#it's not that she ONLY cares about money but she lives such an extravagant lifestyle and she wants someone who can keep up with it
cartelheir · 10 months
if you have a ship with pat and your muse ever wonders if she would still love them if they had no money. the answer is no ❤️
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thenugking · 2 months
Val Rosebrook (they/them)
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Race: Half-drow Class: Warlock (Fiend, Pact of the Chain) Background: Noble
Personality: Vain, selfish and immature, but deeply caring of their friends. Val tries to talk their way out of trouble whenever possible, and avoids starting fights for as long as they possibly can--it’s a lot of trouble, and they don’t want to die, thanks. (Their strong self-preservation instinct goes right out of the window when it comes to people they’re attracted to--danger just makes sex more fun.)
Val’s charming, does their best to get along with most everyone they meet, and never demands rewards for helping people. It just makes life easier if people like you. It’s a toss up whether any heroic decisions they make happen due to any morals hidden deep inside them, or just because they’re high empathy and it makes them feel really bad when people get hurt.
That said, they care a lot about kids and always step in to defend them--that bit mostly is morals! They usually encourage their companions to make good decisions, and sure they do think killing loads of people is probably bad, but more importantly, they don’t think Shadowheart and Astarion will actually be happy having killed fuckloads of people. Val’s loved ones being happy and safe is generally more important to them than any other ethical concerns.
Backstory: The Rosebrooks are minor nobles who own a village on the road to Baldur’s Gate and are not as big a deal as any of them think. Lord and Lady Rosebrook have been in a miserable arranged marriage for years, constantly cheating on each other behind the scenes, while putting on a front of being a happy, respectable couple--which got harder when Val was born very obviously not fully human.
Growing up… Val wasn’t mistreated, but they were consistently failed by their family. Lord Rosebrook obviously favoured his actual children, Lady Rosebrook always made sure to let Val know she loved them, even though they were a bastard, and that being half-drow didn’t mean they were evil! These are not in fact very helpful things to tell a child, and Val grew up with a lot of internalised racism they’re still hanging onto during the game.
Their best/only friend growing up was their step brother Marcon, one of Lord Rosebrook’s own bastards. They moved to Baldur’s Gate with him a few months before the start of the game, because fuck their silly, stuck up noble family, they’re gonna go and make it on their own! Which for Val, meant living off the money their mother was sending them and spending most of their time lounging about in the Elfsong tavern. (It’s in the lower city! They’re roughing it!) 
They also met Raphael at Sharess’ Caress during this time, and ended up becoming his warlock because it sounded exciting and Raphael was hot. They got a pretty good deal out of it--Val wasn’t in any way desperate and had time to negotiate, and at the time they weren’t a high priority to Raphael in the slightest. But he absolutely uses that initial contract to try and drag them in deeper during the events of the game. Better the devil you know…
Marcon’s father, meanwhile, wasn’t willing to fund an extravagant lifestyle for him, but was willing to use his connections to get him a comfortable job in the Flaming Fists, which quickly started causing friction between him and Val. To Val, Marcon was giving up all their shared principles of “fuck law enforcement” and “having fun instead of getting weighed down under boring jobs”. Marcon felt resentful of Val being entitled and immature about this, when he would love to not have to work as a fist, thanks. Val, who at 23 had spent the last few years desperately trying not to acknowledge that they were starting to age noticeably slower than their human family and that they were going to outlive everyone they knew, didn’t respond well to their immaturity being pointed out. They took this as the final nail in the coffin that Marcon was growing up without them and they were going to lose him. The two of them ended up having a massive argument, which ended in Val storming off to go drink their sorrows away.
While doing so, they met a delightful elven woman named Violet, who reassured them they were totally valid and special and invited them to a very exclusive party at her cool gothic manor house. Val happily accepted. The nautiloid appeared above them while they were on their way there, and Violet pushed Val into its path while running for cover herself.
Relationships: Val would go to the ends of the earth for all six origin companions, with actually quite a fucking lot of complaining. But they’d do it. They never really connect to the later game companions the same way, but these guys are their family. 
They imprint on Shadowheart within minutes of meeting another goth half elf. They’re besties who end a lot of nights gossiping over a glass of wine, and usually the first person either of them goes to for advice.
Being attracted to people they’re scared of, Val starts casually sleeping with both Astarion and Lae’zel very soon in Act One. They flirt with Karlach up until the point she doesn’t pose the risk of burning them when they touch, when they entirely lose interest. Karlach calls them out for playing with her feelings and generally being a dickhead, which shames them into being a bit more upfront about their feelings and intentions in future, and the two of them eventually work through things.
Meanwhile, Val ends things with Lae’zel when they realise Shadowheart might be interested in her and they slowly start becoming actual friends instead. They continue having fun, casual, no-feelings sex with Astarion, until they discover that he’s not actually having that much fun with it, and even more horrifyingly, that they actually might have several feelings. The two of them start slowly trying to work out how to have a relationship based on mutual love and respect.
It takes them a little longer to bond with Gale and Wyll than the others--Val and Gale both consider the other to have too high opinion of themself, and Wyll initially (correctly) thinks Val is a bit of an asshole--but by the end of the game, they’ve all been through hell for each other (quite literally, on one occasion).
Outside their companions, they get along well with Isobel and Aylin, and adore the tiefling kids. I think they adopt some of the tieflings, along with Yenna, after the game. They fancy pretty much every villain they meet, and sleep with both the Emperor and Haarlep (they would likely have slept with Mizora earlier in the game, but by the time she propositions them, they’ve developed too much loyalty to Wyll to fuck his hot abuser, a fact which annoys them greatly). Val and Raphael flirt throughout the game, although it's entirely unclear whether Raphael’s actually interested at all, or whether he’s just manipulating them.
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Champagne Problems (i)
summary: Y/N Y/L/N has everything: a wealthy family, a famous last name, and the most eligible bachelor in the wizarding community as her soon to be husband. What happens when she’s reunited with a forbidden friend from the past?
tw: angst if you squint??  
word count: 3,990
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Y/N Y/L/N thought she had everything. A lavish lifestyle, many admirers, a hefty inheritance, and a wealthy man she was promised to marry. Granted, she didn’t know him very well, and had only spent a few minutes with him here and there, he seemed nice enough- definitely the kind of fellow she could learn to fall in love with. Y/N couldn’t really care less about falling in love, anyway. She’d never experienced it, never wanted to. Maybe she would fall in love with her fiancé, maybe they would only go through life together as partners in society. Either way was fine with her. As soon as she said “I Do,” she would gain even more money and an even higher social status. This marriage would make her basically royalty in the wizard community.
An engagement party was being thrown, and all of the noble wizard families were invited to celebrate with Y/N and her fiancé. Y/N’s parents had Amelia Rosehart, the most famous stylist in the Wizarding world, come to create a gown for Y/N for the evening and style her hair and her makeup. “Nothing but the best from here on out!” They declared jovially. They were the most excited for the marriage, as being tied to the Williams family would bring them an even higher social standing as well. They had decorators come in to enchant the ballroom, and caterers apparating in from France- the only event that would be more extravagant than the engagement party was the actual wedding.
Guests started arriving right as Y/N finished getting ready. The elaborate chime of the doorbell began as Amelia put the finishing rouge on Y/N’s lips. The dress was gorgeous- champagne colored, coated intricately with rhinestones. It had a v-shaped neckline with delicate spaghetti straps and fell beautifully into a modified a-line. It really was a masterpiece. Her hair was put into an elegant half-up do with a thin hairpiece made to match her dress, and her eyeshadow was painted on with shimmering neutrals and the most beautiful eyelash extensions money could buy. All of this topped off with a deep red lipstick, Y/N looked like something out of a work of art. Looking in the mirror, she could hardly recognize herself. Reckon I ought to get used to looking like this. This is what the future looks like, Y/N told herself. She held her chin a little higher, looked at herself one last time, and then headed downstairs to greet the first guests to arrive.
Of course, the Williamses were the first to arrive. Mr. Williams, Gerald, was not a tall man. He was rather stout with white hair and white mutton-chop sideburns, and a very stern face. He was extremely interested in politics, and completely unafraid of voicing his opinions. Y/N had only met him twice and she knew to hold her tongue around him. His wife, Margaux, emitted an aura of elegance that was unmatched. Her hair was a light brown, peppered with grays that she wore proudly, unlike Y/N’s mother who fussed over every little silver hair that showed up on her head. Margaux Williams was a beautiful woman, who looked much more youthful than her actual age, but there was something about her face that radiated wisdom and knowledge, she seemed to have lived a thousand lifetimes. Together, they seemed like royalty.
Peter Williams looked like his mother, but in a charming, boyish way. He had short blond hair, naturally wavy and styled back with a copious amount of gel. He had big eyes, a deep blue in color that always seemed to sparkle. He was always clean shaven, with a sharp jawline and prominent cheekbones. He was tall, with an athletic build, and Y/N couldn’t help but notice that he had the whitest teeth she’d ever seen. He was handsome, there was no denying that. Peter was the poster child for perfect boys- he had graduated from Durmstrang the year before, played quidditch from his second through seventh years, and since completing school, he had taken a job at the ministry of magic, just as a formality, of course. It was evident that he didn’t need the money. He was polite and cordial, as far as Y/N knew. She had only spent scattered minutes with him up until now.
“Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Peter, it’s lovely to see you. Please, come in,” Y/N bowed her head politely before stepping aside to let her soon-to-be family enter. “Mimkey will take your coats,” Y/N informed them, motioning to the house elf standing to the left of the entrance. And thus, the small talk began. The weather, Y/N’s upcoming school year, how marvelous Peter was doing at his job in the ministry. It was all very charming and polite, and Y/N wondered for a moment when she would actually get to know these people, other than exchanging small pleasantries. She supposed it wouldn’t matter, maybe she would go the rest of her life only exchanging shallow chitchat with these people, and that was fine. She had been tutored in small talk since before she started at Hogwarts, it was nothing she couldn’t handle.
Shortly after the Williamses arrived, more guests began to show up, and the evening began. Extravagant gifts were brought and set on display: rare wines, expensive candles, intricate bouquets of flowers, among other things. It was all very posh. Y/N tried to greet everyone when they arrived, but after the tenth family showed up, it became nearly impossible. Everyone wanted a chance to chat with the happy couple. As soon as one person was done asking questions, another person would come in and swoop Y/N and Peter away to answer more. Questions about the wedding, did they have plans for a honeymoon yet, were they already thinking about children, it seemed like they answered the same handful of questions hundreds of times over and over. Y/N wondered if Peter was as tired of answering them as she was, and he was just doing a good job of not showing it, or if he actually didn’t mind it at all. If the former was true, Peter was even better at handling formalities than Y/N was. She added that to a mental note of assets that Peter possessed. She was sure that would come in handy in their future.
After a particularly intrusive conversation about their plans for having children, Y/N couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed. She was only 17, she wasn’t ready to have children yet. These people were expecting her to finish her 7th year at Hogwarts and immediately get married and start having babies. Her whole life, she knew that when she graduated, she would be married to Peter and her life as a Williams would begin. She had never stopped to think that that meant that she would have to become a stay at home mother at 18. Y/N excused herself from the conversation to get some fresh air. She kept a polite smile on her face as she passed guests, and swept a glass of champagne off of one of the trays that was being passed around as she made her way to the main staircase.
Y/N rushed upstairs and down the hall to the second floor balcony. Thinking she was alone, she let out a deep sigh and gulped down half of her glass. “Small talk can be exhausting,” a voice spoke up, causing Y/N to jump and nearly lose her glass. She knew that voice. She hadn’t spoken to him since they were 11, but his reputation at school preceded him. “Jesus, Sirius, what are you doing out here?” she asked, “What are you doing here at all, actually?” Y/N and Sirius were the best of friends when they were children. The Y/L/N’s and the Blacks were close, but when Sirius got sorted into Gryffindor and started rejecting the Blacks’ family values, Y/N was forbidden from being friends with him, as her parents didn’t want him to taint their perfect proper little girl.
“I was invited. You sent the letter to the whole Black family,” Sirius shrugged. “I assumed they wouldn’t bring you, seeing as none of them really speak to you,” Y/N told him honestly. Sirius cracked a playful smile, “Are you trying to tell me I’m not welcome here?” Y/N rolled her eyes but couldn’t help but smile back. “Of course you’re welcome here,” she told him, “But if any of my family sees you and tells you to leave, I didn’t tell you that.” Sirius leaned over and clinked his glass to hers. “You’ve got a deal,” He smiled. “Anyway, I’m out here because I simply cannot stand any of these people,” Sirius answered Y/N’s previous question. “What’s got you out here avoiding your own party?” he asked. “I-ugh- I am not avoiding my own party! I just-“ Y/N sputtered, but Sirius just quirked a brow at her.
“Look,” Y/N sighed, “I can handle the ungodly amounts of small talk. It’s boring, and even a little bit stupid, but I’m good at it, and I can do it. But in there... these people are planning my whole future out for me and I don’t have a say. I always knew my options were going to be limited, I knew that I was going to have to marry Peter and I accepted that. But now that it’s so close, I’m being pressured to drop everything I’ve been looking forward to, just to become a housewife. And a mother. A mother! Can you imagine, me? Leaving school, immediately getting married and then having a baby at 18? I don’t know, I guess I always thought I would have some time to live my life at least a little bit before I had to give everything up,” Y/N shook her head before gulping down the rest of her glass of champagne.
“Yeah, I can see where that might get to be a bit unbearable,” Sirius agreed. “It’s just... I don’t know. I want this. Of course I want this. I just, wanted other things too, I guess. And before tonight I thought I could have it all, but I suppose that was unrealistic to think,” Y/N told him. Sirius could tell that Y/N was ready to change the subject, so he didn’t press. “Well, on the bright side, you look ravishing,” Sirius gave her a wolfish smile. Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes, “Thank you.” It occurred to her then that Sirius’s comment might have been the first genuine compliment she’d gotten all night. Of course, she looked good. With how much money her family had spent on her dress, hair, and makeup, she would certainly hope she looked good. But everyone that had complimented her throughout the evening, it was all about how nice the expensive things looked. The expensive dress, the expensive shoes, the professionally done makeup. Sirius was the only person who had actually complimented her, not even Peter had done that. Sirius didn’t care about all of the fancy extras, and Y/N knew that.
“Earth to Y/N?” Sirius asked, snapping Y/N out of her thoughts. “Sorry, I just...” Y/N trailed off, shaking her head. “Where’d you go?” Sirius tilted his head slightly to the side. “Just...” Y/N sighed, “Just thinking about how shallow all of these people here are. Everything is about money,” she admitted. Sirius nodded silently. He knew, as much as he tried to reject it, he grew up in the same community she did. “And don’t get me wrong, I like money. I enjoy being wealthy and all of the privileges that come with it. But that’s the difference, isn’t it? I know that they are privileges, perks, I understand that I’m fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family. I’ve seen how some of the kids we go to school with live. I know that I’m lucky, and I never intend to let that go to my head, or forget that it could have easily been me that was born into a lower middle class family. Everyone here, they just take it all for granted. They’re so entitled, they think that they actually deserve everything handed to them on a silver platter. It’s just...” Y/N trailed off.
“It’s sickening,” Sirius finished for her. “It makes you want to take them by the shoulders and shake them and yell ‘get your head out of your arse! You are no better than anyone else, money means nothing in terms of character.’” “Yes, exactly!” Y/N exclaimed with a laugh. “How exactly did you come to have the ideals of a decent person when you grew
up surrounded by all of this bullshit?” Sirius asked her, almost incredulously. “I guess I just like other people too much,” Y/N shrugged. “Most of them go through school only talking to people in our community. I talked to everyone, made friends with everyone, heard everyone’s stories. I guess I took a little bit from all of them and became my own person,” Y/N stared up at the night sky. “Kind of, my own person,” she corrected herself. “Mostly, your own person, I think,” Sirius told her, “I think you’re just holding onto this one last thing that’s going to keep you here forever,” he said honestly.
“No, you’re right. There are so many things I disagree with, so many things I don’t care about. But I love my family, and this is what they’re asking of me, so this is what I have to do,” Y/N nodded, almost to convince herself. Sirius stayed silent. “I um, I ought to get back in there. I can’t be a very good host if I’m hiding out here, can I?” Y/N laughed lightly. “No, I don’t suppose you can,” Sirius smiled, and Y/N thought she saw a bit of disappointment in his eyes. She shook the thought out of her head and turned to walk back inside, but paused at the door. “Hey, Sirius?” she asked, turning to him. “Yeah?” he replied. “Do you think.. do you think it would be okay if we said ‘hi’ to each other, like in the halls at school?” she asked sheepishly. Sirius chuckled and grinned brightly, “I think I would like that.” Y/N grinned back. “Me too. Have fun, don’t get thrown out,” she quipped. “Can’t make any promises. You try not to get brainwashed in there,” he gave her a wink, and with a smile, Y/N returned to the party.
After another hour or so of mingling, it was time for dinner to be served. Y/N was grateful for all of her training in hosting, as she was able to mindlessly chatter away while her mind was lingering on her conversation with Sirius. She discreetly looked for him, while everyone was gathered to eat, but if he came inside for dinner, he was seated in a different room, because Y/N didn’t see him. Peter didn’t talk much, only answered questions he was asked directly, and Y/N did the same. Their parents did most of the talking, and for that, Y/N was grateful. The longer she sat at the dinner table, the more drained she felt. After dessert was served, Margaux clinked her spoon to her glass and everyone fell silent. “Everyone, if you would please gather in the ballroom once you have finished your dessert. Peter has an announcement he would like to make,” She announced. “Mimkey, will you please relay the message to the guests dining in the other rooms?” Y/M/N instructed the house elf. “Of course, master. Mimkey will go now!” she exclaimed, running off to the next room.
Y/N knew what was about to happen. She swallowed her nerves and dabbed her mouth one last time before gracefully standing up, pushing her chair in, and making her way to the ballroom. She stopped in the hallway for just a moment, looking in a decorative mirror to check her makeup one last time before the main event. It was in pristine condition, of course. Magical makeup was charmed to not budge, only coming off with a charmed facecloth. Y/N knew that, but she enjoyed the opportunity to stall, if just for a few seconds. As she made her way down the hallway that lead to the ballroom, Y/N found her thoughts drifting back to Sirius. She wondered if his parents dragged him here to save face and show a united family, or if he had snuck in under the guise of his family’s invitation. Of course, if he had snuck in, he would have to have a reason for why he even wanted to be there. He said himself, he couldn’t stand these people. Why would he want to come to a formal party and be surrounded by them? No, his family must have brought him along.
Once all of the guests were gathered in the ballroom, all but one, it seemed, Peter cleared his throat. “I appreciate everyone’s attendance tonight, it means a lot to my family as well as the Y/L/N’s. As you all know, Y/N and I have been promised to each other since we were children. We have spent the last few months beginning the process of planning for the wedding, but we missed one important step that I would like to take tonight,” He announced. Peter gracefully sank down onto one knee and pulled a dark blue velvet box out of his pocket. “Y/N Y/L/N, we were chosen for each other long before we got the chance to meet. But now that we have met, and had the opportunity to spend some time together, I would like you to know that I am choosing you, for myself. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?” Peter took the ring out of the box and held it up to Y/N.
The wave of “awww!” and “oh, how sweet!” reminded Y/N that this whole evening was about theatrics. It was all fake, of course, all for show. Tonight was the most amount of time they had spent together, and they had been so busy talking to guests, they barely had the opportunity to talk to each other. But of course, the show must go on, so Y/N put on the most dazzling smile she could. “Yes, I will,” She agreed, loud enough for all of the guests to hear. Everyone broke out in a polite round of applause as Peter slipped the ring onto Y/N’s finger and stood up. The photographers were ushered to the front of the crowd to take pictures of Y/N and Peter, and from then on, the night was a blur.
Soon, the Williamses and the Y/L/N’s were waving the guests goodbye, until they were the only six people left. “Darling, the adults have planning to do, why don’t you take Peter to the conservatory, show him all of those plants you’ve been working on?” Y/M/N suggested. “Of course, mother. Peter, come this way,” Y/N offered Peter her hand, and he gently took it, letting her lead the way through the massive house to the room with glass walls. The pair were silent until they reached their destination and Y/N spoke up. “This is our conservatory, although over the last two years, I’ve turned it more into a glorified plant room,” Y/N announced. “I wouldn’t call herbology a passion of mine, but I do enjoy taking care of the plants when I’m stuck at home for the summer,” she admitted. Peter gave a small smile and a light nod. “Due to how delicate some of the plants are, this room is always strictly off-limits to guests, but I guess you’re family now, so...” Y/N trailed off. Peter squeezed her hand gently before letting it go.
“They’re lovely,” he assured her. The two were silent for a few minutes as Peter walked around, admiring Y/N’s plants. “I got a dog,” he finally spoke up. “I’m sorry?” Y/N raised an eyebrow. “When I was in school,” he clarified. “I didn’t have the patience for plants, so I convinced my parents to let me get a dog,” He told her. “I know how insufferable summers can get in between school years. You go on a vacation for two weeks, and then your father is expected back to work and you’re stuck sitting at home for the next six weeks. It’s painfully boring,” he admitted. Y/N laughed, feeling almost relieved that he could relate to her. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “I can’t believe they let you get a dog, I tried that when I was thirteen all the way to when I was fifteen and my mother would not budge. She refused to have a ‘smelly, loud, fowl beast’ in the house,” she shared. “I had so much energy, all the time. I think they just wanted me out of their hair,” Peter told her. “During school, I had quidditch and parties, and whatnot to keep me occupied but when I came home, there just wasn’t enough to keep me active. I would have so much pent up energy, I thought I was going to explode,” Peter laughed fondly.
“Damn, if I had only been more hyperactive,” Y/N joked. “That’s the key to it, should have known,” Peter shrugged playfully. “No, in all honesty it’s okay. For me, it was more about companionship. I would feel terribly lonely at times, and I just wanted a friend to have around at all times. Eventually I talked her into letting me get a cat, but I had to train it not to jump on the counters. Do you know how hard it is to train a cat?” Y/N laughed. “That sounds like one of the most difficult things I’ve ever heard,” he agreed, and then he spoke up softly, “I didn’t know you had a cat.” “Oh, uh, yeah. Her name is Desdemona, after the character in ‘Othello’. Her nickname is Mona,” Y/N told him. “Didn’t know you liked Shakespeare, either,” Peter admitted. “Don’t get me wrong, he had a few plays that I wouldn’t care to read twice, but for the most part, yeah, he’s brilliant,” Y/N smiled faintly.
“Excuse me if this is out of line, but...” Peter hesitated. “Isn’t it just a little bit ridiculous that our parents threw this whole party with the expectation of us to act like we know each other at all? I’m prepared to marry you, and get to know you in time, but all of these theatrics? For what?” he asked. Y/N couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “That’s... not out of line at all,” Y/N assured him, “I’ve been asking myself that same question all night. But... It’s really comforting to hear that you feel the same way.” “I don’t know about your parents, but mine love a good dinner party,” Peter suggested. “Oh, mine do, too. They love to play the role of welcoming hosts. But I have a good feeling your parents just like to have an excuse to brag about you,” Y/N told him. “What can I say?” Peter shrugged dramatically. “They were blessed with the perfect child,” he declared. “Yeah, alright. Don’t get too far up there on your high horse,” Y/N laughed, nudging him playfully.
“Peter, it’s time to say goodbye!” Margaux’s voice rang down the hall, herself and Gerald appearing in the doorway moments later. “I’ll be seeing you,” Peter smiled, and Y/N smiled in return. “Peter!” his mother scolded, “That is no way to leave your financée!” Peter stood facing Y/N with his back to his mother. He playfully rolled his eyes to Y/N and she had to stifle a laugh, before Peter obeyed his mother and took a few steps toward Y/N and leaning down to press a kiss on her cheek. “Have a good night,” he told her. “You, too, Peter. Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. Williams,” Y/N called to the family. “Goodnight, Dear,” Margaux replied, and with that, the three of them left and the night was finally over.
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tsunflowers · 1 year
I hope you thought my idea for a new isekai about the villainess's henchwoman and the childhood friend was interesting bc I kept thinking about it
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the villainess’s less girly henchwoman. the main character of the story gets isekai’d into her. the game character was from a minor noble family who sucked up to the villainess for status. the main character doesn’t give a shit about that but becomes attached to the villainess and her other henchwoman so she sticks with them and tries to subtly influence their behavior to be less classist. I think when she played the game she was really curious about a lot of the lore that only ever gets touched on and tried to look up further info but couldn’t find it. so initially she’s excited to learn all the stuff that wasn’t explored in the game but she’s like “wait this sucks!” and she has to invent unions and therapy and gay marriage with the help of her friends
the second prince’s childhood friend. his family is like minor nobility who publicly fell from grace around the time of his birth. one of his parents died and the other sank into a deep depression so he was sent to live with wealthier relatives who treated him as a servant and abused him pretty severely. he always grins and bears it and tries to see the positives in everything but he has a lot of trauma that he’s not really processing. the main character can’t give him therapy bc she dates him but she needs to invent therapy so he can go to it. a bit of a magical savant bc it was his only comfort during his childhood. also he loves gardening and has a deadpan sense of humor that people can't always interpret joking
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the second prince. middle of the road in literally everything but flies through life due to being the second prince. golden retriever boy. charming enough when you play the game but quickly gets tiring in real life bc he doesn’t have a lot of original thoughts
the heroine. a commoner with such overwhelming magical power that she gets to go to the magic academy on scholarship. as a reference to the idea of a silent protagonist she is deaf and communicates through a mixture of sign language and using her magic to write in the air. the second prince learns sign language for her. she and him are a good match bc she’s not really that interesting either. a real sweetheart! but boring
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the villainess. a noblewoman trying to conceal the fact that her family is in dire straits financially. she’s desperate to marry into royalty to maintain the extravagant lifestyle she’s used to and to keep her family stable. a classist and rude woman but ultimately somewhat sympathetic. the fact that her family is one of her biggest motivations gets like one line in the game but becomes very apparent to the main character once she's isekai'd
the villainess’s girly henchwoman. a lesbian who has a thing for the villainess. this is mostly jokes in the game but is sincere. she knows about the villainess’s family situation and is always like “ah if only we could legalize gay marriage…! I would take care of you as my wife"
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the duke. another love interest. the secret revealed on his route is that he can’t actually do magic and he fakes it using a crystal that his older sister charges up for him every week. he starts dating the new money rich boy bc that guy doesn’t care at all about his family’s lineage as magicians. he was the main character’s oshi when she played the game but she can’t break him up from the new money boy
the new money rich boy. another love interest. kind of a sarcastic jokester who always brings up his lack of noble manners to fluster the nobility. the main character didn’t like him much when she played the game bc he was all one-liners but in person he’s quite charismatic and has more to him than just jokes. they actually become besties so when she realizes he has a crush on the duke she’s like “I can’t steal his man… the bro code…”
you notice that I have paired everyone off. this is bc I have shoujo romance brain and I believe that when you introduce a character you must also introduce an equal and opposing character as a love interest. I just think they don't always have to be different genders
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Wet dreams ↬ t.h
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A/N: This is @allegra-writes​ fault :(  I wrote this in like 10 minutes so bare with me this is not proofread XD
WC: 1.3k+
Warnings: almost swimming pool sex (because I forgot how to write smut XD)
(Minors dni anyway)
Pairing: mob!tom holland x reader
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Sometimes, living in a mansion hundred times your size got utterly boring, the only form of entertainment being checking on the nearly always vacant rooms, too clean for an unoccupied space, only to be interrupted by a nervous servant as they catch you rearranging the room. 
The life of London's most feared mob boss's girlfriend was extravagant at the least. You had come from a relatively normal family, had nothing to do with the morally ambiguous criminal until you came face to face with him one day, instantly capturing him in your bait. 
Tom might be the boss of a bunch of elite mobsters, but to you, he was just your lovely high maintenance boyfriend who liked to shower you in expensive diamonds and the softest silk money could buy. It was his love language, just like yours was accepting him for who he was and what his family did.
It got too much sometimes, but you remembered that you had chosen this lifestyle for yourself, so the least you could do was let him drag you to parties full of rich people with the champagne and whiskey more expensive than your entire closet back home. 
This was your home now, you reminded yourself, tracing the patterns on the wall with your fingers, letting your feet drag you across the hallways to take you to your most favourite location of the mansion- the outdoor pool. 
It was large, taking up most of the space of your backyard, lit with multiple led lamps, surrounded by grass. It was late at night and Tom wasn't home from his "business" yet, and you were bored, unable to sleep after countless nights of sleeping in a cold, empty bed. 
You knew his job took up a lot of time, but he was supposed to come home today. Just because you knew sometimes he got home late, doesn't mean you didn't worry about his wellbeing. So to distract yourself, you came here tonight, sliding into the cold pool water, shuddering as it slid over your nearly naked chest, small ripples forming as you breathed in deeply, water rising up to your neck. 
Holding on to the edge of the pool, you imagined Tom sliding in next to you, circling his arms around you as he kisses your neck with his delicate lips. You could swear at that moment, you could actually feel his bare chest pressed against your back, grunting as you pushed your hands against the wet tiles, a warm feeling forming in your gut. Closing your eyes, you let the breeze wash over you, shuddering at the difference in temperature, before diving to the deeper side of the pool swim a lap to warm yourself up to the water's temperature. 
Before you knew it, you were surrounded by the deep waters, the world around you muffled deliciously, eyes closing against your will as you resurface the water with a shuddering breath, startling as you saw another person standing in front of you, an angelic aura forming around him due to the lights. 
Giggling with a gasp, you swim towards the edge towards your boyfriend, who was looking at you with an amused grin. 
"How was work honey?" You gasp, straining to get a breath, folding your hands on the tiles as you place your head on them, feet swinging inside the water to keep you afloat, “You’re back early.”
"Isn't it too cold to be swimming? You're going to catch a cold, hun." He said, bending down so that you were face to face, a goofy smile on his face as he kissed you, soft and warm. 
"I was bored, you weren't in bed." You said against his lips, straining to keep afloat as the tiles dug under your ribs, "hmm, why don't you come inside? I missed you." 
"Missed you too darling, missed my darling girl so fucking much."  He whispered, shuddering at his husky voice, and without a thought, you grabbed him by his wrist, chuckling at his yelp as you pulled him into the pool next to you with a splash, scrunching your eyes as the water hit your face. 
You laugh as he emerges from the water, every inch of him as wet as you are at the moment, gasping for a breath as he paddled next to you, his cold Rolex digging against your shoulder as he scooped you up in his arms, throwing you in a fireman's hold with you shrieking. 
"Put me down!" You giggle, yelping when he slapped your ass, making you laugh louder as you tried to kick your way out of the hold. 
"You're mean!" He whined, propping you on the edge with ease, you now a level above him as he smiles at you, his wet suit clinging to his body, his eyebrow raising up to his hairline as you lean to boop his nose.
"Rail me." You joked, smirking as you saw his eyes light up. A flash of a moment and he was pulling you into the pool just like you had some time ago, his strong and practiced arms holding you upright, lips crashing into yours before you could utter a word, moaning against his lips instead. 
Your legs swung as in the pool, your bodies clapping against each other as he slammed you towards the edge, kissing you hard as if hungry, craving for your lips to mold against his. 
His hands found your underwear, snapping the strings against your waist, slipping a finger and tracing circles on your bare skin. Your cold skin was now warm, burning as his hands wandered around your body, catching parts of your skin with his dainty rings. 
"Tommy," you moaned, leaning closer to his neck so you could nibble on his earlobe, the soft, sensitive skin reddening as you continued to suck on it, his hands reaching up to hold the underside of your boobs. 
You didn't even know how you were still afloat and not drowning, the heat of your skin and his clothes too much for you to care in your overstimulated stupor, "You still have your clothes on." 
"Just a moment darling." He grunted, shuffling his arms awkwardly as he tried to shimmy out of his three piece suit, a difficult task, seeing as he was surrounded by water. You watched the water slide against his smooth skin, droplets falling and merging against the ripples. 
"Keep that on." You said, holding his wrist to stop him from removing his Rolex. 
"I might be rich but they don't come for free sweetheart." He said in an amused voice, leaving it be nonetheless, as you pouted, tracing your fingers alongside his jaw and the rest of his face. 
"Shut up and rail me, Holland." 
"Straight to the point eh babygirl?" He smirked, sliding his hands against your thighs as they wrap around his waist, your back hitting the tiles, groaning half in pain, your body a horny piece of mess as he continues to dig his fingers, covering every inch of you with kisses. 
"I told you to rail me, not fuck me." You muttered, clutching his hair in your fist as he went down, looking at you through his lashes. 
"What did you say?" His voice husky, hands suddenly tighter around you as you moaned in anticipation, throwing your head back when his fingers reached your wet patch. Climbing off the pool, you pull him out with you, laying on the grass, blades digging into your skin. 
"Be rough, treat me like you treat your rivals." You said in a breath, chest heaving as you made eye contact with him. He may be a dangerous criminal, but he was a soft lover. 
But fuck if you didn't miss his fiery touch, and fuck if you were going to let go of the opportunity. You were alone in a mansion, the moonlight illuminating your faces along with the artificial lights. 
And who was he to deny his pretty girl, when she was practically begging him to wreck her?  
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skiesofthesketchy · 4 years
Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook!reader
Summary: You drag a poor, unsuspecting stranger to be apart of your little scheme, but JJ doesn’t mind all that much. 
Note: Yoooooo how are you guys? This fic is dedicated to my bff @rafej-cambanks​ bc it is her birthday today!! Go send her some love! I figured this might be a nice lil surprise bc it is 1 of the maybe 2 unpublished fics that you haven’t read yet lol. Anyway, I love you SO MUCH and hope you like this :)
Still working on blurbs for my 1k celebration! Sit tight, they will be coming soon :)
Warnings: language, hella fluff, uhhhh yea Word Count: 4k
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gif by @toesure​
Standing in front of the full-length mirror and gazing at your reflection, you couldn’t keep a straight face. The pretty emerald fabric of your dress adorned your figure perfectly, considering the thousands of dollars your mother spent on it plus having it tailored to fit you so. The hem fell to your ankles, showing off your expensive six inch heels and perfectly painted toenails. Your jewelry consisted of a simple diamond necklace and matching earrings, the sparkle adding to your already glowing complexion. You assumed your makeup would look cakey, but it actually looked quite flawless. That’s what you get when your mother hires a professional to do your makeup and hair for the most prestigious Kook party of the year.
Midsummers. Tonight was the night every Kook family planned for months beforehand, and then talked about the months following after. The party where rich socialites gather to brag about their wealth and successes over lobster and expensive champagne, playing fake nice to uphold their own powerful and pleasant reputations. You hated Midsummers with every fiber of your being, but alas, it was the one event you couldn’t get out of, and you had to attend. 
You bubbled with laughter as you gazed at your appearance, hardly looking like yourself at all. A silly flower crown in your hair and an elegant dress that could probably pay for a trip to Europe. “So this is the daughter my parents have always wanted,” you sighed, coming out of your laughing fit. 
Your parents never really understood you. All they ever wanted was for you to be their perfect princess, hanging out with other Kooks, going shopping, finding a suitable boyfriend from a wealthy family, you know, the whole shabang. And of course, keeping your grades up at the academy so that you can one day work for your father’s multi-million dollar company. It was what all Kooks expect from their kids, but you weren’t about that lifestyle.
Sure, you were grateful for your comfy upbringing, but you couldn’t care less about any of that stuff. You just wanted to have fun, travel the world, figure out who you are. You’d jump off a cliff before you had to be tied down to this boring, money-obsessed world that your parents live in. 
With a quick wink to your alter-ego in the mirror, you sauntered out of the large bathroom, your heels clacking on the white marble floors. You made your way to the extravagant lobby area of the Island Club, staying close to the wall in order to not be noticed. Your parents were thankfully already at the party outside, but there was still someone you were trying to avoid: the pathetic boy your parents had set you up with. 
He really wasn’t that bad, just boring like every other Kook boy your age. Only caring about parties, drugs, and tormenting the Pogues on the island. According to your parents though, he was a “suitable young man” because his parents were wealthy and respected on Figure Eight. 
You spotted your date, Topper Thornton, leisurely scrolling on his phone, his other hand in his pocket. He was waiting for you so that you two could walk down the glorious staircase into the party together. It was tradition for ladies to be escorted down the steps, which is exactly why your mother took finding an escort for you into her own hands. The stupid tradition made you gag. You didn’t need a pretty boy to escort you into a lame-ass party, and that’s why you were hiding from him.
With Topper’s gaze fixed on his phone, you took this opportunity to slip through the large room and onto the balcony, the party happening just down the stairs. With a sigh, you started your descent down the staircase, taking in the scene in front of you. There were pretty lights hung up around the huge tent covering the dining area. People were dressed to the nines, champagne flutes in hand as they giggled and chatted to one another. The live band played classy music while some couples danced, and staff members ran around serving drinks to the attendees. 
Casually walking down the last few steps, that’s when you noticed your parents watching you, and you grinned brightly at them. You knew ditching your date for the grand entrance would piss them off, which is mostly why you did it, and it was confirmed by the sour expressions on their faces.
“Mom. Dad. You guys look great!” you smiled. Your mother only scowled in response. 
“Y/N! What on earth are you doing? Where’s the Thornton boy?” She spoke through her perfect teeth clenched in a fake smile, trying not to draw attention from others. 
You shrugged. “I dunno. Great party though,” you said nonchalantly as your eyes wandered, obviously not bothered by the disappointing looks your parents were giving you. 
“You know your mother wanted you to walk in on a man’s arm,” your dad said. He was trying to console your mom by rubbing her back soothingly. She was not taking this well, her chest rising and falling rapidly in anger. She wanted to yell at you, but wouldn’t dare to make a scene with all of these people around. 
You rolled your eyes. “Why do I have to be escorted by some boy? That tradition is dumb, and sexist, quite frankly.” 
“Y/N, you’re embarrassing us!” your mom whisper-yelled. Her eyes were wide and her lips twisted in displeasure. She’s more pissed than you thought she’d be, and you smiled. “You couldn’t have done this one thing for us? Why can’t you go one night without embarrassing your family?”
“You’re being dramatic,” you sighed. You loved pushing their buttons. They have to figure out you don’t want to live in this Kook bubble for the rest of your life sooner or later. It sucks that they aren’t accepting of who you are and only want you to be their little Kook Princess, but that has never kept you down for long. 
“Don’t talk to your mother that way,” your dad warned in a low voice. You scoffed.
“Tell me why you ditched your date,” your mom whispered, the anger still apparent even with how quietly she spoke. 
“I ditched him because I already have a boyfriend, Mom.” You didn’t really have a boyfriend, but the lie rolled off your tongue easily. Lying to your parents was something you did quite often, and not just to get away with the stupid shit you do sometimes. It was fun to mess with them. They get so upset over silly things, especially your mom. 
A smirk found its way to your mother's face, and you knew she didn’t buy it. “Oh yeah? Then where is he?” You weren’t going to give her the satisfaction of catching you in your lie, especially if it meant she’d make you walk back up those damn steps just to retrieve Topper and do the whole entrance all over again. 
You were already disinterested in this conversation, but you couldn’t just walk away now. Your eyes wandered the party briefly, and that’s when you spotted a waiter heading in your direction. He didn’t seem too busy at the moment, no drinks or plates of food in hand, so the gears in your head started turning. Before you could even second guess your plan, you were stopping the boy’s strides by grabbing his hand and dragging him to the spot next to you in front of your parents.
“Right here,” you said. “Mom. Dad. Meet my boyfriend.” An innocent smile graced your lips as you stared at your parents, awaiting their reactions. You were happy to see surprise and displeasure taking over their features, and the blonde boy next to you looked just the same. You ignored him though and the way he turned to you with confusion dancing in his eyes. You didn’t even care if the stranger went along with it. Even if he walked off and this all blew up in your face, the shock on your mom’s face right now has already made it worth it. You found it all fucking hilarious.
Registering the silence and how nobody seemed to know what to do, you turned your smiling face towards the boy, squeezing his hand in yours and trying not to laugh at this whole situation. You finally noticed his beautiful blue eyes and the way they seemed to ask you what the hell is going on. You shot him a wink, and after quickly scanning your face, something in him seemed to change.
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N. It’s so great to finally meet you.” The boy had turned his attention back to your parents, and reached to shake your father’s hand. You couldn’t help the happiness that swelled up inside of you. He’s actually going along with your idiotic plan to piss your parents off even more.
Your other hand came up to rest on the boy’s bicep as you watched him shake your dad’s hand. Your dad couldn’t form words as he looked at the waiter you clung to. Your mom had plastered on one of her brilliant fake smiles after a few seconds, and nodded her head in acknowledgement. 
This was almost too good to be true. You didn’t know the boy standing next to you, but considering he was part of the staff, he had to be a Pogue. Your parents never allowed you to hang out with Pogues before, so you could only imagine their fury after learning you were dating one. You only caught a quick glance at the blonde, but you noticed the bruises on his face and the cut on his lip. You didn’t know his story, but you knew your parents only saw him as a trouble-making Pogue, and his beat up face only made it better. Not to mention you were in the middle of the biggest party of the year. Your parents wouldn’t dare do anything to make a scene, not here. Sure, you’d be getting an earful at home later, but you were already basking in the pleasure of seeing them so utterly angry and not being able to show it.
“And what’s your name, young man?” your dad asked. 
“JJ Maybank, sir.” You turned your gaze to the boy again, and he smiled charmingly at your parents. “I’ve heard lots about you both, from your lovely daughter here.” He suddenly turned to face you again, the same cute smile on his lips, and released your hand to instead wrap his arm around your waist. Fuck, he’s doing a great job at playing along even though you dragged him into this mess that he had no business being in. You were loving every second of this. 
The way your mom was struggling to keep her calm composure had laughter bubbling in your chest, but you kept your lips shut tight to hold it in. “JJ,” she said through clenched teeth. “Are you working the party?” As polite as she was trying to be, her distasteful glance at his work attire didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. 
JJ wasn’t disheartened by her question, and only smiled bigger. “Yes ma’am, I work at the Island Club for such events. I also deliver groceries and mow lawns. But don’t worry. I still make plenty of time to take Y/N out on dates and treat her like the princess she is.” You found his gaze once again, and you swear you could kiss him. He’s really milking this whole encounter with your parents and you promised yourself to thank him later. 
“Oh, that’s nice,” your dad responded for your mother. She was practically seething underneath that perfect mask of hers, but your father looked quite uncomfortable as well. And here you thought Midsummers would be boring. 
You listened in on the awkward conversation a few minutes more before you spoke up. “I’m glad you guys finally met, but we’re gonna go now. Enjoy the party!” You grinned one last time at your parents before grabbing JJ’s hand and dragging him away, leaving them to simmer in their shock and anger without you.
You had made it all the way to the other side of the dance floor before you burst out laughing. Giggles poured out of you loudly, and JJ couldn’t help but join in. You didn’t even care how awkward that whole situation was, you found it absolutely hilarious and you were happy to see that JJ seemed to think so too. “Thanks for playing along with that, man,” you smiled. “I totally owe you.”
JJ Maybank was confused to say the least. He caught on to your little plan and used his superb improv skills to play along, but he didn’t really know why. He’d never met you before, and couldn’t possibly figure out why you would claim him as your boyfriend. And though you two had never met, he knew exactly who you were. Everyone did. You were Y/N Y/L/N. Your parents were among the richest Kooks on the whole island, and you were their perfect Kook Princess. Why on earth would you ever tell them that he was your boyfriend? He was a low-life Pogue. None of it made any sense. 
He wanted to ask you for an explanation, but he was too caught up in the moment with you. He had never seen you up close before, and had to admit he found you intriguingly beautiful. Your eyes gleaming as your whole face lit up, your dress showing off your nice figure and complimenting you perfectly, even the giggles escaping your lips screamed beauty. He had his mind made up about you, thinking you’re no different than every other rich girl on the island, but now he’s not so sure. From the moment you abruptly grabbed his hand, he could tell you didn’t give a fuck about anything. You seemed fun.
“Do you always try to freak your parents out like that?” he asked with a laugh. 
You chuckled too with a nod. “Yeah. They’re too comfy in their dumb Kook lifestyle, so I like to scare them every once in a while.” You looked up at him with your pretty smile, and he could only smile back. Your words suddenly made him like being in your presence a whole lot more. 
He watched as you messed with your flower crown, the flowers getting caught in your hair as you unceremoniously pulled it off of your head. “Stupid fucking flower crown...” you mumbled before tossing it off to the side on the ground. JJ laughed at your messed up hair, but reached his hands up to fix it for you. You couldn’t care less about what you looked like, which he found odd about you, but you enjoyed the feeling of his fingers running through your hair, patting down the wild strands. 
You took this opportunity to really look at him. His blonde hair was messy and the locks fell over his forehead. The bruises marking his face did little to hide how attractive he was, the cut on his lip seemed to make him even more attractive to you. Even his work uniform was tattered and wrinkled, but he still managed to look good in it. He finished messing with your hair and tucked a strand behind your ear, eyes meeting yours, and neither of you could hide your curious smiles. “Thanks,” you hummed. He only nodded in response.
Your eyes wandered as you tried to figure out what to say, but you caught sight of Topper bounding down the staircase, his gaze searching through the party, probably for you. “Shit,” you muttered under your breath, grabbing JJ’s shoulders and positioning him in front of you. You stepped closer to him as you peaked your head over his shoulder to keep your eyes on the Kook you ditched.
“Hiding from someone?” JJ asked, looking down at you with amusement. 
You nodded. “Just the guy my parents tried to set me up with. I may or may not have ditched him,” you laughed sheepishly. Maybe you should’ve felt bad, but you didn’t.
JJ spared a glance over his shoulder. “Which one of these unlucky bastards was it?” 
You giggled, still trying to hide your frame completely behind JJ. “Topper Thornton. Frosted Tips. Looks like a lost puppy.”
JJ laughed and you could practically feel the warm vibrations from his chest. His pretty eyes met yours again, and he surprised you by wrapping his arm around your waist while his other hand found yours, bringing the pair of you into a waltz position. A smile tugged on your lips as you placed your other hand on his broad shoulder, and you both began to sway. 
JJ never pictured himself in this position before. Slow dancing with you, the Kook Princess of all people, at the Kookiest party of the year no less. He felt a strange sense of pride knowing that you had ditched Topper and are instead dancing with him. Being this close to you, he found himself trying to memorize your features, the color of your eyes, the softness of your hand in his, and the enticing curve of your waist which he had the pleasure of holding onto. 
“So,” JJ spoke softly. “What do you normally do when you’re not attending fancy parties and pissing off your parents?” He didn’t know why, but he wanted to find out more about you. You’re already quite different than what he made you out to be.
“Getting into more trouble,” you responded with a wink. 
He chuckled. “Oh yeah? Like what?”
You shrugged. “Last month, I ran off to Cuba for a week without telling anyone.” You didn’t think it was a big deal, but you noticed the waves of surprise in JJ’s eyes. You giggled at his expression. “What about you? When you’re not serving drinks, delivering groceries, or mowing lawns,” you paused to admire the bruises on his face. “What do you do?”
“Get into trouble,” he laughed, shooting your words back at you. 
You played along. “Oh yeah? Like what?” You don’t know when it happened, but you realized now that you guys were closer than before. Your chest was pressed into his, and his face was so close you could kiss him with the slightest lift onto your toes. 
“Picking fights with your Kooky friends, usually,” he chuckled. 
“If you’re referring to Topper and his goons, we’re not friends.” JJ’s lips lifted into a small smile at your words. If he wasn’t mistaken, you were about as fond of those assholes as he was. 
You both were just staring at each other, choosing to put the small talk to rest and just enjoy the moment. JJ’s eyes never left yours as you brought both of your arms around his neck, leaving him to wrap his arms around your back, diminishing any space there was between your bodies. You thought he might’ve kissed you with the way his gaze flickered between your eyes and your lips, but he didn’t. Instead, his hands found yours and he spun you around so that your back was against him, your arms crossed over your body as you continued to sway. 
His lips hovered over your neck briefly, and you released a sigh, trying to remember the last time you felt so close to someone, so content and in the moment. Something about the boy holding you in his arms gave you butterflies, that warm and exciting feeling spreading through your veins. He suddenly released one of your hands and pushed you so that you were spinning away from him, but then caught you and pulled you back.
You giggled as he twirled you around the dance floor, pleasantly surprised at how good of a dancer he was. Staying hidden from Topper wasn’t even on your mind anymore. With his grip on both of your hands, you both spun around, making the other dancing patrons have to move out of the way. Your laugh bubbled louder, and you couldn’t care less about the other guests. JJ found himself laughing along with you, even though part of him still wondered why he was here, dancing and having fun with you. 
After a moment, he pulled you back against him and you both fought to catch your breaths while the laughter died down. He admired your features again, and the question he’s been dying to ask finally escaped passed his lips. “How come you’re not embarrassed to be seen with me?” He didn’t mean it to sound so insecure, he was rather genuinely curious.
Your brows furrowed slightly in confusion, your grin turning into a frown. “Why would I be embarrassed?”
He scoffed lightly. “Come on, Y/N. We’re from two different worlds.” His eyes wandered for a second, noticing the amount of eyes on the two of you, probably floored at the scene you guys had just made. “Everyone is watching. The Kook Princess dancing with a Pogue...” He didn’t mean to bring down the mood, but he couldn’t help it. He was used to being dismissed, used to being viewed as a disgusting Pogue that only got into trouble. 
You brought your hands up to brush his hair away from his face, your bright smile returning. Your hands then cupped his cheeks, your thumb gently brushing over his split lip. “I don’t give a fuck about these people.” JJ chuckled, feeling his spirits lift once again. Your fingers dragged down his neck and landed on his collar, which you straightened for him. 
“You know,” you started, eyes fixed on the buttons of his white shirt. “I expected tonight to be the absolute worst, but I’m actually having an amazing time.” You peered up at him through your lashes, and JJ smiled. 
“Oh yeah?” he smirked, his usual flirty persona returning. “And why is that?”
You giggled, deciding to humor him. “I don’t know. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my handsome fake boyfriend has some damn good dance moves,” you winked. Your chest became warm at the sound of JJ’s deep chuckle, his breath fanning over your face.
Among the many judgy looks the pair of you were getting, your parents were also watching from a nearby table. JJ noticed their burning glares, and an idea popped into his head. Gazing into your pretty eyes, he smirked with a nod of his head to the side. When you glanced over and was greeted with the sight of your very angry parents, a grin creeped onto your face. You were making quite the spectacle, but really, who cares? “Want to give them something to be really pissed about?” JJ asked.
You looked at him curiously, but nodded nonetheless. You were already thrilled with how the night was going, and wondered what else he could possibly have up his sleeve. He leaned forward and suddenly, his lips were on yours. Your surprise was soon washed away and you allowed yourself to melt into the kiss, arching your back to press your chest into him. 
His hand rested on the back of your neck, pulling you in even closer as you both indulged in one another. His other large hand squeezed your hip, and you squealed softly against his lips. After a few more seconds, you pulled away from each other, gleaming smiles on your faces. Yeah, that sure made your parents fucking livid. Your mother had excused herself from the table they were sitting at, and your father followed after her, but you weren’t paying attention to them. 
JJ had rested his palms on your cheeks, just looking at you, and he knew then that he wouldn’t be able to get you off of his mind no matter how hard he tried. Your hands gripped his wrists, and you felt sad for a moment, thinking about how JJ probably needs to get back to work. He needs to get back to his life, and you need to get back to yours. “I’ll see you around, JJ?” You held your breath, hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time you saw him.
He kissed you once more, short and sweet, before pulling away again with a smirk. “Definitely.” And with that, he made his way back through the party and into the building while you watched, not being able to hide your giddy grin.
Pls let me know what you think :) love you all
Obx tags: @sportygal55​ @jazbarnes05 @lovelogan @lannxyz @caseyabel28 @falling-perfectly @thisismynerdyself @mattelblake @justanotherbooklover @hemmingsness @queenofthepouges @dontjinx-it @pink-meringues @outerbnx-stiles @little-miss-rebel3  @shreckluver7​
JJ tags:  @kaylinfayezink​ @unfortunatekiwitrash​ @shy-1234​ @bijleegiregi​ @cheshirecat107​ @yami5525​  @folkloverr​ @dracoswhore007​
518 notes · View notes
Sweet secret | Tom Felton one shot
Request: yes. @anonymous 
Word count: 2,710 words
Pairing: Tom Felton x reader
Note: This one was requested a while ago, I just had troubles writing it. But I really hope you guys like it! Don’t forget that my requests are still open and there’s a prompt list waiting for y’all to check it out. Also, let me know if you’d like to be added to my tag list! Take care babes xx
Being the only child of a rockstar had its own benefits. For example, it was a lot more easier for Y/N to meet her favourite celebrities and make connections with influential people from all type of industries. Having a world wide famous rockstar as a dad meant that she spent most of her time in the limelight, always travelling with him and being his biggest fan from the day she was born. By the age of sixteen, she had already travelled the whole world and successfully used her name to speak up about social issues and help different charities and organisations. She had never stopped talking about the importance of acceptance, equality, support and love. She lived her life like that. She didn’t care who you were, where you came from, as long as you didn’t hurt the ones she loved, she loved you and supported you. That was what she saw from her parents, and she was proud of her family being one of those celebrity families who never let fame get in their heads and go crazy over their net worth. They lived a humble life, and shared their love with the world.
But of course that lifestyle came with the content rumours and paparazzi chasing after them in the street. They tried to capture an awkward moment that could be laughed at, a bad hair day that could be the reason to judge, but what they wanted most, is to capture her with someone from the opposite sex. She always kept her love life private, hardly sharing any information about who she was seeing or who she was in a relationship with. She was happy that they could keep their relationship a sweet little secret for almost six months, and enjoy the privacy and intimacy of their bubble. It was until one day a fan of Tom successfully took a picture of them, being in the same car, driving around Los Angeles. 
She met Tom through a mutual friend, who was aware of their silly little platonic crush on each other and knowing Y/N and Tom, she thought they could be a power couple. So when she learnt that both of them were going in to in LA for weeks, she didn’t hesitate to throw a summer party in her beach house and invite both of them. She kept it as a secret, didn’t want them to think they are being forced into something that they didn’t want in the first place. Y/BSF/N knew Y/N just recently got out of a terrible relationship and she was a little bit afraid to start something knew, fearing that the new guy would be the same as the previous one. And she knew that Tom, no matter how many times he said and acted like he wasn’t, was lonely and wanted to finally find someone who he could share his life with. She knew she had nothing to worry about, because the second they were introduced, they just immediately hit it off and spent the whole afternoon and night by each other’s side, talking about movies, music, travel, dreams and goals, and when the cocktails finally kicked in, they weren’t shy to shamelessly flirt with each other. Tom was confident about their mutual sympathy and felt something that he hadn’t felt in a very long time, and two days later, he asked her out of their first official date. He was a real gentleman. He picked Y/N up at her flat, brought a huge bouquet of white roses to her and treated her like a queen the whole night. He arranged a candlelight picnic dinner on the beach, far from the popular parts, so nobody could ruin their first date. They fed each other with fruits and cuddled while they watched the stars. It was nothing crazy, nothing fancy and extravagant. Money wasn’t in focus, but they were. That night was all about them. And when the night eventually had to end, Tom walked her to the door and sweetly kissed Y/N. Ever since then, the couple couldn’t imagine their days without at least FaceTiming each other. They were happy and crazily in love, of course they wanted to keep that a secret as long as they could , not wanting the media to ruin in for them. But life didn’t work like that. Paparazzi had no mercy and they were paid to take preferably the highest quality pictures of the top celebs and their close family. And social media users wanted something they could talk about, because that was the main priority for most people nowadays. Stalking the subject of their obsession and use the protection of anonymity of social media to hate and judge other people. 
“Have you seen the pictures?” Y/N asked Tom when she finally found him chilling by the pool in his backyard. It was a rather hot day in LA, and he had a few days break from shooting his next movie, he wanted to get the best out of his little break and spend every single minute with his lady “My dad just sent me them” she gave her phone to Tom, so he could check out the short article with the attached photos. It was from a few days ago, when they went to grocery shopping together. They were just leaving the parking lot, and it was visible that Tom was holding up their interwind hands to his lips to kiss on her knuckles. Another picture of them showed how Tom opened the car door for Y/N, and as she was getting in the vehicle, he playfully patted her butt. He quickly clicked on the link to see the full article. It was really short, probably because the journalist didn’t have any solid evidence or information about their romance. 
“What can I say? I just love your ass” Tom handed back her phone and chuckled at her expression “Darling, stop worrying. A fan sent those pictures to TMZ, so what? They have no evidence that we’re dating” he put his hand of her calf and looked up at her girlfriend. He knew they couldn’t keep their relationship a secret forever. No matter how much Tom liked the excitement of sneaking around and having privacy, he wanted to show the world how beautiful, amazing and perfect his girlfriend was “This shall too pass, just like any other rumour that is left without a word.”
“Alright” Y/N sighed and decided to ignore the article, the photos, the comments and the mentions. Tom was right. This whole thing will be long forgotten in a couple of days, if neither of them say anything about it. In that case, the media couldn’t blow it up “I just hate the media and the drama it causes every time”
“I know” he smiled at her sweetly, not liking the frown on her face from annoyance and worry “So will you finally join me in the pool or do I have to throw you in it again?” Y/N laughed and put her phone down on the deck chair. She winked at Tom and take of the think summer dress she was wearing to reveal Tom’s favourite swimsuit, a white one-piece with a deep V-cut. He whistled at her as she was walking down the few steps of the pool and swam up to him “You just made this already hot day way hotter, baby” he pulled her close, kissing her passionately and making her forget all about that article. 
2 months later - 
Having a boyfriend who was constantly traveling and filming wasn’t making a relationship smooth, and if you add a girlfriend who was working on her own career just as hard, then you could easily how Tom and Y/N’s relationship was. But they knew what they wanted and they did everything to make it work, even if they were in two different parts of the country. They called each other every time they had the chance, made sure to send a supporting message to the other, letting them know they were proud of their achievements in life, and of course memes. Tom was a huge fan of memes, and he liked to spam Y/N with them, especially with the Harry Potter ones. Y/N lived for the smile on Tom’s face and she knew how much he loved surprises, so when she could finally take a week off from work, her first thing was to book a flight to the city Tom was currently at. The smile on his face and how excited and happy he was when he saw his girlfriend after almost two months of only being able to see her through his phone was worth anything to Y/N. 
“I missed you so much, baby” Tom said in between kisses, not letting go of the laughing girl in his arms “I was getting rather lonely without you” his was got an octave deeper and the familiar flame of lust and love appeared in his ocean blue eyes. Slowly, his lips made their way down to her neck from her lips, kissing along her jawline, holding her closer than ever. 
“Mhm, as much as I want this” Y/N pulled away and looked up at Tom, who was pouting like a little boy who’s favourite toy was taken away. It was party true, one of his new favourite things to do was kissing Y/N whenever he had the chance “You have to go live in a less than 5 minutes. You promised a Harry Potter watch party to your babies, and I don’t want you to disappoint them” she kissed his nose and forced his arms off of her waist. Tom knew he couldn’t disappoint them, and he didn’t want to, but he still groaned as he went to make sure everything was okay with the internet connection and the light ring. Y/N watched how Tom settled with his guitar and a cup of tea, already smiling that she could watch her boyfriend interacting with his fans. 
“I’ll just sing a little in the meantime” Tom said to Y/N, who was packing out of her suitcase, and changing into one of Tom’s Teddy Fresh hoodies. They were the most comfortable hoodies she had ever worn, and it was just a pleasing addition that they always smelled like Tom. She kept on packing and tidying up the mess Tom usually leaves in his room in the morning, and listened to his smoothing voice. She always loved when Tom was singing. I didn’t matter if it was a song from another artist, one that he wrote or just an improvised nonsense about something that caught his attention in that very second. She loved to see him happy, and singing made him happy. 
Tom finally started his Instagram live and was singing one of his old songs. One that was very dear to both of them, because he sang that song on their one month anniversary and  told her he was in love with her. 
“I was in the right place, at the right time, that day we spent together” Tom kept looking at her behind his phone, his smile getting bigger when she blew him a kiss “There’s no where else I’d have put myself, or to share the day with anyone else” he finished the song and greeted his fans who were already sending hundreds of heart emojis and cute little love confession to him in the comment section. Y/N layed down on the bed, with her phone in her hands and read the comments, screenshooting a few cute ones to save them for later. 
“Alright my little wizards and witches” Tom said “Shall we continue our magical journey to the one and only Hogwarts?” His voice was filled with excitement, he hadn’t seen any of the movies in so long, he really wanted to share this experience with those people who had such a huge impact in his career as an actor. Little did they know, the fans saw the secret glances and how Tom blushed at the sigh of his girlfriend taking off his hoodie, staying in only her shorts and a tank top. Even after all these months, he still thought of her as a goddess. The fans had been suspecting that Tom had someone special in his life. They caught on his glow, and how his smile became brighter. He always sang love songs during his lives and left little Easter eggs in his Instagram stories, or in his captions. They were happy to see him being in love, they were only waiting to finally be able to see who was the reason of Tom’s behaviour. 
“Questions time!” He announce after the 11 minutes of the movie ended. He grabbed his guitar again and started playing spontaneously on the strings, creating a beautiful melody. It was the moment, when Y/N realised her phone was on 5%, and her charger was somewhere behind Tom. She knew it would have been suspicious, if he just grabbed it and handed it her, so she decided to go and grab it herself. From where she was laying, it looked like her charges was out of the frame, and nobody would see her. She tiptoed to the charger and made sure not to bump into anything that could alert the fans. It was their time with Tom, and she didn’t want to interrupt their little date. 
“God, you’re so beautiful” Tom blurted out when he saw her behind him, grabbing her charger from the coffee table. As soon as the words left his mouth, they both froze. Y/N realised she was in the frame, being very much visible. She looked at her boyfriend with a socked expression, not being sure what to do next. Stay or go? Say something or stay silent? Wave or smile? As for Tom, he didn’t mind that she accidentally walked into the live. He wanted to tell the world for a while now about their relationship. He was tired of not being able to share his happiness with his fans and hiding their love. It was nothing wrong about it. Love, in any kind of form, should have been celebrated in a daily basis. And that was what he wanted.
“I guess it’s time to finally introduce you to my other family, baby” Tom put down his guitar and reached out to her hand, pulling her completely in the frame. He sat her on his lap and hugged her by the waist “Ladies and gentlemen, please, welcome the woman who has being making me the happiest man alive in the last six and a half months” he looked at her the way every girl wants to be looked at. If anyone would have question the love they had, they only had to watch how they were looking at each other. Love, adoration, passion and devotion. It was all in one single look “Sorry for keeping this a  sweet little secret for so long, but I just wanted to have her for myself as long as I could” he chuckled and kissed the blushing cheek of his girlfriend. Y/N was still in a little bit of shock. This definitely wasn’t the way she wanted to announce their romance to the world, but she was revealed deep down. She could finally show her love and support freely. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure Tom has many dates with you guys on Instagram” winked to the camera and refused to look at the comments. She was floating in happiness, she didn’t want the haters to ruin it for her. 
“I’m so damn lucky” Tom whispered and grabbed her face to give her a quick but sweet kiss on the lips. Nobody could stop him from posting about his girlfriend and what they had. He was finally able to show off, and make sure everyone saw her as she was. Not Tom Felton’s girlfriend, not the daughter of Y/F/N, but as Y/N Y/L/N. He was proud to have you, and planned to keep it that way till the rest of his life.
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ohh-baekhyun · 4 years
Sugar | 03
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summary: Getting into a performing arts college isn’t cheap. In desperate need of money, you sign yourself up on an online dating site called Sugar. There, you match with a wealthy man named Mr Byun.
genre: Softdom!baek, sugardaddy!au, teacherxstudent!au
taglist : in comment section. im sorry if i missed you, i deleted some of my asks the other time. let me know if you wanna be tagged :)
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One Month Later
Living in a spacious apartment had its own downside. More often than not, I felt lonely, but I wasn’t complaining. Baekhyun didn’t come over everyday because he wanted to give me time to do things that didn’t involve him. I think they called it me time, whatever that was. Baekhyun said it was to prevent us from growing too dependent on each other, which could be unhealthy. And as much as I disliked it, he was right. Our relationship wasn’t permanent, and there would come a time when either one of us had to call the arrangement off. I would be sad, because that’s human, but not to the point where I became depressed.
When I wasn’t spending the day with Baekhyun, I’d be practicing the piano. After my father passed away, my stepmother had sold off our Steinway and stopped paying for my lesson. I was lucky to know a friend who allowed me to practice at her music shop for free. When I wasn’t practicing, I would be at home, taking care of my little plants on the balcony. They were like my babies.
Since Baekhyun had suggested that I learned a new language, I’d decided to take up Chinese. He had offered to hire a home tutor for me, but I insisted on learning it myself because Chinese lessons were expensive. We argued about it for a while, until he decided he wanted to learn too. We had our lesson together every Sunday afternoon for two hours. Our tutor, Miss Fei, was a long time friend of Baekhyun. And for some reason, she was always picking on me over the slightest things. Sometimes when Baekhyun wasn’t looking, she would kick my leg, step on me or pinch my arm under the table. If I had to guess, I think she didn’t respect me because she knew Baekhyun was paying for me. That’s why I’ve been working a part time job as a piano accompanist at a ballet school. It was an easy job with a reasonable pay, and I only had to be there twice a week. Thanks to that, I had finally saved enough to pay for this month’s lessons. I just didn’t know if Baekhyun would accept it.
Today was a Saturday and I was doing the homework Miss Fei had given us. I’d actually finished everything but I wanted to double check to avoid mistakes. I was scolded for making just one error last week, and if Baekhyun wasn’t there, I thought she might even beat me.
By the time I was done, I was too tired to climb to bed so I’d fallen asleep on the desk. What woke me up was the creaking sound from the door opening. I lifted my head from my folded arms and looked at the door. “Hi Mr Byun,” I greeted, my voice soft and languid. He was dressed casually in a black sweatshirt and pajama pants, his hair tousled like he had just woken up from sleep and rushed here immediately.
“What are you doing?” Baekhyun asked, approaching me.
“Chinese homework,” I answered. “Can you help me check if there’s any mistake?”
He stopped behind my chair and bent over to rest his palms on the desk. His chest touched the back of my head as he scanned my workbook. Suddenly I stopped feeling sleepy but hyper aware. Baekhyun leaned closer when he reached for a pencil, and I had a feeling it was deliberate because the thing he was reaching for was just next to my book. I inhaled, feeling warm all over. Baekhyun remained silent as he continued checking my work. “This one–“ he drew a cross next to my wrong answer. “–is supposed to be a wǔ, not wù, they have different meaning, sweetheart, he explained.
I picked up an eraser and wiped it off before making a correction. If he hadn’t caught that, Miss Fei was gonna to go ballistic. I sighed in relief and glanced up from my desk. He was staring down at me. I wore a grateful smile. “Thank you,”
“Welcome,” He whispered, leaning down to drop a kiss on my lips.
“Why are you here, Mr Byun?” I asked when he pulled away.
His brow furrowed. “Do you not know what day it is?”
My eyes flew to the desk calendar, then I glanced up at him again. “Sunday?” I said hesitantly. Baekhyun frowned at me and I started to get anxious. “Did I forget something?”
Baekhyun sighed. “You are really unbelievable,” He mumbled, setting down the pencil before pushing himself off the desk. He clasped my hand and tugged me up to my feet. “I have a surprise for you,” he said as he walked me out of my bedroom.
He led me down the short hallway and as I stepped out into the open plan living room, my eyes widened. There were a combination of white and pink balloons floating on the ceiling, and rose petals scattered on the floor around the couch. Realization dawned when I saw cake on the coffee table along with other props and gift boxes. I was starry-eyed as he walked me there. I finally glanced at him, my eyes blinking in disbelief. “You did this? for me?”
He wears a smile. “Happy Birthday,”
My eyes flew to the grandfather clock. It was half past twelve. The fact that he remembered my birthday was shocking enough, he even came all the way here at midnight to surprise me. “I…” I didn’t know what to say. Thank you didn’t seem enough.
“Have I stolen your ability to speak, sweetheart?” He teased, one side of his lips curling up. I linked my arm around his and hummed. He chuckled at my sudden clinginess. “How could you forget your own birthday?” He questioned as we both lowered ourselves to the couch.
“I haven’t celebrated in a long time…” I replied, a tremble in my voice. My eyes were getting glassy and I had to keep them open so the tears wouldn’t fall. “Thank you for remembering, Mr Byun,”
“I was going to surprise you at twelve o’clock sharp–“ Baekhyun bent over to light up the candles and I used the opportunity to wipe the tears away. “–but I fell asleep. I hope I’m still the first to wish you?” He asked.
That explained the pajamas. And the hair. My heart warmed at his thoughtfulness. I shifted closer and slid my arms around his waist, giving him a side hug. “You are the first,” And the only one.
Baekhyun straightened his back once he was done and I unwrapped my arms around him. He held the cake towards me. “Make a wi–,” his speech halted as I blew the candles out. He raised his brows. “No wishes?”
I shook my head. “I have everything I need,”
Baekhyun regarded me for a while, seemingly confused, but he didn’t make any comment and placed the cake on the table.
I stared up at the balloons on the ceiling. They were so pretty. “This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done to me,” I said, looking back at him, a smile on my lips. “I appreciate it, Mr Byun,”
“To tell the truth, it’s my first time doing something like this,”
“Oh?” my head tilted in question. “What about your subs, or your ex-girlfriends?”
“I wrote them a cheque as a gift and they loved it,” he said. “But you don’t seem to like money that much, which is still very strange to me,”
“Of course I like money. But only money I earned with my own hard work,” I clarified. “I look for a sugar daddy to help me pay for college, not to live a lavish lifestyle. So...you don’t have to keep spoiling me,”
“Sweetheart, I like how undemanding you are, but buying you gifts isn’t gonna make me poor,” He insisted gently. “Honestly, every time you say no, it makes me wanna do the opposite,”
I gave him a long stare, hoping for some magic to make him listen. But he just shrugged. I sighed, giving up. “It’s gonna be very hard getting you a present because nothing would measure up,” I muttered under my breath.
“Speaking of present,” he said. “I have another surprise for you,” he tugged at my hand. As I followed him, I really wished he didn’t get me something too extravagant. I’ve been keeping count of the money I owed him because I planned to pay him back one day. Counting all the gifts he bought for me, my hair would turn gray by the time I paid off my debt.
“You said you didn’t want me to spend too much on you, so–” He pushed at the sliding door that led to the balcony. At first, I assumed that he had bought me a new plant, but then, I heard a gurgling sound that wasn’t there before, and as I stepped further in, I finally spotted the surprise.
“You got me a fish?” The surprise made my voice sound a little squeaky. Grinning hard, I moved closer to the rectangular fish tank. They were three little gold fishes. I lowered myself into a squat by the tank and Baekhyun crouched on one knee next to me. My finger tapped on the glass lightly and I giggled when they swam towards me, their fins fluttering in the water. I admired them for a while, and when I felt Baekhyun staring at me, I turned to meet his eyes. “This is the best gift so far,”
“You weren’t this happy when I got you that Chanel bag,” he commented. “I’d do this sooner if I knew,”
“Why did you get me a fish though?”
“I thought you might feel lonely when I’m not here,” he told me. “They can be your company,”
Overwhelmed by this thoughtfulness, I let out a groan of frustration. “You need to stop being so perfect, Mr Byun, it makes me wanna kiss you all the time,”
Laughter filled his voice. “And why is that a problem?”
“Because kissing usually leads to sex…and if we keep having sex, my vagina might actually break.”
Baekhyun blew out a huff of laughter, his eyes full of heat with a mix of amusement. ”I wasn‘t thinking about sex at all, but now I am. Thanks to you,” he murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. His fingers slid through my hair and he cupped the back of my head. I stopped breathing, my heartbeat accelerating when he leaned in to press his lips on mine. I let my eyelids drop naturally as he kissed me, soft and slow. When he pulled back, we shared the same desire-filled gaze. “We should go inside,” He whispered over my lips, his words an invitation.
I swallowed and smiled, albeit shyly. “We should,” I whispered back.
Baekhyun glanced over at the fish tank for a second, then his eyes reverted to me. “Do you wanna name them first?” He asked. I bobbed my head, and we were silent for a while as we considered their names. “Hm, what about Bubbles?” He suggested.
“Oh that’s nice! Maybe we can call them Bubbles, Blossom and Buttercup?” I proposed. “Since our names also start with a B, I think it’s perfect. What do you think, Mr Byun?”
Baekhyun gave me a soft look and smiled. He probably found it funny that I took this so seriously like I was naming my baby. “Alright, sweetheart,” he agreed.
For the next few minutes, Baekhyun taught me how to care for the goldfishes, like how many times I should feed it daily and how often I should change their water.
We returned to the living room and stored the cake in the fridge for tomorrow. None of us was hungry at the moment.
“I think we should tell Miss Fei to cancel today’s lesson since it’s your birthday,” Baekhyun suggested once we entered my bedroom. He shut the door behind us and stared at me for an answer. Remembering something, I put him on hold as I searched for my purse. This room was too big. Baekhyun took a seat on the edge of my bed and watched me. “What are you looking for?”
Finding my purse under the desk, I lowered myself to the ground and picked up an envelope where I kept my money. I was lifting myself up when Baekhyun reminded me to watch my head. Except it was too late and I’d knocked myself against the roof of the desk. I winced out loud, my hand flying up to rub the pain.
Baekhyun sighed out, shaking his head at my clumsiness. “You’re gonna wind up in the hospital at this rate. Can you please...be more careful?” he reprimanded gently. I flashed him a sorry smile and walked over to him. “Are you okay?” He asked and I answered with a small hum. Despite that, he still observed me closely, probably making sure I was telling the truth.
“I’m okay,” I reassured, climbing into bed and dipped my knee on each side of his thighs. He immediately slid a hand around my back as I lowered myself to sit on his lap, preventing me from falling backward to the ground. “I’ve been saving up,” I told him, holding up the envelope in between our chest. “Here’s this month’s lesson fee,”
He dropped his gaze to the envelope, his brows furrowing. “We’re done arguing about this,” he said firmly.
“Please accept it, Baekhyun,” I pleaded. “I think Ms Fei looks down on me because she knows you’re paying for me,”
He considered me for a moment, his eyes narrowing. “How exactly did you come to that conclusion?”
I tried not to read too much into his reaction. Baekhyun was a rational person, he probably needed to hear all the facts before he made a judgement. “For starter, she’s always picking on me over the smallest thing,”
“She’s a teacher, it’s her job to point out your mistakes, but that doesn’t equal hating you, don’t you agree?” He said in a matter-of-fact tone.
“Not everyone is going to coddle you, princess. You’ll never improve that way,”
A sudden wave of anger flared in my chest. Baekhyun and I argued before, but I’ve never gotten worked up like this. I guessed because this situation hit home for me. I could take a scolding, name calling or even a beating, but not when someone doubted my integrity. I slid off his lap and stood on my feet. He stood up and tried to reach for my hands, but I backed away. He frowned and studied me. I stared back at him, my eyes cold.  “I’m not a spoiled girl who needs coddling,” I told him boldly. So unlike me. I wasn't usually the assertive one.
Baekhyun must've agreed because he was speechless for a moment. “That’s not what I said,”
“But that’s what you imply,” I argued.
“If you don’t like Miss Fei, we can always find a new tutor for us.” He persuaded me. “I don’t want us to argue on your birthday,”
I didn’t answer to that. I wanted to tell him about the kicking and the pinching, but I doubt he would believe me. I walked to the other side of the bed to stay as far away as possible from him. I got in bed, pulling the comforter over my body and turning to lay on my side. A few seconds later, Baekhyun appeared kneeling on one knee by the bed, his eyes full of concern as he checked on me. Tears welled in my eyes before I could stop it. "I’m not making up stories like you think I am, Mr Byun,” I said, my voice trembled.
His eyes widened slightly at the sight of my crying, maybe because it was his first time seeing me like this. “I don’t–“ he stopped and sighed, sounding so exhausted all of a sudden. His face was blurry through the tears, but I could still detect the guilt clouding his expression. “Sweetheart, shh,” he shushed and reached over to dab my tears with the sleeve of his sweatshirt. “I’m sorry I doubted you. Fei is an old friend of mine, but I should’ve known better. You’re not someone who complains unless something is really bothering you. Had she done something inappropriate to you?”
“I don’t wanna tell you. You’re not gonna believe me.” my words were snippy despite my state. Miss Fei was Baekhyun’s friend of ten years, and I knew him for merely a month. Of course he would trust her more than me.
“I understand if you don’t want to talk to me right now. But is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"
I pulled the cover blanket my head, ignoring him. When he didn’t say anything, it proved that he acknowledged his mistake. Because on a normal day, he wouldn’t appreciate this no-manner attitude from me.
Although I couldn’t blame him for doubting me, that didn’t mean I wasn’t hurt. Dark memories flooded my mind, bringing me back to those tough days when I was still living with my stepmother. She had never believed me when I told her that her boyfriend had been making a move on me. Until it was too late. Well, at least Baekhyun didn’t beat me up like they did. And he apologized. I’d forgiven him, but I didn’t want to speak to him yet. I didn’t care that it was my birthday, the day had never been significant to me anyway.
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Author's Note:
hi everyone, it's been a very long while. I updated the 2nd chapter last christmas and in the time i was gone, i was constantly feeling very discouraged and demoralized about my writing. I tried writing story after story but im always worried it isn’t good enough. I've never been confident of myself to begin with, and then with the lack of feedback, I feel even worse. I don't know if I can write any new fics, but I really wanna try completing my ongoing fics hehe thank you for reading this story, i hope this chapter is not that bad, I haven't written for so long. Next chapter is gonna be very fluffy and smutty once the two finally made up! :D and if you like my fic, please show some support by commenting, it's what keeps me going and I really appreciate it! Tell me what you think of this! see you again!
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dean-adorer · 3 years
Strings|Part 1
Title: Strings
Pairing: Dean/Demon!Dean x OFC!Alayna
Warnings: Swearing?, Season 10 spoilers, First time writer (yes that’s a warning)
Author’s Note: Well hi yall, welcome to my first ever fan fiction, I read a thousand of those and thought it was time for me to dive into it. Hope you’ll like it, constructive feedback is always (very) welcome! (Also no plagiarism? Anyways let’s get to it)
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Life, what a funny thing right? Could be compared to roads, or strings. Up and downs, twists and turns, lonely paths that come infinitely close but never converge. At least that’s what she used to think. How ironical. 
“Fucking fuck”
Ally extends her good arm to turn off the alarm and gets mentally ready to face a new dull day until a solid forearm slides under her ribs. 
“A little longer bébé, 5 minutes”. A delicious groggy voice and a charming french accent. That’s what she gets to wake up to most days. 
“Keep calling me that and I’ll never get up but that clinic ain’t gonna run itself darlin’”  Despite the sweet neck kisses and vain attempts to keep her in bed, Al’ removes his arm and drags her feet to the bathroom. Unruly hair, eye bags and a broken wrist, that’s what we’re working with today. She fills up the bath as she reviews her state and finally plunges into the bathtub keeping her wrist out. 
Waking up before the birds has its perks, she admires the sun rising from the wide bay window  and the stunning man she calls her fiancé removing his only piece of clothing to join her. 
“You know, I don’t even understand why you’re still so persistent on running that clinic. Crazy hours and even crazier patients, I barely see you anymore. You don’t have to worry about the money, you know i got ya mon coeur.” Oh no. No this fucking subject again. Ally thought he knew better than to bring this up at the crack of dawn. 
“And here i thought we were done with this. You know it ain’t about the money or I’d be a fucking surgeon by now.” Her voice was just above a whisper, still raspy and part of her wanted him not to hear what she just said. She absolutely did not have the energy for that conversation at 5:45 AM running on 4 hours of sleep. 
Her clinic was something she held onto dearly, she saw way too many hunters die in situations where they could have lived given the right care. Being a hunter didn’t pay the bills and it certainly didn’t give you health insurance. She invested herself in creating a place where they could come seek care and comfort even when they had nothing to offer in exchange. Sometimes they would pay and sometimes the stories were payment enough. Her fiancé on the other hand was a business man all the way through the soul, he built himself  a fortune as a French music producer, a fortune he now insisted on sharing with her along with his life and his heart. Who would’ve thought she would settle with a man like that? Definitely not her.
Al’ leaned forward to put a chaste kiss on Noah’s lips and left the bathtub to start getting ready for a hectic morning. Drying her hair, putting on her scrubs and getting that first cup of coffee. No make up today, she wasn’t feeling it. Her Mercedes’ tires screeched as she left the driveway. 
All her days are blending at this point, the life she was once dreaming about had become a boring routine to her, sucking the life right out of her soul. Although she was thankful for the stability in her life, a constant (extravagant at that) roof over her head, a sweet relationship with an amazing man and her dream job, she missed life on the road. She missed her true self, her wild, untamable and fierce self. 
The thought didn’t leave her mind as she got to work, running in her head over and over again. She felt shameful for ever questioning her current lifestyle, it was more than she could ever ask for. Yet not enough. A phone ringing disturbed her reverie, she puts her phone on silence mode not acknowledging the caller and got to her morning rounds. A second and third vibration made her stop in her tracks. Very few people have her number and those who do wouldn’t be spamming if it wasn’t an emergency. 
“Ally? Is- Is that you?” A few sniffles made it harder for her to pin point the owner of this voice but she lhew it was familiar. A bit too familiar for her taste. 
“Yes? What is it?” Pretending she didn’t know who was on the other end of the line. To herself as much as to her correspondent. 
“Hi, it’s Sam. Are you free right now?” Well she couldn’t keep pretending now but her curiosity was piqued. What in the world would make him call after so long and how the hell did he get her number? Scratch that, the kid was low-key a tech genius.
“Hum not really but you can tell me what’s going on. Something wrong?” She was trying her hardest to be as cold as possible even when her heart was reaching out, she missed him dearly. 
“Euh… It’s about Dean? I’m sorry I called, I just- I didn’t know what else to do.” Well. That’s a name she thought she was done hearing. Her heart drops and her ears are ringing at this point. She makes her way to a supply closet, locks the door and breaths to slow her heartbeat. Ally turns her back to the door and slides to the floor. 
“What about him?” He undoubtedly heard the quiver in her voice but there was nothing she could control at the moment. Not her heartbeat, not her voice, not the thoughts in her head running wild. It has been five years since she last spoke to or heard from the Winchester brothers and Sam calling her was most definitely not a good sign. 
“He, um- he’s…dead? And gone. I’m sorry i shouldn’t have reached out but I couldn’t think of anybody else to call for help.” As soon as the words left his mouth, her body was in state of shock. Ally and Dean weren’t close by any means at this precise moment in time but there  was a time. A time when things were simple and their souls careless. 
Remember the thing about strings? Ally was always a firm believer in that. Up until she met Dean and their lives and souls merged as one. A love as powerful as it was destructive. A love that when lost, wrecks the heart and digs a whole. An emptiness smack in the middle of the chest nothing could ever fill. 
“What do you mean by gone?” Her body wasn’t processing this, this is not possible right? She couldn’t even shed a single tear. 
“Just gone. I saw him die, laid him in his bed to get the fire going and then his body straight up disappeared. He left a note though.”  Sam was no longer crying, his voice was just void of all emotion
When she finely found her voice again she asked her once best friend where he was and left the building to rush to her car. 
“Lebanon, Kansas. But don’t bother Al’, I’m gonna figure this out on my own. He wouldn’t have wanted me to call you anyway”
“Don’t you fucking dare. I’m seventeen hours out, Phoenix, Arizona. Will be there in fourteen.” She hang up without expecting an other word from him and rushed to her house calling her friend and colleague on the way asking her to manage during her absence. 
Ally got nostalgic when she fetched her duffle bag which had been gathering dust in the back of her closet. She stuffed as little as possible in it, didn’t forget her Beretta and her angel blade. She flew down the stairs before she realized she forgot an important thing. Noah. 
She garbs the closest paper and the first pen in sight. 
Hi babe,
I’m sorry that I’m taking off unexpected but some old friends need help. I’ll be back as soon as possible. Call me when you can. 
Love you always,
Ally stares at her car for a moment before she opens the garage and sees her. Baby 2.0. The black paint shiny as ever but her old girl hasn’t been out for a hot minute. She opens the creaking door and listens to the engine come to life. Her oldest friend, that ‘71 Dodge Charger. She puts the Mercedes back where it belonged and climbs in her version of Baby to speed down the road. 
After a few pit stops, Ally finally sees the sign. Lebanon, Kansas. Here we go. She texts Sam to request a location and goes for a supply run  while she waits. A voice in the back of her mind surges. “Don’t forget the pie”. And the waterworks juste started, after some long hours on the road trying to process the news it just hit her now. Like a bulldozer would hit an ant. Tears made their way down her face and there was nothing she could do to stop them. Realistically she wasn’t as worried about the fact that he was dead than the fact that he just vanished. She knew well enough by now-hunters at the clinic could be chatty-that Winchesters never stayed dead for too long. And even if it was the case, she would just strike a deal with the first demon in sight, she knew they’d take it, she was quite the catch if she could say so herself.  Ally wiped her tears, checked out and made her way to the car. 
An abandoned factory? That’s where they decided to crash for the last few years? She bangs on the door and waits till she hears steps coming her way. As the door opened she was met with a broad chest, raising her head (until her neck cracks) she could only gasp at the manly man, once goofy looking kid, who was facing her. 
“What the fuck happened to your hair?” That’s all she could muster. After five years and no contact, that was the only thing she could think of to say to what was in what felt like another lifetime, her best friend. Long ass hair, bloodshot hazel eyes and what was growing to be a beard. Well shit, he could thank the gods for the glow up. She couldn’t help but notice the brace on his right arm though, they were kind of matching, both invalids and she wondered what monster had left its scars on him this time. 
She didn’t have much time to say anything else before she couldn’t feel the ground under her feet anymore. Sam was hugging her so tight with his functional arm she defied gravity and her back cracked in all kinds of ways. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill you.  But not before I hug the life out of ya. Who gave you the damn right to fucking disappear on us like that?” She would be lying if she said it wasn’t hard to keep the tears at bay.
“Not even a “I missed you”? I thought you were raised better than that Sasquatch.” As soon as he released her, she got to admire her surroundings.  What she thought was an abandoned factory was in fact a fucking huge bunker equipped for war. 
“What the hell is this place anyway?” Ally asked as she started following him down the stairs. 
“A Men Of Letters bunker. A lot has happened since you left Al’.” How dare he? His tone was suggesting that he blamed her for leaving as if he didn’t know better. She didn’t want to start an argument right at the moment so she let it slide. For now. 
“So… Dean? What the fuck? I ain’t sure i heard you that well through the phone. Did you say he disappeared?” She asked hoping she just imagined their conversation from earlier today. Or yesterday. She’s been on the road so long without rest that the concept of time was blurry at the moment.
“I wish it was just a misunderstanding. Dude, he was on his bed one sec and gone the next with nothing more than a note left behind. From what I’ve gathered thus far, this whole thing has Crowley written all over it. I’m gonna smoke that son of a bitch and send him back to rot in whatever shit hole he CROWLed out from in the first place.” Her skin crawled at the sound of his name. Eww. The supposedly King Of Hell was a sneaky bastard who inspired her nothing but disgust. She hated him more and more after every encounter, and there were too many of those for her taste.
“Well Sammy, can’t wait to barbecue the bastard. Any trails to follow so far?” She asked hoping for a positive response. She sure as hell didn’t expect to ever end up here with Winchesters again but there surely is no going back, when family needs you, you drop everything and help.
Unfortunately, according to Sam there have only been dead ends in the few days since Dean has been gone so he suggested they both hit the hay for two hours or six before they get to it. He kindly showed her around, offered her a room not too far from his with a golden “12” on the door and left her to it. She couldn’t even think about showering before she passed out.
She was slowly letting go of the sleep fogging her mind before she realized it was her phone’s ringtone that woke her up. 
“How the hell do they even get cell service in this bat cave?”
The screen displayed her fiancé’s name so Ally sat up and got mentally ready for the conversation she knew was awaiting her.
“Hello Darlin’” She started with her sweetest voice trying to dodge the anger coming her way.
“What the fuck Al’?” Oh damn here we go. “Where the hell are you? You could’ve at least waited for me to get home and who the hell are those “friends”? You don’t have friends!” Ouch, that one kinda stung.
“I had a life before you Noah and I had to take off ASAP, was urgent.” She loved him most days but today was not one of those, Al’ never even understood how people could love somebody everyday of their goddamn lives. That was unrealistic and inhuman. Even Dean she hated somedays back then and she was certain the guy was the love of her life. Not the subject, but her mind tended to wander back to him quite often in the course of the last 24 hours.
“Are you not going to bother explaining what the hell you mean by urgent?” Ah right. Noah was still on the other end of the line.
“Nope” She knew that he was a few seconds away from loosing his shit but she honestly couldn’t get herself to care. She had more important shit to deal with.
”Look, chéri I know you’re mad and I promise I’ll make it up to you as soon as I’m back but for the time being I really need to take care of an emergency, my family needs my help and you do anything for family. You get that, right?”
“Oui, that I can get but aren’t you at least gonna tell me what is it, where you are or when you’ll be back? I can only survive so long without you.” Here we go, the Noah she knew and loved was back and she felt bad for hiding a whole different life from him but it was for the best obviously.
“I’m in Kansas and no baby I’m sorry, I don’t know how long it may take to get this thing over with but time flies I’ll be there before you know it. Anyway, gotta get back to it, talk to you soon darlin’. Je t’aime.” His girl knew for a fact that her French accent did things to him and she used that to her advantage in situations like this one.
“Talk to you soon poupée, je t’aime aussi. Come back to me fast” And with that she hung up and entered the bathroom opposite her room to freshen up. 
After a much needed shower and a good cup of the freshly brewed coffee she found in the kitchen, she felt alive again. Ally opened her laptop and started researching anything that may lead her to Crowley but to no avail, she couldn’t find anything solid to go on and it got her frustrated to the point where she started pulling on her roots to relieve the tension weighing on her.
“Hey there sleepy head, thought I heard you on the phone. How was your 8 hour nap?”
“Fuck, didn’t realize I slept that long, what time is it? This place fucks with my notion of time.” She had no idea she slept that long, no wonder she felt well rested.
“5AM, going for a run, wanna join?” Some things really don’t change, do they?
“Absolutely the fuck not, I run enough in my nightmares already, plus we have a shit ton of research ahead of us and I’m not getting up from here until I’m onto something.” He shrugged and made his way up to the door while she focused again on the millionth Google page opened.
Two hours later and still nothing, Sam was in the shower and the wood chair was seriously starting to hurt her ass so she got up and walked around the bunker allowing herself to get lost in the place they called home. She went to get her AirPods from her room when she saw the door next to hers with the golden “11” slightly ajar, her curiosity got the best of her as she stepped foot in it. It looked neat and well organized although the bed sheets were slightly ruffled and a beer bottle was hanging on the bedside table. Shotguns and pistols hung on the wall as well as what she would describe as a prehistorical weapon, It seemed like a sharp rock tied to a bone and she wondered from what hell that shit came from. Al’ quickly understood that it was Dean’s room and as much as she felt bad for snooping around, specially with him not being around, she couldn’t help but walk another few steps, she was eager to have a glimpse of him and what he became. 
She saw some pictures of his childhood on the desk and as she got closer Ally couldn’t help the wetness is her eyes. He had kept and displayed a picture of her, one she didn’t even know existed but precisely remembered the memory behind it. It couldn’t have been more than three months after Sam took off to college and Dean had convinced her to go on a Road Trip, to say she was skeptical would be an understatement, she barely knew the guy, sure they’d been on a few hunts together and saved each other’s ass a couple times and she couldn’t lie and say that he was bad company but a road trip with him sounded crazy at the time. And then she just said “Fuck it, we only live once don’t we?”, apparently she had been wrong about the “once” part, the Winchesters had defied that law again and again but Ally packed a bag and hit the road with him no itinerary in mind, nothing but good music, good company and a whole world to explore. The brunette was riding shotgun, window all the way down, her curly hair in the wind and a toothy smile plastered on her sun kissed face. The sunglasses hanging on the bridge of her nose would be considered a fashion faux-pas today but who cared because overall the picture was reeking of happiness.
She didn’t know if what hit her more was the fact that he took the picture and got it printed without her even noticing or the fact that despite whatever  time had passed and whatever shit had happened, he still held onto it and kept it close.
Noise in the war room disturbed her thought and she made her way out of the room, leaving the door how she found it. Sam took place across where she was seated not too long ago and was frowning at his screen. She got back to it for a few hours.
Five weeks or seven-who kept track, honestly- had passed and they were still on a crazy goose chase all across the country, one dead end after the other. Needless to say, demons were tortured, creatures were killed and angels were bribed but to no use. Their hope started dimming little by little but knowing that Dean was still somewhere out there kept them going relentlessly. They had time to catch up and the whole thing with Dean sounded more than crazy but then again what didn’t sound crazy in their world? Still, it took her a moment to wrap her head around the whole Knight of Hell and First Blade thing. Sam told her it wasn’t even the craziest of it all, apparently at some point Dean became a dog.
To Ally, getting back on the road was like riding a bike or putting on well worn comfy boots, it took her a few days to adjust again but once she did, the light in her soul started shining again. One thing felt wrong though, this rescue of theirs was taking its toll on her relationship with Noah, the calls were getting shorter, colder and far in between. But as much as it hurt in some kind of way, their chase for Dean was bringing up long forgotten memories and feelings which got her all confused. Sam on the other hand was loosing his patience along with his empathy with each new dead end.
They had finally made their way back to the bunker deciding that it was about time they got decent sleep and changed tactics. That was until Ally came across the strange murder of a man who was supposed to be dead already a few days later. Her hope was growing again but she tried to brace herself for the disappointment that always ensues.
“You sure there might be something there? Might be a mistake, you know” Said Sam while staring intently at his laptop as she drove off in the darkness of the night. Their time in the car therapeutic to them, calming as they were faced by nothing but the open road.
“I don’t know Sam, I get the feeling that this may be something, it’s worth checking out.” She let the music playing in the background take her to a relaxed state of mind. She was glad it was Sam she was riding with at the moment, as much as she loved the occasional rock playlist and showing off her extensive knowledge, riding in the night was worth deep, soul shaking music.
By morning, they had made their way to the motel getting a few hours of sleep before heading to the police station. She stared at her reflexion for 5 minutes, she really liked how the FBI outfit looked on her and if it wasn’t for the context, she would be excited to put it back on and get into character again. She got into her precious car heading towards the station while Sam decided to check out the crime scene. Ally made her way to the sheriff and introduced “herself”.
“Agent Malik. I would like to look into the Neely case?” She shook his hand as she towered over him in her heels. She kept her poker face to show him she meant business.
“I didn’t know agents came this good. I’m sorry but it may not be worth your time, from the footage we had recovered, the crime seems like self defense”
“May I take a look at it?” Although she was expecting disappointment, Ally still thought she had to be a hundred percent sure this was a dead end before moving on.
“Sure thing, follow me” She trailed between the sheriff as he sat at his desk and put on the CCTV footage. She could see a tall man wearing a ball cap reading a porn magazine and even though his face was covered she would recognize those bowlegs and the overall body structure anywhere. Maybe this wasn’t nothing after all. On the screen there was a man who she recognized to be Drew Neely holding an angel blade, ready to attack Dean from behind before he turned around and threw him against the rack. Dean pulled the infamous First Blade and stabbed the man again and again ruthlessly before picking up his magazine from the floor and walking away, staring at the camera for a second. Are his eyes…?
“Problem is we don’t know if the guy is a hero or a psychopath” The sheriff turned around to gauge her reaction but Al’ was left speechless.
“Do you mind if I take another look at this?” She needed to make sure she wasn’t just imagining things.
“Sure” The sheriff got up from his seat and left her to it.
She paused at the right moment and no, she wasn’t having hallucinations. His eyes really were black. Fuck, Sam is gonna love this one. Her mind was running wild with thoughts of what did or did not happen and how they could fix this.
Telling Sam wasn’t the easiest thing in world but Ally managed and now she found herself on her way to South Dakota where they had intercepted the signal from Crowley’s phone while Sam ran to the nearest blood center. She didn’t know blood could fix demons, that’s new. She couldn’t get over the fact that her beloved ex-boyfriend was a creature of hell, she didn’t know what to expect and it was making her all the more anxious. For the whole drive she couldn’t make her brain stop thinking, or overthinking. Al’ had her plan in mind. Stalk him for a while, let him bump into her and think it’s a coincidence, take him to bed and cuff his ass with what Sam called the “Demon Cuffs”-she didn’t know that was a thing either, simple plan. She just prayed to all the gods who had their ears on that things would go accordingly. 
Ally parked her beauty of a car and confidently made her way into “The Black Spur”, she couldn’t miss him. He was right there on stage, handsome as ever. Very drunk and off-key but handsome nonetheless. Some kind of guilt crept up at the thought reminding her of the ring around her finger. “Fuck, Dean can’t see that” She removed it and hid it deep within her jeans pocket. Although she was back on the road getting a glimpse of her old life, Al’ wasn’t dressed on theme. She let go of the flannels and skinny jeans a long time ago and was now dressed in dark boyfriend jeans and a large white shirt half tucked into her pants along with fancy black combat boots. She definitely felt out of place especially with the diamond earrings and designer crossbody bag.
She made her way to the bar never letting Dean out of her sight and ordered a double, neat. A drink they once shared among other things. She noticed the looks the waitress was giving Dean, she looked like a lovesick puppy. As if he felt her eyes piercing his now dark and stained soul, Dean met hers green on hazel. Oh those eyes, those beautiful deep eyes. Shit, her plan was already screwed, he wasn’t supposed to notice her. She opened Apple Pay and waved the waitress.
“A double for the gentleman on stage please, on me.” She took care of the tab before getting up and heading towards the door. The slight breeze encouraged to take a deep breath in order to slower her racing heart and mind. Al’ made her way to the car ready to get in when she heard the bar’s door open and close again. 
“Alayna” Fuck, she forgot how sinful her name sounded coming from his sinful lips. No one called her by her full name except for him. She eyed him up and down for the second time taking in his appearance. Age did him wonders. His body was more built than she remembered, his face both different and all the same-beautiful wasn’t a word made to describe women, it was a word meant to describe his heavenly features, his hair longer than it used to be but oh so sexy and the red shirt, the red shirt she couldn’t recover from.
“Winchester” She couldn’t deny that she still found him incredibly attractive but she never caved or even stuttered in front of him. Not then and certainly not now that she had moved on. Al’ was a stubborn and strong willed woman which Dean both loved and hated about her because it made her immune to his seducing grins and wits-that alone drove him crazy in all the best ways-but also highlighted her shitty character during arguments. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure of this not so coincidental encounter?” A dirty smirk was playing on his lips and Alayna as he called her was refraining from punching it out of him. She already hated cocky demon Dean.
“Oh it was coincidental alright Winchester, just passing through. By the way, congrats on the soul upgrade, these kinda news travel fast.”
“Sammy sent you here to fix big brother? Interesting, wouldn’t have thought he’d have the balls to call you.” She hated that he was somehow right.
“Oh Dean, I couldn’t give two flying shits about the new eyes but I know people who do, so if I were you I’d get out of this shithole of a town.” His stare was meant to be intimidating but well, he may have forgotten who he was talking to. She could be twice as intimidating and three times as cocky. She ogled him up and down before joining the comfort of her car.
“Hmm I see. You may wanna go save Princess Samantha before it’s too late”.
Part 2 (coming soon if you want it to)
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savannasolis · 3 years
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‷ watch out , SAVANNA SOLIS has crash-landed into roswell !! they look 28 YEARS OLD and celebrate their birthday on JUNE 6TH . they are from LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, reside in LUNAR CRESCENTS and are currently working as MAKEUP ARTIST at SUN SPOT BEAUTY SALON. one thing you should know about them is she’s allergic to bees! ‷
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FULL NAME: Savanna Cruz Solis NICKNAMES: Sav HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California TIME IN ROSWELL: 3 months GENDER: Ciswoman PRONOUNS: She/her ETHNICITY: Mexican and Lebanese SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic EDUCATION: Pepperdine University, BS in Biology SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Italian, French
01. Savanna was born in sunny Los Angeles, California to Naila Karim and Santiago Solis on a humid summer day. Naila was a nineteen-year-old cocktail waitress when she met oil-tycoon, Santiago who was twenty years her senior. Santiago was a lively bachelor, finding ways to spend his fifteen billion dollar fortune. Naila was a woman who wanted to be taken care of; and after two years of serving Santiago; she was now 21 and fully dependent on the lifestyle he provided her. On Christmas Day, the same day as her 21st birthday, he asked her to marry him and the rest was history. Naila got what she wanted, Santiago found a way to fill the lonely void in his life and it just worked. 
02. Ever since Savanna was a little girl, she was used to the glitz and glam of the luxuries Santiago happily provided his family. She was a baby wearing diamonds due to Naila’s extravagant taste. This was all normal in Savanna’s eyes, the materialistic generosity to cover up the truth of her parent’s neglectful ways. When she was five, her little sister was born and suddenly; Savanna was pushed aside. Everything became about her little sibling, mostly due to the struggle of having her on Naila and Santiago’s part. Savanna loved being a big sister, but she didn’t love being forgotten about. Suddenly, her passions weren’t important for the family anymore. 
03. Her father’s reputation was something that was always the course of discussion in her life. Being on her “best behavior” and following the rules was demanded from her. Ever since she was a little girl, Savanna took life one day a time. She believed in stopping and smelling the roses, laughing and dancing– instead of being uptight and on edge like her father was. As a little girl, she was the kind of kid to pick up a worm and move it somewhere safer instead of screaming and running. Her mother’s style for didn’t fit the kind of kid she was, but she would never shy away from what she truly liked to explored. 
04. She loved sports, getting deep into nature and taking advantage of the beautiful universe around her. Santiago always disagreed with her lifestyle. Savanna was interested in getting to know the world around her. She didn’t want to be in California forever, but Santiago gave her an ultimatum: receive a college degree or never receive her inheritance. Savanna knew what she had to do. She followed her father’s wishes, on her terms. She set off to Pepperdine University to study what she loved most: the environment. With her family’s network and their money, she knew her father would approve of anything as long as she went to university. She received a BS in Biology, focusing on Natural Science. Through her four years, she chose to study abroad and go on research projects through many internationals lands. She found love through her studies, too, as much as she hated the thought of long-distance commitment.
05. Savanna graduated at 21, choosing to continue her career in the science division until she turned 23. She was burnt out from how demanding her career was, and truthfully– she didn’t need to do it. Santiago was relieved Savanna made something of herself, until she chose her happiness, again. Savanna quit the big-Pharma company she was with, dumped her partner who was ready to propose, and planned the getaway trip of her dreams. She even met someone along the way, enjoying along his side and continuing through her trek for two years. 
06. After the trip of her dreams, Savanna returned home at 25. She had her own money, but was quickly becoming dependent on her inheritance. It was something that made her uneasy and the hard-working attitude her father had instilled in her was something that lingered. Wanting to steer a different way than science this time, she tapped into what she knew best: beautification. Thanks to Naila’s doings, Savanna was more than trained to turn anything from sham to glam. 
07. Connecting with her friends and network, she was in the hub of fame and beauty. She was thankful for having fortunate, shallow, wealthy friends and family suddenly. Bettering her chances by becoming a licensed cosmetologist, Savanna began to officially work for the faces of Hollywood. From doing Grammy’s to Emmy’s, she traveled within her clients schedules as well. Being back and forth was natural for her at this point in her life and career. 
08. Savanna’s portfolio has grown in the past three years, choosing to do exclusive and special events only. Her rates were high and her demand was higher. Currently, Savanna has four elite clients she works with through the year. Six months ago, her longtime client invited her join her in Roswell for the year long project she’ll be working on. The natural-born traveler in Savanna accepted hoping she’d meet some new faces; and maybe run into some not so new ones. 
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I. I LIKE THAT (0/1) : Savanna’s best friend! They could be from any part of her life. Childhood, middle school, high school, university, traveling, etc. I’m open to discussion but ideally, they’d be super close besties. 
II. AIN’T NUN TO IT, BOSS (0/1): Her current exclusive client! They’d be $$$ for the lifestyle she lives. 
III. DANG! (0/1): Her FWB. Savanna is one to get what she wants. She isn’t ready for any sorts of real commitment... but this person seems like they have potential. As long as they act good, for her. 
GENERAL: Friends, exes, hook-ups, crushes, etc. 
I’m open to plotting, always. 
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arty-e · 4 years
Lazuli’s Story
TW: Abuse, Eating Disorder + Death
Lazuli Diamant was the first child of Queen Opal XXII and King-Consort Marlon. She had been born a year before her grandmother’s death in a tragic fire in 11,489. Opal’s time was consumed with parties and her duties as King of Diamonds, she didn’t care for her daughter and left her well being to her husband and the nannies. Lazuli’s greatest joy and memories of her childhood was her little brother. She was a doting big sister to little Rubis, and Rubis loved his big sister just as much:
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It didn’t take Lazuli long and those around her to figure out she was gay. Really gay. Though being gay in Diamonds or Cards as whole isn’t considered a ‘negative’ thing it did leave Opal in a complicated situation. Before the current Diamond Royals ruled Diamonds there had been a previous family where the family line ended with no clear heiress and plunged Diamonds in decade long civil war. Opal was determined to keep her family line going at any cost for the sake of Diamonds and her own selfish desire to carry on her own families line:
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By the time Lazuli was 13 she had been tasked with shadowing her mother every where she went to start studying and learning what a King of Diamonds was meant to do. Her mother grew frustrated with her new shadow and would make Lazuli fully aware how unwelcome she was. Opal’s main issue with Lazuli was how plain she was. They lived in a society and ideology that beauty was the key to happiness and valued amongst their people above anything else. Yet the next King of Diamonds, the next queen was plain and simple in her looks and Opal took offence:
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Opal had never been a great mother to either of her children. As children she chose to ignore them and get on with her life, but as they got older and began to get under her feet she was outright cruel to them. Lazuli knowing she had to be around her constantly would choose her battles and try to keep her head down, while Rubis was far more confrontational despite his father’s best efforts to encourage him to keep away and keep quiet. Rubis’ fights with their mother would only start when she took it too far with Lazuli and this often lead to his life being even more restricted and controlled by his parents as punishment:
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Lazuli fully aware that her darling brother’s life was being controlled more fiercely each time he tried to stand up for her, began to keep quiet about everything their mother said and did. Soon Opal’s words quickly began to eat away at Lazuli’s very little amount of confidence, criticising everything about her; how plain she was to how she was an inconvenience when she was trying to learn from her. All of this combined with the stress of being a princess eventually accumulated into her eating disorder, anorexia:
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The Diamond Royal lifestyle wasn’t so bad however. Very hedonistic by nature, throwing balls and parties here and there had become almost an everyday norm. That’s where Lazuli met her, Alexandre Diopside, the third daughter of the Six of Diamonds. To Lazuli she was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen and it was love at first sight for the both of them:
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Unfortunately for the two they faced a small bump in the road. Their fathers despised one another, something Marlon refused to talk about with Lazuli when she tried to question him about it. Marlon fought hard against Lazuli marrying Alexandre, however Lazuli went and sort her mothers permission instead. Opal’s indifference to the whole situation granted her permission not wanting to deal with such a ridiculous situation. Marlon had no choice but accept Alexandre as his daughter-in-law but never said a kind word to her father. Lazuli and Alexandre on the other hand were overjoyed:
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Alexandre had Lazuli move away from the Diamonds court to a beautiful estate that they owned together. There Alexandre held beautiful and fun parties and gave room for Lazuli to do what she wanted without her mother belittling her. Alexandre spent all her time building Lazuli’s confidence and making her feel loved and beautiful. Lazuli became obsessed with history and learnt from the past mistake and wished to change and evolve Diamonds when she’d become the next King of Diamonds . During this time Lazuli and Alexandre had serious discussions about their future and what they expect from each other and themselves. Lazuli made it very clearly she didn’t want children, too scared she’ll end up like her mother and felt that was no way a child should ever be treated. Alexandre was more than accepting of this but vowed whoever their future Heiress would be she would spoil her:
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Lazuli and Alexandre were called back to court after three years into their marriage to discuss their future to Lazuli’s parents. Lazuli, with her new found confidence, told her parents out right she would not be willing to have children, from birthing or adopting. However Opal’s fury scared her again as she grew loud and violent with her. Rubis heard the shouts and screams in Opal’s Study (where the ‘conversation’ was) to see Marlon and Alexandre trying their best to stop Opal from hurting Lazuli who was crying on the floor begging her mother to stop. Rubis ran in and punched his mother in the face stopping her from hurting his sister anymore:
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While Marlon helped his wife, Alexandre pulled Lazuli away with Rubis shielding the two from Opal who was angrier than before. She threatened to ruin Rubis life since she made it she can easily take it away. Marlon afraid she planned on having Rubis killed he jumped in suggesting that they marry Rubis to a powerful family and he his wife can produce Lazuli’s heirs for her. Opal accepts seeing that she will be carrying on her family line and stripping Rubis of his freedom. Marlon chooses Rubis’ new wife, Sphene Al’Naya the Eight of Diamonds. Lazuli is very upset that Rubis is being forced into a marriage he clearly never wanted because of her. Rubis was angry and frustrated and constantly fighting with his father who is angry with him for stepping out of place witch surprises and scares Rubis. Rubis is married to Sphene who practically owns his life now as he is her husband and thus her ‘property’. However he is pleasantly surprised to find that Sphene doesn’t care about what he does and is even willing to go against his mother and not have any children straight away but she makes it clear that she does want children and especially wants a child to rule Diamonds after Lazuli:
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Not too long after this incident Clubs stopped sending food to Diamonds, that went against the Mineral Treaty the two kingdoms had been signing for centuries. Opal tried several to contact the current King of Clubs, King Hyeon but he refused to even explain why he suddenly ended their treaty and agreement. With this sudden shortage of food the Diamonds people began to starve. Attempts to farm old land was met with little fruit. Diamonds land was so un-farmable little was able to be produce the little they were able to grow it was little and of poor quality that would not feed their people:
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Lazuli had come back to live in the Diamonds court during this time having a better understanding of Diamonds history and feeling she would be some use. However her mother would not listen to her and carried on as if a crisis was not happening. Opal and her court carried on living the lifestyle they lived before, in luxury and throwing extravagant balls whenever they want ignoring what is happening outside to the common people:
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Lazuli growing more and more frustrated with her mother and her little she and the others of their court cared about what was happening to their felt she had to take things to drastic levels. She started forging her mother’s signature on documents in order for things to be done and tried to push money away from the parties and the extravagant life their family and Nobles lived to help support the Common people. Hoover Opal quickly caught wind of what Lazuli was doing and ended it and kept Lazuli away from anything that she would try to change. Lazuli kept fighting and even tried to recruit her father and the other Nobles but no one was willing to change their lives for people they didn’t consider important enough to care about. With everything she was doing ending with nothing Lazuli finally accepted she had no choice but to get rid of her mother and become King of Diamonds in order to have Diamonds live through such difficult times. The two wandered the halls of the Diamonds palace before reaching a long and steep set of stairs where Lazuli pushed her mother:
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Lazuli cried to Rubis about what she did feeling she had no choice but to do it. Rubis was the only person to ever know the truth about their mother’s death, the rest of Diamonds, the rest of Cards believed it to be an accident with Opal tripping over her dress and falling to her death. He never condemned his sister actions and reassured her that it was the right thing:
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After Opal’s funeral Lazuli was officially crowned queen and the new King of Diamonds. She was quick to begin her reforms and heavily tax her nobles in order to fund and look after the Diamonds people. When Prince Eben and his wife came to her and diamonds looking for sanctuary she granted it and promised to support them to take down Hyeon as long as they promised to re-sign the Mineral Treaty and begin to feed Diamonds once again. Once all had settled in Diamonds again Lazuli set her final goal; to take fertile land to feed her people and not to rely so heavily on their allies. She started the Deck War in order to feed her people by trying to take land from Hearts:
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cartelheir · 2 years
So I know in canon, Pat loves to live in luxury. But just how materialistic is she? Does she view objects such as her furniture disposable or interchangeable? How does this contrast with runaway Pat who lacks this amount of money. Does her time in hiding cause her to become less materialistic in some ways? Does she value her furniture and belongings more or are they things she can abandon easily?
pat sees most material objects as disposable. the carosella family came into a lot of wealth when pat was still very young, around 10 years old, and she's just way too used to being able to easily replace anything. car's broken? who cares, she has a garage full of them. the cat scratched the couch? let's just remodel the whole living room. can't find her favorite bag? just buy a new one. money was never an issue.
there are a few exceptions to this, such as jewelry that her dad or ángel gifted her, her first guitar, or the family tapes from when she was a child. they're irreplaceable and she holds on to them dearly. but other than things like that, she just tends to hold sentimental value for things other than objects. an example of this is her hometown: it's small and humble and so different from what she's now used to, but she would never change it to make it more luxurious. she loves it for what it is.
now in the runaway verse, pat still has money that she's saved up over the years. it's a lot ( look up cartel earning numbers........ it's insane ), enough that she can live very well for the rest of her life without ever working again, but not with the same kind of carelessness as before. she also has to keep more of a low profile in order to survive, so although she still leads a very expensive lifestyle and buys only top-quality things for herself, her days of extravagance and mansions and private jets and owning a pet tiger and buying one business after the other and rolling on a pile of money are over.
she does value her belongings more, but it also frustrates her to have to worry about these things. that she could lose the things she has if she's not careful. she also tries her best to keep this kind of attachment strictly financial, not emotional. because if shit hits the fan and she has to leave again, she has to get ready to leave it all behind and start over.
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bisluthq · 3 years
When did Taylor say she had average money? At least Taylor has earned her money through her creativity and through her own work. By all accounts, she treats her employees including her band and back- up singers excellently , esp since some have been with her from the beginning. She doesn't exploit or abuse people to create her music nor does she force anyone to buy her music or products/ merch. Don't you have bigger corporations to attack? Why waste your time on Taylor who creates her own music that basically brings joy to people's lives? So strange .
She said she grew up middle class and she didn’t lmao she’s a silly goose. We regularly talk about corporations and shit on Bezos and Elon particularly but Taylor’s a fucking OBNOXIOUS capitalist (get it #girlboss I guess, I pay for her shit too) and lives an EXTRAVAGANT and entirely immoral lifestyle lmao.
At the end of the day it’s not that deep because I love her music but I’m not gonna act like this girl is in any way tethered to reality, lives a “normal” life financially or tries to lmao, or gives enough shits about how to spend her money.
The ONLY rich white lady in entertainment I will defend and fucking go down in the ship for is Dolly. Like that lady has quietly changed the lives of everyone in her fucking deeeeeeeply poor hometown, has made insane projects in her state and nationwide, and helped fund the vaccine. Like yeah I’m willing to be like “okay she made a lot of money but like she cares” about her. I’m not willing to do that for Miss Ma’am “HAVE $13K!!!!!!!!! It’s not quite as much as my boyfriend’s watch lmao it’s like how when other people give $5 to a homeless hahahahahha but I LIKE THE NUMBER 13!!!!!!”
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naeunsfm · 3 years
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          hi  everyone  !  as  mentioned  in  the  chat  ,  my  name’s  kofi  ,  i’m  twenty4  ,  a  lover  of  cheap  phone  games  ,  and  i  prefer  either  she / her  or  they / them  pronouns  .  naeun  is  a  brand  new  muse  of  mine  so  i’m  still  working  through  any  kinks  that  may  arise  ,  but  i’m  sure  that  as  i  get  to  develop  her  ,  i’ll  figure  it  all  out  !  that  being  said  ,  underneath  the  cut  you  can  find  her  intro  !
(  MOON  GA  YOUNG  ,  26  ,  CIS  WOMAN  ,  SHE / HER  )  *  hey  ,  i’m  looking  for  the  office  of  NAEUN  HAN  .  they’re  the  EMPLOYEE  who’s  known  around  the  office  as  the  POOR  LITTLE  RICH  GIRL  ,  if  that  helps  ?  not  to  be  a  gossip  ,  but  i’ve  heard  that  they’re  BUOYANT  but  CAVALIER  ,  is  that  true  ?  i  also  heard  that  she’s  the  one  that  BROKE  THE  NESPRESSO  MACHINE  ON  HER  FIRST  DAY  .  anyways  ,  here’s  the  coffee  they  ordered  .
template  credit  to  @ngoeuns  !
          name  :  han  naeun  .  nicknames  :  went  by  nancy  during  her  school  years.  age  +  date  of  birth  :  26  +  april  3rd  ,  1994  .  zodiac  :  aries  .  moral  alignment  :  chaotic  neutral  .  gender  +  pronouns  :  cis  woman  +  she / her / hers  .  place  of  birth  :  yeongdeungpo-gu  ,  seoul  ,  south  korea  .  place  of  residence  :  new  york  city  ,  new  york  .  orientation  :  bisexual  biromantic  .  occupation  :  wardrobe  stylist  ,  cut  off  rich  girl  .  nationality  :  korean - american  .  ethnicity  :  korean  .  languages  spoken  :  korean  ,  english  ,  conversational  japanese  .
         naeun  han  was  born  in  seoul  ,  south  korea  to  her  relatively  rich  parents  ,  ji - cheol  and  sang - mi  .  with  ji - cheol  as  a  successful  private  doctor  and  sang - mi  owning  her  own  business  ,  life  was  comfortable  for  the  han  family  .  the  family  was  living  in  seoul  at  the  time  ,  and  had  plans  to  leave  for  the  states  ,  but  their  plans  were  put  on  hold  when  sang - mi  found  out  she  was  pregnant  .  the  couple  decided  to  stay  in  seoul  for  two  years  ,  and  relocated  to  new  york  shortly  after  naeun’s  seond  birthday  .  the  small  family  settled  into  the  neighborhood  of  jamaica  estates  ,  and  they  started  their  comfortable  life  .
         growing  up  ,  naeun  was  a  girl  who  was  ridiculously  spoiled  .  it  showed  in  her  themed  birthday  parties  ,  in  her  gifts  ,  and  in  the  way  that  her  father  would  easily  hand  over  his  credit  card  when  she  wanted  to  go  shopping  .  however  ,  although  naeun  was  spoiled  by  her  parents  ,  she  was  also  heavily  ignored  .  the  gifts  ,  the  clothes  ,  and  the  birthday  parties  were  simply  a  show  that  they  were  caring  parents  ,  but  in  reality  they  were  simply  too  busy  for  her  .  naeun  can  remember  being  told  that  her  parents  would  be  there  for  recitals  ,  but  they’d  never  show  up  .  even  if  she  were  picked  up  by  her  father  ,  she  could  barely  say  how  her  day  was  before  he  went  back  to  having  a  conversation  with  other  people  .
          naeun  could  have  been  considered  as  one  of  the  popular  girls  on  her  private  school  campus  .  it  mostly  stems  from  the  fact  that  she  had  money  ,  but  she  also  had  parents  who  seemingly  didn’t  care  .  she  could  go  to  parties  ,  hang  out  until  late  with  her  friends  ,  and  when  they  went  on  business  trips  ,  her  house  was  the  place  to  party  .  the  only  person  that  naeun  had  the  most  respect  for  was  the  family’s  housekeeper  ,  as  her  parents  only  paid  attention  to  her  when  she  had  gotten  into  trouble  .  there  was  no  praise  when  she  was  passing  her  honors  courses  ,  but  when  she  purposefully  let  a  grade  slip  ,  then  she  had  gotten  an  ear  full  .  if  there  was  one  thing  naeun  was  looking  forward  to  ,  it  was  college  .
          so  when  the  time  comes  ,  naeun  couldn’t  be  happier  that  she  was  accepted  to  the  new  school  .  although  it  was  that  far  away  from  her  parents  ,  she  was  grateful  for  the  chance  to  be  from  underneath  their  watchful  eye  .  despite  that  ,  her  parents  still  expected  the  best  from  her  ,  so  she  made  sure  to  do  well  while  studying  liberal  arts  .  naeun  graduates  ,  and  immediately  goes  into  studying  fashion  studies  for  her  masters  degree  .  while  there  ,  naeun  participates  in  various  apprenticeships  ,  and  her  most  prominent  was  working  with  proenza  schouler  that  solidifies  her  love  for  fashion  .  naeun  graduates  from  the  parson  school  of  design  ,  obtaining  her  masters  ,  and  is  surprised  when  she  finally  receives  praise  from  her  parents.
          for  a  little  over  a  year  ,  naeun  decides  to  take  it  easy  .  she  vacations  ,  spends  money  frivolously  ,  and  even  manages  to  spark  up  something  of  a  following  on  social  media  .  she  spends  her  time  sitting  front  row  at  various  fashion  shows  and  spending  time  in  seoul  .  eventually  ,  as  he  often  did  ,  ji - cheol  steps  into  naeun’s  life  and  wonders  when  his  daughter  will  stop  living  like  she  has  no  problems  .  at  that  point  ,  he  decides  to  cut  his  daughter  off  from  the  limitless  credit  cards  and  extravagant  lifestyle  she  was  used  to  .  her  parents  make  her  move  out  into  her  own  apartment  (  which  they  bought  but  whatever  )  ,  and  was  expected  to  land  a  job  in  three  months  .
          tired  of  her  parents  only  finding  faults  with  all  she  does  ,  naeun  hits  the  ground  running  with  finding  a  job  .  there  were  times  where  she  couldn’t  get  interviews  or  even  a  call  back  ,  but  she  never  stopped  .  eventually  ,  as  the  three  months  were  coming  to  an  end  ,  she  lands  a  job  at  masters  international  .  she  lands  the  job  as  wardrobe  stylist  ,  and  for  once  ,  she  can  rub  in  her  parents’  face  that  she’s  capable  of  providing  for  herself  .  so  ,  naeun  has  been  working  at  masters  for  a  little  over  a  year  now  ,  and  is  often  the  first  point  of  contact  when  someone  needs  to  put  together  an  outfit  .  if  she’s  not  breaking  nespresso  machines  ,  you  can  find  her  in  her  office  or  on  a  photoshoot  set  .
naeun  ,  despite  being  cut  off  ,  is  still  spoiled  as  hell  .  she  tends  to  let  this  side  of  her  come  out  when  she’s  being  lazy  ,  and  often  will  expect  that  others  will  do  something  for  her  even  if  she  doesn’t  ask  (  and  please  ,  tell  her  no  )  .
she  has  the  temperament  of  a  petulant  child  .  sometimes  she’s  happy  ,  sometimes  she’s  moody  ,  and  most  of  the  time   she’s  upset  over  something  minor  .  
she’s  a  pot  stirrer  !  do  not  tell  her  your  business  or  she’s  gonna  spill  the  beans  ,  mostly  as  an  effort  to  cause  drama  .  the  phrase  ‘  throws  a  rock  and  hides  her  hand  ’  was  coined  because  of  naeun  .  she’s  messy  ,  but  at  least  she’ll  own  up  to  it  . . .  sometimes  .
she  is  extremely  anal  about  her  skincare / makeup  routine  ,  and  doesn’t  deviate  from  either  if  it  would  make  her  late  .  she’s  the  friend  who  you  swear  worked  at  sephora  or  ulta  in  a  past  life  because  she  knows  everything  there  is  to  know  about  various  products  .  a  skincare  fridge  user  ,  and  definitely  the  girl  who  starts  her  morning  with  jade  rollers  and  chugging  down  lemon  ice  water  .
her  main  style  inspo  is  freddy  cousin - brown  (  freddy  on  instagram  !  )  .  this  means  lots  of  pale  tones  ,  matching  skirt  and  top  sets  ,  perfectly  chosen  accessories  ,  and  of  course  ,  the  most  perfect  blowout  to  ever  exist  .  
you  know  those  scenes  in  2000s  romantic  comedy  films  where  the  main  character  and  her  friend  are  driving  ,  but  they’re  screaming  the  whole  time  ?  live  footage  of  naeun  when  driving  ,  mostly  because  she  only  got  her  driver’s  license  about  a  year  ago  (  olivia  rodrigo  WHO  )  and  even  then  ,  she  doesn’t  drive  often  .
even  though  her  parents  essentially  kicked  her  out  ,  they  still  bought  her  apartment  ,  so  it’s  this  really  fancy  place  in  manhattan  !  the  main  difference  is  she  can’t  afford  housekeepers  and  the  like  ,  so  she’s  had  to  learn  how  to  take  care  of  herself  in  every  form  .  be  careful  when  coming  to  her  place  though  ,  as  she  was  able  to  get  a  two  bedroom  (  primarily  for  closet  space  )  ,  but  she  has  so  many  clothes  that  they’ve  taken  up  nearly  every  free  space  in  her  apartment  NFJDFJD  . 
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years
Merry Christmas, moretomhardy!
For @moretomhardy. I hope you enjoy!
Read On AO3
A Life Like That
The notification pings before Derek’s last ride has even reached her door, and he snorts as the app flashes his match. “Head to pick up Mieczyslaw (Stiles) now..”
He’s not surprised when the phone lights up with a call a moment later. He waves goodbye to the woman he’d dropped off as he pulls away, letting the call come through the Bluetooth piece in his ear.
“You know you have to pay for that ride now, right?” he says in lieu of a greeting.
“That’s alright,” Stiles says, and Derek can hear the smirk in his voice. “I just so happen to be sleeping with this guy who is like…obscenely rich. And loves paying for anything I need.”
“Is that so?” Derek snorts in response. “You’ll have to introduce me to him.”
“You’re not stealing my sugar daddy!” Stiles laughs.
He goes into the chorus of Jolene before Derek can stop him, and Derek lets it go on for longer than he really should before butting in.
“Calm down, Dolly,” he says. “Your extravagant lifestyle is safe. You’ll be kept in the finest pizza and hipster beer that Beacon Hills has to offer.”
“I was just getting into it!” Stiles protests, but Derek can tell he’s smiling.
“Where are you going anyway?” Derek asks, keeping his eyes on the moderately busy road in front of him as he heads towards their house.
“Doesn’t your app show you?” Stiles asks, and Derek can hear him huffing as he settles down on the front porch steps to wait.
“Not until I actually pick you up,” Derek says. “How’d you even manage to match with me? I was ten minutes away.”
“I….” Stiles hedges, “I might have cancelled like six other rides until I got you.”
“Honestly,” Stiles says, “I’m surprised it worked.”
Derek just laughs before pausing as something occurs to him.
“Wait,” he asks, “why aren’t you driving yourself? Did the Jeep break down again?”
“The thing is,” Stiles says, and oh boy, Derek knows that tone.
“What did you do?” he says.
“Always with the lack of question-mark tone,” Stiles says, ignoring the question.
His breath hitches on the last word, and Derek’s mood abruptly goes from teasing to worried.
“Are you hurt? Did somebody get through the wards?”
“I’m ok,” Stiles says quickly, trying to reassure the panicking werewolf. “Nobody attacked, nobody got through the wards. I just had an unfortunate encounter with a rickety chair and the kitchen floor.”
“Shit, babe,” Derek says, turning down the road towards their house, going a little faster than he should, but he can’t be bothered to care. “What did you…”
He asks the question as he pulls up to the house, but it’s answered before he even has to finish it. In his ear, the Bluetooth beeps as Stiles ends the call, dropping his phone into his left pocket, fumbling slightly as he does so. His right arm is tucked close to his chest in what looks like a makeshift sling from a sacrificed t-shirt.
Stiles waves with his good hand, grinning wanly despite the pain Derek can now see on his face.
Sighing, Derek clicks the “ride started” button on his app and leans over to open the door of the Camaro for Stiles. Realizing Stiles won’t be able to shut the door, Derek hops out and goes over to the passenger side, where he’s met with Stiles’ big sad eyes as he too realizes his predicament.
“Come on,” he says to Stiles, getting him settled into the car and buckling the seatbelt across his lap, letting the chest piece stay behind Stiles so he doesn’t hurt him further.  
“Why didn’t you just call me normally?” he asks. “I would’ve stopped working and picked you up right away.”
Stiles shrugs one-shouldered. “Mostly wanted to distract you from worrying about me until the last minute. It was dumb.”
“Not dumb,” Derek says, “I thought it was funny, right up until I realized you were hurt.”
Stiles just frowns and doesn’t say anything as Derek closes the door gently.
When they’re settled and back on the road, Stiles gives a deep sigh and looks over at Derek, who is driving as smoothly as possible so as not to jostle the broken bone.
“Well, this sucks,” he says. “I hate the hospital.”
“I know,” Derek says, sympathetically. He stops at a red light and reaches over to clasp Stiles’ broken arm gently, leeching as much of the pain as he can before the light turns green and he needs his hand back to shift gears.
“Ahh,” Stiles sighs, happily this time. “That’s the good stuff right there. I knew there was a reason I kept you around.”
He rests his head back against the seat and closes his eyes, the tightness of his eyes visibly loosening, much to Derek’s relief.
“There’s also all the pizza and beer,” Derek teases.
“Mmmhm,” Stiles agrees, sleepily. “And also your butt. I love your butt.”
“You’ve made that known many times,” Derek laughs. “Hey, did you hit your head at all? I don’t want you falling asleep if you have a concussion.”
“Nuh-uh,” Stiles says, shaking his head slightly. “My arm broke my fall. And then broke…itself.”
“Were you using one of the chairs your dad gave us that creaks even when tiny Lydia sits on it?”
Stiles says nothing, feigning sleep.
“I can hear your heartbeat and your breathing, asshole,” Derek says, reaching over to smack Stiles’ knee without taking his eyes off the road.
“Ugh,” Stiles says. “Fine. Yes, I was using the chair that’s older than Dad. And yes, it decided my very manly muscled body was just too much for it to bear, and yes, one of the legs snapped and yes I fell victim to gravity and my own damn hubris. Happy?”
“Very manly muscled body?” Derek asks, smirking.
“You love my manly muscled body,” Stiles says without opening his eyes. He does, however, stick his tongue out at Derek as if he was 5 years on, not nearly 27.
“I do,” Derek allows, and he turns his head away from the road for just a moment to shoot a grin to Stiles.
“And of course I’m not happy you got hurt,” he says. “Just trying to keep you distracted until we get to the ER.”
“I know,” Stiles says, softly. “I appreciate it.”
Derek hums in response, only to laugh out loud a moment later.
“What?” Stiles asks, opening his eyes at the sudden outburst and looking over at Derek with wide eyes.
“Melissa is going to lose it when she finds out you were bested by a piece of furniture,” Derek responds, still chuckling to himself slightly.
Stiles groans.
“We’re here,” Derek says, pulling in to park and ending the ride on the Uber app, before signing out of it for the day before he can get another request.
Once they’re parked and ready to get out, Derek takes a little bit more of Stiles’ pain, just enough to get him through the sure to be long wait at the emergency room.
Stiles leans into Derek slightly with his good side and sighs in relief again.
“Definitely giving you a 5 star rating.”
A few hours and one hand-to-elbow cast later, they’re finally on their way home, a prescription for painkillers in the glovebox, and the promise of a delivery dinner on the horizon.
“At least I can still do most things left-handed,” Stiles says, in much better spirits now that his broken arm is set and the mild painkillers the hospital gave him have kicked in.
“And it’s a good thing you can walk to work from the house,” Derek adds.
“You mean my dearest darling wolfy wouldn’t drive me to work?” Stiles asks, batting his eyes over at Derek in an exaggerated motion.
Derek just rolls his eyes.
“It’s a 10 minute walk, Stiles,” he says. “You didn’t break your legs.”
“It’s cold in the mornings!” Stiles protests.
“We live in California,” Derek counters, smirking.
“Northern California!” Stiles objects. “You know very well it gets cold here!”
Derek shrugs, just to annoy him. “It’s not cold to me.”
“We don’t all have magical weather accommodating werewolf bodies!” Stiles huffs, wishing he could cross his arms against his chest.
Derek turns into their driveway and parks before grinning and letting his eyes flash red as he turns to Stiles.
“You could,” he says, flashing red again for dramatic effect before letting his eyes go back to normal.
“Don’t tempt me,” Stiles says, groaning again as he looks down at his arm and thinks about how very annoying the next 6 to 8 weeks are going to be.
“Offer is always open,” Derek says, leaning over to unbuckle Stiles’ seatbelt. He tilts to place his mouth on the juncture of Stile’s throat and shoulder, biting down lightly with blunt teeth.
He smirks internally at the way Stiles’ heartbeat rises, and the smell of arousal that practically sizzles from his suddenly heated skin.
“No fair,” Stiles whines. “Getting me all worked up when I can’t be…vigorous.”
Derek laughs and pulls away before they end up having a wobbly version of car sex in the driveway. Again.
“We’ll just have to go slow then,” Derek says.
“Hell, yeah,” Stiles says, raising his good arm up in a triumphant fist pump. “We’ll Boyz II Men the fuck out of tonight!”
“Please don’t sing,” Derek says, but it’s too late.
“I’ll make love to you!” Stiles belts, “Like you want me to!”
Derek doesn’t know much about music, to be fair, but he can tell that Stiles isn’t remotely in the same neighborhood of the right key.
“I don’t know why I love you,” he says, even as he’s helping Stiles out of the car and into the house.
“My superior singing skills,” Stiles says. “Obviously.”
“Obviously,” Derek says dryly, but he can’t help but smile at Stiles.
“Cash money!” Stiles calls out in delight as their white long-haired cat pads into view, sniffing at the air delicately.
“Meow?” she chirps up at Stiles, swishing her tail softly.
“She says her name isn’t Cash Money,” Derek says, sharing a conspiratorial look with Cashmere.
“You don’t speak cat!” Stiles protests.
“I’m versed in all woodland creatures,” Derek replies, completely straight-faced, only breaking out into laughter when the reference hits Stiles and he starts to laugh.
“Ok, Kronk,” he says, leaning down to give Cashmere scritches.
She arches up into it for a brief moment before trotting off to do whatever she does during the 80% of her life where she wants nothing to do with them.
“Pizza?” he asks Derek, who already has his phone out and is tapping away on one of the delivery apps.
“Soon,” Derek promises, holding up his phone to show the order has been accepted.
“Then careful sex!” Stiles declares, before his mouth cracks open in a huge yawn.
“Or maybe sleep,” Derek says, arching a single eyebrow in amusement.
“Mmm,” Stiles says, reaching out to Derek with his good hand. “I love it when you talk dirty to me.”
Derek laughs and pulls Stiles back against his chest, tucking an arm around his left side and hooking a thumb into the loop on Stiles’ jeans.
“After dinner, we’ll put that super sexy cast bag on your arm so we can shower. I’ll even wash your hair.”
“Ugh,” Stiles says, wrinkling his nose at himself. “That shouldn’t turn me on. And yet.”
“And yet,” Derek agrees. “And then we’ll get into bed and I’ll let you make me watch The Witcher for the tenth time.”
“Don’t be jealous of how sexy Geralt is,” Stiles chides, leaning his head back onto Derek’s shoulder so Derek can rub his cheek along his neck.
“I could take him,” Derek huffs.
“Yes, dear,” Stiles says, eyes closed and swaying gently as Derek rocks them in place.
“Can he full-shift into a wolf?” Derek asks. “No,” he says, answering his own question resolutely.
“Not a werewolf,” Stiles feels compelled to point out.
“He’s not even scary!” Derek continues, huffing again. “And his wig is bad.”
“And he should feel bad,” Stiles agrees. “Now let’s go sit down before I pass out. You can tell me all about your issues with Geralt of Rivia from the couch.”
“Gladly,” Derek says. Stiles just laughs.
Later that night, they’re clean and cozy in bed, watching Yennefer scream out her pain to the world.
“She’s gonna cause so much trouble,” Stiles says happily.
Derek considers it for a moment and nods in agreement.
“Good for her,” he says. “With a life like that, she deserves a happy ending.”
Stiles looks over at Derek from where he’s propped up against the headboard, but Derek’s full attention is still on the screen.
“Yeah,” Stiles says, smiling more than a little dopily at the man he loves. “She sure does.”
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trifoliumrex · 3 years
Fresh Blood Chapter 1
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Your money troubles drive you to make a someone what desperate move. For a quick buck you decide to take advantage of the newly revealed vampires and sell your blood at a more reputable clinic. What could go wrong? Especially when you catch the eye of a beautiful Stanger.
Word count : 4532
updates Fridays, tags will update each chapter.
Unfortunately RM, V, and JK are not in this fic though they may be alluded to
Thanks to @slaughter-mama for all her incredible work as beta
A03 link
The clinic is clean and mind numbingly quiet, the smell of cleaner making the air stuffy with its sterile scent. You look down at your hands and are tempted to bite your nails, a habit you thought had long been a part of your past. Your teeth chew on the soft flesh of your cheek, doing nothing to dissuade the nervous itch, the idea more tempting than ever given your current situation. Shoving them under the crooks of your knees, you sit on them not wanting to damage the nail beds like you had in your careless youth. You weren't going to let your nerves take away from your hard-won victory, even as cool sweat ran down your back in anticipation.
Donating blood was something you were quite nervous about. Well, being a live donor, anyway. The old fashioned way of needles, tubes and the works were no problem for you, in the rare occasions you had blood work done. This way of donating blood though, you hadn't ever done, not once in your adult life. The thought of letting someone, a stranger, from a different species at that, bite you, and more concerning, taste you? You weren't scared of vampires like most of your peers but it just seemed so intimate and so personal.
It wasn’t dangerous, you assured yourself again, you knew the rules, just about everyone did now, and this clinic was as reputable as they came. You had heard about back alley clinics where girls went in and agreed to all sorts of “special requests”. Clinics that were shut down the next day with donors found in the back allies with marks from differing sets of teeth. You had doubted that such places were even real and if they were this wasn’t one of those places, so it didn't matter. You give your head a little shake to dispel the notion. This one would have someone come check before, during and after the procedure. They vetted donors and recipients. They had organic orange juice and a cookie waiting for you! Besides all that, the fact was you needed the money.
Your manager, Craig, the source of all your problems, had been cutting back on your hours lately. Not only did he play favorites, he was the self-appointed office creep, everyone knew it and no one seemed to care. You had complained to the HR department about various incidences; when his hand on your shoulder started to linger just a bit too long, when he would come too far into your cubicle essentially trapping you, looking down like you were prey. Unsurprisingly, no help came, no investigations, no other witnesses. As a customer service rep, you were the lowest rung on the ladder and no one higher up gave a shit. It was hard to be afraid of the idea of vampires who for the most part didn't seem to get up to much when the mundane creeps were already so prevalent.
So now here you are, struggling financially. You had burned through what modest savings you had managed to gather before your manager had taken a little too much notice of you. Blood clinics like this offered good, quick pay and you were getting desperate.
You didn't live an extravagant lifestyle, far from it, but working at Park Industries you did have to meet a specific dress code and needed a place close to work in the downtown area since you didn't have a car and needed quick access to the subway. Your apartment was shit and still almost out of your budget. It was a scam in your option but you craved the independence that working in the city afforded you. You haven't lived there long but you would do what you needed to avoid moving back to your home town. Your manager sucked but the work, though difficult at times, didn't worry you.
You look up with a start realizing the nurse was calling your name. You flush and smile at her apologetically hoping she only called the once and stand up on, you are happy to note, legs that are only slightly shaky. She seems annoyed but she is trying to hide it for you, or at least trying to appear like she's hiding it from you.
She leads you back to what could be a doctor's office save for the couch on one end and the lack of the exam table. But the sinks there and even the little jar of cotton balls. It's almost comforting how mundane the room is. The couch is leather and you wonder if that makes it easy to clean. You let out a nervous giggle preferring to stand in the corner across from the couch, watching as the nurse ignores your anxious body language.
“The client will be by, in a moment,” she says putting a clip style monitoring device on your finger. She flashes what seems like a practiced smile, with teeth that are too white, but you offer her a smile anyway. You were here kind of late after your shift and maybe you were the last client of the day keeping her from going home. Or maybe she was just unpleasant, hard to say. “They will knock first and once you give permission they will enter. If at any point you would like to stop just take the monitor off your finger, alright? We’ll have someone come right in.” You hadn't noticed anyone else when you came to the clinic but maybe you just hadn’t been looking in the right place.
You swallow and nod. She puts a hand on your shoulder. You can tell it’s meant to be comforting, but it comes across a bit condescending. She seemed to be able to tell how nervous you were though so you try and at least appear calmer. You don’t think you are successful. “Anything happens and this will let us know right away.” She taps the monitor and flashes you another phony smile “Just remember that the act itself makes your blood more attractive to other potential clients.” Vampires, you think derisively, she should just say the word. “It also forms a temporary bond that can become permanent from repeated donation. We highly recommend that you return to this clinic if you wish to donate again to avoid accidental repeat donation to the same client and to make sure you get any open wounds sealed before leaving.” Her speech was well rehearsed, easy and almost natural. “You’ll do fine” she winks in a distinctly unfriendly way as she walks out the door gently shutting it behind her.
You shudder slightly. She didn’t tell you anything the forms you had just signed didn’t tell you or the multiple brochures you had read in the lobby didn’t spell out in a variety of clip art presentations. You knew about the blood bond side effects but weren’t particularly worried. Whoever you donated too would be able to hear your heartbeat after one feeding, but only if they were relatively close. The other part though, other vampires being more attracted to you? Even with where everything was now with rouge attacks almost unheard of, it was still a bit frightening even if you knew that most vampires as a whole were pretty much like normal people. It was almost negligible anyway as they needed to be right on you to smell the other vamps on you unless you were actively bleeding.
There was a knock at the door. Two raps in quick succession. Confident and sure unlike your repose. “Uhm, you can come in?”
An hour before his appointment slot at the clinic, Jimin loosened his tie slightly, glaring into his reflection in the window, glancing down at his watch. It was getting late, and the clinic (for fucking vampires no less) wasn’t open for 24 hours, not even dusk to dawn hours. He didn’t want to miss his appointment after the day he had had. He had put off his feeding for too long and was becoming a bit testy. He let out an angry huff making his way to his private elevator and to his car. His driver had it pulled around, so at least that was going well tonight. Truly, Jin was almost always dependable but with a day like today it was a nice surprise.
He was in the business of business, as he liked to say. His portfolios were diversified and Park Industries had its fingers in many pies but he had started as a shipping company way back when the world still needed candles to see at night. He had a knack for it and at the time he needed something to eat up the long hours spent alone. He started as a captain and eventually one ship turned into a fleet, then into a fully fledged company. Much had changed but it was still something to distract him. He had been a vampire capable of adapting unlike so many of his day and it often gave him a competitive edge. It also made him a target, especially from those who did not take so kindly to the shifting centuries. He worked long hours and enjoyed his life to its fullest not sparing any expense on himself. Jimin was hard working, but today had been trying to say the least.
Today he had been reminded of a blunder he had made years ago by some annoying rival company. He needed access to one of their shipping ports but The Twins, the owners and the namesake of their shared company were not having any of it. They owned most of the ports that were closed to Park Industries and he had expected them to approve the request to use the ports as it would be mutually beneficial, but apparently long ago he hadn't brought them a blood sacrifice or some dumb shit like that. Who even cared anymore? The Twins had refused to modernize and resented those of their kind who had. Preferring to be kings if not gods among men rather than live amongst them, collecting power and money in a modern way.
He was tired of the hassle. Of working around ancient idiots but also of the new regulations imposed on his kind. When vampires had become public, feeding had become such an ordeal. He had considered contracting a donor privately which was legal but had the disadvantage of forming a strong blood bond. He didn’t want to know his foods’ feelings. He missed the dark, the days he could just take as he pleased but those days were long gone. The government was strict on his kind.
He supposed he could always get a rotation of donors. This was technically illegal unless you had admins to ensure they were properly taken care of. He could hire the staff but the thought made him scowl. It was no real secret what he was. The rumors were rampant and every now and then he would do something particularly aggressive to make certain they circulated, but he was careful that his undead status was on as few official documents as possible. His eyes rolled back in his head as he thought of an acquaintance of his whose easily searchable government I.D. declared him a literal monster to anyone with a smartphone. An idiot move and one he did not intend to emulate.
Jimin was a dangerous man through and through. His CEO status and ruthless business sense alone was enough to make him formidable in every sense, though the fangs and supernatural advantages certainly didn’t hurt. He rarely needs to use them these days as legal means could destroy a competitor just as brutally, though he had readily used less than legal means when he deemed it necessary, or when the threat was less than human like the aforementioned Twins and their now, shell of a company.
So now here he was, at the clinic. He got out of the car and re-buttoned his suit jacked in a one handed practiced movement. He vaguely gestures to Jin to wait for him. If it had been anyone else, they wouldn't have understood but Jin was always good at reading a situation and even better at reading people or in this case what used to be people. He nodded at Jimin and pulled off to wait. The garish neon light illuminated Jimin's face and made his scowl more intimidating as he went in. Except for another vampire, it was basically deserted. Good, he thought to himself, checking in.
As they were expecting him it was a quick process. His money and reputation got him fast service and the best donors. Clean, quiet and usually pretty. The clinic wanted to impress him. A blandly pretty nurse led him to a door. Maybe he had seen her before as she seemed to know him but he didn’t care enough to bother trying to remember. She smelled off, putting too many creams and perfumes to try and entice vampires to look her way. He was repulsed by her. He didn't even bother keeping it off his face, in a place where he didn't need to play at being human. He paid good money here to stay off the official books
“I think you’ll like this one sir, pretty and young and if you don’t mind me saying, just the right amount of nervous. Her first time.” She snickered. He frowned, not liking the nurse's tone or obvious insinuations. Despite his reputation he didn’t think of his donors as victims and didn't want them to be scared of him. He knew plenty of vamps who liked to cause donors pain but that had never been his style at least not in private. Even before the world had changed when he took blood from the unwilling, he had preferred to cause as little suffering as possible.
The nurse stopped at the door and he stared at her with disdain, clearly dismissing her. Once she scuttled away, he felt like he could breathe cleanly again, picking up on other warm bodies in the building. A scent pulled him back to the present, just on the other side of the door. It was faint but quite pleasing. He knocked. Twice. No hesitation.
“Uhm you can come in?” A nervous voice rang out from behind the door. He waited a second composing himself trying to make sure he wouldn’t scare the girl any more than she already was. Probably scared of monsters, the poor thing. Unlike the nurse, you smelled good. He could smell a tasteful amount of perfume, a soft floral smell and sweat that didn't mask the sweet smell of your blood.
You haven’t been expecting Nosferatu or anything. You had met a few beings in your life, that you were fairly confident were vampires, not that you had asked, but there were instances. This man before you certainly wasn’t what you were expecting either. He was, quite simply, beautiful. Striking features, bright eyes, a color you couldn't quite place, that looked like they were a light source on their own and intense red hair that was clearly a fashion choice. A good choice, you think to yourself. To your dismay, the person in front of you was very well dressed. Clearly this suit was not off the rack; it fit him so well and looked so good. Oh god, you could feel the blush rise in your cheeks and hoped the monitor on your finger wouldn’t register the spike in your heart beat. You suddenly wish you were in something other than your business casual work clothes. You didn't have anything that would rival his look but you couldn't help the desire to make a good impression.
He walked over and sat on the sofa, undoing the bottom button of his Jacket. He was careful to leave a lot of space between you at all times. You thought they only did that in the movies, the button thing. It was so fluid and quick. Good with his hands, you thought before you could catch yourself. Great, if you weren’t blushing then you certainly were now.
God you're pretty, he thinks. And that smell that's coming from you...You smell like a fine wine and he wants a taste the second he’s in the room. That flush of blood so close to the surface of your face is so appealing, you look positively edible. Did you know the spell you were casting over him? Your nerves but distinct lack of fear made you give a vulnerable air and he leans in just a bit, unable to help the minute shift in his posture. He chuckles and carefully gestures to you to sit with him, letting the space speak for itself. Your heartbeat spikes and he grins at the sound in his ears, revealing a hint of white fang. The sight brings you back to the reality of the situation and with a touch of hesitation, you sit next to him. You realize you are now more nervous to sit with this beautiful man than about the whole blood donor thing. Maybe, you mull over, you hadn't met a vampire before, not if they were all this hot.
He can tell how nervous you are and he is surprised by how much he doesn’t like it. You smell intoxicating and you look so helpless, nervous and trembling ever so slightly. You probably didn't even realize you were doing it, he wasn't sure a human would be able to tell. He wants you to feel safe. Safe with him. The only thing that makes sense to him would be that you are afraid of what he is, not really considering that it might be his appearance, his supernatural beauty making you behave like this.
“You seem nervous. You don’t have to do this. If you want to leave, you have that choice. I’ll walk you to the door even if you like.” He’s surprised he said it the second it slips out. He means it though, he realizes; he’d walk you right to your door if you would let him. He wants to take you right here right now, wants to feel your heart pump for him, that was true, but he also feels protective. He wants to... well he's not entirely sure what he wants from you, only that he wants you.
“No I... I want to. I mean I need to.” You are just as surprised as him by your own admission. “I’m sorry, I’m just so nervous, I've never done this before.” You blush again or maybe it just deepened, you’re unsure if the blush had ever really left your face. You do feel very warm. The whole conversation sounded like innuendo in your ears and it wasn’t helping.
“I can tell.'' He smiles and it transforms his face from beautiful to truly stunning. He looks soft almost and any threat you felt seems to have disappeared. He can hear your heart slow into a regular rhythm and the blush creep higher into your checks. Did you know what it was doing to him? He felt almost drunk being next to you. “What brings a girl like you to a place like this?” He knows he shouldn’t bother and he won’t see you again but he doesn’t want this to end. He wants more than your blood; he wants to know you, wants you to be his.
“I-uhm,” you frown suddenly. He doesn’t like it. You should be smiling, mirthful, joyful, sparkling. “Work is complicated. My manager, “at manager, your nose wrinkled in disgust. “Has taken it upon himself to cut my hours.'' Jimin frowns as well, leaning in.
“And why is that? Are you a bad worker? You seem responsible.”
“Do I?” You laugh, disbelieving. It's a wonderful sound. He idly mulls over the idea of asking you to laugh again so he can record and listen to it all the time. That was probably creepy to say so he tucks the thought away.
“It’s your shoes. Very sensible.”Your eyes flick from his face to your shoes. You had swapped to plain flats before you had walked into the clinic, heels in your bag hanging from the hook on the door a few feet away. The flats weren’t bad but you did wish you hadn't swapped now.
“No, I'm not a bad worker, I just don't think my work is what my manager wants from me. It's all I'm willing to give him though.” His frown deepens, not pleased to know this at all. Should he offer you a job? It might be strange, given the circumstances. He doesn't want to scare you away. "I don't mind the job, it keeps me here in the city. The lifestyle of the glamorous and all that. Just like I don’t mind being here.”
“If you are sure,” he can’t wait anymore now that you're relaxed, he has to have you to taste. But he decides then and there he’s going to leave you a tip. He doesn’t want you to ever come near this place again. He doesn’t want anyone else to touch you. Or to taste you. Hell, even to behold you. Hopefully it will take some of the stress off of your shoulders.
You carefully move your hair for him, leaning your head to the side, offering your neck. As pretty as he is you have to close your eyes. The actual bite is still a little much to face with your eyes open. The thought of teeth actually biting into your flesh is scary you have to admit, and you're worried it will hurt. This show of trust, intimacy, almost overwhelms you and he bites down before you have a chance to think about it too much. He’s careful to make sure he doesn’t harm you more than what is absolutely necessary. You let out a small gasp. He’s drinking faster than you thought and your vision starts to tunnel after the rush passes and you realize you are going to pass out, the feeling of the blood being pulled from you proving to be too much. You hand clutches at his jacket but you're not quick enough to pull the monitor off your finger to signal something's off.
Mine. It's all he can think as he closes his eyes for a moment, lost in the ecstasy of your blood. Your smell and taste surrounding him completely. He should slow down, savor every drop of your blood but he can't. You tasted even better then you smelled, he holds you closer to him, careful not to hurt you despite his overwhelmingly distracted state.
He opens his eyes wanting to see your face for a moment and realizes you have passed out. Panic sets in slowly. Fuck, not good. This could happen, especially to first time donors. Especially when he had been pulling out your blood so aggressively. Guilt and hunger mix in his throat. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. He forces himself to pull back from you, easily moving to the other side of the room with a single movement. Your body hits the couch, your neck still oozing blood. It’s all he can do to make himself leave the room, breathing shallowly, when he wants nothing more than to go back in and drain you dry.
He storms out with your blood still on his lips and angrily stops at the front desk. They were supposed to stop him if the donor passed out, the shared negligence almost cost you your life. They had staff on hand that could at least have broken the trance your blood had put him under! He didn't even know how long he had been drinking or how long you were unconscious, he had been so lost in your blood. Fuck, he had almost killed you. He strains his ears to hear you breathe just to make sure you were still alive.
The rude nurse who fancied herself your pimp and his dealer looked up, startled. He made a startling if not terrifying sight, blood at his mouth and eyes alight with rage. He was angry with himself, with the clinic, with whoever had fucked around with your schedule resulting in you being here in the first place. He storms to the front desk and can't help but enjoy it when she recoils back from him.
“She gets home safe and with double pay or this place burns to the ground with you inside. If I find out she goes to another one of your clinics or to any clinic you all fucking die.” Jimin’s voice is level but reveals nothing but wrathful promise. The rude nurse gulps, terror in her eyes as she manages a nod. “Bill my fucking account.” he spits out, turning on a heel to leave, resisting the urge to shatter the doors on his way out. Jin pulls the car around in seconds. That's what he liked about Jin; he paid attention, he was never playing on his phone or something nonsensical, he was always there right on time
Jin doesn’t miss the fury rolling off of his employer as he slides in to the comfortable leather seat. He cocks his head in the mirror, waiting for an explanation but Jimin doesn't even notice. Jimin is already making plans, he’s going to send someone tomorrow to make sure everything was taken care of. As much as he wants to go back in and make sure you're okay now, he doesn’t trust himself to not kill you in the process. He wipes the blood that fell from his lips and brings it back up to his tongue, tasting you again for an agonizing moment. Fuck, you tasted amazing.
“You okay, boss?”
“Yes, just...tonight was interesting.” He makes a note to have them find your number when he sends whoever he thinks to send. Probably his head of security if he wanted this done right.
You awake some time later, the nurse cleaning your neck. She looks pale and when she finishes signing you out, she presses an envelope into your hand. She tells you that you did fine but that due to your reaction you wouldn’t be invited to donate again and that clinics would be warned in the future not to expect you. Reasonably, you are confused. Why did she seem so scared? You gently touch your neck thinking about your beautiful vampire client. Glad for the wound because at least it was proof that tonight was real. You may have passed out, sure, but you could be convinced to do it again, especially for him.
When you finally count the money, the amount surprises and confuses you but the clinic insists it’s correct when you call. They tell you your client had offered you a tip. You didn't know that kind of thing happened but maybe it was just the standard thing? You frown though when the clinic insists you don't call again. You hang up your phone, still unsure but deposit the money the next day, very thankful to your mysterious beautiful patron.
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