#italian rock'n'roll
spilladabalia · 2 years
da "Urlatori alla sbarra" (Lucio Fulci, 1960)
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nerdyfangirllife · 2 months
The German Aziraphale & Crowley
Okay, hear me out. I know it sounds a little weird, but these two idiots are perfect. May I introduce to you the guitarist and the drummer of the German punk-band 'Die Ärzte' (which translates to 'The Doctors' which is funny cause - you know - David Tennant was...Where was I? Oh, yeah! So!) Farin Urlaub
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loves books (he is being called 'The intellectual of the Band' from his Band members)
loves tea (even drinks it while being on stage)
speaks several languages (including german, english, french, spanish, portuguese, japanese and italian)
'chronically positive'
cute smile
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Bela B
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Farin's gothic (husband) best friend
Dark and unique fashion sense
called himself 'Bela' after Bela Lugosi aka Dracula
Sex, Drugs and Rock'n'Roll
sexy as hell
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Facts about Farin & Bela
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known each other for a long time (they became friends as teenagers)
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absolutley different but share the same opinions and humour
flirting - like - a LOT on stage and in interviews
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There were a few kisses but all footage of it is blurry and not enough
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Thanks for reading.
Oh, and since I didn't even mentioned the bassist of the band here's a GIF of him. He's cute. He's my Muriel. :3
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
My top 5 ESC 2023 that nobody asked about
I specifically checked out live performances for the sound and onstage charisma as well, cos pre-recorded music videos don't mean shit in the end. Here we go.
In summary:
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1. Australia
FUCK YES!!!! That's what I'm talking about! THIS IS FUCKING BATTLE MUSIC!! THAT FUCKING BRIDGE! RRRHHHAAAAAAAA ROCK'N'ROLL BABIES! Also can we have fucking Australia finally win Eurovision cos that would be hilarious. Also I'm checking out their other songs bc they've been around for a while and they are great?!! I need to listen to the entire discography immediately. My god this is why I fucking LOVE Eurovision, I love discovering bands I never would've heard about otherwise.
2. Norway
FUCK. YES. Glorius. Amazing. This got stuck in my head from the first few notes. I love her voice, I love the sound, it makes me wanna sing along and bang my fists on the table to the beat, she's got RANGE, she sounds fantastic live, it's a fucking hit to me. SLAY, QUEEN.
3. Moldova
This is giving me such Zdob și Zdub vibes. I fucking love the modern folky sound, and the harmony with the back vocals is fucking perfect (in live performance as well), and a fucking feral forest rave?! God yesss. Also sorry but the dude is… HIT ME WITH A TRUCK GORGEOUS GODDAMMIT I am fucking WEAK for a manbun so sue me. PS: apparently he already entered back in 2012 but that song was a bit meh tbh. This one? FUCKING GREAT.
4. Italy
A pretty pretty pretty Italian man with a pretty pretty PRETTY voice is singing in Italian. That's enough, I'm sold, I'm a shallow ho like that, I'm taking off my clothes. I mean. I'm listening, and being very normal.
5. Germany
Look I'm too queer not to pick this. The whole blood and glitter vibe made me laugh so hard, dude's voice is very pleasant and the song smashes. It's only #5 for me bc the live national performance was a bit underwhelming? Hopefully it improves by the finals because it has the potential to be fucking epic. I mean.
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I also really like Azerbaijan, Israel and Ireland. Not enough to rave about them but I'll be cheering for them.
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ljblueteak · 1 year
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From "Memories of Michael" by Terry Southern:
Summer of '66 at the top of Duke Street, in the heart of Old Smoke, I...had my first larger-than-life living-colour confrontation with a certain Michael Cooper, Esquire....I moved on a couple doors along Duke Street to the Robert Fraser Gallery and Grill, as we were later wont to call it. I tried the door and found it locked up tighter than Dick's hat-band.
"Looking for Robert, are you?" asked the young dandy, and when I turned I saw something I was to come to love--his extraordinary smile, piercing; and somehow both shy and knowing, almost conspiratorial....
"Yes," I said. "I'm supposed to meet him here at four." It was almost five now.
Michael laughed. "Oh, I expect he's hopped it," he said, affecting a slightly Cockney accent. "Off to Meerakesh, if my guess is any good. Having a right rave-up with Bill Willis and Chris Gibbs about now, I shouldn't wonder, ho-ho!"
I peered through the gallery window; in the shadows I could see the great B-52 sculpture by Colin Self, which he had said was inspired by Doc Strangelove....
"Hold on," [Michael] said. "Is this a bloody Thursday?" I replied that it was indeed Thursday.
"Then Bob's having tea at his mum's."
"And not the right rave-up you had imagined."
"Yes, he has tea with his mum every Thursday, rain or shine." He considered it. "I should very much like to know what they talk about." He laughed. "Robert's poor taste in choosing his friends, most likely. Although she's a very nice woman. Actually quite charming."
"So he won't be coming back here to the gallery."
"No, we'll have to catch him at Mount Street. Have you been to his flat in Mount Street?"
I said that indeed I had....
Many of my memories of Michael involve Robert Fraser. They were ideally suited for the remarkable friendship they enjoyed. Each regarded the other as a grand eccentric, with Robert playing a sort of older brother of a more conservative stamp.
He had a rather protective attitude towards Michael, although it was Michael who was dominant in terms of influence; it was he who always managed to get copies of the latest Otis Redding or Sam Cooke, or to know about a private screening of a Bruce Connor film; and whenever he made a trip to New York, he would invariably return full of enthusiasm for the work of some new artist he had met through Larry Rivers, Andy Warhol or Den Hopper.
He once persuaded Robert to install a 45rpm record-player under the dashboard of his car--a remarkable Italian device that would absorb the bumps and cobbles of Old Smoke without skipping a note. With Michael as DJ and 'Strawberry Bob' at the wheel, driving like a demon, eye glasses glinting in the changing traffic lights, mouth fixed in a smile of stone manic hilarity, we would tool about the city, blasting with our rock'n'roll. A memorable period.
...I once heard [Michael] defending Keith [Richards] in an amusing exchange with Robert. It was during an evening at Mount Street.
"Well young sir," said Robert, waxing indignant, "buzz along the rialto has it that those two esteemed cronies of yours--Squire Richards and Anita Pallenberg--have shown some rather bad form, rather bad form indeed."
Michael brightened. "Oh? How's that, then?"
Robert took great glee (while feigning high seriousness) in recounting how Keith and Anita had run away together, into the North African night, leaving Brian to his own devices.
"'Spanish Tony' brought the news," he said in solemn conclusion and waited for Michael's response. It appeared, however, that Michael had already heard about it, from Christopher Gibbs, and in more detail.
"They left Brian half of the hash and half of the albums," he said in loyal defence.
Robert seemed to weigh the matter anew for a moment, but he remained sceptical. "Including the Little Richard?" he demanded. "I would wager my life they did not leave the Little Richard!"
From Blinds & Shutters (bold mine)
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bacchicly · 1 year
19 (or more) Kisses Deep
For @darcyfangirlsfrequently
Ship: Garvez (of course)
Summary: It's Luke's Birthday and surprises are in store...a sweet little ficlet for an amazing Garvez writer and all round awesome Darcy! Happy Birthday, Eh?
Words: 1400ish (not all mine - some belong to Leonard Cohen)
🎵🎶…takes you down….to her place by the river…🎶🎵
"So just so I understand, son…" Rossi's eyes twinkle as he raises both his eyebrows and his glass in a mock toast. "...you are doing all this as a surprise for Penelope to celebrate YOUR birthday? I am not criticising - but I have never seen anyone concentrate so hard on making crustless cucumber sandwiches in my life." 
At the mention of Penelope, Luke can't help but break into a sheepish goofy grin. Rossi is right - it is crazy.
🎵🎶…and you know that she's half-crazy but that's why you want to be there 🎶🎵
Luke wipes his hands on the "Kiss the cook twice - I'm Italian!" apron the older agent passed to him wordlessly about an hour ago when he first invaded Rossi's kitchen with a large cardboard box of groceries, a "Best of Leonard Cohen" CD, and a "thank you" bottle of scotch. 
🎵🎶 And just when you mean to tell her that you have no love to give her - 🎶🎵
The lyric seeps its meaning into Luke's brain - dissolving his smile - and prompting him to grab his beer and take a long pull… no wonder he can't convince Penny he honestly loves her.  Poets. Bah.  Always making things so complicated.  Give him the Beatles any day over this dross "With a love like that you know you should be glad." Simple.  To the point.  Poetry. Why does she adore this dumb Canadian crooner anyways?  
"Hey.  Watch your mouth you chuckle-head, no speaking ill of the Lord Byron of Rock'n'Roll. We had some very interesting conversations in '77, I'll have you know."
Luke didn't even realise he had spoken aloud.  
🎵🎶 Then she gets you on her wavelength...And she lets the river answer that you've always been her lover 🎶🎵
"Sorry.  I didn't know you knew him personally."
"Don't worry about it.  What you should worry about is those scones - they are smelling like they might be just about done."
Luke's eyes widen in slight panic, sets down his bottle with a thunk, and spins to check on the oven where his strawberry streusel scones have been cheerfully baking for the last 19 minutes. He sighs with relief when, after yanking open the oven, it's clear from the delicious smell, the perfectly browned tops, and Rossi's chuckles - they are perfect.  
"Use the oven mitts!" says Rossi as he tosses a red quilted pair at Luke - who naturally grabs them out of the air and tugs them on grinning.  
"Yes, sir!"
Luke pulls the pan of scones out of the oven.  Breathing in deeply and he grins like an idiot to himself as he carefully moves the toothsome wedges to the cooling wrack.  He even starts to hum…
🎵🎶And you want to travel with her, and you want to travel blind, And then you know that you can trust her...For she's touched your perfect body with her mind 🎶🎵
Hmm maybe there is a reason why Penelope likes this guy so much…
The song ends and another starts - low and slow - and Luke turns back to the cucumber sandwiches.  He'll finish them and then start on the pinwheels - cream cheese and maraschino cherry - and then do some apricot chickpea curry endive boats to round out the table.  
🎵🎶 If you want a lover -I'll do anything you ask me to 🎶
He should probably pre-boil the water too so that he can warm the tea pot just before she arrives too.  
🎶🎵…If you want a partner, take my hand, or If you want to strike me down in anger…🎶🎵
Ok...yes. Maybe...maybe... this guy does know a thing or two….chuckling over the memory of Penelope storming at him over something or other.
🎵🎶 Here I stand. I'm your man. 🎶🎵
Luke's hands still as the next lines wash over him.
🎵🎶 If you want a boxer...I will step into the ring for you 🎶🎵
Yep.  Definitely knows a thing or maybe nineteen.
🎵🎶 And if you want a doctor...I'll examine every inch of you...If you want a driver, climb inside...Or if you want to take me for a ride...You know you can! I'm your man. 🎶🎵
He shivers at the thought of examining every inch of her…of insides… of rides…
This had better work.  It's his last Hail Mary.  If, after today, Penelope is not willing to give him a chance… a real chance this time....
…well, that will truly be the end of it, won't it? 
His heart rebels at the thought and the song echos the frustrating truth: for him? There will never be an end.
🎵🎶…And I'd howl at your beauty...like a dog in heat...and I'd claw at your heart...and I'd tear at your sheet...I'd say please (Please)...I'm your man 🎶🎵
His hand tightens around the handle of the knife he was using to slice off the last cucumber sandwich crusts.  Why doesn't she get that this is it for him?  That she's it for him.  That he's…he's…her man?
🎵🎶 If you want a father for your child...or only want to walk with me a while across the sand - I'm your man 🎶🎵
Oh Hell.  True.  All true.  All desperately outrageously frustratingly gloriously true.
The song pulses under his ruminations - pulsing and pleading - begging for any crumb… weirdly strong in it's subservience…
🎵🎶 I'm your man 🎶🎵 
The final cords swell and ebb away… and in the beat between tracks he-
"Newb-Luke-Birthday Boy???  What are you doing here?"
Luke's head snaps up and he stares.
It's like thinking of her has summoned her.  
She is wearing the outfit she was wearing the day she met Roxy - all oranges and yellow sunshine  …the day he knew he was a goner….. and just like she always crashes into his life - awkwardly sweetly infuriatingly - she is here early and is carrying some giant box of something or other.  And as usual… he's not ready - caught off guard - consumed…but can't help but grin like an idiot as his heart starts to do it's joyful Penelope-wiggle-of-joy.  
Damn.  I'm HER man.
"What am I doing here?  What are you doing here?  ROSSI?!?!?"
The older agent appears behind a sputtering Penelope and then with a too-innocent too-indulgent too-self-sastified curl of his lips - the pompous ass that is David Rossi shugs into his coat, turns on his heel, and jangles his car keys in the universal sign of "I'm going out".
Penelope is now the one spinning on her heel - echoing Luke's "Rossi!" but her boss cuts her off.
"You're both very welcome.  Now be good, kids. Help yourself to anything you can find. I'll be back at midnight.  Lock up when you leave and don't turn into any pumpkins!"
The next song is well begun now and they watch helpless as Unit Chief David Rossi literally waltzes out on them - shamelessly adding his baritone to Cohen's bass… "...take this waltz, take this waltz! With its very own breath of brandy and death!"
Penelope spins back to Luke - but slowly - gathering her thoughts. 
Why is he here? He wasn't supposed to arrive until much later.  She was supposed to decorate and everyone was supposed to arrive and then Matt was supposed to swing by with him on the way home from a birthday dinner with "Uncle Luke" and they were all going to jump out and yell surprise and Emily had ordered a cake and…. Well apparently something else is happening… those Sneaky Mc Sneakertons!
"Luke?  What's going on?"
"I…I…I think…"
🎵🎶 There's a concert hall in Vienna...Where your mouth had a thousand reviews 🎶🎵
"...I think…I think our team is as tired as I am of waiting." 
And with that Luke puts down the knife, pushes himself away from the counter, crosses to his bambi-eyed love, takes the box and set it on the floor, and then draws her into his arms, their eyes lock, their hands clasp, and their lips tingle as they sway into a kitchen waltz.
🎵🎶 And I'll dance with you in Vienna...I'll be wearing a river's disguise...The hyacinth wild on my shoulder...my mouth on the dew of your thighs 🎶🎵
They move as though they have always danced…always will dance…close and smiling…Penelope tilting to smile up at him…Luke tilting his head to breath her in…
🎵🎶 Oh my love, oh my love...Take this waltz, take this waltz...It's yours now, it's all that there is 🎶🎵
And they come to a stop and finally finally their lips meet in a slow deep kiss filled with promise. 
When they part - Penelope's eyes are closed and she is so so still…
And with that Penelope can't help but twinkle up at him and lean in to whisper…
"Apparently you're Italian and I am supposed to kiss you twice."
And so…she does.  
…although they hardly stop at two.
🎵🎶 There ain’t no cure…there ain’t no cure… there ain’t no cure for love. 🎶🎵
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damiannasworld · 2 years
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kerrangmagazine_ "We worked our asses off to get here, but we also know this isn't something that happens every day..."
Post-Eurovision, Måneskin have become one of the world's biggest bands. We caught up with the Italian rock'n'rollers to see just how wild their lives are getting
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icarodamiano · 2 years
Måneskin for Kerrang! Magazine
pictures via ciaothomas_
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Post-Eurovision, Måneskin have become one of the world's biggest bands. Now preparing to headline The 02, we caught up with the Italian rock'n'rollers at Lollapalooza to on the ground just how wild their lives are getting, and why none of them seem to like wearing clothes...
It's a Sunday itemoon at Grant Park in Chicago, the site of Lollapalooza. The sun is shining, the sky is straight out of an oil painting - a deep, rich blue decorated with perfectly formed clouds - and the air is warm. For four days, 100,000 people make their way into the designated section of the 319-acre park to attend the festival originally started by Perry Farrell in 1991 as a travelling farewell tour for Jane's Addiction. Now a staple of Chicago life that sees the city's downtown area teeming with people, through its gates and on the surrounding streets there are no thoughts of the injustice and cruelty that permeate the news cycles. Judging by the lack of macks, there's also very little indication that COVID - which saw the festival exist only in digital form in 2020 and is on the rise once again - ever existed. It's a paradise of late-capitalist dystopia, where soda-sized cans of beer com $10 and a four-day wristband will set you back $375 for General Admission, rising to $4,200 for a 'Platinum' edition.
You could understand, then, why one Måneskin fan is at the front of the crowd crying. In fact, she's not just crying, but bawling her eyes out uncontrollably as the Italian band appear high up the main stage some four hours before the final day's headline act, Green Day, offer up a spellbinding performance that firmly cements their legendary status. These aren't sad tears. Quite the opposite. They're an expression of joy. Her irrepressible emotions - her paroxysms of joy enlarged on the huge screens either side of the stage - are more than enough for vocalist Damiano David to notice her.
"That's how you fucking behave at a gig!" the 23-year old frontman bellows, both to the fan in question and the thousands of other people watching her cry. "You're a fucking pro fan, okay? I fucking love you!" he continues. This only causes her to convulse even more uncontrollably than she already was.
"Take example," he says, "everybody starts crying right now, okay?" It's one of the few times his English isn't entirely perfect, but it doesn't matter. As the fan essentially folds in half over the barrier, you know it's a moment she's going to remember for the rest of her life.
It's also an indication of the power that the quartet Damiano, bassist Victoria De Angelis, guitarist Thomas Raggi and drummer Ethan Torchio - currently wield. After they play their hour-long set, Perry Farrell's Porno For Pyros are the next band on the main stage. And while, admittedly, they never had the same draw as Perry's main outfit Jane's Addiction, there are significantly fewer people watching them than were watching Måneskin. Not half bad for a band who only formed in 2016 and whose lyrics are often in Italian.
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That doesn't seem to matter, though. Whether Máneskin are strutting their stuff- and boy do they strut - their own language, like set opener Zitt E Buoni (the song with which the four-piece won the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest), or in English as they do on the decadent, hedonistic Supermodel, the crowd sing every single word back. Whether they understand them or not. It's an incredibly rare sight to behold- especially in America- but the international fervour for the Italians doesn't end there. On May 8, 2023, nine months on from Lollapalooza, the four-piece will headine London's 20,000-capacity The 02 - a far cry from when they first played the capital in 2019. Then, it was at The Dome, the 500-capacity venue in London's Tufnell Park. The band don't need to be made aware of how unusually and insanely fast that trajectory is.
"It's been crazy to see how we all of a sudden started planting seeds all around Europe," says Damiano in the band's dressing room a couple of hours before their set, and then also outside of Europe. It's been even crazier to see how fast and how far things have grown. Like, one year ago, we went around Europe playing for like 500 or 1,000 or 2,000 people. when we were lucky, but now we see that we are selling like 10,000 tickets in South America. It's crazy! We're reaching places where we would never imagine to be."
It goes without saying that a great deal of that is down to Maneskin's Eurovision victory. While often derided as a kitschy competition that promotes terrible pop music (and rightly so), Måneskin decided that the pros of taking part in the contest would likely outweigh the cons. They were absolutely right.
"We went there knowing it was not our natural environment," admits Damiano, "but we just said, 'It's a huge stage!" When we see a stage, we just want to play there. We don't care if it's cheesy or 'not rock'n'roll'. We'll make it rock'n'roll! Which is what I think we did at Eurovision. We didn't want any dancers or stuff onstage- it was just us, a for the drums, and pyro."
Making it rock'n'roll was exactly what they did - not just with their winning performance of Zitti E Buoni, but also their alleged antics at their table while waiting for the results. On live television, in front of approximately 183 million people, it looked very much as if the singer did - or was about to do -a line of cocaine. Whether he did or not is another thing. but the fuss and furore it all caused got absolutely everybody talking about Måneskin, at least. It's something they actually enjoy playing with, and they like to provoke people while they do so.
"We're good at not actually caring about what people say because we know the truth," says Damiano, and we think the truth and the authentic things are always going to come out one way or another. So when we were accused of snorting coke at Eurovision, we didn't get pissed. We knew the truth and were like, "Okay, this is fun! I love it! I was super hyped, and it was funny to think) a lot of people hate me! But it's easy to shut out things if you know the truth and if they're not true. There's a beat. "The problem is when they catch you doing true shit!"
The artist village at Lollapalooza is a fenced-off complex just behind the festival's main stage. There are fashion and food vendors offering free wares to those with access, as well as a bar that serves free drinks, although they don't start giving alcohol out until 3pm. But there are ping-pong and picnic tables, and a host of other luxuries afforded to those who are playing. Except for Green Day, who have their own fenced-off complex within the fenced-off complex, the green rooms for all the bands playing are set up in a line next to each other, a rock'n'roll village.
Inside Måneskin's dressing room, Damiano is finishing off a small joint, and he'll later announce to the crowd how great it is that weed is legal in Chicago. The band are also lacking in clothes, their stage outfits only half on at this juncture. Lounging around in various states of undress, there has rarely been a better example of a good looking or more stylish rock'n'roll band. It's no wonder they were chosen to star in a Gucci advertising campaign last year.
It's another vivid example of their rapid ascent from playing shows as teenagers and busking on the streets of Rome to being in the throes of world domination. It would be easy for them to let their success derail them, but they show no signs of that actually happening. In fact, they're adjusting to it all very well-probably because, having won a number of awards at home a few years ago, the wheels were in motion before Eurovision blasted them into the stratosphere.
"I think we got used to it in a way in Italy when we were growing up there," says Vic, "so we already knew how to handle it and how to not let it get in our heads. So now we're just happy and enjoying every piece of it." As they should be. But it's also worth noting that this is →
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something they've been actively working for and towards since they formed the band as teenagers in school. Because even at a young age, as Victoria explains, Måneskin had their eyes on the big time. Ask them if back then their aspirations would have included world domination and they probably like most bands would have said yes. The difference now is that they can answer yes and have that actually be a tangible possibility.
"Even when we started the band when we were very young, we took it seriously," she says. "It's not like we were saying. We want to play The O2!" - and here she smiles a devilish grin to illustrate her delight that that's actually going to happen - "but we wanted to make a real project, record an album in the studio, play a lot of gigs. Most of the people our age weren't even into music, or if they were, it was just for fun to go to a rehearsal room and play some covers. But we were like. "We need to do a photoshoot and make a video clip Everyone was like, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You're 15-year-old children!' But we really wanted to make this a longtime project."
With that comes a level headedness and intelligence that belies their image and their sound. One of the most touted facts bandied around about. Måneskin is that people are streaming the band's songs in their billions. In 2021, analytics company Viberate totted up Spotify, TikTok, YouTube and Instagram numbers to reveal that the Italians made the biggest impact in terms of views, streams and likes for that year. On Spotify, they were streamed two billion times in 2021, while they garnered 213 million views on YouTube. Those insane Spotify statistics mean they were streamed more than Metallica who, by comparison, only managed a paltry 1.3 billion streams- and also gave Queen a run for their money.
Impressive as this is - and it's incredibly impressive - Måneskin are just taking those facts and figures in their stride. Unlike, it must be said, a lot of people who have been getting upset that these young whippersnappers are out-streaming their iconic heroes, or the media outlets that have been sensationalising those figures.
"I think the world has become a bunch of clickbait shit, says Damiano. "Of course the viewer is going to get super upset when you hear, 'Måneskin are more streamed than Queen. But I'm a thinking person, so I'm like, 'Of course." They were not a Spotify-time band. They've sold millions more albums than we can ever hope to sell, because it worked in another way. It wasn't about streams, it was about actual selling. It's a different thing, but I think it's just the journalists trying to be smart and cause drama and to get people to split up. But it's just shit. We know we're not Queen and we don't even aim to be Queen. They already existed and we don't want to copy anybody. Otherwise, I'd be singing in a high-pitched voice and wearing all white."
"We're just having fun, and things are getting even better"
Damiano David
With great power comes great responsibility, so the old adage goes. That's something Måneskin are discovering more and more as their profile continues to rise exponentially. Needless to say, glam rock isn't, and hasn't ever been, a particularly political genre. The whole point of it is over-the-top posturing and dramatics - it's meant to be fun and raucous
In Måneskin's case, its also awash with a heavy sexuality especially in their performance of Touch Me, a steamy, sleazy song about physical attraction that today sees Damiano, by this point topless, get into the crowd and charm them with his incredible charisma and his sweaty, naked torso. But then things take a turn for the more serious. That song morphs into an off-kilter cover of The Who's My Generation, before the band announce their solidarity with Ukraine and launch into a vicious diatribe about Vladimir Putin by way of introduction to We're Gonna Dance On Gasoline. A snarling, ominous anthem released back in April - a month after the band cancelled the Russian leg of their world tour in opposition to the war - it seems to address the Russian president directly, and offers up a completely different side to the band. It shows that there's much more to them than just glam rock hedonism - something they think is increasingly important to show the world as the continue to get bigger.
"When we know enough about something specific, then we talk about it," says Ethan on one of the few occasions he speaks during the interview. "Knowledge is important."
"I love this quote by Billie Eilish," says Damiano. "She said a super-smart thing, that having money makes you powerful, but sometimes saying no to money makes you even more powerful. I think it's very true, and saying no to some places or some people or some industries which are fucking the world up is very powerful. It sends a message that you can fuck with them."
Don't get the wrong idea, though. Måneskin aren't going to be turning into Rage Against The Machine any time soon.
"It's not about actual politics," clarifies Vic about the band's decision to not play in Russia. "It's about humanity. When we stand up for Ukraine, we're not discussing strategies or NATO, we're just saying that it's fucking inhuman to kill innocent →
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people and invade a country like that. And I think some people really disagree with us saying that, but I think it's really quite stupid, honestly. What we're saying is just a matter of human rights and respecting other people- not having a fucking war going on and just invading and killing loads of innocents. And we like to stand (against) all the other injustices, like racism. homophobia, and misogyny. We don't think it's right for anyone to discriminate others or disrespect others."
It's here where the distance between Måneskin the band and Måneskin the people both starts to blur and become more distinct. Like the vast majority of musicians, their songs are just one part of their personalities and lives, not all of it however much that's mistaken to be the case. They look the part, and they act the part, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's entirely who they are. They're not just a rock'n'roll band, even if they are a very good one. They're much more than that.
"I do think that people got us a bit mistaken because we are a rock band." admits Damiano. "They make the immediate connection between rock'n'roll and the super savage lifestyle. There is that part, of course. Like, Vic and Tom love partying, but they're of course responsible and don't do drugs. I hate partying and I won't go to a party unless it's with my super-close friends. But we haven't had the time to show ourselves in 360. Maybe we're not even ready for that. People are very complex and complicated, so it's hard to show everything about you just through interviews and social media and onstage."
"It's part of who we are, of course," adds Victoria. "We can't show every side of ourselves. Some things we like to keep private. Our friends and the people who are with us know, but it's not like we're faking anything. Of course we behave differently if we're at a friendly dinner or we're onstage, but that's normal."
Måneskin's journey to these great heights might, from a distance, look like a whirlwind ascent to rock stardom, but really they've just been putting in the work from the very first day. Now they're ready to get to the next phase of their career. Although they're guarded about specifics, they've been in LA working on a new album with, among other people, famed Swedish producer and hitmaker Max Martin, where they say they've recorded "probably 50" songs for their next record. It is, truly, the stuff of dreams - except these are dreams that keep coming true, and look set to continue to do so for a long while yet.
"We always thought we could actually make it," says Damiano, self-assured, but not arrogant. "Everything that is happening now makes us super happy and super proud, but we're also not starstruck by it, because we fucking worked our asses off to get here. We deserve it and we know how to keep it and we know what we want to do. But we also know it's not something that happens every day. We know that this is our train and we've been smart enough and lucky enough to jump on it, but since we're already on it, we want to chill and enjoy the trip without thinking, 'Where are we going to get to?' Because we don't really give a shit. We're just having fun, and things are getting even better."
Still, don't rule out that, next time, maybe Måneskin will be the ones with the fenced-off complex inside the fenced-off complex. And you can bet your life already there'll be plenty more people in attendance shedding those 'pro fan' tears during a moment they'll never forget.
Måneskin will release a new single this autumn. The band play The 02 on May 8, 2023 - see the gig guide
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trend-q · 6 months
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マネスキン (Måneskin)
2023年12月15日 マネスキン(Måneskin)は、イタリアのロックバンドであり、2021年に開催されたユーロビジョン・ソング・コンテストで優勝したことで国際的に知られるようになりました。 彼らの音楽はロックンロールやパンクの要素を取り入れたもので���り、力強いパフォーマンスと洗練された楽曲で注目を集めています。 彼らの公式ウェブサイトやソニーミュージックのページでは、彼らの最新情報や音楽に関する詳細が提供されています。 December 15, 2023 Måneskin is an Italian rock band that became internationally known after winning the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest. Their music incorporates elements of rock'n'roll and punk, and they have attracted attention for their powerful performances and sophisticated songs. Their official website and Sony Music page provide the latest information and details about their music. Citations: [1] https://youtube.com/watch?v=dSuvFOlnTCI [2] https://www.spike-chunsoft.co.jp/baldursgate3/ [3] https://www.sonymusic.co.jp/artist/maneskin/ [4] https://youtube.com/watch?v=JZJgYdpUTUA
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ilterzouomo · 2 years
Esperienza in California (2015)
Daniele Russo, Giorgio Gozzo e Luca Perin a Los Angeles nel 2015
L'8 settembre 2015 al Cassago Sitis Laif, in occasione dell'ultima tappa del tour 2015, Rocky Giò annuncia il proprio addio alla band.[10] Di conseguenza il 5 ottobre 2015 Daniele Russo, Giorgio Gozzo e Luca Perin partono per Los Angeles alla ricerca di un nuovo chitarrista.[11][12] Nasce una trasmissione televisiva chiamata The Italian Dream, un talent/reality dove i tre ragazzi veneti capovolgono l'idea del sogno americano facendolo diventare sogno italiano. In un'intervista la band riassume il concept con questa frase: "Praticamente siamo andati a Los Angeles, culla del rock'n'roll mondiale, e abbiamo detto ai chitarristi: Vuoi fare la rockstar? Vieni con noi a Cazzago di Pianiga".
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sugar-petals · 2 years
What was your favorite esc 2022 song?
måneskin's — even though he was in heavy pain from his injury damiano gave the best quality vocal display and the band was flawless. i'm SO proud of them. the stage version of supermodel is superb! her boyfriend is the rock'n'roll!! må's eurovision to world act journey is exemplary and they make my day.
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now, ACTUAL contestants. latvia sang about being vegan and eating pussy so that was commendable. since they got kicked out in the semifinals i had to look for a new jam so here goes my ranking (native language gives extra credit):
12 points - moldava's hype song about train journeys? i jumped off my seat! high energy and positive mood, a bunch of uncles mixing folk with electric guitars = big yes. a crazy song should always win.
10 points - serbia was literal social critique theatre pulled off with minimal means impactfully. i want to see and hear more from konstrakta and i worship her mind.
9 - ukraine had a skilled rapper, catchy phrasing, staging, outfits, dance, a flute, good lyrics, everything eurovision on one stage. they were pure passion. a deserved win and statement.
8 points - romania, for spanish bisexuality and latin dance moves. had a flirty flavor and men's crop tops. catchy, too.
7 - also liked the dutch lady for serving hot and emotional at the same time. listened to this song A LOT beforehand.
6 - norway are already icons, they're in their own universe. fascinating, hilarious, original. give them their banana.
5 - czech republic went all out and exploded statues of michelangelo's david in front of italians which was bold.
4 - chanel's experience in musicals really showed, she can pull off a choreo without running out of energy.
3 - greece was memorable and goddess-like.
2 - belgium brought out an interesting and underrated singer.
1 - australia had the spirit and i loved his face jewelry. respect for not tripping in that huge gown.
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solo-silenzio · 3 years
blind channel 24/7: zitti e buoni, måneskin, italia, vodka as a gift, finnish cover
måneskin 24/7: dark side, blind channel, 12 points to finland, our rock'n'roll friends
italian hosts: I wonder if they're friends.
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sublimationleblog · 2 years
"A Rock'n'Roll Journey" : le débrief
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J’avais presque oublié l’existence de cette #SublimationVintage de janvier 2014… Du moins jusqu’à ce que je m’entende l’annoncer en clôture de Décadence et Inélégances, le show #SublimationCollector de décembre 2013 republié une semaine plus tôt. Je l'ai réécoutée et elle me sembla toujours aussi divertissante, même encore davantage avec le recul et les années écoulées… L'interview d'Axel du Bus se termina ce soir-là en beuverie généralisée à L'Os A Moelle, comme on peut aisément le comprendre à l'écoute du podcast... Amusé, je me décidai à prendre des nouvelles d’Ivan Retroff, le chanteur et harmoniciste de Nervous Shakes, que l'on entend zieverer dans l'émission. Ce qui suit est un extrait d'une conversation entre un pseudo-journaliste et un vrai rocker, ou serait-ce l’inverse ? - On me dit parfois que la programmation de Sublimation est trop pointue (?!), mais ce podcast A Rock'n'Roll Journey auquel tu as participé jadis est sans doute le plus accessible et orienté classic-rock de toute la série #SublimationVintage. Les Beatles, Elvis et David Bowie y reviennent comme des personnages récurrents dans les conversations, que ce soit avec Axel du Bus ou avec vous. - Bowie can s**ck my Italian cock. C’était un faussaire anglais, doué, mais détesté par les vrais rockers. - Ce n’était pas l’avis de Bruno, votre bassiste... - Jérôme... Bruno n’est pas un rocker. - Merci de l'info ! - I speak the truth. - Tout le monde ne peut pas être Gene Vincent. - Oui, il n’y en a eu qu’un, intouchable, du début à la fin, c’était lui, Gene Vincent. - Son dernier album avant sa mort, The Day The World Turned Blue (1971), il tient bien la route ; je l’ai découvert récemment. - Exact, et il y a aussi quatre chansons enregistrées sans backing-band, sorties sur le label Rollin’ Rock par Ron Weiser pour un album-tribute magnifique, "Forever Gene Vincent". - Je ne pense pas les avoir déjà entendues… Je vais écouter directement ce que ça donne sur Deezer…
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(La première chanson joue…) Dis donc, ça commence fort, Bring It Home, c’est une reprise de Sam Cooke, non ?
- Les auteurs des chansons sont Sam Cooke, puis lui-même (Gene Vincent), Little Richard et Buddy Knox. - Buddy Knox, j’adore son instrumental Rock-A-Billy Walk !
(Les chansons jouent, Ivan se ressert un verre.)
La reprise de Party Doll par Gene est ici vraiment réussie, très personnelle; meilleure, selon moi, que l’originale… Et tandis qu’on l’écoute, j’en cherche la pochette sur Discogs et je découvre que même la back-cover est à tomber ! Cet album me semble être un must en vinyl.
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- Ron Weiser est un Tyrolien italien de Bolzano qui a émigré en Californie vers la fin des sixties, je crois... Il vivait dans le même quartier que Gene Vincent à L.A., il l’a rencontré, et hop ! Cela s’est fait tout simplement. - Tu sais qui joue avec lui sur ces enregistrements ? - Les crédits figurent sur le disque. Il y a Ray Campi, ainsi que les autres gars qui jouaient généralement sur les albums du label Rollin’ Rock. - Tant qu’on parle des intouchables, tu as un album préféré de Jerry Lee Lewis ? - Je ne suis pas un spécialiste du Killer, et sa discographie est immense... J’aime ses singles Sun, "Ramblin’ Rose", l’album "Southern Roots", et quasiment tout ce que j’ai entendu de lui dans ma vie jusqu’à présent… Et figure-toi que je l’ai vu en 87 à la Nouvelle-Orléans, au club Tipitina. Cela reste les dix meilleures minutes de rock’n’roll live de mon humble existence.
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- Tu as entendu sa période country ? Tu accroches à la country Nashville Sound ? - Je SUIS country. - Quelle serait ton icône country ultime, à part Johnny Cash ? - Je n’ai pas d’icône ; mais j’aime beaucoup Hank Williams Sr., Patsy Cline, les Everly Brothers, Gram Parsons, Emmylou Harris, Charlie Rich, Jeffrey Lee Pierce du Gun Club et Jason Ringenberg, chanteur de Jason & The Scorchers. Entre autres… Et en country-soul, Bobbie Gentry et Mose Allison… Quoiqu’elle est plus jazz, mais tellement irrésistible.
Merci Ivan pour ces quelques punchlines et bonnes recommandations qui complètent utilement le podcast. Passe le bonjour à Bruno !
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"I just want to say: rock'n'roll never dies"
A moment to celebrate this AMAZING italian rock band, Måneskin, that won Eurovision Song Contest 2021.
They burned the stage, setting everything and everyone on fire and bringing some very good music to the world.
If somebody hasn't listened to their song yet, here's the link:
Zitti e buoni
Love you guys, keep on like this!🤘🏻🇮🇹
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eru-vande · 3 years
Happy for Italy like I am Italian *send hugs and love and rock'n'roll all the way from Russia*
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ikevamp-annalyne · 4 years
Imagine, after MC comes in IkeVamp, all the residents are super intrigued about her phone?
They all ask her questions about it, how it works, why it is so interesting, etc. Then, most of them want one and they literally hunt Comte down to convince him to get a phone for each resident when he goes back to the future.
Comte is dead tired and finally concedes defeat. He asks MC advice to get the best ones -Mama Comte wants his babies to have the best things. Story says people looked at him crazy when he came with such an old money and he had to convert them into euros... And he buys them...
Only to find out they can't use them because no SIM card, no Internet, no network.
They all go crazy and chase Leonardo and Isaac to make them create a phone network, electric sockets that work for phone chargers and Internet network. The mansion has become a giant hide-and-seek place: Leonardo and Isaac have to hide from the hungry future-phone-addicts.
They finally concede defeat but only succeeds in creating electrical sockets while Comte has gone to the future again and got himself some storage cards. They can now use phones, but only to write in memos, take pictures and videos, and mess with the edit pic app.
Until Arthur asks Comte to find an Internet developper, to make him a vampire and take him home so that he can create all this network thing...
My headcanons, about how they would all use their phones -if they manage to have a developper vampire and they possibly have access to the Internet and phone network:
Napoleon: he would look up recipes from all over the world to please the residents -he will make a lot of Asian and Italian food. He would also listen to some sleeping music. And he secretly likes soap operas.
Mozart: he would download music sheets and listen to a lot of music from all over the world to get inspiration -legend says he would love rock'n'roll. He would also try to make music on computer...
Leonardo: all the knowledge of the world in a small device? Sign him. He would spend his days feeding of documentaries, e-books, newspapers articles. He would download countless of softwares for drawing, architecture, etc. And of course, cat Instagram accounts and cat compilations on YouTube.
Arthur: NETFLIX. Netflix all the way because movies and series would inspire him. Of course, he would also post fanfictions, short stories, etc. *cough*nsfw fanfics*cough* he will also get into mangas and animes, and occasionally cosplays.
Vincent: drawing softwares and apps, of course. And fan arts. I guess he would also like playing games for the art! And he would take a lot of pics from the residents, landscapes, buildings, etc, and Brush. He would take so many pics of Brush and him!
Theodorus: pics of his brother and anything related to Vincent. And dogs. He would feed off funny dog compilations on YouTube. And pictures of King. And other dogs. And ugly pictures of Arthur to blackmail him. He will also watch all documentaries related on Vincent and get super upset when they are not accurate.
Isaac: same as Leonardo, he would read and look up to so many different topics. He would watch conferences of professors. I guess he would also listen to a lot of relaxation music *especially when Arthur and Dazai picks on him*
Dazai: obviously memes. He would always edit pics of the residents to make memes out of them. Also, he will watch a lot of documentaries on Japan because he misses his country a bit. And he would write and publish stories as well.
Jean: he would follow classes and lessons to learn how to read and write! He will use his phone as an academic device, to learn about history and basic knowledge. He would also be a tad shocked to be known as a girl. Also, he would take pics of Cherie!
William: books, fanfictions, short stories, and plays! He would love musicals and spend his days watching some. Also, he would watch anything related to his plays and post crituques on all the adaptations made.
Comte: hard to say but it would be ferret pictures and videos. I guess he would also look up fashion styles, and ideas on how to tighten bonds with his residents. Family time! Also, he would buy or make a lot of board games!
Sebastian: ... A blog on history. It would look like a fiction account but he would fill it with all the infos he gathered on them. People would love it and it will teach history in a funny way. Legend says his blog would be use as teaching material.
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soofuro · 3 years
29. Trickery (Rock'n'roll Funky) [Squirrel, Trick, Racket] / 29. 속임수 (락큰...
29. Trickery (12 Subtitles, Lyrics) / 29. 속임수 (12 자막, 음악가사) / 29. Astucia (12 subtítulos, letra)
*Music type: Rock'n'roll Funky
*Music Feature: The sound of the waves ASMR combined.
*Music lyrics plot quiz
-Why did Squirrel Masco scream while covering his face?
-Why was Squirrel Masco looking left and throwing it to the right?
-The main point of watching is the development of deceitful squirrel and human psychology.
*Keyword: Squirrel, Trick, Racket
1. Composition: Use of free music
2. Lyrics: SooFuRo Music
3. Video production: SooFuRo Music
4. Translation: SooFuRo Music
-Subtitles: 12 languages ​​(English, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Indonesian, Korean, Arabic + Automatic translation)
*Youtube Channel (SooFuRo Music): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbT8...
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscription is love. Thank you. note. 1. ASMR Definition: Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response 1) Explanation 1: A new term, referring to a sensory experience in which you feel psychological stability or pleasure through a specific stimulus. 2) Explanation 2: It is known to reduce stress and help with insomnia. 3) Explanation 3: There is no scientific basis and it is being discussed in terms of personal experience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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