#it's like a little snapshot but it's pissing me off that it doesn't show the end
just found. a bunch of texts. with my ex. which I forgot to delete cause I forgot they existed. they're from a year ago. so much has changed. im no where near who I was. I am still 99% the same person. what the fuck. I am in distress. dude. wtf.
Mudaram as estações Nada mudou Mas eu sei que alguma coisa aconteceu Tá tudo assim, tão diferente
Se lembra quando a gente Chegou um dia a acreditar Que tudo era pra sempre Sem saber que o pra sempre sempre acaba?
Cássia Eller was so right for this, on god
the seasons have changed
nothing has changed
but I know something happened
everything's just so... different
remember when we
once believed
everything was forever
without knowing that forever always ends
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boxfullaturtles · 1 year
What is your kingdoms heart au
Please I wanna know info dump everything to me pls
Hee hee hee! Okay!!!! So!
Originally I just wanted to do character designs and Keyblade designs 'cause I love doing that stuff. But then I got Too Into It. As you do.
Raph, Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and April (and Casey Junior when he shows up) are all Keybearers in training. Dunno who's training them, because it's not Splinter. Actually played with the idea of the boys losing Splinter to Darkness but dunno if I wanna do that to them,, >> I'm still working on the profiles for Raph, Donnie, April, and Casey.
Anyway! They're all in training, learning how to work as a team, properly wield their Keyblades, use magic, the power of the Heart and all that jazz. They pop around to different worlds to expand their minds and be heroes and everything. I don't have a solid plot or anything, just vague ideas and snapshots of moments.
Like Casey Jr comes from future where their World fell to the Darkness--specifically the Krang. The Krang command legions of Heartless on top of the body horror shit they already do, so they're double the danger. In Casey's timeline, everyone fell one by one. Donnie went first, then Leo, then Raph, then April. Mikey was the only one left. Time travel in Kingdom Hearts is funky and has some weird rules about only being able to travel along your own timeline or something. But screw that. Mikey's a badass mage. He sacrifices his own heart to tear open a portal and send Casey back in time to stop the Krang invasion and the spread of Darkness.
And then I just got little ideas like, Donnie built the Turtle Tank Gummi Ship (and its Teenie Ships, the Shell Hogs). He has a space entirely to himself in the Gummi Garage that Chip and Dale just kind of gave him. He...tolerates them, at the most. Donnie's also got a lab in KH AU, but absolutely NO ONE is allowed in it. If he locks it, not even a Keyblade can open that baby up. He doesn't let anyone in there and he's extremely protective of whatever it is he works on. The others do eventually find out what he's doing and it's not...great. They'd be angry with him were it not for how they find out.
Leo doesn't actually get his Portal Chopped ability until after they stop the Krang invasion. I dunno how those events played out, probably drastically different from the movie lol, but I'm feeling the kind of "end of KH1, I will lock myself in the Realm of Darkness to spare my friends" kind of thing? Buuuuttt while he does think being able to wield two Keyblades is boss as fuck, he does not like Before the Fall. So he doesn't use Portal Chopped a lot. Maybe he should get over himself a bit.
I also like to think about them going to Disney Town and making an absolute menace of themselves. Mikey gets himself sick eating too much ice cream, Leo keeps trying to sneak into Disney Castle, Donnie probably pisses off the wrong people, Raph's gotten too excited about something and broken a few things OR he chases after Leo and they get into a friendly spat and cause a huge mess. April gave up trying to wrangle them a long time ago, she just watches the descent into madness with tired resignation.
KH Leo is extremely competitive and if something's got a score or record, he's got to beat it. He will absolutely be number one in everything on every world. It drives everyone else nuts.
So yeah it's just bits and bobs and ideas floating around. Mostly KH AU exists for me to play with designs. I love Keyblade design so much like holy shit it's so cool
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tobiasdrake · 10 months
Gonna crack the secret of the d6 faller!
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They're having me do choices again to narrow this down. Kinda feels like cheating to guess at what the item was when I saw it at the crime scene already.
Weird that he'd jump or get pushed while holding a die, then care about the value on the die. Is that the game? Leap from the roof and then if you live, you win the value shown on the die? Or something?
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Whatever the reason, the value on the die was supremely important to him. Enough to spend his final moments of consciousness/life validating it.
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His words changed because he was reading a different value each time he fell.
The fact that he wasn't reading the side facing up can explain our "Three/Two except circumstances didn't change" conundrum, I think. If he was only reading the surface he could most legibly see from his angle, then something did change.
Fubuki had lifted him up into her arms, rather than leaving him lying on the ground. So when he read "Three", he was probably reading the side facing him. But when he read "Two", he was likely reading the top.
Then "One" happened because landing on top of the taxicab completely changed the rolling of the die.
That makes sense. So maybe we aren't dealing with probabilistic reshuffling after all.
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*unyielding fury*
Don't you fucking condescend to Fubuki when she's right, you little shit-rodent. Who even invited you to Team Alarm Clock anyway!? Don't you have some some criminals to fucking TRY AND MARRY!?
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THANK YOU. Can we ditch the hormonal clown show? He's not contributing anything of value to this party.
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There you go. That's better, now you're keeping up. You keep at it and one day you might be as clever as Fubuki!
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That's a valid question. But like I said above, I think the answer lies in the angle the man was at. The nature of a die is such that it will display a different number depending on what angle you're looking at it from.
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Y'all, the other option was "Because it was my most luckiest day". You have no idea how much self-restraint it took for me not to select that.
But Desuhiko fucking talked down to me when I was right so I'm not giving him the satisfaction of something he can jump on. He needs to go read a book about respecting women's opinions or something. Matter of fact, that might help him with a lot of things.
I'm so mad.
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Thus, angles changed everything! We can continue to trust our rewind powers without fear that we may be triggering some overcomplicated timey-wimey nonsense every time we turn the clock back.
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Thank you. You're forgiven for being a prick. Learn from this experience and try to grow as a person. ^_^
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The number on the die. He must've... extremely vertically rolled the die on purpose, right? If he cared so much about the value, I mean.
I don't think we're going to answer this question while sitting around the hotel cafeteria. We should move this conversation to the crime scene. I can grab a pot of coffee to go. Don't worry, I do it all the time.
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Okay. But. How, though? I am not following that train of logic.
._. I still need practice to one day become as clever as Fubuki.
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Okay so the number doesn't matter. He was simply delirious when he was reading the number. The point is the die itself.
That makes more sense. I'm on the same page. It's probably from the casino. That should be where we look first.
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Okay, your compliments are starting to sound more like negging and I'm souring on you again. Go make us sandwiches or something before you piss me off some more.
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Goodwill drained. I hate you again. Please get hit by a car on the way to the crime scene.
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Not how Postcognition works, dipshit. It's a frozen snapshot of the crime scene exactly as it appeared when the first witness came upon the scene. We can't follow the trajectory of the die through time.
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Also that.
Plus, it wouldn't matter anyway. The die by now has likely rolled so far from the crime scene as to no longer be related anyway. We could spend hours rooting around in the gutters for it, and all that would prove is that we found a die in a gutter.
Too bad Zange burned to death and isn't with us. His ability to recreate his memories in the form of a digital image would be perfect. What matters isn't physically having the die on us; What matters is proving the presence of a die next to the victim's body.
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If he wakes up. If I was a murderer, I might be inclined to try again.
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Yeah, that.
Not to mention, our window of opportunity to investigate this crime is shrinking. Slowly, but it is. If we want to leverage our Lucky Day powers to help solve this crime then we'll want to get a move on.
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For our lucky number?
YES. I wanted to get that when we had our chance! Finally!
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Halara's on the same page as I am about that whole "You should try some games of chance" thing. That reeked of casino shilling.
It's not that surprising. The diviner who super-accurately predicted our Lucky Day has to insert some paid ads into her fortunes to make ends meet. I think most YouTubers can relate to that.
"The stars are in a positive alignment for you today. You may even find yourself embracing a burgeoning new relationship. To improve your chances of love further, consider a free consultation with our sponsor Better Help, redeemable when you enter the promo code Crone Readings!"
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I have no fears for my own wellbeing but I will drown him. I've done it before. Desuhiko would be no match for my Pied Piper charms.
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Fubuki doesn't know what money is worth so would you accept a literal pile of cash? It'd be like doing a mystery unboxing, but inside it's just money. Who knows how much will be in it?
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Okay. I guess this is the end for Team Alarm Clock. We made a great pair, Halara. Thank you for your Lucky Day-sponsored free investigative consultation. We wouldn't have made it this far without you.
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alyswritings · 2 years
can you do one where tom is out filming and his litte sister misses him so she’s super moody and won’t tell her family what’s wrong but later they find her asleep wearing his hoodie 🥺😭
- - - - -
"Y/N, you want to go to the store with me?" Nikki asks.
"No." Y/N answers.
"Are you sure?" Nikki asks. She knows Y/N loves going to the store with her. Both since she's able to get out of the house and spend time with her mother. Nikki goes to the living room where Y/N is lying on the couch and the TV is playing one of the Disney Channel shows she likes. Y/N has a small pout on her face, a sad look in her eyes.
"Are you all right, love?" Nikki asks, gently brushing some hair out of her youngest's face.
"Sure." Y/N mumbles, not looking away from the TV.
"Maybe you should come. It might cheer you up. I'll let you get a treat." Nikki bribes.
"I don't wanna go." Y/N states.
"Okay. I'll be home later." Nikki tells her. She leans down and presses a soft kiss to her daughter's forehead. She goes into the kitchen where Sam and Paddy are.
"Hey." She quietly calls, getting their attention. "I want you to keep an eye on your sister while I'm out."
"Why? What's wrong?" Sam asks, peeking into the living room and seeing Y/N on the couch.
"I don't know. She seems upset. Just watch her, okay?" Nikki says.
"Yeah, sure, mum." Paddy says through a mouthful of food.
"Don't talk with your mouth full." Nikki scolds, smacking the back of his head.
"Ow." He mumbles.
"Don't burn the house down." Nikki tells them as she leaves.
Sam goes into the living room and sits next to Y/N's head.
"Hey, tiny. You feeling okay?" Sam asks, scratching her head.
"I'm fine." Y/N huffs.
"You sure?" Sam asks.
"Yes. Stop asking." Y/N complains.
"Okay, sorry. You wanna play a game?" Sam asks.
"No." Y/N mumbles.
"Watch a movie or something?" Sam asks.
"I want you to leave me alone." Y/N declares, running upstairs.
"Okay." Sam lowly whistles, going back into the kitchen.
"You piss her off more?" Paddy asks.
"Shut up." Sam rolls his eyes.
- - -
Y/N stayed upset the rest of the day and was locked in her room when Nikki got home. She didn't come out of her room for dinner which worried the whole family more since the girl loves food. Nikki even made her favorite meal, but Y/N wouldn't leave her room.
After finishing dishes, Sam goes up to try to bribe Y/N out of her room with ice cream or something. He goes to her room, stopping when he realizes the door is open. He walks in and doesn't find his little sister inside.
"Y/N?" Sam calls. He leaves the room, looking around. She's not in the bathroom, kitchen, living room, backyard, parents' room, his room, Paddy's room, Harry's room. Sam goes to the last room in the house and opens the door to Tom's room.
Sam quietly walks in, chuckling softly at what he finds. Y/N, who is asleep in the middle of Tom's bed, is wearing one of the actor's hoodies, the material practically drowning her small figure.
Sam takes his phone out and takes a couple pictures. He quietly walks out and goes down the stairs.
"Mom. I found Y/N." Sam whispers. He motions for her to follow him and she does, along with Dominic and Paddy close behind. Sam leads them to Tom's room and the parents immediately awe at the sight of their youngest.
Nikki and Dominic get some pictures. Paddy pretends to act uninterested but Sam does see him sneak a couple of pictures of their baby sister.
"That was the problem. She just misses Tom." Dominic says.
Nikki opens her messages and goes to her texts with Tom. She sends him the picture of Y/N adding a text under it.
- - -
Tom is on set and waiting for the crew to reset everything. He's scrolling mindlessly through Instagram while he waits. His phone buzzes and he looks at the top of the screen to see a text from his mother.
Tom clicks on the notification, a fond grin immediately appearing on his face as his heart warms.
I think somebody really misses you ❤
Tom loves the image and snapshots it so it's in his camera roll.
Let her know I'll be home soon
"Hey." Tom's attention is drawn away from his phone and to Harry who walks up to him. "What's got you all smiley?"
Tom shows Harry the phone and the younger one quickly reads the messages, smiling slightly at the picture.
"What, she doesn't miss me?" Harry asks, acting offended.
"Not more than me." Tom smugly laughs. "Guess we know her favorite brother."
"Shut up." Harry grumbles, rolling his eyes.
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