#itaru: mankai encore
ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki SSR [MANKAI Encore] - Encore: Lancelot Part 1
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Things fall deeper down the KniRound rabbit hole as the Spring Troupe prepare for another set of KniRoun performances. Itaru receives a request...?
Part 2 || Part 3
Staff: Thank you for your hard work on the dress rehearsal. With that, we’ll be in your care for the main performance as well.
Izumi: Yes, thank you very much.
Sakuya: …..The KniRound performances and staff always have a different kind of air about them so I end up feeling nervous.
Izumi: Yeah. But this is also a good experience.
Now then, since we’ll get in the way of the staff, everyone move to the dressing rooms immediately-
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Itaru: Dammit, another dupe.
Tsuzuru: He games right after it’s over, huh……
Masumi: Seriously, he rolls for gacha everywhere he goes.
Itaru: No matter what you say, I’m only pulling from this gacha banner until I get something. It’s been….10 pulls since the payment was charged.
Chikage: ...Well, it seems like he’s hiding his nervousness because it’s been a while since he acted as Lancelot.
Citron: That’s right. Itaru’s oblivious. [1]
Itaru: “Obvious,” I think. I don’t really think so, though. Rather than that, won’t you have a gacha contest with me, Senpai?
Chikage: I’ll refrain.
Itaru: An immediate reply. Even if I said the focus this time is Lancelot and Gawain?
Citron: Ohh, so that’s why. The KniRoun mobile game is doing a limited gacha for the IV version right now!
Itaru: That’s right. That’s why I wanted to see who’d win in pulling SSR Lancelot or SSR Gawain first.
Tsuzuru: I don’t think Itaru-san, who gets plenty of garbage pulls [2], is going to win against Chikage-san, though…..
Sakuya: But if it’s the KniRoun IV characters, it’d make you want them for sure! I want to pull for Morded too!
Masumi: Director getting Gareth...Aim to pull for me.
Izumi: I can only start if I install it in the first place.
Citron: What will you do, Chikage? Itaru’s always unlucky with gacha, you’d probably win!
Chikage: *sighs* ….It’ll be more of a pain to keep refusing, huh. I’ll go along with it until you give up.
Tsuzuru: I can only see the future with Itaru-san losing….
Itaru: Heh heh heh….It’ll be fine this time around. Right now, I am not the usual Itaru Chigasaki you know. “Why,” you ask? It’s because I am Lancelot.
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Tonooka: Good work.
Itaru: Ugh.
Tonooka: Don’t make that blatantly disgusted face.
Izumi: I heard that you weren’t able to come to the local performance….
Tonooka: The truth is, I have a little something I’d like to discuss. Well, you must be hungry, so in the meantime let’s talk while eating the bentou.
Sakuya: This bentou has Yoichi Hoshii [3] written on it!
Citron: Ohh, a gift from God!
Itaru: For real?
Masumi: I’ve seen the name of this store before.
Chikage: A super famous shop known for its top quality yakiniku bentou, huh. Impressive.
Izumi: Thank you very much!
Tonooka: I’m glad you like it. …That’s right, the very Hoshii plans on seeing this theatre’s performance this time.
Itaru: …..
Citron: Itaru-san froze.
Sakuya: If Hoshii-san’s coming, then it’ll be nerve-wracking for sure….
Izumi: Itaru-san, are you all right?
Itaru: Oh, yeah, totally fine. Ahh, this meat is so chewy and delicious.
Chikage: That’s not meat, but a cucumber.
Tsuzuru: He’s not fine at all, is he.
Izumi: Speaking of which, earlier you mentioned there was something you’d like to discuss. Is it about Hoshii-san?
Tonooka: No...Actually, I’ve been tasked with PR activities for the stage play.
Itaru: Don’t tell me….
Tonooka: This time as well, I’d like to ask for “taruchi”’s cooperation in promoting-
Izumi: We decline.
Masumi: We said before that we won’t do it. Don’t make things difficult for the director.
Tonooka: Is that so?
Chikage: To begin with, I believe the clause in the contract was that we would not cooperate with promotional activities?
Tonooka: …..It was a joke. ーーKniRoun will be holding an official event nearby. Would everyone please be willing to show up for a little while?
Sakuya: Nearby?
Tonooka: It’s at a theme park modeled after a foreign castle, and the place was used for location hunting during KniRoun IV’s production. It’s a place Hoshii himself has an emotional attachment to, and because this event is a source of strength to our company, for these reasons I am asking you about it directly.
Tsuzuru: By “showing up,” more specifically, what should we do?
Tonooka: Wearing the costumes and walking around the premises should be plenty.
Izumi: …..What do you all think we should do?
Itaru: Well, it might be a good idea since it’ll also be a role study.
Chikage: So he says, but it’s just his otaku heart aching.
Masumi: He’s just an otaku.
Citron: But that’s why he’s Itaru.
Sakuya: If Itaru, the play’s leader, is fine with it, then I’m all for it!
Izumi: I understand. Then we’ll accept.
Tonooka: Thank you very much. Hoshii will also be thrilled.
Itaru: ….
Tsuzuru: I thought Itaru-san would be happier about it, but he’s surprisingly normal…..
Citron: He’s not really excited about it, huh.
Chikage: …..
TL notes and comments:
[1] Citron says バラバラ, which means loose or scattered. I used “oblivious” because with a little stretch, something loose or scattered -> head empty. It also flows into what Itaru says バレバレ meaning obvious or transparent.
[2] Tsuzuru says 物欲センサー出まくりの至さん, which can be translated literally to, “Itaru-san who gets lots of things from the greed sensor.” In other words, the gacha can sense what he wants and cuck him LOL I feel that
[3]星井陽一, the director of the KniRoun series.
slaps Itaru’s butt
Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Ri and I translate sporadically (mostly for I-chu). I pulled SSR B-day Itaru and figured I might as well translate the story as I read it.
Disclaimer: I am not an official translator. Please take my translations with a grain of salt.
Eng A3! will eventually catch up with something nicely localized, but until then, please enjoy! Parts 2 and 3 will be uploaded soon! EDIT: All parts are now up!
Part 2 || Part 3
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jujumin-translates · 3 years
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SSR] MANKAI Encore | Encore: Luke - Part 3
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Masumi: ...I will guard only you for the rest of my life.
Masumi: ...I will guard only you for the rest of my life.
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Director: Let’s crack down on mechanical dolls properly instead.
Sakuya: Chikage-san as a soldier is also cool!
Chikage: Thanks. Can you see me as Masumi’s subordinate?
Itaru: In spite of being a minor role, you can still get a strong enigma feeling from the character.
Masumi: I’d be in trouble if my subordinates aren’t strong. If you can’t protect the Director, you’re fired.
Tsuzuru: ….
Citron: ...Tsuzuru, are you nervous?
Tsuzuru: Haha, just a little.
Tsuzuru: --But, my excitement about meeting S again is greater.
Citron: It’s too soon to be pleased. The show is about to start!
Tsuzuru: Yep!
Director: (Fufu, Tsuzuru-kun and Citron-kun look happy. I think it’s going to be a good show today.)
Director: (A young man comes to his senses as smoke rises vigorously from a small workshop in a back alley--)
Luke: “I finally finished it… you are my first friend, S.”
S: “Friend? Master? Master is a friend?”
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Luke: “That’s right, S. Let’s shake hands. It’s a human greeting.”
Director: (Tsuzuru-kun has a nice expression with the joy of finally meeting a friend. Even the audience is happy. ...This is a good start.)
Director: (Luke patiently teaches S human-like gestures and lifestyles.)
Colt: “Hello, Sir! Huh? Did you take on a new apprentice?”
Luke: “Hi, Colt. This is S. He’s a friend of mine.”
Colt: “Eeh?! You have a friend even though you go weeks at a time without talking to anyone?!”
Boyd: “Do you really want to take such a risk for a doll?”
Luke: “He’s my friend. Not a doll. Please stop saying that, Master.”
Boyd: “Geez. I should’ve taught you how to make friends rather than alchemy.”
Director: (Itaru-san said he likes the world and setting of Clockwork. He seems to really enjoy playing Boyd.)
Director: (As Boyd mentioned, the guards have tightened their crackdown on homunculi. Even if you beg the government, they won’t tolerate the existence of S…)
Alf: “Mechanical dolls are just machines. Treating them in the same line as humans is arrogant.”
Alf: “Machines and people are incompatible. If you try to mix them, it will, without fail, cause disaster. The law is there to prevent that.”
Director: (Alf’s ruthlessness doesn’t change, but you can still catch a glimpse of sympathy. Masumi-kun is really good at delicate facial expressions.)
Director: (Injured while saving Luke, with wind-up key and clockwork exposed, S is chased by the guards--)
Soldier: “Mechanical doll, halt.”
Soldier: “After all, a machine is a machine. It can’t beat humans. There’s no use in running.”
Director: (The tight movements and inorganic feel of the guards is machine-like. Even though they’re human, you can’t feel any heart and it contrasts with S.)
Director: (Colt’s quick-wittedness helps Luke and S flee.)
Colt: “Help! There was an explosion here too! A lot of people are trapped inside!”
Alf: “--What?”
Colt: “S! Carry Sir and get away!”
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Director: (In the first half, Colt’s facial expressions give you a cute impression, but in the second half he shows he has the reliability to protect Luke and S.)
Director: (Both of Colt’s sides seem much more charming than before! It’s proof that Sakuya-kun’s acting abilities have improved and his expression range has expanded.)
Director: (As S and Luke escape the city, S tells Luke to take out his wind-up key to stop his movement.)
Luke: “That… That will absolutely break you, I don’t want that.”
S: “Even if I stop moving, I will always be Luke’s friend.”
Luke: “That’d be terrible of me to create you and then destroy you.”
Director: (This last scene is the one Tsuzuru-kun was worried about. It’s sad to see the two of them say goodbye…)
S: “We will meet again someday.”
S: “I am sad to say goodbye. But if we can meet again, I will be fine.”
Director: “S’s laughing smile is aimed at Luke as a friend, not a master… It’s full of compassion and friendship.)
Director: (Luke’s pain and S’s kindness. The both of them are really close, my chest feels tight.)
Director: (The atmosphere and facial expressions are due to how gentlemanly Tsuzuru-kun and Citron-kun are…!)
S: “Tha… yo... Lu...”
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Luke: “Thank you, S. I’m sure I’ll be able to wake you up again, so goodnight until then.”
Luke: “...Until the day we meet again.”
Director: (That was from yesterday--)
Spring Troupe: Thank you very much!
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Citron: ...Tsuzuru. Do you feel lonely?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. I’m a little lonely, but…
Tsuzuru: I’ll be able to meet you again.
• • •
A lot of parts where it’s the director talking to themselves I’m kinda iffy on the accuracy of those. So, take those in particular with a grain of salt.
Where it just says “Soldier” as the character, that’s Chikage’s role for Clockwork, just in case anyone was wondering!
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fieryanmitsu · 2 years
Itaru’s “MANKAI Memory” SSR Card - Item Origins
I was lucky enough to pull two copies of his “MANKAI Memory” card and, just for fun, decided to take a shot at identifying the origins of each of the items that shows up in the Bloomed version. Since I spent the time wracking my memory and going through all the cards again, I figured I’d share my findings with everyone!
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I was able to identify all of the items except (technically) one of them. I know what it is, but I can’t remember exactly where that specific item shows up in that particular form (more on that below). For reference/consistency, I’m referring to the card names by the names that appear on the yaycupcake wiki. The images and references are also all pulled off of the wiki and card fan translations on the wiki.
Hope everyone enjoys this as much as I had fun making it~
Numbers 1 to 5
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1 -> Brooch that Itaru wears in his “Melty Eau de Toilette” SSR Card (Bloomed Art).
2 -> (No image reference) This is the item “from before entering Mankai Company” that Itaru chose for his birthday bromide in this “MANKAI Memory” SSR Card story (it’s a sketchbook and colour pencils that he used in his childhood).
3 -> This was the one reference I couldn’t quite place. This is a figurine of a character from KniRound. I’ve seen the character show up/referenced in several card art/stories but I couldn’t remember where the image reference of this particular figurine (i.e. of that size) shows up. I’m sure it was in a card story somewhere, but it escapes me and I’m not able to check the stories (since I don’t have all his cards). I suppose it could be the ornament version that shows up in his “Salaryman Santa’s Visit” SSR Card, but it looks too big. As a placeholder I just put the keychain version that shows up in his “Promise of Blooming” SR Card.
4 -> From his “Marionette’s Destination” SR Card story. Itaru makes his own doll in the card story, and this is that doll.
5 -> Gun that Itaru holds in his “Mood Out of Range” SR Card (Bloomed Art).
Numbers 6 to 9
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6 -> Headset that Itaru wears in his “Fulfilled Net Gamer” SSR Card (Non-Bloomed Art).
7 -> Handheld game console that Itaru holds in his “Once the Suit is Off” SSR Card (Bloomed Art).
8 -> Gacha capsules that Itaru holds in his “Bloom SPRING” SR Card (Bloomed Art). This is also part of the album cover art for the Blooming Spring EP.
9 -> Script booklet for Knights of the Round IV that Itaru holds in his “KniRound Fulfillment” SSR Card (Non-Bloomed Art).
Numbers 10 to 13
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10 -> Rosette badge that Itaru wears in his One Day Princess costume.
11 -> Christmas tree ornaments (both the little sword and bat monster) that decorate the mini Christmas tree that Itaru holds in his “Salaryman Santa’s Visit” SSR Card (Non-Bloomed Art).
12 -> Phone and screenshot of the mobile game that shows up in his “Marchen Syndrome” SSR Card (Non-Bloomed Art).
13 -> Sword that Itaru holds in his “MANKAI Encore” SSR Card (Non-Bloomed Art). He’s also holding it in his “Memories are in the Game” SSR Card (Bloomed Art), but you can’t see it clearly.
Numbers 14 to 17
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14 -> Trident that Itaru holds in his “Wishing for His Heart’s Desire” SR Card (Bloomed Art).
15 -> Doll that Itaru holds in his “Marionette’s Destination” SR Card (Bloomed Art).
16 -> Boxed figurine that Itaru holds in his “Fully Enjoying Nostalgia Park” SSR Card (Non-Bloomed Art).
17 -> His Lancelot costume from the Knights of the Round IV play. There’s several cards that this shows up in, but I used his “Knights of the Round IV” N Card as the reference photo.
Numbers 18 to 21
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18 -> Rose bouquet that Itaru holds in his “Thankful Pink Rose” R Card (both Non-Bloomed and Bloomed Art).
19 -> Flower wreath shaped as an “I” that Itaru holds in his “Trajectory of Blooming” SR Card (Bloomed Art).
20 -> Teacup and saucer that Itaru holds in his “The Entrance to Wonderland” SSR Card (Bloomed Art).
21 -> Bow tie and top hat that Itaru wears and holds in his “Beautiful Princess” SSR Card (Non-Bloomed Art).
And that’s all of them! If anyone thinks I misidentified anything (or if they know where exactly Item Number 3 comes from), feel free to let me know! Thanks for reading! ☺️
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mankai-storage · 2 years
here are the last story files we still need urgent quality check replacements for !
green files have been sent in and checked!
you can find more details about what formatting errors need to be corrected for each card on the previous QC update posts!
if you are able and willing, please please send in fixed files (following the archive format) to the storage room email ! I would SO greatly appreciate the help !!! ^^;
you can claim which files you’re recording just like before by commenting “QC”, “QC claim” or something similar on the spreadsheet
almost there!! let's finish this encore with a bang!
- modsukawa <3
Sakuya SR - [Demon in Training] - “Off Target”
Masumi SR - [I Want to Ripen for You] - “Grape Goodness”
Masumi SR - [With Love From the Kitchen] - “Curry-Flavored Memories, Revisited”
Itaru SR - [No Signal] - “War in the Woods”
Itaru SSR - [Office Worker Santa] - “A Message From Santa”
Itaru SSR - [Mankai Birthday] - “Aquarium of Alleviation”
Citron SSR - [Summer Dare] - “Camping S.O.S.”
Tenma SSR - [Late Night Blossom Viewing] - “A Commoner’s Picnic Party”
Tenma SSR - [Incognito Day Game] - “The Road to Being a Catcher”
Tenma SR - [Puffed Up Rabbit] - “The Summer Troupe’s Festival Escapades”
Yuki SR - [Hardworking Cheerleader] - “Mankai Jenga Cheer Squad”
Yuki SSR - [Sugary ☆ Magic] - “Fancy Halloween Show”
Muku SR - [Admiration of a Top Ninja] - “Real Ninja Training!”
Misumi SR - [Mankai Playback] - “Feline Friendship”
Kazunari SR - [Mankai Playback] - “Memories to Hold Dear”
Omi SR - [Symbol of Revenge] - “Zombie Food”
Omi R - [Osechi Made with Love] - “The New Year’s Bean Thief”
Sakyo SSR - [Mankai Birthday] - “A Promise Under the Night Sky”
Sakyo SR - [The Corpse King] - “Dad Training”
Azami SR - [About to Bloom] - “My First Visual Kei”
Tsumugi SSR - [Mankai Birthday] - “Tsukioka Brand Hospitality”
Tsumugi SSR - [Kind Floral Design Teacher] - “A Stroll with Zabi”
Tsumugi SR - [Blooming Journey] - “Garnish of Gratitude”
Tasuku SSR - [Mankai Birthday] - “The Ultimate Kickoff”
Homare SR - [Basics of a Capable Man] - “Happy Hour, Dance Hour”
Azuma R - [A Celeb’s Airport Status] - “The Tastes of a Refined Adult”
Guy SSR - [Fond Memories of Jasmine] - “Nostalgic Flower”
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Sakuma Sakuya - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Encore (1/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Masumi: “Romeo, why must you be Romeo Montague?”
Sakuya: “Cast away your name and home, Julius. We have an even bigger dream, don’t we?”
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Izumi: Ok, that’s enough. Take a 10 minute break.
Sakuya: Phew.
Izumi: Sakuya-kun, you’re really full of energy, huh?
Sakuya: Yes! It’s our first rerun of RomiJuli in a while, so I put in a lot of effort without realizing it.
Izumi: The dialogue between you and Masumi-kun is also more in synch than the first time, and it’s shaping up really well.
Masumi: Director praised the way I am now…
Izumi: That was to the both of you.
Tsuzuru: He’s also unrelenting today.
Sakuya: But it’s true that it’s thanks to Masumi-kun. Let’s do our best for the local performances this time!
Izumi: Then after the break, let’s start from Romeo and Julius’ swordfight.
Masumi: Swordfight… …
Izumi: (…Masumi-kun?)
Masumi: “Die, Romeo—!”
*swords clash*
Sakuya: “Julius!?”
Izumi: (There’s no problem with the swordfight either. If they perform it like this, then it seems like the local performances will go smoothly this time around as well.) Good work. Everyone’s looking great for the most part.
Itaru: The lines came back to me. Nice, nice.
Chikage: I guess all I can do after this is practice as well.
Citron: I said my lines perfectly too!
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Sakuya: …I messed up a little.
Izumi: It’s alright. If it's just this much, it should become even better as you regain your senses by doing it over and over again.
Sakuya: Thanks, I’ll try my best!
Masumi: …Hey.
Izumi: What’s up, Masumi-kun?
Masumi: I wanna change the swordfight.
Sakuya: EH!?
Masumi: The swordfight right now is too easy. I think it’s about time to attempt something more difficult.
Tsuzuru: It’s rare for Masumi to say something like that.
Masumi: I want to show Director my improvement.
Itaru: It’s here: Masumi’s usual quality.
Tsuzuru: I'm both impressed and at a loss…
Citron: That’s so like you, Masumi!
Chikage: I mean, Sakuya and Masumi have acted it out many times, so wouldn’t it be possible to alter it if it’s alright with the two of them?
Izumi: (Well, that’s true… setting his motive aside, Masumi-kun made a suggestion since he wants to improve the stage, right?) (It might be a good idea to consider. But what’s crucial is—) What do you think, Sakuya-kun?
Sakuya: … …No.
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Izumi: Eh?
Sakuya: I said no. I don’t want to change it.
Citron: Ohh, Sakuya’s making an angry face!
Masumi: It’s not like we’ll change everything from square one. So that you can keep up with me, I’ll—.
Sakuya: That’s not it. That’s not it, so… Anyways, I don’t want to change it.
Masumi: What the heck, I don’t get you.
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Izumi: (It’s unusual for Sakuya-kun to be so vehemently against it. I wonder why…)
Izumi: (Even though their local performances are starting tomorrow, the mood around those two hasn't been great… I’m a little worried.)
Citron: I knew it, this place is moisture table*!
Tsuzuru: Most suitable…? The difficulty level on that one’s high.
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Itaru: But I think this place is perfect, just like Citron said.
Chikage: Then let’s choose this place. To get there—.
Izumi: Why are the four of you over here? You won’t be able to wake up tomorrow morning, you know?
Citron: Oh, Director! You came at just the perfect time!
Chikage: Actually, we wanted to go here before our show.
Izumi: …A theme park with recreated European streets?
Tsuzuru: The atmosphere is kind of like Verona, and it seems like it’ll be helpful for our current rerun of RomiJuli.
Izumi: But… isn’t it a bit far from the theatre?
Itaru: It’s not close, but we’ll manage if we have a car. Right, senpai?
Chikage: I’ll take responsibility as our driver. Also, performing the play with this kind of mood might be kind of difficult, right?
Izumi: I mean, that’s true…
Itaru: Since that incident, the atmosphere’s been iffy, so we wanna make a recovery soon.
Citron: If we all have fun together and make a magic gate**, I’m sure they’ll be able to make up even faster!
Tsuzuru: Are we sorcerers? You mean “take a mental break”.
Izumi: I see. I got it, I'll adjust the schedule in that case.
*Citron originally says "オッペケペ" (oppekepe), which Tsuzuru corrects as "うってつけ" (uttetsuke: perfect/most suitable). **Citron originally says "鬼門点検" (kimon tenken: "kimon" literally means "demon gate", but refers to "~an unlucky direction/person or thing to be avoided" in superstition. "Tenken" means "inspection/examination"). This is why Tsuzuru asks if they're "陰陽師" (onmyoji: a type of ancient Japanese diviner/exorcsist/sorcerer, etc.). Tsuzuru corrects Citron with the term "気分転換" (kibun tenkan: ~change of pace/mental break).
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athela-3 · 4 years
A3!nniversary Cheer Points Leaderboard Results!
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And here we are! After ten days of collecting cheer points (and a few more days to collect the data), we finally have our local leaderboard!
Itaru may have been the top dog in the JP. version of the event, but apparently the Tumblr A3! community is rather more attached to Mom and Dad—er, Omi and Sakyo—with Tsuzuru completing our imaginary podium. Misumi, who led the leaderboard for a few hours earlier, finally settles in fourth position, while Juza emerges victorious from the top 5 bloodbath. (Seriously. It was like watching the 2% tier border in the last couple hours. They were pushing each other back and forth, it's insane.)
Some of our boys barely clung onto their ranks. Like Tsumugi and Tenma, a mere 12 points apart in 9th and 10th respectively; Citron holds a single point advantage over Hisoka in 16th place (did he get a last-minute Encore?), whereas Hisoka himself only has three points over Tasuku.
Were you surprised at the results? I know I am! Still, it's been fiendishly delightful, watching their ranks rise and ebb throughout the past few days, with changes still happening even in the final hour. Makes a nice little role reversal, if I do say so myself, heh.
Thanks for everyone who participated! And to the Mankai boys at the end of their ranking bloodbath… Otsu~ 😉
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Senribana Monogatari 2/11
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Summary: Due to Citron’s work as the Zahran Minister of Culture and Arts there has been a surge in interest in foreign culture in Zahra. Prince Tangerine gives his brother a call, but it seems he has more on his mind than just an invitation..
Note: This event references a popular Japanese fairytale titled “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom”, I encourage you to read it here!
This is a 10 part story with an epilogue.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10]
Epilogue “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom”
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Hello everyone, I have some great shoes!
Shoes, huh? Where?
Tangerine told me that the interest in foreign culture has surged amongst the Zahran youths and has asked me for help promoting foreign culture.
And I thought the best way to do that would be to perform a play in Zahra!
I see.. A performance in Zahra you say? I had a feeling you would suggest that.
And I was just informed by Tangerine that the king has already approved of the plan!
Wow, you guys get things done fast over there.
Hmm well we have already performed in Zahra. We held the encore performances for Winter Troupe’s opera and Spring Troupe’s Quartet there. I’m guessing this time will be different from the previous performances.
A performance officially endorsed by the Zahran royal family would certainly add to our already high prestige as an acting troupe.
I couldn’t think of a more perfect idea!
So you’re saying the royal family is really going to give us their official endorsement? Well then we can’t let ourselves flop. Wait and doesn’t that mean the contents of the performance would have to go through some close inspection first?
If we’re going to Zahra we should leave it to Spring and Winter since they have experience.
Since you put it that way, maybe we should do a mixed performance.
I want to play the lead.
I agree, Citron would be the ideal candidate to perform the lead in a play for the children of his home country.
And not to mention you’re quite popular over there.
I agree!
So then, Citron, what kind of play were you thinking?
Well.. When I think we should do something that captures the essence of Japan. Like.. KABUKI!
I want to teach the children of Zahra that their dreams can come true even in a different country!
That sounds nice. It seems like it will be a bit difficult to write such a play, but I am up for the challenge.
The costumes will probably be a bit tough, but I’m excited.
Super vibing just thinking about these kabuki inspired costumes yoooo!!!
I know a bit about kabuki to a certain extent so I’m willing to help in any way I can.
Now that we decided the theme of the performance, let’s decide who is going to be in it.
Me, I want to perform!
The Zahran people were so kind during our training camp so I am definitely interested in performing again for them in this mixed performance..
With Sakuya with us, we’ll be so strong!
I see..
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<< KABUKI!? I am sooo soooooo happy that you’re gonna perform over here! And on top of that you’re gonna do Kabuki! >>
<< I am glad to hear you’re excited, we’ll do our best. >>
<< Oh.. Are you going to invite Orange and Navel to the performance? >>
<< .. Hmm, well I guess I don’t mind them coming. >>
<< Got it. Alright so once we get the schedule and other details figured out I’ll give you a call. >>
<< Thanks. >>
<< Good luck on your practice! >>
<< Thank you. Talk to you soon. >>
Isn’t it a little too early for flower viewing.
Guy has made some jasmine tea. How about we have a cup together?
Ohh looks delicious. Sure I’ll have a sip!
Did you tell Prince Tangerine about our Kabuki play?
Yeah, he was really excited. Kabuki is pretty popular overseas.
I guess it is all thanks to the prince that Japan has become popular over there.
We got so many people wanting to study abroad, soon enough we’re gonna have to form a Zahra Troupe at Mankai!
Hmm, sounds fun.
.. And how are your other two brothers?
Apologies if it is a sensitive topic.
Jason in the wall, Bloody Mary in the mirror, Citron behind you back. Azuma above your head.
Fufu, that makes it sound like I’m some sort of ninja. I am not here to eavesdrop. 
I don’t know that much Zahran so I couldn’t understand what you were saying. All I know is I heard those two names mentioned.
You got sharp ears.
Fufu, I just think they have cute names.
Cute.. That’s not a word often used to describe those two.
Azuma  ..
By the way, do you have sakura in Zahra?
No, we don’t. When I was younger I really wanted to see them so I looked up how I could grow them myself. Sadly the climate and maintenance for them is just not possible in Zahra.
But I didn’t want to give up so I planted some artificial sakura flowers in the garden.
Oh, you really did love Japan.
At that time I don’t think I really knew I loved Japan, but I was engrossed in a particular Japanese picture book.
Picture book?
It’s the one called “The Story of the Old Man Who Made Withered Trees to Blossom!”
Oh, you’re talking about the old fairytale with Hanasaka Jiisan?
It just goes to show you, no matter what absurdity happens, an honest man always gets his reward. So I worked hard, knowing that there was someone always watching over me.
Do you think you ended up getting rewarded in the end?
All I can say is that I am thankful I believed in the story.
Then I am sure you will be able to express your feelings through the play to the rest of the Zahran people.
.. I hope so.
To be continued.. Read part 3 here!
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Mankai Stage Four Seasons Live 2020 Part 1
So I just watched this yesterday and I wanted to hurry and write down my thoughts/reactions/etc. while it’s still fresh and before I watch tonights.
So. Before going in, I had no idea what to expect. Was this going to be an encore performance? Were they going to perform Act 2? Those were my two big guesses.
And BOTH were wrong.
I’m new to “idol” culture, so I didn’t really know what Live meant, just kind of thought that it was part of the name. But I’m now assuming, that in Japan, Live means a concert, or something similar. For example, the seiyuu of A3! had their Blooming Live. Which was basically all the seiyuu cosplaying as their characters and performing their songs (which is amazing by the by, high-key recommend watching). 
So similarily, Four Seasons Live is also a concert like format for the actors of Mankai Stage to perform their songs.
The stage is so much bigger, as I’m assuming that it’s more of a concert venue than a theater. And right off the bat, the actors were coming in strong.
Harugumi opened with a dance number, and I screamed. Usually, the actors are more focused on singing, so their dancing is lacking sometimes, but here, they EXPLODED.
I’m a dance teacher, and I always always always tell my students to dance with FULL ENERGY, and as someone who’s been teaching dance for years, I kind of out of habit, unconsciously evaluate others whenever I watch them dance.
Next was Natsugumi, Akigumi and Fuyugumi, and... so amazing. So awesome. All four troupes improved SO MUCH on their dancing, that I was getting really emotional.
You know how in Act 2, there’s that one scene where the audience were like, “oh the boys grew up!” or something like that, and yea. That’s how I felt. I have no right to feel this way, since I’m just a random audience member, but I felt so proud, lol.
Their singing has all improved too! Especially Sakuya’s! No offense, but whenever Sakuya sang, his voice always grated on me a bit, especially in Mankai Stage Spring & Summer. But here, his singing was actually pretty nice! He got so much better!!!
So after the opening number, the play opens up with the Mankai Company members wanting to give a gift to the Director. 
For those of you guys who like to read spoilers in the game, the storyline is very similar to “Let’s Bloom! Cheer Mankai” and “On the Trajectory to Full Bloom.”
To say thank you to the Director, they kind of want to do a fanservice event.
So everyone’s looking through an album that Omi put together, of all three rounds of plays that each troupe has done, and once the album flips to a particular photo, the actors perform the song/dance that’s associated with the photo.
So it’s like a nostalgic trip down memory lane.
And I give so much props to the actors because they all look like they’re having fun, so I was also having fun just watching.
I also cannot get over Godza’s fabulous dance/pose. Hella reminded me of Sharpay from High School Musical, lololol.
Another thing for the fanservice event, is that they reperformed each troupe’s debut plays, but they scrambled all the actors. So the line up looked like this:
Romeo - Taichi
Julius - Tsumugi
Mercutio - Tasuku
Tybalt - Kazunari
Friar - Azuma.
Azuma was a very sensual friar.... LOLOLOLOL
Taichi and Tsumugi as Romeo and Julius were v cute though.
Michael - Muku
Raphael - Juza
Uriel - Sakuya
Metatron - Omi
Dr. Philip - Itaru
MEGANE ITARU!!! I died. 
And also, he is such a nerd, LOL. He did that one anime thing, were the megane pushes up their glasses right in the middle with their finger. WHAT AN OTAKU
MUKU AND JUZA!!! When I found out that Muku was Michael, I WHEEZED.
When Michael and Raphael were played by Tsumugi and Tasuku, there were a lot of homoerotic undertones, but with Muku and Juza... You can’t feel that way. 
It just really felt like an older brother trying to save his younger, more innocent one. Muku did a real good job, but it’s just... cute. LOL.
The mix was interesting, because you can still feel the characters as they were trying to act of their roles. Uh... I’m not sure if this makes sense, but I guess... Raphael played by Tasuku felt different from the Raphael played by Juza. Like, this Raphael felt very much like Juza. So I give props to the actors for their layered acting!
There was a random zoom call from Godza, that Sakoda joined in, and it became really chaotic, and I have no idea what that was about, lololol.
Near the end though, there’s a scene where Sakuya is reflecting and having his monologue. I’m assuming, it’s him being happy about how much the company has grown and how he wants to continue to bloom, etc. And then the Manager and Sakyo joins in.
I’m not 100% sure if I understood the Japanese here, but I THINK Sakyo mentioned that it was time to add a new member to each troupe. I THINK.
And. As usual, the finale was AMAZING!!!
Since the DVDs for Winter 2020 didn’t come out yet, the full version for Snow Angel isn’t available. But they performed the full version last night, and I really like it!
I probably should’ve put this at the top, but when am I ever organized when writing these? But anyway, this is the first time that all members of Mankai Company are ALL ON STAGE TOGETHERRR.
Even the other cast (save for Yuzo), also appeared on stage. They also even show off their dance moves for a bit!
Overall, this was super amazing and fun, even though it was more of a concert than a play. I had fun singing along to the songs, and getting excited watching them dance.
I’m curious if tonight’s is going to be exactly the same as last night, save for Water Me and Picturesque, but even if it is, I’ll still watch it since it was hella fun.
P.S. I am always amazed by Honda Reo’s (Misumi’s actor) althetic ability and voice acting talent. I stan.
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weebtarurights · 4 years
Chikage Utsuki SSR (MANKAI Encore) - Part 1
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Part 1|| Part 2 || Part 3
Story Title: “Encore: Oswald”
Chikage: Is this all my luggage? Sakuya: I'm done moving the props ! Itaru: I'm tired of carrying all these stuff. Can we just finish this tomorrow? Izumi: We cannot do that. We're going to take a  break soon. Citron:  Director is so squid. Tsuzuru: You mean, strict? Also, you intended to praise her, right? Tsuzuru: Hm? By the way, have you seen Masumi? Theater Staff: If you're looking for the young boy with black hair, he went to the dressing room. I'll take you there. Masumi: zzz.....zzz.... Tsuzuru: He's sleeping. Moreover, he's curling up on that futon so comfortably. Chikage: Why would there be a futon in the dressing room? Theater Staff: Ah, that futon is originally part of the theater's fixture.  Feel free to use it whether as a props or for napping. Izumi: Eh? Is it really okay? Itaru: Then, let me jump in too. Citron: Me too! I also love futons! I feel sleepy whenever I see one...  oof! Sakuya: Ehh? Everyone's going to sleep? Itaru: Futon is a prohibited dangerous item. It casts drowsiness powerfully. There's no escaping once you get caught in its grasp.   Chikage: Just say that you're lazy. Tsuzuru: No doubt about that. Itaru: But senpai, wouldn't it better if you'll just join us sleep? Your schedule has been really hectic lately. Izumi: Is it? Chikage: That's unnecessary. Sakuya: Were you busy with your job too, Chikage-san? Chikage: Well yeah. I'm a little busy but I'm a short sleeper. I tend to sleep for shorter periods so there's no need to worry about it.   Sakuya: .... Chikage: We should start prepping soon. ---Come on, Masumi. Masumi: Hn... Izumi:  (Chikage-san...Will he be okay?) 
Izumi: So, We're finished with the preparations. Everyone, thank you for your help. Tsuzuru: Good work. Citron: G'd work~ Itaru: All that's left is for us to enjoy the performance. Where should we go after this? Sightseeing? How about let's try some gourmet food? Chikage: So soba noodles is not an option, huh. Citron: Me ! me!  I want to eat acne. (1)  Sakuya: Acne? Citron: My bad, I mean uncle. Masumi: I don't think that's it. Chikage: I think he means oyaki. Citron: That's it. Izumi: I don't mind eating gourmet food but I wonder if  there's a place we can visit as a good reference for role making? Itaru: You mean, a magical place for Oz's role making? Tsuzuru: There's no such thing as that. Sakuya: I agree. Theater Staff: How about everyone try a hot air balloon experience? Tsuzuru: Hot air balloon? Theater Staff: You'll just have to get up early but  there's a place nearby where you can ride hot air balloon. You will use a hot air balloon on stage this time, right? Sakuya: Wow! I want to try it! How about you, Chikage-san? Chikage: That might be a great idea. Sakuya: Ahh, but Chikage-san. You couldn't get much sleep. Getting up super early in the morning might-- Chikage: Let's do it.  It's not like we can experience riding hot-air balloons every day, right? Sakuya: Eh? b-but... Chikage: Oz and Rick rode a hot air balloon, so why not try riding it ourselves too? Sakuya: You're right ! Izumi: Everyone, what do you think? Itaru: I don't want to get up early. Citron: I promised to meet up with Taka-san tonight so I might not be able to get up early tomorrow. Tsuzuru: Who the hell is Taka-san? ! Citron: An uncle I recently got along with. I'm sure we're gonna drink till late at night so me and Tsuzuru might not be able to make it. Tsuzuru: Wait? Me too? Citron: I promised him that Citrun will put up a show. Tsuzuru: Seriously? Deciding everything all by yourself..   Izumi: This might be a great chance. How about you two, the leading actor and co-leading actor, ride it together?   Chikage: What do you think, Masumi? Masumi: If director ain't tagging along, I don't want to go too. Chikage: I see. It's decided. Two of us will try the hot air balloon experience tomorrow. Sakuya: Yup! I'm looking forward to it!
Part 2 here >>>
Citron initially used the term “おでき” (odeki) which means “pimple or acne” then corrected him to “おやじ” (oyaji) which means “uncle”. Chikage eventually corrected Citron’s word to “おやき” (oyaki), a Japanese dumpling made from buckwheat dough with red beans, veggies, or fruit stuffing.  (CHIKAGE SAVED THE DAY xD xD ) 
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ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki SSR [MANKAI Encore] - Encore: Lancelot Part 2
The Spring Troupe attend the KniRoun event as requested, but it seems like Itaru’s bothered by something.
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Part 1 || Part 3
Guest A: Wow, this KniRoun cosplay is high quality.
Guest B: You’re wrong, those are the people who acted in the KniRoun stage play version!
Guest C: No way, the actual actors!? Amazing, it’s like we actually came to the world of KniRoun!
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Masumi: “It’s a b-beautiful city, but there’s a demon here…”
Chikage: “Even if there is one, if we’re here, it’ll be fine. Right, Lancelot?”
Itaru: “Huh? Ah, yeah….”
Chikage: ....?
Izumi: (Even though Itaru-san is usually good at these kinds of etudes, for some reason he’s all stiff today. I wonder what happened….)
Staff: ….That’s all for today. Thank you for your hard work!
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Citron: Haa~ Heave ho-ho-ho, merry Christmas~! [1]
Masumi: King Arthur is ruined.
Staff: Everyone, if you’d like, won’t you take a look inside the garden? There’s a limited amount of time until the park closes, so…
Izumi: Are we allowed to look around freely?
Staff: Yes. Although the event booths are already closed, it won’t be a problem.
Sakuya: Walking around the park after closing hours has a special kind of feeling, doesn’t it!
Tsuzuru: I wanted to take a better look at the buildings or look at them for reference.
Citron: Then, let’s get going immediately everyone….Wait, Itaru isn’t here anymore!?
Chikage: It’s only at times like these when he’s faster than anyone else, huh.
Sakuya: ….Itaru-san looked a little unwell today.
Masumi: The pauses were too dicey. His tempo was bad and difficult to perform with.
Citron: As always, he’s merciless towards Itaru.
Izumi: The guests were happy with it, and I don’t think it was bad for an etude without a script for the most part, but... What do you think, Chikage-san? I believe you had the most dialogues together.
Chikage: Certainly, it didn’t go like how it usually does. It’s just as Masumi said--
Masumi: Then go do something about it.
Citron: It’s the co-lead’s turn!
Tsuzuru: Ya.
Sakuya: Please, Chikage-san!
Chikage: ….*sighs* Good grief.
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Itaru: ……
Chikage: So you really were here. ….At least say something before going since they’ll worry.
Itaru: Sakuya and Director-san, right.
Chikage: Well, yeah. It’s because I’m like a father figure to you, there’s nothing else I can do but come and pick you up.
Itaru: Thank you for your hard work. Even so, I’m going to stay here, but you knew that already.
Chikage: Because this place is similar to the card backgrounds, huh. To Lancelot’s limited SSR.
Itaru: I thought so too, so I came here thinking I’d receive a little power...gacha-wise.
Chikage: Gacha-wise, huh… ..…. In that case, want to try increasing your good karma? [2]
Itaru: Eh?
Chikage: “I was looking for you, Lancelot.”
Itaru: ….. “My apologies. I was talking with Gwen for a moment.”
Chikage: “Is that so…..”
Itaru: “....gh! Gawain!?”
Chikage: “Nervous because it’s a large beast subjugation? That’s not like you.”
Itaru: “That’s--”
Chikage: “Whatever happens, you’re not alone. Relax and enjoy it.”
Itaru: “....!”
Chikage: “It’s almost time. Let’s go...on a new journey.”
Itaru: “Alright….” ……
Chikage: I think that’s passable.
Itaru: Suddenly starting an etude…Senpai, since when did you come to like acting that much?
Chikage: Who knows. But I lose to you in terms of being a theatre nerd.
Itaru: …..I suppose. I’ve been doing it for a little while longer than you, so I can’t stand losing at something so simple. ....By the way, can we do a quick retake of that acting just now?
Chikage: Yes, yes.
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Itaru: --With that feeling, please.
Chikage: Good grief, it’s finally over. Even though...it should be a sudden stab, as expected, your character doesn’t hesitate at all. [3]
Itaru: Well, that’s the intensity of my many years loving KniRoun.
Chikage: If you’re only relying on the passionate weighted love for KniRoun, it won’t reach Director Hoshii. [4] Um, similar to the time of the performance preview.
Itaru: …. Thank you very much.
Chikage: ….For what?
Itaru: Never mind, don’t worry about it.
Citron: Ohh, they came back!
Sakuya: Itaru-san, Chikage-san, welcome back!
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Masumi: You’re late.
Chikage: Sorry, sorry. But as you can see, I found Chigasaki. …  “I went to receive some power too,” right.
Tsuzuru: So that’s what it was. Because it’s a sacred spot, huh.
Izumi: Itaru-san, were you able to receive power?
Itaru: Yeah. Look forward to the first day, okay?
Izumi: (Thank goodness, Itaru’s back to his usual self. I’m looking forward to tomorrow.)
Tl notes and comments:
[1] Citron says どっこい松竹梅, which is a play on of どっこいしょう (a noise someone makes when exerting effort (ex. an old person carefully moving to sit down/carry something) and the beginning of  松竹梅 which is しょう. This...isn’t easily translatable in English, so I winged it (๑ゝڡ◕๑)
[2] Chikage says 徳、積んでみる?Which can be translated literally to “try piling up one’s virtue.” In other words, if he stacks up good deeds, he’ll get something good aka good karma.
[3]  不意を突かれたはずなのに、全然キャラがブレないのはさすがだな。I wasn’t 100% sure on this translation but I interpreted ブレない (meaning to waver in this context) as hesitate.
[4] Refers to the events that happened in Knights of the Round IV THE STAGE event story.
Part 1 || Part 3
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jujumin-translates · 3 years
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SSR] MANKAI Encore | Encore: Luke - Part 2
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Chikage: It’s an orthodox mystery solution.
Chikage: It’s an orthodox mystery solution.
Sakuya: Ah, there’s the first one already!
Tsuzuru: Well, this problem is--.
Masumi: The answer to this one is “ma”.
Itaru: Hey. You can’t enjoy it by solving it that fast.
Director: Wow. I can’t even solve it if I’m told the answer.
Chikage: Ah, so this is--.
Masumi: I’ll explain.
Citron: Oh! The second problem is found! Tsuzuru, this time we will solve it first!
Tsuzuru: Yeah, yeah.
Tsuzuru: 6 characters so far. One more to go….
Citron: Tsuzuru. ...Tsuzuru.
Tsuzuru: Why are you suddenly whispering?
Citron: I found a treasure! I will only inform Tsuzuru!
Tsuzuru: Only me? I mean, this game is a treasure hunt….
Citron: I had a set~!
Tsuzuru: Wait, Citron-san--!
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Citron: Here!
Tsuzuru: --.
Tsuzuru: Steel frames, high ceiling, bare walls…. It’s like Luke’s workshop.
Tsuzuru: It’s amazing. Thank you for bringing me here, Citron-san.
Citron: ….
Tsuzuru: ...Citron-san?
Citron: “...Master”
Tsuzuru: ...S.
Citron: “Yes, Master”
Citron: “What will you teach me today? Cooking? Dance?”
Tsuzuru: “Whatever is good”
Citron: “--I have forgotten one important thing”
Tsuzuru: “Important thing?”
Citron: “It is a handshake. We must shake hands first”
Tsuzuru: “...Ah, that’s right”
Citron: “Master, I am glad to see you again”
Tsuzuru: --.
Citron: ...Tsuzuru? Was my acting that good?
Tsuzuru: ….
Tsuzuru: The night before last, while I was reading the script, I remembered the right before the premiere….
Tsuzuru: At the end of the story, S said goodbye to Luke before his long sleep.
Tsuzuru: I remember feeling really lonely the moment the curtain closed.
Tsuzuru: After the revival performance, I’ll have to part with S again-- When I think about it, I feel sad again.
Citron: Tsuzuru… so you were not fine?
Tsuzuru: ...Sorry.
Tsuzuru: But, I just laughed that S was happy to see me-- that’s why I remembered.
Tsuzuru: Before parting, there will always be an encounter.
Tsuzuru: Until a while ago, I was thinking about the farewell and I wanted to be happy when I met him.
Citron: That’s right! Encounters and farewells repeat.
Citron: The story ends with a farewell but we can meet when we perform again. The is no reason to be sad!
Tsuzuru: Yeah, you’re right.
Tsuzuru: Thank you. I’ll do my best at tomorrow’s performance.
Citron: Tsuzuru, that’s the split!
Tsuzuru: That’s the spirit! This is definitely intentional now.
Citron: Oh, the straight man is severe!
Tsuzuru: Why do you look so happy?
Director: We’ve got 7 characters! Then we have to combine them….
Masumi: Marriage. (Ke-k-kon-shi-yo-u)
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Tsuzuru: Only one character matches!
Itaru: Gacha hit. (Ga-cha-a-ta-ru)
Chikage: Maybe, marjoram. (Ma-jo-ra-mu)
Tsuzuru: I don’t wanna be the straight man.
Sakuya: I wonder…. Ude, hima, atama…?
Tsuzuru: ...Ah.
Citron: Oh, I understand!
Tsuzuru: Yep.
Tsuzuru and Citron: ...Until the day we meet again. (Ma-ta-a-u-hi-ma-de)
• • •
Where Sakuya says “ude, hime, atama...?” he could also be saying something like “arm, leisure, head...?”. I couldn’t tell if he was trying to guess answers or if he was just piecing together sounds. All of it was written in katakana so all I had to go off of was sounds.
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aeshiinou · 4 years
31 35 48😋😋
31. Favorite chibi
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also guy is cute, as well as tsuzuru, i just love their normal outfit(?) 😌❤️🥺💕
35. One dream card
What do you mean...one...?
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ri-translates · 4 years
Translation: Itaru Chigasaki SSR [MANKAI Encore] - Encore: Lancelot Part 3
The Spring Troupe have come a long way since their first performance of the Knights of the Round IV THE STAGE. The winner of Chikage and Itaru’s contest is...
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Part 1 || Part 2
Lancelot = Itaru Gawain = Chikage Gareth = Masumi Mordred = Sakuya Merlin = Tsuzuru King Arthur = Citron
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Izumi: (The stage is set in medieval Brittania. The story begins with a conversion between Lancelot and the fairy Gwen.)
Lancelot: “Are you interested, Gwen?”
Izumi: (Itaru-san is alone on stage. Although Gwen doesn’t exist in reality, she’s expressed only by the lighting and Itaru-san’s acting…)
Lancelot: “I know. I won’t talk to you when we’re in front of people. I’ll just be treated as a weirdo.”
Audience A: Wow….
Izumi: (By facing Gwen with a soft expression, the guests become captivated as well. With that, it puts everyone in the world of KniRoun without feeling out of place.)
Izumi: (During his journey, Lancelot, who’s aiming for King Arthur’s castle, sees Gawain being attacked by a demon.)
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Lancelot: “I’ll assist you!”
Gawain: “I don’t know where you’ve come from, but I’m in your debt….!”
Izumi: (Chikage-san’s athletic skill is high, and his sword fighting is better than before--)
Gawain: “Haaa!”
*fire slash*
Izumi: (There’s charm suited for the stage in his movements, more than ever before. The quality of the slashes stand out, and has a nice feeling looking at it.)
Izumi: (The two of them go on a journey together. Lancelot opens up his heart to Gawain, who is able to accept Gwen’s existence without any worriesーー)
Gawain: “Can you see something?”
Lancelot: “.......” “I can see something… If I said that, it’d feel unpleasant, right?”
Gawain: “Haha, you’re the same as my pet cat. Now that I think about it, you kind of resemble it a little.”
Lancelot: “A cat?”
Izumi: (The process of the two of them reaching out to each other little by little has to be shown in a short amount of time on stage, butーー)
Gawain: “Well, there’s many things I’m unable to see. I don’t really mind.”
Lancelot: “You’re strange.”
Izumi: (With their movements and the atmosphere, the changes in the sense of distance between the two of them is steadily conveyed.)
Izumi: (In order to cure the king’s illness, Lancelot and Gawain go on a journey to look for the “Holy Chalice.) (During their journey, they meet a young man, Gareth, and learn he is Gawain’s long-lost brother.)
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Gawain: “That crest on your sword, are youーー”
Gareth: “T-This is… Apparently the household crest of my father, who left when I was a child. My mother entrusted this sword to me when I left….”
Gawain: “That’s my household’s crest.”
Gareth: “Huh!?”
Lancelot: “What do you mean by that?”
Gareth: “Then, my father is…”
Gawain: “To think I’d encounter my half-sibling in a place like this.” “You have my thanks, Lancelot. I’m constantly being helped by you.”
Arthur: “It’s said that with Merlin’s magic, Gwen can become a human. If that’s true, then there’s the possibility that she’ll also become my wife.”
Lancelot: “Gwen becoming the king’s wife….!?”
“If you go against Gwen’s wishes, you’ll anger her mother, the Lady of the Lake.”
Arthur: “It has already been decided.”
Lancelot: “Your Majesty….!”
Izumi: (His dignity as the king is incredible. Thanks to that, Lancelot’s anguish deepens when he turns his back on the king whom he swore an oath to, increasing the depth of the story.)
Izumi: (When Gwen proposes running away to Lancelot, Gawain, loyal to the king, is confronted by the other knights.) When Gwen is half-transformed into a human, a fight breaks out at the ritual site, and amidst the confusion, Gareth loses his life at Lancelot’s side.)
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Gareth: “I-I’m fine! P-Please, hurry and take Gwen… I’m fine!”
Lancelot: “.....gh, I’m sorry. You’re a true knight.”
*Itaruns off screen*
Gareth: “T-Thank you…”
Gawain: “Gareth! Gareth, hang on!”
Gareth: “Brother… I’m glad I was able to become a knight….”
Audience B: *sobbing*
Izumi: (Gareth dies without holding a grudge against Lancelot and Gwen. He smiles in his last moments, gripping the hearts of the audience.) (This Gareth has an ephemeral expression, a different vibe from Masumi’s usual Gareth, as if he were Gareth himself.)
Arthur: “What is the meaning of this, Mordred?”
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Mordred: “Uncle, I’ve been aiming to dispose of you for a long time.”
Gawain: “How did you accomplish a rebellion so quickly….?”
Merlin: “With my magic, this much isn’t difficult at all.”
Arthur: “Merlin!” [1]
Gawain: “No way, even you’ve become a traitorー”
Merlin: “I thought I could use this one better than Arthur.”
Izumi: (Both Sakuya-kun and Tsuzuru-kun had difficulty performing villainous roles well in the previous performance, but this time, it looks like they’re enjoying themselves with ease. It’s quite solid.) (Peace returns to the castle and Gawain slashes at Lancelot. In their last scene together….)
Gawain: “ーーHaa!”
Lancelot: “ーーgh.”
Arthur: “What are you doing, Gawain.”
Gawain: “I told you I still haven’t forgiven you, didn’t I?”
Lancelot: “.....”
Gawain: “But, that doesn’t change the fact that you are my friend.”
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Lancelot: “Gawain….”
Gawain: “I’ll take you to see Gareth. I’m sure he’ll be happy.”
Lancelot: “.....”
Izumi: (Up until here, the exchanges, sword fighting, everything was in sync. Because of their every day relationship, it’s gotten even better than before!)
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Tonooka: Nice work. Because Hoshii was very busy, he went home early, but he was in a very pleasant mood. “Thank you for making me interested in theatre, as well as making me feel like I was on a journey together with you,” is what he said.
Sakuya: You did it, Itaru-san!
Itaru: ーーHell yeah, I feel like something good might come out if I pull the gacha right now.
Tsuzuru: Eh, you’re gonna pull the gacha looking like Lancelot?
Masumi: He’s a hopeless game freak.
Citron: Speaking of which, you still haven’t pulled, Itaru?
Itaru: Not excessively. ーーNow then. Enter the stage, SSR.....! [2]
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Itaru: Hell yeah! Got it! SSR Lancelot!
Sakuya: That’s great, Itaru-san!
Itaru: And with that, the winner of the gacha contest is me, Senpai.
Chikage: Oh, I didn’t tell you, huh. ーーLook.
Itaru: Eh, Gawainーーand Lancelot!?
Chikage: When I tried doing one 10 pull, I got both of them. [3] It’s my victory.
Citron: Ohh Itaru, a bright yet short-lived joy!
Tsuzuru: So it’s Itaru-san’s loss after all.
Itaru: Even though I accumulated good karma….I don’t understand.
Tl notes and comments:
[1]  easiest line in the play thus far HAHAHA
[2] Itaru says SSR演出入った……!which I translated as a kind of play on 演出 is like “stage production” and 入る is to enter. Therefore, “enter the stage!”  
Thanks for reading my translation up to this point! I hope it was easy to follow along! If you spot any mistakes in grammar or the translation, please don’t hesitate to let me know! I know Eng A3! will eventually catch up, but until then, if anyone has any other stories (preferably Spring Troupe) they’d like translated, feel free to message me! I may be translating something from Yume100 soon, but we’ll see...
Part 1 || Part 2
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jujumin-translates · 3 years
Tsuzuru Minagi | [SSR] MANKAI Encore | Encore: Luke - Part 1
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I know this card is an older one, but I haven’t ever seen a translation for it so here’s mine! Please correct me if there’s already an existing one!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Sakuya: Wah, we’re already above the clouds!
Sakuya: Wah, we’re already above the clouds!
Masumi: Can we move now? Director, I’m coming over.
Citron: Masumi, the Director could not pull sideways because she has given up! You do not know when to give up!
Itaru: The desire sensor works for the seating arrangement too. ...Aw, my internet connection.
Chikage: Regional performances are always like an outing with more clamor.
Director: Chikage-san and Itaru-san seem like they’re used to riding a plane.
Chikage: Of course.
Sakuya: I’m really looking forward to the revival performance of Clockwork.
Citron: I’m also excited~! Practicing the lines through manzai with Tsuzuru is a good memory!
Chikage: Hey, Tsuzuru, did you practice that much?
Tsuzuru: ….
Director: Tsuzuru-kun?
Sakuya: Speaking of Tsuzuru-kun, he’s very quiet today, isn’t he?
Itaru: Did you pull an all-nighter?
Director: Or maybe he’s not feeling well…
Masumi: He’s been like that since he re-read the script for Clockwork yesterday.
Director: Is that so?
Chikage: It’s been a while since the first performance, maybe he’s nervous?
Itaru: Could be. It’s got a lot of strong emotions in the performance.
Citron: It is okay, Tsuzuru. Slacks, slacks~.
Tsuzuru: ...Hn? Did you just say something? Sorry, I’m a little distracted.
Citron: This is a mysterious despair!
Masumi: ...Serious affair.
Tsuzuru: ?
Sakuya: ...Should we take a mental break?
Director: Yeah. The revival performance will be tomorrow, how about we all go somewhere before then?
Citron: That is a good idea! Leave it to me!
Mausmi: I’m worried about leaving it to Citron.
Itaru: Big agree.
Citron: Ooh, but I am the co-lead. You can trust me.
Director: All right, Then, let’s go to a place that Citron picks.
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Citron: We have arrived!
Tsuzuru: Here… a factory?
Chikage: It’s an abandoned mine. It also seems to be a World Heritage Site and a tourist spot.
Sakuya: It feels like the world in Clockwork! It’s perfect for role-studying.
Masumi: It’s certainly steampunk-styled.
Itaru: But why’d we come at night?
Citron: It must be at this time! There is a lot of fun that is not just role-studying or sightseeing~.
Director: Fun?
Staff: Come here for the beginning of the puzzle-solving game!
Chikage: Perhaps that’s the reason?
Citron: Yes! It is a puzzle-solving game in an abandoned mine at night. It is okay, the flyer said it is low level!
Itaru: ...That’s why it looks like there are only children around.
Staff: This is basically just held for children, so the difficulty level is low.
Director: Really?!
Itaru: Nice. It’s like an IRL RPG adventure into an abandoned mine.
Sakuya: But… It’s a little creepy, isn’t it?
Masumi: Director, I promise I’ll protect you.
Director: Th-thank you. I’m okay.
Tsuzuru: The Director isn’t scared.
Chikage: Shouldn’t we still stay alert even if it’s for children? Children can be more imaginative than adults.
Staff: Yes, I think that adults can still enjoy it too.
Citron: ...What do you think, Tsuzuru?
Tsuzuru: Did you even listen?
Tsuzuru: Well, abandoned mines are rarely entered and it could be considered for future scripts.
Citron: It is decided! We will rush into the abandoned mine at night~!
• • •
The part with the “pulled sideways” thing I couldn’t figure out for the life of me. Like I kinda get what Citron is trying to say, but I couldn’t figure out how to translate it.
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the-himawari · 3 years
A3! Sakuma Sakuya - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Encore (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Izumi: The day’s finally here.
Sakuya: Um, before that— Please let me thank you all once again. You guys took us to the theme park for our sake, right? That’s why I was thinking that I definitely wanted to make up there. …I really can’t thank you enough.
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Masumi: …
Sakuya: Come on, you too, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: *Sigh*… …Thanks, Director.
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Izumi: Say it to everyone in Spring troupe, not just me!
Tsuzuru: Geez…
Itaru: Same as ever.
Chikage: Well, they’ve returned to normal.
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Citron: This is how Spring troupe always is!
Izumi: Alright, it’s showtime. Have fun out there, everyone!
Sakuya: Yes! …Let’s go, Spring troupe!
Spring troupe: Ohh!
Izumi: (Romeo and Julius, who hit it off in an unexpected turn of events, make a promise to embark on a journey—)
Romeo: “Let’s go on a journey together, Julius. Let’s run away from this cramped town and travel around the world.”
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Julius: “Romeo, you have strength. And I have intellect. If it’s the two of us, then I’m sure nothing will be in our way.”
Izumi: (I can watch the play without worry. There’s a sense of stability that can’t be compared to when they first debuted.)
Mercutio: “Did you get your heart broken, Romeo? Don’t worry about it. There are plenty of fish in the sea.” “Let’s go to the party to take your mind off things.”
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Izumi: (Romeo goes to the party of the Feudal Lord that he was invited to by Mercutio.)
Romeo: “Good evening, my Lord.”
Lord: “So you came, Romeo. You’ve become a fine young man in the time that we haven’t seen each other.”
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Julius: “My Lord, it’s an honour to be invited this evening.”
Lord: “I’ve been waiting, Julius. You truly do have a wise face after all.”
Izumi: (This is Chikage-san’s first time acting in RomiJuli, but he fits right in as if he’s been a part this world from the very beginning.)
Julius: “Romeo… You say you’re Romeo Montague? You’re lying. Are you truly Romeo from the Montague family?” “Romeo, why must you be Romeo Montague?”
Izumi: (The two of them are astounded to find out they were mutual enemies—)
Romeo: “Cast away your name and home, Julius. We have an even bigger dream, don’t we?”
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Julius: “It’s not use. I cannot forsake my family.”
Izumi: (Romeo suggests to Julius that they should run away. But Julius shakes his head—)
Izumi: (The two, who have decided on their date of departure, ask for Father Laurence’s cooperation.)
Father Laurence: “The seeds of conflict will disappear. That is splendid. Many years of anguish will be settled, and both families shall become happy." “May God bless the two of you on your journey. Lord, please guide them.”
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Izumi: (Tsuzuru-kun increased Citron-kun’s lines, huh? His Japanese has improved from before, and he’s doing well.)
Mercutio: “Romeo, in the future, you will become the man who carries this town on your back. I am not cut out for that. I will support you from your side."
Izumi: (Tsuzuru-kun’s natural temperament as a big brother comes across well in the play, and his expression of concern for Romeo looks a lot more sincere than before.)
Izumi: (Meanwhile, both families settle on a date for their decisive battle. Incidentally, it was on the same day as Romeo and Julius’ journey.)
Mercutio: “Now! Let’s settle this already.”
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Tybalt: “I will expel you bastards. —You’re on!”
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*swords clash*
Izumi: (Itaru-san’s sword handling and swordplay look really decisive and cool. The results from KniRoun and the training camp are showing themselves.)
Izumi: (Then in the middle of Mercutio and Tybalt’s scuffle during the battle, Romeo accidentally stabs Tybalt—)
Lord: “Romeo, why did you do this? Let’s talk about the situation. You are not the type of man to stab another without a reason.”
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Romeo: “My Lord, I have no excuse. The onus is all on me.”
Izumi: (It’s easy to understand since it’s the same play as their debut. Each and every one of them really have grown.)
Izumi: (It’s finally the day Romeo’s execution will be performed. Julius, who was supposed to have left town, appears and points his sword towards Romeo.)
Julius: “Die, Romeo—!”
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*swings sword*
Romeo: “Julius!?”
Izumi: (This swordfight—they had trouble with it at first, but now they’re perfectly in synch and it’s as natural to them as breathing.) (It’s like you can see both of their emotions showing through with every single movement and expression…)
Izumi: (—The two, who successfully deceived their families by drinking medicine that faked their deaths, secretly escape from the mausoleum.)
Julius: “In the first place, I’m the not type for physical labour. Sorry, but I’m never going to do something like climb a mountain ever again.”
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Romeo: “Sorry, sorry, I’ll go collect the ingredients for your death-feigning medicine next time, Julius.”
Julius: “Just how many times are we going to go through something like that?”
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Izumi: (Both of them are positively beaming. Their quarrel this time wasn’t in vain…!)
Guest A: That was so interesting! It’s the first time I’ve seen this Theatre company live.
Guest B: Yeah, yeah, I want to see them at their home Theatre next time.
Spring troupe: Thank you very much!
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Sakuya: Please keep supporting MANKAI Company from now on as well!
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