#it's torturing cody hours 24/7 here
notthestarwar · 1 year
From: no children
“I'm your clone” Cody told him.
“What.” Jango asked, eyes wide as he looked Cody over.
Jango Fett wore fear just like every one of Cody's brothers. Cody swallowed, it wasn't an expression he'd ever seen on Jango as he'd known him, but here, in this place, he found that it fit.
Cody looked around the worn room and wondered how long Jango had been here. They were both sitting against the wall of this…room. Jango hadn’t volunteered an explanation for this place.
They were clearly on a ship, the hum of the engines comes through the walls, the floor, even the ceiling of this place; the metal allowing the vibrations to carry through, so they seem as if they are coming from all angles. This room though? Cody can think of little reason for why Jango might be here.
It is small, just long enough that they might lay down and have a little clearance, at head and foot, from the wall, and just wide enough that the two of them might lie, from head to toe, across it. When Cody had stood, shortly after arriving here, he’d found the place only just tall enough that he might stand, but to do so felt claustrophobic, even to a man raised in a tube.
This place is nothing like Kamino. Kamino was plain, unassuming. Everything from the décor to the temperature and humidity, were carefully controlled, to maintain a perfectly neutral environment.
There isn’t anything here, only Cody, Jango, and a rough looking blanket, cushioning Jango from the worse of the floors chill, but still, it stands as Kamino’s opposite.
Where Kamino was clean, this place is dirty. Where Kamino was smooth, this place is rough. It’s cold here. Cody supresses a shiver.
This isn’t the kind of place you choose. Here, like this, in this place, with a face that is too young and wearing an expression like every single little brother Cody has ever known, Jango brings about something like sympathy within Cody. He pushes it down.
“You get out of this place eventually. You make yourself a name as a bounty hunter, and then, one day, you're offered a job.” He told him, voice empty. “You go to a planet called Kamino. Its an ocean planet, forever raining. Its not a comfortable place for a human to live. The Kamineese are an aquatic species. They are also, expert cloners.”
“In exchange for credits, you allow them to take samples of your dna. From those cells, they grow a child, and then another.” Cody looked at him, gaze still. The thought comes to him that maybe if he looks for long enough, he’ll find himself indifferent to familiar eyes, carrying a familiar fear. “I had over 3 million brothers, we were all trained as soldiers from day one. Grown in tubes, fed the information we would one day need, to fight for the Republic. You helped train us from birth.”
“They sped up our development.” He continued. “At 9 standard years I looked much like you do, now. That's the year the war started. I was deployed and I fought for 3 years, alongside Jedi, for the Republic.”
When he tells the rest, he means it to cut. This part of the story lives in Cody, a knife imbedded in a wound that can never heal. He can never be rid of it, no matter how many years pass. “And then, one day, a chip inside my brain forced me to turn on the Jedi, betray them. There was no fighting it, it had been there my whole life, it had control.”
He does not let up his stare, he wants Jango to feel it, he wants to see it burn. “With the Jedi gone, an Empire rose in the Republics place. They'd elected a Sith as Chancellor and now, he was emperor. Your revenge against the Jedi was complete, enacted years after your death.”
“This was not the end. Not for me, not for my brothers.”
“We fought, as we always had. Now, for the empire. Helping subjugate those we'd once been fighting to free. To the empire, we were canon fodder. My brothers fell one by one, but not me.”
“I was a Commander. I ordered my brothers in to battle, but was not afforded the chance to fight by their side, to fight those that might mean them harm. It was dishonourable, to watch from afar as I sent them to their deaths, but that is how it had to be.”
“I had no choice. He wanted me alive.”
“There was a man. He had once been a Jedi, and I had fought beside him, for the Republic. He was weak, and thanks to that he lost all that he had ever loved, he helped kill it. He hated himself, but more than that, he hated the man he had been. He kept me alive for 20 years because I reminded him of himself. He would not let me die.”
“For every sin, I was by his side, committing the same. I lived by his side for 20 years, I saw his will enacted. I did not try to escape and I did not consider moving against him.”
“Eventually, He aggravated the wrong woman. She was touched by the Force, but with the fall of the Jedi, had gone untrained. A end of his own making. She could not control herself and after seeing her people die, after seeing a good man die for her; in her grief, she began to tear at the fabric of the station around her, the people manning it.”
“It took 20 years, for my superior officer to secure our deaths. In any fair universe, it would have happened sooner. We would have died before we wrought almost 2 decades of devastation upon undeserving people. But I had always known, the galaxy I lived in was not a fair one.”
“Both of us at once. A clean break for the Galaxy.”
“It was indescribable, the feeling that faced me, on that bridge, on that station that never should have existed. She was ripping apart the very making of the place and all the people in it. Their atoms, were swirling around her, gathering momentum. I was sure of it and yet, it was unlike anything I had ever felt before, I couldn’t see any of it.”
“The viewport began to crack, the vacuum of space was pulling at it. I saw our end, I welcomed it.”
“I was ready to die. It was no less than we deserved.”
“I watched the cracks spread outwards and I waited for our end, me and him. The galaxy would finally be free of us. Better things would grow in our place, I was sure of it.”
“I watched that viewport and waited. Then, there was a noise unlike anything I’d ever known. It was something like a shot from a slugthrower, sudden; something like the snap of the brittle rung of a ladder, breaking beneath your weight; and it was something like a glass, the moment after you drop it, right when it hits the floor but before any of the shards have burst outwards. It came from the transparisteel, I knew it.”
“I heard that noise and I felt it too, and I knew in my heart that this was it. This was our end, the one we’d been walking towards all those years, without even knowing it. I welcomed it.”
His eyes had lost focus.
He wasn’t thinking about Jango Fett any longer, he wasn’t thinking of his unfairly innocent face and the need that Cody felt to break that part of him, to inflict on him only a part of what he had once inflicted on Cody.
No, in that moment, Cody was reliving his time on that bridge. Reliving the moment of surety he’d felt, knowing that death was rushing to meet him. The peace he’d felt in that moment. The wait for something certain, how it had hung there between them all.
Jango watches the strange man, sitting by his side. He’d been talking and talking and talking, Jango wouldn’t have managed to get a word in edgeways even if he’d wanted to, but now, the man had stopped.
Just on the cusp of it.
He’d lined up the ending and there was surely only one way such a story would end and yet, he had stopped, just there. Jango feels as if the man has dragged them both to the edge of a clifftop and is now, refusing to say a word. He doesn’t recognise the expression on the mans face. He doesn’t know if he wants to ever recognise it.
“And then?” He asks, finally, breaking the tense silence. “What then?”
Recognisable emotion rushes back in to the mans face, he is angry, furious even.
 “Death was there, I had felt her touch, within reaching distance, and then, she was gone.”
“You stole my life and now, you have stolen my death.”
Cody feels the anger within him break at the words, as if he’d been walking on water, dependant on surface tension and hope, but now, he finds himself crashing through the surface, just like he’d done to get here.
He wants to be angry but he is finding anger hard to reach.
Largely, he just feels empty.
“I fell through the gap between reality. I fell and I landed here, in your past, Jango Fett.”
Cody finds himself staring blankly at a wall. “Why am I here?” He asked it, like a wall might have any such answers.
Jango was watching him, eyes wide. “I don't know.” He whispers, as if Cody had been asking him.
The silence between them held long enough for a skin on its surface to form, freezing in the chill of this place.
Cody took a fist to it, shattering the ice before it could grow. He found his cold gaze returning as he watched Jango.
“You took my life, for your revenge. You got that, I didn’t mean to give it, but I secured it for you all the same, without even knowing it. It isn’t the kind of thing you forget, what you did to me and my brothers.
“Even years after their deaths, I couldn’t forget what you took from them. You are a hard man to escape.”
“Jango, I found you in every mirror, years after you got yourself killed. However, I did think, in those decades after your death, that the chip was your last betrayal.”
“How many times can a dead man betray you? Not that many surely. Not all those years later.”
“I did think, in that moment waiting for that viewport to burst, waiting to be sucked in to space, that I might finally be free of you.”
“And yet, here I find myself.”
“You have never been anything but consistent Jango, I will give you that. More the fools me, I suppose, for thinking that even after you stole my life, my death might be beyond you.”
Cody felt tired. The whole day, starting when he'd opened his eyes, waking up in a cold bunk ending...It hadn't ended. That was the problem.
He finds himself still living the same day, even if Cody himself seems to have moved, his body’s internal rhythm knows it only as the same day.
Cody had opened his eyes that morning in 19AFE and now, a matter of hours later, he found himself leaning against a wall, sitting on the floor of an empty room, in this strange ship, next to a man that should be 20 years dead.
Jango is anything but dead, though he looks less than healthy, he is young and he clearly manages to survive this place, because he has to, so that Cody might have the misfortune of knowing him, decades from now.
This whole situation is infuriating and yet Cody can only find it in himself to feel exhausted. He’s too tired to be angry.
There isn’t any Karking point to being angry. This Jango, isn’t the man that betrayed Cody, brought him to life only to steal everything he might manage to find, this is just the child that would one day grow to be that man.
There was no point in punishing this Jango Fett. Any revenge would only be made empty, by him not yet deserving it.
Was that why he was here?
The universe wanted to rub it in his face that his Jango was gone, he always had been gone. He’d died before Cody and his brothers knew half of what he had done to them. Cody could never ask him to answer for any of it, could never even ask him why.
Jango had died and found peace without ever living with the weight of what he had done.
There would always be a part of Cody that would ask if Jango would have been able to see it through, had he survived and that, made him furious. He felt as if it were a betrayal to his brothers to even think such a thing, and yet there it was, he couldn’t be free of it, even now.
He wanted to be able to hate him, without a second thought. it’s always been harder to hate jango than it should be. another betrayal.
As Jango looks back at him with the wide eyed stare of a little brother, Cody finds it’s harder to hate him than ever.
He stands and makes his way to the furthest edge of the room, only a step and a half away from where he and Jango were sitting, dead centre. Then, he lowers himself to the floor.
The cold metal is rough. He turns away from Jango and the door, no longer caring for his own defence, and shuts his eyes.
He can feel Jango's gaze, heavy on his back. He pays it no mind. Only a moment later, sleep weighs upon him, heavy and smothering.
He does not dream.
i was going to post a snippet from chapter 1 but I edited it, made it much better, and then deleted the edit accidentally. it was a few days back and i’m still mad about it lol, whenever i read it i remember and get annoyed again. so i couldnt use that one. this is from chapter 2
Cody has lived as a purge trooper beside Vader as his second, for almost 20 years, but the death star went differently and when Leia saw Obi Wan die, she lost control in the force. Cody has been sent back in time and now finds himself, with young Jango, on the spice ship. Cody’s time with Vader has messed him up significantly and he is pretty angry and not particularly nice at this point in time
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 38
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
“Mama, are we gonna be okay?” Frieda asked, clinging to her shoulders. “I’m very scared.”
Tori rubbed her child’s back, massaging the back of her head. “It’s gonna be alright, sweetie. We’ll be out here in no time.”
“But what if we die?”
She pressed her lips, not knowing how to answer Frieda’s questions. “Don’t worry, okay? We’ll be going home in no time, and when we get home, we’re gonna read a bedtime story with your stuffed toys? You like that, don’t you?”
Frieda bobbed her head. “I like bedtime stories, Mama. Can you read the ones where Joy and Anna went to Candyland?”
“Of course, sweetie. We can read about Joy and Anna’s adventure in Candyland. I know you love them very much.”
“Mama, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah, sure,” Tori smiled, tapping her nose with her finger. “Can you ask me anything?”
“Will that mean lady hurt us, like how she hurt Uncle Foxy? I don’t want anything to happen to you too, Mama.”
The commander sat there in silence, glancing at the empty chair in front of her. It felt like hours since Lenora left them alone in their cell, grabbing something for their interrogation. There were no torture devices or weapons inside the closet-sized room. Instead, there were only chairs and a rectangular table.
Tori pondered about Fox, who was quivering when he returned to his shared cell. If there were no signs of torture device here, then Lenora may have used other methods to torture the Marshall Commander. Whatever she had shown her, it was too much for him to handle. And if it was too much for her, then it could be worse for Tori and Frieda.
Frieda was wiggling her arms as she broke free from her grasps, climbing on top of the table. The commander spread her arms as she watched the child squealing, hoping she does not have a nasty fall like the incident with Lira, where the then 10-year-old injured herself after slipping from the cliff during a mission.
It wasn’t a high cliff, so thankfully, Lira managed to survive the fall, though she injured both her arms and legs. Tori never slept during her general’s recovery period, nor did she eat or drink. She couldn’t even speak to Rex or Cody at all, and even when she did, it was only one or two words. It was only until Lira could get up from her bed was Tori able to snap herself back to reality.
If only the twins were still here, she thought, staring at Frieda, who was jumping in joy. They would know what to do in these kinds of situations.
“Mama,” Frieda called her. “I’m going to jump right now. Can you catch me?”
“Of course, sweetie,” Tori nodded as she held out her arms towards her. “Just ready when you are.”
Before Frieda was able to make the jump, Lenora burst in with a tray of chocolate chip cookies and two glasses of milk, making the little girl hug her knees on top of the table. Grabbing the kid, Tori let her sit on her lap and wrapped her arms around her shoulder, her face tensed. She was enjoying her little moment with Frieda, but the ISB agent had to show up.
“I see you both had your little fun,” Lenora glimmered, as she sat opposite them and placed their cookies and milk on the table. “But a deal is a deal, and you have to give me something in return for my service, of course.”
“You didn’t do shit, so why should I do the same for you?”
Lenora frowned. “I treat you with decency and you repay me by being rude? I never even hurt you and your friends and I even bought some cookies and milk, just in case you both are hungry. You should be thankful that I was the one who’s questioning you right now. If it’s Tarkin, you and your daughter won’t be sitting comfortably in this room right now.”
Tori rolled her eyes. “That’s just the bare minimum, agent. Like, you think you’ll get a medal for treating your prisoners decently? Then congratulations, cause you earned yourself a prize.”
She clenched her fist and curled her lips upwards, before handing the commander the file that Riyo and Dipper stole earlier from the penthouse. “Well, shall we proceed with our questioning? You’ve wasted enough of my time.”
What a bitch, Tori cussed underneath her breath. I hope karma slapped her with a fucking tree branch.
Pushing the tray aside, Lenora showed a holographic figure of the suspects who was responsible for Chancellor Palpatine’s death, one which the clone commander refused to believe. “So, it looks like you finally know the answer to this case, am I right or am I wrong?”
“You really think I believed that? I know Vanya more than you do. I fought with her side-by-side in every battle. She would never be capable of committing treason against the Galactic Republic.”
Lenora chuckled, shaking her head. “Oh, Tori, for a commander of a clone battalion, you sure are naïve with this sort of thing. Of course, you would defend your friend you fought along with. But tell me, commander, how much do you really know about Vanya Doyvesky?”
“She was kind and sweet,” Tori described the fallen Jedi Master. “Sure, she seemed reserved, but once you get to know her, Vanya is genuinely a nice person.”
“How so?”
“Well, she treats us clones as actual human beings, she was also a doting mother figure to one of my generals, Lira, and she’s helpful to strangers too. Vanya also treats Lira’s twin sister with kindness too, even though she wasn’t her apprentice. She would treat the girls with candies and cookies whenever she returned from battle. So imagine her reaction when Lira and Eva were pronounced dead after a day of investigation. Vanya blamed herself for not protecting them from harm, and I don’t blame her for disappearing after that day. It must be too hard for her to handle it.”
Lenora’s jaws slacked as she gave a round of applause to Tori, her eyes widened. “Well, that was a good story, really. While I can’t deny that Vanya Doyvesky is motherly towards her late apprentice, I also cannot deny her atrocity towards the Republic. Don’t get me wrong, commander, I believe you, really, but people are complex.”
“What do you mean?”
“Everyone has their good side and their bad side. Like, for instance, your brother Fox is a loyal fellow. He never thought about betraying the Republic, or being dishonest for the sake of his own goals. That I can give credit for. But sometimes, loyalty is not always a good thing. If he really cared about fulfilling his duty as a soldier, he would have stayed with the Empire instead of throwing everything away.”
“Fox did not throw away his hard work,” snapped Tori. “The Republic is not the Empire, and he did the right thing by fighting for something he swore to protect in the first place.”
“That’s the problem, isn’t it?” the agent shook her head. “Blind loyalty doesn’t get you anymore, no matter what, and I think that’s the problem with Master Vanya Doyvesky. Sure, she’s compassionate, but murder is murder. There is so much evidence that proves her direct involvement in killing the Chancellor, and I want you to listen to the recording yourself.”
Tori leaned against her seat as Lenora placed a listening device on the table, playing the recording of a conversation between Vanya and Maul.
“Hello?” she listened to the familiar tone.
“Took you long enough to answer,” Maul replied. “How is the plan following so far?”
“Unfortunately, there was one particular agent who blamed my apprentice for the murder, which is not true at all. Lira and Eva would never do such a thing, never!”
“Hmm… This isn’t good. If this agent discovered you killed him, then it would be over for all of us, including your family.”
I understand, my Lord. What must I do?”
“Reveal the Chancellor’s death to the public. That would mean the Separatist will attack Coruscant and-”
“And that would buy me time to leave,” Vanya finished his sentence. “But what about the others?”
“Forget about them, Master Jedi. Mandalore needs you, and so does your family.”
“Alright, I’ll do what you ask.”
As the recording stopped, Tori sat there with a glassy eye, staring at the device. There were no words uttered at all. Frieda tugged the sleeves of her dress, wanting to offer her mother a cookie from the tray, but the clone commander ignored her. There was no way that Lenora faked the evidence, no matter how hard she wanted to convince herself otherwise.
“You seem quiet, commander,” Lenora cajoled, her hands on the table. “Is everything alright there?”
“This is fake,” she stuttered, shaking her head. “Vanya is innocent, and she would never do such a thing.”
“Tori, you can’t deny it anymore, no matter how hard you try. Vanya may swear an oath to fight for the Jedi Order and the Republic, but we mustn’t forget that she’s also a Mandalorian, and she will do anything for her clan, even if it means spilling some blood.”
“Liar!” Tori yelled from the top of her lungs, making Frieda burst into tears. She glanced at Frieda and dropped her eyebrows, realizing what she had done. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean to scream, really.”
“Well, it’s been a long day for the both of you,” Lenora stood up, rubbing her eyes. “I’ll just escort you both back to your cell and I want you to think about what we’ve discussed in the meantime, especially you, commander.”
“This is your doing, not mine!”
“Well, I’m not the one who screamed in front of my daughter. Now come on, I would like to proceed with Riyo Chuchi and ARC Trooper 1512, if you don’t mind.”
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bluuuebabey · 6 years
When Cody doesn't sleep well or When he is under A Lot of stress his brain kinda shuts down in this really specific way and he acts how he did when we used to do speed. His body cannot sit still and he's agitated and talks out loud a little. When he's sleep deprived I believe it is similar because we wouldn't sleep on speed so his maneurisms etc. are similar and as far as stress goes. Speed was never for us it quickly became stressful and awful, laying there praying for sleep and for our minds to stfu. After the car accident Cody acted the same way but much more intensified, like he had been up for 4 nights and was undergoing the worst trauma of his life , which was true. He threw a urinal he had no idea what was going on he was delirious and thought he was being tortured. The docs didn't listen to me that he was just under a horrible amount of stress , we still didn't know where bru was, our car was completely totalled , we all nearly died and for that he was weighed down by more guilt than I've ever experienced , his legs would never be the same. They thought he was schizophrenic. He was very verbally aggressive, he'd shout and tried to crawl out of the hospital so many times. They had him on 24/7 watch. It's what his brain does when he's under considerable amounts of stress. In this case it couldn't handle reality so it just checked out to the point that he was VERY removed from reality. It was the scariest shit ive been through as an adult, I knew this was his response to stress but the main doc was repeatedly telling me that if I was right she wasn't sure he would ever be the same, in other words come back from such a huge amount of stress. Like he had turned schizophrenic overnight. I hung on, my family wouldn't help me even get to the hospital which was 2 hours away by train because they told me they wouldn't help someone that almost killed me. I hung the fuck on. People told me I was Good for that. How could I ever leave my partner. My partner. at a time like that? He was my family. Of all times definitely not that one. Anyway I'm saying this to say he has been having nightmares the last 4 nights or so (except last night!!!) And was therefore kinda sleep deprived but mostly just very stressed abt our living situation and the fact that he's gonna start IOP and is terrified to be Really Clean and has to find work. But mostly our living situation. This would spark arguments because seeing him acting that way, like how he gets, puts me in a very triggered place. Before the accident I had to take him to the hospital on 2 separate occasions because of speed induced psychosis. Needless to say I'm traumatized and pick up on it in an instant, the way he moves, hums, talks, jerks, everything. Yesterday we moved into our new room and he is sleeping better than ever, he woke up to go to the bathroom and he's back to himself!! Now that we are here, he's sleeping like a bebe. It's my day off n I'm holding him n watching him and bru sleep. He woke up halfway and said "mama......im so happy" and was asleep again. It used to be just my family that asked me why I hung onto him and stayed w him but other ppl have too. I always get rlly mad. Let me love who I fucking love. The truth is that I know this boy so well, we have been through the hardest parts of our lives together, we've stayed together, he's accepted my sicknesses more than anyone else while believing in me that i'd get better and I did the same for him . It hasn't been easy it's been very fucking hard but he is sleeping now ,he feels safe, no nightmares . I knew this would happen our first night, I told him you are gonna sleep better tonight watch. He said I really hope so because I'm really scared of my brain. He says that every time he gets this way. Ladies n gentleman my baby boy is back,,,,,,in our new home, I love this room so much, the walls are wooden, looks twin peaksy
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