#but the texts dont get far enough to show how we grew apart
just found. a bunch of texts. with my ex. which I forgot to delete cause I forgot they existed. they're from a year ago. so much has changed. im no where near who I was. I am still 99% the same person. what the fuck. I am in distress. dude. wtf.
Mudaram as estações Nada mudou Mas eu sei que alguma coisa aconteceu Tá tudo assim, tão diferente
Se lembra quando a gente Chegou um dia a acreditar Que tudo era pra sempre Sem saber que o pra sempre sempre acaba?
Cássia Eller was so right for this, on god
the seasons have changed
nothing has changed
but I know something happened
everything's just so... different
remember when we
once believed
everything was forever
without knowing that forever always ends
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anicekidlikeme · 5 months
Do you know how I grew up?
Back when I was dating Peter, I was always aware of just how much he would talk (about his accomplishments, about his friends, and different annecdotes). His stories would go far back as elementry school. I hated it. I know that is a horrible thing to even think as somebody's girlfriend (I knew that then too) but at the time getting myself to like the person I was dating felt like a crushing expectation. How am I supposed to love you unconditionally? How am I supposed to love you at all? Your friends are mean, your music taste is okay, and I cannot stand the way you refuse to walk alongside me.
There was a moment when we were walking to Target to buy Kombucha, and holy shit was I pissed off. Peter would walk ahead of me, constantly, and turn around in tiny spurts to tell me to speed up. Could you please walk with me? I know now that love is definately not supposed to feel like that. It is the easiest thing in the world. Drew walks next to me, always. Even if it means having to slow down his pace (often, also emotionally). He grabs my waist everytime we have to cross a road, or everytime I walk into a room I've never been in before. He has incredible patience. I could hear Drew talk and talk for hours, and just keep wanting to listen to even more stories of his. He teases me about how many times in one day I ask him How was your day?! But I just want to hear you talk!
Anyway, a year ago I would think a lot about Peter and I's out of sync walking. It felt like he was ahead of me often. Especially when he told stories. I would sit at the dinnertable with his family and just listen most nights to him sharing annecdotes. About Sam, Adam and Holden, about Miss Gurb from Middle School, and about going to house-shows with Isabella. I would think holy fucking shit, how can you remember all that? How do you have so many happy stories to tell?
The earliest my memory goes to is sometime before 3rd grade when my mom was texting my father on her Nokia, and my uncle had been bugging her all day about selling their Dad's house. I realized then how easy it is to just block out undesirable moments out of your memory. Forget about them completely so they are never to be spoken of, and better yet, never to be remembered. After that, it is a blur. I don't have any stories to tell from growing up, all I remember is how some days felt. There was never enough room where we lived post-divorce, always too many angry people, always too many bugs, and always so many fights in this tiny one- bedroom apartment we shared with 8 other people. My mom told me that I was once in the hospital for 6 months. I had no fucking clue that happened. I still dont.
If I told somebody that I slept most nights of my childhood on a purple straw mat (yes, no bed. not even a mattress), they would probably be so fucking confused. But it is true. And it happened, and it is not a very tell-able tale. Not like Peter's atleast. I am trying to think of other things that happened but I am noticing myself getting fatigued. It's too hard, and there is a big lock on that door. Let's not bother. It is much easier to say Im doing well now. Oh, she sucks and he's dead.
So if you were to ask me how I grew up, I would tell you I have no fucking idea. I dont know how I grew up. Bitter and scary and mean, is probably what my friends from high school would say. Unfortunately, as a result of me changing as a person, I had to quit talking to them. I couldn't find it in me to say, hey guys, I'm in America now so I've decided to be a completely new person. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be this person I was anymore. It's not their fault, and it is not mine.
I am now very emotional (something I was very very afraid of, and am still coming to terms with), very silly, not obsessed with being smart anymore (I'm surprised by that one too), and very very Vaibhavi. Everyone calls me Vai, and I hate it. I want to shout at them, and instruct them to call me Vaibhavi. That is who I am! I am intensely focused now on the memories I make, even if they are bad ones. I dont want to forget anything. I don't want to forget my fights with Fawwaz, or my sick days with Drew, or my secret-spilling sessions with Atharva. I dont want to forget when I had awfully pink hair, or when I was friends with people I hated. I want to have stories, and I love the stories I have now. I am obsessed with getting engaged, because then I will have a family. A family I like, a family to tell stories about when I am asked so, tell me about your family.
A family to love, a family of two. Definately not one with Peter, but I wish him luck. I really do. We are both good people with so many differences, and my hope is that he finds someone to cherish them. I know I did (and god, is Drew a sight for sore eyes).
I have no idea how I grew up, but there was a tent in a balcony. Don't know which one, we have moved too many times.
0 notes
Ayo I'm back from the dead! I would love to say that I got over my writers block but uh... Chances are high I will disappear after this again, writing wise 😅
Also, this isn't proof read. I can't be arsed rn. So... We die like Vanderwood does internally every time he has to deal with Saeyoung xD
Anyway! Here's part 3 of the rivaling agencies au with Vandy and my cmc :3
Blind trust
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia
Vanderwood hated it. He hated how he actually began checking his phone regularly, instead of simply using it when necessary. He hated to admit that he was waiting for her to message first, replies, hell even calls! After all, he wasn't even that talkative. But god, there was just something about her voice, the way there was still so much joy left in her even if they've both been through similar shit as agents, that made him stay on the line with her for hours. Mainly listening, every now and then throwing something in and she even got him to share some short stories of his own. He had no idea how, or when it happened, but that woman had easily snaked her way into his life.
Now there he was, sitting on the couch on one of his very rare days off work, with a rather annoying feeling of worry in the pit of his stomach. Eating away at him. Simply because as hour after hour passed by, there was no answer to his last text. Of course he knew that it was impossible to always answer immediately, though it was kind of concerning that her last message was sent 9 hours ago. Usually she even sent him something when on a job, no matter if it was a proper answer to what he wrote, or just simply letting him know that she was on a mission and a Dont worry, I'm still alive. Not getting rid of my annoying ass that easily.
Groaning in frustration, the brunette dropped his phone next to himself on the couch, before he rubed his hands over his face. He had to get it together... It was stupid enough that he had actually contacted her after she'd slipped her number into his pocket, that one night. Actually getting attached to her? She was still technically an enemy. Working for a dfferent agency. Not only that, but of course for one his agency always had a feud with, as far as he could remember. In some way it was kind of ironic, but also... Could he really be sure that she wasn't only doing all that to get the upper hand on him? Too many questions and no answers at all.
He got pulled out of his thoughts by sudden knocking, causing him to be on high alert in a matter of seconds as he quietly walked to the door. Though as soon as he looked through the peephole, he acted before he could've thought it through. Nearly ripping the door open as he stared at Talia, who looked rather worse for wear with a sheepish smile on her face.
"Sorry to show up out of nowhere like this, but... I didn't know where else to go."
As much as his worry grew seeing her like that, it didn't stop his heart from fluttering at her words. A foreign, nearly unsettling feeling. Though for now he pushed it down, seeing how that was not the most pressing issue in that situation.
There was no hesitation as he grabbed her hand to pull her into his apartment, closing the door behind them with his foot, while his fingertips were already skimming along her sides to assess how bad the damage was. Face in a frown whenever she flinched or tried, and failed, to suppress any pained noises.
"Vanderwood, it's not that bad, really. I've been far worse in the past and-"
"Who did this to you?", he interrupted her, nearly growling. It wasn't what he had actually wanted to ask her, or how he wanted to ask what had happened, but apparently his tongue had decided to be faster than his brain.
In order to play down his little slip up, he nudged Talia into the bathroom, where he kept his well stocked first aid kit. Simply lifting her up and setting her down on the bathroom counter before she even had the chance to complain or keep on insisting that she was fine.
"So? What happened?", he asked again, at the same time already pushing her shirt up far enough, so he was able to tend to the cuts on her sides and stomach.
"A mess is what happened... To make a long story short, I had a feeling that we have a traitor in our agency. Now guess what? We actually have two! Somehow they noticed I was on to them, so they pretty much sold me out to an enemy. Said enemy- ouch! Can't you be a bit more gentle?", she muttered when he began dabbing an alcohol doused cotton ball over her injuries. At the same time instinctively trying to lean away from him, which earned herself a roll of his eyes.
"I need to disinfect them so they won't potentially get infected. You're lucky we don't need to sew anything up."
"No shit, I know all that but it still stings like a bitch..."
"Stop whining and continue with your story."
"Jeez, so cold. Fine, now where was I?"
It was impossible not to notice how she actually relaxed a bit during their banter and the playful glint she usually had in her eyes returned as well . Meaning her injuries were probably really not that bad.
"Ah, right! Okay. I got sold out for being on to those two assholes. Then, this morning, in broad daylight, a group of burly bad men show up at my place and try to kill me. Obviously it didn't work, because come on. As if I'd let some pathetic dudes like that just end me."
Vanderwood huffed a quiet chuckle at that. Mainly because he'd experienced first hand what she was able to do and knew better than to underestimate her just because she was rather petite looking. And the smile he got in return for his reaction? It was enough to shortly distract him from his actual task.
"Idiots dead, so I quickly grabbed the most important things, threw everything in my car and drove around for a couple hours to make sure no one was following me."
Talia let out a long sigh, tilting her head back, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. He used that moment to study her features for a moment. How pale her skin appeared, aside from the bruise that had formed around one of her eyes. Not to mention how obvious it was that she was downright exhausted and in dire need of some rest.
Snapping himself back into reality, he dropped the used cotton balls into the sink for now, before he began to carefully wrap a bandage around her left arm and the lower half of her torso.
"Since they now know where I live, I couldn't just go back home. And as you might be aware of, it's not exactly possible to really make friends in our field of work."
The sudden soft touch of fingertips against his forehead, as she reached out to brush a strand of hair that had escaped his ponytail, behind his ear made his eyes snap up, causing him to stop in his tracks for a couple seconds.
"I know this might sound insane, especially since we shouldn't even trust each other for obvious reasons, but... I do anyway. In fact, I don't think I've felt this safe around anyone ever since I was a kid."
An avalanche of emotions washed over the agent, while at the same time things he'd been trying his hardest to push down began to desperately crawl their way up to the surface. Wanting to get out, spill into the open. But before that could happen, he helped her back down from the counter.
"You can stay here tonight. Bedroom is yours. Grab whatever you'd be comfortable sleeping in from my closet." On one hand it was a diverson from the former topic. Could he really be blamed? He sucked at everything that was feelings related. On the other hand the thought of seeing her in his clothes left him feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. It was strange.
"Where are you gonna sleep?"
"The couch", he simply answered with a shrug, not looking up from his task of cleaning up the sink. Which also resulted in him rather hearing than seeing how Talia padded her way into the bedroom.
"What a fucking mess...", he muttered to himself as he began to discard of the cotton pads, followed by making sure no stains would be left in the sink. Not just the aftermath of patching someone up in his bathroom, but especially the entire situation they found themselves in. Everything was a huge mess and it felt like it would only get worse and worse in the future.
One of the things he'd always tried to avoid had happened; he got attached. To an enemy no less. And yet for some strange reason it wasn't as terrifying as it probably should've been.
Once everything was spotless again, Vanderwood went to grab a bottle of water to bring it to the other agent. Honestly just an excuse to check on her again, although the silence after he knocked on the bedroom door told him that she was probably out cold. Still he slipped inside to put the bottle down on the bedside table and if he maybe made sure she was properly tugged in, no one would ever find out about it.
Now that he couldn't get caught doing so, he studied her features once more and damn... Even in her sleep she looked exhausted as all hell. But then again, it had been an eventful, long day for her.
Eventually the brunette made his way into the living room to get as comfortable as possible on the couch, even though he knew that he would most definitely not get a lot of sleep. Not because he didn't trust her, but because he was still worried. Always perking up when he heard something coming from the bedroom.
He didn't know how long he'd already been laying there when suddenly there was the quiet padding of naked feet getting closer and closer. Shortly after his blanket got lifted up and Talia slipped under it, pressing herself to his back.
Letting out a surprised noise, he turned around to face her, brows furrowed in utter confusion.
"I'm cold...", she muttered, before he even had the chance to ask what she was doing.
And as much as he knew it was stupid. As much as he knew he should've sent her back to the bedroom, not only because it got a bit cramped with both of them on the couch, he didn't. Instead he wrapped his arms around her small frame in order to make sure she wouldn't potentially fall off. Definitely not because he actually enjoyed having her all cuddled up to him, her face even buried on his neck, nuzzling into it. He only wanted to make sure she wouln't hurt herself more. He'd die on that hill.
In all honesty though... It was nice. And while he was convinced that she wasn't actually cold and only used that as a lame excuse, he really didn't mind. Would it have been more comfortable to just go to bed? Sure. But this way they had the excsue to be that close because of the small space they were sharing.
"Thanks again for letting me stay here... And patching me up. I promise I'll make it up to you", she nearly whispered, the way her lips brushed against his skin sending a shiver down his spine.
"Don't worry about it. It's fine."
"Mhm... If you say so."
A comfortable silence settled between them and without really noticing it, one of his hands moved into her hair, gently carding through it. Something that was weirdly relaxing to do and with her so close, he could finally feel himself get drowsy as well.
"Oh, by the way, Vandy?", Talia's sleepy voice pulled him out of his thoughts. "My real name is Kali..."
Vanderwood's eyes shot open at that and he stared down at her in complete and utter shock. Though it became very obvious that the woman in his arms had already fallen asleep after dropping something that big on him.
While he was still in shock, there was no denying that his heart was beating so hard it felt like it was about to jump right out of his ribcage. She trusted him enough to tell him her real name. Something they weren't ever supposed to use. He remembered the day he got a new indentity, how he got told that his old self was dead and he was never to use that name again. And now here she was, telling him something like that out of absolutely nowhere.
Maybe that was also the moment where he decided that he would do everything in his power to keep her safe. It was risky, sure. But so was their entire... whatever it was they had. Besides he was convinced that he had actually done worse things before. Like agreeing to babysit the little hacker brat.
Of course he was well aware that she was more than just able to look after herself, yet she seemed to vulnerable in that moment. It made him pritect her from the world, something he absolutely was not used to. Still it wasn't an unpleasant feeling at all.
"Sleep well... Kali."
After pressing a lingering kiss to her forhead, he pulled her a little closer into his chest. The warmth radiating from her body and her even breathing slowly but surely lulling him to sleep as well.
Vanderwood x Cmc Talia Masterlist
If you'd like to get added to the tag list, please let me know 💕
@hell-temptations @just-a-key @amborii @cass-who @otomaticallyobsessed @mixed-bag-of-tricks @celesti4 @violetrei @kumaronoa
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kiribakuficrecs · 3 years
hello!!! im going on a very long trip at the end of april and I'm looking for some very long fics to download to keep me entertained! i dont care what they're about as long as there's no major character death or mentions of non-con. ur blog is a godsend ilysm and you do such a good job thank you so much 🙏
hi there!! i definitely have a lot of good lengthy fics i can recommend to you!
quote love unquote by newamsterdam 
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
acceptance and denial by poteto
It all goes okay when Kirishima decides to come out to his friends and it all goes wrong when decides that Bakugou is the best fake boyfriend material.
cause the darks not taking prisoners tonight by imatrisarahtops
“Are those soba noodles?” Kirishima asked.
Again Bakugou’s only reply was a grunt. He offered no further explanation—not that Kirishima honestly expected one—as though making soba noodles from scratch at half past four in the morning wasn’t at all a bizarre occurrence and made complete and total sense. For a fleeting moment, Kirishima even wondered if maybe he was the odd one here. Besides, he’d already decided it was generally not in his best interest to question these types of things with Bakugou, especially when it was something essentially harmless.
When Kirishima has a nightmare and is unable to fall back asleep, he accepts defeat and decides to study in the common area of the dorms. What he doesn't expect to find is Bakugou, also very much awake, and Kirishima can't help but think that maybe they're both having the same problems with sleeping. If he's worried, it's just because they're friends. (Right?)
the weight of your hand by kamin
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
so take my hand (your life will be brighter) by multiclassmaps
When a stranger shows up at the ice rink during Bakugou's usually private training sessions, Bakugou expects to hate him. He doesn't expect to develop feelings that become increasingly difficult to deny, or for them to help each other sort through their emotional baggage. - Bakugou really didn't like Kirishima's smile. There was something about it that made his stomach hurt, something about it that made it difficult to focus. He definitely hadn't thought about that smile on his way to the ice rink that day. He definitely hadn't.
distance makes the heart grow fonder (false) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?! Well, turns out he never needed to.
-- “Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!” "Really closely?"
perihelion by tauontauoff
Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
fight me by mr_todoroki
Bright red, spiky hair. Annoyingly bright smile. Clothes that radiate ‘look at me’ vibes. Neon yellow tank top with black shorts. And those were definitely crocs on his fucking feet.
Yeah, Katsuki hated this guy.
Bakugou gets a new roommate.
quietly by chezka
“We’ve been taking the same way to and from school for weeks,” Kirishima grinned, and then when Bakugou frowned at him he put on an affected pout, tilted his head so that he was looking at him through his thick, long lashes, “you never noticed? Am I that easy to miss?”
He could barely finish the sentence before a laugh escaped his lips, and Bakugou rolled his eyes, hit him with a shoulder a little more violently than necessary.
“You stick out like a sore thumb, broom-head,” he grumbled, promptly ignoring Kirishima's whining about his hairstyle when it started coming, “I didn’t notice ‘cause I didn’t care.”
“And now you do?”
everyone knows that cats are independent by purplepersnickety
Eijirou enjoys his job, working the graveyard shift at a 24/7 coffee shop. His daemon Riot is always there to keep him company, and he likes meeting the early-morning patrons and giving them the best possible kick-start to their day. It's been his routine for about a year now.
Then one day, a grouchy guy with a daemon in the form of a lion walks into the shop in the dead of night, and Eijirou decides to strike up a conversation with him.
punks not dead by wrunic
“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.
“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.
“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.
“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
sent, delivered, read, loved by kiribakuhappiness
Kirishima E. [6.49pm]: ur okay for such an angry dude bakugou! :)
Bakugou K. [7.12pm]: FUCK YOU!
Kirishima E. [7.14pm]: haha! :D ttyl!
Bakugou K. [7.52pm]: STOP TXTING ME!!!
- OR -
Bakugou's and Kirishima's relationship develops from classmates to friends to more, as told through their text conversations.
flicker by mr_todoroki
He was starting to feel depressed. Life was so uninteresting. It was so mundane and forgettable. He had no one to hang out with besides Kota, his family didn’t even live in the city.
He grew his hair out as some sort of rebellion, some sort of stand to make his life the slightest bit more interesting. But he could already feel himself giving in to the pressure of cutting it. He needed to work to live. Without a job, he’d truly have nothing.
Kirishima never applied to UA, therefore never became a hero.
let’s get down to business by kjelfalconer
Katsuki Bakugou, one of the brightest rising stars on wall street, is in need of a new personal assistant. Again. Could Eijirou Kirishima finally be the one to last more than two months?
Katsuki's long suffering HR department sure hope so.
something about us by bigstupidjellyfish
nothing like being in highschool and having no idea how to deal with emotions
fireproof by inkbender
Four years after a classmate nobody seems to remember is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima drags an amnesiac hobo he found washed up on the beach into his apartment, attempts to teach him how to adult (with varying degrees of success), and discovers along the way that the line between heroism and villainy is quite fine indeed. Plot-divergent after episode 45, the Forest Training Camp arc.
blood riot by magicallee (alternatively)
Kirishima from a universe with no quirks is mind-swapped with an alternate universe version of himself where there are superpowers.
And in that universe he’s a super villain.
And Bakugou is the superhero who caught Evil-Kirishima and put him in prison.
blindside by drowclericpelor
“You’re the first guy friend I’ve had that I can just like, be friends with. You’re either the most unthirstiest boy ever...” Camie shrugged and made another wobbly illusion appear between her hands. It looked like a sparkly rainbow with the word ‘friendship’ beneath it, accompanied by what Bakugou assumed was supposed to be a twinkling sound effect, but it had a tinny quality to it and sounded far away. “...or I just ain’t got the kinda straw you like to ssssip.”
Carefully, Bakugou considered the strange turn this conversation had taken.
He had never been asked, point blank, if he was gay before. And he honestly had never thought about how he would respond. Lying about himself didn’t sit right with him. But he’d always wanted to wait until he was the number one hero - when he stood above everyone else - before coming out. Though he’d had times when he’d thought about doing it before then and had almost gone through with it once. But being the number one hero came first. It wouldn’t matter what people would say about it then as long as he’d risen to the top.
Bakugou knew his lack of a response would give Camie all the answers she needed.
flour power by wingsonghalo
“I’m telling you now, Shitty Hair,” the blonde growled, “I am not gonna play house with you. We will cart this stupid flour around for a week like the assignment says. But some of our idiot classmates are naming the thing and setting up ‘playdates’ and dressing it and I am not doing anything that stupid. Got it?”
Kirishima and Bakugou are paired up to take care of a flour sack for a week. It would be so simple, except nothing with Bakugou is ever simple. Also Kirishima might be kinda sorta completely head over heels for him.
sunchaser by chonideno
that feeling when you suddenly want to jump off a cliff for no reason but instead of a cliff it’s your best friend and instead of jumping it’s growing feelings out of nowhere
or how Bakugou has to try really hard not to throw everything to the wind, and Kirishima doesn't help
i also have a tag specifically for fics that reach somewhere between 30k-70k words long if you wanted to check that out as well! i hope you enjoy the fics here and that i was able to help, ily enjoy your trip!!! :D 
146 notes · View notes
three years pt 2
read it here or on my Ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/users/nolongerironicteen/works or read my other works too 
You put your car in park and sighed. Finally, you were home after longer than you wanted to admit. But you were happy nonetheless. Which meant you were finally going to address the elephant in the room with Neji. Instead of texting till three am you could finally discuss what you were. You looked at your parents' house in front of you as you got out of the car.
    “(Y/N)!” your mom called from the open kitchen window.
You smiled wide and you trekked up the driveway. The house was quiet save your mom’s washing in the kitchen. You found your way in there and gave her a huge hug.
    “Where’s dad?”
    “In the backyard, he’s doing some gardening and collecting the vegetables for me. You can go see.”
You figured unpacking your car can wait for later. You wanted to go see your dad. You kissed your mom on the cheek before going outside. You were thrown through a loop to not see your dad, but see your friends all there.
    “Welcome home!” they shouted.
You doubled back smiling before rushing to hug them all. You were overwhelmed. You might have only seen them like two weeks ago you were happy to be home. Even if it was only a little while.
    “We missed you.” Naruto laughed pulling you in for another hug.
    “We saw her like a week ago?” Sai replied, confused.
You ruffled Sai’s hair when a set of arms wrapped around your middle. You tensed up before smelling the familiar smell of cigarettes.
    “For?” Shikamaru asked.
    “Dating my keyboard player. Smoking. Or where you spending time with Azuma seeing your godchild?”
    “The latter.”
You rolled your eyes and he let you go but not without rubbing his cheek to yours and pulling away. You huffed and backed away. You didn’t get far before bumping into something cold. A set of hands-on the back of your elbows.
    “You got a tattoo?”
You spun around and checked out the inside of your elbow blushing.
    “I uh yeah. I have four actually.”
He looked impressed. Not deterred, he grabbed your arm and saw the grl pwr tattoo on the inside of your elbow. You and Temari have matching ones since you two were two women who basically front a band. You have three others. You have a paper airplane on the back of your shoulder, a galaxy piece on your side, and on your thigh, there was a storm cloud that under a UV or blacklight made the lighting bolt shine. Neji smiled at you. You heard someone gag behind you. You had the vaguest feeling it was Kiba. You turned around and pulled your eye and stuck your tongue at him. He hugged you and you laughed.
You spent the afternoon with your friends and parents until you were nearly falling asleep where you sat. You didn’t realize how tired you were until you let yourself relax against Neji. The night grew colder and the party moved inside. It quickly became a quiet night after that, movies and drinks and crashing on the couch. Well you crashed on the couch everyone else went home to Shikamaru’s to get their car or ride home. Neji once everyone was ready to go brought you to your bedroom and kissed you goodnight before leaving.
    “Are you going to ask her?” Lee asked.
    “Ask her what?” Sai asked guiding Ino to Shikamaru’s.
     “Ask (Y/N) out properly.”
Neji glared at Lee and pulled his jacket closed. He ignored the question which Shikamaru didn’t like. He imposed himself over Neji but Neji was just slightly, only slightly taller. Shikamaru crossed his arms and glared. Which in itself is nerve-inducing.
    “Well, Neji what are your plans with my best friend?”
    “If you must know, I like her. Clearly. So I wish to ask her out.”
    “Hurt her and your ass is mine.”
    “I don’t like you like that at all but I would never, I’m not Koma.”
Shikamaru gave one glare and then nodded. Neji waisted until he looked away to silently release his breath.
    “There’s your answer Lee. Be safe getting back you guys text the group when you all make it back home.” Shikamaru waved before going inside.
Neji gathered Hinata, Naruto, Lee, and TenTen and headed to everyone’s respective homes. He and Lee lived together, Hinata and Naruto lived together, and TenTen lived in the same building at Neji and Lee. Neji didn’t let anyone talk on the car ride back. He didn’t wish to speak about his love life with anyone anymore. Once in the comfort of his own apartment he let his hair down and groaned.
    “Neji- I’m sorry. You guys were just so cozy.”
    “Lee I’m not upset with you. I mean you were just speaking about what you saw.” Neji replied while pulling off his jacket. “She’s back for a year while some of her bandmates finish school. I have time but no time when I can’t even talk to her about my feelings!” Neji flopped onto the sofa neglecting to take off his shoes.
    “You could talk maybe Guy and Kakashi-sensei.” Lee sat by him.
Neji didn’t hate that idea. It would have been better than talking to his own father. Not that he didn’t want to, but he didn’t think his dad could help. His mom made the first move on his dad. But with Guy-sensei it was an accident with him and Kakashi but probably better advice than his father so maybe Lee was onto something there.
       menace to sobriety
the boulder
    Neji and I are home.
    As am I.
    Naruto and me too.
    Kiba is drunk on the floor of his house crying to Akimaru about the boy in facepaint?
fur culture
pencil ****
    Ino and Sakura are trying to dye their hair.
*eye roll*
    They’re getting along?
pencil ***
    sauske isn’t here to fight over. i'm on watch duty..
omnipotent friend
    dont let them make bad choices they’ll regret in like 5 minutes.
*eye roll*
     or you could.
omnipotent friend
    ill remove you
*eye roll*
    not ur chat
        fur culture changed the admin to omnipotent friend
*eye roll*
    im in danger
The chat died down after that and you fell back asleep. Neji laughed. This chat has bounced admin to admin and the nicknames change often enough to keep anyone entertained. Neji himself got ready for bed. Rock Lee stayed up a bit longer than him to do some work for his up-and-coming school week. He was student teaching this week.
The next morning everyone woke to a few changes in the group chat. You changed a few nicknames and the title
       the void calls me forth
    (y/n)! how dare you call me a gremlin.
void keeper
    bc im not kiba and you will not bully me
pretty boy
    im pretty?
    i like this more.
fur culture
    I deserve this honestly. All though these were good changes. neji is pretty, sai clever pun and shikamaru deserved it. you should have been this admin from the start
    we told you that from the start, and two she came up with half the original nicknames
the boulder
    teenagers scare me.
You snorted and walked down the stairs. Kiba just accepted his fate. It was almost perfect. Your mom left you a note about her plans for the day. Your father was there for the day but he was engrossed in work. You ate something quickly and popped your head in to say hello to him. He waved at you and went about your day.
n. hyuuga
    Good morning. Can you meet me at The Blossom for coffee?
    sure. totally. see you in ten?
n. hyuuga
    Yes. Of course. Cannot wait.
You smiled to yourself walking down the stairs. Your mom was gone for the day. You could hear the television on. You popped your head in to see your dad watching a show about rocks. You smiled while he just read in his rocker the noise in the background. You leaned on the frame waiting for him to notice you. It takes him a moment before he looks up from his book and he smiles.
    “What’s up buttercup?”
    “I’m going to get coffee, do you need anything while I’m out?”
He shakes his head no.
    “Go have fun. I’ll see you later.”
You smiled and blew him a kiss. Walking into the kitchen you grabbed your jacket and purse off the coat rack. You slipped your phone into your jacket pocket and started on your walk. The great thing is The Blossom was a five-minute walk from your house. The walk, while short, gave you time to reflect. You thought about Neji. You probably always liked him, it went through phases where you liked him more than a friend, but then Koma happened. That six months of your life where Neji didn’t cross your mind. But now it all seems to be falling into place.
As you approached the cafe, Neji was already there. He looked beautifully aloof. You quietly walked up to him while he scrolled on his phone. His light skin contrasting against his dark hair and the bright red t-shirt and checkered pants to match. You honestly were a mixture of both impressed and intimidated by him. He always looked like he had his life together. You looked down at yourself and how you were dressed. You layered tights under overalls with a baggy sweater on top. You felt like you weren’t dressed well enough to compete with him. He looked up at you and smiled. He gently pulled you to him and kissed your forehead. You weren’t sure what you two were but you were content.
    “This is my treat, come on.”  He smiled opening the door for you, “I picked this place because no one would come here or neither do I think our friends care enough to find us. This place has chai lattes and oat milk which I know are your favorites.”
You smiled, cheeks becoming redder.
    “You remembered?”
    “Of course,” he responded. It’s because I love you. But he didn’t let her know that.
You held onto the crook of his elbow whilst he ordered. He ended up ordering for both of you while you had a small smile on your features. He ordered the chai latte for you and a simple London fog drink. You weren’t expecting that. As if he read your mind.
    “I had a small cup of coffee before I decided to ask you out. Do you want anything else?” he asked.
    “Do you want to split a coffee cake?”
Neji nodded. His eyes lit up like you hung the stars in the sky. You felt very on par with Neji, finally. You and he walked over to a table situated in the corner by the window. It was a kind of chilly morning for how early in September that it was. You rested your head on your hand looking between him and the window before you asked.
    “Don’t you work on Monday? Like a new startup position at a family-owned accounting firm?” You asked, smirking.
Neji smiled at your question crossing his legs and leaning over to rest his head on his hands, thinking for a moment to formulate an answer for you.
    “Yes but technically no. My days got changed because I’m going back to school for my masters so my uncle has me working sparingly.”
    “Your masters? That’s great!” you smiled excitedly.
He looked very bemusingly at you. He offered a hand to you to hold across the table. The two of you shared the cake and drinks in silence. No need to talk currently. The two of you spoke sparingly and worked on individual projects. You worked on songs and he worked on some classwork.
    “Neji. What are we?” you asked.
The keyboard clicking stopped. You felt your body tense. Had you pushed a boundary? He was hesitating and you were getting progressively more anxious. He started wringing his hands, but you quietly waited for him to answer you. Seconds felt like hours to you waiting.
    “I-I knew this was coming but I-” He sighed softly, “I was just trying to feel out how you felt before I spoke to you about me.” Neji explained, “(Y/N) I have liked you probably since I was fifteen. But our lives never seemed to line up. Call it destiny if you will always seem to escape me. I dated, you dated. I got scared of my feelings for you but not anymore I can’t. I don’t want to. I- I want to take care of you, and be with you and support you.” He ended up just muttering to himself.
Your heart clenched watching him. You smiled that he was being honest with you. Even though he was avoiding your eye contact. You reached out to grab his hand to get his attention. He slowly let you coax his hand into yours while you figured out how to respond.
    “Thank you, Neji for being honest with me. I know how you feel. You bore your feelings to me for how you feel. I accept your feelings.” you replied, smiling. “And I- I would love nothing more than this to work out. It would need work. Between music and you being in school again it won’t be easy, and I’m sorry for that. I wish I can be more for you.”
    “You’re perfect enough.” He brought your hand to his lips to kiss. “You are worth the work.”
Kiba was passing by when he stopped and did a double-take. He was convinced that he saw you and Neji but he wasn’t sure.
       the void calls me forth
fur culture
    r (y/n) and neji on a date?
    why would that be ur concern if they were kiba?
fur culture
    b/c im not being left out of this revelation once it happens like i was when lee came out. also i see them..
Kiba was squinting at the frosted glass window. Neither you nor Neji knew what was going on in that chat; both of you had your phones picked up. Kiba needed to know so he quietly snuck into the cafe and to a booth on the other side of the store from you two. Not that you would have noticed, either way, you and Neji were in your own little world. It looked like a date to Kiba.
       the void calls me forth
        glasses has left the chat
Neji laughed to himself at something you said. He then leaned in to grasp your chin to press a soft kiss to your mouth. Not wanting to push you. Kiba could hardly believe it. He got up and slipped into the bathroom.
       the void calls me forth
fur culture
    Holy- DUDE
You felt your phone vibrate and Neji felt his too. You both grabbed your phones and checked the messages. His eyes shot up and scanned for Kiba keenly aware. You were confused. You also looked over the messages and glared.
    “He’s here somewhere.” you groaned.
Neji pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at you almost apologetically.
    “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head. You grabbed his back and yours and pulled him from the cafe.
    “Don’t be sorry. I know where we can go where no one will find us.”
You and Neji dipped through the streets. He allowed himself to be pulled by you while you brought him to a home. He didn’t recognize this house. You explained it was your grandfather’s home, but he wasn’t home. You had a treehouse in the backyard that you wanted to show him. He was surprised to see this.
    “I know.”
You climbed up the rope ladder and Neji followed closely as you went up. Inside the treehouse, it looked older but sometimes you still come up to be alone or to play music. Neji stood hunched because it was made for you who had never been very tall. He looked around and smiled.
    “Finally.” he groaned.
He grabbed your face softly and kissed you properly. You gasped quietly and he kept one hand on your face and the other on your waist to make sure this was real. You both needed air eventually and he actually started to giggle. You laughed and the two of you spent the afternoon in the early fall air laughing, stealing kisses, and being in each other's presence.
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bridgyrose · 3 years
Infiltration. Salem really sucks at this undercover thing huh? Immediately Aro suspects something and now Xan is nosing her government documents. Did Sitri notice anything? Does she even know what the rest of Team SAAP is up to?
Sitri sighed as she watched the clock, realizing how late it was starting to get and her team still hadnt gotten back from helping Ruby. Her focus went back to the papers in front of her, each member of her team outlined what she knew about each member, what she liked and disliked. 
Aurora Glade was the first for her to look over again. She didnt know much, just that Aurora seemed to get angry at losing fights (only one so far  but hey, why not prepare for that kind of problem in the future) and seemed to not like seeing Ruby. Not sure if it was something about what she was wearing or if she just hated the girl, or if it was something else entirely considering it didnt take much from Xan to convince her to help Ruby out. Speaking of, Xan and Aro seemed to be… close. No assumptions besides they may have grown up together. 
Sitri pulled Ashley Xanthic’s paper closer to her. Again, she didnt know much about her. She grew up in Atlas… probably. She knew enough about tech, so it seemed about right. She seemed close to Aro and was able to quickly persuade the girl into helping someone she disliked. She had… mixed feelings about her partner. She didnt dislike Xan, but something about the way she snapped when called Ashley…
And then there was Sapphire Peony, who she knew nothing about. The mysterious woman seemed to fascinate her. Her mind started drifting back to their first day of combat class, Sapphire claimed she didnt have an aura even after it was unlocked. But something felt… off about her. 
A knock on the door pulled Sitri back to reality. She quickly put her papers away and went to open the door. “Who is it?” 
A voice called back through the door. “It’s Yang. Have you seen Ruby around?” 
Sitri opened the door and shook her head. “Not since my team went into town to help her find Blake. She seemed real torn up about what happened.” 
“I dont blame her. I finally managed to calm Weiss down and was hoping Ruby was still around so we could start looking for Blake too.” 
“Have you tried calling her on her scroll?” 
Yang nodded and pulled out her scroll. “Yeah, but… I cant seem to reach her. I’m just hoping that maybe her scroll needs to be charged again, but she rarely forgets to charge it.” 
“Maybe it just slipped her mind this time.” Sitri went back to her desk and pulled her own scroll out to text her teammates. “I’ll try to text my team to see if maybe I can reach them. I thought they’d be back by now, but I guess they’re running a bit later than expected.” 
Yang sighed and leaned against the wall, pulling up the news in Vale. As much as she trusted her sister to stay out of trouble, the last time she went into town alone, she took on a few crooks for a dust robbery. The last thing she wanted was to hear that her sister was getting into similar trouble with Team SAAP… 
Sitri sighed as Xanthic’s scroll went to a voicemail. “Not getting hold of my team either. Guess at this point all we can do is-” 
Yang glared at her scroll as a news report pulled up. “Fucking hell…” 
Sitiri looked over to Yang. “What’s wrong?” 
Yang pulled up the video of live coverage, Lisa Lavender giving a report of an attack in Vale. “The docks lit up in flames early this evening as the White Fang attacked, trying to steal dust. Law enforcement arrived on scene to find a few huntresses in training attempting to defend the docks, causing more destruction than they saved. Authorities have managed to detain a few of the white Fang members as well as the huntresses that were involved to find out more-” Yang cut off the video and started heading back to her dorm. “I… need to make a phone call….” 
Sitri pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned as she saw mugshots of her team members showing up on her own scroll. “....I’m never going to graduate with those three…” 
Salem sat in a holding cell, waiting patiently for one of the cops to speak to her as she watched Aro pace around. “Calm down, we’re not in trouble.” 
“I know, I just dont like being held like this. Like an animal.” Aro frowned at the guard that was in sight. “You better let us out!” 
The guard ignored Aro, getting up and walking away to get a little peace and quiet. 
Aro rolled her eyes and went to sit down, glaring at Ruby in the next cell over. “This is all your fault. If you hadnt wanted us to go searching for Blake-” 
“Do not blame her!” Blake yelled from her cell. “It was my fault that she wanted to come looking. If I hadnt run off and just explained things, none of this would’ve happened.” 
“Yeah, you are to blame! You and your White Fang buddies!” 
Ruby hesitated as she listened to the yelling, starting to feel afraid. She knew she wasnt in any real trouble, but now her team was starting to fall apart and another team was about to hate her for getting them all in jail for a bit and the possibility that all of this was going to reflect badly on her own record with Beacon....
“Dont listen to them.” 
Ruby looked over to Salem, sighing. “Its… hard not to.” 
“I know, but you have nothing to worry about. You did well on finding your teammate and you’ll be able to repair things with your team. And as loud as Aro is, all she is is big talk. You have nothing to worry about with her. 
Ruby smiled a bit, starting to calm down. “Thanks Sapphire.” 
Salem nodded and adjusted the jacket she wore. She had started to regret letting her newest piece pick what she was going to wear while impersonating a student, but she had to admit, it kept Ozma’s suspicions away. 
It wasnt long before the guard came back, pressing a button and letting the cells open up. “You are all free to go.” 
Ruby relaxed a bit, walking with Sun and Blake while Aro followed behind them. Salem started to follow Ruby, only to feel a hand on her shoulder. “What is it now?” 
“We need to talk.” 
“We can later.” 
Xan frowned and stepped in front of Salem, handing a scroll over to her with the dates of when “Sapphire’s” records became available. “This is something we need to discuss now.”
“Then we’ll discuss it in the dorm-” 
“Here. We discuss it here. Why do I only see records of you having any sort of ID within the last couple years? You had nothing and then you suddenly came into the system?” 
“I came from outside the kingdoms, off grid. You wouldnt understand.” 
“And no record of the village name you gave-” 
Salem frowned and gripped Xanthic’s wrist, her blue eyes suddenly getting a tint of red and black in them. “We will discuss this later. In the dorms. Privately.” 
Xanthic pulled back for a moment, hesitating at what she saw, remembering her mentor’s words about a woman he worked for and feeling a chill in the air. Something felt… wrong about Sapphire, but Xan just couldnt find the words to describe it. 
Salem started walking out with the rest of the group, taking a deep breath and sighing as she muttered to herself. For every problem she managed to get past, a new one popped up. She had planned for everything, everything except for this one pesky girl who was a bit too smart for her own good. A smile crept onto Salem’s face for a moment as a plan formed: a way to deal with Xanthic and to get closer to Ruby. Her gaze moved to Aurora as she finalized everything, and all she needed now was just one nudge to kick everything off.
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imaginedeux · 5 years
Girl At The Rock Show (E.D. Imagine)
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A/N: So Warped Tour happened like almost a year ago now, and I've been wanting to write something. I’ve read a couple of imagines where the reader goes to Cochella with the twins, but I haven't read them going to Warped Tour, and that’s honestly a concept. The show is going to be in San Diego, but i’ll be putting set times from when I went.
“Hey whats up guys! We’re back! Well, I’m back, Grayson is sick and can't film/ can't leave the house, but don't worry, we have four other amazing people here to help me with today’s video! Please introduce yourselves to the camera!” Ethan yelled at the camera from the passenger seat, pointing it at you.
“Hey! It’s (Y/N)! And I’m currently driving E’s car the three hour journey to San Diego.” You fake groaned, before you smiled at the camera, making sure you stayed in your lane. Your three other friends in the back seat all yelled hello before Ethan said he would update them when they got to the location.
“Awesome, now for a 3 hour nap.” Ethan sighed, putting his feet onto the dashboard.
“Oh, heck nah! You have at least three hours to learn one song from one of the bands playing today.” You explained, giving him your phone that was tethered to the car’s bluetooth. “I have a playlist on Spotify with a bunch of songs from some bands playing today, so you better get learning.”
“I’ll give you 3 seconds to guess where we are today!” Ethan yelled at his camera as you grabbed your draw string backpack from the trunk, ready to get the long day stared. “Well you’re probably wrong, or you're right cause you read the title to the video. I’m at the LAST Vans Warped Tour in San Diego! As you know a couple of months ago, Gray and I surprised (Y/N) with a ticket to Cochella, and she had the time of her life. Now a month-ish ago she surprised Gray and I with tickets to Warped Tour, but unfortunately Gray got sick, so we gave his ticket to one of (Y/N)’s friends since they didn't have the chance to buy a ticket before it sold out. So now we’re here, I’m not sure how much i’ll be able to film because it is a sold out gig and there are going to be a ton of people, I might just get (Y/N) to film for me.”
“I’ll only film for you if you end up crowd surfing, everything else is on you.” You shook your head closing the trunk of his car, after making sure everyone had what they needed. “Alright lets head out!” A five minute walk from the rather sketchy $20 parking lot later, your group came across the end of the line. “No fucking way, the entrance is literally around the block, and the doors don't open for another hour.”
“See, I told you we should have brought the cans of food, we would have gotten early entrances.” Your friend Carla, lectured as people with bags of food cans walked by.
“I completely forgot about them! I could have sworn I had them at the apartment before we left, but I couldn't find them this morning.” You explained, groaning. If you had non-perishable cans of food, or even an old cellphone, and you donated them, you'd be able to enter the grounds, about half an hour before everyone else did.
“Wait, were they all cans of corn?” Ethan asked from behind you. Turning, you gave him a look.
“Yes...” You answered squinting your eyes at him. “Did you take them?! I swear E, if you did...” You started before Ethan covered your mouth with his free hand, the other holding onto the camera recording the scene in front of him.
“No, wait, they’re in the car. They were in the cardboard boxes next to the first aid kit.” Ethan explained, pointing the camera at himself, before the group of you started to yell.
“E, can you PLEASE, go and grab them? Please! I’ll buy you a whole pineapple pizza to yourself when we get to the hotel tonight.” You pleaded, taking the camera away from him. A laugh at the group later, he was sprinting back towards the car, ready to get this long day started.
“Thank you guys for the donations, you all have a good day!” The woman taking the cans said, scanning your tickets.
“Likewise!” The lot of you smiled back, making your way towards the grounds. “So how is this going to work? Cause I know Carla, Kevin and Jack wanna go and see Crown The Empire, and it looks like they’re one of the first to play at the White Lightning Stage, and that’s on the other side of the venue.” You said looking up between the inflatable line-up and the venue map you payed way too much for. 
“Well, it looks like All Time Low is gonna be the last to play today at the Right Foot Stage at 8:30, and thats a band we all wanna see so we can meet up at the end of the day of thats what you want?” Jack, said pointing at the line up. This was one of the things about warped, most of the time the bands you wanna see play at same time and on opposite sides of the venue. 
“Wait look, Chase Atlantic is playing at 7:55, isn't that the band you wanna see?” You asked looking up at Ethan, who was looking back at the line up.
“Yeah it is, but its at 7:55, which means that we’ll be late to the band y'all wanna see.” Ethan realized, looking at how long Chase would play. “I know you’ve been wanting to see All Time Low for years, and I don't want you to miss out on them.”
“Thats nonsense, so looks like we have a plan. Jack, you, Carla and Kevin wanna see the same bands, so you can stick together. I’ll stick with Ethan, so we’ll meet you at the Right Foot Stage at around 8:30, if anything I brought an extra battery pack so I can text y'all.” You smiled at the group before the five of you split. 
“You ready to see a real rock show?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be, maybe its a good idea that Gray didn't come, he’d be freaking out about Chase, he’s the one who got me into them.” Ethan laughed as the two of you walked by multiple vendors trying to sell the two of you things you really didn't need. 
“Get your free bracelet for the opportunity to meet State Champs!” A vendor yelled as you walked by, causing you to stop dead in your tracks. You weren't sure if it was the State Champs t-shirt you decided to wear with a pair of high waisted black shorts and your trusty Sk-8 Hi black Vans, or if it was the multiple home-made SC patches that decorated our backpack, that made the lady yell the moment you passed by.
“E, give me a second.” You whispered, before you hauled ass towards the booth with the lady who was yelling. “Hi, is it true you’re giving fans a chance to meet State Champs?”
“Yup, I saw your patches and I couldn't let the opportunity pass. So, it is a free meet and greet, all you have to do is watch this video, its only 2 minutes long so it won't take too much time out of your day, then after its done, we’ll go ahead and give you a bracelet for the meet and greet at 1:30 at the tent right next door.” She explained pointing at the places that you needed to go to, to be able to meet your favorite band at the festival.
“Can I get to meet them too?” The hazel eyed boy asked from beside you.
“Sure, just go ahead and watch a quick video and I’ll give you a bracelet to meet them at 1:30 at the tent next door.” She gave him the same smile she gave you, pointing everything out. The video was short and to the point, don't smoke, it'll kill you. “Thank you so much for watching the video, and here are the bracelets you need to meet State Champs. The meet and greet will start at 1:30 so if you want to get here before hand thats alright.”
“Thank you!” The two of you yelled, walking away from the tent not sure what to do next. “So are there any bands you wanna see?” 
“DID YOU SEE THAT?!” Ethan yelled coming back up from behind you, you had to admit that you were surprised to see Ethan actually crowd surf his way to the front where Mayday Parade was playing.
“Of course I did, and you're gonna be happy I got that all on film.” You laughed at him, with the camera in your hand. You and your friends were concert goers but not brave enough to crowd surf yet. “This video is going to be killer to edit next week.”
“Dont worry I’ll get Gray to edit it since he was too sick to come along.” Ethan laughed looking over the crowd as they jumped and danced along to the band covering Blink-182′s Girl at The Rock Show. “Not even at Coachella are people this hyped to see their favorite band or artist. We need to come to more of these.”
“Some of the bands have been making music since a lot of these kids were young, they grew up hearing these bands. Warped is decently priced so this might be some of these peoples only chance of seeing their favorite band live.” You explained as the lead singer, Derek thanked the crowd for letting them play main stage, and said they would be playing their last song next, which was a fan favorite. “Come on E, Mayday’s almost done, so that means its almost 1:30, its time to meet State Champs.”
“Next please!” The already annoyed merch employee yelled as some kids stepped out of the tent.
“Holy shit E, it really is them!” You mumbled covering your mouth as you and Ethan stepped into the tent.
“Hey yall, how’s warped tour going?” Derek, the lead singer asked as the two of you came face to face with one of your favorite bands in the last couple of years.
“It’s good so far, it’ll be even better once I see yall play! By the way, can I get a hug please?” You asked almost shaking, this band was the reason you got out of the comfort zone of your hometown and are the reason you moved to L.A., they gave you the courage to do everything you were scared to do before.
“Come on in here!” Ryan, one of the guitarists laughed bringing you in for a bone crushing hug. “You to my man! Hugs for everyone.” E’s laugh rumbled through the tent as the group of you came in for a group hug. You never thought that you’d ever be able to meet them, much less hug them.
“Can we get a group picture?” Ethan asked this time, you’d honestly forgotten about asking for picture with them, being in the same city as them was good enough for you.
“Sure, anything you guys wanna do?” Tyler, the other guitarist asked.
“How about 90′s rap cover group picture?” You asked shaking out of your state of shock. “Honestly its the only thing I can think of and I’m just remembering the photo of pigeons that looked like they were about to drop the greatest rap album of the century.”
“I know which one you’re talking about! Dude I honestly didn’t think anyone remembers that photo.” Tony, the bass player grinned at the thought of the pigeon photo. Handing over his phone, Ethan quickly squatted down in front of you, Derek doing the same as the rest of the band stood next to you, allowing you to be in the center of the picture. 
“Thank you again for coming to Warped Tour, thank you for being a fan of us and allowing us to come out and play all away across the country from our hometown.” Evan said giving you another hug. 
“Thank you all as well, your music gave me the courage to move out of my little hometown to L.A., without ya’ll, I don’t know where I would be.” You grinned, before you hugged all of them one last time. “Can’t wait to see yall play later!”
“I still can’t believe that we met State Champs, they’re all as beautiful as they look like on Instagram.” You gushed biting into one of the ice pops the two of you bought for way too much.
“(Y/N), that was like two hours ago, you even got to see them live. How are you still going on about them?” Ethan asked chucking the stick into the nearest trashcan, it’d been a couple of hours since State Champs played and the two of you decided to wonder around the festival grounds.
“I don’t know, their music gave me so much courage to be myself, they’re the reason why i’m standing here in San Diego, because without them I wouldn’t have moved to L.A., met you, Gray, Carla, Jack, and Kevin, and without yall, I wouldnt have gotten the chance at meeting them.” You explained grinning at Ethan. “I really do owe it all to them. So, anyways, what do you wanna do now? We have a couple more hours till Chase, so we have time to do anything you want.”
“We haven’t filmed anything for the vlog in a while, why don’t we find a place to sit, and talk to the viewers.”
“Sorry it’s been a minute since we’ve updated you, but the group was disbanded so we could watch the bands we wanted to watch. What bands have we seen today?” Ethan asked, looking between you and the camera the two of you set up on an empty picnic table you were able to grab.
“We’ve seen Mayday Parade, we got to see a part of 3OH!3′s set, which was at more lit than I thought it was going to be, we saw my band State Champs, go follow them on all social media you wont regret it, when we finally got out of the pit, we got to see the last couple of songs for Simple Plan, and we just finished watching Bowling For Soup’s set. For those who dont know, Warped Tour is consisted of six different stages, the Journey’s Left Foot and Right Foot stage are the two main stages of the festival, while the other four are smaller stages, two are for the heavier bands and the other two are for smaller bands. Anyways, the reason we’ve seen 5 bands, is because they’ve been on the Left and Right stages so they’re right next to each other. Now we’re waiting for Chase Atlantic’s set and we’re going to meet back up with the group to watch All Time Low, another band you should go and follow on all social media, just follow all the bands, they’re all good.”
“Wow, talk about that plug. But I have to admit, their music has been really good, a lot of music you could work out too for sure. Oh, we also met (Y/N)’s favorite band State Champs, and they were actually really cool, they seemed really down to earth,” Ethan started before you gestured to put the photo in the video. “Insert picture here, I dont know how it looks and (Y/N), chose the pose, so if we look like idiots, blame (Y/N).”
“Hey, I’m giving them quality content, so you’re welcome.” You sassed looking down at your phone. “My friend from back home is mad at me that I’m Warped without her, and shes telling me to go check out a band if they haven’t played yet. Can I borrow your phone, to see if they’ve played yet?”
“So demanding,” Ethan joked as you grabbed his phone out of his hand. “If you have a chance at trying to come to one of these shows, do it. If you don’t mind walking around for hours, or being around large groups of people, and some of these band’s fans do go hard and start moshing, but if you don’t mind any of that, it something everyone should do at least once in their life.” 
“Hey, the band my friend is talking about is going to play in like 30 minutes, can we head over? It’s on the same page Chase Atlantic is playing at.”
“We’re With Confidence, we’re all the way from Sydney, Australia, thank you so much for letting us play few songs for you guys today!” The lead singer, and also bassist said smiling. “I’m Jayden, this beautiful man on guitar is Inigo, and this equally beautiful man on drums is Josh. If you guys dont mind we’ll be meeting any one that wants to meet us, right at our tent over there, it’s big and pink you cant miss it. We’ll be signing your things and if you want, you can pre-order our album coming out at the end of the summer, and you can get both a physical and digital copy when you buy today.” 
“Oh my god, do you hear those accents? Why are they so beautiful?” You gushed as they played a new song coming out on the album they were talking about. Like most of the other songs they had played, they were all high energy, the kids up at the barricades were jumping along to the beat, and some of the kids in the middle of the crowd were opening up the pit for a circle pit, the dust flying up into the air as they ran around in a circle. That was one of the perks of being far from the barricades, and on the outside perimeter of the pit, you were able to see everything, and how the kids were reacting to the band. “I’ve never heard of this band, but they are amazing, i’m definitely signing up for a CD.”
“First, State Champs, now these guys? Who don’t you love, (Y/N)?” Ethan sighed, rolling his eyes as you got footage of the band and of the kids in the moshpit.
“I fall easily, all it takes is a pretty face and an amazing accent.” You stuck your tongue out at Ethan as the band started to play their final song.
“This entire video is going to be just you meeting bands.”  Ethan laughed as you pulled him to the meet and greet line for With Confidence.
“Hey, i’m at least giving you content E, you would have probably just pranked Gray if it wasnt for me.” You grinned at the camera knowing it was true.
“I mean true.”
“And, i’m giving your Instagram followers content as well, y’all have no idea how many times E has taken his shirt off today because of how warm it got, and he’s definitely gotten some stares from some of the kids here.”
“Hey! It’s not my fault it’s gotten warm!” He explained grabbing the camera from you, pointing it at himself as he tried to defend his actions.
“Um, I told you to wear shorts and a tank top, but no! I know how to dress for a festival, and its not going to get hot.” You mocked Ethan, grabbing the camera out of his hands as you used his cool voice. “And here he is suffering in black plaid jeans and a white long sleeve.” Laughing you showed the viewers the outfit he decided to wear to a summer festival.
“Well you’ll be the one complaining later when we go and see All Time Low, and you’re freezing.” Ethan shot back as one of the security guards started allowing the first kid to meet With Confidence.
“That’s what you think! While you were meeting some of fans, I went and bought myself an All Time Low hoodie so HA!” You laughed, shoving the camera towards Ethan to grab the hoodie you got from your favorite band. “They didnt have my size so I had to get the next size up, but its so comfortable guys.” You could already feel the shift in temperature so it was the perfect time to put on your hoodie. The hoodie reached below the hem of your shorts, and the sleeves went passed the tips of your fingers with ease, it looked like you were ready for bed, not ready to rock out at a concert.
Meeting With Confidence was a whole other experience, they were so happy to see people lining up to meet them. They were constantly thanking you and Ethan for being there to see them, and giving their band a chance. They were happy to hear that you were going to buy a CD and a couple of shirt from their merch stand, and were like that with the kids before and after you. A couple of heavier bands later, and Chase Atlantic started to play is when you started recording the crowd’s reaction to the band. Both you and Ethan realized that the music they’ve released, is played differently live. Rather than the sensual RnB vibe, they sounded like all the other rock bands that played that day. Midway through their set they thanked everyone for stay to see them play since they were one of the last bands playing that day, as they continued to thank the crowd, Ethan grabbed the camera and started recording the crowd from his perspective. This is something that the two of you had been doing all day, so both of you could enjoy the band, and it would give Gray more angles to edit. Its once Ethan started recording the crowd and the band that he realized how well you knew the lyrics to the songs. You swayed when the music slowed, you jumped along to the kick drum, you spun around as the lead singer sang the lyrics all the kids in the crowd knew. Ethan stepped back and started recording you as the lead singer stopped singing, allowing the crowd to sing the lyrics to one of their more famous songs. Although the temperatures continued to lower, that wasnt causing the blush on Ethan’s cheeks to appear.
“Alright, this is going to be the last song we play tonight, thank you for allowing us to play here to night, and I hope you guys have an amazing rest of the evening.” The lead singer, Mitchel, thanked as the band started playing the last song.
“E, come on! We need to head to the Right Foot Stage, Carla, Kevin and Jack are already there!” You yelled, literally pulling him out of his day dream and out of the crowd. As the two of you ran to one of the last stages still up, the two of you could hear the sea of kids singing along to some of the songs that were playing through the speakers, waiting for the final band to play. “Look, there they are!”
“Thank you guys so much!” Alex thanked the crowd before he started the last song of San Diego’s Warped Tour. 
“I’ve got your picture, i’m coming with you. Dear Maria count me in, theres a story at the bottom of this bottle and i’m the pen!” The entire crowd sang as, Alex, Jack and Zack jumped around the stage and around Rian, who was playing the drums. By the time the lot of you had gotten to the stage, you were a good twenty yards away from the stage, but it didnt bother you. If anything it allowed your group to step back, and be able to dance along to the songs you grew up with. It also gave Ethan the opportunity to record you guys without being shoved around in the pit. Then the song reached the long awaited climax, as Jack and Alex threw their guitars across the stage, the confetti cannons showered the crowd in multi colored paper. Although the sounds of the cannons startled Ethan, he never took his eyes off you as the pieces of paper fell around you. It was the gasp that made you stop spinning around to look at Ethan. 
He could have sworn that the sound of the crowd drowned out his gasp, but apparently it was loud enough for you to hear and stop spinning. It was the smile that put the nail in the coffin for Ethan. It was the biggest, and the realest smile he’s ever seen from you. Since the beginning of your friendship with Ethan, there was a difference in it. It wasn’t a normal friendship the two of you shared, it was something more. although the two of you refused to admit it. The two of you could lean on each other, the two of you were closer than even the fans knew about, and a majority knew how close the two of you lead on. The two of you talked about everything, from things that you saw that reminded you of each other, to desires of what you wanted to do in both the near and far future. When you started talking about how you wanted to go to the Last Cross Country Warped Tour, Ethan instantly jumped on the chance to buy the two of you tickets. So, no, Grayson wasn’t sick, he knew about the little plan his twin brother was creating. But since you weren’t aware, you invited your friends, who weren’t aware of the plan Ethan was planning either, along since they also had tickets.
The thing was, you had a plan up your sleeve as well. You knew from the very beginning that your friends were going to be watching groups you and Ethan hadnt heard of before, so you knew you would have some time with Ethan without feeling pressured by your friends to make a move. Through out the day the two of you laughed at random jokes, you shared your drinks and food with each other, you even encouraged each other to do things you’d never have the guts to do if you were by yourself. As the day continued, the two of you held on to each other as the bands you were watching played the slow song of the set. You hugged Ethan longer, and harder after meeting With Confidence, and State Champs, quietly thanking him for sharing the experience with you. With a smile still on your face, you brought Ethan in for a hug, one harder than any of the ones the two of you had shared before.
“Thank you so much. You have no idea what today means to me. It wouldnt have been the same without you.” You confessed looking up at him.
The look in your eyes were ones Ethan had never seen before. There was something about them that were different, but looked familiar.
Its the look my parents have when they look at each other. You realized as Ethan looked down at you, swaying the two of you back and forth. As the song started to fade, you started to stand on your tip toes as Ethan started to lead down. Little did the two of you know that your friends were sneakily taking a photo of the moment, something they had been doing all day. Besides seeing their favorite bands, your friends knew of the plan through Grayson, and were capturing the moments neither of you were getting on camera. What a better way to end Warped Tour in the arms of someone you cared for deeply, and that care for you the same way.
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raeofgayshine · 6 years
I’m Only Human
Roman spends his life putting on an act, but you can only pretend to be okay for so long before you break. 
Read it on AO3. 
Warnings: Self-esteem issues, dysphoria, mentioned/implied  transphobia, homophobia, conversion therapy
Part of this fic includes chat, so for reference: Logan is Disaster-Gay Virgil is panic-at-the-everywhere Patton is Ace-Of-Cakes Roman is Romano-Cheesy
Roman Prince was first and foremost, an actor: On stage and off. He performed in dozens of shows from the time he was little, all the way up until the end of 10th grade, when he got outed by someone he thought was a friend as trans, and backlash from the student body and their parents kept him from ever being able to safely step onto the stage again. Offstage well... his whole life off stage was an act, wasn’t it? Pretending for years upon years to be the perfect daughter his parents thought him to be, acting like their rejection of him for being trans didn’t hurt him, that he wasn’t slowly breaking under the scrutiny of dozens of doctors and therapist who tried to convince him there was something wrong, like the weeks spent at conversion camp when he was 17 didn’t drive him so close to the edge that the only way for him to stay alive was by running away.
It had been a mistake. Running away had shown his parents a weakness, and when Roman came home they had made it clear: either he would start acting like the daughter they expected him to be, or they would send him somewhere worse that he couldn’t escape. Every day spent pretending only broke Roman a little more, but he learned very quickly not to show. He could fake a smile, force a laugh, play the part of the perfect daughter his parents expected. It wasn’t like he had a choice anyway, not as long as he was living with them.
As soon as he turned 18, Roman took his things and walked away from his parent's house for the last time, leaving behind everything he had pretended to be for so long, all of the hate and the pain and the fear that had defined his life in the past two years. He moved into his college apartment early and made friends with his soon to be roommates over text and tried so desperately to forget everything that had happened before that moment.
Roman was sure that if pretended for long enough that he had moved on, that maybe... maybe one day he would finally be able to. He knew that it didn’t work that way, that you don’t get over trauma like what he had faced in a matter of weeks, and scars don’t heal if you only ignore them, but even if he had wanted to Roman wasn’t entirely sure he could bring himself to talk about what happened.
The last time he had let someone see him weak, see him vulnerable, was when his mom found him on the side of the road after he had run away from that hell. He broke down in tears as he begged her not to send him back, promised to do anything to just get away from there, and she had taken advantage of how broken he was by forcing him back into a lifestyle that only made him hate himself more and more every day.
Roman had sworn to himself he would never let anyone see him weak again after that moment. He would keep on pretending that everything was okay, that he was invincible, put together, that nothing in this world could hurt him and like he hadn’t been shattered into something almost unrecognizable by his past.
The thing is though, when you try to pretend like everything was okay, it only leads to a bigger fallout when you finally broke completely.
The cracks in Roman’s mask had been spreading ever since he left home, ever since he had started talking to his roommates and the four of them grew quickly into a tight-knit group of friends even though they had only ever texted each other (except for Virgil and Patton, who had met while on vacation and found out they only lived a few hours apart, meaning they got together quite frequently).
Every time they talked, Roman found it was harder and harder to just keep pretending like everything was okay. The others were always so honest, so open with their feelings, their struggles, and Roman felt guilty every time he dodged a question about his past, or lied and said he was doing great even on the days he hated himself so much he almost didn’t want to exist.
It hurt to lie to them, but faced with the alternative Roman wasn’t sure he could stomach telling them the truth. Even if they didn’t use his own vulnerability to their advantage, he was sure they would walk away as soon as they realized that he was broken beyond any hope. Roman couldn’t bear the thought of losing them, not when Patton, Virgil, and Logan had become the first good thing Roman had had in years. They were the only thing that kept him going some days, and he was terrified of what might happen when they were gone.
Roman knew one day that the mask was going to shatter completely and the others would finally see who he truly was and there was nothing he would be able to do to stop it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to put it off as long as possible.
When it finally did happen, it wasn’t at all how Roman had expected it to go.
It started when Logan had sent his daily reminder to all of them that move was in exactly 8 days (well, more or less anyway), along with his list of other daily reminders he had started sending out since the four of them had started talking. It had already been a bad day for Roman (and it had hardly even begun). Nightmares had kept him from getting much sleep before he had to get up for work, and then just as he was about to leave his boss had called and told him to come in a few hours later than normal because she needed him to cover for one of their afternoon waitresses for a few hours, meaning he had gotten up at 6 am for absolutely nothing. Then there was just the regular stress from the fact that classes were starting soon and he needed to make sure the apartment was spotless before the others moved in, all on top of his normal stress of trying to keep up his act that everything was okay despite the fact it was getting harder and harder to pretend with each passing day.
So Roman wasn’t feeling the greatest when the conversation started. He should have realized then that it was only going to get worse from there. If he had, maybe he would have been able to stop the mask from crumbling completely.
Ace-of-Cakes: I can’t believe we’re actually going to meet in just over a week! I can’t wait to see all of you a wrap you in a big ol’ Pattoned Patton hug
Disaster-Gay: Was that... a self-referential pun?
Ace-of-Cakes: Mayyyybee
Disaster-Gay: You need to stop
panic-at-the-everywhere: if you think its bad now lo just wait until you meet him
Romano-Cheesy: I still think it’s unfair that you got to meet Patton first
panic-at-the-everywhere: why is that Princey
Romano-Cheesy: because there’s no possible way you could appreciate his hugs as much as me
Romano-Cheesy: so the fact you got to have one first is really really unfair
panic-at-the-everywhere: jealous?
Romano-Cheesy: Of an emo nightmare like you? As if.
Ace-Of-Cakes: Now kiddos, there’s no need to fight. There’s plenty of Patton hugs for everyone to share.
panic-at-the-everywhere: what if i don’t want to share
Ace-Of-Cakes: Virgil! I am surprised at you!
panic-at-the-everywhere: still?
Disaster-Gay: I really don’t see what all the fuss is about. It is just a hug.
Romano-Cheesy: just a hug?
Romano-Cheesy: juST A hUG?!
Disaster-Gay: That is what I said, yes.
Romano-Cheesy: It is not JUST a hug, Logan! It is so much more than that.
Ace-Of-Cakes: Yeah, it’s a Pattoned Patton Hug, they’re special!
panic-at-the-everywhere: it really is
Romano-Cheesy: Besides, it’s going to be the first time we meet. Isn’t that exciting at all to you, Logan?
Disaster-Gay: I suppose, but haven’t we technically already met considering we have been talking for the past weeks?
Romano-Cheesy: That’s not the same! We haven’t met in person, we haven’t seen each other's faces, heck we haven’t even heard each other's voices yet!
Romano-Cheesy: It’s like we practically don’t even know each other!
panic-at-the-everywhere: i dont know i think i have a pretty good idea what you sound like princey
panic-at-the-everywhere: annoying and loud
Roman inhaled sharply as soon as he read Virgil’s message, a stabbing pain shooting through his heart at the words, which cut far deeper than was surely intended. Virgil’s only joking, Roman reminded himself, blinking back the tears that had filled his eyes as he tried to convince himself that was the truth. It was only a joke. But then if that was the case, why did it seem to hurt so much more?
Roman shook his head to rid himself of the thoughts, taking a deep breath, his well-practiced mask slipping back into place as he slowly released it. He was fine. Virgil had only been joking, and besides even if he wasn’t his words didn’t bother Roman at all.
Once he was sure he was composed again, he turned back to the conversation that had continued on without him.
Ace-Of-Cakes: Now kiddo that isn’t a very nice thing to say. I’m sure Roman has a perfectly lovely voice.
panic-at-the-everywhere: says you
Disaster-Gay: Well considering Roman’s past in theater and performing, I would say that statistically, he is likely to have an at least somewhat pleasant voice otherwise he is likely to not have been so successful
Disaster-Gay: Regardless, there is a simple way for us to fix this.
Ace-Of-Cakes: Ooh, how so?
Disaster-Gay: We call each other. This way we will be able to hear each other's voices and find out whether or not Virgil is correct about how Roman sounds.
Ace-Of-Cakes: That sounds like a great idea!!
panic-at-the-everywhere: it sounds like a horrible idea
Ace-Of-Cakes: We should make it a face call!! That way we can see what everyone looks like
panic-at-the-everywhere: that sounds even worse
Ace-Of-Cakes: Oh, and Roman can show us what the apartment looks like!
Disaster-Gay: I am rather curious to see where we will be staying
panic-at-the-everywhere: ... i hate you
Ace-Of-Cakes: Does that mean you’ll do it?
panic-at-the-everywhere: if princey agrees then fine
Disaster-Gay: Roman? Are you opposed to us having a video phone call and giving a tour of the apartment?
Romano-Cheesy: That sounds like a wonderful idea!
It sounded like a horrible idea. A face call? A tour of the apartment? Roman hadn’t even had time to clean yet, and even his concealer struggled to hide the bags under his eyes. And what if they started asking personal questions? Roman had a hard enough time keeping it together over text when they started talking about stuff, how in the world was he going to act like everything was okay if they could hear the shake in his voice and see the tears running down his face.
But it wasn’t like he could just say no without them questioning it. He could at least try and buy himself a little more time to get ready.
Romano-Cheesy: It would have to wait until after work of course, but I would love to give you all the grand tour of our apartment.
Romano-Cheesy: If we make the call around 7, I could show you the sunset which looks absolutely stunning from our balcony
Ace-Of-Cakes: That sounds like a great idea Roman! And it means I can work until closing at the shelter and spend more time with the animals.
Disaster-Gay: So long as you stay away from the cats.
Ace-Of-Cakes: But they’re soooooo cute!!
panic-at-the-everywhere: patton
panic-at-the-everywhere: you are my best friend but i swear to god if i have to drive two hours in the dark because you were with the cats again...
Ace-Of-Cakes: fine. I’ll stick with the dogs.
Ace-Of-Cakes: But only because I get to talk to you guys afterward and you’re better than any cat!
Disaster-Gay: Are we all agreed then to a video call at 7:00 this evening?
panic-at-the-everywhere: i guess
Romano-Cheesy: It was my idea, so yes
Ace-Of-Cakes: Yes!!!! I can’t wait either, ahhh it’s going to be so exciting.
Disaster-Gay: It’s settled then. Patton, since this was your idea would you like to be the one to initiate the call?
Ace-Of-Cakes: Oh I would love to! Except... I kind of don’t actually know how to.
Disaster-Gay: You... Don’t know how to?
Ace-Of-Cakes: Not a clue
panic-at-the-everywhere: i honestly cant tell if hes joking or...
Disaster-Gay: It doesn’t matter. I’ll make the call. At least this way we can be certain it will happen on time.
Ace-Of-Cakes: I feel like you just insulted me a bit.
Disaster-Gay: It was less of an insult and more of a general observation. You, as well as the others in this chat for that matter, often struggle quite a bit to be on time.
Ace-Of-Cakes: :(
Disaster-Gay: Patton, I was not insulting you
Ace-Of-Cakes: :(((((((((((((((((((((((
Disaster-Gay: Patton...
Ace-Of-Cakes: :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Disaster-Gay: Patton!
Ace-Of-Cakes: :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
Ace-Of-Cakes: Yes Logan?
Disaster-Gay: Although it was not my intention, I apologize if I have hurt your feelings.
Ace-Of-Cakes: Apology accepted! :)
Disaster-Gay: Don’t start
Ace-Of-Cakes: fiiiiiiine
Roman got home from work later than he had expected to, thanks to the 45-minute lecture he got from a customer about how they didn’t “agree with his lifestyle” and how he “shouldn’t be allowed to work around children” because he was a “threat to society”. When Roman’s manager attempted to step in and settle the situation the customer only got angrier, especially because Valerie refused to fire Roman on the spot just because he was trans. While it was nice to have someone on his side, Roman almost wished she had simply left it alone instead of dragging it out for even longer. It was the end of his shift, he was tired, and all he wanted to do was go home and curl up under the covers and pretend like the day had never happened.
Not that Roman could just crawl into bed even when he did finally get home, no matter how tempting of an idea it was. Logan was supposed to call in just a couple of hours and the apartment was in no shape to be seen by anyone else. It wasn’t in the full-on disaster mode that came whenever Roman got wrapped up in one of his projects (which hadn’t happened in over a year, not since he was sent there, not since he traded who he was for the price of his life. Just another part of him that had gotten lost behind the mask he wore). He had managed to keep up at least with small tasks, like taking out the trash and for the most part keeping the dishes clean, but it had been weeks since he had had the energy or motivation to really feel like vacuuming or mopping the floor, he hadn’t done laundry in nearly two weeks and he hadn’t cleaned his room since he moved in. Not to mention the fact that the doors to the other three bedrooms had been sealed shut since before he moved in and were definitely in need of some serious cleaning.
He had planned on spreading out the cleaning over the next week and take it room by room until finally it was all clean before it was time for the others to move in. But with Logan set to call at 7 pm, Roman only had two hours to rush through as much of the cleaning as he possibly could. If he hadn't wanted to sleep for three years before, by the time he finally quit to take a shower he most certainly did. He was still standing under the hot water when he heard his phone start to ring (definitely not half asleep) and had to quickly rush to dry himself off and get dressed. By the time he finally accepted the call, the other three were already mid-conversation about Patton’s day at the shelter, though that stopped the second that they noticed Roman had joined.
“-Oh look! Roman’s here! Hi Roman!” Even having never talked to them before, Roman knew in an instant that the first one to speak had to be Patton. His smile was like the embodiment of sunshine, and Roman could practically feel the warmth radiating off of him from here. The curly dirty blonde hair, shining blue eyes, and the smattering of freckles across his face only added to the look, and Roman felt his heart skip a beat as he took it all in.
“About time you showed up, asshole.” If Patton was the embodiment of sunshine, then Virgil was the exact opposite. His dark brown eyes were partially obscured by the purple fringe that fell into his face, and dark eyeshadow was smeared underneath them (Virgil truly lived up to his name as an emo nightmare, it seemed). There was a playful smirk on his lips that gave away he was mostly joking despite the annoyed tone he had spoken in, and the butterflies in Roman’s stomach settled just slightly at the realization that Virgil wasn’t actually mad. “We were beginning to think you ditched us.”
“Virgil thought you ditched us.” Patton corrected almost immediately, frowning for just a moment in his direction before he locked eyes with Roman again, smiling as he added: “I told him that you probably just got caught up in something and would be here as soon as you could.”
“And it seems as if Patton is correct. Judging by your wet hair, I assume you just came from the shower?” Logan was the last one to speak, and when Roman finally turned to look at the oldest of their quartet, he felt his breath catch in his throat slightly at the intensity with which Logan was staring back at him. His dark green eyes were searching Roman’s face calculatingly, his lips turned down just slightly in concern the longer he stared. Roman cleared his throat quietly and looked pointedly away from Logan before answering.
“Uh yes, I was in the middle of taking a shower when you called,” Roman admitted, trying not to wince at the high pitch of his voice compared to theirs (God Virgil was right to call his voice annoying, Roman hated it). “I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten, guess I just lost track of time.”
Okay, so maybe that was a lie. But there was no way for them to know that. At this point lying was almost second nature, no matter how much he hated it. It was all part of the act he kept up every day of his life. Roman forced a smile before any of them could call him out just in case (The frown on Logan’s face had only deepened and Roman was almost certain that he had seen straight through his lie), and quickly changed the subject by asking if they wanted a tour of the apartment.
Roman’s grateful for how quickly they all agree, if for no other reason than it allowed him to turn the camera away from himself for a while, giving him time to try and pull himself together without the others staring him down. Besides, at least this way he could look at the others without having to see himself as well and be reminded of just how much he hated the way that he looked.
Patton’s excited chattering about everything he saw, and about all the plans of things they could do once they moved in together made it so Roman didn’t have to say much even as the one giving the tour, although there were a few things he made sure to point out like the fact they only had one bathroom or there was a false back in the hall closet that led into a room he hadn’t actually entered yet, but that he was pretty sure was probably filled with spiders (Hence the reason he hadn’t entered, Logan was the only one who seemed to think it was a good idea to explore it at all). The most stunning part of the tour, of course, was the sunset, which thanks to the position of their balcony meant that it set over a small lake allowing the light to dance off the water and create a breathtaking view.
Silence fell over them all for several minutes as they watched, until finally, Logan broke it to explain exactly why the setting sun made the sky change colors and what made it so attractive to humans to the point it was often used as a romantic setting. Roman eventually sat down, legs dangling between the bars as Logan spoke, resting his head against the railing and keeping his camera pointed towards the lake even after the sun had set and the topic had begun to shift towards other settings humans often designated as romantic. Listening to the three talk Roman felt himself slowly nodding off to sleep, and was only jerked awake suddenly by the sound of someone calling his name.
“Roman, kiddo, are you still there?” Patton asked, concern lacing his voice and when Roman focused again on the screen he noticed all three of the boys were now staring at him with various amounts of concern and confusion on their faces. “You still have the camera turned off of you so we can’t actually tell if you left or not, and you haven’t said anything in a while.”
“I’m still here Patton,” Roman said softly, taking a deep breath and putting on what he hoped was a convincing fake smile before turning the camera back around, lifting his phone so that his face came into view for the others. “Sorry, I got wrapped in my thoughts for a moment there. Watching the sunset tends to do that to me.”
“Aw there’s no need to apologize kiddo, it happens to all of us.” Patton smiled reassuringly, sharing a concerned glance with Virgil and Logan when he thought Roman wasn’t looking. “We were just worried about you is all.”
“Indeed. You seemed to be in quite deep thought considering it took several tries to get your attention.” Logan agreed, his voice calm but still it sent chills down Roman’s back, and he bit his lip in an attempt to keep from shuddering in response. Logan fell silently as he slowly looked Roman over with his piercing stare, which softened just slightly when he finally said “Roman, you look exhausted. When was the last time you had a decent night’s sleep?”
“I’m fine,” Roman lied, averting his gaze from the camera in favor of looking up towards the night sky, letting out a shaky breath as he tried to keep himself together for just a little bit longer. “It’s just been a long day at work, shitty customers, you know how that goes.”
“Are you sure that’s the only thing bothering you kiddo?” Patton asked, and Roman had to bit his lip to keep from spilling it all right then and there. Instead, he nodded his head, forcing another smile onto his face before he looked back down at the others just in time to see them sharing another look of concern and disbelief.
“I’m fine,” Roman repeated, more force behind his words this time, but it did nothing to sway the others into believing them any more than the first time he said it. But he didn’t give them time to argue before he added: “And even if I wasn’t, it really isn’t something I want to talk about so can we please just move on to something else?”
Roman hated to snap at them, especially when they were only trying to be good friends and help him out, but he didn’t want their help. Not if it meant letting down the walls he had so desperately built to keep himself safe, allowing them to see him vulnerable and weak after he promised never to do that again. He didn’t want, didn’t need their help in knowing that he was broken beyond repair. He had already learned that years ago.
They didn’t seem happy about it, but thankfully the other three seemed to realize how serious Roman was and allowed the conversation to drift to other topics. Slowly Roman found himself starting to relax again as they talked about last minute preparations, how their family and friends felt about them leaving, what classes they were excited to take at some point and the things they were most nervous about starting college. Roman was just starting to think that he might make it through the phone call without any more incidents when almost out of the blue Patton asked
“Did you know that the theater department is putting on Beauty and the Beast for its musical this semester? We should all go see it together, I bet it’ll be really fun.”
Roman froze, his eyes widening slightly at Patton’s words, a sick feeling washing over him at the thought. It had been over two years since he had last been in a theater having every last one of his dreams crushed as the drama teacher told him it was too dangerous for him to perform at school now that he was outed, and that he would never find a part for himself anyways on a professional stage. Acting had been his entire life up until that moment, and when it was taken away Roman found himself unable to stand even the thought of spending a single minute in another theater. Especially if it was in the audience.
“Please Patton, you know Princey’s going to be on stage with all the rest of those nerds.” Virgil scoffed, oblivious to the thoughts swirling around in Roman’s mind at that very moment, rolling his eyes. “He practically bleeds Disney movies, there’s no way he wouldn’t try to land at least some sort of role. He could probably play the Beast just on his ability to recite the lines from memory alone.”
“Actually, dialogue and songs in movies often differ from what you see performed on a stage,” Logan replied, adjusting his glasses casually as he turned to look at Roman, an almost fond look in his eyes as he continued. “However, I do believe you are correct in the fact that Roman very easily could secure the role of Prince Adam. Of course I do not know any of the other actors who will be trying out for the role admittedly, however, I sincerely doubt any of them hold as much enthusiasm or love for Disney as Roman does, and passion alone is very beneficial in landing a role.”
“How the hell do you know that?” Virgil asked incredulously, raising an eyebrow at Logan who merely shrugged, responding “I told you that my cousin performs at the local theater quite often. I have sat in on many auditions with him since I was young and have picked up quite a few things in the process.”
Roman was hardly paying attention to the conversation anymore; his mind was racing far too much trying to understand what had been said in the past few minutes to process anything else. Virgil and Logan both really thought that he could get the part of Adam if he decided to audition for the musical. But why? They had never heard him sing, seen him act, sure they knew that he loved Disney but that alone didn’t qualify as enough of a reason for him to get a part in a play. He didn’t have the voice, didn’t have the face or the body or the anything to play Prince Adam, even if he could recite every line of dialogue perfectly there was no way he would ever look the part.  
Eventually, his curiosity got the best of him, and before Roman could stop himself he blurted out “Do you really think that I would have a chance to play Prince Adam?”
Whatever conversation had been going on before stopped at Roman’s outburst, and almost immediately he wished that he could take it back as confused looks settled on all three faces of his friends.
“I mean yeah, I don’t see why you wouldn’t,” Virgil said slowly after a moment, eying Roman curiously as he tried to understand the source of his sudden question. “Like Logan said, I doubt anyone loves Disney as much you.”
“Statistically you have just as good of a chance as anyone else who tries out,” Logan added, his eyebrows furrowing just slightly as he scanned Roman’s face yet again, and Roman wondered if he saw anything different this time because after a moment his eyes widened just slightly in realization. “Do you not think you have a chance?”
“No!” Roman replied, the answer spilling out of his mouth before he could stop it, shocking even himself as he continued to explain “I mean for one thing I look nothing like Prince Adam! I mean- He’s fucking gorgeous in the movie and I’m- I’m-”
“You’re beautiful.” Patton interrupted, his voice firm and determined, but there was a softness in his eyes as he stared Roman down that made it clear he was only speaking out of love, and Roman couldn’t stop the tears that filled his eyes as Patton repeated. “You are absolutely, 100%, stunningly beautiful.”
“You...You think I’m beautiful?” Roman whispered, his voice soft and disbelieving, like that of a child’s when you tell them something they don’t quite understand. It was enough to make tears start running down Patton’s face, and Roman’s eyes widened in concern over what he had done but before he could apologize Logan added
“You are one of the most handsome men I have had the pleasure of Meeting.” Roman wasn’t sure if it was the fierce certainty in Logan’s voice, or maybe just the fact that he had called him handsome, but at that moment he couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and he dropped his phone into his lap so he could cover his face as he began to cry for the first time in a long time, though out of pain or happiness he really wasn’t quite sure.
Well, he wasn’t sure until Virgil added: “You definitely live up to the last name Prince.”
Roman laughed wetly, lifting his head to look back down at his phone, a real smile pulling at the corner of his lips, and softly he said: “Thank you.”
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thelastpilot · 7 years
Miss Me- One Shot
I was talking with @tides-miraculous who, while we were talking about criminal lack of Nino (and Adrien’s interaction with Nino), mentioned jokingly that Nino could straight up move to Morocco and no one would notice. And then I proceeded to send to a 4k word one shot about exactly that. So keep in mind this was all in a text long so it isnt fantastic and the grammar isn’t wonderful lol, but I wanted to post it anyways. (Tide’s commentary has been kept lol) ((also i know phones dont work on planes just let me have this))
Angsty Nino one shot below the cut
Boy could move to morocco tomorrow and you won't notice
it would take adrien three days to notice he wasnt there
Adrien: *calls nino* " Hey, Nino you sick or something haven't seen u in a while
Nino: *hangs up*
aw thats sad
aw that makes me really sad and i just had a whole idea for it
Why we gotta back the salt angsty
bruh this is our thing, you say something sad and i make it worse
its always time for salt on the pain train
It's hella sad cuz man. Minus headcanons and crap we got nothing to back them up and be like "naah this shit ain't happening"
Cuz boi we know Nino cares. He got akumatized
For his frickin b-day but besides that nothing really on Adriens side
Not to mention all the hugs
Daamit Nino you're too good for him what is This?!!?
I'm so confused I'm trying to actually think or canon stuff to back them up and filtering fandom stuff and HOLY shit!??!
He was thinking 3,000 miles. That was about his current guess. Nino awkwardly shifted the mishappen box in his arms to tap his phone awake from sleep mode, and looked for a moment at the photo of him and adrien on his lock screen. That was an old photo... Maybe 4,000 then. Nino tried to ignore it as he placed the last of his things in the car, taking off his hat and throwing it into the backseat. The car hadnt been started yet and his parents were still inside, and despite how crowded Paris was for the moment he was alone on the sidewalk. He tapped his phone again. He was bound to be halfway gone before anybody even realized
He was 3,728 miles away before he got a text. He was nearly 4,000 before he got a call. and after that, the calls never stopped. Nino felt himself curling inward in the plane's seat as he screwed his eyes shut, furiously ignoring how his phone shook in his hands. Or maybe it was just him. He bitterly recalled the order to shut off his phone during flight and moved to unlock his phone, but even that was interrupted by another phone call.
He watched it vibrate for a while and let it go to voice mail. There were three there already
He was getting them from everyone now, Alya was sending the most texts, but Adrien was relentless with the phone calls. Out of everyone it was Adrien he felt the most betrayed by. Maybe he knew that...
Nino almost liked to picture Cat Noir showing up at the window of an empty apartment, he was just angry enough to take some kind of bitter feeling out of that. How he probably showed up to ask for a favor, wondering if he had been joking about leaving for good. His halfassed apology would have echoed back to him in the vacated rooms, the carpets dirty in the places where his family had walked for years and spotless in the spaces where his bed and desk used to be
Adrien called again
He didn't answer
My heart I'm so sad
"I can't talk. I'm on the plane" he found himself typing, interrupting the indication that Adrien was about to send another message. his finger hovered over the send icon, but he pressed it still. He wasn't sure what he was hoping for, what he could possible want, but his chest hurt and he could feel hot tracks of tears on his face. He was trying to be quiet, his parents asleep besides him, but his phone wouldn’t shut the hell up. It had always been silent before, it was only now that anybody seemed to care about reaching him
"The plane?" Adrien's text replied immediately. "You're serious? Nino please you have to be joking, I saw the place was empty but you just moved, you're joking"
"I've been joking for months now? Are you serious dude? You thought I was fucking lying?"
Nino wasn't sure what the point was in arguing but he wanted to argue. If he had the space he'd be screaming. "Nino," Adrien answered instantly, clearly waiting by his phone. "You're just gone? You're gone and you didn't call? you didn’t even say goodbye?"
I'm am currently in a quiet hallway at a cubicle absolute losing it
That pain in his chest grew cold, and he shrunk even further in his solitary, cramped space 30,000 miles above the black ocean. and he typed out what he had been thinking the whole time. "I didn't think you'd even notice."
Adrien called again.
He didn't answer
Mother fuck
I am so sad
He declined the call and typed out despite Adrien’s clearly frantic attempt to reply. "I've been packing for a week and a half. I was 3 hours into the PLANE RIDE before anyone even noticed. If you had even so much as spoken to me in the past two months maybe you would have fucking known about it. I tried to tell you and you were never fucking there. you dont get to do it now."
Oh shit go off nino
Nothing. Adrien started to reply and then stopped. He started again but stopped again, and after awhile there was nothing. And nothing His phone went quiet, and it was familiar to him, but somehow felt even worse. The cabin of the plane was dim, and it was aisles and aisles of people facing forward into darkness with headphones in, numbly and distantly checked out from their surroundings as they waited and waited in perfect, straight lines. And he was alone in the crowded, dark space of strangers and cut off goodbyes and lost homes and silent phones. And he cried.
He clutched his phone and he cried
Lmao what the SHIT
Yea so Nino's heart died and I died
you're welcome im in pain also
Okay baby boy just go to Morocco fucking live it up. Idk fu slipped in his miraculous into his luggage and now his jade in morocco done
Come back for uni. Shits still bad between friends kinda but they bond as heroes
I'm trying to fix this
i got a thing hold up
Agadir was a long way from home, and it felt really different in a lot of ways. Every way, honestly. It was by the ocean, which was new, and about over 50% of the people there didn’t speak a word of the only language he knew...so he found himself alone a lot. 'Nothing new there' he thought to himself bitterly. Moving in made it easier, he had something to do. He was out of school for the rest of the year and was probably going to start a year behind when enrollment happened again, so he had nowhere to go and no one to keep track of him. His father started his new job almost immediately, and his mother was wrapped up in adjusting. So when the few things he owned were set up and the last of the boxes were stored out of sight he would leave, and start to explore
About three months in he was running out of places to get lost, starting to recognize streets and having an easier time winding his way back to the dust colored box apartment that was 'home'. He would walk and someone might say something to him, but the words were rounded and he didn't understand them. He would then spout off the only Arabic he knew now. "I'm sorry, I don't understand" and he'd keep going
He was on the beach by himself, observing work day traffic on the raised streets when his phone rang
Nino sighed, shaking sand from his hands as he shifted his position to allow him to reach for his phone. He was working on figuring out where he was well enough to tell his mother when he looked at the screen, and his brow furrowed at the unfamiliar number
He sighed a second time, ready to rehearse his one line of arabic as he answered, saying plainly and without enthusiasm, "Hello?"
There was a sharp gasp, and then a harsh, familiar rush of desperate relief. "Oh god, you have the same number, yes PERFECT, thank god. Nino, holy crap I didn't think it would work"
Nino was frozen, the waves crashing a short distance away from him before he sputtered out, "ADRIEN?"
"Yes!!," his old best friends voice answered immediately, laughing uncomfortably, but still relieved. "It's me Nino. I- listen please don't hang up, I'm begging you give me just a second. Just thirty seconds of a call please."
There was silence, a thousand jagged emotions rooting Nino to the spot, but Adrien didn't wait for him, instead thinking aloud. "I can hear the waves. Are you near the water? Nino listen I-..." There was a silence, but in the need to not waste his half a minute he continued, the words rushed together. "You have every reason to hate me. I would hate me too. I DO hate me... but i can't do this. I can't just leave it knowing that I fucking did this. I made you think I don't care. I can't live with that. I need the chance to say it..."
"No, I didnt come this far to have this talk over the phone, tell me where you are. I can be there in five minutes. Well, maybe a minute more I'm still near the airport-"
Nino heard something muffled, a female voice shouting something to him over the din of background noise mixing with his own ambience of the waves. There was another one as well, and then a garbled, distant message projected over speakers in arabic, and Nino felt his stomach drop out.
"Wait, you're fucking HERE?"
Yeas blond use that cash for good!!!!
(Will continue in just a minute)
BRUH take your time
I'm still crying so everything's good
"Where are you? the beach? there isn’t that much beach right how much area is that?" there was more distant talking, and adrien was clearly eager to move. "I cant take this phone with me. Give us just one chance, please nino wait for us we'll be right there." "US?!" he responded incredulously, but the line was already dead, the hang-up tone loud in his ear
he pulled it away from his face, staring at it in disbelief like perhaps it hadn't even happened. and just like that it was only him and the waves again, no other passerbys on his beach that morning
anyone who was on the beach might have seen something odd, streaks of color dashing past that weren't from around. a group of kids moving a little too desperately, dressed strangely as they fled to the coast. Nino wasn't sure what to do, getting increasingly nervous as he walked the shoreline, his hands balled up into fists in his pockets and his back to the north. minutes ticked by and his heartbeat was loud to him, and he felt that bitter, numb something crawling in his throat. all the harsh and hurt things he wanted to say
but as he passed beneath a weathered and abandoned dock he heard three impacts in the sand behind him, and those words died in his throat
he turned slowly... stalling by obsessing over the gradients in the sand. The pattern of broken wood, the stench of ocean draped around them and clinging to the dock. and three lost friends, letting magic fall from their shoulders and leaving them exposed in front of him
they all felt exposed, in the moment. at least, for once, the ground they stood on was even
despite all their intentions, and all of his pain, and all of the distance, no one said anything at first. They stood in the shadow of the dock and the kwamis milled nervously, shooting each other glances but not interfering.
the waves creeped up, and slipped away, and Nino watched them. after a while, he shook his head
"gangs all here..." he muttered quietly. After a moment he felt he had to add, "I admit... i didnt see this coming"
"We would have come sooner..." Marinette spoke quietly, her voice almost out of place in his head. It had been awhile since he had last spoken with her. "It was hard to orchestrate. But we were trying from the day you..." she hesitated
She was going to say 'left', but she stopped short, unsure of herself. Saying that he left didnt sound right, even though in literal terms it was the best way to describe it. but it made it sound like it had been his decision, that he left THEM. and that wasn't what happened
There was silence again and the three heroes seemed agonized, but unsure of themselves. They watched as well-worn anger passed across Nino's expression. "So what? What happens now, guys? Is this the part where you say you're sorry, and that’s all supposed to be good enough and then it’s just better? ..." his voice dropped, and he looked down into the sand. After a pause, "Coming all the way here is... not what I expected. but clearly nobody has any idea what to say."
The waves echoed in their small, dim space, and just looking at them standing there so unsure of themselves… it made him angry. His hands were balled into fists at his side and his body was tense. That horrible feeling chipped at his insides and it felt like it was suffocating him.
"Nino-" Adrien tried to speak next, his expression horribly pained, but Nino couldn't hear it. He spoke clearly enough by Nino realized in a flash of sharp pain that he was incapable of hearing it. He didn't want to see him dare to pretend. Like he was mocking him. "Shut up!" he cut him off, his voice hard and hitting adrien with enough force to push him back a step.
"I get it, okay!?" Nino spat at the three of them, trying and failing to keep his voice steady. "I understand. It fucking sucked but it always made sense to me. You're busy, you're all busy you have so much shit that you have to do, so much is expected and you have this whole other part of your lives that doesn’t involve me, but it involves each other doesn’t it? You have each other. That was enough for you, and I get it alright, I fucking always got it." He grit his teeth and he nailed Adrien to the spot just by looking at him... but his voice wavered. "It always made sense to me..."
On one hand I want them all to make up and hug it out but on the other... GO OFF NINO
"You're important. You're important people with important shit and you got all caught up in everything else. In the fight, in the fucking powers in all the bullshit in EACH OTHER," he couldn’t help but add, throwing out a hand to gesture harshly between Marinette and Adrien. "You had other shit going on, you always did. You weren't bothered with me being there so I didn't bother you with leaving. I was surprised anybody even noticed."
He looked away from their expressions, his heart cracking just that much more. They looked... horrified, and he didnt want to see it. He didnt want to fucking make it easy for them. He was angry
"I was attatched to how it had been before, but looking back to some degree it was always like this and I get it. Once Alya joined in it was harder cause then I was the only one left behind all the time, but I got it. I'm not saying you should have stuck around. I'm not saying that you had to... i'm not even saying you owed me much of anything at all. But you owed me a goodbye..." His voice cracked and he folded slightly, fists uncurling so he could cross his arms, but it felt more like holding himself together. "Fucking listen to me... im sobbing about this shit again and I'm sick of it. But you fucking know what? out of all the people standing here I was not the fucking one who owed you all a goodbye. It wasn't me. You all left me behind and you did it way worse. You did it over MONTHS of just leaving me out and ignoring me and putting me off, if you were done with me you should have just said it...
The pause between his words was deafening. The dock creaked in the wind that picked up, the ocean churned as if it had been disturbed, and Nino, who was sick of crying over all the same things, cried. And he hated it. "I understand why you left me behind... but I don't want to hear you apologize for it. Because even if I'm stupid for it I still just wanted you guys to be alright. And if you are doing what you need to now then all the best... But if that picture didnt include me then you never should have pretended that it did. You made me feel like i was part of your 'team' but I fucking wasn’t and I GET IT, but im sick of pretending..." Nino raised a hand and rubbed harshly at the tears, angry that his hand was shaking. Angry that he kept crying like a child. Angry that this even still hurt
"I just wanted my fucking friends..." His voice shook again and he shrunk in on himself, standing on the coast line of a whole other country, out of place and lost and too far away from all of them, even when he was finally right there. "They told me we were leaving. they TOLD me they didnt ask and do you fucking know, how much I just wanted someone to tell. And I tried, for ALL OF YOU and there was no one there? cause there was never anyone there? I was losing EVERYTHING, I'm in this fucking place where I cant even speak to half the people here and i just want to go home and I cant and theres no POINT."
"I was freaking out and I just wanted my friends and you weren't there... so why the fuck did you bother? Whats the point of THIS!? Whats the fucking point of even coming when NO ONE HAS ANYTHING TO SAY"
there was a space there, so grand and torn that he couldnt see any way across it. and in a lot of ways he was looking for one. Nino wanted, in the deepest kind of honesty, just to go to his friends. He wanted to just pretend it was fine and be with them while they were there. He wanted someone to miss him, and he felt like no one did. He felt like no one ever did. He didn't want to look at their faces and play in to the fantasy in his head that they were sorry. He didnt want them to trick him into forgiving them. He didn't want to-
Yeas I read a line and think "wow my heart can't break anymore" then I read the next and I'm provide wrong
Just shit this is actually so heart breaking what the shit girl this is golden
"He wanted someone to miss him, and he felt no one did. He felt no one ever did" I AM SOBBING
He felt them around him, Alya's face buried into his chest, Adrien reaching out, Marinette stumbling to be behind him. It was like something had broken further in that rift and people were falling, desperate to do anything. Part of him wanted to shake them off. But part of him held them too. He was too unstable to support their weight, all three of them speaking but the words not reaching him. As they noticed that he couldnt seem to hear they became more desperate, but Alya's words were unintelligible with tears and Adrien was too quiet, too far away. He felt like they were all sinking into the sand, and he murmured wretchedly. "I just wanted someone to miss me..."
"I'm sorry... I'm sorry," it sounded in a chorus, bursting through their sentences wherever it could fit and each sounding different in their voices. They spoke over each other and Nino looked at none of them, shaking with anger but not falling. They lowered into the sand and they supported him, kneeling together under a battered, ruined dock and begging for him to listen.
"You're right..." it was one of the first things that caught his attention.
Nino looked over, the girls falling silent and looking to Adrien. His head was hung low, sand coating his jeans as he sat there, defeated. Miserable. When Adrien looked up he met Nino's eyes, and Nino could see how far down it went. It was like there was a pit behind his eyes that sank lower and lower, and he said it again
"You're right... and i'm sorry... I dont know how to say it... I don't have the right words to explain it. We were wrong... I was wrong. But I can't do this. I can't stand it Nino, seeing this. You're in the wrong place, and you were scared and I wasn't there and I wasn't ever fucking THERE and I didn't notice that you felt like this. And it's my fault. But i can't let you say what you said nino i cant stand it. I can't stand you saying that you understand why we pulled away, because there is no WHY," adrien shouted, his voice cracking and faltering. "You talk like we were right to do it! Fucking leave you behind because of what?! We have no excuse! There IS no excuse. I left my /best friend/ to feel like we were better off without you and I CANT, I- I cant..."
"Nino... I don't know how to make you believe that I love you, because I gave you a hundred reasons to believe that I don't. But god Nino I miss you so much... I miss you so fucking much and I don't know what to do."
"... you were fine without me before-"
"I wasnt! That isn't what that was! You're right, we got caught up in all this other shit, I took for granted that you would always be there but I never pulled away because of- because of ANY of that shit you said, like we were better or too busy for you, too important. I never hesitated to believe that you would always be there for me and I forgot to make sure that you knew the same... I never imagined you leaving because I couldn't picture us without you... I know you don't believe me- fuck," he bowed his head, a sob wracking through his chest and shaking him. "I never tried to think about what you being gone would feel like because I never thought it would happen. But then I was standing in your room with everything torn off the walls and I lost it, and I lost you and you were thousands of miles away... I have no excuse, there is no excuse... but I've been desperate to get here because I couldn't let you think that I didn't care. that i didn't notice...
Marinettes quiet voice shook and wavered, Nino's eyes turning to her as she clung to him and cried. "We should have been there... we should have-..." she repeated herself quietly, desperatly, and Alya spoke into his chest, her words thrumming against him and her tears wet against his skin as it soaked through the shirt. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry DJ- I, we..." she sobbed hard,folding against him. She turned her cheek to him and said something that stood out on its own. The second thing that truly stood out. "I love you. WE love you. We love you, I love you I'm sorry I'm sorry"
Marinette whispered something and she wrapped her arms around his stomach, her face turned into his back. Adrien was bent forward over himself, but he was reaching out, one hand on Nino. Marinettes quiet, broken, wretched chant chipped at him, his anger and hate and injustice slipping through his fingers... like sand in the ocean. "We're here... we're here... we're here."
He was so far away, kneeling by the ocean with something too big and heavy to survive in his chest. He was displaced, pulled away from his home and tossed to the side and left alone in a city with foreign grating words, and cold, stretching oceans. He was left alone with the knowledge that no one would come for him, and that no one would notice. And heard the only thing, he had been waiting so long to hear. "We're here... we're here... we're here"
  ~~end of story~~
Girl u deadass just spat out a one shot like it was nothing
... i kinda hate the mental image of nino kneeling in the sand of a foreign coast and above him it just says "i just wanted someone to miss me..."
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chillerhjemmeisak · 7 years
Could you do Noora going back to London, sort of the other way around from William coming back to Oslo? :)
“This would all be somuch easier if you just learned to do what I asked!”
William winced at thesound of the front door slamming as his father stormed out. It wasn’texactly rare that William pissed him off enough to illicit such areaction but each and every time it managed to dig an even deeperwound in his chest.
“Fy faen”, hesighed, dragging a hand down his face in exhaustion. Feeling astrange sense of relief at being able to speak Norwegian, his fathernot liking the sound of it when he could scarcely understand it,William sighed.
Collapsing onto thecouch, William brought his knees up and sat back against the arm.Dropping his head onto his arms and groaning in frustration, hethought back to his phone. Sitting opposite him on the couch, havingbeen thrown precariously by his father when he caught William textingrather than listening to another useless rant.
William stared at thephone, contemplating whether or not texting Chris would help releaseany of the pent up aggression he felt. It had become habit; textingChris a simple flame emoji was enough at this point to alert his bestfriend that he needed a distraction. Almost every time it came in theform of Chris updating him about Eva, until that bordered on updatesabout Noora too much and William had to ask him to stop.
London was amazing. Itwas both better and worse than Oslo, providing him with a much neededrespite. But, where Oslo held memories of Nicolai and his troubledupbringing, London was littered with memories of Noora.
Her coat, still tuckedinto the closet, was one the many imprints she had left on William’sLondon apartment. Her make up remained tucked into a cupboard in thebathroom and the bedroom was still overflowing with her influence.From the seemingly endless supply of clothes she had left behind tothe constant whiff of her perfume William got when he entered theroom, the bedroom was still as much Noora’s as it was his.
When she had left,William hadn’t expected it to last. He knew Noora,in a way that very few, perhaps not even Eva, knew her. And he knewthat sometimes she was spontaneous and irrational.
Butwhen the first 24 hours had passed and she hadn’t returned, Williamhad to really consider that she really might have jumped on a planeback to Oslo. When the first week had been up and she hadn’treturned, William had given up, tearing through the house to figureout if she really had left.
Whilemost of her clothes remained, which was arguably why William hadn’tbelieved she’d really left in the first place, all of her valuableswere gone. Her favourite bracelet, never worn but always stored inher jewellery box, was missing. Her books, laptop, pictures andpostcards were all missing. Her favourite clothes, including her topfrom Madrid, were all vacant.
Itwas only then that William started to realise she had really left.
Ithad been hard to accept at first, but by now William was used to thedull ache in his chest when he sat in the apartment, surrounded bysilence. Noora hated silence and as such, their apartment was alwaysfull of noise from music to her endless phone calls to Eva.
Hisfather had only seemed to worsen when Noora left. When she wasaround, he had been civil, sometimes even kind. He had purposely besofter on William lest Noora stand up to him, something William knewshe wouldn’t hesitate to do.
Nowthat she was gone however, his father had become cruel. With everymention of her name, William’s father grew more and more angry, andresentful of that fact that William had not yet moved on.
ButWilliam didn’t want to.
Sohe really wasn’t sure why he had lied to Chris. Telling his bestfriend that he had found a new girlfriend had seemed like a good ideaat the time, one that reflected his desire to get Chris off his back.Chris was his best friend but that meant that the boy was neverafraid to call William out, and had been doing so every day sinceNoora left. It had seemed like the easiest solution to get him tostop; to never have to hear the words “Come back to Oslo” everagain, because with every time he heard them he felt his resolvebreak a little more.
Williamsighed deeply, slumping back into the couch and spreading his legsout to lay down. Reaching down and grabbing his phone, he shot aquick text to work to let them know he wasn’t coming in beforedropping his head back against the couch.
Itall seemed to happen at once.
Firstthere was a ping! andwhen William looked down there was a text lighting up his screen.
Heraised an eyebrow at Chris’ message, a simple “Open the door”.William gaped at his phone; had Chris seriously come all the way fromOslo without telling him first?
Then,there was a knock at the door but William didn’t move to answer it.The knock was far too soft to possibly be Chris’ and the silence thatfollowed was so unlike his best friend that William immediatelyturned to his phone to text Chris back.
From William, 9:16am
Hvafaen, Chris? What are you playing at?
To William, 9:16am
WTFbro, open the door.
From William, 9:17am
Areyou seriously outside my door right now?
To William, 9:17am
Maybe.No. I dont know.
From William, 9:17am
Youjust text me to open the door
To William, 9:17am
soopen the door
From William, 9:18am
WTFare you playing at Chris? Why are you here?
To William, 9:18am
cosim a really fucking good friend
From William, 9:18am
To William, 9:19am
Pleasecome outside.
Weneed to talk.
Williamfrowned at the change in tone and with a groan of frustration, pushedhimself from the couch and moved towards the door. He hovered for amoment, sighing deeply before swinging open the door.
Andhe froze.
Noorasmiled nervously, handing Chris’ phone back to him. Chris stoodcautiously off to one side, car keys hanging from his finger and asmirk on his lips.
Williamquickly tore his eyes from his best friend and focused his attentionon Noora.
Shewas exactly as he remembered and a part of him felt stupid forexpecting her to have changed so much. But William felt like he had,as though her leaving had shaped him into a completely unrecognisableperson.
Butunlike him, Noora still looked stunning. Her hair was knotted anduntidy and her lipstick was applied haphazardly but her eyes werebright and wide and as vulnerable as he remembered. Her lower lipquivered slightly and she appeared as uncomfortable in the silence ashe expected.
“Halla”,she finally spoke, breathless.
Williamknew he was staring, gaping even, but he couldn’t help it. Swallowingand averting his eyes momentarily to calm down, he spoke.
Theair between them was charged, the tension not sexual but so thickthat William expected on of them to break down any moment; and heprided himself on not often doing so.
Nooralooked just as unsure, as though so afraid to say the wrong thingthat she would endure the silence in order to savour the moment.
Thatdidn’t appear likely however as the moment William opened his mouthto speak, he was cut off by the all too familiar voice of Chris.
“Faen,just kiss her already” his best friend moaned loudly.
Noorarolled her eyes and the spell was broken. Turning to Chris, shesmiled softly but with obvious exasperation. “Thanks for getting mehere Chris, but you can seriously go now.”
Chrislooked offended for a moment but the grin that followed showed hewasn’t annoyed. “No problem.” Turning to William he said proudly,“See how good of a friend I am?”
Williamrolled his eyes, leaning against the door frame and looking pointedlyat his best friend. Chris seemed to get the picture and quickly movedto leave. Just as he reached the stairs leading down to the lobby, hefroze.
“Almostforgot”, he laughed awkwardly, turning around and dropping the carkeys into William’s palm. “Here.”
Williamstared down at his hands in confusion but before he could ask, Chrisshrugged. “If you’re wondering, yeah I brought your old car toLondon. And yes, I charged all of this to your card.”
Withthat, he spun on his heel and left as dramatically as expected ofChris, throwing over his shoulder an obnoxious “have fun!” Wherehe was going, William didn’t know. Nor did he care.
Thesilence settled once more and William knew he had to say something.In his state, he somehow managed to stutter out, “You came back?”
Nooraturned back to him quickly, as though she had forgotten he was there.The look in her eyes told him that wasn’t the case however andWilliam watched as a single tear gathered in her eye.
“Ishouldn’t have left”, she said adamantly.
Williamshook his head softly. “No”, he said. “It’s a good thing youdid.” At Noora’s look of confusion, he continued. “You needed to.For you. For me too.”
Nooranodded slowly. “Yeah.”
Aftera moment, William took a deep, steadying breath. He opened the doorfurther and with as straight of a face as he could manage, he noddedNoora inside.
“Let’stalk then.”
Hope you liked it, Nonnie
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