#italian reylos
abushelandablog · 6 months
The tearsmith is seriously so rey and ben coded like omg
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officialkendallroy · 6 months
my enemy the italian literature criminal (aka that woman that writes reylo fanfic and gets it published) was in berlin yesterday... never wanted to boo someone off a stage so badly
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viennakarma · 5 months
hi, i'm rae
So, here are a few (fun?)facts about my writing, since you guys have dropped a couple of asks about it before.
- you guys always comment on my pace. i can write full, detailed stories, but since i write here mostly oneshots (or twoshots lol) i have a bunch of stuff i want to happen on the story, that's why most are pretty fast paced (like everything i wanted and mdfae that go through many years). but when i write multichapters, i usually go slower with the pace and deeper with the writing.
- in my first languague i'm currently writing a multichapter fanfic with lewis hamilton and an oc brazilian supermodel in a fake dating situation. this fanfic is part of a small universe that (in the future) include intertwined stories with two other drivers.
- I speak portuguese, english and spanish. I studied french for a year then dropped because i thought the sonority of the language was too hard for me (i'll try again someday tho). i'm currently studying italian (that's lewis mf hamilton's fault).
- i've been writing fanfics since around 2014, and i've been in a few fandoms like 1d, shawn mendes, mcu, reylo, nashuri, footballers and many others i won't be bringing up.
- my mom and dad are ayrton senna's super fans, they cried a lot when may 1st 1994 happened. so, naturally i grew up a senna fangirl too. (both my mom and my dad can can rant for hours about ayrton senna) (as a teen, my mom had a wall of posters of him and other famous men she liked back in the day)
- i've never felt comfortable writing in english until i started this blog to formula 1 (i've had three other oneshots i've written before this but i don't like them today). i really believe i've found my jam here.
- when i'm writing my fics, the drivers are fictional people in my brain.
- there are a few drivers on the grid that i don't like, but you won't ever catch me shit-talking them (publicly) because i don't engage in this hater energy.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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liesmyth · 11 months
Who is Ali Hazelwood?
DELIGHTFUL romance writer! Somewhat controversial in some fandom spaces because her first novel was a serial-numbers filled reylo fic (IMO her weakest work ngl) but I love her stuff unironically
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I stand by this <3
edit: also forgot she's Italian so I'm legally obliged to stan 🇮🇹
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girljeremystrong · 8 months
oh by the way i found out that aly hazelwood of published reylo fanfictions fame is a born and raised italian from Italy. might kill myself for real
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ladyinwriting18 · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag @thegreatwicked !
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Currently 32! There will be more! Also some of the fics I've written are old. I'm talking 2013 old lol
2. What's your total A03 word count? .........237,027 Fuck that's a lot of words LOL
3. What fandoms do you write for? A LOT LOL Mainly Star Wars and other characters played by Adam Driver. But I've also written for Marvel, House of The Dragon, Game of Thrones and Once Upon A Time.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Place To Escape (NSFW Multi-Chapter Kylo x OC/Completed)
I Want Another (NSFW One Shot/ Aemond "One-Eye" TargaryenxYou
Missing The Taste Of You (NSFW One Shot/ Kylo x Reader)
The Gift (NSFW One Shot/ Sandor Clegane x Reader)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love talking to my readers and honestly every comment that gets left on one of my stories touches my heart!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Uh.....I don't think I have any. Most of my fics are smutty one shots that end happy ;) lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I would say A Place To Escape because I worked the hardest writing that fic and Kylo and Evangeline go through A LOT before their happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really. I once had someone comment that I must be jealous of Rey cause I write KyloxReader fics but I'm also a Reylo sooooo. But I'm sure there are people out there that talk shit about me and my writing lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? YES. All of the smut all of the time.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Nope. Well.....once I wrote that Heath Ledger's Joker falls through a wormhole into the real world of NYC were me and my two best friends find him and taken him home......Don't ask....and no you can't find that fic anywhere LOL
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have! Not for awhile now but they're deff fun to do!
14. What's your all-time favourite ship? Jesus idk...there's so many.... Prob Sandor x Sansa cause I've loved them the longest.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Most likely Darkness Into Light. It's never been released but it's a multi-chapter Kylo x reader fic where reader is also an apprentice of Snoke's and Rey tempting Kylo back to the light causes all these problems. I've had the story planned out and semi-written for years now. I love my ideas for it but I don't think I'll ever have the time or energy to finish it/put it out there to the world.
16. What are your writing strengths? I feel like I'm mostly known for my smut writing abilities because I not only write smutty fics but also write smutty audios. Most of my followers call me "smut goblin" lol But I have been told that I'm good at writing about powerful emotions connected with SA. And that I'm good at the characterization of various characters.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm too hard on myself and I think I suck. I also think I'm awful at writing descriptors. Like describing what clothing looks like or a place or things like that.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I've done it a little bit in A Place To Escape. I wanted Evangeline to have a native language that she used once or twice that Kylo wouldn't understand. But I ended up just using Italian words because.....reasons lol
19. First fandom you wrote for? Oh god....I'm not even sure now because I've been writing for so long. But when it comes to my Ao3 it would be Once Upon A Time (Rumbelle for life!)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written? Gonna have to say A Place To Escape because I put my heart and soul into that fic. And it's also the first ever multi-chapter thing I EVER finished.
No pressure tags! @simpremerat @weareallstoriesintheend @just-some-random-blogger @late-to-the-party-81 I feel like I'm forgetting people.....I'm so sorry my brain is legit trash at remembering people's usernames!
But if I tagged you, then I've read your stuff and I adore it! -Lady In Writing
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postmariannizm · 6 months
tag game
tag people you want to get to know better
thank you for the tag @tolovaj, my beloved
last song: Paris, Texas by Lana del Rey
currently watching: my gf playing Yakuza (sorry I don't watch anything)
three ships: snily, snarry, reylo obv
favorite color: blue
currently consuming: books about women who are useless and explicit fanfiction
first ship: Larry Stylinson - shot me on the spot
place of birth: szpital na Madalińskiego
current location: big bed
relationship status: I would be a wife if not for homophobia
last movie: 🤔 damn hard question, I think it's Italian movie Chimera I saw in cinema
currently working on: lesbian fics and getting companies to participate in my jobs report. Also I'm working on losing weight and changing my personality into something more normal.
Tagging: @giosnape @mitsuki91 @vulnus-sanare
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starsscarmyceiling · 1 year
Homemade Dynamite, please?
OmGGGgg yay I am glad someone asked about this! Thanks anon! Unfortunately, this one’s been on the back burner for quite a BIT, but I mean @jan-uarys and I spent several hours last night freaking the FUCK out about it and it honestly got me hyped for it all over again!
This fic came about from my first Reylo modern AU, Keep the Blinds Open, wherein Ben moves across the street and Rey has to wipe her drool away and be like OH NO HE'S HOT…and basically, Rey wants to be in denial for so long and they’re both so stubborn that they didn’t even talk to each other or MEET until Ben had been living there for like a whole YEAR haha. Then one day my dyad in the force @saratogagrounder and I were talking about what it would be like if that happened with Merrical…and we were like LOL Merrin would never stand for that…and she ofc encouraged me to write the fic after we giggled about it for quite some time and we all know it takes like absolutely NO effort for me to take on another WIP—💀
But yeah so Merrin moves in across the street, Cal FREAKS out about it obvs, and is like omg how am I even going to live my life now with her being there and being all hot all the time and stuffs FUCK—and she’s been living there for like a couple of months at this point, and then Cal is standing in his kitchen one day contemplating if he should make himself some dino chicken nuggets for dinner and they make eye contact for the first time when she comes home, and he is just like frozen in place like SHIT SHIT SHIT SHITTTT WHAT DO I DO…and WHAT does our boy do?? HEH, he ends up just like awkwardly waving at her ofc. Then she just tilts her head at him, and then promptly leaves her apartment.
“Oh my god,” Cal said out loud, “I fucking—freaked her out so much she immediately had to leave her apartment.”
He let out a severe exhale as he started to pace about his kitchen for several minutes.
“Jesus Christ Beedee, I think we’re gonna have to move now—there’s no way I’m coming back from that—I can never look at her again.”
Cal grunted, bringing his index finger and thumb to his eyes and rubbing at them.
“Why—why are you like this? That was so fucking—”
There was a knock on his door. His head whipped over to it and he thought he might have been hearing things as he just stood there for a moment—or it could have been several before he heard it again as Beedee also barked along with it.
Cal looked at his dog, “Go lay down boy, it’s fine.”
The dog listened and went to his bed, but still whined a little.
“What the…” Cal said to himself as he placed his coffee down on the counter and paced to his door in such baffling steps, “who would—”
Cal unlocked the door, and there on the other side of it, was none other than her—his hot neighbor—right in front of him.
His eyes were probably popping out of his sockets as he said nothing for a sequence of seconds and just gawked at her, almost tempted to ask if she meant to come here.
She did know that—he lived here, right?
“Well,” she stated in a voice with an accent oh god she had an accent, “are you going to invite me inside?”
Cal just blinked a couple of times as she raised an eyebrow at him.
Oh my god say something—
“Uh—yeah, right,” Cal stammered, knowing he was severely red as he cleared his throat and stepped aside, “come on—in.”
She sounded Russian to him. Why was that hot? Jesus Christ she was so much hotter up close—
Strolling past him like she’d been here before, Cal closed the door behind her and he immediately shoved his hands down the pockets of his jeans as she still hadn’t faced him.
“Did you uh—” Cal panicked, so taken aback and so confused, “did you mean to come here?”
Why did he ask that?
She chuckled a little, “No, I meant to go to the Italian restaurant down the street and somehow ended up here.”
Cal snorted, not expecting such a quip from her, but then still felt all his anxiety crushing him as he took an unsteady breath.
“You know, I get that a lot—probably from all the gourmet meals I am always cooking for myself—the secret’s out.”
His heart was racing as she laughed again, and wow her laugh was—beautiful? Was that a weird thing to think?
All he knew is that he was trying not to focus on her, but then all he could focus on was her and no he wasn’t checking out her body or her perfect ass—
“Perhaps you could pitch them your favorite meal of chicken nuggets and whiskey—I am sure they’ll be very interested in hearing the recipe,” she responded, and honestly, he didn’t know why that felt like the wind was being knocked out of him, but there were just too many implications in that sentence that he simply couldn’t brush aside—
Cal needed to breathe; he wasn’t breathing—
“Uh—huh—they’ve been hounding me for years over it,” Cal stated in a voice that really didn’t sound as steady as his last sentence…almost like he had just gone through puberty and he was pretending to sound older than he actually was.
“My my, I am sure,” she stated, and Cal really didn’t know what to say to that.
He couldn’t still quite believe that she was just walking around in his apartment as she placed her purse down on his counter, clearly judging his things as he just stood there openly gaping at her like that was going to make this situation any better.
“You waved at me,” she pointed out.
And see Cal was trying to completely forget about the fact that his innate reaction to actually making eye contact with his new hot neighbor for the first time was to fucking awkwardly wave at her.
“Yeah—I…certainly did that.”
She turned to him finally, her eyes completely scanning over him like she was trying to size him up for something.
“Was that not an invitation to come over?” She asked as casually as if this was for some reason an entirely normal, commonplace really, way to interact with someone. Step one, sure, stare at your hot neighbor like some creeper, and then step two, wave at her like a complete buffoon, which will obviously lead her to showing up at your door unannounced.
What world was he living in right now?
“Oh, uh—” Cal stammered, knowing for damn sure that was not his intention, and if he were less awkward of a person perhaps he could actually be trying to accomplish something with this gorgeous person—even if it were to at the very least be having a successful conversation, “I guess it could have been…because it’s not like I mind you being here or anything—” oh fuck where the fuck was he going with this he needed to change gears now— “do you want some coffee or something?”
Her expression was difficult to read, but it could have possibly been like she was pitying him, “I suppose so…I take mine black.”
Cal lifted both his hands and pointed his index fingers at her, “Great.”
Well that was a weird thing to do. Then again, so was everything he did.
He thought being able to concentrate on doing something would help his anxiety as he noted Beedee had approached her and started sniffing at her. She bent down to give him a pet on his head.
“Oh uh—that’s Beedee, don’t worry he’s very friendly,” Cal said as he got a mug from his cupboard. He paced to the coffee machine and grabbed the pot. She seemed to have no response to him, but she was still giving his dog attention, so that was hot—
That was hot? What? Was everything she did hot just because she was so hot?
“And I’m Cal, by the way—Cal Kestis—um—if you wanted to know.”
She looked up at him, and he couldn’t quite tell if there was an upturn to her lip or not, but she definitely had raised her eyebrow at him, “Congratulations Cal Kestis.”
Normal—he felt very normal about her uttering his full name.
“Yeah, I get that a lot too,” Cal said without thought, “short for Calcium.”
For the first time there seemed to be a crack in her mostly stoic countenance as he walked over to her and offered the coffee mug.
“Is it really?”
Cal couldn’t help it, he smirked as she took the mug from his hand, “Of course.”
Her eyebrows knitted together, “Did your parents hate you?”
Parents—what an always excellent topic with him.
“You know—I think they must have.”
Honestly, not such a bad explanation on the fly.
She eyed him, making no attempt to drink her coffee.
“I feel as though you are making another stupid joke—but your tone just seemed more confident this time,” she claimed, and then he smiled again, trying not to focus on how he loved the shade of her brown eyes.
“Yeah, and now I just ran out of material, so it’s all downhill from here I’m afraid,” Cal said back, not even sure where that came from.
“Hm,” she hummed before she now took a sip of her coffee, “what a shame.”
Frankly, he was a little gobsmacked. She was—like very intimidatingly charming? And it just rendered him devoid of any more words or stupid jokes.
Damn, maybe he really was out of material.
As she turned from him again and began to once more circumvent the room.
And he watched her, just not finding it in him to look away again, and he just—he really wanted to ask her if she really came over here because he just fucking awkwardly waved at her.
He opened his mouth, but then she began speaking again.
“You watch me,” she stated in a complete matter of fact manner. Cal was not finding it difficult to decipher that she was just an extremely blunt person.
“Oh, yeah um,” he said, placing his hands on his hips, “you’re kind of…hard to miss.”
He looked up into her eyes and those brown irises were staring into his soul just a few paces away from him now.
Jesus—could he say anything remotely normal?
“I’m sorry,” he stated simply, hoping it would suffice enough for being a total creep, “I didn’t mean it in like—I—I mean I am not trying to be—”
God—he should probably just inform her that yes, he will be prompting moving out as soon as possible.
Because could he even deny his extremely inconvenient but still very real attraction to her?
She kept her stare on him for another few moments before she spoke, “Do not be sorry,” she stated, not turning from him entirely as she walked over to his window, “I watch you too.”
Cal was incidentally and entirely grateful that she could not see him right now because his jaw dropped a bit and his brain definitely forgot how to function for several seconds.
AHHH this is very first drafty EXCUSE
After disssss things get real REAL fun as I am attempting my first NON slow burn ever as they start boning right away, and it becomes and emotional slow burn. Merrin is like oh, feelings? I had those removed several years ago and Cal is like bet.
Cal’s a paramedic, and one day him and Kanan unfortunately lose someone and they have to wheel the body down to the morgue and GuEsS wHo’S tHe NeW MorGuE DoCtoR—😏
OOOOoHHH it gets SO fun from here as they navigate just banging on the reg and Merrin is like LOLZ I don’t do feelings and also being neighbors and seeing each other at work. There’s def a time or two they also bang in a janitor’s closet. Calamity ensues as Cal gets her coffee one morning along with everyone else’s and Merrin’s like you’re not allowed to be nice to me—and Cal’s like HA well too bad because I’m gonna anyway, actually.
Also @starryjediknight, I am DEF putting in some background Sabezra in there with Ezra being a nurse and Sabine being another doctor who lowkey caught Merrin and Cal coming out of the janitor’s closet, and she’s like lol girl you banging that hot ginger mess…and Merrin’s like NOO…well..maybe…YES we’ve banged a ton what do you want from me, and then Sabine is like lol I’m not judging I’m banging that nurse Ezra. I think I should also throw in some Cal and Ezra bonding over having scary hot doctor gfs LOL
Soooo YEAH v excited for this fic. It’s gonna be the best angsty ridiculous smutty Merrical rom com I as per USH from me…so I hope you guys will enjoy just as much too!
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On AO3, there is at least one Star Wars/Love Hypothesis crossover, which of course is Reylo. At least, I think that's what it is, because it's in Italian, which I have only a very basic understanding of. (Not that I'd read that fic anyway.) A book that started off as a Reylo fic now has its own Reylo fic. As Darth Vader would say, the circle is now complete.
Well, isn’t that interesting. I’m not that surprised, though!
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am3ricanj3sus · 5 months
I think I like this little life.
yk I didn’t get half as pissed off today as usual. I don’t want to say everything is going to be okay and jinx anything. but I hope that things are starting to look up. and I hope really badly.
I hopped off my pills for a while kind of cause I just didn’t feel like taking them. they just make me feel bad sometimes. but I think they really do work. i’ve been angrier since I stopped taking them and I took them these past two days and I feel a little happier. but I don’t wanna believe it’s just the pills.
I hope it cause the end of the year is also coming up. i’m so excited to get out of here. i’m going places I haven’t been before and YAYAYAYAY.
i’m also sad tho. i’m leaving behind what I know for a while and I feel a little bad. my friends want to plan so many hang outs and I feel bad for saying no. but it’s like. I love travel. I like traveling at this age. it’s like when i’m older sure i’ll travel but it’s like. that’s when I want to be grounded. I want to be in a stable spot just like after I turn 40.
I don’t know what i’m yapping about. I miss tc. he’s sooooo. like muah ha ha. there an event coming up soon about teachers vs students and I HOPE HE PLAYS!!!! like boy get on that court. I hope to see him tmrw. sometimes I don’t see him and it’s like :(. I used to see him all the time before I realized I had a crush on him and now it’s like wtf r u pookie.
anyways tho. guys i’m a nerd. guys I like star wars. GUYSSSS. i’m joking i’m joking. liking star wars doesn’t make u a nerd….ig. but idk I think may 4th just awoke what I once was in 2019 and the rise of skywalker came out. like I was so nerd back then die. also like fuck y’all reylo for life my damn. idgaf “he a murderer!” at least he has passion!!!!
I need men to be taller. maybe it’s cause i’m 5’8, which is like tall im pretty sure. i’m taller than most girls ik. and it’s like I need you all to js… and it’s like every man aroudn me is just SHORT.
also I feel like i’ve figured out my type. now it’s like. i’m just attracted to the facial features of like native americans or italians. like their facial structures are just BEAUTIFUL. it’s so baffling how beautiful people can be like. ugh I love.
anyways i’m a little sleepy. gn new york.
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korerosemarinus · 1 year
ch. 12: in the time of cherries
Read Chapter 11 here!
in the time of cherries
a reylo (multi-ship) Italian World War I/1920s AU
In the summer of 1915, Rey and Ben are sweethearts in the small Italian island village of Chandrila. In the days of drinks at the Hotel Nymeve, village festivals, and the wine harvests, the lovers and their group of friends live the idyllic life. As World War I comes around, and Poe, Finn, and Ben are asked to fight, Rey’s future changes dramatically, and the love in her heart changes as the years go on. The group of friends find themselves changing with the Jazz Age and the Rise of Fascism on the horizon, and Rey finds herself asking her heart the impossible: to take a chance once more.
The Italian 20s fic you may or may not have asked for with queer romance, copious amounts of wine knowledge, leftist propaganda, seaplanes, mafiosos, seaside hotels that are DEFINITELY not modeled after Varykino, and lovers torn apart by fate and war.
BG ships: Stormpilot, Gingerrose
Chapters: 12/25
Read Chapter 1 here!
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starbound-wanderer · 2 years
Tagged by @enoughtotemptme
3 ships: hellcheer, bellarke, and reylo. All my loves <3
First ever ship: Rick and Evie from the mummy! I was obsessed with them. Besides them probably Raven and Devon from that’s so Raven. I’m wanted them together sooo bad and then the finale made me mad 🥴
Last song: my brother and I listened to time after time by cyndi lauper on our way to the store
Currently reading: nothing at the moment, but the last thing I read was Icebreaker by Hannah Grace! Super cute and waaay better than I expected it to be
Last movie: birds of prey
Currently consuming: it’s just now morning and I’m about to go steal my brothers leftovers for breakfast
Currently watching: beauty and the beast (1986) with Linda Hamilton and Ron Pearl man. It’s so pretty and heartbreaking at times but a great show! George RR Martin wrote a big chunk of it
Currently craving: anything Italian
Tagging: anyone who’d like to play!!
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romana73 · 5 years
Post scritto da ME. Le gifs animate presenti in questo post NON SONO MIE e NON APPARTENGONO IN NESSUN MODO A ME!
Post written by ME. The animated gifs present in this post AREN’T MINE and it DON’T BELONG TO ME IN ANY WAY!
PADME ( Star Wars. Episode I. The Phantom Menace )
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KYLO REN (Star Wars. Episodio VII. The Force Awakens + Star Wars. Episode IX. The Rise of Skywalker):
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fiamminga95 · 5 years
Kylo Ren e Sir Galahad
Non ci sorprende l’idea che Kylo Ren sia il “Nobile cavaliere” all’interno della ST in Star Wars. Più di una volta è stato raffigurato come tale. Il suo abito in ep 7 è simile a quello di un templare, la sua spada con l’elsa è tipicamente associata ai cavalieri, e in molte immagini (anche promozionali) lo si vede in ginocchio, come tipicamente venivano rappresentanti i cavalieri medievali.
Ho deciso di fare questo piccolo paragone tra la più recente immagine di Kylo/Ben con quella di un famoso cavaliere del ciclo arturiano, Sir Galahad. C’è un famoso quadro che è praticamente identico all’immagine che vediamo nel trailer recente, di George Frederic Watts:
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L’idea di paragonare due immagini non è mia: è venuta in mente alle fantastiche ragazze di Girls With Sabers, (che apprezzo, anche se non condivido molte delle loro idee) perciò a loro va tutto il credito, ma pensavo che se ne dovrebbe parlare di più.
Chi è sir Galahad? Figlio di Lancillotto, va alla ricerca del Santo Graal, così come era stato anche il destino del padre. Tuttavia, Lancillotto viene rifiutato dal Graal e riesce solo a vederlo in sogno mentre invece suo figlio, dal cuore puro, ottiene la salvezza. Così Galahad arriva al graal insieme a Parsival e e Bors. Volete sapere come finisce la sua storia? Una volta compiuto ciò in cui il padre aveva fallito, per via del suo amore adultero con Ginevra (Anidala, ti vedo) chiede di morire e infine ASCENDE IN CIELO. Dopo di lui, anche Parsival ottenuta la stessa salvezza lo segue, mentre il terzo cavaliere Bors, torna a Camelot.
Ora, io non dico che il nuovo trio (dal mio punto di vista Rey-Ben-Finn) debba finire così ma dico che il nuovo trio deve finire così. Non sono in pochi ad immaginare Rey e Ben sopravvivere alla loro ultima ordalia e poi fuggire insieme una volta morti e rinati, mentre Finn potrebbe decidere di rimanere, per così dire, nel mondo e avere una vita normale. Ma io penso che questa immagine, soprattutto perché il quadro di Watt è molto famoso in ambiti di lingua inglese, non è stata imitata a caso.
In ultimo, volevo condividere con voi una piccola citazione dal poema Sir Galahad, di Alfred Tennyson, scritta in pieno periodo romantico (vv. 61-64):
A maiden knight-to me is given, Such hope, I know not fear;I yearn to breathe the airs of heaven, That often meet me here.
 E alla fine vorrei compararlo con il poema che si è stato visto sulla moodboard di TROS, come ispirazione, A Great Wagon di Rumi:
 Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
 Mi dispiace non aver trovato queste poesie in italiano. Se qualcuno sa dove trovarle tradotte, per favore commenti.
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jeangenieuniverse · 5 years
È ora di riderci su. 😂
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magali1982 · 5 years
"I do".
Looks like SNL is avenging us.
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