#it's why I don't believe Mulder was married before
randomfoggytiger · 9 months
Mulder and Scully really broke each others' patterns:
Phoebe Green and Daniel Waterston manipulated their relationships respectively, focusing on their own wants and desires over the well-being of their partner.
Diana Fowley and Jack Willis were focused on their careers more so than the health of their relationships, putting personal aside to advance and achieve their goals (hence why The X-Files bound Mulder and Diana together more so than their past and why Scully joined Jack Willis on his undercover bust without hard feelings.)
Dr. Bambi Berenbaum and Ed Jerse were affirming to the other person to unhealthy degrees, aligning with either party only on superficial levels, those similarities dropping away inevitably.
But Fox Mulder and Dana Scully, no matter how taxing or engaging their work became, always took the time to put the other first, to consider their feelings, and to always tell each other the truth.
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that--funny--feeling · 4 months
CSM and how the lies destroyed the Mulder family: a headcanon
I have a complicated and maybe personal image of CSM that to me makes more sense than whatever they tried to do with his character (since they changed minds so many times).
The focal points of his character are his envy, obsession with control and inability to love.
I think he really envied what Mulder Sr. had with his family, even before Fox and Samantha were born. He had a wife who loved him and above all he did his same job (more or less) but that hadn't turned him evil or selfless. I like to think of William Mulder Sr. as a decent and kind person, at least when he was younger.
Obviously, his life wasn't perfect and he and Teena probably fought a lot because of the secrecy of his work. I think that was the real first struggle about the truth that the Mulder family had (1°). Bill couldn't be honest with his wife about what he was doing and that created a distance. CSM may have taken advantage of this situation, growing closer to Teena maybe while Bill wasn't there for her.
Deep down in the headcanon tunnel from now on, I like to think Teena and CSM didn't have an affair but just a one night thing. Teena probably never forgave herself for that night and never told Bill about it (2°). Bill never asked, but understood what happened (3°).
At this point, CSM wants to have a relationship with her, but she refuses him and just wants to forget what happened. He's insistent and she starts hating him.
Soon after, Teena and Bill's relationship gets better and Fox comes into this world. Now. I'm not sure what to believe (pun intended) on CSM's being his father. Because, in this logic, he could but so could Bill. Surely CSM thought to be Fox's father and thought to have rights on him, no matter what Teena could say about it.
CSM marries Cassandra, they have Jeffrey, he tries to have what Mulder Sr. has but doesn't work. He can't love. His wife starts hating him, his son is a delusion for him. In the meanwhile, Samantha Mulder is born.
When the time of the abductions is closer, Bill and Teena get to choose which one of their children to "sacrifice" (4°). They painfully indicate Fox, because he's older and stronger, but CSM don't even give them the luxury of the choice. Fox is his son, so Samantha will go. That's the moment where the Mulder family irremediably shutters. Teena divorces Bill and Fox will never know anything about this from his family (5°).
Maybe after the abductees' return, CSM goes to Teena, offering her a possible life with him (this could be why he took Samantha and she wasn't returned). She doesn't believe him and swears to never talk to him again.
Samantha starts living with CSM, he has now what Mulder Sr. had, but again, he can't love. She understands that he constantly lies to her and hates him, so she quickly becames useless to him and he uses her for experiments.
His fixation on the Mulders keeps going, because he thinks Fox is his son, but above all because he likes him as a person. He challenges him, has a goal, a conviction, doesn't care what the others think about him. Maybe he thinks they are similar and that's why he sometimes protects him. But again, he doesn't know what love is, so if there's something more important, he's ready to sacrifice him.
He thinks he knows Mulder and tries to get him on his side more than once, but he fails. Mulder was loved and is loved, he knows what love means, he's kind and decent, even more than his father William.
He thinks he knows Scully because of his own past, but he understands nothing about her or their relationship, because it's the complete opposite of what he's ever experienced. ("You'd die for Mulder but you won't allow yourself to love him" he says to Scully in En Ami, while they're already in a relationship.) And he lies, lies, lies, the thing that made him advance in his life. At the cost of love.
What could really have saved the Mulder family, was the truth, that will become Fox's reason of life. If Teena told Bill about her moment of weekness, if he ever asked her instead of acting like nothing ever happened, there could have been hope. Hope to forgive, to go on. But what they did was the opposite, letting Fox enter in these net of lies. Hiding everything from him "for his own good". But that's not what he wanted and accepted ("The truth will save you, Scully. I think it'll save both of us").
My TXF posts and videos.
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I Don’t Want You To Go Home Tonight
I Don’t Want You To Go Home Tonight
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“Mulder... why are we choosing to be alone?”
Rating: PG-13
Description: A Post-Ep for the flashbacks shown in Per Manum. Scully’s IVF treatment has failed and Mulder decides to stay with her that night to comfort her with wine and her favorite salad.
Author’s Note: Basically, this fic is my idea of what led up to their “First Time”. I love the idea of All Things being their first time, but this is my IDEAL first time story for them. I think it makes sense with the IVF story arc and with their characters. I imagine this happening somewhere between All Things and before Requiem (probably right before Requiem).
cover photo yoinked from @iddoitforfreebaabe
"Never give up on a miracle," Mulder told her, his forehead placed against her own. Scully sniffled as she felt some snot trying to escape her nose. She pulled him in to give him a tender kiss on the cheek and then into a hug.
Mulder's closeness made her feel she was at yet another crossroads in their partnership. Part of her, the one that felt insecure and afraid, could tell him "Go home, Mulder, I'll be fine."
She was tempted to retreat to her room and send him to worry about her somewhere else. Anywhere but in front of her. They could go back to work next week and move on from yet another traumatic event, travel to a new city or state, and they could carry on without letting each other in.
This loss, the impossibility of becoming a mother with her own flesh and blood, was making her soul the weight of a millstone. She had nothing left. Chasing monsters and fighting all the damn time wasn't keeping her alive anymore. It was making her feel old now. Hasn't it gone on long enough?
That part of her wanted him to stay, the part that felt too tired to keep going. That part of her wanted him to slow down and not leave her behind. She wanted him to stay.
Before she could speak her mind, Mulder broke the silence.
"I'm staying here for a while. To make sure you're going to be okay."
Despite the battle going on in her mind, she let him make the decision. Honestly, she was too tired and her brain was so overworked to even talk. She gave him a nod against his shoulder and pulled away to look at him.
Mulder became aware of how dry his mouth was as he felt a small pang of anxiety in his stomach. He felt the weight of the atmosphere, not just from grief of Scully's lost hope, but because he was at a crossroads of his own.
Earlier, he had sat on Scully's couch for what seemed like hours, his mind reeling with all of the choices to be made. He thoughts of two worlds: Scully is pregnant, Scully is not pregnant.
If Scully were to be pregnant, what would he do? How would he fit in to her life? They hadn’t exactly discussed that part of it. Would he be around to become crazy uncle Mulder, sharing tales of myths and Sasquatch and teaching the kid baseball? Or would he and Scully drift apart as she enters motherhood? Would he be present to watch a child grow up with her eyes and his smile, her hair and his nose, her stubbornness and his adventurous spirit... without feeling connected to them? Would he watch as their child goes through first days of school and college, one day getting married, and having children?
Would he remain on the outside as an observer, watching everything happen in montages while he goes home alone, chasing whatever the hell comes next?
But there was another option: he could be here. He could feel happy with her. He could hold her when she feels sick or insecure. He could tell her he loves her. He could hold his child in his arms.
He could be a father.
These thoughts would have scared him a few years ago, but things have changed. And even if Scully were to come home with the news that they weren't having a child, they couldn't go back to their comfortable invulnerability anymore. Not after this.
Mulder pondered these thoughts again as he and Scully stood there for another minute, his arms still wrapped around her waist. He hoped he was comforting her despite the depressing results. Though they both knew there was a high chance the IVF wouldn’t work and Scully becoming pregnant was nearly impossible, it was hard to accept that believing wasn't enough this time.
"I'm going to take a shower, I might be in there for a while. I need to be alone," Scully said as she broke their embrace. He raised a hand to her cheek, but she stared at the wall behind him.
"I'll be here." She gave him a small smile in return and disappeared down the hall.
He decided to go pick up some food from a place down the street he knows she likes. They have these strawberry poppy seed salads that she'll even eat when lacking an appetite. He could at least try whatever he could to get her mind off of this.
He picked up some wine as well, hoping that it may dull her pain. He tried to think of all the topics he could bring up to get her mind off of it, knowing it wouldn't help much, but he could make a strong effort.
A short while after he returned with their dinner, Scully came out of the bathroom. She had taken the time to blow-dry her hair, which he took note of. She still had the energy to dry her hair, which isn't a bad thig but he was aware of the fact that restless working was how she coped, so he needed to be sure she relaxed tonight.
They watched a black and white TV movie that they didn't know the name of. It wasn't interesting, but it was distracting. Mulder and Scully ate their dinner on the couch in silence. He noticed Scully smiling after seeing what he ordered her which made something in his stomach feel warm. A full-tooth smile from her always made him smile back. When the first glass of wine was poured, it became easier to have a conversation.
"Thanks for being here," Scully said after a few moments of sipping her wine. She was facing the TV, cupping the glass against her chest.
"N-no problem," he said a little too quickly, happy she was wanting to talk now. "Actually my plans for the evening were a little boring." He said, facing her direction. He slung his arm over the back of the couch, his wrist hid in her hair.
"Oh yeah, what were they?" She smiled from the inside of her cup. She turned to face him now, her expression lifted.
"It's what I do every Friday night, Scully. Stay late at the office, get Chinese takeout, think about possibly doing my dishes but instead throwing a dart at a map and calling you to tell you we're going to wherever-the-hell, Oklahoma because there's gotta be some cryptic or source waiting for us there..."
Scully began to smile wide and a small chuckle escaped her lips when she realized he was joking.
"...then I take a shower and lay in bed, wondering about the mysteries of the universe. Is that not what you do?" He said, trying to hold back a laugh.
Scully replied with another big smile, "Wow, Mulder, that's exactly my same routine!"
"I thought so!" he grinned, looking at his lap. "Where are your darts, Scully? I'm a creature of habit."
She shot him a jokingly stern look and leaned towards the coffee table to pour herself another glass.
"Actually," she began, "my plans are more like: pick up groceries, clean the bathroom, wash my hair, then get into bed... sleeping soundly because I couldn't care less about Bigfoot or sentient plant life or demons trying to nibble my toes," She giggled and Mulder rolled his eyes.
"You don't have trouble sleeping, Scully? With everything that the universe could hold? You don't even wonder?" He urged.
She shrugged. "I guess I wonder more about stuff that's in my interest. So, less mythical sea creatures and more... real life. I couldn't sleep last night for obvious reasons." She took another swig of wine.
He nodded in understanding. "I guess I do the same thing," he replied.
"Yes, I know you meditate a lot about the Sasquatch, Mulder, but-" she laughed.
"No, no, not just that. Believe it or not, Scully, I am an actual living, breathing man," he laughed and she rolled her eyes. "I think about things that I want. I think about the future. I- I couldn't sleep last night either."
She looked at him, an unreadable expression on her face. "Why's that?"
He paused to form his words correctly and he felt his mouth go dry again.
"I just really wanted this to happen for you."
The lighthearted atmosphere became the familiar, heavy one they felt earlier in the day. They were both remembering what they were trying to escape tonight.
I’m sorry, Dana, but the results came back negative. You are not pregnant.
Scully could hear the words in her head. But she felt Mulder’s empathy, that he was feeling a similar pain. She realized that he lost something too; even if it was unspoken between them, she knew he saw it too. A future.
His words made her smile softly. She looked at him with a tenderness in her eyes he had only seen a handful of times. He saw it in her while she was fighting cancer, while she talked to Emily, while she was informing him of a death of a good friend, when his mother died... and now recently, through the IVF process, he had been seeing more often.
"We're still hoping, right?" He asked, giving her a tender smile.
Scully didn't answer with words. Instead, she set her wine glass on the coffee table and put her arms around him. Her head fell into his chest and they both breathed deeply.
Because of the awkward position of their legs, he decided to lean back and lay down, resting his head on a throw pillow. She accepted his gesture to lay down, remaining in the same position on his chest taking more deep breaths as she remembered the day allover again. He stroked some hair away from her face as his other arm was wrapped tightly around her.
They laid like that for a while, watching the old black and white movie which was full of music and dancing. He waited for her to speak, and if she didn't say anything, he wouldn't mind falling asleep here. Like this.
"Mulder?" Her groggy voice asked. She looked up at him and he hummed in response. "Have you ever felt like there's more? Not... in the universe. But more for you, in this life, in your life. Have you thought of having a family before? Not that it's for everybody."
He continued to gently stroke her hair and replied, "Of course I have, Scully."
Scully nodded in understanding. She didn't resent him for his freedom to start a family if he wanted to; She just wished he could see the joy of it.
There was a pause before Scully started, "At first, I wasn't sure if I wanted to have a family, but after years of traveling, seeing unimaginable things, going through some of the hardest situations of my life... I think at some point, I realized that what I really wanted was one of the most attainable things in the modern world. I can't explain it. Somehow it was the only thing that could be enough for me." She paused for a beat to look up at him. "Do you ever feel that way?"
Mulder met her eyes and rested his thumb on her cheek. He got lost in her gaze for a moment and replied, "I think I'm starting to."
He thought for a moment.
"I think after finding out what happened to my sister, I've started to see things differently. I've accepted the freedom given to me, but it feels emptier than I thought it would."
Finally, she felt a sense of unity between them. Like for the first time, they were on the same page.
Scully then propped herself up on his chest to meet his level and Mulder's arm remained wrapped tightly around her.
She evaluated their position: his arm gripping her waist, her hand on his chest, the smell of wine on his warm breath. This made her heart start thumping a little faster.
An actress in the movie they were watching started singing a song, a romantic song about moonlight and longing. The song seemed to engulf the room, and it was the only thing Scully could hear besides the blood in her ears.
He looked good tonight. Really good. The kitchen light made his features look warm and inviting. His eyes scanned her face, a soft smile appearing on his lips, and she knew she looked quite beautiful herself. She felt beautiful.
Scully then realized she had been staring a little too long without saying anything, and he gave her a subtle squeeze at her hip which reminded her he was actually there.
All this time, they've kept each other at a comfortable distance; seven long years of emotional cushion room, but closing the gap just enough to sneak longing looks and hold hands in the dark.
They could say it's their careers, or they're different people, or they have different desires. But mostly, and they both knew this, it was a shared fear of rejection - that being alone was better than searching for acceptance from someone other than themselves. And they could tell themselves it was enough for them, remaining people who keep each other at a comfortable distance, or they could give in and take a risk for something more.
Mulder swallowed and felt his heart begin to race. He couldn't believe how gorgeous she looked in low light, and he wanted nothing more than to pull her in closer. She was looking at him, almost a drunken haze in her eyes, except she'd only had a glass and a half. Her eyes were bluer than he's ever seen them, and her hair had fallen to frame her face beautifully. Everything was adding onto the emotions clouding his brain - her chest breathing against him, his thumb stroking a bit of bare skin at her hip, their stolen glances at each other's lips...
"Mulder..." she began, her voice hushed and her eyes scanning his face. "...Why are we choosing to be alone?"
Mulder processed her question for a moment. He was tucking some hair behind her ear when he noticed her cheeks were red. He wasn't sure if she was flushed from the wine, or if she was nervous to ask her question. He left his hand resting on her jaw.
If his mouth was dry before, it was a desert now. He was trying to read her face, to predict what would happen next, but only his answer would determine that. He could swear she was inching closer towards him, but it may just be the gravitational pull he felt tugging him to her.
"Are you saying... we have a choice?" He asked quietly, not-so-discreetly staring at her lips now.
She was looking at him in a way that made him dizzy. He couldn't tell if the buzz was from the glass of wine he drank or the way she was making him feel. She, too, seemed to be transfixed on his mouth now.
Scully nodded yes.
He had to remind himself to breathe.
"I-uh-.." He started to form a reply when Scully leaned in closer, not breaking her gaze from his lips. She hovered there, waiting for him to respond.
"Scully.." he said, his breath brushing her lips.
She was too hesitant of her actions, so Mulder reassured her by responding quickly. He pulled her in with the hand that was cupping her cheek, finally placing his lips onto hers. It suddenly felt like a curse broke inside both of them and each one of their fears were fleeing with every second. This kiss wasn't like they had shared for a brief moment at New Year's, this one was urgent and freeing.
His hands wove themselves in her hair, while hers clung to the nape of his neck. Their lips moved at a steady pace, only breaking away to change angles.  The hand that gripped her waist was now trailing up and down her back, catching some bare skin every now and then as her shirt rode up. They couldn't count the seconds, or the minutes, or tell how long the movie had been over since this kiss had started, but Mulder knew he didn't want it to end.
Without breaking their kiss, Scully lifted herself up and put her legs on either side of him, now straddling his waist. It gave him a bit of sobriety as to where things were heading for them tonight, so he slowly broke away. Both of his thumbs were stroking her cheeks now, him and Scully breathing heavy against each other. She was looking at him in a way he had never seen and that made his stomach stir with excitement.
"Scully, I'm-"
"I don't want you to go home tonight," she interjected firmly.
He nodded in understanding, and smiled to tell her that's what he wanted too.
Moonlight peered in, leaving bright lines across both of their bodies. The room was still and quiet as they laid there together, Scully softly playing with Mulder's fingers. He held her from behind, and she fit perfectly into his embrace.
"I'm glad I stayed," he hummed softly into her ear. It made her shiver a little bit.
“I’m sorry I ruined your Friday night plans,” She joked.  
“Good one.” He kissed her shoulder gently and breathed her in.
"What's work gonna be like on Monday?" She asked.
"Scully..." He groaned.
"I'm just asking, Mulder," she exclaimed, her voice sounding defensive. "We need to discuss things so they won't become problems later."
"It's going be like working, Scully, but now we have this cool secret that everyone already assumes of us anyway," he said, a touch of sarcasm in his tone. "Don't worry. Just sleep."
His arms felt warm on her belly, which in turn made her feel safe. Mulder smiled as he held her even closer.
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mldrgrl · 7 years
"How many different lives would we be leading if we made different choices" Fox Mulder. A wonderful prompt for a wonderful fic, don't you think? Please? Please? (Yes, I watched All things again today and that's why I'm bothering you and all the others amazing fic writers on this site: you are too good to be left unbothered).
Okay, Anon, I’ll play.
Some Other Meby: mldrgrlRated: PG
There’s a Fox Mulder whose sister wasn’t taken from him by aliens.  Instead, she died in a drowning accident at their summer home when she was four.  His parents separated by the time he was in sixth grade and he lived with his father outside of DC because his mother was too full of grief to care for her remaining child.  
Fox didn’t know very much about his father’s job when he was younger, just that his old man worked for the government, but there came a time, just after high school, that his father brought him to a gathering of men who asked him if he’d like to join their cause for the greater good.  He worked with the syndicate for twelve years, growing more and more disillusioned with their intent, but feeling helpless to extract himself.  
This Fox Mulder met Dana Scully inside the FBI office of Section Chief Blevins when she was being debriefed on an assignment that took her to the woods of Bellefleur, Oregon.  His job was to take the little metal implant she’d collected as evidence and make it disappear.  He could tell by the way she delivered her report that she had integrity, but he knew that before he even met her.  His other assignment was surveilling her, and he’d spent over a month watching her at work, watching her at home, watching her at brunch with her mother, watching her type her reports and emails and reading them later.
Dana Scully seemed like someone who could help.  He wrote her an anonymous letter in the dim blue light of his fishtank, his heart beating quickly the whole time.  He told her he had information regarding a shadow government and a conspiracy to conceal the existence of extraterrestrials and an imminent invasion.  He signed it Deep Throat and slipped it into her morning newspaper delivery.  He instructed her to tape a letter X in her window if she wanted more information.  That night, she did.
He had to work stealthily, knowing that if the syndicate were to discover the leak, he’d be executed before they even asked questions, but so would she, for the information he gave her.  He tried to keep his distance, but someone found out.  He didn’t know that Scully’s partner, Alex Krycek, was a double agent.
Fox Mulder’s body was found in an alley not far from his apartment, the supposed victim of a mugging gone bad.  The only clue was a half-smoked Morley cigarette in the pool of blood beside his head.  No fingerprints or DNA could be lifted.
Two days later, Special Agent Dana Scully went missing.  She was last seen at Skyland Mountain.
There’s a Fox Mulder whose sister has been a constant pain in the ass to him since she was born.  She’s always pestered him, followed him night and day, stuck her nose in his business, got him into trouble, and yet, he couldn’t imagine life without her.  Especially since their parents had been killed by a drunk driver when he was only ten and she was only six.  All they had was each other.
Fox and Sam were sent to live with their grandparents in Virginia.  A guidance counselor at Fox’s junior high school made a big impression on him when he helped him through the grief of losing his parents.  From that time on, he decided he wanted to be a psychologist, and that he wanted to work with kids.
He meets Dana Scully at Sam’s wedding.  The petite redhead is a friend from Berkeley studying medicine.  Actually, she’s no longer at Berkeley, she’s working on her transfer to Georgetown for the Spring semester, where he’s just graduated.  His sister drags her over to where Fox is taking advantage of the open bar.  She demands he tell Dana Scully everything there is to know about her new school and even exchanges phone numbers for them.
Sam leaves Fox with her friend and turns to wink at her brother behind Dana’s back.  They are both cognizant of the fact that they’ve just been set up and the initial moments are a little awkward.  By the time Dana finishes explaining the plan for her senior thesis to Fox, something she’s tentatively calling Einstein’s Twin Paradox: A New Interpretation, he thinks he might be in love.
He waits until she finishes med school and he has a thriving practice to ask her to marry him.  Sam takes credit for it for the rest of their lives, sure to tell their children and their grandchildren, that if it weren’t for her, they wouldn’t be here.
There’s a Fox Mulder whose sister was taken from him when she was eight and he was twelve.  He can remember being questioned a lot about her kidnapping.  He can remember policemen showing his mother little plastic bags with fabric hearts pinned to little tags inside and asking if the fabrics looked familiar.  And then one day Samantha is found, but she never speaks again and no one knows what happened to her.
He can remember feeling quite helpless and frustrated trying to get Samantha to talk to him.  He tried a lot, offering to play her favorite games with her if she would tell him where she’d been, but there was something weird about Samantha now.  She seemed to lack emotion.  Sometimes Fox looked at her and thought she might be a robot.
His parents grow weary of the responsibility of a mute, unaffected daughter, and Samantha is institutionalized by the time she’s fourteen.  Fox has just started college abroad, having won a scholarship to study at Oxford.  His first year there, he dates a soulless girl named Phoebe Green, very quickly determining she must be a sociopath.  He changes his major from Psychology to English Lit just to get away from her.
One of his required courses is a Myths, Legends, and Folktales class.  It’s his favorite class.  He changes his major again to Cultural Studies, fascinated by how many cultures have myths for the same phenomena and he grew determined to find a link between them.  He writes his first book, Around the World with Bigfoot, when he’s still in graduate school.  
He returns to Massachusetts to settle in Boston and research and write.  When his father dies, he realizes it’s been at least twelve years since he’s seen his sister.  His mom is too emotionally fragile to deal with Samantha, so Fox goes to the hospital where she lives to give her the news in person.
Samantha’s doctor is young, too young to be a doctor, Fox thinks.  She looks even younger than Samantha.  Despite her youthful appearance and small stature, Dana Waterston proves to be a wonderful doctor.  He’s grateful for her presence as he awkwardly tries to navigate a one-sided conversation with his stoic sister.  There’s just something about her.  He starts visiting his sister frequently, and regularly after that.
He isn’t aware that Dr. Waterston is married until she turns him down for coffee one day.  She doesn’t wear a wedding ring, so it wasn’t obvious to him.  He still comes to see his sister though, because he can’t fight the urge just to stop cold turkey.  A few weeks later, Dr. Waterston surprises him by asking him out for coffee.
She tells him her husband is cheating on her and he’s astounded that anyone would even dream of being unfaithful to her.  She also admits that he’d left his wife for her when she’d been his med student, and that he can believe.  He doesn’t know the first Mrs. Waterston, but he can’t imagine anyone more perfect than Dr. Dana….call her Scully now, as she’ll be returning to her maiden name when her divorce is final.
A few weeks later, Dr. Scully confesses to him that she read his book - the one about the Loch Ness Monster and other sea creatures.  Does he really believe in those things?  Her father is a retired sea captain and no, he’s never seen a mermaid or a selkie.  That she knows of, he tells her.  I believe in science, she says.  Facts.  The answers are there, you just need to know where to look.  
He likes to argue with her about science and myth, getting her to raise that skeptical brow of hers the more incredulous the tales he spun.  Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?  What do you know about The Philadelphia Experiment?  Don’t you know the difference between a wendigo and a werewolf?  It’s classic vampirism, Dr. Scully.
Soon, Dr. Scully’s residency in Boston ends and she is transferred to a hospital in San Jose.  Fox Mulder follows her.  He can write anywhere and he’s been thinking about writing a book about the chupacabra anyway.  He heard through one of his newsgroups there’d been a sighting in Fresno and it’s not that far.
He follows her to Atlanta, where he researches a few haunted bridges.  He follows her to Phoenix, where he befriends a fascinating Native American man named Albert Hosteen and learns about Navajo codetalkers.  And he follows her to Tallahassee where he falls down a hole chasing what he insists are relatives of the Mothmen of West Virginia.  Dana has to stitch his head and set his shoulder after that little trip to the forest.
After Florida, she tells him that he doesn’t need to follow her anymore.  Just come with her.
There’s a Fox Mulder who lived a normal, boring childhood in Chilmark with nothing very interesting to tell.  His family spent summers on Martha’s Vineyard where he was a lifeguard during high school.  He had a girlfriend named Amy who everyone thought he would marry, even he thought he would marry her, but it turns out, Amy was the only one that didn’t think they were perfect for each other.  She ended their relationship the first year Fox went away for school.
His girlfriend dumping him was just about the worst thing that had ever happened to Fox.  He decided to take a few years off to find himself.  That’s what he told his parents and they thought he was wasting his potential.  His mother told him that there were other fish in the sea.  His father even offered to set him up with a prostitute, an offer he found both amazing, coming from his stuffy father, and disturbing.
He doesn’t really know what led him towards the path of law enforcement, but he found himself drawn to the idea of being an FBI agent.  He only needed a high school education to apply, and high school had been a breeze for him.  He passed all the entrance exams, psychological, and physical tests with flying colors.  All those years running on the beach helped him get in shape, though it wasn’t obvious to look at him.
He met Dana Scully in the academy and he was nervous to talk to her.  She looked like she might be harboring a crush on one of their instructors, Jack Willis, the way she hung on every word he said.  The guy didn’t seem that impressive, so he wasn’t sure what she saw in him.
She beats the pants off of everyone at the shooting range and when he later asks her how she got to be such a great shot, she shrugs and tells him she has two brothers.  It takes him awhile to ask her out, and she flat out turns him down.  She calls him Mulder, as the instructors tend to do, so he calls her Scully.
He doesn’t really make any friends at the academy and spends a lot of time alone, running.  He runs laps on a track at a local high school outside Quantico and he’s surprised one day when she joins him.  She doesn’t say anything at first, and neither does he.  He can tell she struggles to keep pace with him, but he doesn’t slow down because he’s pretty sure she’d be insulted.
Gradually, he learns a little more about her.  She has a sister, as well as the two brothers.  Her father was Navy.  Her older brother is Navy.  She was in med school until she was recruited, and she’s not sure if her parents have forgiven her yet.  They so wanted her to be a doctor, but she felt like she could make a difference at the FBI.
As they near the end of their training, he wonders if he’ll ever see her again.  His focus was on behavioral studies and hers was on forensics.  He was headed to an office in the main branch in DC and she was headed to the labs at Quantico.  At graduation, she introduced him to her sister, Melissa, the only member of her family to show up for the event.  Melissa stared at him as though she could see right through him and it made him uncomfortable.  He told her he’d keep in touch and he meant it.  He was determined to find any excuse to see her again.
He only had to make excuses a handful of times before she told him she had decided to take him up on his offer for dinner from nearly six months ago.  They moved in together after only a few short months of dating, but never married.  Scully became the head of forensics at Quantico by the age of thirty-five.  The youngest department head they’d ever had, and the first female.  Mulder rose to Assistant Director heading the Violent Crimes Unit, but didn’t really like telling people what to do.  He stayed in the position for a few years before taking a teaching position at Quantico.  He likes it much better there and it’s so much easier to sneak in some time with Scully while they’re in the same building.
There’s a Fox Mulder who was taken from his living room when he was twelve years old as his sister stood helpless and in shock.  She ran next door to where her parents were having dinner and screamed that a white light made her brother disappear.  He was never heard from again and his disappearance was classified as unsolved.
There’s a Fox Mulder who spent a good portion of his teen years and early 20’s believing that his sister had vanished one night from home while his parents were out and he was asleep.  Only after experiencing disturbing nightmares and a few sessions of regression hypnosis did he come to understand the truth of what had happened: his sister had been abducted by aliens.
Of course, his friends and colleagues thought he was crazy.  His fiancee, Diana, left him.  His superiors, once quick to refer to him as the golden boy of the FBI, seemed determined to make his life hell after he began requesting access to unsolved cases commonly referred to as X-Files.
Dana Scully is assigned to him on March 6, 1992.  They begin with a handshake.  Eight years later, Mulder lays in bed, with Scully’s naked body next to his, her head on his chest, and wonders if she’s right about all the paths that led them to this moment.  If there is such a thing as fate or if he could be leading a different life right now.  All things considered, he’s pretty happy with the one he has right now.
The End
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baronessblixen · 7 years
I feel like there aren't enough phone sex fics in the fandom. Could you please take this as a prompt?
Hey anon, I’m not sure you really meant me? I’m not known for writing smut (cause I can’t write it). But I tried and here it is. Set in “Chinga”, NC-17 (I suppose). You get a read more cause it’s loooong.
Fourrings before Scully picks up the phone and puts Mulder out of his misery.
“Hm,yeah.” Scully’s voice is nothing more than a tired mumble and yet Mulderfinds himself sigh in relief, and grin stupidly, upon finally hearing hervoice.  
“HeyScully, it’s me. You weren’t answering your phone earlier and I – wait, I’m notinterrupting anything, am I?” Mulder is cradling his basketball in hisarms; he better not be interrupting anything. What was the guy’s name Scullykept mentioning? Jack? He grimaces when he realizes that he’s been stroking thebasketball, treating it like a lover. He lets got of it, watches it fall to theground with a soft thud, and roll away under his desk. Wishing it was Jack’shead, kind of. Mulder has been trying to reach Scully for hours now (Is Jack toblame? He’s not sure he wants to know). He is not going to tell her how closehe’s come to flying out to Maine.
“I was sleeping.”                                                                      
“It’sonly… oh, it’s already 2 am. I’m sorry, Scully. You uhm, like I said, youweren’t answering your phone. I was worried.”
“I’mfine Mulder. Just really tired.”
“Somevacation, huh?” Mulder knows that he should say his goodbye now, let hergo back to sleep. Except he’s so happy to hear her voice, as exhausted as itmay sound, that he’s unable to be reasonable. He hasn’t seen her in days. Hehasn’t heard her voice in hours. He can’t just hang up now.
“Yeah.”Scully yawns. “Mulder, was there anything you wanted? It really islate.”
“How’syour case going?” And why didn’t you answer your phone these past fewhours, Scully? That question, he hopes, it at least implied.
“Itisn’t – wasn’t – a case. Or maybe it was. Either way, it’s over now.”
“Yeah.Mulder, can we talk about this when I’m back? I’m still on vacation.”
“Ofcourse, Scully. Of course. But… you solved the case?” He can hear hersigh, very explicitly, and he swears he can even hear her roll her eyes at him.What he wouldn’t give to see her right now.
“Youknow what? I did. I did solve the case. Now will you let me go back to sleep ifI promise you can ask me anything you want to know once I’m back?
"Anything,Scully?” He grins into the darkness; he loves when she’s tired and doesn’tthink her answers through. “Anything I want to know?”
“Mulder…”There’s a warning in the way she says his name, but, and maybe it’s justbecause he misses her, or it’s because he wants to hear it, but he’s certainthere’s a touch of a challenge there, a dare. Her voice makes his groin ache,cry out for attention.
“Justanswer me this… did you miss me at all?” She’s quiet on her side of theline and Mulder gnaws on his lip. It’s not what he meant to ask. His thoughtsare way less G-rated right now, but before he goes further, before he decidesto try what he has in mind, he needs to know this.
“No,Mulder, I didn’t miss you,” Mulder hears her voice, hates himself for evenasking, and swallows hard, trying to find words, any kind of comeback thatisn’t full of hurt feelings, “well… maybe I missed you a little bit.”She admits sheepishly, putting him out of his misery. “Did you miss me,Mulder?”
“Morethan you could possibly imagine.” The words are out before he can stopthem. The relief of her admission too great, they rush out of him, leaving himbreathless and feeling warm. Hot even.
“Whydid you think I was calling you all the time?”
“Iwas calling you, too.” Her voice sounds far away, as if she’s justrealized something, not quite believing it. She’s not good at believing, hisScully.
“Whatare you wearing, Scully?” She chuckles, thinking he’s joking, why elsewould he be asking?, but his hand is moving down his body on its own accord. Heshouldn’t be doing this. Just like he shouldn’t have told her that he’s missingher. None of this is appropriate behavior between partners and yet his handwanders over the bulge in his pants, squeezes it. He’s never done this beforebut he’s certain that he can’t stop now. He doesn’t want to either.
“Whatdo you think, Mulder? I was sleeping when you called.” His eyes closeagainst his will. He sees her there in a hotel room, unlike the ones theyusually stay in. A queen-size bed, white linen, her legs spread inanticipation. He wants to picture her there naked in the middle of the bed, herbody beckoning him, but he knows her. Knows her too well.
“Hm,those…” he stops as his tongue darts out in concentration; don’t moan, hewills himself, as his hand wanders inside his boxer shorts, “those silkypajamas you love so much. Am I… am I right?” Scully’s answer is a relaxedsigh and dare he hope? His hand grabs his cock, sliding up and down slowly,just getting started. The scene in his head, it unfolds before him just asgently. He sees her there; one hand is holding the phone, the other sneakinginto her pajama pants. He moans, involuntarily, and Scully gasps on the otherend of the line. He no longer needs to hope; now he knows.
“Mulder…”She sounds impatient, as if she’s begging him to speed up, and his hand on hiscock does, spreading pre-cum all over his shaft, “what… what are youdoing?” Her voice just above a whisper and for a split second he fears heread her wrong, so very wrong, and his hand stops for a second, gripping tootightly, “Tell me what you’re doing… what you would do if…” shetrails off, sounds shy, and he speeds up again, no longer afraid of letting herknow.
“OhScully…” his hand follows the all too familiar rhythm as he lets Scullyinto his fantasy, “I would… I know where you want me to touch you, I wantto touch you there, too, but… I’m gonna start with your neck.”
“I’mgoing to kiss you there, drive you crazy,” her breath hitches, she moans,and Mulder loses himself in the sounds for a moment, “I’m going to kissyou everywhere. Your neck, your face, your mouth.”
“Touchme, Mulder.” She whispers, pleads.
“Touchyou where, Scully?”
“My…touch my breasts.” He groans this time and she answers him.
“Doit for me, Scully,” he croaks out, “Touch your breasts for me, showme how you like it.” Mulder listens to their combined panting, a symphonyin the making, and almost loses it when Scully hisses in pleasure suddenly.
“Tellme, Scully. Tell me what you want me to do.”
“You’retouching… your hand is on my breast,”
“Ohyeah,” he can see it, swears he can feel the soft skin of her under hisfinger tips,
“You…your mouth is,” she moans, “Your mouth…” Her words are lost inher moans, in her desperate sighs,
“Doyou want me to put my mouth on your breast, Scully?” He forces the wordsout, one by one, imaging his tongue around her nipple, licking and sucking. Shestutters on a breath, and Mulder can’t help but grin; he’s doing this to her,he thinks, he’s making her breathless.
“Yourbreasts are so perfect, Scully. I love them, but…”
“Ineed to taste you everywhere.” Her groan is deep, vibrates through thephone, making him ache and his cock throb in his hand. “I bet you taste sogood.” They both moan and Mulder feels the tell-tale tingles run throughhim already. Too soon, much too soon. “Scully,” his voice is full oflonging, of wanting to be there, his face between her legs, kissing his wayalong her inner thighs until his tongue finds its goal in her wet center,against her most intimate parts.
“Ineed you to touch yourself for me. Touch your clit. Imagine I’m touchingyou.” She whimpers and he slows his movements on his cock, too afraid tocome. He hears it in between her gasps and his own moans; her slick fingersmoving in and out of herself, pleading for release. His balls tighten, he isalmost there and doesn’t want to be, not yet, way too soon, but his hand speedsup again in a frantic pace.
“Ohmy god, Mulder… talk you me, just talk to me.” She breathes, begs him.
“Scully,I wish it were me… my mouth on your clit, my fingers in you, fucking you. Iwish it were your hand on my cock. Feel how hard you make me, Scully. Do youfeel it? Do you wish it was me, me fucking you?”
“Mulder,don't… stop… I’m going to…”
“Comefor me, Scully,” Mulder begs of her, his own release imminent, “Letme hear you.” She comes apart more quietly than he would have guessed witha soft cry, a deep groan, and finally, a whimper. Mulder lets go, listening toher, his semen spurting out of him onto his boxers and his shirts.
“Thatwas…” Mulder says after a moment when he finds he can breathe again.
“Unexpected.”Scully finishes for him and he knows she’s starting to think. He can hear it.He can hear her tear it apart, this thing they just shared, and try torationalize it.
“Don’tregret it. Please.”
“I…I don’t regret it, Mulder. I don’t.”
“I’mon vacation. I’m allowed to treat myself.” Mulder chuckles, then laughs afull belly laugh, and to his greatest surprise, Scully joins in. The sound ofher laughter is almost better than hearing her come. Almost.
“Yes,Mulder?” She still sounds tired, and he is going to let her sleep in justa moment, but there is something else he needs her to know.
“Iwasn’t really kidding earlier.”
“WhenI said marry me. I wasn’t kidding. I mean of course I was then but-”
“Mulder?”From phone sex to marriage proposal in under five minutes. That’s got to be anew record, he thinks.
“I’mon vacation and I’m tired. Remember what I said earlier? Before we uhm… youknow?” Before they had sex. Phone sex is sex and therefore, finally, theyhad sex. He is still giddy thinking about it and he hopes they can soon addmore situations to their repertoire. Many more. Did Scully just ask himsomething? Yes, she did.
“ThatI could ask you anything once you’re back.” He repeats back to her sotentatively that it’s almost a question.
“Sowait with that question until I’m back. Good night, Mulder.”
“Goodnight, Scully.”
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randomfoggytiger · 20 days
I’m happy to hear you love to chat and I’m sorry I’m on anon… what do you think Mulder, Scully and their family are up to now? What’s life and love for them in the year 2024? I personally hope they are happy, healthy and still have tons of sex 🔥
No worries, anon! Unidentifiable asks are just as fun as identifiable ones. Plus, they give a nice little "ooh, I have a wider audience" kick. ;))
Per the Revival: you're probably right~.
I do wonder: would their daughter inadvertently shove them into more traditional settings, say, a mommy-daughter or daddy-daughter group, dance recitals, and local little leagues games while raising her eyebrow at their responses-- or lack of-- to the age old "why didn't you ever get married to mommy/daddy?" question? If so, Jackson would be a reflection of their more complicated, "outside the norm" past whereas Lily would come from a place of sweeter connection and greater appreciation for their second chance. In short, stability; a sense of normalcy. Or, perhaps, she'd be just fine with their "different"; and it's Mulder and Scully who-- like any parent-- would wonder if their unconventional job or numerous enemies or wandering son are a reflection of their abilities?
I don't believe Mulder or Scully could completely disattach from the files, not yet. It fulfills them, it grows them, it shares their history, it bonds them. Post S8? Yes, Post S9? Yes. Post IWTB? Yes. But each of those scenarios ended with an opportunity to do something else, more, different. The Revival ended with change and second chances but also reopened wounds that needed healing and last questions that needed resolution-- a way to end on their own terms, not have a finale thrust unexpectedly on them.
What would they do? Coursework, in my opinion. Light cases. Seminars. Training opportunities. Skinner would have a hand in that, would pointedly shrug on his cane if Mulder and Scully got stir crazy, would pointedly ask them how their daughter was over the weekend. Would delay a permission slip to pursue and solve paranormal cases until there was no other recourse. Would quietly look into who Mulder or Scully hired to watch their kid while they were gone.
Monica Reyes is buried, sorry.
DOGGETT. Doggett's no longer in contact because he sensed a shift in Monica before Mulder and Scully began their Revival shenanigans; and withdrew, jaded, from anything other than regular work. Explore that pain a little: he had to process the inability to save his son during S8 and S9 by accepting the paranormal and its reality; and still lost Mulder and Scully to the quest and Monica to "the darkness." Heavy.
Work in that psychic Charlie story line. Perhaps that's the case that brings Mulder and Scully back out of semi-retirement following the birth of their daughter. Work in the angle that he represents another sort of disconnection from his family or friends, a similar but different path than his sister walked. Meet his niece, ask hard questions about his nephew. Maybe William got some of his powers through those heavily implied psychic Scully genes from the original run. Maybe Lily does, instead; and Scully's case is a way to heal the fears Scully and Mulder face from her burgeoning psychic inclinations: she's not a Jackson 2.0, she's her own person. Etc. It'll help put to bed a few things for Scully, too.
What are Mulder and Scully doing now now? I think others would have a clearer perspective than I do or would; but here we go:
Mulder's looking into what he says are the cost of repairs but are really thinly veiled easy renovations he can tackle with his daughter. Scully is mid-nod before this dawns on her; and she swoops over his shoulder to exclaim "Painted granite countertops?" Lily's... what age, again? Old enough to know the difference between careful mess and wanton chaos; and, more importantly, when to sniff out an opportunity and make a break for it. While her parents are caught up in their discussion ("Not permanent paint, Scully, something washable"), she speeds around collecting string or yarn or anything thin and tie-able; and is halfway through her plan of pulling out a tooth via the old door-and-string trick before her parents sense the silence and bolt for her room. Scully explains why her tooth needs to stay in a few more years and Mulder promises her that the tooth fairy won't come if it's pulled too early. They call it early that night, read her a few books, and collapse on the couch, hearts still racing a little.
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