#it's like in warrior cats where you change names depending on your status except they can pick sometimes
moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Okay whose names sound cool, I need someone to draw. We've got:
Ambitious aka Amy
Constant aka Con
Industrious aka Dusa
Steadfast aka Ed
Vigilant aka Gillian
Majestic aka Jasper (formerly Triumphant or Phil(?))
Ingenious aka Jen (formerly Audacious or Daisy)
Glorious aka Laurent
Observant aka Linda (short for Belinda) (formerly Meticulous)
Illustrious aka Luce
Innovative aka Nova
Spirited aka Pilar
Sharp who will use Shaun if they need a "real name"
Conscientious aka Siobhan (formerly Courteous)
Superb aka Sue (my girl Léonie)
Temeraire aka Tem (my boy Ambrose)
Some of these nicknames are more creative than others but what do you want.
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ylizam · 4 years
[picard through 1.6: my disjointed feelings vs. my disjointed thoughts]
I guess the tl;dr is that I love (most of) the characters, and I do not trust the writing? which, fine, par for the course, especially as a Voyager person, but still. I’m enjoying it! I don’t think it’s actually good! I keep having feelings! I am really confused about what they’re doing in re Picard the Character! anyway!
the positive (give or take):
LARIS <3 <3 <3 my Picard’s my Romulan wife! traumatized and her whole world is gone and ex-Tal Shiar (!) and Irish and sweater-wearing and honestly Star Trek: Laris is the show I want in the world. 
I’m this.close to changing my user icon thingy to Laris. I mean I love Caroline and her wine but what if. (the main reason I haven’t yet is because what if they kill her off for more Picard manpain and I’m too angry about it, etc. like I said: I do not trust the writing/writers/whatever, especially with Duff on the staff.)
honestly, there are so many stories one could tell about Laris and Zhaban and home and rebuilding and loss and spies and family and you know what, I don’t trust the writers at this point, so maybe I’m the tiniest bit relieved they’re not telling it (but, oh, for writers who COULD)
Romulan secret names? sure, I can accept that. plenty of cultures have family versus public names, etc. Romulan secret names they only tell their lovers? eh, no, that’s a myth they sent out to the universe for a laugh / to see who believes it / because they could.
Romulan Warrior Nuns. the entire concept. all of them. absolute candor. swords. give me more. 
give me Laris formerly of the Tal Zhiar and members of the Qowat Milat having an awkward meal together I am just saying.
relatedly, Elnor needs a cat. 
Seven. Of. Nine. with pockets. 
continuing trauma because of course! (and look I love Janeway but I do cringe at the way “humanity” was thrust upon Seven in a very limited and forced way and that can’t have been great for her longterm and give me more Seven learning that she is “human” enough there’s no one definition but also she’s fucked up and that’s okay too except where it’s self-destructive and not okay and) 
although seriously they tiptoed riiiiiight up to the line of confirmed queerness and then swayed a bit and hope that was enough and it’s not? (I wonder if they were so paranoid about Kill Your Gays-itis and what it would mean for Seven to kill an ex that they didn’t want to skirt that fallout, but come on.) (I also wonder if, when Seven comes back, they actually go there or if this is as far as it will go.) 
Raffi. Michelle Hurd as Raffi. Raffi.
Raffi deserves better. Better writing, better writing, better writing.
so that was her ex-girlfriend Picard bribed her with wine to contact, right? 
Hugh. That hug. Hugh. 
the negative (give or take):
the casual racism problem. 
stop killing characters of color! if you colorblind cast and then only/largely people of color die that’s not good! not to mention Indiana Picard (see next point) and the Romulans of color all swarming around him and yeah. stop it.
don’t dress Picard up like a colonialist unless you actually mean it—like, if you want to get into the issues with the Federation and colonialism rah rah flags and all that, do it, but I just feel like they’re not actually going there (too much emphasis on conspiracies and people infiltrating the Federation rather than, oh, maybe the Federation itself is an issue?). 
this is where my trust of the writing really comes into play because I just don’t know that they know what they’re doing. 
the writing can be pretty clunky. why did they make someone with basically no tv experience the showrunner again? (it turns out that maybe television and novels are different media! with different rules and etceteras!)
no really why is this show being made in 2020 so straight (and so 1990s coy about any hints of queerness)
I don’t care about Narek. At all. He bores me. 
this is obviously a personal thing, as I’ve definitely seen people out there who enjoy him. but yeah. he does nothing for me personally.
and his sister is just. cartoon villainry.
if you’re going to keep intercutting to scenes with the bad guy and his sister sexually choking him and all either actually explain the reason they’re doing all the bad stuff and actual justifications, etc. (we don’t need it to be a surprise to be interesting, yo! why do you care about the android homeworld or whatever it is you’re searching for? have you shared your secret lover names with each other yet or naw?) or just don’t. the baddies should be their own heroes! 
I would definitely prefer the story about how the Federation and Starfleet aren’t what their PR says they are and digging into how flawed they are and colonialism and all that to the one about the conspiracy and infiltrations into the Federation and Starfleet that sort of just skim over the parts where whatever the conspiracy managed to do depended on the flaws in the Federation and Starfleet. 
look, maybe we’ll get it? but, again, trust issues with the writing.
I really, really, really wish they hadn’t gone the addict route with Raffi
it feels a little lazy? very plug-and-play characterization? idk! I think she’d be more interesting without it! 
(also to be fair I have my own issues with addiction stuff in general so even if I trusted it to be done well and all that it still wouldn’t be my favorite.)
is there any trauma care in the future utopia times (the Borg Reclamation Project seems to suggest that there may be at least, on some level, an attempt at it)? has Picard received any mental health care at all post-living-on-a-ship with Troi who sometimes tried but also maybe was too much of a friend to be an effective therapist for him no really what is the status of mental healthcare in the future utopia times I want to know.
(I mean the PTSD stuff makes sense, I’m not denying that and that’s not the stuff I find myself disliking in the character. but it does lead me to wonder about the state of mental healthcare and the like, not because I think he should be “cured” or anything like that, but because I wonder.) 
Is Picard meant to be an asshole I no longer like? 
is the bit with the doctor who is not Beverly telling him about his brain whatever issue meant to be a hint that he’s going senile or something? is that why the worst parts of his nature keep being thrust front and center?
do the writers know how unlikeable he can be in this? is that the point? is there a point to it? do they have any idea at all what they’re doing? (giving alcohol to the addict so she’ll do what you want, Picard? really?)
in conclusion: I just don’t know what they’re trying to do in re Picard the Character on Picard the Series and I worry that the people in charge don’t know either. (also, I want to continue liking Picard the Character so.)
anyway I left out a bunch here (I largely like the crew of the La Sirena but also don’t have anything I really want to say about them) (my eh-reaction to Narek has affected how much I really care about that storyline, but I do in fact like Soji and hope for more interesting stuff for her because I was really bored with her adventures in sleeping with a bad guy) (anyway this is already very long, but yeah, hopefully the rest of the season will return some level in faith in the writings having a Plan but I’m not super confident in that oh well).
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ciathyzareposts · 4 years
Game 371: Amberstar (1992)
I suspect the title font is in amber, but someone let me know for sure.
Thalion Software (developer and publisher)
Released 1992 for Amiga, Atari ST, and DOS
Date Started: 20 June 2020     Amberstar is the first game I can remember that starts better if you haven’t read the manual. First of all, the manual is 168 pages–and it explains so little about what you experience in the game’s opening hours that it might as well be written for a different game. Second, it sets up a less interesting quest than the game itself. The manual’s story is all about the standard evil wizard trying to take over the world. The Amulet of Yendor that can stop him has been broken into 13 pieces, each one hidden somewhere across the land. Yawn. It made me realize that we have the terms Amulet of Yendor or MacGuffin for the Artifact That The Hero Must Find, but we need a separate term for when the MacGuffin is broken into multiple pieces.    Anyway, the actual game begins with no mention of any of this. Instead, the starting character is in a cemetery, mourning over (in my case) her parent’s graves, recalling how they were recently murdered by a band of orcs attacking their carriage. Left with nothing to do, the character heads into the nearby city and starts looking for adventure.
             The character is reminded of the backstory when she gets to her house.
             If you read the manual, there’s quite a bit of confusion at the beginning of the game when it comes to character creation. The manual tells you that you can have up to six characters, and it sets up a pretty standard Dungeons and Dragons-derived system for their creation. Races are human, elf, dwarf, gnome, halfling, half-elf, and “half-ork.” Attributes are strength, intelligence, dexterity, speed, constitution, charisma, luck, magic resistance, and age. Races have the usual advantages with attributes (e.g., dwarves and half-orcs get the highest strength, halflings the highest dexterity, humans are average across the board); the highest value that anyone gets is 100.
     Classes are warrior, “paladine,” ranger, thief, monk, white wizard, grey wizard, and black wizard. The wizard classes are interesting. Like Thalion’s previous Dragonflight (and, oddly, like Final Fantasy), magic is split into white (mostly healing) and black (mostly offensive) varieties. I figured “grey” wizards would be able to cast both, but it turns out they have their own set of spells, focused mostly on adventuring (“Light,” “Magic Compass,” “Identification”) and buffing. Paladines get some white magic abilities, monks get some grey magic, and rangers get both white and grey. There are typical racial restrictions on classes. That is, humans get to be anything. Mages otherwise have to be elves, half-elves, or gnomes. Dwarves can only be warriors or monks, half-orks only warriors or thieves. That kind of thing.
           This interesting screen precedes the more boring title screen.
             There are ten derived skills: attack, parry, swim, listen, find traps, disarm traps, pick locks, search, read magic, and use magic. Thieves so far outclass anyone else for swim, listen, find traps, disarm traps, pick locks, and search that it seems foolish to travel without one, although both monks and rangers have some skill in those areas.
        Anyway, most of this setup is ignored during actual character creation. You only get to make one character, and I guess it’s a human since the attributes are all rolled on a scale of 60, but the race isn’t specified anywhere on the character sheet. Neither is the class. She gets no initial magic statistic at all, nor any thief-specific or mage-specific skills. Your only choices are sex, name, and the ability to hit “reroll” as many times as you want for the initial attributes. I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t create a six-character party, as I had a whole “color wheel” thing worked out, with characters named Violet, Indigo, Magenta, Vermillion, and Chartreuse. Then it turns out that the game only displays the first five letters, so I changed Violet to Viola.
          Too bad no class favors both strength and intelligence.
          The character starts in the city cemetery next to her parents’ graves. She has clothes, shoes, a knife, and a small, random number of gold pieces. The cemetery is presented in top-down, iconographic form, but most of the rest of the city uses a first-person interface. Either way, movement is turn-based and tiled.
             A little bit of backstory for the character.
           The interface and I are going to struggle a bit before we come to some accord. I suspect the game really wants you to play with the mouse. To move, you can either click on the movement pad or on the map window itself, where the cursor changes to an arrow indicating direction of movement relative to the party’s current position. If you right-click on the movement pad, other options appear: look, listen, talk, mount/dismount transport, cast spell, camp, automap, battle formation, and disk options. Clicking any of these might change the pad to show even more options. In any event, the numberpad on the keyboard always corresponds, positionally, to the buttons on the screen pad. So far, so good, but if you want to use the keyboard in conjunction with the mouse and you’re right-handed, you have to awkwardly position your left hand on the numberpad while your right hand controls movement with the mouse. You don’t want to control everything with the keyboard because constant switching between the action options and the movement options is annoying. I really need to invest in an external numberpad for times like this, but it would have been nice if the developers had mapped the action items to sensible keys, like L)ook and T)alk, or at least used the QWEASDZXC cluster as analogues for the action pad and left the numberpad for movement alone.
           The options on the “action pad” change depending on what screen you’re on.
           Also annoying is that the “Look” and “Talk” commands bring up a cursor, which you then have to click on the object that you want to look at or talk to. Since you can only ever look at or talk to things immediately adjacent to the character, it would have been more intuitive to have the player specify a direction after using those options rather than clicking on something, particularly since it’s easy to mis-click on the wrong thing. If you mis-click too close to the character, it opens the inventory screen, which is particularly annoying.
       Viewing statues in Marillion’s tomb.
       The cemetery has some statues and gravestones that you can look at, plus a sub-area inside the Tomb of Sir Marillion. If you wander into the tomb, you find statues dedicated to Gala, the goddess of life, and Bala, the goddess of death. A memorial to Marillion says that “his life was dedicated to light and his soul will escape from the shadows.” Marillion ties into the game’s backstory, which has to do with the return, after a thousand years, of an ancient wizard named Tarbos. I’ll summarize his full story–which takes up 79 pages of the manual–later on, but for now suffice to say that he was the mortal spawn of the King of Hell and he tried to conquer the world (called Lyramion) a millennium ago. A cabal of wizards gathered in the castle Godsbane and cast a spell that banished him to one of Lyramion’s moons. Knowing that the only way for him to return is if someone cast a counterspell within Godsbane, the wizards magically sealed the castle with an artifact called the Amberstar, then divided the star into 13 pieces. A group of knights kept watch over the castle for the next thousand years. Recently, the castle was invaded by a dark wizard named Marmion, who killed the knights and their commander, Sir Marillion. Marmion used magic from the King of Hell to get into the castle without the Amberstar, so now someone needs to reunite the 13 pieces of the Amberstar to get back into the castle and stop him from performing the ritual to recall Tarbos. 
       All of this is far in the future for our orphan, though, who leaves the top-down cemetery to find herself in a first-person city called Twinlake. Size. A competent automap keeps track of where you’ve been but not the names of various locations and services, so I made my own. The map occupies 32 x 30 coordinates, but using worm tunnels and still leaving a lot of space unused.
My map of the opening city.
     Twinlake has the usual slate of RPG services: a couple of shops, a healer, a food store, a stable, guilds for wizards and thieves, a sage to identify equipment, a tavern, and a store selling rafts. The PC’s house is also here, and both it and the tavern switch to a top-down map for exploration. The textured corridors of the first-person section are pretty dull and featureless, so the game’s approach seems to be to switch to an iconographic interface whenever it wants to do anything interesting. There are no combats in the city itself.
            The automap works okay except that it shows nothing where the iconographic sections are.
              There are a few NPCs wandering the corridors. Some of them offer only a quick scripted dialogue, but others allow you to ask about keywords, including an option to type in your own keyword if it’s not on the list. While I like such keyword systems, this one seems to retain in the list every keyword that you’ve ever gotten from any NPC. This is a bit annoying because I feel like I have to click on each keyword just in case.
            Speaking with the ghost of a dead knight, I still have options to ask about the COOK in the town’s tavern.
           A wizard warns me that magical items have limited charges. A ranger suggests I take unidentified items to sages and pay them to identify them. A guard warns me to avoid bubbles in swamps because they release deadly gases, and another guard warns me of orc activity north of Twinlake. A young girl named Sunny wants my help finding her lost cat, Felix, for which she promises to tell me a great secret.  The cat was lost near the cemetery. In a castle-looking configuration in the southeast of town, I run into Lord Karwain, apparently the ruler of the town, who is looking for someone to descend into the sewers, where something is stirring and soldiers have disappeared. 
            The first major quest of the game.
          My parents must have been pretty wealthy to have such a big house in the middle of the city. I entered using the key that came with the character; keys disappear when they fulfill their purpose, which would have been a nice addition to The Black Gate. There was one locked door in the house, but also a key to open it. Among the various rooms, I found a few hundred gold pieces, a set of chainmail, a short sword, a pair of boots, and a few other items. Right now, my undeclared character can’t wear the armor or wield the sword. The family dog is still in the house, hanging around the kitchen, and I feel bad that I can’t take him with me. Is he just going to starve to death?
         My old bedroom.
         It takes me a few minutes to get used to the game’s inventory system. If you’re going to make me use the mouse, then let me drag items from chests directly to my character portrait (like The Black Gate) rather than forcing me to click separate buttons for “take item out of the chest” or “put item in the chest” first. But there are things I like about it, particularly the ability to click with the eye icon on any object and get a full rundown of its statistics and what classes are able to wield it. A screen like this should be required by law in every CRPG. Not really, of course, because that would be a huge overreach of governmental powers, and impossible to enforce in an international industry, but you get what I mean. On the negative side, ammunition (arrows, sling stones) seem to show up as individual, unstackable objects, which I think might be a dealbreaker for using those weapons.
         The short sword’s stats show me exactly how much damage it can do and who can equip it.
        The tavern was a large building also in iconographic form. Initiating conversation with NPCs is a bit different in this interface, but the result–including the selection of keywords–is the same. A beggar tells me that the ghost of Sir Marillion appears at his grave at midnight. A family friend invites me to make use of his father’s old house, north of town, where many of his “inventions” still sit unused. A dwarf worries that all the orc and troll attacks lately heralds Tarbos’s return. (The game is inconsistent in whether it’s spelled “orc” or “ork,” unless it intends two different creatures. I guess I’ll use the standard spelling from now on.) One cook lost his ring down the drain (perhaps to be found in the sewers); the other wants me to retrieve a decent bottle of wine from the cellar, where something “large and slimy” has lately taken up residence.
                Trying to talk to something in the tavern’s kitchen. Maybe it was a cat.
            Most important, I soon find my first companion: A shaggy-haired, mustachioed man incongruously named “Silk.” Like me, he’s an undeclared class. He’s looking for the thieves’ guild and wants to join. It just so happens I have already wandered through the illusory door to the thieves’ guild accidentally, so I know where it is, but when I visit both it and the warriors’ guild, the options to join are greyed out. I assume this is how you declare your class, and I further assume that we’ll need some combination of experience or money before they’ll let us in. I don’t know where the other guilds are, so I wonder how long you have to play the game if you want the main character to be a “paladine” (the game is consistent about this, so I’ll stop using quotes) or ranger or mage. 
           We find the guild but not anything to do there.
         The rumor about Marillion’s ghost intrigues me, so I returned to the cemetery (also to search for Felix) and wait in Marillion’s tomb until his ghost does, in fact, appear. Unfortunately, it just rants about the attack on Godsbane and doesn’t have anything useful to offer. There’s a locked door in the tomb, so I expect some later quest allows me to interact with him more productively and unlock this door. I don’t see any sign of Felix.
         Marmillion is clearly reliving his death.
              At this point, I already have four explicit quests:
          Find Felix for Sunny
Figure out what’s going on in the sewers for Lord Karwain
Find the cook’s ring in the sewers
Get the wine bottle from the tavern cellars
         I decide to try the tavern cellars first. I struggle with the interface for a while before I figure out how to light a torch. I don’t see why clicking on it isn’t enough; you have to click the “use” button first. 
     Dungeon exploration is pretty straightforward. You get atmospheric messages as you move along. If you want to search something more thoroughly, you stop and hit the “eye” icon. The automap works as long as you have a light source. Unfortunately, torches don’t last long, and I only started with two, so after the first dies, I light the second and make a rush back to the stairs. Clearly, I’ll have to go to the store for more.
          The game shows in its iconographic sections, tells in its first-person sections.
                   Miscellaneous notes:
      There is only one save slot. Saving the game is bizarre when you have party members, because for some reason you also click on the “save” button to get rid of them. The game presents this to you with the question, “Would you like to let members of the group go?” and then presents two options: “Exit” and “OK.” “OK” makes it sound like yes, you want to let members of the group go, but if you hit “Exit,” you don’t save. In fact, what “OK” does is get rid of members that you’ve selected while simultaneously saving, so to keep the party as-is, you just hit “OK” without selecting anyone. It’s still ridiculously confusing like a lot of the interface.
             How would you interpret this screen?
        There’s a day/night cycle, and NPCs in the iconographic parts of the game keep to a schedule, retiring to bed at night and moving about during the day. In the first-person side, NPCs are constantly present, but stores open and close based on the cycle. The character finds a magic painting in his house that changes based on whether it’s day or night, allowing her to determine the rough time even in a dungeon, though I can’t help but think a watch would have been more convenient.
      Acquiring the useful-but-cumbersome painting.
         There’s a food system, but you don’t have to eat to stave off hunger. Rather, you simply have to have food in your inventory if you want to regenerate hit points and spell points when you rest. Both only regenerate 10% even if you have food, so I assume there’s going to be better mechanisms for this. There are pools in Sir Marillion’s tomb that regenerate both, for instance.
If you decide you don’t like your main character and change him or her during the game’s opening stages, reloading your saved game will just replace the character but maintain your auto-map, dialogue keywords, and save position. I haven’t tested how it affects gold or inventory, as I hadn’t spent or acquired anything when I changed my character. I assume there’s a point at which this is no longer possible.
I have a hard time spotting some doors in the iconographic sections. I have an equally hard time telling what some of the icons are supposed to be.
             One of the tavern rooms. There’s a door in the west wall.  There are tables with place settings on them, but what are the four objects lined up north-south on the right-hand side of the tables? And what is that thing in the far left-hand side of the screen?
          The game apparently has no sound effects, just music. Town exploration is accompanied by a theme-and-variations composition. The theme is eight bars and goes through eight variations with different instrumentation and ornamentation. Each variation takes 10 seconds, and the A section is repeated, so you have 90 seconds of music before the piece cycles back to the beginning. I say all of this because the game gets praised for its music, and I wanted you to know I took time to listen and analyze before turning it off permanently.
           It always feels incomplete when I don’t have the opportunity to even taste combat for the first entry, but this was already getting pretty long.
       I end where I started: This is a promising beginning to a game that would be more promising if I didn’t already know it was going to devolve into a quest to collect 13 pieces of something to save the world. My idea of a perfect RPG is one in which my highborn ingénue, now forced to fend for herself in the real world, slowly develops the skills she needs to survive, assembles a team around her, and solves local problems until she’s strong enough to take on the orc band that killed her parents. Take her from Level 1 to Level 8 during this process and leave plenty of room for continued growth in the sequel.
             This is the type of quest I enjoy.
           The only thing I can hope now is that the game doesn’t make the collection of the 13 pieces completely uniform and bloodless. Like each one is at the bottom of a 10-level dungeon. That would suck. A couple ought to be at the bottom of 10-level dungeons. A couple ought to be acquired by solving some kind of puzzle. A couple ought to be for sale. Mix it up. Keep the player guessing. Let him hope that the next one might be easy. Ultima VI did it well with the map quest, for instance. At first, I had some hope that the entire trilogy would be about finding the 13 pieces, and Amberstar was just the beginning, but a premature trip to Wikipedia killed that theory.
     At least the game understands the concept of “side quests.” As I return to the rich world of Britannia, I’m reminded that ORIGIN never really got that concept right, not even in The Black Gate, which admittedly has more than the previous titles in the series.
      Time so far: 3 hours
                source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/game-371-amberstar-1992/
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dave-meowstaine · 6 years
All the asks :-)
I knew this was coming haha
1: Full name - Tyler Alistair Wilson-Poole
2: Age - 19
3: 3 Fears - Being alone, complete darkness, clowns
4: 3 things I love - Lizzie, music, video games
5: 4 turns on - Long hair, glasses, dark hair, intelligent 
6: 4 turns off - Unhygienic, rude, annoying, arrogant 
7: My best friend - Ed Culling and Lizzie
8: Sexual orientation - Pan
9: My best first date - This is hard… honestly, and I’m going to count this as a first date because it technically was our first date together, when Lizzie and I went to the arcade, played bowling and pool, and then went to Pizza Hut. It was the night before she had to go home and honestly I couldn’t ask for a better way to end our time together
10: How tall am I - 6ft
11: What do I miss - I miss Lizzie so much it fucking hurts..
12: What time were I born - Around 6 in the evening
13: Favourite color - Definitely red
14: Do I have a crush - I have a pretty big crush on a certain woman ;)
15: Favourite quote - “It’s not about the hand that you’re dealt, it’s how you play it.” I said this to Lizzie when she was convinced we wouldn’t get to be together and we ended up being together in the end so…
16: Favourite place - In bed snuggled up with Lizzie
17: Favourite food - PIZZA
18: Do I use sarcasm - Naaaaaah ;)
19: What am I listening to right now - Basshunter LOL
20: First thing I notice in new person - Usually their height. I’m pretty tall, so I notice a person’s height straight away
21: Shoe size - Size 6
22: Eye color - Dark blue eyes
23: Hair color - Dirty blonde. It used to be REALLY blonde but it got darker and darker over the years
24: Favourite style of clothing - Band merch, obviously. But honestly, Lizzie has made me fall in love with dressing smart because it really compliments my figure and makes me look hot as fuck
25: Ever done a prank call? - Yeah, only a couple though
27: Meaning behind my URL - Dave Mustaine. Cats. Need I say more?
28: Favourite movie - John Carpenter’s The Thing
29: Favourite song - I don’t really have a favourite song. It changes all the time
30: Favourite band - Again, it changes all of the time. If I was pressed, I would probably say Slipknot though
31: How I feel right now - Happy because I spent the past 3 hours on the phone to Lizzie but now she’s gone back to work and she won’t get off until 5am my time..
32: Someone I love - LIZZIEEEEEE
33: My current relationship status - Happily in a relationship with Lizzie
34: My relationship with my parents - Really good. I love my parents and we get on super well
35: Favourite holiday - Probably Scotland
36: Tattoos and piercing i have - No tattoos but I have my septum pierced and three hoops in my left ear lobe
37: Tattoos and piercing i want - Too many tattoos to count, and I’m not sure about piercings.
38: The reason I joined Tumblr - My sister used to use it YEARS ago (like a good 7 years ago) and got me into it. I went through several different accounts before finally getting into it properly and that was this account.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? - I don’t hate her. I can’t say whether she hates me or not, seeing as we didn’t exactly end on good terms and she blocked me lol
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - The only person who would do this is Lizzie and I wake up a good 6 hours before her in the morning, and we always fall asleep on the phone together. Yeah, time differences are a bitch. I haven’t slept in 34 hours ayyyyy
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - The last person I text was my mate Choc and no I haven’t kissed him
42: When did I last hold hands? - I held my sister’s hand when it was my Grandad’s funeral last week
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Literally about 10 minutes. Unless I shower, then about 20-30 minutes.
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? - Never shaved my legs before
45: Where am I right now? - In my room
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - Lizzie would be there. Although if I was drinking, she would probably be drinking too. And we like to get shitfaced together so…
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - LOUD
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - I do
49: Am I excited for anything? - I’m just trying to keep everything together until I get to be with Lizzie again
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - Yeah, Lizzie
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? - A lot, to be honest. Mainly in college and in front of family.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? - I hugged my mum not too long ago
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - I don’t even want to think about that..
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - Not that I can think of
55: What is something I disliked about today? - Nothing, to be honest. Today was a good day
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - Can I meet Lizzie again? I wanna be with her so bad
57: What do I think about most? - Lizzie 
58: What’s my strangest talent? - Umm… I can puff the underneath of my chin out
59: Do I have any strange phobias? - I don’t really have any phobias
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - In front of, to be honest. I love having my photo taken
61: What was the last lie I told? - That something was fine when it wasn’t
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - Depends who it is. If it’s my friends, then just on the phone. If it’s Lizzie, definitely video chatting online
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - I’m not sure about ghosts, but I think it would be cool if they did exist. Aliens definitely exist. We simply just can’t be alone in this vast galaxy
64: Do I believe in magic? - Again, it would be cool if it was real but no, I don’t.
65: Do I believe in luck? - Yeah
66: What’s the weather like right now? - Really fucking cold but otherwise clear. It was snowing heavily on Sunday though
67: What was the last book I’ve read? - Demon Thief by Darren Shan
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? - Fucking love the smell of gasoline
69: Do I have any nicknames? - Not really. Not anymore.
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? - I’m really lucky and never really had any bad injuries.
71: Do I spend money or save it? - Spend it unless there’s something that I must have. Or a certain person needs something
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? - I can’t
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? - Some parts of my bed sheets are pink
74: Favourite animal? - Chimps
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - Reading my book in bed
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - It’s just Satan
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Africa by Toto
78: How can you win my heart? - You can’t. Lizzie already owns it
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - I honestly have no idea…
80: What is my favorite word? - Don’t really have a favourite word.
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr - I don’t do favourite blogs
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? - REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? - Not that I know of
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - Teleportation. I would love to just go anywhere in the world whenever I wanted to. I would go grab Lizzie first and take her where ever she wanted to go
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - Nothing that I can think of. I don’t like lying and don’t have anything to hide
86: What is my current desktop picture? - It’s a screenshot from World of Warcraft. It’s my Human Fury Warrior riding the Iron Bound Proto-Drake across Tanaris in front of Argus. 
87: Had sex? - Many times
88: Bought condoms? - Many times
89: Gotten pregnant? - Lol no
90: Failed a class? - LOL I straight up got kicked out of my old school
91: Kissed a boy? - I have
92: Kissed a girl? - I have
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - I can’t recall but I’m sure I have
94: Had job? - Yes, I have had job. Very good, very nice. 
95: Left the house without my wallet? - I went to Scotland last week without my fucking wallet…
96: Bullied someone on the internet? - No
97: Had sex in public? - Not outright had sex, but done stuff
98: Played on a sports team? - Yeah, a lot actually
99: Smoked weed? - Yep
100: Did drugs? - One of the drugs, please. Nothing except weed, to be honest
101: Smoked cigarettes? - I do
102: Drank alcohol? - When I can. I love going to the pub with my mates
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - I used to be, but then I really needed to put weight on so I started eating meat again
104: Been overweight? - LOL have you seen me?
105: Been underweight? - My BMI used to say I should be dead  :)
106: Been to a wedding? - I haven’t. The first one I will go to will probably be my own
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Only five hours?! 
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Pretty sure I have
109: Been outside my home country? - Several times. Been to Greece and Holland a couple times each 
110: Gotten my heart broken? - LOLOLOLOLOLOL
111: Been to a professional sports game? - Yeah, I used to go watch the Ice Hockey every weekend with my dad
112: Broken a bone? - Thankfully not
113: Cut myself? - Unfortunately yes
114: Been to prom? - I actually didn’t go to my prom
115: Been in airplane? - Yeah, several times
116: Fly by helicopter? - Nope
117: What concerts have I been to? - Hold up, I have a list for this one:
♫ Slayer♫ Anthrax x2♫ Megadeth♫ Metallica♫ Napalm Death♫ Alestorm♫ Children of Bodom♫The Raven Age♫ Kvelertak♫ DragonForce x2♫ The Heavy♫ Hawkwind x5♫ Pulp♫ The Kills♫ The Strokes♫ The Vaccines ♫ Echo and the Bunnymen♫ James ♫ Seasick Steve♫ Jack White♫ Neil Young and Crazy Horse♫ Dengue Fever♫ Afro Celt Sound System x2♫ Goat♫ McFly♫ Rolf Harris
and many more that I’ve forgotten to list
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - Yeah, I’ve fancied a lot of guys in the past
119: Learned another language? - I “learned” French for GCSE but nothing I can remember. Lizzie needs to and is going to teach me Spanish, though. We want our kids to be bilingual like she is so I need to be able to speak Spanish as well
120: Wore make up? - Yeeaah
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? - Lost it when I was 16
122: Had oral sex? - A lot. Given a lot too
123: Dyed my hair? - I dyed it once purple and red
124: Voted in a presidential election? - I’m British but I voted in the general elections
125: Rode in an ambulance? - No, thankfully
126: Had a surgery? - No, thankfully
127: Met someone famous? - I’ve met so many famous band members
128: Stalked someone on a social network? - Yeeaah
129: Peed outside? - Hasn’t everyone?
130: Been fishing? - Nope
131: Helped with charity? - Yeah
132: Been rejected by a crush? - Too many times to count lol
133: Broken a mirror? - I once dropped a mirror on my toe. Blood everywhere
134: What do I want for birthday? - I need tattoos so probably that
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names?
Nova Lynn Wilson-Poole
Lara Mileena Wilson-Poole
Anri Sophia Wilson-Poole
Raiden Aldren Wilson-Poole
Furion Axel Wilson-Poole
136: Was I named after anyone? - Nope. My middle name is my dad’s name, though
137: Do I like my handwriting? - My handwriting is the worst handwriting I’ve ever seen. Many people will back that up
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? - I didn’t have a favourite, I loved them all equally
139: Favourite Tv Show? - At the moment, Wilfred. LIZZIE WE NEED TO FUCKING FINISH IT COME BACK HERE SO WE CAN
140: Where do I want to live when older? - In Malmesbury still, where I currently live, to be honest.
141: Play any musical instrument? - Guitar, bass, and a bit of the drums. I also used to play the trumpet and my teacher said I was the best student he ever had
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? - All of my scars: self harming
143: Favourite pizza toping? - Meat feast
144: Am I afraid of the dark? - Only complete darkness
145: Am I afraid of heights? - I get really bad vertigo. We went to the museum in Edinburgh and went to the top floor, and I completely freaked out. My head was swimming so bad that my whole body felt like it was continuously falling
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - Not that I can think of. I never sneaked out of did anything particular bad when I was younger. Then I got to an age where my parents believed that I need to make my own mistakes and that I was old enough to take the consequences and make my own decisions in life
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? - Lol too many times to fucking count
148: What I’m really bad at - I’m bad at communicating how I feel a lot because I’m scared how I feel like hurt or upset others or cause an argument. It’s past mental abuse great?
149: What my greatest achievments are - I probably have loads but I’m honestly too tired to think right now..
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - I’m sure there’s some fucked up shit people have said to me, but I don’t make a habit of remembering that sort of stuff
151: What I’d do if I won in a lottery - Pay off the rest of Lizzie’s lease on her apartment, go over to America to meet her friends and family for two weeks, and then buy her a  one way plane ticket to fly back with me. 
152: What do I like about myself - I’m perfect  ;)
153: My closest Tumblr friend - Nick @chuck-fenriz
154: Something I fantasise about - Lizzie. A LOT
Took me a long ass time, literally an hour, but here you go! Sorry that I ran out of steam towards the end haha :)
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