#it's my weird dark jerk off series and I refuse to be ashamed of that but also like take care of yourself
daemoninwhiteround2 · 4 years
Are you gonna share the fic that last line prompt is from 👀👀👀👀
tragically, it’s in the process of being written! it’s from Revert, the tied-for-fifth fic in my The Way You Make Me Want to Live Instead of Die series next is Schism, which I’m procastinating writing because there’s no fucky dark smut in it so what’s even the point? it’s retelling Jay dying, which is narratively boring. Revert and Remain are the next two fics after that. in Schism, the story splits in two clever title I know and Revert and Remain chronologically take place at the same time. they’re are aus of each other. 10 points to whomever remembers/can guess what their divergence point is
and because I’m unreasonably fond of all my anons... here’s the most recent part of Remain
“What are you <em>talking</em> about? I--no, I <em>belong</em> with them-”
“Very good.” Talia’s praise shouldn’t make Jason feel like that, it shouldn’t, she’s not pack no matter how much she tries to force the tie. “You didn’t say ‘to’.”
also @scandalsavagefanfic bc I know she loves this series
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Blindsided-Part 7
A/N: It has been 2 YEARS since I updated this pic. Two freaking years. I’m not even sure if the people who enjoyed it are still invested, but I am determined to finish this series this time. I hope you enjoy! 
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Steve hadn’t gone back home after going to a bar last night.
Nat and Tony had both called you to ask if he was at your place when they realized he wasn’t at HQ.
And then he was late. Steve was never late.
You sat on the training mat in the gym, gripping your coffee and scrolling through missions when he made his appearance, stuffing his clothes from yesterday into his duffel.
You glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. You refused to let him know you’d been worried something bad had happened to him, but after three unanswered texts in which you’d been left on-read, you’d stopped bugging him.
“Good night?” you asked casually, sipping your coffee.
He dropped his bag on the bench with a thud, wrapping his hands with tape. “Not in the way you’re implying.”
You held up a hand to ward off any attack, heaving yourself to your feet. “I wasn’t implying anything.” you finished your coffee, setting the mug on the other end of the bench as he turned to face you.
He set his hands on his hips, staring you down with those intense blue eyes. “Yes, you were.”
You shrugged. “You were gone all night. What you did isn’t my business.”
And it wasn’t.
You didn’t care.
That was a lie. You did care, even though you shouldn’t have.
Your feelings were like a tornado and you couldn’t make sense of them. This jealousy at the possibility he spent the night with a woman was ridiculous. Not only had you just ended your engagement, but you’d also agreed to go on a date with Pietro, so you shouldn’t have been thinking of Steve that way at all.
“Y/N, did you hear me?” He probed impatiently and your head whipped up.
“I’m sorry, what?” you asked, meeting his gaze.
“I stayed at Sam’s place,” he replaced the roll he was using on his hands back in his bag and sat down lightly on the bench, his fingers curling over the edge.
“Is this because I agreed to go on a date with Pietro?” you asked, hugging yourself lightly. “I know you see him every day and if it’s too weird for you two, then tell me. I don’t want to make anything awkward.”
He shook his head, his hair falling into his eyes until he brushed it back, retaping his left hand. “That had nothing to do with you and everything to do with me,” he sighed.
“So it is because I told Pietro I’d go on a date with him?” you asked, staring down at your empty coffee mug like it was the most interesting thing you’d ever seen.
“Yes.” your head snapped up as he continued, dragging his hand over his face. “No. I don’t know,” he mumbled, his words muffled by his palm. “Things are complicated.” his jaw snapped together as he stood, zipping up his bag aggressively.
“How?” you pressed, crossing your arms.
“You’re my best friend, Y/N.” He slammed his bag onto the floor and you flinched at the violent action. “It can’t be more than that. I told you I wouldn’t lose you, and I meant that.” He sighed raggedly. “I’m gonna go hit the bag. You don't need to spar with me,” he muttered, brushing past you.
You stood there, dumbfounded, unsure what to do or say.
So you did nothing.
Several days passed, and Steve still kept you at arm’s length.
Men could be so incredibly frustrating, and it turned out super soldiers were no exceptions. Pietro had called and texted you some, but you’d yet to go on an actual date. Although you still had plans to go out for dinner on Friday, so it was still happening, angry, moody Steve, or not.
You sighed inwardly. Tony was having a pool party at his mansion to celebrate his engagement to Pepper, and although Steve had offered to drive you, the car ride was still filled with awkward, insufferable silence. You had no clue how to fix it, but mainly because the stubborn man wouldn’t tell you what you’d done wrong in the first place.
He’d made it perfectly clear he didn’t want any romantic relationship, and frankly, you didn’t think you were ready for more. You’d already begun to regret saying yes to Pietro, but what could one date hurt?
You arrived at the tower and took a deep breath. So much had changed since the last time you’d been here. Then, you’d been blindly happy and engaged. Steve got out of the car, and you followed, more awkward silence stretching between the two of you. Normally, it was a comfortable silence, but now it felt like he was building an invisible wall to block you out.
You followed him to the massive backyard, a gust of wind pushing your hair into your eyes. “Hey, there you guys are!” Pietro waved from a nearby lawn chair. He grabbed two beers from the cooler and jogged over to meet you. He only wore a pair of navy board shorts slung low on his lean hips, and dark sunglasses hid his eyes, although nothing could hide his blinding smile. A twinge of guilt shot through you that his smile did nothing to you, but it wasn’t…..
You shook your head to clear the thought away as Steve strode away, not waiting for Pietro to reach the two of you. He held a beer out and you smiled, taking a sip. It wasn’t your favorite, but it was the thought that counted, right?
“How’ve you been?” he asked, pushing his sunglasses up further on his head. You shrugged. “Busy, honestly. I’m super behind on my reports,” you admitted.
He nodded, and after a moment's silence, laughed. “It’s really hot. I’m gonna get back in the pool. You wanna come?” he tossed his thumb over his shoulder at the crystal blue water.
“Sure,” you smiled, grateful for something to break the quiet. You stripped off your tank top and shorts and tossed them onto the nearest lawn chair, having worn your black and white bikini underneath.
Tony’s friend, James Rhodes, occupied one of the lawn chairs as you followed Pietro, and he looked up at you from his phone. “Hey, Y/N, right?” he asked.
You nodded. You hadn’t seen James Rhodes since the disaster last New Year’s. He’d been absent when Brett and Steve got into a fight, but he’d caught you and Brett in a hallway on his way back from the bathroom. Brett had been shouting at you, making everything out to be your fault, and you’d stood there, mute, as you took his verbal assault. James interrupted, cutting Brett down with quick, sharp words. Brett didn’t yell again that night.
“How’ve you been?” he questioned. “Where’s…?” he paused, waiting for you to fill in the blank.
“Fucking someone else,” you replied, taking another sip of your beer. At this point, you didn’t even care anymore.
James winced. “Sorry?”
Your lips quirked into a half-smile. “You said that like a question.” He paused, seeming to search for the right words. “He didn’t seem very nice,” he shrugged.
“Yeah, I’m glad it’s over.” It was the first time you’d said the words out loud and you felt a stirring in your heart at the truth in them. You were better off without him. Bigger and better things were headed your way and when the time was right, you would fall in love again. For real this time.
“I’m happy to hear that,” he smiled. “Hey,” Pietro pulled your attention away. “You ready?” he asked.
You set down your beer, nodding, and followed him to the pool. Stepping into the cool water felt amazing and you let out a breathy sigh as Pietro forgoed the steps, diving into the water.
He swished his wet hair from his eyes upon surfacing, and swam over, grinning. “Some party, huh?” he asked, looking around.
“Tony likes to go all out,” you agreed, scanning the decorations and guests as you swam over to the nearest wall, kicking out your legs behind you. Pietro joined you, mimicking your position.
“How was your mission?” you asked, squinting in the sunlight. He stretched his palms out on the concrete, and you noted the callouses on his hands. Steve had similar ones. They came from all the fighting. You’d asked if they hurt once, and he said it looked worse than it felt.
“Fun,” he grinned. You chose not to comment, stories of what Pietro did after those missions were common, and most included him taking a local girl to his hotel.
“I wish I could’ve gone with you guys,” you muttered, still slightly irritated your team had been sat out.
“Next time,” he winked, his arm bumping into yours as he drew closer. You opened your mouth to respond, the sounds quickly turning into a scream when someone cannonballed into the pool behind you, drenching your upper body. You turned, ready to go off when Steve surfaced between you and Pietro. “Steve?” you asked incredulously. “What the hell are you doing?”  
He shook his head, water droplets flying. “I was hot, so I'm cooling off.”
You’d never wanted to punch him so bad before. You glared, tongue working behind your closed mouth as you tried to form words. “You’re starting to piss me off,” you finally hissed. With an apologetic smile in Pietro’s direction, you pulled yourself out of the pool, ringing your hair out.
You headed for the side of the house, needing a moment to collect yourself before you hit your best friend. His odd behavior the past few days, combined with what had just happened, was more than enough to make you angry.
You’d barely rounded the house when a warm hand caught your elbow. Tiny chills broke out along your spine and you knew who it would be standing there before you turned around.
“Let me go,” You jerked your arm away and he did. You stared at Steve, letting him feel the anger radiating from you. His hair dripped water along his chest, and you followed a bead down his stomach to his red board shorts that hung dangerously low on his hips, disappearing along the trail of dark hair beneath his belly button.
“What are you doing?” you snapped, hugging yourself. “Because you’re being an ass.” He glanced down, having the decency to look ashamed. He ran his hands over his face, letting out a small groan. “I don’t know,” he admitted.
“No. You can't tell me that you don’t want anything more than a friendship and then start acting like a dog marking his territory when I decide to date someone else. This is my life, Steve. Figure out how you want to be in it.” you snapped, staring him down, daring him to try and argue. “I have been going through a lot, especially recently, and I shouldn’t have to be worried about my best friend hating me for trying to put my life back together.”
He nodded, sweeping his hair back. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“Listen, I can talk to Tony and see if he can reassign me to a new team. I’ll be out of your way and things won’t be so tense between us anymore.” you offered. Working with him seemed like it was only aggravating the situation.
“No, don’t.” he protested, shaking his head. “That’s not necessary and I don’t want to derail your career. I’ll get my act together, I promise.”
You hesitated, studying his expression before you softened. Steve had yet to break a promise to you. “I believe you.”
Relief flooded his face and he took a deep breath, offering you a small smile. “Can we just forget the past few days?” he asked. You returned his smile and nodded and he visibly relaxed. He reached forward and tugged you into a hug and you melted against him, feeling the stress of the situation melt away.
“I’m sorry again,” he murmured against your hair. You opened your mouth to respond when a cough surprised you both and you pulled away, Pietro standing awkwardly behind Steve. “I thought I’d make sure you two weren’t trying to claw one another’s eyes out, but it seems like that’s not necessary.” he smiled tightly, looking between you and Steve.
You lifted your hands and wiggled your fingers jokingly. “No claws here, see?” After a moment Pietro relaxed, returning your smile and you breathed a silent sigh of relief. You’d just cleared up the tension, you didn’t need more.
“Shall we?” you asked Pietro, stepping forward to walk with him back towards the pool, his hand landing on the small of your back as you walked. You stole a glance back at Steve, his hands on his hips as he looked at the ground.
He lifted his head slightly, catching your eye and you quickly looked away, focusing instead on what Pietro was telling you, but that brief look from Steve had revealed much more than he’d said and the ache inside you seemed to grow stronger.
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fluffballgremmie · 6 years
Monsters Fate (full story)
I shouted towards the  red-head as I  jogged over to his spot. He was listening to something, probably fall out boys, and had just slipped on his hood as I came up so he didnt notice me at first. I tapped him on the head to get his attention and he jumped a little.
“Wha?!-oh hey DF! Didn't notice you there! How are you doing?”
I smiled at Zane. Zane usually has his head in the clouds and tends to not pay attention to his surroundings. Sometimes it worries me since he's had a bad history with daydreaming. Back before he became my roommate he had been living with his abusive mother and had been punished for it. When he was old enough to move out he asked me if he could become my roommate. Since we had been friends since he was 5, and I knew about his mother, I didn't refuse.  And I must admit though, ever since he's moved in I have tended to be a bit protective over him.
“I’m doing good. Are you ready to go home?”
“I have been ready for over an hour you dolt.”
“HEY! Don't call me a dolt you dolt. Plus I couldn't wait to get this,”
I retorted back as I flashed the tattoo that I had gotten.
It was a small tattoo on my shoulder of three wolves. Each were slightly different in shape and size as well as coat texture. One of the wolves was slightly smudged so it seemed more like a shadow or if it was a fake wolf.
He playfully punched my arm as the bus arrived. We rode the bus to our apartment building walked up two flights of stairs and opened the door to our third-floor apartment. I walked down the main hall and headed for my room where I dropped off my bag full of merch and turned back to the door and walked towards the living room. Zane was already perched on the couch scrolling through Netflix trying to find his favorite series, Voltron.
“Still working on that cartoon?” I teased as he gave me a triggered look.
“For your information it's called a animated series, thank you very much.” he huffed as the introduction played.
Deciding that I didn't want to push him any further I plopped down next to him and watched the show.After watching two to three episodes I decided to head off to bed.
“Man that test was easy!”
I had just finished my driving test and was holding my new licenses.
“You better not lose that, you just got it after all.” Zane teased as I slipped it into my pocket.
“Hey I won't lose it!” I retorted as we walked past a alleyway.
That's when I noticed two guys were towering over a poor kitten kicking it over, and over, and over. The kitten was mewling in pain and I felt a bitter rage come over me.
“Hey! Knuckleheads! Stop hurting an innocent animal!”
The one on the right turned to us with a annoyed expression visible on his dog-like face.
“Why don't you shut your trap , pretend this never happened, and walk away,” he growled as he stomped towards my direction.
He easily towered me by like three feet, But I have dealt with worse knuckleheads than these. In one swift movement I punched him in the jaw and kicked him where it hurts. He groaned in pain while the guy on the left swiftly turned and, in  a blink of an eye, was right next to me. Then there was darkness.
I woke up to find myself in a weird looking warehouse. The glass windows that I could see were tinted to be darker and it smelled mildewy from what I could tell. I tried to move but found that I was being restrained by chains. The bite of metal against my skin helped me wake up more. I struggled against the bonds with all my force. The room echoed with the sound of rattling chains.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” a smooth, yet dark, voice pierced the silence.
That's when a feeble, yet illuminating,  light was turned on to reveal both the guys who kicked the cat with Zane across from us. Zane was slightly paler than usual and the chains bound around him were much tighter. When he looked up he seemed dazed, as if they had drugged him or worse.
“ZANE! Did they hurt you?,”I asked before I directed my gaze to the two men.
“THEY BETTER NOT HAVE! I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DID!” I yelled baring my teeth and struggling on my bonds more.
“Tch-tch-tch, looks like we got a fighter Ross,” The guy on the left smirked as he continued “ Don't worry we haven't hurt your zaney-pie yet but we will if you don't calm down and be a good pet.”
He sauntered up to me and patted my head as I tried, vainly, to snap at his hand.
“Feisty one to, this one is definitely going to make a good pet for you Ross. I’ll take the quiet one.”He then unchained me and forced me into a leash and collar. He then forcefully tugged at the leash, cutting off my air.
“HEY! Were not animals! You can't treat us like this!” I protested as I gasped for breath and rubbed the parts of my neck that were not covered by the collar. he then  attached the same type of collar to Zane.
“We get to treat you however we want.” the other guy-Ross I think, purred?, no growled in pleasure more like, as he yanked me towards him. He was a lot rougher than the first male and by the time I could see again we were somewhere else. He led me down a hall I didn't notice before and pushed me into a room. It was a bedroom of sorts. It had a king sized bed and a desk with a laptop on top of the dusty surface. I noticed that once we entered the room Ross seemed to treat me much nicer than he did when he was with his ‘companion’. His hand loosened on the leash and his feature softened into a more mellow expression.
“You can sit on the bed if you want, pet.” he said as he, himself lowered onto its surface. The bed groaned in protest as he sat down. I was still suspicious of him and he seemed to notice it and scooted himself near the front of the bed as he tugged me towards the other far side. I gingerly sat down and  stared at him for any sign of ill intent but he seemed more kind and not as rough now that there were not any other being except for us.
I decided to get information . “So who’s your “friend”?”
“Oh him, he's not my friend; more like a jailor if you will. He seems to go by the name Geno.”
Ross’s face seemed to cloud over with anger.
“He claims to be a vampire lord and he said he needed a loyal partner. At the time I was an idiot to think that I would be treated fair by a vamp ,since I’m a werewolf, and accepted his offer.”
Were Wolves,Vampires? I gasped in disbelief at his words. How can they be real?
“W-wait they exist!?”
Ross then gave me a look that I couldn't read.
“Of course they do.”
I closed my eyes so I could wrap my head around this. Maybe they were psychopaths? Yeah that's it.But Ross seemed so sure of himself. Maybe he was psychologically tortured or something as a kid and it messed him up.
When I opened my eyes two bright yellow eyes were staring back. I wanted to look away but for some reason they seemed to keep me stuck in place. I was shocked. So supernatural creatures are real. Ok then. Normally I wouldn't quickly grasp an idea, but his eyes looked to real to be contacts.
“Are you scared of me?” Ross asked as he leaned back. His yellow eyes flicked to my own then to the ground as he prepared for my answer.
“No.” He looked up in surprise as I continued. “Let me guess. He wants you to turn me into a werewolf and he will turn Zane into a vampire.”
He looked ashamed, but he didn't deny it.
I was surprised that I guessed correctly, but it was the answer that made the most sense. The way Geno called us pets and how he looked at Zane as if he was his next 5 star meal also helped tipped me off. Ugh this sounds so stereotypical it would be funny if  it wasn't for the fact that this was Zane and I instead of some other people.
“I have already failed two other times; I have to do it or else I die…”
I was shocked. He dies if he doesn't change me?
“Geno is a horrible cruel Vamp who will kill all who become useless to him.”
That statement upset me. A lot. I know it is weird to feel sorry for your captor but ever here of stockholm syndrome?
Im kidding, just kidding! In reality what made it so that I felt sorry for him was the fact he was as much of a victim that I was in that place.
And at that exact moment Geno decided to barge in with a scared, crying, and disbelieving Zane. That shook me out of my thoughts quite quickly, as well as the jerk of the leash.
“Ross! Have you changed him yet?”
“N-no I haven't…”
“Augh you know what. Follow me.”
Geno starting pulling us towards another room. As we were tugged along I asked Zane if he was okay.
“Yeah Im okay. He tried to bite me but I was able to avoid him. He was pissed”
I sighed in pure relief when he said this. Geno then kicked opened the door to a  room and dragged me to the wall and locked my arms in chains. I then heard him do the same to Zane in another room. I also heard Zane and Geno have a scuffle before the clack of metal telling me that Zane was as locked up as I was. I strained as hard as I could against the chains, but they wouldn't budge.
Geno re-entered the room and turned to Ross.
“Are you going to turn him or what?”
“No Geno, Never!”
He sighed,“Since you wont turn your pet by yourself I guess I will have to force you.” and with that sentence Geno sealed my fate. He walked over to Ross and took out a syringe. Ross tried to fight him but Geno grabbed him and had him in a death grip. He stabbed Ross with the syringe and then with a last “See you in your new life.” to me left the room.
At that moment only one thought raced through my head.
“NOOOOOOO,” I screamed.
My head dropped as I looked towards the ground. I could hear his grunts of pain and the ripping of clothes. I tried to prie my chains off me when I heard a growl so animal like it made me freeze. I looked up to find a full grown werewolf staring right back at me.
He growled and the next thing I know I am out of my chains and Ross is on top of me. He was a monstrous sight. His body as a werewolf was covered in scars and his eyes made him look even more feral. His fur was all sorts of shades of grey.
“Ross! Stop it! It's me!” That seemed to snap him out of it a little bit but not much. He whined as if pleading with me to just accept my fate. At that moment I heard screaming from the other room. It was Zane. I was thrown into a animal like fury struggling to get Ross off me as I shouted threats and cuss words at Geno for hurting Zane. His screams were nerve wracking and I could almost feel the fear that he felt. Then like someone muting a TV everything went silent in the other room. Ross was still growling but had been waiting for me to stop struggling. I sobbed as I weakly struggled. My strength left me with that last struggle and my head flopped on the floor. I was to weak to do anything then swing my head to look up at Ross as he looked down at me in a hungry/sad manner. He lowered his head towards the end of my neck and seemed to sniff it,then he licked the nape of my neck. It tickled slightly. Ross then bit down. As  I felt his teeth tear through my flesh  I screamed in pain.
I woke up gasping for breath. where am I?Am I a werewolf now? Is Zane okay? All of these questions raced through my head. The I noticed a alarm clock and when I looked down I realized I was in a bed I recognized. I was back in my apartment and it was 12:00 and we were safe yet again. I felt at my neck to find it wrapped in bandages. I was to weak to get up so I just sat there in numb silence.
I guess I must have fallen asleep because I was back in the warehouse place watching Zane get sucked dry right in front of me as  Geno said ”see you in the next life kids.” I woke up with arms wrapped around me. I tried to get out of the grip thinking it was Geno but then Zane's voice was coming from the person holding me.
“Df, DF, DF its okay its just me.” He said in a soft voice. I stopped struggling and leaned into his embrace.
“I-I-I am so happy to see you.” I said into his stomach as he put my head in his lap.
I cried in Relief for a little as he carded his fingers through the fringe of my hair. It was so good to see him safe and sound. His hands were steady and his presence was a strong way to relieve my stress.
“How long have I been out?” I finally asked sniffling a little.
“Three weeks.”
I couldn't believe I had been out for that long. I only had two questions left.
“Are we…?” I tried to ask but it got stuck in my throat. Thankfully he seemed to get my point.
“Yes I got turned by Geno and Ross seemed to lose all humanity and turned you.”
“Yeah... But I must admit you really pull of the ears and tail.”
“W-WAIT WHAT!” I shouted as I blushed in pure embarrassment. I did not understand what he meant and tried to ask, but he raised a finger to silence me.
“Yeah... you seem to have wolf ears and a tail even when your not in a actual werewolf form. I would let you get up to see but if you did you would probably collapse. Your to weak right now.”
He then got up and left for a short period of time and then came back with a hand mirror and gave it to me.
“Here take a look!”
I looked in the mirror to see two big, fluffy, Dark gold wolf ears with blue highlights  perched on my head that twitched in curiosity as I stared at them. I was shocked. They were real! It was strange. After a little of staring in the mirror I looked back up to see Zane smirking.
“I never knew you were this narcissistic DF.” Zane teased.
I gave him a mock hurt look as I whined in annoyance. The whine sounded quite dog- like. Zane chuckled and then a strangely hungry looked flashed over his face as he suddenly stood up.
“Um-I-I have to g…”
He broke off as I spun him around to see to blood red eyes staring at me with a intense hunger. Oddly enough I wasn't really worried.
“I forgot that you were a vampire.You haven't eaten at all have you?” I asked. He didn't answer. I started to get a little nervous.
“Zane ar-” I got cut off as Zane climbed on top of me. I froze as his hair brushed my face but then it turned into one of amusement.
“Hungry much? Well….. I guess I could let you feed off of me. Maybe. But... you have to promise to take care of me until I feel better.” That seemed to break him out of his trance long enough to ask me two questions.
“Won't you get turned into a werepyre or something if I feed off of you? And second of all why didn't you at least try to stop me from trying to chomp you? I could have killed you!”
I responded with “First of all you need to eat and I know you are not comfortable with randomly drinking some strangers plasma and second of all if I remember correctly werewolf blood is technically a delicacy to vamps.”
“Really? Where did you learn that? If I remember you didn't know monsters exist until 3 weeks ago.”
“I actually had to do an essay on vampire diets for a fan-fiction convention. I am hoping they are correct so that I can appear to know a thing or two. Now will I have to force you to eat or will you man up and do it yourself.”
At that sentence Zane blushed a little. It was weird seeing him blush at such a silly sentence. His blush was also different. Instead of an extreme rosy tint it mostly made Zane look like he is actually alive.  But in a few seconds my thought completely left me as he lowered his head and licked a sensitive part of my neck.
I whimpered at the weird sensation of being licked higher on my neck than Ross did when he bit me. It made a tingle rush up and down my body. I then felt something sharp pierce my neck and I felt Zane tense a little at the smell of blood. He then lifted my head as blood pooled out of the wound. Even though it hurt I was silent. I then felt his tongue against my neck as he lapped up the deep red liquid. A weird instinct to growl welled up in my mind. As I tried to keep the sound down it escaped my throat. I  noticed something was off about this growl. I wasn't very informed on wolf growls but I knew that wolves normally growl sharper.  This growl was to muted for a normal growl, it was more of a  sort of a placated growl, no hostile. Like it was more comforting. I kept growling as I grew weaker and weaker with every lick and suck from Zane. When Zane sealed my wound I stopped growling After that both him and I just layed there. Not in discomfort or in embarrassment just in placated silence. I glanced at him and saw that he was staring at me. He then blushed beet red as he looked away.
“I am so sorry!”
Oh shut it already.”
He looked at me in surprise as I closed my eyes and succumbed to sleep.
I woke up feeling slightly shaky but much better that I had in days. I got out of bed, careful not to wake the sleeping Zane that was right next to me, and headed slowly toward our kitchen. I didn't bother to turn on any lights since I could see just fine.
I got a glass of water as I opened the fridge. My mouth watered as the smell of summer sausage assaulted my nose. I noticed that my sense of smell allowed me to smell all of the foods even if the were sealed tightly. I liked how I could maneuver throughout the dark house without bumping into anything or making a single sound.
That's when I remembered my tail and ears . It was to easy for me to forget that they were there. I watched my tail sway as I appreciated that I, we, were still alive. I then went to the bathroom and stared at my ears as they twitched on top of my head. I didn't notice that Zane was right next to me until he tapped my arm. I jumped a little and started to panic but calmed down just as fast. He had started petting my head.  It was actually quite a calming sensation.
“Sorry for scaring you. I forgot that I don’t own a reflection anymore.”
He chuckled as he continued to pet my ears. I had started doing that weird growling thing again and Zane had noticed it for the first time. He at first stopped, worried that I was about to attack him, but then he noticed my expression and decided to investigate. He went back to petting my ears but more halfheartedly. I gave him a uncomfortable look as I edged away from him and went into the living room and sat on the couch. He followed me and went back to petting my ears, this time doing a better job, after a few second the growl came back. He chuckled.
“Hey DF I think you have your own purr.”
I then noticed that unlike the growl I had when Zane was feeding off of me this one held a slight crooning note to it. It made me sound like I was a little pup.
“It's kinda cute.” Zane admitted as he giggled at my triggered look.
“I wonder if your werewolf form is actually just a pup… I guess we will find out tonight.”
My shout startled Zane, his fists were clenched and he looked like a wild animal but he still kept my gaze.  panic seized me. I couldn't believe it. Tonight was a full moon!?Zane calmed down and his expression turned into a more mellowly worried look as I started pacing.
“DF it's going to be okay. If were correct than you should just turn into a pup.”
“But what if I go full form?! What if I am a full grown were wolf instead of an innocent doe-eyed pup?! what if I attack someone?! Or I end up hurting you?!” I replied with a less intense panicked tone in my voice.
“You won't hurt anyone okay!” Zane said as he hugged me tightly. And with that we waited until the faithful moment.
I was feeling weird. It felt like I had a fever and a cold at the same time. Zane had led me to my room, which I thought was strange but at the time I did not question it, and I was curled up into a ball on my bed trying to go to sleep. My alarm clock showed that it was  9:30. I then felt something pop as I groaned in pain.
As I heard Df groan in pain worry flashed through my mind. Is he going to be okay? Is my prediction going to be true? I started towards his room. I cautiously opened the door a crack as I heard small sniffs coming from the room. I then controlled my fear and pushed open the door all the way.
There he was in the middle of the room. He had jerked around so that he could see who was entering. I couldn't help but inwardly sigh in relief and sorta giggle at the sight in front of me. I was right, he was a pup. He was about the size of a golden retriever and had gold and blue swirled fur all over him. His eyes were two different colors, one yellow the other blue-grey. He gave me a tiny growl as he approached. I held perfectly still as he tried to find out if I was friend or foe. With a bark of happiness he confirmed me as a friend. I relaxed a bit as he pranced around me.
DF was quite big for a wolf but not quite big enough to be called a werewolf. I decided  to sit down on his bed and as I did so he jumped up and snuggled into my stomach like he did when he was human. I started to pet his back and he gave a pleased whimper.
We then heard my stomach growl as I wince in pain. He then jumped off the bed and started to guide me out of his room.
DF whined at me as he dragged me to the entrance to our apartment. “Woah DF no way!” I yelped as he tried to open the door “I can't just let you run down there! You would scare the heck out people!” He gave me an exasperated look as my stomach growled again, this time even louder.
As he kept glaring at me I finally realized what he was trying to relay to me.
I contemplated on how I was going to be able to eat/feed tonight. I didn't want to hurt an innocent person and DF wasn't in the right state of mind so that I could just ask him to donate. He perked up his ears as we hear some birds that our neighbors own chirped. He then looked at me again and the second thing he was trying to relay finally sunk in.
As I mulled it over the idea seemed to get better and better. But I didn’t know if animal blood would kill me or not. Then pulling a ,what I think now was, stupid move I googled “Can animal blood kill a vampire?”. It came up with a whole page stating that it didn’t kill vamps. I know that not all myths about a vampire are true but with all the people saying yes I could bet that at least one or two vampires might be one of the many writers saying that it is ok.
I then felt a wave of hunger and happiness flood over me. “Ok DF I will take us outside as long as one. You only kill squirrels and other SMALL creatures and Two. You don't try to scare people ok?”
DF gave me a cheerful bark as I opened the door to the main hall to the apartment building. Luckily enough it was late enough that no one was anywhere near the building and the forest behind it. DF ran so fast he was like a blur. I jogged so that I could be within eye and earshot of DF.
I marveled at my improved eyesight and hearing. I could hear the rustling of the trees and even sounds of the tiniest animals you could imagine. I could also see the tiny details in DF’s fur as he stood, his ears erect on his head as he listened and scented for prey.
Letting my hunger take slight control I used my new sense of smell to see if I could find any prey. DF flashed by me as he hunted a mouse that just streaked by. I wasn’t very worried. DF as a Were seemed moderately confident in his abilities. I then caught the scent of a  squirrel. My mouth suddenly watered as I imagined biting into the small body as the blood dripped into my mouth, I cringed.
Why am I thinking like this?! I stalked the squirrel into a corner. Then with a slash of claws that sprang from my nails the squirrel was dead. As blood gushed from the slash marks my mouth watered as his hunger took me over all the way. I drained the squirrel and searched for more. The blood tasted good, but not as good as DF’s I thought . I cringed a little at that thought but shook it off as he thought well I’ll have to deal with the weird thoughts from now on. By the time I was done feeding DF was back and my watch said that it was 12:00 a.m.
I then led DF back to the apartment and lifted him onto his bed. Df started to whimper in sadness as I left and I turned around and saw him looking at me with big puppy eyes. I went back over to him and brushed a twig out of his fur.
“I will be right back DF, I just have to wash my hands and take a shower then I will come back, ok?”
He whimpered again but seemed to relax as I explained. I then went into the bathroom washed my hands and turned on the shower. I scrubbed my hair and enjoyed the heat of the water. I smiled at the fact that even though all my other senses were improved, my ability to soak up and feel heat was still the same.  
I got out and went into my room and got dressed into my galaxy shirt and black shorts. I went back to DFs room to see him waiting for me. He seemed to smile as he pulled his lips up to show a row of teeth so sharp it looked like it could rip through steel.
I then Turned on his TV as I got on his bed. He crawled towards me and snuggled into my stomach. I  watched Voltron and did some research as I fell asleep.
I woke up to a very warm something under me and Pidge screaming at something. I looked up to find Zane sleeping in his galaxy shirt and petting my back. I then looked towards the TV to find Voltron playing. I got up to see that I was butt naked and got into a new set of clothes.
It consisted of my favorite “Potato Life” shirt and black jeans. I was slightly embarrassed at waking up in my birthday suit, but was more concerned about what happened last night.
I did not want to wake Zane up though, since he looked so peaceful sleeping there, so I went down stairs with my phone and headphones and made myself breakfast while the music drifted out of the head phones and into the room. I felt silly for picking the headphones up since I didn't have the ears for it but I thought it would be a good idea to use them to make it so then I don't wake Zane . When I thought about Zane I had this happy feeling that kept washing over me.
The song put me in a good mood as I finished making a stack of pancakes for Zane and I. I sat down and started to eat as Zane shuffled through the kitchen. I giggled at his dazed look as his neck snapped towards me. He smiled tiredly as he shuffled quickly toward the table and sat down and scarfed down the pancakes I put on his plate.
(in this universe vampire can eat normal food as well as blood but they can only survive if the drink blood so Zanes just eating them for the flavor and to appear normal.) He looked happy to see me .
“So how was the transformation?” I asked nervously.
His reply was slow, since his mouth was stuffed with the tasty meal, but he swallowed and finally answered with, “It was actually really fun and interesting. You were not  actually  the were-pup that I thought you would look like; you looked like a wolf. There was the fact I to feed on a squirrel but I got over it. You also snuggled with me.”
I at another bite of my pancakes as I relaxed. I didn't go full werewolf so I am fine from now on. It was interesting hearing him narrate the story on our hunting trip and I smiled at how he kept over thinking things.
Zane continued “ I  have done some research on a few things for your werewolf since you now have a few extra perks and instincts.”
“What do you mean?” I asked slightly confused.
Zane pulled out his phone and opened something I couldn't see and read/paraphrased something out loud.
“Well the problem is that your werewolf form is about the age where it is going through “ wolf puberty,”
I went beet red when he said puberty. I know its a  childish reaction but I didn't want one of the many “Talks”. He noticed this and rolled his eyes.
“Anyways that means that you will get more defensive and easily provoked during this period of time. Especially to those you care deeply for. You will also become extremely snuggly,clingy, and kind to either your mate if you have one, which you don't, or in some cases you can get attached to a certain person, no matter what species, who becomes sort of  your interspecies mate/companion. They are the most important when it comes to your transformation because they are the only ones who can understand and control you in that form.” Zane read.
We had been walking into our living room and had just sat on the couch when he said that. I tensed a little and he petted my ears to calm me down. We sat down on the couch as he rubbed behind my ears as my happy growl rumbled around the room. I had this feeling I couldn't describe and  I suddenly found myself in his lap licking his neck as he giggles. I wanted to stop but my instinct told me to continue. I nuzzled deeper into his neck and kept licking a certain spot. He let out a huff of air and I came back from what I thought at the time was  my affectionate puppy trance.
I looked at his face and it was covered with a deep blush and he was huffing quite a bit. I blushed a deep red as I apologized for my actions. While I stuttered he grabbed my hands and pulled me into a hug.
“Its okay, I knew you didn't have control over your actions and my neck is really sensitive there ever since Geno bit me”
He wasn't huffing anymore and was smiling softly. I felt a bitter feeling well up when he talked about Geno biting him. I then realized that I was imagining replacing Geno’s with my own bite.
I internally smacked myself for thinking like that. As I scolded myself I realized that I had been snuggling into Zane. It actually felt comfortable.
We cuddled  all morning and afternoon as we watched our favorite shows on Netflix.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I had noticed the DF had gotten weird this morning. It was quite weird being licked by him. The cuddling was actually nice  though. even though we are both guys and not dating.
I decided to slip away when he fell asleep. I noticed that his ears and tail were still out and they curled a bit in his sleep. It was kinda cute. I headed towards my room and went online. I had quit from my old job because I couldn't do the day shift any more and all the night shifts were taken so I decided to see what online jobs I could do. I have a Bachelors in computer programing/editing and knew of a few youtubers who needed a new editor.
Jacksepticeye had posted a video saying he needed a new editor and  I decided to send an email with a few references and my resume to him  hoping he would be Ok with a out of country editor since he also had Robin/Pixlpit. I  was now waiting for a response.
I had found out that I still appear in photos and video, just not in mirrors, since I had to take a selfie IRL  for jack.
I thought it was slightly funny but was relieved. I heard the familiar tone of a new email and opened up my email. I couldn't believe it. He had accepted!! He even sent me my first video to edit and his phone number so I could call him to talk about details and such. I fanboyed for a few minutes and then went to work.
I had just finished it and sent the edited version back to him. It was 12 Am here and 7:00 their so I plugged his number into my phone and shot him a text.
Fangy boi: umm hello?
Septiceye BOSS: Hey! Its Zane right?
Fangy Boi: yeah… so did I do well?
Septiceye BOSS: You did great editing!! I liked all the references you conveniently placed. Anyways I need to tell you something important.
Fangy Boi: What?
Septiceye BOSS: So something happened to Merk and he called me and asked me to come to the merica’s to help him out with it. Since you live in L.A and he
does as well I thought I could come and meet you if I have time.
Fangy Boi: RLLY!! Umm I will have to ask my flat- I mean roommate first but he will probably say yes.
Septiceye Boss: k.
I couldn't believe it. He was coming to LA!! I was fanboying a little more as DF slipped into my room. He looked like he just woke up. He walked over to me and laid his head on my shoulder as he blearily  read my texts. His ears were still curled and his pupils were blown quite wide from sleep. He made a rumbling sound from his chest and I found myself answering with my own.
“You work for Jacksepticeye?”
“And you do realize that he wants us to meet him?”
“You know we will have to make up an excuse for my ears and tail right?”
I pondered for a few seconds,“We could always buy you a hat to wear to hide them and you could tuck your tail into your shirt until you learn to control you shifting in and out of wolf.”
DF grin was so bright I felt like I could melt from it,“Zane you are a genius. OK he can come as long as you keep my ears hidden and you eat enough so that you do not try to suck him dry.”
I had been wondering about what problem THE Markiplier was having that required THE Jacksepticeye to come to america for. I also was proud of Zane for getting the editing job.
I kept cooing praise at him when we hang out. My instincts has quieted down ever since last week. I was happy that nothing awkward happened between us. I like Zane and I didnt want to hurt our friendship that way.
He has been recently using his new powers of speed that he discovered to get himself a blood supply. He refrained from killing and used his speed to steal blood bags from a hospital. I joke about his new mini blood drive fridge that he has now and he is always joking around about my wolf instincts.
He said that he is also able to withstand sunlight if he eats a certain mineral. It was funny to imagine him eating a jem like a dragon.
Zane and I were on the couch, me laying my head on his lap, when he received a text. It was Jack. As Zane read the text his expression became worried.
“What's wrong Zane?”
“Jack says that if I can I need to head over to Marks house as quick as I can. Even through text he seems anxious.”
I got up and went to go get my shoes on.
“Where are you going?!”
“Arnt we going to go see him?”
Recently my parents bought me a car for a present since I had been doing well in school and also doing well financially so I grabbed the keys, my license, and my wallet and headed down the stairs to the car. Before that I had put on a beanie that had a slightly pointed ears and had stuffed my tail into my pants. It was slightly uncomfortable but was tolerable.
As I drove through the L.A streets Zane gave me directions to Marks house. When we got there we saw Jack standing in the driveway. He was paler than usual and was in his huge PMA hoodie even though it was hot outside. In a weird way he sort of mirrored Zane, who wore clothes that covered his skin from the sun. As we got out of the car Jack waved and smiled tiredly.
“Hello Zane, I am guessing this young man to your left is DF?” Jack spoke quieter than he does in his videos and that made me slightly nervous.
n many of his videos he does say he is quieter in real life, but he said he still quite a bit louder then everyone else. I nodded at his question and stuck out my hand to give him a hand-shake. He returned it. On his arm under a bunch of bracelets I saw a bandage. He didn't seem to notice me staring as he shook Zanes hand.
“So Jack, what's wrong?” Zane inquired. “Your texts made it sound quite serious.”
Jack Nervously rubbed the arm that had the bandage on it.
“First come in. I don't feel like talking out here.”
Zane and I nodded and we entered the house. It was really dark and smelled like dog and something else that I couldn't place. With my werewolf sense of smell I finally identified it as the smell of blood. Zane could smell it to by the way he looked. In front of us I could here Jack taking deep breaths in and out and slightly huffing. We shared a confused look but continued following Jack all the way to what seemed like the living room.
The living room had really comfy couches and a big flat screen TV. Chica, Mark’s dog, bounded towards us to say hello. When she smelled me she barked and I saw her tail was wagging extra hard. Jack stared at me as I bent down and petted her soft fur. Chica licked my face and neck and nuzzled my shoulder. It sort of reminded me of how I acted earlier that week, Licking Zane, except it was much more quick and seemed more “hello friend!” like then how it was with Zane.
Zane chuckled as he watched me get attention from Chica and then asked again, “So what's up Jack? What's the problem?”
Jack sighed then said “So you may not believe this but, about a week ago Merk and I were walking home after going on a walk around LA when we got stopped by this man and what appeared to be his pet dog. He asked us if we could help him get directions to a certain location. As Merk and I were looking it up on his phone the guy grabbed me and sicked his dog on Merk. Then the guy bit me on the arm! I passed out from the pain and woke up here. At first I thought it was all a dream and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror. When I looked up my reflection was gone! I ran out of the room to find Merk. When I entered his room instead of finding Merk I found a WereWolf! That's when I realized Merk and I had been bitten by a WereWolf and I a Vampire,” He finished slowly and looked down, I am guessing to prepare for our rebuttals of disbelief.
Zane and I stood there in shock. They got turned as well! I looked at Zane and conveyed with my eyes should we tell him? Zane nodded.
I spoke up “Jack… about four weeks ago Zane and I got turned into vampire and werewolf ourselves.”
Jacks head shot up in disbelief.
I nodded my head. And to give him proof I took off my hat and pulled my tail out of my pants. Chica barked excitedly and started bouncing around inviting me to play as she realized that I was finnally showing my full self. It seemed as though she branded me as her kin, and in a way, I technically am. Jack stared at my ears and tail in awe as they twitched.
Zane, with a weird expression on his face,  then asked “Where is Mark, Jack?”
Jack looked towards him and beckoned us to follow.
He led us down a hall with Chica in the lead.She had decided that She was going to lead, not Jack. She seemed to bounce with every step towards where Mark was, as if she were excited to show us her master and our new friend. Jack then stopped in front of what looked like a door to a bedroom. He quietly knocked on the door and after hearing a response, entered the room.
There in the middle of the room lying on the bed was a fully grown werewolf. Its fur was a chocolatey brown and had a reddish hue that only anyone with a supernatural sense of sight could see. Chica ran up to the bed and made a boofing sound. The werewolf looked up at chica and gave a pleased grumble as he licked here head in greeting. It then looked up at the others and cocked its head to the side in curiosity. I then stepped up and held out my hand. The Were first sniffed my hand and then shook it with its paw. The others gasped in surprise.
“Merk! I didn't know you were fully in there!”  Jack said in surprise. Mark looked up,  rolled his eyes at Jack, and went back to sniffing me.
“ Anyways,as you can see Mark is still a werewolf…”
I looked at mark in confusion.
Mark didn't answer and seem busy trying to identify the others from a distance.
Jack decided to  answer for him.
“I think it was because his transformation took multiple hours. He was trying to fight it and did not try to except it. It must've affected his transformation.”
I frowned.
“That doesn't sound good. My transformation from what Zane said to 30 minutes. I guess accepting the transformation must make it go quickly.” I said. Mark was getting off the bed and when he stood up he towered the three of us. He looked a lot more friendly then Ross did as a werewolf, but instead of being an actual wolf like I was he was a bipedal combo of a wolf and human.
Jack furrowed his brows.
“So somehow accepting your wolf side allows you to change faster and not feel a lot of pain? But if accepting it only lets you be in your form for the short amount of time is it also a bad thing…?”
Jack trailed off a little and then turned to talk to Zane. Chica and Mark both were sniffing around and then they turned to each other and seemed to have a mental conversation. They both were staring at each other and occasionally Mark would nod his head or make a tiny noise. The two creatures seemed to have a connection that allows them to communicate on another level.  
I was pretending to watch Zane and Jack mull over the issue but I actually was watching them. Ever since I got here I have felt a subconscious pull towards them. My Were-Cub side seemed perk up a lot when I was around them. I have decided that I should title my other side my ‘Were-cub’ side since it was more of another conscience as well as new instincts that I have to adjust to.  It was weird  finally noticing that I had two sets of instincts. I had also been feeling quite warm as well as the fact I was more sensitive to scents. Everyone's scents in here were relaxing and calming, especially Zanes.
As I thought about it more I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Mark and Chica barking quietly to get my attention. I noticed Marks bark was a lot deeper than Chicas and sounded like a really friendly, bigger, breed of dog instead of a wolf. I turned to see them motioning to follow them out of the room. My Were-cub side’s instinct made me even more curious to follow.
As I followed them to the living room I  giggled at what Chica was doing.
She seemed to be trying to look intimidating, growling and raising her lip over her teeth,  but her adorable nature made it look more like she was about to lick someone to death. Mark looked amused for the moment and then he crouched down and growled back. Chica then pounced on Mark and the play-fight began.
I noticed that Mark was very gentle, and when Chica pounced on him  he just rolled her off carefully. They then turned and started play fighting with me. I was slightly slower then they were, but I still put up a good “fight”. He and Chica would carefully jump on their opponents and to attack they just batted each other with either paws, Marks case, or their head, Chicas case. When we were done we collapsed into a big pile. I was smiling quite derp-like and my Were-cub side was filling me extreme happiness.
I guess in a way it was satisfied with the fact that I was willing to follow its instinct.
I also felt as if someone had place me on a fluffy cloud in the middle of the most peaceful place they could find. There was another emotion/feeling that I had but I couldn't identify it and even though I was slightly worried about it I was to out of it to care.
I did feel a bit warmer then before but I dismissed it again, especially since I just did something quite strenuous.
Jack and I talked as we walked down the hall. He and I had been talking about what each of us learned and I found out that Jack had fed on Mark instead of looking for food. He then said that after that he felt to guilty and decided not to take anymore. I offered him some blood bags and he accepted them gratefully.
I was not paying attention  to where we were going and when Jack stopped I sort of ran into him. I then looked up to see what was up and stood there in shock.
There DF was, in the middle of the dog-pile, smiling like a four-year-old that had gotten his first dog. It was quite adorable to see him so happy and I felt my chest bloom with an emotion I couldn't exactly fully identify. It was a mix of joy and… affection but as well as something that made me want to fight anyone who tried to hurt him? I was confused but I did not stop the feeling. I felt in that moment I was two beings in that moment. One that was sane and just like me while the other a primal, savage,  beast.
After a moment I realized Jack was giggling and as Jack headed over to Mark and Chica, I headed over to DF.
“Hey~” DF said in a voice that seemed a bit deeper than normal.
I noticed that unlike the usual both blue eyes he normally had was replaced with the one bright whitish-yellow eye and one a deeper in color grey-blue.
I smiled and replied with “Hello to you to~” in the deepest voice I could make. For a second I thought DF’s pupils had grown  bigger at that,  but in the next second I found that he had pulled me to the ground next to him.
I snorted and started petting his head. His purr growl came back at this and he cuddled up to me. I am actually taller than DF by 6 inches so it made cuddling with him quite easy. Chica came over and boofed at me in a friendly way. She the licked my face once, making me scrunch up my nose, and walked away.
I heard Jack and, I think Mark, chuckle and I looked up.
There Jack and Mark stood, It appeared that Mark was grinning in a dog-ish way and Jack was giving a knowing smile. Mark was still in his full werewolf form and I saw that Jack stood quite close to him. Mark then started to come over to help us up. I felt an emotion well up in me and I acted upon it.
I hissed at them
It was not an innocent kitty-angry hiss it was a dangerous-animal-will-attack-you hiss. The sound startled
both of them and they stepped back a little.
I then stood up, carrying DF, and protectively  wrapped my arms around him as I then started to run. I was feeling that savage burn to protect that I didn't question what I was doing.
Mark and Jack called for me to stop but I as they did I felt the weird emotion take full control and the next thing I knew I was carrying DF to his bedroom and then nothing.
I felt pure bliss.
I felt like I was high on happiness, I felt so good. I felt dopey, puppy like, and safe in Zane’s arms.
I couldn't understand what was happening and it seemed like my comprehension skills went out the window. I felt myself be lifted off the ground and the next thing I knew, we were back home.
I felt myself lower onto a surface that I finally identified as my bed and I snuggled into its plush surface. I had my vision back so I looked towards Zane. I saw that his eyes were bright crimson instead of his normal brown.
I felt a weird bark well up in my throat and I released it. From what Zane says later it was a mix between a whimper and a sort of chirp in a way. Zane also told me about how he couldn't seem to remember actually hearing it.  Zanes head whipped to me and he walked towards me. He did not say anything but he started to pet my head again. As he did so I fell into the clutches of slumber.
I woke up to find myself wrapped in Zanes arms and licking his neck again. I groaned and sat up.
I looked over to Zane to find that his appearance had changed. His hair was slightly longer,  and I could see that black had been mixed with the reds of his hair. His nails were longer as well as sharper. The biggest change was the fact that he had leathery bat wings that stretched out and draped over the bed. I noticed that one of the wings was covering me like a blanket and I stroked it. The wing was soft and felt quite thick. I still felt out of it and the Were-cub instincts were still running strong so I leaned back into the bed and snuggled into the wing.
I couldn't understand what happened.
I had been feeling weird ever since the play fight with Chica and Mark and when Zane picked me up it was if I got dunked in pure happiness. But imagine if that pure happiness, after the fact, feels fake and creepy instead of normal and nice.
I was overwhelmed with fear in that moment and a whimper escaped my throat. It sounded like a wounded animal and I felt my Were-cub sides influence so strongly right now that it hurt.
Zane stirred and then, with what was probably, great difficulty on his part, turned to face me. His eyes were a bright crimson and his gaze felt more animalistic then human. He lifted his hand and brushed a piece of my hair out of my face as he made a weird cooing noise.
I felt relief wash over me and then I found myself cuddled up into Zanes side, and I nuzzled the flesh that was in front of my face. As I did so, I could smell a nice aroma come from him. It was calming and made me feel like he could protect me from anything. Feeling  my Were-cubs conscious meld with my own calmed me even more and my mind was filled with only one thought.
I fell asleep with that thought strong in my mind.
I woke up to DF rubbing himself up against me.
I was slightly groggy since I had just woken up but I still was awake enough to realize two things.
One, DF was extremely sweaty and that sweat left sticky feeling against me.
And two, he was mumbling the word mate in his sleep.
I then noticed that he was wrapped up in bat wings. I went to scramble away when I realized that they were mine. I stared in shock. The bat wings twitched with the shaking of my body and that's when I noticed that the tiny fur on them swirled in a pattern. Brown,black, and grey swirled together to make the most beautiful wings you could ever see.
As I shook myself out of my trance I transfered my sight to DF. He was nuzzling his sweaty body up to mine and I noticed that he kept nipping at air. It was then that I  was hit with a powerful scent.
It was beautiful in a way. The smell of cherry blossoms and smoke assaulted My nose. I was quite surprised that two drastically different scents could come together to smell so divine.
I knew in that moment what DF was….
My Mate.
And I knew what I had to do now…
Take care of my Mate.
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