#ites services providers
elftwink · 1 year
to preface this post i am anti-advertising i think we should explode the entire industry but it's sooo funny when you people make posts like "and they don't even work!!" like. sorry to be the bearer of bad news but yes they do. that's why we have to put up with so many despite everyone hating them and thinking its annoying. because they actually work really well and make a shit load of money
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mizgnomer · 8 months
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David Tennant standing on the edges of his feet
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mostlyghostlyy · 19 days
I was thinking about the whole “I know you’re not afraid of the dark” line so much recently tbh. Do you think you could write something about Dale and an s/o that IS afraid of the dark? I feel like it would give him an extra excuse to be extremely clingy at night (and also just thinking about how he’d probably mock/tease her about it 🤭)
I fucking love the way he says that line. It's so sexy and mocking. it's just perfect 🥰
I think any fear or phobia his S/O has can go two ways.
1.) He goes out of his way to keep you from getting scared. Dale wants to feel manly and protective, so he'll try his hardest to make you feel safe.
Or 2.) He wants you scared (or at least a little creeped out). Dale loves it when you cling to him. Hiding your face in his chest, relying on the security he provides. It's intoxicated that you trust him so much. Any time you're scared, he'll coo and hug you close. Reassuring that he'll care for you, and nothing bad will happen.
Being afraid of the dark is probably something he'd tease you about. There are WORSE things to be afraid of, but Dale mostly finds it cute. Pinching your cheeks and mocking every time you jump or get unsettled in the dark. He'll tuck you under his arm, nice and snug.
Dale will take any chance he can get to be extra clingy. Push him off, and he's like, "Babe! Remember, there are monsters in the dark! I gotta keep you safe!" And scrambles back on top of you. Head resting firmly on your chest. He'll demand that you play with his hair as a reward. Tell him how safe you feel around him, and he's beaming with pride.
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texasbama · 11 months
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I know people of color(black folks especially) are rejoicing about the hair & makeup. How that has not been a requirement is baffling to me but we move.
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redo-rewind-if · 2 months
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MC, stop dying challenge!! Homie got the ability to time travel and still got shot twice by the same man. Now that's talent!
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thyfleshc0nsumed · 2 days
Girls do you think I can convince this John to buy me two nighties since they're buy one get one 50%
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felidaefatigue · 21 days
debating making a death first to vultures and scavengers political poster about danielle smith trying to pawn off albertan hospitals to catholic providers tbh
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ghostradiodylan · 3 months
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@qreepystuff I am so sorry you had to see that lmfao.
There are a lot of cursed werewolf non-con, dub-con, and/or mpreg fanfics in the Quarry tag on AO3, sometimes people like to read them and live-react on the Brainrot server and I always end up live-reacting to their reactions.
I feel like making Dylan a weak and waifish perma-victim in Quarry fanfic has mostly fallen out of fashion (THANKFULLY--not sure what game those people were playing tbh because as I recall Dylan pretty easily held his own and canonically didn't so much as sniffle at having his HAND chainsawed off... but I digress...) but that was weirdly popular early on in the fandom I guess? I said I volunteered to drive him to 'the wolfbortion clinic' and it's become a running joke that I will take anyone to get un-preg'ed. I will also take anyone's werewolf boyfriend who can't take no for an answer to get neutered.
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twsthottakes · 3 months
imma be honest.... I'm quite pissed that Silver x Idia is not that famous. No it's not because I think this ship is better than the other yadda yadda.... it's just I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH SILIDIA FOOD TO FEAST :(((((((((((((( So if any artist/writer sees this and u see a potential between them... give it to me *gremlin noises* also pray for my wallet so one day I could commission my ship instead of weeping anonly thankyouuuurrr<3<3<3<3<3
I'm personally more of an Azul enjoyer, but as a fellow rare pair fan, I absolutely get where you're coming from. And Silidia seems like a really interesting pairing! Two introverted people, and yet their perception on others is completely different, with Silver viewing others in a much more positive light than Idia.
While I absolutely understand your plight, if you haven't written or drawn anything for them yet, you might want to try! I used to feel the same way about a rarepair of mine, actually. Specifically, how it felt like all the authors for that ship clearly liked one character more. And I thought no one out of even the very few people who wrote for it would be interested in seeing anything I had to share, because 1. I wasn't confident in my own writing abilities (partially due to my age and lack of experience writing) and 2. The particular ideas I had were quite unpopular, not only rarepair centered but also favoring the character who most fans didn't favor.
But then, I was met with the pleasant surprise of people actually giving me a chance! People read my fics, and commented on them telling me how much they liked it! It was kind of crazy in a good way.
So yeah, if you haven't already, you might want to give making your own stuff a chance. You might even end up inspiring others and getting them into your ship!
But hey, not everyone likes writing or drawing, and if you already make stuff for your ship, this whole ramble was just a load of hot air. So take a complimentary Silidia drabble (below the cut) and see if my writing's even good enough for me to be listened to.
"So Ganyu's DPS seems good, but considering the powercreep, and how OP dendro is-"
The feeling of something soft on his shoulder stopped Idia.
"E-Eh, Silver...?"
It was Silver. Silver just fell asleep on his shoulder.
Silver just fell asleep on his shoulder. Silver just-
Fuck. Was this a special event or a final boss? Idia could barely tell.
"Ortho," he whispered. Would Silver wake up if he was too loud? Wait, no. Silver was a heavy sleeper. That was clear enough from how Idia's overheating hadn't woken him up yet.
Wait, no. Ortho was out with Ace-shi. He wasn't here to help.
Wait, but what would he even help with? Getting Silver to wake up? Doing that was getting the chance to unlock an extra-rare special event and just throwing it away! Only some weirdo who thought speedrunning a VN—wait, no, Idia'd done that before—would do that. But irl romance wasn't something Idia wanted to speedrun! It wasn't even something he even thought he'd get to have!
Motion. Fuck, w-was Silver waking up? Did Idia's overheating really get to him?
"S-Sorry, I-"
"I love you too, Idia."
Huh? Where'd that even come from?
"Yes, our wedding was quite lovely, Idia. However, I must admit, your decision for a Cowboy theme certainly caught me off-guard."
Just a dream, then. Never mind.
W-Wait a second, they were married? Just in the dream, but still! They were married in there? Silver thought of them doing that?
Heh, he must've really seen their relationship going places, then.
Idia definitely didn't smile like some sappy romcom love interest at that. He did, however, calm down just a bit.
This was actually pretty based.
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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sable told me this mascot was shinrei. do u guys agree
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prvtocol · 8 months
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bri is concerned about the western frontier nutrient research team ngl. ...has anyone heard from nathan? :\
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quickmaster · 2 months
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Artfights!!! Characters are from ~XZakuro-RoseX ~Meepling ~ParkRanger ~paint_turtle ~Toofpaste!
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gothmods · 1 year
But also if someone really is going to decide to do absolutely nothing with their life despite being thrown a rope on multiple ocassions i would still rather they do that nothing in a clean and safe home. If someone is going to neglect their own physical and emotional wellbeing i would still rather they recieve the same standard of care as someone who doesnt.
Because i dont know if we can ~save~ everyone so to speak. As in i dont know if we can fix all those wrongs in a persons life that have lead to that point. Preventing them from happening to begin with feels less daunting than confronting the baggage thats mounted up over years. A chunk of that is at the end of the day down to them.
But i still want everyone to have a level of dignity in life yknow?
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Well, folks, I think I need to admit defeat OTL Even with the DDOS attack on Ao3 defeated, the bots keep malfunctioning and reposting the same things over and over again. Maybe it’s the new cloudflare protection, or something? I don’t know shit about how this works. Regardless, I don’t have a clue how to get the bots in order.  Plus, with the permanent removal of the legacy post editor impending, that would break bots or make the posts useless, anyways.  I’m afraid this is the end, my dudes. As scary as it sounds... you might need to check tags manually from now on. Dreadful, I know. Or set up personal RSS feeds or something. I dunno how that works. I’ll probably look into it though because I have way too many rarepairs in my other fandoms to keep up with. Maybe I’ll let you know how that works out.  I paid IFTTT six bucks a month to keep this and a few other blogs running, anyways. Good with the bad.  Seeya, folks. =(
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azuresquirrel · 9 months
The way that I genuinely believe the people who make the bagels at my cafe should be making what CEOs make instead
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corvid-jay · 4 months
why's it so hard to set up a custom minecraft server...
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