#it's super flattering that you like my artstyle enough to ask about it
Can I ask when you started drawing? Where you learned to draw? Any inspirations for how your art style is like now?
hghjgfhjytggfghjhygthjuhygt uuuuhgh idk i just do that??? first of all it's super sweet of you to ask, if you ever want to message me and get some more proper tips and whatnot feel free. i love helping people out when it comes to that kinda thing and i am FAILING to do so right now:
uuum, i'm not good at the teachy thing lol. lets see, i "started" drawing i wanna say around fourth grade? i mean i've never not drawn things as far as i'm aware, but that's the earliest i remember
wheni was in sixth grade i constantly plagiarized because i cared more about impressing my friends than feeling good about myself. don't do that please.
i didn't really "learn" to draw, i mean my parents are artists but they're glass artists and don't really use pen and paper and whatnot. i guess i just taught myself?
my inspiration throughout the years is almost solely fanart. people make cool shit and i wanted to join the shit show.
i only started posting my art online at the beginning of this year, and i plan to keep doing that indefinitely.
i've always been encouraged to draw and to do art from my parents, friends, and schools so it's no surprise i'm still doing it.
if i had to give an actual tip though, don't think about it as something you have to learn from someone, but rather something you learn from trial and error. make sure you really try to put thought and effort into it sometimes or you'll get upset with the outcome and think silly things about yourself. you need to know you actually can get something you're happy with when you keep a calm head and keep trying. don't be afraid to try something wacky and different to how you normally draw, it's how i get my best style changes.
and lastly, don't give up! you're awesome, and if you keep trying, one day you'll be awesome and content with your skill!
heres some little tips that i've learned through my experience: get ref for hair. and preactice a bunch, hair was hard at first for me, but now it's the easy part.
try all sorts of shit with noses, there'a a lot of ways to draw them and they're all cool
eye shapes carry a lot of emotion, so think about the shape your eyes are in when you show those emotions
same thing w/ eyebrows
mouths are weird. but it's weirder to leave that spot blank because you don't want to "ruin the drawing"
color theory exists, but you can't think too hard about it.
try fun poses.
that's all for now, sorry this is so wack.
i think i'll only be able to help you annon, if i know specifically what you stuggle with, and what you're aiming for. thanks again so much for the questions, i really love to hear it
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comicteaparty · 5 years
February 1st-February 7th, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble chat that occurred from February 1st, 2020 to February 7th, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
What is the nicest thing someone has said about your story, whether its published or still a WIP?
Deo101 [Millennium]
Well, this is one I can answer right away. It's not a very straightforward answer, but I had someone reference me and my comic in an essay about reasons why they were able to love themself... It was for a creative writing class, and they just used me as an example of a greater thing (indie media)... and I only know about it because they asked me permission. but they let me read the essay, and it made me cry. I havent heard from them in a while and I really hope they're okay, but that really stuck with me in a way nothing else has. It's not really a quote, though, so the nicest comment I have recieved was "I can tell how much you love people by reading this story." It was really sweet in a way I can't quite articulate. People have been incredibly sweet to me, and I feel very blessed. I could make a long list detailing the kindness I have been shown.
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Apparently Phantomarine (http://www.phantomarine.com/) has made more than one person cry already. Which, to me, is pretty darn high praise, given that I've barely begun the story
Having people find it and say "THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF STORY I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR" also hits a nerve. I know that feeling. You like certain themes/motifs and you wish someone would blend them together in just the right way. It can be magical.
And the last one is when I learned that children like it. A few have come forward so far - either in person or through their parents - and told me they loved it. It was around that age that I was building my own 'inner library' of inspirations for the comic. To know that I might be part of theirs, even in a small way, is just... the best?
Deo101 [Millennium]
that's all so incredibly nice <3
and now I wanna add to my list actually I don't want to interrupt, this is just a topic I wish I could sing from the rooftops about... I also had a student of mine (I am a teacher at a church) come out to me because he knew I would be okay with who he is. And, I have had people tell me it's inspiring to them, which kinda makes my heart melt. I'll stop now but, really I could go on and on about how open and loving people have been with me and my work, and how much it means to me.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Man... This is somewhat difficult for me to answer since I am so early into my comic creating journey. However, I will say that I recently got a comment on my comic Whispers of the Past (https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/whispers-of-the-past/list?title_no=191366) that made me smile. A long time reader commented that they always read my new pages twice, once on Webtoon, and again on Tapas. This really made me realize that my work has meaning to somebody other than myself, which is definitely what I need to hear when I'm doubting myself.
It's so nice reading about nice comments people have gotten and honestly... y'all deserve it!! I need to be in a better habit of commenting myself because I will promote comics to my friends for days on end but I'm too shy to leave a comment, even though I love receiving comments myself. I think the nicest comments I've received have been in combination with the conventions I was at last year. People told me that they thought the comic was funny, which I am incredibly thankful for. And one person who bought the book at the convention took the time to find it on Tapas and then comment on the latest page, saying that they'd talked to me, read the book, and that they liked it. That meant so much to me it was crazy! And another time, I was showing my book to someone at a convention and she said that she actually read the comic online, which honestly... It's so strange and surreal to me to meet anyone in real life who reads things posted online. It made my heart do smiley emoji. I think what LadyLazuli said is really right, this idea that you're a small part of someone's life or inspirations or just general day is pretty amazing?! Also this one guy commented on every page week to week with the same 'vase' joke on several updates and honestly the commitment was truly astounding
I think some of the nicest comments come from one specific reader, who has mentioned a couple times that going back and reading the comic has helped them through some tough times. There was also one person who went to the effort of contacting me after their books were damaged from flooding, and wanted to buy new books to replace the old ones. This was wild since they wanted to do something so inconvenient (paying with cash by mail, and I didn't even have an online storefront in the first place) to replace the books.
really early on i had 1 reader that would leave in-depth analysis of some character interactions and they were were spot on and made me really feel like people cared about this story . The other interaction that really stands out was doing the convention circuit last year I had a reader come up to say hi, and usually that interaction is just "i love your comic!" (which is amazing) but he also then talked to me at length about the story and again it was this feeling of just knowing someone out there cares about what you're doing. Comics feels particularly isolating so interactions like that really keep me going.
Funari (Raison d’Etre)
I've had two different readers tell me our comic has brought them joy during bad days. Sadly one of them I haven't heard from in 2 years and they were going through some rough times. I hope they're okay
Nutty (Court of Roses)
The nicest thing I've heard was when my coworker told me him and his daughter were reading it, and he told me that she's "drawing like me" with panels and stuff and keeps asking him "how do i make the bubbles" So they're gonna work on that and then he's gonna show it to me.
Any time someone gets what I'm trying to do with the story. I have a great fear of getting good intentioned people trashing the most important parts of my story (without realizing their importance). So whenever someone gets what the story is all about, whether as a whole or just one scene, it's a huge weight off my chest. Legit brings tears to my eyes. Even if I manage to overcome that fear some day, comments like that would mean a lot to me. Being understood has always been very important to me.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Someone recently said they wanted to get a tattoo of something in the comic and that was cool. It also means a lot when people respond well to the jokes in the comic because I put a lot into the writing to make it funny. I hope it makes someone cry someday Joe Is Dead http://joeisdead.com/read
Ffff all my readers have been so compassionate, it's jarring! In a nice way! Choosing one nice thing is hard, every comment has been nice. I guess the most flattering is when a someone takes the time to go back to the previous chapters to link little things up with the current events in the story, or when they manage to remember in spite of how webcomics update so slowly. There was a comment I saved a while back where someone remembered a small thing in chapter 3 and was doing some brainstorming with it relating to the current chapter at the time.
Every so often someone also leaves a paragraph with some of the most motivational gushing, it's so nice! Oh! Also, there have been a few people who've asked me to print my comic so they can have a physical copy (which I'm slowly starting to do), which is super motivating knowing a couple people like my depressing comic enough to want to own a copy of it.
Oh man, I too have saved screenshots of some of my favorite comments, but I don't wanna share them because 1) some of them are long and 2) maybe the commenters wouldn't want their names disclosed in a different context? They are great to save for a rainy day, though!
Oh this is hard I remember one comment on tapas that they got their aunt and cousin reading it and I was flattered! Most comments I got were about the artstyle and progression of the story, which I hope to continue if school lets me. Still, I'm quite surprised that it drove someone to get their family to read a romance about someone's dream lover lmao
also same keii!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Honestly, I have far too many comments I should screenshot. But so many of them are praising the art, and I never know how to feel about it. Like, those types of comments make me happy, but I never know how to truly feel about them.
Art is admittedly easier to comment on. If I'm commenting on art on anyone's comic, I try to point out how it contributes to the storytelling, rather than "ooh pretty and shiny." Pretty and shiny is valid but I'd be just doing illustrations if that were my main goal!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
But if 9/10 comments are, "Wow, the art is so pretty!" I can't really react to it much, especially since my own self-doubt is constantly reminding me of my mistakes.
I've been really excited to answer this question because it gives me an opportunity to thank any and all the fans and people who celebrate our work. I've been so humbled by all of the wonderful and amazing fanart we've received, music paired with scenes from our comic, and fans even imagining scenarios of the characters themselves-- I'm constantly blown away! I do have my most treasured moment however, and that was when we were tabling at TCAF a couple years back. We had been swamped with crowds, selling, and early mornings-- it was a long day! That was until we had one person who went through the trouble to see us in person, and handcraft a drawing to deliver to us, saying thank you, and in that moment I bawled!! They quickly left after us thanking them so much, and I'll never forget that and how much it gave us a fire to see this whole project through. We have it framed and it sits in front of our cpu
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I got one comment where someone said that one of my main characters "seems sweet," and it just left me confused because, a) he's only said about ten words total, and b) in those ten words, he has somehow managed to be rude.
So how is he sweet???
But I mean, I should be happy that he seems likeable despite his attitude and reticence
nice lmao
I do agree about the comments about the artwork being pretty and idk how to repond other than thanks lmao(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
That's pretty much all I can say
Because I would HOPE my art looks pretty good after a decade drawing haha
tho tbh because of the nature of my comic, I do get the occasional thirst comment and I'm just sitting there bawling
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh yeah, I get those
"Wow he's buff"
"yea bc I made him like that lmao"
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
People drooling about my male MC mainly
It's so awkward, but I knew it would happen
same, but for the male love interest and i'm like "this is expected lmao"
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I get like 0 thirsty comment despite one of the MCs being an athletic cat dude with literal secret tentacles (I'm okay with not getting a lot of thirsty comments, but I do find it interesting)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've gotten thirsty comments and my comic is not meant to be romantic or sexy at all
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh, I can leave you some thirsty comments
I love Lu
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I was going to say they are inevitable(edited)
but kei proved that wrong
same I love Lu too lmao
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
And will gladly praise his hotness
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
if your comic goes on for long enough, i think you will get some eventually. it is a rule of the internet
It's been ongoing since Nov 2014 XD But I guess it takes longer for some than others!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@keii4ii I don't think you quite understand
I have never been attracted to animal-people before
I have always found anthros and such weird
And yet
Lu is totally my thing
Strangely attractive for a cat guy lol
points for those who get the ref
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
how do you guys know what their comic is?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
He is way too attractive
Mine? Cronaj and Tuyetnhi came across it outside this Discord, I believe!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I have been reading it for a few years now
Although I can't say exactly when, because HoK has been a part of my life for so long
I think I started reading it a year or 2 ago lol
@keii4ii The only nice thing about Webtoons is that there aren't any profiles to check, so you can't look up fans via their comments. Also if you did Google their username there isn't a guarantee whoever you find would be that Webtoons user without them telling you. Lmao! About the thirsty comments, I used to get them a lot of Webtoons. There was this one scene where my smaller MC pulled the taller one to their face to say "Your friend is dead", before shoving him away and walking off. Some of my readers went wild! They wanted the two MCs to make-out so bad, even though the scene clearly had no romantic chemistry... or even the entire comic for that matter. My thirsty bunch came off really desperate and reaching at times.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Omg, that's just precious
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I really have never gotten thirsty comments, with the exception of one or two very mild 'Oh, that character is attractive' comments. But I think my comics just don't really attract thirsty readers. Of course, I rarely get any reader feedback, so that's probably part of it.
@DanitheCarutor Yeah, that's a plus about the semi-anonymity! My screenshots are from less anonymous places, so yeah. Some are also from like... Discord, where the person may not even have expected the comment to be archived in any way. (Sometimes I actually asked if I could screenshot, but I don't know if I asked every time...)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
No one has ever reported finding my characters attractive
Deo101 [Millennium]
People thinking my characters are hot is a pretty common thing, and usually I don't mind but... sometimes it's the bane of my existence.
It's always a little bit weird, though
every time someone is like "dat ass " I'm like alright bud keep it to urself
it's part of why I made all of my characters adults, actually
people even before I started making it, just when I was talking to them about it or showing my art would STILL be overly sexual about my characters so I aged them up where it felt less weird for me.
I’ll get thirst comments every once in a while, usually on tapas. I don’t mind it too much, especially since I’m usually making characters that I’m also attracted to? I usually think thirst comments are funny
Pfff I'm in a similar boat to Deo's. Usually I don't mind, but there are moments where it sucks. Like there will be a really serious, or heavy scene and someone will pop up with "Make them kiss!!", "Don't be mean to your future hubby, X! Kiss him and make up!!". It totally feels they don't actually care about the story and just want something to jack it off to. xD I don't get a whole lot of thirst anymore, which is nice. I think the vocal group lost interest after being blue-balled for 3-4 chapters. Weirdest thing, I have yet to get anyone saying my characters are attractive... well, some readers used to say Julian (my questionable looking non-binary character) was pretty but they weren't really thirsty, just observations. At least they came off like that. My style makes characters look kind of ugly, so comments about any of my cast being attractive is non-existent. @keii4ii Ooh yeah, I can see how that would be an issue. Although, if you really want to show off some super nice comments, you can also just cover or blur out their username and icon image. A lot of people do that, it's really good for keeping up the user's anonymity, and I don't think they would mind since you're not using their words slanderously.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Can I admit I sort of wish I got some thirsty and shipping comments? I also draw characters I think are hawt so I kinda wish my readers felt the same way. XD I don’t really want them in Ashes were my characters are teens, but in Eryl where 95% of the cast is legal age, I kinda wish some people wanted to be a little bit thirsty about it. XD
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah, i just wish it wasnt... Idk sometimes it seems like thats ALL people see and it makes me sad
Like theres other stuff going on...
eli [a winged tale]
I feel you too Cap’n! I sort of expected shipping comments for AWT https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/keyspace-a-winged-tale/list?title_no=322364 but yeah they’re still kids discovering themselves! When I start my adult fantasy comic (tentatively planned), then I’m all on board for sure. For the question, I love and screenshot every comment to peruse whenever I feel down. I treasure all of them but one that particularly stood out for me was a writer reimagining all their stories with my art and characters and that just about made me cry happy tears
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
So far the only 'thirst comments' I've gotten are when the comic gets even the slightest bit... gay I can't say my story revolves around major LGBTQ+ themes, but people have picked up on random bits of subtext between characters (which is mostly intentional on my part, not gonna lie) and specifically take time to comment on them. It makes me happy to see people reading between the lines. And it also helps me know what the readers like or are really looking for. So... yeah, I'm gonna keep on that path
eli [a winged tale]
Did I miss that in phantomarine?? Howww
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
The subtlest of subtle subtext... which will become far less subtle over time
Nutty (Court of Roses)
i am deliberately pushing my main ship to get ppl into it lmao
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
GOSH I know this feeling too well I feel like I don't want to overwhelm the readers, but I want them to still realize "...Hmmmmmm, yeah I kinda want this."
eli [a winged tale]
I’m so intrigued now
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
wait i can't think of anything remotely gay/romantic in phantomarine
besides maybe
phaedra and... cheth?
eli [a winged tale]
The shipping comments in AWT are currently on point at exactly where I want them to be
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i don't believe you would go for that, but shipping enemies is a very common fandom thing
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I wish I had more people shipping my characters because I'm all alone in it right now
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@Nutty (Court of Roses) I'm doing the same in Ashes. I'm being super obvious about Anor x Rava being a future couple. XD
So far I haven't really gotten any comments about it. Idk if my readers care about romance at all.
Which is okay, because I don't really write much romance into my comics.
Even though I secretly wish for a bit of shipping from readers.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I have to find out how visibly and obviously gay the characters have to act before people pick up on it
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
sssfrs, your comic just doesn't feel like the kind of comic people would ship characters in, though. Even the relationship between the captain and the guy that left, though lovely, feels, i don't know, too mature to really ship?
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
It's not the focus of the plot though so it's not essential just would be fun
Deo101 [Millennium]
people were shipping page 2 for me so idk
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
That's a fair way to look at it
Deo101 [Millennium]
apparently they need to be next to eachother , in my experience
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i think the art style plays a part, too
people were shipping my characters also from page two. But I have a "prettier" style than sssfrs
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Yeah, I think the only way readers even know my characters are queer is from the extra art I make of them for Pride month each year. On panel the gay isn't incredibly obvious.
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah, and I do WANT people to ship them so its not like I mind. I like shippers (when they are in line with my plans)
eli [a winged tale]
Yes Deo!! Exactly
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Some characters I think have a great dynamic but I just haven't published enough of the material that shows their chemistry yet so I can't blame anyone for not seeing it
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
^same for me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
looking forward to seeing that in both your comics!
i follow both
eli [a winged tale]
That’s fair ssfrs I’m all for the slow burn
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
It's true that my goal isn't to make the characters visually attractive and appealing in that way as much as in personality and interactions
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I do keep seeing people leave 1* ratings for Eryl on WT and I can't help but wonder if it's homophobes angry about a character sheet I shared that mentioned the character was lovingly raised by two dads. Bc there has been nothing really controversial on-panel in the comic, and I have such a small audience it has no other reason to keep attracting hate.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yeah, that's what i was trying to say. couldn't think of a good way to say that though. but i like your art and feel like it fits your story well
( at sssfrs)
i don't think there are a large number of homophobes on WT. If anything, there's an overabundance of the opposite- fetishists
people leave 1 star on WT for random reasons like you not updating enough
don't worry about it
eli [a winged tale]
Link your webcomics? With <> . Love to check them out
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I get a lot of fetishists, yeah....
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Idk, maybe they don't like that I update in traditional pages, then, Who knows
All I know is every time my ratings start crawling back up, suddenly they'll take a big hit.(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
idk, some people just seem to do that kinda thing
I have thought it could be other creators before, too...
trying to make less competition or something. but that would be cruel and I dont like to think someone would do that
so I prefer to think its just someone who didnt like my stuff
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
eh i prefer to think the best of people
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
It's not like I'm super successful or anything. The algorithms haven't been kind to either of my comics so I'm hardly competition.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i'm not going to think it's other creators
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah that's what Im saying
like its popped in my head and then I was like literally who would do that
thatd be reaaaaal messed up
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
hey, how to i add my comic name in paren to my name on this server?
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Unfortunately I know a lot of creators who would. They just don't hang out in spaces like these.
Deo101 [Millennium]
just edit your nickname in the options
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Mine is called Joe Is Dead, on here http://joeisdead.com/ and on tapas https://tapas.io/series/JoeIsDead
Deo101 [Millennium]
oh right I actually have another comic. It was on hiatus over a year so I havent gotten into the habit of sharing it...
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Yeah, go to the ... next to the server name and it opens up a menu with the 'change nickname' option.
Deo101 [Millennium]
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I put the title in my name
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
My other comic is here on WT: https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/children-of-shadow-ashes/list?title_no=145048&page=1
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i just don't like dismissing negative feedback. I don't want to get negative reviews and just brush them off as jealous people because i know my comic definitely has room to improve and would rather negative feedback motivate me to look for ways how
got it, thanks!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I love negative feedback. I want to put out the best work I can & hearing what people don't like or don't think is working helps me do that
Deo101 [Millennium]
theres constructive feedback, and then theres people telling me my characters are stupid and I think I can brush the latter off
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Unfortunately, I have been the victim of vicious jealous reviews. I've seen a lot of ugly in the webcomic world over the many years I've been doing this. Some creators be petty.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD) hm if i were to give negative feedback about your comic I'd say the biggest things are that you have a lot of characters that in my mind are kind of hard to differentiate, and also it can be really hard to tell where your characters are in space. But those don't matter too much, as they both will probably get better with time. Your biggest strength imo in your dialogue anyways
Not every negative feedback is relevant to my goals, is key for me. It's the whole "you can't please everyone" principle. My target audience does not include every person out there. If my target audience falls in love with what I make, then that's success for me. I don't need to impress the rest of the world.
(Thanks Tatsu.)
Deo101 [Millennium]
You have a different definition of "negative feedback" than I do.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
who are you referring to?(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
in what way?
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I can usually tell the difference between 'This person has a different idea of what this story should be than I do' and 'This person has it out for me because of jealousy or spite'
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Yeah I've found it really hard to juggle the consistency with where characters are standing all the time. I write out lists of the order they're spatially located in an effort to keep track of them. Hopefully I'll get better with practice
Deo101 [Millennium]
the negative feedback I am talking about is basically straight up hate. Constructive criticism, pointing out the flaws of a work, isnt "negative feedback" by my definition.
so saying "I want negative feedback" means something different for you than it does for me.
i WILL dismiss people being straight up rude to me
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
hm, I feel like a lot of people define negative feedback the same way i do, constructive criticism about what you could do better. If you say you dont want negative feedback you might get people thinking you don't want critique at all. imo what you are referring to might be more clearly just called "hate"
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'll consider it if someone is trying to help, even if most of the time I ignore it
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I also get the random 1 star ratings on Webtoon, so I think some people are just easy to hate stuff(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
yo sssfrs, you keep track of where characters are in space by writing lists??
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
These are probably also the same people who dislike videos habitually on Youtube
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i can't imagine working with that
Deo101 [Millennium]
I actually dont want critique at all.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
it seems so hard
Deo101 [Millennium]
not if I dont ask for it.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Con crit and hate aren't the same thing, though
One is genuinely trying to help you improve, the other is just trying to bring you down.(edited)
And it's okay to not want the former
Deo101 [Millennium]
and I would say "negative feedback" doesnt include con crit
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Just because you make something doesn't mean you have to want people to give crit on it.(edited)
I agree, because GOOD con crit is usually polite because if the person knows what they're talking about, they were where you are now and will be nice about it.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
From my experience the best critiques come from other artists doing similar work to you
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i don't think all negative con crit is helpful, either. people also need to know what their strengths are so they know what to keep instead of just what to remove
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
They might not even be trying specifically to be nice about it
But their words feel less hurtful
eli [a winged tale]
I feel like there are comments which are reviews (fair enough, everyone has subjective opinions) but I feel like constructive criticisms should be more private and take place in specific settings (most importantly where the creators are in a position of wanting them)
Nutty (Court of Roses)
@eli [a winged tale] https://courtofroses.spiderforest.com/
eli [a winged tale]
What I think most readers don’t understand or know is that the comic that does make its way to the public quite often has already been through rigorous critique and feedback
Nutty (Court of Roses)
(sorry, was late to that haha, i agree on your feelings about crits)
Deo101 [Millennium]
see, I dont know what you mean by "negative con crit" In my experience, a critique that is negative is not a critique and is more an opportunity for someone to flex.
helpful critiques may FEEL negative, because they are pointing out your flaws, but they arent negative
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i think you're defining "negative" and "hateful" the same way, but other people are not(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
I call them constructive feedback. Then on the other hand, yeah there are negative comments that are there to serve the OP’s sentiments(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I use constructive if it is helpful, and negative if it is harmful
eli [a winged tale]
But I just don’t think the comment platform supports the constructive feedback part. The comments currently represent the OP’s views which are very much subjective. It’s hard to know if they are providing feedback from a place of knowing story structure/art competency
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
critique does mean a lot more when I ask for it from an artist I respect
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed. It’s quite an intimate process
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but i can still take casual comments into consideration when trying to improve
things like, it's confusing, or i don't understand what's happening
eli [a winged tale]
I think trust in the critiquer’s background and intention for you to improve are imperative(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
speaking of comments that say the comic is confusing, god i hate getting those comments the most. Because they come from people genuinely trying to read and like my comic and represent a failure of my storytelling skills
eli [a winged tale]
Plus there is a skill/art (no pun intended haha) to giving feedback. That’s a whole nother can of worms
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
but better to hear that and know it than not
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
It's not always a failure of storytelling skills, though. Some people's brains work along a certain line, and when a story is told that doesn't gel with that, it seems confusing to the person. That doesn't mean the writing was bad, it just means that the author communicates differently than the reader.(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
^ thats what I was gonna say
I have a small group of people who I trust who are editors, writers, or artists. I go to them to see if I'm doing the best I can for my goals.
if people get confused then there isnt too much more that I can do...
not saying my work is perfect, of course...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i can't just brush it off by saying I communicate differently than the reader when I'm trying to communicate to the reader
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
But not every reader is your audience, though
Nutty (Court of Roses)
your message sometimes can't reach certain people, and that's not your fault
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
If all the readers are confused, that's one thing. If only a few are, well, your writing style just wasn't for them.
eli [a winged tale]
For sure. Agree Capn and Deo. There’s a lot of work that goes behind the scenes that readers are unaware
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
true true. But there are a few people who have said the same things, so I've taken those to heart and added dialogue that made it more clear. I don't regret that
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Your comic is public, and it's going to be seen by a very wide variety of people with all different kinds of reading comprehension and tastes. You're never going to appeal to all of hem, and plenty won't understand what you're trying to do. But that doesn't mean what you're making is bad. It just means it, like every story, is for a particular audience.
Yeah, if it's a repeated crit, it is something to keep in mind, but just remember that incorporating a crit shouldn't change what you're trying to do, only refine it.
Deo101 [Millennium]
Ive had a couple people say "I'm confused but Im enjoying whats going on" and I dont even know what I would begin to do about that
eli [a winged tale]
I usually trust my beta readers for that. If there are confusing parts then I would ask them how to clarify that best
I think these creator based forums are best to seek feedback and see what could potentially be remedied
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Of course. And I don't think my comic is bad. But one example was when I realized some confusion stemmed from me having a speech bubble that read, "without her," and didn't realize "her" could refer to two different characters which would make what was being said have two very different meanings. It's easy to overestimate how understandable your story is as an author that already knows everything that's going on. I think confusion is a good thing to pay attention to- I've definitely read comics before and dropped them because the author didn't pay enough attention to introducing things to the audience
(also dropped comics because they paid too much attention to introducig things but)
Deo101 [Millennium]
yes, like I said I have a small group of friends who are all writers, editors, and artists who can give me a pretty dang good beta read.
eli [a winged tale]
They are so great. Don’t know what I’d do without them
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
At that point I'd honestly keep going with what you have - there are several stories I've gone into with confusion, but also greatly enjoyed them, or even got less confused over time. Some readers need time to put the pieces together. So long as someone enjoys it on some level, I think that makes the comic successful. Maybe not completely - but not every comic will be everything to all people.
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed. Sometimes as well you gotta trust your story writing/art skills.
Deo101 [Millennium]
and like I'm not doing too bad for my first comic so I think I got something going for me at least.
I understand I have room to grow...
but I would like to keep that to people who I trust wont steer me wrong
eli [a winged tale]
Always room to grow for sure!
Deo101 [Millennium]
and arent just pushing what they want from me on me
eli [a winged tale]
Indeed. Feedback/ beta reading has its own set of skills. There’s always places to improve but the key is to determine specifically where that can be and how feasible(edited)
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I remember the first time I read Unsounded, I had absolutely no idea what was going on because of how Ashley structures her world-building. But there were aspects of it that were very engaging, so I stuck with it. After finishing the archives, I went back and reread. Now that I understood what all the terms meant, it made perfect sense on the second go-round. It's now one of my favourite webcomics. Some stories are just told differently, and that's okay.(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
There’s certainly an element of trust you must put to the creators that it’ll all make sense at the end
Deo101 [Millennium]
someone got very mad at me for how I have shown my trans characters so far.. I had to explain that the story isnt done yet, and they have to trust I'll bring it up
it's a WIP and there is some trust that NEEDS to be had
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
lol I have only one artist/writer friend (struggles of working in a non-art career), and she understands everything I write exactly as I intended it and I love it. But she's my friend for a reason- we tend to think the same way and read similar things. Don't think it's wrong to try to cater to a wider audience as well
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@Deo101 [Millennium] I wonder if anyone will react once I reveal that Anor is intersex/trans on panel. I'm really hoping I don't find out if any of my readers are transphobes -or- angry that he isn't ostentatiously trans.
Deo101 [Millennium]
someone was mad I didnt show my cyborg transitioning cause it could be so cool of a concept to see his original robot body and I was like literally none of what you said applies to him also thats kinda gross
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
There might be some transphobes. But it's worth dealing with them for the people who your comic will resonate with more for having a trans character in it
Deo101 [Millennium]
alsooooo some people might be upset, but then they will leave and you will be left with better people.
Nutty (Court of Roses)
I feel like me having a non-binary character and insisting on correcting everyone who misgenders them deters transphobes away p quickly.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
^^^ some people will dislike, but those who like will really like
and a smaller, better fanbase is better than a larger one that cares less(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
hear hear
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) I'm hoping some will resonate with him! I don't think I've ever seen any intersex rep in any story, so I really want people to know they can have a hero like them.(edited)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I'm trying to think of stories with intersex rep
I feel like there must be some, but I can't bring any up : /
Sazed from Mistborn is written as though he's intersex, but he clearly identifies as male and the story treating him as intersex actually feels a bit disrespectful
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Me neither. The only thing I've seen in stories is gross 'hermaphrodite' jokes when mocking a cis character.
I really want to give positive representation.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
webcomics have so much lgbt representation. I feel as though I must have seen an intersex character somewhere in there, but I'm not sure I have.(edited)
it feels kind of weird(edited)
I've seen characters that don't have genders because they're gods or whatnot but I feel like that's different
Deo101 [Millennium]
I mean, I have intersex characters I supposed but theyre alien genders so I also think that's different and wouldnt call them intersex
I don't know the whole conversation, but @Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios), you'll be fine! Most transphobic people quietly leave, only the really sad, pitiful ones make a stink and their opinions are pretty laughable. If you get crap laugh in their faces like they're morons. I would also say my character Julian is intersex, but I'm not sure how much it counts since it was a recent decision I made (after doing a lot of research) due to readers headcanoning them as an intersex character.
I think I know of a couple other comics with intersex characters if you want to check out some, lemme go look through my lists.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
@DanitheCarutor I'd love to see other comics with intersex representation! And I think Julian totally counts? I don't see a problem with reconsidering a character's sex, gender, or orientation as we become more aware of issues in the world, or even just more aware of our own characters. Webcomics are always a work-in-progress and things change as we go.
eli [a winged tale]
@DanitheCarutor I’d love to know them too!
Re: clarity and confusion, sometimes a small change in wording or such can improve the clarity greatly, and that's great! But I agree that reader confusion doesn't necessarily = failure in storytelling. I've published my comic first in Korean, and a much improved version in English. The cultural difference in the audience has shown to be a huge factor in terms of what's clear and what isn't, or how certain things come across. And that's just one factor.
So I only know of one comic personally, Drop-Out! Sure the characters are anthros, and the bubbles can be hard to read, but it is one of my favorite comics! Of course it's kinda heavy so be aware of that. http://drop-out.thecomicseries.com/ Although I checked out the Webcomic Library tagpacker and found a few. (including Drop-Out) https://tagpacker.com/user/webcomic.library?t=Intersex LGBT Webcomics also has a few that aren't listed in the above list. https://tagpacker.com/user/lgbtwebcomics?t=intersex @Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios) Lol yeah, I guess so. My readers made me put a lot of thought into it, and after the research being intersex actually fits a lot better with Julian's type of gender dysphoria and confusion than when they were AAB male. It also make some small, more intimate parts of the story feel more natural? It's hard to explain, it just feels better.(edited)
Like, making my work as accessible as possible has never been a goal for me with this story. So to me, it's not a failure that a large number of people can't see parts of the story that aren't being spelled out. I can totally respect "I want my work to be more accessible, so if all these people are not Getting It, then I need to do a better job" as a valid stance. Just not one I'm taking. It's all about individual goals and priorities.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Oh boy, writing a fantasy story with a very developed culture is kinda scary, because NOBODY is going to pick up on cultural nuances except for me(edited)
Deo101 [Millennium]
I DO want my work to be more accessible/reach a wider audience, but that still doesnt mean it will be for everyone, too.(edited)
Not gonna lie, I get a little salty when I see someone claiming their story is "for everyone." I feel like such a claim is disrespectful to different cultures and tastes.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i just started drop out and damn, that's one hell of an opening
Deo101 [Millennium]
Yeah I genuinely don't think it's possible to make a story for everyone lol
like... idk literally just by making it "sci fi" that excludes many people who just don't like sci-fi
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i've never seen anyone claiming their story is for everyone
Deo101 [Millennium]
I feel like just to get to your premise, not even your personal execution you're already super narrowing the people down who will be interested
which is fine!!! and is necessary to accept imo
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) I've seen it. Not often but I've definitely seen it.
I've even seen a creator accuse another person of being heartless because the person was not interested in their Very Emotional And Universally Heartfelt comic, so uhhh yeah
Deo101 [Millennium]
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Well then
That just sounds like an illusioned creator
Deo101 [Millennium]
I kinda like to think of it like music
I dont like a lot of songs that other people love, it's not that they're bad songs just... not for me(edited)
Yeah! I also think the word "taste" is very fitting
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah for sure
Some of us can eat ghost peppers like popcorns. Others would even avoid like... crackled black pepper
Deo101 [Millennium]
mac n cheese has a very wide audience, but some people aren't into it
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) Lmao! Drop-Out is quite a unique piece of fiction. I have also seen creators who say their comic is for everyone, then get made when someone isn't interested.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm gonna start saying millennium is like mac n cheese now
@Deo101 [Millennium] That reminds me of "what drink would your comic be" !!
Deo101 [Millennium]
someone: my comic is WATER EVERYONE NEEDS IT
I answered: "I want HoK to be liquid bacon fat, so that it'll stay in your heart forever."
Deo101 [Millennium]
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
even if your comic is water, some people don't drink water
Deo101 [Millennium]
but cute? I gues????
That sounds like a fun game, "If your comic were food what would it be?"
Mine would be sardine pizza, only weirdos like it.
Deo101 [Millennium]
next weeks creator babble question
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@DanitheCarutor its got such good art. The characters are so unique and expressive. Don't think I've seen anyone not use anti-aliasing on such detailed art before, but it works here
almost all webcomics are some weird food. We're niche just by nature
It DOES have great art! And it gets better as you go too, by the time I reached the end then looked back on the first pages for nostalgia it was almost like night and day with the quality.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
fuck, really? but it's so polished already
I mean, I guess that's not something to get excited about, most webcomics get better artwise as they go. Lmao! But still!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i love how the about page makes this sound like a fun roadtrip adventure
Deo101 [Millennium]
this feels mayble like the wrong chat for this discussion?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
My comic would be a latte: A lot of people like it, but some people will never like coffee.
I can imagine HoK being like Chung Gook Jang soup? It's 1) Korean, 2) it warms you up, 3) it is very polarizing even among Koreans. It's kinda like... imagine miso soup on ultra mega steroid. Like a vegan version of supersharp stinky cheese. And 4) I love it.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
im alphabet soup because i have a fuckton of dialogue
Deo101 [Millennium]
I'm actually gonna stick with mac n cheese. a bit childish, but it's nice! you can do some fun things with it to shake things up, but it's still cheese and noodles.
Mac n cheese is amazing.
Deo101 [Millennium]
I love mac n cheese.
another reason why it's my comic! I love it, and it's something I can actually make
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
As for food, WotP would definitely something like authentic Mexican tacos. Again, generally well-received, but can be a bit intense for a lot of people
I really like food analogies. Sometimes it's not Gordon Ramsey you're trying to impress. Sometimes you want to make something you and/or your loved ones will enjoy, and if that's "WAY too much [ingredient]!!!!" for everyone else out there, that's not a flaw!
Deo101 [Millennium]
yeah! :D
That's actually good food for thought (no pun intended): what niche aspects does your comic contain? How/why are they niche?
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) How do you do it?
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I think I once described mine as a corrupted tropical cocktail. On the surface: sweet, pretty, very colorful - but all the ingredients used to make it are rotten
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I thought of Cricket as intersex for a long time and I still don't know exactly where I stand on that.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I draw a diagram of where characters/ furniture are from above. Niche things: Most conflicts are resolved through anticlimactic conversation. Also there's this huge bit about consensual mind control. I wrote the comic I'd want to read, and somehow found a few people like me to follow along
I also usually don't have more than 2 characters interacting
so it's easier for me
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I have so many busy group scenes with people moving around. The most recent chapter was kind of a mess also because I wasn't really sure about the dimensions of the space they were all in
This scene was also pretty rushed in general
Re: intersex characters I feel like I've been shying away from that because I don't feel like I know enough about the topic to adequately represent intersex people
Joe Is Dead has a really specific aesthetic to it but I don't know how to define that niche. It's definitely something
Deo101 [Millennium]
I honestly could not answer that question about what niche things my comic contains. I don't know what about my comic is mainstream or not, I'm just making what I want to see and not really worrying about stuff like that.
For me, having an idea of what's niche about my comic actually lessens my worries!
It's a "okay, so I know these things are niche, which means people not liking or even getting those things =/= my failure!" kinda thing for me!
But I can also see how not thinking about what's niche or not can lessen the worries for others, too.
Deo101 [Millennium]
mhm, for me it means I can just go "well I like it anyways sooooooooo"
Yeah, that's the destination! We're just taking different routes to get there
Deo101 [Millennium]
I also genuinely just have a hard time determining whether or not something is niche
even if I thought about it for a while (I've been thinking about it since you asked, and I have thought about it before" I genuinely couldnt pinpoint it for you...
I used to beat myself up very badly every time someone didn't like a thing about my comic
Deo101 [Millennium]
and "oh, 1) this is subjective, 2) I like it like this, and 3) my liking of it is valid" was how I crawled out of that hole
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I don't know if my comic is specifically niche, unless you count "low fantasy" (or essentially fantasy with less magic and such) as niche
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My comic has a lot of specific nautical and history content that you could call niche
Also surrealism
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
i would call Joe Is Dead "niche," but not WoTP
I've read both
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I... used to think my comics weren't niche. Ohohohohoho how wrong I was!
Deo101 [Millennium]
Id say millennium isnt niche then it's basically just gay sci fi it's p straightforward
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
My comics are very, incredibly, undeniably niche.
@sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD) It is difficult to understand if you're not intersex yourself, even though I studied a lot before making the decision about my character I still don't know if I'll represent the topic properly. The best you can really do is get into researching all the medical stuff, talk to people willing to share their experiences with being intersex, and watch videos of people talking about it from a professional and personal perspective. The hardest thing to get right about something so subjective and personal is that everyone's experiences are different, so no matter how much you research you just gotta do your best with the info you have, then figure out how your character would experience it personally.(edited)
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I don't think anything magical happens until Chapter 11 of WotP, now that I think about it
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Also @DanitheCarutor thank you for the links!! I'll have to give those comics a look!
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I’m still backreading and I just saw the food question, that is great
JID would be saltcod
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Or like pickled herring maybe
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
(Bacalao = Puerto Rican salted cod)
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
They have it in spain too iirc
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Ashes would be very bitter black coffee someone forgot to drink and it's just been sitting there for two days. Eryl would be well-aged wine spiked with tabasco sauce.
Sorry for derailing. Anyways, I feel like my entire comic is just a ball of niche? The subject matters are uncommon and the main characters are awful and unreliable, but that's my aesthetic so I'm sticking to it. I've never particularly cared about people liking my comic due growing up not being liked myself (you kinda get over it after a while), but I do like finding people like me. @Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios) No problem! I hoard stuff like that, so I probably have a link for everything.
Urm, I don't mean I like finding unlikable people like me, I mean people who like the same types of stories as me.
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Honestly, Dani, I connect to your comic quite a lot, for what it's worth!
Thank you! ;v; In a way it's kind of nice having a comic that doesn't fit in. It tends to stand out, especially with my choice of medium. Although at the same times it's really hard to get feedback that applies to what you're doing! Arg!
It is such a Struggle, for sure -- getting relevant feedback
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
I feel you! I'm in the same boat with Ashes. It's also incredibly niche and there just aren't that many pencil comics out there- coloured or graphite.
Being a creator who likes feedback, but also likes making niche content, is so hard! Why can't everyone like niche content??
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
As niche as the setting and tone of Joe Is Dead are, the main story arc is a very generic hero adventure thing that I hope will appeal to wide audiences
eli [a winged tale]
Niche content
I’d love to know more! What niches are you exploring?
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
The nicest thing anyone's said about Super Galaxy Knights Deluxe R http://sgkdr.thecomicseries.com/comics/ is that they really became invested in the characters. Like, that's the kind of story I want to make - the kind where the characters really stick with you.
snuffysam (Super Galaxy Knights)
As for what food my comic would be... I'd say squid ink pasta. It's the kind of food that makes you go "what the heck is going on here" if you're new to it, but once you actually eat it you'll (hopefully) go "oh, that made way more sense than i expected and was actually pretty tasty"
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I don't know if you're talking to me directly but I'm using a lot of maritime history and literature stuff that I've been obsessed with for a long time as the setting of the story, and then the whole thing has a really morbid and nihilistic tone, while also somehow being funny because I have a background in comedy/satire writing
And then heavy biblical themes
It's essentially a Renaissance period retelling of the Joseph story from the bible
With pirates instead of shepherds
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
For me, I’m not even sure what niche Ashes belongs to. (https://www.flowerlarkstudios.com/cos/) It’s dark, it’s weird, it has a twisty plot that slowly trickles information, and it’s an odd mash-up of genres. I often try to describe it as Miss Peregrine’s Peculiar Children meets Farthing Wood. It’s mostly urban fantasy with some horror elements and talking animals. Basically it’s about a bunch of unaging teenagers with supernatural, angel-gifted powers and a bunch of woodland critters fighting (although so far it’s more running from) eldritch monsters. But it’s main focus is on each character battling either mental illness or some other kind of inner demon.
There's also the aspect of: what's niche in one culture may not be niche in another. In Korean media, Fantastical Old Korea is a very common setting for all sorts of genres: gag a day, romance, all-ages adventure, gritty crime drama, zombie apocalypse, you name it. If the work spends a lot of visuals showing mundane everyday moments, often that's a shorthand for "sit down and stay a while; this is a heartfelt tale that takes its time." My comic uses such a setting. When I began to publish it in English, I was surprised that people were expecting it to be one of these AND NOTHING ELSE: a) exciting magical action adventure b) mythology-driven, all about gods and spirits My comic is neither of those. It definitely contains elements of adventure, but that's the plate the meat is served on, not the meat itself. So I guess the usage of the setting is niche.
Like, imagine a civilian life drama set in WWII time. The civilian MC may have a family member or a close friend in the military, but the story focuses on the MC's experience. Imagine presenting that story and people expect it to be... military action? Not a perfect analogy, but hopefully a good enough one.
Kelsey (Kurio)
To be fair, Korea would find fantastical old Korea less exotic than those outside of Korea heh
That is definitely a factor. Even today, you can find semi-Old Days-like places IRL within like... 3 hours of drive.
I'm weirded out that my culture is considered exotic, but it is what it is
(To clarify, weirded out =/= offended.)
Kelsey (Kurio)
Well any culture can be exotic to people outside of that culture
As an outsider looking in, it can be fascinating to learn about a culture I don't know much about
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Anything unfamiliar is usually considered exotic. I know in both England and America, I never really learned anything about any Asian country growing up. I had to seek out the info myself, and as it was very unfamiliar to me, it seemed exotic!
Kelsey (Kurio)
Especially their myths and stories
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Oops, exactly what Kelsey said, I typed too slow.
Yeah, the thing is I've been told I should not be using this setting to tell this story because it's a doomed combination. But ehh, I decided not to listen to that. This story with this setting and all of its elements is what I wanted to read.
slice of life set in a historical setting sounds really refreshing actually(edited)
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
But I know I’d probably feel strange if someone told me New York was exotic!
sometimes historical settings can get really bogged down by politics and whatever other drama, having a quiet slow paced story set in the same kind of world is something i'd be interested in reading
Kelsey (Kurio)
Nothing wrong with trying the approach you want to
Who knows, you might end up with a unique combo that helps your work stand out
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
Yup. I’m a firm believer in writing the kind of story you’d want to read. No matter how niche.
Totes agreed on this. For me, when I had to drop my dark drama series for my romance story, folks were like "Dang, I thought you like writing dark things!"
I do, but romance comics.... [clenches chest]. I also want to write a story that I want to read so lmao. Dream lover elements along with some dark horror influences is something I want to try doing lol
this is not a webcomic but try reading coelacanth if you're interested in the combination of horror with romance @Tuyetnhi
ooo I'll keep that in mind
it's really so unique i love coelacanth so much
is it a novel? :0
it's a manga
Yeah I probably check it out sometime lmao
back on the idea tho, I also wanted to add some Vietnamese influences in the mix since there's not a lot of stories about Vietnamese disapora, so that's included in the cauldron lol
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@keii4ii what's your comic? I wanna check it out(edited)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) It's https://heartofkeol.com/
(I get extremely nervous whenever I know someone is checking out my comic for the first time )
To answer @eli [a winged tale] question. I'm delving into stuff like mental illnesses and disorders, medical illnesses, abuse, trauma and later on, self-care. The comic itself is slow and character centric, I guess you can say it's like a character study. The story can be really depressing depending on who is reading, and it has some softcore horror bits sprinkled in. I'm kind of a nerd for mental health, sad stuff and everything medical so I figured I may as well make a story embellishing those interests. In short it's a sad, character driven, psychological drama about two extremely flawed individuals. Not particularly exciting compared to all the other webcomics out there, but somebody has to make that one pretentious, psychological slice of life piece.
What compounds my issues is that my comic does have enough adventure elements for someone to mistake it for an underwhelming adventure story. "This is an adventure story but there's not enough adventure in it?" kinda thing.
@DanitheCarutor Character studies FTW!!! Yours has been on my 'gotta check this out' list for a long time now!
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
I also am a fan of psychological stories
Especially if they're sad(edited)
Kei idk why but I was reminded of .hack SIGN when u said that
"there's so much talking! where's the action?!?"
@Tuyetnhi That's actually not a terrible comparison -- though .hack//SIGN has other issues that my comic hopefully doesn't have XD
I'm pretty sure it's miles better than that old anime lmao
@keii4ii Pff I need to check out your comic too! I remember reading it at one point, but I don't remember what happened to make me lose track. From what little I remember I really liked it.
The thing with .hack//SIGN was it had a lot of promises of mystery that never went anywhere, within SIGN. I've heard those mysteries do go somewhere within the franchise, but you had to watch/read the entire franchise, which I wasn't going to do. I hope my comic will be a good read on its own, when finished.
sadly, I was one of those suckers that went to consume the .hack games and mangas to get some context from SIGN in the late 2000's lmao
I hope the same as mine, despite being mostly saccharine and self-indulgent nature lmao
Self-indulgence is a strength of indie comics.
eli [a winged tale]
I love all the themes y’all explore! They’re so important
I feel like I have a reason for everything when working on that comic but if that's what it boils down to, I'll take it lol
TBH I produce my best writing and art when I focus on pleasing myself.
Because if I'm trying to please others, I don't even know what they want, so I waste my energy panicking.
But when I'm creating for my inner reader, I can be self-critical in a productive manner!
so true ya
Hey guys. I kind of feel as this has deviated a smidgen too far from the topic, so maybe reel it in just a smidgen. XD(edited)
so the nicest thing anyone's ever said about my comic is that they wanna read more :3
I kinda dread reader dropoffs so the will to see the whole story through fills me with joy
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bluriginals · 7 years
Quest for the Northwest Review
@gfdeepwoods @mysteryseeker
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Sorry to keep you waiting!
It's been a long time coming, but it finally came! Not only since the last Blu Blogs (all the way back in March; yikes!) but since I made the promise to provide a review of Quest for the Northwest for a member of its crew (all the way back in June). Now I know what you're thinking and I will tackle these thoughts in order of importance:
1.) What's Quest of the Northwest?
It's the first installment of Gravity Falls: Deep Woods, a fanimatic based series chronicling some adventures in between the normal episodes of Gravity Falls
2.) jesus /march/
yes i know i'm awful
3.) Someone requested you to review their stuff?
i know it's so exciting!
ok maybe none of you were thinking that but i was and it was so flattering and cool and stuffs
4.) Does this have anything to do with the Mystery Hut review?
Only vaguely; MysterySeeker (who I'm assuming is running the project) saw it and thought I was apparently good at this so they asked me to throw some of my...'me' their way.
5.) You promised this review in mid July and it's almost October. What do you have to say about that, HydroPants?
Uuuuuuuuh...there's my ride?
Now in my defense, the first part was released January 16th and the second Hirsch Day and that's a 5 month wait so if anything I'm like, 3 months fashionably early!
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Read and weep, boys.
Alright alright, in all seriousness deepest apologies for me taking SO long to get to this. Getting that feedback on time is likely important for whatever you guys are doing with Deep Woods moving forward and it's just plain unprofessional. Really sorry to you all! But enough apologizing, let's get to the review of...
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If you haven't already watched it, you should check out part 1 here .
As I stated before, I might not have known about this or looked into without my Mystery Hut review and as I stated there, I was really hyping that project up. Since then I've learned to abolish hopes/dreams and reject happiness, but the thumbnail did give a good first impression. It had a well-crafted quality to it and had been made specifically TO be the thumbnail. This really contributed to my gut feeling that Quest for the Northwest would really be something special. And let me tell you it is DEFINITELY really good. However, rather than talking about it on its own, allow me to spend the entire review judging it not only by its own merits, but by comparing it to Mystery Hut. Naaah, just kidding I'll leave that ol' coot alone. Before I we go in on the story, let's talk about the presentation. Oh my.
This presentation is just /amazing/. It's really like taking a step back into Gravity Falls as if nothing's changed (as much as you can in an animatic sense). Starting off with the sound direction, Quest for the Northwest has a distinct element that truly gives it the GF edge any project attempting to emulate the original series needs: the music and audio cues. Brad Breeck's music fills the scenes it needs to and adds to the atmosphere so much. However we aren't dealing with Johnny Test or a 4Kids dub here; the fanimatic knows when to stop talking and deliver some golden silence.
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This example from early in the episode where Mrs. Northwest discourages Pacifica from playing with the commoners utilizes sound cues in a way that emphasizes what happens in it
I can't think of a true example of silence off of the top of my head, and it's likely that many scenes use a more lowkey part of the OST, but that works towards the same objective: quieter, more somber moments that appropriately juxtapose the louder ones. It never feels like these silences are too long, awkward, or the result of someone flubbing a line or not being able to think up some dialogue to put in the place of said silence. Speaking of flubbing lines, there's basically none of that: the casting and voice direction are extremely solid. I feel as though some of the people from Mystery Hut (THIS AND TWO THINGS LATER WILL BE ONLY COMPARISONS I SWEAR) may be 'reprising' their roles in Quest for the Northwest (which will hence forth be abbreviated as QftNW) and if they are I gotta give some shout outs to them and the voice director because the delivery and inflections of every line are just right and more. You really get a sense of the emotions and mindset of the characters with every word they say and on the whole the inflections feel very reminiscent of GF. Dipper, Pacifica, Jeff and Preston while not perfect matches are honestly good substitutes and deliver every one of their lines the way you'd imagine the real VAs to. Soos is honestly spot on aside from not being as deep but the real star of the show is Mabel. Though she isn't a near perfect match like Soos, whenever I hear her voice actress speak I can actually feel those Kristen Schaal-isms in her; not just through her dialogue but how she says certain words and just her voice in general. There's even special attention to detail in some places like when Jeff's voice breaks when he's pepper sprayed and in some instances, you can even tell what a character is saying based on their mouth in a single frame.
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You can EASILY tell that Jeff's saying something with an 'L' sound, and while you don't have to mark little things like this in boards unless they're really important, I appreciate it a lot.
The only gripes I have with the sound (and they're admittedly minor) is that I feel like Part 1 is a bit quiet, even at max volume and Snadger's hiss audio in part 2 is loud. Like, if you have it at 100% prepare to get that faux jumpscare chord feel. But these really are nothing in comparison to the great sound in this fanimatic.
Upon my first viewing of the episode I was blown away at how well-crafted and consistent the art was. I could NOT believe that there were that many boarders; 4 at most. But I found myself shocked to see a plethora of different artists names flash on screen during the credits (16 to be exact; 4 times as many as appeared). On the second viewing, I was definitely able to distinguish more than 4 styles, but 16 is still WAY more than I'd ever guess. It's just so consistently good, on-model, and expressive, its many artists are able to carry it together with pride.
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This shot in particular is really pretty, so I wanted to highlight it :)
Sure there'd be occasional hiccups like Dipper and Mabel's heads being squarshed in some frames or the first portion of Jeff's beast slaying plot but you still get a genuine sense of effort from each and every frame/artist and (Mystery Hut comparison incoming) not ONCE does it ever stoop the low, haphazard inconsistencies and disregard of the Gravity Falls artstyle as Mystery Hut did. In fact, it goes so much further beyond that. Just...take a look.
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(Nearly) Every. Single. Face in this project oozes with the Falls. I absolutely loved it and it was a pure joy to look at. Not a second goes where something isn't moving and it's in the best way: each frame is logical and compliments the one preceding and succeeding it. I can honestly imagine so many of these frames transitioning smoothly from one to the other in animation and this level of attention to detail and desire to express a genuine Gravity Falls experience is commendable to say the least.
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They remembered dramatic, shading using close-ups and in some shots they even bothered to put in unique towns people that fit the style! Cute!
But the biggest thing of all that propels this to new heights artistically has got to be the understanding of the characters.
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QftNW has such a great understanding of Gravity Falls' characters not only in how they talk but equally as important: how their physical body works in relation to other objects as well as themselves.
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Dipper's (audience) right hand has such a nice depth to it and the way Pacifica's hair bends on the bench looks like it jumped straight outta the show.
But there's on example that stood out to me above the rest. Just...look at this beautiful  8 frame scene where Dipper and Mabel take off their Pacifica costumes.
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Forgot how tumblr shrinks wide images like this, so here: bask in the full glory of these frames!
Whoever drew this is my Super Star, the 1-Up Boy (or Girl). It's on model, it understands how the individual 'pieces' of Dipper and Mabel work (hair, arms, face etc.), it has touches like their changing facial expressions and Dipper turning his hat forward. I just can't do it justice this scene is so /good/. MysterySeeker when you get to this, please give that boarder special shout outs. I love this scene so much aaaaaaaaaah
Alright that's enough gushing about the glorious art and sound. There's one last remark I'd like to make about the presentation. The episode managed to get in a special monochromatic full version of theme which is great, but in the end the episode totaled out to /27/ minutes. Now, if that's what they want to go with that's absolutely fine. Nothing wrong with having your Gravity Falls fan series run a couple over the normal limit. But if they really want to go for that Gravity Falls feeling they should cut 5 of those minutes.
Story and Characters
Quest for the Northwest's basic premise is that Dipper and Mabel decide to go out to a parade being held to honor the election of the holder of the best running gag, Tyler Cutebiker. However upon seeing a miserable Pacifica in the parade Dipper and Mabel (mostly Mabel) callout to her and try to get her away from the parade and by extent her parents. All isn't right however as with Jeff's role as leader being questioned due to his inability to find a new queen, the town's precious princess may find herself in more trouble than she's bargained for. The basic story definitely shows lots of promise, particularly in the idea of having an episode where the Pines twins both interact with Pacifica. But before we really go in on that let me talk about the structural elements that hold up this story.
As stated in the presentation section, the visuals here are on point and they really propel the episode forward with great action based gags, both subtle and dynamic. Jeff rubbing his eyes after being pepper sprayed and Preston's reactions to all of the filthy commoners being near him (Soos especially) added to the scene SO much.
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Don't touch me, PEON. And on a similar note...
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Don't touch me phone, PEON.
The characters aren't just moving through each scene as lifeless dolls, occasionally making flanderized quips that are supposed to remind you "YUP THAT'S THEM". That wasn't uh, that wasn't supposed to be a Mystery Hut sneak diss either I just wanted to say that the characterization is great. Speaking of that third Mystery Hut diss, it's finally time to get to it as we talk about the characterization. Mabel's characterization is MILES better than it is in Mystery Hut. There she was a spouting faux-Mabel non-sequiturs and generally being a flanderized nuisance. But here? Her dialogue isn't substanceless; it's endearing, and smart, and feels SO Mabel. And being that this is QftNW, it's not just her dialogue. It's her actions. How she moves and the things she does: licking the beard hair twice (and ultimately eating some at the very end), her "balloon sense" in scene 2, picking the cotton candy off the bench when they hear people calling for Pacifica and then sliding next to them when they look behind the wall.
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It culminates into making Mabel feel well represented and because she's one of our two protagonists, it's pretty important to have her on point. And that my friends is that LAST you'll hear of Mystery Hut for the rest of this review. Probably ;)
I think that Pacifica was handled really well too! Some fans would've had her be a complete 180 from her appearance in Northwest Mansion Mystery, having her be all nice, and kind, and forcing Padippica down our throats in a way that feels unnatural, Pacifica still retains a lot of her personality. She's clearly only JUST learning to be better person and it's the gradual type of character development that I love to see.
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Pacifica says "It's ok, most people are terrible at what they do." and not only is this a funny line but it feels perfect for a kid who's only steadily learning to drop her rich girl tendencies.
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Sort of reminds me of the Steven Universe episode "Beta" where Peridot is showing Amethyst and Steven the Beta Kindergarten and making remarks about the gems that emerged there that really bring out her more Homeworld-like habits.
Jeff's pretty well-handled as well. Due to him being more of a recurring character in the series he's got nothing that really stands out but he's still well represented, especially in relation to the show. Basically all of his dialogue feels right at home with him. Though there is one action he takes in the story that particularly stands out, and that's retrying the Norman scheme from Tourist Trapped. I know this seems like the type of thing that'd I normally whine about and call forced reference/fan-pandering, but the way it goes about is such a unique parallel to Dipper and Mabel's encounter. The Gnomes are NOT the smartest creatures in Gravity Falls, so it makes perfect sense for them to double down on such a make-shift plot. It further expands on the parallel by having the plot fall apart very plainly. Him stumbling over his words, dropping the hand, and just coming on too strong coupled with Pacifica not buying it at any point and eventually fighting her way out is a serves as a smart subversion of Mabel's encounter with them, helps advance the plot in a unique direction. On the topic of throwbacks that brings us to Dipper and well...
For the most part I believe Dipper's also himself. At first I was thinking he was being a bit of a downer but honestly, it fits Dipper to be resistant against things like going to the parade. Him not thinking about Pacifica's huge milestone in Northwest Mansion Mystery (NMM) where she disobeys her parents is a little bit harsh but things really go over the edge when after the twins manage to get Pacifica off the float, Pacifica mentions that while appreciative, she doesn't want to be caught with them for fear of more punishment from her parents. Dipper replies to this by saying "See Mabel, she hasn't changed at all. And here I thought you were gonna start trying to break the world's worst chain".
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Barring the fact that reprising the "world's worst chain" in the context of demeaning Pacifica comes off as absolutely brutal seeing as the line was such a landmark part of NMM (it was the thing that made Pacifica finally consider a change of heart), it feels very forced. Dipper didn't need to say something that cut so deep AGAIN especially after Pacifica saved ALL of their lives not out of obligation but out of wanting to do the right thing. And that's just the world's worst chain part; the fact that he says she hasn't changed at all? Way too much. And considering that she's just doing something as little as running away from a boring parade and not tricking Dipper into exorcising a ghost it was really unwarranted for him to go nuclear on her like that. Honestly this is the only instance of bad writing in this entire fanimatic. Like, Pacifica not wanting to consistently disobey her hella strict parents again makes sense. Has the Fear of God never been put into this boy by Mr. and Ms. Pines?
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But don't let this minor blemish make you think it's NO good. The episode's writing is honestly SO good. And it's referential/injoke humor definitely isn't a hit or miss in most cases. You know, based on the fact that I gave 1 hit example and 1 miss example; I didn't want it to come off as QftNW being a crapshoot when it comes to reference jokes. It's very subtle but you can catch things like 'Dope Dog', an obvious reference to Cool Cat who we all probably know from YMS, Pizza Guy being jibbed YET again,
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Shout outs to whoever boarded the first montage too btw
Alex Hirsch's face being on the TV and name somewhere else in the episode, the former Mayor's honorary statue and the fact that it has 2012 on it,
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You guys KNOW they would've had to vague the date if this was a real episode.
And best of all Pacifica's response at the end when asked if she wants to visit the shack. If you don't get it, listen to how she responds to Dipper. You'll get it. QftNW is just plain good at balancing the worlds of emulation and fandom. I salute you fair fanimatic.
As you could guess from how much I've gushed about the characterization, the writing is a joy. The jokes are very much Gravity Falls and from start to finish this episode is doing its best to give you that feel when you have GF.
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On first viewing this had me /ROLLING/, oh my god. What a great way to start off an episode.
And it keeps this kind of stuff up throughout its entire run. BTW shout outs to one of the guys who said "MS. NORTHWEST" while they were looking for her. This is so random but the way one of them said it honestly sounded like professional VA work. He knows who he is. Alright that's enough goofing around. How do I feel about the actual plot, the meat of the story separated from the writing/art framework? As stated before I truly believe this to be a great fanimatic. Its production efforts are high for a fanmade project and you can just tell lots of love and heart were put into every aspect of it. But if I'm being quite honest, I found the actual plot sort of weak. The writing itself was top notch so that did it a lot of favors but if you take a step back, you realize that not a lot really happens. Like, a lot HAPPENS but not a lot of substance happens. The episode deals with two primary conflicts: Pacifica trying to take a break from her daily routine and avoid her parents and Jeff trying to prove he's a worthy leader. Both are handled in a pretty straight forward manner: Pacifica avoids her parents all day and worries how they'll react, Dipper and Mabel come up with a valid excuse less than half way through the episode; Jeff tries to kidnap Pacifica, fails, the kids pity him and help him out by doing the classical costume farce and all is well. It's lacking the strong character plot (ex. Mabel questioning if she is a good person in Last Mabelcorn, Dipper confessing his crush in Into the Bunker, Dipper and Mabel wondering if Stan is really what he seems in well, Not What He Seems, Soos learning how to deal with girls/the fear of being alone in Soos and the Real Girl etc.) present in nearly every Gravity Falls episode. Even the segments within Bottomless Pit! and Little Gift Shop of Horrors managed to place some significant character plots that easily feel just as strong as the real episode's despite them not actually happening. Here minor conflicts arise, but they're never anything that hard to surmount or quite frankly, that interesting. After letting it sit with me for a while, I realized that
1.) The episode has two montages. Not that having two is some abominable sin they should've avoided at all costs, in fact montage 1 is great for giving an abridged showcase of the kids day together. Montage 2 on the other hand doesn't exist to parallel montage 1 (showing an advancement/decline), or show anything of interest in general. It's just your normal training montage. It has funny jokes but it seems sort of excessive. Montage 2's results are a total flop and result in them having to think up a b plan. The fact that montage 2 is ultimately not important isn't even lampshaded, in fact it's more played as unfortunate with how Jeff nearly cries. I'm not saying that montage 2's failure should've been played for laughs, especially since in episode the failure is punctuated by a gag, just that in the end montage 2 was a bit cliche and unnecessary.
2.) Pacifica's presence in the second half feels sort of extra and as if it's there primarily so we can get more Dipper, Mabel, Pacifica relationship-growing-time fanservice. Which is not to say that is at ALL a bad thing (the bit in the last scene before the credits scene is SO cute and not forced at all I love it), but when you're trying to write a good story, particularly a Gravity Falls one, having a strong central conflict to carry the episode is pretty imperative. One easy example I can think of off of the top of my head? There could've easily been parallels drawn between Jeff and Pacifica and the pressure from the obligations they have to their families. Jeff on his only simply isn't that compelling a character and making him into a compelling character that late into Gravity Falls isn't that beneficial. He isn't locked out of development due to being a recurring character, but having him have his own little arc that ultimately contributes to Pacifica's (a major character) would've been a better choice. There's obviously more than one way to do things, but that's something I thought would've worked out well.
3.) The title "Quest for the Northwest" doesn't reflect the episode's contents. Jeff's easily apprehended by Pacifica so there's no such quest to speak of and it isn't a clever bait-and-switch title like "The Ricklantis Mixup" because Pacifica defeating the gnomes on her own isn't the big bait of the episode, it's just a nice little parallel to Dipper and Mabel's encounter. Had it actually been about Pacifica being kidnapped and Dipper and Mabel going on a quest to save her whilst say, Pacifica decides to help Jeff out of pity after she breaks free on her own, eventually coming into her own as someone who's taking the first steps to being a better person, THEN it could've been called Quest for the Northwest. It would have the double meaning of not only Dipper and Mabel being on a quest to save Pacifica (the Northwest), but Pacifica being dealt her own 'quest' in helping Jeff out. But that's just me spitting out a specific theoretical I liked, there's tons of ways the title "Quest for the Northwest" could've been justified. The episode's plot just isn't one of them.
4.) Last and certainly least, the black eyebrowed Gnome who's clearly trying to usurp Jeff really isn't relevant. He's shown as the leader of this growing insurgence, but all he really does is talk mad game in two scenes and get absolutely destroyed in an admittedly funny scene. He didn't need to be his own character and the gnomes dissatisfaction could've been more properly represented with a mob rather than a man...urr, gnome. But really, this is a drop in the bucket compared to the bigger issues presented in #1 and #2. Had those been more refined this would just be an outlier rather than a cherry on top of a problem cake. A single layer problem cake mind you, but still a problem cake.
But enough of the negative: in the end Quest for the Northwest is a satisfying episode that captures the soul of Gravity Falls magnificently well despite its faults. An absolute must see for Gravity Falls fans, and if you for some reason read this review without watching it, check it out part 1 and part 2 here. There's plenty to see both writing, visual and gagwise that I didn't spoil, and honestly? Not seeing it is a disservice if you like Gravity Falls a lot. Definitely worth a watch. 8/10; MUCH better than Sonic Lost World.
th-that's my thing now guys. any time i give a number rating it's also quantitatively compared to sonic lost world u
Anyway enough of me babbling, if you enjoyed this fanimatic like I, you should check out their tumblr page for updates on whatever they have in the works . Pretty sure the next episode coming is being titled "Deep-Rooted Misunderstanding" so look out for that, cause I know I will! And while you're here, you might as well check out some of the rest of the this blog and see if you find anything you like. Stay tuned because next week, we're going to be talking about Sonic Forces and/or Mario Odysse-- on second thought let me not get back on my bullshit and promise next week, see you guys in june lmfao
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