#it's really fucking bittersweet bc he gains so much before he loses everything
rattusn0rvegicus 2 months
do you ever cry a little bit about your own writing 馃拃
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stonyverse 5 years
Favourite avengers movies scenes? Favourite iron man movies scenes? Favourite captain America movies scenes?
Omg, you have no idea how hyped I am because you're the first person who asked me so thank you for that. Anyways, you are in for a long ride because I won't be able to shut up about this.
1. Iron Man movies
Fave scene in IM1, I am Iron Man. That was the line that made MCU a different universe. I think they were gonna follow 616 (based on Tony's prepped statement courtesy of Phil) until RDJ disregarded the script and just opted to say that.
You see Nat going from playful to serious master assasin mode because her best friend is in danger. That scene basically shows that they will do everything for each other (FACT PROVEN IN ENDGAME). Basically, I loved all of Clint and Nat's scenes (kinda a low-key Clintasha shipper) in the first movie. I absolutely love their friendship and how it's portrayed in the MCU in its entirety. I mean I would've preferred that they be a couple but their platonic love for each other is what really got me to burst into tears in Endgame.
Whenever I watch that scene in IM1, I always find myself shaking my head and smiling because of how unbelievable Tony is. A part of me thinks he said that just so he could fuck with Christine Everhart and the other part of me thinks that he said it because he wants to tell people that you can be a superhero, no matter who you are and what your past is. It makes me think that way because before declaring that he's ironman he says that he's not a superhero because of his list of character defects.
In IM2, fave scene is Nick and Tony's talk in the latter's Malibu mansion. The whole conversation about Howard Stark. It highlights the fact that Tony never really got to know Howard. We all know he was a bad father to him but I kinda have mixed feelings about it. I mean, we see our parents as parents until we get to know who they are outside of being that. Personally, I'm just knowing who my mom is, now (I'm 20). Tony never really got that (part of the reason why that scene where Tony meets Howard in Endgame was important, for me).
And IM3, I don't have a specific favorite scene but I love its concept. I loved the fact that they showed Tony having anxiety attacks and PTSD and how he got through that. It's one of the things that made him human and so relatable.
I have to confess that I didn't see any CA movies until 2016. I only watched it because Tony was in CA:CW then I watched CA:TWS before watching CA:TFA. Basically, I watched it in reverse. 馃槀馃槀
I also loved the fact that the person who got him through it was Harley, a kid who became Tony's sidekick during that time. God, I don't really know how to explain how important it is to me, it's something that I can't put into words but I REALLY FELT THAT.
2. Captain America movies
CA:TFA, hands down to Steve and Peggy's last conversation. My god, that was heartbreaking. I've always been a sucker for what-could've-beens and almost love stories and they really reflect that. I sympathize with the both of them so much because they have to live with that heartbreak for the rest of their lives. It will always be the one bittersweet thing that they will carry. But the one my heart really aches for is Peggy.
I have a lot of favorite scenes from the avengers movies. I really loved the scene in A1 where Phil pulls Nat from a mission because Barton's been compromised.
I mean just. look. at. that! Holy shit, that grimace and half smile that she does. That's the face of a woman who can't get mad at the man she loves for leaving because the reason of said man for leaving her is the same reason that made her fall in love with him. It's kinda of like the look Pepper gives Tony in Endgame when the latter talks to the former about the time gps.
I'll put it on the list is easily my fave part in CA:TWS. It shows Steve doing everything he can in order to adjust to this world. It shows him moving forward.
And for CA:CW, it's Tony's presentation at MIT. Yep, loved that. It echoes with his character development.
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For A:AOU, I'd say Fury having dinner with the Avengers. I think that's when he says I have you, guys, I have nothing to worry about. We know that AOU takes place after the falling of SHIELD and Nick doesn't really have all the resources that he had before but he still believes. He knows that these are the people who will save the world because they see it as something that they have to do. These are the people he watched closely and saw grow. We all know how the Avengers Initiative came to be after Captain Marvel and saw how soft Fury is back in the 90s and during the dinner in AOU, I see it as a parallel. I've always loved Fury and have always wanted to see how he came to be and who he was before SHIELD fucked him up, you know? And that scene in AOU really gave me a glimpse. I see him as the tough loving dad of the avengers.
(I got the gif from google and it says it's from bitony's tumblr so credits!)
It shows how much he wanted to help people with mental health issues because he's been there and he knows how hard it is so he wants to do everything he can to make it easier. It's for the people who finds it hard to talk to a psychiatrist so in order to contribute, he created a noninvasive tech that helps deal with that (that's why I stan one man, why I can't understand people who calls him selfish).
(P.S. CA:CW could easily be IM4, let's be real)
3. Avengers movies
A:IW honestly fucked me up (they dusted some of our faves!!!). Buuuuuuuut, I'm gonna say the Okoye-Nat team up. THAT SCENE GOT ME LIKE:
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BC I LOVE OKOYE AND NAT SO MUCH!!! And to see them - these two powerful women of MCU who deserves more recognition - team up against the enemy, I swear, the BDE radiating from them.
(Additional stuff: what made me love Okoye way more is during that scene BP where W'Kabi was like would you kill me, my love? And my girl's like for Wakanda? Without question. I literally sobbed during that scene bc it hit me so much, I'm like I feel you, it just shows how much Okoye loves her country and that spoke to me)
AS FOR ENDGAME, GOD DAMN, I LOVED EVERY MOMENT. It's easily my favorite Marvel movie. Stevetonies won in that movie, Clintasha shippers won, Thorbruce shippers won. It's basically a service to the people. I know some have been hating on it (especially on Steve's ending) but I think tied everything up.
Endgame's opening scene was Clint teaching his daughter archery. That was so soft for me. The last we saw him was CA:CW (and tbh, I didn't like him in that movie bc he's such an asshole to Tony, like the things he said cut deep) and then now we know he's on house arrest just like Scott and being happy with his family. I loved how normal it was bc that normalness made it so painful when they disappeared. Then we saw Clint become Ronin. It's a parallel, to me, because it shows that the good can be bad. It showed us flaws and that losing someone really brings out the worse in us. But he's storyline also showed how much a bad person can change with the help of other people.
Now, let's talk about Nat and Tony, let's be real, those two heroes started it. I mean, sure, Downey really started the MCU but Scarlett immediately followed him (IM2). To see their characters' journey end meaningfully by saving their families and creating a better future for the world, I gotta say, it may not be the ending we wanted (bc we want everyone to live) but they died doing what they love most, you know? They died knowing that they made a better future for everyone. And if they're gonna go, they have to go like the hero they truly are.
For Steve's arc, I'm not mad at it. I actually smiled when I saw how happy he was with Peggy. I would have wanted for him to stay in the present but I kinda get why he did it. I know it doesn't really reflect the comics (since Steve grew to love the 'future' in there) but MCU is a different universe. Steve's always been selfless, always puts the world's interest before his so to see him finally putting himself first by following Tony's advice (back in AOU) makes me understand. Like, okay, finally, this guy does something for himself.
I LOVED THOR. I know a friend of mine thought that Thor was a laughing stock during Endgame but I deemed him gaining weight as an important arc his character. Thor lost everything: Friga, Odin, Loki, Asgard, Heimdall, the people he's supposed to lead... Then he failed to stop Thanos because he didn't go for the head. He thinks he failed, he thought it was fault. He became an alcoholic, he was depressed but hides it behind jokes. I feel like somewhere in there he thought he wasn't worthy anymore. That's why he doesn't use stormbreaker, anymore. That's why for the last 5 years, he's 'not' the god of thunder. Also the reason during time heist, when he was able to call for mjolnir, it made me smile from ear to ear. Thor's endgame arc proved that no matter how depressed you are or how much of a failure you think you are, you're still worthy.
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Bruce, Brucie-bear, Bruce... finally, he learned to accept Hulk. At first, I thought it was funny that he's Bruce and Hulk at the same time but the more I think about it, the more I saw how much Bruce grew. I mean, flashback in A1 when Tony told him to accept the guy and think of them as one instead of two different people, I remember how much he hated that idea because he sees himself as a monster and then in Endgame, we see him finally accepting his demons and actually became a better person because of it. Like, it really reflects how things would become better if we just embrace and love ourselves for who we are, you know?
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(credits to the owners of the gifs and photos!!!)
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spideychelleforever 7 years
Spideychelle Headcanon: In Which MJ Gets Chunky in College & Peter LOVES IT
In response to the warm reception to my earlier HC! Also partially inspired by the tags of the lovely @aqhrodites !!!
So like MJ has never really skipped meals nor has she been one to constantly stuff her face but she likes to eat like any human being
Her favorite foods are the snacks like cookies or a Poptart or apple that Peter would bring her but hey Peter could bring her two day old burgers and she'd gush about it
As college starts they're thankfully not far from each other, but they're still pressed for time thanks to schoolwork
MJ is secretly terrified of losing contact with this boy before she can tell him that she's in love with him finally ask him out for coffee so she makes a vow that she WILL ask him out before the end of freshman year
And well they FaceTime, text, call each other constantly, and for now MJ's fears are slightly alleviated
But stress from the fear of losing Peter and schoolwork causes MJ to snack more often
She doesn't even notice it, she just enjoys the freedom of getting to buy multiple kinds of Oreos at the dollar store that college grants her
Snack trips to the dollar store become more frequent as do vending machine runs (honey buns are amazing), fast food stops, and afternoons spent in the dining halls which are unlimited buffets as many times you want a day with her meal plan
And one day her jeans are difficult to pull up over her hips which is odd
They're also a pain to button, and they feel like a second skin but in a constraining way
MJ doesn't think much of it as she appraises how they seem to hug her booty. It gives her warm fuzzy flashbacks to that time she caught Peter checking out her ass and so she decides to wear these jeans for him at some point
Fall turns to winter and Peter notices that MJ's beautiful beautiful beautiful face seems a little.. different? Softer or something. All he knows for sure is that MJ is cuter than ever ooh
It's not until Thanksgiving break when MJ is reunited with family that she finally really notices she gained weight
After the second or third overheard whisper of "Michelle gained weight" she went to the bathroom and pulled up her shirt. Soft love handles greeted her in the mirror. Her thighs, her hips were chunkier, her booty was bigger.
MJ was certainly surprised, since weight gain can really sneak up on anyone, especially someone who's been fit and wispy her whole life
But MJ responded with a "eh"
And went to town at the Thanksgiving table
Circumstances prevented Peter and MJ from getting to see each other and hang out until towards the end of winter break, the early weeks of January
They met up at Peter's dorm which was mostly empty, and MJ knocked on Peter's door
And Peter is shook
Oh my
Because not only is the girl he likes right there in front of him at last after a semester of missing her
She's definitely fuller
MJ's cheeks are puffier, her jeans look painted on and whooooooaaaa the way her curves are just jutting out of them
"You gonna let me in or what, Parker?"
Peter just gave her a bittersweet smile and suddenly he's squeezing her like a python
And oh man has MJ missed this
She notes that he's still solid as a rock, and even bigger than he was last summer? MJ approves and is amused that he got more swole and she got more full
And it's just like old times
They crash on his small sofa and talk the day away and MJ really really loves how he puts his hand on hers it's making her want to do things
And soon they're exchanging the music they've discovered the past semester, Peter's is a lot of classic Disney songs he's put on his iPod for the first time the dork
MJ being cheeky AF is about to put her cheeks to good use
She pretends to have dropped something and bends over slowly, really slowly and really sticks out her rump and just when she feels his eyes on her, she quickly turns her head to him
"See something you like?"
And success! He's caught red handed and his puppy dog eyes bug out and he's stammering an apology
MJ smirks as she slowly walks over to him, swaying her bigger hips way more than necessary
She's standing over him, and pulling off her hoodie and she's got on a rather fitting tank top (it used to be looser)
And then she hops into his lap to straddle him
And she wants to squeal bc he's still stammering an apology as he puts his hands on her waist and oooooh
"MJ I mean shouldn't we stop this I-"
"Why?" MJ asks with an eyebrow raised
"Well bc..." MJ notices him glance quickly at her stomach
"Peter Parker," MJ says, "is this bc I got fat?"
Peter gapes at her
And then laughs his ass off
"DEFINITELY not" and he keeps guffawing and MJ is confused
"MJ I.. look. I noticed you were gaining weight and honestly.. I kinda like it"
MJ looks at him, surprised and impressed "really?"
"I... oh god this is really happening isn't it?" Peter laughs with a hand on his forehead
"I like you, MJ. And I know it's cliche but I like you whether you're skinny or fat. But I'm not gonna lie you're like really really alluring with the freshman 15"
"21," MJ corrects, a smug grin slowly appearing on her puffier face, "it was the freshman 21"
"You gotta stop that," Peter bit his lip, "that grin, it makes me wanna.."
"Do things?" MJ just grinned harder and narrowed her eyes
"I don't have any... um... well.." Peter mumbles
MJ smirks even harder if that's possible and pulls out a condom from her purse
Peter stares at her
"You sly dog," Peter mumbles
"I hope you can handle the new, more spacious MJ, Parker," MJ hands him the condom
Peter can't even bc they just confessed their feelings sort of and now he's about to get in the pants of the girl of his dreams what the fuck
But it's an eventful night
MJ relishes the effect she has on him and the effect he has on her
The way his hands feel on her fuller thighs, or how he grabs her bigger hips and her softer body on his rock hard one just feels right dammit
"You're so damn beautiful," he moans as he grabs at her hungrily and oh my god
Both of them are just over the moon
MJ hardly needed validation from anyone about her body least of all post weight gain
But damn does it feel good that Peter is perhaps even more crazy about her now
In the morning she wakes up to find him sleepily rubbing her pudge, and those slow hands(WOO) are already starting to get her excited even though she's exhausted
"If is known you'd like it this much," MJ murmurs, "I'd have been eating everything for years"
Peter smiles, his eyes still closed as he laps up her sleepy voice "I can't help it you're so freaking beautiful"
"Stoooop" MJ gently shoves him a little. "Too much dorkiness for me"
"We're in bed naked together, apparently it wasn't," Peter pouts, and he gently smacks her hips and loves the tiny little "fwoom" he hears after smacking MJ's pudge like that
After that MJ can't deny loving when her new boyfriend has pizza or baskets of her favorite cookies delivered to her dorm
And she loves the awed look Peter has when seeing her in a bikini the following summer
And she loves how he keeps calling her beautiful and checking her out even as she puts on more weight
And she loves it so much when Peter calls her his little muffin that her response is usually to drag him straight to bed
Look she loves this boy okay? And Peter loves having more MJ to love too
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