#it's like half finished rn!! but i think it would be rly cute to post it on his birthday or a few days before!!!
inkykeiji · 9 months
I think it's cute you've started a daddy Toji fic when it's his birthday December 31st!
HEHEHE THANK U ANON BB <333 omg i had no idea that was his birthday!!! maybe i’ll post it on that day??? or right before hehehe c:
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barbreypilled · 1 year
⭐ for ikte!!!
anyway I started writing this silly ahh fic in July 2022 after rereading the series and I have a lot of silly headcanons and silly little facts that I cooked up in my crazy brain hehehe also this is going to be annoyingly long so I'm putting it under a read more
-I’ve had the headcanon that the victors were trafficked out of a physical brothel since about 7th grade when I found out what a brothel was, i liked the idea of them all kind of commiserating. In my mind sex trafficking is actually a huge moneymaker in the Capitol even before Ptolemy’s time but he streamlined it in some way and eventually was able to monopolize it (I won’t get into that fully yet bc there’s a pretty big plot point related to that) (I spent way too much time thinking about this lmao), in addition to victors and ‘roadsiders’ as mentioned in the 3rd chapter he also gets his pick of new shipments of Avoxes, which go for way cheaper. (I’m trying to remember what has actually been published yet lmao I’m just omw home from work rn, none of this is like. major spoilers tho like I won’t talk about [REDACTED] or the [REDACTED] 🤪😎 anyway I love writing about evil shitty ppl doing weird evil shit my Baby Book headcanons are very ASOIAF coded
-idk how many chapters there are going to be yet but as of right now probably about 70, I’m contemplating breaking it up by year bc it starts w Annie’s games and ends right at the beginning of CF w a post-MJ epilogue. Im also giving pre-canon POV chapters to a few characters, as of rn I have one for Asenath and one for Ronan aka Ciaran’s dad but I can’t decide who else…. also on that note Asenath’s backstory is fucking bonkers and I can’t get into it rn without just openly spoiling a huge chunk of the second half of the fic but it’s. a lot. it starts to be hinted at in the 7th chapter which will ideally be up soon… >:)
-I have entirely too many opinions about fanon Annie and how I am literally the only person who Gets Her and I won’t get into all of that now but as an Actual Mentally Ill Person™️ I definitely don’t think the Capitol would have just left her alone after she Came Back Wrong like I definitely think the upper echelon would have kind of pretended all that never happened especially bc (at least in my take as we will see soon bc I have actually finished those chapters hehe) she was INCREDIBLY inconvenient as it pertained to mainstream entertainment/network tv but the tabloids and more low-brow media outlets would have had an absolute field day w her and that’s a major plot point in The Piss. Also as someone who has had actual psychotic episodes and has actual OCD and actual autism I’m definitely taking her in a different direction than most ppl do lmao. Also somewhat on that note I know there is a high demand for like. rly saccharine odesta content there is absolutely none of that in the piss lmao. Like they have cute little couple-y scenes but for a good chunk of it they are two deeply traumatized unemployed 18/19year olds w way too much money basically just sniping at each other until one of them overhears someone talking shit about the other and gets their child gladiator sleeper agent murder instinct triggered
-A few scenes I'm rly looking forward to publishing in no particular order without any context are The Seal Scene, Angerona Heavensbee's Wedding, the 72nd games, The Ismene Reveal, The Phoca Reveal and Persephone's introduction hehehehe and half of these are already fully finished >:)
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drizzit · 3 years
#11 The Silent Blade
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Start Date: October 23, 2021
End Date: January 25, 2022
Tweet: adventure!! ew why is regis acting like old regis Entreris back! Jaralxle is back! wulfgar is gone!! alcoholic and a dickhead ;; coup time >:) boat adventure wahoo!! there are Lolth priests? hey house oblodra I remberevery1 cheatsjarlaxle knew who...?
Card: 4 of hearts :: the first step to recovery is acknowledging there is a problem
9.5/10 the parts are put in the best way they could be, but its a mess. like how you put something in the freezer just well enough that it closes, but it will surely fall apart when you open it again.
Notes: HAPPY NEW YEAR in the time that it took me to read this I finished my first semester in college !! the new year started! and yesterday was the first day of the spring semester.. honestly I didnt touch this book since like the week I finished the last one rip ;; ty wraith for helping me get through it. you know I asked them about how they feel about leaving things unfinished and the way I thought of it was that I abandoned these guys - like they were stuck in there until I continued. wraith thinks its more like a play and pauses are like intermissions ;; cute I know 
lets start with this - wulfgar and Entreri are broken and aimless. coming into this they didnt know what to do with themselves. entreri was probably wandering around ever since starless night (the most we know so far is that he stayed in Silverymoon or some how got Silverymoon minted coins). he returned to Calimport cos, well, he didnt know where else to go. it wasn't until then that jarlaxle came into his life again and gave him a direction. actually jarlaxle is rly good at that - his band is full of competent drow males that individually wouldn't be able to stand, but under him well, bundle of sticks vs a single twig yk. entreri is the same 
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Wulfgar... oh me boy, you poor soul. its not outright stated in the text like it is later in epilogue on Catti-brie, but wulfgar was most definitely raped via succubus torture during those six long years that might I remind you just RECENTLY ended, like maybe a month or so ago. the gang love him, but not him. They all got to grow and they saw each other grow and change, but in the absence of such for wulfgar,, they still expect that young man that was the fiancé of the dwarf kings daughter. Strong, brave, noble, and willing to listen and learn and be a beacon of hope. but what they have is... not that. they pretend its fine because, well that's their friend and they would be dicks if they didnt accept him, but they don't really accept him. they think that just by spending time with him and being nice and what not will just fix it but that's not how this whole tormentation thing works. as it was in siege of darkness - the toughest battles are those we cannot fight in.
And in such, wulfgar runs away as hes a danger to his friends. he finds himself on half moon street among the wretched, and he finds a place for himself with the broken. he finds solace in the company of drink and at the side of delly curtie. I didnt like her at first cos of the whole ‘bringing him to bed while hes blacking out’ but although we only get a bit of her - this rugged band in arumns tavern hold each other well. I hope we get more scenes with her, she's 
actually new paragraph, im... interested in her character. im pretty sure she's a prostitute, but also at the same time I think she might just be someone who sleeps around for her own survival. its sort of, self harm in her best interest. im not sure how to describe it, at least not rn at 1148 pm on a school night (I chose 8 am classes weep) but she resonates in my mind rent free. im sure ill write more during the next tweet post.
dondon tiggerwillies is gross and im glad hes gone ; dwahvel tiggerwillies thoughh - might have to add to the beloved list hue hue
I really enjoyed a lot of the Calimport scenes , especially when entreri is being hunted down by that one leautenatn (ugh I cant spell - ill edit l8r) actually all of the liethants - fuck them. honestly if they left him alone, things would be cool. but I accept that this is way better. the new pasha of the basadoni guild.
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what the FUCK are you wearing?? is this your thottie fit? aren’t you in the actual desert (every fantasy setting needs an arabian nights desert level!)
lets see what else. oh ya. ched nasad, forgot that was a place. how did jarlaxle get a wizard priest? idk but I didnt even know there were Lolth priests! thought it was the same in Menzoberranzan in the other drow cities (except where Eilistraee rings, and I guess vhaeraun too) 
did kimmuriel escape his house’s destruction? I don't remember seeing him during that one. and maybe its for the best, like how Vierna and dinin couldn't snitch on the house that literally did them in. so ya cool. hey berginyon showed up, and hes a pretty important (running Menzoberranzan while the big boss is out of town is a real big deal yo)
the end fight wasn't as interesting. just a no good 36 hours of attacked, get tricked, get tricked, fight, recover. 
but I was surprised that jarlaxle showed up so fast like I wasn't expecting him to use the shard so soon. but it was a good set up. so drizzt and entreri have they're fight. well first drizzt refusing to and then entreri throwing a fit. the cheaters won but aren't happy as jarlaxle admits that the field was skewed in Entreri’s favor, entreri strikes as drizzt is distracted, kimmuriel grants him psionics, but even if he did strike drizzt dead then and there,  he wouldn't have been happy with it. they werent equals and by killing him he would be admitting that. drizzt beat him fair and square despite all the tricks, and that's why he breaks down thrashing and kimmuriel has to take him out of there. 
during the epilogue, we get ✧Recontextualisation✧
so zak knew jarlaxle, they were friends even. so what does that mean? now we get to re examine Jarlaxle’s actions under that lends. he took in dinin and vierna as a favor to Zaknafein? he didnt rape catti brie because she's friends with Zak’s son - even so far as aiding in their escape from the Menzoberranzan? In the legacy, when jarlaxle sets off that lightning bolt on him that Guen absorbs, was he really planning on lethal? Would he really welcome him into Bregan Daerthe?
Also not to read between lines before reading the lines but is there significance to referring to their relationship as ‘friends’? I’m pretty sure this conversation they’re having is being spoken in common and maybe he used this word as a replacement for a word that doesn’t exist and has a different meaning like how Hawaiian’s have over 200 words for rain whereas (at least in my experience of English) we just stack adjectives upon adjectives, and even then it might not be exactly the same feeling by the end of the translation. But the thing is, they both speak the drow tongue, and we’ve seen jarlaxle use his khal’abbil so much we already have it down. So,, what I’m trying to say is, I think from just a simple way of words there was something fonder..?
So where does that leave everyone? Entreri is now a big boss in his home town, steadily building his reputation. 
The remaining companions are out there uh,, adventuring? I mean they kinda lost the crystal shard, so what're they gonna do now other than beat the snot outta gerblins cos its fun
Wulfgar is enjoying his new life, reborn and without care for the future and without looking to the past. Simple living for today and maybe tomorrow. 
Man.. what a way to end things. 
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carbootsoul · 4 years
i was tagged by @katarahairloopies!!! thank u :mwah:
name: leo! @/zeitgeistofnow on ao3, @lazypigeon & @timetohope on here, altho i’m considering uh switching back to not having an art blog :/ i have to think abt it.
fandom(s): ace attorney is my main one rn bc i’m replaying the games with a friend of mine and it’s reminding me how invested i am in the characters!! a lot of my recent fic is atla stuff, altho i’ve been distancing myself from the fandom bc i’ve kinda exhausted my interest in it. finally i’ve been reading a lot of mp100 fic but i don’t think i’ll ever write for it. i just love how dumb all the characters r (with the dubious exception of ritsu)
where you post: ao3!! tbh i always get suprised when people say they write/read fic on any other platform like i haven’t messed around w wattpad or ff.net since middle school... catch up........
most popular oneshot: going just by “one chapter” as the definition of a oneshot, the firestarters, bc it’s fluffy and modern au :) i wouldn’t necessarily call it a oneshot tho bc to me a oneshot shows like, one scene? so like by my definition and your sweet sweet sun makes me crazy (i wanna lay you down and see how you amaze me is my most popular!! (also @ kit u thought UR fic titles were unnecessarily long??? i’ve hit the ao3 LIMIT for characters in titles. it’s about the aesthetic
most popular multichapter fic: sdkjflakjlkj it’s two crowned kings; and one that stood alone, which is a w359 fic i wrote back in late 2017. it’s literally the last fic i haven’t orphaned from when i actually wrote podcast fic (i have 4 other podcast fics but they were all borne out of nostalgia and written after i stopped participating in the fandom). i rewrote all but the last chapter? the last two? about a year ago and i fucked up halfway through so like chapter 6 and 7 are repeated and there’s something missing but i’m too lazy to fix it. no one’s going to read it now anyway :) it WAS the top minlace fic for a little while tho which i take great pride in.
favorite story you’ve written so far: oh that’s a hard question akfsldkfj i honestly like most of them!! and i write a LOT so there’s a lot to choose from. tonight, we are young is def one of my favorites- it was fun to write and i got to explore the ways zuko and yue r similar, which i LOVE to do outside of a zukka/yukka view. you can lean on my arm as you break my heart  is one that i’m really proud of? the whole “cooking as an expression of bato’s love” is definitely some of my favorites. a lot of my ace attorney fics would be categoried as my favorites if i hadn’t improved, too, if that makes sense. like they’re no long my favorites because i can see where my writing is shitty and it bothers me, but if i had written them a month ago they’d be my favorite.
fic you were nervous to post: figures 1-5: killing gods def!! it’s a lot more purple-prose-y than most of my fics and it was also written before i’d kinda like emersed myself in the atla fandom so i didn’t have as good a grasp on the general understanding of zuko’s character as i do now. tbh it’s one i’m rly happy w tho!! i have a few people leave really nice comments on it and rereading them makes me really happy. also it was the start of me hating the position of fire lord and being at least passively anti-it in my fics.
how you choose your titles: they’re almost all song lyrics!! only 14 of my 50 words AREN’T song lyrics and about half of those are from before i started writing ace attorney fic lol. sometimes i go into a fic with a song in mind for the vibes and then i usually go with lyrics from that (like in ‘cuz we’re the greatest /they’ll hang us in the louvre), but otherwise i usually pick an artist i’ve been listening to and go through their songs until i find a lyric that fits. sometimes the lyric doesn’t even really fit the fic and i just chose it at random or because i searching up the word “fly” in my spotify library or whatever. honestly i like coming up with titles? i know a lot of fic writers hate it but being able to just use song lyrics is v soothing for me and while i know that most people won’t search out a song just bc it’s a fic title like.. seeing that the title of a fic is a hozier lyric does affect how i read it and i kinda like that.
do you outline? i outline my long form/multichaptered fics with varying strictness. usually anything over ~8k will have some kind of outline. sometimes i go into it with every single scene planned out, sometimes it’s just notes on the side of the google doc that say “it's about MORE family. about how it's not betraying your existing family to find more” and “scenes i want to include: [...]” and “vampires... ngl kinda hot.” i’m trying to outline super strictly less bc i’ve found it’s less fun? but i do try to keep a plot arc in mind. since most of my fics are more character-driven than plot-driven, that usually just means keeping track of what character development i want to happen or what is motiviating the characters. 
complete: um everything posted on ao3 i guess. also the MULTITUDE of orphaned fics out there asksfjldkj i always click ‘leave my pseud on’ so if u look up my username you see all of my fics and then a. lot of other ones.
in progress: - a fic titled ‘dad phoenix’ that is actually just a no DL-6 au with defense attorney miles edgeworth and single dad bartender phoenix where neither of them want to date for A While but phoenix gets wrapped up in one of miles’s cases. it’s about family. it’s about writing teenagers. it’s about the background franmaya which is ALWAYS what i’m here for in wrightworth fics - a franmaya werewolf/vampire au because i’m ~gay~ and love rivals to lovers and also franziska and maya both being angry their older brothers r dating each other. - my secret santa fic!! which i can’t talk about much but it does feature toph and zuko and also piandao and jeong jeong???? idk where they came from but they are Part Of The Fic Now also i forgot iroh existed for half the fic and wrote piandao as zuko’s father figure and now i’m in too deep. - a 5+1 bakoda fic (maybe a bato/hakoda/kay fic??? i need to decide. that’s part of why this fic is still incomplete bc i can’t decide which relationship dynamic i prefer) that’s 5 times bato said he loves hakoda and one time hakoda said it back. possibly i have already written him saying i love u back and i need to change the title a little. - retail au klapollo where klavier works at an overpriced boutique and apollo comes in to buy earrings for nahyuta’s birthday. klavier gives him a punch card (one that the store doesn’t actually offer anymore as a bid to get apollo to come back) and all of apollo’s family come in to use the punch card and also give klavier variations on the shovel talk/find out if he’s actually into apollo. - a LOT of atla fics that i don’t think i’ll ever finish :(
coming soon/not yet started:  - i want to write some blackmadhi bc they’re.. cute..... and it’s a good excuse to also write athena and i love her - my stuff for yueki week!!! i have NOT prepped enough but hopefully i’ll remember in time! i wrote the prompts in a way that kinda set up stuff i’ve already wanted to write (don’t look at me lol) so hopefully i’ll get at least two or three fics finished in time. - i want to rewrite the wrightworth fic i have about them not getting married bc it was interesting and i like what i wrote about but i think i could have written it better and made it more interesting. rewriting fics is hard tho bc i’m never sure if it makes sense to just edit in the new work or to repost it? and then if u repost it do u delete the old one? conflicting so i might just not
do you accept prompts? totally!!! a disclaimer tho i’m not super into writing atla stuff anymore (most of the atla stuff i’m still writing is  something i made a commitment to finish) so if your prompt is an atla one i probably won’t do it :/ basically anything else is fair game tho!! podcasts/aa/sa/uh i don’t remember anything else but like if you search a fandom on my blog and come up with more than two posts about it chances r i’d be happy to write fic for it!
upcoming work that you’re most excited about: oh huh i mean probably the no dl-6 au!!! it’s the longest ace attorney fic i’ve written already and since it’s wrightworth it’ll get more attention than any franmaya fic i write. my standards r so high now tho after getting to much feedback from atla fans... love u all... obviously i have no choice but to pressure my atla mutuals into playing ace attorney. pls ask abt it bc i WIll Give You A Sales Pitch about why you’d like it in relation to atla
tagging: i’m not rly tagging anyone!!! @deadflora if you still consider urself a fic writer also consider urself tagged! also any of my other mutuals who write fic i just can’t think of anyone rn
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chaeunwoo-archive · 7 years
moonbin | astro
(done with @rockoaroundthechristmastree, @rockytheastroid​, @astrofireworks​, @jinwoosmile, @ongbins and @jakganim)
1998 Jan 26
Cheongju son
Visual 4/6
How to recognise moonbean: smol upper lip, looks like a cat
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Baby: red, crescent moon
Was a child actor/model
IS MY SHIT !!!!!!
Baby Binnie singing
Baby Binnie doing the train song!!
A full cutie / Baby Bin charming everyone  / Bin and Sua playing
Was also in a Samsung CF jesus christ what a cutie 
Appeared as Baby Yunho in DBSK’s Balloons
Bet you didn’t know he had a dance practice video too
I love embarrassing Bin videos I need a video of him reacting to this
More embarrassing videos he’s bringing sexy back y’all
Was also in Boys Over Flowers as baby F4
cute-ass nicknames
Resident “pupcat” for looking ‘chic’ when he’s straight faced and being energetic and happy and puppy-like when he smiles
문비글: moon beagle because he gets all excited i love him 
“YuNo Moonbin” because Baby Yunho in DBSK’s Balloons
“Jelly boy” because of his one line in Confession (“Hey baby 그 앨 잊어“ = “hey baby, forget about him”) that sounded like “hey baby 겔리줘” (hey baby, give me jelly)
콩 = bean
차은우 덕후 = Cha Eunwoo Maniac 
Listen he’s such a big Eunwoo stan 
#TeamSoap (Just so you know, arohas didn’t come up with the name ‘Binu’, they came up with it (”Team Soap”) themselves )
explained it by saying 빈 (Bin) + 우 (Woo) = 비누 (Soap)
Picked each other in OK!Ready and have been living in the same room ever since
in the recent Night Night show they did Eunwoo said that if he could pick roommates again, he’d still pick Bin 
Used to call eunwoo (은우) “eu-noo” (으누) as a cute nickname 
“Eu-noo Eu-noo Cha-Eu-Noo!!”
Eunwoo saved Bin on his phone (predebut though, idk how accurate this is rn) as 달콩 (literally translates into moon bean) and fun fact coincidence or not you decide it’s also the second half of 알콩달콩 (lovey dovey) :’) 
Jokes aside he’s really Eunwoo’s best friend he’s Eunwoo’s hypeman 
Claims Eunwoo is the most beautiful creature on earth
“Is he really human? How can someone that looks like him exist?”
Eunwoo thinks Bin is the most handsome I love supportive friends ;u;
Bin to Sanha during the 600 day broadcast: did i say you can take the meat
Also Bin: feeds Eunwoo “be careful it’s hot”
문초딩: basically saying he has a mind of a nine year old i’m crying i bet he giggles at dick jokes 
쿨빈: “cool bin” i mean he’s cool sometimes i guess,,,,,, a nerd, 
Also recently pointed out during ASC as the sexiest member in astro so
빈스틸러: “bin stealer” - basically (sf9 taeyang voice) scene steAlerRr 
정수리감별사: he can distinguish people by smelling the top of their heads bless him 
Has a ridiculously refined sense of olfaction - can literally smell every member apart from one another 
Literally suffers every time he’s asked to do this by mcs; has done it on Weekly Idol and Immigration and the latest Special Sunday
문밥: mOON RICE THE CUTEST NICKNAME because he loves to eat bless his soul
loves babies to no end
But so does the whole of astro so
can run real fuckin fast
Got a silver medal in ISAC, got beat out by his buddy Woosung form Snuper only because Woosung’s chest touched the ribbon 0.02 seconds before bless
plays the piano!
Was close to ikon’s Chanwoo and sf9’s Chani and also childhood friends with gfriend’s SinB
THE CUTEST LISTEN he was Chani’s OG “Bin hyung” 
Once he met Moonbin in the airport and yelled, “BIN HYUNG!!” and Youngbin got so bitter that Chani called Moonbin “bin hyung” he went on sf9’s vlive a month afterwards to complain and said it was a stab to his heart asjdlhf I love them
Also friends with Seungkwan and Vernon from SVT :’)
Joined the fantz and “Right since the start I told the company that I hope they don’t interfere when it comes to food.” this bitch im rly cryign ilove him
Steals MJ’s food, and also probably everyone else’s
Videos of him eating is my passion 
Apparently used to make pancakes really often predebut with Astro :’)
Claims to not really like bread but has an entire vlive of him eating bread with rocko
Apparently hates red bean, egg yolks and tofu and chocolate and fish 
Still tried to drink the chocolate drink jinjin(?) won from nimdle even though he hates chocolate what is this boy doing
Actually eats so much omg my fave Bin concept is Bin eating 
Literally gets fed by EVERYONE ALL THE TIME (peep nimdle broadcast and also his actual CEO getting their manager to buy him [and Eunwoo] food every 10 flippin minutes)
Gets a free pass to do anything anywhere on a vlive??? Gets meat to hold a BBQ party 
Holds his own muk-bang broadcasts, on days where he “can’t eat much” still eats for one meal 2 servings of kbbq, a bowl of rice, a large bowl of stew and finishes off with a large bowl of naengmyeon. son, 
sleeps a lot
Literally though sanha and jinjin posted a twitter video of them trying to wake bin up it doesn’t work it apparently only works when eunwoo gets him to wake up
Sleeps through sanha and jinjin prodding him but wakes up when eunwoo starts talking in a vlive
Bin said in the harper’s bazaar interview that he doesn’t wake up when the manager calls him to get up but his eyes naturally open when he hears Eunwoo sighing (creds to @astrotranslations)
Bin’s mom even sent in a concern to hello counsellor bc he wouldn’t stop sleeping and couldn’t wake up so really… eunwoo = magic?
Sister is YG trainee Moon Su-Ah
Not sure if she’s still in that disgusting man’s dungeon or if she’s switched companies, pls pray 4 her 
She’s a year younger than him and appeared on Unpretty Rapstar
Once Bin went on in the audience wow he was so handsome in that episode bless up
Cannot deal with doing aegyo for the life of him, but is actually super duper naturally adorable
KNOWS he’s cute, in his friggin line play profile he says he’s ASTRO’s cutie so there’s that
Tried to out-aegyo himself once what a fuckin cutie
Loves the dinosaur claw
Oddly talented at using the claw machine even though he said he was horrible but Hyuksoo called him out on it
Showed us a forehead Once during the Growl collab stage with KNK and Snuper (bless their souls pls support the Holy Trinity I’m not saying this collab stage turned me into a Moonbin/Sangil stan but it 100% did)
His dedication to the sweater paws is incredible 
Soft voice, cute voice, slightly grainy
It’s so distinctive you can tell it’s his voice during songs 
Says dumb things sometimes 
Once upon a time, a barista - he attempted to make a heart in a latte but made a carrot lookin thing instead (but he tried his darndest)
For context he worked in the fantagio cafe when he was a trainee to make pocket money and to get to interact with people 
Was then asked to make a latte heart but failed asjdhflaskj he’s so pure, Pls tell him it looks like a heart ;; all he wants is validation
Makes cute high pitched squealing noises when laughing/embarrassed
Apparently had Crazy Sexy Cool written for him as a solo track djfaslhdkjfahlsdkf a fullass blessing 
Mouth corners curve up up up and into his cheeks when he smiles his eyes disappear it’s the cutest thing my heart stops every single time 
Stops my heart when he’s not smiling too 
Would do anything to see him smile 
Pouts immediately it’s so cute my heart is weak he’s exactly like a cat 
Trained the longest out of all of ASTRO, at least under Fantagio
Is called “ancient” in some DDOCA hashtags because he and rocko trained under fantagio for 7 years
Is the longest running member of the Fantagio fam, not counting the CEO
Apparently called Manager Moon what a pure bean 
Listen we were just talking about this the other day but in 40 years we’re going to wonder about what happened to astro then we’ll google fantagio and something will pop up and it’ll say something like “Moonbin, previously part of idol group Astro, now CEO of Fantagio”
Is a BTS stan smdh 
Knows the choreo to literally all of BTS’s songs, including I Need U and DNA smdh 
Introduced to Jungkook by Seungjun (now KNK, previously a Bighit trainee) 
Got a (literal) shout out too? At Gayo Daejun 
Made friends with him and exchanged contact info and has been messaging him :’)
Took some predebut photos and also took pictures for the spring up and summer vibes PCs !!! 
Photographer name: 달콩작가 (moon bean photographer) :’)
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riskeith · 4 years
hihi! <333
it didn’t stay for long but then it started snowing a lot again and this time it seems like it will stick.. dude crazy how different our climates are rn.. i can only imagine how warm it is rn in aus. no worries! there’s always a tomorrow after today :DDD my days has been nothing but stressing over school and exams, watching haikyuu, playing genshin and thinking about you (sry i have to flirt can’t help it 😜) wbu?
i do have her, i meant hypothetically ! also THE DILUC COMIC IS SO SPOT ON gosh that’s so funny shhdkdhdjdjdj that happened with my boy bennett he just... can’t light those torches... bouken da bouken... 3: gotta bring out amber for that task tbh.
traveller is such a op!! from what i gather people sleep on them because they’re free and there are “more” exciting characters but traveller is a five star!!! put some respect on their name 😤 to each their own, but yk. underrated baby.
YEAH PRO BENDERS!!!!!!! well.. they’re on opposite teams and something happens at an important match of theirs so they’re forced to link up to survive and well.. yeah 😌 i’ve written about 20k words and i’m not even half done with the story help... i really wanna finish it though... anyway yes i do write shdksjdksjdk at first i was too shy to bring it up but you know so much about me already might as well.. 😶 i’ve written for years but i only started posting seriously again after years of not doing it in 2020... i have a couple out actually !! shsjdjhdjdjd not a lot of klance but some bnha ! 🥺 maybe someday i’ll share... 🥺
this connects a bit with this ^ part above as well i suppose. it was incredibly freeing ! it was actually the best thing i’ve done to myself.. idk i realized that that life was just dragging me down so much... always being connected and knowing everything all the time drained me so much. then i just cut everything out and found myself??? this sounds so generic but it’s true jshsjjsisjfj if it’s something you’ve thought about i truly recommend it!!! it takes some time to get used to the silence but god when you do it’s so relaxing. it’s like... so fun hanging out with yourself. i got into so many shows and watched so much movies and stuff by myself and made my own memories and i treasure that so much. shdhdkdhkssj this got so deep..... freelance writing do be like that. you can’t force it you just gotta let it come to you. but looking at your posting list you’re super consistent and it’s always quality fics so don’t feel too bad!! here’s an outside view telling you that you’re doing super well... <333
COUPLES THAT FIGHT TOGETHER STAY TOGETHER. yea they fucking do. look at us being todobaku kinnies... dhsjdhkshsksjdhdkd LMAO. GOD SERIOUSLY AAAA??????? wait 😭😭 venti baby is coming home..... he is coming home!! 😭😭😭😭 i’ve thought about it seriously and i’d happily pay money to have him his fighting style is just soooo good... 🥺 imagine if we had xiao and venti that would be so sexy of us. manifesting it all day every day. you know i would happily give some financial support for your xiao pulls... if it comes down to it <333333 i haven’t read anything either i haven’t thought much about shipping while playing tbh shksdhksshdk maybe someday for fun tho.. also i had no idea!!!! i’m def gonna check it out, is it on their website?
if they announced a movie and it was a prequel... i’d be so upset. like... so fucking upset lmao. there are so many unresolved loose ends it would be so annoying... but truthfully i don’t think they’ll do it. voltron took to hard of a hit for them to pull a move like that lmao .
hmmmm it’s true that studio ghibli movies end too fast.. one moment you’re like... in this amazing beautiful world and the next there are end credits. haku is BESTEST boy. dragon king.... <3333 you’re going on a studio ghibli marathon??? how beautiful of you. <3
🥺 ik but i love asking.... you know that tumblr post where the dude talks about how he keeps calling his wife ‘my wife’ because it makes him happy to remember that they’re married? that’s literally me.. ANYWAY AAAAA ! a one shot multichap sounds soooooooooo good.... i’d love to read it pls i’d be so honored. it’s up to you though i’d accept Anything i too have my whole heart open..
btw i’ve never asked but always wondered: what kind of music do you listen to? <3
*bernie voice* i am once again asking for your forgiveness. i keep sending these long ass asks i rly need to chill... goodbye LMAO :*
(‘read more’ again bc my reply got long fhksjfjds)
hi bb!
oooo nice! did you get to play in the snow~ and yeah ahah it’s close to 30 degrees rn! it was pretty shit earlier in the week but it’s gonna get hotter again for a bit. does it get pretty hot in sweden in the summer? or are you guys too close to the north pole or something for that to happen
that sounds good!! (other than the horrible thing that is school...) ahah you’ve got my heart going doki doki now please 🤪💓. in all honesty it seems pretty balanced tho i do hope you’re taking breaks from study and all!! hmm today i got up super late again and then i tried to go for a walk (it was too hot so i came back) and then i was editing a fic! and now i’m gonna play genshin bc i think a new event started, then hopefully maybe finally start studying fhksjfd
ahh ! AHHAHA nooooo rip :( but omg i still can’t believe you have bennett.. like i know that i haven’t tried for this banner and maybe i would have him too if i did but 😩😩 he’s so cute!! WAIT on that topic guoba does that too i swear i have to like make so many calculations and figure out the optimal spot to place him so he won’t go breathing fire in the wrong direction XD
i 10000000% agree!!! like excuse me they can also control TWO elements???? who else could ever 😩 i watched a video about geo traveller too some time ago and that made me stop sleeping on them like damn they did some damage!
hehehe that sounds so intriguing 👀 20k!!! that’s more than i could ever omg... sending you strength!! you’ve got this 💪💪 icb you were too shy to bring it up pls im losing my mind over here 😭 but aw that’s really nice <3 maybe 2020 did some good after all.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pls whenever you’re ready i’m here... or mayhaps would you be okay with just plain copying a snippet into an ask sometime i promise i won’t look it up and try find you 😩 but i wanna witness some of your magnificence !
(also scratch that genshin co-op date idea um... fic collab instead?! could you imagine 😌)
yeah ugh i totally get the being drained feeling.. it’s like it doesn’t bring you joy you know? and you’re just still there bc you’ve just always been there and it’s too late to leave. !!! that does sound really tempting.. but i think i’m a bit too attached to the people i’ve met (you being one of them hehe) to fully let go. but if in the future i just need to take a break i’ll def do it! i was hesitant about doing that last year but now that i’ve done it before surely I won’t hesitate before doing it again (tho i’ve noticed that whenever i try to leave/take a break some new thing happens or releases and i’m losing my mind and can’t go fskjfhsd)
tysm marriage anon i appreciate you sm 😭💞 but yeah it’s easy to get lost in it sometimes but then i’ll look back and see how much i’ve actually done throughout the year and it’s like?? wow i did actually do and achieve a lot? so perspective matters i guess ahah
FHKDSJFH okay but todobaku who’s who? i like writing from bakugou’s POV more which makes me think I can relate to him more (like i used to write from lance’s pov a lot! that, and just bc we both love keith a lot 🤪) but i do write from todoroki’s pov quite a bit too.. hm. 
and yes!!! honestly if venti is actually coming back i should invest in getting him too.. he can do so much !! the only issue i have is that i don’t really like bow users bc i’m shit at aiming hfkdsjfhjsd. waiting for the day we can live out our xiaoven dreams <333 FKJSHFKJSD and please don’t give me money for that fhsdkfjs!! spend it on yourself instead 😩😩 but also real talk i wasn’t gonna say this bc i’m uber paranoid that somehow someone will read it and hack into my account FKHSFKSJD but i have like... 12k primogems rn AHAHAH so i’m feeling good about getting him! ty for the offer tho but seriously, let that go to your own genshin funds first if anything fhksjfds get yourself a c6 venti. yeah honestly me not really shipping anyone is a big reason why i haven’t read anything either lolll. like the art is good and i’m fine but i’m not invested enough to read fics about it yet fdshfkjs. yup it is! in case you haven’t found it yet, here! (i saw that the prologue alone was 74 pages and yeeted out of there hfdsjf)
yeah i think dreamworks ended up kinda unhappy with it all FKJFHKDSHFS but honestly with how they ended the show i feel like in their minds all ends were tied so the only option would be for a prequel? idk. and also bc i feel like movies from shows tend to do that ahaha. or omg a spinoff with completely new characters and maybe we only get mentions or cameos of the old ones hfkdsjf
yesss i’m so excited to at least get through the most popular ones!! still haven’t started howl’s moving castle yet tho lol. can’t wait to finally understand when everyone talks about these movies 😩
no i don’t know that post?? but omg.. 💕💕 also is this an appropriate time to ask what your pronouns are/how you like to be referred to FHSDKFHSD i’ve been using non-gendered language as much as i could bc idk what you prefer! 
okay i might.. post a link to that doc in an ask sometime soon then or hm.... what if i continued working on it instead... many different options hfskjdfd
i mostly listen to kpop!! ahah in recent years i’ve really said fuck western media and fully immersed in the asian stuff.. but yeah my ults are bts but i really got into seventeen in 2020 and i love them so much... they’re all so funny btsvt collab when HFKSFJS. hbu?? 
*bernie voice* i am once again asking you to stop apologising >:( please these are genuinely the highlight of my day LOL i am always looking forward to your messages!! pls do not chill >:((((
yours, c.r. <3
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rules: answer all the questions and tag 20 other blogs [ tagged at the end of the post ]
tagged by: @eizawrites
1. drink: tea 2. phone call: my mommm 3. text message: my best friend 4. song you listened to: thunder - imagine dragons 5. time you cried: like last night cos i had terrible cramps lmao 6. dated someone twice: nopee 7. kissed someone and regretted it: i mean my ex lol  8. been cheated on: yeahh 9. lost someone special: yaa 10. been depressed: ANYWAY, ya lol  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: NOPE i can hold my liquor 
3 favorite colors
12. pink 13. turquoise 14. white
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: yep! 16. fallen out of love: nahh not in the last year 17. laughed until you cried: like this afternoon tbh 18. found out someone was talking about you: yeppp 19. met someone who changed you: not rly 20. found out who your friends are: i mean i found out 2 years back i legit have 2 friends and i’ll still w them lol 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nopee
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: i dont use fb a lot tbh and at this point i mainly just use it to talk to @stereotypicalcancerwrites and @sleepygirl-writes and i dont rlly have any personal stuff on it so i guess i dont know a lot of my fb friends in rl? because i lit dont add them lmaooo iM  onLY KEEPING FB FOR SUZIE AND DEAN 23. do you have any pets: A cat and a dog! aka frodo and jon snow!  24. do you want to change your name: i liiike faaya tbh and matty said he liked it too SO 25. what did you do for your last birthday: omg i think i went out w my twin brother and cousins and we stayed out the whole night it was actually rlly nice 26. what time did you wake up: liiike 8:30 and i went to bed at 5 3  27. what were you doing at midnight last night: i was w my best friend i think 28. name something you can’t wait for: im getting cheesecake in half an hour!! 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: i havent seen her in two months omg 31. what are you listening to right now: like i would - zayn 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: I ONCE MET TOM FELTON IT WAS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE 33. something that is getting on your nerves: i left my tea for too long and now its cold ANYWAY 34. most visited website: youtube and this hellsite 35. hair color: black 36. long or short hair: i LOVE long hair, i have like shoulder length but omg i love long hair 37. do you have a crush on someone: nahh not rlly except if kaz brekker counts cos always 38. what do you like about yourself: im supa friendly tbh and ive been reading a lot lately and i really like that!! 39. piercings: ears and bellybutton piercing lol 40. blood type: o positive i think 41. nickname: i mean my mom calls me faye 42. relationship status: i have a boyfrienddd 43. zodiac: sagitttarius
44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: himym tbh i rlly need to watch b99 tho 46. tattoos: i have 2 and theyre both the 1975 related lmao  47. right or left handed: im ambidexterouss  48. surgery: yahhhh  50. sport: i was captain of schools basketball team and i swim and dance 51. vacation: i rlly wanna go to brazil 52. pair of trainers: twooo
53. eating: i just had cereal  54. drinking: waterr rn  55. I’m about to: finish cleaning my rooom 56. waiting for: my boyfriend to fucking tex me back 57. want: these really cute pair of shoes i saw today?? RIP 58. get married: yayyyy 59. career: lISTEN no idea. probs something to do w art
60. hugs or kisses: hugss tbh 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: taller def 63. older or younger: older or same age yeah 64. nice arms or nice stomach: im a hoe for abs i’ll be real  65. hookup or relationship: relationship tbh sign me tf up 66. troublemaker or hesitant: lmao bit of both i guess
67. kissed a stranger: …at a royal blood concert LOL 68. drank hard liquor: pls 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: glasses ALL THE TIME 70. turned someone down: yepp 71. sex on the first date: nahh  72. broken someone’s heart: i dont think so?? 73. had your heart broken: LOL 74. been arrested: nahhhh 75. cried when someone died: yeh 76. fallen for a friend: yeppp 
77. yourself: rarely tbh 78. miracles: kinda 79. love at first sight: not rlly but… kinda 80. santa claus: nopee 81. kiss on the first date: lol sure 82. angels: ..ya tbh 
84. eye color: brown 85. favorite movie:um idk idk 
tagging: anyway idk if these are 20 people but if you wanna do it go for it! ANYWAY
( @stereotypicalcancerwrites / @sleepygirl-writes / @oceanhunters / @vexahliawrites / @nygmawrites / @kazdarling / @blackthornswrite / @whit-rps / @scamandesr / @wildhaart / @pocmuzings / @mattyhlys ) 
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