been told I can be pretty persuasive.” Maker, this is not fun.
The Twi’Lek laid a hand on his chest, pushing back against the alley wall, smirking up at him. The other hand went up to his face-spanning scar and ran along it. “Mm… what caused this?”
Against the wall. Vulnerable position. Lets fix this.
Fox quickly flipped the Twi’Lek against the wall, making her giggle. “Caught a vibro-blade to the face.” And that was actually true.
(It was supposed to be a simple bust. In, clear out the spice dealers, take in the spice, out. But nope. They had gotten pinned in a firefight, and then a CQB engagement when the gangsters had run out of ammo and charged them. Fox’s helmet had gotten knocked off in the chaos when a crazed Nautolan came at him with a ridiculously large blade, cutting from above his right eyebrow to below his left eye. Fox killed him not a second later, and continued to fight even with his vision obscured by his own blood. That was how he earned the nasty scar. Of course, Thorn and Thire liked to say he got it in a speeder crash. He would’ve reprimanded them, but it was actually endearing.)
Gah, this is not fun in the slightest.
“Oh, sounds painful. Not as much pain as I can cause though.” Ryla replied, grinning.
“Oh yeah? You should see the vibro-blade.” Fox shot back.
Ryla smirked, leaning up to mutter in his ear. “Makes you look quite… rakish.” Her hand drifted to the one on his cheek. “What about this one?”
“Det shrapnel.” Will you shut up and tell me what I want to know?
(It was about midday at a press conference for GAR PR. Fox had his helmet off to try and give off a friendlier appearance. And then a man had run in, shouting about freedom from the Republic, and throwing a detonator at the stage before running. Fox tackled one of the dignitaries away from it, but didn’t protect himself. When it detonated, a piece of shrapnel flew at them, and it sliced Fox across his cheek. No jokes were spawned about this one, but Fox was proud of it.)
“Oh.. you must get into danger pretty often. I like that. And you earned your answer, and it’s because we have an agent who lets us get it through. Now, lets have some fun.” Ryla reached for his jacket, and was suddenly unconscious as a stun bolt from his discreetly drawn DC-17. He let the woman drop and looked at the crates of spice, Finally. That was just…. annoying.
He walked towards them, only for three voices to sound from behind him.
“Who are you?”
“What did you do to Ryla?”
Fox groaned and turned around, coming face to face with a female Theelin, and two male humans.
“He attacked her! Kill him!”
Fox sighed as the gangsters all drew their blasters, rolling into cover and drawing his own blaster as they started peppering the crate he was hiding behind with fire. Well this is a fine mess you’ve gotten yourself into Fox. After degrading yourself no less. Fan-fekking-tastic day.
There was a lull in the blaster fire and Fox took his chance, rolling out of cover and blasting away at the gangsters. One of the humans took a bolt to the face, collapsing immediately to the ground. The other human got off two blasts, one skimming Fox’s shoulder and burning through his jacket and shirt, and then burning his skin. The second one went straight through his arm, making him grunt in pain. He let loose another three blaster bolts, all hitting the human in his chest, making him collapse to the ground. Sloppy. You fekked up Foxy-boy. You actually got hit.
The Theelin screamed and shot at him, but he rolled again, stopping at a kneel and pulling his vibro-knife from his belt and throwing it, quickly and precisely, making it land square in between the Theelin’s eyes. As the woman fell, Fox stood and grunted, retrieving his knife and holstering his blaster. That took you too long. He berated himself.
He walked over to the one living assailant and slapped a pair of binders on her. Then looked towards the alley entrance as a trio of speeders and a Police gunship came up.
“Thire!” Fox snapped at the trooper as he walked up.
“Yessir?” The blond commander replied.
“Don’t ever suggest me for an undercover assignment again.”
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elstreem · 4 years
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I thought it would be fun to do a comparison art of how I’ve been drawing my OC Raine - so here is my first ever drawing of her, all the way back in 2012, versus my most recent drawing of her in 2020! 
Back during 2012, I was obsessed with Adventure Time and giving bird companions to my characters. Also, 2012 me felt like a genius drawing this in MS paint. Simple times.
Everything that happened in between (with significant art every two years) is below if you want to check it out! This post is a little long, so I’ll put the rest under the cut.
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This one is 2014 - I used the default drawing app on the iPhone I think. She was still an Adventure Time OC at the time so I pretty much stole the Ice Queen’s gown and gave it to her. Also I see you, younger me, hiding hands in long sleeves AND behind the back. 
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2016!  This was drawn on my phone using Sketchbook (the old version with a blue icon). Not entirely sure where this gown design came from, but at this point I was starting to think about drawing less stylized bodies. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just wanted to move away from purely copying something else’s art style, which is what I was doing at the time. 
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Things were getting somewhere in 2018 - Raine was no longer an Adventure Time OC, she was my own character, a spirit of the rain with a dress and hair of storm clouds. Also lol, tried to draw her original look but the outfit and colors are all wrong. This was also drawn on my phone using Sketchbook.
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Also 2018, but on a brand new phone and a new app! Trying out Medibang Paint is one of the best decisions I ever made, and it’s still what I use on my mobile devices. This mer-Raine design isn’t entirely original since I was drawing from Legend of Mana (Specifically I used Flameshe’s design), but this is still a huge step up from what I was able to do with Sketchbook. Also yay, drawing more hands!
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2019!!! By this time I know for sure what I want Raine to look like, and it was also in 2019 that I stepped up my backgrounds. Which lead to...
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This monster artwork in December of 2019! I was on a kick to draw characters as detailed as possible with fantasy inspirations, so Raine became a merperson with an Aquarius look going on. The water took so long to paint but I’m glad for it! Also I got a Samsung Galaxy tablet in 2019, and having a stylus makes for cleaner, quicker lineart. I still prefer to draw on that instead of my Wacom tbh, but I just gotta adapt to it!
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And here are my other 2020 drawings for Raine (with a bonus Alexandra and Destiny)!
It’s been a long journey since I started out with MS Paint, and it’s good to remember how far I’ve come and what else I’m looking forward to achieving. I’m still working on drawing Raine consistently (kinda still have the tendency to draw characters with long, model-like legs and I want to move away from that). I’ve been trying to draw Raine to look more Filipino over time, and maybe sometime I can make a story for her set in or using mythologies of the Philippines, so I have that to work towards to. 
Also, some other lessons I’ve learned: 
A good art app can make a difference! Medibang is my current go-to and I’m adapting to Clip Studio Paint as well. Experiment, try to find out which is comfortable to use. I’m only using Medibang’s default settings but it’s taken me quite far because I’ve been using it for quite some time now.
When you want to develop drawing something - in my case it was hands, draw it over and over and over again! It’ll look bad and awkward but you should rinse and repeat until you get the look you want. 
Don’t be scared to go back to basics. I started drawing Raine exclusively in an art style mimicking Adventure Time, and over time my inspiration shifted to anime, so I drew Raine with that kind of visuals in mind. But when I wanted to draw her in a style I really wanted, I looked up drawing in a more realistic style. I still don’t draw realistically, but that helped me find the look I want for my art.
Addition and subtraction - when it comes to character details, some stuff gets left behind, and new stuff gets added in. Like with anything, just go on and try out what works! Raine lost her earrings (though I might return that now lol) and she used to have a feather in her ponytail, but she got this look with the cloud hair and clothing, and I think that will be staying. It’s a design I love - I love how it looks and it’s fun to draw!
Well, that should be enough rambling. I hope this is fun to read for other people as fun as it was for me to gather everything up!
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
01/18/2020 DAB Transcript
Genesis 37:1-38:30, Matthew 12:22-45, Psalms 16:1-11, Proverbs 3:27-32
Today is the 18th day of January, welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I’m Brian it's great to be here with you today as we end a…end a week. This is actually…I’m looking at a calendar…this is the third weekend of this new decade. I guess I hadn't realized that until just now. Nevertheless, we have set sail. We have moved all the way here 18 days on our journey and we will continue that journey today. We’re reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week, which is today, and we have been working our way through the stories of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose name became Israel. And now we’re going to pick up the story of Israel and Jacob's son Joseph. So, today Genesis chapters 37 and 38.
Father, we thank You for Your word and we thank You for another complete week together in Your word and starting to feel the rhythm of the year now, this new decade upon us, starting to settle in, which is one of the words that we spoke of this year. And, so, we ask that You help us to do that, to find within ourselves, amidst all of the disruption that the Bible can bring to us, that what's really happening here is that what's false is being shaken. And sometimes we didn't even know it was false until it's exposed. But there is the truth deep within us where You live where the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells and this place is true and we want to learn about this place within us, because this is the place that Your word speaks to. And, so, come Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth. This is the promise the Scriptures give us, and we believe that You will. Lead us on the narrow path that leads to life. Come Holy Spirit we pray. In the name of Jesus, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what’s going on around here. So, be sure to stay tuned and stay connected
The Community section of the website, and for that matter, the app, you can get all these sections in the Daily Audio Bible app by pressing the Drawer icon in the upper left-hand corner. And by the way, while we’re talking about this, I mean, over the years of the Daily Audio Bible there’s been different iterations of the app. The latest iteration is the one that we are really trying to move everybody into and onto because we have finally reached a place where so many of the technologies that we were building and dreaming and living into and having to come up with, finally, we have like an incredibly stable environment where, if you check a box that you listened, it checks the box. We even had problems with that last year. Like if you check that box, it's checked, it's done. Done deal. In fact, you check a box it's checked on any device you are logged in. Like, so, I had a fun time playing with this. like logging in on the web player, then using the app and checking the checkbox that I’d listened to a certain day on the app and then watching it instantly appear on the computer. It’s like across the board, finally. So, I say all that to say, if you haven't updated recently then go to your web store and look for Daily Audio Mobile app. You may see other Daily Audio Bible apps. Some of those other previous apps, they are being depreciated, they’re going away. Look for Daily Audio Bible mobile app. And even if that's the app that you're using, but you haven't updated in a while, this most recent update that we've done back, actually back at the beginning of the year, is by far…I mean…what's under the hood….the technology under the hood…is really what you’re gonna want to be using. So, update. How did I get on all that? Like I was talking about navigation. So, like, alright, back to the website or the app, go the Community section of the website, find a different links to different social media channels that we participate in, links to the Prayer Wall, like ways to stay connected and praying for one another and now we’re a couple weeks into this year. So, one of the rhythms that become apparent is that we’re a community that's actually incredibly loving, incredibly accepting. Like everybody knows that we’re in this together and we’re all…like…we’ve decided to try to live in the truth, like Jesus is demonstrating for us, which means that…that we accept each other on…on the journey that were on knowing that we’re sharing some history together. And the best thing we can do is love one another, pray for one another, encourage one another. And, so, you know, that's…that's the Prayer Wall and that's the prayers that come in at the end every day. So, you know, kinda like a little bit of a discombobulated conversation, discussing all these things, but I think that's really, I wanted to say is stay connected. That makes all the difference in the world on a journey like this. So, stay up to date and stay connected.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link that lives on the homepage and I thank you profoundly and humbly for your partnership. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I will be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi, this is Candace from Oregon. I love you Daily Audio Bible. Have I told you that lately? And Brian and Jill thank you so much. Oh Lord that none of us ever take for granted this amazing situation. I want to thank Rachel from Pennsylvania and everyone else who’ve been praying for me and my household. We were under terrible attacks. Starting in November, it went on all the way into January and made…the holidays were good…but this was sort of underlying it and very stressful. I think it’s much better now. Please pray. January 28th, I have a beloved in law who might…who has to go to court and might end up doing some jail time. So, please pray that whatever is the best thing for this dear one will occur, be that jail time or not and that the judge and everyone he has to interact with will know how to point him in the right direction. Lord have your way. Also, please for my February 8th piano recital, that all the students will do well and that the whole experience of taking these lessons will be part of drawing them into a relationship with the Lord Jesus. Thank you so much for your prayers and I am praying for all of you as well. May the Lord’s name be praised.
[singing starts] I will send out an army to find you in the middle of the darkest night. It’s true I will rescue you. I will never stop marching to reach you in the middle of the hardest fight. It’s true I will rescue you [singing ends]. Hey this is for Anonymous who called back on December 27th and to anyone else who thinks since God’s so good and we’re so bad we’re not worthy and He doesn’t want anything to do with us, but like the song says He’s doing everything He can to get to us and He will rescue you. So, just a little encouragement.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible family this is Carla Jean from Las Vegas calling today asking you to pray for my son Noah. He’s 23 years old and has been fighting a spiritual battle most of his life. I keep thinking that God must have great plans for this boy for him to be so pursued by Satan. He’s 23 and he contacted me yesterday in the middle of an anxiety attack and we Facetimed for an hour trying to get him to seek help. He lives in a different state and he’s afraid because he has no health insurance and I told him I don’t care, just get the help you need, and I will take care of it financially. I’ve asked him if he wants me to come to him and he does not want me to go there. He is a sweet boy and I’m just…am asking you to storm heaven with me. Matthew 8:16 said many who were demon possessed were brought to him and He drove out the spirit with a word and healed all the sick. That’s my prayer for my son Noah and I’m praying for all of you who are fighting spiritual demons right now. May the Lord grant us all peace. Amen.
Some skim the surface while others dig deep yet both of them say Your commandments they keep one says confess and believe in your heart and you shall be saved you’ll have a new start and nothing and no one can take that away salvation is yours, whatever may but then the other one says action speaks louder than words and faith without works is just air for the birds if God is in your life then there should be some change all things are new if they’re not something strange but both of them say that Christ is the way that judgment is coming and you should trust and obey but yet and still both of them put others down including each other the cycle just goes round vicious in nature and not from our God which they both claim to represent which really seems odd traditions and customs leading to sin the Sadducees and Pharisees all over again what will it lead to where will it end misleading the children of God is a terrible sin though not by intention for they too are deceived but that original serpent also fooled Eve some skim the surface while others dig deep yet both of them say your commandments they keep
[email protected]. Like to give a shout out to Sherlock Washington and Kim and Michelle from LA. Hope you both are doing well and know you’re all in my prayers daily. And once again Brian and the Hardin family thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit flow. Keep it flown’ y’all. All right bye-bye.
Hello sweet DABber family this is Trusting Father in South Carolina. It is Sunday the 12th about 4 o’clock in the morning and I’m a five-year listener, this is my second time calling in, the first time being about a year and a half ago when my daughter had an affair. Since then she divorced and went into another relationship, a real bad relationship and from that she is pregnant, and we have a precious little baby boy on his way in April. But also, in her family she has two other little boys, one is five and the other soon to be three and I’m asking prayer for her. She…I don’t even know how to put it into words, but she is…she is very confused. She is in a high-powered job and, you know, before she went into her affair, she and her husband were…you know...they like to party and…and I’m…I just…I don’t even know. I feel like her…she’s just messed up mentally, emotionally, physically and, of course spiritually. So, I need to also tell you this, that I have a son who’s an alcoholic and a recluse and he’s 34 years old and we have another daughter who’s been in a 10 year relationship with another woman and my husband has been depressed before we were even married when where we are age 19 and 20. So, it has been very intense here, especially lately. And I want to, I don’t know, I just felt very led to reach out just ask for your prayer and I’m just so grateful in knowing that Father’s faithful. And thank you so much.
Hello this is Duncan from Fredericksburg Texas. I’ve tried…I’ve been on here once at least, I know that. For the lady in South Carolina whose sister is…is in...is in ICU let me pray right now. Oh Father so many hurting people and there are many listening to this who are broken and hurting and at various stages of grief, various stages of anger, various stages of anything that’s not good. Father, I know I’ve been in…I’m still…the post-holiday __ or hardships of life are…are sometimes harder to deal with and especially Father for those of us who have lost loved ones as I have lost my wife back in October. Father just take care of…of this gal, just please touch her and heal. Father just raise up people, more people who will love her back…back to health. Father, I believe that can be done with encouragement and father with being ministered to and I just ask you to do that for this lady who is suffering from bipolar and is in the ICU. And for…I cannot remember names, so many of them. So, just take care of them Jesus. Thank you. Amen. And now, just for me. I request, I am a pianist, I am…just happened to be totally blind but that doesn’t stop me. I’m 73 years old that does not stop me either. And I will be going to upstate New York next weekend and then to Long Island and then finally back up to Buffalo. I leave Saturday the 27th and then come back…no…Saturday the 18th and then come back the 27th then a player local gig on the 28th. So, I just ask you to pray for me…
Hello Daily Audio Bible family this is J from Nashville. Got a little bit of a something going on with my throat, but I wanted to take a moment to pray for the people who just feel like they can’t catch a break. Heavenly Father, in the precious and mighty magical name of Jesus Christ, God we come before You this morning adoring You and lifting up the holy name of Jesus. Mighty God bless You as we confess of any sins that we may have committed knowingly or unknowingly. Lord we rest in Your forgiveness and we thank You for Your grace and mercy allowing us to come to You again and again receiving this precious gift that You give us. Father, we need You in this moment. We pray for Your comfort. We pray that Your Holy Spirit will give us wisdom and understanding in these times where we just feel like giving up, where You feel like all the odds are against us and we can’t find a single way out. Lord we ask that in these moments of despair, confusion, fear, we ask that You will remind us in a way that only You know how, that You are there and You will always be there and You are in control. We love You Father. We praise You Jesus. We glorify You God and we thank You. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. I love you family. I miss you. Until next time.
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vampatty · 5 years
answer all of those questions
goddamn here i go i guess
Yahoo: What’s something that you spent a lot of money on that you now regret?
i don't tend to spend a whole lot of money on things but there are some shirts i bought recently that i regret now bc i don't wear
Verizon: What’s something that you couldn’t pay someone to take off your hands?
the ugly ass furniture in my room omfg
Ads: Dumbest thing you’ve done for attention?
listen there's no way to rank this because i constantly outdo myself but just know that it was pretty fuckin stupid
Staff: Is there any advice you wish you’d listened to, but never did?
probably like. 'drink water and exercise now so you get in the habit for later!!'
Users: Tag a friend who you’ve met on this hellsite.
@topmaxx !! he my babey
Automattic: Best item you’ve found at a yard sale/secondhand store?
i found a mfin real friends shirt at a thrift store a couple months ago it's great
The Mobile App: What’s something you have that just never works properly but you still use it?
literally every electronic device i've ever had i stg
Less Than 3 Million: How much money in pocket change (coins) do you have right now?
37 cents babie !!
Capitalism: If you have a job, what’s the thing you dislike most about it?
i don't have a job yet but i hope to soon
Memes: Post the last meme you’ve saved or created.
oh good god i hope this isn't bad
i have no clue what image this was attached to so Do Not Ask
Shitposting: What is something that you do purely for fun?
watch those bon appetit videos where they turn snack foods into gourmet shit i love those sm
Female Presenting Nipples: Have you ever been told to leave a place because of your actions or your appearance?
kinda?? when i went to the state fair my friend jokingly smacked me right next to the line where our other friend was standing to buy his deep fried pickles and i hit him back and the guy running the stand yelled at us for it lmao
“What If We Buy Tumblr”: How long have you been on Tumblr (and what are some of the most ridiculous things you’ve seen in that time)?
Things You Could Buy For The Price Of Tumblr: How much do you think your blog is worth? What could you buy for that?
i actually have a few popular posts on here so it's gonna be at least like. 60 cents. i could buy like half a McDonalds sundae with that man
oh god like 4 years at this point?? definitely some ridiculous shit discourse wise but one of the most ridiculous things i remember seeing recently was a drawing meme where op said you couldn't draw real people in the outfits lmao that confused me to no end
Tumblr media
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imaginetonyandbucky · 7 years
Imagine Tony has been in the habit of enthusiastically indulging Bucky anytime Bucky actually chooses something. But Bucky has gotten too used to it, and is sort of riding roughshod over Tony now. (Not maliciously, just thoughtlessly.) Tony of course has no idea how to talk about the issue and so has been just going with it and letting it build and build. Finally a(nother?) major boundary is crossed and Bucky realizes what's been happening. Cue amends/compromises for a happy ending?
[A/N: This takes place in our Communal Kitchen ‘verse, between chapters 33 and 34 of Winter is Coming. But you don’t need to have read that to read this.]
Buckywas Bucky again, and not the Winter Soldier, thank god for smallmercies. Seeing Bucky triggered -- and then being forced to triggerhim again in order to win him back -- it had been one of the worstexperiences of Tony’s life.
AndTony had quite a few terrible experiences to choose from.
Ithad been even worse for Bucky, of course, and it was showing. Evenback to himself, he was quiet and withdrawn. And it didn’t takelong for Tony to realize that he was falling back into the habit ofletting others -- especially Tony -- tell him what to do.
Buckyhad noticed it, too; Tony could see him struggling with it. Therewasn’t much Tony could do to help, aside from watch his ownphrasing and try to be supportive of Bucky’s efforts to fight thoseingrained instincts. And to reward assertions of Bucky’s ownpreferences over Tony’s.
Ithad started small -- Tony said, “How do you feel about Chinese fordinner?” and Bucky had visibly braced himself before he responded,“Nah, I’d rather have Italian tonight.”
Tonyhad been craving eggrolls, but supporting Bucky’s fragileindependence was infinitely more important. He could have eggrollsany time. So Tony had swooped in on his boyfriend and kissed himbreathless. “Whatever you want, sweetheart.”
Andso it went.
Itwasn’t like it was hard. Simple things. Food choices -- and whenhad Tony ever really cared about food, except as fuel, so switchingfrom Mexican to Indian wasn’t too much of a big deal. Or movies;and after Bucky had watched enough modern cinema to have developed ataste in movies at all -- aside from just watching with all thediscernment of a four-year-old -- they were mostly compatible in thatdirection.
Buckyliked science fiction, the more cerebral and speculative, the better.He scoffed at the original StarTrek,but devoured JupiterAscendinglikeit was Oscar worthy. Bucky might have had bad taste, there, but hey,it was just a movie. Tony had sat through worse. Really, he had. Hewas sure of it. Maybe. But it was okay, they couldn’t agree oneverymoviethey watched.
Theworst part about it was on the rare occasion where Tony argued(because he was Tony and he always argued; it was in his very natureto be contrary). When Tony pushed back, Bucky would flinch,like he expected Tony to hit him. Or spew a mouthful of hateful wordsat him. Bucky recovered, quick enough, usually with a shake of hishead and a ready smile, and sometimes with a kiss, but Tony noticedhe was always… just a little less himself, after. For a while.
SoTony tried to argue less. With Bucky, anyway. Nothing was importantenough to see Bucky cringe like that, even for an instant, to have toremember Bucky’s life held in his hands. And really, Bucky askedfor so little, and he was so loving and generous with Tony...Relationships were about compromise, right?
Pepperwould be proud of how he’d grown.
[mobile readers, ‘ware the readmore!]
Sowhat if Bucky wanted to take the Tesla when they went out, instead ofTony’s favorite Audi?
Itwasn’t like it was any trouble. It wasn’t like Tony didn’t liketheTesla, too.
Okay,Tony did get in trouble the time that Bucky had wanted to stay in bedand cuddle, and Tony had missed an early investors meeting. Pepperhad been livid.“I didn’t forget,” Tony protested when she paused to draw abreath. “I just lost track of time, a little. Bucky wanted a littleextra cuddling this morning, and you know he’s been under theweather lately.”
“Tony,your boyfriend is older than you and me and Jim put together,”Pepper snapped, her eyes flashing dangerously. “He is grown upenough to be left to his own devices, whereas the Japanese PrimeMinister wanted some personalreassurancesthat integrating Stark Technologies for the majority of their publicutilities coordination was going to go smoothly. Reassurances that cannot give him, because I am a woman.” This was even moredangerous, although Tony would like to point out that certaindisagreeable sexism issues in other countries were entirely outsideof his wheelhouse. “Japan has a population density of three hundredand fifty per square mile; that’s a lot of people to be withoutpower if these new grids can’t hold up to the strain!”
“Ipromise I will go and see him at the embassy before his trip isover,” Tony swore. “Seriously, I didn’t mean to miss it, Ijust...” He trailed off, and held up his hands helplessly. “Comeon, Pep; you know me better than that. You know I didn’t mean it.”
“Iunderstand that you are indulging your boyfriend, and I’m veryhappy for you that you seem to have learned somethingaboutrelationships,” Pepper said, and she was gritting her teeth in away that suggested happywasthe least of her emotions at this particular point in time. “However,you have more than one relationship. Friends, and co-workers, and acorporation. Balance, Tony.” She sighed at his particularly hangdoglook. “Stop giving me the Bambi eyes. I’ll send him a fruitbasket. But you’d better get out there. Tomorrow at the latest.”
“Absolutely,I promise.”
WhenTony came back from his visit with the Japanese Prime Minister, hefound Bucky hunched over a computer terminal, feverishly comparing...climbing tools? “Hey, babe. What’s cooking?”
Buckylooked up, giving Tony a wide, brilliant smile. “Tony, hi,” hesaid. “Missed you.” He reached out and tugged Tony into his lap.“Was watchin’ some television while you were gone. Documentary onthe Discovery channel. Kinda reminded me a bit -- well, minus theorcs and trolls -- of that movie, what was it? With the littlehobbits, and the ring? That. Yeah. And you know, there’s a spot,Voronja, out in Georgia -- the slavic Georgia, not the state. I wasthere once, for a mission, but I thought it’d be nice to see whenI’m in my right mind. Deepest cave on the planet, they say.”
Well,that sounded moderately horrible. Tony had pretty much avoided cavessince the whole Afghanistan kidnapping incident. But far be it fromhim to discourage another’s fun. “Yeah? You should do that,” heagreed. “Sounds like a heck of a trip.”
“Yeah?”Bucky snuggled up against him, rubbing his chin on Tony’s back.“It’d be fun, right? When do you think we might be able t’ getaway for a bit?”
“...We?”Oh god, Bucky wasn’t thinking that they’d bothgo,was he? “You mean, we,we?”
“No,me an’ Steve,” Bucky said, rolling his eyes. “Of course, we.Us. You an’ me. Like, a vacation.”
“Avacation. In Georgia,” Tony repeated. “In a cave.”
Buckymade an amused little noise. “Legally, I think I’m stillconsidered a Russian citizen.” That had to be a joke, Bucky hadn’tbeen considered a legal anything for most of seventy years. He hadn’texisted, officially, on any country’s census.
“Idon’t know,” Tony hedged. “This thing with Japan has Pepperwound pretty tight. Might be a while before I can get away.”
“Oh,yeah, okay,” Bucky said. He swiped the screen with his right hand,spinning the menu options away. “It… it can wait. Cave’s notgoing anywhere.”
Damnit, he sounded so disappointed. So dejected. Tony scrubbed his handover his face. “Give me a couple of days,” he said, “and I’lltalk to Pepper, see what we can arrange. Maybe we can make it astopover on the way to Japan or something.” He’d never been anygood at denying Bucky anything.
“Great,”Bucky said, and he sounded really pleased. “You know, there’s somuch I remember from then, an’ ain’t very much of it good. I’dlike to show you one of the few things I remember that was pretty.”He nuzzled at Tony’s neck. “You’re th’ best.”
Andnow Tony would have to be the world’s biggest heel to deny him.
Tonykissed Bucky and resigned himself to a cave. And a round or three ofnightmares.
Buckyhad ended up on the far side of the bed again. Tony sometimes calledit the continental drift, where both of them pushed away and therewas a huge swath of empty bed between them. It didn’t happen toooften; the room temperatures were usually quite cool and Bucky putout a lot of body heat, which meant Tony was often curled up on oneside or the other.
Absently,Bucky put out his hand and started patting around for his boyfriend.
Therewasn’t even a Tony-shaped divot in the bed. The memory foam hadcooled enough to be smooth and flat.
Buckyopened his eyes. A distinct lack of Tony in the room. He listened. NoTony in the penthouse, actually. Huh. Bucky was only a particularlydeep sleeper in the first couple hours after he fell asleep. Afterthat, Tony shifting around to get out of bed would have woken him, atleast enough to remember Tony leaving. Sometimes he got an idea inthe middle of the night and had to go to the workshop.
“Hey,J,” Bucky said. “Tony down in the ‘shop?”
“Heis, sir,” JARVIS said. “I believe he woke early and did not wishto disturb your rest.” There was a brief pause, as if JARVIS wasconsidering. “If I might, sir, a word?”
Buckyflashed a grin, knowing JARVIS would see it wherever he was. “Youneed me to go rescue him from himself?” Tony was prone toforgetting to eat, sleep, drink, sometimes forgot even to go to thebathroom unless he was reminded, and over the years, he’d gottenremarkably good at ignoring JARVIS’s mild suggestions that hiscreator might, actually, be human and need to tend to his meat body.
“Presently,”JARVIS agreed. “In the interest of his continued good health,however, I wish to offer something of a trend analysis, if I might beso bold.”
“Haveyou, a day in your existence, ever been less than assertive?” Buckyloved the AI, considered JARVIS nearly as much of the family as Tonydid. Sassy, intelligent, and possessing a certain dry wit, andunimaginable depth of compassion for those humans he took under hiswing -- so to speak.
“Whereit pertains to Mr. Stark’s wellbeing, certainly not,” JARVISsaid. “I have noted a marked increase in restless nights over thelast ten days, and a significant uptick in fear response wakingpatterns indicative of nightmares, in the last four. Analysissuggests that the upswing began when plans were laid for yourupcoming trip.”
“Yeah?That Japan thing got him in a right lather? I know Miss Potts’sbeen givin’ him a bit of a hard time, but--” Bucky shrugged. Hedidn’t know. Business really wasn’t his area of expertise,except, perhaps, in sabotage. He wouldn’t have thought that wouldget Tony wound up, though. From all indications, the Prime Ministerhad been delighted with the system’s promised efficiency, and Tonyalmost never made technological promises he couldn’t deliver on.  
“Mr.Stark has been to Japan on numerous occasions. It has never causedthis significant a deviation,” JARVIS said. “I believe the issuemay be with some plans for your stop in Georgia. Specifically, yourforay into spelunking.”
Thecave was beautiful, Bucky remembered that clearly, remembered beingstruck by the natural power of the place, even in the midst of whathad been a particularly tricky mission -- removing and relocating avaluable geologist whose hobby had been the exploration of caverns --without alerting anyone as to when or where he’d gone missing.
Heblinked. “Wait, Tony’s havin’ nightmares about spelunking?”
“Thatis my speculation, yes. Have you reviewed the file on Mr. Stark’skidnapping, some years past?”
“The…Ten Rings thing, or somethin’ further back?” Bucky knew that Tonyhad spend an inordinate amount of time being kidnapped or held forransom when he was a child, all the way up through his college years.It was kinda disgusting, really, that Howard had never been able totake better care of his own kid.
“Thatis the incident to which I refer, yes.” JARVIS had the tone of avery patient teacher with a particularly slow child. “Are youfamiliar with it?”
Buckywas familiar with a lot of Tony’s life. JARVIS even knew that, hadaccessed all the Hydra files Bucky had liberated about Tony Stark.The Afghanistan incident, that he only had passing knowledge of; theTen Rings hadn’t exactly filmed their brutalities, most of thetime. He’d seen a few pictures, the original ransom demand, theremains of the terrorist camp after Tony had destroyed it.
“He,uh. Got hurt, bad. Took shrapnel in the chest. Would have died,except some scientist put a damn electromagnet in his chest, to keepthe pieces from tearing his heart open,” Bucky said. That much waspretty common knowledge. Everything Bucky knew after that was…well, after. When Tony got back to the States and started on the paththat would eventually lead him to become Iron Man. “They, uh.Wanted him to build them a bomb and tortured him, when he refused.”Bucky shuddered, not liking to think of Tony, how alone he must havefelt, without even the damnable peace of cryo, the numbness ofmissions, to ease the agony.
“Indeed.The Ten Rings cell that held him made their camp, at least partially,within a system of caves in the mountains. He and his fellow prisonerwere kept in one of the deepest of these caves, to reduce the risk oftheir escape.”
Buckytook the force of that like one of Tony’s old missiles. Oh.
“Well,”Bucky said, slowly, “don’t I feel remarkably stupid.”And JARVIS had talked him through it like a toddler, forcing Bucky tocome to certain unpleasant conclusions, not only about the cave, butabout himself. “I… uh. Thank you for bringin’ this to myattention. I’ll… I should go talk to him, yeah?”
“Ithink that would be prudent,” JARVIS agreed primly.
Itdidn’t take him particularly long to get to the workshop,especially since he took the stairs. He’d long since proven than hewas faster than the elevator, a fact that annoyed Clint Barton to noend.
Giventhat JARVIS knew he was on his way, Bucky found it more than a littleannoying when the door didn’t open to his print. Bucky scowled,then knocked on the damn door.
Tonywas clearly visible, working at his usual station. He glanced up atthe knock and waved Bucky in. He made a face and said something,possibly to JARVIS, because the door clicked softly as it unlatchedand opened.
“Hey,sweetheart,” Tony said as Bucky came in. “Is it morning already?”
“‘Bouthalf past seven,” Bucky told him, as if Tony couldn’t check thetime. “I… hey.” He crossed the room and tipped Tony’s chinup, studying his face. A few days worth of stubble had filled in thespaces around his normally fastidiously cultivated facial hair, andthe circles under his eyes were probably visible from the moon.“Honey? Were you… were you gonna tell me?”
“Tellyou -- what? That I had a few bad dreams? It happens to all of us nowand then, nothing to do about it.”
“Yeah,I know that, we all get ‘em,” Bucky said. That much was true;there wasn’t a single member of the Avengers that didn’t sufferfrom the occasional sleepless night. He chewed his lip. “Old wivestale.. When you have a bad dream, you tell someone about it, shareit. And then, wham, you never have it again. Wanna tell me?”
Tonyshrugged, looked away. “Not much to it,” he said. “Stuck inAfghanistan again, only this time I can’t find my way out. Wind upcornered, out of ammo, power drained.” He held a breath, and let itall out in a gust. “Usually manage to wake up before they startshooting.”
Buckydeposited a kiss on Tony’s curls, sticking up in all directions asif he’d been shoving his oily hands through them. He probably had,knowing Tony.
“Huh,”Bucky said. “Sounds terrible. I’m glad you’re okay, baby. Iget, you know I get ‘em, stupid nightmares. You know I can’t sitin th’ recliners, ‘cause being tipped back like that just gets mespun up.”
Tonynodded. “I know,” he said, more steadily. “I know that’s aproblem. That’s why we just have a bench down here, when I’mworking on your arm. I couldn’t do that to you.”
Buckytook a deep breath, pulled Tony in close. “So… uh. Why do youthink I’d wanna do that to you?”
“What?No, of course you wouldn’t!” Tony sounded genuinely offended onBucky’s behalf. “Why would you think that?”
Buckyhad to tread very carefully; Tony was prone to getting his back up,doubling-down, if he thought he had to prove something. “There areother things to do, in Georgia,” Bucky said. “Ruins, and somepretty little traditional villages, an’ all kinds of food shops.Wine tours. If you still want to go. I could even go do the cavesmyself, just for an afternoon.”
“Oh.”Tony sighed. “That’s not the same, honey. If you want me to gowith you -- you said you wanted to show it to me.”
“AndI do,” Bucky said, because he was pretty sure that it was importantnot to lie, even to spare Tony’s feelings. “I wantalot of things. But one thing I want, more than anything else? Is foryou to be happy and comfortable. Baby, if this thing isn’t going tomake you happy, then I don’t need it. That’s… that’s okay.”
Tonyshook his head. “I can’t just say no for every little thing youwant just because it’s not what I want,” he said. “That’s notfair.”
“You’renot sayin’ no to everything little--”
Oh.Oh, god.
“--Tony,you’re not saying no to anything.Like, ever.”Guilt shook Bucky all the way down to his core. “What the hell,Tony?” He pushed back a bit, so he could look down at Tony’sface, caught the way Tony’s eyes slid away from his gaze. “Tony?”
“Ican’t,” Tony said, eyes fixed firmly on the wall. “I can’tsay-- I mean, I can,obviously, I know I can, but you get so... it’s like you think I’mgoing to hurt you for picking the wrong thing, I can’t take it. Ican’t do that to you.”
Thenoise that came out of Bucky’s throat was practicallyunrecognizable as a word, a half-protest, half strangled groan. “Oh.”Bucky was a little wobbly in the knees, like a newborn baby deer.“Can… come here, come here, let’s--” Bucky teetered backwardand then shuffled, moving them over to the cot where he could sitdown, heavily. “I didn’t know.”
“Didn’tknow what?” Tony folded down next to him. “That you wereflinching? I’m not surprised, it’s just... something in youreyes, the way you hold your shoulders.”
Buckynodded. “Yeah, I c’n-- I see where it’s comin’ from. It’shard,asserting myself. I…” Bucky’s face and neck heated and heducked his chin so he didn’t have to look at Tony. “... you know,have to work my way up to it. Assets don’t have opinions. An’ Iknow, baby, I know. You’re tryin’ to make it easier for me. Iappreciate it, every bit of it, even if I didn’t quite notice atth’ time. But… Tony, we can’t go on like this, not either ofus.”
“Idon’t mind,” Tony said stubbornly. “Helping you is so much moreimportant than anything else.”
“Doesn’tseem very fair to you,” Bucky said. “An’ long run, I don’tthink it’s very fair to me, either. How’m I s’posed to getbetter at a thing, if I don’t get any practice. Tony, listen to me,please? Just… I swear, I don’t know why you think you deserve somuch lessthanI do. We’re partners, right?”
“Ofcourse.” Tony looked up at that, eyes searching Bucky’s face. “Iam listening, I just -- I’m trying to help you practice wantingthings,speaking up for yourself, having your own opinions. That’simportant, honey.”
“I’mnot disagreeingwithyou,” Bucky said, trying to untangle the situation. “I’m sayin’it’s more than yes/no. It… it’s not that simple, an’ I’msorry it took me so long t’ see that it wasn’t that simple. Iain’t been doing right by you, baby. My stupid messed up brain. So…hey, hey, stop lookin’ all sad like that, we’re gonna fix it,right, because that’s what adult people do when they’re in arelationship, okay. Okay?”
“Okay,”Tony agreed, though he still looked kind of sad. “I don’t knowhow, though. I want to help you. I likehelpingyou.”
Buckysmiled. “I like you helping me, too, honey. I like doing thingswith you, I like… all of this. What I don’t like, is yousacrificingyourcomfort for me. Okay? You gotta tell me these things, so that I know.Baby, I’d have never asked you t’ suffer, jus’ for me to have alark.”
“I’mnot--” Tony bit down on the lie, and huffed. “Yeah, okay. I...don’t want to go in any caves. That’s not... not my idea of fun.”
“Okay,Tony,” Bucky told him, and if he felt that vague tinge of unease,that sense of doom, he suppressed it as well as he could. It wasn’teasy, but that’s what they were doing, right. Compromise. It was athing. Bucky could feel uncomfortable for a few minutes, so Tonywouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable for several days leading up to,and probably after, and certainly during.“Then we don’t have to. So, do you still wanna go to Georgia, orwe can jus’ skip that an’ do vacation some other time, when we’vegot some time t’ think of something we bothwantto do?”
“Ialready wangled the time off out of Pepper,” Tony pointed out. “I’mnot about to admit to her that we could’ve scheduled the Japanmeeting earlier. We can still take a vacation together, like yousaid. Do some of that other stuff you mentioned.”
“Okay,Tony,” Bucky said. “We’ll do that. Tourist stuff. See all theplaces where I’ve been an’ didn’t notice what I was lookin’at. I like that idea. Honest.” He nuzzled into Tony’s hair,breathing in his scent. “I like spendin’ time with you. That’swhat’s most important, you know that, right?”
“Yeah,”Tony said, curling in closer. “Yeah, that part... That, I knew.”
“So…”Bucky said, still talking into Tony’s hair, “d’ you havesomehin’ down here you need or want t’ be doin’?” Maybe theycould make this work out, if Bucky knew what the expectations were,or the demands on Tony’s time, or his well being. Then he wouldn’thave to worry, when he asked for something, if he was beingunreasonable. And Tony wouldn’t have to be concerned that Bucky wasflinching, when he said no.
Tonylooked around at his shop. “Not really,” he said. “I wasjust... puttering, so I didn’t wake you up.”
Buckytraced a little circle on the back of Tony’s neck, then rubbed withhis thumb, soothing away tension. “I’m awake,” he pointed out,“if you wantedt’come upstairs an’ indulge me in some cuddling?”
Tonyappeared to give that some thought. “I think I have time for that,”he said, his mouth ticking up into a little teasing smirk. “I’dlike that.”
@27dragons & @tisfan
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greggsdumbblog · 7 years
My opinion on Night in the Woods
Spoilers Maybe???
I had heard of this game a little after it came out, and I had always been interested. I don’t know how much time passed between then and a few days ago, when I played it from start to finish but holy shit. It was an unforgettable experience. I liked pretty much every single character, and there were many funny moments. I liked all the little mini games you could do. One thing I didn’t really understand at first was why it took so long for the plot to pick up, but when I think about it I guess it’s to show contrast to everything that happens with the cult. I assume they’re town residents, (my memory is a little foggy) so I’m assuming you talking to everybody in Possum Springs is supposed to be like a nice thing, that’s why I think it was so devastating when the cult was revealed because not much happens that’s bad in the town.
I thought being able to hangout with Germ and Lori was really cool. Germ was always really random and funny, and I really liked Lori’s character and how she’s kinda like a free spirit. Gregg and Angus’s relationship was really cute and I haven’t really done Bea’s route yet so I don’t know too much about her. I still liked her anyway. Hearing about Gregg and Angus’s plan to move was sad honestly, since I had become so attached to these two characters and didn’t want them to be off the screen for even a minute. Hearing Mae was moving away too also sucked, because it means goodbye, Possum Springs, and goodbye to like Mae’s only friends. Though money problems is are realistic, and sometimes there’s nothing we can do to stop it. I like that this game had fictional elements, but there were moments where it just felt so real and alive.
I thought dusk star hunting with Mr. Chazokov was okay. It was interesting at best, but I don’t really feel like it did much for the main story. The dialogue in this game is very fluid and there were many moments where I was like; “That’s something I or my friends would say!” There were a lot of laugh out loud moments and this game is probably the most relatable I have ever played.
I thought the dream sequences were really cool, but I didn’t understand what was going on with them. The music was really great here, and I met two of the musicians from the dreams in the town, but I didn’t find the others. Maybe I’d understand if I did, I don’t know.
The ending was pretty disappointing. I think they could have done more with it. It left me with this unfinished feeling and I was just...unsatisfied. The part where Mae was explaining how she had to die and she wanted to hurt was very emotional, but then it never went anywhere and it was just kind of like an “...okay, then...” moment.
My favorite part in the game had to be the knife fight. It was so random and unexpected and funny and Mae and Gregg’s dialogue here made me laugh so hard. I could never beat Gregg because I suck but I still had a lot of fun. No wait, I change my mind. My favorite part of this game is when you’re riding with Gregg on his bike. The music, the sunset in the background. It was all just so beautiful. This was near the beginning of the game and this moment is when I knew that this game was special and unlike any other.
As I was watching the credits of this game i kind of felt empty. I definitely wanted more. I felt like I was apart of Mae’s world and I never wanted to leave. Maybe that was the point. To build all these relationships and when it’s all over, you have a very memorable experience with all the residents of Possum Springs. It’s definitely one of the most memorable games I have ever played and I will never forget it. The game may have ended, but I know I missed a ton of stuff to do and I’m going to explore every nook and cranny of this game eventually. That’s a great thing about this game; the replayability. There’s a lot to go back and find. I heard Gregg has a cousin! I never even found that out in the game!
The game inspired me to draw, and that’s pretty rare. I never want to draw, but I think Night in the Woods’ simple style is a great start.
When the game comes out for mobile devices next year, I’ll play it all over again. Being able to play it on the go is going to be one of the best mobile experiences you could have. I can’t wait and I wish it was already out for mobile.
I have one last thing to say.
gregg rulz ok
0 notes