#it's the same philosophy y'know? you don't have to play 4D chess in order to date. just be safe and find somebody who will treat you well
uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Advice on dating as an early trasition closeted trans guy (As in, still presenting as a girl)? I feel like I can only do casual stuff and with bi ppl, but it still feels almost unethical lol
I think my advice is to not overthink it. It's fine if you have a preference for bi people, and it's also fine to not date or to date often. It's okay to want casual encounters, where there aren't as many expectations. As long as you and your partner(s) are in on it, then there isn't anything to feel guilty about, really. If you are all in agreement and are comfortable with said agreement, then all I can hope is that you are all happy, honestly.
It's hard enough to be in the closet, let alone dating while closeted, so I can totally understand your point of view. It's hard navigating the dating world when you're trans, believe me, I am aware of that issue. However, it isn't a bad thing, necessarily, to have certain preferences. You might find that as you transition (if you are wanting to do so) that your preferences might change, and that's okay, too. You are going through a process, and that comes with certain things and that is okay. How you feel isn't inherently unethical.
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