#it's primarch fluff and cuddles time
nevesmose · 6 months
Perturabo was silent for a long time, his attention completely focused on the disassembled objects spread out before him.
"No, Fulgrim," he said eventually. "I am not fun at parties. Why do you ask?"
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The Primarch of the III Legion smiled. "No reason in particular. I merely wondered if you'd like to take advantage of so many of the family being close by."
Fulgrim stepped away from Perturabo's worktable, elegantly avoiding the discarded parchments and empty grey plastek sprues littering the room.
"Goodnight then, brother. I shall leave you to your..." he paused briefly, for once unable to find the right word. "Figurines," he finished.
"They're miniatures," the Lord of Iron said bitterly. Fulgrim gave the briefest of shrugs and left the room.
Oh, Perturabo, he thought fondly as his brother's door slid closed. Don't ever change.
"I told you he'd say no," a rough, low voice called from further down the hallway. "If it was anyone but you he would've started throwing things."
"Very comforting, Ferrus." The two primarchs walked together for a few moments in a close, pleasant silence. With anyone else Fulgrim would have found the quiet oppressive, felt the need to speak, to act, to perform in some way.
It had never been like that with Ferrus, and in his introspective moments he treasured that quiet as something uniquely theirs.
"How goes the process of civilising our newest brother?" Ferrus asked.
Oh, Konrad, Fulgrim thought. Please change, even just a bit.
"He has been a challenge," Fulgrim admitted. "More so than I expected."
"Really?" Ferrus asked, amused. "I thought you relished a challenge."
"Not this one," Fulgrim answered. "Have you ever considered the logistics of bathing a fellow Primarch?"
"I could be persuaded," Ferrus said.
Fulgrim gave him a pointed look. "Not like that. I mean someone of our size and strength who adamantly refuses to even consider basic hygiene. And our father wants me to turn this... being into a capable leader of his own Legion."
Fulgrim sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"At the moment it's a miracle if he sleeps through the night without some kind of outburst. His latest development is wandering the corridors to scream at every mortal he sees about the exact time and nature of their deaths."
"You must be tired."
Fulgrim laughed bleakly. "Tired," he said, as if it were some arcane alien concept. "Yes, I suppose I am."
"Come in, then." Seemingly without intending to, they'd arrived in the hallway outside Ferrus's chambers.
"The Gorgon of Medusa invites me to his quarters," Fulgrim said archly. "People will talk. What scurrilous rumours they might spread."
Ferrus shrugged. "Let them."
The room was cool, sparsely lit and, with the exception of Forgebreaker in pride of place on a wall rack, minimally furnished. The opposite of his own in every possible way, but at times like this Fulgrim found the contrast refreshing.
Ferrus flung himself down onto a primarch-scaled couch as Fulgrim's gaze was drawn to the incongruous sight of a rectangular open-topped frigerator unit containing ice and several glass vessels.
"And what might this be?"
"Oh, that," Ferrus said. "One of the latest archaeo-tech recreations based on analysing residues from ancient Terran artefacts. It's an alcoholic drink somehow brewed with crystals."
Fulgrim took a single delicate sip and wrinkled his nose slightly.
"Apparently it was extremely popular on old Earth, but only for a very short time before something else replaced it. Magnus would be able to tell you more."
"I imagine he would," Fulgrim said, turning his attention back to Ferrus. "But with the greatest of respect to the Primarch of the Fifteenth, I don't particularly care about Magnus just now."
For a long moment neither of them said anything. Then Ferrus slid back on the couch, legs parted, and patted a hand on the seat just in front of him.
"Come on, sit down."
Fulgrim quirked an eyebrow.
"Did I stutter, Phoenician? Sit down. You need to relax."
"If you insist," Fulgrim said. He moved to sit cross-legged in the space between Ferrus's legs. After a moment's hesitation, he leaned his full weight back against Ferrus.
"There you go," Ferrus said, starting to run his hands through Fulgrim's long hair. "You don't have to be perfect every single moment of the day."
"Perhaps," Fulgrim replied, closing his eyes. "But then what would I be instead?"
What is this called, he wondered, sudden and cold. What are we doing? The idea threatened to ruin everything if he dwelt on it. To ruin this, whatever it was that he and Ferrus had.
We're Primarchs, he thought. There isn't any existing human word or concept for what we are or choose to be, other than what we decide for ourselves. Like the first ancients naming the stars.
A single cool metal finger poked him gently in the back of the head. "You're thinking," Ferrus said. "I can tell."
"Congratulations. I knew if you saw other people do it you'd eventually start to recognise the signs," Fulgrim replied without any real malice, tilting his head back as Ferrus's hands resumed their movement through his hair.
He felt Ferrus's chest move behind him as he laughed. "You wound me, Fulgrim. I'll withdraw from society to weep and write poetry."
"Anything but your poetry, I beg of you," Fulgrim said quietly. "The galaxy isn't ready for that level of pain and suffering."
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moodymisty · 2 months
Just had a very cute idea (choosing Vulkan for this one because I consider him being the biggest and chunkiest Primarch)
Vulkan's beloved cannot sleep without hugging something. In their childhood, they clung to their plushes as they slept. As they passed onto their teenagehood, they still cannot sleep without hugging something, be it a plush or a pillow. And in their adulthood, as they began dating Vulkan, they develop insomnia as they do not have their plushes anymore and cannot physically sleep. So Vulkan, feeling pity for them, let them hug him during the night, cuddling him as they would with their sweet plushes
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Author’s Note: I hope you don't mind if i worked with this prompt very slightly, but i still kept all the main things. I hope you enjoy!
Relationships: Vulkan/Gn!Reader
Warnings: just fluff
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You're thankful that so often Vulkan brings you aboard the Flamewrought during his crusades; You don't know how you would survive if he left you back on Nocturne.
Not even the heat, but the loneliness. Vulkan rarely has time for you during these crusades, he's far too busy in the warzone or attempting diplomacy, of which sometimes you come along to assist him.
But even then, it still gets lonely. You often don't see him of days at a time, and even if you don't fall asleep without him, he'll be gone once you wake.
"Do you think you'll ever get tired of all of this traveling?"
You speak to Vulkan as he enters your shared room, smiling at you. He notices you're doing something in your lap, but it's hidden enough by your body and the blankets that he can't quite tell yet.
"I don't quite know." Vulkan comes closer, leaning down to give you a kiss to the top of your head.
"And what have you been working on in my absence? Even my men noticed you were hidden away somewhere for quite awhile."
Vulkan is out of his armor, and you can feel the heat of his skin radiating as you lean upright and reveal the project in your lap.
It's a little stuffed toy; In the shape of a Salamanders marine. It's clumsy and lumpy, but it's cute. You missed your old stuffed toys from childhood, and you never quite slept right without them. This planet had a myriad of textiles and you had gotten some- in secret.
"My love, this is..."
You almost fear Vulkan will insult your childish creation, before he smiles.
"This is quite adorable. You are very talented. But..." He rounds the bed to join you, it having been days since he was allowed any sort of proper rest.
"When did you get such tools? I do not remember you asking for them."
You smile. You had gotten them not long ago, and you had 'bribed' meaning asked very nicely, for his men to conveniently look the other way on it. They agreed only as long as Vulkan didn't ask. They would not lie to their father, of which you considered fair enough.
"I got them a week ago, when I went with you. I might have... Asked your men very nicely not to tell you. They said they wouldn't lie, but they wouldn't bring it up to you unless you asked."
Vulkan laughs; His sons have very much begun to like you.
"I see. And who did you ask this of?" Vulkan lightens his tone as if implying he will punish them, and you quickly shake your head.
"Not saying. I took a Salamander Astartes vow of secrecy."
You put your project safely aside, and Vulkan pulls you in close to him. He always sleeps on his back, letting you rest in the crook of his armpit and wrap your arms around his bicep. It was a habit that always helped you sleep, and the nook of warmth he made was always so soothing.
"Be careful about saying such things, you know you're already an influence on them."
You wrap your arms around his bicep and wiggle in, and Vulkan smiles. He remembers when you first admitted that you've always had trouble sleeping. That you would fruitlessly hold pillows and blankets to soothe that feeling. He's glad he helps, in his own way. Even if his body is quite a bit larger than what you would normally be able to hug.
"I'm sure there's worse things that could be influences on them, right?" He hears you yawn, looking down at you.
"Plenty of things, I am sure."
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mournivaldisco · 6 months
A master post of all my Warhammer fic.
Spot the post-rock titles.
Silly - crack/outside of canon, no smut:
Assorted Yarns from the Warp – random cracky one-shots about various characters
An Average Monday on Prospero – Primarch bodyswaps
The Primarchs Read Mean Tweets – self-explanatory
Never Have I Ever – primarch drinking games
Documentary Evidence – Dorn reviews Mersadie’s memory coils during her imprisonment
Sanguinala Silliness – in the 41st Millennium, Guilliman and the Lion try out Sanguinala customs. Works up to shipping, no smut.
Fluff or silly, but could technically take place in canon:
The Bear – Tarik tells his favourite joke to the Mournival
Mountain Heart – The Lion inhales sleepy cuddles pollen. Set on Sotha during the Unremembered Empire
Dreamtime – sleepy Sanguinius
Serious - missing scenes/reinterpretations close to canon, no shipping that would be unimaginable in canon (take with a pinch of salt if you are not a Loken/Mersadie shipper):
These are my favourite to write. Just taking the canon and pushing it a teeny bit.
And So I Watch You From Afar - Erda writes to her sons.
When the Sky is Burning, When the World is Falling Down – missing scene from The Solar War. Loken and Mersadie
These Depths Were Always Meant for Both of Us – written before EatD vols 2 and 3 released, set in upcoming books. Loken and Mersadie
The Death – written after finishing EatD 2, set in upcoming book 3. Loken, the Emperor and Horus, mentioned Sanguinius
Dynasty – written after finishing EatD 3, set some time immediately before the Siege. Horus and Fulgrim
After the Fall – written after finishing EatD 3, set at climax of that book. Loken and Mersadie
Serious/smut – doesn’t conform to established canon, heavier shipping:
Reconnect (WIP) – divergence at the point of The Solar War. Mersadie/Loken fluff in epistolary form. No smut
A Day Dark with Night (WIP) – Set immediately after Curze’s attack on Azkaellon. Sanguinius/Azkaellon. Will contain smut in future chapter
A Steamy Meeting – Guilliman, the Lion and Sanguinius in the bathhouse on Macragge during the Unremembered Empire era. Smut
Inconsequential – Set during Unremembered Empire era. Established Guilliman/Lion/Sanguinius. NB Sang coming out. No smut.
Vampires will Never Hurt You – Guilliman’s POV on the 41st Millennium, mourning Sanguinius, with flashbacks to Unremembered Empire era with G/L/S (smut). This is my favourite single thing I’ve written.
That Intimate Knowledge – written after finishing EatD 2, looking back at Horus/Sanguinius’ relationship. Little bit of smut
Scenes from a Reunion – written after reading The Lion: Son of the Forest. Technically not aligning with canon re Launciel and Galad because in canon it was just subtext
Experiments – Set in the 41st Millennium when Guilliman decides to remove the Armour of Fate. Smut starring Yvraine.
Sudatoria – Sanguinius and Guilliman in the bathhouse in Unremembered Empire era. Smut.
Quality Time – the Mournival discover porn. Smut
Closer – Sanguinius/Jaghatai set during the Siege. Smut
Nowhere, Still Somewhere - Loken/Abaddon angsty smut post EatD3
A Horus Heresy (WIP):
Series which became an AU Heresy. Everyone is bonking each other.
Heresy of the Free Spirit – Horus/Sanguinius first getting together, set after Melchior. The first Warhammer smut I ever wrote.
We’re Falling Through Space, You and Me – Loken and Mersadie getting together, set during Horus Rising. Smut (There’s a line in this which makes me giggle to re-read because it’s so abrupt, like Mersadie, slow down girl.)
The Time of Perfect Virtue – AU from Horus Rising events. Loken or Mersadie’s POV until later chapters. Smut and drama and heresy.
A Gathering – Fulgrim/Horus/Sanguinius threesome. Smut
Milestones – an OC from this AU contemplating things. Gen.
Come Ruin and Rapture (WIP) – continues the cliffhanger from the Time of Perfect Virtue. Smut and drama.
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How it all started...
The Custodes were supposed to be the Emperor’s friends and advisors. Which got me thinking.
What if they had actually been that? There were many, many moments in canon where Big E could have done with a well-meaning slap upside the head.
“My Lord, why not just send the War Hounds down instead of teleporting Angron up?” “What about chastising Lorgar in private instead of publicly? Much better for unity and morale.” *waves graphs showing how much garrison duty, and how much efficiency, the Iron Warriors are doing*
Except that the Custodes in canon are all stoic assholes and complete yes-men.
So I changed that.
The original draft for the AU was for the Primarchs to be parented by various Custodes while the Emperor was his usual manipulative canon self. But that wouldn’t work.  With more personable and proactive Custodes, he wouldn’t be his canon self. And it would be too many characters to write right out of the gate.
Enter Constantin Valdor. (At the time of writing, the Valdor novel hadn’t been released and so the AU ignores it.) All I had to do was make him a kind, introspective and forthright character and the rest just fell into place.
Oh, and the Emperor is a slightly feral actual Eldritch Abomination.
Which actually makes him a better parent.
Link to SpaceBattles here.
Link to Ao3 here.
List of Titles in the Series:
One Mile West of the Dreaming Sun: 5+1 Constantin Valdor-centric snippets through the Unification Wars, and his relationship with the Emperor. Gradual canon divergence. Soft.
Rise Up to Meet It: Horus origin story. The Vth Legion discover Cthonia, and a certain feral little fluffball. Some drama, but ends with fluff and cuddles. 
Your Tooth and Eye: Leman origin story. Horus tries to befriend the just-discovered Leman, who is an angry smol with identity issues. Meanwhile, there are monsters trying to kill them. Slice-of-Life-ish drama.
Five Cubits South of the Boiling Stars: A collection of snippets set between One Mile West and Rise Up. Focuses mainly on the various Custodes, adds worldbuilding, and also contains a mini-arc on the Scattering of the Primarchs. Overall wholesome, with a dash of eldritch horror here and there.  (Continuous work, updates irregularly)
Great Celestial Hieroglyphs: Magnus origin story. A slightly different deal is struck with Tzeentch much earlier. The XVth Legion suffer the consequences and an unlikely alliance with the VIIIth Legion is struck. Contains a second plotline about the growing partnership of two Astartes. Drama/Horror. Lots of Body Horror and Eldritch Horror. Plenty of Feels. Eventual bittersweet ending.
Pit Born: A stand-alone snippet about a supporting Astartes character, and the recruitment practices of the VIIIth Legion. Briefly starts off dark, quickly turns into Fluff.
Passerine: Sanguinius origin story. After being revered on Baal, Sanguinius navigates life in the Imperial Palace amongst his own kind and is faced with the task of reforming his bloodthirsty Legion. Very Fluffy, with a few bits of gore here and there. In Progress: No Frozen Firmament: Rogal Dorn origin story. Adopted by the Imperial House of Dorn, young Rogal is soon made aware of politics. Slice of Life, very Fluffy. Includes Woolly Rhinos.
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