#it's like the time skip feeling i got when i had edibles without the unpleasant feelings
starsonmarsy · 9 months
i feel like ive discovered thr secrets to life but also sleepy
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spellthemoon · 3 years
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Kang Younghyun x Reader.
You really don't know how did you end up here. In Seoul station with your backpack at 12 PM. You just had this idea when you woke up that you want to have a trip to somewhere since you skip class and it got you bored. So, you just took shower and packing your clothes enough for 3 days trip. You don't even know where to go and it's your first time to have a trip alone. You had a thought to go back home and cancel this plan but when you look around the station, it holds you back. Station is always an interesting place for you. There, you can see people who are about to go to somewhere or just got back from somewhere. You hold your backpack strap and thrilling to go on with the first plan. But you don't know what to do first. Shall you check where to go first or just buy whatever ticket available. You're still deep in your thoughts when someone bumped into you from behind. You dropped your wallet and phone.
"Ouch!" You hissed, worried that your phone might cracked.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." The person sounded he's on rush and helped you to pick your wallet. "Are you okay?" He asked you, worried. He stretched his hand to give your wallet.
"I'm okay." You took your wallet from him, still checking your phone to find any crack.
"Okay, good. I'm sorry."
When you looked up after found no crack on your phone, the man was already running from you. You didn't have a chance to see his face. He's wearing all black outfit and carrying the same black colored backpack as yours. Seem like his train will leave soon, he's sprinting.
For safety reason you save your wallet in your bag and put your phone in your pocket jeans. You walked to the Ticket Vending Machine and luckily there's not so many people. You're standing still at the Ticket Vending Machine. You don't know what you're doing so you just pressed whatever you see, without thinking. After you got the ticket you decide to just wait for the train because you can't do anything much in one hour. You're sitting at the corner while examining your ticket. From Seoul to Gwangju. You don't know much about Gwangju actually, so you just started do some research about what to do, what to visit and what to eat in Gwangju. The most important one is where to stay. You think guesthouse will be a perfect choice since you always wanted to try stay at the guesthouse for a trip. Maybe you'll meet nice people. You're so focus searching for affordable and nice guesthouse when someone came and sit next to you. Between other empty seats and row, someone chose to sit beside you. It made you uncomfortable enough to shifted your position slightly away from the person beside you. You didn't take a look at the person, pretending to still focus on your phone. From the corner of your eyes you can see that he is a man. He seems so busy searching something inside his bag. A ring is falling right at your feet. You picked it up and placed it on the little space between you and him without saying a word. He buried his face inside his bag, so he didn't realize that he dropped his ring and had someone pick it up from him. You looked at the your watch and it's just 15 minutes left to your train departure. You stood up and walked to the platform leaving the man who's still busy searching for the thing he's losing behind.
You're smiling from ear to ear when you're already seated on the train. Your seat is by the window so it got you so excited. You'll get a chance to see the view.
You picked your phone to continue browsing for a guesthouse you'll stay at. There are two guesthouses that caught your attention. After you gained every little information about the two, you decided to choose the guesthouse which closer to the station. You think it's better. After you done with the booking and the payment online, you chose the playlist you want to listen to during the two hours ride. The train will leave in five minutes. At the same times someone sits beside you. That made you disappointed a little bit since you hoped no one would sit next to you. You'd feel more comfortable that way. You took a glance at the man sitting next to you. He looks somewhat familiar. You paid attention carefully then you realized that he's the same man that sit beside you at the station. You recognize him from the ring he's wearing. For once again he's busy looking for something inside his bag. But this time he didn't bury his face in the bag so you can see his face clearly. He has a black hair and he has a pair of sharp eyes and those eyes are now looking at you. Yes, he realized that you've been eyeing him. You gasped and immediately turn your face to look outside the window. You feel so embarrassed. The man cleared his throat awkwardly. Fortunately he didn't say anything. Who's gonna be happy if a stranger staring at your face? You also wil not comfortable if that happens to you.
The train started to leave. Your excitement has gone because a stranger was sitting next to you. He has a really board shoulders, it made his shoulders brushed with yours frequently. Every time that happened, the two of you immediately distancing yourself even though it's useless since there really wasn't any space anymore. You looked around the carriage, there were many empty seats. Why this man has to sit next to you making you uncomfortable. You have a thought moving to another seat but you're afraid he would feel offended. Yes, you're such an overthinker person. You really think too much about a stranger's feeling. You just hope that he would be the one who moves to another seat.
One hour more you'll arrive at Gwangju. Still with the same man next to you. Your stomach made an embarrassing sound. You pretended like nothing happened so that you don't get even more embarrassed. You wanted to buy food but you hold back. You have to make sure that you won't starving for two nights in Gwangju. This is a sudden trip so you don't bring that much money.
Your neck was stiff because you just look outside the window and you were hungry, so your mood was not very good. Is this the start of an unpleasant journey? You got even more annoyed when your shoulders brushes with the man again because he was looking for something inside his bag, again.
You're ready to close your eyes hoping that when you wake up, it's already in Gwangju.
"Hello, do you want this?"
A voice made you to open your eyes again. You turned your head and the man is handing a chocolate to you. That's your favorite chocolate. But, is it because he heard your stomach growling?
"No, thank you." You said in the most polite way you could think of.
He put the chocolate back to his bag without saying anything. Then, he handed you something again. This time it's sandwich.
"It's okay, i'm fine." You said with a smile reassuring him that you're fine.
Well, you think it's not save to receive any food from stranger. The world can be so scary.
He nodded, "Okay then. But you can take this." He put the chocolate on your lap. Carefully so his hand didn't touch anything else. "Don't worry, the expired date is next year. It's edible."
Did he read your mind? You hesitated but still take the chocolate. It won't be nice to keep rejecting it. Hence you can accept it without actually eating the chocolate.
"Oh, thank you."
"Hmm, you're welcome." He opened the plastic wrap of his sandwich and started to take a big bite. A really big bite. The sandwich looks so tempting. You should just accept it. You can smell the tuna from it. All you can do was just sigh quietly and back to look outside.
The man back to looking for something inside his bag. Again. He took another sandwich again! Will he give it to you? You had a little hope that he will, but it's vanished when he unwrapped the sandwich and take a big bite again. He's probably starving. The previous sandwich was tuna, you can smell the second one was chicken sandwich.
You're shocked when he's coughing loudly. No, he's choking. He kept coughing vigorously. You became panic when his face turned red and he shedded tears. He's having a hard time breathing. People starter to notice the incident but they did nothing. Their gaze made you even more panicked. You patted him on the back, still being careful. That's what people do, right?
"Are you okay?" Dumb question, you know. He didn't look okay at all. You kept patting his back harder. Your other hand tried to reach the water bottle inside your bag. He's still coughing and now you hit his back hard. It looks like it's finally work because he had something coming out from his mouth. He was panting, his face was still red. You took your hand off from his back and handing your water bottle to him.
"Here, you can drink this."
He took the bottle with his trembling hand. After he drank for like half of it, he gave the bottle back to you.
"Thank you so much." He said.
You took it and closed the lid. "Are you okay now?"
He nodded and smiled shyly. "Yes, thank you. I thought i was going to die. It's all thanks to you."
You smiled slightly. It was nothing, really. You were also so panicked because you couldn't do anything except to hit his back hard.
"Sorry i hit you too hard. It must be hurt."
He laughed, "No, no. Thank you. It saved me."
"If that so, i'm glad."
Two of you nodded and smiled to each other. Okay, this is so awkward. You played with your fingers. You didn't know if you should ask if he's really okay or do something else.
"By the way, what will you do in Gwangju? For vacation or something else?" When he's aware that you look a little bit surprised, he smiled warmly. "Oh, i didn't mean to be a creep to asked you something like that."
"I didn't think like that." Even though you feel a little bit uncomfortable. "I'm going to visit my grandparents." Of course you're lying. You don't want to take the risk to tell a stranger that you're going to be alone travelling around Gwangju. Again, the world is not save.
"Oh, your grandparents are here? That must be nice." He smiled again.
You just nodded and smiled back at him. You are just not good at talking with strangers.
"If that so, do you often go to Gwangju?" He asked. From his tone it seems like he wants to talk with you more.
"Not really." Your answered him modestly. Honestly, this is your first time visiting Gwangju. But of course you can't tell him that.
"Oh, I see. This is my first time in Gwangju. I wanted to take a short vacation alone. I wanted to ask you about good restaurants in Gwangju. For me, good restaurants are the most important one when we come to a new place..." He closed his mouth when he realized he's talking too much. Your face also seems uncomfortable. "Sorry. I'm someone who talks a lot."
"It's okay." You really mean it.
"Oh yes, I'm Younghyun. Kang Younghyun." He smiled introducing his name. His smile is cute, you thought. "You don't have to tell your name if you feel uncomfortable."
You stared at him. Why he doesn't​ want to know your name? Then what for he's introducing himself to you if he doesn't want to know yours?
He smiled seeing you confused.
In less than five minutes the train will arrive at Gwangju station. Finally, you thought. You started stuffing your stuffs in the bag. Your first plan is to find a good restaurant because you are starving right now and go to the guesthouse to leave your bags there. Then, you can visit one or two places. You glanced at Younghyun, he was cleaning his trash. A guilty for lying to him crossed your mind. Younghyun has the same plan as you. This is his first time to Gwanju for a short vacation alone. If you didn't lie, maybe you could find a good restaurant with him. After the small talk he seems like a good and fun person. Isn't this what you want? Go to new places and meet new people?
The train has stopped. You're finally arrived in Gwangju. Younghyun stood before you. He adjusted the straps of his backpack. You realized that the bag is the same as yours. Maybe he was also the one who bumped into you at Seoul station earlier?
He turned to you when you stand up. "If we bump into each other later, can i say hi to you?"
"Yes, of course." You answered without hesitation. The chance of meeting him is slim, right?
"Tell me your name when we meet again. Please send my regards to your grandparents." He waved his hand and walked.
You stared at his back. He is a tall man with a board shoulders. However, the way he talked earlier like he's teasing you. Did he know you were lying about visiting your grandparents?
You sit back down waiting for everyone to get off the train. You saw Younghyun walking from outised the window. He turned his head then smiled and waved his hands again. You can only smiled back. Why did he look so happy? But you like it, his smile.
You stopped at a small restaurant. From the building and decoration, you are sure that this restaurant is older than you. You decided to eat the traditional dish from this town.
You opened the door slowly. There are not many tables and you only see three people. A middle-aged woman greeted you and let you to sit at the table closest to the door. You chose your orders from the old menu book and the woman told you to wait with a warm smile before going into the door in the corner.
You looked around and there wasn't much that caught your attention. You hope the food is as delicious as the reviews say that you find on the internet. Your eyes stopper at the back of the man sitting at 2 tables in front of you. Wait, is that Kang Younghyun? His back looks so familiar. It must be Kang Younghyun. Your heart was beating so fast without a reason. You kept staring at him. If he looks back, what should you do? Smile? Greet him? Or pretend not to see? Or maybe he will ignore you? When he's done, he will definitely pass my your table. While you were still thinking what would you do if Younghyun see you, the middle-aged woman brought your order to your table.
"This is your order." Said the middle-aged woman putting a bowl and plate full with lots of food on your table.
"Thank you." You said in a small voice.
There was a screeching sound coming from a moving. You immediately lowered your head. No, Younghyun will definitely see you right away when he turns around.
Just right. Younghyun turned around and realized that someone was sitting behind him.
"Oh? You again?" He said with a bright smile.
You smiled awkwardly. "Hi."
Younghyun smiled widely. His eyes were sparkling. "Thankfully, i got here first."
You raised your eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"I'm afraid you would think that i was following you if i got here after you."
"I wouldn't think like that." You said. Did he think that you find him strange?
"Glad to hear that." He kept showing you his sweet smile. "After this, are you going straight to your grandparents' house?" He asked, still standing by your side.
You nodded doubtfully. He kept talking about your grandparents who are actually in Seoul.
"Do you want to buy something for your grandparents first?" He asked with a hint of hope that you'd say yes. "You know there's a market around here, right? Maybe you want to buy some good street food there for you grandparents."
"Do you want to go there too?"
Younghyun nodded. "Yes, I like street food. If you want to go, would you go with me?"
You thought street food is not bad idea at all. You love street food, especially the ones they sell in the market. But is it okay to go with a stranger? You know his name you just met him. Besides you still haven't started eating your meal. "I want to, but you can go first if you want because i have to eat this first." Your pointed to the food on the table.
"It's okay. Eat slowly. I'll wait for you outside." Younghyun left you but you called him.
"Younghyun." The name still feels unfamiliar but you really like the name. "You can sit here." You pointed to the chair in front of you.
Younghyun smiled widely again. He loves to smile, you noted it on your mind.
"Okay, then." Younghyun sat down immediately.
It turned out that it's such a wrong decision because you felt awkward to eat in front of a guy you just met a few hours ago. There was no conversation between the two of you. You thought Younghyun also regretting not to just wait for you outside. It's so awkward.
When your eyes accidentally met at each other, both of you immediately turned your head to the opposite direction. You couldn't even taste the food right. You didn't know if it's good or bad. You're just trying to eat fast.
There were still a lot of people in the market. It's not the packed, you could still walk freely without bumping into other people. You and Younghyun walked side by side. So many food stalls that you can't decide what to buy. You took a glance at Younghyun that seem had interest with a long queue on the right side. It seems like the food is really good to have a quite people lining up.
"Do you want to buy that?" You asked him and finally he turned his head to you.
"The line is too long. Why? Do you want it?"
You shook your head. "No. I don't want to line up."
Younghyun chuckled. Actually he doesn't mind to line up if it's for a good food. But he didn't want to waste a time with you. He's really comfortable to walk side by side like this. That's why he hasn't stop at one food stall at all. Even though the corn dog at the entrance made him take a second glance.
"Oh, there's tteokbokki!" You ran to the tteokbokki stall leaving Younghyun behind. You can't skip tteokbokki whenever and wherever you see it. Younghyun giggled seeing you so excited for tteokbokki. He walked to you with small steps. Adoring how you patiently waiting your turn to order. He nudges your side lightly on purpose when he was standing next to you.
"You can find this easily in Seoul." He teased you.
You smiled shyly. "Yes, but it looks more delicious here."
You rushed forward when the people in front of you got their orders.
"Do you want it? It's my treat." You said to Younghyun. You count this to repay for the chocolate.
Younghyun nodded with a smile. It was adorable to see you so excited for tteokbokki. While you were waiting for your order, Younghyun said that he would buy something in another place.
You've already held two bowls of hot tteokbokki and you saw Younghyun came back with something on his hands.
"I hope you like strawberry juice." Younghyun handed you the juice. "Or do you want this? I bought cold mint tea."
You immediately took the strawberry juice from him. "I prefer strawberry juice. Thank you."
"Oh, so you don't like mint?" Asked Younghyun, leading you to keep walking.
"Not at all. It doesn't suit my taste."
Younghyun nodded. "Do you want to find a seat for a while to eat?"
You agreed and the two of you started looking for a place to sit. You easily found a place to eat.
You and Younghyun started to eat together. It turned out that the combination of strawberry juice and spicy tteokbokki is perfect. You watched Younghyun as he was wiping his sweat. He looked like he was having a hard time.
"Is it too spicy?" You asked, worried for him.
Younghyun sipped his ice mint tea. "Not really. I just can't eat spicy food well."
"Oh, I'm sorry. If it's too spicy, you don't need to eat it."
"No, no. I'll eat it. It's really good. I still can tolerate the level."
You feel relieved, then. You're fine if he doesn't eat it. You're afraid he just tried to be polite.
"By the way, where do you want to go while you're here?" You tried to open the conversation.
Younghyun shrugged his shoulders and sipped his tea again. "I don't know. Today I just want to eat a lot and then rest at the hotel. How about you? Do you just want to stay at your grandparents' house?"
You really felt like telling him that your grandparents are in Seoul, that you lied to him. You don't even have any relatives here.
"I don't know either." You really don't have a plan yet. Maybe to a museum or to a national park or you will take a walk in every market you come across.
"Oh i see. Hence you're here to visit your grandparents."
You swore you want to ask him to stop talking about grandparents.
Younghyun drank his mint tea until the last drop. "Maybe tomorrow I'll go to the lake. You know the place, right? I heard there is a nice garden there too. Have you been there?"
Of course not, you said to yourself. You shook your head. "Never. Is it a good place?"
"People say it's a nice place. How about we come together tomorrow?"
You didn't think this is a bad idea. Younghyun has tendency to make you comfortable. It was proven that you are still with him until now. If he made you uncomfortable, then you must had already run away since you met him at the restaurant.
"Okay, let's go together."
Younghyun smiled happily. He couldn't even hide his wide smile.
"Oh i forgot. I haven't said my name." You just remembered about your promise on the train.
Younghyun smiled meaningfully. "I know your name."
"What?" You said, surprised.
Younghyun said your name while pointing at the small keychain attached to your bag. Right, your name is on it.
"Nice to meet you .." he said your name again. It made your heart beating so fast.
You really loved how the wind blows. The air feels so refreshing here. You purposely came to this place at the morning. This place is so quiet just the way you like it. You can enjoy the view at ease. You waited for Younghyun at the bench closest to the lake. You were kind of regretting to not bring at least one casual dress. All you have is just a pair of shirt and pants. You're deep with the view in front of you that you didn't realized Younghyun has arrived and capturing the view with his camera, with you on the frame. Younghyun smiled to himself. He loved when the wind swayed your hair. He took another picture.
Younghyun called your name as he walked towards you. You stood up and look at him. You were blushing when you saw his clothes has the same color but different tone like yours.
"Wow we're wearing a matching outfit." He noticed that you also wear a blue color. He knew you're blushing. He needed to hold himself to not squish you.
"You are here." You said shyly and let him sit beside you. "What are we gonna do here?" You genuinely asked. Because you don't think you can do much except enjoying the view.
"What do you want to do?" He asked you. You look away because he looked more dazzling than yesterday. It seems like he styled his hair for a little bit.
"I'm okay just taking a walk or just sitting here enjoying the breeze and the lake."
"It sounds like a good idea. Do you want me to take your picture?" He asked you, showing his camera.
After taking a few photos, you and Younghyun decided to just walk around the place. Enjoying the fresh air and kept taking picture when you found a good spot. You also took several photos together. As the two of you walking, you talked about various things. Younghyun said he's frequently goes on vacation alone and without a plan. He feels comfortable doing that. He will just come to the station or terminal and buy a any ticket. When you heard him, you think he's a really cool person. You also found out that Younghyun is only one year older than you, he makes music and is also a Radio DJ. No wonder he talks so well and make you comfortable. You haven't told him about your lie, of course. You thought you just let him think that you are here to visit your grandparents.
Now you were here in a restaurant with a beautiful view. Walking around the lake and a beautiful garden was enough to make you tired and hungry. As soon as your food placed on the table, you and Younghyun ate it right away without saying much.
It was already evening after you and Younghyun finished your meal. Time flies so fast when you enjoying it, right?
"Do you want to go somewhere else?." Youngyun asked you after uou came out of the restaurant.
"Is there anything interesting around here?" You don't want to go home yet so it would be nice if the two of you can spend more time together.
"There's an art museum around here. What do you think?"
Art museum sounds good. But, you don't feel like going to a place like that. It's never been on your list.
Younghyun saw the hesitation on your face. "How about we go to the market again? I'm still hungry."
You smiled happily. "Good idea!"
Younghyun laughed, "Let's go then!"
He stretched out his hand and you took it. You walked hand in hand with Younghyun and both of your body became stiff when you realize what you were doing.
But neither both of you intended to take your hands off of each other. This felt so right. You have to take a bus to get to the market. It's too far for a walk. While you were waiting for the bus and even when you were already on the bus, your hands wouldn't let go of each other. Like a magnet. Your heart was pounding and you didn't dare to look at Younghyun's face even when you were sitting side by side on the bus. You thought that if you let go of his hand, it seemed like you wouldn't dare to hold it back.
Younghyun also had the same thought. If he lets go of your hand, he's afraid you wouldn't allow him to hold your hand anymore.
In his heart, Younghyun hoped that this bus will not make a stop. So he could stay beside you and keep holding your hand.
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lavenderlemoncakes · 5 years
full of treasure
this story features female stuffing with inanimate objects, belly growth, and some stomach noises and pain. hope you enjoy!
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there was a void storm on the way, and there was a certain urgency to the search through the merchant ship the crew had taken - they’d want to be back on their own ship and prepared when it hit properly.
they also didn’t want the treasure to disappear into the void before they could get it somewhere safe.
“Lyssa! here!” came a call from the cargo hold, and Captain Shadowwind climbed up carrying a chest. “sneaky bastards hid it pretty well. didn’t stop us from getting it through.” lyssa ran to meet her, took the chest, and her heart skipped a beat at its size and weight - she could carry it, but it was definitely heavy. excitement built in the pit of her stomach and she laughed into the howling wind that made the shadows clinging to her captain fly wildly around her and was even bending her own hair out of shape.
“now get back on The Stormcrow and get to work, the storm’s coming in fast. my cabin, as usual, you know it’s yours for times like this.”
Lyssa nodded briefly and started hurrying back onto the Stormcrow. the deck was heaving and tilting under her bare feet, and the crew helped her across the gangplank, protecting their valuable loot. behind her, Captain Shadowwind was calling orders to carry over the less valuable cargo and then clear the fuck out, but Lyssa’s job was clear in front of her, and she paid the yelling no mind.
she slipped into the Captain’s cabin, threw the chest on the table, cracked it open, and stopped for a moment to stare in awe at the treasure within: coins of all shapes and sizes, jewelry, jewel-encrusted eggs of what looked like solid gold - all payments for spices and valuable fabric. her heart beat in her throat, and her stomach tightened in anticipation. thunder rumbled in the distance and a tall wave made the ship sway and she snapped out of her awe. she grabbed a handful of coin, poured them into her mouth... and swallowed.
there was not time to relish the metallic taste on her tongue, as much as she enjoyed it, but she did wait for a moment, leaning one hand on the table, one hand resting lightly on her upper stomach, feeling the coin slide down, feeling her second intestine wake up and start producing lubricating slime - she could FEEL it happening, and the anticipation in her lower belly tightened and heated up. her stomach growled, and she grinned, already sinking her hands back into the chest for more.
she swallowed another mouthful and another in quick succession and took out one of the eggs to inspect. it was a good size, heavy, must be solid gold, it’d be edible, but unpleasant, and there were five. the Captain would want them, they’d be easily worth way more than all the coin in the chest. so she braced herself, took a deep breath, opened her jaw as wide as she could, and pushe the egg in. she couldn’t breathe while it went agonizingly slowly down her throat, and her upper stomach cramped immediately at the size of it. she gasped for air, doubled over for a moment, feeling the cramp move with the egg and the slime bubble and growl around it. thunder struck closer and she could hear Captain Shadowwind’s shouting closer now, she must have returned to the ship herself, and she reached for a handful of jewels to let the egg move further down before having another one.
her other hand slid down to her stomach - it had already been slightly pushed out by the gold they’d acquired the previous week, just enough to make her look bloated. the weight of it had been reassuring at the time, but now her head spinned at the thought of how heavy she’d be when she was finished today, imagining how round her stomach would grow. she could clearly feel the egg move under her palm, shivered in excitement even through the cramping, and reached for another. it hurt less now, but still moved slower than the coin and jewelry that followed, and Lyssa struggled to swallow more, impatient. the first egg lodged itself in her treasure sac with a faint jolt, and Lyssa groaned in relief, feeling the shape of it through her clothes, and then slipped her hand inside the shirt to feel it better. she could push it around a little, and feel the other treasure shift.
she took a break from the eggs to be able to eat the rest faster, and with every mouthful, her stomach grew heavier and fuller, pressure building in it that Lyssa couldn’t explain, but had to stand up to be able to deal with it, move around, rub at the taut skin. she wiggled out of her clothes until she was in her underwear to make room, and caught herself in the full-length mirror, tarnished and dark but still reflective. her bloat from the previous treasure had turned into something that looked like a growing baby belly, curving out enough to be cradled, and heavy as, well, gold. or maybe sin. she was sure her sins weighed just as much, if not more.
she’d just swallowed the third egg and about half of the treasure when Captain Shadowwind stormed into the cabin, closing the door and shaking water from her hat and clothes. she lifted her dark eyes to Lyssa, and her eyes darkened even more. she surged to her, pressed close, felt the weight and curve of her now very obvious belly, and kissed her. Lyssa was out of breath and laughed against her Captain’s, her lover’s lips.
“you’ve done beautifully,” the Captain said, and let her go, her voice hoarse from yelling. “you’re doing so well. can you finish it?”
Lyssa didn’t even deign to answer, but instead swallowed another egg with a grimace, and then the last one - this was showing off, and she immediately regretted it when the pain and stretch of them all following each other through her made her double over, take support of the table, and moan. the Captain laughed, softly, and pressed herself against Lyssa’s back to massage at the pain with her warm strong hands.
“you fool,” she whispered into Lyssa’s ear. “no need to impress me. though... that was amazing. i can feel them moving here. you are incredible.” she kissed Lyssa’s neck, and Lyssa laughed, out of breath.
“just want them to be safe,” she said. “if you’re inside, we’re nearly in the storm.”
the Captain hummed in agreement, and kept her hands on Lyssa’s belly to support it and massage the eggs along. Lyssa could feel the cramped churning and growling but most of the noise was drowned by the sounds of the storm - wind howling and rain hammering the deck.
slowly she reached her hand for the rest of the gold, and kept eating. it was getting hard now, she felt so full already, so very heavy, but she kept at it - she knew she could do it, she had before, though it had been a while.
“we’re going to try to find the eye of the storm today,” the Captain told her to distract her as the chest got emptier and emptier and Lyssa’s breathing got shallower and her stomach began to ache with the weight of the gold and treasure stretching it taut. her hands were gentle and supportive. “we’re going to find it.”
“i believe it,” Lyssa breathed and groaned as she adjusted her position, and swallowed another mouthful of coin. “oooohhhhh, i think... i think i need to sit down. it’s so heavy--”
the Captain helped her into one of the plush seats, and pulled the chest to her.
“you look beautiful,” the Captain said, wiping some sweat off her brow, and leaned down to kiss the swell of her belly. “just a little more. look, only a handful.”
“i don’t know that i can take even that much,” Lyssa said and laughed shakily, breath catching at the tightness of her belly, pressure now well on the side of pain.
“let me help you then,” the Captain said, and took a coin from her palm, an slipped it into Lyssa’s mouth. Lyssa swallowed with a mock upset groan, and kissed the Captain’s fingers. one by one the Captain fed her the remaining coins - more than a handful in truth, but Lyssa was grateful for the lie. when they were all done, the ship was swaying, rising and falling heavily with the waves, and Lyssa could feel every swell of the ocean in her stomach - it weighed her to the seat every time they rose, and felt that tiny bit lighter when they fell back down. it was more jostling than she’d have liked, and she sat there panting, rubbing at her stomach and sides and aching back where the muscles were trying to adjust to the new weight, and trying to find a position that’d give her some relief, some give to the tightness. she knew it’d get easier, but right now, with the reward so fresh inside her, she was uncomfortable.
“would you like to lie down, my sweet?” the Captain asked, and Lyssa could only nod. the Captain helped her up, supported her when she stumbled at the immense weight and wasn’t yet accustomed to the shifted center of balance. Lyssa wrapped one arm around her shoulders, and lifted her belly with the other to hold some of the weight. it, too, would be easier tomorrow already, and she could move around without constantly holding her belly up, but now everything in her felt like it was stretching down. the growls and churns in her upper stomach got stronger as soon as she was moving and there was some more room with the sac weighing down instead of sitting against her thighs.
gods she was full.
the Captain helped her onto the luxurious furs, helped her get comfortable on her side - she could absolutely not breathe with the weight of the treasure if she was on her back - and pulled the blankets over the both of them, kissing her face and her chest and the curve of her taut belly.
“what about the eye of the storm?” Lyssa murmured, pulling her knees up to curl around her belly as much as she could.
“they’ll come alert me when they spot it,” the Captain said, continuing to kiss and caress her, to rub at the upper belly to help the last of the treasure move all the way to the sac, to release some of the tension. “right now, though, i want to be right here, admiring you, who are so beautiful, and so full of treasure.”
“i look like I swallowed an ogre’s head whole,” Lyssa laughed.
“you look like me when i was expecting our second,” the Captain responded. “only you are full of life for the all of us, our reward, our lifeline, when our children are made of Void and Destruction.”
“but all the more amazing.”
“but all the more amazing.”
they both fell quiet, listened to the storm and the crew’s voices outside, and Lyssa drifted to the realm between wakefullness and sleep and felt magnificent,  lying in her underwear on her Captain’s bed, on her dear Captain’s arms, so full of their hard-won treasure, so large and heavy with it that she must truly look like a woman expecting a healthy baby or maybe even two - tomorrow would tell.
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enbyleighlines · 5 years
Since canonically wwx is a terrible cook and wn is actually really good at it what about everyones fave qpps making dinner for lan wangji and a yuan's family birthday dinner (not required but bonus if the whole family is coming over/comes over)? I think wn likes feeding people!
Ooooh, what a cute idea! I absolutely adore it, thank you. I hope you enjoy this drabble, my anonymous friend~
Wei Wuxian is a famously bad cook. It is a well known fact about him, primarily because he comes from a family which owns and runs its own restaurant.
But Wen Ning is an optimistic sort of person. He believes, fully in his heart, that anyone can be good at anything if they work hard enough. That includes Wei Wuxian, a man who once burned a hole through a saucepan. Even he, Wen Ning believes, can become a decent cook with time and effort.
Even so, Wei Wuxian is currently wearing Wen Ning’s faith thin.
“What is that?” Wen Ning asks.
On the cutting board, there lies a mass of... something. To Wen Ning’s best estimate, it’s a mishmash of different vegetables. The bits and pieces are all in various shapes and sizes. They also happen to be lying in a puddle of their mixed fluids.
Wei Wuxian looks between the cutting board and Wen Ning. The knife in his hand is disturbingly wet. “I diced up the vegetables,” he says.
Wen Ning wordlessly takes the knife Wei Wuxian is holding. It’s difficult to see under all the pulp, but Wen Ning notices that the edge is rather dull. “This is a bread knife,” Wen Ning tells Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian pouts. Really, he’s a master at playing the petulant child. “So? A knife is a knife! Does it matter what kind I use?”
“Yes,” Wen Ning answers. He doesn’t want to show any frustration. After all, this is meant to be a bonding experience for the two of them. And, he does love Wei Wuxian dearly. “This knife isn’t sharp enough for vegetables. Wasn’t it difficult to cut into them?”
Wei Wuxian enters a thinking pose. “Ah,” he says, “You’re right! But I didn’t want to dirty another knife...”
“That would have been fine,” Wen Ning assures him, “See, the problem with using a bread knife for cutting vegetables is that you have to apply a lot of extra pressure, and sometimes you end up mashing everything into a pulp.”
To Wen Ning’s amusement, Wei Wuxian listens diligently. He even looks regretful.
“I’m sorry,” Wei Wuxian says, after a pause, “Should I go to the store and pick up some more veggies?”
“No, it’s fine.” Wen Ning grabs a sharper knife from the drawer and gets to work cutting the larger pieces into proper cube shapes. “It shouldn’t affect the flavor of the dish,” Wen Ning tells his partner, “But they should all be bite-sized. Also, if they’re all the same size, they’ll be evenly cooked.”
Wen Ning can feel Wei Wuxian’s gaze on his hands as he chops with practiced ease. Soon, the vegetables look a little more edible than before.
When Wen Ning finishes, Wei Wuxian lets out a held breath.
“You know, I always get so nervous seeing you hold sharp objects,” Wei Wuxian admits, while placing a hand on Wen Ning’s shoulder, “It feels like it shouldn’t be allowed.”
Wen Ning frowns at Wei Wuxian. “Why’s that?”
“You used to be so accident prone,” Wei Wuxian explains, “I remember, in high school, you got accused of skipping class because you called sick in so often. Your immune system was basically nonexistent. And there was that time you twisted your ankle so bad in gym that the teacher had to carry you to the nurse’s office. And that time in college you slipped on a patch of black ice and got a concussion—”
“Yes, okay, I get it,” Wen Ning cuts him off.
“My point is,” Wei Wuxian continues with a chuckle, “I guess I’m just got into the habit of always watching out for you, to ensure you don’t get hurt. Letting you handle a knife seems counterintuitive.”
Wen Ning puffs out his cheeks, but it’s mainly to hide a very real hurt.
“Hey,” Wei Wuxian says, clutching Wen Ning’s arm, “I just want to protect my partner. Isn’t that a good thing?”
Wen Ning feels heat overtaking his face, and turns his head to hide the blush from Wei Wuxian’s perceptive eyes. He feels— well, he doesn’t have the language to describe it. Full of light, perhaps. Or fizzy, like a carbonated beverage. It’s neither entirely good nor entirely unpleasant.
Of course Wen Ning appreciates the concern. And the verbal confirmation of their queerplatonic bond thrills him. But there’s something else. After a second of thought, Wen Ning realizes what is bothering him.
“I suppose,” Wen Ning replies, “But... I’m not a child.”
“Oh?” Wei Wuxian releases his grip on Wen Ning’s arm. He moves into Wen Ning’s line of sight, connecting their gazes before speaking again. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I didn’t mean to imply you’re childish. Just that I care about you.”
“I know,” Wen Ning assures him. He pauses a moment, and then pulls Wei Wuxian into an embrace. The warmth of his friend’s body loosens some of the tension in his muscles. It gives Wen Ning the strength to be vulnerable. “I’m glad you care about me,” he murmurs into Wei Wuxian’s shoulder, “I care about you, too. But I don’t want to be treated like a child. Other people do that a lot, when they find out I’m... not interested in sex.”
“Oh?” Wei Wuxian says again. “I... didn’t know that. That sucks. I’m sorry.”
“I know.” Wen Ning doesn’t believe for a second that Wei Wuxian would say anything to intentionally hurt him.
“I mean,” Wei Wuxian adds, “if anything, I’m the child here. Look at the complete mess I made out of the vegetables. I’m surprised you even asked me to help you cook dinner. Unless you want to give our entire extended family food poisoning?”
Wen Ning pulls back from Wei Wuxian with a sigh. “I won’t let you give anyone food poisoning,” he promises.
“Not even Jin Zixuan?”
Wen Ning snorts. “Not even him. Why are you even still pretending to hate him?”
“Hmm... to keep things interesting, I guess!” Wei Wuxian grins one of his dashing devil smiles. It might look menacing, if it didn’t also light up his eyes like heavenly beacons.
As usual, Wen Ning cannot help but reflexively mirror Wei Wuxian’s good mood. “If you say so. Anyway, we should get back to business. Do you know anything about making the dough for steamed buns?”
“From scratch?” Wei Wuxian asks, “Absolutely nothing.”
Wen Ning perks up. He personally finds making and kneading dough incredibly therapeutic. “Okay,” he says, “Let me show you.”
When Wei Wuxian said ‘entire extended family’, he wasn’t exaggerating. For better or for worse, they collectively consider a large expanse of people their family.
There’s Wei Wuxian’s adoptive parents and siblings, Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng. Jiang Yanli brought her husband and son, while Jiang Cheng brought his lovers Wen Qing and Nie Huaisang, the former being Wen Ning’s Jiejie.
Aside from Wen Qing, Wen Ning’s family includes Granny, and a few aunts and uncles.
And then Lan Wangji invited his Shufu and Fuqin, plus Lan Xichen, Lan Xichen’s wife Nie Yuyan, and their son, Lan Jingyi. And since it always feels weird to extend invitations to Nie Huaisang and Nie Yuyan without including Nie Mingjue, he’s also there.
Lan Wangji’s apartment is big, but it’s still an apartment. Fitting everyone inside is possible, but not ideal. By the time everyone has arrived, Wen Ning is starting to get just a little claustrophobic.
And he hasn’t even left the kitchen yet.
Wei Wuxian initially went out to socialize, but now he returns to Wen Ning’s side. Or rather, he hangs himself over Wen Ning’s shoulders like a backpack.
“How are you doing?” He asks gently.
Wen Ning almost plays it off, almost gets defensive. But then he swallows down the urge to reiterate that he is not a child. The truth is, he does have social anxiety, and he is feeling overwhelmed.
So instead Wen Ning squeezes one of Wei Wuxian’s hands. “It’s a lot of people,” he answers.
“Yeah... we might have invited too many people,” Wei Wuxian admits.
His breath tickles Wen Ning’s neck, but somehow it doesn’t feel suffocating. If anything, having a Wei Wuxian flesh barrier makes Wen Ning feel more secure.
“Maybe,” Wen Ning says, “but who would you choose not to invite in a hypothetical do-over? Everyone here is family.”
“True.” Wei Wuxian nuzzles their cheeks together. “I suppose, in the future, we can just invite one side of the family at a time. But that doesn’t sound quite as fun as having everyone together at once.”
Wen Ning nods his agreement. He grips Wei Wuxian’s hand tighter, not wanting the embrace to end so soon.
Wei Wuxian gets the message and cuddles closer.
“I’m having fun,” Wen Ning tells Wei Wuxian, “Even if I feel claustrophobic, I’m still glad that everyone is here. I might just need to retreat to the kitchen once in a while.”
“Okay,” Wei Wuxian agrees, “To be fair, I think Lan Zhan feels the same way, though he’s too stubborn to admit it. Basically, I’m dating two introverts. Luckily for you guys, I thrive best in chaotic environments. I’ll handle all the socializing, whenever you want to take a breather.”
Wen Ning chuckles. “Thanks, A-Xian.”
They continue to cling for another moment. Wei Wuxian’s presence takes some of the edge off of Wen Ning’s anxiety, replacing the nervous energy with a calm warmth. When Wei Wuxian finally does draw back, Wen Ning feels rejuvenated.
“Okay,” Wen Ning says, and picks up a tray of vegetable spring rolls. “I’m ready.”
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