#it's secular haze btw
ghuleh-recs · 11 months
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not a thought in that pretty head.
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mintjamsblog · 3 years
Was Tommy’s naming the baby Alfred a nod to Alfie, or was it just something that slipped out in his delirious, painful, post-delivery haze? I do appreciate the unique take on his name and that you didn’t go with the obvious choice of Charlie. I’m looking forward to seeing what reaction Alfie has to Tommy’s name choice and if he’s at all pissed that he didn’t get a say. BTW - out of curiosity, what do you think they would’ve named the baby if it were a girl?
Yes, Tommy named the baby after his father. Alfie is short for Alfred. Naming a first-born child after his father was pretty standard practice. (There were even more prescriptive British naming customs pre the 19th century, which involved naming the 1st son after his father's father, 2nd son after the mother's father, 3rd after the father ... and then on to uncles etc until you ran out of sons!)
Alfie was certainly named after his own father (Alfred Solomons Senior - as stated by Steven Knight in the Gospel of Alfie Solomons). I like to think he has a more traditionally-Jewish second name (I believe Jewish tradition sometimes bestows two names on a child, one secular name for every day use, and one religious name for use at synagogue). 
Anyway, I think in this story, Tommy names the baby after Alfie because he has no real intention of abandoning his mate — you don't name your son after someone if you don't have pretty strong feelings for them — he is just in a bad place.
As for a girl’s name? I don’t know. They might have named her after one of their mothers? Probably Alfie’s, because Tommy’s feelings about his own mother are too dark and messy and, given how superstitious he is, he may fear bad-luck. (I like to think Alfie’s mum was called Evelyn. I have no good reason for thinking that).
And I could never have called this child Charlie, he isn't Grace's son! 
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dethroned-uncrowned · 7 years
i sorta wanna start listening to ghost, are there any songs you'd recommend?
hey friend! i’ve not been listening to ghost seriously for that long so i’ll go with the songs i first heard i suppose! it depends what sort of vibes u like as well
1. square hammer (seriously i love it, first one i heard)2. year zero (btw, there’s a bunch of nudity in that video. don’t be like me and accidentally have it playing while you’re studying in a crowded room)3. secular haze (so waltzy)4. from the pinnacle to the pit (best bass line)5. cirice (QUALITY)6. nocturnal me (the lyrics are kinda hilariously sleazy at times so enjoy)7. bible (it’s like, the creation story but his voice is so good in it honestly)8. he is (confession: i wasn’t sure on this one at first i just thought it was fine, but i actually really enjoy it now)9. idolatrine (it’s v catchy imo)
lemme know how you like them!! have fun!!! 
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tickfleato · 8 years
Tagged by @manticorns Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you’re done tag 10 people plus the person who tagged you, and most importantly, HAVE FUN
womp womp
A- Age: 17 B- Biggest fear: being abandoned by my FP? being hated. conflict C- Current time: 3:12 AM D- Drink you last had: coke E- Everyday starts with: falling out of bed and taking my meds at sometime between 6 and 7 and then going back to bed F- Favourite song: secular haze by ghost BC G- Ghosts, are they real: idfk dude H- Hometown: San Francisco, California I- In love with: teeth J- Jealous of: neurotypicals K- Killed someone: ive killed multiple ants in my lifetime does this count L- Last time you cried: idk i WANTED to cry like, multiple times today but i rarely actually cry M- Middle name: theodore and elizabeth. pretentious as fuck and just the way i like it N- Number of siblings: one half O- One wish: health and safety for my friends P- Person you last called/texted: idk. my dad? last person i chatted w/ on discord was my FP though Q- Questions you’re always asked: "why do you say the things you say” R- Reasons to smile: “he’s not clown jesus, he ate clown jesus” S- Song last sang: all star by smash mouth T- Time you woke up: like 9 pm U- Underwear colour: uhhhh. white V- Vacation destination: natural history museum in new york GIMME THOSE DINOSAURS BABY W- Worst habit: existing X- X-rays you’ve had: teeth Y- Your favourite food: salt and vinegar potato chips.  Z- Zodiac sign: libra
uhhhhh. ok taggin’ 10 people right
huppppp none of u have to do this unless you wanna btw!!
@jakemorph, @chessaficionado, @asexualgarfield, @ysera, @occultdigest,
@voidfort, @liopluraldon, @v-isca, @eridanus-supervvoid, @endelech
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